HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout16038; CT 11-04; CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION - QUARRY CREEK; 03, 05-0816038; CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK; 01-103701 HAYMAR DR; ; GR150012; PermitCT 11-04; Presidio Cornerstone QC LLC; 2015-0107502; Maintenance AgreementCT 11-04; Presidio Cornerstone QC LLC; 2015-0354040; EasementCT 11-04; Presidio Cornerstone QC LLC; 2016-0497083: EasementCT 11-04; Presidio Cornerstone QC LLC; 2017-0169180; Release (Miscellaneous)CT 11-04; Presidio Cornerstone QC LLC; 2019-0169674; PropertyCT 11-04; Presidio Cornerstone QC LLC; 2021-0670113; Notice of CompletionCT 11-04; Presidio Cornerstone QC, LLC; 2015-0257114; Hold Harmless Agreement/ReleaseCT 11-04; Presidio Cornerstone QC, LLC; 2015-0257115; Permanent Stormwater AgreementCT 11-04; Presidio Cornerstone QC, LLC; 2015-0257116; Hold Harmless Agreement/ReleaseCT 11-04; Presidio Cornerstone QC, LLC; 2015-0257117; Local Improvement District AgreementCT 11-04; Presidio Cornerstone QC, LLC; 2015-0354041; Maintenance AgreementCT 11-04; Quarry Creek - Part 1; Drainage Report; 2015-05-29CT 11-04; Quarry Creek - Part 1; Storm Water management Plan; 2015-05-19CT 11-04; Quarry Creek - Part 2 - Basin 4; Storm Water management Plan; 2015-05-19CT 11-04; Quarry Creek - Part 2; Drainage Report; 2015-05-29CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK BRIDGE; FOUNDATION REPORT; 2014-08-21CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN; Tentative Map ExhibitCT 11-04; Quarry Creek; Bridge Design Supp Structural Calculations; 2015-01-28CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK; FINAL REPORT OF TESTING & OBSERVATION DURING GRADING; 2013-04-04CT 11-04; Quarry Creek; Foundation Report; 2014-08-21CT 11-04; Quarry Creek; Hydromodification Screening; 2012-10-03CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK; LETTER OF MAP REVISION (LOMR); DWG 484-5A; 2016-11-11CT 11-04; Quarry Creek; Levee Certification for Quarry Creek Project; 2015-03-12CT 11-04; Quarry Creek; Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation; 2012-05-11CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK; PRELIMINARY STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN; 2012-03-13CT 11-04; Quarry Creek; Sewer Study; 2015-04-18CT 11-04; Quarry Creek; Soil and Groundwater Management Plan; 2015-05-19CT 11-04; Quarry Creek; Structure Special Provisions with Revised Standard Specifications; 2015-06-16CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK; Substantial ConformanceCT 11-04; Quarry Creek; Tentative Map (CT)CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK; TIER 2 SWPPP; 2014-06-11CT 11-04; Quarry Creek; Update Geotechnical Investigation; 2015-02-24CT 11-04; Quarry Creek; Water Systems Analysis; 2015-03-30CT 11-04; The Knolls of Calavera Hills HOA; 2015-0233605; EasementDWG 484-5; CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK; 01-105DWG 484-5; CT 11-04; RECYCLED WATER - THE KNOLLS OF CALAVERA HILLS - LRWS 2015-374; 01-04DWG 484-5B; CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK; 01-05DWG 484-5L; CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK; 1A-20DWG 484-5M; CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK LANDSCAPING FOR SLOPES; 01-25DWG 484-5N; CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK HOA COMMON AREAS; 01-53DWG 484-5P; CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK RIPARIAN REVEGETATION; 1A-09DWG 484-5SW; CT 11-04; BMP SITE PLAN - QUARRY CREEK; 01