HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-11-19; Economic Development Subcommittee; ; Sustainable Materials Management Program UpdateMeeting Date:Nov. 19, 2024 To: Economic Development Subcommittee From: Jamie Wood, Environmental Sustainability Director Staff Contact: Jamie Wood, Environmental Sustainability Director jamie.wood@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2584 Subject: Sustainable Materials Management Program Update Recommended Action Receive an informational report on the implementation of the city’s Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Program, discuss and provide recommendations. Executive Summary Senate Bill (SB) 1383 mandates that cities implement organics recycling programs to reduce organic waste in the landfills. Additionally, the Carlsbad City Council approved a single-use plastics ban to reduce plastic pollution in both the environment and landfills. City staff are working diligently with Carlsbad businesses to ensure compliance with all of these new regulations. This report provides an update on the SMM Program implementation and a discussion of actions taken to date. Explanation and Analysis State-mandated organics recycling The State of California established statewide targets to reduce the amount of organic waste disposed of in landfills by 75% by 2025 in SB 1383. The 2016 law also set a goal to recover at least 20% of currently disposed edible food by 2025 and redirect that food to people in need. Organic waste is defined by the state as including food waste, landscape and pruning trimmings, lumber, wood, manure, cardboard, paper products, printing and writing paper, and other plant and animal- based products. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Nov. 19, 2024 Item #3 Page 1 of 3 The six new requirements of SB 1383 are: Additionally, the City Council approved a phased-in single-use plastic foodware ban that added Chapter 6.20 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code. These ordinances include: •A plastic bottle ban at city facilities and city-affiliated events •A plastic bag ban •A ban on the intentional release of balloons Staff have visited and provided technical assistance to all businesses in the City of Carlsbad to support progress toward compliance with these new ordinances. Despite an extensive education campaign and staff engagement with businesses to provide support and resources in making the transition, some businesses have noted continued difficulty in meeting the new requirements. Staff will provide the Subcommittee with a breakdown of actions taken to date, the reaction from affected businesses, and continued efforts to ensure compliance. Focus Group Discussion On Nov. 7th, 2024, City staff hosted a focus group discussion with several food-serving establishments focused on supporting businesses as they transition to sustainable practices, as part of the City’s ongoing efforts surrounding the single-use plastic ban. This session, held in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce, Carlsbad Village Association and the Economic Development Department, examined challenges experienced by businesses related to Carlsbad’s single-use plastics ban. Eight businesses attended and shared their experiences and concerns as they navigate sourcing and implementing eco-friendly alternatives. The discussion centered on operational and financial challenges, such as the high costs of compliant products, supply chain issues, difficulty communicating information to customers, and mixed customer reactions. Businesses expressed a need for resources, including vetted supplier lists and potential partnership-supported initiatives such as bulk purchasing programs and or grants to offset the cost of the transition to sustainable materials. Participants emphasized the importance of public education on sustainability mandates, suggesting more city-led outreach to foster community understanding and support. Nov. 19, 2024 Item #3 Page 2 of 3 .... 0. Provide organics collection services to all residents and businesses ..-..... ~ Establish an edible food recovery program i!.;J, Conduct education and outreach to the commu nity ·n .... l.} Procure recyclable and recovered organic w aste pro ducts I ~ I Secure access to recycling and edible food recovery capacity • ~ Monitor compliance and conduct enforcement Fiscal Analysis This action has no financial impact. Next Steps Staff will continue to work with businesses to ensure compliance with federal, state and local regulations. Exhibits None Nov. 19, 2024 Item #3 Page 3 of 3 Jamie Wood – Environmental Sustainability Director Avecita Jones – Senior Program Manager _______,,,,, s INS t • ~ars Sustainable Materials Management Key Principles: 1.Lifecycle Perspective 2.Resource Efficiency 3.Circular Economy 4.Reducing Environmental Impacts Sustainable Materials Management Plan Phase 1 Ensure compliance with all state solid waste regulations currently in effect. Phase 2 Achieve regulatory compliance with all SB 1383 regulations. Phase 3 Establish sustainable materials management systems throughout Carlsbad. City of Carlsbad California July 27, 2019 •Implementation plan adopted Dec. 14, 2021 •Initiative A – City department action plans •Initiative B – Stakeholder engagement •Initiative C – Policy development •Initiative D – Public education, outreach, technical assistance Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan {city of Carlsbad Sustainable Materials Management Division 2019 – Sustainable Materials Management Plan adopted 2022 – Business Outreach and Education Visits 2021 – Sustainable Material Management Implementation Plan adopted O!fof Carlsbad Cal fornia Jllly:27,2019 Ccityof Carlsbad 1. Assess Current Business Practices Ensure compliance with SB 1383, including proper labeling of services Address questions regarding new organics recycling regulations Provided first touch of information related to Single Use Plastic Bans 2022 Business Outreach Program SB 1383 2. Outreach and Education with the Community January 2022 – Carlsbad Village Association April 2022 – Chamber of Commerce Green Business Committee 2022 Business Outreach Program 2. Outreach and Education to businesses RestaurantMolly – 8.11.22 state and locail environmental! laws Organic waste recycling D Jan. 1, 2022 Donate edible food waste to identified food recovery ,.. ,anizations (Tier 1 businesses) Y"-1~~-1, 2022 Food scraps, other organic □ materials must be compos~ed Jan. 1, 2024 Donate edible food waste to identified food recovery org,mizations (Tier 2 businesses) ~ng~se foodware 'V';~~e 1, 202.2 Single-use plastic utensils, straws and condiment packets upon ... ,uestonly 'V"'1uly 1, 2023 No plastic or styrofoam food ware Plastic bag ban □ July 1, 2023 ,Retail stores may not offer .. ~tic bags to customers y July l, 2024 RP~tr111rr11nti:;; mr1y nnt nffpr plastk bags to customers iHow is your business affected? New state and local laws covering organic waste recycling, edible food recovery and single-use pla,stic products are coming, and the City of Carlsbad is here to help! Resource and toolkit materials are availiable on our website. You can also always reach out to our team for assistance. The City of Carlsba~ is here to help. reducereuserecycle@carlsbadca.gov 442-339-2646 carlsbadca.gov/reducereuserecycle Organic waste recycling 5B1383 SB1 .383 iis a State of Callifomia law that builds on ,the stat,e's commitment ,to reduce gr,eenhouse gas emi.ss'ions and air po lutiion .. The faw requi1res all bu.s,ine.s.ses and 1residents to dive;rt organic materials, like food waste, yard waste and food soiled pape:r, from the landfiill. Tlhis law al.so 1requir,es the state ,to increase edible food 1recovery by 20% by .2025. Single .. use foodware AB1276 / CS-420 AB 127,6 expaind.s the p!astic straws upon req1ue.§t law to in dude other .sing'le-use food items li'ke u,te:nsils, containers and condiment packets. CS-420 is ,the dty'.s ordinance reqiu iriing food se:rvice providers to only offer reusable or other e-00-friend ly food packaging and acc.es'Sorie.s, such as ce.rtiified ,com1postable or marine degradable packagirng. Plastic bag ban CS-424 CS-424 is the dty'.s plastic bag ban pro'hilbiting retail stores and restaurants from us'ing disposable pllastic bags. Ernforcementwill be phased in, beginning Jully 1,.2023, fon etail establis1hments, and Ju'ly 1, 2024, for food-serviice provliders. tf f REUS.AB LIE IS BEST Learn more Business visited: __________ _ City staff: ___________ _ 3. Identify/resolve issues or concerns related to new waste hauler – Republic Services Customer service Solid waste services provided Compliance with SB1383 Troubleshooting new organics recycling service 2022 Business Outreach Program 4. Document business compliance Site visits documentation Communication with businesses Documenting progress towards compliance Communicating with CalRecycle  Implementation record for reporting 2022 Business Outreach Program ~ Cal Recycle 1. Prioritize business inspections by aligning with SB1383 requirements SB 1383 requirements – included large restaurants, hotels with on-site food services, and event venues Implement and expand - edible food recovery programs Single use plastics ban – included food service providers and retail 2024 Business Inspection and Outreach Program SB 1383 2. Begin Business Inspection Process Meet with Business representative Discuss compliance progress with SUP bans and SB1383 regulation Request a 30-day business plan Follow-up inspection email 2024 Business Inspection and Outreach Program 3. Outreach and Education with the Community December 2023 – Developed and implemented with Carlsbad Village Association an action plan for Carlsbad’s Farmer Market vendors to meet compliance January - March 2024 – Provided in- person technical assistance and outreach to all Carlsbad Farmer Market’s Vendors June 2024 – Chamber of Commerce Green Business Committee 2024 Business Inspection and Outreach Program New rules for State Street Farmers Market vendors Whefher you're ii first-time vendor or a seasoned pro, here's ,a list of mew state and local laws that .app'ly to farmers market verndors operating in tihe Gity of Carlsbad. Organic IJ _vendors must put organic I waste (gn,en waste,food ~ •. , composting ~ sa.1ps •00 food-soiled paper products).-. new green ENent binslorpropersorting.(SB l3BlJ ( SkiptheStuff ~9~ 1' ~~[~]~;~ ~ ~ ~ V' use-nsr~,straws and<:ondiments upon request. (AB12.76) Edible food recovery Vendors shall participate in ithe edible food reco..eryprogram_ (5B1383) Plasticba,g ban Ven.dorsmayonly p,ovide reusable,, paper,or BFtcentified compostablebags. No plas.tic bags from retail or food vendors. ,(CMC6.2◄) ca rlsbad ca.gov/red uc,ereu serec ycle Single-use plastic ban Vendors may only provid~reusable_BP1 certifiedoornpostable. or rrsmeclegradab~ foodware. (CMC 6.10) !Plastic bottle ban Vendors shall not dis.tribute plastic bottled beverages at city-pErmittede'w'ents. (CMC•~.2ZJ Continually updating flyers and providing new outreach as we complete inspections and learn more about what businesses are requesting 1.Collaboration with Republic Services 2.New SUP Plastic Ban flyers 3.New SUP Plastic Ban back of house posters 3. Updated Outreach Materials REFU ,SE SI G E-USE BAGS Singlle-use p astic bags are banned in t he City of Cadsbad (Ca~tsbad Municipal Code 6.24)1 0 Re sab e is best ✓ Paper and compostable is okay x Plastic 1s not allowed Help promote a su.stamabl,e Carlsbad by encouragrng customers to bring reusab1le bags. W'e can make· a positive en\lironmental impact by opting ·fo pape and Ge; tined com,postable bags These items br,eak dow11 i to nutrient rich composit to lbe used by the Carlslbad commun·ty. Plastic bags don't break. down in 1the landfill, cause ha m to the environment and llocal willdllife, and poUllJte our creeks,, lagoons. and ocean. Why are reusables best? Compar,ed to dfspo.salbtes, l"el!Sabl,e foodware ftems use far le.ss ,e11e:rgy a11d resourr,ces ,over tihelir lllfetllme. lRemabl,e Items hel[P fight [POUutron and reduce waste by bei11g used ove,r and ov,e;r agalrn After s,everal uses, at .a lir,eakeven point. mis ables pay for Uie lnltrall ~ost and start sav1111g :your lbusl111ess money. Why opt for com postables? Opijng for G&bltied mmpostabl,e foo dwa.re rs a. ,grr,eat ,option Im Cernlsbad, srnoe tliey ;:ir,e made fr,om plant$, look a11d feel lbettertlharn piastre and Styrofoam and lh,ei[P busl11esses .stay com[Pllant with state and local laws. ,carlsb d's waste hauler p:r,ooesses orga11lc wa·ste fir,om y,ourr gr,een carVdlllmpsteir at the Otay Compost Facllrty. TMs faclllty earn .also 1process c,ertilf\ed compostab11,e rtems, whlcih are deslg1111ed to decompose and rr,eiPlenlsh soll fertlllty unlllke [Pltistrcs tihat don't break down rn .a larndtilll a11d ,ca1L1s,e harm to our ,environment. What is certified com pos table? Greeriwashlng is a ,common [Pr,actlce wher,e com1piu1les us,e mlsieadlng statements or padkag rig to ma~e tihelr 1Products seem env1r,onmenta.lly Mel'ldly when ~ey ar,e not. Not,all Items b:randed ",aompostable" ar,e tn.ily oom[Postable. Foir this reason, [Pllrrclhase products ,c,e1tified lby the two approved certlfyl11g ln:stltlltlons: BPI UB!odegr.adable Pr,oduct·5 Institute) .and~or CMA {Compost Manufactur1ng Alllance}. rihls win ensur,e you are usfng, tril.l@ ,oompo,stable fooclwar,e ancl fooclw.arr,e .acoessories. ~E = Which businesses does this apply to? A re5tau1rant, cafe, coffee shop, fast-food restaurant, drive- t.hr,o ugh servieie,,g,r,ocery store, supermanket conve,nience sto:re, dellkatessen, cafeteria, fanmers manic.et Mobile food fadlity, molb11e food ve1ndor, catering operation, food truck E.:::i *rn!:I+ Jggg Hotels. motels, bed and breakfasts sus_ tain_ab_.lemate-rialsmanagement@nrlsbadca.gov ~-----? -442-339-2646 . ■ ca tlsba dclll .gov/re du cereuset ecyd e 0 u Other (temporary food faoilitf es, commis.sanles, etc,) Continually updating flyers and providing new outreach as we complete inspections and learn more about what businesses are requesting 1.Collaboration with Republic Services 2.New SUP Plastic Ban flyers 3.New SUP Plastic Ban back of house posters Updated Outreach MaterialsSO TO GA ICS CO C Prevent contamination and avoid fee,s Food scraps & food-soiled pope, c:IPM lln"'\ 6" Ille., lfA'l'llwd ( gmp,ii,.t,t. lin«1pn!Jm~J When in doubt, throw it out carrsbadca.go,v/reducereuserecyde Food donation guide for Carlsbad businesses H,elp your business supp,ort your community Each year, Carlsbad grocery stares, restaurants, and other food generating bu:sines:ses discairid tom of ediible food. Bu:9inesses can work wi~h food recovery org:arfizations to re<lired that food to help addir,ess food insecurity. food donation 1s a :safe, sijmple practice with meaningful benefits for )local businesses.and our community .. 4. Expanded technical assistance and resources a)Bins for Business Program b)Single-Use Plastics Solutions Technical Assistance 2024 Business Inspection and Outreach Program Whia't is cerUfied composta ble? Gr,eenwash1lng l·s a ,common practice where compan1es l!lse mirsle dllng statemenb or padcag!ng to ma1~e 1tlhelr prioducb. 5eem envlr-onmentally frierndly when !!hey are not. Not.all Items br,andsd •c,ompostablle" a1T1e tmlymm1postable.1Farthls n~ason,1purcht1se prod ucts c,e·rHfi~ by·th~ two approved certifying Instr utron • BPI (1B odegrrad b!e Pr,oducts 11 • ,smute) and/or CMA (Compost Mariufactu111ng AHlanoe). lhrs wHI ensure you a~e usfng true ,u0mpostab1le foodwar,e and foodw.ar,e arnessories. hich businesses does this apply to, A r,estaurant. ca~. coffee sho;p, fast-food 1restau.rant, drive- ~hroug~ service, gr,oc,ery store supernu11ket, convenience smre, de ica,tessen, cafeteria, rarmeil's' market Mobile food facility, 1mobile food vendor, cat,ening operation, foodtrnck Hlote1ISi. motels, bed and br,eakfu sts Other (temporary food facillities, co·mmissarles, etc.) 5. Technical Assistance •If submitted a plan or have questions, this is the type of customer service we provide •Verification of acceptable foodware items •Educate businesses on BPI & CMA Certification •Connect business in Carlsbad •Assist in applying to the Bins for Business program 2024 Business Inspection and Outreach Program RE: City of Carlsbad Follow Up · RESORT ------------ Ash I e y Gonzalez To -Paul, Jes.se (SANPA) etention Policy Carls.bad Email Retention (2 years.) (D This ml!ssagl"' is part of a track.l!'d convMsation. Click herl"' to find all r~l<itl"'d messagl!'s or to open thl"' original flaggtd ml!'ssage. Greetings Ashley, Thank you for all the useful information! Below is screen shot of the descriptions for the ,ecos brand disposable containers I am suggesting. I hope this helps clarify Thank you! Product De:scription Add1Uonal De~ pUon Grab & Go, Our BPI certified compostable Por1100 Cups Lids are made from PLA. a plastic derived from corn starch. and are great for cold foods wfiefe prese-ntabOn arid visibility are d~stred Use with 2. 3. and 4 oz cups# EP-PC200, EP-PC300, EP-PC400 Pr d ct Information Ctaiss: 24 • DISPOSABLES Categary: 196 • BOWl.S, CUPS, PLA-ES & LIO$,OJSPOSA8LE Ciroup: 2465 ~ LIDS, DISPOSABLE, FOR CUPS & TUMBLERS affl(r ct er nrormatio ECO PRODUCTS Manufacturer Product #: EP-PCLID Expires 12/6/2025 lngiriedients, Allerg1ens & Nu ritlD'rn Information IMPORTANT: ?roduc nformation, inclirolng ingredients a ilerge-ns and nutritional information, is provided by ma , ufacturers/ supphers. and Includes nformat oo from the Global Oatd Sy chron zaoon NeMork mos ) and other third part sources such as the UnJted S ates DepartmEnt of ,Agriculture We know that al e gen 1nformat o:n 1s important to many customers, so we are pr<J'' d ng product mformat1on from the man factmers/supprers for the IFOA stop allergerns (btlp.s:/IM•.r.v.fda.govtfood,food fabelinQ! mrtll'ition/iood-allerg~, along with other se eet mgred ents. This informatmn ma not cover pottnt1al er· ss-contac, risks or alternate forms of the allergen(s). Prod ct formu'lations .are sub.Jee to change and nutr tional va ues can ary due to production, seasonal and other changes. Pease alwa~--s 1rev ew the 111gred1ents. allergens. 111 tir tmn information .and other product ·ntormation on t'he product packaging delivered to our locatH>rl. S Foods does ot assume-an looal I abfftv and 2024 Business Inspections Total Number of Business Inspections – 2,297 •545 Priority 1 businesses which includes: •Resorts, Restaurants, Plazas, Tenants, & Convenient Stores •206 Priority 2 businesses which includes: •Retail Stores, Food Establishments, Grocery Stores, & Small Hotels/Motels 11\I 1!111 = Looking forward New regulations SB 54 - Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act. SB 1053 - California Paper Bag Recycling Act City Collaboration •Business Roundtable – 11/7/2024 •Business community feedback City of Carlsbad’s Sustainable Materials Management Division Thank you! Email: sustainablematerialsmanagement@carlsbadca.gov