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11346; CT 81-13; SCHWAB PUD 25; 01-02
CT 81-13; SCHWAB N-S TAMARACK AVE; Engineering Application
CT 81-13; Schwab, Ronald and Patti; 81-349645; Public Facilities Fee Agreement/Release
CT 81-13; Schwab, Ronald and Patti; 85-239496; Future Improvement Agreement/Release
CT 81-13; Schwab, Ronald and Patti; 89-163074; Public Facilities Fee Agreement/Release
CT 81-13; Schwab, Ronald; 83-263569; Public Facilities Fee Agreement/Release
CT 81-13; Schwab, Ronald; 89-163073; Public Facilities Fee Agreement/Release
CT 81-13; Schwab/Sunset Pacific; Tentative Map (CT)
CT 81-13; Schwab/Sunset Pacific; Tentative Map (CT) (2)
Schwab, Ronald S; 1984-05-29;
Schwab, Ronald; 1983-05-23;