HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout; ; GR970032; Permit; ; RW970245; Permit13475; CT 93-03; CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION - POINSETTIA HILL; 05, 07, 1013475; CT 93-03; POINSETTIA HILL; 01-12CT 93-03; Poinsettia Hill; Engineering ApplicationCT 93-03; City of Carlsbad; 2005-1001115; Notice of CompletionCT 93-03; Poinsettia Hill Bldg Pads 1 -43; Final Project Grading Report; 1998-05-19CT 93-03; POINSETTIA HILL; CERTIFICATION OF ROUGH GRADE; 1999-02-08CT 93-03; POINSETTIA HILL; COMPACTION TESTS; 2000-03-10CT 93-03; POINSETTIA HILL; FINAL PROJECT GRADING REPORT; 1998-05-19CT 93-03; Poinsettia Hill; Geotechnical Invesigation and Grading Plan Review; 1997-02-12CT 93-03; Poinsettia Hill; Geotechnical Investigation and Updated Soil Related Recommendations; 1996-10-17CT 93-03; Poinsettia HIll; Hydrology and Hydraulics Study; 1997-06-12CT 93-03; POINSETTIA HILL; NoticesCT 93-03; POINSETTIA HILL; Planning CommissionCT 93-03; POINSETTIA HILL; Planning Commission (2)CT 93-03; Poinsettia Hill; Preliminary Drainage Study; 1993-03-11CT 93-03; POINSETTIA HILL; Substantial ConformanceCT 93-03; POINSETTIA HILL; Tentative Map (CT)CT 93-03; POINSETTIA HILL; Tentative Map ExhibitCT 93-03; San Diego Gas & Electric; 1997-0606899; Joint Use AgreementCT 93-03; SHEELEY PROPERTY UNIT 1; Engineering ApplicationCT 93-03; Western Pacific Housing - Poinsettia LP; 1998-0222883: Quitclaim DeedCT 93-03; Western Pacific Housing Poinsettia LP; 2002-0116783; PropertyCT 93-03; Western Pacific Housing-Poinsettia LP; 1997-0395895; Hold Harmless Agreement/ReleaseCT 93-03; Western Pacific Housing-Poinsettia LP; 2002-0000000; Reimbursement Agreement/ReleaseDWG 354-9; CT 93-03; POINSETTIA HILL; 01-21DWG 354-9L; CT 93-03; POINSETTIA HILL; 01-51