HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE 2024-0055; ANGELLO ROOSEVELT RESIDENCE; Admin Decision Letter□FILE
December 9, 2024
Kathy Angello
3482 Roosevelt Street
Carlsbad, CA 92008
(City of
APN 204-172-11-00
Dear Ms. Angello,
Thank you for submitting a preliminary review application for a new single-family home proposed at 3482
Roosevelt Street. The project site, an approximately 5,852 square foot lot, currently is developed with a
one-story single-family residence (1,473 square feet) with an attached one-car garage accessed off the
Roosevelt Street Alley.
The project proposes the following:
• Demolish the existing one-story single family residence,
• Construct a new two-story single-family residence (3,500 square feet) with an attached two-car
• Access to the new two-story single-family residence is provided by Roosevelt Street.
In response to your application, the Planning Division has prepared this comment letter. Please note that
the purpose of a preliminary review is to provide you with direction and comments on the overall concept
of your project. This preliminary review does not represent an in-depth analysis of your project. It is
intended to give you feedback on critical issues based upon the information provided in your submittal.
This review is based upon the plans, policies, and standards in effect as of the date of this review. Please
be aware that at the time of a formal application submittal, new plans, policies, and standards may be
in effect and additional issues of concern may be raised through a more specific and detailed review.
Planning Division:
1. General Plan and zoning designations for the property are as follows:
a. General Plan: Village-Barrio (V-B}
b. Zoning: Village-Barrio {V-B)
Community Development Department
Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600
December 9, 2024
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Properties with the V-B zoning designation are governed by the Village and Barrio Master Plan
(VBMP). The subject property is located within the Barrio Center (BC) District of the VBMP.
Please see the discussion below for further details.
c. Master Plan: VBMP; BC District
i. In the BC District of the VBMP, a single one-family dwelling shall be permitted in all
districts on any legal lot that existed as of October 28, 2004. (VBMP, Table 2-1,
Footnote 1, pg. 2-8).
2. The project requires the following permits:
a. Building Permit
Section 6.3.2(A)(l) exempts the construction of one new single-family detached dwelling from
a discretionary permit. The project is subject only to building permit procedures.
b. Grading Permit and Grading Plan
If more than 200 cubic yards of soil (including remedial grading) will be moved, this project
will require a grading permit and grading plan (Section 15.16.060 of Carlsbad Municipal Code
3. The driveway and driveway apron off Roosevelt Street is shown being increased from 10.2 feet to 22
feet. The maximum driveway apron width is 20 feet. Please provide the required clear zones on a
formal construction drawing submittal (VBMP, Section 2.6.1.A, Ingress and Egress, pg. 2-12 to 2-13).
Please see Land Development Engineering Comment 19 for more information on vehicular access to
the site.
4. A formal submittal of construction drawings for building permit, and possibly grading permit, will need
to be accompanied by an accurate survey of the property. The parcel map containing this property
states the lot is 40 feet wide and 150 feet long {6,000 square feet). The subject preliminary review
application (PRE 2024-0055) states that the lot is 38 feet wide and 154 feet long (5,852 square feet).
Accuracy will be important for determining lot coverage consistency.
5. With the formal submittal of construction drawings for the new single-family residence, please
provide a full site plan, building floorplans, building elevations, and building sections.
6. Please declare how much landscaping is proposed as part of the project. If more than 500 square feet
of landscaping is proposed, the landscape plans will be required to undergo a separate landscape plan
check submittal.
7. The new residence is proposed to have a 13 foot setback from the edge of the sidewalk. If a direct
entry garage is provided off Roosevelt Street, a 20 foot front yard setback is required from the front
Community Development Department
Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600
December 9, 2024
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property line. Please clearly label the front, side, and rear property lines. Please refer to the VBMP,
Section 2.7.7.A, Setbacks, pg. 2-67, for more information on setback requirements.
8. The lot qualifies as a Small Lot due to minimum lot size (VBMP, Section 2.7.7.B, Lot Size and Dimension,
pg. 2-67).
9. The maximum lot coverage for small lots can be found in Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Section
21.45.070 Tabel D, Reference Number D.4 (VBMP, Section 2.7.7.C, Lot Coverage, pg. 2-67). The
maximum lot coverage is 45% for two-story homes due to the lot area being 5,000 square feet or
10. Open space requirements for small lots can be found in Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Section
21.45.070 Tabel D, Reference Number D.12 (VBMP, Section 2.7.7.E, Open Space, pg. 2-68). The formal
submittal of constructions drawings for the new single-family residence must demonstrate the
a. A private recreation space of at least 400 square feet (may consist of more than one
recreational space):
i. The minimum dimension of the recreation space shall be 15 feet.
ii. Required private recreational space shall be located at ground level and designed so
as to be functional, usable, and easily accessible from the dwelling it is intended to
serve, and shall not have a slope gradient greater than 5%.
iii. Required private recreational space shall not be located within front yard setback
areas, and may not include any driveways, parking areas, storage areas, or walkways
(except those walkways that are clearly integral to the design of the recreation area).
iv. Open or lattice-top patio covers may be located within the required private recreation
space (provided the patio cover complies with all applicable standards, including the
required setbacks specified in CMC Section 21.45.090).
v. Attached solid patio covers and decks/balconies may project into a required private
recreational space, subject to the following:
• The depth of the projection shall not exceed 6 feet (measured from the wall
of the dwelling that is contiguous to the patio/deck/balcony).
• The length of the projection shall not be limited, except as required by any
setback or lot coverage standards.
• The patio cover/deck/balcony shall comply with all applicable standards,
including the required setbacks specified in CMC Section 21.45.090.
Community Development Department
Planning Division [ 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600
December 9, 2024
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11. While not shown of the plans, the maximum building height for the new single-family home shall not
exceed 35 feet (VBMP, Section 2.7.7.G, Building Height, pg. 2-69).
12. There is a detached accessory structure in the rear of the property that appears to be on the northern
side property line. The accessory structure is not shown on the existing or proposed plans. If the
structure is proposed to remain, please demonstrate that the structure is permitted. If the structure
is not permitted but proposed to remain, the structure will need to me all applicable development
13. Per the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 (SB 330), any project that includes the removal or demolition of a
"protected unit" is required to provide the occupants with 1) relocation benefits (Gov. Code§ 7260
et seq.), and 2) right of first refusal for a comparable unit available in the new housing development.
(Gov. Code § 66300 (d)(2)(D).) "Protected units" are generally defined by Gov. Code §
66300(d)(2)(E)(ii) as including residential units subject to affordability restrictions, price controls, or
occupied by low income households. The formal submittal of the project will need to include
documentation regarding any existing "protected units."
14. New requirements related to the city's goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will likely
impact development requirements of this project. A formal application submittal will need to include
a completed Climate Action Plan Checklist (Form P-30) to determine what requirements will apply to
the project. New GHG reduction requirements are related to energy efficiency, photovoltaic, electric
vehicle charging, water heating and traffic demand management requirements, as set forth in the
California Green Building Standards Code and in Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapters 18.21, 18.30 and
18.51 which is available on the city's website at the following address:
To the extent that new GHG reduction requirements are in effect at the time of application for grading
or building permits, the project will be required to comply with the effective requirements even if
different than what is proposed in the project's planning approvals. GHG reduction requirements may
impact, but are not limited to, site design and local building code requirements. If incorporating new
GHG reduction requirements results in substantial modifications to the project after planning
approvals are obtained, then prior to issuance of grading or building permits, the applicant may be
required to submit and receive approval of a Consistency Determination or an Amendment
application for the project through the Planning Division.
All necessary application forms, submittal requirements, and fee information are available at the Planning
counter located in the Faraday Building at 1635 Faraday Avenue or online at
https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/community-development/planning. You may also access the
General Plan Land Use Element and the Zoning Ordinance online at the website address shown. Please
review all information carefully before submitting.
Land Development Engineering Division:
1. Please complete a Stormwater Standards Questionnaire Form E-34. This questionnaire will guide you
and the city in determining what type of reports and storm water mitigation must be completed to
Community Development Department
Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600
December 9, 2024
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satisfy state and City storm water quality requirements. The questionnaire is located on the City of
Carlsbad website.
2. Based on a preliminary analysis it appears that this project will be a Standard Project. Please complete
the Standard Project Requirement Checklist, Form E-36, and show all source and site design BMPs on
the conceptual grading and drainage plans.
3. Please provide a Preliminary Title Report (current within the last six (6) months).
4. Please annotate and delineate all existing easements and encumbrances listed in the Preliminary Title
Report on the site plan. If any vacations or quitclaims are planned with this development annotate on
the site plan.
5. Please delineate and annotate the limits of grading. Include remedial grading quantities on the plan.
6. Please delineate and annotate approximate topographic contours for existing and proposed
condition. Provide 1-foot contours for slopes less than 5%; 2' intervals for slopes between 5% and
10%, and 5' intervals for slopes over 10%. Extend contours a minimum 25 feet beyond the project
7. Please plot any existing or proposed retaining walls with heights identified.
8. On the site plan, please show and identify all existing surface improvements screened back (curb,
gutter, sidewalk, paving, manholes, inlets, streetlights, adjacent driveways, vaults, transformers, etc.)
at the project site, project frontage and within 25 feet of the boundary.
9. Please indicate the earthwork quantities (cut, fill, import, export, remedial) proposed for the project
in cubic yards.
10. Please provide the method of draining each lot. Unless otherwise specified by a geotechnical
engineer, method of drainage shall comply with California Building Code (latest version) section
11. Please delineate location of all existing and proposed buildings, walls, fences and permanent
structures onsite and within 25 feet of the site.
12. The trees along the Roosevelt Street public right-of-way frontage are included in the city's street tree
inventory. Please indicate on the site plan that they are to remain or to be removed. Proposed
removal of street trees will require approval per Section 11.12.090 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
Coordinate with the parks and recreation department for additional information.
13. Please show existing lot line bearing and distance.
14. Please show all existing utilities and callout size for: water, sewer, storm drain, underground dry
utilities, overhead lines, traffic signals, street lights in Roosevelt Street and laterals affecting the
Community Development Department
Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600
December 9, 2024
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15. All transformers and electrical facilities solely serving this project site shall be located on site and
outside of the public right-of-way.
16. Please locate fire service, backflows, potable and recycled water services, meters, landscape irrigation
services, and sewer laterals for the new development in compliance with City of Carlsbad Engineering
Standards requirements. Plot all existing and proposed utilities serving the development.
17. Please provide multiple cross-sections of the site to demonstrate differences in grade from adjacent
properties, existing and proposed grades on-site, fences and location of structures on-site and on
adjacent properties.
18. A 10-foot wide irrevocable offer of dedication for public street and utility purposes parallel to the rear
property line will be required per Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030 for any new building or
building expansion valued at $24,000 or higher. This easement will provide for the future extension
of the public alley that currently terminates at the subject property. Ultimately, once all dedications
are obtained, the alley will extend from its current terminus to Magnolia Avenue . The offer will be
rejected by the city but remain open for acceptance at a later date uncertain.
19. The driveway on Roosevelt Street may remain as access until an additional ten foot wide easement
dedication is granted from the adjacent property to the west, giving a full twenty foot wide easement
for the alley extension. Per Section 2.6.1 of the Carlsbad Village & Barrio Master plan, access shall be
provided from the alley. However, alley access would be impracticable until the full twenty foot wide
easement width is granted to allow shared access between the two properties. Until then, the house
may be developed with driveway access on Roosevelt Street. This driveway access on Roosevelt Street
may remain after full easement dedication is granted but may need to be removed if the property is
redeveloped subsequent to the dedication.
20. Please be advised that a more in-depth review of the proposed development will occur with the
discretionary permit application when a more complete design of the project is provided.
Building Division:
1. The only thing that can be ascertained by this submittal is that there should be no issues with property
line setbacks with regards to fire resistance of exterior walls and openings.
Fire Department:
1. Fire access is okay. The residence shall be fully sprinklered in accordance with NFPA 13D.
If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this letter with the commenting departments, please
contact Edward Valenzuela at the number below. You may also contact each department individually as
• Planning Division: Edward Valenzuela, Associate Planner, at (442) 339-2624
• Land Development Engineering: David Rick, Project Engineer, at (442) 339-2781
• Building Division: Shawn Huff, Building Official, at (442) 339-5338
Community Development Department
Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600
December 9, 2024
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• Fire Department: Darcy Davidson, Assistant Fire Marshal, at {442) 339-2662
City Planner
c: Kathy & Robert Angello, 3482 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
David Rick, Project Engineer
Fire Prevention
Data Entry
Commun ity Development Department
Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600