HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-11-21; Update on San Diego Regional Water Quality Board Notice of Violation (Districts - All); Gomez, PazTo the members of the: CITY COUNCIL Date~ CA / CC / CM,✓ ACM ~DCM (3) L November 21, 2024 Council Memorandum To: From: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Publi~orks Via: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager ®,J {city of Carlsbad Memo ID# 2024084 Re: Update on San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board Notice of Violation (Districts -All) This memorandum provides an update to a previous Council Memorandum dated December 21, 2023, on a Notice of Violation {NOV) from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board {San Diego Water Board), Attachment A. Background The city received an NOV from the San Diego Water Board on December 15, 2023, regarding the Stormwater Permit's Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements and limitations, particularly concerning bacteria levels in receiving waters like the Pacific Ocean, at Moonlight State Beach in the City of Encinitas. As described in Attachment A, while several agencies, including the City of Carlsbad, are named responsible for the Pacific Ocean Shoreline at Moonlight State Beach, only the City of Encinitas contributes any runoff to Moonlight State Beach. Nevertheless, all five agencies (i.e., Cities of Carlsbad, Encinitas, Escondido and San Marcos and the County of San Diego) are technically accountable for TMDL responsibilities, including water quality monitoring, assessments and annual reporting, which is why all five agencies were included in the NOV. Discussion On November 9, 2024, the city received confirmation from the San Diego Water Board staff that the December 15, 2023, NOV was changed to a 'historical' status in the state's record. This change in status confirms that the issues identified in the NOV have been corrected and the city will not be subject to enforcement. City staff had provided written comments and oral testimony related to the Tentative Time Schedule Order (TSO)1 and successfully worked with the San Diego Water Board staff to be removed from the TSO because Carlsbad does not discharge to Moonlight State Beach and is hydrologically disconnected. Carlsbad does not cause nor contribute to water quality issues within the Moonlight State Beach basin . 1 Tentative Time Schedule Order No. R9-2023-0006 Public Works Branch Environmental Sustainability Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2799 t Council Memo -Update on San Diego Water Board Notice of Violation (Districts-All) November 21, 2024 Page 2 As a result of city staff's advocacy, the San Diego Water Board removed the city from the final TSO that was adopted on March 13, 2024. San Diego Water Board staff indicated in their response to comments that the City of Carlsbad was removed from the TSO because it is not causing nor contributing to exceedances at Moonlight State Beach, which benefits the city because the city will not be accountable for potential regulatory violations related to Moonlight State Beach. Next Steps Although the city was removed from the TSO, the city is still named as a responsible agency in the underlying TMDL requirements2, as described in Attachment A. City staff will continue to work toward being removed from the TMDL requirements and plan to comment to that effect when that specific item comes before the San Diego Water Board for discussion, which is currently unscheduled with no timeline available. Until the City of Carlsbad is completely removed from the TMDL requirements, the city will continue to comply with its obligations, including reporting requirements consistent with the direction from the San Diego Water Board. Attachment: A. Council Memorandum dated December 21, 2023 cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Gina Herrera, Assistant City Attorney James Wood, Environmental Sustainability Director Tim Murphy, Senior Program Manager 2 TMDL requirements are included in Attachment E.6 of ORDER NO. R9-2013-0001, AS AMENDED BY ORDER NOS. R9-2015-0001 AND R9-2015-0100 NPDES NO. CAS0109266 (Storm Water Permit) Council Memorandum December 21, 2023 To: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council Via: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager ATTACHMENT A {city of Carlsbad Memo ID# 2023126 From: Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Pub~ic orks Re: Notice of Violation from the San Dieg gional Water Quality Control Board (Districts -All) This memorandum provides essential information regarding a Notice of Violation No. R9-2023-0202 dated December 15, 2023 (Attachment A), issued by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (San Diego Water Board). Background The City of Carlsbad, along with 37 other agencies in San Diego, Orange, and Riverside Counties, is subject to the requirements of San Diego Water Board .Order No. R9-2013-0001, as amended by Order Nos. R9-2015-0001 and R9-2015-0100 (Stormwater Permit), and can be viewed at the following link: Order No. R9-2013-0001, as amended by Order Nos. R9-2015-0001 and R9-2015-0100 Originally adopted in 2013, this Stormwater Permit includes Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements and limitations, particularly concerning bacteria levels in receiving waters like the Pacific Ocean. The TMDL mandates monitoring, assess.ments, and annual reporting to the San Diego Water Board by the responsible agencies. While several agencies, including Carlsbad, are named responsible for the Pacific Ocean Shoreline at Moonlight State Beach in the City of Encinitas, only the City of Encinitas contributes any runoff to Moonlight State Beach. Nevertheless, all five agencies (i.e., Carlsbad, Encinitas, Escondido, San Marcos and the County of San Diego) are technically accountable for TMDL responsibilities, including water quality monitoring, assessments and annual reporting. Encinitas, as the sole discharging agency to Moonlight State Beach, has undertaken these TMDL requirements on behalf of all five agencies. Discussion Water quality monitoring and assessment related to the Bacteria TMDL commenced in 2015, with the first reports submitted in January 2017. Subsequently, six more TMDL annual reports were submitted to the San Diego Water Board. However, the January 2022 submission of the fiscal year 2020-21 TMDL Annual Report recently prompted comments from the San Diego Water Public Works Branch Environmental Sustainability Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2799 t Council Memo -NOV from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (Districts-All) December 21, 2023 Page 2 Board, particularly regarding assessment calculations and compliance with TMDL requirements in the Stormwater Permit. In addition to the Moonlight State Beach TMDL report,-the San Diego Water Board staff identified deficiencies in all submitted TMDL reports for the 29 responsible agencies in San Diego County. This situation underscores a notable incongruence in the interpretation of the TMDL requirements within the Stormwater Permit between the responsible agencies and the San Diego Water Board . . Following discussions and meetings with San Diego Water Board staff in 2022, the City of Encinitas agreed to modify assessment methodologies and reporting to align with the Board's interpretation of the Stormwater Permit. These modifications were incorporated into the fiscal year 2021-22 TMDL Annual Report, submitted in January 2023. Despite the reporting modifications, Notices of Violation (NOVs) were issued to all 29 responsible agencies for non-compliance with TMDL requirements of the fiscal year 2020-21 TMDL annual reports submitted in January 2022. Next Steps San Diego Water Board staff has verbally indicated that the NOVs are technicalities and can formally be converted to 'historical' status in the state's records. Staff will work to ensure that the NOVs are formally converted as such. Additionally, discussions are ongoing between the San Diego Water Board and the cities of Carlsbad, Escondido and Vista and the County of San Diego, to be removed from the Tentative Time Schedule Order (TSO) No. R9-2023-0006, An Order Requiring Designated Responsible Permittees to Comply with Bacteria, Project I-Twenty Beaches and Creeks TMDL Requirements Prescribed in the Regional Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems Permit for the San Diego Region. None of these agencies are hydrologically discharging to the TMDL area of Moonlight State Beach, so they cannot cause or contribute the water quality issues in that basin. Instead, the Moonlight Beach drainage area is comprised of discharges entirely from the City of Encinitas. However, until the City of Carlsbad is completely removed from the TSO and the TMDL permit, the city will continue to comply with its obligations, including reporting requirements consistent with the direction from the San Diego Water Board. Attachment: A. Notice of Violation No. R9-2023-0202 dated December 15, 2023 cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Gina Herrera, Deputy City Attorney James Wood, Environmental Sustainability Director Tim Murphy, Senior Program Manager ,,, CAL.lfOIIN IA Water Boards San Diego Reg ional Water Quality Control Boa rd December 15, 2023 Carlsbad Bacteria TMDL Responsible Copermittees Sent Via Email Only In reply refer to/attn: CW-794838:JTaylor ATTACHMENT A N•~ YA~A G AACIA l~~ s£.i;nnAfl''I r on ~ E:tlVlf\Ol~MENTAL rnon:CTICIII Subject: Notice of Violation No. RS-2023-0202 for Failure to Comply with the Requirements Prescribed in Specific Provision 6 of Attachment E to Order No. R9-2013-0001, as Amended, for the Total Maximum Daily Load for Indicator Bacteria, Project I -Twenty Beaches and Creeks in the San Diego Region (Bacteria TMDL) Carlsbad Bacteria TMDL Responsible Copermittees, The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region (San Diego Water Board) is issuing Notice of Violation (NOV) No. R9-2023-0202 to the Bacteria TMDL Responsible Copermittees in the Carlsbad Watershed Management Area (WMA) for failure to comply with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. CAS0109266 and Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining the Watersheds Within the San Diego Region, Order No. R9-2013-0001, as amended (Order).1 The Carlsbad Bacteria TMDL Responsible Copermittees (Responsible Copermittees) include the County of San Diego, and the cities of Carlsbad, Encinitas, Escondido, and San Marcos. 1Order No. R9-2013-0001, as amended by Order Nos. R9-2015-0001 and R9-2015-0100, NP DES No. CAS0109266, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining the Watersheds within the San Diego Region (Order), San Diego Water Board, adopted May 8, 2013, available on the San Diego Water Board website at: https ://www.waterboards.ca.gov/san d ieg o/water iss ues/prog rams/stormwater/docs/2015- 1118 AmendedOrder R9-2013-0001 COMPLETE.pdf CELESTE CANTO, CHAIR I DAVID GIBSON, EXECUTIVE OFFICER 2375 Northside Drive, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92108-2700 I www.waterboards.ca.gov/sandiego Carlsbad Responsible Copermittees -2-December 15, 2023 Background The Carlsbad WMA Copermittees submitted a Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) on June 26, 2015, and Jurisdictional Runoff Management Programs (JRMP) that are implemented by the Carlsbad WMA Copermittees to achieve improved water quality in MS4 discharges and receiving waters. The WQIP was accepted by the San Diego Water Board Executive Officer on November 22, 2016. The WQIP was updated in 2018 and 2021. The 2021 WQIP update was accepted by the San Diego Water Board on December 13, 2021. The Carlsbad WMA WQIP identifies Nutrients, Bacteria, Hydromodification Impacts, and Riparian Habitat as the High Priority Water Quality Conditions (HPWQCs) and Nutrients, Bacteria, Toxicity, Sediment, Hydromodification, Trash, and Riparian Habitat as the Priority Water Quality Conditions (PWQCs). The Carlsbad WMA Copermittees must implement the Carlsbad WMA WQIP to address HPWQCs and PWQCs. Summary of Alleged Violations 1. Failure to Report Dry Weather Single Sample Maximum Exceedance Frequencies Pursuant to Specific Provision 6.d.(1)(c)(i) of Attachment E to the Order: The Responsible Copermittees must analyze the dry weather and wet weather monitoring data to assess whether the interim and final WQBELs for the Pacific Ocean Shoreline segments or areas listed in Table 6.0 have been achieved. Observations: The Responsible Copermittees failed to report the dry weather single sample maximum exceedance frequencies for total coliform, fecal coliform, and Enterococcus at station EH-420 in accordance with Specific Provis.ion 6.d.(1)(c)(i) of Attachment E to the Order as part of the 2020-2021 WQIP Annual Report. Finding 1 from Attachment 1 of the San Diego Water Board's November 7, 2023 letter, Updated Clarification of Requirements for Bacteria TMDL Compliance Assessments, identifies the following: The 2020-2021 Bacteria TMDL Compliance Report did not include an assessment of the dry weather SSM exceedance frequencies. The Responsible Copermittees failed to report the dry weather SSM exceedance frequencies for total coliform, fecal coliform, and Enterococcus at station EH-420 in accordance with Specific Provision 6.d.(1 )(c)(i) in Attachment E to the Order. 2. Failure to Properly Calculate Dry Weather 30-day Geometric Mean Exceedance Frequencies Pursuant to Specific Provision 6.d.(1)(c)(ii)[d] of Attachment E tot.he Order: The exceedance frequency must be calculated by dividing the number of 30-day geometric means that exceed the 30-day geometric mean receiving water limitations in Table 6.2 by the total number of 30-day geometric means calculated from samples collected during the dry season. Carlsbad Responsible Copermittees - 3 -December 15, 2023 Observations: The Responsible Copermittees failed to properly calculate the 30-day geometric mean exceedance frequencies for total coliform, fecal coliform, and Enterococcus at station EH-420 in accordance with Provision 6.d.(1)(c)(ii)[d] of Attachment E to the Order as part of the 2020-2021 WQIP Annual Report. Finding 2 from Attachment 1 of the San Diego Water Board's November 7, 2023 letter, Updated Clarification of Requirements for Bacteria TMDL Compliance Assessments, identifies the following: Section 3.1.2 of the 2020-2021 Bacteria TMDL Compliance Report identifies that dry weather samples collected between October 1, 2020, and September 30, 2021, were used in the calculation for the 30-day geometric mean exceedance frequency. Pursuant to Specific Provision 6.d.(1)(c)(ii) the dry weather 30-day geometric mean exceedance frequencies must be calculated for samples collected during the dry season only (May 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021 ). The Responsible Copermittees failed to properly calculate the 30-day geometric mean exceedance frequencies for total coliform, fecal coliform, and Enterococcus at station EH-420 in accordance with the requirements in Specific Provision 6.d.(1)(c)(ii)[d] of Attachment E to the Order. 3. Failure to Report Wet Weather 30-day Geometric Mean Exceedance Frequencies Pursuant to Specific Provision 6.d.(1)(c)(iii)[e] of Attachment E to the Order: The data collected for dry weather must be used in addition to the data collected for wet weather to calculate the wet weather 30-day geometric means. The exceedance frequency of the wet weather 30-day geometric means must be calculated by dividing the number of geometric means that exceed the geometric mean receiving water limitations in Table 6.2 by the total number of geometric means calculated from samples collected during the wet season. Observations: The Responsible Copermittees failed to report the wet weather 30-day geometric mean exceedance frequencies for total coliform, fecal coliform, and Enterococcus at station EH-420 in accordance with the requirements of Specific Provision 6.d.(1 )(c)(iii)[e] in Attachment E to the Order as part of the 2020-2021 WQIP Annual Report. Finding 4 from Attachment 1 of the San Diego Water Board's November 7, 2023 letter, Updated Clarification of Requirements for Bacteria TMDL Compliance Assessments, identifies the following: The Responsible Copermittees failed to report the wet weather 30-day geometric mean exceedance frequencies for total coliform, fecal coliform, and Enterococcus at station EH-420 in accordance with the requirements in Specific Provision 6.d.(1)(c)(iii)[e] of Attachment E to the Order. The 2020-2021 Bacteria TMDL Compliance Report does not include an assessment of the wet weather 30-day geometric mean exceedance frequencies for total coliform, fecal coliform, and Enterococcus at station Carlsbad Responsible Copermittees -4-December 15, 2023 EH-420 as required. Table 2 of this attachment identifies there were a total of 31 samples (7 wet weather samples and 24 dry weather samples collected in the wet season) available to calculate 30-day geometric mean exceedance frequencies during the wet season. Summary of Potential Enforcement Options The violations alleged above may subject the Responsible Copermittees to additional enforcement by the San Diego Water Board or State Water Resources Control Board, including a potential civil liability assessment of $10,000 per day of violation (Water Code section 13385) and/or any of the following enforcement actions: Other Potential Enforcement Options Applicable Water Code Technical or Investigative Order Sections 13267 or 13383 ---.... --·•· --- Cleanup and Abatement Order Section 13304 Cease and Desist Order Sections 13301 -13303 Time Schedule Order Sections 13300, 13308 In addition, the San Diego Water Board may consider revising or rescinding applicable waste discharge requirements, if any, referring the matter to other resource agencies, referring the matter to the State Attorney General for injunctive relief, and referral to the municipal or District Attorney for criminal prosecution. The San Diego Water Board reserves the right to take any enforcement action authorized by law. In making the determination of whether and how to proceed with further enforcement action, the San Diego Water Board will consider the severity and effect of the violation, the level of cooperation, the time it takes to correct the identified violations, and the sufficiency of the corrections. The written correspondence should be submitted to SanDiego@waterboards.ca .gov with the following signed certification statement. All reports submitted to the San Diego Water Board required by this Order, must be signed by the duly authorized representative for the Discharger and must include the following statement: I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for known violations. Carlsbad Responsible Copermittees -5 -December 15, 2023 Each electronic document must be submitted as a single file, in Portable Document Format (PDF) format, and converted to text searchable format using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). All electronic documents must include scanned copies of all signature pages or other acceptable electronic signature format. Electronic documents submitted to the San Diego Water Board must include the following identification numbers in the header or subject line: PIN: 794838:JTaylor. For questions pertaining to the subject matter, please contact Jessica Taylor at (619) 521-5893 or Jessica.Taylo r@waterboards.ca.gov. Respectfully, Ke I ly Do rs,e \1: Digitally signed by l<elly Dorsey 7 Date: 2023.12.15 13:49:56 -08'00' ,. ;. ' Kelly Dorsey, PG Assistant Executive Officer San Diego Water Board cc: City of Carlsbad City of Encinitas City of Escondido City of San Marcos County of San Diego