HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2023-0014; CARLSBAD VILLAGE MIXED-USE - SB 330; WATER STUDY - NOVEMBER 3, 2023; 2023-11-03 DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. WATER ● WASTEWATER ● RECYCLED WATER CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2234 FARADAY AVENUE ● CARLSBAD, CA ● (760) 438-4422 WATER STUDY FOR THE CARLSBAD VILLAGE MIXED USE PROJECT IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD November 3, 2023 Andrew Cerrina November 3, 2023 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Water Study DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3 Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to provide a fire flow analysis to verify that the required fire hydrant flow can be delivered to the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use site utilizing the existing public water system and that the project can be adequately served from existing infrastructure. This report will provide recommendations for any immediate improvements to the existing public water system determined to be necessary for the public water system to deliver the required fire hydrant flow and pressure. Water System Design Criteria The design criteria used to analyze the public water system in the vicinity of the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project are consistent with Volume 2 of the 2022 City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards: Potable and Recycled Water Standards (2022 Volume 2 Engineering Standards). Appendix A includes excerpts from the 2022 Volume 2 Engineering Standards pertinent to this report for reference. The criteria include a minimum static pressure of 60 psi, a desired maximum static pressure of 125 psi, and a maximum static pressure allowed of 150 psi. Under Peak Hour Demand conditions, minimum residual pressure at any location must not be less than 40 psi. Under a Maximum Day Demand with Fire Flow, a minimum residual pressure of 20 psi must be maintained in the water system. Peaking factors used in analyzing demand scenarios were 1.6 for average day to maximum day demands, and 2.9 for average day to peak hour demands. Projected Water Demand The expected water demand for the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project was estimated using water demand criteria from the 2022 Volume 2 Engineering Standards. Table 1 presents the estimated onsite water demand for the project. Andrew Cerrina November 3, 2023 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Water Study DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 4 TABLE 1 CARLSBAD VILLAGE MIXED USE AVERAGE WATER DEMAND Land Use Quantity Demand Factor1 Average Demand Multi-Family Residential 218 DUs 185 gpd/DU 40,330 gpd Commercial 0.32 acres 1,500 gpd/acre 480 gpd TOTAL 40,810 gpd 1. Table 4-2 Design Criteria from CMWD Potable Water Master Plan, June 17, 2019. Per Table 1, average day demand for the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project is 40,810 gpd or 28.3 gpm. The maximum day demand is 65,296 gpd or 45.3 gpm (ADD x 1.6). The peak hour demand is 118,349 gpd or 82.2 gpm (ADD x 2.9). Fire Flow Requirements The fire flow requirement for the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project was determined using the 2022 California Fire Code and the 2022 Volume 2 Engineering Standards. 2022 California Fire Code. The required fire hydrant flow for the project was determined using the 2022 California Fire Code and is based on building square footage and type of construction. The project’s building square footages, types of construction, and fire hydrant flow requirement based on the 2022 California Fire Code are summarized in Table 2. Appendix B includes excerpts from the 2022 California Fire Code for reference. Andrew Cerrina November 3, 2023 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Water Study DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 5 TABLE 2 CARLSBAD VILLAGE MIXED USE FIRE HYDRANT FLOW REQUIREMENTS BY UNIT Building Building Area, sqft. Construction Type Un-sprinklered Fire Flow Req., gpm Reduced Fire Flow Req., gpm 1,2 Commercial A 7,689 VA 1,500 1,500 Commercial B 5,798 VA 1,500 1,500 Residential C 123,031 IIIA 5,000 2,500 Residential D 124,332 IIIA 5,000 2,500 Parking Structure 3 24,531 IA 1,750 1,500 1. A 50% reduction factor is applied per Table B105.1(2) and Table B105.2 of the 2022 California Fire Code. The City of Carlsbad allows a 50% maximum reduction. 2. Reduced fire flow requirement shall not be less than 1,500 gpm per Table B105.2 in the 2022 California Fire Code. 3. Building area shows area of largest floor per Section B104.3 of the 2022 California Fire Code. Per Table 2, the fire flow requirement for the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project is 2,500 gpm. The existing public water system was analyzed using a 2,500 gpm fire flow requirement for the project. Existing Water System The Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project is within the City of Carlsbad 255 Pressure Zone. There is an existing 8-inch 255 Pressure Zone public water line south of the project in Oak Avenue. North of the project in Carlsbad Village Drive there is an existing 6-inch 255 Pressure Zone public water line east of Harding Street that increases to an 8-inch water line east of the fire hydrant near the northeast corner of the project site. Figure 2 presents the existing public water system in the vicinity of the project. Finish Floor elevations within the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project site range between 66 feet and 70 feet. With service from the 255 Pressure Zone, this results in a maximum static pressure range of 80 psi and 81 psi within the development. When static pressures exceed 80 psi, the California Plumbing Code requires pressure regulating valves at each building supply. Andrew Cerrina November 3, 2023 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Water Study DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 7 Proposed Water System The Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project will connect to the 255 Pressure Zone water lines in Carlsbad Village Drive and Oak Avenue. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District has indicated that the existing 6-inch water line in Carlsbad Village Drive, from Harding Street to the existing fire hydrant near the northeast corner of the project site, will need two be upgraded to an 8-inch water line to meet the District’s minimum pipeline diameter criterion. Because the upgrade is not necessary from a capacity standpoint, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District has indicated that they will enter into a cost-sharing agreement with the project to upgrade the water line in question. Figure 2 presents the proposed water system for the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project. As shown in Figure 2, the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project will make two connections to the proposed 8-inch water line in Carlsbad Village Drive to provide domestic water service to the retail portion of the project and to provide water service for the onsite private fire protection system. The domestic water service in Carlsbad Village Drive will include a master meter that will serve two retail buildings. The private fire protection system will supply water to the private fire sprinklers systems proposed for the buildings within the project; there are no private fire hydrants proposed onsite. The project will also connect to the existing 8-inch water line in Oak Avenue to provide domestic water service to the residential portion of the project. The domestic water service in Oak Avenue will include a master meter that will serve two residential buildings. In accordance with City of Carlsbad Standards, each domestic water meter will be followed by a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer, and the fire service lateral will include a double check detector assembly backflow preventer. A preliminary analysis for the sizing of the domestic water service laterals and meters is included in this study. The final design of the public improvements including domestic laterals, irrigation laterals, and fire services will be a part of the public improvement plan preparation phase for this project. Andrew Cerrina November 3, 2023 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Water Study DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 8 Domestic Water Meter Sizing Two master water meters are proposed to provide domestic water service to the project: one water meter will provide water service to the retail portion of the project and the other water meter will provide water service to the residential portion of the project. The meter sizing was determined based on the total number of Water Fixture Units that will be served by the meter. Irrigation internal to the project is proposed to be connected separately and, therefore, only domestic demands are being met by the domestic water meter. For the retail master water meter, the meter is expected to be a 2-inch meter but there is not enough information available to provide a meter size at this point. For the residential master water meter, the total number of Water Fixture Units was determined using the preliminary architectural plans for the residential buildings. A breakdown of Water Fixture Units for the proposed building by floor plan is provided in Appendix C. The total Water Fixture count for the residential buildings proposed for the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project is 4,790.5. Using an extrapolation of Chart A 103.1(1) from the California Plumbing Code, this converts to a maximum expected demand of 580 gpm. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District uses Badger E-Series G2 Ultrasonic Meters (see Appendix D for meter cutsheet). Because a 4-inch Badger E-Series G2 Ultrasonic Meter has an allowable capacity of 1,100 gpm, the maximum expected demand for the project is proposed to be satisfied by use of a single 4-inch meter. The final meter sizes for the retail master meter and the residential master meter will need to be confirmed during final engineering. Public Water System Analysis The public water system in the vicinity of the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project was analyzed using a computer model. The University of Kentucky KYPIPE program was used to model the existing and proposed water system for the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project. This computer program utilizes the Hazen-Williams equation for determining head-loss in pipes; the Hazen-Williams "C" value used for all pipes is 120. Andrew Cerrina November 3, 2023 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Water Study DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 9 Available Hydraulic Grade Line. The available hydraulic grade line (HGL) was determined using fire hydrant flow test data for a fire hydrant located on the south side of Carlsbad Village Drive fronting the project. The fire hydrant flow test is provided in Appendix E. The tested fire hydrant was used as the water source in the computer model. Using the data provided in the hydrant flow test, an extrapolation calculation was used to determine the available pressure and HGL at average day demand, maximum day demand, peak hour demand, and maximum day plus fire flow scenarios for the project. The extrapolation calculation is provided at the end of Appendix E. The results pertinent to the analysis are highlighted in the extrapolation calculation for reference. Computer Model Results Computer modeling of the existing and proposed offsite public water system in the vicinity of the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project was analyzed under average day, peak hour, and maximum day plus 2,500 gpm fire flow demand scenarios. For the maximum day plus 2,500 gpm fire flow demand scenario, the 2,500 gpm fire flow requirement was split among two fire hydrants in the computer model run. Appendix F provides the results of the computer modeling for the existing public water system and Appendix G provides the results of the computer modeling for the proposed public water system. Exhibit A at the back of this report provides the Node and Pipe Diagram for the computer model. Andrew Cerrina November 3, 2023 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Water Study DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 10 Analysis of Computer Model Results – Existing Public Water System. The results in Appendix F show that the existing public water system presented in Figure 2 (no upgrade to 6-inch line in Carlsbad Village Drive) is able to provide adequate flow and pressure to the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project for domestic and fire protection service. Under peak hour demand, the minimum pressure fronting the site in Carlsbad Village Drive is 70 psi. Under the maximum day plus fire flow demand scenario, the results show that a 2,500 gpm fire flow can be provided with a minimum residual pressure of 27 psi in the public water system in the vicinity of the project. The maximum velocity in the public water system under the maximum day plus fire flow scenario is 20.2 fps which is less than the allowable 15 fps for maximum day plus fire flow scenarios. Analysis of Computer Model Results – Proposed Public Water System. The results in Appendix G show that the proposed public water system presented in Figure 2 (with upgrade to 6-inch line in Carlsbad Village Drive) is able to provide adequate flow and pressure to the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project for domestic and fire protection service. Under peak hour demand, the minimum pressure fronting the site in Carlsbad Village Drive is 70 psi. Under the maximum day plus fire flow demand scenario, the results show that a 2,500 gpm fire flow can be provided with a minimum residual pressure of 28 psi in the public water system in the vicinity of the project. The maximum velocity in the public water system under the maximum day plus fire flow scenario is 12.0 fps which is less than the allowable 15 fps for maximum day plus fire flow scenarios. The results of the analyses show that there are no capacity-related improvements needed, as the existing water system can provide adequate service to the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project. Andrew Cerrina November 3, 2023 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Water Study DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 11 Conclusions and Recommendations The following recommendations and conclusions are made based on an analysis of the potable water system analysis for the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project. 1. The Carlsbad Village Mixed Use project will be served by the City of Carlsbad 255 Pressure Zone. 2. Finish grade elevations within the existing site range from 66 feet to 70 feet. This results in a maximum static pressure range of 80 psi to 81 psi with service from the City of Carlsbad 255 Pressure Zone. 3. Individual pressure regulators must be installed at each building where static pressure exceeds 80 psi in order to maintain building service pressures below 80 psi in accordance with the California Plumbing Code. 4. Water service is proposed to include three connections to the existing public water system: two connections will be made for domestic water service and one connection will be made for fire protection service. 5. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District has indicated that the existing 6-inch water line in Carlsbad Village Drive, from Harding Street to the existing fire hydrant near the northeast corner of the project site, will need two be upgraded to an 8-inch water line to meet the District’s minimum pipeline diameter criterion. Because the upgrade is not necessary from a capacity standpoint, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District has indicated that they will enter into a cost-sharing agreement with the project to upgrade the water line in question. 6. The existing and proposed public water system can provide a maximum day plus 2,500 gpm fire flow demand for the project with a minimum residual pressure greater than 20 psi. The proposed public water system is presented in Figure 2. 7. All new water service laterals to be installed shall conform to the requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. APPENDIX A CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WATER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA APPENDIX B 2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE EXCERPTS APPENDIX C WATER FIXTURE UNIT SUMMARY AND CPC CHART A-103.1 EXTRAPOLATION Project Name Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Job number 1135-001 Date 8/11/2023 Water Fixture Units The basis for the Water Fixture Units is "private" per the 2022 California Plumbing Code. FIXTURE TOTAL FIXTURE TOTAL FIXTURE TOTAL FIXTURE TOTAL FIXTURE TOTAL DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS FIXTURE QUANTITY UNITS FIXTURE QUANTITY UNITS FIXTURE QUANTITY UNITS FIXTURE QUANTITY UNITS FIXTURE EACH UNITS EACH UNITS EACH UNITS EACH UNITS EACH UNITS CLOTHES WASHER 1 4 4 1 4 4 1 4 4 1 4 4 4 0 LAUNDRY SINK 1.5 0 1.5 0 1.5 0 1.5 0 1.5 0 TUB/SHOWER 1 4 4 1 4 4 2 4 8 2 4 8 4 0 SHOWER 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 6 2 12 KITCHEN SINK 1 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 DISHWASHER 1 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 0 LAVATORY 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 3 1 3 4 1 4 WATER CLOSET (>1.6 GPF)1 2.5 2.5 1 2.5 2.5 2 2.5 5 2 2.5 5 2.5 0 HOSE BIBB 1 2.5 2.5 1 2.5 2.5 1 2.5 2.5 1 2.5 2.5 1 2.5 2.5 EACH ADDTL HB 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 MOP BASIN 1.5 0 1.5 0 1.5 0 1.5 0 1 1.5 1.5 URINAL 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 4 OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 18 18 25.5 25.5 26.5 Quantity WFU/Plan WFUs 15 18 270 91 18 1638 86 25.5 2193 26 25.5 663 1 26.5 26.5 ----4790.5 Amenity Spaces TOTAL Plan Studios 1 Bed x 1 Bath 2 Bed x 2 Bath 3 Bed x 2 Bath Amenity SpacesStudios1 Bed x 1 Bath 2 Bed x 2 Bath 3 Bed x 2 Bath CVMU 1135-001 8/11/2023 WFU Demand, gpm 4,790.5 580 4791, 580 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 0 30000 De m a n d, g p m Fixture Units Chart A-103.1 - Demand vs Fixture Units Extrapolation Chart A-103.1 Curve Extrapolation \\ARTIC\Eng\Engineering Calculations Spreadsheets\WFU to GPM Demand - SD Extrapolation - Updated 2020-10-21.xlsx APPENDIX D BADGER E-SERIES G2 ULTRASONIC METER ESM-DS-02781-EN-18 (June 2023) E-Series G2® Ultrasonic Meter Lead-Free Bronze Alloy, 3, 4, 6 and 8 inch Product Data Sheet DESCRIPTION The next generation E-Series G2® Ultrasonic meter uses solid-state technology in a compact, tamper protected, weatherproof and UV-resistant housing, suitable for commercial applications. Electronic metering provides information—such as rate of flow and status and alarm indication—and data not typically available through traditional, mechanical meters and registers. Electronic metering minimizes measurement errors due to sand, suspended particles and pressure fluctuations. Ultrasonic 3, 4, 6 and 8 inch Meter Features • Open flow tube design prevents flow obstruction to reduce pressure loss • Greater turn-down ratio for extended flow ranges and increased revenue • Easy-to-read, 9-digit LCD display, which presents consumption, rate of flow, unit of measure, pressure, temperature, alarm conditions and firmware version • Pressure alarm and pressure and temperature data reported through ORION Cellular LTE-M/LTE endpoints and BEACON® • Field programmable registration and maintains an hourly internal logging capacity of 160 days of data • Single and dual outputs include high resolution industry standard ASCII encoder protocol, scaled/unscaled and 4-20 mA The meter is available with an inline connector for easy connection and installation to ORION endpoints. It is also available with a flying lead for field splice connection. APPLICATIONS Use the E-Series Ultrasonic meter for measuring potable cold water in commercial and industrial services. The meter is also ideal for non-potable, reclaimed irrigation water applications or less than optimum water conditions where small particles exist. E-Series Ultrasonic meters meet and exceed AWWA C715 and the most recent revision of AWWA C750 Standards. The lead-free bronze alloy meters comply with the lead-free provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act and NSF/ANSI/CAN Standards 61 and 372. E-Series Ultrasonic meters also conform to UL 327B and FM 1044 for fire service applications. OPERATION & PERFORMANCE As water flows into the measuring tube, ultrasonic signals are sent consecutively in forward and reverse directions of flow. Velocity is then determined by measuring the time difference between the measurement in the forward and reverse directions. Total volume is calculated from the measured flow velocity using water temperature and pipe diameter. The LCD shows total volume, unit of measure, rate of flow, pressure, temperature, firmware and alarm conditions (reverse-flow, no usage, empty pipe, exceeding max flow, suspected leak, pressure, temperature, end of life and measurement error). In normal temperature range of 45…122° F (7…50° C), the Ultrasonic “new meter“ consumption measurement is accurate to: • ±1.5% over the normal flow range • ±3.0% from the extended low flow range to the minimum flow value CONSTRUCTION The E-Series Ultrasonic meter features lead-free bronze alloy meter housing, ultrasonic transducers, a meter-control circuit board with associated wiring, LCD and battery. Wetted elements are limited to the pressure vessel and transducers. The electronic components are housed and fully potted within a molded, engineered polymer enclosure, which is attached to the meter housing. The transducers extend through the housing and are sealed by O-rings, enabling turbulence-free water flow through the tube. The open flow tube design prevents obstruction of flow to reduce pressure loss and provide long-term accuracy. METER INSTALLATION For long-term performance the meter is weatherproof, UV-resistant, fully submersible and can be installed using horizontal or vertical piping. The registration electronics and battery are encapsulated to withstand harsh environments and protect the electronics in flooded or submerged pit applications. The meter will not measure flow when an “empty pipe“ condition is experienced. An empty pipe is defined as a condition that occurs when the flow sensors are not fully submerged. E-Series G2® Ultrasonic Meter, Lead-Free Bronze Alloy, 3, 4, 6 and 8 inch Page 2 June 2023ESM-DS-02781-EN-18 SPECIFICATIONS E-Series G2 Ultrasonic Meter Size 3 in. 4 in. 6 in.8 in. 3 × 12 in. (76 × 305 mm) 3 × 17 in. (76 × 432 mm) 4 × 14 in. (102 × 356 mm) 4 × 20 in. (102 × 508 mm) 6 × 18 in. (152 × 457 mm) 6 × 24 in. (152 × 610 mm) 8 × 20 in. (203 × 508 mm) Normal Test Flow Limits 0.75…560 gpm 1.5…1100 gpm 2.2…2000 gpm 4…3500 gpm Minimum Test Flow Limits 0.37 gpm 0.75 gpm 1.1 gpm 2.0 gpm Safe Maximum Operating Condition (SMOC) 560 gpm 1100 gpm 2000 gpm 3500 gpm Typical Pressure Loss 2.6 psi @ 350 gpm 2.1 psi @ 630 gpm 1.5 psi @ 1400 gpm 1.8 psi @ 1400 gpm 2.4 psi @ 2800 gpm Totalization Display Resolution 3 inch and 4 inch meters • Gallons: 0.1 • Cubic feet: 0.01 • Cubic meters: 0.001 6 inch and 8 inch meters • Gallons: 1.0 • Cubic feet: 0.1 • Cubic meters: 0.01 Operating Performance In normal temperature range of 45…122° F (7…50° C), new meter consumption measurement is accurate to: • 100% ±1.5% over the normal test flow limits • 100% ±3.0% for the minimum test flow limits Storage Temperature – 40…140° F (– 40…60° C) Maximum Ambient Storage (Storage for One Hour) 150° F (66° C) Measured Fluid Temperature Range 34…140° F (1…60° C) . Humidity 0…100% condensing; meter is capable of operating in fully submerged environments Maximum Working Pressure of Meter Housing 175 psi (12 bar) Maximum Operating Pressure of Pressure Sensor 150 psi (10 bar) Pressure Sensor Accuracy ±2% of full scale pressure, up to 150 psi (10 bar) Register Type Straight reading, permanently sealed electronic LCD; digits are 0.28 in. (7 mm) high Register Display • Consumption (up to nine digits) • Rate of flow • Alarms • Pressure • Temperature • Firmware version • Unit of measure factory programmed for gallons, cubic feet and cubic meters Scaled/Unscaled Output*Solid-state relay with 4-20mA output; open drain MOSFET with encoder output Max. Voltage 30V DC Current 100 mA Pulse Width 50 ms (programmable 30…100 ms) Analog 4-20 mA Output*Two-wire/passive Input Voltage Range 9…50V DC supply Current 4…20 mA Max. Load Resistance (Ohms)50 Ohms + 50 Ohms (supply voltage - 9V) Battery 3.6-volt lithium thionyl chloride battery is fully encapsulated within the register housing and is not replaceable. 20-year battery life; 15-year battery life for scaled/unscaled dual output meters OTE: N See Pressure Loss Chart on page 4 for typical pressure loss over complete UL 327B flow range. * Applicable to meters with dual output options Product Data Sheet Page 3 June 2023 ESM-DS-02781-EN-18 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS E-Series G2 Ultrasonic Meter Size 3 in. 4 in.6 in.8 in. Housing Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Size Designation X Lay Length 3 × 12 in. (76 × 305 mm) 3 × 17 in. (76 × 432 mm) 4 × 14 in. (102 × 356 mm) 4 × 20 in. (102 × 508 mm) 6 × 18 in. (152 × 457 mm) 6 × 24 in. (152 × 610 mm) 8 × 20 in. (203 × 508 mm) Weight (without AMR)26 lb (11.8 kg)28.5 lb (12.9 kg)38 lb (17.2 kg)42 lb (19.1 kg)59 lb (26.8 kg)66 lb (29.9 kg)96 lb (43.5 kg) See illustration below for Measurement Designations Length (A)12 in. (305 mm)17 in. (432 mm)14 in. (356 mm)20 in. (508 mm)18 in. (457 mm)24 in. (610 mm)20 in. (508 mm) Height (B )3.76 in. (95 mm)3.76 in. (95 mm)3.99 in. (101 mm)3.99 in. (101 mm)5.15 in. (131 mm)5.15 in. (131 mm)6.49 in. (165 mm) Height (C)7.08 in. (180 mm)7.08 in. (180 mm)8.5 in. (216 mm)8.5 in. (216 mm)10.36 in. (263 mm) 10.36 in. (263 mm) 13.05 in. (331 mm) Height with Lifting Ring NA NA NA NA 12.96 in. (329 mm) 12.96 in. (329 mm) 15.65 in. (398 mm) Length (D)6 in. (152 mm)8.5 in. (216 mm)7 in. (178 mm)10 in. (254 mm)8 in. (203 mm)8 in. (203 mm)9 in. (229 mm) Width (E)7.5 in. (191 mm)7.5 in. (191 mm)9 in. (229 mm)9 in. (229 mm)11 in. (279 mm)11 in. (279 mm)13.50 in. (343 mm) Number of Bolts 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 Bolt Hole Diameter 0.781 in. (19.84 mm) Companion Flange 3 in. (76 mm)3 in. (76 mm)4 in. (102 mm)4 in. (102 mm)6 in. (152 mm)6 in. (152 mm)8 in. (203 mm) NPT Test Port 1.5 in. (38 mm)1.5 in. (38 mm)2 in. (51 mm)2 in. (51 mm)2 in. (51 mm)2 in. (51 mm)2 in. (51 mm) Measurement Designations E C B A D MATERIALS Meter Housing Lead-free bronze alloy Measuring Section Ultrasonic sensors located in the flow tube Register Housing & Lid Engineered polymer Transducer Port Covers 3 in., 4 in.Lead-free bronze alloy Transducer Port Covers 6 in., 8 in.Engineered polymer Drawings illustrate the 3 inch meter www.badgermeter.com BEACON, E-Series, E-Series G2 and ORION are registered trademarks of Badger Meter, Inc. Other trademarks appearing in this document are the property of their respective entities. Due to continuous research, product improvements and enhancements, Badger Meter reserves the right to change product or system specifications without notice, except to the extent an outstanding contractual obligation exists. © 2023 Badger Meter, Inc. All rights reserved. E-Series G2® Ultrasonic Meter, Lead-Free Bronze Alloy, 3, 4, 6 and 8 inch SMART WATER IS BADGER METER PRESSURE LOSS CHARTS Charts represent typical meter performance. Rate of flow in gallons per minute (gpm). 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 PR E S S U R E L O S S ( P S I ) FLOW RATE (GPM) 3 in.4 in. 3 in. and 4 in. E-Series Meter Pressure Loss 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 PR E S S U R E L O S S ( P S I ) FLOW RATE (GPM) 6 in. and 8 in. E-Series Meter Pressure Loss 6 x 18 in. 6 x 24 in.8 in. ACCURACY CHARTS Charts represent typical meter performance. Rate of flow in gallons per minute (gpm). 95.00 96.00 97.00 98.00 99.00 100.00 101.00 102.00 103.00 104.00 105.00 0.3 3 30 300 3000 AC C U R A C Y FLOW RATE (GPM) 3 in. E-Series Meter Accuracy 95.00 96.00 97.0098.00 99.00 100.00101.00 102.00 103.00 104.00105.00 0.5 5 50 500 5000 AC C U R A C Y FLOW RATE (GPM) 4 in. E-Series Meter Accuracy 95.00 96.00 97.00 98.00 99.00 100.00 101.00 102.00 103.00 104.00 105.00 1 10 100 1000 10000 AC C U R A C Y FLOW RATE (GPM) 6 in. E-Series Meter Accuracy 95.00 96.00 97.00 98.00 99.00 100.00 101.00 102.00 103.00 104.00 105.00 1 10 100 1000 10000 AC C U R A C Y FLOW RATE (GPM) 8 in. E-Series Meter Accuracy APPENDIX E FIRE HYDRANT FLOW TEST AND EXTRAPOLATION CALCULATION CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Prevention Division 1635 Faraday Avenue -- Carlsbad CA 92008 442.339.2665 WATER AVAILABILITY FORM SECTION A: TO BE COMPLETED BY CUSTOMER PROJECT NAME: SR#: (Assigned upon plan submittal) PROJECT ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE: ( ) FAX NUMBER: ( ) Largest Building (ft.2): Sprinkled? Construction Type: Commercial/Residential Existing Development EDUs: Proposed Development EDUs SECTION B: TO BE COMPLETED BY CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT Required fire flow (GPM): Duration (hours): Number of hydrants required: SECTION C: TO BE COMPLETED BY LOCAL WATER COMPANY. CUSTOMER TO PROVIDE RESULTS TO CFD. Water Purveyor: Location of test (reference map required): TEST INFORMATION IS VALID FOR 6 MONTHS FROM DATE PERFORMED Flow Test Results Static pressure: PSI Hydrant Number (if applicable): Elevation of test: Feet Date/Time of Test1: Pitot Tube Reading: PSI Corresponding Flow: GPM Total Flow: GPM Residual Pressure: PSI At max day demand, this water system is capable of providing a fire flow discharge @ 20 psi of no less than gpm. At max day demand, the maximum fire flow available in the water system within the water purveyor’s engineering standard for maximum velocity is no more than gpm. 1 Test to be performed as close as possible to the time the most conservative flows and pressures are expected. Note: If the water availability information was obtained in a manner other than a flow test (i.e., computer modeling), fill out the information above as applicable and check here: Fire Hydrant Flow Test Date 7/26/2023 Input Flow Test Results Static Pressure 80 PSI Residual Pressure 20 PSI Hydrant Flow 3461 GPM Actual Hydrant Elevation Feet HGL Feet Estimated Hydrant Elevation 70 Feet HGL 254.6 Feet Equation ΔH = k Q1.85 k =3.92522E-05 Extrapolated Calculations Q, gpm 28.3 80.0 psi 254.6 ft 45.3 80.0 psi 254.6 ft 82.2 79.9 psi 254.5 ft 1100 72.8 psi 238.0 ft 1300 70.2 psi 232.0 ft 1500 67.2 psi 225.2 ft 1700 63.9 psi 217.5 ft 1900 60.2 psi 209.0 ft 2000 58.2 psi 204.4 ft 2100 56.2 psi 199.7 ft 2300 51.8 psi 189.6 ft 2545.3 46.0 psi 176.2 ft 2700 42.1 psi 167.2 ft 3000 33.9 psi 148.3 ft 3100 31.1 psi 141.7 ft 3300 25.1 psi 127.8 ft 3500 18.7 psi 113.3 ft 3700 12.1 psi 98.0 ft 3900 5.2 psi 81.9 ft 4046 -0.1 psi 69.8 ft 4100 -2.1 psi 65.2 ft 4300 -9.6 psi 47.7 ft 4500 -17.5 psi 29.6 ft 4700 -25.7 psi 10.7 ft 4900 -34.2 psi -8.8 ft 5000 -38.5 psi -18.9 ft 0 psi 4,043 10 psi 3,762 20 psi 3,461 30 psi 3,136 40 psi 2,780 50 psi 2,379 60 psi 1,911 70 psi 1,314 80 psi Residual Pressure Exceeds Static Pressure 90 psi Residual Pressure Exceeds Static Pressure 100 psi Residual Pressure Exceeds Static Pressure 110 psi Residual Pressure Exceeds Static Pressure 120 psi Residual Pressure Exceeds Static Pressure 130 psi Residual Pressure Exceeds Static Pressure 140 psi Residual Pressure Exceeds Static Pressure 150 psi Residual Pressure Exceeds Static Pressure 160 psi Residual Pressure Exceeds Static Pressure 170 psi Residual Pressure Exceeds Static Pressure 180 psi Residual Pressure Exceeds Static Pressure 190 psi Residual Pressure Exceeds Static Pressure Residual Pressure Available HGL Residual Pressure, psi Available Flow, gpm APPENDIX F COMPUTER MODELING RESULTS EXISTING PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS NODE AND PIPE DIAGRAM REFERENCE: Exhibit A at the back of the report. CONDITIONS MODELED: 1. Average Day Demand. 2. Peak Hour Demand. 3. Maximum Day Demand plus 2,500 gpm Fire Flow split between Nodes 12 and 24. Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Existing Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6_EX) Page 1 of 7 U N I T S S P E C I F I E D FLOWRATE ............ = gallons/minute HEAD (HGL) .......... = feet PRESSURE ............ = psig P I P E L I N E D A T A STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NAMES LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR N A M E #1 #2 (ft) (in) COEFF. LOSS COEFF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 0 4 862.10 8.00 120.0000 0.00 9 4 8 618.50 10.00 120.0000 0.00 13 8 12 483.70 8.00 120.0000 0.00 17 12 16 455.90 8.00 120.0000 0.00 21 16 20 480.30 6.00 120.0000 0.00 25 20 24 427.70 6.00 120.0000 0.00 29 0 24 18.90 8.00 120.0000 0.00 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T D A T A THERE IS A DEVICE AT NODE 0 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: (ID= 1) HEAD FLOWRATE (ft) (gpm) 184.62 0.00 46.15 3461.00 -315.23 6922.00 N O D E D A T A NODE NODE EXTERNAL JUNCTION EXTERNAL NAME TITLE DEMAND ELEVATION GRADE (gpm) (ft) (ft) -------------------------------------------------------------- 4 20.00 91.00 8 20.00 79.00 12 0.00 65.00 16 20.00 62.00 20 20.00 62.00 24 28.30 70.00 0 ---- 70.00 70.00 O U T P U T O P T I O N D A T A OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE TABULATED OUTPUT MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES = 3 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM VELOCITIES = 4 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Existing Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6_EX) Page 2 of 7 S Y S T E M C O N F I G U R A T I O N NUMBER OF PIPES ...................(P) = 7 NUMBER OF END NODES ...............(J) = 6 NUMBER OF PRIMARY LOOPS ...........(L) = 1 NUMBER OF SUPPLY NODES ............(F) = 1 NUMBER OF SUPPLY ZONES ............(Z) = 1 ================================================================================ Case: 0 RESULTS OBTAINED AFTER 7 TRIALS: ACCURACY = 0.35795E-05 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Existing Public Water System Analysis Average Day Demand P I P E L I N E R E S U L T S STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLOWRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E #1 #2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 0 4 48.21 0.07 0.00 0.31 0.08 0.08 9 4 8 28.21 0.01 0.00 0.12 0.01 0.01 13 8 12 8.21 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 17 12 16 8.21 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 21 16 20 -11.79 0.01 0.00 0.13 0.02 0.02 25 20 24 -31.79 0.06 0.00 0.36 0.14 0.14 29 0 24 60.09 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.12 0.12 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T R E S U L T S INLET OUTLET PUMP NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD HEAD gpm ft ft ft ------------------------------------------------ 0 108.30 0.00 184.39 184.4 N O D E R E S U L T S NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE gpm ft ft ft psi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 20.00 254.32 91.00 163.32 70.77 8 20.00 254.32 79.00 175.32 75.97 12 0.00 254.32 65.00 189.32 82.04 16 20.00 254.31 62.00 192.31 83.34 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Existing Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6_EX) Page 3 of 7 20 20.00 254.32 62.00 192.32 83.34 24 28.30 254.39 70.00 184.39 79.90 0 ---- 254.39 70.00 184.39 79.90 M A X I M U M A N D M I N I M U M V A L U E S P R E S S U R E S JUNCTION MAXIMUM JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES NUMBER PRESSURES psi psi --------------------- --------------------- 20 83.34 4 70.77 16 83.34 8 75.97 12 82.04 24 79.90 V E L O C I T I E S PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) --------------------- --------------------- 29 0.38 13 0.05 25 0.36 17 0.05 5 0.31 9 0.12 21 0.13 21 0.13 S U M M A R Y O F I N F L O W S A N D O U T F L O W S (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLOWRATE NODE NAME gpm TITLE -------------------------------------------- 0 108.30 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 108.30 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 108.30 ================================================================================ Case: 1 C H A N G E S F O R N E X T S I M U L A T I O N (Change Number = 1 ) JUNCTION DEMANDS CHANGED - PLEASE SEE RESULTS TABLE RESULTS OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS: ACCURACY = 0.26483E-07 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Existing Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6_EX) Page 4 of 7 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Existing Public Water System Analysis Peak Hour Demand P I P E L I N E R E S U L T S STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLOWRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E #1 #2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 0 4 139.81 0.48 0.00 0.89 0.55 0.55 9 4 8 81.81 0.04 0.00 0.33 0.07 0.07 13 8 12 23.81 0.01 0.00 0.15 0.02 0.02 17 12 16 23.81 0.01 0.00 0.15 0.02 0.02 21 16 20 -34.19 0.08 0.00 0.39 0.17 0.17 25 20 24 -92.19 0.44 0.00 1.05 1.04 1.04 29 0 24 174.26 0.02 0.00 1.11 0.83 0.83 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T R E S U L T S INLET OUTLET PUMP NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD HEAD gpm ft ft ft ------------------------------------------------ 0 314.07 0.00 182.99 183.0 N O D E R E S U L T S NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE gpm ft ft ft psi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 58.00(2.90) 252.51 91.00 161.51 69.99 8 58.00(2.90) 252.47 79.00 173.47 75.17 12 0.00 252.46 65.00 187.46 81.23 16 58.00(2.90) 252.45 62.00 190.45 82.53 20 58.00(2.90) 252.53 62.00 190.53 82.56 24 82.07(2.90) 252.97 70.00 182.97 79.29 0 ---- 252.99 70.00 182.99 79.30 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Existing Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6_EX) Page 5 of 7 M A X I M U M A N D M I N I M U M V A L U E S P R E S S U R E S JUNCTION MAXIMUM JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES NUMBER PRESSURES psi psi --------------------- --------------------- 20 82.56 4 69.99 16 82.53 8 75.17 12 81.23 24 79.29 V E L O C I T I E S PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) --------------------- --------------------- 29 1.11 13 0.15 25 1.05 17 0.15 5 0.89 9 0.33 21 0.39 21 0.39 S U M M A R Y O F I N F L O W S A N D O U T F L O W S (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLOWRATE NODE NAME gpm TITLE -------------------------------------------- 0 314.07 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 314.07 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 314.07 ================================================================================ Case: 2 C H A N G E S F O R N E X T S I M U L A T I O N (Change Number = 2 ) JUNCTION DEMANDS CHANGED - PLEASE SEE RESULTS TABLE RESULTS OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS: ACCURACY = 0.39299E-04 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Existing Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6_EX) Page 6 of 7 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Existing Public Water System Analysis Maximum Day Demand plus 2500 GPM Fire Flow split between Nodes 12 and 24 P I P E L I N E R E S U L T S STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLOWRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E #1 #2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 0 4 870.76 14.14 0.00 5.56 16.40 16.40 9 4 8 838.76 3.19 0.00 3.43 5.16 5.16 13 8 12 806.76 6.89 0.00 5.15 14.24 14.24 17 12 16 -443.24 2.14 0.00 2.83 4.70 4.70 21 16 20 -475.24 10.42 0.00 5.39 21.69 21.69 25 20 24 -507.24 10.46 0.00 5.76 24.47 24.47 29 0 24 1802.54 1.19 0.00 11.50 63.09 63.09 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T R E S U L T S INLET OUTLET PUMP NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD HEAD gpm ft ft ft ------------------------------------------------ 0 2673.30 0.00 98.79 98.8 N O D E R E S U L T S NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE gpm ft ft ft psi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 32.00(1.60) 154.65 91.00 63.65 27.58 8 32.00(1.60) 151.46 79.00 72.46 31.40 12 1250.00 144.58 65.00 79.58 34.48 16 32.00(1.60) 146.72 62.00 84.72 36.71 20 32.00(1.60) 157.13 62.00 95.13 41.22 24 1295.30( ** ) 167.60 70.00 97.60 42.29 0 ---- 168.79 70.00 98.79 42.81 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Existing Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6_EX) Page 7 of 7 M A X I M U M A N D M I N I M U M V A L U E S P R E S S U R E S JUNCTION MAXIMUM JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES NUMBER PRESSURES psi psi --------------------- --------------------- 0 42.81 4 27.58 24 42.29 8 31.40 20 41.22 12 34.48 V E L O C I T I E S PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) --------------------- --------------------- 29 11.50 17 2.83 25 5.76 9 3.43 5 5.56 13 5.15 21 5.39 21 5.39 S U M M A R Y O F I N F L O W S A N D O U T F L O W S (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLOWRATE NODE NAME gpm TITLE -------------------------------------------- 0 2673.30 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 2673.30 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 2673.30 APPENDIX G COMPUTER MODELING RESULTS PROPOSED PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS NODE AND PIPE DIAGRAM REFERENCE: Exhibit A at the back of the report. CONDITIONS MODELED: 1. Average Day Demand. 2. Peak Hour Demand. 3. Maximum Day Demand plus 2,500 gpm Fire Flow split between Nodes 12 and 24. Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Proposed Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6) Page 1 of 7 U N I T S S P E C I F I E D FLOWRATE ............ = gallons/minute HEAD (HGL) .......... = feet PRESSURE ............ = psig P I P E L I N E D A T A STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NAMES LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR N A M E #1 #2 (ft) (in) COEFF. LOSS COEFF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 0 4 862.10 8.00 120.0000 0.00 9 4 8 618.50 10.00 120.0000 0.00 13 8 12 483.70 8.00 120.0000 0.00 17 12 16 455.90 8.00 120.0000 0.00 21 16 20 480.30 6.00 120.0000 0.00 25 20 24 427.70 8.00 120.0000 0.00 29 0 24 18.90 8.00 120.0000 0.00 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T D A T A THERE IS A DEVICE AT NODE 0 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: (ID= 1) HEAD FLOWRATE (ft) (gpm) 184.62 0.00 46.15 3461.00 -315.23 6922.00 N O D E D A T A NODE NODE EXTERNAL JUNCTION EXTERNAL NAME TITLE DEMAND ELEVATION GRADE (gpm) (ft) (ft) -------------------------------------------------------------- 4 20.00 91.00 8 20.00 79.00 12 0.00 65.00 16 20.00 62.00 20 20.00 62.00 24 28.30 70.00 0 ---- 70.00 70.00 O U T P U T O P T I O N D A T A OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE TABULATED OUTPUT MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES = 3 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM VELOCITIES = 4 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Proposed Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6) Page 2 of 7 S Y S T E M C O N F I G U R A T I O N NUMBER OF PIPES ...................(P) = 7 NUMBER OF END NODES ...............(J) = 6 NUMBER OF PRIMARY LOOPS ...........(L) = 1 NUMBER OF SUPPLY NODES ............(F) = 1 NUMBER OF SUPPLY ZONES ............(Z) = 1 ================================================================================ Case: 0 RESULTS OBTAINED AFTER 7 TRIALS: ACCURACY = 0.17919E-05 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Proposed Public Water System Analysis Average Day Demand P I P E L I N E R E S U L T S STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLOWRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E #1 #2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 0 4 40.85 0.05 0.00 0.26 0.06 0.06 9 4 8 20.85 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 0.01 13 8 12 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 17 12 16 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 21 16 20 -19.15 0.03 0.00 0.22 0.06 0.06 25 20 24 -39.15 0.02 0.00 0.25 0.05 0.05 29 0 24 67.45 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.14 0.14 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T R E S U L T S INLET OUTLET PUMP NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD HEAD gpm ft ft ft ------------------------------------------------ 0 108.30 0.00 184.39 184.4 N O D E R E S U L T S NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE gpm ft ft ft psi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 20.00 254.34 91.00 163.34 70.78 8 20.00 254.34 79.00 175.34 75.98 12 0.00 254.34 65.00 189.34 82.05 16 20.00 254.34 62.00 192.34 83.35 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Proposed Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6) Page 3 of 7 20 20.00 254.36 62.00 192.36 83.36 24 28.30 254.39 70.00 184.39 79.90 0 ---- 254.39 70.00 184.39 79.90 M A X I M U M A N D M I N I M U M V A L U E S P R E S S U R E S JUNCTION MAXIMUM JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES NUMBER PRESSURES psi psi --------------------- --------------------- 20 83.36 4 70.78 16 83.35 8 75.98 12 82.05 24 79.90 V E L O C I T I E S PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) --------------------- --------------------- 29 0.43 13 0.01 5 0.26 17 0.01 25 0.25 9 0.09 21 0.22 21 0.22 S U M M A R Y O F I N F L O W S A N D O U T F L O W S (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLOWRATE NODE NAME gpm TITLE -------------------------------------------- 0 108.30 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 108.30 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 108.30 ================================================================================ Case: 1 C H A N G E S F O R N E X T S I M U L A T I O N (Change Number = 1 ) JUNCTION DEMANDS CHANGED - PLEASE SEE RESULTS TABLE RESULTS OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS: ACCURACY = 0.31501E-07 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Proposed Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6) Page 4 of 7 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Proposed Public Water System Analysis Peak Hour Demand P I P E L I N E R E S U L T S STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLOWRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E #1 #2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 0 4 118.45 0.35 0.00 0.76 0.41 0.41 9 4 8 60.45 0.02 0.00 0.25 0.04 0.04 13 8 12 2.45 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 17 12 16 2.45 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 21 16 20 -55.55 0.20 0.00 0.63 0.41 0.41 25 20 24 -113.55 0.16 0.00 0.72 0.38 0.38 29 0 24 195.62 0.02 0.00 1.25 1.03 1.03 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T R E S U L T S INLET OUTLET PUMP NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD HEAD gpm ft ft ft ------------------------------------------------ 0 314.07 0.00 182.99 183.0 N O D E R E S U L T S NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE gpm ft ft ft psi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 58.00(2.90) 252.64 91.00 161.64 70.04 8 58.00(2.90) 252.61 79.00 173.61 75.23 12 0.00 252.61 65.00 187.61 81.30 16 58.00(2.90) 252.61 62.00 190.61 82.60 20 58.00(2.90) 252.81 62.00 190.81 82.68 24 82.07(2.90) 252.97 70.00 182.97 79.29 0 ---- 252.99 70.00 182.99 79.30 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Proposed Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6) Page 5 of 7 M A X I M U M A N D M I N I M U M V A L U E S P R E S S U R E S JUNCTION MAXIMUM JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES NUMBER PRESSURES psi psi --------------------- --------------------- 20 82.68 4 70.04 16 82.60 8 75.23 12 81.30 24 79.29 V E L O C I T I E S PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) --------------------- --------------------- 29 1.25 13 0.02 5 0.76 17 0.02 25 0.72 9 0.25 21 0.63 21 0.63 S U M M A R Y O F I N F L O W S A N D O U T F L O W S (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLOWRATE NODE NAME gpm TITLE -------------------------------------------- 0 314.07 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 314.07 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 314.07 ================================================================================ Case: 2 C H A N G E S F O R N E X T S I M U L A T I O N (Change Number = 2 ) JUNCTION DEMANDS CHANGED - PLEASE SEE RESULTS TABLE RESULTS OBTAINED AFTER 4 TRIALS: ACCURACY = 0.94577E-07 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Proposed Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6) Page 6 of 7 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Proposed Public Water System Analysis Maximum Day Demand plus 2500 GPM Fire Flow split between Nodes 12 and 24 P I P E L I N E R E S U L T S STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLOWRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E #1 #2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 0 4 802.11 12.14 0.00 5.12 14.08 14.08 9 4 8 770.11 2.72 0.00 3.15 4.41 4.41 13 8 12 738.11 5.84 0.00 4.71 12.07 12.07 17 12 16 -511.89 2.79 0.00 3.27 6.13 6.13 21 16 20 -543.89 13.37 0.00 6.17 27.84 27.84 25 20 24 -575.89 3.26 0.00 3.68 7.62 7.62 29 0 24 1871.19 1.28 0.00 11.94 67.61 67.61 P U M P/L O S S E L E M E N T R E S U L T S INLET OUTLET PUMP NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD HEAD gpm ft ft ft ------------------------------------------------ 0 2673.30 0.00 98.79 98.8 N O D E R E S U L T S NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE gpm ft ft ft psi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 32.00(1.60) 156.65 91.00 65.65 28.45 8 32.00(1.60) 153.92 79.00 74.92 32.47 12 1250.00 148.08 65.00 83.08 36.00 16 32.00(1.60) 150.88 62.00 88.88 38.51 20 32.00(1.60) 164.25 62.00 102.25 44.31 24 1295.30( ** ) 167.51 70.00 97.51 42.25 0 ---- 168.79 70.00 98.79 42.81 Carlsbad Village Mixed Use November 3, 2023 Proposed Water System Analysis Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Average Day, Peak Hour, and Job No. 1135-001 Maximum Day plus Fire Flow Demand Analysis (1135001A6) Page 7 of 7 M A X I M U M A N D M I N I M U M V A L U E S P R E S S U R E S JUNCTION MAXIMUM JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES NUMBER PRESSURES psi psi --------------------- --------------------- 20 44.31 4 28.45 0 42.81 8 32.47 24 42.25 12 36.00 V E L O C I T I E S PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) --------------------- --------------------- 29 11.94 9 3.15 21 6.17 17 3.27 5 5.12 25 3.68 13 4.71 13 4.71 S U M M A R Y O F I N F L O W S A N D O U T F L O W S (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLOWRATE NODE NAME gpm TITLE -------------------------------------------- 0 2673.30 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 2673.30 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 2673.30 EXHIBIT A NODE AND PIPE DIAGRAM