HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout11810; CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 3; 01-0511811; CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 4; 01-0612815; CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; 01-11Carlsbad Research Center; 1986-08-20;CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; 1986-08-20; (12)CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; 1986-08-20; (13)Carlsbad Research Center; 1986-08-20; (14)Carlsbad Research Center; 1986-08-20; (15)CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; 1988-10-05;Carlsbad Research Center; 1990-09-12;Carlsbad Research Center; 1990-09-12; (4)CT 85-24; Blackmore Airport Centre; 1998-0721654; EasementCT 85-24; Blackmore Parkview Associates, LP; 1994-0629890; EasementCT 85-24; Blackmore Parkview Associates; 2000-0070305; Local Facilities Mgmt Zone Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Blackmore Signal Hill LLP; 2000-0114093; Local Facilities Mgmt Zone Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Blackmore Signal Hill Lot 98; 2000-0351356; Local Facilities Mgmt Zone Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Blackmore Signal Hill LP; 1999-0628803; Notice of RestrictionCT 85-24; CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT; 1999-0553743; Notice of CompletionCT 85-24; Carlsbad Municipal Water District; 2019-0147290: Quitclaim DeedCT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center Lot 57; Hydrology Report; 1990-01-26CT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center Lot 57; Soils Report; 1989-03-20CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 6; Site PlanCT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center Offsite Sewer; Soils Report; 1988-04-29CT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center Phase 5; Soils Report; 1988-02-22CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER PHASE 5; Substantial ConformanceCT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center Unit 4; Soils Report; 1988-02-08CT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center Unit 5; Detention Basin Study; 1989-10-13CT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center Unit 5; Detention Basin Study; 1989-11-01CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; DRAINAGE STUDY; 1993-11-24CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; Engineering ApplicationCT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; ENGINEERING CALCS FOR SEWAGE LIFT STATION; 1993-10-01CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT FOR OFF-SITE SEWER; 1988-11-28CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; FORCE MAIN REVIEW CRC; 1986-05-20CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION LOT 54; 1999-10-11CT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center Unit 5; Hydrology Study; 1990-03-12CT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center Unit 5; Offsite Sewer Drainage Analysis; 1990-03-30CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; PAVEMENT SECTION RECOMMENDATIONS; 1993-08-20CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; PAVEMENT SECTIONS ADDENDUM; 1988-03-21CT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center Unit 5; Preliminary Design Calcs; 1990-04-10CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; PRELIMINARY R-VALUES AND PAVEMENT SECTIONS; 1990-03-07CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; SLOPE STABILIZATION AND DRAINAGE RECOMMENDATIONS LOT 100; 1993-03-25CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; SLOPE STABILIZATION AND DRAINAGE RECOMMENDATIONS LOT 101; 1992-11-24CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; SLOPE STABILIZATION AND DRAINAGE RECOMMENDATIONS LOTS 98 & 99; 1993-05-24CT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center Unit 5; Soils Report; 1989-11-01CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CRC PUMP STATION; 1986-12-01CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; SURGE ANALYSIS ON PUMP STATION; 1986-09-05CT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center Units 2 & 3; Drainage Study; 1982-07-01CT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center; 2014-0542598; Maintenance AgreementCT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center; 2020-0494954; Maintenance AgreementCT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; 87-274364; EasementCT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; 87-274365; EasementCT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; 87-274366; EasementCT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; 88-389626; Public Facilities Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS FOR PHASES II AND III; 1982-07-20CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; COMPACTION REPORT OF IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION; 1996-07-31CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; COMPACTION REPORT OF ROUGH GRADING; 1997-07-31CT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center; Detention Study; 1988-07-07CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; DRAINAGE STUDY LOTS 33-37; 1989-04-17CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; NoticesCT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; Planning CommissionCT 85-24; Carlsbad Research Center; Tentative Map (CT)CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; Tentative Map (CT) (2)CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; Tentative Map ExhibitCT 85-24; City of Carlsbad; 1991-0110040; Notice of CompletionCT 85-24; City of Carlsbad; 1991-0114496; Notice of CompletionCT 85-24; City of Carlsbad; 1998-0162954; Notice of CompletionCT 85-24; CRC Dam & Detention Basin; Final Soils Report; 1988-01-25CT 85-24; CRC Dam & Detention Basin; Soils Report; 1990-05-08CT 85-24; CRC Dam; Soils Report; 1983-02-28CT 85-24; CRC Dam; Soils Report; 1983-08-30CT 85-24; CRC Parcel 97, LLC; 1998-0607029; EasementCT 85-24; CRC Project One, LP; 1998-0053353; EasementCT 85-24; Diversified Carlsbad 47 & 48 LLC; 1998-0458764; EasementCT 85-24; Diversified Carlsbad 47 & 48, LLC; 1998-0360452; EasementCT 85-24; Drainage Study Lots 92 & 93; Drainage Study Lots 92 & 93; 1995-02-25CT 85-24; Faraday Business Plaza, LLC; 2001-0007323; PropertyCT 85-24; Faraday Center, LLC; 1998-0010711; EasementCT 85-24; Interior Specialists Inc; 1999-0601356; Local Facilities Mgmt Zone Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Isis Pharmaceuticals Inc; 1999-0484245; Local Facilities Mgmt Zone Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Isis Pharmaceuticals; 2000-0351349; Local Facilities Mgmt Zone Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Israni, Ashok; 2001-0007322; PropertyCT 85-24; Jett & Jones LLC; 1999-0807386; Local Facilities Mgmt Zone Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Jett & Jones LLC; 1999-0807387; Local Facilities Mgmt Zone Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Jett & Jones LLC; 1999-0807388; Local Facilities Mgmt Zone Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Jett & Jones LLC; 1999-0818244; Local Facilities Mgmt Zone Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Jett, T. Lawrence; 1999-0089137; Reimbursement Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Pacifica Business Park Lots 33-37; Soils Report; 1990-08-21CT 85-24; Puritan Bennett Lots 44 & 45; Drainage Study; 1989-10-06CT 85-24; REAL ESTATE 2, LLC; 1998-0826926; EasementCT 85-24; Real Estate 3, LLC; 1998-0360403; EasementCT 85-24; SMAC - Van Allen Way Lot 74; Drainage Study; 1992-03-03CT 85-24; The Island @ Carlsbad LLC; 2001-0415716; Reimbursement Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Union Pacific Railroad Company; 1998-0002355; Release (Miscellaneous)CT 85-24; Upland Industries Corporation; 1991-0208521; Hold Harmless Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Upland Industries Corporation; 1991-0208522; Agreement to Pay Fees for Growth Mgmt/ReleaseCT 85-24; Upland Industries Corporation; 1991-0208523; Drainage Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Upland Industries Corporation; 1994-0419262: EasementCT 85-24; Upland Industries Corporation; 1995-0574611; Petition & WaiverCT 85-24; Upland Industries Corporation; 1997-0617752; Drainage Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Upland Industries Corporation; 1997-0617753; Drainage Fee Agreement/ReleaseCT 85-24; Upland Industries Corporation; 1998-0648227; Petition & WaiverCT 85-24; Upland Industries Corporation; 2002-0913354: Irrevocable Offer of Dedication IODDWG 264-5; CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 3; 01-05; 01-04DWG 264-6; CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 4; 01-23; 01-16DWG 294-1; CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; 01-35DWG 294-1A; CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5; 01-13DWG 294-1S; CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CTR UNIT 5; 01-42DWG 302-6; CT 85-24; TRAFFIC SIGNAL PLAN - COLLEGE & FARADAY; 01DWG 307-1L; CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; 01-16DWG 330-7; CT 85-24; S.M.A.C.; 01-03DWG 452-7M; CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; 01-02DWG 940-3; CT 85-24; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER UNIT 5 - THDC ENTERPRISES - FINISH DRAINAGE PLAN; 01