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13785; CT 97-10; POINSETTIA PROPERTIES; 01-08
AVENIDA ENCINAS; ; GR990020 | CB122663; Permit
CT 97-10; HSB/BP/Michan LP; 2002-0033831; Easement
CT 97-10; HSB/BP/Michan LP; 2002-0033832; Easement
CT 97-10; HSB/BP/Michan LP; 2002-0033837; Easement
CT 97-10; HSL/BP/MICHAN LP; 2000-0259142; Uncontrolled Stockpile Agreement/Release
CT 97-10; Poinsettia Commons LLC; 2007-0369346; Affordable Housing Agreement/Release
CT 97-10; POINSETTIA PROP MASTER TENTATIVE; Engineering Application
CT 97-10; Poinsettia Properties Master Tentative Map; Tentative Map (CT)
CT 97-10; Poinsettia Properties Master Tentative Map; Tentative Map (CT) (3)
CT 97-10; Poinsettia Properties Master Tentative Map; Tentative Map (CT) (4)
CT 97-10; Poinsettia Properties Master Tentative Map; Tentative Map (CT) (6)
CT 97-10; Poinsettia Properties Master Tentative Map; Tentative Map (CT) (7)
CT 97-10; POINSETTIA PROPERTIES; Tentative Map Exhibit
DWG 378-9B; CT 97-10; POINSETTIA PROPERTIES PA 4 & 6; 01-03
Poinsettia Housing Associates; 2001-03-23;