HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-27; Planning Commission; ; CONSIDERATION OF MASTER PLAN 132TO: PLANNING COMMISSION
NOVEMBER 27, 1973
APPLICANT: Terry Crowther, for
Pacesetter Homes, Inc.
4540 Campus Drive
Newport Beach, California, 92660
A. Background: On August 28, 1973 the Planning Commission accepted the
Final EIR No. 188 and approved a preannexational change of zone (ZC-125) from
E-1-A (County) to P-C (Planned Community) for the subject property. Master
Plan No. 132 was denied at that time because the proposed density of 7 d.u./acre
(gross) would require a General Plan Amendment. The applicant appealed this
decision to the City Council. At that time the applicant agreed to limiting the
density to 7 dwelling units per net acre, which would not necessitate a General
Plan Amendment. The City Council referred the matter back to the Planning
Commission for report. The Planning Commission reported back to the City Council
that no positive action should occur until a more detailed Master Plan was sub-
mitted. On October 16, 1973, the City Counc.il did agree with the Planning Commission
request, and held any final action in abeyance until the Planning Commission acted
upon a more definitive Master Plan. The present request represents the requested
revised Master Plan.
B. Request:· The applicant is requesting that the Planning Commission move
to recommend approval of Master Plan No. 132 as revised, td the City Council. The
60 acre parcel is generally located to the east of Lowder Lane, and midway between
Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. Surrounding land uses include:
West: Alta Mira (gross density 7 d.u·./acre, and park site.
North: McReynolds property (gross density 7 d.u./acre) and
County area currently in agricultural use.
East: County land currently -in agricultural use.
South: Casas de las Poinsettia (10 d.u./acre) and Ayres
property (8 d.u./acre).
C. Zoning and General Plan
1. Zoning: Existing: P-C (preannexational)
Adjacent: West -P-C, East: E-1-A (County), North-P-C & E-1-A(Co.).
and South -P-C & RD-M.
2. General Plan: The adopted General Plan designates this area as low
density residential (3-7 d.u./acre). The General Plan also shows four (4)
school sites separated by parks on the subject property. The revised density
shown on the Master Plan is 7 dwelling units per net acre. This is in con-
formance with the General Plan.
A. Description of Project: The revised Master Plan shows two-types of
residential units: 4-plex units and single-family attached units. Both types
will be fenced with private areas and common open areas. A Homeowner's Assoc.
will provide for maintenance of the open areas. •
The applicant proposes to develop this project as an air space
condominium. Completion of the project is expected to take'2-l/2 to 3 years.
Utilities will be provided as follows:
1. Drainage ~c:P~i·~ Ma~ter ~lan_of Drainage
2. Sewage -Su---Jftn,en D1str1ct
3. Water -Carlsbad Municipal Water District
4. Gas and Electric -San Diego Gas and Electric
5. Telephone -Pacific Telephone
1. Density: The revised Master Plan shows .four sections of single-family
attached housing at a density of 5.2 dwelling units per acre. The eastern corridor
of the site along Batiquitos Road/Macario Drive, is proposed for 4~plex at a
density of 11.5 d.u./acre. A total of 351 units is proposed.
2. Parks : A 2.5 acre park corridor on the western edge of the site is
proposed for dedication. This corridor would be linked with those corridors which
have been established on the Occidental Petroleum, Alta Mira and McReynolds
3. Circulation: The Pacesetter property is south of Palomar Airport Road,
east of I-5 and north of Poinsettia Lane. The Master Plan proposes the extension
of Camino de las Ondas from Alta Mira along the southerly boundary of the subject
property to the possible extension of Lagoon Lane, which would become Macario
Interior circulation is proposed by a single public road along the easterly
edge of the Park corridor from Camino de las Ondas to the northern boundary. This
road would connect with "alternative route #3 11 on the McReynolds property. A
loop is proposed off the interior road around the internal recreation area and
two of the single-family sectors.
B. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission
recommend to the City Council that Master Plan No. 132 BE APPROVED, as revised
with an overall net density of 7 d.u./acre. Justification is based on:
1. The proposed development will be consistent with surrounding
land use.
2. The revjsed density •is in conformance with the adopted General Plan.
C. Conditions of Approval : Any approval should be subject to the
following conditions:
1. Any development shall be limited to a density of 7 d.u./net acre
which means exclusive of any public street.
2. The approval of a Master Plan is granted for the land described
in the application and any attachments thereto, and as shown on the
plot plan submitted labeled Exhibit A revised. The location of all
buildings, fences, signs, roadways, parking areas, landscaping and other
facilities or features shall be located substantially as shown on the
plot plan labeled Exhibit A revised, except or unless indicated other-
wise herein.
3. All requirements of any law, ordinance or regulation of the
State of California, City of Carlsbad,. and any other governmental entity
shall be complied with.
4. Prior to obtaining a building permit and within 30 days hereof,
the applica~t shall file with the Secretary of the Planning Commission,
written acceptance of the conditions stated herein.
5. Compliance with and execution of all conditions listed hereon
shall be necessary, unless otherwise specified, prior to obtaining
final building inspection clearance. Deviation from this requirement
shall be permitted only by written consent of the Planning Director.
6. Prior to the consideration of any Specific Plan, written evidence shall
be submitted that adequate public facilities shall be in existence con-
current with need.
7. Prior to the issuance of any permits, the applicant shall submit
and receive approval of a Specific Plan and Tentative Map for this
deve-opment. .
8. The alignments and widths of the Camino de las Ondas extension
and the Batiquitos Drive extension, shall be determined by the Department
of Public Works and the Planning Dept. prior to the submittal of Specific
9. The proposed park corridor shall be coordinated with the Parks and
Recreation Department prior to the submittal of Specific Plans.