HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-11-05; Planning Commission; ; MP 177U|GPA 97-06|LCPA 97-06 - AVIARA PHASE III NORTH&.de City of CARLSBAD Planning Departmbaaa: rtffl)__ A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: November 5, 1997 ItemNo.@ Application complete date: August 8, 1997 Project Planner: Michael Grim Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham SUBJECT: MP 177(0)/GPA 97-06/LCP A 97-06 -A VIARA PHASE III NORTH-Request for a Master Plan Amendment, General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment to revise the density allocations, planning area boundaries and development standards of A viara Planning Areas 18, 19 and 20 in A viara Phase III, located on the east side of Ambrosia Lane, north and south of Poinsettia Lane, in Local Facilities Management Zone 19. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 4193, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director, and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 4194, 4195 and 4196, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of a Master Plan Amendment, General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The proposal involves legislative actions for Planning Areas 18, 19 and 20, located in the northern section of A viara Phase III, at the intersection of Ambrosia Lane and Poinsettia Lane. The amendments to the A viara Master Plan would allow three distinct actions: the merging of Planning Area 18 and 20 into a new Planning Area 18; the revision of Planning Area 18 development standards to reflect an apartment development; and the transfer of 70 dwelling units from Planning Area 19 to the new Planning Area 18. The General Plan Amendment would exchange the land use designations on the sites, designating the new Planning Area 18 as RH and Planning Area 19 as RMH. A Local Coastal Program Amendment is necessary to maintain consistency between the Aviara Master Plan, General Plan and the City's Local Coastal Program. The project conforms to all applicable regulations and staff has no issues with the proposal. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND A viara Land Associates is requesting approval of a Master Plan Amendment, General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment to revise three planning areas in Phase III of the A viara Master Plan. The proposal involves combining Planning Areas 18 and 20, both of which now possess multi-family condominium standards, into one planning area (designated PA 18) with multi-family apartment standards. In addition to the planning area merger, the proposal would allow a transfer of 70 dwelling units from Planning Area 19 to the new Planning Area 18. A General Plan Amendment is also necessary to accomplish this unit transfer, thus designating 0 MP 177(U)/GPA 97-06/LCi-A 97-06 -AVIARA PHASE III NOR1n November 5, 1997 Pae 2 Planning Area 19 as Residential Medium High Density (RMH) and the new Planning Area 18 as Residential High Density (RH). All three planning areas are zoned Planned Community (P-C) and are currently being graded in conformance with the Aviara Phase III subdivision map and grading permit (CT 92-03). The sites are bound by Ambrosia Lane to the west and south, the master plan boundary and partially developed residential property in Zone 21 to the east, and the future Zone 19 community park to the north. Poinsettia Lane splits the project site, with Planning Area 19 to the north and Planning Areas 18 and 20 to the south. All sites would take access off of Ambrosia Lane, regardless of the eventual planning area development. The physical development of Planning Areas 18 and 20 is anticipated to proceed simultaneously, therefore these sites are proposed to be merged into one planning area, named Planning Area 18. The existing master plan regulations for Aviara Planning Areas 18, 19 and 20 allow multi-family attached residential uses, developed in accordance with the Planned Development (PD) Ordinance (Chapter 21.45 of the Zoning Ordinance). The proposed Master Plan Amendment would revise these regulations for the new Planning Area 18 to require development in accordance with the Residential Density -Multiple (RD-M) Ordinance (Chapter 21.24 of the Zoning Ordinance). The merger and adjustment of development standards would allow an apartment development with a more sensitive grading scheme; instead of two large pads with a 30 foot high intervening slope, and gently sloping development can occur. The major differences between the development under the PD Ordinance and the RD-M Ordinance are recreational amenities, street widths and internal street setbacks. The master plan text for Planning Area 18 includes the requirement for 200 square feet of recreational facilities per each unit, thereby eliminating any impacts from the development standard revision. By reducing street width and internal street setbacks, more internal project open space can be provided which improves both internal and external views. The customized development standards and design criteria within A viara Planning Areas 18 and 20, such as building height and massing, building separation, planning area boundary setbacks and architectural style, are not changing with this Master Plan Amendment. The appearance of the eventual apartment development should be similar to, if not better than, the currently allowed condominium development. While maximum residential densities are established by the City's General Plan Land Use Element, the maximum unit yield on any planning area is established by the A viara Master Plan. The proposed unit transfer therefore involves amendments to both regulatory documents. By transferring 70 dwelling units from A viara Planning Area 19 to the new Planning Area 18, the density of the new Planning Area 18 would exceed its allowable density (under its current Residential Medium High Density (RMH) designation). Likewise, the reduction of units in Planning Area 19 creates a development less dense than its Residential High Density (RH) designation would connote. Therefore, the A viara Phase III North proposal involves the switching of General Plan designations, with the new Planning Area 18 as RH and Planning Area 19 as RMH. The total number of units between the three Planning Areas would be reduced by five by virtue of this unit transfer and these five units would enter the excess dwelling unit bank for the southwest quadrant. ..., MP 177(U)/GPA 97-06/LLi> A 97-06 -A VIARA PHASE III NORTH November 5, 1997 Page 3 Since the total unit count is less, no additional impacts to any of the surrounding facilities, land uses or open space should occur. As discussed above, the merging of the planning areas and alteration of development standards will likely improve the future development of the project sites. Table 1 below summarizes the revisions proposed by the Aviara Phase III North project. TABLE 1 -PROPOSED PLANNING AREA REVISIONS EXISTING PROPOSED Planning Area 18 -multi-family PUD site. Combine Planning Areas 18 and 20 into New Planning Area 20 -multi-family PUD site. Planning Area 18 -multi-family RD-M site. Planning Area 18 -maximum 145 dwelling units. New Planning Area 18 contains a maximum of335 Planning Area 20 -maximum 120 dwelling units. dwelling units. Planning Area 19 -maximum 184 dwelling units. Planning Area 19 -maximum 109 dwelling units. Overall Unit Yield -Planning Areas 18, 19 and 20 OveraH Unit Yield -New Planning Area 18 and total 449 dwelling units. Planning Area 19 total 444 dwelling units. Planning Areas 18 and 20 designated RMH in New Planning Area 18 designated RH in General General Plan. Plan. Planning Area 19 designated RH in General Plan. Planning Area 19 designated RMH in General Plan. The A viara Phase III North project is subject to the following regulations: A. General Plan; B. Aviara Master Plan; C. Local Coastal Program; D. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Zoning Ordinance); and F.· Zone 19 Local Facilities Management Plan. IV. ANALYSIS The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable policies and regulations listed above. The following analysis section discusses compliance with each of these regulations/policies utilizing both text and tables. A. General Plan The project is consistent with the applicable policies and programs of the General Plan. Particularly relevant to the proposed amendments are the Land Use and Housing Elements. Table 2 below indicates how the project complies with these particular elements of the General Plan. MP 177(U)/GPA 97-06/LLrA 97-06 -AVIARA PHASE III NOR1tt November 5, 1997 Page4 TABLE2-GENERALPLANCOMPLIANCE ELEMENT USE CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, PROPOSED USES AND OBJECTIVE OR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS Land Use Limit higher density developments to High density planning areas those areas with adequate public are still located in close support systems such as streets, proximity to Poinsettia parks, and schools. Lane, Zone 19 Park and A viara Oaks School. Housing New housing developed with a Proposed amendment would diversity of types. add apartments to the . . A viara housing types . COMPLIANCE Yes Yes In addition to the above conformities, the proposed land use designation changes are compatible with neighboring uses in that Planning Areas 18, 19 and 20 are surrounded by medium and low- medium density residential, recreational uses and open space. The proposed density transfer would result in five fewer units than anticipated by the current master plan and the Zone 19 Local Facilities Management Plan, therefore all previously assessed facilities impacts remain adequate. The proposed land use designation changes are also consistent with the underlying zoning, Planned Community (P-C), in that they continue to provide the necessary balance of land uses within the A viara Master Plan. B. Aviara Master Plan One of the goals of the A viara Master Plan is to provide a well-balanced and functional mix of various land uses which create a high quality environment. As mentioned above, the provision of apartments within the master plan adds diversity to the available housing stock. The area proposed for apartments is already designated for multi-family uses in the master plan, therefore the mix of uses remains balanced. With regard to the physical development and appearance of the site, no standards dealing with building height, bulk or separation are being revised. By revising the underlying development standards to the Residential Density-Multiple Zone, more internal project open space is available because the private yard and street width requirements of the Planned Development Ordinance are eliminated. Since the total number of units is remaining approximately the same, no impact to any of the existing agreements or districts, such as the A viara Affordable Housing Agreement, Parks Agreement, Alga Road Assessment District, will occur. Considering the above, the proposed Aviara Phase III North project is consistent with the Aviara Master Plan. C. Local Coastal Program A viara Planning Areas 18, 19 and 20 lie within the Mello I segment of the City's Local Coastal Program, therefore, the proposal is subject to the corresponding land use plan and implementing ordinances for that segment. The implementing ordinance for those portions of the Mello I MP 177(U)/GPA 97-06/LLrA 97-06-AVIARA PHASE III NOR1tt November 5, 1997 Pae 5 segment within A viara is the A viara Master Plan. This section only addresses conformance with the land use plan, since conformance with the implementing ordinance (the Aviara Master Plan) is addressed in section B above. The policies of the Mello I Land Use Plan emphasize topics such as preservation of agriculture and scenic resources, protection of environmentally sensitive resources, provision of shoreline access, and prevention of geologic instability and erosion. There are no agricultural activities or prime agricultural lands within Aviara Planning Areas 18, 19 and 20. No scenic resources or potential coastal access routes exist on the project site and all future grading must conform to the City Standards, regardless of residential density. The total area of development would remain the same, whether the change in density and development standards are approved or not, therefore the surrounding environmentally sensitive lands would remain undisturbed. Considering the above, the Aviara Phase III North proposal is consistent with the Mello I land use policies and the applicable implementing ordinances. D. Growth Management Ordinance The proposed actions do not include actual development, therefore no units will be constructed by virtue of this approval. Since the total unit yield is being reduced from 449 units to 444 units, the Growth Management impacts will be less than analyzed through the A viara Phase III subdivision map (CT 92-03). Table 3 below shows the project's revised compliance with the applicable Growth Management facility requirements, using the new maximum unit yield. TABLE 3 -GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE Standard Impacts/Standards Compliance City Administration 1,544.65 sq ft Yes Library 823.18 sq ft Yes Waste Water Treatment 444 EDU Yes Parks 3.09 acres Yes Drainage NIA Yes Circulation 4,440 ADT Yes Fire Station #4 Yes Open Space NIA Yes Schools NIA Yes Sewer Collection System 444EDU Yes Water 97,680 GPD Yes MP 177(U)/GPA 97-06/LL.1 A 97-06 -A VIARA PHASE III NORl t1 November 5, 1997 Page6 F. Zone 19 Local Facilities Management Plan A viara Planning Areas 18, 19 and 20 are located within Local Facilities Management Zone 19 and all facilities impacts of the proposed land use designation changes must be related back to the buildout projections of the Zone Plan. Since the proposed amendments would reduce the maximum allowable unit. yield by five units, and the A viara Master Plan has underdeveloped by approximately 800 dwelling units, the proposal has no impact on facilities. There are no special development conditions in the zone plan that apply to this legislative project and all public facilities needed to serve the eventual development will be in place prior to construction. The Aviara Phase III North project is therefore in conformance with the Zone 19 Local Facilities Management Plan. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An environmental analysis of the proposed project was conducted and no significant impacts were identified. Specifically, the change in land use designations was addressed as not having an adverse impact on the environment and a Negative Declaration was issued by . the Planning Director on October 2, 1997. An addendum to the Master Environmental Impact Report for the 1994 General Plan Update (MEIR 93-01), which amends the project description to include the newly designated Residential Medium High Density and Residential High Density sites. A brief discussion that the land use change does not have associated impacts is included. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4193 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4194 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4195 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4196 5. Location Map 6. Disclosure Statement 7. Background Data Sheet AIIPORT pate•u•••1 ~ • CASSIA RD POINUTTIAuc,_ • ,••••••• t-•• •'!I•~.. ___ , i i ~ • l'U•• ;i I ~ : .......... I ii r1 ,. SITE : .• _,,, • I • . • = : . : . . i , ......... : i i i : . • ·········-= : . : ,,,--1~-------1-• \ .. • •• • • •• • ·" ........... •• • • \ • • • .• • • • • • • • • • • "· .. r. ·················•t!,......•"-'t~, .. ....... " .. • • • • • • • • • • • • : '·••"-• • • . .. M1'IQ(JITOS LADOON AVIARA PHASE Ill NORTH MP 177(U)/GPA 97-06/LCPA 97-06 City of Ccirlsbad -:J§ i,t.ff.t-i•t4•f t.,,,f§ ,ii DlSCLOSt:RE STA TE..~EN1' .:..::=uo.NT'S SI.:. ":"EMENT CF orsc:..osuFiE OF c:::rr }.IN CWN~HIP IN", crc-:-S ON AL!.. APPIJC\ TIONS WMICH WIU. ;:Ec1.;11::: =:s.:;;E'ilcN~ A~ON ON ":"i-iE ?AFrr CF rl"le C:i'V c::::1..;NC:L CFI ANY APPOl~:J acA;:;c_ c::::MMISSICN OFI COMMl'i'i'E:. / Please Prrnr) Tha fellowing information must be disclosed: 1. Applicant Ust the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application. Aviara Land Associates Limited Partnersh· ----------------2011 Palomar Airport Road Suite 206 Carlsbad, CA 92009 2. Owner Ust the names and addresses of ail persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Aviara Land Assoc1ates Limited Partnersh· =----------------2011 Palomar Airport Road Suite 206 Carlsbad. CA 92QQ9 3. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names ar addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnersr interest in the partnership. NIA 4. lf any person identffled pursuant to (1) or (2} above is a non-profit organization or a trust. list the names a addresses of any person serving as officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or benefici: of the trust. FRM00013 8/90 2075 Las Pal mas Drive • Carlsbad. C~lifornia 92009-4859 • (619) 4 38-1161 Disclosure Statement Flage 2 5. Have ycu had more than S:250 worth of business transacted witt, any member ct City staff. Commissions. Cgt:Rmittees and Council"within the past twelve mer.ms? Yas _ No ~· If yes. please indicate person(s) _____________________ _ ::i9,.,0n •• d•lined u: • Arry ,ndr.t1dual. firm, ccc.rcnerstnc:,. joint vemur•. uaociaUcln. 10cial ~b. lra&emal orc;ani:auon. cor.:iotauon. ••w■. tn.;st. -ne1· ,. d ...., 0, .. .,. cou""" C'"" a,,c cou""" c-mumcigallty. dialnct or :ilrler ;i,o1111c:ai 1ubcSiv1eaon. ar ll1Y amw ;r01oc or rec■Ner. s-, 1Gat■ ... ,ia an -·, .. , •··•· •• , •··,, •·r ::irnc,nanon acung u • tJnrt. • Owner: Aviara Land Associates Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership BY: Aviara -eei:p ompany, a Delaware General Partner By:, __ ....,:=::;;.__ ____ _ tary Date: __ 7_+-'-\-1--q.._:-,_._ __ _ \ Applicant: Aviara Land Associates limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership BY: Aviara Land (;ompany, a Delaware ~o G'eneral Partner By:~ ;tlc; By: Date:. __ ')_\:)..._j_, ___ ::z ____ ____ - BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: MP 177(U}/GPA 97-06/LCPA 97-06 CASE NAME: A VIARA PHASE III NORTH APPLICANT: A viara Land Associates REQUEST AND LOCATION: Reguest for a Master Plan Amendment. General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment to revise the density allocations, planning area boundaries and development standards for Aviara Planning Areas 18, 19 and 20, located in Aviara Phase III, east of Ambrosia Lane, north and south of Poinsettia Lane. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Carlsbad Tract CT 92-03, Unit I, according to Map No. 13434, filed in the Office of the County Recorder on June 23, 1997, City of Carlsbad. County of San Diego. State of California. APN: 215-040-19, 20 Acres: 34 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: ____ N ...... / A ______ _ GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: ... RMHIRH==.:.=.aa..--------------------- Density Allowed: I 5 du/ac & 23 du/ac Density Proposed: 15 du/ac & 23 du/ac Existing Zone: ___ P_-C=-----Proposed Zone: ____ P=----=C::.__ ______ _ Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: (See attached for information on Carlsbad's Zoning Requirements) Zoning Land Use Site P-C vacant land • North P-C vacant land South P-C vacant land East L-C vacant land West P-C vacant land PUBLIC FACILmES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad -====----- Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): N:..aa.:/A _______________ _ Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated: :.;N:.:..,/A=------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACT ASSESSMENT ~ Negative Declaration, issued ""'O __ ct=o-b ..... er ___ 6a..a.....1 ... 99 __ 7 ________________ _ · D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ______________ _ D Other, _______________________ _