HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-12-05; Beach Preservation Commission; ; Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation ActivitiesMeeting Date: Dec. 5, 2024 To: Beach Preservation Commission From: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Staff Contact: Nick Stupin, Parks Planning Manager nick.stupin@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2527 Subject: Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Activities Recommended Action Receive an informational report on the activities of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation. Discussion Larissa Fullmer, Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation’s Director of Trails and Conservation will discuss conservation, restoration and education program at the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Ms. Fullmer will also present information on the ecological benefits of scheduled lagoon dredging, and the corresponding sand replenishment at Tamarack State Beach and Frazee State Beach. Exhibits None Dec. 5, 2024 Item #4 1 of 1 BEACH PRESERVATION COMMISSION Staff Report AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON FOUNDATION ACTIVITIES Nick Stupin, Parks Planning Manager Parks & Recreation Department Dec. 5, 2024 { City of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION Receive an informational report on the activities of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation. ITEM NO. 4: AHLF Activities 2 { City of Carlsbad DISCUSSION •Report from Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation staff on its activities. Larissa Fullmer - Director of Trails & Conservation ITEM NO. 4: AHLF Activities 3 Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Larissa Fullmer Director of Trails and Conservation 4 OVERVIEW Our mission is to energize our community through education and outreach to preserve the Agua Hedionda Lagoon as an accessible and healthy watershed. Our vision is to be stewards of the watershed as we inspire future generations, so we all have access to a healthy lagoon. A safe space in nature…for all. 5Lagoon Foundation •Founded by passionate Carlsbad citizens in 1990 •Discovery Center Building: in 2000 was moved across what is now Faraday from Aviara Planned Community (sales building = recycled building) •Caulerpa taxifolia grant money (Agua Hedionda was the fiscal agent) which allowed us to create exhibits and The Academy of Environmental Stewardship School Program HISTORY OF FOUNDATION 6 Initiatives Discovery Campus •Nature Center open to public 6 days a week •Hands on exhibits •Educational programs •Venue Rentals Education •Academy of Environmental Stewardship (2nd, 3rd, 4th and 7th grade field trips year around) •Nature based Preschool Playmates Program Community Events •Avian Adventure Day •Earth Day •World Water Day Community Service •Over 3500 volunteers annually •Corporate/business outreach’s - Lagoona Kahuna •Provide service learning hours for local high schools and universities Trails •Maintain 3.5 miles public access easements •All work performed is by volunteers Conservation and Restoration •Monitor open space easements •Manage U.S.F.W.S. Algerian sea lavender removal project •Host monthly community volunteer events 7Lagoon Foundation Pollinator Garden Preschool Playdates Pollinator Garden Discovery Center view Summer Camp Shorebirds Algerian Sea Lavender Removal (Invasive species) with USFWS HUBBS Trail Aquaponics 8 9 Education O Served 9 ,104 students through the Academy for Environmental Stewardship school field trips. 0 Attended Science Days, School and community outreaches totaling 20 sites O Provided 44 outreach groups with concentrated educationa l opportunities on Raptor Species. Discovery Campus O Our daily Discover & Learn Series served over 971 guests. 55,000+ visitors served. 0 Hosted 3,524 volunteers across all programs O Partnered with 23 unique businesses to provide team volunteer opportunities AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON FOUNDATION 10 Trails & Conservation 9 Ensured public safety and accessibility on 3.5 miles of recreational public access easements. 9 Monitored 132 acres of open space in the Coasta l Zone. Installed preventative measures for coasta l bluff erosion including 93 homemade oyster wattles. Removed Algerian sea lavender through solarization tarping techniques and hand-pu lling. $ Removed 2.6 lbs. of discarded fishing line from Hubbs Coastal Trai l. 9 Removed 4,720 pounds of trash and invasive species during Lagoona Kahuna Clean Up Challenge. 9 Installed 232 native plants along our Coastal Hubbs Trail. AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON FOUNDATION Our Members make it happen and so do our volunteers 11 12 Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Trail Map 0 25 Trail Guide ~ fl.. /J BAYSHORE DRIVE ~ TRAIL DistMce: 0.5 mi Th~ ti .a,I O'l'erlooks the la!)Oon and 1s a tiWorlte spot lor po'lddleboairders. 11.ayakers, and beach enthusiasts. This trail otters sltmmng "11ews ol the waler and surrounding landscape. (J;r,ctiqns r8k, £f C1111r110 fie.II 8fld II.Im It~ ()(t!O Kelly Or At ftte end of Kelly (Jr~ ttrn right In opproxim.itely 1/2 mife, tum left oo &)'Shore Or. ~ ron/Jnue Jo the end. rtre trail l1&1d wift be on rM ,,,, Mxl lo th# l,;oc,t fo.u,td,(l()n Stg,t. \ \ \ \ \ KELLY SCHOOL TRAIL Distance: 0 6 mi This !rail meanders along 1tte- norttiieaslem border of ttie upland wildMe preserve. owned and operated by lhe California Department (If Fish and WJldhfe Dominated b~ the threatel'led tOclsla\ -sage -scrub plant comm1,1n11y, thts habitat suppo11s tnd.ang!red spec H such as the California Gnatcatcher and LeaSI Bell's Yirto Known for its abundant nalive bin! population, donl forget 10 bt1 ng your II noc11lars lo catdl a glimpse of the vibrant avian life lJJrectNJnS: TaJr~ fl Cammo RNI and tum itft on XeJty Dr wl'lltl If tut/S #'1(0 PM'Jr flt 7ftf ttld bNd IS KttJSS ltbtrr KIiiy Sdrool sntJ 1$ m¥1<1d with, m,t,t g..:Jtf Neslted within the Agua Hed1onda Lagoon Foundat1cn 01scov!r)' Cec,ter are a network of pathways that gutde Yisi10rs 1hrough ca1:1tJvatmg exhibits. et1chammg fa1rytaind. native 1J8fdens. and 1he 1ntnping bee·QUMIUm, among O1her auract1ons Beyond l~i:!' exh1b1ts. lh£1 D1SCO\'ery Center Trail gradually di:!'Steruis to the lagoo~ edge, offtong visitors an up•close encounter wtth Wildlife and 1tle oppottunlt:, to forge their own person.al connections w111l 1he natural ~orld DISCOVERY CENTER TRAIL Distance: 08mi fJdedlMs. Access lo ttus rraif ,s from /he AHLF DSCOvery Center pdfk,rrg fol Cr{ BAYSHORE DRIVE TRAIL H\JBBSTRAIL Distance: 1 mi (out & back) This 'lta1t winds along the north -.;hore Df the outer por11on ol lhe Agua Hed1onda La!)Oon between the Co~I Highwa-y and lht railroad tracks Wittl Its abunci.imce of shorebirds. peOCans, and its serertt surroundings, this Ira ii 1s ltre perfect destinat1 011 for 11atu.re lwers anll out.door enlhus1a.sts. fk;ections.: Tirn riljhJ comlfJfl out ol lhe &'st::oVPry CentK. nght on CtMSI fllgltwy, rtghl on Tam¥acl<, f,rst nghl an G.Jtlieftf Pilrlc at t~ ,ntt of &rfteJd Sl r,e,r t/''1!f/lead mtrana Kros-k. E11tenng from CoYe Drive, this sc.e111r; lag1xtn a,c~ss embraces a p,cturiKque shoreline and lratl with 1ncred1ble lleach access. As pan of a larger Yision. this seomer11 will 11\'entually ~tend lo HoO\'er Slreet, e-nl'tan1:1ng outdoor rttreattonal opponunu:1 es amt fostenng communuy connewons to nature DirecfJl.mS T4'r# fJ Catnlll(J Re.ti 8nd rum /Rh Mfo X,J1y Or Ar llte entl of Kelty Orv tum right In .1pJ1roxmrately I mde rum left ooto Cove Or Md continue lo the end. The lra1l he.iH/ wit te next to the lagoon Fol.lffl!dtJon SIii" KELLY ~CHOOL TRAIL A Parking: Follow s1g11s for designated parking areas upon arrival. Please e1tSure yotJr vehicle 1s parked m des1!::Jnal~ spol!i to avoid tong£1shon and 1:!!nsute emer!)ent'.t' veh1c:le i:ICC1:!!S~ fly Pub~c: Ti-ansport CoaS"ler to Carlsbad Poinsettia Station, Nearest Bus stop to r,ur Discovery Center ll'lat ~a:s access to Uail bead. 8us# t.t.&. Faraday Ave and Cannon Rd AU directions are from lhe AHLF Oistovtf)' Center, 1580 Cannon Rd Carlsbad. Ca 92008. Conta~ lnlorm0110-n YlebsJle. ~ww.aiguahe-d1onda!lfg I Phm1e 7liltl04 196~ Oia-team tS d~ic.ated to enslling a ,safe arld l!llJOf<ible experience tor atl our visitors.. P1NMI donl hesitate t-a reacfl Oij( W11h .any concems or iMjuir 111s. ~ """""""'""' Agua Hedionda Lagoon Recreational Access The Agua Hedionda Lagoon is the only multiuse lagoon in Southern California for various recreational activities: •Boating •Kayaking •Fishing •Paddle boarding •Hiking •Birdwatching 13Lagoon Foundation History Kumeyaay and Luiseño are the first known settlers to inhabit the area before 5000 BC. They called this area “Palmai” or “place of big water” Later on the Spanish named the lagoon “Agua Hedionda”. The connection between the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean was cut off, causing the lagoon to become a stagnant slew of algae. 14 Spanish ... ➔ English Agua Hedionda x Stinking Water Open in Google Translate • Feedback Lagoon Foundation What is Dredging? Dredging is the removal of sediment from the bottom of a water source. When our lagoon is dredged, the sand is returned back to local beaches. Dredging reopens the connection between our lagoon and the Pacific Ocean, allowing the lagoon to be flushed out by seawater. 15 Benefits of Dredging Dredging allows us to divert sand to local beaches for replenishment Beaches are one of the highest tourist attractions in Carlsbad. If our beaches are not replenished with sand, they may revert to cobblestone, which is not nearly as appealing to visitors. South Ponto Beach in Encinitas 16 Upcoming Dredging Activity Dredging will take place in the outer lagoon Purple area indicates areas sand will be placed 17 ERR -OURCES Sand Depos.iUon Sites Thank You 18Lagoon Foundation QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS Thank you ITEM NO. 4: AHLF Activities 19 { City of Carlsbad