HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Records Destruction Authorization Form-Police; 2024-11-20/ RECORDS DESTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION FORM DATE: NOVEMBER 12, 2024 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: PSSB REQUESTER: SERGEANT DEMENT DESTRUCTION APPROVALS: We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. <iZ:;8, -i= s'(12 ,, (n{t~ DEPT. EAD/DIVISION MANAGER DATE _-f •• /.,_ (1_ •. L / _ ti A.:..~ ... r l~H/Al,,d ,1 ll/fl//Ja2.V (,/ U,U{,/; (J ~ i 1 / le, I 2. Y U/ /£UU-,/~ ,.__ l --RE-CO-R-DS_M_A-NA-G-EM-E-NT--"---=--=-=---....,DA+TE'-"'-+'~ --C=-IT-V.c,-ATT-'-0...::R...;.NE_V ____ D_AT_E __ RECORDS DESCRIPTION RRS NO. RRS TAB BARCODE BOX NO. DATED PERIOD (if applicable) IA #16-23 IA Type II 11-18-2016 5 years IA #17-07 IA Type II Empty File 5 years IA #17-07 IA Type II Hart 4-4-2017 5 years IA #17-09 IA Type II 8-28-2017 5 years IA #17-03 IA Type II Empty File 5 years IA #17-03 IA Type II Prior 5-24-2017 5 years IA #18-02 IA Type II 2-17-2018 5 years IA #18-07 IA Type II 3-1-2018 5 years IA #17-15 IA Type II 12-4-2017 5 years IA #18-12 IA Type II 4-6-2018 5 years IA #18-15 IA Type II 6-19-2018 5 years IA #18-16 IA Type II 5-8-2018 5 years IA #18-19 IA Type II 8-20-2018 5 years IA #18-20 IA Type II 11-1-2018 5 years IA #18-01 IA Type II Empty File 5 years IA #18-22 IA Type II 11-19-2018 5 years IA #18-18 IA Type II 9-4-2018 5 years E. Ramirez IA #18-18 IA Type II 9-4-2018 5 years Solaria This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Records Management Program. {"Cityof Carlsbad Revised: 2021 P a g e /1 IA #18-18 IA Type II 9-4-2018 5 years Wolf IA #18-23 IA Type II Empty File 5 years IA #18-23 IA Type II 12-12-2018 5 years Benevidez IA #19-08 IA Type II 5-14-2019 5 years Galivan IA #19-08 IA Type II 5-14-2019 5 years Walker J. IA #19-14 IA Type II 8-28-2019 5 years IA #19-15 IA Type II 5-22-2019 5 years IA #19-13 IA Type II Empty File 5 years IA #19-13 IA Type II 8-19-2019 5 years Gallucci *If more spaces ore needed, click in the last box in right hand corner of table and hit "tab". This will create more fields in the table. RECORD DESTRUCTION COMPLETED BY: ---~-,........~~~-~-- CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? To be filled out once records have been destroyed. ,~&~kKl) □·YES ~ DATE: // /20 /202-f ' , TAB BARCODES DELETED BY: DATE: ----------------------- This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Records Management Program. C Cityof Carlsbad Revised: 2021 Page /2 ----