HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2023-0014; CARLSBAD VILLAGE MIXED-USE - SB 330; HISTORICAL STUDY - APRIL 2023; 2023-04-01
Historical Resources Technical Report
Carlsbad Village Drive Mixed
Use Project, City of Carlsbad,
APRIL 2023
Prepared for:
c/o Tooley Interests, LLC
2001 Wilshire Blvd Suite 420
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Prepared by:
605 Third Street
Encinitas, California 92024
Contact: Nicole Frank, MSHP and Katie Ahmanson, MHC
Printed on 30% post-consumer recycled material.
14814 i APRIL 2023
Table of Contents
Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................ iii
Management Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... v
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Project Description and Location .......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Project Personnel ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Regulatory Context ................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Background Research ...................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Building Development and Archival Research ................................................................................... 11
3 Historic Context ................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.1 Historical Overview of the City of Carlsbad ........................................................................................ 15
3.2 History of Buildings within the Project site ........................................................................................ 16
3.3 Property Type: Neighborhood Shopping Center (circa 1950-1990)................................................. 18
4 Field Survey ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.1 Methods ............................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Results ................................................................................................................................................. 19
4.3 Built Environment Field Survey Result ............................................................................................... 19
5 Significance Evaluation .................................................................................................................................... 25
5.1 NRHP/CRHR Statement of Significance ............................................................................................ 25
5.2 City of Carlsbad Historic Resources Inventory Statement of Significance ....................................... 26
5.3 Integrity Discussion ............................................................................................................................. 27
6 Findings and Conclusions ................................................................................................................................. 29
6.1 Summary of Findings .......................................................................................................................... 29
6.2 Recommendations .............................................................................................................................. 29
7 References ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
Table 1. Historical Aerial Photograph Review of the Project site ................................................................................. 12
Table 2. Historic Built Environment Findings ................................................................................................................ 29
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Exhibit 1. Image of the Poinsettia Plaza in the San Diego Union from 1965. ............................................................ 17
Exhibit 2. Building 1, primary (northwest) and northeast elevations, view to the south. ........................................... 21
Exhibit 3. Building 1, rear (southeast) elevation, view to the west. ............................................................................. 21
Exhibit 4. Building 2, primary (northwest) elevation, view to southeast. .................................................................... 22
Exhibit 5. Building 3, primary (southwest) elevation, view to the north. ..................................................................... 23
Exhibit 6. Building 4, primary (southwest) elevation, view to east. ............................................................................. 24
Figure 1 Regional Location ................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2 Project Site .............................................................................................................................................. 9
A Preparer’s Qualifications
B Department of Parks and Recreation Form Set
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Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym/Abbreviation Definition
APN Assessor’s Parcel Number
Building 1 945 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-53-00)
Building 2 1055 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-56-00)
Building 3 1065 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-56-00)
Building 4 1025 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-55-00)
CEQA California Environmental Quality Act
City City of Carlsbad
CRHR California Register of Historical Resources
I Interstate
NRHP National Register of Historic Places
Project site 945-1065 Carlsbad Village Drive
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Management Summary
Dudek was retained by GRT Carlsbad Village LLC to prepare a historical resources technical report for the Carlsbad
Village Drive Mixed Use Project (Project), which proposes to develop a mixed-use development consisting of 218
multifamily units and 13,800 square feet of retail space, including parking and open space in Carlsbad, California
(Figure 1). This report includes an intensive-level survey of the Project site and its vicinity by a qualified architectural
historian; building development and archival research; development of an appropriate historic context for the
Project site; and recordation and evaluation of one built environment resource with buildings over 45 years old for
historical significance and integrity in consideration of National Register of Historic Places, California Register of
Historical Resources, and local designation criteria and integrity requirements. This report was prepared in
conformance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15064.5 for historical resources
and all applicable local guidelines and regulations.
The built environment survey was conducted on October 17, 2022. The survey was done on foot and involved
surveying properties within or immediately adjacent to the Project site and recording all buildings and
structures with notes and photographs. For the purposes of this Project, the Project site is 945-1065 Carlsbad
Village Drive and the buildings within it (Figure 2, Project Site Map). The Project site includes the following:
▪ Building 1: 945-1005 Carlsbad Village Drive (Assessor’s Parcel No. [APN] 203-320-53-00), one commercial
building constructed in 1964
▪ Buildings 2: 1055 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-56-00), one commercial building constructed
in 1964
▪ Building 3: 1065 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-56-00), one commercial building constructed
in 1964
▪ Building 4: 1025 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-55-00), one commercial building constructed
in 1964
▪ APN 203-320-54-00, no buildings present
Four commercial buildings over 45 years of age are located on the Project site; they were evaluated for historical and
architectural significance as a single property due to the Project site’s shared development as a commercial property.
After research and evaluation, the Project site does not appear eligible under any National Register of Historic
Places, California Register of Historical Resources, or City of Carlsbad (City) cultural resource designation criteria
due to a lack of significant historical associations and architectural merit. Therefore, the Project site is not
considered a historical resource for the purposes of CEQA.
As a result of Dudek’s extensive archival research, field survey, record search, and property significance
evaluations, no historical resources were identified within the Project site, nor were any adjacent cultural resources
identified that could be indirectly impacted by proposed Project activities. The finding for built environment cultural
resources for the proposed Project under CEQA is No Impact. As the proposed Project would have no impact on
historical resources, no further study is required.
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1 Introduction
1.1 Project Description and Location
Project Description
The Carlsbad Village Drive Mixed Use Project (Project) proposes to develop a mixed-use development consisting of
218 multifamily units and 13,800 square feet of retail space, including parking and open space. The Project site is
fully paved and developed with existing commercial buildings that would be demolished during Project construction.
Project Location
The Project site is located at 945-1065 Carlsbad Village Drive in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). The Project site
consists of four parcels currently occupied with commercial buildings and a surface parking lot. Four buildings over
45 years of age are located on the Project site—Building 1: 945 Carlsbad Village Drive (Assessor’s Parcel No. [APN]
203-320-53-00), Building 2: 1055 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-56-00), Building 3: 1055 Carlsbad Village
Drive (APN 203-320-56-00), Building 4: 1025 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-55-00) and APN 203-320-54-
00, which does not contain any buildings. The buildings were evaluated for historical and architectural significance
as a single property due to the Project site’s shared development as a commercial property in 1964. The Project
site is bound by Harding Street and a public alley to the west, Oak Avenue to the south, Interstate (I) 5 to the east,
and Carlsbad Village Drive to the north. The surrounding neighborhood consists of multifamily residences with
commercial corridors to the south, west, and east (across I-5), and commercial properties and multifamily
residences to the north (Figure 2, Project site).
1.2 Project Personnel
This report, including all fieldwork, research, and the associated property significance evaluation, was prepared by
Dudek Architectural Historian Nicole Frank, MSHP, with assistance from Dudek Architectural Historian Katie
Ahmanson, MHC. This report was reviewed for quality assurance/quality control by Dudek Senior Architectural
Historian Allison Lyons, MSHP. All personnel meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications
Standards (Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations Part 61) for Architectural History. Resumes for all key personnel
are provided in Appendix A.
1.3 Regulatory Context
Federal Level Regulations
Although there is no federal nexus for this Project, resources were evaluated in consideration of National Register
of Historic Places (NRHP) designation criteria.
The NRHP is the United States’ official list of districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects worthy of preservation.
Overseen by the National Park Service under the U.S. Department of the Interior, the NRHP was authorized under
the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended. Its listings encompass all National Historic Landmarks and
historic areas administered by the National Park Service.
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NRHP guidelines for the evaluation of historic significance were developed to be flexible and to recognize the
accomplishments of all who have made significant contributions to the nation’s history and heritage. Its criteria are
designed to guide state and local governments, federal agencies, and others in evaluating potential entries in the
NRHP. For a property to be listed in or determined eligible for listing, it must be demonstrated to possess integrity
and to meet at least one of the following criteria:
The quality of significance in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, and culture is present in
districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials,
workmanship, feeling, and association, and:
A. That are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our
history; or
B. That are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or
C. That embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or that represent
the work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or that represent a significant and distinguishable
entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or
D. That have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history.
Integrity is defined in NRHP guidance, How to Apply the National Register Criteria, as “the ability of a property to
convey its significance. To be listed in the NRHP, a property must not only be shown to be significant under the
NRHP criteria, but it also must have integrity” (NPS 1997). Historic properties either retain integrity (convey their
significance) or they do not. Within the concept of integrity, the National Register criteria recognize seven aspects
or qualities that define integrity. The seven aspects of integrity are locations, setting, design, materials,
workmanship, feeling and association. In order to retain historic integrity “a property will always possess several,
and usually most, of the aspects” (Andrus and Shrimpton 2002).
NRHP guidance further asserts that properties be completed at least 50 years ago to be considered for eligibility.
Properties completed fewer than 50 years before evaluation must be proven to be “exceptionally important” (criteria
consideration G) to be considered for listing.
The California Register of Historical Resources (Public Resources Code section 5020 et seq.)
In California, the term “historical resource” includes but is not limited to “any object, building, structure, site, area,
place, record, or manuscript which is historically or archaeologically significant, or is significant in the architectural,
engineering, scientific, economic, agricultural, educational, social, political, military, or cultural annals of California”
(California Public Resources Code Section 5020.1[j]). In 1992, the California legislature established the California
Register of Historical Resources (CRHR) “to be used by state and local agencies, private groups, and citizens to
identify the state’s historical resources and to indicate what properties are to be protected, to the extent prudent
and feasible, from substantial adverse change” (California Public Resources Code Section 5024.1[a]). The criteria
for listing resources on the CRHR were expressly developed to be in accordance with previously established criteria
developed for listing in the NRHP, enumerated below. According to California Public Resources Code Section
5024.1(c)(1–4), a resource is considered historically significant if it (i) retains “substantial integrity,” and (ii) meets
at least one of the following criteria:
1. Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of California’s
history and cultural heritage.
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2. Is associated with the lives of persons important in our past.
3. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents
the work of an important creative individual, or possesses high artistic values.
4. Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history.
In order to understand the historic importance of a resource, sufficient time must have passed to obtain a scholarly
perspective on the events or individuals associated with the resource. A resource less than 50 years old may be
considered for listing in the CRHR if it can be demonstrated that sufficient time has passed to understand its
historical importance (see 14 CCR 4852[d][2]).
The CRHR protects cultural resources by requiring evaluations of the significance of prehistoric and historic
resources. The criteria for the CRHR are nearly identical to those for the NRHP, and properties listed or formally
designated as eligible for listing in the NRHP are automatically listed in the CRHR, as are the state landmarks and
points of interest. The CRHR also includes properties designated under local ordinances or identified through local
historical resource surveys.
California Environmental Quality Act
As described further below, the following California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) statutes and CEQA Guidelines
are of relevance to the analysis of archaeological, historic, and tribal cultural resources:
▪ California Public Resources Code Section 21083.2(g) defines “unique archaeological resource.”
▪ California Public Resources Code Section 21084.1 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5(a) define
“historical resources.” In addition, CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5(b) defines the phrase “substantial
adverse change in the significance of an historical resource.” It also defines the circumstances when a
project would materially impair the significance of an historical resource.
▪ California Public Resources Code Section 21074(a) defines “tribal cultural resources.”
▪ California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5(e) set forth
standards and steps to be employed following the accidental discovery of human remains in any location
other than a dedicated ceremony.
▪ California Public Resources Code Sections 21083.2(b)-(c) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.4 provide
information regarding the mitigation framework for archaeological and historic resources, including
examples of preservation-in-place mitigation measures; preservation-in-place is the preferred manner of
mitigating impacts to significant archaeological sites because it maintains the relationship between
artifacts and the archaeological context and may also help avoid conflict with religious or cultural values of
groups associated with the archaeological site(s).
More specifically, under CEQA, a project may have a significant effect on the environment if it may cause “a
substantial adverse change in the significance of an historical resource” (California Public Resources Code Section
21084.1; CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5[b]). If a site is either listed or eligible for listing in the CRHR, or if it is
included in a local register of historic resources or identified as significant in a historical resources survey (meeting
the requirements of California Public Resources Code Section 5024.1[q]), it is a “historical resource” and is
presumed to be historically or culturally significant for purposes of CEQA (California Public Resources Code Section
21084.1; CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5[a]). The lead agency is not precluded from determining that a resource
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is a historical resource even if it does not fall within this presumption (California Public Resources Code Section
21084.1; CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5[a]).
A “substantial adverse change in the significance of an historical resource” reflecting a significant effect under
CEQA means “physical demolition, destruction, relocation, or alteration of the resource or its immediate
surroundings such that the significance of an historical resource would be materially impaired” (CEQA Guidelines
Section 15064.5[b][1]; California Public Resources Code Section 5020.1[q]). In turn, CEQA Guidelines section
15064.5(b)(2) states the significance of an historical resource is materially impaired when a project:
1. Demolishes or materially alters in an adverse manner those physical characteristics of an historical
resource that convey its historical significance and that justify its inclusion in, or eligibility for, inclusion in
the California Register of Historical Resources; or
2. Demolishes or materially alters in an adverse manner those physical characteristics that account for its
inclusion in a local register of historical resources pursuant to section 5020.1(k) of the Public Resources
Code or its identification in an historical resources survey meeting the requirements of section 5024.1(g)
of the Public Resources Code, unless the public agency reviewing the effects of the project establishes by
a preponderance of evidence that the resource is not historically or culturally significant; or
3. Demolishes or materially alters in an adverse manner those physical characteristics of a historical resource
that convey its historical significance and that justify its eligibility for inclusion in the California Register of
Historical Resources as determined by a lead agency for purposes of CEQA.
Pursuant to these sections, the CEQA inquiry begins with evaluating whether a Project site contains any “historical
resources,” then evaluates whether that project will cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a
historical resource such that the resource’s historical significance is materially impaired.
If it can be demonstrated that a project will cause damage to a unique archaeological resource, the lead agency
may require reasonable efforts be made to permit any or all of these resources to be preserved in place or left in
an undisturbed state. To the extent that they cannot be left undisturbed, mitigation measures are required
(California Public Resources Code Section 21083.2[a], [b], and [c]).
California Public Resources Code Section 21083.2(g) defines a unique archaeological resource as an
archaeological artifact, object, or site about which it can be clearly demonstrated that without merely adding to the
current body of knowledge, there is a high probability that it meets any of the following criteria:
1. Contains information needed to answer important scientific research questions and that there is a
demonstrable public interest in that information.
2. Has a special and particular quality such as being the oldest of its type or the best available example
of its type.
3. Is directly associated with a scientifically recognized important prehistoric or historic event or person.
Impacts to non-unique archaeological resources are generally not considered a significant environmental
impact (California Public Resources Code section 21083.2[a]; CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5[c][4]).
However, if a non-unique archaeological resource qualifies as tribal cultural resource (California Public
Resources Code Section 21074[c], 21083.2[h]), further consideration of significant impacts is required. CEQA
Guidelines Section 15064.5 assigns special importance to human remains and specifies procedures to be
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used when Native American remains are discovered. As described below, these procedures are detailed in
California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98.
City of Carlsbad General Plan
The City of Carlsbad General Plan (2015) affords consideration for the preservation of cultural resources. The City’s
Vision Statement Core Values for their General Plan note examples of the historical resources within the City
including the Rancho Carrillo, the Marron Adobe, the Barrio neighborhood, the Magee House, and the Village
(ECORP 2017). The General Plan includes guidelines to help revitalize the historic Barrio and Village neighborhoods.
The General Plan also states the goal of enhancing education about the area’s Native American history. Following
are relevant goals and policies of the Arts, History, Culture, and Education Element of the City’s General Plan:
Goal 7-G-1. Recognize, protect, preserve, and enhance the city’s diverse heritage.
Policy 7-P.1. Prepare an updated inventory of historic resources in Carlsbad with recommendations for
specific properties and districts to be designated in national, state, and local registries, if
determined appropriate and with agreement of the property owners.
Policy 7-P.2. Encourage the use of regional, state and federal programs that promote cultural preservation
to upgrade and redevelop properties with historic or cultural value.
Policy 7-P.5. Encourage the rehabilitation of qualified historic structures through application of the
California Historical Building Code.
Policy 7-P.6. Ensure compliance with the City of Carlsbad Cultural Resource Guidelines to avoid or
substantially reduce impacts to historic structures listed or eligible to be listed in the National
Register of Historic Places or the California Register of Historical Resources.
Policy 7-P.7. Implement the City of Carlsbad Cultural Resources Guidelines to avoid or substantially reduce
impacts to archaeological and paleontological resources.
Policy 7-P.8. During construction of specific development projects, require monitoring of grading, ground-
disturbing, and other major earth-moving activities in previously undisturbed areas or in areas with
known archaeological or paleontological resources by a qualified professional, as well as a tribal
monitor during activities in areas with cultural resources of interest to local Native American tribes.
Both the qualified professional and tribal monitor shall observe grading, ground-disturbing, and
other earth-moving activities.
Policy 7-P.9. Ensure that treatment of any cultural resources discovered during site grading complies with
the City of Carlsbad Cultural Resource Guidelines. Determination of the significance of the cultural
resource(s) and development and implementation of any data recovery program shall be conducted
in consultation with interested Native American tribes. All Native American human remains and
associated grave goods shall be returned to their most likely descendent and repatriated.
Policy 7-P.10. Require consultation with the appropriate organizations and individuals, the Native
American Heritage Commission [NAHC], and Native American groups and individuals) to minimize
potential impacts to cultural resources that may occur as a result of a proposed project.
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Policy 7-P.11. Prior to occupancy of any buildings, a cultural resource monitoring report identifying all
materials recovered shall be submitted to the City Planner.
City of Carlsbad Municipal Code – Historic Preservation
According to Chapter 22.06 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code, a historic resource may be considered and
approved by the City Council for inclusion in the City’s historic resources inventory based on one or more of
the following:
▪ It exemplifies or reflects special elements of the City’s cultural, social, economic, political, aesthetic,
engineering, or architectural history;
▪ It is identified with persons or events significant in local, state, or national history;
▪ It embodies distinctive characteristics of a style, type, period, or method of construction, is a valuable
example of the use of indigenous materials or craftsmanship, or is representative of a notable work of an
acclaimed builder, designer, or architect;
▪ It is an archaeological, paleontological, botanical, geological, topographical, ecological, or geographical site
which has the potential of yielding information of scientific value;
▪ It is a geographically definable area with a concentration of buildings, structures, improvements, or objects
linked historically through location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and/or association, in which
the collective value of the improvements may be greater than the value of each individual improvement.
Project Location
Tooley Carlsbad
SOURCE: USGS 7.5-Minute Series San Luis Rey QuadrangleTownsip: 12S; Range: 4W; Section: 6
0 2,6001,300 Feetn
Project Boundary
Chula Vista
El Cajon
Palm Springs
San Clemente
San Diego
San Marcos
Wildomar R i v e r s i d eC o u n t y
ÄÆ54 ÄÆ94
ÄÆ73 ÄÆ195
ÄÆ76 ÄÆ79
§¨¦8Project Site
0 500250Meters
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Project Site
Tooley Carlsbad
SOURCE: San Diego Public Imagery 2019, County of San Diego 2022
0 10050Feetn
Project Boundary
Project ParcelsBuildings
Building 1: 945-1005 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN: 203-320-53-00)
Building 2: 1055 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN: 203-320-56-00)
Building 3: 1065 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN: 203-320-56-00)
Building 4: 1025 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN: 203-320-55-00)
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2 Background Research
2.1 Building Development and Archival Research
Building development and archival research were conducted for the Project site in an effort to establish a thorough
and accurate historic context for the significance evaluations and to confirm the building development history of
the Project site and associated parcels.
Records Search
The project’s scope of work did not include archaeological or tribal cultural resources services; therefore a California
Historical Resources Information System records search was not conducted for this project.
Built Environment Resource Database Search
The Built Environment Resource Database (BERD) files provide information, organized by county, regarding non-
archaeological resources in the Office of Historic Preservation’s (OHP) inventory. The OHP inventory contains
information only for built environment resources that have been processed through the OHP. This includes
resources reviewed for eligibility for the NRHP and the California Historical Landmarks programs through federal
and state environmental compliance laws and resources nominated under federal and state registration programs.
The BERD replaces the former Historic Properties Directory that previously provided evaluation status information
for resources processed through the OHP. Dudek accessed the San Diego County BERD from the OHP on November
18, 2022. No previously recorded resources were identified within the Project site or within a 0.5-mile radius of the
Project site.
City of Carlsbad Public Records Access Website
Dudek reviewed the City of Carlsbad Public Records Access website on October 11, 2022, for the Project site.
Permits were not available for the four buildings on the Project site.
County of San Diego Assessor Building Records
Dudek obtained building records for the Project site on October 18, 2022. This gave information about construction
dates, permit numbers, and occupants for properties on the Project site. Dudek used this information to research
the history of the Project site.
Carlsbad City Library
Dudek reviewed the Carlsbad City Library’s online catalog on October 11, 2022. However, specific material
pertaining to the Project site could not be identified.
Carlsbad Historical Society
Dudek emailed the Carlsbad Historical Society on October 11, 2022, requesting any materials pertaining to the
property including historic photographs, newspaper articles, interviews, original drawings, or anything else about
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the property’s history and construction. Dudek received a reply on October 12, 2022; however, the Carlsbad
Historical Society was unable to find specific material about the Project site.
Historical Newspaper Review
Dudek reviewed historical newspapers from Carlsbad and surrounding cities in an effort to understand the
development of the City and the Project site. These documents were used in the preparation of the historic context
and significance evaluations.
Historical Aerial Photographs
The Project site was reviewed on historic aerial photographs via Nationwide Environmental Title Research LLC from
the years 1938, 1947, 1953, 1964, 1967, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989,
1990, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014,
2016, 2018, and 2020 (Table 1) (NETR 2022).
Table 1. Historical Aerial Photograph Review of the Project site
Photograph Year Observations and Findings
1938 This is the earliest aerial photograph of the future Project site. The property contains
one building that appears to be a single-family residence on the northeast side of the
property. The surrounding area is comprised of a gridded street with vacant and
agricultural land as well as single-family homes. Oak Avenue is visible along the
southern boundary of the future Project site, while the I-5 east of the property has yet
to be developed and Carlsbad Village Drive is a narrow residential road called Elm
1947 Changes have been made to the future Project site. Landscaping appears on the
parcel containing the residence. A larger building (use unknown) has been built on the
southwest side of the future Project site and seven smaller buildings have been
constructed on the southeast side of the future Project site. More single-family homes
have been constructed in the surrounding area.
1953 The large building on the southwest side of the future Project site has been
demolished and only three of the smaller buildings on the southeast side of the
property remain. The land east of the future Project site has been cleared for the
construction of I-5, and more single-family residences appear to fill in the surrounding
1964 The single-family home and the three smaller buildings on the southeast side of the
Project site have been demolished and the construction of four buildings is visible on
the Project site. Carlsbad Village Dive (then known as Elm Avenue) has been widened
and the surrounding area is developed with residential and commercial buildings.
1967 Construction of the four buildings on the Project site and parking lot surrounding the
buildings is complete. The surrounding area has no discernable changes.
1978 There are no discernible changes to the Project site. The single-family residences
across from the Project site on the north side of Carlsbad Village Drive (then known as
Elm Avenue) and a residence west of the Project site have been demolished and
replaced with commercial buildings surrounded by parking lots.
1980, 1981 No discernible changes to the Project site or surrounding area.
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Table 1. Historical Aerial Photograph Review of the Project site
Photograph Year Observations and Findings
1982 There are no discernible changes to the Project site. The commercial building west
side of the Project site has been demolished and a new building is under construction.
Additionally, residential homes throughout the surrounding area appear to have been
demolished for new construction.
1983 There are no discernible changes to the Project site. The construction of a commercial
building and surrounding parking lot west of the Project site is complete, and new
construction is visible in the surrounding neighborhood.
1984 No discernible changes to the Project site or surrounding area.
1985 An addition to the north side of Building 1 is visible on the Project site. There are no
discernable changes to the Project site.
1986, 1988, 1989,
1990, 1991, 1993,
1994, 1995, 1996,
1997, 1998, 1999,
2000, 2002, 2003,
No discernible changes to the Project site or surrounding area.
2009 Two buildings across from the Project site on the north side of Carlsbad Village Drive
have been demolished. There are no discernible changes to the Project site.
2010, 2012, 2014,
2016, 2018
No discernible changes to the Project site or surrounding area.
2020 The property across from the Project site on the north side of Carlsbad Village Drive
appears to have been cleared for construction. There are no discernible changes to
the Project site.
Note: I = Interstate.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
City of San Diego Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps were reviewed from the years 1887, 1888, 1906, 1920, 1921,
1940, 1950, and 1956. The Project site is not visible on any of the maps.
Carlsbad Historic Surveys from 1980 and 1990
Dudek review the 1980 Regional Historic Preservation Study by Westec Services Inc. and the 1990 Cultural
Resources Survey by Roth and Associates; no cultural resources on or near the Project site were documented in
the surveys.
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3 Historic Context
3.1 Historical Overview of the City of Carlsbad
Following Mexican independence from Spain in 1821, secularization of the missions began in 1833 in order to turn
over the large landholdings to private citizens. Mission San Luis Rey was divided into six ranchos in 1835: Santa
Margarita, Las Flores, Guajome, Agua Hedionda, Buena Vista, and Monserrate. Rancho Aqua Hedionda became the
base of what makes up today’s modern Carlsbad.
In 1860, Francis Hinton hired Robert “Uncle John” Kelly as part owner and Major Domo of Rancho Aqua Hedionda.
Kelly, originally from the Isle of Man, was a bit of a local legend and a well-known rancher in the southwest. This
partnership would lead to Kelly’s eventual ownership of the Rancho on Hinton’s death in 1870 (Harmon 1961).
Kelly granted a coastal right-of-way for the San Diego Railway, which allowed for San Diego to be connected to all
points north. This land, along with the land of John Frazier, would soon become popular train stops for fresh water
on the routes north. Frazier had moved to Carlsbad in 1881 from Rhode Island. In 1882, while drilling for fresh
water on his farm, he discovered two artesian mineral water springs. The spring’s water was known to have
therapeutic qualities for internal and skin ailments (Harmon 1967; HMD 2020).
In the 1880s, a group of investors hearing about the “Frazier Station Well,” created the Carlsbad Land and Water
Company by purchasing land from Frazier and adjoining unassociated lands (Harmon 1967). With this purchase,
the Town of Carlsbad was formed. The development of Carlsbad was initiated by German immigrant Gerhard
Schutte, who came to the city in 1886 and dreamed of building “a town of gracious homes and small farms.” Along
with Samuel Church, Henry Nelson, and D.D. Wadsworth, Schutte formed the Carlsbad Land and Mineral Water
Company, which purchased all of Frazier’s property plus 275 more acres (Harmon 1967). Frazier stayed on as the
superintendent of the new company’s water holdings and worked to entice future residents to their land with the
promotion of the mineral water. Support for the water’s healing properties came with support from an eastern
laboratory, which analyzed samples of the water and declared them to be chemically identical to those drawn from
Well Number Nine in Karlsbad, Bohemia. Wanting to make this connection to the famed European spa as strong
as possible, Schutte and the directors of the Carlsbad Land and Mineral Water Company named their town Carlsbad
(Jones 1982).
The California land bust of the 1890s almost left the town abandoned until the South Coast Land Company
purchased most of the land and helped re-establish the commercial life of Carlsbad through additional wells and
avocado groves (Harmon 1961).
Through the early 1900s and into the 1930s, Carlsbad continued to grow through the completion of Highway 101,
the relocation of the Army-Navy Academy to the town, construction of the California Carlsbad Mineral Spring Hotel,
and the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce, which provided the area with much-needed stability and
financial growth (Harmon 1961).
Despite many new businesses in the Carlsbad area, the City could not elude the effects of the national Great
Depression. Buildings such as the First National Bank on Elm Avenue, which opened around the late 1920s, closed
its doors for good, and recently homeless families of the city moved into the building for shelter. Perhaps not growing
as fast as it did before 1929, Carlsbad did continue to grow despite the economic hardships, which could be
14814 16 APRIL 2023
attributed in part to the sale of avocados. By the end of the Depression, the Works Progress Administration paid
100 men 60 cents an hour to build a drainage system in Carlsbad. One of the most significant developments from
this period was the relocation of the Davis Military Academy to Carlsbad from Pacific Beach in 1936. With this came
money for the local economy, which in turn helped mitigate some of the impacts of the Depression (Gutierrez 2002).
Furthering the influx of military members and the capital that came with them was the move in 1942 of the U.S.
Marine Corps to Rancho Santa Margarita to establish Camp Pendleton. The move was not all positive, however; a
large amount of new military members and their families caused a severe housing crisis. There was a lack of
rentable units, which forced many military families to purchase their own homes. Additionally, local residents began
to buy vacant lots in order to construct low-cost rental cottages. By the end of World War II, the population of
Carlsbad was steadily rising and there was growing dissatisfaction with San Diego County’s administration of
Carlsbad. It was the culmination of multiple small problems that caused many citizens to push for the formation of
a local government (Gutierrez 2002).
In the 1950s, Carlsbad residents were dissatisfied with their lack of locally controlled services, including no basic
fire and police services, a declining water supply, a lack of fire hydrants, and an antiquated sewage system
(constructed in 1929). The construction of a power plant by San Diego Gas & Electric was the primary reason for
Carlsbad’s incorporation as a city, supplying enough tax revenue to justify having a city government (Orton 1994).
In 1952 after much debate the City of Carlsbad was incorporated; the City has continued to expand and grow into
a modern-day city (City of Carlsbad 2022).
In 1886, Carlsbad Village Drive was developed as Elm Avenue and featured an allée of eucalyptus trees from
Carlsbad Boulevard to Highland that were planted by the Carlsbad Land and Water Company (Carlsbad Historic
Society 2022). Before the construction of the Project site in 1964, historic aerials of the site reveal that since 1938,
the area was developed with agricultural and residential properties. However, denser, urban development in the
area began to increase in 1953 with the construction of I-5 east of the Project site, and more residences were
constructed on formerly agricultural land (NETR 2022).
In 1955, state funds were used to widen Elm Avenue, so it would be able to better accommodate traffic from the newly
constructed I-5. Improvements were to include the construction of four 11-foot lanes with 8 feet of parallel parking on
each side of Elm Avenue, and concrete curbs and gutters along Elm Avenue from the I-5 to State Street (BT 1955a,
1955b). However, the California State Department of Highways insisted that the state gas tax money slated for the
changes could only be used if the street were widened from 20 feet to 40 feet. This made it necessary to remove the
eucalyptus trees along Elm Avenue. Because the trees had become a character defining element of the area, locals
heavily protested their removal saying, “without beautiful trees we would be just another ordinary little town” (Carlsbad
Historic Society 2022). Although this felt like a loss to the community, the street widening created new business
opportunities for developers seeking to encourage tourists to stop in Carlsbad while traveling along I-5, so more
commercial buildings were constructed along Elm Avenue (NETR 2022). Along with infrastructure changes came an
increase in the construction of shopping centers throughout San Diego County. Historic newspaper research revealed
that several shopping centers were planned throughout the 1960s to encourage the expansion of local communities
along the corridor of the I-5.
3.2 History of Buildings within the Project site
The Project site was developed during this period of street widening and shopping center construction on a 4.6-acre site
by Dawson Homes Inc. and was initially called Poinsettia Plaza (Exhibit 1) (SDU 1961). Construction of the shopping
14814 17 APRIL 2023
center was completed by 1964 and it included 21 businesses, such as a branch of the Bank of Fallbrook known as the
Southern Western Bank, a market called Big Bear for Big Buys, a variety store, a coffee shop, a beauty store, laundromat,
and liquor store (SDU 1964a, 1964b). By 1965, the Poinsettia Plaza hosted 11 tenants including a drug store, dress
store, beauty and barber shops, a cocktail bar, and a real estate office (SDU 1965). Building 1 at 945 Carlsbad Village
Drive (APN 203-320-53-00) contained the market and liquor store. Building 2 at 1055 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-
320-56-00) initially hosted the Southern Western Bank in 1964, but by 1982 it became the North County Ballet
Company’s academy and in 1983 it was advertised in a local paper as Bob’s Clock Shop (SDU 1964a, 1964b, 1982,
1983). Various businesses occupied Building 3 at 1065 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-56-00) and Building 4 at
1025 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-55-00).
Exhibit 1. Image of the Poinsettia Plaza in the San Diego Union from 1965.
Source: San Diego Union. 1965. “Image.” California Digital Newspaper Collection: The San Diego Union (San Diego, CA).
March 28, 1999.
By 1976, the City Council was asked to consider changing the name of Elm Avenue to “reflect the nature of the city”
and entice motorists on I-5 to stop in the city (SDU 1976). It took several years to initiate the name change and
install new signage across the city, but by 1988, Elm Avenue changed to Carlsbad Village Drive. The new moniker
was intended to reflect the idea of Carlsbad as a seaside village to seem more appealing to tourists (Tessler 1990).
However, research was unable to determine when the name of the shopping center changed from the Poinsettia
Plaza to the Carlsbad Village Plaza. Today, the Carlsbad Village Plaza continues to host several businesses within
the four buildings comprising the Project site.
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3.3 Property Type: Neighborhood Shopping Center
(circa 1950-1990)
After World War II, Americans, and particularly Southern Californians, became heavily reliant on automobile travel
and were no longer restricted to shopping in downtown urban centers. New settlement patterns away from urban
centers introduced new building types including the neighborhood shopping center. Developers of this building type
were able to dedicate more land for parking, which included clustering related stores around a generous amount
of off-street parking. Typically, a neighborhood shopping center was constructed at one time, which allowed for
architectural continuity. In comparison to the earlier commercial blocks of independent shops, which varied in size,
architectural style, and date of construction, neighborhood shopping centers had overall cohesion based on
decisions made by the developer (Longstreth 1998, 2010; HRG 2007).
Neighborhood shopping centers were developed to be smaller than regional shopping centers (with department
stores) and larger than strip malls. They featured one medium-sized anchor store such as a grocery store or discount
retailer surrounded by smaller retailers. The neighborhood shopping center was typically oriented to a front parking
lot and arranged in a straight, L-, or U-shaped pattern. This type of layout originated in the 1950s and was
popularized in the 1970s (Longstreth 1998, 2010; City of LA 2017).
Characteristics of the Neighborhood Shopping Center typology:
▪ Primary entrances of stores off the parking lot
▪ Large surface parking lots surrounding the building(s)
▪ Disconnection from the street
▪ Designed to appear as a single unit with a unifying design
▪ One to two stories in height
▪ Boxlike massing
▪ Located outside urban centers
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4 Field Survey
4.1 Methods
An intensive-level survey and archival research were conducted to identify any potential built environment historical
resources on the Project site. The survey was conducted on October 17, 2022, by Dudek Architectural Historian Nicole
Frank, MSHP. The survey involved walking all portions of the Project site and documenting the Project site with detailed
notes and photographs. Four total buildings were surveyed on the Project site. Dudek documented the buildings’
elevations, character-defining features, spatial relationships, and setting, and noted any observed alterations.
4.2 Results
The Project site contains four buildings over 45 years old that were identified as requiring recordation and evaluation for
historical significance. The Project site was evaluated as a single property with four APNs: 203-320-53-00, 203-320-55-
00, 203-320-56-00, and 203-320-54-00). Four commercial buildings over 45 years of age are located on the Project
site; these were evaluated for historical and architectural significance as a single property due to the Project site’s shared
development as a commercial property.
This Project site is described and evaluated for historical and architectural significance in Section 5, Significance
Evaluation. A State of California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Series 523 form for the Project site is
in Appendix B, Department of Parks and Recreation Form Set.
Properties Evaluated
▪ Building 1: 945-1005 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-53-00), one commercial building constructed
in 1964
▪ Building 2: 1055 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-56-00), one commercial building constructed
in 1964
▪ Building 3: 1065 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-56-00), one commercial building constructed
in 1964
▪ Building 4: 1025 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-55-00), one commercial building constructed
in 1964
4.3 Built Environment Field Survey Result
Property Description
The Project site is located on the southern side of Carlsbad Village Drive on four parcels: 945-1005 Carlsbad Village
Drive (APN 203-320-53-00, Building 1), 1055 and 1065 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-56-00, Buildings 2
and 3), 1025 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-55-00, Building 4) and 203-320-54-00. The Project site contains
four buildings constructed in 1964. The Project site is slightly angled off cardinal directions. The primary (northwest)
elevations are orientated towards Carlsbad Village Drive with the rear (southeast) elevations orientated towards
Oak Avenue. The Project site is relatively square in plan with the commercial buildings forming a U-shape along the
edges of the site with surface parking in between. Three brick and concrete driveways provide access to the Project
site from the northwest. Two concrete driveways provide access to the Project site from the southeast. The Project
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site does not have any fences; landscaping includes sections of concrete planters with plantings and mature trees.
The four commercial buildings on the Project site extend nearly to the lot lines of the perimeter of the site. Adjacent
properties are developed with one- and three-story buildings commercial, residential, and recreational properties.
Building 1 is located along the southwest corner of the Project site with Buildings 2, 3, and 4 located along the
eastern side (Figure 2).
Building 1 (1964)
Building 1, 945-1005 Carlsbad Village Drive, is located on one parcel (APN 203-320-53-00) and was constructed
in 1964. The commercial building is L-shaped in plan and one story in height (Exhibit 2). The building displays elements
of the Spanish Colonial Revival and Ranch architectural styles including a steep mansard-shaped parapets clad in red
clay tile supported by simple wood posts forming a recessed pedestrian walkway for storefront entrances. The building’s
roof is a combination of a flat and low-pitched front gable obscured by a parapet wall, all sheathed in rolled composition
roofing. The exterior walls are clad in multiple materials to differentiate the storefronts, including stucco, stone veneer,
vertical wood boards, composition wood, and concrete masonry units. Along the rear (southeast) elevation are a series
of truck loading docks and an angled concrete ramp that runs the length of the elevation. Fenestration along the primary
(northwest) elevation includes metal frame storefronts and metal storefront windows. Fenestration along the rear
(southeast) and side (southwest and northeast) elevations include single and double metal entry doors, single and double
metal security doors, and roller garage doors (Exhibit 3).
The following list of known building milestones and alterations to Building 1 was compiled through San Diego County
Assessor building record research and during the course of the intensive survey.
▪ 1964: Construct shopping center (Permit No. 5474)
▪ 1975: Addition (Permit No. 75-1104)
▪ 1984: Addition (Permit No. 83-535)
▪ 1984: Fire sprinkler (Permit No. F040-84)
▪ Date unknown: freezer box (Permit No. 170492)
▪ 1998: Conversion (Permit No. NVTP 0B970193)
▪ Date unknown: Reroofing
▪ Date unknown: Replacement cladding
▪ Date unknown: Replacement of storefronts
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Exhibit 2. Building 1, primary (northwest) and northeast elevations, view to the south.
Source: DSC04407.
Exhibit 3. Building 1, rear (southeast) elevation, view to the west.
Source: DSC04307.
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Building 2 (1964)
Building 2, 1055 Carlsbad Village Drive, is located on one parcel (APN 203-320-56-00) and was constructed in
1964. The commercial building is rectangular in plan, symmetrical, and one story in height (Exhibit 4). The building
displays elements of the Mid-Century Modern architectural style including integrated planters and stone veneer
siding. The roof is flat and covered in rolled composition roofing with a deep angled parapet wall. The top portion of
the building tapers at a slight angle. The building’s exterior walls are clad in a combination of vertical wood boards,
stone veneer, and scored stucco. The primary (northwest) elevation displays a projecting, flat stucco awning.
Fenestration is a recessed metal storefront and storefront windows. The rear (southeast) elevation displays as a
metal security door.
The following list of known building milestones and alterations to Building 2 was compiled through San Diego County
Assessor building record research and during the course of the intensive survey.
▪ 1964: Construct bank (Permit No. 6243)
▪ Date unknown: Reroofing
▪ Date unknown: Replacement cladding
▪ Date unknown: Replacement of storefronts
Exhibit 4. Building 2, primary (northwest) elevation, view to southeast.
Source: DSC04355.
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Building 3 (1964)
Building 3, 1065 Carlsbad Village Drive, is located on one parcel (APN 203-320-56-00) and was constructed in
1964. The commercial building is rectangular in plan and one story in height (Exhibit 5). It is located on the eastern
side of the Project site with surface parking to the building’s west. The building displays elements of the Spanish
Colonial Revival and Ranch architectural styles including a steep mansard-shaped parapets clad in red clay tile
supported by simple wood posts forming a recessed pedestrian walkway for storefront entrances. The building’s roof is
flat and obscured by the raised parapet wall, all sheathed in rolled composition roofing. The exterior walls are clad
in vertical and horizontal wood boards. Fenestration along the primary (southwest) elevation includes metal frame
storefronts, metal storefront windows, and jalousie transom windows. Fenestration along the rear (northeast) and
side (southeast) elevations includes metal storefront windows and metal entry doors.
The following list of known building milestones and alterations to Building 3 was compiled through San Diego County
Assessor building record research and during the course of the intensive survey.
▪ 1964: Construct shopping center (Permit No. 5474)
▪ Date unknown: Reroofing
▪ Date unknown: Replacement cladding
▪ Date unknown: Replacement of storefronts
Exhibit 5. Building 3, primary (southwest) elevation, view to the north.
Source: DSC04330.
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Building 4 (1964)
Building 4, 1025 Carlsbad Village Drive, is located on one parcel (APN 203-320-55-00) and was constructed in
1964. The building was mostly obscured during the survey by a construction fence (Exhibit 6). The commercial
building is relatively rectangular in plan and one story in height. The building’s roof is flat and obscured by a parapet
wall and sheathed in rolled composition roofing. The primary (northwest), northeast, and southwest elevations have
a mansard metal standing seam roof above the pedestrian walkway.
The following list of known building milestones and alterations to Building 4 was compiled through San Diego County
Assessor building record research and during the course of the intensive survey.
▪ 1964: Construct shopping center (Permit No. 5474)
▪ Date unknown: Reroofing
Exhibit 6. Building 4, primary (southwest) elevation, view to east.
Source: DSC04428.
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5 Significance Evaluation
For a property to be listed in or determined eligible for listing in the NRHP, it must be demonstrated to possess
integrity and to meet at least one of four criteria. The CRHR was designed to reflect the same criteria and integrity
as those identified for the NRHP. Therefore, the NRHP and CRHR significance evaluations are presented together.
5.1 NRHP/CRHR Statement of Significance
In consideration of the Project site’s history and requisite integrity, Dudek finds the property not eligible for
designation in the NRHP or CRHR based on the following significance evaluation and in consideration of national
and state eligibility criteria:
Criterion A/1: That are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad
patterns of our history.
The Project site includes four buildings: Building 1: 945 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-53-00), Building 2:
1055 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-56-00), Building 3: 1065 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-56-00),
and Building 4: 1025 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-55-00). The four commercial buildings were constructed
in 1964 as part of a shopping center called Poinsettia Plaza; the name was later changed to Carlsbad Village Plaza.
The Project site shares an association with the trends of commercial growth in northern San Diego County during
the 1960s and 1970s. The commercial style of the buildings with Spanish Colonial Revival and Ranch elements
was common for their type and ubiquitous in the county. However, construction of the Project site does not appear
to be important in the development of the area. Though the Project site is located adjacent to I-5 on a main street,
Carlsbad Village Drive, development of the site followed a pattern of commercial development within the area at
the time. Additionally, there is no indication it is associated with events that have made a significant contribution
to broad patterns of history. Research found no association with more specific events or patterns of development
that have historical significance at the local, state, or national level. For these reasons, the Project site does not
appear eligible under NRHP Criterion A or CRHR Criterion 1.
Criterion B/2: That are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past.
The commercial buildings on the Project site were built as part of the Poinsettia Plaza (later called Carlsbad
Village Plaza) in 1964 by Dawson Homes Inc. Research did not indicate that the Project site has been associated
with the life of a significant individual. Since its construction, several businesses have occupied the buildings on
the Project site, and it continues to function as a local shopping center under the ownership of the Carlsbad
Village Association. Due to a lack of identified significant associations with important individuals, the Project site
does not appear eligible under NRHP Criterion B or CRHR Criterion 2.
Criterion C/3: That embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or
that represent the work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or that represent
a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction.
The four commercial buildings on the Project site all represent nondescript, largely unembellished, commercial
buildings. The buildings have few character-defining architectural features and are unremarkable examples of their
14814 26 APRIL 2023
property type, a neighborhood shopping center. Although none of the buildings represent a distinct style, Buildings
1 and 3 each contain elements of the Spanish Colonial Revival and Ranch styles such as a steep mansard-shaped
parapets clad in red clay tile supported by simple wood posts forming a recessed pedestrian walkway for storefront
entrances. Likewise, Building 2 contains elements of the Mid-Century Modern style such as integrated planters and
stone veneer siding. However, more distinguished forms of commercial architecture can be found throughout the
City of Carlsbad. The buildings have a basic layout, and were developed by Dawson Homes Inc. The original building
permits could not be obtained (permit numbers were obtained from the San Diego County Assessor Building
Record), but research indicates that they were not architect-designed and likely not the work of a master. The
buildings reflect ubiquitous building trends from the period with rectangular plans, stucco cladding and parking lots
surrounding the buildings. Historic newspaper research reveals that Dawson Homes Inc. developed commercial
and large-scale residential developments throughout San Diego County during the 1940s and 1960s, but the
company was not historically significant or notable for its developments. Additionally, despite reflecting the majority
of the characteristics of the neighborhood shopping center property type including: primary entrances of stores off
the parking lot; large surface parking lots surrounding the buildings; disconnection from the street; designed to
appear as a single unit with a unifying design; one story in height; and boxlike massing archival research failed to
reveal that the Project site was a significant example of the property type in Carlsbad or San Diego County. Rather,
the Project site represents a common example of the property type that can be found throughout San Diego and
Southern California constructed throughout the 1970s.
As such, the buildings lack sufficient distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction; do not
represent the work of a master; do not possess high artistic values; nor do they appear to be potential contributors to
a historic district. Therefore, the Project site does not appear eligible under NRHP Criterion C or CRHR Criterion 3.
Criterion D/4: That have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history.
The Project site is not significant under Criterion D of the NRHP or Criterion 4 of the CRHR as a source, or likely
source, of important historical information, nor does it appear likely to yield important information about historic
construction methods, materials, or technologies.
5.2 City of Carlsbad Historic Resources Inventory
Statement of Significance
In consideration of the Project site’s history and requisite integrity, Dudek finds the property not eligible for
designation in the City of Carlsbad Historic Resources Inventory based on the following significance evaluation and
in consideration of local eligibility criteria.
It exemplifies or reflects special elements of the City’s cultural, social, economic, political,
aesthetic, engineering, or architectural history.
Extensive research indicates that the buildings on the Project site neither exemplify nor reflect special elements of
the City’s cultural, social, economic, political, aesthetic, engineering, or architectural history. Therefore, the Project
site is recommended not eligible for listing in the City of Carlsbad Historic Resources Inventory under this criterion.
14814 27 APRIL 2023
It is identified with persons or events significant in local, state, or national history.
Extensive archival research also indicates that the buildings on the Project site are not identified with persons or
events significant in local, state, or national history. Therefore, the Project site is recommended not eligible for
listing in the City of Carlsbad Historic Resources Inventory under this criterion.
It embodies distinctive characteristics of a style, type, period, or method of construction, is
a valuable example of the use of indigenous materials or craftsmanship or is representative
of a notable work of an acclaimed builder, designer, or architect.
The commercial buildings on the Project site do not embody distinctive characteristics of a specific style and are
nondescript examples of the neighborhood shopping center property type with few noteworthy architectural
features. Commercial buildings such as these are ubiquitous throughout Southern California. Dawson Homes Inc.
developed the Project site. Although copies of original building permits could not be obtained, research indicates
that they were not architect-designed and likely not the work of a master. The Project site is not a significant example
of the neighborhood shopping center property type in Carlsbad or San Diego County. Rather the Project site
represents a common example of the property type that can be found throughout San Diego and Southern California
constructed throughout the 1970s. As such, the buildings lack sufficient distinctive characteristics of a type, period,
or method of construction; do not represent the work of a master; do not possess high artistic values; and are not
potential contributors to a historic district. Therefore, the Project site is recommended not eligible for listing in the
City of Carlsbad Historic Resources Inventory under this criterion.
It is an archaeological, paleontological, botanical, geological, topographical, ecological, or
geographical site which has the potential of yielding information of scientific value.
The parcel has not yielded, nor is it likely to yield, information of scientific value. Therefore, the Project site is
recommended not eligible for listing in the City of Carlsbad Historic Resources Inventory under this criterion.
It is a geographically definable area with a concentration of buildings, structures,
improvements, or objects linked historically through location, design, setting, materials,
workmanship, feeling, and/or association, in which the collective value of the improvements
may be greater than the value of each individual improvement.
The Project site does not belong to a definable area with a concentration of buildings, structures, improvements, or
objects linked historically through location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and/or association, in
which the collective value of the improvements may be greater than the value of each individual improvement (i.e.,
a historic district). Therefore, the Project site is recommended not eligible for listing in the City of Carlsbad Historic
Resources Inventory under this criterion.
5.3 Integrity Discussion
Integrity Discussion
To be eligible for listing in the NRHP or CRHR, properties must retain their physical integrity from the period in
which they gained significance. In the case of architecturally significant properties, the period of significance is
normally the date of construction. For historically significant properties, the length of the historic associations
14814 28 APRIL 2023
usually measures the period of significance. National Register Bulletin 15: How to Apply the National Register
Criteria for Evaluation states that the integrity of a property is based upon the historical significance and
character-defining features of that property, and that “only after significance is fully established can you proceed
to the issue of integrity” (Andrus and Shrimpton 2002). To be eligible for listing in the NRHP, properties must
retain their physical integrity from the period in which they gained significance. As the Project site was not found
significant under any NRHP, CRHR, or local criteria, the Project site does not have a period of significance and
the integrity of the buildings does not require examination.
14814 29 APRIL 2023
6 Findings and Conclusions
6.1 Summary of Findings
No historic built environment resources were identified within the Project site as a result of extensive archival
research, a field survey, and property significance evaluation. Findings are summarized below in Table 2. Therefore,
the properties that comprise the proposed Project site are not considered historical resources for the purposes of
CEQA. Further, no potential indirect impacts to historical resources were identified.
Table 2. Historic Built Environment Findings
City of
CHRS code (if
Resource Status
code CEQA Finding
Project site
APNs 203-
00, 203-320-
55-00, 203-
1964 Not eligible Not applicable 6Z: Found ineligible
for NR, CR, or local
designation through
survey evaluation
Not considered
a historical
resource for
the purposes of
6.2 Recommendations
The Project site is not currently designated or listed under any national, state, or local cultural resources programs.
The buildings on these parcels have not been identified as eligible for local designation by a recent historic
resources survey.
Dudek evaluated the Project site in accordance with Section 15064.5 (a)(2)-(3) of the CEQA Guidelines and using
the criteria outlined in Section 5024.1 of the California Public Resources Code. Dudek concludes that the buildings
on the Project site do not appear to be eligible for listing in the NRHP, CRHR, or as a City of Carlsbad cultural
resources due to a lack of significance. As such, no buildings on the Project site appear to be historical resources
under CEQA. The recommended Status Code for the Project site is 6Z. Further, no potential indirect impacts to
historical resources were identified as the proposed Project has no potential to impact the built environment beyond
the Project site.
The finding for built environment cultural resources for the proposed Project under CEQA is No Impact. As the
proposed Project would have no impact on historical resources, no further study is required.
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7 References
Andrus, Patrick W. and Rebecca H. Shrimpton. 2002. “How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation
bulletin.” U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Accessed November 2022.
https://www.nps.gov/nr/publications/bulletins/nrb15/December 5, 2018.
BT (Blade Tribune). 1955a. “A Suggestion for Ourselves.” California Digital Newspaper Collection: The Blade
Tribune (Oceanside, CA). December 1, 1955
BT. 1955b. “Elm Avenue Widening, Sewer Election Approved by Council.” California Digital Newspaper Collection:
The Blade Tribune (Oceanside, CA). February 2, 1955.
Bibb, L.E. 1991. “Pablo Apis and Temecula.” Journal of San Diego History 37(4):256–271.
Cato, K. 2000. “Historical Settlement of the Temecula Valley.” In Geology and Enology of the Temecula Valley,
Riverside County, California, edited by B.B. Birnbaum and K. Cato. San Diego, California: San Diego
Association of Geologists.
City of Carlsbad. 2015. Carlsbad General Plan. Dyett & Bhatia. September 2015.
City of Carlsbad. 2022. “History.” City of Carlsbad. Accessed October 2022. http://www.carlsbadca.gov/
City of Los Angeles. 2017. “Los Angeles Citywide Historic Context Statement; Context: Commercial
Development, 1859-1980; Theme: Neighborhood Commercial Development, 1880-1980.” SurveyLA. August
2017. https://planning.lacity.org/odocument/7653581a-e554-43eb-840f-
ECORP. 2017. “Carlsbad Tribal, Cultural, and Paleontological Resources Guidelines.” Prepared for the City of
Carlsbad. September 2017. https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument
Gutierrez, S.S. 2002. Windows on the Past: An Illustrated History of Carlsbad, California. Virginia Beach, Virginia:
Walsworth Publishing Company.
Harmon, John. 1961. “History of Carlsbad.” Electronic document. Accessed October 2022.
Harmon, Jack. 1967. A History of Carlsbad. Carlsbad: Friends of the Library. Carlsbad Historical Society.
HRG (Historic Resources Group). 2007. Cultural Resources of the Recent Past Historic Context Report. The City of
Pasadena, California.
14814 32 APRIL 2023
Historical Marker Database (HMD). 2020. “Capt. John A. Frazier: July 18, 1833 - July 16, 1899.” Revised October
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Jones, M.H. 1982. Seekers of the Spring: A History of Carlsbad. Carlsbad, California: Carlsbad Friends of the Library.
Longstreth, Richard. 1998. City Center to Regional Mall: Architecture, the Automobile, and Retailing in Los
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Longstreth, Richard. 2010. The American Department Store Transformed, 1920-1960. New Haven, Connecticut:
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Orton, C.W. 1994. Carlsbad: The Village by the Sea. Encinitas, California: Heritage Publishing Company.
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SDU. 1965. “Centers Create ‘Shopping Resorts’.” California Digital Newspaper Collection: The San Diego Union
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(San Diego, CA). November 8, 1976.
SDU. 1982. “Audition.” California Digital Newspaper Collection: The San Diego Union (San Diego, CA).
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SDU. 1983. “Advertisement.” California Digital Newspaper Collection: The San Diego Union (San Diego, CA).
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Tessler, Ray. 1990 “Carlsbad Village Drive Now in Sight at End of Costly, 4 1/2-Year Road.” The Los Angeles
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Van Horn, K. 1974. “Tempting Temecula: The Making and Unmaking of a Southern California Community.”
Journal of San Diego History 20:26–38.
Appendix A
Preparer’s Qualifications
Nicole Frank, MSHP
Nicole Frank (nih-COHL FRAYNK; she/her) is an architectural historian with 5
years’ experience in the historic preservation field. Ms. Frank’s professional
experience encompasses a variety of projects for local agencies, private
developers, and homeowners in both highly urbanized and rural areas. Projects
have included reconnaissance-level surveys, preparation of resource-appropriate
and citywide historic contexts, and historical significance evaluations in
consideration of the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), California Register
of Historic Resources (CRHR), and local designation criteria. Ms. Frank has
experience conducting historic research, writing landmark designations,
performing conditions assessments, and working hands-on in building restoration
projects throughout the United States. Ms. Frank also has governmental
experience with the City of San Francisco’s Planning Department and the City of
Chicago’s Landmark Designations Department. She meets the Secretary of the
Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for Architectural History.
Project Experience
6365 Imperial Avenue HRTR Project, Denya LLC, City of San Diego, California.
Dudek was retained by Denya LLC to prepare a Historical Resource Technical
Report for a property located at 6365 Imperial Avenue in the City of San Diego,
California. The report was prepared in accordance with the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15064.5, for historical
resources and all applicable City of San Diego (City) guidelines and regulations.
One built environment resource was identified with the subject property as a result of the background research
and survey: the commercial building associated with the address 6365 Imperial Avenue. The significance
evaluation found that 6365 Imperial Avenue is not eligible under any designation criteria due to a lack of the
requisite integrity necessary to convey significant historical associations and a lack of architectural merit. Acting
as architectural historian, co-authored the technical report and conducted a pedestrian survey of the site. (2022)
5146–5148 and 5150 Dehesa Road Project, Kevin R. Carlin, San Diego County, California. The property owner,
Kevin R. Carlin, is proposing a Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide an existing 5.87-acre parcel into four parcels and
one remaining undeveloped parcel, known as the 5146–5148 and 5150 Dehesa Road Project. Dudek completed
a historical resources technical report (HRTR) to identify all historical resources (if any) within the project area to
determine whether the proposed project would result in a significant impact to historical resources under the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). To complete the evaluation of significance, Dudek conducted archival
and building development research and developed an appropriate historic context for the evaluation of the project
area. All buildings and structures over 45 years old were recorded and evaluated for historical significance. The
subject property is recommended not eligible for inclusion in the NRHP, CRHR, and San Diego County Local
Register of Historical Resources under all designation criteria due to a lack of historical or architectural
The School of the Art
Institute of Chicago
MS, Historic Preservation,
The College of Charleston
BA, Historic Preservation
and Art History, 2016
Professional Affiliations
Encinitas Preservation
Association, President
California Preservation
Association for
Preservation Technology
significance and lack of integrity. Acting as architectural historian, co-authored the technical report and conducted
a pedestrian survey of the site. (2021–2022)
Downtown Buena Park Project, Merlone Geier, Buena Park, California. Dudek prepared an HRTR for a project that
proposes the redevelopment of a former Sears building, parking lot, and Sears Automobile Service Station at the
Buena Park Downtown Mall, located at 8150 La Palma Avenue in the City of Buena Park. The redevelopment
plans include 1,381 residential units, 41,500 square feet of amenity and lobby space, and 2,551 residential
parking spaces over 28-acres. The report included an intensive-level survey of the Buena Park Downtown Mall by
a qualified architectural historian for historical significance and integrity in consideration of NRHP and CRHR
designation criteria; building development and archival research; development of an appropriate historic context
for the Buena Park Downtown Mall; and recordation and evaluation of the Sears building, a built environment
resource over 45 years old. The Buena Park Downtown Mall does not appear eligible under any NRHP or CRHR
designation criteria due to a lack of significant historical associations, architectural merit, and compromised
integrity. Acting as architectural historian, co-authored the technical report and conducted a pedestrian survey of
the site. (2021)
6th and Victoria Avenue Warehouse Project, Confidential Client, Highland, California. Dudek completed a Historic
Resource Evaluation Report (HRER) for a project that proposes to construct a single 307,455-square-foot
industrial/warehouse building (inclusive of 10,000 square feet of office/mezzanine). Associated improvements
include loading docks, truck and vehicle parking, and landscape areas. The report included an evaluation of three
buildings more than 45 years old. Each property was recorded on State of California Department of Parks and
Recreation Series 523 Forms (DPR Forms) and was evaluated in consideration of NRHP and CRHR designation
criteria and integrity requirements. As architectural historian, authored a historical resources inventory and
evaluation report. (2021)
Forest Resiliency Program Project SPI Keystone, Golden State Finance Authority, Tuolumne County, California. Dudek
completed a historical resources inventory and evaluation report for a project that proposes to redevelop a site in La
Grange and Jamestown in Tuolumne County to facilitate the transport of forest material (e.g., trees with no lumber
value and underbrush) by truck, turn it into wood fuel pellets, and then ship the pellets from the site using the
existing railroad line. Completed this report to be consistent with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation
Act (NHPA) (36 Code of Federal Regulations 800), CEQA Section 15064.5, Public Resources Code 5024, and
applicable local regulations. This report included (1) a California Historical Resources Information System records
search conducted at the Central California Information Center for the area of potential effect (APE) plus a 1-mile
buffer; (2) a pedestrian surface reconnaissance of the APE for archaeological and built environment resources; and
(3) a historical significance evaluation of Property 1 Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) (063-190-056, 063-350-
004, 063-350-005, and 063-190-051) and Property 2 (Sierra Railroad–Mainline, Keystone Segment) located within
the APE. As architectural historian, authored a historical resources inventory and evaluation report. (2021)
Senior Residences at Hillcrest Project, DFA Development, San Diego, California. Dudek prepared a Historic
Properties Inventory Report for the project, which proposes to develop a 68-unit, affordable senior housing
community located in the Hillcrest neighborhood of San Diego. The project site is partially developed with existing
buildings for preschool services associated with the adjacent University Christian Church and a parking lot. The
project is proposing to receive U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development project vouchers issued to the
San Diego Housing Commission and is therefore required to undergo a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
analysis for receiving federal funding. Acting as architectural historian, co-authored the technical report and
conducted a pedestrian survey of the site. (2020–2021)
Sycuan Fee to Trust Project, Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation Reservation, Unincorporated San Diego County,
California. Dudek completed a Historic Properties Inventory and Evaluation Report for the proposed project,
located within the vicinity of El Cajon, California, in unincorporated San Diego County. The project proposes a fee-
to-trust transfer of five parcels that cumulatively total approximately 40 acres. The transfer of land from the
Sycuan Band to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (the federal lead agency) would include several parcels. Dudek’s
report included development of a project APE map; the relevant results of a California Historical Resources
Information System records search and background research; a pedestrian survey of the APE for built
environment resources; and a historical significance evaluation of all properties more than 50 years of age within
the APE, in consideration of potential adverse effects to historic properties under Section 106 of the NHPA. The
evaluation found that Properties 1, 2, 4, and 5 were not eligible for the NRHP at the individual level or as part of a
larger historic district. As a result, no historic properties were identified within the APE, and Dudek recommended
a finding of No Historic Properties Affected. As architectural historian, conducted background research and a
pedestrian survey. (2021)
Ranch at River Bend Project, Save Gregory Canyon Hills LLC, Community of Pala, California. Dudek completed an
HRTR in support of the proposed project, which includes the development of a new, mixed-use community. Acting
as architectural historian, co-authored the technical report and conducted a pedestrian survey of the site. (2020)
Enclave at Ivanhoe Ranch Project, Vance & Associates, Rancho San Diego, California. Dudek completed an HRTR in
support of the proposed residential development project. The project site totals approximately 121.9 acres in Rancho
San Diego. Included in the project site is a historic-era complex of horse ranch buildings and accompanying residences,
located at 3256, 3261, 3263, 3267, and 3269 Ivanhoe Ranch Road (APNs 518-030-41, 518-030-43, 518-030-44,
and 518-030-45), which were evaluated for historical significance. This study was conducted in accordance with
Section 15064.5(a)(2)-(3) of CEQA guidelines, and the project site was evaluated in consideration of NRHP, CRHR, and
County of San Diego Historic Preservation Ordinance and resource protection ordinance requirements. Acting as
architectural historian, co-authored the technical report and conducted a pedestrian survey of the site. (2020)
Shawnee/CG7600 Master Plan Redevelopment Project, Palmer Mission Gorge Properties, LP, San Diego,
California. Dudek conducted a Potential Historical Resource Review (in accordance with Information Bulletin 580)
for four properties more than 45 years old within the City of San Diego. Acting as architectural historian,
conducted a photographic survey of the four properties within the project site. Updated three 2011 DPR Forms
and created a new DPR Form for a previously unrecorded property within the project site. (2020)
740–790 East Green Street Mixed-Use Project, City of Pasadena, California. Dudek completed a Cultural
Resources Technical Report (CRTR) for five commercial buildings located in the City of Pasadena (Assessor’s
Identification Nos. 5734-025-014, 024, 026, 029, 027). The study included a pedestrian survey of the proposed
project area, building development and archival research, development of an appropriate historic context for the
property, and recordation and evaluation of the property for historical significance and integrity in consideration of
NRHP, CRHR, and local eligibility requirements. Acting as architectural historian, updated the Pasadena historic
context, conducted archival research, and wrote significance evaluations for the five buildings that are more than
45 years old. (2019)
8850 Sunset Boulevard Project, City of West Hollywood, California. Dudek completed a CRTR for the proposed
project, which consisted of the demolition of existing buildings and the construction and operation of a new mixed-
use hotel and residential building on a property along the south side of Sunset Boulevard, extending the full city
block between Larrabee Street and San Vicente Boulevard. Acting as architectural historian, assisted in the
completion of the technical report as the primary writer. (2019)
Palmetto Avenue Warehouse Project, Patriot Development Partners, Rialto, California. Dudek conducted a Cultural
Resources Report in support of the proposed project, which proposed to demolish buildings on six parcels in the
City of Rialto and construct an industrial/warehouse building on an approximately 4.24-acre property located at
the northeast corner of Palmetto Avenue and Baseline Road. Acted as evaluator for three of the six properties,
which were at least 45 years old. (2019)
14545 Lanark Street Project, Clifford Beers Housing Inc., Los Angeles, California. Dudek completed an HRER for a
property located at 14545 Lanark Street in the Panorama City neighborhood of Los Angeles (APN 2210-011-900).
Acting as architectural historian, authored the HRER for the subject property, a Public Social Services Department
building constructed in 1967. (2019)
Confidential Solar Energy Project, Confidential Client, California. Dudek completed an HRTR for a confidential
solar project. Acting as architectural historian, authored the report evaluating a complex of 20 buildings for
historical significance. (2019)
1605 Industrial Avenue Warehouse Project., City of San José, California. Acting as architectural historian, co-
authored the CRTR for the project, which included the construction of an approximately 186,000-square-foot industrial
warehouse building on an approximately 10.96-gross-acre property located in the northern part of the City of San José.
Preparation of the historical context statement involved archival research, building descriptions, historic context
development, and historical significance evaluations. (2018)
Jefferson La Mesa Project, JPI, La Mesa, California. The project proposed to demolish three industrial automotive
buildings to redevelop the property. Served as architectural historian and co-author of the HRER for the project.
Contributed archival research and historical context development for the three automotive buildings. (2018)
Riverside City College Life Science/Physical Science Reconstruction Project, Riverside Community College District,
Riverside, California. Dudek completed a CRTR for the project that proposes to modernize the currently vacant Life
Science and Physical Science connected buildings on the Riverside City College campus to allow for growth in the
Business and Information Systems programs. Acting as architectural historian, conducted research on the
buildings associated with the project. (2021)
Richland Elementary School Reconstruction Project, San Marcos United School District, San Marcos, California.
Dudek completed a CRTR for the project located at 910 Borden Road. The proposed project involves the
demolition of the existing Richland Elementary School, which includes seven permanent buildings and 24
portable classrooms, and the reconstruction of the school, including the redevelopment of play fields and
playgrounds. Acting as architectural historian, conducted a field visit, researched the school district and
elementary school, and co-authored the technical report. (2021)
University of California San Diego, Future College Living and Learning Neighborhood, University of California San
Diego Campus Planning Office, San Diego, California. Dudek was retained by the University of California (UC) San
Diego Campus Planning Office to conduct a visual analysis for the proposed project, which would consist of five
housing buildings providing an additional 2,000 beds to serve the student population of the UC San Diego
campus. As architectural historian, conducted a field visit to gain a better understanding of the visual environment
of the project site and surrounding area. (2020)
San Francisco State University Master Plan Update Environmental Impact Report, San Francisco State University
Capital Planning, Design, and Construction, San Francisco, California. Dudek conducted a historic built
environment study for the proposed project. Only buildings more than 45 years of age and proposed for
renovation or demolition were included in this historic built environment study. Acting as architectural historian,
participated in a survey of the San Francisco State University (SFSU) Psychology and Ethnic Studies Building and
conducted archival research to prepare appropriate historic context for San Francisco, SFSU, and the Psychology
and Ethnic Studies Building. Conducted research on 18 buildings located on the SFSU campus and wrote historic
contexts, descriptions, and lists of alterations for each. (2019)
Keats Building and Amphitheater, California State University Fresno, Fresno, California. As architectural historian,
authored the description of the amphitheater and Keats Building on the California State University (CSU) Fresno
campus for the CRTR. Also prepared DPR Forms for the two buildings. (2018)
College Park Demolition Project, CSU Chico, Chico, California. Dudek was retained by CSU Chico to complete a
cultural resources study for a project that proposes demolition of 10 single-family residences near the CSU Chico
campus. As architectural historian, co-authored a cultural resources report for CSU Chico, writing ten building
feature descriptions. (2018)
Battery Storage Project, Confidential Client, San Diego, California. Dudek prepared an HRER for a project that
proposes to develop a battery energy storage system located in San Diego. All buildings and structures more than
45 years old identified within the project area were recorded and evaluated for historical significance. The
significance evaluation involved conducting archival research and building development research for the project
area and completing an appropriate historic context. Acting as architectural historian, conducted pedestrian
surveys to evaluate the presence of historic built environmental resources and authored the HRER. (2021)
Battery Energy Storage Project, Confidential Client, Grand Terrace, California. Dudek prepared an HRER for a
project that proposes to develop a battery energy storage system in the City of Grand Terrace. This report
included development of a built environment study area map, a pedestrian survey of the proposed project study
area for built environment resources, and a historical significance evaluation of a steam plant in consideration
of state designation criteria and integrity requirements. The significance evaluation found that the steam plant
is not eligible under any designation criteria due to a lack of architectural merit and a lack of the requisite
integrity necessary to convey significant historical associations. As such, the steam plant is not considered a
historical resource under CEQA. Acting as architectural historian, conducted pedestrian surveys and authored
the HRER. (2021)
Confidential Solar Project, San Diego County, California. Serving as architectural historian, co-authored the HRTR for
the project, which proposed the development of a solar energy facility and energy storage system. The project site totals
approximately 1,356 acres and is in unincorporated southeastern San Diego County. The HRTR involved a pedestrian
survey for the presence of historic built environment resources. All buildings and structures more than 45 years old
were recorded and evaluated for historical significance. The significance evaluation included conducting archival
research and building development research for a dairy and creamery complex located on the project site and
completing a historic context. The complex of dairy buildings was evaluated for historical significance and is not eligible
for inclusion in the NRHP, CRHR, or the County Register due to a lack of significant historical associations. (2020)
St. Joseph’s Hospital Master Plan Project, Devenney Group Ltd., Stockton, California. Dudek prepared a historical
resources inventory and evaluation report in support of the project. The proposed project site included five
properties in the City of Stockton: (1) 1638 North California Street (APN 127-190-32), (2) 1800 North California
Street and 542 McCloud Avenue (APN 127-180-44), (3) 534 East Maple Street (APN 127-190-30), (4) 425 East
Harding Way (APN 127-150-39), and (5) 445 East Harding Way (APN 127-150-51). Served as architectural
historian and co-author of the historical resources inventory and evaluation report, conducting research on
properties 2–4 of the historic-age built environmental resource properties, primarily located within the St.
Joseph’s Medical Center Complex or on parcels adjacent to the complex that may be acquired. (2020)
Ocean Beach Pier Improvements, City of San Diego, California. Dudek was retained by the City of San Diego to
prepare a HRTR for the Ocean Beach Pier Improvements Project (project). The City requested an evaluation of
whether the Ocean Beach Pier (Ocean Beach Municipal, Pier, or Pier Project site) met eligibility criteria for local,
state, and/or federal designation. The report was prepared in accordance with the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15064.5, for historical resources and all applicable City of San Diego (City)
guidelines and regulations. As a result of the evaluation, the Ocean Beach Pier is recommended eligible under
NRHP and CRHR Criteria A/1 and C/3 and San Diego Historical Resources Board Designation Criteria A, C, and D.
The Ocean Beach Pier reflects special elements of Ocean Beach’s historical and economic development and
embodies distinctive characteristics of the concrete fishing pier typology. Responsibilities include fieldwork,
archival research, and the associated property significance evaluation. (2022-present)
Los Angeles County Metro Area Plan Project, Los Angeles County, California. Dudek was retained by the County of
Los Angeles Department of Regional Planning to prepare a Historic Context Statement in support of the Metro
Area Plan (MAP) project. The goal of the Historic Context Statement component of the project is to inform,
enhance, and streamline the larger MAP project as it pertains to historical resources. The communities included
within the MAP Historic Context Statement include the following: East Los Angeles, East Rancho Dominguez,
Florence-Firestone, Walnut Park, West Athens-Westmont, West Rancho Dominguez-Victoria, and Willowbrook. The
HCS documents the development history of the communities from the rancho period to the present, identifies
important themes, events, patterns of development, and describes the different property types, styles, builders,
and architects associated with these important periods and themes. The document will also provide registration
requirements and recommendations for future study/action by the County of Los Angeles to facilitate and
streamline the historic preservation program. Responsibilities include archival research, co-authoring the Historic
Context Statement, stakeholder engagement, collaboration with the GIS team to create an online mapping tool,
field survey, attendance of public meetings, and collaboration with graphics team for flyers and social media
content. (2021-Present)
Los Angeles County Florence-Firestone Community Plan Area Historic Resources Survey, Los Angeles County,
California. Dudek was retained by the County of Los Angeles Department of Regional Planning to prepare a
Historic Context Statement and conduct a Historic Resources Survey for the Community Plan Area of Florence-
Firestone. The goal of the project is to document the development history of the community from the rancho
period to the present, identify important themes, events, patterns of development, and describes the different
property types, styles, builders, and architects associated with these important periods and themes. The
document will also provide registration requirements and recommendations for future study/action by the County
of Los Angeles to facilitate and streamline the historic preservation program. Responsibilities include archival
research, co-authoring the Historic Context Statement, stakeholder engagement, collaboration with the GIS team
to create an online mapping tool, attendance of public meetings, and collaboration with graphics team for flyers
and social media content. (2021-Present)
Los Angeles County East Los Angeles Historic Resources Survey of Historic Age Commercial Signage, Los Angeles
County, California. Dudek was retained by the County of Los Angeles Department of Regional Planning to perform
a Historic Resources Survey and focused Historic Context Statement for historic age commercial signage located
in the Community Plan Area of East Los Angeles. The goal of the project is to document the history of commercial
signage, record and evaluate significant historic signs, and designate all applicable signs as County Landmarks.
Responsibilities include archival research, collaboration with the GIS team to create an online mapping tool, and
collaboration with graphics team for flyers and social media content. (2021-Present)
Mission Bay Park Improvements Project, City of San Diego, California. Dudek reviewed the City’s proposed seawall
and bulkhead designs for conformance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic
Properties, specifically the Standards for Rehabilitation. This review included advising the design team on how to
remain in conformance with the standards by way of informal design review/check-ins throughout the design
review process. Acting as architectural historian, conducted a pedestrian survey, and co-authored the Mission
Beach Seawall Evaluation Memorandum. (2021–Present)
Pier View Way Bridge and Lifeguard Headquarters Restoration/Replacement Project, Confidential Client,
Oceanside, California. Dudek is preparing a CRTR for a project that proposes to restore or replace the concrete
portion of the Pier View Way Bridge and the Lifeguard Headquarters in the City of Oceanside. This report includes
a pedestrian survey for historic built environment resources, development research, archival research to develop
the appropriate historic context, and a historical significance evaluation. The report discusses the proposed
project description, regulatory framework, all sources consulted, research and field methodology, setting, and
findings. In addition, the report discusses the proposed project’s potential to impact historical resources under
CEQA and will provide recommendations as appropriate. Acting as architectural historian, conducted pedestrian
surveys and co-authored the technical report. (2021–Present)
Mira Mesa Community Plan Area Historic Context Statement and Focused Reconnaissance Survey, City of San
Diego, California. Dudek prepared a historic context statement identifying the historical themes and associated
property types important to the development of Mira Mesa, accompanied by a reconnaissance-level survey report
focused on the master-planned residential communities within the Mira Mesa Community Plan Area (CPA). This study
was completed as part of the comprehensive update to the Mira Mesa CPA and Programmatic Environmental Impact
Report. While the historic context statement addressed all development themes and property types within the
community, the scope of the survey was limited to residential housing within the CPA constructed between 1969 and
1990. Acting as architectural historian, co-authored and completed the historic context statement, the survey
document, and all associated archival research efforts. (2020–Present)
University CPA Historic Context Statement and Focused Reconnaissance Survey, City of San Diego, California.
Dudek prepared a historic context statement identifying the historical themes and associated property types
important to the development of the University CPA, accompanied by a reconnaissance-level survey report
focused on the master-planned residential communities within the University CPA. This study was completed as
part of the comprehensive update to the University CPA and Programmatic Environmental Impact Report. While
the historic context statement addressed all development themes and property types within the community, the
scope of the survey was limited to residential housing within the CPA constructed between the 1960s and 1990s.
Acting as architectural historian, co-authored and completed the historic context statement, the survey document,
and all associated archival research efforts. (2020–Present)
Coronado Citywide Historic Resources Inventory and Historic Context Statement, City of Coronado, California.
Dudek is currently in the process of preparing a historic context statement and historic resources inventory survey
for all properties at least 50 years old within City of Coronado limits. Following current professional methodology
standards and procedures developed by the California Office of Historic Preservation and the National Park
Service, Dudek will develop a detailed historic context statement for the City that identifies and discusses the
important themes, patterns of development, property types, and architectural styles prevalent throughout the City.
Dudek will also conduct a reconnaissance-level survey of all properties within City limits that are at least 50 years
old to identify individual properties and groupings of properties (i.e., historic districts) with potential for historical
significance under City Criterion C (properties that possess distinctive characteristics of an architectural style; are
valuable for the study of a type, period, or method of construction; and have not been substantially altered). Acting
as architectural historian, authored the historic context statement and conducted reconnaissance-level surveys of
properties within City limits. (2019–Present)
As-Needed Historic Research Consulting Services, City of Coronado, California. Dudek provides as-needed historic
consulting services for various projects. Each evaluation involves the creation of an occupancy timeline,
supplemental research on occupants, building development research (including architects, builders, and property), a
pedestrian survey of the project area, creation of a description of the surveyed resource, and completion of a
historical significance evaluation report in consideration of designation criteria and integrity requirements. Acting as
project manager and architectural historian, authored HRERs for the following properties: 936 J Avenue, 310 2nd
Street, 718 B Avenue, 1027-1029 Orange Avenue, 735 Margarita Avenue, 519 Ocean Boulevard, 1901 Monterey
Avenue, 269 Palm Avenue, 1113 Adella Avenue, 1519 4th Street, 745 A Avenue, 451–55 Alameda Boulevard, 503
10th Street, 121 G Avenue, 1152 Glorietta Boulevard, 711 Tolita Avenue, 951 G Avenue, 817 A Avenue, 625 B
Avenue, 260 D Avenue, 761 I Avenue, 816 1st Street, 820 A Avenue,953-57 G Avenue, 725 Adella Avenue, 754 H
Avenue, 168-70 F Avenue, 1011 E Avenue, 404 8th Street, and 1421 6th Street. (2019–Present)
Gilroy Citywide Historic Resources Inventory, City of Gilroy, California. Dudek is currently bringing to completion a
citywide historic context statement and historic resources inventory update of the City of Gilroy’s outdated 1986
historic resources inventory. Dudek hosted a public kickoff meeting/outreach session that was well-received by
the community, successfully completed a reconnaissance-level survey of more than 3,000 properties on time
and within budget, and completed a draft citywide historic context statement. Dudek is also preparing a Public
Guide to Preservation that provides an overview of the City’s existing policies, what it means to live in a
designated property/a district contributor, answers to commonly asked questions concerning restrictions on
alterations, and clarification of common misconceptions about property owner requirements. Acting as
surveyor, utilized Dudek’s architectural survey application to record the features, alterations, and photographs
of historic-era buildings throughout the City. Additionally, assisted in the data management and cleanup of the
majority of the DPR Forms produced for each of the surveyed buildings. This process included assigning status
codes, editing descriptions, choosing an accurate photograph, and adding proper narrative significance. (2020)
955 Hancock Avenue, City of West Hollywood, California. Dudek completed a City-compliant Historical Resource
Assessment for a single-family residential property located at 955 Hancock Avenue in West Hollywood. The
property was built in 1910 and did not appear to have been previously evaluated for historical significance. This
study included a pedestrian survey of the property by a qualified architectural historian, building development
and archival research, development of an appropriate historic context for the property, and recordation and
evaluation of the property for historical significance and integrity in consideration of NRHP, CRHR, and City of
West Hollywood Register eligibility requirements. Acting as architectural historian, assisted in the completion of
the assessment as the primary writer. (2018)
Keller Road/Interstate 215 Interchange Project, California Department of Transportation, Murrieta and Menifee,
California. The project proposed to construct a new, full interchange and auxiliary lanes at Interstate 215 and
Keller Road in Riverside County. Acted as architectural historian for the project, co-authoring the HRER.
Preparation of the report included a site visit, archival research, historic context development of Murrieta and
Menifee, building feature descriptions of six historic-era resources, and historical significance evaluations. (2018)
Southern First Aqueduct Structures Rehabilitation Project, San Diego County Water Authority, San Diego,
California. Dudek conducted a Phase I Cultural Resources Inventory (including both archaeological and built
environment) for the Southern First Aqueduct Rehabilitation Project, located along a 21-mile stretch of the First
San Diego Aqueduct, east of Interstate 15 from the City of Escondido in the north to the Goodan Ranch/Sycamore
Canyon County Preserve west of San Vicente Reservoir. As part of this effort, the San Diego Water Authority will be
applying for a Letter of Permission under its Programmatic Master Plan Permit with the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (ACOE), pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. ACOE is the federal lead agency responsible for
overseeing compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA, as this project is exempt from review under CEQA. Acting as
architectural historian, co-authored the Phase I Cultural Resources Inventory Report and authored the analysis of
potential adverse effects. (2021)
Historic Context Statement for Reservoirs, City of San Diego Public Utilities Department, San Diego, California.
Dudek completed a survey and historic context statement for the City’s surface water storage system, including 10
dam complexes and the Dulzura Conduit. Dudek also prepared detailed impacts assessments for proposed
modification to dams, as required by the Department of Safety of Dams. The project involves evaluation of 10
dam complexes and conduit for historical significance in consideration of NRHP, CRHR, and City designation
criteria and integrity requirements. The evaluation required extensive archival research and a pedestrian survey.
Acting as architectural historian, evaluated five resources, including the Dulzura Conduit, Upper Otay Dam, Murray
Dam, Sutherland Dam, and Miramar Dam. (2020)
Historical Resources Impacts Assessment for Maintenance on the Morena Dam Spillway, City of San Diego,
California. Acted as the primary author for an impacts assessment of proposed project activities, including
maintenance to the Morena Dam, which is considered a historical resource under CEQA and a historic property
under Section 106 of the NHPA. (2019)
Specialized Training
▪ Specialized Certificate in CEQA Practice, UC San Diego Extension, 90 hours of study, March 2022.
- BUSA40739: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), UC San Diego Extension, Summer 2019.
- ENVR-40008: Writing Effective CEQA Documents, UC San Diego Extension, Winter 2021.
- ENVR-40010: CEQA in Practice, UC San Diego Extension, Spring 2021.
- ENVR-40009: Advanced CEQA, UC San Diego Extension, Winter 2022.
Frank, N. 2018. “Mid-Century Glass Block: The Colored Patterned and Textured Era.” Master’s Thesis; The School
of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Frank, N. 2018. “Mid-Century Glass Block: The Colored Patterned and Textured Era.” Presented at the Association
for Preservation Technology Annual Conference, Buffalo, New York, 2018.
Frank, N. 2018. “Mid-Century Glass Block: The Colored Patterned and Textured Era.” Presented at the Association
for Preservation Technology Western Great Lakes Chapter and DOCOMOMO US/
Chicago 2018 Symposium: Preservation Challenges of Modernist Structures, Chicago, Illinois, 2018.
Katie Ahmanson, MA
Katie Ahmanson (KAY-tee AH-mun-son; she/her) is an architectural historian
with two years’ experience in the field of architectural history and heritage
conservation. She has experience with Historic Cultural Monument and
National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) nominations, historic context
statements, building descriptions, and California Department of Parks and
Recreation (DPR) 523 forms. Ms. Ahmanson has familiarity with environmental
compliance documentation in support of projects that fall under the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)/National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA),
and Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
Project Experience
1402 Broadway, Chula Vista, San Diego, California. Dudek was retained by
Patriot Development Partners to complete a Historical Resources Technical
Report (HRTR) to identify all historical resources (if any) on the subject
property. The purpose of this report is to determine if the subject property at
1402 Broadway (APN: 622-041-27-00) in the City of Chula Vista, San Diego
County, California would impact any historical resources pursuant to the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As an architectural historian, Ms. Ahmanson co-authored the Report,
wrote building descriptions and significance evaluations, surveyed the property, and completed archival research
for the project. (2022)
1027 Olive Avenue and 1029 Olive Lane, Coronado, San Diego, California. Dudek was retained by the City of
Coronado (City) to evaluate the property located at 1027 Olive Avenue and 1029 Olive Lane (APN: 537-412-01-
00) (subject property) for historical significance under City designation criteria and integrity requirements. The
evaluation involved researching and developing an occupancy timeline; supplemental research on occupants and
building development research; survey of the property; a description of the property; and completion of a
historical resource evaluation in consideration of City designation criteria and integrity requirements. As an
architectural historian, Ms. Ahmanson co-authored the Report, wrote building descriptions and significance
evaluations, surveyed the property, and completed archival research for the project. (2022)
335 Alameda Boulevard Historical Resources Evaluation Report, Coronado, San Diego County, California Dudek
was retained by the City of Coronado (City) to evaluate the property located at 335 Alameda Boulevard (APN:
536-191-05-00) for historical significance under City designation criteria and integrity requirements. The
evaluation involved researching and developing an occupancy timeline; supplemental research on occupants and
building development research; survey of the property; a description of the property; and completion of a
historical resource evaluation in consideration of City designation criteria and integrity requirements. As an
architectural historian, Ms. Ahmanson co-authored the Report, wrote building descriptions and significance
evaluations, surveyed the property, and completed archival research for the project. (2022)
4235 State Street, Santa Barbara, California. Dudek was retained by the firm of Flowers & Associates to complete
a Historical Resources Technical Report (HRTR) for the property and associated sign located at 4235 State Street,
University of Southern
California School of
MA, Heritage
Conservation, 2022
Claremont McKenna
College BA, Art History, 2019
Santa Barbara, California. This report evaluates the subject property (APN 061-100-006), a former gas station
originally constructed in 1959 (Building Permits), and its associated historic-age sign in anticipation of a proposed
redevelopment project. As an architectural historian, Ms. Ahmanson completed an analysis of historic aerial
photographs and Sanborn maps for the project. (2022)
Clara Oaks, Claremont, California. Dudek was retained by the City of Claremont to prepare a Built Environment
Inventory and Evaluation Report for The Webb Schools (AIN 8669-015-014) as part of the Clara Oaks
Environmental Impact Report (EIR). This report documents Dudek’s efforts to identify and update the previous
evaluation for The Webb Schools’ campus for eligibility as a historic district at the federal, state, and local level
and identify potential direct or indirect impacts under CEQA as a result of construction and implementation of the
proposed Project. As an architectural historian, Ms. Ahmanson completed an analysis of historic aerial
photographs and Sanborn maps for the project. (2022)
820 G Avenue Historical Resource Evaluation Report, Coronado, San Diego County, California. Dudek was
retained by the City of Coronado (City) to evaluate the property located at 820 G Avenue (APN: 537-222-26-00) for
historical significance under City designation criteria and integrity requirements. The evaluation involved
researching and developing an occupancy timeline; supplemental research on occupants and building
development research; survey of the property; a description of the property; and completion of a historical
resource evaluation in consideration of City designation criteria and integrity requirements. As an architectural
historian, Ms. Ahmanson co-authored the Report, wrote building descriptions and significance evaluations, and
completed archival research for the project. (2022)
Gaujome Crest Built Environment Inventory and Evaluation Report, Oceanside, San Diego County, California.
Dudek was retained by Ricon Homes to prepare a Built Environment Inventory and Evaluation Report for the
proposed Gaujome Crest Project in the City of Oceanside. The goal of the project is to identify and evaluate
historic age built environment resources located within the Project site that may be subjected to direct or indirect
impacts from the proposed Project. As an architectural historian, Ms. Ahmanson co-authored the Report, wrote
building descriptions and significance evaluations, and completed archival research for the project. (2022)
Los Angeles County Florence-Firestone Community Plan Area Historic Resources Survey, Los Angeles County,
California. Dudek was retained by the County of Los Angeles Department of Regional Planning to prepare a
Historic Context Statement and conduct a Historic Resources Survey for the Community Plan Area of Florence-
Firestone. The goal of the project is to document the development history of the community from the rancho
period to the present, identify important themes, events, patterns of development, and describes the different
property types, styles, builders, and architects associated with these important periods and themes. The
document will also provide registration requirements and recommendations for future study/action by the County
of Los Angeles to facilitate and streamline the historic preservation program. As an architectural historian, Ms.
Ahmanson completed field work and contributed to a Historic Resources Survey report. (2022)
Oak Knoll Road, Poway, San Diego County, California. Dudek was retained to complete a historical resources
evaluation for a residential development project in the City of Poway. The Project proposes the development of the
10.72-acre property into a residential development within an existing residential neighborhood. As an
architectural historian, Ms. Ahmanson co-authored the Report, wrote building descriptions and significance
evaluations, and completed archival research for the project. (2022)
Relevant Previous Experience
Preservation Intern, Hollywood Heritage, Hollywood, California. As an intern, managed general office
administrative work, maintained and regularly updated the Preservation Sub-Committee to-do and watch lists, set
the weekly Admin meeting and monthly Preservation Committee meeting and agendas, and recorded the meeting
minutes. Additionally, organized developer and resident meetings, monitored and tracked relevant public hearings
and schedules for Hollywood Heritage issues, and attended public hearings and meetings on behalf of Hollywood
Heritage. Assisted residents and concerned parties seeking to designate historic resources and helped prepare
nominations for city, state and national designations, such as the Historic Cultural Monument nomination for the
Home Savings and Loans on 1500 Vine St. in Hollywood, which passed as a designated monument June 2, 2022.
Architecture Research Assistant, SPF: Architects, Culver City, California. As a research assistant, researched and
collected information about projects and wrote for the company website. In addition, organized content about past
and ongoing projects, digitally archived old plans and documents, organized contact lists, and composed press
releases for new projects and firm announcements. Aided in making architecture models and model accessories.
Intern, Frederick Fisher and Partners, Los Angeles, California. As the office intern, archived old plans and
documents and scanned documents and digitally archived published materials. In addition, worked with the
marketing team to organize contact lists and research competing firms. Also assisted the front desk with
answering the phone, welcoming guests, and office cleanup and organization. (2018)
Allison Lyons, MSHP
Allison Lyons (AL-ih-suhn LYE-ons; she/her) is an architectural historian with 12
years’ experience throughout the western United States in all elements of
cultural resources management. Her expertise includes the preparation of
environmental compliance documents in accordance with the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act, focusing on the evaluation of historical resources and analysis
of project impacts. As a historic preservation consultant, she has been involved
in the preparation of numerous large-scale historic resources surveys, Historic
American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record recordation,
Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit and Mills Act Historic Property Contract
applications, local landmark nominations, and evaluations of eligibility for a wide
variety of projects and property types throughout California. She is highly
experienced in writing National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) nominations
and historic context statements for local governments. Ms. Lyons meets the
Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for history and
architectural history pursuant to Title 36, Part 61, of the Code of Federal
Regulations, Appendix A.
Dudek Project Experience
Los Angeles County Metro Area Plan Project, Los Angeles County, California. Dudek was retained by the County of
Los Angeles Department of Regional Planning to prepare a Historic Context Statement in support of the Metro
Area Plan (MAP) project. The goal of the Historic Context Statement component of the project is to inform,
enhance, and streamline the larger MAP project as it pertains to historical resources. The communities included
within the MAP Historic Context Statement include the following: East Los Angeles, East Rancho Dominguez,
Florence-Firestone, Walnut Park, West Athens-Westmont, West Rancho Dominguez-Victoria, and Willowbrook. The
HCS documents the development history of the communities from the rancho period to the present, identifies
important themes, events, and patterns of development, and describes the different property types, styles,
builders, and architects associated with these important periods and themes. The document also provides
registration requirements and recommendations for future study/action by the County of Los Angeles to facilitate
and streamline the historic preservation program. Responsibilities include archival research, co-authoring the
Historic Context Statement, stakeholder engagement, collaboration with the GIS team to create an online
mapping tool, field survey, and attendance at public meetings. (2021-Present)
Los Angeles County East Los Angeles Historic Resources Survey of Historic Age Commercial Signage, Los Angeles
County, California. Dudek was retained by the County of Los Angeles Department of Regional Planning to perform
a Historic Resources Survey and focused Historic Context Statement for historic age commercial signage located
in the Community Plan Area of East Los Angeles. The goal of the project is to document the history of commercial
signage, record and evaluate significant historic signs, and designate all applicable signs as County Landmarks.
Ms. Lyons led the fieldwork and identification component of the project, focusing on major commercial corridors
along Whittier Blvd, Atlantic Blvd, E. 3rd Street, and Olympic Blvd (2021-Present)
Columbia University, M.S., Historic
Preservation, 2010
Scripps College,
B.A., European Studies,
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Century Trunk Line, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power,
City of Los Angeles, California. Dudek was retained by Los Angeles Department of Water and Power to prepare an
Avoidance and Protection Plan for Air Raid Siren No. 150. The resource is eligible for the NRHP and California
Register of Historical Resources and as a City of Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument under Criteria A/1/1 and
C/3/3 for its association with World War II and Cold War military infrastructure, and is a historical resource under
CEQA. Ms. Lyons is serving as a senior architectural historian, providing quality assurance/quality control for the
Post-Construction Monitoring Report. (2021–Present)
City of Coronado Historic Context Statement and Historic Resources Inventory, City of Coronado, California. Dudek
is currently in the process of preparing a historic context statement and historic resources inventory survey for all
properties at least 50 years old within City of Coronado limits. Following current professional methodology
standards and procedures developed by the California Office of Historic Preservation and the National Park
Service, Dudek developed a detailed historic context statement for the City that identifies and discusses the
important themes, patterns of development, property types, and architectural styles prevalent throughout the City.
Dudek also conducted a reconnaissance-level survey of all properties within City limits that are at least 50 years
old to identify individual properties and groupings of properties (i.e., historic districts) with potential for historical
significance under City Criterion C (properties that possess distinctive characteristics of an architectural style; are
valuable for the study of a type, period, or method of construction; and have not been substantially altered). This
document also developed registration requirements for resource evaluation that are specific to Coronado, in
consideration of both historical significance and integrity requirements. Acting as senior architectural historian,
reviewed and wrote sections of the historic context statement. (2019–Present)
Downtown Buena Park Project, Historical Resources Technical Report and Impacts Analysis (for CEQA), Buena
Park, Orange County, California. Merlone Geier is proposing to redevelop a vacant Stiles & Robert Clements-
designed Sears building at the Buena Park Downtown Mall in the City of Buena Park. The redevelopment plans
include residential units, amenity and lobby space, and parking. The Sears building, auto center, and surrounding
parking lots that were historically connected to the Downtown Buena Park Mall. Following the initial construction
of the Sears building in 1959, the Buena Park Downtown Mall was expanded in multiple stages throughout a 50-
year development period. To determine if the project would have a significant impact on historical resources,
Dudek evaluated the entire Buena Park Downtown Mall for historical significance and integrity in consideration of
National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR) designation
criteria. Dudek determined that the Buena Park Downtown Mall, including the Sears building, did not appear
eligible under any NRHP or CRHR designation criteria due to a lack of significant historical associations,
architectural merit, and compromised integrity and the Project would result in a less than significant impact to
historical resources under CEQA. Ms. Lyons served as a senior architectural historian, providing quality
assurance/quality control for the Historical Resources Technical Report. (2021)
8730 Sunset Boulevard Billboard Project Historical Resource Assessment Report, City of West Hollywood,
California. The 8730 Sunset Boulevard Billboard Project consists of installation and operation of a new billboard
and associated façade improvements at the existing “Sunset Towers” building. The Sunset Towers building at
8730 Sunset Boulevard was constructed in the 1950s and 1960s over the course of two phases. A smaller
building was constructed on the northern portion of the parcel between 1957 and 1959. Dudek was retained by
the City of West Hollywood to complete this Historic Resource Assessment, an intensive-level evaluation, as part of
the environmental review of the proposed project in compliance with CEQA. This study included an intensive
survey of the exterior of the Sunset Towers building by a qualified architectural historian; building development
and archival research; development of an appropriate historic context; and evaluation of the Sunset Towers
building for historical significance and integrity in consideration of NRHP, CRHR, and City of West Hollywood
Cultural Heritage Preservation Ordinance designation criteria. Ms. Lyons served as a senior architectural historian
and main author of the Historic Resource Assessment of the Sunset Towers building. (2021)
Select Recent Experience
Athens Park Aquatics Facility Renovation Project Historical Resource Treatment Plan and Impacts Analysis
(Secretary of the Interior’s Standards Compliance Review), Los Angeles, California. The County of Los Angeles
proposed a rehabilitation project at the Aquatics Facility at Athens Park, a park determined eligible for listing in
the National Register of Historic Places. Ms. Lyons worked with the architect for the project on two phases of work.
In advance of the development of project plans, Ms. Lyons prepared a Preservation Plan for the Aquatics Facility to
establish the opportunities and constraints for the rehabilitation. After project plans were prepared, Ms. Lyons
reviewed the project plans for compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and
made recommendations for modifications to ensure the project plans complied with the Standards. (2020–2021)
676 Moss Street Redevelopment Site Historical Resource Evaluation and Impacts Analysis (for CEQA), Chula Vista,
California. Ms. Lyons completed a historical resource evaluation and impacts analysis for a redevelopment site of
industrial buildings in Chula Vista. She also identified the potential for the project to cause indirect and/or
cumulative impacts to adjacent historical resources. (2020)
North Beach Historic District National Register of Historic Places Nomination and Plaque Program, San Clemente,
California. Founded in 1925, San Clemente was one of the first new master-planned towns in California. The North
Beach Historic District occupies a prominent location as the historic northern tip of the City of San Clemente along
North El Camino Real. The North Beach Historic District was listed on the National Register of Historic Places at
the local level of significance under Criterion A in the areas of Community Planning and Development and
Entertainment/Recreation. The district features five historic contributing resources designed in the Spanish
Colonial Revival style with a period of significance between 1927-1946. Ms. Lyons served as project manager for
the National Register of Historic Places nomination of the district and a concurrent, Certified Local Government
(CLG) grant-funded project with the City of San Clemente to create content and designs for signage across the
district and informational postcards featuring historic images. (2020)
City of West Covina Historic Resources Survey and Context Statement Update, West Covina, California. The City of
West Covina was primarily developed during Southern California’s post-World War II housing construction boom.
The City of West Covina Historic Context Statement, 1945-1978, and Historic Resource Inventory Update report
presented the results of a project that updated the City’s existing historic context statement (HCS); reviewed
properties previously identified for historical significance; and identified, citywide, properties from 1945 to 1978
that have historical significance. The City of West Covina commissioned this project to inform and implement their
General Plan Policy updates. The information generated from the Historic Resources Inventory (HRI) Update was
intended to assist in the identification of potential historical resources dating from 1945 to 1978. Ms. Lyons
served as the project manager. She co-conducted the fieldwork, co-authored the historic context statement,
documented potential historic resources on inventory forms using a Microsoft Access database, prepared the final
survey report, performed project management duties, and presented findings at public hearings. (2018–2019)
Angel’s Landing Redevelopment Site Historical Resource Evaluation and Impacts Analysis (for CEQA), Los Angeles,
California. Ms. Lyons worked with attorneys for the development team behind Angel’s Landing, a proposed 64-
story skyscraper and a 42-story high-rise located between Bunker Hill and the Historic Core of downtown
Los Angeles. Ms. Lyons prepared a historic resource evaluation and impacts analysis for the vacant project site.
The evaluation involved the identification of historical resources in the vicinity and assessment of impacts on
numerous adjacent historical resources and historic districts listed on the NRHP, including Angel’s Flight funicular
railway and the Broadway Theater and Commercial District. (2018–2020)
Artisan, 1520 Ivar Avenue Redevelopment Site Historical Resource Evaluation and Impacts Analysis (for CEQA),
Los Angeles, California. The Artisan project involved the construction of a 25-story residential and commercial
tower in the center of Hollywood. The project site was mostly a vacant surface parking lot. Ms. Lyons verified that
the project site did not contain historic resources and would not have a significant impact on adjacent properties
identified as historic resources. Ms. Lyons prepared a Historic Resource Evaluation Report and analysis of project
impacts using the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. She also participated in public outreach with Hollywood
Heritage. (2018–2021)
Sixth Street Park, Arts, River, and Connectivity (PARC) Improvements Project Historical Resource Technical Report,
Los Angeles, California. The Sixth Street Viaduct Division of the City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Bureau
of Engineering, in coordination with the California Department of Transportation, proposed to create a public space in
areas beneath and around the new Sixth Street Viaduct between Mateo Street to the west and US-101 to the east in
the City of Los Angeles. Ms. Lyons worked with the GPA’s team of environmental consultants to prepare Section 106
and CEQA technical reports and Cultural Resources Chapter for the project Environmental Impact Report. (2017)
SurveyLA, Los Angeles Citywide Historic Context Statement and Field Surveys, Los Angeles, California.
Los Angeles’s citywide historic context statement provides the framework for identifying and evaluating the City’s
historic resources. The document, created as part of SurveyLA, identifies important themes in the City’s history
and development. Ms. Lyons conducted research and authored several themes within the context. She was the
lead author for two themes addressing architectural styles and all sub-themes. She also contributed to themes
developed for two ethnic and cultural communities in Los Angeles: “African-Americans in Los Angeles” and “Jews
in Los Angeles.” Ms. Lyons also led fieldwork surveys for multiple phases of the SurveyLA project. (2015–2019)
City of West Hollywood Commercial Properties Historic Context Statement and Historic Resources Survey
(Intensive), West Hollywood, California. The City of West Hollywood completed the Commercial Survey as an
update to the initial citywide survey conducted in 1986. The Commercial Survey focused on commercial,
institutional, and industrial structures built before 1975. The project was completed in the fall of 2016. Ms. Lyons
conducted research, co-conducted fieldwork, co-authored the historic context statement, documented potential
historic resources on inventory forms using the RuskinARC database, and prepared the final survey report. She
presented multiple times at public meetings for the project. In conjunction with the project, a new website was
developed. The project was awarded the California Governor’s Historic Preservation Award and the California
Preservation Foundation Preservation Design Award. (2015–2017)
National Chicano Moratorium National Register of Historic Places Nomination, Los Angeles, California. The
Chicano Moratorium was a movement of Chicano anti-Vietnam war activists that built a coalition of Mexican-
American groups to organize opposition to the Vietnam War, primarily marches. The legacy of the movement,
which highlighted the unequal treatment of Mexican-Americans in multiple facets of American society, was the
creation of community organizations that advocated for health and educational services. Ms. Lyons prepared a
Multiple Property Documentation form and individual National Register of Historic Places nominations for five
buildings and sites associated with the National Chicano Moratorium anti-Vietnam War protests. Sites included
routes for marches held in 1969 and 1970, the Silver Dollar Café (site of Ruben Salazar’s death), Brown Beret
headquarters, and East Los Angeles Free Clinic. (2015–2018)
Appendix B
Department of Parks and Recreation Form Set
Page 1 of 15 *Resource Name or #: (Assigned by recorder) Carlsbad Village Plaza
P1. Other Identifier:
DPR 523A (9/2013) *Required information
State of California - The Resources Agency Primary #
NRHP Status Code _____6Z________
Other Listings
Review Code Reviewer Date
*P2. Location: ☐ Not for Publication ☒ Unrestricted
*a. County San Diego and (P2c, P2e, and P2b or P2d. Attach a Location Map as necessary.)
*b. USGS 7.5' Quad San Luis Rey Date 1968 T 12S; R 3W; ☐ of ☐ of Sec 6; San Bernardino B.M.
c. Address 945-1065 Carlsbad Village Drive City Carlsbad Zip 92008
d. UTM: (Give more than one for large and/or linear resources) Zone , mE/ mN
e. Other Locational Data: (e.g., parcel #, directions to resource, elevation, decimal degrees, etc., as appropriate)
APNs: 203-320-53-00; 203-320-54-00; 203-320-55-00; 203-320-56-00
*P3a. Description: (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size,
setting, and boundaries)
The property is located on the southern side of Carlsbad Village Drive on three parcels: 945-1005
Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-53-00, Building 1), 1055 and 1065 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN
203-320-56-00, Buildings 2 and 3), and 1025 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-55-00, Building
4, and 203-320-54-00. The property contains four buildings constructed in 1964. The property is
slightly angled off cardinal directions. The primary (northwest) elevations are orientated towards
Carlsbad Village Drive with the rear (southeast) elevations orientated towards Oak Avenue. See
continuation sheet page 4.
*P3b. Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes) HP6. 1-3 story commercial building
*P4. Resources Present: ☒Building ☐Structure ☐Object ☐Site ☐District ☐Element of District ☐Other (Isolates, etc.)
P5a. Photograph or Drawing (Photograph required for buildings,
structures, and objects.)
P5b. Description of Photo: (view,
date, accession #): View
Facing southwest, 10/17/22
*P6. Date Constructed/Age and
Source: ☒ Historic ☐Prehistoric
☐ Both
_1964(City Building Permit)
*P7. Owner and Address:
G R T Carlsbad Village LLC
2001 Wilshire Boulevard #420
Santa Monica, CA 90403
*P8. Recorded by: (Name,
affiliation, and address) [name, last
Dudek, Katie Ahmanson
38 N. Marengo Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91101
*P9. Date Recorded:
*P10. Survey Type: (Describe)
*P11. Report Citation: (Cite survey
report and other sources, or enter
Dudek. 2023. Historic
Resources Technical Report
Carlsbad Village Drive Mixed Use Project, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California.
Prepared for GRT Carlsbad Village, LLC.
*Attachments: ☐NONE ☒Location Map ☒Continuation Sheet ☒Building, Structure, and Object Record
☐Archaeological Record ☐District Record ☐Linear Feature Record ☐Milling Station Record ☐Rock Art Record☐Artifact
Record ☐Photograph Record ☐ Other (List):
*Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder) Carlsbad Village Plaza *NRHP Status Code 6Z
Page 2 of 15
DPR 523B (9/2013) *Required information
State of California - The Resources Agency Primary #
(This space reserved for official comments.)
(Sketch Map with north arrow required.)
B1. Historic Name: Poinsettia Place
B2. Common Name: Carlsbad Village Plaza
B3. Original Use: Commercial B4. Present Use: Commercial
*B5. Architectural Style: N/A
*B6. Construction History: (Construction date, alterations, and date of alteration
See continuation sheet page 5.
*B7. Moved? ☒No ☐Yes ☐Unknown Date: Original Location:
*B8. Related Features:
B9a. Architect: b. Builder:
*B10. Significance: Theme N/A Area Carlsbad
Period of Significance 1964 Property Type Neighborhood Shopping Center Applicable Criteria N/A
(Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address
The property contains four buildings over 45 years old that were identified as requiring recordation
and evaluation for historical significance. The property was evaluated as a single property with
three APNs: 203-320-53-00, 203-320-55-00, and 203-320-56-00). Four commercial buildings over 45
years of age are located on the property; these were evaluated for historical and architectural
significance as a single property due to the property’s shared development as a commercial property.
This property is described and evaluated for historical and architectural significance in Section
5, Significance Evaluation. A State of California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Series
523 form for the property is in Appendix B, Department of Parks and Recreation Form Set. See
continuation sheet page 6.
B11. Additional Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes)
*B12. References:
See continuation sheet page 13.
B13. Remarks:
*B14. Evaluator: Katie Ahmanson, MHC
*Date of Evaluation: 11/22/2022
Page 3 of 15 *Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder) Tooley Carlsbad_ _
*Map Name: San Louis Rey Quadrangle *Scale: 1:24000 *Date of map: __1968_____ ___ ___
DPR 523J (9/2013) *Required information
State of California - The Resources Agency Primary #
DPR 523L (9/2013) *Required information
State of California - The Resources Agency Primary#
Property Name: _ Tooley Carlsbad
Page 4 of 15
*P3a. Description (continued from page 1):
The property is relatively square in plan with the commercial buildings forming a U-shape along
the edges of the site with surface parking in between. Three brick and concrete driveways provide
access to the property from the northwest. Two concrete driveways provide access to the property
from the southeast. The property does not have any fences; landscaping includes sections of
concrete planters with plantings and mature trees. The four commercial buildings on the property
extends nearly to the lot lines of the perimeter of the site. Adjacent properties are developed
with one- and three-story buildings commercial, residential, and recreational properties. Building
1 is located along the southwest corner of the property with Buildings 2, 3, and 4 located along
the eastern side.
Building 1 (1964)
Building 1, 945-1005 Carlsbad Village Drive, is located on one parcel (APN 203-320-53-00) and was
constructed in 1964. The commercial building is L-shaped in plan and one story in height (Exhibit
1). The building displays elements of the Spanish Colonial Revival and Ranch architectural styles
including a steep mansard-shaped parapet clad in red clay tile supported by simple wood posts forming
a recessed pedestrian walkway for storefront entrances. The building’s roof is a combination of a
flat and low-pitched front gable obscured by a parapet wall, all sheathed in rolled composition
roofing. The exterior walls are clad in multiple materials to differentiate the storefronts, including
stucco, stone veneer, vertical wood boards, composition wood, and concrete masonry units. Along the
rear (southeast) elevation are a series of truck loading docks and an angled concrete ramp that runs
the length of the elevation. Fenestration along the primary (northwest) elevation includes metal frame
storefronts and metal storefront windows. Fenestration along the rear (southeast) and side (southwest
and northeast) elevations include single and double metal entry doors, single and double metal security
doors, and roller garage doors (Exhibit 2).
Building 2 (1964)
Building 2, 1055 Carlsbad Village Drive, is located on one parcel (APN 203-320-56-00) and was
constructed in 1964. The commercial building is rectangular in plan, symmetrical, and one story
in height (Exhibit 3). The building displays elements of the Mid-Century Modern architectural style
including integrated planters and stone veneer siding. The roof is flat and covered in rolled
composition roofing with a deep angled parapet wall. The top portion of the building tapers at a
slight angle. The building’s exterior walls are clad in a combination of vertical wood boards, stone
veneer, and scored stucco. The primary (northwest) elevation displays a projecting, flat stucco awning.
Fenestration is a recessed metal storefront and storefront windows. The rear (southeast) elevation
displays as a metal security door.
Building 3 (1964)
Building 3, 1065 Carlsbad Village Drive, is located on one parcel (APN 203-320-56-00) and was
constructed in 1964. The commercial building is rectangular in plan and one story in height
(Exhibit 4). It is located on the eastern side of the property with surface parking to the
building’s west. The building displays elements of the Spanish Colonial Revival and Ranch
architectural styles including a steep mansard-shaped parapet clad in red clay tile supported by
simple wood posts forming a recessed pedestrian walkway for storefront entrances. The building’s roof
is flat and obscured by the raised parapet wall, all sheathed in rolled composition roofing. The
exterior walls are clad in vertical and horizontal wood boards. Fenestration along the primary
(southwest) elevation includes metal frame storefronts, metal storefront windows, and jalousie
transom windows. Fenestration along the rear (northeast) and side (southeast) elevations includes
metal storefront windows and metal entry doors.
Building 4
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Building 4, 1025 Carlsbad Village Drive, is located on one parcel (APN 203-320-55-00) and was
constructed in 1964. The building was mostly obscured during the survey by a construction fence
(Exhibit 5). The commercial building is relatively rectangular in plan and one story in height.
The building’s roof is flat and obscured by a parapet wall and sheathed in rolled composition
roofing. The primary (northwest), northeast, and southwest elevations have a mansard metal standing
seam roof above the pedestrian walkway.
*B6. Construction History (continued from page 1):
Building 1
The following list of known building milestones and alterations to Building 1 was compiled through
San Diego County Assessor building record research and during the course of the intensive survey.
1964: Construct shopping center (Permit No. 5474)
1975: Addition (Permit No. 75-1104)
1984: Addition (Permit No. 83-535)
1984: Fire sprinkler (Permit No. F040-84)
Date unknown: freezer box (Permit No. 170492)
1998: Conversion (Permit No. NVTP 0B970193)
Date unknown: Reroofing
Date unknown: Replacement cladding
Date unknown: Replacement of storefronts
Building 2
The following list of known building milestones and alterations to Building 2 was compiled through
San Diego County Assessor building record research and during the course of the intensive survey.
1964: Construct bank (Permit No. 6243)
Date unknown: Reroofing
Date unknown: Replacement cladding
Date unknown: Replacement of storefronts
Building 3
The following list of known building milestones and alterations to Building 3 was compiled through
San Diego County Assessor building record research and during the course of the intensive survey.
1964: Construct shopping center (Permit No. 5474)
Date unknown: Reroofing
Date unknown: Replacement cladding
Date unknown: Replacement of storefronts
Building 4
The following list of known building milestones and alterations to Building 4 was compiled through
San Diego County Assessor building record research and during the course of the intensive survey.
1964: Construct shopping center (Permit No. 5474)
Date unknown: Reroofing
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*B10. Significance (continued from page 2):
Historical Overview of the City of Carlsbad
Following Mexican independence from Spain in 1821, secularization of the missions began in 1833
in order to turn over the large landholdings to private citizens. Mission San Luis Rey was divided
into six ranchos in 1835: Santa Margarita, Las Flores, Guajome, Agua Hedionda, Buena Vista, and
Monserrate. Rancho Aqua Hedionda became the base of what makes up today’s modern Carlsbad.
In 1860, Francis Hinton hired Robert “Uncle John” Kelly as part owner and Major Domo of Rancho
Aqua Hedionda. Kelly, originally from the Isle of Man, was a bit of a local legend and a well-
known rancher in the southwest. This partnership would lead to Kelly’s eventual ownership of the
Rancho on Hinton’s death in 1870 (Harmon 1961). Kelly granted a coastal right-of-way for the San
Diego Railway, which allowed for San Diego to be connected to all points north. This land, along
with the land of John Frazier, would soon become popular train stops for fresh water on the routes
north. Frazier had moved to Carlsbad in 1881 from Rhode Island. In 1882, while drilling for fresh
water on his farm, he discovered two artesian mineral water springs. The spring’s water was known
to have therapeutic qualities for internal and skin ailments (Harmon 1967; HMD 2020).
In the 1880s, a group of investors hearing about the “Frazier Station Well,” created the Carlsbad
Land and Water Company by purchasing land from Frazier and adjoining unassociated lands (Harmon
1967). With this purchase, the Town of Carlsbad was formed. The development of Carlsbad was
initiated by German immigrant Gerhard Schutte, who came to the city in 1886 and dreamed of building
“a town of gracious homes and small farms.” Along with Samuel Church, Henry Nelson, and D.D.
Wadsworth, Schutte formed the Carlsbad Land and Mineral Water Company, which purchased all of
Frazier’s property plus 275 more acres (Harmon 1967). Frazier stayed on as the superintendent of
the new company’s water holdings and worked to entice future residents to their land with the
promotion of the mineral water. Support for the water’s healing properties came with support from
an eastern laboratory, which analyzed samples of the water and declared them to be chemically
identical to those drawn from Well Number Nine in Karlsbad, Bohemia. Wanting to make this connection
to the famed European spa as strong as possible, Schutte and the directors of the Carlsbad Land
and Mineral Water Company named their town Carlsbad (Jones 1982).
The California land bust of the 1890s almost left the town abandoned until the South Coast Land
Company purchased most of the land and helped re-establish the commercial life of Carlsbad through
additional wells and avocado groves (Harmon 1961).
Through the early 1900s and into the 1930s, Carlsbad continued to grow through the completion of
Highway 101, the relocation of the Army-Navy Academy to the town, construction of the California
Carlsbad Mineral Spring Hotel, and the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce, which provided
the area with much-needed stability and financial growth (Harmon 1961).
Despite many new businesses in the Carlsbad area, the City could not elude the effects of the
national Great Depression. Buildings such as the First National Bank on Elm Avenue, which opened
around the late 1920s, closed its doors for good, and recently homeless families of the city moved
into the building for shelter. Perhaps not growing as fast as it did before 1929, Carlsbad did
continue to grow despite the economic hardships, which could be attributed in part to the sale of
avocados. By the end of the Depression, the Works Progress Administration paid 100 men 60 cents
an hour to build a drainage system in Carlsbad. One of the most significant developments from this
period was the relocation of the Davis Military Academy to Carlsbad from Pacific Beach in 1936.
With this came money for the local economy, which in turn helped mitigate some of the impacts of
the Depression (Gutierrez 2002).
Furthering the influx of military members and the capital that came with them was the move in 1942
of the U.S. Marine Corps to Rancho Santa Margarita to establish Camp Pendleton. The move was not
all positive, however; a large amount of new military members and their families caused a severe
housing crisis. There was a lack of rentable units, which forced many military families to purchase
their own homes. Additionally, local residents began to buy vacant lots in order to construct low-
cost rental cottages. By the end of World War II, the population of Carlsbad was steadily rising
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and there was growing dissatisfaction with San Diego County’s administration of Carlsbad. It was
the culmination of multiple small problems that caused many citizens to push for the formation of
a local government (Gutierrez 2002).
In the 1950s, Carlsbad residents were dissatisfied with their lack of locally controlled services,
including no basic fire and police services, a declining water supply, a lack of fire hydrants,
and an antiquated sewage system (constructed in 1929). The construction of a power plant by San
Diego Gas & Electric was the primary reason for Carlsbad’s incorporation as a city, supplying
enough tax revenue to justify having a city government (Orton 1994). In 1952 after much debate the
City of Carlsbad was incorporated; the City has continued to expand and grow into a modern-day
city (City of Carlsbad 2022).
In 1886, Carlsbad Village Drive was developed as Elm Avenue and featured an allée of eucalyptus
trees from Carlsbad Boulevard to Highland that were planted by the Carlsbad Land and Water Company
(Carlsbad Historic Society 2022). Before the construction of the property in 1964, historic aerials
of the site reveal that since 1938, the area was developed with agricultural and residential
properties. However, denser, urban development in the area began to increase in 1953 with the
construction of I-5 east of the property, and more residences were constructed on formerly
agricultural land (NETR 2022).
In 1955, state funds were used to widen Elm Avenue, so it would be able to better accommodate traffic
from the newly constructed I-5. Improvements were to include the construction of four 11-foot lanes
with 8 feet of parallel parking on each side of Elm Avenue, and concrete curbs and gutters along Elm
Avenue from the I-5 to State Street (BT 1955a, 1955b). However, the California State Department of
Highways insisted that the state gas tax money slated for the changes could only be used if the street
were widened from 20 feet to 40 feet. This made it necessary to remove the eucalyptus trees along Elm
Avenue. Because the trees had become a character defining element of the area, locals heavily protested
their removal saying, “without beautiful trees we would be just another ordinary little town” (Carlsbad
Historic Society 2022). Although this felt like a loss to the community, the street widening created
new business opportunities for developers seeking to encourage tourists to stop in Carlsbad while
traveling along I-5, so more commercial buildings were constructed along Elm Avenue (NETR 2022). Along
with infrastructure changes came an increase in the construction of shopping centers throughout San
Diego County. Historic newspaper research revealed that several shopping centers were planned
throughout the 1960s to encourage the expansion of local communities along the corridor of the I-5.
History of Buildings within the Property
The property was developed during this period of street widening and shopping center construction on
a 4.6-acre site by Dawson Homes Inc. and was initially called Poinsettia Plaza (Exhibit 6) (SDU 1961).
Construction of the shopping center was completed by 1964 and it included 21 businesses, such as a
branch of the Bank of Fallbrook known as the Southern Western Bank, a market called Big Bear for Big
Buys, a variety store, a coffee shop, a beauty store, laundromat, and liquor store (SDU 1964a, 1964b).
By 1965, the Poinsettia Plaza hosted 11 tenants including a drug store, dress store, beauty and barber
shops, a cocktail bar, and a real estate office (SDU 1965). Building 1 at 945 Carlsbad Village Drive
(APN 203-320-53-00) contained the market and liquor store. Building 2 at 1055 Carlsbad Village Drive
(APN 203-320-56-00) initially hosted the Southern Western Bank in 1964, but by 1982 it became the
North County Ballet Company’s academy and in 1983 it was advertised in a local paper as Bob’s Clock
Shop (SDU 1964a, 1964b, 1982, 1983). Various businesses occupied Building 3 at 1065 Carlsbad Village
Drive (APN 203-320-56-00) and Building 4 at 1025 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-55-00).
By 1976, the City Council was asked to consider changing the name of Elm Avenue to “reflect the nature
of the city” and entice motorists on I-5 to stop in the city (SDU 1976). It took several years to
initiate the name change and install new signage across the city, but by 1988, Elm Avenue changed to
Carlsbad Village Drive. The new moniker was intended to reflect the idea of Carlsbad as a seaside
village to seem more appealing to tourists (Tessler 1990). However, research was unable to determine
when the name of the shopping center changed from the Poinsettia Plaza to the Carlsbad Village Plaza.
Today, the Carlsbad Village Plaza continues to host several businesses within the four buildings
comprising the property.
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Property Type: Neighborhood Shopping Center (circa 1950-1990)
After World War II, Americans, and particularly Southern Californians, became heavily reliant on
automobile travel and were no longer restricted to shopping in downtown urban centers. New settlement
patterns away from urban centers introduced new building types including the neighborhood shopping
center. Developers of this building type were able to dedicate more land for parking, which included
clustering related stores around a generous amount of off-street parking. Typically, a neighborhood
shopping center was constructed at one time, which allowed for architectural continuity. In comparison
to the earlier commercial blocks of independent shops, which varied in size, architectural style, and
date of construction, neighborhood shopping centers had overall cohesion based on decisions made by
the developer (Longstreth 1998, 2010; HRG 2007).
Neighborhood shopping centers were developed to be smaller than regional shopping centers (with
department stores) and larger than strip malls. They featured one medium-sized anchor store such as a
grocery store or discount retailer surrounded by smaller retailers. The neighborhood shopping center
was typically oriented to a front parking lot and arranged in a straight, L-, or U-shaped pattern.
This type of layout originated in the 1950s and was popularized in the 1970s (Longstreth 1998, 2010;
City of LA 2017).
Characteristics of the Neighborhood Shopping Center typology:
• Primary entrances of stores off the parking lot
• Large surface parking lots surrounding the building(s)
• Disconnection from the street
• Designed to appear as a single unit with a unifying design
• One to two stories in height
• Boxlike massing
• Located outside urban centers
NRHP/CRHR Statement of Significance
In consideration of the property’s history and requisite integrity, Dudek finds the property not
eligible for designation in the NRHP or CRHR based on the following significance evaluation and
in consideration of national and state eligibility criteria:
Criterion A/1: That are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to
the broad patterns of our history.
The property includes four buildings: Building 1: 945 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-53-00),
Building 2: 1055 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-56-00), Building 3: 1065 Carlsbad Village
Drive (APN 203-320-56-00), and Building 4: 1025 Carlsbad Village Drive (APN 203-320-55-00). The
four commercial buildings were constructed in 1964 as part of a shopping center called Poinsettia
Plaza; the name was later changed to Carlsbad Village Plaza. The property shares an association
with the trends of commercial growth in northern San Diego County during the 1960s and 1970s. The
commercial style of the buildings with Spanish Colonial Revival and Ranch elements was common for
their type and ubiquitous in the county. However, construction of the property does not appear to
be important in the development of the area. Though the property is located adjacent to I-5 on a
main street, Carlsbad Village Drive, development of the site followed a pattern of commercial
development within the area at the time. Additionally, there is no indication it is associated
with events that have made a significant contribution to broad patterns of history. Research found
no association with more specific events or patterns of development that have historical
significance at the local, state, or national level. For these reasons, the property does not
appear eligible under NRHP Criterion A or CRHR Criterion 1.
Criterion B/2: That are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past.
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The commercial buildings on the property were built as part of the Poinsettia Plaza (later called
Carlsbad Village Plaza) in 1964 by Dawson Homes Inc. Research did not indicate that the property
has been associated with the life of a significant individual. Since its construction, several
businesses have occupied the buildings on the property, and it continues to function as a local
shopping center under the ownership of the Carlsbad Village Association. Due to a lack of
identified significant associations with important individuals, the property does not appear
eligible under NRHP Criterion B or CRHR Criterion 2.
Criterion C/3: That embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of
construction, or that represent the work of a master, or that possess high
artistic values, or that represent a significant and distinguishable entity
whose components may lack individual distinction.
The four commercial buildings on the property all represent nondescript, largely unembellished,
commercial buildings. The buildings have few character-defining architectural features and are
unremarkable examples of their property type, a neighborhood shopping center. Although none of the
buildings represent a distinct style, Buildings 1 and 3 each contain elements of the Spanish
Colonial Revival and Ranch styles such as a steep mansard-shaped parapets clad in red clay tile
supported by simple wood posts forming a recessed pedestrian walkway for storefront entrances.
Likewise, Building 2 contains elements of the Mid-Century Modern style such as integrated planters
and stone veneer siding. However, more distinguished forms of commercial architecture can be found
throughout the City of Carlsbad. The buildings have a basic layout, and were developed by Dawson
Homes Inc. The original building permits could not be obtained (permit numbers were obtained from
the San Diego County Assessor Building Record), but research indicates that they were not architect-
designed and likely not the work of a master. The buildings reflect ubiquitous building trends
from the period with rectangular plans, stucco cladding and parking lots surrounding the buildings.
Historic newspaper research reveals that Dawson Homes Inc. developed commercial and large-scale
residential developments throughout San Diego County during the 1940s and 1960s, but the company
was not historically significant or notable for its developments. Additionally, despite reflecting
the majority of the characteristics of the neighborhood shopping center property type including:
primary entrances of stores off the parking lot; large surface parking lots surrounding the
buildings; disconnection from the street; designed to appear as a single unit with a unifying
design; one story in height; and boxlike massing archival research failed to reveal that the
property was a significant example of the property type in Carlsbad or San Diego County. Rather,
the property represents a common example of the property type that can be found throughout San
Diego and Southern California constructed throughout the 1970s.
As such, the buildings lack sufficient distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method
of construction; do not represent the work of a master; do not possess high artistic values; nor
do they appear to be potential contributors to a historic district. Therefore, the property does
not appear eligible under NRHP Criterion C or CRHR Criterion 3.
Criterion D/4: That have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in
prehistory or history.
The property is not significant under Criterion D of the NRHP or Criterion 4 of the CRHR as a
source, or likely source, of important historical information, nor does it appear likely to yield
important information about historic construction methods, materials, or technologies.
City of Carlsbad Historic Resources Inventory Statement of Significance
In consideration of the property’s history and requisite integrity, Dudek finds the property not
eligible for designation in the City of Carlsbad Historic Resources Inventory based on the following
significance evaluation and in consideration of local eligibility criteria.
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It exemplifies or reflects special elements of the City’s cultural, social, economic,
political, aesthetic, engineering, or architectural history.
Extensive research indicates that the buildings on the property neither exemplify nor reflect
special elements of the City’s cultural, social, economic, political, aesthetic, engineering, or
architectural history. Therefore, the property is recommended not eligible for listing in the City
of Carlsbad Historic Resources Inventory under this criterion.
It is identified with persons or events significant in local, state, or national history.
Extensive archival research also indicates that the buildings on the property are not identified
with persons or events significant in local, state, or national history. Therefore, the property
is recommended not eligible for listing in the City of Carlsbad Historic Resources Inventory under
this criterion.
It embodies distinctive characteristics of a style, type, period, or method of
construction, is a valuable example of the use of indigenous materials or craftsmanship
or is representative of a notable work of an acclaimed builder, designer, or architect.
The commercial buildings on the property does not embody distinctive characteristics of a specific
style and are nondescript examples of the neighborhood shopping center property type with few
noteworthy architectural features. Commercial buildings such as these are ubiquitous throughout
Southern California. Dawson Homes Inc. developed the property. Although copies of original building
permits could not be obtained, research indicates that they were not architect-designed and likely
not the work of a master. The property is not a significant example of the neighborhood shopping
center property type in Carlsbad or San Diego County. Rather the property represents a common
example of the property type that can be found throughout San Diego and Southern California
constructed throughout the 1970s. As such, the buildings lack sufficient distinctive
characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction; do not represent the work of a
master; do not possess high artistic values; and are not potential contributors to a historic
district. Therefore, the property is recommended not eligible for listing in the City of Carlsbad
Historic Resources Inventory under this criterion.
It is an archaeological, paleontological, botanical, geological, topographical,
ecological, or geographical site which has the potential of yielding information of
scientific value.
The parcel has not yielded, nor is it likely to yield, information of scientific value. Therefore,
the property is recommended not eligible for listing in the City of Carlsbad Historic Resources
Inventory under this criterion.
It is a geographically definable area with a concentration of buildings, structures,
improvements, or objects linked historically through location, design, setting, materials,
workmanship, feeling, and/or association, in which the collective value of the improvements
may be greater than the value of each individual improvement.
The property does not belong to a definable area with a concentration of buildings, structures,
improvements, or objects linked historically through location, design, setting, materials,
workmanship, feeling, and/or association, in which the collective value of the improvements may
be greater than the value of each individual improvement (i.e., a historic district). Therefore,
the property is recommended not eligible for listing in the City of Carlsbad Historic Resources
Inventory under this criterion.
Integrity Discussion
To be eligible for listing in the NRHP or CRHR, properties must retain their physical integrity
from the period in which they gained significance. In the case of architecturally significant
properties, the period of significance is normally the date of construction. For historically
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significant properties, the length of the historic associations usually measures the period of
significance. National Register Bulletin 15: How to Apply the National Register Criteria for
Evaluation states that the integrity of a property is based upon the historical significance and
character-defining features of that property, and that “only after significance is fully
established can you proceed to the issue of integrity” (Andrus and Shrimpton 2002). To be eligible
for listing in the NRHP, properties must retain their physical integrity from the period in which
they gained significance. As the property was not found significant under any NRHP, CRHR, or local
criteria, the property does not have a period of significance and the integrity of the buildings
does not require examination.
Summary of Evaluation Findings
No historic built environment resources were identified within the property as a result of extensive
archival research, a field survey, and property significance evaluation. Therefore, the properties
that comprise the proposed property are not considered historical resources under NRHP/CRHR
Criteria or the City of Carlsbad Criteria, and the recommended status code for the property is 6S.
*B12. References (continued from page 2):
Andrus, Patrick W. and Rebecca H. Shrimpton. 2002. “How to Apply the National Register Criteria
for Evaluation bulletin.” U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service.
Accessed November 2022. https://www.nps.gov/nr/publications/bulletins/nrb15/December 5,
BT (Blade Tribune). 1955a. “A Suggestion for Ourselves.” California Digital Newspaper
Collection: The Blade Tribune (Oceanside, CA). December 1, 1955
BT. 1955b. “Elm Avenue Widening, Sewer Election Approved by Council.” California Digital
Newspaper Collection: The Blade Tribune (Oceanside, CA). February 2, 1955.
Bibb, L.E. 1991. “Pablo Apis and Temecula.” Journal of San Diego History 37(4):256–271.
Cato, K. 2000. “Historical Settlement of the Temecula Valley.” In Geology and Enology of the
Temecula Valley, Riverside County, California, edited by B.B. Birnbaum and K. Cato. San
Diego, California: San Diego Association of Geologists.
City of Carlsbad. 2015. Carlsbad General Plan. Dyett & Bhatia. September 2015.
City of Carlsbad. 2022. “History.” City of Carlsbad. Accessed October 2022.
City of Los Angeles. 2017. “Los Angeles Citywide Historic Context Statement; Context: Commercial
Development, 1859-1980; Theme: Neighborhood Commercial Development, 1880-1980.” SurveyLA.
August 2017. https://planning.lacity.org/odocument/7653581a-e554-43eb-840f-
ECORP. 2017. “Carlsbad Tribal, Cultural, and Paleontological Resources Guidelines.” Prepared for
the City of Carlsbad. September 2017.
Gutierrez, S.S. 2002. Windows on the Past: An Illustrated History of Carlsbad, California.
Virginia Beach, Virginia: Walsworth Publishing Company.
Harmon, John. 1961. “History of Carlsbad.” Electronic document. Accessed October 2022.
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Harmon, Jack. 1967. A History of Carlsbad. Carlsbad: Friends of the Library. Carlsbad Historical
HRG (Historic Resources Group). 2007. Cultural Resources of the Recent Past Historic Context
Report. The
City of Pasadena, California.
Historical Marker Database (HMD). 2020. “Capt. John A. Frazier: July 18, 1833 - July 16, 1899.”
Revised October 16, 2020. https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=100680.
Jones, M.H. 1982. Seekers of the Spring: A History of Carlsbad. Carlsbad, California: Carlsbad
Friends of the Library.
Longstreth, Richard. 1998. City Center to Regional Mall: Architecture, the Automobile, and
Retailing in Los
Angeles, 1920-1950. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Longstreth, Richard. 2010. The American Department Store Transformed, 1920-1960. New Haven,
Connecticut: Yale University Press.
NETR (National Environmental Title Research LLC). 2022. Historic aerial photographs: 1938, 1947,
1953, 1964, 1967, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991,
1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014,
2016, 2018 and 2020. Accessed October 2022. https://www.historicaerials.com/viewer#.
NPS (National Park Service). 1997. How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation.
National Register Bulletin 15. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior.
Accessed October 2022. https://www.nps.gov/subjects/nationalregister/upload/NRB-
Orton, C.W. 1994. Carlsbad: The Village by the Sea. Encinitas, California: Heritage Publishing
SDU (San Diego Union). 1961. “There’s a Boom in Community Shopping Center Building.” California
Digital Newspaper Collection: The San Diego Union (San Diego, CA). August 6, 1961.
SDU. 1964a. “Realty Roundup: Shopping Center Opens in May.” California Digital Newspaper
Collection: The San Diego Union (San Diego, CA). April 19, 1964.
SDU. 1964b. “Advertisement.” California Digital Newspaper Collection: The San Diego Union (San
Diego, CA). May 28, 1964.
SDU. 1965. “Centers Create ‘Shopping Resorts’.” California Digital Newspaper Collection: The San
Diego Union (San Diego, CA). March 28, 1965.
SDU. 1976. “New Name for Carlsbad Steet Asked.” California Digital Newspaper Collection: The San
Diego Union (San Diego, CA). November 8, 1976.
SDU. 1982. “Audition.” California Digital Newspaper Collection: The San Diego Union (San Diego,
CA). September 10, 1982.
SDU. 1983. “Advertisement.” California Digital Newspaper Collection: The San Diego Union (San
Diego, CA). November 24, 1983.
Tessler, Ray. 1990 “Carlsbad Village Drive Now in Sight at End of Costly, 4 1/2-Year Road.” The
Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, CA). February 16, 1990.
Van Horn, K. 1974. “Tempting Temecula: The Making and Unmaking of a Southern California
Community.” Journal of San Diego History 20:26–38.
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Exhibit 1. Building 1, primary (northwest) and northeast elevations, view to the south.
Source: Dudek, Image: DSC04407.
Exhibit 2. Building 1, rear (southeast) elevation, view to the west.
Source: Dudek, Image: DSC04307.
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Exhibit 3. Building 2, primary (northwest) elevation, view to southeast.
Source: Dudek, Image: DSC04355.
Exhibit 4. Building 3, primary (southwest) elevation, view to the north.
Source: Dudek, Image: DSC04330.
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Exhibit 5. Building 4, primary (southwest) elevation, view to east.
Source: Dudek, Image: DSC04428.
Exhibit 6. Image of the Poinsettia Plaza in the San Diego Union from 1965.
Source: San Diego Union. 1965. “Image.” California Digital Newspaper Collection: The San Diego
Union (San Diego, CA). March 28, 1999.