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2021-04-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvement Project
2021-04-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Faraday Avenue and Palmer Way Intersection Control Evaluation
2021-04-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Fiscal Year 2019-20 Growth Management Plan/General Plan Annual Monitoring Report Circulation Section: Roadway Level of Service Analysis
2021-04-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Local Roadway Safety Plan Stakeholder Group
2021-04-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; POLICE REPORT
2021-04-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Restripe Tamarack Avenue to accommodate on-street parking from Saddle Drive to Knollwood Drive
2021-04-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; Agendas
2021-04-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; Meeting Video
2021-04-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; Minutes