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12203; CT 85-13; RUDEN - CANYON STREET; 01-02
CT 85-13; ALTON RUDEN; Notices
CT 85-13; ALTON RUDEN; Planning Commission
CT 85-13; ALTON RUDEN; Planning Commission (2)
CT 85-13; ALTON RUDEN; Tentative Map (CT)
CT 85-13; City of Carlsbad; 90-629930; Notice of Completion
CT 85-13; RUDEN CANYON PLACE; Engineering Application
CT 85-13; Ruden, Alton and Lorna and Villescaz, Diane; 1994-0306009; Public Facilities Fee Agreement/Release
CT 85-13; Ruden, Alton and Lorna and Villescaz, Diane; 87-717345; Public Facilities Fee Agreement/Release
CT 85-13; RUDEN, ALTON AND LORNA/VILLESCAZ, DIANA LEE; 89-432617; Public Facilities Fee Agreement/Release
CT 85-13; VILLESCAZ - RUDEN PROPERTY - CANYON ST; Tentative Map Exhibit
DWG 273-2; CT 85-13; RUDEN - CANYON STREET; 01
Ruden, A and Villescaz, D; 1987-12-27;