HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-03-06; Planning Commission; ; PCD/GPC 91-01 - TY OF CARLSBAD - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SHOREDATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: I. Sf AFF REPORT MARCH 6, 1991 PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLI~-COMPLETE DATE: January 21. 1991 GW ~ I -CITY OF CARLSBAD -CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SHORE ~ON -Request of a Planning Commission Determination for General Plan Consistency for the construction of a shore protection seawall and the placement of rock revetment designed to protect Carlsbad Boulevard and its associated improvements from storm wave damage. The project area is on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard south of the inflow jetty on the north side of Agua Hedionda Lagoon to the beach area around the warm water outflow jetty on the south side of the Lagoon. The project site is located in Local Facilities Management Zone 1 with General Plan and zoning designations of Open Space. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 3191 approving the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and ADOPT Resolution No. 3192 approving PCD/GPC 91-1 making the determination that the proposed City project is consistent with the General Plan based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Section 65401 of the California Government Code requires that a General Plan Consistency Determination be made for major public works projects. Project Background This project is for the protection of the recently widened Carlsbad Boulevard and associated improvements and utilities. The City Council declared its intent of reconstructing and widening Carlsbad Boulevard through Council Resolution No. 7770 after the storm damage of the 1983 winter season. The Carlsbad Boulevard widening was intended to be followed by the implementation of an unspecified shore protection measure. The Carlsbad Boulevard improvements requiring protection include a divided roadway with a median, parallel parking on the west side, sidewalks on both sides, landscaping and lighting. In addition, there are utilities including a 12 inch water main, a four inch H.P. gas main, telephone lines, electrical lines and storm drains. ~CD/GPC 91-1 -CARLSB'8ouLEVARD SHORE PROTECTI- MARCH 6, 1991 PAGE 2 A feasibility study was performed by Woodward-Clyde Consultants to assess various shore protection measures. Ultimately, a 3 foot 6 inch high concrete wall was identified as the most effective and cost-beneficial shore protection measure. The City Council authorized the preparation of a project design in July 1990 (Resolution No. 90-242). Project Area Part of the project area, as shown on Attachment "A", is approximately 2,600 feet in length on the west side of existing Carlsbad Boulevard between the inflow jetty on the north side of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the warm water outflow jetty on the south side of the Lagoon. This stretch is Carlsbad Boulevard's lowest elevation averaging + 13 to + 16 feet above Mean Sea Level Datum. The average beach width is 150 to 200 feet with one to six inch diameter cobbles covered by a thin summer time sand layer averaging one to three feet in thickness. This sand is usually removed by wave action during the winter wave season. Periodic overtopping and washing out of Carlsbad Boulevard often occurs during episodes of high tide and high wave condition. This stretch of Carlsbad Boulevard has a history of being washed out resulting in closure and costly repairs. This area will be the site of the main shore protection seawall. The rest of the project area is located approximately 8,oor/ feet to the south and will contain a smaller seawall (south seawall) and rock revetment to protect Carlsbad Boulevard. Main Seawall The proposed main concrete seawall is approximately 2,200 feet long and will tie into the existing rock revetments near the jetties at each end of the project area. The color of the concrete seawall will be Mesa Buff (Beach Sand). There will be five recessed breaks in the wall to allow for beach access approximately every 300 feet in the form of three vehicle access ramps and two pedestrian stairways. The three ramps are intended for lifeguard and emergency vehicle access but will also be for pedestrians. These three ramp areas will include amenities such as one foot raised viewing platforms, lifeguard towers, drinking fountains, trash receptacles, benches and triple trunk palm tree landscaping as shown on Attachments "C", "D" and "E". The walls in the lifeguard ramp areas will be treated with one layer of clear tile. No tables or flagpoles are proposed. The two pedestrian stairways will not have any art treatment or amenities. The seawall will include or contain a relief pattern (described below) and will be staggered so as to not present a continuous linear feature. Seawall Art Design The main and south seawall will include an art design by artist Raul Guerrero, cast in relief onto the length of the concrete wall by a mold. The proposed design, as shown on Attachment "B", features a rhythmic fish pattern integrated with wavelets. This design is PCD/GPC 91-1 -CARL. BOULEVARD SHORE PROTEC. MARCH 6, 1991 PAGE 3 intended to add visual interest to the wall which will also receive a graffiti proof treatment. The proposed fish pattern design and ramp amenities have been reviewed and approved by the City's Arts Commission. South Seawall The 240 foot long south seawall will be the same color and design as the main seawall. See attachment "A" for the location. Slope Stabilization The third component of the project is the placement of rock revetment to protect the southbound lanes of Carlsbad Boulevard. From erosion and potential wave undercutting which could lead to slope failure see Attachment "A" for the location. III. ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1. Is the proposed Carlsbad Boulevard shoreline protection project consistent with the goals and policies of various elements of the General Plan? Specifically, is the project consistent with the following elements? * Open Space * Land Use * Public Safety * Arts * Scenic Highways DISCUSSION Open Space Element This project will enhance the outdoor recreational opportunities within this stretch of the City beach/open space area while providing shoreline protection to Carlsbad Boulevard. As such it complies with the following goals and policies of the Open Space Element: Guideline #6 Guideline #7 "open space lands held by the public for recreational use should be accessible and should be provided with essential utilities, public facilities and services" "proper design criteria should be utilized to preserve the unique and special resources in the City and to integrate them into the design of any development." PCD/GPC 91-1 -CARLs"8ouLEVARD SHORE PROTECTI- MARCH 6, 1991 PAGE 4 Land Use Element Lagoon Guideline (#3) calls for future development adjacent to lagoons and beaches to "provide maximum physical and visual accessibility to these resources for public use and enjoyment." The proposed development will accomplish this objective while also providing public safety and protecting Carlsbad Boulevard from costly damage and is therefore consistent with this element. Public Safety Element The proposed improvement will improve public safety, minimize the possibility of injury or damage to property and improve emergency access (both to the beach, and via Carlsbad Boulevard). The project therefore complies with Goals 1 and 3 of the Safety Element of the General Plan. Arts Element Two objectives of this element are to "develop and maintain an environment that encourages diverse program activity in the arts" and "to establish the City's role in encouraging and providing works of art in public places". To meet these objectives, two policies are stated. 1. An Arts Commission shall provide "a forum for arts concerns and recommendations to elected officials and their staff concerning arts issues" .. 2. Contract "for cultural services with local art organizations and individual artists". An individual artist has contracted to develop the seawall's art design. The proposed wall design was reviewed and approved by the City's Arts Commission and an individual artist was contracted to develop the wall's design. The installation of art within this highly visible stretch of the City's beach area will satisfy this objective (No. 1 above). Scenic Highways Element Carlsbad Boulevard is eligible for a scenic highway designation by this element. By providing amenities and protecting Carlsbad Boulevard from damage in this scenic area, the project addresses one of the goals of this element to "provide a process for the establishment of convenient and safe scenic pleasure drives and scenic routes to major recreational areas and points of historical, scenic or cultural significance" (Goal #2). Since this project adds to the preservation and enhancement of the scenic qualities of a selected corridor (Carlsbad Boulevard), it is also consistent with Policy C.3.3 of the Circulation Element which calls for coordination "with the development of the scenic route program addressed in the Scenic Highways Element ... ". ~CD/GPC 91-1 -CARLSB,tt,OULEVARD SHORE PROTECTI- MARCH 6, 1991 PAGE 5 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Staff has reviewed the Environmental Impact Assessment Part I (EIA) and has completed the EIA Part II. The environmental benefits from this project include (1) the increased protection of Carlsbad Boulevard and associated improvements from storm damage and/or slope failure, (2) increased public safety, (3) enhanced opportunities for recreation by pedestrians and handicapped persons, and ( 4) the creation of a barrier to overwash and overtopping and wind blown sand. The primary potential environmental impact was visual aesthetics. This impact has been reduced to insignificance by (1) the development and implementation of the proposed art design and associated amenities and (2) the application of graffiti-proof treatment to the seawalls. The Planning Director has determined that as designed the project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment and therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration on January 31, 1991. This environmental review has undergone the required state level review due to its coastal zone location. There were no public comments received during the public review period for this Negative Declaration. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3191 Planning Commission Resolution No. 3192 Location Map Background Data Sheet Disclosure Form Attachments "A" -"E" Exhibits "A" -"G" dated March 6 1991 ' ' January 24, 1991 EM:rvo:km CASE NO.: CASE NAME: APPLICANT: -BACKGROUND DATA SHEET PCD/GPC 91-1 Carlsbad Boulevard Shore Protection City of Carlsbad REQUEST AND LOCATION: Shore protection for Carlsbad Boulevard on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard adjacent to Agua Hedionda Lagoon. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Portion of Lot Hof Map 823 as recorded in 1896 in the County of San Die o APN: 210-010-13 (Assessor's Parcel Number) Acres ----------Proposed No. of Lots/Units _-_--_______ _ GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation _O_S __ _ Density Allowed _O _____ Density Proposed ~O~- Existing Zone _O_S ______ Proposed Zone _O_S __ _ Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: (See attached for information on Carlsbad's Zoning Requirements) Zoning Land Use Site OS Beach North OS -=-'"----Inflow jetty to A.H. Lagoon South OS -=-'"----Beach East Prime Arterial Carlsbad Blvd. West _o_s __ _ Pacific Ocean PUBLIC FACILITIES School District -=N"""/""'"A""-----Water District Carlsbad Sewer District -=N~/""'"A""--- Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity) NIA Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated N/A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT _x_ Negative Declaration, issued January 31. 1991 _ Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ___ _ Other, __________________ _ EM:rvo ~ity of ~rlsbad DIS'CLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANTS STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE OF CERTAIN OWNERSHIP INTERESTS ON ALL APPUCATIONS WHICH WILL REQUIRE DISCRETIONARY ACTlON ON THE PART OF THE CliY COUNCIL, OR ANY APPOINTED BOARD. COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE. (Please Print) The following information must be disclosed: 1 . Applicant List the names and addresses of all persons having a financiaJ interest in the application. C \IY op CAR. L S\6 0i2 • 2. Owner List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. S • D-Cr-:E-· 3. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names ar addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnersr ir.ter9st in the partnership. 4. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organization or a trust, list the names ar addresses of any person serving as officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficia of the trust. (Over; Disclosure Statement Page 2 s. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff. Boar: Commissions, ~mmittees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes _ No L tf yes, please indicate person(s) ____________________ _ Person iS defined as: 'Any individual, firm, cocartnership, joint venture, aissociatior'!. scr-iS!! :!:.;b, fr .. t.::;r:~ organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision, or any other group or combination acting as a unit.' (NOTE: Attach additional pages as necessary.) ~{?.)fl Signature of ~ te Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Disclosure Statement Page 2 s. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff. Sea:: Commissions, ~mmittees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes _ No ~ tf yes, please indicate person(s) ____________________ _ Person is defined as: 'Arfi/ individual, firm, cocartnership. joint ventura, flSSOCiati(lr,, s~i2! :!:.;~. 17.i!.;~~a,; orgarnzation, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, this and any ocher county, city and county, crty municipality, district Of' other political subdivision, Of' any other group or combination acting as a unit.• (NOTE: Attach additional pages as necessary.) ,,,---; ~; ~L/~ Signature of bwner/d te Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant SITE P'....;'., CAR .SI3 . .\D BOULE\' . .\RD 5::0RE PROTECTIO:i' ORA,-,o.; 3'1' C:J CHfCX:fD SY FIGUAf k-0 'JJ..IE '!'I0GC':'!AR0-CLYCE CC11$UlTANTS A-rrA~H-M6"-IT" A ,:::>Z-<:~·· ;:::: ::: :::: 7::t<: =::::;-;e :,:-> <:, ::::'1:;.:,:-•:1:· •t:' ?::-:*rt --,:tr.;;;;-,,..,·10 =c. 3'-6" r SHORE PROTECT~ON \IV ALL TYPICAL ELEVATION ART WORK· CONCRETE COLOR: MESA BUFF (BEACH SAND) ' , ' MO&WSA PQ£,ta&WUW#.™j'i( -:_,:_·_, /<·:·::,./:· ·.··:· - . . . . . -· ' ..• E~JlERGENCY VEHICLE ENTRANCE TREATMENT ..... ·.•.• .. • •• : . :~· .. . . . . . ·. . •. , ... ') ••. • J • • • • • S~~ORE PROTECTION W All ._ .. · . f---10'-, ----i-1---17'-6" SECTION A-A ~~~~§fl • • t L_</{':••••Xt>•'•t>•••••':•?•••••'•?••••'• J ••• •• ••• •• ~---'--'--, ·•.··•··•· ~~~~~ ·_.·_:. ::-·_._·OFHN~l~G_·.-:":: ._._,_.-._· .. • .. : ._.-_·. ·.< · . • • •• • :: : .. ·.::--:. -· .. ·_·:_·.· •. :-:·.,_-,-:,FQ9NTAI_N.·:-:·:-:-.:·_.·.·._-._· . .-·-.-:-· . .-· .. ·.·.~:·. ,·:,. .. . ' . EMERGENCY VEHICLE ENTRANCE TREATMENT ....,, ~·. lj&lfi. 11?4.PQ .. ~·'tf~-• ,.'f'.,', .-.> P. -.'·•·':'fN':"'",f. A MAIN SEAWALL B SOUTH SEAWALL C SLOPE STABILIZATION/ RIP RAP LOCATION MAP AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON PACIFIC OCEAN CARLSBAD BLVD. SHORE PROTECTION •••• B City of Carlsbad PCD/GPC 91-1