HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-25; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; ; Adopt Resolution Adopting Amendment No. 1 to the By-Laws with Respect to the Date, Time, and Location for Regular Meetings of the Board2021-03-25; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; ; Approval of Agreement with San Diego Gas & Electric for the Procurement of Long-Term Renewable Power Supply2021-03-25; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; ; Approve Clean Impact Plus as Name for 50% Renewable/75% Carbon Free Power Supply2021-03-25; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; ; Approve Terms and Conditions. for Clean Energy Alliance Renewable Energy Self-Generation Bill Credit Transfer Program2021-03-25; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; ; Clean Energy Alliance Operational, Administrative and Regulatory Affairs Update2021-03-25; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; ; Clean Energy Alliance Treasurer's Report2021-03-25; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; ; Receive Presentation and Provide Direction Regarding Consideration of Joining California Community Power Joint Powers Authority for Purposes of Joint Procurement2021-03-25; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; ; Update on Clean Energy Alliance Member Agency Default Power Supply Selections and Net Energy Metering Customer Enrollments2021-03-25; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; Agendas2021-03-25; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; Minutes2021-03-25; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; Resolution 2021-009