HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2023-0014; CARLSBAD VILLAGE MIXED-USE - SB 330; SITE ACCESS STUDY - FEBRUARY 28, 2024; 2024-02-28MEMORANDUM N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx To: Andrew Cerrina GRT Carlsbad Village, LLC Date: February 28, 2024 From: Shankar Ramakrishnan, PE & Román Lopez, PTP LLG, Engineers LLG Ref: 3-22-3651 Subject: Carlsbad Village Mixed Use – Site Access Assessment Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers has prepared this Site Access assessment for the proposed Carlsbad Village Mixed-Use project (“Project”). PROJECT LOCATION & DESCRIPTION The Project is located on approximately 4.12 acres at 945-1065 Carlsbad Village Drive, west of Interstate 5 between Carlsbad Village Drive and Oak Avenue. Figure 1 shows the vicinity map. Figure 2 shows a more detailed Project area map. The Project proposes to construct 218 multi-family residential dwelling units (DU). The mixed-use Project also includes 13,800 square feet (sf) of commercial space – 5,800 sf of grocery market, 2,000 sf of retail, and 6,000 sf of restaurant. The existing site is currently operating as a retail shopping center totaling 58,735 sf. All existing buildings will be demolished as part of the Project. Figure 3 shows the Project site plan. The proposed Project also proposes an eight (8’) feet of right-of-way dedication along the project frontage on Carlsbad Village Drive. With a total of 16’ from curb to property line, the project proposes a 10-foot sidewalk and 6-foot landscaped buffer. In addition to the pedestrian improvements described, the Project will also install a bench at the bus stop fronting the project site on Carlsbad Village Drive. The project will maintain the existing 10’ right-of-way on Oak Avenue along the project frontage. The project will replace the existing curb, gutter, and sidewalk. The project proposes a 10’ sidewalk (5.5’ at tree locations). Along the north side of Oak Avenue, the project also proposes to improve the dead-end street design to a cul-de- sac pursuant to City of Carlsbad standards. The proposed Project is estimated to generate fewer trips than the existing land uses it will replace (see Project Trip Generation section of this memo). Therefore, no Local Mobility analysis is required per the City of Carlsbad Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines. However, per discussions with the City of Carlsbad Transportation staff, the subject Site Access Assessment was requested to focus on the adequacy of vehicular and multi-modal access to the Project site. The approved scoping agreement is provided in Attachment A. Andrew Cerrina February 28, 2024 Page 2 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx PROJECT SITE ACCESS Primary Project access will be provided via two (2) existing driveways on Carlsbad Village Drive – one (1) unsignalized right-turn only driveway to the public alley along the western boundary of the site and one (1) unsignalized private driveway permitting right turns and inbound left turns only. An existing median prohibits left turns out from this driveway. Secondary access will be provided on Oak Avenue via a full-access driveway located at the end of the cul-de-sac where Oak Avenue terminates west of I-5. Parking for commercial patrons will be provided by surface parking stalls located near the commercial buildings and a portion of the ground floor of the parking structure accessible from the Carlsbad Village Drive entrance. This portion of the parking structure will not be gated. Parking for residents will be provided entirely in the parking structure. For residents entering via Carlsbad Village Drive, an internal gate will provide access to the reserved residential area of the parking structure. The parking structure access on Oak Avenue will be gated at the entrance and accessible only to residents. Overall, the residents will have access to all residential parking spaces through both the Carlsbad Village Drive entrance and the Oak Avenue entrance gates. Two access points to the existing site will be closed, including the driveway between the alley and the primary driveway on Carlsbad Village Drive and access via the 7- Eleven northeast of the project site. The 7-Eleven site is not a part of the project but currently there is internal access between the two sites, which will no longer be permitted with the development of the Project. VEHICULAR STUDY AREA & EXISTING CONDITIONS Study Area This memo will evaluate queueing at two westbound left turn lanes on Carlsbad Village Drive which will serve Project traffic at the below intersections: Intersections: 1. Carlsbad Village Drive / Project Driveway 2. Carlsbad Village Drive / Harding Street The westbound left turn lane at the primary project driveway on Carlsbad Village Drive will serve all inbound traffic from I-5 or locations to the east. Since the primary project driveway on Carlsbad Village Drive serves all Project traffic (commercial, residential), the westbound left turn pocket at Carlsbad Village Drive / Harding Street Andrew Cerrina February 28, 2024 Page 3 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx will handle only displaced traffic due to Project development as described later in this memo. Existing Conditions The following is a description of the existing street network in the study area. Figure 4 shows an existing conditions diagram, including signalized intersections and lane configurations. Carlsbad Village Drive is classified as an Identity Street on the City of Carlsbad Mobility Element. Within the study area, Carlsbad Village Drive is a four-lane divided roadway with left turn pockets. Class II bicycle lanes are provided in both directions of travel and on-street parking is prohibited. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. Harding Street is classified as a Village Street on the City of Carlsbad Mobility Element. Harding street is currently constructed as a two-lane roadway with Class II bicycle lanes provided on both sides of the roadway. On-street parking is allowed on both sides. The posted limit is 25 mph. Oak Avenue is classified as a Village Street in the City of Carlsbad Mobility Element. Within the study area, Oak Avenue is a two-lane roadway with on-street parking provided on both sides of the roadway. Bicycle lanes are not provided on this roadway. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. Additionally, an alley along the western frontage of the site connects Carlsbad Village Drive to Oak Avenue. This alley provides vehicular access to properties on the west side. No vehicle access is provided from the alley to the existing site. EXISTING TRAFFIC COUNTS Existing AM peak hour (7-9AM) and PM peak hour (4-6PM) traffic counts at the study area intersections, including pedestrian and bicycle counts, were conducted on Wednesday, November 29, 2022. Figure 5 shows Existing Traffic Volumes. Attachment B contains the complete intersection count sheets. Andrew Cerrina February 28, 2024 Page 4 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx PROJECT TRIP GENERATION The Project proposes construction of 218 multi-family residential units, a 5,800-sf market, 2,000 sf of retail, and 6,000 sf of restaurant. Trip generation estimates for the Project were based on SANDAG’s Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region (April 2002). A mixed-use trip adjustment was calculated using the NCHRP Internal Trip Capture Estimation Tool. The internal trip capture worksheets are included in Attachment C. Table 1 summarizes the Project trip generation. The adjusted gross Project (i.e., after mixed-use reduction but before accounting for existing land uses) is calculated to generate 2,242 daily trips (ADT) with 140 AM peak hour trips (47 in / 93 out) and 180 PM peak hour trips (126 in / 54 out). Table 1 also shows the trip generation of the existing shopping center operating on the site. The existing 58,735 sf site is estimated to generate 7,044 ADT with 282 AM peak hour trips (169 in / 113 out) and 704 PM peak hour trips (352 in / 352 out). After accounting for existing uses to be replaced, the net Project is calculated to reduce trips by 4,802 ADT, 142 AM peak hour trips, and 524 PM peak hour trips. Andrew Cerrina February 28, 2024 Page 5 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx TABLE 1 PROJECT TRIP GENERATION Land Use Quantity Daily Volumes AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Rate a Volume Rate Split In Out Total Rate Split In Out Total Proposed Project Multi-family Residential (> 20 DU/acre) b 218 DU 6 /DU 1,308 8% 20:80 21 84 105 9% 70:30 83 35 118 Supermarket 5.8 KSF 150 /KSF 870 4% 70:30 25 10 35 10% 50:50 44 43 87 Retail / Strip Commercial 2 KSF 40 /KSF 80 3% 60:40 1 1 2 9% 50:50 4 3 7 Quality Restaurant 6 KSF 100 /KSF 600 1% 60:40 4 2 6 8% 70:30 34 14 48 Project Subtotal 2,858 51 97 148 165 95 260 Mixed Use Reduction c (616) (4) (4) (8) (39) (41) (80) Final Project Trips 2,242 47 93 140 126 54 180 Existing to be replaced Neighborhood Shopping Center d 58.7 KSF 120 /KSF 7,044 4% 60:40 169 113 282 10% 50:50 352 352 704 Net New Trip Generation (4,802) (122) (20) (142) (226) (298) (524) Footnotes: a. Trip generation rates from SANGAG's (Not So) Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region, April 2002. ("SANDAG Brief Guide") b. The site acreage is 4.12 therefore the residential density calculates to 53 DU/acre (218 / 4.12 = 53). c. Mixed use reduction for AM/PM peak hours calculated using NCHRP 8-51 Internal Trip Capture Estimation Tool. The average daily trip (ADT) reduction estimated using relationship between peak hours and ADT for unadjusted project trips. d. Per SANDAG this land use is typically less than 15 acres, less than 125,000 sq. ft., w/usually grocery & drugstore, cleaners, beauty & barber shop, & fast-food services). The existing 4.12 acre, 58.7 KSF site contains all these individual uses including: grocery, drugstore, cleaners, barber shop, and eating establishments. Therefore, the SANDAG "Neighborhood Shopping Center" rate is appropriate for the existing site. This rate accurately reflects the operations of the whole shopping center, including trip-chaining and internal interaction between individual uses that are typical of similar shopping centers. If specific trip rates for existing individual uses within the shopping center were applied, this would increase the existing trip generation and therefore overstate the net trip reduction associated with the proposed project. The individual use trip rates pertain to isolated uses and do not accurately reflect driveway trips for a combined shopping center. Andrew Cerrina February 28, 2024 Page 6 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION & ASSIGNMENT The following steps were taken to distribute and assign traffic for post-Project conditions. Removal of Existing Site Traffic The traffic volumes generated by the existing site as shown in Table 1 were removed from the existing (November 2022) traffic counts. The below methodology was used to account for the total traffic that would be removed with the existing site uses. 1. Existing traffic volumes turning to and from the primary Project driveway on Carlsbad Village Drive were zeroed out (Intersection #2 westbound left, eastbound right, northbound right). This reduction was balanced with Intersection #1, Carlsbad Village Drive / Harding Street. 2. 10% of existing site traffic (per Table 1) from west of the site is assumed to be inbound to the existing westerly driveway and outbound from the Oak Avenue driveway, since outbound left turns are not permitted from any driveway on Carlsbad Village Drive. These volumes were deducted from the Carlsbad Village Drive / Harding Street intersection. Figure 6 shows the existing site traffic volumes to be removed. Diversion of Existing Traffic A portion of existing westbound left-turn traffic removed at the primary Project driveway on Carlsbad Village Drive is associated with the existing 7-eleven (which is not a part of the Project site) due to the existing internal driveway between the sites. With the closure of this internal driveway, these trips would be displaced as U-turns at the Carlsbad Village Drive / Harding Street westbound left turn pocket. This is estimated to be 18 AM peak hour and 20 PM peak hour trips, which is 40% of the 7-eleven site’s inbound peak hour trip generation per SANDAG rates, shown in Table 2. Andrew Cerrina February 28, 2024 Page 7 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx TABLE 2 EXISTING 7-ELEVENT TRIP GENERATION Land Use Size Daily Trip Ends (ADTs) a Peak Hour % of ADT b In:Out Volume Rate b Volume Split b In Out Total Gasoline with Food Mart 8 VFS 160/VFS 1,280 AM 7% 50:50 45 45 90 PM 8% 50:50 51 51 102 Footnotes: a. ADT = Average Daily Traffic. b. Trip generation rates from SANDAG Brief Guide. General Notes:  VFS = vehicle fueling space These were added back to the study area as displaced through trips at Intersection #1 and as westbound to eastbound U-turns at Intersection #2. Figure 7 shows the displaced trips added back to the study area. Gross Project Traffic The gross Project traffic volumes (i.e., without subtracting existing uses) were then assigned to the study area. The regional distribution of Project traffic was estimated based on existing traffic patterns, surrounding land uses, and proximity to regional access (i.e., Interstate 5). The Project traffic was divided between the primary driveway on Carlsbad Village Drive and the secondary driveway on Oak Avenue based existing traffic patterns and the proposed layout of Project access. To provide a conservative analysis, all project traffic assigned to Carlsbad Village Drive was assigned to the primary driveway and not the alley located along the western edge of the site. No Project traffic is assigned to the westbound left turn at Harding Street, consistent with the assumptions for existing site traffic. This is because the path of travel to the south side (rear) of the site on Oak Avenue via this route is significantly less direct and more time- consuming than turning left directly into the main driveway from Carlsbad Village Drive (approximately 0.3 miles in additional travel distance). As discussed before, the main driveway on Carlsbad Village Drive allows access for both commercial and residential users. Figure 8 shows the proposed Project traffic distribution and Figure 9 shows the Project traffic volumes. Figure 10 depicts the Existing + Project traffic volumes. Andrew Cerrina February 28, 2024 Page 8 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx INTERSECTION QUEUEING ANALYSIS LLG prepared intersection turn lane queueing analysis for the two left-turn pockets on Carlsbad Boulevard that will receive Project traffic. The following summarizes the intersection queuing methods and results. Methodology Study area intersection turn pocket queueing was evaluated using the 95th percentile back of queue length calculated with the assistance of the SimTraffic (version 11) computer software. City of Carlsbad location-specific signal timing parameters were used in the analysis of Carlsbad Village Drive / Harding Street. The signal timing plan is included in Attachment D. U-turns are permitted in the westbound left-turn pocket at Harding Street. U-turns are combined with left-turns in the analysis. Existing Intersection Queues The calculated queue lengths for the study area turn pockets are shown in Table 3. As shown in Table 3, the existing 95th percentile queue in the westbound left-turn pocket from Carlsbad Village Drive to Harding Street slightly exceeds the available storage. Attachment E contains the Existing queue analysis output sheets. TABLE 3 QUEUING ANALYSIS Intersection Movement Storage (ft) Peak Hour Queue (ft) a Existing Existing + Project 1. Carlsbad Village Dr / Harding St WBL b 155 AM 135 144 PM 157 150 c 2. Carlsbad Village Dr / Project Driveway WBL 170 AM 53 43 PM 65 62 Footnotes: a. 95th percentile queue calculated using SimTraffic analysis software. The 95th percentile queue indicates a 5% probability of being exceeded during the peak hour. b. Includes U-turns. c. Currently, 54,175 sf (approximately 93%) of the total 58,735 sf shopping center is occupied, which is nearly full occupancy. LLG performed a sensitivity analysis and the 95th percentile queue was calculated at 153 feet if the existing site credit was calculated assuming the currently occupied square footage. Even with this conservative occupancy level, this queue continues to be within the available turn pocket storage. Existing + Project Intersection Queues Table 2 also shows queue lengths under Existing + Project conditions. As shown in Table 2 the peak hour queue lengths for the westbound left from Carlsbad Village Drive to Harding Street are contained within the available storage, with the PM peak hour queue being slightly lower than Existing. As described previously, while the Andrew Cerrina February 28, 2024 Page 9 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx proposed Project does not add any traffic, there may be a small increase in turn lane volume due to the displaced 7-eleven traffic. However, there is nonetheless a net decrease of 41 PM peak hour trips in the eastbound through movement (due to the removal of the existing shopping center trips) which directly competes for traffic signal green time with the westbound left-turn. Because the signal is actuated, the decrease in traffic volumes in the eastbound through movement allows for efficiencies within the busiest (95th percentile) signal cycle, leading to a small decrease in queues. Traffic volumes at the Project driveway are reduced during both AM/PM peak hours due to the Project and the queue continues to be contained in the available storage. Attachment F contains the Existing + Project queue analysis output sheets. MULTIMODAL ACCESS Multimodal (i.e., pedestrian, bicycle, and transit riders) access to the site is oriented toward Carlsbad Village Drive, where existing sidewalks, bike lanes, and transit stops are adjacent to the site. The two (2) commercial buildings are located at the north of the site adjacent to Carlsbad Village Drive with entrances oriented toward the street. The two (2) residential buildings are located just south of the commercial buildings. The main pedestrian entrances in each building are located on the north side of the buildings just across from the commercial buildings. On-site pedestrian paths and marked crossings of internal driveways will be provided where significant pedestrian activity is expected. The existing multi-modal (i.e., pedestrian, bicycle, and/or transit) facilities along the Project frontage on both Carlsbad Village Drive and Oak Avenue, between I-5 and Harding Street, were evaluated using the City of Carlsbad’s MMLOS Tool (March 2020). Table 4 summarizes the Pedestrian LOS analysis. As shown in Table 3, Carlsbad Village Drive on the Project side of the street is calculated to obtain an acceptable LOS C. No improvements are required per MMLOS standards. However, the Project will complete improvements on Carlsbad Village Drive, including dedication of an additional 8 feet of right-of-way along the Project frontage. With the additional right- of-way the pedestrian area would include a 10-foot-wide sidewalk and 6-foot-wide landscaped buffer. With these improvements the Pedestrian LOS is calculated at LOS A, as shown in Table 4. Oak Avenue is calculated to obtain Pedestrian LOS A. The Project will reconstruct the existing curb, gutter, and sidewalk along its Oak Avenue frontage, and this will continue to be Pedestrian LOS A. Andrew Cerrina February 28, 2024 Page 10 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx Table 5 summarizes the Bicycle LOS analysis. As shown in Table 5, the existing bicycle facilities in both directions of travel within the study area are calculated to obtain LOS C or better. No additional Project improvements are required. Table 6 summarizes the Transit LOS analysis. As shown in Table 6, the transit stop in front of the Project site on Carlsbad Village Drive is deficient due to lack of amenities. In addition to the pedestrian improvements described, the Project will also install a bench at this stop, resulting in Transit LOS B. All MMLOS worksheets are provided in Attachment G. Andrew Cerrina February 28, 2024 Page 11 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx TABLE 4 PEDESTRIAN LOS Location Direction Existing With Improvements Improvements Total Score LOS Total Score LOS  Carlsbad Village Drive I-5 to Harding Street EB 70 C 90 A 8-foot ROW dedication resulting in 10-foot sidewalk and 6-foot landscaped buffer. Oak Avenue  I-5 to Harding Street WB 90 A 90 A Replace existing curb, gutter, and sidewalk. General Note:  Pedestrian LOS evaluated for side of street on which project is located.  * = Facility does not meet minimum requirements to calculate score.   MMLOS Point Point Score LOS 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 50-59 E 0-49 F Andrew Cerrina February 28, 2024 Page 12 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx TABLE 5 BICYCLE LOS Location Direction Existing With Improvements Improvements Total Score LOS Total Score LOS  Carlsbad Village Drive  I-5 to Harding Street EB 100 A — — None WB 100 A — — Oak Avenue  I-5 to Harding Street EB 75 C — — None WB 75 C — —   MMLOS Point Point Score LOS 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 50-59 E 0-49 F Andrew Cerrina February 28, 2024 Page 13 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx TABLE 6 TRANSIT LOS Location Direction Existing With Improvements Improvements Total Score LOS Total Score LOS Route 315 Carlsbad Village Drive / Harding Street EB — * 84 B Provide bench. General Notes:  * = Facility does not meet minimum requirements to calculate score.   MMLOS Point Point Score LOS 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 50-59 E 0-49 F Andrew Cerrina February 28, 2024 Page 14 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx Figures: 1. Project Vicinity Map 2. Project Area Map 3. Project Site Plan 4. Existing Conditions Diagram 5. Existing Traffic Volumes 6. Existing Site Traffic Volumes to be Removed 7. Displaced Existing Traffic Volumes 8. Project Traffic Distribution 9. Project Traffic Volumes 10. Existing + Project Traffic Volumes Attachments: A. Project Scoping Agreement B. Intersection Count Sheets C. Internal Trip Capture Worksheets D. Signal Timing Plan E. Existing Queue Analysis Worksheets F. Existing + Project Queue Analysis Worksheets G. MMLOS Worksheets cc: File BUILDING A1 STORY COMMERCIALTYPE V-A BUILDING B1 STORY COMMERCIALTYPE V-A CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE OAK AVENUE SE R V I C E / F I R E L A N E RET A I L / R E S I A C C E S S 5 FWY N.A.P. HA R D I N G S T R E E T COMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL PARKING ENTRANCE 5 STORY PARKING STRUCTURE W/ ROOFTOP PARKINGTYPE I-ABUILDING D5 STORIES RESIDENTIALTYPE III-A BUILDING C5 STORIES RESIDENTIAL TYPE III-A EXISTING1-STORYCOMMERCIALBUILDING EXISTING 1-STORYRESIDENTIAL BUILDING EXISTING 1-STORYRESIDENTIAL BUILDING EXISTING 1-STORYCOMMUNITY CENTER EXISTING 1-STORYCOMMUNITY CENTER POOL RESIDENTIAL PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE TRASH LOA D I N G Z O N E TRASH STAIR EXIT STAIR EXIT TRASH AMENITY ENTRANCE RESIDENTIAL PARKING ENTRANCE STAIR EXIT COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE COMMERCIAL EXIT COMMERCIAL EXIT COMMERCIAL EXIT COMMERCIAL EXIT 7' - 0 " COMMELECT 24' - 0" 10' - 0" 8' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 10' - 0 " PROPERTY LINE /DEDICATION EASEMENT T T T 30' - 0" 28' - 0 " 17 ' - 0 " EL #1 EL #2 STA I R # 1 STA I R # 2 STAIR #3 EL #3 STA I R # 4 08 0706 05 (E) R.O.W. CITY REQUESTED DEDICATION REQ U I R E D S E T B A C K 10' - 0 " STAIR #6 EL #4 COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE TRASH AMENITY ENTRANCE STAIR #5 289 PARKING SPACES 11' - 0 " 20' - 0" 10' - 0 " 30' - 0 " 8' - 0" 16' - 0 " 19 ' - 6 " 24' - 0" 15' - 0 " 19 ' - 6 " 16' - 0 " 16' - 0 " 10' - 0 " 6' - 0" 8' - 0 " CL 04 4' - 0" 03 02 22' - 8" RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K 10' - 0 " REQ U I R E D S E T B A C K 10' - 0 " REQUIRED SETBACK 01 01 01 09 10 11 121314 TRANSFORMER WITH REQUIRED CLEARANCE GROUND FLOOR FOOTPRINT EXISTING BUILDING ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL T 6+((7180%(5 6+((77,7/( '$7( 5(9,6,216 68%0,77$/ +$<'(1$9(18(&8/9(5&,7<&$  .)$/26$1*(/(6&20 -2%180%(5 7+,6'5$:,1*$1'7+(,1)250$7,21&217$,1('+(5(,1$5(7+(&23<5,*+7(':25.2).)$//&$1'0$<127%(5(352'8&(':,7+287:5,77(13(50,66,21 127(6 $0 &9 0 8         & $ 5 / 6 % $ '  9 , / / $ * (  ' 5 , 9 ( &$ 5 / 6 % $ '   & $        * 6,7(3/$1 75$163257$7,21 02%,/,7<   6'3 *57&$5/6%$'9,//$*(//& 6$19,&(17(%/9' 68,7(/26$1*(/(6&$   6,7(3/$1 N /(*(1' 01 PEDESTRIAN CROSSING02 VISIBILITY TRIANGLE, TYP.03 UNOBSTRUCTED FIRE ACCESS ROAD EASEMENT04 (E) NCTD BUS STOP LOCATION05 RELOCATED CALTRANS TRANSFORMER06 (E) CURB CUT07 NEW CUL-DE-SAC CURB, SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS08 KNOX BOX FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT09 SECURED RESIDENTIAL ENTRANCE / WALKWAY10 (E) SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACEDWITH 10' WIDE SIDEWALK, 5.5' WIDE AT TREEWELLS 11 (E) SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACEDWITH 10' WIDE SIDEWALK 12 6' PARKWAY WITH STREET TREES 13 PROPOSED STREET TREE REPLACEMENT 14 CURB RAMP TO BE REMOVED / REPLACED Project Site Plan Figure 3 Carlsbad Village Mixed-Use N:\3651\FiguresDate: 11/16/23 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx ATTACHMENT A PROJECT SCOPING AGREEMENT SCOPING AGREEMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPACT STUDY Case No. n/a Project Name: Project Location: Related Cases ‐  SP No. n/a EIR No. n/a GPA No. n/a CZ No. n/a Consultant Developer Name: Address: Santa Monica, CA 90403 Telephone:(818) 731‐3646 A. Trip Generation Source: Existing Land Use Retail shopping center Proposed Land Use Existing Zoning Proposed Zoning Total Daily Trips Forecast Daily Trips (Attach a trip generation table. Describe Trip Reduction Factors proposed and included in the trip generation table.) See Trip Generation attachment. B. Trip Distribution:Select Zone (Model Series ) (provide exhibit for detailed trip distribution and assignment.) See Trip Distribution & Assignment attachments determined manually based on site access and local traffic patterns. C. Background Traffic : No LMA is required based on net decrease in trip generation V‐B ATTACHMENT A This Letter acknowledges the City of Carlsbad Traffic engineering Division requirements for the  transportaion impact analysis of the following project. The analysis must follow the latest City of  Carlsbad Transportation Impact Study Guidelines dated April 2018. Carlsbad Village Mixed Use 945‐1065 Carlsbad Village Drive;  West of Interstate 5 between Carlsbad Village Drive and Oak Avenue Project  Description: The project proposes to redevelop an existing retail shopping center totaling 58,735 square feet. The proposed  project includes approximately 218 multi‐family residential dwellings and 13,795 square feet of commercial space.  The site area is appoximately 4.12 acres.  No LMA is required based on a net decrease in site trip generation. LLG, Engineers San Diego, CA 92111 4542 Ruffner St. Suite 100 (858) 300‐8800 Tooley Interests, LLC 2001 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 420 SANDAG "(Not So) Brief Guide…" Multi‐family residential and commercial 7,044 2,242 V‐B 1/31/2024 N:\3651\Scoping\3651 Scoping Agreement (rev) 16 27 38 49 5 17 28 39 410 F. Other Jurisdictional Impacts Is this project within any other Agency's Sphere of Influence or one‐mile radius of boundaries?Yes X No If so, name of Jurisdiction: G. Site Plan (attach a legible 11' x 17' copy)See attached site plan. H. Specific Issues to be addressed in the Study (in addition to the standard analysis described in the Guidelines)  (To be filled out by Engineering Division) Recommended by: Consultant's Respresentative Date Scoping Agreement Submitted on: Date Scoping Agreement Resubmitted on: Date Approved Scoping Agreement: City of Carlsbad Date Traffic Engineering Division January 31, 2024 Shankar Ramakrishnan, P.E.September 28, 2022 September 28, 2022 Carlsbad Village Dr: I‐5 to Harding St (MMLOS) A site access memo will be prepared evaluating site access and queuing, specifically in existing turn pockets. The traffic memo will provide  MMLOS analysis of bicycle, pedestrian, and transit modes along the project frontage. In addition, sight distance issues and entrance into  the parking garage will need to be addressed in the traffic analysis. Access to the site will be provided from Carlsbad Village Dr and Oak Ave. Commercial traffic may access the site via Carlsbad Village Drive  only, with commercial parking in surface stalls adjacent to the buildings and additional parking in the structure. Commercial parking in the  structure will not be gated. Residential traffic may also enter via Carlsbad Village Drive, with secondary access via Oak Avenue. Residential  parking will be gated on both sides; parking structure via Oak Avenue will be restricted to residential traffic only. E. Study Roadway Segments: (NOTE: Subject to revision after other projects, trip generation and distribution are determined, or comments.) Carlsbad Village Dr / Project Driveway D. Study Intersections: (NOTE: Subject to revision after other projects, trip generation and distribution are determined, or comments.) Carlsbad Village Dr / Harding St 1/31/2024 N:\3651\Scoping\3651 Scoping Agreement (rev) *Note: The project trip assignment will rely on documentation presented in the memo that supports the assertion that the westbound left turn movement at the intersection of Harding and Carlsbad Village Drive will not experience an increase in traffic. 2/21/2024 Volume Rate In Out Total Rate In Out Total Proposed Project Apartment (Multi-family units >20 DU/acre) b 218 DU 6 /DU 1,308 8% 20% : 80% 21 84 105 9% 70% : 30% 83 35 118 Supermarket 5.8 KSF 150 /KSF 870 4% 70% : 30% 25 10 35 10% 50% : 50% 44 43 87 Retail / Strip Commercial 2 KSF 40 /KSF 80 3% 60% : 40% 1 1 2 9% 50% : 50% 4 3 7 Quality Restaurant 6 KSF 100 /KSF 600 1% 60% : 40% 4 2 6 8% 70% : 30% 34 14 48 Project Subtotal 2,858 5%51 97 148 9%165 95 260 Mixed Use Reduction c -616 -4 -4 -8 -39 -41 -80 Final Project Trips 2,242 47 93 140 126 54 180 Existing to be replaced Neighborhood Shopping Center d 58.7 KSF 120 /KSF 7,044 4% 60% : 40% 169 113 282 10% 50% : 50% 352 352 704 Net New Trip Generation -4,802 -122 -20 -142 -226 -298 -524 Footnotes: Therefore, the SANDAG "Neighborhood Shopping Center" rate is appropriate for the existing site. This rate accurately reflects the operations of a shopping center as a whole including trip-chaining and internal interaction between individual uses that are typical of similar shopping centers. If specific trip rates for existing individual uses within the shopping center were applied, this would increase the existing trip generation and therefore overstate the net trip reduction associated with the proposed project. The individual use trip rates pertain to isolated uses and do not accurately reflect driveway trips for a combined shopping center. Split Split Project Trip Generation Summary Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Land Use Quantity Daily Volumes AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Rate a a. Trip generation rates from SANGAG's (Not So) Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region, April 2002. ("SANDAG Brief Guide") b. The site acreage is 4.12 therefore the residential density calculates to 53 DU/acre (218 / 4.12 = 53). d. Per SANDAG this land use is typically less than 15 acres, less than 125,000 sq. ft., w/usually grocery & drugstore, cleaners, beauty & barber shop, & fast food services) The existing 4.12 acre, 58.7 KSF site contains all of these individual uses including: grocery, drugstore, cleaners, barber shop, and eating establishments. c. Mixed use reduction for AM/PM peak hours calculated using NCHRP 8-51 Internal Trip Capture Estimation Tool. Daily reduction estimated using relationship between peak hours and daily volumes for unadjusted project trips. N:\3651\Trip Generation\Trip Generation 1/31/2024 2:51 PM BUILDING A 1 STORY COMMERCIAL BUILDING B 1 STORY COMMERCIAL CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE OAK AVENUE SE R V I C E / F I R E L A N E RE T A I L / R E S I A C C E S S 5 FWY N.A.P. HA R D I N G S T R E E T PARKING ENTRANCE 5 STORIES PARKING STRUCTURE BUILDING D 5 STORIES RESIDENTIAL BUILDING C 5 STORIES RESIDENTIAL EXISTING 1-STORY COMMERCI AL BUILDING EXISTING 1-STORY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING EXISTING 1-STORY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING EXISTING 1-STORY COMMUNITY CENTER EXISTING 1-STORY COMMUNITY CENTER T T FIRE BACKFLOW WATER BACKFLOW #1 IRRIGATION BACKFLOW STANDPIPE STANDPIPE STANDPIPE POOL PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE TRASH TRASH / LOADING ZONE TRASH STAIR EXIT STAIR EXIT TRASH BIKE PARKING ENTRANCE BIKE PARKING ENTRANCE PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE PARKING ENTRANCE STAIR EXIT COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE COMMERCIAL EXIT COMMERCIAL EXIT COMMERCIAL EXIT COMMERCIAL EXIT 7' - 0 " COMM ELECT RELOCATED EXISTING 1 PHASE TRANSFORMER 24' - 0" 10' - 0" 16 ' - 0 " 19 ' - 0 " 21' - 3" 10' - 0" WATER BACKFLOW #2 MODULAR WETLAND UNIT 8' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 10 ' - 0 " PROPERTY LINE /DEDICATION EASEMENT T SHEET NUMBER: SHEET TITLE: DATE: REVISIONS: SUBMITTAL: 3573 HAYDEN AVENUE CULVER CITY, CA 90232 310.399.7975 KFALOSANGELES.COM JOB NUMBER: THIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN ARE THE COPYRIGHTED WORK OF KFA, LLC AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION NOTES 4/5/2023 2:20:34 PM TO O L E Y C A R L S B A D 94 5 - 1 0 6 5 C A R L S B A D V I L L A G E D R I V E CA R L S B A D , C A , 9 2 0 0 8 A00 SITE PLAN 5.9.2023 2022-004.00 ENTITLEMENT SET GRT PORTFOLIO PROPERTIES, LLC 2001 WILSHIRE BLVD #420 SANTA MONICA CA 90403 1" = 30'-0"1SITE PLAN N N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx ATTACHMENT B INTERSECTION COUNT SHEETS National Data & Surveying ServicesIntersection Turning Movement Count Location:Harding St & Carlsbad Village DrCity:Carlsbad Project ID:Control:Signalized Date:11/29/2022 NS/EW Streets: 01000100120012 0 0NLNT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL7:00 AM 351801532006440763 8 31957:15 AM 361801521047640166516 62327:30 AM 4121202161037850187512 32507:45 AM 13121602820018270288819 63028:00 AM 21726017910187711593 9 62918:15 AM 5179030110397601513321 23408:30 AM 81517019500193502211116 63188:45 AM 71520025530387702614824 6376 NL NT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES :45 99 136 0 170 33 9 0 16 664 45 1 147 776 125 38 2304APPROACH %'s :16.07% 35.36% 48.57% 0.00% 80.19% 15.57% 4.25% 0.00% 2.20% 91.46% 6.20% 0.14% 13.54% 71.45% 11.51% 3.50% PEAK HR :08:00 AM 41 0 0 TOTAL PEAK HR VOL :22 64 72 0 91 20 5 0 8 364 25 1 78 485 70 20 1325 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.688 0.941 0.692 0.000 0.758 0.556 0.417 0.000 0.667 0.938 0.893 0.250 0.750 0.819 0.729 0.833 Headers NBL NBT NBR NBU SBL SBT SBR SBU EBL EBT EBR EBU WBL WBT WBR WBU 01000100120012 0 0NLNT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL4:00 PM 627290339202189822016637 75374:15 PM 14 26 31 0 25 13 3 0 3 160 7 0 29 119 28 3 4614:30 PM 10 20 25 0 30 10 5 0 7 191 6 1 25 141 23 5 4994:45 PM 6 21 18 0 26 14 6 0 3 172 5 0 24 125 21 7 4485:00 PM 7 23 25 0 26 10 2 0 5 194 10 0 18 129 34 5 4885:15 PM 5 32 23 0 29 20 1 0 4 141 4 1 25 119 47 12 4635:30 PM 716280287106148802510023 44015:45 PM 825270329104146513213625 3454 NL NT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES :63 190 206 0 229 92 21 0 34 1341 53 5 198 1035 238 46 3751 APPROACH %'s :13.73% 41.39% 44.88% 0.00% 66.96% 26.90% 6.14% 0.00% 2.37% 93.58% 3.70% 0.35% 13.05% 68.23% 15.69% 3.03% PEAK HR :04:00 PM 289 0 0 TOTAL PEAK HR VOL :36 94 103 0 114 46 16 0 15 712 26 3 98 551 109 22 1945 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.643 0.870 0.831 0.000 0.864 0.821 0.667 0.000 0.536 0.932 0.813 0.375 0.845 0.830 0.736 0.786 22-040211-001 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM 0.9050.820 0.957 0.922 0.848 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM 0.8810.878 PM NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 0.879 0.939 0.800 AM NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Data - Totals Harding St Harding St Carlsbad Village Dr Carlsbad Village Dr National Data & Surveying ServicesIntersection Turning Movement Count Location:Harding St & Carlsbad Village DrCity:Carlsbad Project ID:Control:Signalized Date: NS/EW Streets: 0100010012001200NLNT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL7:00 AM 010000000100000027:15 AM 010000000000020037:30 AM 000001000000020037:45 AM 001000000100030058:00 AM 000100000000120048:15 AM 000000000100002038:30 AM 000001000000000018:45 AM 00000000000000101 NL NT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES :021102000300193022APPROACH %'s :0.00% 50.00% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 100.00%0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%0.00% 0.00% 7.69% 69.23% 23.08% 0.00% PEAK HR :08:00 AM 41 0 0 TOTAL PEAK HR VOL :00010100010012309 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.250 0.375 0.000 Headers NBL NBT NBR NBU SBL SBT SBR SBU EBL EBT EBR EBU WBL WBT WBR WBU 0100010012001200NLNT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL4:00 PM 000000000000000004:15 PM 000002000000040064:30 PM 200000000110100054:45 PM 001020000300100075:00 PM 030000000400000075:15 PM 000000000000020025:30 PM 000000000000030035:45 PM 00000000001001002 NL NT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES :2310220008202100032 APPROACH %'s :33.33% 50.00% 16.67% 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 80.00% 20.00% 0.00% 16.67% 83.33% 0.00% 0.00% PEAK HR :04:00 PM 289 0 0 TOTAL PEAK HR VOL :201022000410240018 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.250 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.250 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.333 0.250 0.000 0.500 0.250 0.000 0.000 22-040211-00111/29/2022 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM 0.6430.375 0.500 0.417 0.375 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM 0.563 PM NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.500 AM NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Data - Bikes Harding St Harding St Carlsbad Village Dr Carlsbad Village Dr National Data & Surveying ServicesIntersection Turning Movement CountLocation:Harding St & Carlsbad Village Dr Project ID: City:Carlsbad Date: NS/EW Streets: EB WB EB WB NB SB NB SB TOTAL 7:00 AM 1001100037:15 AM 1002110057:30 AM 1010000027:45 AM 002000013 8:00 AM 111301108 8:15 AM 22222210138:30 AM 0200011048:45 AM 104101007 EB WB EB WB NB SB NB SB TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES :75109463145 APPROACH %'s :58.33% 41.67% 52.63% 47.37% 40.00% 60.00% 75.00% 25.00% PEAK HR :08:00 AM 40 -1 -1 TOTAL PEAK HR VOL :4576253032 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.500 0.625 0.438 0.500 0.250 0.625 0.750 Headers NEB NWB SEB SWB ENS ESB WNB WSB EB WB EB WB NB SB NB SB TOTAL4:00 PM 13005010104:15 PM 12012204124:30 PM 0290330017 4:45 PM 41472311235:00 PM 02141013125:15 PM 22420120135:30 PM 1134240217 5:45 PM 000102014 EB WB EB WB NB SB NB SB TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES :9 1321191515 5 11108 APPROACH %'s :40.91% 59.09% 52.50% 47.50% 50.00% 50.00% 31.25% 68.75% PEAK HR :04:00 PM 286 -3 -3 TOTAL PEAK HR VOL :681381282562 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.375 0.667 0.361 0.286 0.600 0.667 0.500 0.313 22-040211-00111/29/2022 0.6740.700 0.477 0.833 0.438 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM 0.6150.563 PM NORTH LEG SOUTH LEG EAST LEG WEST LEG 0.650 0.438 0.750 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM AM NORTH LEG SOUTH LEG EAST LEG WEST LEG Data - Pedestrians (Crosswalks) Harding St Harding St Carlsbad Village Dr Carlsbad Village Dr Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services ID:22-040211-001 Day: City:Carlsbad Date: AM 520910 AM NOON 0000 NOON PM 16 46 114 0 PM AM NOON PM PM NOON AM 0100 0 109 0 70 2 551 0 485 103 0198078 8015 1 TEV 1325 0 1945 0 22020 364 0 712 2 PHF 0.88 0.91 25026 0 0010 AM NOON PM PM NOON AM PM 0 36 94 103 PM NOON 0000NOON AM 0 226472AM Pedestrians (Crosswalks) Totals (PM)Total Bikes (PM) 0 123 NORTHBOUND Harding St Totals (NOON)Total Bikes (NOON) NONE 951 0 547 Totals (AM)170 Total Bikes (AM) Ca r l s b a d V i l l a g e D r EA S T B O U N D WE S T B O U N D Ca r l s b a d V i l l a g e D r 513 0 606 CONTROL Signalized 0 NONE 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM 218 Harding St & Carlsbad Village Dr Peak Hour Turning Movement Count Harding St Tuesday SOUTHBOUND 11/29/2022 4:00 PM - 06:00 PMPE A K H O U R S 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM 142 7:00 AM - 09:00 AM CO U N T P E R I O D S NOONAM PM PM AM AM NOON PM PM NOON AM AM NOON PM NOON NO O N PM AM NO O N AM PM NO O N AM PMNO O N PM AM 50 0 20 3 13 0 7 80 6 120 2 80 5 80 560 4 0 4 21 4 0 0 2 2 102 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 000 3 2 10 1 0 0 1 0 000 109 551 9826 712 15 16 46 11 4 10 3 9436 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 000 70 485 7825 364 8 5 20 91 726422 National Data & Surveying ServicesIntersection Turning Movement Count Location:Village Plaza Dwy & Carlsbad Village DrCity:Carlsbad Project ID:Control:1-Way Stop(SB)Date: NS/EW Streets: 0100010012001200NLNT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL7:00 AM 00600060196411183102097:15 AM 0060004011142016104612547:30 AM 0090004031160017109302617:45 AM 0040001001323014142302998:00 AM 0060003041342014127322958:15 AM 00120003031304115169603438:30 AM 00700030112310129154403328:45 AM 0010000404132502920560395 NL NT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTALTOTAL VOLUMES :0 0 60 0 0 0 28 0 17 977 30 3 145 1093 32 3 2388APPROACH %'s :0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 1.66% 95.13% 2.92% 0.29% 11.39% 85.86% 2.51% 0.24% PEAK HR :08:00 AM 41 0 0 TOTALPEAK HR VOL :0 0 35 0 0 0 13 0 12 519 21 2 87 655 19 2 1365 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.000 0.000 0.729 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.813 0.000 0.750 0.968 0.525 0.500 0.750 0.799 0.792 0.250 Headers NBL NBT NBR NBU SBL SBT SBR SBU EBL EBT EBR EBU WBL WBT WBR WBU 0100010012001200NLNT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL4:00 PM 00200001032316034233415334:15 PM 00220001072137126169414514:30 PM 00190003032299021194914884:45 PM 00150003042184220181604535:00 PM 00160000032405025184404775:15 PM 0011000501217660182021304435:30 PM 00170001022192119165604325:45 PM 0011000305198211518850428 NL NT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTALTOTAL VOLUMES :0 0 131 0 0 0 17 0 39 1724 41 5 178 1516 51 3 3705APPROACH %'s :0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 2.16% 95.30% 2.27% 0.28% 10.18% 86.73% 2.92% 0.17% PEAK HR :04:00 PM 289 0 0 TOTALPEAK HR VOL :007600080178912631017772331925 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.000 0.000 0.864 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.667 0.000 0.607 0.964 0.722 0.375 0.743 0.834 0.639 0.750 22-040211-00211/29/2022 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM 0.9030.864 0.667 0.972 0.831 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM 0.864 PM NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 0.729 0.813 0.982 0.795 AM NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Data - Totals Village Plaza Dwy Village Plaza Dwy Carlsbad Village Dr Carlsbad Village Dr National Data & Surveying ServicesIntersection Turning Movement Count Location:Village Plaza Dwy & Carlsbad Village DrCity:Carlsbad Project ID:Control:1-Way Stop(SB)Date: NS/EW Streets: 0100010012001200NLNT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL7:00 AM 000000000100000017:15 AM 000000000100010027:30 AM 000000000000020027:45 AM 000000100100020048:00 AM 000001100000010038:15 AM 000000000000010018:30 AM 001000000000110038:45 AM 00000000100001002 NL NT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES :001001201300190018APPROACH %'s :0.00% 0.00% 100.00%0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 66.67% 0.00% 25.00% 75.00% 0.00% 0.00% 10.00% 90.00% 0.00% 0.00% PEAK HR :08:00 AM 41 0 0 TOTAL PEAK HR VOL :00100110100014009 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.000 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.250 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 1.000 0.000 0.000 Headers NBL NBT NBR NBU SBL SBT SBR SBU EBL EBT EBR EBU WBL WBT WBR WBU 0100010012001200NLNT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL4:00 PM 000000000000020024:15 PM 000000100000020034:30 PM 000000000100000014:45 PM 000000001500000065:00 PM 000000000300000035:15 PM 000000000000030035:30 PM 000000000000020025:45 PM 00000000000001001 NL NT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES :0000001019000100021 APPROACH %'s :0.00% 0.00% 100.00%0.00% 10.00% 90.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%0.00% 0.00% PEAK HR :04:00 PM 289 0 0 TOTAL PEAK HR VOL :000000101600040012 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.250 0.300 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 22-040211-00211/29/2022 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM 0.5000.250 0.292 0.500 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM 0.750 PM NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.625 AM NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Data - Bikes Village Plaza Dwy Village Plaza Dwy Carlsbad Village Dr Carlsbad Village Dr National Data & Surveying ServicesIntersection Turning Movement CountLocation:Village Plaza Dwy & Carlsbad Village Dr Project ID: City:Carlsbad Date: NS/EW Streets: EB WB EB WB NB SB NB SB TOTAL 7:00 AM 2100000037:15 AM 3111000067:30 AM 3100010057:45 AM 200112006 8:00 AM 132110008 8:15 AM 62012101138:30 AM 0210000038:45 AM 013000004 EB WB EB WB NB SB NB SB TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES :171174440148 APPROACH %'s :60.71% 39.29% 63.64% 36.36% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 100.00% PEAK HR :08:00 AM 40 -1 -1 TOTAL PEAK HR VOL :7862310128 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.292 0.667 0.500 0.500 0.375 0.250 0.250 Headers NEB NWB SEB SWB ENS ESB WNB WSB EB WB EB WB NB SB NB SB TOTAL4:00 PM 1101000034:15 PM 43120010114:30 PM 221101007 4:45 PM 1014020085:00 PM 3001000045:15 PM 24210100105:30 PM 001400229 5:45 PM 101003106 EB WB EB WB NB SB NB SB TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES :1410714074258 APPROACH %'s :58.33% 41.67% 33.33% 66.67% 0.00% 100.00% 66.67% 33.33% PEAK HR :04:00 PM 286 -3 -3 TOTAL PEAK HR VOL :8638031029 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.500 0.500 0.750 0.500 0.375 0.250 22-040211-00211/29/2022 0.6590.500 0.550 0.375 0.250 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM 0.5380.469 PM NORTH LEG SOUTH LEG EAST LEG WEST LEG 0.667 0.333 0.250 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM AM NORTH LEG SOUTH LEG EAST LEG WEST LEG Data - Pedestrians (Crosswalks) Village Plaza Dwy Village Plaza Dwy Carlsbad Village Dr Carlsbad Village Dr Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services ID:22-040211-002 Day: City:Carlsbad Date: AM 13000 AM NOON 0000 NOON PM 8000 PM AM NOON PM PM NOON AM 0100 0 23019 2 777 0 655 203 01101 0 87 12017 1 TEV 1365 0 1925 0 302 519 0 891 2 PHF 0.86 0.90 21026 0 0010 AM NOON PM PM NOON AM PM 00076PM NOON 0000NOON AM 00035AM Pedestrians (Crosswalks) Totals (PM)Total Bikes (PM) 0 108 NORTHBOUND Village Plaza Dwy Totals (NOON)Total Bikes (NOON) NONE 970 0 556 Totals (AM)127 Total Bikes (AM) Ca r l s b a d V i l l a g e D r EA S T B O U N D WE S T B O U N D Ca r l s b a d V i l l a g e D r 670 0 788 CONTROL 1-Way Stop(SB) 0 NONE 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM 40 Village Plaza Dwy & Carlsbad Village Dr Peak Hour Turning Movement Count Village Plaza Dwy Tuesday SOUTHBOUND 11/29/2022 4:00 PM - 06:00 PMPE A K H O U R S 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM 31 7:00 AM - 09:00 AM CO U N T P E R I O D S NOONAM PM PM AM AM NOON PM PM NOON AM AM NOON PM NOON NO O N PM AM NO O N AM PM NO O N AM PMNO O N PM AM 00 1 10 0 3 0 6 80 2 00 3 30 1 60 880 7 0 4 00 6 1 1 0 0 000 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 4 10 0 1 1 1 0 100 23 777 10126 891 17 8 0 0 7600 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 000 19 655 8721 519 12 13 0 0 3500 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx ATTACHMENT C INTERNAL TRIP CAPTURE WORKSHEETS Project Name: Analysis Period: Veh. Occ. Vehicle-Trips Person-Trips* Veh. Occ. Vehicle-Trips Person-Trips* Office 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 Retail 1.10 26 29 1.10 11 12 Restaurant 1.10 4 4 1.10 2 2 Cinema/Entertainment 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 Residential 1.10 21 23 1.10 84 92 Hotel 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 Office Retail Restaurant Residential Hotel Office 0 0 0 0 Retail 3 2 2 0 Restaurant 1 0 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 2 1 18 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 Office Retail Restaurant Residential Hotel Office 9 1 0 0 Retail 0 2 0 0 Restaurant 0 2 1 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 0 5 1 0 Hotel 0 1 0 0 Internal External Total Vehicles1 Transit2 Non-Motorized2 Office 0 0 0 0 0 0 Retail 1 28 29 25 0 0 Restaurant 3 1 4 1 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 0 23 23 21 0 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Other Land Uses3 00 0 0 0 0 Internal External Total Vehicles1 Transit2 Non-Motorized2 Office 0 0 0 0 0 0 Retail 2 10 12 9 0 0 Restaurant 0 2 2 2 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 2 90 92 82 0 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Other Land Uses3 00 0 0 0 0 0 *Indicates computation that has been rounded to the nearest whole number. 0 0 0 0 0 Destination (To) Cinema/Entertainment 0 3Total estimate for all other land uses at mixed-use development site-not subject to internal trip capture computations in this estimator Destination Land Use Table 9-A (O): Internal and External Trips Summary (Exiting Trips) Origin Land Use Person-Trip Estimates External Trips by Mode* External Trips by Mode* 1Vehicle-trips computed using the mode split and vehicle occupancy values provided in Table 2-A 2Person-Trips Person-Trip Estimates Carlsbad Village Mixed Use AM Street Peak Hour Table 9-A (D): Internal and External Trips Summary (Entering Trips) Table 8-A (O): Internal Person-Trip Origin-Destination Matrix (Computed at Origin) Origin (From)Destination (To) Cinema/Entertainment Table 7-A: Conversion of Vehicle-Trip Ends to Person-Trip Ends Table 7-A (O): Exiting Trips 0 0 0 Table 8-A (D): Internal Person-Trip Origin-Destination Matrix (Computed at Destination) Origin (From) Land Use Table 7-A (D): Entering Trips Project Name: Analysis Period: Veh. Occ. Vehicle-Trips Person-Trips* Veh. Occ. Vehicle-Trips Person-Trips* Office 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 Retail 1.10 48 53 1.00 46 46 Restaurant 1.10 34 37 1.10 14 15 Cinema/Entertainment 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 Residential 1.10 83 91 1.10 35 39 Hotel 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 Office Retail Restaurant Residential Hotel Office 0 0 0 0 Retail 1 13 12 2 Restaurant 0 6 3 1 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 2 16 8 1 Hotel 0 0 0 0 Office Retail Restaurant Residential Hotel Office 4 1 4 0 Retail 0 11 42 0 Restaurant 0 27 15 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 2 1 4 0 Residential 0 5 5 0 Hotel 0 1 2 0 Internal External Total Vehicles1 Transit2 Non-Motorized2 Office 0 0 0 0 0 0 Retail 11 42 53 38 0 0 Restaurant 16 21 37 19 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 15 76 91 69 0 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Other Land Uses3 000 0 0 0 Internal External Total Vehicles1 Transit2 Non-Motorized2 Office 0 0 0 0 0 0 Retail 23 23 46 23 0 0 Restaurant 9 6 15 5 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 10 29 39 26 0 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Other Land Uses3 000 0 0 0 *Indicates computation that has been rounded to the nearest whole number. Carlsbad Village Mixed Use PM Street Peak Hour Table 7-P: Conversion of Vehicle-Trip Ends to Person-Trip Ends Land Use Table 7-P (D): Entering Trips Table 7-P (O): Exiting Trips Table 8-P (O): Internal Person-Trip Origin-Destination Matrix (Computed at Origin) Origin (From)Destination (To) Destination (To) Cinema/Entertainment Cinema/Entertainment 0 2 1Vehicle-trips computed using the mode split and vehicle occupancy values provided in Table 2-P 2Person-Trips 0 0 Table 9-P (D): Internal and External Trips Summary (Entering Trips) Destination Land Use 3Total estimate for all other land uses at mixed-use development site-not subject to internal trip capture computations in this estimator Table 9-P (O): Internal and External Trips Summary (Exiting Trips) Origin Land Use Person-Trip Estimates External Trips by Mode* Person-Trip Estimates External Trips by Mode* 0 Table 8-P (D): Internal Person-Trip Origin-Destination Matrix (Computed at Destination) Origin (From) 0 0 1 0 0 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx ATTACHMENT D SIGNAL TIMING PLAN Controller Database Timing Sheet 3145 - Carlsbad Village Drive @ Harding ( Standard-2/17/2023 4:21:52 PM) Reviewed By:JMiltonCreated By: Station: Type:Firmware:Scout Ethernet 85.1.0 Modified By: 87654321 Controller Phase Times(1.1.1) 00000000Max Step 00000000DyMaxLim 20222022Gap Reduce Min Gap 00000000Gap Reduce ReduceBy 00000000Gap Reduce Time To 00000000Gap Reduce Cars B4 Reduce 00000000Gap Reduce Time B4 00000000Max Init 00000000Add Init 20222022Red Revt 230190230190Ped Clr 70707070Walk 10111011Red Clr 3.703.73.73.703.73.7Yel Clr 00000000Max 2 25050202505020MAX 1 20422042Gap Ext 7010770107MIN GRN Table - 1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM1/42 87654321 Controller Phase Options(1.1.2) ........Hold to Max SSSSSSSSAdded Init Calc ........Non-Actuated 2 ........Non-Actuated 1 ........Condit'l Service ........Rest In Walk ........Guarantd Passage X.XXX.XXEnable Simul Gap X...X...Dual Entry ........Auto Flash Exit ........Auto Flash Entry ........Lock Calls ........Soft Recall ........Ped Recall ........Max Recall ..X...X.Min Recall X.XXX.XXEnable P 87654321 Controller Phase Options+ (1.1.3) 60002000Start Yel/Nxt P 00000000Ped Out/Ovlp P 00000000Omit Yel/Yel P 50505050Grn/Ped Delay Time ........RedRest On Gap ........Ped Delay ........Max Inhibit ........Max II ........Red Rest ........Skip Red-NoCall ........PedClr Thru Yel ........Reservice Table - 1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM2/42 C 16C 15C 14C 13C 12C 11C 10C 9C 8C 7C 6C 5C 4C 3C 2C 1Startu pRing Controller Phase , Ring, Start, Concur 1-16( 0000000000000043YELLO W28 0000000000000043RED27 0000000000000021RED26 0000000000000021RED25 0000000000000087YELLOW14 0000000000000087RED13 0000000000000065RED12 0000000000000065RED11 C 32C 31C 30C 29C 28C 27C 26C 25C 24C 23C 22C 21C 20C 19C 18C 17 Controller Phase , Ring, Start, Concur 17-32( 00000000000000008 00000000000000007 00000000000000006 00000000000000005 00000000000000004 00000000000000003 00000000000000002 00000000000000001 I 32 I 31 I 30 I 29 I 28 I 27 I 26 I 25 I 24 I 23 I 22 I 21 I 20 I 19 I 18 I 17 I 16 I 15 I 14 I 13 I 12 I 11 I 10 I 9 I 8 I 7 I 6 I 5 I 4 I 3 I 2 I 1 C 4 C 3 C 2 C 1 Controller Phase Call(C), Inh(I) ( ................................00008 ................................00007 ................................00006 ................................00005 ................................00004 ................................00003 ................................00002 ................................00001 Redirect P Calls To 4 Redirect P Calls From 4 Redirect P Calls To 3 Redirect P Calls From 3 Redirect P Calls To 2 Redirect P Calls From 2 Redirect P Calls To 1 Redirect P Calls From 1 Controller Phase Redirect ( 000000001 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM3/42 Redirect P Calls To 4 Redirect P Calls From 4 Redirect P Calls To 3 Redirect P Calls From 3 Redirect P Calls To 2 Redirect P Calls From 2 Redirect P Calls To 1 Redirect P Calls From 1 Controller Phase Redirect ( 000000008 000000007 000000006 000000005 000000004 000000003 000000002 Value Unit Parms(1.2.1) 5Red Revert 0AudioPedTime .TSP (Transit) .MAS (Master) .Metric 0ADA Button Time .ASC (Local) 0TestMods .InFYARedStart STOPTMAux Switch Function 1Feature Profile EXTPrmpt/ExtCoor Out 0Max Seek Dwell Time 0Max Seek Track Time .Stop Time Over Preempt .StartupCalls .TOD Dim Enable 0Start Red Time .Allow Skip Yel .Allow < 3 sec Yel .Local Flash Start 0MCE Timeout 0StartUp Flash(s) 8Screen Size Table - 1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM4/42 Value Unit Parms(1.2.1) .Web 0InetdRestart 0Security Delay .Clearance Decide .DSRC 14Free Ring Sequence .LCU 4PHDiamond Mode .PSI STD8Phase Mode .ENW (Emergency) .SGN (Synchro Green) .InvrtLocaFlsh XTone Disable .NAD (Naztec Adaptive) 3-6LPAlt Source 10Display Time ALARMCycFailActn 0Max Cycle Tm USERIO Mode XAuto Ped Clear .DCS 0CNA FreeTime Tab le - 2 3231302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321 Tab le - 1 Ring Sequences (1.2.4) 21 Ring Input Map(1.2.5) 21Use Ring Inputs Table - 1 Channe l 16 Channe l 15 Channe l 14 Channe l 13 Channe l 12 Channe l 11 Channe l 10 Channe l 9 Channe l 8 Channe l 7 Channe l 6 Channe l 5 Channe l 4 Channe l 3 Channe l 2 Table - 1 MMU Permissives(1.3.3) .X........XX...1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM5/42 Value Auto Flash Parms(1.4.1) D-CONNInput Source (Type 2) CHANNELFlash Mode Table - 1 Value General Overlap Parameters(1.5.1) ALWAYSInhibitLockInterval .Parent P Clrncs .Conflict Lock Enable .Lock Inhibit Table - 1 4321 Overlap Programming(1.5.2.X.1) 0000Inc 22 0000Inc 21 0000Inc 20 0000Inc 19 0000Inc 18 0000Inc 17 0000Inc 16 0000Inc 15 0000Inc 14 0000Inc 13 0000Inc 12 0000Inc 11 0000Inc 10 0000Inc 9 0000Inc 8 0000Inc 7 0000Inc 6 0000Inc 5 0000Inc 4 0000Inc 3 0000Inc 2 0000Inc 1 Table - 1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM6/42 4321 Overlap Programming(1.5.2.X.1) 0000Mod 26 0000Mod 25 0000Mod 24 0000Mod 23 0000Mod 22 0000Mod 21 0000Mod 20 0000Mod 19 0000Mod 18 0000Mod 17 0000Mod 16 0000Mod 15 0000Mod 14 0000Mod 13 0000Mod 12 0000Mod 11 0000Mod 10 0000Mod 9 0000Mod 8 0000Mod 7 0000Mod 6 0000Mod 5 0000Mod 4 0000Mod 3 0000Mod 2 0000Mod 1 0000Inc 32 0000Inc 31 0000Inc 30 0000Inc 29 0000Inc 28 0000Inc 27 0000Inc 26 0000Inc 25 0000Inc 24 0000Inc 23 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM7/42 4321 Overlap Programming(1.5.2.X.1) 0000Green NORMALNORMALNORMALNORMALType 0000Mod 32 0000Mod 31 0000Mod 30 0000Mod 29 0000Mod 28 0000Mod 27 4321 Overlap Confl Prog+(1.5.2.X.2) 0000Phs 23 0000Phs 22 0000Phs 21 0000Phs 20 0000Phs 19 0000Phs 18 0000Phs 17 0000Phs 16 0000Phs 15 0000Phs 14 0000Phs 13 0000Phs 12 0000Phs 11 0000Phs 10 0000Phs 09 0000Phs 08 0000Phs 07 0000Phs 06 0000Phs 05 0000Phs 04 0000Phs 03 0000Phs 02 0000Phs 01 Table - 1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM8/42 4321 Overlap Confl Prog+(1.5.2.X.2) 0000Olp 27 0000Olp 26 0000Olp 25 0000Olp 24 0000Olp 23 0000Olp 22 0000Olp 21 0000Olp 20 0000Olp 19 0000Olp 18 0000Olp 17 0000Olp 16 0000Olp 15 0000Olp 14 0000Olp 13 0000Olp 12 0000Olp 11 0000Olp 10 0000Olp 9 0000Olp 8 0000Olp 7 0000Olp 6 0000Olp 5 0000Olp 4 0000Olp 3 0000Olp 2 0000Olp 1 0000Phs 32 0000Phs 31 0000Phs 30 0000Phs 29 0000Phs 28 0000Phs 27 0000Phs 26 0000Phs 25 0000Phs 24 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM9/42 4321 Overlap Confl Prog+(1.5.2.X.2) 0000Ped 31 0000Ped 30 0000Ped 29 0000Ped 28 0000Ped 27 0000Ped 26 0000Ped 25 0000Ped 24 0000Ped 23 0000Ped 22 0000Ped 21 0000Ped 20 0000Ped 19 0000Ped 18 0000Ped 17 0000Ped 16 0000Ped 15 0000Ped 14 0000Ped 13 0000Ped 12 0000Ped 11 0000Ped 10 0000Ped 9 0000Ped 8 0000Ped 7 0000Ped 6 0000Ped 5 0000Ped 4 0000Ped 3 0000Ped 2 0000Ped 1 0000Olp 32 0000Olp 31 0000Olp 30 0000Olp 29 0000Olp 28 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM10/42 4321 Overlap Confl Prog+(1.5.2.X.2) 0000Ped 32 Value Overlap Program Parms+(1.5.2.X.3) .GrnExtInh 21 .GrnExtInh 20 .GrnExtInh 19 .GrnExtInh 18 .GrnExtInh 17 .GrnExtInh 16 .GrnExtInh 15 .GrnExtInh 14 .GrnExtInh 13 .GrnExtInh 12 .GrnExtInh 11 .GrnExtInh 10 .GrnExtInh 9 .GrnExtInh 8 .GrnExtInh 7 .GrnExtInh 6 .GrnExtInh 5 .GrnExtInh 4 .GrnExtInh 3 .GrnExtInh 2 .GrnExtInh 1 .PedRecycle .RestInWalk .OverrideYellow .OverrideExcl .GoBarNoNext 0PedClearTime .PedCallClear 0FYA Delay Time 0Transit Input .Leading Green Table - 1 Table -1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM11/42 Value Overlap Program Parms+(1.5.2.X.3) 0FYA Delay Time 0Transit Input .Leading Green Table - 1 Table -2 0FYACallPh 0FYAMinTime .FYARedB4Ped 0FYAGapDet4 0FYAGapDet3 0FYAGapDet2 0FYAGapDet1 0FYAGapExt 0FYAGapMax 0FYAGapMin 0GoBarMinFlash .PedRecall .OverrideRed .OverrideGreen .AUXGreenSwap .FYA ImmedReturn 0FYA Ext Overlap .FYA After Preempt .FYA Skip Red .FYA MCE Disable .GrnExtInh 32 .GrnExtInh 31 .GrnExtInh 30 .GrnExtInh 29 .GrnExtInh 28 .GrnExtInh 27 .GrnExtInh 26 .GrnExtInh 25 .GrnExtInh 24 .GrnExtInh 23 .GrnExtInh 22 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM12/42 Value Overlap Program Parms+(1.5.2.X.3) .GrnExtInh 29 .GrnExtInh 28 .GrnExtInh 27 .GrnExtInh 26 .GrnExtInh 25 .GrnExtInh 24 .GrnExtInh 23 .GrnExtInh 22 .GrnExtInh 21 .GrnExtInh 20 .GrnExtInh 19 .GrnExtInh 18 .GrnExtInh 17 .GrnExtInh 16 .GrnExtInh 15 .GrnExtInh 14 .GrnExtInh 13 .GrnExtInh 12 .GrnExtInh 11 .GrnExtInh 10 .GrnExtInh 9 .GrnExtInh 8 .GrnExtInh 7 .GrnExtInh 6 .GrnExtInh 5 .GrnExtInh 4 .GrnExtInh 3 .GrnExtInh 2 .GrnExtInh 1 .PedRecycle .RestInWalk .OverrideYellow .OverrideExcl .GoBarNoNext 0PedClearTime .PedCallClear 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM13/42 Value Overlap Program Parms+(1.5.2.X.3) .GrnExtInh 1 .PedRecycle .RestInWalk .OverrideYellow .OverrideExcl .GoBarNoNext 0PedClearTime .PedCallClear 0FYA Delay Time 0Transit Input .Leading Green Table - 1 Table -3 0FYACallPh 0FYAMinTime .FYARedB4Ped 0FYAGapDet4 0FYAGapDet3 0FYAGapDet2 0FYAGapDet1 0FYAGapExt 0FYAGapMax 0FYAGapMin 0GoBarMinFlash .PedRecall .OverrideRed .OverrideGreen .AUXGreenSwap .FYA ImmedReturn 0FYA Ext Overlap .FYA After Preempt .FYA Skip Red .FYA MCE Disable .GrnExtInh 32 .GrnExtInh 31 .GrnExtInh 30 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM14/42 Value Overlap Program Parms+(1.5.2.X.3) .FYA ImmedReturn 0FYA Ext Overlap .FYA After Preempt .FYA Skip Red .FYA MCE Disable .GrnExtInh 32 .GrnExtInh 31 .GrnExtInh 30 .GrnExtInh 29 .GrnExtInh 28 .GrnExtInh 27 .GrnExtInh 26 .GrnExtInh 25 .GrnExtInh 24 .GrnExtInh 23 .GrnExtInh 22 .GrnExtInh 21 .GrnExtInh 20 .GrnExtInh 19 .GrnExtInh 18 .GrnExtInh 17 .GrnExtInh 16 .GrnExtInh 15 .GrnExtInh 14 .GrnExtInh 13 .GrnExtInh 12 .GrnExtInh 11 .GrnExtInh 10 .GrnExtInh 9 .GrnExtInh 8 .GrnExtInh 7 .GrnExtInh 6 .GrnExtInh 5 .GrnExtInh 4 .GrnExtInh 3 .GrnExtInh 2 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM15/42 Value Overlap Program Parms+(1.5.2.X.3) .GrnExtInh 9 .GrnExtInh 8 .GrnExtInh 7 .GrnExtInh 6 .GrnExtInh 5 .GrnExtInh 4 .GrnExtInh 3 .GrnExtInh 2 .GrnExtInh 1 .PedRecycle .RestInWalk .OverrideYellow .OverrideExcl .GoBarNoNext 0PedClearTime .PedCallClear 0FYA Delay Time 0Transit Input .Leading Green Table - 1 Table -4 0FYACallPh 0FYAMinTime .FYARedB4Ped 0FYAGapDet4 0FYAGapDet3 0FYAGapDet2 0FYAGapDet1 0FYAGapExt 0FYAGapMax 0FYAGapMin 0GoBarMinFlash .PedRecall .OverrideRed .OverrideGreen .AUXGreenSwap 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM16/42 Value Overlap Program Parms+(1.5.2.X.3) 0FYAGapExt 0FYAGapMax 0FYAGapMin 0GoBarMinFlash .PedRecall .OverrideRed .OverrideGreen .AUXGreenSwap .FYA ImmedReturn 0FYA Ext Overlap .FYA After Preempt .FYA Skip Red .FYA MCE Disable .GrnExtInh 32 .GrnExtInh 31 .GrnExtInh 30 .GrnExtInh 29 .GrnExtInh 28 .GrnExtInh 27 .GrnExtInh 26 .GrnExtInh 25 .GrnExtInh 24 .GrnExtInh 23 .GrnExtInh 22 .GrnExtInh 21 .GrnExtInh 20 .GrnExtInh 19 .GrnExtInh 18 .GrnExtInh 17 .GrnExtInh 16 .GrnExtInh 15 .GrnExtInh 14 .GrnExtInh 13 .GrnExtInh 12 .GrnExtInh 11 .GrnExtInh 10 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM17/42 Value Overlap Program Parms+(1.5.2.X.3) 0FYACallPh 0FYAMinTime .FYARedB4Ped 0FYAGapDet4 0FYAGapDet3 0FYAGapDet2 0FYAGapDet1 16151413121110987654321 Channels Assignments(1.8.1) ++++++++++++++++Dim Cyc ................Dim Red ................Dim Yellow ................Dim Green ................Alt Hz ................Flash Green ................Flash Yellow ....XXXXXXXXXXXXFlash Red PEDPEDPEDPEDOLPOLPOLPOLPVEHVEHVEHVEHVEHVEHVEHVEHType 8642432187654321PH/OLP # Table - 1 32313029282726252423222120191817 Channels Assignments(1.8.2) ++++++++++++++++Dim Cyc ................Dim Red ................Dim Yellow ................Dim Green ................Alt Hz ................Flash Green ................Flash Yellow ................Flash Red ........VEHVEHVEHVEHPEDPEDPEDPEDType 0000000000007531PH/OLP # Table - 1 Value Channels Parms(1.8.3) 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM18/42 Value Channels Parms(1.8.3) USERIO Mode .Invert Rail Input USERD Conn Mapping .TOD Dim Enable 87654321 2A Output Map( 115575911453554951Pin 8 115333511529312527Pin 7 115911415713Pin 6 11558604254565052Pin 5 11534364030322628Pin 4 1151012386824Pin 3 11565663963646162Pin 2 11517183715161314Pin 1 Table - 1 Value Logging Purdue(1.9.5) .Cabinet .Overlaps .Preempt .Control .COORD .Peds .Dets .COLOR 0ResyncFreq 0LogHistory 0MaxDuration 0MaxBlocks .EnableLogs Table - 1 Value Coordination Modes, + (2.1) 0OpMode Table - 1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM19/42 Value Coordination Modes, + (2.1) 0Plan D 0Plan B .ExtOnCommFail 0ExtFailPattern .PedCallInh XNoAddedInit TIMEDLeave Walk After TIMEDLeave Walk Before 0NTCIP Yield +NTCIP Yield Sign .Auto Err Reset .Easy Float 0Plan C 0Plan A 0SyncPulsetime XDynShortway .ExtPattern XFreeOnSeqChang NO_RECYCLEWalk Recycle XStop In Walk .Latch Sec Frc .External XClosed Loop RESERVEDForce-Off Plus MAX INHMaximumMode CHANNELFlash Mode SHRT/LNGCorrectionMode FLOATForceOffMode seqncSplitOffsetCycleTable - 1 Patterns(2.4) 10004 143781003 10002 141221001 Splits Expanded(2.7.X.1) 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM20/42 87654321 NONNONNONNONNONNONNONNONMode ........Coord Phase 00000000Time Table - 6 NONNONNONNONNONNONNONNONMode ........Coord Phase 00000000Time Table - 4 NONNONMAXNONNONNONMAXNONMode ......X.Coord Phase 35040253504025Time Table - 3 NONNONNONNONNONNONNONNONMode ........Coord Phase 00000000Time Table - 2 NONNONMAXNONNONNONMAXNONMode ..X.....Coord Phase 35040253504025Time Table - 1 Value Preempt Parms(1.2.1) .Invert Rail Input .EVP Ped Confirmations ALARMCycFailActn 0Max Seek Dwell Time 0Max Seek Track Time 0Max Cycle Tm 3-6LPAlt Source Table - 1 Value Preempt Times (3.1.X.1) 0MaxPres 0MinDura 0Delay Table - 1 Table -1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM21/42 Value Preempt Times (3.1.X.1) 0Track Grn 0PedClr 0MinWalk 0MINGRN 23MaxPres 0MinDura 0Delay Table - 1 Table -4 0Init Dwell 0Min Dwell 0Track Grn 0PedClr 0MinWalk 0MINGRN 23MaxPres 0MinDura 0Delay Table - 1 Table -3 0Init Dwell 0Min Dwell 0Track Grn 0PedClr 0MinWalk 0MINGRN 0MaxPres 0MinDura 0Delay Table - 1 Table -2 0Init Dwell 0Min Dwell 0Track Grn 0PedClr 0MinWalk 0MINGRN 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM22/42 Value Preempt Times (3.1.X.1) 0Init Dwell 0Min Dwell 0Track Grn 0PedClr 0MinWalk 0MINGRN 23MaxPres 0MinDura 0Delay Table - 1 Table -6 0Init Dwell 0Min Dwell 0Track Grn 0PedClr 0MinWalk 0MINGRN 23MaxPres 0MinDura 0Delay Table - 1 Table -5 0Init Dwell 0Min Dwell Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) 0Dwell Cyc Veh1 0Track Veh8 0Track Veh7 0Track Veh6 0Track Veh5 0Track Veh4 0Track Veh3 0Track Veh2 0Track Veh1 Table -1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM23/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) 0Dwell Cyc Ped5 0Dwell Cyc Ped4 0Dwell Cyc Ped3 0Dwell Cyc Ped2 0Dwell Cyc Ped1 0Dwell Cyc Veh32 0Dwell Cyc Veh31 0Dwell Cyc Veh30 0Dwell Cyc Veh29 0Dwell Cyc Veh28 0Dwell Cyc Veh27 0Dwell Cyc Veh26 0Dwell Cyc Veh25 0Dwell Cyc Veh24 0Dwell Cyc Veh23 0Dwell Cyc Veh22 0Dwell Cyc Veh21 0Dwell Cyc Veh20 0Dwell Cyc Veh19 0Dwell Cyc Veh18 0Dwell Cyc Veh17 0Dwell Cyc Veh16 0Dwell Cyc Veh15 0Dwell Cyc Veh14 0Dwell Cyc Veh13 0Dwell Cyc Veh12 0Dwell Cyc Veh11 0Dwell Cyc Veh10 0Dwell Cyc Veh9 0Dwell Cyc Veh8 0Dwell Cyc Veh7 0Dwell Cyc Veh6 0Dwell Cyc Veh5 0Dwell Cyc Veh4 0Dwell Cyc Veh3 0Dwell Cyc Veh2 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM24/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) Table -2 0Exit 8 0Exit 7 0Exit 6 0Exit 5 0Exit 4 0Exit 3 0Exit 2 0Exit 1 0Dwell Cyc Ped32 0Dwell Cyc Ped31 0Dwell Cyc Ped30 0Dwell Cyc Ped29 0Dwell Cyc Ped28 0Dwell Cyc Ped27 0Dwell Cyc Ped26 0Dwell Cyc Ped25 0Dwell Cyc Ped24 0Dwell Cyc Ped23 0Dwell Cyc Ped22 0Dwell Cyc Ped21 0Dwell Cyc Ped20 0Dwell Cyc Ped19 0Dwell Cyc Ped18 0Dwell Cyc Ped17 0Dwell Cyc Ped16 0Dwell Cyc Ped15 0Dwell Cyc Ped14 0Dwell Cyc Ped13 0Dwell Cyc Ped12 0Dwell Cyc Ped11 0Dwell Cyc Ped10 0Dwell Cyc Ped9 0Dwell Cyc Ped8 0Dwell Cyc Ped7 0Dwell Cyc Ped6 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM25/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) 0Dwell Cyc Veh28 0Dwell Cyc Veh27 0Dwell Cyc Veh26 0Dwell Cyc Veh25 0Dwell Cyc Veh24 0Dwell Cyc Veh23 0Dwell Cyc Veh22 0Dwell Cyc Veh21 0Dwell Cyc Veh20 0Dwell Cyc Veh19 0Dwell Cyc Veh18 0Dwell Cyc Veh17 0Dwell Cyc Veh16 0Dwell Cyc Veh15 0Dwell Cyc Veh14 0Dwell Cyc Veh13 0Dwell Cyc Veh12 0Dwell Cyc Veh11 0Dwell Cyc Veh10 0Dwell Cyc Veh9 0Dwell Cyc Veh8 0Dwell Cyc Veh7 0Dwell Cyc Veh6 0Dwell Cyc Veh5 0Dwell Cyc Veh4 0Dwell Cyc Veh3 0Dwell Cyc Veh2 0Dwell Cyc Veh1 0Track Veh8 0Track Veh7 0Track Veh6 0Track Veh5 0Track Veh4 0Track Veh3 0Track Veh2 0Track Veh1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM26/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) 0Dwell Cyc Ped32 0Dwell Cyc Ped31 0Dwell Cyc Ped30 0Dwell Cyc Ped29 0Dwell Cyc Ped28 0Dwell Cyc Ped27 0Dwell Cyc Ped26 0Dwell Cyc Ped25 0Dwell Cyc Ped24 0Dwell Cyc Ped23 0Dwell Cyc Ped22 0Dwell Cyc Ped21 0Dwell Cyc Ped20 0Dwell Cyc Ped19 0Dwell Cyc Ped18 0Dwell Cyc Ped17 0Dwell Cyc Ped16 0Dwell Cyc Ped15 0Dwell Cyc Ped14 0Dwell Cyc Ped13 0Dwell Cyc Ped12 0Dwell Cyc Ped11 0Dwell Cyc Ped10 0Dwell Cyc Ped9 0Dwell Cyc Ped8 0Dwell Cyc Ped7 0Dwell Cyc Ped6 0Dwell Cyc Ped5 0Dwell Cyc Ped4 0Dwell Cyc Ped3 0Dwell Cyc Ped2 0Dwell Cyc Ped1 0Dwell Cyc Veh32 0Dwell Cyc Veh31 0Dwell Cyc Veh30 0Dwell Cyc Veh29 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM27/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) 0Dwell Cyc Veh19 0Dwell Cyc Veh18 0Dwell Cyc Veh17 0Dwell Cyc Veh16 0Dwell Cyc Veh15 0Dwell Cyc Veh14 0Dwell Cyc Veh13 0Dwell Cyc Veh12 0Dwell Cyc Veh11 0Dwell Cyc Veh10 0Dwell Cyc Veh9 0Dwell Cyc Veh8 0Dwell Cyc Veh7 0Dwell Cyc Veh6 0Dwell Cyc Veh5 0Dwell Cyc Veh4 0Dwell Cyc Veh3 5Dwell Cyc Veh2 2Dwell Cyc Veh1 0Track Veh8 0Track Veh7 0Track Veh6 0Track Veh5 0Track Veh4 0Track Veh3 0Track Veh2 0Track Veh1 Table -3 0Exit 8 0Exit 7 0Exit 6 0Exit 5 0Exit 4 0Exit 3 0Exit 2 0Exit 1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM28/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) 0Dwell Cyc Ped23 0Dwell Cyc Ped22 0Dwell Cyc Ped21 0Dwell Cyc Ped20 0Dwell Cyc Ped19 0Dwell Cyc Ped18 0Dwell Cyc Ped17 0Dwell Cyc Ped16 0Dwell Cyc Ped15 0Dwell Cyc Ped14 0Dwell Cyc Ped13 0Dwell Cyc Ped12 0Dwell Cyc Ped11 0Dwell Cyc Ped10 0Dwell Cyc Ped9 0Dwell Cyc Ped8 0Dwell Cyc Ped7 0Dwell Cyc Ped6 0Dwell Cyc Ped5 0Dwell Cyc Ped4 0Dwell Cyc Ped3 0Dwell Cyc Ped2 0Dwell Cyc Ped1 0Dwell Cyc Veh32 0Dwell Cyc Veh31 0Dwell Cyc Veh30 0Dwell Cyc Veh29 0Dwell Cyc Veh28 0Dwell Cyc Veh27 0Dwell Cyc Veh26 0Dwell Cyc Veh25 0Dwell Cyc Veh24 0Dwell Cyc Veh23 0Dwell Cyc Veh22 0Dwell Cyc Veh21 0Dwell Cyc Veh20 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM29/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) 0Dwell Cyc Veh10 0Dwell Cyc Veh9 0Dwell Cyc Veh8 0Dwell Cyc Veh7 0Dwell Cyc Veh6 0Dwell Cyc Veh5 0Dwell Cyc Veh4 0Dwell Cyc Veh3 0Dwell Cyc Veh2 4Dwell Cyc Veh1 0Track Veh8 0Track Veh7 0Track Veh6 0Track Veh5 0Track Veh4 0Track Veh3 0Track Veh2 0Track Veh1 Table -4 0Exit 8 0Exit 7 0Exit 6 0Exit 5 0Exit 4 0Exit 3 0Exit 2 0Exit 1 0Dwell Cyc Ped32 0Dwell Cyc Ped31 0Dwell Cyc Ped30 0Dwell Cyc Ped29 0Dwell Cyc Ped28 0Dwell Cyc Ped27 0Dwell Cyc Ped26 0Dwell Cyc Ped25 0Dwell Cyc Ped24 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM30/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) 0Dwell Cyc Ped14 0Dwell Cyc Ped13 0Dwell Cyc Ped12 0Dwell Cyc Ped11 0Dwell Cyc Ped10 0Dwell Cyc Ped9 0Dwell Cyc Ped8 0Dwell Cyc Ped7 0Dwell Cyc Ped6 0Dwell Cyc Ped5 0Dwell Cyc Ped4 0Dwell Cyc Ped3 0Dwell Cyc Ped2 0Dwell Cyc Ped1 0Dwell Cyc Veh32 0Dwell Cyc Veh31 0Dwell Cyc Veh30 0Dwell Cyc Veh29 0Dwell Cyc Veh28 0Dwell Cyc Veh27 0Dwell Cyc Veh26 0Dwell Cyc Veh25 0Dwell Cyc Veh24 0Dwell Cyc Veh23 0Dwell Cyc Veh22 0Dwell Cyc Veh21 0Dwell Cyc Veh20 0Dwell Cyc Veh19 0Dwell Cyc Veh18 0Dwell Cyc Veh17 0Dwell Cyc Veh16 0Dwell Cyc Veh15 0Dwell Cyc Veh14 0Dwell Cyc Veh13 0Dwell Cyc Veh12 0Dwell Cyc Veh11 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM31/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) 1Dwell Cyc Veh1 0Track Veh8 0Track Veh7 0Track Veh6 0Track Veh5 0Track Veh4 0Track Veh3 0Track Veh2 0Track Veh1 Table -5 0Exit 8 0Exit 7 0Exit 6 0Exit 5 0Exit 4 0Exit 3 0Exit 2 0Exit 1 0Dwell Cyc Ped32 0Dwell Cyc Ped31 0Dwell Cyc Ped30 0Dwell Cyc Ped29 0Dwell Cyc Ped28 0Dwell Cyc Ped27 0Dwell Cyc Ped26 0Dwell Cyc Ped25 0Dwell Cyc Ped24 0Dwell Cyc Ped23 0Dwell Cyc Ped22 0Dwell Cyc Ped21 0Dwell Cyc Ped20 0Dwell Cyc Ped19 0Dwell Cyc Ped18 0Dwell Cyc Ped17 0Dwell Cyc Ped16 0Dwell Cyc Ped15 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM32/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) 0Dwell Cyc Ped5 0Dwell Cyc Ped4 0Dwell Cyc Ped3 0Dwell Cyc Ped2 0Dwell Cyc Ped1 0Dwell Cyc Veh32 0Dwell Cyc Veh31 0Dwell Cyc Veh30 0Dwell Cyc Veh29 0Dwell Cyc Veh28 0Dwell Cyc Veh27 0Dwell Cyc Veh26 0Dwell Cyc Veh25 0Dwell Cyc Veh24 0Dwell Cyc Veh23 0Dwell Cyc Veh22 0Dwell Cyc Veh21 0Dwell Cyc Veh20 0Dwell Cyc Veh19 0Dwell Cyc Veh18 0Dwell Cyc Veh17 0Dwell Cyc Veh16 0Dwell Cyc Veh15 0Dwell Cyc Veh14 0Dwell Cyc Veh13 0Dwell Cyc Veh12 0Dwell Cyc Veh11 0Dwell Cyc Veh10 0Dwell Cyc Veh9 0Dwell Cyc Veh8 0Dwell Cyc Veh7 0Dwell Cyc Veh6 0Dwell Cyc Veh5 0Dwell Cyc Veh4 0Dwell Cyc Veh3 6Dwell Cyc Veh2 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM33/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) Table -6 0Exit 8 0Exit 7 0Exit 6 0Exit 5 0Exit 4 0Exit 3 0Exit 2 0Exit 1 0Dwell Cyc Ped32 0Dwell Cyc Ped31 0Dwell Cyc Ped30 0Dwell Cyc Ped29 0Dwell Cyc Ped28 0Dwell Cyc Ped27 0Dwell Cyc Ped26 0Dwell Cyc Ped25 0Dwell Cyc Ped24 0Dwell Cyc Ped23 0Dwell Cyc Ped22 0Dwell Cyc Ped21 0Dwell Cyc Ped20 0Dwell Cyc Ped19 0Dwell Cyc Ped18 0Dwell Cyc Ped17 0Dwell Cyc Ped16 0Dwell Cyc Ped15 0Dwell Cyc Ped14 0Dwell Cyc Ped13 0Dwell Cyc Ped12 0Dwell Cyc Ped11 0Dwell Cyc Ped10 0Dwell Cyc Ped9 0Dwell Cyc Ped8 0Dwell Cyc Ped7 0Dwell Cyc Ped6 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM34/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) 0Dwell Cyc Veh28 0Dwell Cyc Veh27 0Dwell Cyc Veh26 0Dwell Cyc Veh25 0Dwell Cyc Veh24 0Dwell Cyc Veh23 0Dwell Cyc Veh22 0Dwell Cyc Veh21 0Dwell Cyc Veh20 0Dwell Cyc Veh19 0Dwell Cyc Veh18 0Dwell Cyc Veh17 0Dwell Cyc Veh16 0Dwell Cyc Veh15 0Dwell Cyc Veh14 0Dwell Cyc Veh13 0Dwell Cyc Veh12 0Dwell Cyc Veh11 0Dwell Cyc Veh10 0Dwell Cyc Veh9 0Dwell Cyc Veh8 0Dwell Cyc Veh7 0Dwell Cyc Veh6 0Dwell Cyc Veh5 0Dwell Cyc Veh4 0Dwell Cyc Veh3 8Dwell Cyc Veh2 0Dwell Cyc Veh1 0Track Veh8 0Track Veh7 0Track Veh6 0Track Veh5 0Track Veh4 0Track Veh3 0Track Veh2 0Track Veh1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM35/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) 0Dwell Cyc Ped32 0Dwell Cyc Ped31 0Dwell Cyc Ped30 0Dwell Cyc Ped29 0Dwell Cyc Ped28 0Dwell Cyc Ped27 0Dwell Cyc Ped26 0Dwell Cyc Ped25 0Dwell Cyc Ped24 0Dwell Cyc Ped23 0Dwell Cyc Ped22 0Dwell Cyc Ped21 0Dwell Cyc Ped20 0Dwell Cyc Ped19 0Dwell Cyc Ped18 0Dwell Cyc Ped17 0Dwell Cyc Ped16 0Dwell Cyc Ped15 0Dwell Cyc Ped14 0Dwell Cyc Ped13 0Dwell Cyc Ped12 0Dwell Cyc Ped11 0Dwell Cyc Ped10 0Dwell Cyc Ped9 0Dwell Cyc Ped8 0Dwell Cyc Ped7 0Dwell Cyc Ped6 0Dwell Cyc Ped5 0Dwell Cyc Ped4 0Dwell Cyc Ped3 0Dwell Cyc Ped2 0Dwell Cyc Ped1 0Dwell Cyc Veh32 0Dwell Cyc Veh31 0Dwell Cyc Veh30 0Dwell Cyc Veh29 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM36/42 Value Preempt Phases(3.1.X.2) 0Exit 8 0Exit 7 0Exit 6 0Exit 5 0Exit 4 0Exit 3 0Exit 2 0Exit 1 Value Preempt Options(3.1.X.3) .Flash in Dwell .Override Higher # Preempt .Override Auto Flash .Lock Input Table -4 0Link to Preempt .Flash in Dwell .Override Higher # Preempt .Override Auto Flash .Lock Input Table -3 0Link to Preempt XFlash in Dwell XOverride Higher # Preempt XOverride Auto Flash XLock Input Table -2 0Link to Preempt XFlash in Dwell XOverride Higher # Preempt XOverride Auto Flash XLock Input Table -1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM37/42 Value Preempt Options(3.1.X.3) 0Link to Preempt .Flash in Dwell .Override Higher # Preempt .Override Auto Flash .Lock Input Table -6 0Link to Preempt .Flash in Dwell .Override Higher # Preempt .Override Auto Flash .Lock Input Table -5 0Link to Preempt 16151413121110987654321 Day Plan(4.4) 0000000000000000Action 0000000000000000Minute 0000000000000000Hour Table - 4 0000000000000000Action 0000000000000000Minute 0000000000000000Hour Table - 3 00000000000000014Action 0000000000000000Minute 0000000000000000Hour Table - 2 000000000000143114Action 000000000000300300Minute 000000000000181370Hour Table - 1 MaxPresNo ActivityQueue.Extend.DelaySwitch PhaseCall PhaseTable - 1 Vehicle Detector Params(5.1) 00000051 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM38/42 MaxPresNo ActivityQueue.Extend.DelaySwitch PhaseCall PhaseTable - 1 Vehicle Detector Params(5.1) 000000032 000000031 000000030 000000029 000000728 000000527 000000826 000000825 000000824 000000823 000000822 000000321 000000620 000000619 000000618 000000617 000000616 000000115 000000314 000000113 000000412 000000411 000000410 00000049 00000048 00000077 00000026 00000025 00000024 00000023 00000022 VolumeOccupYellow LockRed LockAdded InitQueueExtendCallFail TimeErrCnt Vehicle Detector Options(5.2) XX..X.XX203 XX..X.XX202 XX..X.XX201 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM39/42 VolumeOccupYellow LockRed LockAdded InitQueueExtendCallFail TimeErrCnt Vehicle Detector Options(5.2) ........0032 ........0031 ........0030 ........0029 XX..X.XX2028 XX..X.XX2027 XX..X.XX2026 XX..X.XX2025 XX..X.XX2024 XX..X.XX2023 XX..X.XX2022 XX..X.XX2021 XX..X.XX2020 XX..X.XX2019 XX..X.XX2018 XX..X.XX2017 XX..X.XX2016 XX..X.XX2015 XX..X.XX2014 XX..X.XX2013 XX..X.XX2012 XX..X.XX2011 XX..X.XX2010 XX..X.XX209 XX..X.XX208 XX..X.XX207 XX..X.XX206 XX..X.XX205 XX..X.XX204 MaxPresNo ActCallTable - 1 Ped Detectors(5.4) 0085 10044 0003 10022 0001 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM40/42 MaxPresNo ActCallTable - 1 Ped Detectors(5.4) 10088 0007 10066 ErrCnt Ped Enh+(5.9.4) 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 Value General Comm Parms(6.1) 0Fail Time 900Backup Time 0Master ID 0Group ID 3145Station ID Table - 1 FCMBaudTable - 1 Port Parameters(6.2) 012008 012007 012006 012005 012004 012003 696002 696001 Value IP Parameters(6.5) Table - 1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM41/42 Value IP Parameters(6.5) 0IP Ping 4 0IP Ping 3 0IP Ping 2 0IP Ping 1 0IP Host2 4 0IP Host2 3 0IP Host2 2 0IP Host2 1 0IP Host1 4 0IP Host1 3 0IP Host1 2 0IP Host1 1 .Use Grat Arp .Use DHCP 5145IP Port 1IP Gateway 4 96IP Gateway 3 188IP Gateway 2 10IP Gateway 1 0IP Broadcast 4 0IP Broadcast 3 0IP Broadcast 2 0IP Broadcast 1 0IP Mask 4 224IP Mask 3 255IP Mask 2 255IP Mask 1 161IP Address 4 97IP Address 3 188IP Address 2 10IP Address 1 3145 9/22/2023 4:34:33 PM42/42 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx ATTACHMENT E EXISTING QUEUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS Existing AM Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Queuing and Blocking Report N:\3651\Analysis\Synchro\1 EX AM.syn SimTraffic Report Intersection: 1: Harding St & Carlsbad Village Dr Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB SB Directions Served L T TR L T TR LTR LTR Maximum Queue (ft)70 173 162 150 204 197 160 133 Average Queue (ft)9 97 44 75 79 60 82 72 95th Queue (ft)39 167 113 135 156 135 149 126 Link Distance (ft)286 286 336 336 146 118 Upstream Blk Time (%)2 3 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft)90 155 Storage Blk Time (%)10 2 1 Queuing Penalty (veh)1 4 1 Intersection: 2: Village Plaza Dwy & Carlsbad Village Dr Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB SB Directions Served L T TR L T TR R R Maximum Queue (ft)39 64 41 63 74 51 55 45 Average Queue (ft)9 6 4 24 11 4 23 12 95th Queue (ft)32 34 22 53 45 25 51 38 Link Distance (ft)336 336 215 215 32 109 Upstream Blk Time (%)4 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 120 180 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 7 Existing PM Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Queuing and Blocking Report N:\3651\Analysis\Synchro\2 EX PM.syn SimTraffic Report Intersection: 1: Harding St & Carlsbad Village Dr Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB SB Directions Served L T TR L T TR LTR LTR Maximum Queue (ft) 114 304 259 158 254 217 165 140 Average Queue (ft) 27 192 124 91 108 88 109 98 95th Queue (ft)84 292 227 157 198 173 179 149 Link Distance (ft)289 289 336 336 146 118 Upstream Blk Time (%)1 0 0 5 10 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 0 0 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft)90 155 Storage Blk Time (%)0 30 3 3 Queuing Penalty (veh) 1 5 9 3 Intersection: 2: Village Plaza Dwy & Carlsbad Village Dr Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB SB Directions Served L T TR L T TR R R Maximum Queue (ft)39 120 124 78 69 84 74 30 Average Queue (ft)13 20 17 33 14 9 35 6 95th Queue (ft)38 74 72 65 51 43 60 26 Link Distance (ft)336 336 215 215 32 109 Upstream Blk Time (%)11 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 120 180 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 19 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx ATTACHMENT F EXISTING + PROJECT QUEUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS Existing + Proj AM Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Queuing and Blocking Report N:\3651\Analysis\Synchro\3 EX+P AM.syn SimTraffic Report Intersection: 1: Harding St & Carlsbad Village Dr Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB SB Directions Served L T TR L T TR LTR LTR Maximum Queue (ft)74 181 148 166 214 148 160 173 Average Queue (ft)11 88 35 84 85 60 85 74 95th Queue (ft)43 155 94 144 158 125 140 133 Link Distance (ft)310 310 336 336 193 220 Upstream Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft)90 155 Storage Blk Time (%)8 1 0 Queuing Penalty (veh)1 3 0 Intersection: 2: Village Plaza Dwy & Carlsbad Village Dr Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB SB Directions Served L T TR L T TR R R Maximum Queue (ft)30 50 40 61 74 53 55 39 Average Queue (ft)7 6 3 15 10 6 30 11 95th Queue (ft)27 28 20 43 44 30 52 35 Link Distance (ft)336 336 215 215 32 109 Upstream Blk Time (%)6 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 120 180 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 4 Existing + Proj PM Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Queuing and Blocking Report N:\3651\Analysis\Synchro\4 EX+P PM.syn SimTraffic Report Intersection: 1: Harding St & Carlsbad Village Dr Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB SB Directions Served L T TR L T TR LTR LTR Maximum Queue (ft) 114 306 248 171 264 245 166 143 Average Queue (ft)25 195 127 88 110 97 101 96 95th Queue (ft)79 301 234 150 197 182 169 150 Link Distance (ft)289 289 336 336 146 118 Upstream Blk Time (%)1 0 0 0 3 11 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 0 0000 Storage Bay Dist (ft)90 155 Storage Blk Time (%)0 30 2 2 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 5 4 2 Intersection: 2: Village Plaza Dwy & Carlsbad Village Dr Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB SB Directions Served L T TR L T TR R R Maximum Queue (ft)39 109 88 85 75 60 62 30 Average Queue (ft)10 15 11 30 12 7 23 9 95th Queue (ft)35 63 54 62 46 36 53 30 Link Distance (ft)336 336 215 215 32 109 Upstream Blk Time (%)5 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 120 180 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 14 N:\3651\Memo\3651.Access.docx ATTACHMENT G MMLOS WORKSHEETS ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Harding Street Street Typology from Mobility Element       _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2‐way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction EB WB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet  (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):55 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g.,  cross‐slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes *Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour ‐ mph):25 mph or lower 25 mph or lower Number of Through Lanes:22 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian  refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)No No Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian  facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on‐street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more  buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and  pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing  width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right‐turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?No No Are there intersection enhancements provided for  pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown  heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at  street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80%  of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards  businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more  than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Interstate 5 SB Ramps Identity (adjacent to retail) 19,900 Carlsbad Village Drive *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 70 | C EB SCORE | LOS 70 | C WB SCORE | LOS X Existing Project: Segment: Scenario: By: EB WB Points Points Assigned Points Assigned * Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Sidewalk or path meets ADA unobstructed width requirements 15 15 15 * Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Sidewalk width meets minimum width for typology according to the Mobility Element (or 5' if unspecified) 10 0 0 Sidewalk width exceeds minimum width for typology  according to the Mobility Element (or 6' if unspecified)50 0 * Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Ramps and landings within segment meet ADA requirements 10 10 10 * Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Sidewalk segments meet ADA requirements (cross‐slope and trip  hazards) 10 10 10 Sidewalk width meets recommended width for typology  according to the Mobility Element (or 8' if unspecified) 10 0 0 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge 10 0 0 On‐street parking or bike lane provides 6' or more buffer  between pedestrians and vehicle travel way 55 5 Landscaping 2' to 5' wide provides 'buffer' between  pedestrians and vehicle travel way 50 0 Landscaping greater than 5' wide provides 'buffer' between  pedestrians and vehicle travel way 10 0 0 Less than 3,000 vehicles per lane per day 5 0 0 Speed limit 30 mph or less 5 5 5 No apparent sight distance issues at intersections and  pedestrian crossings 55 5 Permanent speed control devices installed on segments  posted as approved by the City Traffic Engineer 50 0 * Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Crosswalks are  marked according to CA MUTCD guidelines 10 10 10 Crosswalk is high visibility (i.e., continental markings per the  CA MUTCD)50 0 Traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width  (pedestrian refuge, bulbouts, chokers, right‐turn median  island) 10 0 0 Presence of intersection enhancements for pedestrians  (pedestrian‐friendly signal phasing, pedestrian countdown  heads, signage, etc.) 10 0 0 RRFBs at uncontrolled crossings if warranted 5 0 0 * Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Street light locations appear adequate 10 10 10 Active building frontages on 80% of street curbline (pedestrian  attracting frontages such as active storefronts and recreational spaces) 50 0 Street trees provide shade over more than 50% of sidewalk  length 50 0 Street furniture oriented toward businesses or attractions 5 0 0 Pedestrian scale lighting 5 0 0 70 70 CC No No Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Carlsbad Village Drive From Interstate 5 SB Ramps To Harding Street Existing LLG Engineers Crossing characteristics Criteria Pedestrian MMLOS Criteria  Other Elements Accessibility and  functionality  Total Score: All Essential Feature Criteria Met? Pedestrian LOS: Street characteristics ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element       _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2‐way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction EB WB *Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes *Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)?Yes Yes *Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on‐street parking provided?No No Speed limit (miles per hour ‐ mph):25 mph or lower 25 mph or lower Does the bikeway on the study segment and side  streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection  provided at intersections?Yes Yes Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft) Lane Width (ft) 55 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 00 Bike lanes are striped  continuously through  the study segment? Bike lanes are striped  continuously through  the study segment? Yes Yes Carlsbad Village Drive Interstate 5 SB Ramps Harding Street Identity (adjacent to retail) 19,900 100 | A EB SCORE | LOS 100 | A WB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Existing Project: Segment: Scenario: By: EB WB Points Points Assigned Points Assigned Speed limit is ≤ 25 mph 25 25 25 Speed limit is 30 mph 15 0 0 Speed limit is 35 mph 10 0 0 Street with ADT < 3,000 15 0 0 Street with ADT between 3,000 and 6,000 10 0 0 Class I facility (off‐street path), Class IV (cycle track), or  multiuse path 25 0 0 Class II facility that meets minimum width of 5' (on‐street  bicycle lanes)15 15 15 Bike lane buffer (2' min) is provided 5 0 0 Class III facility (bike route designated by signage or paint only) 5 0 0 Additional traffic calming/speed management features have  been applied to Class III facility (i.e. a bike boulevard)10 0 0 Bikeway meets or exceeds the Bicycle Master Plan 25 25 25 Bike lane (including buffer) is at least 8' wide from face of curb 10 0 0 Bicycle facilities with signing and striping meet design  guidelines D 10 10 10 Good pavement condition for bikeway (no visible potholes) 10 10 10 Free of infrastructure that obstructs bike facility (e.g. grates) 5 5 5 Bikeways on side streets are consistent with Bicycle Master  Plan along segment 55 5 Bike lanes are striped continuously on all approaches to and  departures from intersections, without dropping at turn lanes  or driveways 55 5 No on‐street parking and speed limit is 25 or 30 mph 5 5 5 Back‐in angled parking 5 0 0 Parallel parking with door‐side buffered bike lane 5 0 0 Enhanced bicycle detection or video detection is provided at  intersections 55 5 Bicycle racks are provided along segment 5 0 0 100 100 AA Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Carlsbad Village Drive From Interstate 5 SB Ramps To Harding Street Existing LLG Engineers Facility Bicycle MMLOS Criteria  Criteria Street Characteristics Bikeway Design Total Score: Bike LOS: Connectivity/  Contiguity Adjacent Vehicle  Parking Other Elements ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element       _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2‐way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction EB WB *Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be  ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?No No Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER  station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a  COASTER station or mobility hub?No No *Closest distance to existing transit stop:<= 1/4 mile walk to bus only <= 1/4 mile walk to bus only What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30‐8:30 am and 4‐6 pm on  weekdays:1 hour 1 hour Is there commute shuttle service provided during the  morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour  headways between 9 am‐5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No *Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non‐auto modes?No No *Are On Demand rideshare services available?No No *Is the study segment within FLEX service area?No No Carlsbad Village Drive Interstate 5 SB Ramps Harding Street Identity (adjacent to retail) 19,900 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 0 | F EB SCORE | LOS 0 | F WB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). MMLOS score not required for  this mode based on street  typology selected. Existing Project: Segment: Scenario: By: EB WB Points Points Assigned Points Assigned No greater than 1/4 mile walk to the nearest transit stop 50 (rail/bus) 30 (bus)30 30 No greater than 1/2 mile walk to the nearest transit stop 30 (rail/bus) 20 (bus)00 No greater than 1 mile bicycle ride to the nearest transit stop 50 0 ADA compliant sidewalk or path to transit stops in both  directions 15 15 15 Multiple transit routes stop on segment 10 0 0 Route provides a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility  hub 15 15 15 Route provides for a single transfer to reach a COASTER  station or mobility hub 50 0 Dedicated right of way 5 0 0 Transit priority during peak hours 5 0 0 Headways of  15 minutes between 6:30‐8:30 am and 4‐6 pm  on weekdays 15 0 0 Headways of 30 minutes between 6:30‐8:30 am and 4‐6 pm  on weekdays 50 0 Headways of 1 hour between 6:30‐8:30 am and 4‐6 pm on  weekdays 22 2 Commute shuttle service provided during the morning and  afternoon commute periods 10 0 0 No more than 1 hour headways between 9 am and 5 pm on  weekends 55 5 Covered bus stops 5 0 0 Bench 10 0 0 Well‐lit stop that provides a sense of security 5 5 5 Trash cans 2 2 0 Bus stop located within a block of commercial services 5 0 0 Bike parking available at the bus stop 5 0 0 Bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop 5 0 0 Area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will  promote ridesharing and/or the use of non‐auto modes 60 0 0 On demand rideshare services available 60 0 0 Segment within FLEX service area 60 0 0 74 72 CC LLG Engineers Existing Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Carlsbad Village Drive From Interstate 5 SB Ramps To Harding Street Transit & Ridesharing MMLOS Criteria  Criteria Access Transit Stop Located Within 1/2 Mile Walk from Subject Site or Roadway Segment Connectivity Transit priority Service Bicycle  Accommodations No Transit Stop Located Within 1/2 Mile Walk from Subject Site or Roadway Segment Amenities Available Mobility  Services Total Score: Transit LOS: ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Harding Street Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction EB WB *Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes *Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):10 5 *Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes *Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes *Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):25 mph or lower 25 mph or lower Number of Through Lanes:2 2 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)No No Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:greater than 5'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?No No Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Interstate 5 SB Ramps Identity (adjacent to retail) 19,900 Carlsbad Village Drive *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 90 | A EB SCORE | LOS 70 | C WB SCORE | LOS X With Project Project: Segment: Scenario: By: EB WB Points Points Assigned Points Assigned *Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Sidewalk or path meets ADA unobstructed width requirements 15 15 15 *Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Sidewalk width meets minimum width for typology according to the Mobility Element (or 5' if unspecified) 10 10 0 Sidewalk width exceeds minimum width for typology according to the Mobility Element (or 6' if unspecified)5 0 0 *Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Ramps and landings within segment meet ADA requirements 10 10 10 *Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Sidewalk segments meet ADA requirements (cross-slope and trip hazards) 10 10 10 Sidewalk width meets recommended width for typology according to the Mobility Element (or 8' if unspecified) 10 0 0 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge 10 0 0 On-street parking or bike lane provides 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way 5 5 5 Landscaping 2' to 5' wide provides 'buffer' between pedestrians and vehicle travel way 5 0 0 Landscaping greater than 5' wide provides 'buffer' between pedestrians and vehicle travel way 10 10 0 Less than 3,000 vehicles per lane per day 5 0 0 Speed limit 30 mph or less 5 5 5 No apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings 5 5 5 Permanent speed control devices installed on segments posted as approved by the City Traffic Engineer 5 0 0 *Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Crosswalks are marked according to CA MUTCD guidelines 10 10 10 Crosswalk is high visibility (i.e., continental markings per the CA MUTCD)5 0 0 Traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (pedestrian refuge, bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island) 10 0 0 Presence of intersection enhancements for pedestrians (pedestrian-friendly signal phasing, pedestrian countdown heads, signage, etc.) 10 0 0 RRFBs at uncontrolled crossings if warranted 5 0 0 *Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Street light locations appear adequate 10 10 10 Active building frontages on 80% of street curbline (pedestrian attracting frontages such as active storefronts and recreational spaces) 5 0 0 Street trees provide shade over more than 50% of sidewalk length 5 0 0 Street furniture oriented toward businesses or attractions 5 0 0 Pedestrian scale lighting 5 0 0 90 70 A C Yes No Other Elements Accessibility and functionality Total Score: All Essential Feature Criteria Met? Pedestrian LOS: Street characteristics Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Carlsbad Village Drive From Interstate 5 SB Ramps To Harding Street With Project LLG Engineers Crossing characteristics Criteria Pedestrian MMLOS Criteria ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction EB WB *Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?No No Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?No No *Closest distance to existing transit stop:<= 1/4 mile walk to bus only <= 1/4 mile walk to bus only What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:1 hour 1 hour Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No *Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No *Are On Demand rideshare services available?No No *Is the study segment within FLEX service area?No No Carlsbad Village Drive Interstate 5 SB Ramps Harding Street Identity (adjacent to retail) 19,900 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 84 | B EB SCORE | LOS 0 | FWB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). MMLOS score not required for this mode based on street typology selected. With Project Project: Segment: Scenario: By: EB WB Points Points Assigned Points Assigned No greater than 1/4 mile walk to the nearest transit stop 50 (rail/bus) 30 (bus)30 30 No greater than 1/2 mile walk to the nearest transit stop 30 (rail/bus) 20 (bus)0 0 No greater than 1 mile bicycle ride to the nearest transit stop 5 0 0 ADA compliant sidewalk or path to transit stops in both directions 15 15 15 Multiple transit routes stop on segment 10 0 0 Route provides a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub 15 15 15 Route provides for a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub 5 0 0 Dedicated right of way 5 0 0 Transit priority during peak hours 5 0 0 Headways of 15 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays 15 0 0 Headways of 30 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays 5 0 0 Headways of 1 hour between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays 2 2 2 Commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods 10 0 0 No more than 1 hour headways between 9 am and 5 pm on weekends 5 5 5 Covered bus stops 5 0 0 Bench 10 10 0 Well-lit stop that provides a sense of security 5 5 5 Trash cans 2 2 0 Bus stop located within a block of commercial services 5 0 0 Bike parking available at the bus stop 5 0 0 Bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop 5 0 0 Area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes 60 0 0 On demand rideshare services available 60 0 0 Segment within FLEX service area 60 0 0 84 72 B C Transit Stop Located Within 1/2 Mile Walk from Subject Site or Roadway Segment Connectivity Transit priority Service Bicycle Accommodations No Transit Stop Located Within 1/2 Mile Walk from Subject Site or Roadway Segment Amenities Available Mobility Services Total Score: Transit LOS: LLG Engineers With Project Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Carlsbad Village Drive From Interstate 5 SB Ramps To Harding Street Transit & Ridesharing MMLOS Criteria Criteria Access ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Harding Street Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction EB WB *Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes *Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):5 5 *Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes *Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes *Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):25 mph or lower 25 mph or lower Number of Through Lanes:1 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)No No Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:2' to 5'2' to 5' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?No No Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Interstate 5 SB Ramps Village 1,463 Oak Avenue *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 90 | A EB SCORE | LOS 90 | A WB SCORE | LOS X Existing Project: Segment: Scenario: By: EB WB Points Points Assigned Points Assigned *Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Sidewalk or path meets ADA unobstructed width requirements 15 15 15 *Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Sidewalk width meets minimum width for typology according to the Mobility Element (or 5' if unspecified) 10 10 10 Sidewalk width exceeds minimum width for typology according to the Mobility Element (or 6' if unspecified)5 0 0 *Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Ramps and landings within segment meet ADA requirements 10 10 10 *Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Sidewalk segments meet ADA requirements (cross-slope and trip hazards) 10 10 10 Sidewalk width meets recommended width for typology according to the Mobility Element (or 8' if unspecified) 10 0 0 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge 10 0 0 On-street parking or bike lane provides 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way 5 5 5 Landscaping 2' to 5' wide provides 'buffer' between pedestrians and vehicle travel way 5 5 5 Landscaping greater than 5' wide provides 'buffer' between pedestrians and vehicle travel way 10 0 0 Less than 3,000 vehicles per lane per day 5 5 5 Speed limit 30 mph or less 5 5 5 No apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings 5 5 5 Permanent speed control devices installed on segments posted as approved by the City Traffic Engineer 5 0 0 *Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Crosswalks are marked according to CA MUTCD guidelines 10 10 10 Crosswalk is high visibility (i.e., continental markings per the CA MUTCD)5 0 0 Traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (pedestrian refuge, bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island) 10 0 0 Presence of intersection enhancements for pedestrians (pedestrian-friendly signal phasing, pedestrian countdown heads, signage, etc.) 10 0 0 RRFBs at uncontrolled crossings if warranted 5 0 0 *Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Street light locations appear adequate 10 10 10 Active building frontages on 80% of street curbline (pedestrian attracting frontages such as active storefronts and recreational spaces) 5 0 0 Street trees provide shade over more than 50% of sidewalk length 5 0 0 Street furniture oriented toward businesses or attractions 5 0 0 Pedestrian scale lighting 5 0 0 90 90 A A Yes Yes Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Oak Avenue From Interstate 5 SB Ramps To Harding Street Existing LLG Engineers Crossing characteristics Criteria Pedestrian MMLOS Criteria Other Elements Accessibility and functionality Total Score: All Essential Feature Criteria Met? Pedestrian LOS: Street characteristics ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction EB WB *Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes *Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)?Yes Yes *Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided?Parallel parking Parallel parking Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):25 mph or lower 25 mph or lower Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Side Street Only Side Street Only Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Route Bike Route 5 5 0 0 Traffic calming features present? Traffic calming features present? No No Oak Avenue Interstate 5 SB Ramps Harding Street Village 1,463 75 | C EB SCORE | LOS 75 | C WB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Existing Project: Segment: Scenario: By: EB WB Points Points Assigned Points Assigned Speed limit is ≤ 25 mph 25 25 25 Speed limit is 30 mph 15 0 0 Speed limit is 35 mph 10 0 0 Street with ADT < 3,000 15 15 15 Street with ADT between 3,000 and 6,000 10 0 0 Class I facility (off-street path), Class IV (cycle track), or multiuse path 25 0 0 Class II facility that meets minimum width of 5' (on-street bicycle lanes)15 0 0 Bike lane buffer (2' min) is provided 5 0 0 Class III facility (bike route designated by signage or paint only)5 5 5 Additional traffic calming/speed management features have been applied to Class III facility (i.e. a bike boulevard)10 0 0 Bikeway meets or exceeds the Bicycle Master Plan 25 0 0 Bike lane (including buffer) is at least 8' wide from face of curb 10 0 0 Bicycle facilities with signing and striping meet design guidelines D 10 10 10 Good pavement condition for bikeway (no visible potholes)10 10 10 Free of infrastructure that obstructs bike facility (e.g. grates)5 5 5 Bikeways on side streets are consistent with Bicycle Master Plan along segment 5 5 5 Bike lanes are striped continuously on all approaches to and departures from intersections, without dropping at turn lanes or driveways 5 0 0 No on-street parking and speed limit is 25 or 30 mph 5 0 0 Back-in angled parking 5 0 0 Parallel parking with door-side buffered bike lane 5 0 0 Enhanced bicycle detection or video detection is provided at intersections 5 0 0 Bicycle racks are provided along segment 5 0 0 75 75 C C Total Score: Bike LOS: Connectivity/ Contiguity Adjacent Vehicle Parking Other Elements Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Oak Avenue From Interstate 5 SB Ramps To Harding Street Existing LLG Engineers Facility Bicycle MMLOS Criteria Criteria Street Characteristics Bikeway Design