HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout14340; CT 97-16A; CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION - KELLY RANCH CORE; 03-13, 15, 1614340; CT 97-16A; CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION - KELLY RANCH CORE; 0814340; CT 97-16A; KELLY RANCH CORE; 01-18CT 97-16A; ; Testing & Observation Services during site grading; 2003-03-03CT 97-16A; Archstone-Smith Operating Trust; 2002-0135145: EasementCT 97-16A; Archstone-Smith Operating Trust; 2002-0135146: EasementCT 97-16A; Archstone-Smith Operating Trust; 2002-0135147; EasementCT 97-16A; Archstone-Smith Operating Trust; 2003-0552104; EasementCT 97-16A; Archstone-Smith Operating Trust; 2003-0552105; EasementCT 97-16A; Archstone-Smith Operating Trust; 2003-0552106; EasementCT 97-16A; Archstone-Smith Operating Trust; 2003-0552107; EasementCT 97-16A; Archstone-Smith Operating Trust; 2003-0552108; EasementCT 97-16A; Archstone-Smith Operating Trust; 2003-1229584; Affordable Housing-Regulatory Agreement & Dec. of Restrictive CovenantsCT 97-16A; Archstone-Smith Operating Trust; 2003-1322311; EasementCT 97-16A; Callaghan, Wayne & Yvonne; 2002-0609617; Certificate of Compliance/Non ComplianceCT 97-16A; Callaghan, Wayne & Yvonne; 2002-1076465; EasementCT 97-16A; Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD); 2007-0498558; Notice of CompletionCT 97-16A; Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD); 2009-0401568; Notice of CompletionCT 97-16A; City of Carlsbad; 2003-1229749; Notice of CompletionCT 97-16A; City Of Carlsbad; 2008-0323125; Notice of CompletionCT 97-16A; City Of Carlsbad; 2008-0323126; Notice of CompletionCT 97-16A; City Of Carlsbad; 2008-0323131; Notice of CompletionCT 97-16A; City of Carlsbad; 2009-0176670; Notice of CompletionCT 97-16A; City of Carlsbad; 2009-0401567; Notice of CompletionCT 97-16A; Kelley Ranch; Soils Report; 1997-10-07CT 97-16A; KELLY CORE PROJECT; SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS; 2003-06-14CT 97-16A; Kelly Land Company & Shea Homes LP; 2003-0995691; Reimbursement Agreement/ReleaseCT 97-16A; Kelly Land Company; 2002-0130190; OtherCT 97-16A; Kelly Land Company; 2002-1076466; EasementCT 97-16A; KELLY RANCH AREAS D&F-L; Substantial ConformanceCT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch Holdings LLC; 2005-0850616; EasementCT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; CANNON RD PUMP STATION FORCE MAIN ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS; 1989-04-14CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; CANNON ROAD BRIDGE OVER AGUA HEDIONDA CHANNEL; 1985-10-01CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; CANNON ROAD BRIDGE OVER MACARIO CANYON VOLUME 1; 1989-03-01CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Cannon Road Drainage Study & Hydraulic Calculations; 1988-09-30CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Cannon Road Northeast Quadrant Zone 7,14,15; 1989-06-29CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Cannon Road Reaches 1 & 2 Drainage Study; 1997-10-14CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Cannon Road Sub Basins D-1 to D-8; 1997-09-17CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; COMPACTION TESTS; 2003-04-28CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; DRAINAGE REPORT FOR CANNON RD REACH 1; 1993-12-06CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Drainage Report; 1998-10-09CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Eng Observation of Grading & Testing; 2000-11-01CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; EVALUATION OF DISTRESSED MEDIAN - CANNON RD REACHES 1&2; 2000-10-04CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; FINAL HYDRAULIC REPORT FOR PROPOSED CANNON RD BRIDGE; 1996-11-01CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Foundation Design Parameters; 1985-08-26CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; HYDROLOGY STUDY; 2002-08-01CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Kelly Core Archstone Pads Lot 161 - 170; 2003-01-17CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Kelly Core Lots 161 - 163; 2003-02-20CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Kelly Core Lots 161 - 163; 2004-09-24CT 97-16A; KELLY RANCH; NoticesCT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; ON-GOING GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION; 2002-09-05CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; PACIFIC POCKET MOUSE ASSESSMENT CANNON RD REACH 1; 1996-09-13CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; PILE INSTALLATION MONITORING CANNON RD BRIDGE; 2000-06-30CT 97-16A; KELLY RANCH; Planning CommissionCT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Quantity Calculations & Check Calculations; 1996-05-01CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Revised Foundation Design Parameters; 1986-09-16CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; SEWER REPORT - KELLY RANCH APARTMENTS; 2002-11-26CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report Addendum to Final; 1999-08-11CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report Additional Pile Tip Elevations; 1999-04-06CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report Compressible Soil Evaluation; 2000-12-29CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report Final As Graded Report; 1998-02-23CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report Final Report; 1999-07-22CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report Final Report; 2000-10-12CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report In-place Density Testing; 2000-05-17CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report Instrumentation Monitoring; 1999-09-30CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report Laboratory Test Data; 2002-10-29CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report Pavement Design Report; 2002-07-02CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report Pile Tip Elevations; 1999-03-29CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report Settlement Evaluation; 2001-05-16CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report Settlement Plots; 1999-01-12CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report Supplemental Settlement Analyses; 1998-12-16CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1988-09-26CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1989-01-10CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1990-03-02CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1993-04-27CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1996-08-13CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1996-08-26CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1997-01-15CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1997-01-23CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1997-07-16CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1998-01-07CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1998-07-01CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1998-07-01 (2)CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1999-12-10CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 1999-12-23CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 2000-02-22CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Soils Report; 2001-08-06CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; South Agua Hedionda Interceptor; 1987-10-06CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor; 1987-09-01CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor; 1989-11-14CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor; 1990-01-22CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; STABILITY EVALUATION; 2002-05-29CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Tentative Map (CT)CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Tentative Map (CT) (2)CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Tentative Map (CT) (3)CT 97-16A; Kelly Ranch; Tentative Map (CT) (4)CT 97-16A; Shea Home LP; 2004-0068201; Encroachment AgreementCT 97-16A; Shea Homes LLP; 2004-0933910: Quitclaim DeedCT 97-16A; Shea Homes LP; 2002-1028393; EasementCT 97-16A; Shea Homes LP; 2004-0997808; Encroachment AgreementDWG 377-3; CT 97-16A; KELLY RANCH CORE AREA; 01-37DWG 377-3B; CT 97-16A; KELLY RANCH CORE EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING; 01-15DWG 377-3D; CT 97-16A; KELLY RANCH CORE AREA; 01DWG 377-3E; CT 97-16A; KELLY RANCH CORE AREA; 01DWG 377-3F; CT 97-16A; KELLY RANCH CORE AREA CANNON ROAD MEDIAN; 01-03DWG 377-3H; CT 97-16A; ARCHSTONE KELLY RANCH APARTMENTS; 01-10DWG 377-3L; CT 97-16A; KELLY RANCH VILLAGE D, G, H, I, J; 01-78