HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-11; Planning Commission; ; PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF MASTER PLAN 139CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNIN~ DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT FOR · September 11, 1973 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT ON: PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF MASTER PLAN CASE NO: MP-139 APPLICANT: RANCHO CARRILLO PARTNERSHIP 530 11 B11 Street, Suite 2330 San Diego, CA 92101 BACKGROUND: With regard to previous actions, an application for a Change of Zone and Master Plan as well as a General Plan amendment were submitted on May 18, 1972. The applications were considered by the Planning Commission on August 8, 1972. Attached is the staff report presented at that time. By Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 817 and 820, the Planning Commission did deny the requests presented at that meeting (see attached). The applicant did subsequently appeal the Planning Commission action to the City Council. The City Council, by Resolution 2083 and Ordinance No. 9332, did on October 3, 1972, overrule the denials by the Planning Commission and approve the re- quests by the applicant. In addition, the General Plan Amendment was referred back to the Planriing Commission for a report and recommended act i on ( see attached ) . The Pl an n i n g Co mm i s s i on , by ·Res o l u ti on No . 8 4 5 dated October 24, 1972, did approve the proposed General Plan Amend- ment. The City Council, by Resolution No. 2086 dated November 21, 1972, did approve the General Plan Amendment. In that the original approval of the Master Plan did no~ include any conditions of approval, the Planning Commission did, on August 28, 1973s initiate a public hearing to amend the Master Plan to include conditions of approval. In addition, Staff has been meeting with the applicant to resolve the timing of when the parks dedication should occur. These discussions have now been completed and the Staff re- commendation does include the recommended procedure. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That it be moved that the Planning Commission recomrr:end to the City Council that City Council Resolution No. 2083 BE AMENDED to i~clude the conditions of approval as outlined below: 1. The Master Plan is granted for the land described in the application and any attachemtns thereto, and as shown on the plot plan submitted labeled Exhibit A Revised, Band C. The RANCHO CARRILLO Page 2. location of all buildings, fences, siqns, roadways, parking are~s, landscaping, and other facilities or features shall be located substantially as shown on the plot plan labeled Exhibit A Revised, Band C, except or unless indicated other- wise herein. 2. That Parcel K, asindicated on Exhibit A Revised, prior to approval of the final map for the first phase of development, shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad. The land dedication requirements in satisfaction of park-in-lieu ordinance shall be deducted from Parcel K. Balance reserved to be drawn upon in satisfaction of requirements for future developments. The exist- ing improvements on Parcel K shall be appraised at the deve1oper's expense by an appraiser selected by the City, and the established value as approved by the City Council shall be available as a prepayment of parks-in-lieu fees to be drawn upon in satisfaction of the total parks requirement of the property with the Master Plan. Any development may be credited in terms of meeting the proportional share of its parks requirement from the balance of Parcel K, and the park-in-lieu fees prepayment resulting from the appraisal of the improvements as the City shall elect] At such time that the balance of Parcel K .and the park-in-lieu ore- payment from the improvements has been reduced to the point where the park's requirement of a subsequent development could not be met, the developer shall grant Parcel K-1, as shown on Exhibit A Revised to the City of Carlsbad on the same basis as Parcel K, to be available for meeting the park's requirement for subsequent developments. 3. All land and/or easements required by this Resolution shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City, and free of all liens and encumbrances. 4. Unless the construction of the structure or facility is commenced not later than one year after the date the approval is ~ranted and is diligently pursued thereafter, this approval will automatically become null and void. 5. Any minor change may be approved by the Planning Director. Any substantial change will require the filing of an applicatidn· for an amendment to be considered by the Planning Commission. 6. All requirements of any law, ordinance or regulation 0f the State of Cal.ffornia, City of Carlsbad, and any other governmental entity shall be complied with. 1 7. No signs or advertising of any type whatsoever shall be erected or installed until plans therefore have been approved by the City of Carlsbad. 8. Prior to obtaining a building permit and within 30 days hereof, the applicant shall file with the Secretary of the Planni~g Commission \'lritten acceptance of the conditions stated he.rein .. __ .-·::/~ 9. Compliance with and execution of all conditions listed hereon shall be necessary, unless otherwise specified. nrior to obtaining final building inspection clearance. Deviation from this requirement shall be permitted only by written consent of the Planning Director. RANCHO CARRILLO Page 3. 10. All utilities, including electrical, telephone and cable television, shall be installed underground and/or shall be completely concealed from view. 11. All public improvements shall be made in conformity with the Subdivision Ordinance and other City Standards, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad and free of all liens and encumbrances. 12. Development shall conform to the description as shown on the plot plan labeled Exhibit A Revised and as described in Exhibit B . Deviation shall be only by the ex~ressed approval of the Planning Commission. Attachments: 1. Carrillo Rancho Partnership Letter Sept. 5, 1972 2. Vista Unified School District Letter October 17, 1972 3. Staff Report August 8, 1972 CARRILLO RANCHO PARTNERSHIP 2330 First National Bank Building 530 B Street • San Diego, California 92101 234-0361 5 September 1972 Planning Department City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Carrillo Rancho Proposed Schednle of Development Gentle.-nen: Although the schedule of development of any ranch as large as the Carrillo Ranch would depend on many conditions, including economic conditions, .financing, approval of specific plans for specific portions of development of the ranch, availability of sewer, water and other utilities, the proposed time schedule for development is as follows: 1. The orderly development of the ranch over a 17 year period from 1973 to 1990. 2. Assuming that 4,995 units were approved, the proposed development plan would be approximately 295 units per year for the 17 year period, first units being completed in 1973 or later. 3. Assuming that 4,583 units were approved, the program of approximately 295 units per year would complete the development in approximately the year 1988. 4. It is proposed that the development begin from the southern part of the ranch and since the utilities are presently available at that point, the development would work from the southerly side toward the middle portions, thence to the northern portion of the ranch. Planning Department City of Carlsbad 5 September 1972 Page Two 5. It is understood that specific plans for all development will be introduced to the Planning Department for approval, then to be scheduled for hearing before the Planning Commission and the Council. 6. It is possible that after final airport plans have been completed and master planned by the County Airport Authority and the City of Carlsbad, the Carrillo Ranch·developers would submit for approval a specific plan or plans on the northern portion of the ranch so that concurrent development could then proceed from Palomar Airport Road in a southerly direction. Yours very truly, CARRILLO RANCHO PARTNERSHIP By: ~~ White BFW/jc VISTA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT EDUCATION CENTER VISTA, CALIFORNIA 92083 PHONE: (714) 726-2170 Planning ,-comm±ssion City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Gentlemen: October 17, 1972 The Master Development Plan for Rancho Carrillo was reviewed by the Vista Unified School District Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held October 16, 1972. Satisfactory arrangements have been made with the developers for a suitable school site to be ded- i.cated to -the s'Chool di:stri:-ct. Should the m.nnbers. of students exceed the capacity of the school, the developers have agreed to pay in-lieu fees for the excess numbers of students tu assist in the purchase of additional school site area contiguous to that dedicated. clp cc: Mr. Kresenski Yours truly, G. c. Eikerroann District Superintendent G. c:. EIKERMANN D1S1' ftlCT SUPERINTEND!:NT TO: SU3JECT: APPL I.CMIT: ---... .. ·-- ·• ...... -...... ___ q_ -------·------- U'-1 ,. AL 5T e. 1972 PLANNING COMMISSION ... CITY MANAGER REQUEST FOR,A P~E-A~NEXATIONAL ZONE CHANGE FROM SAN DIEGO COUilTY E-1-A TO CITY IJF CAP.LS3AD P-C (PLAi'dlED co:•l~IUiHTY) ZOr!E MID AJOPTIOn OF A MASTER PLAN-ON 853 ACRES LY ING SOUTHERLY AilO ;10RTHERL Y OF PALONAR AIRPORT ROAD AND APPROXI~ATELY T~O MILES· EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL CARRILLO RANCHO PARTNERSHIP -------------------.-------------.-----------------------------·-- Report submitted by: City Manager, Fire, Engineering, Building, Parks & Recreation and P1anning Departments -----------------------------------------------------------~------ General Discussion: The applicant is requesting r~classification in zone from San Diego County E-1-A to City of Carlsbad Planned Community (P-C) Zone and adoption of a Master Plan for 853 acres that will ultimately have a total of 4995 dwelling units or a density of 5.8 dwelling units per.acre. 731 acres are to be used for residential purposes {net density 6.8 dwelling units per acre), 20 acres allocated for school useage, 10 acres for a community park and historical site (Carrillo Ranch House). 15 acres for commercial/recreational attiv'i'ties and "30 acres for "COmmerc+al ·development. The balance of the property (47! acres) is devoted to major circulation and/or easements. The proposal includes the preservation of existing Carrillo adobe rancho house complex and the offer to dedicate the house and JO acres of~adjoining property to the City as a portion of the community park. A substantial open space/recreational system including the community park is programmed for the portion of· the property that adjoins the proposed alignment of Poinsettia Drive. Additional open space corridors are planned to coincide with the steeper slope areas within the subject property. The alignment of M~lrose Drive as proposed by the applicant is in general conformance with ·the alignment tentatively set by t..lie County of San Diego. However, the alignment as proposed by th·e applicant seems to require less grading, by following the natural grades and topography as well as maintaining the integrity of the development as proposed. The proposed county alignment will disect the property in a northwest to southeast direction counter to the flow of the natural topography. Additionally, the boundary between Rich-Mar School District and Carlsbad Unified School District is in part, represented by the Melrose Drive alignment proposed by the applicant. All other alignments of major cir- culation systems are either in place (Palomar Airport Road), superimposed on existing graded roads (El Fuerte Street} or will be aligned in accordance with requirements set by the City of Carlsbad. All secondary road systems will be proposed as part of future specific plan/tentative map approvals. ?age T'tlo August 8, 1972 Staff Report , ~ater is available to the property under the jurisdiction of the CMJD. A San M~rcos sewer force main bisects the development alon~ the proposed Poinsettia Drive alignment. However, the applicant will have to construct a separate line westerly to eventually connect to the City gravity line at eit~er EJ Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road or to a future trunk line to be constructed along the north shore of t~e Batiquitos Lagoon. The applic~nt is aware of the proximity of the airpo~t and its potential for noise generation. Enclosed is a report from the Cc~nty of San Diego Airport Land Use Commission, that recommends to the CPO Policy Comwittee a suggested Int2rirn Airport Influence Zone. This zone will r~quire all developmental proposals be sent to the ALUC for review and comment, and allow the ALUC to have an opportunity to purchase or negotiate whatever rights, 'if any, required ·for afrpod use prior to a·ny improv2:nents being constructed. The Carrillo Ranch property is not directly effected, however, the applicant recognizes the need to consider the airport and its potential impact. Therefore, as a condition of Master Plan approval the applicant will notify the ALUC of all pending specific plan/tentative map appli~ations and request their comment. • The General Plan recommends that a elementary school site, a major arterial road and an open space corridor be placed in the vicinity__oJ the subject proposal. The applicant has made provisions. for'. these items. Density recommended by the General Plan is 0-2 dwelling units per acre. The applicant is requesting the General Plan be ~evised to allow an increase in density to 5.8 dwelling units per acre. The General ·Plan and 'o:'1'1 ~·reqt."'·ir-ed .. e,l•e-m,en,ts •o·f ,the City of Carl shad are in the initial stages of revision. At such time that a completed revision to the General Plan has been adopted, the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan shall be amended to reflect appropriate densities, land uses, circulation or any other requirement defined by that General P1an. Recommendations: The staff recommends approval of the subject applicatton for the following reasons and subject to the following conditions: Reasons of Approval: 1. The Master Development Plan has met requirements of the Planned Community Ordinance 9218. 2. The adoption of the Master Development Plan will provide temporary development guidelines until the City of Carlsbad revises its General Plan and all related elements. Conditions of Approval: 1. That this application shall be approved subject to formal annexation to the City of Carlsbad. 2. That the Carrillo Ranch Development Plan be subject to review and revision at such time as the City of Carlsbad General Plan revision is initiated. The revtew shall include at least the following: a) Major circulation systems be) Open space patterns ) Conservation d) Land use pattern e) Public facility requirements L' \ I"\ '-I _ _:, _,, _____ ,~ .. h\l thn r:itv rif Carlsbad • -·· ·----• --. • • •--~ .-~~".,_:.·~--.-~-~·;·_~:; _:_ ·:~:::.~· .: ::>; . ...{>-.~~ ~~-;.-;.;;:.-;:~-,~:c-;;--~:=-:;.;:,.~_._~.-=-,J: ~-,~~-.~~~--·_::.:_ ·_: :~: :· ·•. -:~.- -.. _, -:_;•:~·, ~-')~•·7"n :.. ... ~~--l Page Thre::! !\ugust 8, 1972 Staff REport 3. Maximum densities as indicated on the approved Master Plan (5.8 dwelling units per acre, 4995 dwelling units) shall be a d o pt e d . A C it y o f C a r 1 s b .~ d. G e n e r a l P 1 a n A i7l en d m e n t s h a 11 b e approved for any revision that will increase densities. or alter approved land uses. 4. Dedication and development of the proposed community park (Parcel K} shall .be in conformance with City of Carlsbad Ord. 9190 p2rtaining to parks dedication or payment of fees· in lieu of dedication. 5. That Specific Plans and Tentative ~aps on any portion of the nor~herly 1000 feat ~f ~he subject property, be submitted to the County of San Diego Airport Land Use Commission for review and comment. ARNOLD, City Manager s11 • .... .. .. ·-.. I l 2 3 I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 lS 14 151 . ; .. _ • ., ___ • C . ·PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 817 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF A {HANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1-10,000 AND R-A-10, 000 TO P-C (PLANNED C0~1MUll 1TY) ZONE ArlD ADOPTION OF A MASTER PLAN ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF ~ALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND EASTERLY OF EL CAM mo REAL WHEREAS, the Pla~ning Commission did on August 8, 1972, hold a duly not·iced public hearing to cons1der a Chan.g.e .of .Zone from R-1-10, 00 and R-A-10,000 to P-C (Plann~d Community) Zone and adoption of a Master Plan on property located on the southerly side of Palomar Airport Road and westerly of El Camino Real, as submitted by Carrillo Ranch Partnership, on property.,described as: .. _-• Lots 3 and 4 in Section 18 and Lots 1, 2 and 3 in . ... Section 19, all in township 12.South, Range 3 West~ _.t"\n Bernardino Base and Meridian, in· the County of ·y6•('""'"'· I -.-1~ Diego, State of California, according to Official ~--Plat the•·eof. . I l'i' l 18 ! 19 .20 21 I ·22 I i -23 l 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 A1so those portions of Lots 3 and 4 in Section 13; .those portions of Lot 1-and Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quart~r of Section 24; in Township 12 South, Range 4 West. San Bernardino Base_a~d. · - Mer 1 di an·,· in the . Co~n ty of' San D ~ e_:go-~-:~st~·t·e •• ~tr,_:_{~-'._:/_:"/i~/)\:f, . •. California/lying_ ou.tside of ·ranch ·11ne ·of Ranch~- Agua Hedionda, as said .ranch line is shown on-• ~- U. s. Government Survey of Township 12 South, Range 4 We~t, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, approved September 17, 1915. SUBJECT TO covenants. conditions. easements and restrictions of record~ NOT(: All those portions of Section 13 and 18 herein described lying north of Road Survey no. 757 are within the City of Carlsbad. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering .;•·, ~2 1 all the testimony and arguments, if any. of all persons who desired 5 6 ( PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 620 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION DENYING Ail AMHI01'1UlT TO THE GEi'iERAL PLA:l (CITY COUtlCIL RESOLUTION NO. 1271}, FOR CARRILLO RANCHO rARTNERSHIP ON 853! ACRES LOCATED APPROXIMATELY TWO MILES EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL, ALONG PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WHEREAS, said Planning Commission did on the 8th day of August, 7. 1972, hold a .public hearing to consider the request of Carrillo 8 Rancho Partnership, for an Amendment to the General Plan, by adopting 9 EXHIBIT A, Carrillo Rancho Master Plan, dated May 17, 1972, and 10 rev i s e d J u 1 y 3 1 , 1 9 7 2 . 11 WHEREAS, at said public hearing the said Commission received the 12 recommendations, objections, protests~ and comments of all individual 13 and parties who desired to be heard; 14 WHEREAS, said Planning Commission did find the following facts i5 and reasons to exist which make the de~ial of the proposed amendment 16 necessary to carry out the intent of the General Plan: 17 1. 1a I 19 I 2. . 20 21 11 3. 22, 23 The Circulation Element is not sufficient for the development at. this time. .. The Airport Land Use Commission is still studying this situation and does not expect a report to be ready for 9-12 months . There is inadequate information regarding public services to· the proposed development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said Amendment to the 24 General Plan is hereby denied. 25 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the AYES: Commissioners Jose, Dewhurst, Palmateer, Little. Norman, Dominguez, Forman I I , Ii • II ·I !1 :1 ii ,: " I 1 :. ,. ,; n 2:i s ;; I· 1• ,ti; -:• I 51 si I I 7 8 9 lO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .20 j I 21 I ! 22 ! ... to be heard~ said Commission considered all factors relating to a change of zone and adoption of a Haster Plan and found the following facts and reasons to exist: 1. The proppsed density is not in conformance with the General Plan. 2. The Circulation Element is not sufficient for the development at this time. 3. The Airport Land Use Commission is still studying this situation and does not expect a report to be ready for 9-12 months. 4. There is inadequate information regarding public services to the proposed development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby deny a change of zone on said property and deny adoption of a Master Plan. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 8th day of Aigust, 1972, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Jose, Little, Forman, Norman, Palmateer, Dewhurst, Dominguez NOES: None ABSENT: No one • 23 i I '.-E [MEps-i?,=,J R. , Chairman 241 ATTEST: :: cl~~k~~--~ I t:.U:·IUilU-l•I: J°Pl1iilGuc.Z, Seer,:,,--r_y 27 l ,;J:£; 28 l 29 ! :so I l 31 I I s2 I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ,15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ORDHL'.\.'ICE NO. 9332 AN OR.D!MMICE OF THE CITY OF CARLSSAD RE•;u,,ss- IFYING CERTAiil P9.0?ERT'f :FROM R-1-10,000 TO P-C {Planned Co~~unity) ZONE AND ADOPTION OF A MASTE~ ?LAN ON 853 ~CRES LYING SOUTHERLY. A~D NORTHERLY OF PALOMA~ ~IRPORT ROAO ANO APPROXIMATELY T~O HILES EAST OF El CAMINO REAL. ca r r i 11 a Ra 11 c r: •i , • •• • • • The City Council of the City of Car1sbad. California. DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l. That the following des eris ~d rea·l property is reclassified from R-1-10,000 to P-C (Planned Commuriity) Zone, amending Ordinance 9060, and adopting a Master Plan, and that the zoning map referred to in Section 21.06.030 of said Ordinance 9060 as amended, be changed accordingly: lots 3 and 4 in Section 18 and Lots 1,2 and 3 in Section 19, all in Townshi~ 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of ··Sa·n IH'C.'go, State of Californi-a, .according to Official Plat thereof. Also those oortion~ of Lots 3 and 4 in Section 13; those p~rtions of lot l and Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24; and that portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 24; in Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of ~an Diego, State of California, lying outside of ranch line of Rancho Agua Hedionda, as said ranch line is sh~wn on U.S. Government Survey of Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, approved September 17,· 1915, more particularly described in application on file.in the Office of the City Clerk. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be 24 effective thirty (30) days after its adoption, and the City Clerk 25 shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it to 26 be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal fifteen (15) 2:l days after its adoption. 28 ItlTRODUCED MID FIRST READ at a regular meeting.of the City 29 Council of ·the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 3rd day 30 of Octob'er 1972, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED 31 at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 17th day of 32 ' . 'l I l .. ..: I 1 I' 0-;tobcr, 1972, by the following vote, to ·.dt: 2 J /\YES: Coun·cilmen ~kComas, Le•,•lis, Chase I s' NOE~: tl I, I A BS EtlT: 5 6 ' ·18· ATTEST: , • I . '\ ' • ) ' • 9 -~,,"/ None Mayor Dunne, Councilman Frazee D M. DUrlNE M. OUin!E, Mayor McComas,Vice-Mayor : : •. • '77:l /_~,_.? //'/, , ,. 10 -~i©{R»~..;,,E"'".~~~:-...,~:c..:c::~.=...":--- • \. • 11 ~-51::,11,L) / I ·1 • 11 \ ' • 12 . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ·20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 2~ so 31 32 ··~ .. •. .'· I r. !1 'I I I : j I ! 1 2, 3 4 5 61 7i I .. a! 9.I I I . . 10 l I I 111 12 I 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 • 23 24 25 • 26 ·2'l 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 2083 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD G R A N TI N G A P P EA L O F D E C I S 1 0 N 'O F P LA r HI ING C O r-m I S S I O N R E - GARDiilG. Zone CH . .\ilGE FROM. R-1-10,000 TO P-C (Planned Community) zo;1E AND";\uO?flo:-l \.)j-A ;·l.'\STER PL1-\:'I v.t o::,3 AC;tc.::> UlilG sournrnLYI Ail □ ac::;.Tl!E~LY OF Pt,LO:-L~K AIRPO::zl RGP .. O A:10 .l'\PPROXI:·iATELY mo i MILES EAST 01=EL CA;.;1il0 R1:.t1l. (Carril lo Rancho Partnetsh ip} , The City Council of the City of Ca.rls.bad does hereby resilve as follo·.-1s: .. . l. Appellant Carrillo Ranch Partnership appealed to . the City Council the action of the Planning Commission regarding their Planning b:xsc herein mentioned application -Commission Resolution . No. 817 . , . . 2. All steps required by law in connection ,.,; th said applica- tion and appeal have been compl i_ed with. 3. Said .appea 1 .and .<\.PP 1 ica ti.on .are .g.r-ante.d and. the fo 11 owing was action in regard thereto is: taken:___&ci.f.rred tQ ~12nojng CQmmi s s ion_ . for reiiort. and recommending that density in the Master Plan be - confined to 4.583 uni ts. 4. In the opinion of the City Council t~e following facts and reasons make the granting of said appl-i cation necessary to carry out the general purpose of Ordinance No. 9060 as amended: That the orantino of said aooeal ; s conformance with the General Plan .. 5. Said action regarding said application is made subject to the following conditions and limitations: (a} That the density be confined to 4,583 uni ts. . .. . . PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City 2 Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held. October 3 ___ .._ __ 3 ]972, by the following vote, to wit: ' - 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 12 ATTEST: 1:5 Cmn.·Dunne, Mccomas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. None. None. ~~,; •••• ID M . 0 U N77i·,;=.:1 E,-~.;c...::;..-=-..,,._<::..........:C::::--_-.. ---- Mayor 14 ,· r :. 15 S/2'/,,,,,,,tf, ';!:*-<CH:/ 16 ~'ADAMS, _- 17 City ,clerk . 1, I) \ \, 18 19 .. 20 21 ~·- 22 23 24 25 26 ·27 28 29 : • ~: :... I . 30 I " .,. .:· • I I l 3 4 .6 7 PLAN~JNG COM~ISSJON RiSOLUTIO~ no. 845 A RESOLUTION OF .THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE. C[TY OF CARLSBAD REC0:~:-1rnon1G TO THE CITY COU:tCIL AN At!ENO~ENT TO THE GE~ERAL PLAN FOR CARRILLO RANCH PART~ERSHIP CHANGING RES[D~UTIAL-LAND USE FRO~ ESTATE LOW~DEMSITY (0-2 U~ITS/ACRE) TO LOU-DENSITY (3-7 UNITS/ACRE) ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND EASTEP.LY OF EL CAMIIIO REAL WHEREAS, said Planning Commission did on the 24th day of a October, 1972, hold a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed 9 by law, to consider the request of Carrillo Rancho Partnership 10 for an Amendment to the General Plan. 11 The Carlsbad General Plan is hereby amended "to change resi- 1~ dentfal land use from estate low-density (0-2 ~nits/acre) to low- 13 density (3-7 units/acre) on property located on the southerly side 14 of Palomar Airport Road and easterly of El Camino Real. 15 WHEREAS, at said public hearing the said Commission received 16 the recommendations, objections, pr6tests, and comments of all 17 individuals and parties who des1red to be heard; 18 WHEREAS, said Planning Commission did find the following facts 19 and reasons to exist which make said Amendment necessary to carry 20 out the intent of the General Plan: 21 1. 22 23 The proposed uses and densities will not be detrimental to surrounding properties. NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT ~ESOLVED that said Amendment to the 24 General Plan is hereby recommended to. be approved. 25 AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be 26 forwarded to ·the City Council for its attention in the manner 27 prescribed by law. 28 PASSED, APPROV~D. AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission 29 of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on October 24, 30 1972, by the following vote, to wit: 31 AYES: Commissioners Jose, Dominguez, Forman, Norman and Little 32 NOES: None --.... . l 2 ABSENT: Commissioners Palmateer and Dewhurst 3 41 ATTEST: 5 6 EOMONO W. DOMirlGUEZ, Secretary 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ELMER H. JOSE, JR., Chairman 1 2 3 4 5 6 --7· 8 9 10 .11 12 13 14 ·15 16 17 18' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2.8 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 2086 . , A RESOLUTidN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD(CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 1271}, fOR CARRILLO RMICflO PARTNERSHIP ON 853+ ACRES LOCATED APPROXIMATELY TWO MILES EAST OF .EL CAMINO REAL. ALONG PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad: does resolve as follows: 1. The G~nera1 Pl~ri .of ~he City of .Carlsbad is hereby amended to read as follows in regard to that certain real propert located in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Lots 3 and 4 in Section 18 and lots 1, 2 and 3 in Section 19, all in Township 12 ·south, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Offici~l Plat tltereof. Also those portions of lots 3 and 4 in Section 13; those portions of Lot 1 and Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24; and that portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 24, •i•n .,l.o.vrnship ,12 .. South, ,.Pvnnge A -Hes.t., .San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, lying outside of ranch line of Rancho Agua Hedionda, as said ranch line is shown on U.S. Government Survey of Township 12 South, Ra~ge 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, approved September 17, 1915, more particularly described in application on file in the Office of the City Clerk; a. To permit a maximum of 5.3 dwelling units per net acr~ instead _of the two (2) units pP-r net acre presently permitted under estate low density in the land Use Element of the General Plan. PASSED, APPROVED.AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held ori • Novemher·21; 1972~ by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McCornas, Lewis> Chase and Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. bAV ID M. DUNN£, Mayor ATTEST: MARGARETE. ADAMS, City Clerk Loker Bressi 51------------'""-..-----' i C 0 Carlsbad Raceway Corp. Adams La Costa Land Co. A. J. Land Co. M~adowlark Unit No.1 . ,.