HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-11-19; City Council; Resolution 2024-260Exhibit 1
Nov. 19, 2024 Item #10 Page 10 of 106
WHEREAS, after holding a public nuisance abatement heariing on the date of this resolution, the
City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds the following facts as set forth in this resoilution; and
WHEREAS, the property located at 2921 Roosevelt Street (APN 203-292-10-00) ,("the Property")
is owned by The 2921 Roosevelt Ltd., a California business trust dated March 19, 2001, Samuel KelsalU
V as Executive Trustee ("Property Owner") and mortgagees Amerkan F:irst Federal Inc., American
Securities Company, CDC Small Business Finance Corp., and U.S. Small Business Admin1istration, Fresno
Commercial Loan Servicing Center; and
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Code Enforcement Division has prov1ided substantial evidence
of public nuisance-related complaints on the property dating back to 2014 when code offioers
discovered junk and debris at the rear of the main building, as well as ,evidence of habitation in the
storage shed structures at the rear of the building; and
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Code Enforcement Division has prov1id.e-d substantial evidence
that between 2014-2024 the Property Owner was noticed and cited for several municipa'I code
violations including junk accumulation, expired business lioense, unauthorized alterations, r,ep.airs,
additions and changes of occupancy to existing buildings and structures, prohibiited temporary storage
containers, operation of an amusement game arcade without the reqtlisite Village rev:iew permit and
an unpermitted sign advertising the arcade, unauthorized parking of a recreation vehicle, unauthorized
bee apiary and public nuisance; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that Property Owner challenged some of these violations in an
appeal filed on April 8, 2016. On appeal, the administrative hear,ing officer found that the city had
established the violations alleged in the final notice of vioilation and found that the property's
condition, including trash, junk and debris and the dilapidated condition of the structures and unlawful
activities constituted a public nuisance dangerous to the health and welfare of th,e publ1ic. The
administrative hearing officer also found that by the time of the hearing the Property Owner had
brought the property into compliance; and
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Code Enforcement Division has provided substantial evidence
that similar nuisance conditions had returned to the Property by March 2019 when the city received a
complaint that junk was being stored on the property; further investigation revealed a potentially
inoperable vehicle in the rear of the property, an RV/camper vehicle parked in the rear of the property
for several days with an electrical cord running into a storage shed structure, a truck containing a
makeshift camper in the truck bed area, old car parts, boxes and other items covered by tarps in the
back yard, a soda vending machine, and air conditioning units in the storage shed structures; and
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Code Enforcement Division has provided substantial evidence
that the City attempted to resolve the 2019 code violations and nuisance conditions through a code
compliance agreement, which was effective until Dec. 30, 2023. Ultimately, by May 12, 2022, the
violations were substantially corrected with a few vending machines remaining on site and a few bulky
items kept under a tarp in the rear area of the property which the property owner agreed to move into
the storage shed structures or elsewhere; Property Owner also provided contractor certifications that
the electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems inside the storage shed structures satisfied the
applicable code requirements given the age of the structures; and
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Code Enforcement Division has provided substantial evidence
that since at least July 2023, new nuisance conditions have arisen on the property as well as nuisance
conditions persisting from previous code cases; that these nuisance conditions were observed after the
fire department responded to a fire to a tree in the rear of the Property, just outside one of the storage
unit structures; and that these nuisance conditions included an unpermitted basement beneath one
storage units that contained an unpermitted HVAC system, exposed wiring, and evidence of habitation
including mattresses, trash, and other personal items; and
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Code Enforcement Division has provided substantial evidence
that Propery Owner received a notice of violation on September 12, 2023, for the July 2023 nuisance
conditions, and that these violations were not resolved until May 17, 2024, after multiple follow-up
code enforcement inspections; and
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Code Enforcement Division has provided substantial evidence
that new and recurring public nuisance and substandard housing violations were discovered on August
16, 2024, including: railings and wood flooring on the front porch of the main structure in disrepair and
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unsafe to stand on; damaged door lock and hasp on one wooden storage shed structure in the rear of
the property that continues to fail and results in trespassers dwelling in the storage shed structure that
is not designed for human habitation; broken skylight in one of the storage shed structures; evidence
of human habitation in the shed storage structures including mattresses, trash, drug paraphernalia,
cooking implements, and used candles; unlawful placement of solid waste adjacent to the storage shed
structures, namely tarped arcade games and other bulky items that are being used by trespassers as a
dwelling space; and
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Code Enforcement Division provided substantial evidence that
it duly served the Property Owner with a notice of violation on Aug. 23, 2024, for violations of California
Health and Safety Code Sections 17920.3(A)(14) (inadequate sanitation: general dilapidation or
improper maintenance), 17920.3(C) (nuisance), 17920.3(H) (fire hazard due to cooking implements and
used candles in the storage shed structures not intended for dwelling units), and 17920.3(N)
(unintended occupancy), a copy of which is provided as Exhibit 3 to the Nov. 19, 2024 City Council staff
report associated with this Resolution ; and
WHEREAS, there is substantial evidence that the Building Official served the Property Owner
with a Notice and Order to Repair Substandard Building and Abate Public Nuisance on or about Sept.
4, 2024, for violations of California Health and Safety Code Sections 17920.3(A)(14) (inadequate
sanitation: general dilapidation or improper maintenance), 17920.3(C) (nuisance), 17920.3(H) (fire
hazards), and 17920.3(N) (unintended occupancy); 1997 Uniform Housing Code, Chapter 10, Sections
1001.14 (hazardous or insanitary premises), 1001.2.13 (inadequate sanitation/general dilapidation),
and 1001.9 (fire hazards); and Carlsbad Municipal Code Sections 6.08.100 (unlawful placement of solid
waste), 6.16.010 (nuisance) and 6.16.010(J) (nuisance), a copy of which is provided as Exhibit 3 to the
Nov. 19, 2024 City Council staff report associated with this resolution; and
WHEREAS, there is substantial evidence that the Notice and Order was also mailed to all
interested parties of the Property; and
WHEREAS, the notice and order was recorded against the property on Sept. 5, 2024, pursuant
to California Health and Safety Code Section 17985(a); and
WHEREAS, the Property Owner did not file an appeal of the Notice and Order to Repair; and
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Code Enforcement Division has provided substantial evidence
that Property Owner has not fully remedied the new and recurring public nuisance and substandard
housing violations on the property, including: Railings and wood flooring on the front porch of the main
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structure in disrepair and unsafe to stand on; unreliable door lock and hasp on one wooden storage
shed structure in the rear of the property that continues to fail and results in trespassers dwelling in
the storage shed structure that is not designed for human habitation; broken skylight in one of the
storage shed structures that has been temporarily been repaired with a piece of glass and screws but
that requires a more sustainable repair such as boarding up; unlawful placement of solid waste
adjacent to the storage shed structures, namely tarped arcade games and other bulky items that are
being used by trespassers as a dwelling space; and
WHEREAS, there is substantial evidence that numerous transient or trespass-related calls for
service and police responses have occurred at the Property due to trespassing activity, persons sleeping
in the rear of the property or in the storage shed structures, or other suspicious or illegal conduct such
as drug use or possession of stolen items. Between Sept. 1, 2016, and July 6, 2019, there were 36 such
transient or trespass-related calls for service and police responses, some of which originated from the
Property Owner or his staff; between July 7, 2019, and Dec. 26, 2022, there were 15 such calls for
service and police responses, plus one response for suspected drug use on the premises and one
response for shotgun shells found at the Property. On at least 39 separate dates between Dec. 27,
2022, and Oct. 24, 2024, police officers patrolling or responding to the area located people sleeping
behind the Property or otherwise trespassing. On 12 separate dates between Feb. 11, 2023, and Oct.
24, 2024, police officers discovered unlocked doors and locks that had been damaged or removed at
the Property. Police officers have either warned contacted persons they do not have permission to be
at the Property or have cited such persons for trespassing if they have previously been warned; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the present conditions on the Property, taken together,
are a public nuisance as defined by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 6.16.010, because they constitute
a threat to the public's health, safety, and welfare or to the environment, and significantly obstruct,
injure, or interfere with the reasonable or free use of property in a neighborhood, community, or to
any considerable number of persons, or otherwise constitute a public nuisance under California Civil
Code Sections 3479 through 3480; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the present conditions on the Property, taken together,
are also a public nuisance as defined by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 6.16.010, because the
Property is being maintained in a manner that is so defective, unsightly, dangerous, and in a condition
of deterioration and disrepair that persons or property may be harmed; and
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WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the present conditions on the Property are a public
nuisance as defined by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 6.16.015(J), because they violate various
provisions of both state and local law; and
WHEREAS, the record upon which this substantial evidence is based, includes but is not limited
to: (1) photographic documentation and code enforcement officer observations to document the
violations; (2) copies of notices and documents developed or created during the case investigation;
(3)all other matters of common knowledge to the city, including, but not limited to, city, state, and
federal laws and policies, rules, regulations, applicable within the city and its surrounding areas; and
(4)the Nov. 19, 2024, City Council staff report, which is incorporated herein by this reference and
adequately summarizes any other facts, findings, and other determinations in support of this nuisance
abatement order; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 6.16.040, the City Council must
conduct a public hearing to determine if a public nuisance exists, and if so, whether and how it will be
abated; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was scheduled for Nov. 19, 2024, at 5 p.m., in the City Council
Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA, as the time and place for a public hearing to hear
any objection to the proposed abatement or removal of the public nuisance; and
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Code Enforcement Division provided substantial evidence that
they duly served the Property Owner and any mortgagee and/or beneficiary under any recorded deed
of trust of the affected premises on Oct. 28, 2024 and Nov. 4, 2024, with two notices of the nuisance
abatement hearing set for Nov. 19, 2024, at 5 p.m., as required by Carlsbad Municipal Code Sections
6.16.050 and 6.16.060.
1.That the above recitations are true and correct.
2.Adopting a Resolution ordering abatement for APN 156-152-15-00 does not meet CEQA's
definition of a “project,” because the action does not have the potential for resulting in
either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect
physical change in the environment.
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3.Any and all objections to the proposed removal or repair of the following items located in the
rear area of the Property, as reported by the City of Carlsbad Code Enforcement Division, are
hereby overruled: trash, junk, and debris, including bulky waste; damage to the front porch;
damage to the locking mechanism for the storage shed structures; damage to the skylight
inside one of the storage shed structures; and
4.The public nuisance conditions on the Property shall be abated by the Property Owner within
30 days from the date of this Resolution by:
A.Completely removing all of the following items located in the rear area of the Property:
Trash, junk, and debris, including bulky waste. All such items need to be stored inside the
main structure, the storage unit structures, or off-site and cannot be stored outside the
Property using tarps or other temporary materials for coverage.
B.Repairing all wood and railings on the front porch back to their original condition or to
otherwise avoid safety risks and hazards.
C.Repairing the locking mechanism for the storage shed structures with a bolted, more
secure and impenetrable locking mechanism.
D.Replacing the temporary glass sheet that is screwed into the broken skylight in one of
the shed structures with boards to prevent future trespassers and avoid future glass
E.Removing the dilapidated vending machine and arcade game from front porch. These
items must be stored inside the main structure, the shed structures, or off-site and
cannot be stored outside the Property using tarps or other temporary materials for
5.Any public nuisance conditions that are not abated by the Property Owner within 30 days
from the date of this Resolution may thereafter be abated by city agents, employees or by
private contract by any legal method and in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code
Section 6.16.100, by securing the property completely removing all of the following items
located in the front yard area: dead trees, abandoned or damaged structures, trash, junk,
debris, and inoperable vehicles.
6.If any public nuisance conditions are abated by the city, city staff is authorized and directed
to subsequently impose a special assessment or lien against the Property for the full costs of
such abatement and any related administrative costs in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal
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Code Sections 6.16.120 and 6.16.130.
7. The decision and resolution of the City Council shall be final and conclusive.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the 19th day of November, 2024, by the following vote, to wit: