HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2021-0029; IONIS LOTS 21 & 22; TRAFFIC STUDY; 2023-01-18Ion is Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 Figures Page FIGURE 2-1: PROJECT LOCATION MAP 8 FIGURE 2-2: PROJECT SITE PLAN 9 FIGURE 4-1: PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 17 FIGURE 4-2: PROJECT STUDY AREA 18 FIGURE 4-3: PROJECT ONLY AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES 19 FIGURE 4-4: STREET TYPOLOGIES OF STUDY ROADWAY SEGMENTS 24 FIGURE 5-1: EXISTING AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES OF GAZELLE CT./ WHIPTAIL LOOP W. / WHIPTAIL LOOP E. 28 FIGURE 5-2: EXISTING WITH PROJECT AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES OF GAZELLE CT. /WHIPTAIL LOOPW. / WHIPTAIL LOOP E. 28 FIGURE 6-1: CAMUTCD CRITERIA FOR MULTI-WAY STOP APPLICATIONS 31 FIGURE 7-1: EXISTING AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES OF S. MELROSE AVE./ FARADAY AVE. 37 FIGURE 7-2: EXISTING WITH PROJECT AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES OF S. MELROSE AVE./FARADAVAVE. 39 FIGURE 7-3: NEAR-TERM (OPENING DAV VEAR 2025) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES OF S. MELROSE AVE./ FARADAY AVE. 41 FIGURE 7-4: NEAR-TERM (OPENING DAV VEAR 2025) WITH PROJECT AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES OFS. MELROSE AVE./ FARADAY AVE. 43 FIGURE 7-5: HORIZON VEAR 2050 AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES OF S. MELROSE AVE. / FARADAY AVE. 45 FIGURE 7-6: HORIZON VEAR 2050 WITH PROJECT AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES OF S. MELROSEAVE./FARADAVAVE. 47 _,. URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. ::ii\ ~LANNING & TRAfFICiNGINEERING ,-ce.~~~~~~~ _-• ~-- Page I 2 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 Tables Page TABLE 3-1: PROJECT TRIP GENERATION 14 TABLE 4-1: LEVEL OF ANALYSIS CRITERIA 20 TABLE 4-2: TRANSIT MMLOS SUMMARY RESULTS 25 TABLE 5-1: 95TH PERCENTILE QUEUEING SUMMARY RESULTS 29 TABLE 7-1: EXISTING AM/PM PEAK HOUR LOS SUMMARY 37 TABLE 7-2: EXISTING WITH PROJECT AM/PM PEAK HOUR LOS SUMMARY 39 TABLE 7-3: EXISTING & EXISTING WITH PROJECT AM/PM PEAK HOUR LOS COMPARISON 39 TABLE 7-4: NEAR-TERM (OPENING DAY YEAR 2025) AM/PM PEAK HOUR LOS SUMMARY 41 TABLE 7-5: NEAR-TERM (OPENING DAY YEAR 2025) WITH PROJECT AM/PM PEAK HOUR LOS SUMMARY 43 TABLE 7-6: NEAR-TERM (OPENING DAY YEAR 2025) & NEAR-TERM (OPENING DAY YEAR 2025) WITH PROJECT AM/PM PEAK HOUR LOS COMPARISON 43 TABLE 7-7: HORIZON YEAR 2050 AM/PM PEAK HOUR LOS SUMMARY 45 TABLE 7-8: HORIZON YEAR 2050 WITH PROJECT AM/PM PEAK HOUR LOS SUMMARY 47 TABLE 7-9: HORIZON YEAR 2050 & HORIZON YEAR 2050 WITH PROJECT AM/PM PEAK HOUR LOS COMPARISON 47 .. _, URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. ;,.f0l PLANNING& TRAfFICENGINURING ". ➔-~~>\:£7 __ --==-:;:_...C-~-- Page I 3 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project would construct a new 164,833 SF scientific research and development building on the vacant Lots 21 and 22 of the Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park and will include surface parking and one three-level 44,000 SF parking structure. The project at Lots 21 and 22 is planned to supply 426 parking spaces in between the surface parking and the parking structure. This building would be connected to the existing lonis campus through a new pedestrian bridge across Whiptail Loop. This pedestrian bridge will be constructed as part of the project. Currently, the lonis Pharmaceuticals campus supports a total of 240,038 SF of gross floor area (GFA) that consists of 170,838 SF of Headquarters/ Scientific Research and Development use and 69,200 SF of Conference Center use. The lonis Pharmaceuticals campus supports amenity spaces (i.e. fitness center, basketball/badminton court, and a one-half basketball court), which serve the on-site population and do not generate the need for additional parking. The lonis Pharmaceuticals site is planning to conduct the renovation of a 10,893 SF portion of the Conference Center's building area, of which 8,847 SF will be converted from existing conferencing space into new private offices and open office space and the remaining 2,446 SF will be converted to additional storage space. Refer to Figure 2-1 for a project location map. Refer to Figure 2-2 for a project site plan. , . , URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. ;.:11 PLANNING a, TRAFFIC HIGIN~ERING -~~~~½f::."_---~~~ -~:-- Page I 7 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 As shown in the project site plan, access to the project site is proposed through two (2) proposed driveways along Whiptail loop, which will lead to internal pathways connecting to a pick-up/drop- off area fronting the new building and the parking structure. One of the planned driveways {western driveway) will be constructed as the north leg of the intersection of Gazelle Court at Whiptail Loop E. / Whiptail Loop W. serving primarily as access to surface-level parking west of the new building and access towards the parking structure. The other driveway (eastern driveway) will be located approximately 250 feet east of the intersection serving primarily as the access towards the pick-up/drop-off zone south of the new building, surface-level parking east of the new building, and access towards the parking structure. 2.1 Conformance with the Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report The Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan (Carlsbad Oaks N.) Environmental Impact Report (EIR) evaluated the potential environmental effects of an industrial park on approximately 414 acres ("Overall Project") using the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) criteria of vehicular delay and Level of Service (LOS) as evaluated at the time of the Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR. Conformance to the Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR consists of the proposed project (lot 3 within the Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan) traffic not exceeding what was analyzed in the Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR, and therefore not resulting in additional transportation impacts under CEQA. The Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR evaluated an overall project with 22,650 Average Daily Trips {ADT), 2,375 AM peak hour trips (2,100 inbound and 275 outbound), and 2,670 PM peak hour trips (590 inbound and 2,080 outbound) based on SAN DAG trip rates. Furthermore, to determine consistency with the • ,· URSANSYSTEMSASSO(IATES,!NC. :./j":_,~1-PLANNING I, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING cc -~~:-?~?--~~c:;_--~-- Page I 10 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan, research was conducted to determine the current status and anticipated buildout of each lot. As found in the project consistency memorandum included in Appendix A, the lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 project is found to conform to the Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report ("Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR") dated August 2002. 2.2 Methodoloi:y USAI used the City of Carlsbad Transportation Impact Guidelines (April 2018) guidelines to determine the study area consisting of nine (9) roadway segments, nine (9) intersections, and two (2) freeway metered on-ramps, and to estimate the project traffic generation. The addition of project traffic was evaluated in Existing, Near-Term (Opening Day Year 2023), and Horizon Year 2050 scenarios and an impact analysis were completed for six scenarios: • Existing • Existing With Project • Near-Term (Opening Day Year 2023) Without Project • Near-Term (Opening Day Year 2023) With Project • Horizon Year 2050 Without Project • Horizon Year 2050 With Project The term "Near-Term" is meant to discuss a condition occurring at the project's estimated opening day (Year 2023) where traffic from other known development projects in the area coupled with the calculation of growth factors, is added onto existing traffic levels. This reflects the best , -, URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. ,,.,}~i, PL ... tl"ll"'G & TR.VFI( rnGl"IEERlr.G • -: :(:~.;:~:.:-:;-~-.::c,::-~~~=---'-" Page I 11 ' ' ' ' ' ' Ion is Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 T.ihlc :~-I: Project Trip (;eneration AM PM Land Use Intensity Rate* ADT Puk'1/o• I Vol. In¾ Oul'1/•1 In I Out Puk¾* Vol. In °/ol0ut'1/~ Lots 21 and 22 Scientific Rncarch and Dcwlopmcnt I 164.83 KSF I 8 / KSF 1.319 16% 211 9U¾ IO¾ 190 21 14% 185 10¾ 90% Total Proposed 1,319 211 190 21 185 Total 1.319 211 190 21 185 ~ourcc: r'cak hour irv'out percentages are taken frum S.11. NDAG "{Not ,rn) Bricrn.,idc ofVchtcular rraffic Ceneration Rate~ for the San Diego Region", April 2002 . . DT-A vcragc Daily Trips SF-Ull'.)O squari;, feet . URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. ·-.,.-A ~LAN ti ING & TRAfflC ENGINEERING .-.z_--r; •. " --~\~~~~~ -~-'--~- Page I 14 In I OOll 19 166 19 166 19 166 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 4.0 PROJECT STUDY AREA AND LEVEL OF ANALYSIS 4.1 Project Trip Distribution A trip distribution figure has been prepared in response to the City of Carlsbad's requirement to evaluate the Ion is Pharmaceuticals Lot 21 and 22 project's consistency with the City's Mobility Element Policy 3-P.11, which describes the "requirement to new development that adds vehicle traffic to street facilities that are exempt from the vehicle level of service {LOS) standard (consistent with 3-P .9) to implement Transportation Demand Management (TOM) strategies that reduce the reliance on single-occupant automobile and assist in achieving the City's livable streets vision and Transportation System Management (TSM) strategies that improve traffic signal coordination and improve transit service." The threshold of significance for the implementation of TOM and TSM strategies per City guidelines is established at 110 average daily trips (ADT) or 11 peak-hour trips to LOS-exempt roadways. To demonstrate the project's compliance with the City's Mobility Element Policy 3-P.11, a trip distribution representing the distribution of project traffic is included in Figure 4-1. The project is calculated to generate 1,319 ADTs, 211 AM peak hour trips (190 In/ 21 Out), and 185 PM peak hour trips (18 In / 166 Out). Considering the thresholds of significance described above and the project's trip generation, any LOS-exempt roadway segment where at least 8.3% of project ADT (110 ADT out of 1,319 project ADTs) or 5.8% of peak hour trips (11 peak hour trips out of 190 peak hour trips for the AM peak inbound direction) would trigger the requirements established within the City's Mobility Element Policy 3-P.ll. , -."-,. URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. "./-<i PLANNING & TRAfflC ENGINEERING ,·;.(--r'-- -O •• , \•-"f"t-~-:~3~-:':~":'-~-s':C~:-.-~~~-=-- Page I 15 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 4.2 Multi-Modal Level of Service (MMLOS) Since the project conforms to the approved Specific Plan or Master Plan (Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan), the project is required to be evaluated as a Level I analysis (as shown in Table 4-1) within the City's Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines for transportation impact studies. This level of analysis is characterized by the requirement to evaluate several modes of transportation, including automobile, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities. The level of analysis required for roadways by mode is based on a street type standard referred to as typology (as identified in the City's General Plan Mobility Element Table 3-1), which identifies the uniqueness of a roadway based on surrounding land uses and defines which modes of travel should be accommodated on a roadway. This approach is aimed towards those roadways that connect to the project site and to the citywide transportation system and the location of the project such that roadways are analyzed using a multi-modal level of service (MM LOS) approach. An MMLOS analysis provides a qualitative "grade" assigned to travel modes, ranging from the level of service (LOS) A to LOS F, with LOS A reflecting a high service standard and LOS F reflecting a poor service standard. The City's General Plan established a standard of LOS Dor better only for the travel mode(s) subject to the MM LOS standard for the designated roadway typology. The City has developed a detailed MM LOS Tool to aid in MMLOS analysis methodology. The three (3) roadways connecting to the project site are listed below: • Gazelle Ct. (Whiptail loop E. / Whiptail Loop W. -southern terminus) • Whiptail Loop W. (Faraday Ave. -Gazelle Ct./ Whiptail Loop E.) • Whiptail loop E. (Gazelle Ct./ Whiptail loop W. / Faraday Ave.) URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC -·<-~i,'>,,. PLANNING& TRAFFIC ENG,NEEAING , ~-~--~~~::'-:z::-:2_::--.:c"'--=--~~;c--- Page I 21 Ion is Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 The roadway segments listed above are identified in the City's General Plan Mobility Element Figure 3-1 as Industrial Streets, which based on their street typology have the following attributes: A. The primary purpose is to connect people to businesses within the City's industrial parks, B. Designed to safely move all modes of travel while efficiently moving vehicles and buses from arterial streets and employment/transit connector streets to businesses, C. Traffic calming devices are generally discouraged given the propensity for larger trucks and heavy vehicles in this area, D. On-street parking may be provided as long as it does not interfere with the turning radii of heavy vehicles. Industrial-type roadways are identified within the City's General Plan Mobility Element Table 3-1 to be required to be analyzed from an automobile and transit standpoint. Figure 4-4 shows the identified study roadway segments including the street typology and a summary of their attributes, consistent with the City's General Plan Mobility Element. The following is a brief description of the required transit MM LOS methodology for this project and the criteria outlined in the City's MM LOS Tool: • Transit MMLOS for transit priority streets, the MMLOS criteria evaluates the transit vehicle right-of-way (e.g., dedicated or shared, signal priority), hours and frequency of service (e.g., weekday/weekend hours, peak period highway); performance (e.g., on-time or late); amenities and safety (e.g., lighting, covered stop, bench, on-board bike/surfboard storage); and connectivity (e.g., to other transit routes, employment areas, schools, visitor attractions, and other major destinations). Table 4-2 shows a summary of the transit MM LOS results of the analyzed roadways. Page I 22 , URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC ·.---:::\. ?UNNING & TR1 ... FIC ENGINEERING /. -~~~-:'°:!':::-~~-:--~ lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 As shown in Table 4-2, the transit MM LOS analysis of the analyzed roadway segments results in acceptable LOS Dor better for all the roadway segments under study. Therefore, no mitigation measures associated with transit mobility are required. Refer to Appendix B for the transit MM LOS worksheets of the analyzed roadway segments. , URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. _>:".>\ ~U"l"ll"G & TRilFFIC ENGINEERING 1 ~~':S::'E"~-'3-"'½~·:...~-:§'.:'"'_~': ~ ___ c-_·--~~-:--~ -_:;: - Page I 23 Ion is Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 5.0 QUEUING An analysis of queuing for the two-way stop-controlled intersection of Gazelle Court at Whiptail Loop E. / Whiptail Loop W. has been conducted. The queuing at the study intersection in the AM and PM peak hours was analyzed using a software package extension of Synchro 10 called Sim Traffic, which is an application of the Highway Capacity Manual methodology. Additionally, a simplification of the project access driveways was implemented by analyzing the two (2) planned driveways as one (1) single driveway. This single driveway was modeled as the future north leg of the intersection of Gazelle Court at Whiptail Loop E. / Whiptail Loop W. Traffic count data for the intersection of Gazelle Court at Whiptail Loop E. / Whiptail Loop W. was obtained from counts collected on Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022. The traffic count data was collected during a mid-week day and while schools were in session. Refer to Appendix C for the peak hour traffic count data. Figure 5-1 shows the Existing AM and PM peak hour volumes of Gazelle Court at Whiptail Loop E. / Whiptail Loop W. Figure 5-2 shows the Existing With Project AM and PM peak hour volumes of Gazelle Court at Whiptail Loop E. / Whiptail Loop W. Table 5-1 shows the 95th percentile queueing analysis results for the intersection of Gazelle Court at Whiptail Loop E. / Whiptail Loop W. • URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. >·>J., PLANNING& TRAfflC ENGIN££RING ,·.·/ '.:\~,:._'z-:--?=:>-·-~--":?"'"- Page I 26 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 6.0 ALL-WAYSTOPWARRANT An all-way stop-control warrant evaluation for the two-way stop-controlled intersection of Gazelle Court at Whiptail Loop E. / Whiptail Loop W. has been conducted. According to the CAMUTCD (2014, rev 6), the following guidance governs the installation of stop signs: "Engineering judgment should be used to establish intersection control. The following factors should be considered: A. Vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic volumes on all approaches; B. Number and angle of approaches; C. Approach speeds; D. Sight distance available on each approach; and E. Reported crash experience. YIELD or STOP signs should be used at an intersection if one or more of the following conditions exist: A. An intersection of a less important road with a main road where application of the normal right-of-way rule would not be expected to provide reasonable compliance with the law; B. A street entering a designated through highway or street; and/or C. An unsignalized intersection in a signalized area." Additional criteria from Section 2B.07 concerning the installation of a multi-way stop application is shown in Figure 6-1 below. • _. URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. _.<_.,~,:\_ PLANNING & TR.UFI( ENGINEERING ' 1-~~:';"~:;~.:.=-_--:--:--=--~- Page I 30 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 Figure <,-1: C;\MUTCD CrilPri.i for Multi-Way Stop 1\pplicalion,-,; Section 2B.07 Multi-Way Stop Applications Support: 01 Multi-way slap control can be useful as a safety measure at lnlersections if certain traffic conditions exist. Safety concerns associated with multi-way stops Include pedestrians, bicyclists. and all road users expecting other road users to stop. Multi-way stop control ls used where the volume of traffic on the intersecting roads Is approximately equal. 02 The restrictions on the use of STOP signs described In Section 28.04 also apply to multi-way stop applications. Guidance: oo The decision to install multi-way stop control should be based on an engineering study, 04 The following criteria should be coils Ide red in the engineering study for a multi-way STOP sign installation: A. Where traffic control signals are justl/Jed. the multi-way stop is an Interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffJc while arrangements are being made for the installafio11 oft he traffic control signal. B. Five or more reported crashes in a 12-month period that are susceptible to correction by a multi-way stop iMtal/atlon Such crashPS include right-tum and ielt-tum collisions as well as right-angle collisions. C. Minimum volumes: 1. The vehicular volume entering the intersection from the major street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours ofan average day: and 2. The combined vehicular. pedestrian. and bicycle volume entering the Jnterseclion from the minor street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an avernge delay to mi11or-streel vehicular trafflc of al least 30 seconds per vehicle dwing the highest hour: but 3. lithe 85rh-perce11rl/e approach speed of the major-street !raffle exceeds 40 mph. the minimum vehicular volume warrants are 70 percent of the values provided in Items J and 2. D. Where oo single criterion is satisfied but where Criteria B. Cl. and C.2 area/I satisfied to 80 percent of the minimum values. Criterion CJ Is excluded from this condition. Option: 05 Other criteria that may be considered in an engineering study include: A. The need to conrrol lert-tum conflicts; B. The need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes: C. Locations where a road user, after stopping, cannot see conflicting traffic and is not able to negotiate the Intersection unless conflicting cross traffic is also required to stop: and Chaptl'r 28 -Regulatory Signs. 8a1Tkades. and Gates Part 2 -S1.11ns Califomia MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHW A ·.s MCTCD 2009 Editim. lnrludmg Re\Ncn, ! 1" 2. aqnwnded fur tl'>P In California) November 7, 2014 Pagt> 130 D. An intersection of twn residential neighborhood collector (through) streets of similar design and operating characteri.-.tics where multi-way stop control would improve traffic operational characteristics of the intersection. URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. . ,-•~)i,_ PLANNlNG !It TRAFF JC ENGINEERING ,,-__ • :·~z.--::.:..~~"§:"7-~-~~~=--- Page I 31 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 Based on this guidance, it is apparent that a multi-way stop application is not justified by an engineering study. This guidance is provided to enhance safety and reduce the risk of rear-end accident potential when a multi-way stop sign application is not warranted. Below is an evaluation of criteria A through D listed in this section of the CAMUTCD. Criteria: A. An interim measure is not justified as a traffic control signal is not planned -NOT MET B. A review of accident data from 2016 through 2021 (SWITRS data) shows there have not been five or more reported crashes in a 12-month period that are susceptible to correction by a multi-way stop application -NOT MET C. In evaluating Whiptail Loop at Gazelle Court, SAN DAG data and traffic counts obtained for the project (refer to Figure 5-1) were consulted to evaluate the likelihood of exceeding the volume criteria for an eight-hour period. Peak hour intersection data contained in Appendix C of the LMA shows that on the major street, less than 100 vehicles in both AM and PM peak hours on the major street (Whiptail Loop). This provides evidence that the vehicular volume (even at buildout) would exceed 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours on an average day. On the minor street, the highest peak hour showed 52 vehicles entering the intersection. This Is far short of the 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours. There were zero bicycles and pedestrians, which indicates the volumes are low and would not add significantly to the volume (i.e. "units") as mentioned in the CAMUTCD criteria. This indicates that the criteria is NOT MET. D. No single criteria is met. However, criteria B shows zero accident history susceptible to correction by a stop sign and therefore, Criteria D cannot be met at the 80% level-NOT MET. In addition, the optional criteria listed was explored to support any recommendations. This criterion is discussed below. URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. • _.t_), ~LANNING & TRAFFIC E'IGINHRING '·~ -· ~'\5:":~~-:.~"'!:-~~~=~:~:;-_~~sc--_~ ~ -=-- Page I 32 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 Optional Criteria: A. As a "t'' intersection, the turning volumes (shown in Figure 5·1) from the side street would not be compared to through movements. The left turns from the major street are not a significant proportion of the through movements during the peak hour with a maximum volume of 3 left turns during the AM peak hour. As a result of the relatively low volumes and the overall traffic pattern, there is no anticipated need to control the major street traffic to avoid conflicts. This criterion is NOT MET. B. As noted above, there are no high pedestrian generators in the vicinity leading to this criterion being NOT MET. C. There are no noted sight distance obstructions. Therefore, this criterion is NOT MET. D. The intersection would not qualify as an intersection of two residential neighborhood collector streets of similar design and operating characteristics. This criterion is NOT MET. As a result of the evaluation discussed above, an all-way stop control is not warranted at this location. .. URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. _./ .·'_), ~LANNING & TRASFtC HIGINHRING /{:•:•~-=:::-':"~:-..:--~~-:='"""- Page I 33 Ion is Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 7.0 CITY OF VISTA LOS ANALYSIS As a request from the City of Vista through the scoping process for this project, the project analyzed the intersection of 5. Melrose Drive at Faraday Avenue consistent with the City of Vista Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines (December 2020). The analysis of the intersection of S. Melrose Drive at Faraday Avenue is the result of the intersection being anticipated to operate at a LOS that is at or near capacity for Existing conditions and the potential for the project to result in the intersection operating at a deficient LOS. Per the City of Vista direction, the intersection was analyzed for the following conditions: • Existing • Existing With Project • Near-Term (Opening Day Year 2025) • Near-Term (Opening Day Year 2025) With Project • Horizon Year (Year 2050) • Horizon Year (Year 2050) With Project The City of Vista Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines (December 2020) provides the methodology by which the peak hour LOS at each of the above conditions must be analyzed, and it describes the methodology by which each analysis condition is analyzed as follows: • Existing The scenario analyzes existing traffic conditions and establishes a baseline traffic performance within the study area. • Existing With Project The scenario analyzes the existing traffic conditions with the addition of traffic that is projected to be generated by the project. Page I 34 ,-" A UR~~:~!:!T&E~!F~~~~~.1:£:;~tc. / :.-:~;-~_~:=-::..::" 7 :·7:---:-e.,---=-,...----~ lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 • Near-Term {Opening Day Year 2025) The scenario establishes a "near-term" baseline that is first represented by first applying a 1% annual growth factor to existing traffic volumes to account for background ambient growth. Secondly, the traffic volumes generated by other approved or pending development projects anticipated to be constructed by the proposed project opening year are added. The added total of the traffic volumes subjected to the ambient growth rate and the traffic volumes generated by other projects results in the Near-Term baseline traffic volumes. • Near-Term (Opening Day Year 2025) With Project The scenario analyzes the near-term traffic conditions with the addition of traffic that is projected to be generated by the project. • Horizon Year {Year 2050) The scenario represents the projected long-range non-project cumulative baseline traffic conditions for the horizon year and for which volumes are obtained from the City's General Plan. • Horizon Year {Year 2050) With Project The scenario analyzes the horizon year traffic conditions with the addition of traffic that is projected to be generated by the project. Appendix E shows the Synchro worksheets for all the analyzed conditions of the study intersection. URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. , ... -/'i Pl.ANNING & TRMFIC ENGINEERING ,· .·.:-~~~--:"="---=~~cc'-'"-- Page I 35 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 7 .1 Existing Conditions The purpose of this section is to evaluate the intersection within the project's study area in the Existing scenario. Traffic count data for the intersection of 5. Melrose Drive at Faraday Avenue was obtained from counts collected on Wednesday, November 2rtd, 2022. The traffic count data was collected during a mid-week day and while schools were in session. Refer to Appendix C for the peak hour traffic count data. Figure 7-1 shows the Existing AM and PM peak hour volumes of S. Melrose Drive at Faraday Avenue. Table 7-1 shows the Existing intersection AM/ PM Peak Hour LOS. As shown in the table, the study intersection operates at an acceptable LOS Dor better in both AM and PM peak-hour settings. , URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. ·.//'i. ~L .. NNING I, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING .:·:.·:\:::,~:1:.:-"?? ,: ~- Page I 36 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 7.2 Existing With Project Conditions The purpose of this section is to evaluate the intersection within the project's study area in the Existing With Project scenario. The Project traffic was added to the Existing traffic to determine if any transportation infrastructure improvements would be triggered by the Project. Figure 7-Z shows the Existing With Project AM and PM peak hour volumes of S. Melrose Drive at Faraday Avenue. Table 7-2 shows the Existing With Project intersection AM/ PM Peak Hour LOS. As shown in the table, the study intersection is anticipated to operate at an acceptable LOS Dor better in both AM and PM peak-hour settings. Table 7-3 shows the intersection AM / PM Peak Hour LOS comparison table for Existing and Existing With Project conditions. URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. ·. >:\_ PlANNING & TRAFFIC ENGINEERING •. /" I-""' • \·{"'~.,~-:~"~"",-~-:!"4"'~=:.",~c'ce. __ -~ -=-~ • Page I 38 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 7 .4 Near-Term (Openini: Day Year 202 5) With Project Conditions The purpose of this section is to evaluate the intersection within the project's study area in the Near-Term (Opening Day Year 2025) With Project scenario. The Project traffic was added to the Near-Term (Opening Day Year 2025) traffic to determine if any transportation infrastructure improvements would be triggered by the Project. Figure 7-4 shows the Near-Term (Opening Day Year 2025) With Project AM and PM peak hour volumes of S. Melrose Drive at Faraday Avenue. Table 7-5 shows the Near-Term (Opening Day Year 2025) With Project intersection AM/ PM Peak Hour LOS. As shown in the table, the study intersection is anticipated to operate at an acceptable LOS Dor better in both AM and PM peak-hour settings. Table 7-6 shows the intersection AM / PM Peak Hour LOS comparison table for Near-Term (Opening Day Year 2025) and Near-Term (Opening Day Year 2025) With Project conditions. URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC . . >~:'), PLANNING & TRAffK ENGINEERING -.-. :<~r-:'?:!"-=--r--~---;_~--- Page I 42 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 7.5 Horizon Year 2050 Conditions The purpose of this chapter is to evaluate roadway segments and intersections within the Project's study area in the community buildout Year 2050 scenario. To establish a baseline for Horizon Year 2050 volumes, the SANDAG Traffic Information Forecast Center Series 14 volumes were first observed and compared between Year 2016, Year 2025, and Year 2050 for all of the roadway segments conforming the intersection legs of S. Melrose Avenue at Faraday Avenue. This procedure was conducted as a means to establish a growth rate between the TFIC models, which would be applied to the peak hour turning movements at the intersection based on the directionality of the movements and the intersection legs (roadway segments) corresponding to the direction of such movements. The roadway segments leading to the intersection of S. Melrose Avenue at Faraday Avenue were observed to result in a decrease in volume when directly compared between Year 2025 and Year 2050 TFIC models. Therefore, as a conservative approach, and to establish a Horizon Year baseline, a total growth rate of 10% was applied to Existing baseline peak hour volumes at the intersection. Figure 7-5 shows the Horizon Year 2050 AM and PM peak hour volumes of S. Melrose Drive at Faraday Avenue. Table 7-7 shows the Horizon Year 2050 intersection AM / PM Peak Hour LOS. As shown in the table, the study intersection is anticipated to operate at an acceptable LOS Dor better in both AM and PM peak-hour settings. . . URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. ·>~·}).. PLANNING & UAHICENGINEERING ,_.,,,..__,_""'-=-= " ·--:~·-"I-~~~:~_-.. ---:-- Page I 44 Ion is Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 7.6 Horizon Year 2050 With Project Conditions The purpose of this section is to evaluate the intersection within the project's study area in the Horizon Year 2050 With Project scenario. The Project traffic was added to the Horizon Year 2050 traffic to determine if any transportation infrastructure improvements would be triggered by the Project. Figure 7-6 shows the Horizon Year 2050 With Project AM and PM peak hour volumes of S. Melrose Drive at Faraday Avenue. Table 7-8 shows the Horizon Year 2050 With Project intersection AM / PM Peak Hour LOS. As shown in the table, the study intersection is anticipated to operate at an acceptable LOS D or better in both AM and PM peak-hour settings. Table 7-9 shows the intersection AM/ PM Peak Hour LOS comparison table for Horizon Year 2050 and Horizon Year 2050 With Project conditions. URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. Page I 46 _•:°), PLA,,-.NING & UA,ffl( rnGINHRlNG ,/ .. -.,.. i "??,"'"o",-,,-, __ ,,.c" :"'-" 'a"--c'"~- lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 8.0 REFERENCES City of Carlsbad. April 2018. Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines. Carlsbad, California. City of Vista, December 2020. Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines. Vista, California. SAN DAG (San Diego Association of Governments). 2002. SANDAG {Not So} Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates. Page I 48 . URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. "./" \ PLANNING & TR.VFIC ENGIN~~RING , /_.,__ ·-~ • \'--~~::':.-: -:;"::'::--:.-";--~-~- lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 1\ppcndix i\: Con:i,istencv Mc1111ff;111d11111 and Scoping Agrecme11t URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. .. ,-.:;,:!L ..... PLANN,NG& TRAFFIC Et.lGJ'IEERING -'\~~~"t~~'§'::'":::-""--,~-~~~- Provided on the following page. January 18, 2023 Page I 50 (City of __ T_RA_N_5_P_O_R_TA_T_IO_N_IM_P_A~CT~A~N~A~LY~5~I5~G~U~l~D~EL~IN~E~S ______________ Carlsbad April 2018 ATTACHMENT A SCOPING AGREEMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPACT STUDY This letter acknowledges the City of Carlsbad Traffic Engineering Division r~quirements for the transportation impact analysis of the following project. The analysis must follow the latest City of Carlsbad Transportaion Impact Study Guidelines dated September 2017. Case No. Project Name; 21-004 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 Project location: Project Description: Related Cases - SP No. Whiptail Loop Lot 21 APN#209-120-23-00 and lot 22 APN#209-120-24-00 construct a 164,833 SE Scientific Research/Lab Buildine-See project description attached. ElRNo. --------------------------------- GPA No.--------------------------------- GNo. Consultant Name: Urban Systems Associates, Inc. Address: 8451 Miralani Drive, Suite A San Diego, CA 92071 Telephone: 858 560 4911 Developer lonis Pharmaceuticals 2855 Gazelle Court Carlsbad, CA 92010 760-603-2562 A. Trip Generation Source: SAN DAG (not so) Brief Guide ------~-~---------------- Extended Land Use -~V0a0c0a0n0t~-----Proposed Land Use Scientific Research and Developm nt htended Zoning Total OailyTrips P-M {Planned lndustria~oposedZonlng P-M (Planned Industrial) 0 ADT Forcast Daily Trips --=l,030109'--'-A0D0T~------- (Attach a trip generation table. Describe Trip Reduction Factors proposed and included in the trip generation table ) B. Trip Distribution: D Select Zone {Model Series _J N/A-Level 1 project (Provide eKhlblt for detailed trip distribution and assignment.) C. Background Traffic Phased Project ~ No D Yes Phases: ________________ _ Please contact the Engineering Devision or use the most recently prov{r;!_ed dotg Model/~orcastMethodology: ___ N~/A_-_M_M_LcOc5_E_vca_lu_actc;ocn~O_n_ly~---------- 35 I Page PROJECT DESCRIPTION THIS PROPOSED PROJECT IS FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE EXISTING IONIS CAMPUS LOCATED AT 2850AN128SS GAZELLE COURT. IONIS PHAAMACEUTICALS HAS PURCHAfiED THE ADJACENT LOTS 21 & 22 LOCATED ON WHIPTAIL LOOP WITH THE PlANS TO CONSTRUCT A f£W LAB OFFICE BUILOUiG TOTALING 164,000 S.F. WHICH INCLUDES 15.000 S.F. OF BASEMENT .l.REAAND A 3 LEVEL PARKtlG STRUCTIJRE. AS PART Of THIS REVIEW, IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS WILL BE CONSOLIDATNG THE TWO PROPERTIES. THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS REQUESTING A DEVIATION ti THE 45' MAXIMUM BULDING HEIGHT DUE TO EXISTING SfTE TOPOGRAPHY AND A REDUCTION Of THE REQUIRED MINMJM PARKING STANDARDS AS LISTF.D IN Tl-IE CITY OF CARLSBAD "'-JNICIPAL cooe. A \:Jf1 ~T)j1t,Jr'"'>J 1l<'rlt-'lf!l:-T .I. .l.'--1..1. '-:J.l.'..l ,.l.'...I.~ .I. .l.'IJ1, AM Land Use Intensity Rate* ADT Peak%* Vol. In% Out% '" o,, Prak%* Lots 21 and 22 Scientific Research and Development 164.833 KSF 8 /KSF 1,319 16% 211 90% 10% 190 21 14% Total Proposed 1,319 211 190 21 Total 1,319 211 190 21 Source: *Peak hour in/out percentages are taken from SANDAG "(Not so) Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region", April 2002. Note: ADI= Average Daily Trips KSF= 1.000 square feet PM Vol. In% Out01 185 10% 90'} 185 185 Jon Ohlson DGA © Urban Systems Associates, Inc. October 18, 2022 In order to determine consistency with the Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan, research was conducted to determine current status and anticipated buildout of each lot. This includes land use and intensity information taken from the previously mentioned "Carlsbad Oaks Business Park Transportation Impact Consistency Memo" (Attachment A). Based on this information, an updated trip generation tracking table was prepared and is provided below. According to this table, with development on Lots 21/22 as described above, the Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan area would remain 11,204 ADT under the original entitlement from the EIR. In addition, the Specific Plan area would remain 74 l trips under in the AM peak hour and 982 trips under in the PM peak hour. As the proposed development on Lots 21/22 would be less than what was planned in the original EIR and the zoning is consistent with the Specific Plan, the proposed project would be determined to be consistent with the Specific Plan. Trip Distribution A trip distribution figure has been prepared in response to the City of Carlsbad's requirement to evaluate the Jonis Pharmaceuticals Lot 21 and 22 project's consistency with the City's Mobility Element Policy 3-P. l l, which describes the "requirement to new development that adds vehicle traffic to street facilities that arc exempt from the vehicle level of service (LOS) standard ( consistent with 3-P .9) to implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies that reduce the reliance on sing;e-occupant automobile and assist in achieving the City's livable streets vision and Transportation System Management (TSM) strategies that improve traffic signal coordinaton and improve transit service." The threshold of significance for the implementation of TDM and TSM strategies per City guidelines is established at 110 average daily trips (ADT) or 11 peak hour trips to LOS exempt roadways. To demonstrate the project's compliance with the City's Mobility Element Policy 3-P.l l, a trip distribution representing the distribution of project traffic is included in Attachment B. The project is calculated to generate 1,319 ADTs, 211 AM peak hour trips (190 In/ 21 Out), and 185 PM peak hour trips (18 In/ 166 Out). Considering the thresholds of significance describe above and the project's trip generation, any LOS exempt roadway segment where at least 8.3% of project ADT (110 ADT out of 1,319 project ADTs) or 5.8% of peak 2 8451 Mirulani Drive, Suite A • San Diego, CA 92126 • (858) 560-4911 Jon Ohlson DGA ·© Urban Systems Associates, Inc. October 18, 2022 hour trips ( 11 peak hour trips out of 190 peak hour trips for the AM peak inbound direction) would trigger the requirements established within the City's Mobility Element Policy 3-P. l l. The project's trip distribution has been prepared applying engineering judgement to distribute project traffic in the surrounding roadway network. The project's distribution has been influenced by the presence of several major roadways in the vicinity of the project site, as well as the access to freeways (Interstate 5 and State Route 78), and residential areas. As shown in the project trip distribution figure, it is estimated that the project would add traffic exceeding the threshold of 110 ADT or 11 peak hour trips at the following locations: • S. Melrose Drive (between Lionshead Ave. -Palomar Airport Rd.) • El Camino Real (between Cannon Rd. -College Blvd.) As a result of the project's trip distribution and its effect related to the City's Mobility Element Policy 3-P.l l, the project will incorporate a TDM Plan and a fair-share payment towards the City of Carlsbad's a TSM program. 3 8451 Mira/ani Drive, Suite A • San Diego. CA 92126 • (858) 560-4911 Jon Ohlson DGA Z'.l Urhan Systems Associates. Inc. Attachment A LOS Engineering Consistency Memorandum (See following pages) 5 8451 Mira!ani Drive, Suite A • San Diego, CA 92126 • (R58) 560-49/ I Octoher /fl, 2022 • LOS Engineering, Inc. Traffic and Transponalion 11622 El Camino Real, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92130 Phone 619-890-1253, E-mail: Justin@LOSengineering.com July 28, 2022 To: Mr. Nathan Schmidt City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, California 92008 From: Justin Rasas, P.E. RE: Carlsbad Oaks Business Park Transportation Impact Consistency Memo MEMO The purpose of this memo is to compare the proposed project (Lot 3) trip generation and traffic against what was evaluated in the Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report ("Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR") dated August 2002. The Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR evaluated potential environmental effects of an industrial park on approximately 414 acres ("Overall Project") using the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) criteria of vehicular delay and Level of Service (LOS) as evaluated at the time of the Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR. The CEQA analysis uses trip generation rates that provide a physical number of project vehicles based on land uses types and building size or usable acreage. Trip generation rates provide the ability to calculate a project's Average Daily Trips (ADT), AM Peak Hour trips, and PM Peak Hour trips. Trip rates are provided by the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG). Roadway LOS is affected by the addition of traffic, which will typically increase vehicular delay and decrease LOS. If the proposed project (Lot 3) traffic does not exceed what was analyzed in the Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR, then the proposed project would not result in additional transportation impacts underCEQA. The Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR evaluated an overall project with 22,650 Average Daily Trips (ADT), 2,375 AM peak hour trips (2,100 inbound and 275 outbound), and 2,670 PM peak hour trips (590 inbound and 2,080 outbound) based on SANDAG trip rates. Excerpts from the EIR and an overall map are included in Attachment A. The proposed project (Lot 3) is located within the Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park and is calculated to generate 479 ADT, 78 AM peak hour trips (69 inbound and 9 outbound), and 79 PM peak hour trips (16 inbound and 63 outbound) based on SANDAG trip rates. Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park has 22 lots for development and several open space lots. Sixteen (16) of the lots have completed structures or uses. Table 1 shows a comparison of the Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR against the occupied lots and against the proposed project (Lot 3). Both comparisons (highlighted in grey) show how the Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR evaluated more traffic than the current uses including Lot 3. Therefore, the proposed project (Lot 3) traffic was included in the Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR and does not exceed the evaluated ADT, nor the AM and PM net totals. The AM Page 1 of 16 • LOS Engineering, Inc. Traffic and Transponation 11622 El Camino Real, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92130 Phone 619-890-1253, E-mail: Justin@LOSengineering.com MEMO outbound does have a 6 peak hour trip outbound increase that is offset by a -1,036 inbound trip reduction resulting a net -1,030 AM peak hour trip reduction over the Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR. The completed portion of the Carlsbad Oak Business Park and Lot 3 is calculated to have a reduction in traffic as compared to the Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR by 55% less ADT, 40% less AM trips, and 44% less PM trips. The trip generation of existing development in the Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan plus the proposed project (Lot 3) are less than what was evaluated in the EIR; therefore, the proposed project (Lot 3) does not result in additional transportation impacts under CEQA. A majority of the Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park is served by Whiptail Loop Road, which does not provide a route for cut-through traffic. Therefore, a cordon count can provide an assessment of how much traffic the occupied lots are generating vs. the SAN DAG book rate as used in the Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR. Traffic data was collected on Thursday, June 2, 2022 on Whiptail Loop East and Whiptail Loop West (Attachment B). As shown in Table 2, the actual traffic counts were less than the forecasted traffic based on SANDAG trip rates for the lots with access from Whiptail Loop. This indicates that the Carlsbad Oaks N. EIR provided a conservative evaluation. Attachments Page 2 of 16 ATTACHMENT A Excerpts from the Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report Page 5 of 16 FINAL PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT for the Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan (SP 211/EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ SUP 97-07/LFMPA-16) Page 7 of 16 Volume I SCH # 2000051057 Prepared for: City of Carlsbad Planning Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Prepared by: Cotton/Bridges/ Associates 8954 Rio San Diego Drive, Suite 610 San Diego, California 92108 747 East Green Street, Suite 300 Pasadena, California 91101 Sunrise A venue, Suite 202-C Roseville, California 95661-4509 1165.00 ATTACHMENT B Count Data Page 12of16 Jon Ohlson DGA Attachment B Project Trip Distribution Percentages (See following pages) 6 © Urban Systems Associates, Inc. Octoher 18, 2022 8451 Miralani Drive, Suite A• San Diego, CA 92/26 • (858) 560-49/ I lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 1\ppl'ndix B·. Tr,rnsit Mr\·11.0S Work:<.hl't'ls . URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. / .!' 'i, nANNING & TR ... ffl( ENG•NHRING T "j,"-._=----\=-~.::: -i-_:!"c-..: §:'=-:-~·'.':'·-.- Provided on the following page. January 18, 2023 Page I 51 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 /\ppl'IHlix C: Lxi~tillg Tr.1ffir Counb Provided on the following page Page I 52 . URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. -✓<t ~LANNING & TRAFFIC ENGINEERING •• -··.:~-...."' -~-"-" --- lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 i\ppendix D: 'l!°l111 Percentile .SimTralfic \Vm·kshet'ls . , URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. _ .. ·-'.'1_ PLANNING & UAF"FIC ENGINEERING ·-/-'~':';_~:::-~":::-.,-:::'t-:-c.-..,_"=-~--- Provided on the following page January 18, 2023 Page I 53 lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 January 18, 2023 1\ppl.'1Hlix L Citv of Vi..,la 1\11al_v~is / i\M &. PM Peak flour Synchro Worksheets Provided on the following page Page I 54 . , URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. • .. -•;-\ PLANNING & TR.t,ff•C ENGINEERING •. ";· --~f:::!~?!~------~-· -