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; 1284 Pine Avenue Partners LLC; 2021-0223990; Notice of Restriction
; 1284 Pine Avenue Partners LLC; 2022-0225900; Notice of Restriction
; AB3 LLC; 2022-0288047; Notice of Restriction
; Agate, Gene W. & Barbara; 2023-0258064; Notice of Restriction
; Alberts, Kris; 2021-0611703; Notice of Restriction
; Alberts, Kristopher and Shannon; 2024-0237362; Notice of Restriction
; Alger 2002 Trust; 2023-0095915; Notice of Restriction
; AMELIO FAMILY TRUST; 2024-0157164; Notice of Restriction
; Anderson, Sandra Jean; 2023-0201093; Notice of Restriction
; Andrews, Peter N.; 2022-0419230; Notice of Restriction
; Angel, Todd; 2020-0805914; Notice of Restriction
; Arsalan, Ahmad and Sadaf; 2020-0304349; Notice of Restriction
; BAGGETT, ERIC; 2024-0131982; Notice of Restriction
; Bashford, Bradley & Annette; 2023-0002827; Notice of Restriction
; Bates, Traci; 2023-0109362; Notice of Restriction
; Beal, Benjamin; 2023-0233357; Notice of Restriction
; Bernard Penttala, Harry; 2023-0309732; Notice of Restriction
; Blasio, Alina R. and Worthing, Brooks; 2020-0494952; Notice of Restriction
; Blaze, Paul; 2021-0758415; Notice of Restriction
; Bomshteyn, David & Bokin, Irina; 2023-0231889; Notice of Restriction
; Bowman John and Johnene; 2021-0168364; Notice of Restriction
; Boyce, Patrick and Annmary; 2021-0026482; Notice of Restriction
; Boyle, Jeffrey and Sarah; 2020-0473849; Notice of Restriction
; Bradford, Gregory Thomas; 2021-0661551; Notice of Restriction
; BRETT GRAWET; 2024-0157163; Notice of Restriction
; Bryan and Cyndi Toscani Living Trust; 2023-0026219; Notice of Restriction
; BUCSIT, VIRGIE; 2025-0011606; Notice of Restriction
; Bushell, Cameron & Marni; 2022-0209154; Notice of Restriction
; Butler, Andrew & Reitz, Erin; 2023-0135665; Notice of Restriction
; Calder, David and Connie; 2021-0611702; Notice of Restriction
; Caldwell, Daniel and Jocelyn; 2022-0193716; Notice of Restriction
; Cale, Christina L Trustee; 2024-0241905; Notice of Restriction
; Carcella, Bryan Scott & Katherine Ide; 2023-0298214; Notice of Restriction
; Carlos, Jennifer and Andrew; 2017-0220172; Notice of Restriction
; Case, Dean & Gang, Joni; 2023-0086742; Notice of Restriction
; Castaneda, Juan and Signe; 2021-0194058; Notice of Restriction
; Castillo, Marco and Susan; 2021-0542264; Notice of Restriction
; CAVICCHIO-TAN FAMILY TRUST; 2024-0101397; Notice of Restriction
; Chamberlain, Abbey & Pierce, James; 2023-0243697; Notice of Restriction
; Chu, Grant and Kathleen; 2022-0036144; Notice of Restriction
; Chynces, Tom; 2019-0436239; Notice of Restriction
; Coastal Pacific Homes LLC; 2021-0349460; Notice of Restriction
; Collins, Charles G.; 2022-0288042; Notice of Restriction
; Correll, Craig O.; 2022-0324211; Notice of Restriction
; Correll, Craig O.; 2022-0324212; Notice of Restriction
; Cortel, Jay Cayton; 2021-0854687; Notice of Restriction
; Costan, John and Donna; 2020-0534318; Notice of Restriction
; Coxsey, Josh; 2023-0298217; Notice of Restriction
; Cristiano, Peter and Donna; 2021-0285370; Notice of Restriction
; DAVEE, TRACIE; 2024-0354314; Notice of Restriction
; David Cruz; 2024-0196067; Notice of Restriction
; Davis Ave LLC; 2024-0072268; Notice of Restriction
; Davis Ave LLC; 2024-0072268; Notice of Restriction (2)
; de La Cera, Manuel and Neal, Leah; 2021-0442103; Notice of Restriction
; DeMille Family Trust; 2019-0190294; Notice of Restriction
; DORAN LARSON; 2024-0340936; Notice of Restriction
; DP CARLSBAD MAGNIFICA INVESTORS; 2024-0147966; Notice of Restriction
; Dyeren LLC; 2023-0124945; Notice of Restriction
; Eilfort, Jerome C. and Nechama M.; 2022-0193713; Notice of Restriction
; Eisner, Justin; 2023-0214293; Notice of Restriction
; Erbe, Leslie and Carter, Martin; 2021-0168370; Notice of Restriction
; Estabrook, Mark and Lara; 2022-0076078; Notice of Restriction
; F and F Harding LP; 2020-0664831; Notice of Restriction
; F&F Roosevelt St LP; 2024-0061506; Notice of Restriction
; FABIOLA M. MCDONALD; 2024-0101398; Notice of Restriction
; Fiedler, Lynne; 2022-0288046; Notice of Restriction
; Fischbach, Adele; 2023-0340391; Notice of Restriction
; Floit, Curtis M.; 2022-0469234; Notice of Restriction
; Folse Jr., Donald James; 2023-0175045; Notice of Restriction
; FOLSE, DONALD; 2024-0131988; Notice of Restriction
; FOLSE, DONALD; 2024-0147967; Notice of Restriction
; Franco, Louisa; 2019-0548439; Notice of Restriction
; Franco, Maria and Isidro Franco Mendoza; 2020-0664830; Notice of Restriction
; Gallagher, Michael; 2022-0442220; Notice of Restriction
; Gardinier, Roni; 2020-0769412; Notice of Restriction
; Garrod, Paul and Laura; 2018-0458859; Notice of Restriction
; Garst, Shane and Jayme; 2021-0743889; Notice of Restriction
; Gary Sershon; 2024-0207981; Notice of Restriction
; Gauthier, Raymond; 2020-0304351; Notice of Restriction
; Geesey, David; 2021-0285369; Notice of Restriction
; Gibson, Curt; 2021-0661553; Notice of Restriction
; Glavinic, Susan and Larry; 2019-0106861; Notice of Restriction
; Goldberg, Angelina Mavrina; 2022-0419232; Notice of Restriction
; Gomez, Alvin M.; 2023-0077568; Notice of Restriction
; Grady, James and Celette; 2021-0384471; Notice of Restriction
; Grossman, Shelley C.; 2019-0076673; Notice of Restriction
; Hammer, Suzanne; 2021-0285373; Notice of Restriction
; Hand, Kevin; 2025-0053793; Notice of Restriction
; Hanlon, Shane; 2021-0194054; Notice of Restriction
; Hansen, James; 2020-0408279; Notice of Restriction
; Harle, Kent; 2022-0389418; Notice of Restriction
; Harris, Shawn L; 2022-0155012; Notice of Restriction
; Hartman, Greg and Lucia; 2018-0530254; Notice of Restriction
; Hernandez, Javier and Donna; 2021-0240007; Notice of Restriction
; Hodgkinson, John H.; 2023-0201090; Notice of Restriction
; Iverson-Peltier Family Trust; 2023-0124941; Notice of Restriction
; Jago, Edwin F. III & Christine D.; 2022-0389419; Notice of Restriction
; Jaramillo, Luis Anthony & Jennifer; 2024-0047278; Notice of Restriction
; Jay & Melissa Rosen, Rosen Family Trust; 2022-0209153; Notice of Restriction
; Jennings, Samantha and Patrick; 2021-0011009; Notice of Restriction
; Johnson, Karen L. & Rowe, Robert D.; 2022-0209152; Notice of Restriction
; JONES, PHILLIP; 2024-0131987; Notice of Restriction
; Joseph, Suzanne L.; 2019-0391631; Notice of Restriction
; Karinen, Allen and Darlene; 2020-0477115; Notice of Restriction
; Kashef, Maryam and Mousaui, Sara Sharif; 2020-0477114; Notice of Restriction
; Kaufman, Kenneth S.; 2019-0086162; Notice of Restriction
; KAYVON, LISA; 2024-0354324; Notice of Restriction
; KIM, KYUN TAE AND CHRIS WON MEE; 2022-0106011; Notice of Restriction
; King, Charlie and Leinaia; 2019-0597511; Notice of Restriction
; Klass, Kathie; 2021-0743890; Notice of Restriction
; Klassen, Jacob; 2019-0256419; Notice of Restriction
; Koch, Steven; 2021-0529922; Notice of Restriction
; Krichbaum, Scott and Deborah; 2020-0664829; Notice of Restriction
; Kudo, Jeffrey & Marisa; 2022-0130799; Notice of Restriction
; Kulchar, Joseph and Maryann; 2021-0240006; Notice of Restriction
; Landers, Mark and Melanie; 2021-0644479; Notice of Restriction
; Larson, Jon F.; 2023-0124942; Notice of Restriction
; Lastres, Diego and Corvetto, Daniella; 2021-0349459; Notice of Restriction
; Layton, Janae Nicole; 2025-0053894; Notice of Restriction
; Leader, Matthew and Shani; 2021-0051892; Notice of Restriction
; Life and Value LLC; 2024-0228711; Notice of Restriction
; Linden, Paul E.; 2023-0340392; Notice of Restriction
; Lohr, Ross and Sharon; 2021-0026483; Notice of Restriction
; Lowder, Tamara; 2023-0243698; Notice of Restriction
; Luna, Joey R.; 2020-0304348; Notice of Restriction
; Mack, William M. III & Carissa R.; 2023-0231886; Notice of Restriction
; Madrilena LLC; 2023-0302036; Notice of Restriction
; Malewicz, Kara A.; 2022-0394398; Notice of Restriction
; Marian Edwards; 2022-0380229; Notice of Restriction
; Martin, Mercedes Ann; 2021-0327459; Notice of Restriction
; Martinez, Jengi A.; 2023-0243706; Notice of Restriction
; Matze, Dawn T.; 2022-0193720; Notice of Restriction
; MATZE, DAWN THERESA; 2025-0011610; Notice of Restriction
; Matze, Dawn; 2024-0002002; Notice of Restriction
; Mauck, Joann; 2024-0237374; Notice of Restriction
; Mayberry, John C.; 2022-0380228; Notice of Restriction
; MAZUR, JOSH; 2022-0097636; Notice of Restriction
; MAZUR, JOSH; 2022-0097637; Notice of Restriction
; Mcallum, Simon; 2023-0119266; Notice of Restriction
; McCarthy, James Patrick & Kimberly; 2022-0482210; Notice of Restriction
; McClure, Andrew; 2017-0261251; Notice of Restriction
; Melendez, David and Lorraine; 2018-0530250; Notice of Restriction
; Merz, Peter and Nadine; 2021-0703174; Notice of Restriction
; Mier, Michele Pecina; 2023-0243694; Notice of Restriction
; Mier, Monica P.; 2021-0592419; Notice of Restriction
; Mirkin Living Trust; 2023-0069917; Notice of Restriction
; Molina, Gail L.; 2024-0016917; Notice of Restriction
; Monroe, Jonathan Phillip; 2023-0248895; Notice of Restriction
; Montoya, Gregory; 2020-0408278; Notice of Restriction
; Moshfegh, Javad & Nadalian, Samaneh; 2023-0139783; Notice of Restriction
; Muscio, Richard & Mari; 2022-0389417; Notice of Restriction
; Naber, George & Sabine; 2023-0089884; Notice of Restriction
; Napoli, Cheryl and Michael; 2023-0124940; Notice of Restriction
; Nguyen, David & Kristin; 2022-0353792; Notice of Restriction
; NICHOLE BRADFORD; 2024-0101399; Notice of Restriction
; Nunan Family Trust; 2023-0135664; Notice of Restriction
; Nunez, Julie M; 2024-0041883; Notice of Restriction
; Oak Avenue Venture LLC; 2022-0482211; Notice of Restriction
; OConnor, Judith M.; 2021-0773242; Notice of Restriction
; Ogden, Chad and Rebecca; 2021-0126673; Notice of Restriction
; Ogden, Diane J.; 2020-0534316; Notice of Restriction
; Oliver, Bryan and Sara; 2021-0285372; Notice of Restriction
; Oliver, Gregory Deane; 2023-0345243; Notice of Restriction
; OLIVER, JUDITH CATHERINE; 2025-0031146; Notice of Restriction
; Onqu Realty Ins; 2022-0262078; Notice of Restriction
; Orme, Derek; 2021-0285368; Notice of Restriction
; Orsat-Abbott, Cheri L; 2018-04235879; Notice of Restriction
; OVERSTREET, STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER; 2024-0178600; Notice of Restriction
; Padilla, Rudolph III and Rosemary; 2021-0529921; Notice of Restriction
; Panaccione, Cindy E.; 2023-0345242; Notice of Restriction
; Parizeau, Karen; 2024-0042468; Notice of Restriction
; PAUL JACINTO; 2024-0110033; Notice of Restriction
; Pena, Daniel and Julie; 2021-0567384; Notice of Restriction
; Pereira, Tina M.; 2023-0315926; Notice of Restriction
; PEYTON BRAY; 2024-0125203; Notice of Restriction
; Phillips, Benjamin; 2021-0223991; Notice of Restriction
; Pinard, Robert and Piazza, Audra; 2023-0061351; Notice of Restriction
; POFF, ALEX A.; 2025-0011410; Notice of Restriction
; Prichard, Jeff; 2020-0022358; Notice of Restriction
; Pujara, Neel R.; 2023-0243702; Notice of Restriction
; Pujara, Neel R.; 2023-0243703; Notice of Restriction
; Pujara, Neel; 2020-0523420; Notice of Restriction
; R Family LLC; 2022-0023545; Notice of Restriction
; Racine Family Trust; 2022-0193712; Notice of Restriction
; Radovanovic, Marko; 2019-0354197; Notice of Restriction
; Ramirez, Alfred Dominic; 2021-0626204; Notice of Restriction
; Reagan, Jack and Loomis, Janis; 2021-0661550; Notice of Restriction
; Resnick, John; 2024-0016916; Notice of Restriction
; Rischman, Ralph Edward; 2021-0442105; Notice of Restriction
; ROBERT S BLACKBURN; 2024-0110034; Notice of Restriction
; ROBINSON, JAYSON AND CANDICE; 2024-0178577; Notice of Restriction
; Rodriguez, Patrick; 2021-0628385; Notice of Restriction
; Roller, Kurt and Maria; 2022-0076081; Notice of Restriction
; Rothstein, Jeffrey D; 2022-0155011; Notice of Restriction
; ROWLEY, JEFFREY; 2024-0340959; Notice of Restriction
; Rozansky, Jonathan and Julie; 2021-0349457; Notice of Restriction
; RPH Family Trust; 2024-0228733; Notice of Restriction
; Runyon, William K.; 2022-0482209; Notice of Restriction
; Runyon, William K.; 2023-0080502; Notice of Restriction
; Russ, Mike and Ann; 2020-0006437; Notice of Restriction
; RYAN-LANDON, ALISON P.; 2022-0097634; Notice of Restriction
; Scanlon, James G.; 2022-0324319; Notice of Restriction
; Schwarzer; 2022-0288044; Notice of Restriction
; Scott, Jeffrey; 2021-0542265; Notice of Restriction
; SDRE Homebuyers LLC; 2024-0203842; Notice of Restriction
; Seiberlich, Karen and Joseph; 2021-0168368; Notice of Restriction
; Serebriany, Anthony P.; 2022-0193719; Notice of Restriction
; Shany, Roland; 2023-0026218; Notice of Restriction
; Shapiro, Jordan & Jolynn; 2022-0209155; Notice of Restriction
; Sismondo, Andrie; 2023-0047762; Notice of Restriction
; Skidmore, Taylor & Mallory; 2023-0163176; Notice of Restriction
; Sloan, Guerric; 2019-0256417; Notice of Restriction
; Sloane, Christie Marie; 2024-0016915; Notice of Restriction
; Sloss, Peter and Elizabeth; 2021-0661552; Notice of Restriction
; Sloss, Peter J.; 2021-0593010; Notice of Restriction
; SMITH, MATTHEW; 2025-0011688; Notice of Restriction
; Soltani, Ramin and Kaboli, Zeinab; 2021-0285371; Notice of Restriction
; Sorenson, Matthew and Jennifer; 2021-0168369; Notice of Restriction
; Sorenson, Matthew and Jennifer; 2021-0194055; Notice of Restriction
; St. Clair, Cameron; 2022-0032767; Notice of Restriction
; Stephenson, Kirtley & Leslie; 2023-0069916; Notice of Restriction
; Sternberg, Tanya; 2021-0495915; Notice of Restriction
; Stoller, Donald; 2018-0481707; Notice of Restriction
; Styr, Brett and Allen Chalepas; 2020-0046853; Notice of Restriction
; Summer W Matsubura; 2024-0196074; Notice of Restriction
; Sutton, Kurt and Arjaree; 2021-0487641; Notice of Restriction
; SWAGERTY, DOUGLAS E.; 2025-0031000; Notice of Restriction
; Teach, Shari and Jared; 2019-0026849; Notice of Restriction
; Team, Carolyn S.; 2022-0288045; Notice of Restriction
; Tembie, Zackiye; 2021-0374830; Notice of Restriction
; The Phillips Family Trust; 2022-0277180; Notice of Restriction
; The Wang Family Living Trust - Leslie Way Trustee; 2024-0065370; Notice of Restriction
; Thill, James E. & Lora-Lee; 2023-0243705; Notice of Restriction
; Thirkell, Brendan; 2020-0085111; Notice of Restriction
; Thomas, Laura; 2024-0069325; Notice of Restriction
; Timothy C White; 2024-0079101; Notice of Restriction
; Tower Nevada Trust; 2020-0769413; Notice of Restriction
; Tranquilla ORKA Holdings LLC; 2022-0324321; Notice of Restriction
; Trujillo, Alberto & Kim; 2024-0047279; Notice of Restriction
; Tse Ying Do, Katie AKA Guthrie, Katie Do; 2023-0124943; Notice of Restriction
; Tsujimoto, Gregory; 2022-0441979; Notice of Restriction
; Tweed, Ira; 2019-0223092; Notice of Restriction
; Vasquez, Vincent and Gonzalez, Denise; 2023-0057973; Notice of Restriction
; Veck Investment Properties LLC; 2023-0163175; Notice of Restriction
; Veiga, Jonathan; 2020-0383012; Notice of Restriction
; Veit, Anthony B; 2025-0053971; Notice of Restriction
; Wai's Family Trust; 2025-0053795; Notice of Restriction
; Weatherall, Jennifer; 2023-0209823; Notice of Restriction
; Westmoreland Family Trust; 2023-0306184; Notice of Restriction
; Willard Anthony Buhl; 2024-0207975; Notice of Restriction
; Wilson, Blake; 2023-0108766; Notice of Restriction
; Woelfel, Kurt & Caitlin; 2023-0149725; Notice of Restriction
; Woodland Release LLC; 2022-0032769; Notice of Restriction
; Wright, Samuel and Michelle; 2017-0324290; Notice of Restriction
; Wright, Samuel and Michelle; 2022-0036145; Notice of Restriction
; Wright, Samuel and Michelle; 2022-0076259; Notice of Restriction
; Wrisley, Timothy Manning and Laura Beth Tarman; 2020-0289530; Notice of Restriction
; Yeats, Edward G.; 2020-0289531; Notice of Restriction
; Yi, Tu Chin; 2023-0057972; Notice of Restriction
AMEND 2017-0026; LC Investment 2010 LLC; 2019-0106859; Notice of Restriction
AMEND 2018-0003; Coastline Church; 2020-0231589; Notice of Restriction
AMEND 2018-0011; City of Carlsbad; 2020-0534127; Notice of Restriction
AMEND 2019-0005; THE ARMY AND NAVY ACADEMY; 2025-0011432; Notice of Restriction
AMEND 2019-0010; Rathweg, Joshua; 2020-0534320; Notice of Restriction
AMEND 2019-0010; Rexford Industrial Realty LP; 2020-0149541; Notice of Restriction
AMEND 2020-0004; Brown, Belden and Gina; 2020-0769414; Notice of Restriction
AMEND 2021-0005; VSCRE Holdings LLC; 2021-0542266; Notice of Restriction
AMEND 2022-0006; Palomar Airport Partners LLC; 2023-0086741; Notice of Restriction
AMEND 2023-0001; Idol, James; 2023-0243699; Notice of Restriction
AMEND 2023-0001; Systems, Machines, Automation Components Corporation / SMAC; 2023-0214294; Notice of Restriction
AMEND 2023-0014; Carlsbad Premium Outlets LLC; 2025-0031002; Notice of Restriction
AV 01-05; Schlehuber, Thomas & Michelle; 2003-0153145; Notice of Restriction
AV 15-07; Prosser Family Trust; 2017-0515138; Notice of Restriction
CB 131563; Clossey, Guy and Elaine; 2013-0715003; Notice of Restriction
CB 143220; Ann Le and Timothy Hitchman; 2015-0232280; Notice of Restriction
CB131683; White, Sean and Katie; 2013-0598451; Notice of Restriction
CB153724; Christopher S. Smith; 2016-0006894; Notice of Restriction
CBR2024-1138; Ha, Vu Uy and Le, Thanh Hang Thi; 2024-0280152; Notice of Restriction
CBR2024-1426; Chinquapin Leland LLC; 2024-0294531; Notice of Restriction
CDP 00-04; Helix Land Co LTD; 2010-0261676; Notice of Restriction
CDP 00-06; Salem, Chris & Gloria; 2000-0606538; Notice of Restriction
CDP 00-26; Mullins, Wallace & Linda; 2002-0400119; Notice of Restriction
CDP 00-29; Trautman, David & Linda; 2001-0150247; Notice of Restriction
CDP 00-46; Sisson, Craig; 2002-0772463; Notice of Restriction
CDP 00-48; Sisson, Craig; 2001-0395549; Notice of Restriction
CDP 00-65; Clements, William & Karen; 2001-0745354; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-01; Gaitaud, Renee; 2001-0881083; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-03; Corbin, Algie & Pamela; 2001-0431854; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-04; Corbin, Algie & Pamela; 2001-0431855; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-11; Frye, Christopher; 2002-0716888; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-11; Frye, Christopher; 2002-0716973; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-13; Goetz, Dean & Barbara; 2002-0550711; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-15; Burns, John & Melody; 2001-0710484; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-19; Sturdy, Kevin; 2002-0400120; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-25; Vine, James & Lii; 2002-0176735; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-35; Patel, Shantu; 2002-0976608; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-39; Sanchez, Patricia; 2002-1028501; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-39; Sanchez, Patricia; 2002-1076947; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-43; Thompson, Sharon & David; 2003-0995766; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-45; Brown, Robert & Laura Vozza; 2002-0176733; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-45; Brown, Robert & Laura Vozza; 2002-0200289; Notice of Restriction
CDP 01-47; Nayudu, Kris & Nancy; 2002-0550709; Notice of Restriction
CDP 02-02; McMillian, Robert & Sharon; 2002-0865066; Notice of Restriction
CDP 02-07A; Saddleview, LLC; 2006-0809661; Notice of Restriction
CDP 02-13; McElroy, Richard & Madeline; 2003-1060721; Notice of Restriction
CDP 02-24; Kirk Patrick Development LLC; 2005-0287691; Notice of Restriction
CDP 02-28; Kiko, Frederick J; 2005-0850713; Notice of Restriction
CDP 02-45; Ocheltree, Paul & Marilyn; 2003-0995765; Notice of Restriction
CDP 02-49; Ocean Hills Inc; 2003-0459064; Notice of Restriction
CDP 02-49; Ocean Hills Inc; 2003-0650141; Notice of Restriction
CDP 02-56; Walters, William & Susan; 2003-1303809; Notice of Restriction
CDP 02-56; Walters, William & Susan; 2003-1303810; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-02; Jones, Thomas & Morgan, David; 2003-1229940; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-05; Lawyer, Jeffery & Sara; 2003-0760168; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-07; Thompson, Karen; 2006-0750563; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-09; Vea, Gilbert V. & Trinidad T.; 2004-1201210; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-10; Johannsen, Gerald Lance & Susan D; 2006-0014500; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-12; Kirk Patrick Development LLC; 2005-0287692; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-15; Corbin, Algie & Pamela; 2004-0740851; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-15; Corbin, Algie & Pamela; 2004-0740852; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-21; Awad, George G.; 2004-0350988; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-28; Byrne, Richard; 2003-1486925; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-33; Donahue Schriber Realty Group LP; 2005-0054772; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-33; Donahue Schriber Realty Group LP; 2006-0568867; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-34; Hart, Robert & Wendy; 2004-1066057; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-34; Hart, Robert & Wendy; 2004-1066060; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-45; Shinto, Debra; 2004-0691367; Notice of Restriction
CDP 03-49; Elaine Brown; 2004-0434843; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-02; Fletcher, William & Ann Christine; 2004-0980119; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-05; Mullins, Linda and Wallace; 2004-0300266; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-07; McGuire, Susan & Leo; 2005-0183322; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-11; Viola, Ted; 2004-0841961; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-15; Shepard, James A. & Marilyn J.; 2004-0586592; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-20; Gilstrap, James C. trust; 2004-0841958; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-24; Pauls, Karleen J.; 2004-0841959; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-25; Lynn, William Raymond; 2004-0876467; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-32; Martinet, Edward & Rosanne; 2005-0916262; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-34; Family Real Estate Enterprises LLC; 2006-0498032; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-34; Family Real Estate Enterprises LLC; 2006-0498033; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-35; Gault, James & Patricia; 2004-0841957; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-43; Jerse, David & Nancy; 2004-1201214; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-46; Klosterman, Edward; 2004-1201211; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-49; Dix Family Revocable Trust; 2005-0054766; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-50; Rhodes, Glen B; 2005-0791804; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-52; Gorszwick, Erick Joseph; 2006-0065484; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-54; Jones, Gerald A; 2005-0427119; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-55; Byrne Family Trust; 2005-0107381; Notice of Restriction
CDP 04-57; Sohaei, Frank & Lori; 2005-0513424; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-04; Fletcher, Gary; 2006-0014497; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-07; Kern, Marcella; 2005-0721874; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-10; Bosmia, Rasik; 2005-0850806; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-13; Anderson, Lee P & Gary Louis; 2005-0513422; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-17; Marcy, Aaron W & Diane L; 2006-0304428; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-21; McKenna Capital Inc; 2006-0118596; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-22; Mills, Jack B; 2006-0498072; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-31; Vanoni, Jessica & Gee, Craig; 2005-1054409; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-32; VARRO U. SMITH FAMILY TRUST; 2005-1001390; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-33x1A; Blackvail LP; 2010-0129975; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-34; Oliver, Guy & Lisa; 2022-0262079; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-38; Bagnell, Emily T; 2006-0651020; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-48; Turro, Paul; 2006-0398654; Notice of Restriction
CDP 05-53; J Squared Development LLC; 2015-0577673; Notice of Restriction
CDP 06-01; Burchfield, Marilyn; 2010-0033808; Notice of Restriction
CDP 06-05; Riley, Mickie L & Hansi; 2008-0159568; Notice of Restriction
CDP 06-13; Campbell, Richard F.; 2007-0113918; Notice of Restriction
CDP 06-13; Campbell, Richard Fred; 2007-0108926; Notice of Restriction
CDP 06-13; Richard Campbell; 2006-0927069; Notice of Restriction
CDP 06-15; Mast, Dean; 2006-0671964; Notice of Restriction
CDP 06-16; Matsubara, Earnest; 2008-0390608; Notice of Restriction
CDP 06-17; Silverman, Timothy; 2006-0666265; Notice of Restriction
CDP 06-18; Deckchair Parnters LLC; 2006-0927070; Notice of Restriction
CDP 06-21; 1998 Woolson Family Trust; 2006-0927066; Notice of Restriction
CDP 06-25; Hagey, Edward Hendee; 2008-0066772; Notice of Restriction
CDP 06-30; Aviara Black Rail Road 16 LLC; 2007-0715370; Notice of Restriction
CDP 06-31; Lawyer, Jeffery Pand Sara K; 2012-0202554; Notice of Restriction
CDP 07-09; E & R Partners LLC; 2009-0314438; Notice of Restriction
CDP 07-10; E & R Partners LLC`; 2009-0290999; Notice of Restriction
CDP 07-12; Sears, Thomas and Wendy; 2008-0164865; Notice of Restriction (3)
CDP 07-15; Patton Family Trust; 2007-0731818; Notice of Restriction
CDP 07-18; Lillie Christine; 2007-0640655; Notice of Restriction
CDP 07-30; Dukes, Greg, Bob, and Camilla; 2008-0231465; Notice of Restriction
CDP 08-02; Linda and David Trautman Trust; 2008-0239949; Notice of Restriction
CDP 08-05; Dutta Family Trust; 2011-0371063; Notice of Restriction
CDP 08-12; Brackman, Paul; 2009-0121860; Notice of Restriction
CDP 08-17; George Kenneth Alameda; 2014-0253323; Notice of Restriction
CDP 08-18; Saba, don; 2009-0330876; Notice of Restriction
CDP 08-19; Hoehn Associates LLC; 2009-0213093; Notice of Restriction
CDP 08-20; B Mills and Co LLC; 2009-0238438; Notice of Restriction
CDP 08-22; Frassanito, Robert and Elaine; 2009-0520305; Notice of Restriction
CDP 08-24; Schlesinger, Nancy and Wilkerson, Randy; 2009-0107148; Notice of Restriction
CDP 08-30; Lang, Gary; 2009-0410125; Notice of Restriction
CDP 09-09; Andrues, Terry A; 2009-0493760; Notice of Restriction
CDP 09-16; LIN, LAWRENCE AND SHA-LI; 2011-0206294; Notice of Restriction
CDP 10-01; Sechrest, Dennis R & Karen H; 2010-0194893; Notice of Restriction
CDP 10-02; LSF5 CARLSBAD HOLDINGS LLC; 2011-0287302; Notice of Restriction
CDP 10-04; FICARA, PELLEGRINO PINO; 2010-0356965; Notice of Restriction
CDP 10-12; Smerud, Richard and Cynthia; 2011-0371064; Notice of Restriction
CDP 10-16A; Moore, Randal J and Cynthia L; 2012-0202551; Notice of Restriction
CDP 10-19; STANDARD PACIFIC CORP; 2011-0287304; Notice of Restriction
CDP 10-20; STANDARD PACIFIC CORP; 2011-0287303; Notice of Restriction
CDP 10-23; CITY OF CARLSBAD; 2011-0085464; Notice of Restriction
CDP 10-25; JERRY AND & CHRISTINA A LEE LIVING TRUST; 2011-0145425; Notice of Restriction
CDP 10-25A; LEE, JERRY AND CHRISTINA; 2011-0708876; Notice of Restriction
CDP 10-25B; Lee, Jerry and Christina; 2012-0202555; Notice of Restriction
CDP 10-27; ROZEK, LEONARD AND GERRY; 2011-0240036; Notice of Restriction
CDP 10-30; SHARP FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP; 2011-0255609; Notice of Restriction
CDP 11-02; NEW POINTE INVESTMENT 15 LLC; 2011-0287305; Notice of Restriction
CDP 11-04; CORBIN, DALE AND DEBRA; 2011-0464485; Notice of Restriction
CDP 11-08; CORBIN, DALE AND DEBRA; 2011-0464486; Notice of Restriction
CDP 11-11; THE GUGLIELMO LIVING TRUST; 2011-0603628; Notice of Restriction
CDP 11-11A; Guglielmo Living Trust; 2012-0333369; Notice of Restriction
CDP 11-13; Lakritz Partnership LP; 2018-0040919; Notice of Restriction
CDP 11-17; San Diego Design Development; 2012-0099774; Notice of Restriction
CDP 11-18; Palenscar, Tom; 2012-0353118; Notice of Restriction
CDP 11-20; Ficara, Pellegrino; 2012-0404946; Notice of Restriction
CDP 11-21; Kairath, John E and Andra; 2012-0099772; Notice of Restriction
CDP 12-01; Burgos, Rogelio Edmundo; 2012-0202553; Notice of Restriction
CDP 12-02; New Pointe Investment 22 LLC; 2012-0285542; Notice of Restriction
CDP 12-03; New Pointe Investment 22 LLC; 2012-0285543; Notice of Restriction
CDP 12-13; NP Yucaipa Acquisition GPLLC; 2013-0033100; Notice of Restriction
CDP 12-18; Mustafa, Adnan; 2013-0189496; Notice of Restriction
CDP 12-27A; Sharp Family Limited Partnership; 2015-0544375; Notice of Restriction
CDP 12-27A; Sharp Family Limited Partnership; 2016-0014420; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-01; Thomas and Patricia Rausch Trust; 2013-0451258; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-04; Lewis Trust, Barbara OBrien; 2013-0715000; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-06; Buffini, Brian and Beverly; 2013-0311614; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-08; Barbara OBrien Lewis Trust; 2013-0678359; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-14; Oliver, Guy W. and Lisa; 2015-0577712; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-18; City of Carlsbad; 2013-0623950; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-20; Faber, David and Wallace, Christine; 2013-0715005; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-21; Faber, David and Wallace, Christine; 2013-0715004; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-22; Cook, Joan D Separate Property Trust; 2014-0064540; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-23; Nancy Burchfield; 2014-0200574; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-25; Gaitaud, Renee D; 2014-0016716; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-27; Taylor Family Trust 2000; 2014-0260598; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-29; Tabata Family Trust; 2013-0715006; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-30; Veronica De Anda; 2014-0310436; Notice of Restriction
CDP 13-34; Shore Drive, LLC; 2014-0116629; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-02; Lea Countryman/Clint McClure; 2014-0200556; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-05; Tierra Del Oro LLC; 2016-0099217; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-05; Tierra Del Oro LLC; 2016-0099223; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-07; Jeffery Pryor; 2015-0115350; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-09; Tommy Dean; 2014-0369836; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-12; Lennar Homes of California; 2014-0566452; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-12; Lennar Homes of California; 2014-0566456; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-13; Hirschkoff, Joel Daniel and Heather Noel; 2015-0251031; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-15; Donald & Mary Elizabeth Finley; 2014-0424053; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-19; Tim and Jerilyn Milligan; 2015-0078870; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-21; Shea Homes Limited Partnership; 2015-0402539; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-25; Janamari Carlson; 2015-0115351; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-26; DiValerio Family Trust; 2015-0151230; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-30; Elizabeth Platt Garrow; 2015-0187423; Notice of Restriction
CDP 14-35; Evelyn N. Kunkel; 2015-0251032; Notice of Restriction
CDP 15-07; Thaxton, Tim; 2015-0602234; Notice of Restriction
CDP 15-12; SVF, LLC; 2015-0430647; Notice of Restriction
CDP 15-17A; 6125 Paseo Del Norte LLC; 2016-0467671; Notice of Restriction
CDP 15-25; Pacific Beach 2014 LTD; 2016-0480520; Notice of Restriction
CDP 15-26; Pacific Beach 2014 LTD; 2016-0480546; Notice of Restriction
CDP 15-35; Pacific Legacy Homes Inc; 2016-0098894; Notice of Restriction
CDP 15-36; Olsen, Don and Brenda; 2016-0216790; Notice of Restriction
CDP 15-39; Josh and Meghan Fernandes; 2016-0133605; Notice of Restriction
CDP 15-40; Agmish Toff Trust; 2016-0099211; Notice of Restriction
CDP 15-42; Corbin, Dale and Debra; 2016-0469762; Notice of Restriction
CDP 15-45; Abdi, Behrooz and Sharon; 2017-0406294; Notice of Restriction
CDP 15-50; Merlin Entertainments Group US Holdings Inc; 2016-0641198; Notice of Restriction
CDP 15-52; Schmaltz, Joseph and Ann; 2016-0326294; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-02; Box, Richard J & Darcy; 2016-0182918; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-05; DiStefano, Albert and DeYoung, Martha; 2016-0210810; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-06; Baptie, Ken and Sandra; 2016-0703219; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-07; Ota, Blair and Paula; 2016-0538016; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-08; Hoenig, Alan and Jozefa; 2016-0703893; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-09; Tabata Family Trust; 2016-0433017; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-10; Tabata Family Trust; 2016-0432991; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-11; Tabata Family Trust; 2016-0433001; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-15; Berry, Greg; 2016-0480537; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-17; Barberio, Gary and Sandra; 2017-0033966; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-17; McGervey, Scott; 2017-0140379; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-19; Barberio, Gary and Sandra; 2017-0020846; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-24; Peelle Family Trust; 2019-0038590; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-26; Tabata Family Trust; 2016-0604858; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-27; Tabata Family Trust; 2016-0604856; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-30; Vigilucci, Roberto; 2017-0220951; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-32; Pinpokinter, Paisan and Miko Chiem; 2019-0266521; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-34; Lavin, Brian; 2018-0287930; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-40; Almeria Investments LP; 2017-0118100; Notice of Restriction
CDP 16-46; Kobayashi, Nancy and Gary; 2017-0152294; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2016-0002; Tsoukatos, John and Vivian; 2017-0268138; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2016-0004; Pinpokinter, Paisan and Miko Chiem; 2019-0271036; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2016-0005; Klovanish, Steven; 2018-0043970; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2016-0006; Arellano Family Trust; 2017-0580026; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2016-0006; Arellano, Jose Luis; 2018-0204796; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0009; Debra Ann Schiff Family Trust; 2018-0144338; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0012; Cavanaugh, William; 2017-0365225; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0013; Goldberg, Meryl; 2017-0261252; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0018; Polzin Family Trust; 2017-0515140; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0019; Zernich, Kurt M.; 2017-0324346; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0022; McBarron, Brenda and Kevin; 2017-0268186; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0023; Soutehrn California Investors Inc; 2017-0515139; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0023; Southern California Investors Inc; 2018-0402862; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0026; McDowell Family Trust; 2018-0340545; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0030; Ataiyan, Kathryn Anne; 2018-0015966; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0031; Gupta, Anuj and Rishu; 2017-0410438; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0033; Parente, Mary Borba; 2018-0080021; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0035; Ekerling, Joanne; 2017-0611079; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0037; West, Michael J and Sylvia R Shriner-West; 2018-0144371; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0038; Southern California Investors Inc; 2018-0402863; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0043; Francis, Mark; 2018-0142310; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0044; 1991 Robert and Sylvia Thompson Family Trust; 2019-0112271; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0061; Reese, Jennie K; 2018-0080229; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0064; Slowik, Sharon M.; 2019-0266520; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0067; Goforth, Monna E; 2018-0202772; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0068; Ciarmoli, Dino and Susan; 2018-0442714; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0071; Barry, Tyler and Diane; 2018-0174276; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0073; Gagnon Family Trust; 2018-0089149; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0076; White, Paige; 2018-0057261; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2017-0077; Siekmann, Kerry K; 2018-0080020; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2018-0002; Minicilli, Frank; 2018-0327247; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2018-0006; Harding Square LLC; 2018-0202771; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2018-0017; Jones, Peyton; 2019-0126709; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2018-0018; Jones, Peyton; 2019-0126708; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2018-0019; Snyder, James and David Drinco; 2018-0530253; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2018-0020; Nicksam Properties LLC; 2019-0190292; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2018-0022; Biehl, Ned and Megan; 2018-0334754; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2018-0038; Allanson, Tom and Paula Selvidge; 2019-0144785; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2018-0045; Corso, Jennifer D and Gregory J; 2019-0038589; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2019-0003; Gimian, Dennis; 2019-0223089; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2019-0003; Gimian, Dennis; 2022-0193865; Notice of Restriction/Release
CDP 2019-0010; Hoover, Maren; 2019-0317881; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2019-0014; Hoover, Maren; 2019-0317882; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2019-0016; Berger, Richard; 2020-0046851; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2019-0019; Bodine, Debra; 2019-0563127; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2019-0022; Hines, Steven and Christine; 2019-0482227; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2019-0023; Hernandez, Ramon and Christine; 2020-0359461; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2019-0026; Lewiston, Andrea; 2020-0046852; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2019-0027; CB Ranch Enterprises; 2020-0109684; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2019-0032; Love, Corey; 2020-0236247; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2019-0034; Bodine, Deborah; 2020-0236248; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0001; Vagha Development LLC; 2021-0011010; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0007; Terra Bella Development LLC; 2021-0168366; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0008; TNG Trust; 2020-0408276; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0009; Shelton, Tiffany and Joseph; 2020-0534317; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0010; Box, Richard & Darcy; 2022-0442221; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0013; Vagha Development LLC; 2020-0703285; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0014; Brown, Belden and Gina; 2020-0769415; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0018; Forester, John G. & Julie A.; 2023-0002825; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0023; Jones-Cove, Judith A.; 2021-0542267; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0027; Matthew, Arvin and Sepideh; 2021-0567385; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0033; Aviles, Paulette; 2021-0126672; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0041; Smith, Grant and Murray-Smith, Kirsten; 2021-0194056; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0043 / MS 2020-0004; St Clair, Thomas; 2022-0138420; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0044; Gibson, Curt; 2021-0661554; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0046; Dechamplain, Jeffrey and Carmen; 2021-0327457; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2020-0050; Glynn, Charles and Roseanne; 2021-0223992; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0005; Lawyer, Jeffery and Sara; 2021-0349458; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0012; Nextmed III Owner LLC; 2021-0442104; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0015; Stone, Neil and Susan Kay; 2021-0758418; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0018; Johnston, Carly; 2021-0593011; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0019; Washington, Alvin; 2022-0147113; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0021; Campbell, Matt; 2022-0419231; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0022; Girdner, William; 2021-0592420; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0024; Blauvelt, Paul Edward; 2022-0324317; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0025; Swan, Chris & Crista; 2022-0419228; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0026; Pavagadhi; 2022-0147112; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0028; Flammer, Kimberly; 2022-0076077; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0040; Diviney, Nathan and Carlie; 2021-0758417; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0045; Shea, Kimberly and Chow, Jayce; 2022-0193717; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0048; Weinzette, John and Dietrich, Lisa; 2022-0076079; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0049; Harding Street Neighbors LP; 2023-0026220; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0053; Gilbert, Karen Elise; 2022-0262080; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0058; Sullivan, Courtney; 2022-0130802; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0062; Monzon Serhan Family Trust 10-12-13; 2024-0251926; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0064; Huang, Claire & Edwin; 2022-0147111; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0064; Huang. Edwin; 2022-0193718; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0065; The Metsch Family Trust; 2022-0175629; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0068; Crouch, Bonnie D.; 2022-0288048; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2021-0069; Sandy, Peter R.; 2022-0288049; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0002; Swan, Chris & Crista; 2022-0419229; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0004; McGuire, Timothy; 2022-0380227; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0007; Kanter, Kristin; 2022-0209151; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0008; Martin, John & Sullivan, Pamela; 2023-0243701; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0010; Martin, John & Sullivan, Pamela; 2023-0243700; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0014; St. Clair, Cameron; 2023-0163177; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0017; Monzon Serhan Family Trust; 2024-0251931; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0019; Hom, Robert Gin & Elizabeth; 2023-0231885; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0020; Carrillo, Rohaise & Marco; 2023-0077567; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0024; Thompson, Hallie M.; 2023-0041639; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0031; Grieves, Jessica & Ling, Curtis; 2023-0069915; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0032; SDRE Homebuyers LLC; 2023-0157229; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0037; The Jacinto Family Limited Partnership; 2022-0380225; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0039; Caskey, Jason; 2022-0459096; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0040; Johns, Craig N. & Elizabeth W.; 2023-0002826; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0041; Kelley, Thomas & Jennifer; 2023-0077594; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0043; Chu, Sulin & Vo, Nhat; 2023-0077592; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0050; Grieves, Jessica & Ling, Curtis; 2023-0069914; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0052; Kanter, Kristin; 2023-0157230; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0053; The Jacinto Family Ltd; 2023-0010168; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0057; Mustard Seed Ventures LLC; 2023-0190710; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0058; Davis, Mike & Ingrid; 2023-0086740; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0062; GARY C. CRUSE; 2024-0125205; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0063; GARY C. CRUSE; 2024-0125206; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0064; Carrillo, Rohaise & Marco; 2023-0077566; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0069; Liao, Jiayu & Xie, Zhiyi; 2023-0243696; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2022-0071; Ewing Kernberger Family Trust; 2023-0171911; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0009; Davis, Peter; 2023-0209822; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0012; Richtand, Neil; 2023-0340390; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0013; Ragsdale, Samantha; 2023-0298215; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0014; BAUSCH FAMILY TRUST; 2024-0090865; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0020; Geving, JoAnn; 2023-0288083; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0029; Patel, Neil; 2023-0345244; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0038; Goldstein, Michelle R. for Goldstein, Marina; 2024-0040889; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0039; Goldstein, Michelle R. for Goldstein, Marina; 2024-0040890; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0041; CSR LIVING TRUST; 2025-0031145; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0050; MICAH MACLEOD; 2024-0090864; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0050; MICAHN MACLEOD; 2024-0090863; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0055; Petelski, Rachel; 2024-0280112; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0057; Aharoni, Doris and Jon; 2024-0237397; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2023-0059; BRUCE D. PETZ; 2024-0125202; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2024-0002; Wittman, Mikayla; 2024-0251976; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2024-0005; LB BEACH PROPERTIES LLC; 2024-0147964; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2024-0017; Braman, Jayne E.; 2025-0051743; Notice of Restriction
CDP 2024-0051; Baker, Whitney; 2025-0051742; Notice of Restriction
CDP 97-12; Bagnall, Michael & Emily; 1997-0578249; Notice of Restriction
CDP 97-23A; Mann, William C; 2004-0068109; Notice of Restriction
CDP 97-32; Richards Family Trust; 1998-0013656; Notice of Restriction
CDP 97-42; Eaton, Homer & Nina; 1998-0279982; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-10; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684887; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-10; Carlsbad By The Sea; 1998-0684956; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-12; Forth, Andrew J.; 1999-0503416; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-12A; Forth, Andrew; 2001-0101555; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-13; Carlsbad 35 LLC; 1998-0771214; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-17; Gunter, Tim & Ann; 1998-0542912; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-18; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684888; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-18; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684957; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-19; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684889; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-19; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684958; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-20; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684881; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-20; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684959; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-21; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684882; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-21; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684960; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-22; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684883; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-22; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684961; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-23; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684884; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-23; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684962; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-30; Barbour, John & Candy; 1998-0809979; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-32; Sturdy, Kevin; 1998-0786662; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-40; Severino Construction Inc; 1998-0656910; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-45; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684885; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-45; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684963; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-50; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684886; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-50; Carlsbad By The Sea LLC; 1998-0684964; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-53; Dakmin Inc; 1998-0849881; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-58; Ross, Brian; 1999-0712586; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-58; Ross, Brian; 1999-0712587; Notice of Restriction
CDP 98-72; Viola, Ted; 1999-0078162; Notice of Restriction
CDP 99-14; McCabe, Jeffrey; 1999-0712501; Notice of Restriction
CDP 99-14; McCabe, Jeffrey; 1999-0712502; Notice of Restriction
CDP 99-18; Tallman, Jeffrey & Pamela; 2000-0130365; Notice of Restriction
CDP 99-22; Shores, Michael & Barbara; 1999-0813853; Notice of Restriction
CDP 99-25; Silva, Sal; 1999-0618956; Notice of Restriction
CDP 99-39; Chapparone, Mark; 2000-0030109; Notice of Restriction
CDP 99-56; Moore, D. J.; 2000-0351364; Notice of Restriction
CDP 99-59; Olsen, Kathleen Elaine; 2001-0501855; Notice of Restriction
CP 01-05; Legacy Development LLC; 2002-0913312; Notice of Restriction
CP 01-08; Bristol Cove LLC; 2004-0068110; Notice of Restriction
CP 02-06; Kaiser, Albert & Janice; 2002-0588990; Notice of Restriction
CP 03-08; Nowicki, Megan & Vincent; 2004-0691371; Notice of Restriction
CP 04-02; Lewak, Jerry and Jolanta Renata; 2007-0539908; Notice of Restriction
CP 04-04; Puhek, John L & Lynda M; 2005-1054410; Notice of Restriction
CP 04-07; Browne, Donald P; 2006-0014498; Notice of Restriction
CP 05-08; Stirnkorb, Jerome; 2006-0568866; Notice of Restriction
CP 05-14; Stirnkorb, Jerome; 2006-0568868; Notice of Restriction
CP 05-15; Claire, John St; 2006-0498066; Notice of Restriction
CP 05-16; Claire, John St; 2006-0498069; Notice of Restriction
CP 05-17; Claire, John St; 2006-0498070; Notice of Restriction
CP 05-21; Cazadero Homes Inc; 2006-0498071; Notice of Restriction
CP 06-02; Kelley, Chris; 2006-0498067; Notice of Restriction
CP 06-03; Gibraltar Town Homes LLC; 2006-0498065; Notice of Restriction
CP 06-04; Langa, Brian D & Vidal, Raquel; 2006-0498068; Notice of Restriction
CP 06-18; Bond, Michael & Marlita; 2007-0539907; Notice of Restriction
CP 07-03; St Clair, John; 2008-0124368; Notice of Restriction
CP 94-01A; WL Homes LLC; 1998-0683575; Notice of Restriction
CP 99-14; Stine, Robert & Margaret; 2000-0070164; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716902; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716903; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716904; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716925; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716926; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716927; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716928; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716950; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716952; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716953; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716969; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716970; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716971; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2002-0716972; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-05; Loma Verde Inc; 2001-0150248; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-06; Lennar Bressi Ranch Venture LLC; 2003-0270125; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-06; Lennar Bressi Ranch Venture LLC; 2003-0362107; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-13; Canterina LLC; 2001-0856694; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-13; Canterina LLC; 2001-0881081; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-16; OBSLP Carlsbad LLC; 2002-0375802; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-16; Poinsettia Properties; 2002-0375804; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-18X1; BENT-WEST, LLC; 2011-0206293; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-22; Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church of Carlsbad; 2003-0153038; Notice of Restriction
CT 00-22; Redeemer By The Sea Lutheran Church; 2002-1076950; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-01; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2003-0459200; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-01; McMillin Montara LLC; 2003-1402546; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-02; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2003-0459199; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-02; McMillan Montara LLC; 2003-1402545; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-02; McMillin Montara LLC; 2003-1402547; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-03; Cal E1 LLC; 2003-1402552; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-03; Cal E1 LLC; 2003-1402553; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-03; Calavera Hills II; 2003-0270122; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-03; McMillan Companies LLC and Tamarack Properties; 2003-0270117; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-03; McMillan Companies LLC and Tamarack Properties; 2003-0270120; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-04; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2003-1402544; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-04; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2003-1402549; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-04; Calavera Hills II; 2003-0270124; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-04; McMillan Companies LLC and Tamarack Properties; 2003-0270118; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-04; McMillan Companies LLC and Tamarack Properties; 2003-0270121; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-05; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2003-1402543; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-05; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2003-1402548; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-06; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2003-0459198; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-06; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2003-1402542; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-06; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2003-1402550; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-08; Carltas Investment LP; 2002-0288755; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-08; Carltas Investments LP; 2002-0288749; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-09; Property Development Centers LLC; 2012-0540233; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-10; Anastasi Development Company; 2002-1076949; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-11; Sanwin Limited Partnership LLC; 2003-0995768; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-12; Spano, Joseph E. & Nadja A.; 2004-0109901; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-12; Spano, Joseph E. & Nadja A.; 2004-0434845; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-16; Casa Laguna Group Investors LLC; 2002-0772462; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-17; Newport Hills Inc; 2002-0913258; Notice of Restriction
CT 01-17; Newport Hills Inc; 2002-0913313; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-01; Zathas, James & Kiki; 2003-0597421; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-01; Zathas, James & Kiki; 2003-0597422; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-01; Zathas, James; 2003-1156671; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-02; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2003-0459065; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-02; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2003-0802827; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-03; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2003-0459196; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-03; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2003-0653557; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-04; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2003-0459197; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-05; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2003-0459058; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-06; Ocean View Carlsbad LLC; 2018-0083766; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-06X3; Ocean View-Carlsbad LLC; 2018-0116334; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-12X1; Windstar Carlsbad Office LLC; 2009-0410123; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-13; Farber Family Limited Partnership; 2004-0256500; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-13; Farber Family LP; 2004-0256498; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-15; Bressi Ranch Development LLC; 2005-0461222; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-16; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2007-0205919; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-16; Calavera Hills LLC; 2007-0206773; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-16; Calavera Hills LLC; 2007-0206774; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-17; California West Communities La Costa 49 LLC; 2016-0115390; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-17; CWV La Costa 49 LLC; 2014-0265024; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-17; Fair Oaks Valley LLC; 2007-0558823; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-20; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2004-0300270; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-20; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2004-0300276; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-20; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2004-0300277; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-21; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2004-0300269; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-21; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2004-0300278; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-21; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2004-0300279; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-22; Real Estate Collateral Management Co; 2004-0434840; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-22; Real Estate Collateral Management; 2004-0493899; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-23; Real Estate Collateral Management Co; 2004-0434839; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-23; Real Estate Collateral Management Co; 2004-0434842; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-24; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2004-0300267; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-24; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2004-0300273; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-24; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2004-0300274; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-25; Hall Land Company Inc; 2004-0300280; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-25; Hall Land Company, Inc.; 2004-0256501; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-26x2; Norine Sigafoose; 2008-0568403; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-27; Par 72 LLC; 2004-0256507; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-27; PAR72 LLC; 2004-0300282; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-28; Calso LLC; 2008-0154062; Notice of Restriction
CT 02-29; Trimark Pacific-Casa LA; 2004-0256499; Notice of Restriction
CT 03-02; Grand Pacific Carlsbad LP; 2005-0850714; Notice of Restriction
CT 03-02; Grand Pacific Carlsbad LP; 2005-0850807; Notice of Restriction
CT 03-04; Newland Court LLC; 2005-0916266; Notice of Restriction
CT 03-04; Nicholson, Richard; 2004-0876466; Notice of Restriction
CT 03-08; Carlsbad Corporate Center LP; 2004-0493897; Notice of Restriction
CT 03-10; City Of Carlsbad; 2008-0291950; Notice of Restriction
CT 03-12; Pacific Starr-Essex Carlsbad LLC; 2004-0493898; Notice of Restriction
CT 03-13; Black Rail Ridge LLC; 2004-1066059; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-02; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2005-0673208; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-02; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2005-0673209; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-02; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2005-0673216; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-03; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2005-0673210; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-03; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2005-0673211; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-03; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2005-0673218; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-04; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2005-0673212; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-04; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2005-0673213; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-04; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2005-0673217; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-05; City Of Carlsbad; 2008-0340259; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-06; Hieatt, James & Mildred, Trustees; 2005-0054770; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-07; SW Balfour LLC; 2004-1201219; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-09; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2005-0579751; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-09; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2005-0579752; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-09; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2005-0624256; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-11; Poinsettia Commons LLC; 2007-0205921; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-14; Pev Family Revocable Trust; 2016-0584912; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-15; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2006-0070667; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-15; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2006-0070668; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-15; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2006-0070669; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-15; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2006-0070670; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-16; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2005-0513423; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-19; BNR Investment and Development LLC; 2007-0113920; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-20; Michael Crews Commercial Development; 2005-0916260; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-20; Michael Crews Commercial Development; 2005-0916265; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-22; Marina Goldstein; 2007-0113921; Notice of Restriction
CT 04-26; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2008-0100034; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-01; Lagoon Breeze Development Corp; 2007-0317620; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-05; KB Home Coastal Inc; 2006-0750562; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-06; Franz-Yut El Camino Real LLC; 2006-0210050; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-08; Satterlee, Kenneth R; 2006-0118803; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-09; City of Carlsbad; 2007-0478358; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-09; City of Carlsbad; 2009-0081680; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-10; K. HOVNANIAN AT CARLSBAD LLC; 2011-0046983; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-12; Ocean Street 8 Owner LLC; 2013-0451256; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-13; Western Pacific Housing Inc; 2007-0558824; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-14; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2007-0205916; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-15; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2007-0205917; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-16; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2007-0205915; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-18; Seascape Developments LLC; 2016-0186651; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-19; Carlsbad Medical Village LP; 2007-0205914; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-21; Greyhawk Associates; 2006-0750564; Notice of Restriction
CT 05-21; Greyhawk Assoicates; 2006-0714467; Notice of Restriction
CT 06-03; Tuscany by the Sea LLC; 2006-0530984; Notice of Restriction
CT 06-03; Tuscany by the Sea LLC; 2006-0531160; Notice of Restriction
CT 06-06; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2007-0579492; Notice of Restriction
CT 06-09; City Of Carlsbad; 2008-0331505; Notice of Restriction
CT 06-10; Opus West Corporation; 2007-0108932; Notice of Restriction
CT 06-11; Palomar Melrose LLC; 2008-0124369; Notice of Restriction
CT 06-12; Sommers, Bob; 2007-0261969; Notice of Restriction
CT 06-20; Palomar Airport Road LLC; 2007-0603096; Notice of Restriction
CT 06-24; LNR CPI Bressi Retail LLC; 2008-0013656; Notice of Restriction
CT 06-27; MUROYA, AKIRA AND TOSHIKO; 2011-0564500; Notice of Restriction
CT 07-03; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2010-0129974; Notice of Restriction
CT 07-04; Bressi Ranch Medical Plaza LLC; 2008-0389402; Notice of Restriction
CT 07-05; LC Greens 1.3 LLC; 2008-0239950; Notice of Restriction
CT 07-08; W2007 La Costa I LLC; 2008-0577194; Notice of Restriction
CT 07-12; Bressi Oceans Collection LLC; 2008-0628791; Notice of Restriction
CT 08-03; Property Development Centers LLC; 2012-0540231; Notice of Restriction
CT 08-07; Property Development Centers LLC; 2012-0540232; Notice of Restriction
CT 09-01; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2010-0180171; Notice of Restriction
CT 09-03; City of Carlsbad; 2012-0353119; Notice of Restriction
CT 09-04; Ocean Park Estates LLC; 2012-0471822; Notice of Restriction
CT 10-01; D.S. PRODUCTS INC; 2011-0344512; Notice of Restriction
CT 10-01; DS PRODUCTS INC; 2011-0603627; Notice of Restriction
CT 11-02; D S Products Inc; 2013-0729615; Notice of Restriction
CT 12-01; Shea Homes Limited Partnership; 2015-0402534; Notice of Restriction
CT 12-03; Alphonse Tangsoc; 2014-0436796; Notice of Restriction
CT 12-05; Taylor Morrison of California LLC; 2013-0451259; Notice of Restriction
CT 12-06; Coastal Living LLC; 2014-0275139; Notice of Restriction
CT 12-07; City Ventures Homebuilding LLC; 2014-0346819; Notice of Restriction
CT 13-01; KLC BV Carlsbad LLC; 2013-0664473; Notice of Restriction
CT 13-02; Coastal Living 10, LLC; 2014-0202113; Notice of Restriction
CT 13-03; Rancho Costera LLC; 2015-0402531; Notice of Restriction
CT 13-04; Golden Surf Holding, LLC; 2015-0317996; Notice of Restriction
CT 13-05; Taylor Morrison of California, LLC; 2014-0542592; Notice of Restriction
CT 13-06; MBM Development Inc.; 2014-0542591; Notice of Restriction
CT 14-01; State & Oak LLP; 2016-0708460; Notice of Restriction
CT 14-03; MR Carlsbad II LLC; 2016-0326790; Notice of Restriction
CT 14-04; Shea Homes LP; 2017-0168890; Notice of Restriction
CT 14-05; TMS Highland Investments LLC; 2017-0033956; Notice of Restriction
CT 14-06; Presidio Pebble Creek Carlsbad 8 LLC; 2017-0075895; Notice of Restriction
CT 14-07; BWR 16 LLC; 2018-0156904; Notice of Restriction
CT 15-04; Patrick Smith, LLC; 2016-0083104; Notice of Restriction
CT 15-04A; Grand Madison LLC; 2017-0580027; Notice of Restriction
CT 15-05; Presidio Cornerstone QC LLC; 2016-0274903; Notice of Restriction
CT 15-07; Hynek, Gayl B; 2020-0769411; Notice of Restriction
CT 15-09; Presidio Cornerstone QC LLC; 2017-0235664; Notice of Restriction
CT 15-11; Carlsbad Buena Vista 12 LP; 2018-0327243; Notice of Restriction
CT 16-02; Carlsbad 17 LP; 2020-0245219; Notice of Restriction
CT 16-03; Beach Village Life 1 LLC; 2017-0485264; Notice of Restriction
CT 16-04; Carlsbad Coastal Views LLC; 2017-0428359; Notice of Restriction
CT 16-05; Presidio Cornerstone QC LLC; 2017-0235665; Notice of Restriction
CT 16-07; Selna, Marja Dawn; 2021-0626205; Notice of Restriction
CT 16-09; Shehab, Edmond T.; 2017-0303670; Notice of Restriction
CT 16-10; Shehab, Edmond T.; 2017-0303683; Notice of Restriction
CT 2016-0002; Benjamin, Mark; 2018-0116335; Notice of Restriction
CT 2017-0002; Tyler Street Development LLC; 2017-0410613; Notice of Restriction
CT 2017-0003; La Costa Town Center LLC; 2021-0327458; Notice of Restriction
CT 2017-0004; Oak and Madison LLC; 2018-0142311; Notice of Restriction
CT 2017-0005; De Jong, Arie and Silva; 2018-0282913; Notice of Restriction
CT 2017-0006; 2569 Roosevelt LLC; 2019-0506419; Notice of Restriction
CT 2017-0007; 438 Tamarack Inc; 2018-0360646; Notice of Restriction
CT 2018-0001; 362 Walnut LLC; 2018-0435878; Notice of Restriction
CT 2018-0002; Aviara LP; 2022-0288043; Notice of Restriction
CT 2018-0003; Magnolia A3 LLC; 2019-0144797; Notice of Restriction
CT 2018-0004; 2646 Seaglass LLC; 2020-0201668; Notice of Restriction
CT 2018-0005; TMS Oak Investments 8 LLC; 2018-0442712; Notice of Restriction
CT 2018-0006; Laguna Project LP; 2020-0149540; Notice of Restriction
CT 2018-0006; Laguna Project LP; 2020-0654481; Notice of Restriction
CT 2018-0008; RREG Investment Series LLC Series I033; 2020-0537225; Notice of Restriction
CT 2019-0001; 400 Gibraltar LLC; 2021-0854688; Notice of Restriction
CT 2019-0002; Kootchick, Michael; 2019-0391630; Notice of Restriction
CT 2019-0004; Galizio, Luanne C.; 2021-0194059; Notice of Restriction
CT 2019-0006; Cherewick, Randolf; 2022-0442219; Notice of Restriction
CT 2021-0002; RREG Investments Series LLC Series I040; 2023-0089883; Notice of Restriction
CT 2021-0005; 330 Chinquapin LLC; 2023-0077565; Notice of Restriction
CT 2022-0001; R&V Management Corporation; 2024-0230183; Notice of Restriction
CT 2022-0003; Front Porch Communities and Services; 2024-0228713; Notice of Restriction
CT 74-21; Canyon Ridge Business Park LLC; 2003-0821903; Notice of Restriction
CT 79-14; Carlsbad Self Storage LLC; 2000-0388947; Notice of Restriction
CT 81-05; Tohidi, John; 1995-0005397; Notice of Restriction
CT 83-19; Lyon/Copley Carlsbad Associates; 1991-0267083; Notice of Restriction
CT 83-19; Lyon/Copley Carlsbad Associates; 1991-0267084; Notice of Restriction
CT 84-32A; Pacwest QA-I; 1996-0428965; Notice of Restriction
CT 85-19; Darby Creek/Carlsbad LLC; 1998-0743941; Notice of Restriction
CT 85-24; Blackmore Signal Hill LP; 1999-0628803; Notice of Restriction
CT 88-06; Lewis & Elsbree; 91-234012; Notice of Restriction
CT 89-18; Centex Homes; 1996-0516207; Notice of Restriction
CT 89-19; Davidson Companies Partnership; 1996-0490542; Notice of Restriction
CT 89-19; Odmark & Thelan; 1991-0328097; Notice of Restriction
CT 89-19; Odmark & Thelan; 1996-0490543; Notice of Restriction
CT 89-38; Costa Palmas LP; 1995-0148053; Notice of Restriction
CT 90-09; Western Pacific Housing LP; 1996-0189199; Notice of Restriction
CT 90-09A; Western Pacific Housing - Aviara LP; 1996-0189198; Notice of Restriction
CT 90-15; Greystone Homes Inc; 1996-0395407; Notice of Restriction
CT 90-30; Aviara Land Associates LP; 1995-0257704; Notice of Restriction
CT 90-31; Brookfield Carlsbad Inc; 1998-0600847; Notice of Restriction
CT 90-31; Brookfield Carlsbad Inc; 1998-0600848; Notice of Restriction
CT 91-02; Camino Group, The; 1994-0570502; Notice of Restriction
CT 91-02; Camino Group, The; 1994-0570503; Notice of Restriction
CT 91-03; George Wimpey Inc; 1993-0821731; Notice of Restriction
CT 91-03; George Wimpey Inc; 1993-0821732; Notice of Restriction
CT 91-07; Baker & Farajzadeh Partnership; 1998-0806509; Notice of Restriction
CT 91-12; Bramalea California LLC; 1996-0322043; Notice of Restriction
CT 91-12; Bramalea California LLC; 1996-0322044; Notice of Restriction
CT 92-01; Greystone Homes Inc; 1995-0484761; Notice of Restriction
CT 92-02; Sambi Seaside Heights LLC; 1996-0590840; Notice of Restriction
CT 92-02; Sambi Seaside Heights LLC; 1996-0590841; Notice of Restriction
CT 92-02; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0556914; Notice of Restriction
CT 92-02; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0573001; Notice of Restriction
CT 92-02B; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0577081; Notice of Restriction
CT 92-06; BW Pacific Partners; 1993-0824737; Notice of Restriction
CT 92-07; National Association Of Music Merchants; 1996-0347411; Notice of Restriction
CT 92-08; Carlsbad Partners Ltd; 1996-0259560; Notice of Restriction
CT 93-01; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0803505; Notice of Restriction
CT 93-01; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0803506; Notice of Restriction
CT 93-01; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0565235; Notice of Restriction
CT 93-04; Continental Ranch Inc; 1997-0253117; Notice of Restriction
CT 93-04; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0803513; Notice of Restriction
CT 93-04; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0803514; Notice of Restriction
CT 93-08; Continental Ranch Inc; 1997-0253116; Notice of Restriction
CT 93-08; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0803511; Notice of Restriction
CT 93-09; Catellus Residential Group Inc; 1999-0028747; Notice of Restriction
CT 94-01; WL Homes LLC; 1998-0809818; Notice of Restriction
CT 94-01; WL Homes LLC; 1998-0809984; Notice of Restriction
CT 94-02; Higman, Daniel & Jerome; 1995-0356201; Notice of Restriction
CT 94-02; LMD Pacific Pointe LLC; 1995-0406402; Notice of Restriction
CT 94-03; Olympus Sch. Housing No. 2; 1996-0538542; Notice of Restriction
CT 94-09; Carlsbad Ranch Company LP; 1996-0450388; Notice of Restriction
CT 94-11; UDC Homes Inc; 1996-0547084; Notice of Restriction
CT 95-03; UDC Homes Inc; 1996-0481395; Notice of Restriction
CT 95-03; UDC Homes Inc; 1996-0481396; Notice of Restriction
CT 95-04; Homes For Industry; 1996-0451274; Notice of Restriction
CT 95-05; Monarch Communities Of California; 1997-0575033; Notice of Restriction
CT 96-01; Carlsbad Pacific Resort LLC; 1997-0372433; Notice of Restriction
CT 96-01; Carlsbad Ranch Company LP; 1997-0372432; Notice of Restriction
CT 96-01; Carlsbad Ranch Company LP; 1997-0395896; Notice of Restriction
CT 96-01; Grand Pacific Resorts Inc; 1997-0372469; Notice of Restriction
CT 96-02; CanAm Properties LLC; 1999-0737784; Notice of Restriction
CT 96-02; CanAm Properties LLC; 1999-0737789; Notice of Restriction
CT 96-02; Canam Properties LLC; 1999-0737837; Notice of Restriction
CT 96-04; Keystone La Costa LLC; 1999-0813852; Notice of Restriction
CT 96-07; Shea Homes LP; 1998-0350531; Notice of Restriction
CT 96-07; Shea Homes LP; 1998-0350588; Notice of Restriction
CT 96-08; Centerstone Carlsbad, LLC; 1999-0076080; Notice of Restriction
CT 96-08; Kalicki, Jan & Rosalind; 1998-0786624; Notice of Restriction
CT 96-08; Kalicki, Jan Alexander & Rosalind Jones; 1998-0786623; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-01; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0803499; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-01; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0803502; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-01; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0803503; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-02; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0803498; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-02; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0803500; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-02; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0803501; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-03; Continental Homes; 1999-0596827; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-03; Continental Ranch Inc; 1999-0524007; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-03; Continental Ranch Inc; 1999-0524019; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-03; Continental Ranch Inc; 1999-0626158; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-03; Continental Ranch Inc; 1999-0626159; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-03; Continental Residential Inc; 2000-0523996; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-03; Continental Residential Inc; 2000-0523997; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-03; Continental Residential Inc; 2000-0524094; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-04; Cliffs At Calavera Hills LLC; 1998-0303138; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-04; Heritage Builders LLC; 1998-0112194; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-08; La Costa 21 LLC; 1997-0578816; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-13; Carlsbad Oaks North Partners LP; 2004-1066056; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-13; Carlsbad Oaks North Partners LP; 2004-1066058; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-14; Standard Pacific Corporation; 1999-0536800; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-14; Standard Pacific Corporation; 1999-0536801; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-15; Western Pacific Housing; 1999-0494151; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-15; Western Pacific Housing; 1999-0494152; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-16; Shea Homes LP; 2003-1383777; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-17; Brehm-Aviara III Development Associates LP; 1999-0580759; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-17; Brehm-Aviara III; 1999-0654105; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-19; WL Homes LLC; 1998-0735031; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-19; WL Homes LLC; 1998-0830156; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-20; Brehm-Aviara Group LLC; 2001-0150249; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-20; Brehm-Aviara III Development Associates LP; 1999-0583086; Notice of Restriction
CT 97-22; Shea Homes LP; 2000-0380877; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-03; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0671868; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-05; Keystone Carlsbad 28 LLC; 2003-0362102; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-05; Keystone Carlsbad 28 LLC; 2003-0362103; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-05; Keystone Carlsbad 28 LLC; 2003-0362112; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-06; Greystone Homes Inc; 2000-0268304; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-06; Greystone Homes Inc; 2000-0351363; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-10; LSOF Carlsbad Land LP; 2004-0109894; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-10; LSOF Carlsbad Land LP; 2004-0109898; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-12; Loma Verde Inc; 2001-0060096; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-14; Standard Pacific Corporation; 2003-0362109; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-14; Standard Pacific Corporation; 2003-0362110; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-15; Continental Residential Inc; 2000-0030101; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-16; Worthing, Brooks & Pamela; 2000-0573957; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-17; Ryland Homes Of California Inc; 2000-0130366; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-17; Ryland Homes of California; 2000-0130364; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-19; Standard Pacific Corporation; 2002-0716887; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-20; Hall Investment Company Inc; 2000-0419246; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-21; Seaview LLC; 2000-0333045; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-23; Legacy Development LLC; 2000-0397908; Notice of Restriction
CT 98-23; Legacy Development LLC; 2000-0397909; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-01; Carlsbad Beach Group Investors LLC; 2000-0419049; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-01; Carlsbad Beach Group; 2000-0419050; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-02; Fieldstone Poinsettia Cove LLC; 2000-0173575; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-02; Fieldstone Poinsettia Cove LLC; 2000-0182180; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-03; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2003-0164453; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-03; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2003-0164454; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-03; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2003-0164455; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-04; CIC LA COSTA LP; 2008-0445223; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-04; Real Estate Collateral Management Co; 2004-0655492; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-04; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2002-0375801; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-04; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2006-0271050; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-04; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2006-0271051; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-06; Palomar Forum Associates LP; 2002-0913259; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-06; Palomar Forum Associates LP; 2002-0913314; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-08; Concordia Carlsbad LLC; 2000-0573979; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-08; LB/L Concordia Carlsbad 19 LLC; 2000-0567525; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-10; Aviara Pointe LLC; 2002-0976610; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-10; Aviara Pointe LLC; 2002-0976616; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-11; DR Horton San Diego Holding Company Inc; 2000-0717075; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-13; Western Pacific Housing - Carlsbad I LLC; 2000-0360053; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-13; Western Pacific Housing - Carlsbad I LLC; 2000-0621490; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-13; Western Pacific Housing LLC; 2000-0383860; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-14; Regency Development LLC; 2000-0360051; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-14; Regency Development LLC; 2000-0360052; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-17; DSK Carlsbad Partners LLC; 2000-0488494; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-17; DSK Carlsbad Partners; 2000-0523977; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-20; Carlsbad Summit LLC; 2000-0551661; Notice of Restriction
CT 99-20; Genstar Southwest Carlsbad LLC; 2000-0551660; Notice of Restriction
CUP 00-06A; Daybreak Community Church; 2009-0672996; Notice of Restriction
CUP 00-16A; City of Carlsbad; 2004-0256504; Notice of Restriction
CUP 00-17B; Southern California Conference of Seventh day Adv; 2009-0620061; Notice of Restriction
CUP 00-19; Cabot Industrial Properties LP; 2000-0621491; Notice of Restriction
CUP 00-20; BVD Associates LLC; 2000-0613889; Notice of Restriction
CUP 00-29; Techbilt Construction Corporation; 2001-0270973; Notice of Restriction
CUP 00-31; Novak, Mickey Trustee; 2001-0060095; Notice of Restriction
CUP 00-32; Hoffman, Jay & Maryon; 2001-0710483; Notice of Restriction
CUP 00-33; Grand Pacific Palisades Hotel LP; 2006-0014491; Notice of Restriction
CUP 00-36x1; Van Hoose, Viona L and Patrick C; 2009-0620060; Notice of Restriction
CUP 00-43; Aviara Resort Associates LP; 2002-0150290; Notice of Restriction
CUP 00-46B; Pacific Bell Telephone Company; 2002-0150289; Notice of Restriction
CUP 01-09; Duncanson, Douglas J.; 2004-0434781; Notice of Restriction
CUP 01-10; Azure Investors LLC; 2002-0654147; Notice of Restriction
CUP 01-11; BVD Associates II LLC; 2002-0085193; Notice of Restriction
CUP 01-12; Geissinger, E. Lamont; 2004-0350989; Notice of Restriction
CUP 01-16; Ingold, Robert & Arlyne; 2001-0881079; Notice of Restriction
CUP 01-20; TMG Property LP; 2001-0970855; Notice of Restriction
CUP 01-23; Golf Course Hotels; 2002-0445741; Notice of Restriction
CUP 01-24; Hoffman, Jay & Maryon; 2002-0810060; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-01; Olivehain Municipal Water District; 2006-0399372; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-02; City of Carlsbad; 2002-0772461; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-03; Prentiss Properties Acquisition Partners LP; 2002-1028500; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-04; Pinnacle Carlsbad LLC; 2002-0550712; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-05; Durkin Hoehn Lot 23 LLC; 2002-0550708; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-05; Durkin/Hoehn Lot 23 LLC; 2002-0550705; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-05A; Durkin Hoehn Lot 23 LLC; 2007-0792776; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-06; Callaway Golf Company; 2002-0865065; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-10; Rancho La Costa Village LLC; 2002-0976611; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-12A; Alpaca Properties LLC; 2007-0579491; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-18; Hoffman, Jay F & Maryon D; 2006-0398659; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-18x1; Hoffman, Jay F or Maryon D; 2009-0640323; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-19; Vigilucci, Roberto; 2004-0740849; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-20; CH Sunny Creek LLC; 2003-0552054; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-21; Hoffman, Jay & Maryon; 2003-1156674; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-21x1; Hoffman, Jay F and Maryon D; 2010-0018219; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-24; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2003-0459195; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-26; Prentiss Properties Acquisition Partners LP; 2003-0821904; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-29; Ingold Family LP; 2003-1060720; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-32; Cannon Road LLC; 2004-0068111; Notice of Restriction
CUP 02-33; EQBP-1 LLC; 2003-1229934; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-04; Wave Crest Resorts LLC; 2003-0995767; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-06; Hoffman, Jay & Maryon; 2004-0300272; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-06x1; Hoffman, Jay F and Maryon D; 2010-0076420; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-06x1A; Marja Acress LLC; 2012-0232521; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-11; SO, LLC; 2003-1486926; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-11; White, Tommy B.; 2003-1486927; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-20; California State Parks; 2005-0791809; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-21; San Diego County; 2004-0174136; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-21; San Diego County; 2004-0174137; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-21; San Diego County; 2004-0174138; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-24; SO LLC; 2004-1201212; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-25; Olivenhain Municipal Water District; 2004-0691406; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-26; Pilgrim United Church of Christ of Carlsbad; 2008-0628789; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-27; Forest Fisher Trustee; 2006-0118595; Notice of Restriction
CUP 03-28; Grand Pacific Palisades LP; 2005-0054771; Notice of Restriction
CUP 04-02; Bressi Garden Lane LLC; 2004-1201218; Notice of Restriction
CUP 04-02; McRoskey family revocable trust; 2004-0691372; Notice of Restriction
CUP 04-03; City of Carlsbad; 2004-0300271; Notice of Restriction
CUP 04-10; Gallo, Michael; 2004-0691370; Notice of Restriction
CUP 04-12; City of Carlsbad - Library Learning Center; 2006-0118655; Notice of Restriction
CUP 04-14; Donahue Schnober Realty Group Inc; 2005-0287690; Notice of Restriction
CUP 04-18; Property Development Centers LLC, Safeway Inc; 2015-0011625; Notice of Restriction
CUP 04-20; The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego; 2006-0398655; Notice of Restriction
CUP 04-21; Wave Crest Resorts LLC; 2005-0850717; Notice of Restriction
CUP 04-22; Ago Hills LLC; 2008-0628790; Notice of Restriction
CUP 04-25; SO LLC; 2009-0571531; Notice of Restriction
CUP 04-28; Donahue Schriber Realty Group LP; 2005-0791803; Notice of Restriction
CUP 04-28; Donahue Schriber Realty Group LP; 2013-0311613; Notice of Restriction
CUP 05-02; Franz-Atrium II LP; 2005-0791802; Notice of Restriction
CUP 05-03; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2006-0902696; Notice of Restriction
CUP 05-10; Alpaca Properties LLC; 2006-0152081; Notice of Restriction
CUP 05-11; City of Carlsbad; 2006-0676349; Notice of Restriction
CUP 05-12; City of Carlsbad; 2006-0651018; Notice of Restriction
CUP 05-26; Kelly, Richard C & Robert P; 2007-0539906; Notice of Restriction
CUP 05-28; VPI Bressi Storage LLC; 2006-0902697; Notice of Restriction
CUP 05-28A; VPI Bressi Storage LLC; 2009-0117659; Notice of Restriction
CUP 05-31; Bressi Ranch Fuel Mart LLC; 2007-0276185; Notice of Restriction
CUP 06-08; Boys & Girls Club Carlsbad; 2007-0640656; Notice of Restriction
CUP 06-11A; PRS Acquision and Construction; 2009-0289249; Notice of Restriction
CUP 06-11B; Pacific Ridge School; 2014-0369835; Notice of Restriction
CUP 06-12; Cabrillo Power I LLC; 2006-0902695; Notice of Restriction
CUP 06-19; LNR CPI Bressi Retail LLC; 2010-0194892; Notice of Restriction
CUP 07-03; City of Carlsbad; 2009-0012272; Notice of Restriction
CUP 07-03A; CPT/SC Title Holding Corp.; 2009-0230630; Notice of Restriction
CUP 08-02; Property Development Centers LLC, Safeway Inc; 2015-0011623; Notice of Restriction
CUP 08-04; Property Development Centers LLC, Safeway Inc; 2015-0011621; Notice of Restriction
CUP 08-05; Property Development Centers LLC, Safeway Inc; 2015-0011624; Notice of Restriction
CUP 08-06; Property Development Centers LLC, Safeway Inc; 2015-0011622; Notice of Restriction
CUP 08-08A; Bartlett, Bruce R; 2012-0257560; Notice of Restriction
CUP 08-12; Winter 6020 LLC; 2009-0238437; Notice of Restriction
CUP 08-19; Bressi Holding LLC; 2009-0620059; Notice of Restriction
CUP 09-03; R J Vida Roble Investors LLC; 2009-0689057; Notice of Restriction
CUP 09-03A; R J Vida Roble Investors LLC; 2012-0090684; Notice of Restriction
CUP 10-08; City of Carlsbad; 2012-0167445; Notice of Restriction
CUP 10-09; C3 Center LLC; 2017-0268333; Notice of Restriction
CUP 10-09; CHRISTIAN CITY CHURCH; 2011-0145427; Notice of Restriction
CUP 10-10; Palomar Vista Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses; 2012-0788090; Notice of Restriction
CUP 103B; Las Flores Church of the Nazarene; 2005-0107377; Notice of Restriction
CUP 11-03; Plaza Paseo Real Assoc LLC; 2012-0090685; Notice of Restriction
CUP 11-04; OCEAN COLLECTION LP; 2011-0635759; Notice of Restriction
CUP 11-05; Marsaglia Properties LLC; 2012-0202552; Notice of Restriction
CUP 11-06; Surya LP; 2012-0640580; Notice of Restriction
CUP 11-06; Surya LP; 2013-0033101; Notice of Restriction
CUP 11-07X1; San Diego Gas and Electric; 2017-0540004; Notice of Restriction
CUP 12-01; YCC Palomar Business Center LLC; 2012-0285541; Notice of Restriction
CUP 12-05; Alps Innovation LLC; 2013-0729616; Notice of Restriction
CUP 12-07; City of Carlsbad; 2013-0252182; Notice of Restriction
CUP 12-09; LJR LLC; 2013-0033107; Notice of Restriction
CUP 12-11; Aviara Master Association; 2015-0507478; Notice of Restriction
CUP 12-13; Westbluff HOA; 2014-0387795; Notice of Restriction
CUP 12-14; Streller, Erika; 2013-0496199; Notice of Restriction
CUP 13-06; First Industrial Investment II, LLC; 2014-0037913; Notice of Restriction
CUP 13-09; Cosmoplex LLC; 2014-0253322; Notice of Restriction
CUP 139B; Roman Catholic Bishop of San Diego; 2010-0232228; Notice of Restriction
CUP 14-01; RBCO R.E. LP; 2014-0252466; Notice of Restriction
CUP 14-04; Macquarie Poinsettia Inc.; 2015-0412867; Notice of Restriction
CUP 14-08; H.G. Fenton Property Company; 2015-0402563; Notice of Restriction
CUP 14-11; RBCO R.E., L.P.; 2015-0641080; Notice of Restriction
CUP 15-01; Fairweather, Angela; 2015-0412882; Notice of Restriction
CUP 15-06; Royal Hospitality Carlsbad LLC; 2016-0571773; Notice of Restriction
CUP 15-08; Buena Sanitation District; 2018-0492520; Notice of Restriction
CUP 15-08; Buena Sanitation District; 2018-0492521; Notice of Restriction
CUP 15-09; Gunther LLC; 2018-0329275; Notice of Restriction
CUP 154C; Pacific Bell; 1996-0451273; Notice of Restriction
CUP 154C; Pacific Bell; 1996-0478281; Notice of Restriction
CUP 16-02; Water's Edge LLC; 2016-0507635; Notice of Restriction
CUP 16-03; Transborder Kiffman LLC; 2016-0604857; Notice of Restriction
CUP 16-06; H. G. Fenton Property Company; 2016-0708309; Notice of Restriction
CUP 16-07; City of Carlsbad; 2017-0220990; Notice of Restriction
CUP 16-08; Christ United Presbyterian Church; 2017-0168891; Notice of Restriction
CUP 16-08; Prana Living LLC; 2017-0305649; Notice of Restriction
CUP 190B; SIM USA Inc; 2007-0543852; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2017-0001; Paseo Real Associates LLC; 2017-0474275; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2017-0002; La Costa Town Center LLC; 2018-0458858; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2017-0003; 5050 Carlsbad LLC; 2017-0612680; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2017-0004; NWB Carlsbad LLC; 2018-0283028; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2017-0006; Bressi Industrial LLC; 2018-0182716; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2017-0009; Jones-Cone, Judith; 2019-0038593; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2017-0010; Center for Autism and Related Disorders; 2018-0083767; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2018-0011; Generation 3L LLC; 2019-0066178; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2018-0013; WPC-NN Carlsbad Caribou Court LLC; 2019-0190293; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2018-0018; Boys and Girls Clubs of Carlsbad; 2019-0309578; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2018-0020; LC Investment 2010LLC; 2019-0106860; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2019-0002; Harsch Investment Corp; 2019-0278841; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2019-0003; Merlin Entertainments Group US Holdings Inc; 2019-0223088; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2019-0004; Norris, Kathleen; 2019-0361990; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2019-0029; Esposito, Alisa; 2020-0038972; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2020-0006; Brookwood Pacific Office I LLC; 2021-0223989; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2020-0007; Grand Pacific Palisades LP; 2021-0378252; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2020-0008; AN Motors of Ft. Lauderdale Inc; 2021-0542270; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2020-0009; Waiton, Jason; 2021-0109767; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2020-0010; Palomar Melrose LP; 2021-0256822; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2021-0004; 5858 Edison Place LLC; 2021-0703173; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2021-0008; Vigilucci, Robert; 2023-0345241; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2021-0010; County of San Diego; 2021-0768297; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2021-0011; Palomar Melrose LP; 2023-0068260; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2022-0002; Rancho SO LLC; 2022-0380226; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2022-0004; No Man is an Island LLC; 2022-0342887; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2022-0005; Burke, Brian R.; 2022-0442218; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2022-0007; Roberts, Kindra; 2023-0306183; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2022-0010; Cabrillo Power II LLC; 2023-0104427; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2023-0001; LC Investment 2010 LLC; 2023-0243695; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2023-0002; Grand Pacific Palisades LP; 2023-0124944; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2023-0003; RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY; 2024-0178573; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2023-0012; BKCR LLC; 2023-0325460; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2023-0014; Brady, Lance Perry; 2023-0298216; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2024-0002; YCC Palomar Business Center LLC; 2024-0196082; Notice of Restriction
CUP 2024-0003; Galipeau, William; 2024-0262982; Notice of Restriction
CUP 204C; Roman Catholic Bishop Of San Diego; 1996-0450312; Notice of Restriction
CUP 204D; Roman Catholic Bishop of San Diego; 2002-0487412; Notice of Restriction
CUP 206C; County of San Diego; 2007-0000599; Notice of Restriction
CUP 258C; KSL La Costa Resort Corporation; 2003-0210187; Notice of Restriction
CUP 260D; County of San Diego; 2013-0033084; Notice of Restriction
CUP 88-16X3; Hawthorne Family Trust; 2009-0126700; Notice of Restriction
CUP 90-02; Winter, Ray; 1992-0141346; Notice of Restriction
CUP 90-03; Price Company, The; 1991-0627289; Notice of Restriction
CUP 91-03C; British Petroleum; 2008-0574319; Notice of Restriction
CUP 92-04; Huffman, Martin & Whooley, Finbarr; 1992-0848551; Notice of Restriction
CUP 92-04; Huffman, Martin & Whooley, Finbarr; 1995-0443115; Notice of Restriction
CUP 94-01; Shell Oil Company; 1996-0522164; Notice of Restriction
CUP 95-02; Lax, Johnathan; 1995-0249882; Notice of Restriction
CUP 95-07; San Diego Gas & Electric Company; 1995-0453332; Notice of Restriction
CUP 95-09; El Camino Real Partners; 1995-0406401; Notice of Restriction
CUP 95-14; Villas de Carlsbad Ltd; 1996-0343952; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-01; Hoffman, Jay & Maryon; 1996-0609629; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-03; New England Mutual Life Insurance Company; 1996-0590839; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-05; Hoffman, Jay & Maryon; 1998-0601186; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-06; City Of Carlsbad; 1997-0395869; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-07; JCM Tom Company; 1997-0498451; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-07; JCM TOM Company; 1997-0510070; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-08; Trapiks Inc; 1996-0525088; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-09; Metropolitan Life Insurance Company; 1997-0300317; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-12; Weseloh, Charles B.; 1996-0639934; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-14; Marco-Plaza Enterprises; 1997-0055229; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-15; Tohidi, John; 1997-0108892; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-18; Tohidi, John; 1996-0646528; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-18B; Pinnacle Carlsbad LLC; 2001-0856692; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-19; Marriott Senior Living Services Inc; 1997-0401918; Notice of Restriction
CUP 96-19; Marriott Senior Living Services Inc; 1997-0401919; Notice of Restriction
CUP 97-02; Tohidi, John; 1999-0580760; Notice of Restriction
CUP 98-03; Malerba, E.G.; 1999-0017896; Notice of Restriction
CUP 98-08; Novak, Mickey Trustee; 1998-0462396; Notice of Restriction
CUP 98-14; Carlsbad HHG/APM Hotel Venture LP; 1998-0845867; Notice of Restriction
CUP 98-14; Carlsbad HHG/APM Hotel Venture LP; 1998-0845868; Notice of Restriction
CUP 98-15; Foreman, Mark H.; 1999-0039202; Notice of Restriction
CUP 98-18; Catholic Charities; 1999-0168848; Notice of Restriction
CUP 98-20; CB Ranch Enterprises; 1999-0765042; Notice of Restriction
CUP 98-20; CB Ranch Enterprises; 1999-0765043; Notice of Restriction
CUP 98-20B; CB Ranch Enterprises; 2009-0672995; Notice of Restriction
CUP 99-03; Cannon Road LLC; 2000-0705791; Notice of Restriction
CUP 99-06B; Doll, David/Fitzpatrick, Jim; 2012-0099773; Notice of Restriction
CUP 99-08; Carlsbad Self Storage LLC; 2000-0331822; Notice of Restriction
CUP 99-11; Yglesia, Larry G. & Jeanette L.; 2000-0398633; Notice of Restriction
CUP 99-13; Grand Pacific Resorts Inc; 2000-0084875; Notice of Restriction
CUP 99-16; Anglin Family Trust; 2000-0060543; Notice of Restriction
CUP 99-21; KinderCare Learning Centers Inc; 2000-0351362; Notice of Restriction
CUP 99-30; West Development Inc; 2002-0238473; Notice of Restriction
CUP 99-30; West Development Inc; 2002-0238474; Notice of Restriction
CUP 99-30; West Development Inc; 2002-0238476; Notice of Restriction
EIR 03-03; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2007-0205918; Notice of Restriction
EIR 15-01; Bressi Retail LLC; 2017-0365228; Notice of Restriction
EIR 15-01; Shea Homes LP; 2017-0372809; Notice of Restriction
EIR 15-03; Lennar Homes of California Inc; 2018-0089150; Notice of Restriction
GPA 00-05; Fenton Carlsbad Research Center LLC; 2004-0350990; Notice of Restriction
GPA 03-08; KSL Development; 2005-0183318; Notice of Restriction
GPA 03-08; KSL Development; 2005-0183319; Notice of Restriction
GPA 03-08; KSL Development; 2005-0183320; Notice of Restriction
GPA 04-08; Hieatt, James & Mildred Trustees; 2005-0054761; Notice of Restriction
GPA 04-08; Hieatt, James & Mildred Trustees; 2005-0054762; Notice of Restriction
GPA 04-10; City of Carlsbad; 2007-0478359; Notice of Restriction
GPA 04-10; City Ventures; 2012-0067192; Notice of Restriction
GPA 04-13; Aviara Black Rail Road 16, LLC; 2006-0671963; Notice of Restriction
GPA 06-04; Lennar Homes of California; 2014-0260596; Notice of Restriction
GPA 07-05; Noboru Tabata and Evelyn Tabata; 2011-0371065; Notice of Restriction
GPA 15-04; Hulse, Cameron Lloyd; 2016-0567110; Notice of Restriction
GPA 2019-0001; Grosse, William Mooney & Margaret; 2023-0244972; Notice of Restriction
GPA 97-02; American Stores Properties Inc; 2000-0084370; Notice of Restriction
GPA 97-02; American Stores Properties Inc; 2000-0084371; Notice of Restriction
HDP 02-03; Stephens, Kevin; 2003-0062994; Notice of Restriction
HDP 89-49A; Peluso, Philip & Diane; 1997-0522629; Notice of Restriction
HDP 91-15A; Unknown; 1993-0511641; Notice of Restriction
HDP 91-21; US Community Savings Bank; 1992-0141345; Notice of Restriction
HDP 92-07; Unknown; 1993-0511642; Notice of Restriction
HDP 92-14; Unknown; 1993-0519535; Notice of Restriction
HDP 93-03; Erickson, Gayla; 1995-0356202; Notice of Restriction
HDP 93-11; McRoskey, Guy; 1994-0010090; Notice of Restriction
HDP 93-14; Moffatt, Jerry & Peggy; 1994-0405680; Notice of Restriction
HDP 96-14; Hamann Consolidated Inc; 1997-0074336; Notice of Restriction
HDP 96-14; Hamann Consolidated Inc; 1997-0228867; Notice of Restriction
HDP 97-05; Gold Coast Properties; 1997-0575066; Notice of Restriction
HDP 97-09; Calabrese Trust; 1997-0575061; Notice of Restriction
HDP 97-11; Golnick, Lon; 1997-0484594; Notice of Restriction
HDP 97-18; Industrial Developments International Inc; 1998-0849850; Notice of Restriction
HDP 98-14; Gilson, Kirk & Nita; 1999-0425737; Notice of Restriction
HDP2017-0001; Manea, Eugenia and Sabin John; 2017-0539993; Notice of Restriction
HMP 15-01; Thankful Texans LLC; 2018-0481705; Notice of Restriction
HMP 2020-0002; 1731 Thomas LLC; 2020-0289529; Notice of Restriction
HMP 2023-0002; Jaramillo, Luis & Jennifer; 2023-0190711; Notice of Restriction
HMP 2024-0005; LANE, ROGER M.; 2025-0011409; Notice of Restriction
LCPA 02-02; Saddleview LLC; 2006-0568869; Notice of Restriction
M CUP 06-01; Walt Ordemann; 2008-0372094; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 06-05; Alpaca Properties LLC; 2007-0731817; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 07-03; TMG Properties LP; 2008-0552436; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 07-05; GG Pacific Enterprices LLC; 2008-0445468; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 07-08; Astor, N. Arthur; 2007-0636663; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 07-09; Sprint Spectrum LP; 2009-0046393; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 07-11; Callaway Golf Company; 2008-0568402; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 07-15x1; ECP Midwest LLC; 2014-0542590; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 08-04; Alpace Properties LLC; 2008-0552437; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 08-07; City of Carlsbad; 2009-0373687; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 08-10; West Crest Resorts III LLC; 2008-0410806; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 08-14; SO LLC; 2010-0540350; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 08-15; YCC Palomar Business Center LLC; 2009-0230629; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 08-18A; County of San Diego; 2017-0195269; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 08-21; SpectrumFlex LLC; 2009-0155011; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 09-03; Pilgrim United Church of Christ of Carlsbad; 2009-0520306; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 09-04; CITY OF CARLSBAD; 2011-0145426; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 09-07; VPI Bressi Storage LLC; 2010-0232227; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 09-08; Grand Pacific Palisades; 2010-0001331; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 09-09; BOI - Carlsbad Inc; 2011-0394671; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 09-10; Grant Tucker Properties LLC; 2009-0571530; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 09-11; REDUS CA PROPERTIES; 2010-0337237; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 09-14; DAYBREAK CHURCH OF COASTAL NORTH COUNTY; 2010-0397424; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 09-15; DL FARADAY LP; 2010-0340595; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 09-17; Pinnacle Carlsbad LLC; 2010-0281402; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 10-01; GG Pacific Enterprises LLC; 2010-0281400; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 10-02A; Grand Pacific Palisades LP; 2012-0506488; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 10-06; Whitfield, Mark L; 2010-0281401; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 10-14; King, Jeffrey/Gerico; 2012-0067190; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 10-20A; Schaeffer, John; 2014-0064541; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 10-21; Berdan Holdings Foxborough Park Inc; 2013-0338925; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 10-22; HELIX LAND COMPANY LTD; 2012-0019015; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 10-24A; Cabrillo Power LLC; 2013-0598452; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 10-27; GRAND PACIFIC PALISADES LP; 2011-0270615; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 10-28; TECHBILT CONSTRUCTION CORP; 2011-0269834; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 10-5; SO, LLC; 2011-0158843; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 11-03; Alpaca Properties LLC; 2012-0131244; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 11-04; Cognac Carlsbad Pacific Center LLC; 2013-0746435; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 11-05; Park Hyatt Aviara Resort; 2011-0371066; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 11-07; SO LLC; 2012-0788092; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 11-08; RIF III/YARROW DRIVE II LLC; 2011-0708875; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 11-09; Pinnacle Partners LP; 2012-0640578; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 12-01; Regency Bressi LLC; 2014-0127212; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 12-03; Olivenhain Municipal Water District; 2013-0091071; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 12-04; GG Pacific Enterprises LLC; 2012-0755209; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 13-01; County of San Diego; 2013-0678360; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 13-03; Berdan Holdings Foxborough Park Inc; 2013-0338923; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 13-05; OMWD Kimberly Thorner; 2014-0037914; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 13-07; Fermi CT LP; 2013-0561382; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 13-08; Alpaca Properties, LLC; 2014-0037915; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 13-10; Mehler Neilson Family Trust; 2013-0746434; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 13-14; Levine Investments Limited Partnership; 2014-0129282; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 14-01; Amherst Properties Inc.; 2015-0430648; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 14-03; Olivenhain Municipal Water District; 2015-0544381; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 14-04; Alpaca Properties LLC; 2014-0310437; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 14-08; AG-CP La Costa; 2016-0277968; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 14-15; PK I North County Plaza, LP; 2015-0507635; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 15-03; Aviara Resort Associates SPE, LLC; 2015-0290077; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 15-11; FR National Life LLC; 2016-0098976; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 15-13; Christ Presbyterian Church; 2015-0619771; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 15-14; RJP Partners, LLC; 2015-0641018; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 15-17; Zikakis, Alex; 2016-0341376; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 16-02; Pleta and San Gal Trusts; 2016-0542158; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 16-04; Bressi Industrial LLC; 2017-0140351; Notice of Restriction
MCUP 16-08; ACCY Inc; 2017-0428315; Notice of Restriction
MP 10-01; Hanson Aggregates Pacific Southwest Inc; 2014-0129283; Notice of Restriction
MP 175D; Kaiza Poinsettia Corporation; 1994-0686338; Notice of Restriction
MP 178D; PRS Acquisitions and Construction LLC; 2007-0205920; Notice of Restriction
MS 01-02; McMillin Montara LLC; 2003-1402551; Notice of Restriction
MS 08-02; SAN DIEGO DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LLC; 2011-0025012; Notice of Restriction
MS 08-03; Nolan, Frank J and Joann N; 2008-0487558; Notice of Restriction
MS 08-06; LIN, HSHING-LUNG AND CHENG-MEI; 2011-0025011; Notice of Restriction
MS 13-02; King Family Investments, LLC; 2014-0436797; Notice of Restriction
MS 13-04; Parker, Johnelle and Oakley; 2013-0598450; Notice of Restriction
MS 13-06; Zephyr Custom Homes II LLC; 2014-0127213; Notice of Restriction
MS 13-08; Westcal Corp; 2014-0260599; Notice of Restriction
MS 14-01; Berchtold, Silvia M; 2016-0497385; Notice of Restriction
MS 14-05; Blackburn Trust and Detrich Trust; 2015-0366849; Notice of Restriction
MS 14-11; Mathis, Dennis and Robin; 2016-0524240; Notice of Restriction
MS 15-11; RREG Investments Series, LLC Series I019; 2016-0079435; Notice of Restriction
MS 16-04; Viasat Inc; 2017-0008300; Notice of Restriction
MS 16-05; 1284 Pine Avenue Partners LLC; 2017-0612699; Notice of Restriction
MS 2017-0002; Yada, Itsuko and James Kiyoshi; 2017-0485341; Notice of Restriction
MS 2018-0002; Matsubara, Temujin and Summer; 2019-0511681; Notice of Restriction
MS 2018-0008; Viola, Theodore D.; 2019-0256418; Notice of Restriction
MS 2018-0009; Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc; 2019-0126632; Notice of Restriction
MS 2018-0009; Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc; 2019-0326666; Notice of Restriction
MS 2022-0003; Dokhanchy, Mehrdad and Phaneuf, Patricia Lynn, Trustees of The Dokhanchy-Phaneuf Family Trust dated December 8, 2005; 2023-0135732; Notice of Restriction/Release
MS 634; Shultz, Earl & Karen; 85-111768; Notice of Restriction
MS 95-02; Gaitaud, Renee; 1995-0393421; Notice of Restriction
MS 95-02; Gaitaud, Renee; 1997-0234906; Notice of Restriction
MS 95-05; Homes For Industry-Carlsbad LLC; 1996-0150692; Notice of Restriction
MS 96-01; Cade, Steven & Maureen; 1998-0849866; Notice of Restriction
MS 96-08; Rancho Carlsbad Partners; 1997-0544061; Notice of Restriction
MS 96-08; Rancho Carlsbad Partners; 1997-0544062; Notice of Restriction
MS 97-01; McGuire, Patrick; 1997-0353763; Notice of Restriction
MS 97-05; La Costa 21 LLC; 1997-0578815; Notice of Restriction
NCP 13-01; Johnson PhD, Fred M; 2013-0598453; Notice of Restriction
NCP 13-02; Fanucchi, Stephen and Wendy; 2013-0652802; Notice of Restriction
NCP 14-01; 180190 Walnut Properties LLC; 2014-0260600; Notice of Restriction
NCP 14-03; Smalley, Scott and Andrea; 2014-0315573; Notice of Restriction
NCP 15-05; Schramm, Kevin E and Jessica M; 2015-0577676; Notice of Restriction
NCP 16-04; Ryan, Kenneth and Susan; 2016-0706193; Notice of Restriction
NCP 16-05; Kaminski, Casey; 2016-0663511; Notice of Restriction
NCP 18-0001; Lloyd, kyle; 2018-0334755; Notice of Restriction
NCP 18-0006; Graham, Gary Richard; 2019-0144787; Notice of Restriction
NCP 2019-0001; Feder, Alan and Nancy; 2019-0144786; Notice of Restriction
NCP 2019-0003; Djokich, Milan and Mirjana; 2019-0547564; Notice of Restriction
NCP 2021-0002; Schramm, Kevin & Jessica; 2022-0442222; Notice of Restriction
NCP 2022-0002; The Freitas Francisco Family Trust; 2023-0068261; Notice of Restriction
NCP 2022-0003; Djokich, Milan; 2022-0277181; Notice of Restriction
NCP 2022-0004; Ayoub, David; 2023-0171912; Notice of Restriction
NCP 2022-0006; TIMOTHY C WHITE; 2024-0079100; Notice of Restriction
NCP 2023-0001; King, Grace Kathryn & Hol, Joost Adriaan; 2023-0231888; Notice of Restriction
NCP 2023-0004; STORMIE ARCHIE; 2024-0125204; Notice of Restriction
PC 12-0053; 1284 PINE AVE PARTNER LLC; 2012-0706261; Notice of Restriction
PC 2017-0006; Mazur, Josh; 2017-0195207; Notice of Restriction
PC 2019-0003; Rosenthal,Christine; 2020-0201667; Notice of Restriction
PC 2019-0091; Garst, Shane; 2020-0149546; Notice of Restriction
PC 2020-0014; WPI Ltd.; 2020-0408277; Notice of Restriction
PC 2020-0018; Bailey, Matthew and Kelly; 2021-0109768; Notice of Restriction
PC 2020-0037; Luebbert, David; 2020-0769416; Notice of Restriction
PC 2020-0043; Ivanovich, Cole and Rachel; 2020-0703286; Notice of Restriction
PC 2020-0045; Newkirk-Borowicki, Klementyna; 2021-0109769; Notice of Restriction
PC 2021-0017; Blasio, Alena and Worthing, Brooks; 2021-0593009; Notice of Restriction
PC 2022-0045; CW Signature F1 LLC; 2023-0089882; Notice of Restriction
PC 2022-0045; CW Signature F1 LLC; 2023-0089885; Notice of Restriction
PC 2022-0045; CW Signature F1 LLC; 2023-0089886; Notice of Restriction
PC 2023-0016; Shelton, Mark W.; 2023-0273193; Notice of Restriction
PCD 05-01; Weseloh, Charles B & Patricia A; 2005-0721875; Notice of Restriction
PCD 05-02; Busby, Gene J & Kim R; 2006-0152082; Notice of Restriction
PCD 06-01; H. G. Fenton Company; 2006-0927068; Notice of Restriction
PCD 10-02; CAVANAUGH, WILLIAM; 2011-0489970; Notice of Restriction
PD 2018-0029; Taylor, Megan; 2019-0223091; Notice of Restriction
PDP 00-02(B)/PR 13-23; Rohrlick, Mark; 2024-0337721; Notice of Restriction
PDP 05-01; Leucadia Wastewater District; 2007-0640646; Notice of Restriction
PIP 00-01; Techplex No. 2 LP; 2001-0362003; Notice of Restriction
PIP 02-03; Carlsbad Corporate Center LP; 2003-0153037; Notice of Restriction
PIP 02-03; GDC Group Inc; 2002-0913317; Notice of Restriction
PIP 02-05; Canyon Ridge Business Park LLC; 2003-0821905; Notice of Restriction
PIP 04-06; Levine Investments LP; 2005-0183315; Notice of Restriction
PIP 04-06; Levine Investments LP; 2005-0183316; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-01; Greyhawk Associates; 2006-0014496; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-01; Greyhawk Associates; 2006-0014639; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-03; Greyhawk Associates; 2006-0014640; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-03; Greyhawk Assoicates LP; 2006-0014499; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-04; Concourse One LLC; 2006-0118587; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-04; Concourse One LLC; 2006-0118594; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-05; Palomar Forum Associates Ltd; 2006-0714463; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-07; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0118586; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-07; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0118593; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-08; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0118585; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-08; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0118592; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-09; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0118584; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-09; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0118591; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-10; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0118583; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-10; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0118590; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-11; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0118582; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-11; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0118589; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-12; Techbilt Construction Corporation; 2005-1001385; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-12; Techbilt Construction Corporation; 2005-1001386; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-13; Cal West Industrial Properties LLC; 2006-0210044; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-13; Cal West Industrial Properties LLC; 2006-0210045; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-13; Calwest Industrial Properties LLC; 2006-0210049; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-16; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0244466; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-16; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0304424; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-17; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0304422; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-17; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0304427; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-18; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0244465; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-18; Opus West Corporation; 2006-0304425; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-19; Red Texas Realty LLC; 2006-0498029; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-19; Red Texas Realty LLC; 2006-0498030; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-19; Red Texas Realty LLC; 2006-0498031; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-23; City of Carlsbad; 2006-0809662; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-23Ax1; HCP LS Carlsbad LLC; 2009-0520304; Notice of Restriction
PIP 05-24; Palomar Airport Road LLC; 2006-0750565; Notice of Restriction
PIP 06-07; Kanielson DSS LLC; 2008-0184286; Notice of Restriction
PIP 06-09; Fenton Raceway LLC; 2007-0636664; Notice of Restriction
PIP 06-10; Bressi Ocean Collection LLC; 2007-0113915; Notice of Restriction
PIP 06-11; Bressi Ocean Collection LLC; 2007-0113916; Notice of Restriction
PIP 06-14; Opus West Corporation; 2007-0108931; Notice of Restriction
PIP 06-15; Opus West Corporation; 2007-0108930; Notice of Restriction
PIP 06-17; Opus West Corporation; 2007-0108929; Notice of Restriction
PIP 06-18; Opus West Corporation; 2007-0108928; Notice of Restriction
PIP 07-02; County of San Diego; 2008-0445467; Notice of Restriction
PIP 08-01; City of Carlsbad; 2009-0012273; Notice of Restriction
PIP 09-02; BMR-Gazelle Court LLC; 2010-0232229; Notice of Restriction
PIP 86-01B; H.G. Fenton Company; 2008-0612035; Notice of Restriction
PIP 87-02A; Newport National/Cornerstone LLC; 2001-0431859; Notice of Restriction
PIP 89-05B; Andrex Development Company; 1992-0217406; Notice of Restriction
PIP 89-10B; S and S Prop Acquisition LLC; 2012-0458935; Notice of Restriction
PIP 93-01; McRoskey, Cecilia et al; 1994-0179225; Notice of Restriction
PIP 93-02A; Callaway Golf Company; 1994-0260444; Notice of Restriction
PIP 93-03; Knorr, Steven; 1994-0347842; Notice of Restriction
PIP 93-03; Knorr, Steven; 1994-0347843; Notice of Restriction
PIP 94-01; Novak, Mickey; 1994-0297761; Notice of Restriction
PIP 94-02; Four-Sher Development Company; 1995-0006776; Notice of Restriction
PIP 94-02; Four-Sher Development Company; 1995-0075724; Notice of Restriction
PIP 94-03; Hamann Investment; 1995-0205756; Notice of Restriction
PIP 94-03; Sumitomo Bank Of California; 1995-0006777; Notice of Restriction
PIP 94-04; Blackmore, Allen J.; 1995-0129151; Notice of Restriction
PIP 94-04; Carson City Yard Investment; 1996-0030262; Notice of Restriction
PIP 94-05; Hamann Construction Company; 1995-0091930; Notice of Restriction
PIP 94-05; Hamann Construction Company; 1995-0095980; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-01; Ward, Robert D.; 1995-0392414; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-01; Ward, Robert D.; 1995-0392415; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-02; Yuen, Raymond & Christine; 1996-0322108; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-02; Yuen, Raymond & Christine; 1996-0344962; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-03; Mackichan, David & Karen; 1995-0358198; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-05; Daily, Raymond P.; 1995-0569299; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-06; Four-Sher Development Company; 1995-0553331; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-06; Four-Sher Development Company; 1996-0010986; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-06; Four-Sher Development Company; 1996-0010987; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-06; PSB Lending Corporation; 1999-0076082; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-10; Techplex LP; 1996-0133666; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-10; Techplex LP; 1996-0133667; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-11; Carlsbad Oaks LP; 1996-0347248; Notice of Restriction
PIP 95-11; Carlsbad Oaks LP; 1996-0347249; Notice of Restriction
PIP 96-01; Dickinson Cameron Development; 1997-0014072; Notice of Restriction
PIP 96-01; Dickinson Cameron Development; 1997-0108891; Notice of Restriction
PIP 96-03; Hunsaker Development Company LLC; 1997-0300315; Notice of Restriction
PIP 96-03; Hunsaker Development Company LLC; 1997-0300316; Notice of Restriction
PIP 97-01; Baca, Kenneth Xavier & Jordan, Herbert; 1997-0306724; Notice of Restriction
PIP 97-01; Baca, Kenneth Xavier & Jordan, Herbert; 1997-0306725; Notice of Restriction
PIP 97-04; Cornerstone Corporate Centre LLC; 1998-0062257; Notice of Restriction
PIP 97-05; Hunsaker Development Company LLC; 1997-0560882; Notice of Restriction
PIP 97-05; Hunsaker Development Company LLC; 1997-0560883; Notice of Restriction
PIP 97-06; CAC Associates LLC; 1998-0009483; Notice of Restriction
PIP 97-10; Cornerstone Corporate Centre LLC; 1999-0017910; Notice of Restriction
PIP 97-12; SOAP (CA) QRS 12-37 LLC; 1998-0474900; Notice of Restriction
PIP 97-12; SOAP (CA) QRS 12-37 LLC; 1999-0009259; Notice of Restriction
PIP 98-01; Palomar Crest LLC; 1998-0465348; Notice of Restriction
PIP 98-01; Palomar Crest LLC; 1998-0474906; Notice of Restriction
PIP 98-02; Integrated Capital Enterprises LLC; 1999-0376149; Notice of Restriction
PIP 98-04; Buie Carlsbad Airport LLC; 1999-0376062; Notice of Restriction
PIP 98-05; Cornerstone Corporate Centre LLC; 1998-0656881; Notice of Restriction
PIP 98-05; Cornerstone Corporate Centre LLC; 1998-0838268; Notice of Restriction
PIP 98-06; Industrial Developments Inc; 1998-0657773; Notice of Restriction
PIP 98-08; Daum Trust; 1999-0250537; Notice of Restriction
PIP 98-08; Daum Trust; 1999-0250538; Notice of Restriction
PREV2018-0270; Kaats, Diane Marie; 2019-0268889; Notice of Restriction
PUD 01-02; Stephens, Kevin and Jackam, Richard; 2001-0431858; Notice of Restriction
PUD 01-08A; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2003-0459090; Notice of Restriction
PUD 01-08B; K. Hovnanian At La Costa Oaks, LLC; 2004-0256503; Notice of Restriction
PUD 01-11; La Costa 4 LLC; 2002-0445742; Notice of Restriction
PUD 02-01A; Warmington Stoneridge Associates LP; 2004-0174156; Notice of Restriction
PUD 02-04; Stephens, Kevin; 2002-0865064; Notice of Restriction
PUD 02-10A; Pulte Home Corp; 2004-1201209; Notice of Restriction
PUD 02-12A; WL La Costa 68 Associates LLC; 2004-1109065; Notice of Restriction
PUD 02-12B; Real Estate Collateral Management Co; 2005-0381990; Notice of Restriction
PUD 03-09A; Barratt American; 2005-0335457; Notice of Restriction
PUD 03-09A; Barratt American; 2005-0335459; Notice of Restriction
PUD 04-01A; Pulte Home Corporation; 2006-0210048; Notice of Restriction
PUD 04-01A; Pulte Homes Corporation; 2006-0210041; Notice of Restriction
PUD 04-01A; Pulte Homes Corporation; 2006-0210042; Notice of Restriction
PUD 04-02B; Shea Homes; 2006-0304421; Notice of Restriction
PUD 04-02B; Shea Homes; 2006-0304423; Notice of Restriction
PUD 04-02B; Shea Homes; 2006-0304426; Notice of Restriction
PUD 04-03A; RB Home Coastal Inc; 2006-0655235; Notice of Restriction
PUD 04-03A; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2006-0714466; Notice of Restriction
PUD 04-08A; Warmington Trieste Associates LP; 2006-0714468; Notice of Restriction
PUD 04-13A; William Lyon Homes Inc; 2010-0180170; Notice of Restriction
PUD 04-14A; Real Estate Management Company; 2006-0824646; Notice of Restriction
PUD 05-11A; Real Estate Collateral Management Company; 2008-0182009; Notice of Restriction
PUD 05-12A; LC Oaks 3.3 LLC; 2008-0480408; Notice of Restriction
PUD 05-12B; CITY OF CARLSBAD; 2010-0599929; Notice of Restriction
PUD 05-13A; PULTE HOMES; 2011-0046984; Notice of Restriction
PUD 05-16; Promontory Trad; 2006-0714465; Notice of Restriction
PUD 05-18; Bryant Power Partners I, LLC; 2006-0498075; Notice of Restriction
PUD 05-18; Island Property Partners LLC; 2006-0498074; Notice of Restriction
PUD 05-18; Torrance Crossroads Investments I, LLC; 2006-0498077; Notice of Restriction
PUD 05-18; Visionary Partners I, LLC; 2006-0498076; Notice of Restriction
PUD 06-06A; LC Oaks 3.7 LLC; 2008-0480407; Notice of Restriction
PUD 06-12A; City of Carlsbad; 2009-0012271; Notice of Restriction
PUD 06-13B; Brookfield Robertson PA 17 LLC; 2013-0338922; Notice of Restriction
PUD 06-14A; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2009-0141146; Notice of Restriction
PUD 06-17; City of Carlsbad; 2009-0081906; Notice of Restriction
PUD 07-03; Moderna Del Mar LLC; 2009-0624372; Notice of Restriction
PUD 09-02; Life Technologies Corporation; 2010-0029856; Notice of Restriction
PUD 09-02A; GRIFFIN CAPITAL CORPORATION; 2010-0499653; Notice of Restriction
PUD 09-04; CITY OF CARLSBAD; 2011-0085463; Notice of Restriction
PUD 10-02; City of Carlsbad; 2012-0167447; Notice of Restriction
PUD 11-01; Sohaei, Frank and Lorigene; 2012-0067191; Notice of Restriction
PUD 14-02; Cantil Holdings, LLC; 2015-0221022; Notice of Restriction
PUD 15-04; RREG Investment Series, LLC Series I026; 2016-0182947; Notice of Restriction
PUD 15-05; Rammy, LLC; 2015-0470846; Notice of Restriction
PUD 15-06; Ocean Breeze Development, LLC; 2015-0577679; Notice of Restriction
PUD 15-09; Bressi Industrial, LLC; 2015-0553267; Notice of Restriction
PUD 15-11; Ocean Park Estates LLC; 2017-0329615; Notice of Restriction
PUD 15-12; James and Denise Richards; 2016-0051439; Notice of Restriction
PUD 15-14; Peacock Revocable Living Trust; 2017-0193439; Notice of Restriction
PUD 15-14; Peacock Revocable Living Trust; 2017-0369408; Notice of Restriction
PUD 15-19; TMT Development LLC; 2016-0098900; Notice of Restriction
PUD 16-08; KWD Holdings LLC; 2017-0580028; Notice of Restriction
PUD 16-11; Taylor, Matthew; 2017-0406284; Notice of Restriction
PUD 2017-0002; Palomar Creative LLC; 2017-0422081; Notice of Restriction
PUD 2017-0003; Cazadero Properties LLC; 2019-0317579; Notice of Restriction
PUD 2017-0003; Figueroa, Larry; 2020-0054225; Notice of Restriction
PUD 2018-0003; Gateway Pacific View LLC; 2019-0579300; Notice of Restriction
PUD 2018-0006; Ianni Living Trust; 2020-0383011; Notice of Restriction
PUD 2018-0008; Mezzacappa, David; 2022-0036146; Notice of Restriction
PUD 2019-0007; RAF Pacifica Group-Real Estate Fund IV LLC; 2020-0304347; Notice of Restriction
PUD 2020-0001; 320 Hemlock LLC; 2021-0557448; Notice of Restriction
PUD 2021-0002; RREG Investments Series LLC Series I-039; 2021-0758416; Notice of Restriction
PUD 2021-0006; Dunn, Kevin; 2023-0047763; Notice of Restriction
PUD 2021-0008; Heyligers Family Trust; 2023-0201091; Notice of Restriction
PUD 94-02A; Olympus/Sch Housing No. 2 LLC; 1997-0063804; Notice of Restriction
PUD 94-08; Hattendorf, Don; 1995-0245862; Notice of Restriction
RP 00-17; KFC National Management Company; 2002-0701669; Notice of Restriction
RP 01-04; Lakritz, Leor & Ophira; 2006-0398653; Notice of Restriction
RP 01-08; Wave Crest Resorts II LLC; 2004-0109895; Notice of Restriction
RP 01-09; Carlsbad Village Self Storage LLC; 2002-1028354; Notice of Restriction
RP 02-02; Bicajessee Adventures LLC; 2005-0673207; Notice of Restriction
RP 02-26; Carlsbad Animal Hospital; 2003-0760292; Notice of Restriction
RP 03-07; Diaz, Darin M; 2005-0461223; Notice of Restriction
RP 04-04; Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency; 2005-0579754; Notice of Restriction
RP 04-12; Daly, William & Rosa; 2005-0579753; Notice of Restriction
RP 04-17; 507 Pine Assoicates LLC; 2005-0791799; Notice of Restriction
RP 04-24; Tamarack Park LLC; 2008-0013505; Notice of Restriction
RP 05-01; Sharipova, Aminet; 2006-0531158; Notice of Restriction
RP 05-10A; 3044 STATE STREET LLC; 2011-0344511; Notice of Restriction
RP 05-11; Wave Crest Ocean Front LLC; 2010-0261677; Notice of Restriction
RP 05-12A; City of Carlsbad; 2013-0623951; Notice of Restriction
RP 06-01; Laguna Breeze Condominiums LLC; 2008-0428135; Notice of Restriction
RP 06-03; City Of Carlsbad; 2008-0311060; Notice of Restriction
RP 10-46; City of Carlsbad; 2012-0167446; Notice of Restriction
RP 11-35; San Diego Gas and Electric Company; 2012-0755208; Notice of Restriction
RP 12-13; Army Navy Academy; 2012-0640579; Notice of Restriction
RP 12-24; Accardi, Leonard A; 2012-0404947; Notice of Restriction
RP 12-27; Vigne, Thomas; 2012-0788091; Notice of Restriction
RP 12-28; Benjamin, Mark; 2013-0252573; Notice of Restriction
RP 12-30; Madfi LLC; 2013-0091068; Notice of Restriction
RP 13-01; Tram, Lien; 2013-0715002; Notice of Restriction
RP 13-05; Roosevelt Tamarack Investments LP; 2013-0525821; Notice of Restriction
RP 13-13; Lancer Industries Inc; 2013-0729617; Notice of Restriction
RP 14-04; William V Daly; 2015-0078869; Notice of Restriction
RP 14-10; Laguna Breeze Condominiums, LLC; 2015-0232276; Notice of Restriction
RP 14-14; Quonset Development LLC; 2015-0187422; Notice of Restriction
RP 14-15; Quonset Development LLC; 2015-0187425; Notice of Restriction
RP 14-22; ; 2016-0092627; Notice of Restriction
RP 14-23; Lakritz Family Partnership, LP; 2015-0480496; Notice of Restriction
RP 15-02; Lakritz Family Partnership, LP; 2015-0380168; Notice of Restriction
RP 15-11; Fuller, Jeffrey and Karen; 2016-0079545; Notice of Restriction
RP 15-12; St. Michael's by the Sea; 2015-0569462; Notice of Restriction
RP 15-13; Michael K. Gusky Trust and Susan K. Calvert; 2015-0544379; Notice of Restriction
RP 15-16; First BMS Properties LLC; 2017-0127301; Notice of Restriction
RP 15-16; First BMS Properties LLC; 2021-0854686; Notice of Restriction
RP 15-18; Lucas Tyler Properties LLC; 2015-0619798; Notice of Restriction
RP 15-19; Roosevelt-Tamarack Investment Prpty Holdings LLC; 2016-0159302; Notice of Restriction
RP 15-21; Quonset Development, LLC; 2016-0083028; Notice of Restriction
RP 15-23; SVF, LLC; 2016-0059943; Notice of Restriction
RP 16-01; Army and Navy Academy; 2016-0614335; Notice of Restriction
RP 16-05; Carlsbad Village LLC; 2020-0304350; Notice of Restriction
RP 16-12; Bartell, Arthur Miles; 2017-0369398; Notice of Restriction
RP 2017-0002; Garner Family Trust B; 2017-0268354; Notice of Restriction
RP 2017-0014; Parish of St Michaels By the Sea; 2018-0325058; Notice of Restriction
RP 2018-0007; Roosevelt/Tamarack Investments Property Holding; 2018-0458860; Notice of Restriction
RP 2018-0009; Esfahani, Mojtaba and Azita Vakili; 2019-0223090; Notice of Restriction
RP 92-10A; Butler Properties LLC; 2016-0099225; Notice of Restriction
RP 95-02; Parker, Oakley; 1996-0450432; Notice of Restriction
RP 96-03; Thatcher, Charlotte; 1996-0524726; Notice of Restriction
RP 97-01; Sterling Development Corporation; 1997-0416819; Notice of Restriction
RP 99-04; Meissner, Lyndie M.; 2000-0225693; Notice of Restriction
RP 99-11A; Extended Stay CA Inc; 2001-0286764; Notice of Restriction
SA 09-01; Cabrillo Power I LLC; 2009-0180835; Notice of Restriction
SDP 00-06; Grider, Daniel W; 2001-0156231; Notice of Restriction
SDP 00-06B; Daybreak Community Church; 2012-0640582; Notice of Restriction
SDP 00-13; Ocean Villas; 2001-0501854; Notice of Restriction
SDP 00-16; Pirineos Pointe LLC; 2002-0164834; Notice of Restriction
SDP 00-17; Carlsbad Apartments LP; 2003-0459061; Notice of Restriction
SDP 00-18; Ayoub, Salim; 2002-0913316; Notice of Restriction
SDP 01-01B; Ascent Biltmore Carlsbad LLC; 2005-1001388; Notice of Restriction
SDP 01-01B; Ascent Biltmore Carlsbad LLC; 2005-1001389; Notice of Restriction
SDP 01-05; Calavera Hills II; 2003-0270123; Notice of Restriction
SDP 01-05; McMillan Companies LLC and Tamarack Properties; 2003-0270116; Notice of Restriction
SDP 01-05; McMillan Companies LLC and Tamarack Properties; 2003-0270119; Notice of Restriction
SDP 01-06; Continental Residential Inc; 2001-0970856; Notice of Restriction
SDP 01-07; Continental Residential Inc; 2001-0970857; Notice of Restriction
SDP 01-14; Richard and Richard Construction; 2002-0976609; Notice of Restriction
SDP 01-17; Dove Family Housing Associates LP; 2003-0846393; Notice of Restriction
SDP 01-17; Dove Family Housing Associates LP; 2003-0846396; Notice of Restriction
SDP 01-17; Dove Family Housing Associates LP; 2003-0846397; Notice of Restriction
SDP 02-05; Real Estate Collateral Management Co; 2004-0788478; Notice of Restriction
SDP 02-06; Palomar Cannon Partnership; 2003-0846394; Notice of Restriction
SDP 02-06; Palomar Cannon Partnership; 2003-0846395; Notice of Restriction
SDP 02-11; LMD Carlsbad; 2003-0552055; Notice of Restriction
SDP 02-12; Eggebrecht Las Vista LLC; 2003-1229932; Notice of Restriction
SDP 02-13; City of Carlsbad; 2005-1001316; Notice of Restriction
SDP 03-06; Sea Bisquit Inc; 2004-0174150; Notice of Restriction
SDP 03-06; Sea Bisquit Inc; 2004-0174151; Notice of Restriction
SDP 03-07; Shea Homes LP; 2004-0068107; Notice of Restriction
SDP 03-09; Centex Homes; 2004-0109897; Notice of Restriction
SDP 03-10; Pulte Home Corp; 2004-0174153; Notice of Restriction
SDP 03-10; Pulte Homes; 2004-0174154; Notice of Restriction
SDP 03-12; Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC; 2004-0256502; Notice of Restriction
SDP 03-13; Keystone Carlsbad 28 LLC; 2004-0740850; Notice of Restriction
SDP 03-14; DW Oaks South LP; 2004-0300268; Notice of Restriction
SDP 03-14; DW Oaks South LP; 2004-0300275; Notice of Restriction
SDP 03-15; Casa Laguna II LLC; 2004-0691366; Notice of Restriction
SDP 03-16; Carlsbad Office Plaza #1 LP; 2004-0493900; Notice of Restriction
SDP 04-02; North Coast Calvery Chapel; 2005-0624254; Notice of Restriction
SDP 04-04; Pulte Home Corp; 2005-0054773; Notice of Restriction
SDP 05-01; Goldstein, Bernard; 2007-0636662; Notice of Restriction
SDP 05-02; Beckman/Faraday LLC; 2005-0916261; Notice of Restriction
SDP 05-02; Beckman/Faraday LLC; 2005-0916264; Notice of Restriction
SDP 05-04; SC Hotel LLC; 2014-0369838; Notice of Restriction
SDP 05-06; Zathas, John; 2007-0276184; Notice of Restriction
SDP 05-07; Acacia Estates Inc; 2006-0756591; Notice of Restriction
SDP 05-09; Makhachev, Khanna; 2006-0531159; Notice of Restriction
SDP 05-15; Santa Fe La Costa LLC; 2009-0117660; Notice of Restriction
SDP 05-17; Donald, Peter C.; 2007-0113917; Notice of Restriction
SDP 05-18A; ECR Corporate Center; 2007-0636665; Notice of Restriction
SDP 06-01; Mast, Dean; 2006-0714464; Notice of Restriction
SDP 06-02; Palomar Korean Church; 2008-0605597; Notice of Restriction
SDP 06-03; Fenton Carlsbad Research Center LLC; 2007-0108927; Notice of Restriction
SDP 06-04; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2007-0693417; Notice of Restriction
SDP 06-05; County Of San Diego; 2008-0407825; Notice of Restriction
SDP 06-06; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2008-0100029; Notice of Restriction
SDP 06-06A; Calavera Hills II LLC; 2010-0194876; Notice of Restriction
SDP 06-08; Sandwell, David and Barbara; 2006-0927065; Notice of Restriction
SDP 06-09; OGara, Michael D and Vicki B; 2007-0579490; Notice of Restriction
SDP 06-12A; HARDING 3568 LLC; 2012-0036358; Notice of Restriction
SDP 06-13; Aspirations, Inc.; 2007-0389153; Notice of Restriction
SDP 08-02; City of Carlsbad; 2009-0060118; Notice of Restriction
SDP 09-04; City of Carlsbad; 2013-0598463; Notice of Restriction
SDP 09-04; CMF PCR LLC Westfield; 2013-0652800; Notice of Restriction
SDP 09-04; Plaza Camino Real Westfield; 2013-0652801; Notice of Restriction
SDP 09-05; COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, DPW AIRPORTS; 2011-0046985; Notice of Restriction
SDP 10-01; SHARP FAMILY LTD PARTNERSHIP; 2011-0046986; Notice of Restriction
SDP 10-01A; Sharp Family LTD partnership; 2013-0451257; Notice of Restriction
SDP 11-02; Merlin Entertainment Group US Holding Inc; 2012-0131245; Notice of Restriction
SDP 11-03; EVERGREEN HEBRON LP; 2012-0036357; Notice of Restriction
SDP 11-04; LA COSTA BLUFFS LLC; 2012-0036359; Notice of Restriction
SDP 11-05; LA COSTA BLUFFS LLC; 2012-0036362; Notice of Restriction
SDP 11-06; LA COSTA BLUFFS LLC; 2012-0036360; Notice of Restriction
SDP 11-07; LA COSTA BLUFFS LLC; 2012-0036361; Notice of Restriction
SDP 12-01; Coastal Living LLC; 2012-0540230; Notice of Restriction
SDP 12-02; EVER ENDEAVORS LLC; 2012-0706260; Notice of Restriction
SDP 12-03; Carlsbad Preschool Limited Partnership; 2012-0471818; Notice of Restriction
SDP 12-04; Hoehn Enterprise 1, LLC; 2014-0202114; Notice of Restriction
SDP 12-05; Faith Community Church; 2014-0369837; Notice of Restriction
SDP 12-06; Cottage Row Carlsbad LLC; 2013-0548992; Notice of Restriction
SDP 13-01; JD Rock Dove LLC; 2013-0338924; Notice of Restriction
SDP 13-02; Development Solutions 2LAC LLC; 2013-0525820; Notice of Restriction
SDP 13-04; 369 Juniper Acq LLC; 2014-0016715; Notice of Restriction
SDP 14-01; Ninos I LP; 2014-0346820; Notice of Restriction
SDP 14-03; CP Juniper, LLC; 2015-0251029; Notice of Restriction
SDP 14-05; Julie Sun; 2015-0115354; Notice of Restriction
SDP 14-06; Hoehn Enterprise 2 LLC; 2015-0151231; Notice of Restriction
SDP 14-07; Baker Parking, LLC; 2015-0151234; Notice of Restriction
SDP 14-08; Rancho Costera LLC; 2016-0186637; Notice of Restriction
SDP 14-09; RREG Investments Series, LLC Series I013; 2015-0151235; Notice of Restriction
SDP 15-04; Avenida Encinas, LP; 2015-0481040; Notice of Restriction
SDP 15-09A; Bressi Industrial LLC; 2016-0524204; Notice of Restriction
SDP 15-10; SR22 Carlsbad Oaks Distribution, LLC; 2016-0024890; Notice of Restriction
SDP 15-13; Casa Aldea Carlsbad LP; 2017-0168227; Notice of Restriction
SDP 15-18; Harding Street Neighbors LP; 2021-0703172; Notice of Restriction
SDP 15-22; LMV Carlsbad Holdings LP; 2016-0659386; Notice of Restriction
SDP 15-23; Hoag, Tim; 2023-0231887; Notice of Restriction
SDP 15-24; Merlin Entertainments Group US Holdings Inc; 2016-0208576; Notice of Restriction
SDP 15-25; Carlsbad Oaks Partners LLC; 2016-0325938; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-01; CR Sea Otter LLC; 2016-0291850; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-02; Carlsbad Industrial Park LP; 2016-0370555; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-03; Hughes Whiptail LLC; 2016-0400609; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-04; Moorpark Venture LP; 2016-0538015; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-05; Carlsbad Oaks East Ventures LP; 2016-0370560; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-09; BMR-Gazelle LP; 2016-0631998; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-10; RAF Pacifica Group Development Fund I LLC; 2016-0692246; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-12; Affirmed Housing Group; 2020-0408275; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-13; Affirmed Housing Group; 2020-0408273; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-15; Victory Carlsbad Oaks Innovation Center LP; 2017-0033864; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-16; Victory Carlsbad Oaks Innovation Center LP; 2017-0033944; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-18; RAF Group Raceway LLC; 2017-0168888; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-19; RAF Group Raceway LLC; 2017-0168889; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-23; RAF Group Bressi Ranch LLC; 2017-0220173; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-24; Merlin Entertainments Group US Holdings Inc; 2017-0330082; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-25; Merlin Entertainments Group US Holdings Inc; 2017-0521212; Notice of Restriction
SDP 16-26; Merlin Entertainment Group US Holdings Inc; 2017-0193074; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2016-0001; RAF Group Lot 24 LLC; 2017-0281059; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2017-0001; Hoehn Group LLC; 2017-0485313; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2017-0004; Life Technologies; 2017-0557879; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2017-0005; Build to Suit Limited LP; 2018-0238302; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2017-0006; Steadfast Carlsbad Senior LLC; 2018-0481706; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2017-0009; Callaway Golf Company; 2018-0328648; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2018-0004; BNR Investment & Development LLC; 2021-0168367; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2018-0004; Desai, Nilesh K.; 2022-0321026; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2018-0011; Gomex, Michael; 2019-0038588; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2018-0015; BRFI Carlsbad LLC; 2019-0167740; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2018-0017; Merlin Entertainment Group US Holdings Inc; 2019-0147293; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2018-0023; Victory Carlsbad Oaks Innovation Center LP; 2019-0144788; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2019-0002; Satterly, Russ; 2020-0058037; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2019-0003; Nextmed III; 2020-0534319; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2019-0005; AN Motors of Ft. Lauderdale Inc; 2021-0487642; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2019-0009; AG-SW Palomar Owner LP; 2020-0537224; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2019-0010; Kolesar, Brandon; 2020-0006436; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2019-0015; Sonny Investments LLC; 2022-0032768; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2020-0005; El Salto Falls LLC; 2022-0193715; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2021-0003; Hepfer, Eric; 2022-0193714; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2021-0005; BAKER PARKING, LLC; 2022-0106010; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2021-0007; S. C. Hotel LLC; 2021-0743891; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2021-0016; CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH VENTURES LP; 2024-0147965; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2021-0029; Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc; 2023-0190708; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2021-0030; State and Oak - Carlsbad LLC; 2022-0298824; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2022-0003; H.G. Fenton Property Company; 2023-0157228; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2022-0004; Stocks, Kurt; 2022-0324320; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2022-0009; Sterling Development Corporation; 2023-0077564; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2022-0015; CState LLC; 2023-0069913; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2023-0003; Merlin Entertainments Group U.S. Holdings Inc; 2023-0271648; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2023-0012; Merlin Entertainments; 2024-0228726; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2023-0016; Brooking, Eric; 2024-0241886; Notice of Restriction
SDP 2023-0017; Catalyst II LLC; 2024-0016914; Notice of Restriction
SDP 78-03C; Azure Investors LLC; 2002-0654148; Notice of Restriction
SDP 82-03B; Donahue Schriber Realty Group LP; 2000-0621492; Notice of Restriction
SDP 86-02E; Aviara Residence Club Owners Association; 2018-0016438; Notice of Restriction
SDP 86-03A; La Costa Village Inc; 1998-0849878; Notice of Restriction
SDP 88-04B; Hoehn Group LLC; 2003-0362097; Notice of Restriction
SDP 88-09B; Rekab Properties; 2009-0410126; Notice of Restriction
SDP 89-07A; Odmark & Thelan/Davidson Companies Partnership; 1996-0500715; Notice of Restriction
SDP 90-05E; Costco Wholesale Corporation; 2000-0718892; Notice of Restriction
SDP 90-05F; Oscar's Carlsbad LLC; 2001-0251837; Notice of Restriction
SDP 90-05G; Oscar's Carlsbad LLC; 2013-0252572; Notice of Restriction
SDP 93-01; Winter, Ray & Barbara; 1994-0398735; Notice of Restriction
SDP 93-06; City of Carlsbad; 1994-0645096; Notice of Restriction
SDP 93-06; City of Carlsbad; 1997-0108894; Notice of Restriction
SDP 94-06; Gemological Institute of America Inc; 1995-0392644; Notice of Restriction
SDP 94-06B; GIA; 2004-1201220; Notice of Restriction
SDP 95-01; Carlsbad Laurel Tree Apartments LP; 1998-0734568; Notice of Restriction
SDP 95-01; Carlsbad Laurel Tree Apartments LP; 1998-0734569; Notice of Restriction
SDP 95-01; Carlsbad Laurel Tree Apartments LP; 1999-0503425; Notice of Restriction
SDP 95-01; Carlsbad Laurel Tree Apt. LP; 1998-0806537; Notice of Restriction
SDP 95-05; Coscan Davidson Homes Inc; 1995-0294462; Notice of Restriction
SDP 95-08; Jones Family Trust; 1997-0063803; Notice of Restriction
SDP 95-08A; Stellar Properties LLC; 2003-0552058; Notice of Restriction
SDP 95-09; National Association of Music Merchants; 1996-0347412; Notice of Restriction
SDP 95-14; Richmond American Homes Inc; 1997-0050364; Notice of Restriction
SDP 96-01; Grand Pacific Palisades Hotel LP; 2018-0460501; Notice of Restriction
SDP 96-02A; Rev William Rowland; 2016-0030471; Notice of Restriction
SDP 96-03; Craig Realty Group-Carlsbad LLC; 1997-0123943; Notice of Restriction
SDP 96-03; Craig Realty Group-Carlsbad LLC; 1997-0123944; Notice of Restriction
SDP 96-06A; Gemological Institute of America Inc; 2002-0716951; Notice of Restriction
SDP 96-08; Jaeger, Chester & Eileen; 1997-0087389; Notice of Restriction
SDP 96-13; Lister, Ronald & Colleen; 1997-0637533; Notice of Restriction
SDP 96-14; Legoland Carlsbad AG; 1997-0391747; Notice of Restriction
SDP 96-14; Legoland Estates AG; 1997-0391746; Notice of Restriction
SDP 96-14B; Legoland California LLC; 2006-0398658; Notice of Restriction
SDP 96-14F; Merlin Entertainments Group; 2010-0146897; Notice of Restriction
SDP 96-14I; Merlin Entertainments Group US Holdings Inc; 2016-0584717; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-05; KREG/OC LP; 1997-0391656; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-05; KREG/OC LP; 1997-0391657; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-07B; City of Carlsbad; 2006-0809660; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-08B; H G Fenton Company/Fenton Carlsbad LLC; 2005-0335458; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-10; Suleiman, Ayman & Mazen; 1997-0603815; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-10; Suleiman, Ayman & Mazen; 1997-0603869; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-12; Spieker Properties LP; 1998-0362387; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-12; Spieker Properties LP; 1998-0362388; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-13; KREG-OC LP; 1998-0062255; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-14; KREG Operating Company; 1998-0125223; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-17; Blair, Cynthia & Martin, Palisoul, Philip & Pamela; 1998-0656911; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-17; Palisoul & Blair; 1998-0656876; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-19; Wave Crest Resorts LLC; 1999-0383541; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-24; Winter, Barbara & Ray; 1998-0847683; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-25; Kelly Corporate Center I LLC; 2000-0383929; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-25; Kelly Ranch Corporate Center I LLC; 2000-0383930; Notice of Restriction
SDP 97-25; Kelly Ranch Corporate Center I LLC; 2000-0383931; Notice of Restriction
SDP 98-02; Sierra Capital Corporate Advisors; 1998-0849871; Notice of Restriction
SDP 98-06; Hoehn Group; 1999-0217968; Notice of Restriction
SDP 98-06A; Hoehn Group, LLC; 2014-0202115; Notice of Restriction
SDP 98-08; Saitama Nissan USA Corporation; 1999-0073933; Notice of Restriction
SDP 98-10; Jefferson Aviara LLC; 1999-0076076; Notice of Restriction
SDP 98-11; Lot 15 Carlsbad Ranch LLC; 1999-0069461; Notice of Restriction
SDP 98-11; Lot 15 Carlsbad Ranch LLC; 1999-0069462; Notice of Restriction
SDP 98-14; KEYSTONE CARLSBAD LLC; 1999-0096042; Notice of Restriction
SDP 98-19; Manzanita Partners LLC; 2004-0174152; Notice of Restriction
SDP 98-19; Manzanita Partners LLC; 2004-0174155; Notice of Restriction
SDP 98-23; Prentiss Properties Acquisition Partners LP; 2000-0641753; Notice of Restriction
SDP 99-01; WESTERN PACIFIC HOUSING-EL CAMINO LLC; 1999-0671869; Notice of Restriction
SDP 99-07; Rancho La Costa Village LLC; 2002-0288748; Notice of Restriction
SDU 00-03; Martin, Vern W.; 2000-0225694; Notice of Restriction
SDU 00-09; Keany, Michael & Laura; 2000-0513442; Notice of Restriction
SDU 00-17; Seaview Residential LLC; 2000-0488490; Notice of Restriction
SDU 00-18; Seaview Residential LLC; 2000-0488493; Notice of Restriction
SDU 00-19; Beeson, William & Yvonne; 2000-0641752; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-01; OGara, Michael & Vicki; 2001-0431857; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-02; Continental Residential Inc; 2001-0431856; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-03; Continental Residential Inc; 2001-0501868; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-04; Continental Residential Inc; 2001-0501861; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-05; Continental Residential Inc; 2001-0501860; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-06; Continental Residential Inc; 2001-0501859; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-07; Continental Residential Inc; 2001-0501867; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-12; Continental Residential Inc; 2001-0501866; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-13; Continental Residential Inc; 2001-0501865; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-14; Continental Residential Inc; 2001-0501864; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-15; Continental Residential Inc; 2001-0501863; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-16; Continental Residential Inc; 2001-0501862; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-17; CRV Carlsbad LP; 2001-0745355; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-24; Lee, John & Barbara; 2002-0112849; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-25; Lehman, Matthew; 2002-0112850; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-26; Zagara, Joseph & Desiree; 2002-0112848; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-29; McDowell, Scot & Suzanna; 2002-0112851; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-30; CRV Carlsbad LP; 2001-0745356; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-31; CRV Carlsbad LP; 2001-0745357; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-32; CRV Carlsbad LP; 2002-0445740; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-34; CRV Carlsbad LP; 2002-0288750; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-35; Danna, Armando & Dora; 2002-0150291; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-36; CRV Carlsbad LP; 2002-0288751; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-37; CRV Carlsbad LP; 2002-0288752; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-38; CRV Carlsbad LP; 2002-0288753; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-39; Ryland Homes Of California Inc; 2002-0164583; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-40; Ryland Homes Of California Inc; 2002-0164591; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-41; Ryland Homes Of California Inc; 2002-0164590; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-42; Ryland Homes Of California Inc; 2002-0164589; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-43; Ryland Homes Of California Inc; 2002-0164588; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-44; Ryland Homes Of California Inc; 2002-0164587; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-45; Ryland Homes Of California Inc; 2002-0176732; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-46; Ryland Homes Of California Inc; 2002-0164586; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-47; Ryland Homes Of California Inc; 2002-0164585; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-48; Ryland Homes Of California Inc; 2002-0164584; Notice of Restriction
SDU 01-49; Ryland Homes Of California Inc; 2002-0221635; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-01A; Hollabaugh, Michael D.; 2003-0153043; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-04; LB/L-Concordia Carlsbad 19 LLC; 2002-1028499; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-05; LB/L-Concordia Carlsbad 19 LLC; 2002-1028503; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-06; LB/L-Concordia Carlsbad 19 LLC; 2002-1028502; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-07; Palenscar, Karen; 2002-0865063; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-09; CRV Carlsbad LP; 2002-0654146; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-10; CRV Carlsbad LP; 2002-0654145; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-12; CH Sunny Creek LLC; 2003-0459062; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-13; Ashcraft, Elsie; 2002-0913315; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-17; CH Sunny Creek LLC; 2003-0459066; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-18; CH Sunny Creek LLC; 2003-0459089; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-19; CH Sunny Creek LLC; 2003-0459060; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-20; CH Sunny Creek LLC; 2003-0459059; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-21; CH Sunny Creek LLC; 2003-0459063; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-22; Schmidt, Ila; 2003-0459092; Notice of Restriction
SDU 02-22; Worthing, Brooks & Pamela; 2003-0459093; Notice of Restriction
SDU 03-01; CH Sunny Creek LLC; 2003-0552057; Notice of Restriction
SDU 03-02; CH Sunny Creek LLC; 2003-0552056; Notice of Restriction
SDU 03-03; Ocheltree, Paul & Marilyn; 2003-1156672; Notice of Restriction
SDU 03-05; CH Sunny Creek LLC; 2003-0552051; Notice of Restriction
SDU 03-06; CH Sunny Creek LLC; 2003-0552052; Notice of Restriction
SDU 03-07; CH Sunny Creek LLC; 2003-0552053; Notice of Restriction
SDU 94-01; Ladwig, Robert & Barbara; 1994-0538139; Notice of Restriction
SDU 94-02; Casler, John A. & Mary H.; 1994-0693442; Notice of Restriction
SDU 94-03; Osburn, Denny; 1995-0006775; Notice of Restriction
SDU 95-01; Dunning, Kirk; 1995-0134449; Notice of Restriction
SDU 95-02; Burt, Kenneth & Sharon; 1995-0357259; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-01; Kellett, Patrick & Leanne; 1998-0130880; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-03; Centex Homes; 1997-0510116; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-04; Centex Homes; 1997-0510470; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-05; Centex Homes; 1997-0575107; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-06; Centex Homes; 1997-0575108; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-07; Centex Homes; 1997-0575109; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-08; Centex Homes; 1997-0510471; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-09; Centex Homes; 1997-0510469; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-10; Centex Homes; 1997-0510119; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-11; Centex Homes; 1997-0510118; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-12; Centex Homes; 1997-0510117; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-14; Centex Homes; 1997-0633830; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-15; Centex Homes; 1997-0633831; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-16; Centex Homes; 1997-0633832; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-17; Centex Homes; 1997-0633833; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-18; Centex Homes; 1997-0633834; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-19; Centex Homes; 1997-0633835; Notice of Restriction
SDU 97-21; Hinkley Family Trust; 1998-0154426; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-01; Elder, Michael & Jinny Ann; 1998-0125215; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-07; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0656975; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-08; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0656979; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-09; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0656978; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-09; Poinsettia Housing Associates LP; 1999-0807486; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-10; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0656977; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-11; Continental Ranch Inc; 1998-0656976; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-12; Centex Homes; 1998-0496179; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-13; Centex Homes; 1998-0496180; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-14; Centex Homes; 1998-0496181; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-15; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0517476; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-16; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0517475; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-17; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0517474; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-18; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0517473; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-19; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0517472; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-20; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0517477; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-21; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0517478; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-22; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0517479; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-23; Shea Homes LP; 1999-0517480; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-24; Monarch Communities; 1999-0517481; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-25; Monarch Communities; 1999-0517482; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-26; Monarch Communities; 1999-0524034; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-27; Monarch Communities; 1999-0524035; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-28; Monarch Communities; 1999-0524036; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-29; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1998-0656920; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-30; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1998-0656921; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-31; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1998-0656922; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-32; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1998-0656923; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-33; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1998-0656924; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-34; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1998-0656925; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-35; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1998-0786665; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-36; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1998-0786666; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-37; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1998-0786667; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-38; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1998-0786668; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-39; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1998-0786669; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-40; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1998-0786670; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-42; Sherman, Craig W.; 1999-0217824; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-43; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1999-0039221; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-44; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1999-0039222; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-45; 2728 Holding Corporation; 1999-0039223; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-46; 2728 Holding Company; 1999-0039224; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-47; 2728 Holding Company; 1999-0039225; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-48; 2728 Holding Company; 1999-0039226; Notice of Restriction
SDU 98-49; Ramero, George D.; 1999-0170744; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-02; Montes, Jacquelyn & Jose R.; 1999-0524029; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-05; 2728 Holding Company; 2000-0238730; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-06; 2728 Holding Company; 2000-0238731; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-08; 2728 Holding Company; 2000-0238732; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-08; 2728 Holding Company; 2000-0238733; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-09; 2728 Holding Company; 2000-0238734; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-10; Continental Homes; 1999-0807487; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-11; Continental Homes; 1999-0807488; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-12; Continental Homes; 1999-0807489; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-13; Continental Homes; 1999-0807490; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-14; Continental Homes; 1999-0807478; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-15; Continental Homes; 1999-0807479; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-16; Continental Homes; 1999-0807480; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-17; Continental Homes; 1999-0807481; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-18; DR Horton San Diego Holding Co; 1999-0644660; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-19; DR Horton San Diego Holding Co; 1999-0644663; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-20; DR Horton San Diego Holding Co; 1999-0644661; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-21; DR Horton San Diego Holding Co; 1999-0644662; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-26; Clare, Helen; 1999-0494289; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-27; Grosse, William & Lisa; 1999-0623965; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-31; Toll Land XXIII LP; 1999-0781557; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-33; Monarch Communities; 2000-0056311; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-34; Monarch Communities; 2000-0056310; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-35; Monarch Communities; 2000-0056309; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-36; Monarch Communities; 2000-0056308; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-37; Monarch Communities; 2000-0056307; Notice of Restriction
SDU 99-38; Toll Land XXIII LP; 1999-0807485; Notice of Restriction
SP 146D; Carlsbad Plaza LLC; 2009-0410124; Notice of Restriction
SP 187B; PK I NORTH COUNTY PLAZA LP; 2012-0036356; Notice of Restriction
SP 201; La Costa Downs LP; 1995-0251467; Notice of Restriction
SP 201; La Costa Downs LP; 1995-0251469; Notice of Restriction
SP 201; La Costa Downs LP; 1995-0251471; Notice of Restriction
SP 201; La Costa Downs LP; 1995-0251473; Notice of Restriction
SP 201; La Costa Downs LP; 1995-0251475; Notice of Restriction
SP 201; La Costa Downs LP; 1995-0251477; Notice of Restriction
SP 201; La Costa Downs LP; 1995-0251479; Notice of Restriction
SP 201; La Costa Downs LP; 1995-0251482; Notice of Restriction
SP 201; La Costa Downs LP; 1995-0251484; Notice of Restriction
SP 201; MB Shores Corp; 1999-0813856; Notice of Restriction
SP 208; Mathis, Dennis & Robin; 2002-0976612; Notice of Restriction
SP 208; Mathis, Dennis; 2002-1155716; Notice of Restriction
SUP 00-12; JJL Enterprises; 2003-0995763; Notice of Restriction
SUP 00-12; JJL Enterprises; 2003-0995764; Notice of Restriction
SUP 01-01; Lennar Bressi Ranch Venture LLC; 2003-0362106; Notice of Restriction
SUP 04-06; Humphrey, Mary; 2005-0427118; Notice of Restriction
SUP 04-11; Rio San Diego Plaza II Master LLC; 2006-0651019; Notice of Restriction
SUP 05-12; Khaled Chehade Family Trust; 2010-0146898; Notice of Restriction
SUP 06-10; Cabrillo Power I LLC; 2006-0902694; Notice of Restriction
SUP 06-10x1; Cabrillo Power LLC; 2012-0640581; Notice of Restriction
SUP 06-11; Robertson, Brian and Gary co trustees; 2007-0781703; Notice of Restriction
SUP 06-12; City of Carlsbad; 2007-0781702; Notice of Restriction
SUP 07-03; HANSON AGGREGATES PACIFIC SOUTHWEST INC; 2011-0172077; Notice of Restriction
SUP 07-07; Humphrey, Mary; 2008-0612034; Notice of Restriction
SUP 12-01; LC Investment 2010 Inc; 2013-0252574; Notice of Restriction
SUP 2018-0002; Burdick, Alvin; 2019-0144796; Notice of Restriction
SUP 2018-0008; MacInnes, Bret; 2019-0126676; Notice of Restriction
SUP 2022-0001; LC INVESTMENT 2010 LLC; 2023-0010169; Notice of Restriction
SUP 2022-0007; Venier, Deborah; 2023-0201088; Notice of Restriction
SUP 2024-0006; Amparano, Gregory J; 2025-0053797; Notice of Restriction
SUP 98-04; Bristol Cove Property Owners Association; 1998-0462392; Notice of Restriction
SUP 99-03; General American Life Insurance Company; 2003-0210190; Notice of Restriction
V 09-01; VPI Bressi Storage LLC; 2010-0261678; Notice of Restriction
V 11-03; Jacinto, Paul and Elizabeth; 2012-0333368; Notice of Restriction
V 2017-0009; Bressi Retail LLC; 2018-0410921; Notice of Restriction
V 2018-0010; BG Consolidated LLC; 2021-0194057; Notice of Restriction
V 2023-0007; Jensen, Keith; 2024-0016918; Notice of Restriction
ZC 01-12; Lockett, Randall; 2005-0183317; Notice of Restriction
ZC 01-12; Lockett, Randall; 2005-0183321; Notice of Restriction
ZC 04-01; Blackrail LLC; 2006-0210043; Notice of Restriction
ZC 04-01; Blackrail LLC; 2006-0210051; Notice of Restriction
ZC 98-08; Standard Pacific Corporation; 2003-0459091; Notice of Restriction