HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD 2020-0021; THERMOFISHER; Consistency Determination (CD)PLNG, CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FORM FOR CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION APPLICATION CITY USE ONLY p , Original Project Number: _UD O q -0 2_. Development Number: PE\/ or-10 Consistency Determination Number: LD 2 D20 -oo 2/ PROJECT NAME: TFS MMS2 Assessor's Parcel Number(s) and 212-130-45-00 S7'il l/4-:_,J11ui, l,\,1;¥ Address: ' Description of proposal (add attachment if necessary( -- Tenant improvemen.t?, build out of existing offi;:~~ building into new __ , manufacturing, labs, warehouse and office space • --- Would you like to orally present your proposal to your assigned staff planner/engineer? @) ■ No D Please list the staff members you have previously spoken to regarding this project. If none, please so state. Teri Delcam[): Shannon Harker: Sarah Cluff -- OWNER NAME (Print): Mororisk LLC /RC Pennez:, Managing Porner APPLICANT NAME (Print): Geoff Fortuna MAILING ADDRESS: 3620 Penland Parkway, MAILING ADDRESS. 5791 Van Allen Way_ CITY, STATE, ZIP: Anchorage Ak, 99508 CITY, STATE, ZIP: Carlsbad, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: 907-947-5949 TELEPHONE: 7 60-290-9193 EMAIL ADDRESS: bobcpenney@icloud.com EMAIL ADDRESS: Geoff.fortuna@thermofisher.com ' I *Owner's signature indicates permission to conduct a preliminary review for a development proposal. IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF TO INSPECT AND OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ' APPLICATION. I/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. I , CERTIFY THAT I AM ,:HE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE , INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY \ KNOWLEDGE. ' =:-:-..:.=.,-~-"' ,_ ~:.;: -~-"-12/14/2020 Robert Penney =-i,.,,,,,,~,,-12/14/2020 Geoff Fortuna , SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE ' I APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE (Print}: Jean-Claude Constandse i MAILING ADDRESS: ' 3132 Tiger Run Ct, Suite # 113 : CITY, STATE, ZIP: Carlsbad, CA 920 l 0 , TELEPHONE: 858 449-3066 CITY OF CARLSBAD EMAIL ADDRESS: Jean-Claude@cpcarchitects.com ()EC 1 4 2e2e I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APPLICANT AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. BUILDING DIVISION ---~-~~,--Jean-Claude Constandse ~~'.€a~-= 1 2/ l 4/2020 SIGNATURE DATE FEE REQUIRED/DATE FEE PAID: RECEIVED BY. P-16 Page2of2 Revised 02128118 {city of Carlsbad CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES AND APPLICATION P-16 What you need to give us: Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760} 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov • Application form {signed by the owner(s) of the property unless applicant has sufficient legal interest in the property.) • Fee (See current fee schedule for cost) • Detailed written description of the proposed revision(s) • Two (2) sets of your site plan folded to 8 ½ x 11 • Revised site plans and/or elevations and floor plans • Exhibits/plans/tables, which provide a comparable analysis of the existing project and proposed revised project WHEN and WHERE to submit: Your application may be submitted at the Planning Division counter at 1635 Faraday Avenue. The consistency determination application must be submitted by appointment*. Please contact the appointment specialist at (760) 602-2723 to schedule an appointment. HOW your application is processed: After a submittal is made, the project planner and project engineer will be assigned the project. Written responses to your submittal wilt be mailed following the Planning and Land Development Engineering review (and other divisions/departments as applicable) and should be received by you within thirty days after the review date. Please keep in mind that additional information may be requested in order to make a consistency determination and project issues of concern. Upon approval of a Consistency Determination, the City Planner will request the project applicant to submit two (2) blueline copies (24"x36n) of all Consistency Determination exhibits to be stamped "Consistency Determination." Also, you may need to provide the City with a reproducible 24"x36" mylar copy of an amended Site Plan which must be stamped "Consistency Determination" to obtain the City Planner's signature. Please review Policy 35 (attached) to determine if your project qualifies for a Consistency Determination. P-16 Page1 of2 Revised 02128118 I I / EXISTING OVERALL SITE PLAN ~~=m:t ~-: og;fl*• .. , ... . ........ . TFS -MMS2 PROJECT l EXISTING OVERALL SITE PLAN: -5791 VAN ALLEN WAY -279 EXISTING PARKING SPACES DEDICATED FOR THIS BUILDING CD-01 0,-CE&IC c p c a rchitects FH _...,,,,.,..,.,.....,......,,.,....,.,...---.,.... u ----EB EXISTING 5791 SITE PLAN TFS -MMS2 PROJECT EXISTING SITE PLAN: • 5791 VAN ALLEN WAY • 279 EXISTING PARKING SPACES DEDICATED FOR THIS BUILDING • 209 STANDARD PARKING SPACES • 42 COMPACT PARKING SPACES -9 ADDED STANDARD SPACES (EXISTING) -12 ADDED COMPACT SPACES(EXISTING) • 7 ACCESSIBLE SPACES • TOTAL EXISTING PARKING FOR 5791: • 218 STANDARD PARKING SPACES • 54 COMPACT PARKING SPACES • 7 ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES ·TOTAL= 279 PARKING SPACES -EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT FHe i:::::=:r c=i -- CD-02 0 CE&IC c p c a rchitects J PROPOSED 5791 SITE PLAN . '-".........,..,_,,._.. .,,._,.. ....... o,,.a..;11;1-• ..._,.,...~m,._.,.-._.. .. ..,_.a.451t•.,--...,._ . ._._...,.~.,.1_...,,..,.__.......,...,.__. --. ........................ --~ • ~,.,.........,_Ju.---------U.,K --. ..,, ...... "--- !·---1 ........ ..,..._._ ........ 111~ ..... --...................... ......... .., __ ,_ _ _, _______ 111_.......,_ __ _... ... __ llotHl __ ...,__•Vllll---.-.-_,_...,__._•-~--..... -.., . .._......,.., _ _,_._. ._ ...... _I.Ml....,...-. ......... _...,_,.,...,. ________________ _.... -----_ __, ________ ...,.___,..._..,_ TFS -MMS2 PROJECT EXISTING SITE PLAN: • 5791 VAN ALLEN WAY • 279 EXISTING PARKING SPACES DEDICATED FOR THIS BUILDING • 218 STANDARD PARKING SPACES • 54 COMPACT PARKING SPACES • 7 ACCESSIBLE SPACES • TOTAL EXISTING PARKING FOR 5791: • 218 STANDARD PARKING SPACES -54 COMPACT PARKING SPACES • 7 ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES •TOTAL= 279 PARKING SPACES PROPOSED SITE PLAN: • 24 STANDARD PARKING SPACES REMOVED - -14 COMPACT PARKING SPACES REMOVED - • TOTAL PROPOSED PARKING FOR 5791: -194 STANDARD PARKING SPACES • 40 COMPACT PARKING SPACES • 7 ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES ·TOTAL= 241 PARKING SPACES -RELOCATED FIRE HYDRANT CD-02.1 O CE&IC c p c a rchitects ' EXISTING LANDSCAPE REMOVAL FOR NEW PROPOSED LOADING DOCK EXISTING ASPHALT PARKING AND ISLAND FOR PROPOSED SERVICE YARD NEW PROPOSED LOADING DOCK EXISTING VIEW FACING WEST FROM MAIN ENTRY TOWARDS SERVICE YARD TFS -MMS2 PROJECT EXISTING ASPHALT PARKING AND ISLAND FOR PROPOSED SERVICE YARD EXISTING & PROPOSED CAMPUS COOLING TOWER EQUIPMENT SCREEN CD-03 O CE&IC c p c a rchitects C ~ l I J \ ~-- I ,J 1~ r--) 1:/ \j vl__, EB I I - c:::: ' -1 II PROPOSED 5791 SITE PLAN -PROPOSED STORM WATER MITIGATION PLAN TFS -MMS2 PROJECT PROPOSED SITE PLAN : ·NEWAND REPLACED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 7,564 S.F. • PERMEABLE PAVING AREA: 7,599 S. F. CD-09 O CE&IC c p c a rchitects 7 H I I I I bd t~-J .........-.. 1.044 E9 PROPOSED 5791 SITE PLAN -NEW AND REPLACED IMPERVIOUS AREA TFS -MMS2 PROJECT PROPOSED SITE PLAN: • REPLACED IMPERVIOUS AREA = 5,960 S.F. c:=:::J • NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA= 1,604 S.F. • TOTAL NEW AND REPLACED IMPERVIOUS AREA" 7,564 S,F. • NET NEW PERVIOUS AREA= 1,976 S.F. c:=J • NET IMPERVIOUS AREA DECREASE= 372 SF CD-08 0,:CE&IC c p c a rchitects \ )1-i I I .,.---- ,....._ -- PROPOSED LOADING DOCK DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE IMPACTS: • Based on new proposed building use, parking reduction is estimated at +I· 106 spots -Proposed Service Yard design will displace 25 existing parking spaces • Proposed loading dock design will displace 12 existing parking spaces • Proposed loading dock and Service yard landscape removal will be = 1,560 S.F • Proposed loading dock and Service Yard Landscape Addition will be= 1,728 S.F • Total remaining Landscape after removal is a net gain of 168 S.F. • Total remaining parking after parking loss= 242 which is a total of 69 stalls above what is required by occupancy change of use. If 111 ffi I , I □ -PROPOSED PARKING REMOVAL o ■ -PROPOSED LANDSCAPE REMOVAL RELOCATED FIRE HYDRANT e.o....-1 --- I • ~ -PROPOSED LANDSCAPE ADDITION l I ";==l :==T====--==-~1__....._-~~ _ . EOGE OF BUILDING (!) z iS -' 5 al LL 0 w (!) 0 w TFS -MMS2 PROJECT IMAGE #01 IMAGE #03 IMAGE #02 IMAGE #04 CD-07 OCE&IC c p c a rchitects 1~1 l ,_,1 80 ENLARGED UTILITY YARD PLAN ,110,osu, LN2 TANKS •2ff-a" HtGH ------· IIHSllOC--, - PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION,.o,oSEDM<TAL PARTIAL SOUTH ELEVATION lOllVEUD SE•VJCt VA.10 SClUNO l(f-3-HfGH PROPOSED METAL LOUVERED SERVICE YARD SC REEN @ 1 0' ·3" HIGH --2000Kw STANDBY G§~IIE~.+OR > PROPOSED UTILITY YARD SCREEN WALL AND LANDSCAPE REMOVAL: • Based on new proposed building use, parking reduction is estimated at +/-106 spots • Proposed Utility yard is removing 25 parking spots and 1,560 SF of landscape • Total remaining parking lot landscape after removal is= 168 SF above what Is required. • Proposed Utility yard screen wall is intended to match existing campus screen walls (See Photo below), 10'-0" high metal louvered walls located in the back of house of buildings EXISTING SERVICE YARD LOUVERED SCREENS PROPOSED LN2 TANKS c 20·-o·H17 PROPOSED COOLING TOWER@ 20'-8" PROPOSED SERVICE YARD LOCATION CD-06 TFS -MMS2 PROJECT O CE&IC c p c a rchitects ~11t<oltQOI' ~•l'ITOtTI> 1 1 f 1 : r ~ ~ 1 0-------,----· -,,-=l#=---r~--.....;;;"'-.;.,..~""'=~=p=f'f==-===========~-P----=t-1;;;=======,------0 I l ---,-I ! □. ® ~/~ □ ~ p' .J ~T'T"T'"'f r-T"'T"'i~ ,-------!--J......_____---,1 ... -. I 0--t----::::::::::-~-:--- 1 I~~~~~~~~ I , ~~~f ~~o l I ~~~o P □ c:J I p !I @ __ ...,,..~--~ ~ --+-----,-~---+ILLki!l-'=_b--p==-------=9--=,::__--r.---.....::::=-......::e9----===--"" --------@ ©-- -PROPOSED ROOF TOP EQUIPMENT D -0 -PROPOSED ROOF GRAVIIY INTAKE LOCATIONS -PROPOSED ROOF EXHAUST LOCATIONS PROPOSfDPV ANGLES AND HEIGHTS PROPOSED ROOF GRAVITY INTAKE REQUIRED PV: -Based on existing shell documents, Min. Required system size for PV Is 113 kWdc -TFS is planning on adding more than minimum required. -Existing skylights will be higher than added PV Array, so not visible from street, no need to provide screening for them, see below for a similar proposed installation. CONCLUSION: -Total Provided PV is 355 panels, sufficient to meet PV requirements for this project PROPOSED MECHANICAL ROOF EQUIPMENT: -There are 4 proposed small intake hoods that will be located on the roof, these are located in places where skylights have been removed and coordinated with existing PV placement. The height will be 24" high again not much higher than the existing skylights. -There are 4 proposed exhaust stacks that will stick up r--0· to 9'-0" up in the air, and these will be llisible, but again small enough and only from selected view points. (Back of house) -There are two new proposed roof top equipment which are the same size as existing rooftop mounted equipment which are currently not screened CONCLUSION: -We believe that existing roof screening Is sufficient to block any AHU's and what Is visible is no different than what the current skylight and PV on the roof is, proposed 4 stacks will be far back that they will not be visible from street CD-05 ~::::!! ~-,~~ TFS -MMS2 PROJECT O CE&IC c p c a rchitects ,. . VIEW TOWARDS SITE FROM VAN ALLEN WAY #1 VIEW TOWARDS SITE FROM TFS TOP SITE #4 NOTES & OBSERVATIONS: -The proposed utility yard, new loading dock and minor roof equipment will NOT be visible from Faraday Ave. or Van Allen Way, as illustrated by photos 1,2,3 -As illustrated by photos 4 and 5 the only view of the new utility yard and loading dock will be from the TFS building at the top of the hill and directly in front of it from the parking lot (back of house) -As Illustrated by photos 4 and 5 the only view of roof equipment is from the back of house, and existing roof screen is to remain -Seivice Utility yard proposed screen will be within the existing campus examples, and proposed to match in order to continue the same look and feel of back of house utilities. -Proposed Loading dock design will offer considerable landscape additions to the site, which will enhance the look of the back of house and soften the Service Yard Look CONCLUSION: -We believe that proposed Utility Yard Screen, new loading dock and existing roof conditions are sufficient for screening proposed equipment, consistent with existing campus architecture and not visible from public right of way TFS -MMS2 PROJECT ~ <( Nz d~ ~m>-tr;;i 0,-CE&IC c p c a rchitects