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2022-07-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Carlsbad Boulevard Restriping between Manzano Drive and Island Way, Bike Lane Improvements at Five Locations on Carlsbad Boulevard and Three Sustainable Mobility Plan Bik
2022-07-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Fiscal Year 2022-23 Traffic & Mobility Commission Workplan
2022-07-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Police Report Regarding Traffic & Mobility-Related Matters During the Month of June 2022
2022-07-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Preliminary Conceptual Design of the South Carlsbad Boulevard Climate Adaptation Project
2022-07-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Update on Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street Pedestrian Signal Projec
2022-07-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; Agendas
2022-07-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; Minutes