HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2021-0029; IONIS LOTS 21 & 22; TRANSPORTATION DEMAND STUDY; 2022-10-14... ... ■ ■ ...___ ■ ■ • lonis Pharmaceuticals NOVO 4 2022 Cl I T '.J ,:ARLSBAD PLAf JNl!~G DIVISIO'\J TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS LOT 21 AND 22 October 14th, 2022 TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I: Project Background, Existing Conditions and Infrastructure TDM Strategies ................................... 2 Section I: Developer Profile .............................. . Section II: Project Information ......................... . • Project Interim Transportation Coordinator. ..... . .2 ·······························2 ···················2 • Land Use and Area ....................................................................................................................... 3 • Automobile Parking ........................................... . Section Ill: Existing Conditions & TDM Context ........... . • • • • Relevant Existing TDM Infrastructure Network. Relevant Project-Specific TDM Infrastructure. Environmental ......................................... . Project-Specific and/or Nearby Amenities. ·························3 ······················4 ··············4 . ............. 9 . ......... 10 . .......... 17 • Anticipated Workforce and Commute Patterns .................................... . . .......... 18 Section IV: Infrastructure TDM Selections.............................................................. . .......................... 18 Section V: Authorization for Building Permit Issuance .......................................................................... 22 Part II: Project Background, Existing Conditions and Infrastructure TDM Strategies ................................. 23 Section I: Non-Infrastructure TDM Selections .......................................................... . . ................ 23 Section II: Monitoring ........................ . .27 Section Ill: Authorization Occupancy .. .28 APPENDICES .......................................... . .................................................... 29 • APPENDIX 2: Supplemental Images for Infrastructure Amenities........................................ . .... 31 1 I I' 1 I' • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Part I: Project Background, Existing Conditions and Infrastructure TOM Strategies Section I: Developer Profile Developer Name: /ONIS Pharmaceuticals Property Manager Name: N/A Developer Mailing Address: 2855 Gazelle Court, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Primary Contact: Wayne Sanders Phone: {760) 603-2562 Section II: Project Information The purpose of this document is to prepare a Transportation Demand Management Plan pursuant to the City of Carlsbad's Municipal Code Ordinance on Transportation Demand Management (TDM). Project Name: IONJS Pharmaceuticals lots 21 & 22 Permit Number: SOP 2021-00261 Project Address: Lots 21 & 22, Whiptai/ Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 • Project Interim Transportation Coordinator ► Developer agrees to provide an Interim Transportation Coordinator responsible for ensuring the infrastructure is developed as agreed upon with the City of Carlsbad, development and execution of TDM Plan requirements, and transitioning Transportation Coordinator duties to new owners or property managers upon occupancy. Interim Transportation Coordinator Name: Wayne Sanders Mailing Address: 2855 Gazelle Court, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Phone: /760) 603-2562 2 I I' -1 i' : • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Cc1rlsbad, CA 92010 • Land Use and Area The chart below shows the project's proposed gross floor area and the expected number of employees allocated to each proposed use. Land Use GFA Employees {H-0) Hospital {C-1) Neighborhood Commercial (C-2) General Commercial (C-T) Commercial Tourist (C-M) Heavy Commercial (C-L) Local Shopping Center (0) Office (V-R) Village Review (L-C) Limited Control (M) Industrial (P-M) Planned Industrial 164,833 SF (lab/office building) + 386 44,000 SF (parking structure) Total 164,833 SF 386 Per Section 2.2 of the City of Carlsbad TOM Handbook, the number of employee average daily trips (EADT) has been calculated for the project as shown below: Building Gross Floor Area= 164,833 SF Intended Use o Industrial= 164,833 SF Number of Employment ADT . 163,833 SF o lndustnal = 4.0 EADT + ( 1000 )(3.5 EADT) = 577 EADT o Total= 577 EADT TIER 3 ■ The Project is considered a Tier 3 development as a result of the development being a new development. • Automobile Parking Automobile Parking Existing# of Allocated Spaces Proposed # of Allocated Spaces Proposed# of New Parking Spaces Surface Parking Spaces 0 326 326 Structured Parking Spaces 0 100 100 3 I ,, , ■ Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carl5bad, CA 92010 Section Ill: Existing Conditions & TOM Context • Relevant Existing TOM Infrastructure Network ► Figure 1 below shows existing pedestrian sidewalk and crosswalk (identified with yellow- colored lines) infrastructure adjacent to the project, including pedestrian crossings (identified with green-colored markers). As shown in the figure, currently there are ample pedestrian facilities surrounding the project site, including fifteen (15) pedestrian crossings at the following locations: o #1: Faraday Ave./ El Fuerte St. • Signalized o #2: Faraday Ave./ Whiptail Loop W. • Signalized o #3: Faraday Ave./ Whiptail Loop E. • Signalized o #4: Faraday Ave./ Park Center Dr./ S. Melrose Dr. • Signalized o #5: Loker Ave. W. (midblock between Palomar Airport Rd. -El Fuerte Ave.) • Unsignalized o #6: Loker Ave./ El Fuerte St. • Signalized o #7: S. Melrose Dr./ Oak Ridge Wy. • Signalized o #8: S. Melrose Dr./ Sycamore Ave. • Signalized o #9: Sycamore Ave./ Hot Spring Wy. • Signalized o #10: S. Melrose Dr./ Lionshead Ave. • Signalized o #11: Palomar Airport Rd./ Innovation Wy. / Loker Ave. W. • Signalized o #12: Palomar Airport Rd./ El Fuerte St. • Signalized o #13: Palomar Airport Rd./ S. Melrose Dr./ Melrose Dr. • Signalized o #14: Whiptail Loop at Gazelle Court • unsignalized o #15: Whiptail Loop at Caribou Court • unsignalized 4 Ii' ,I • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceutica ls -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Figure 1: Existing Pedestrian Infrastructure S I P ,1 I' 1' • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 , Figure 2 below shows existing bicycle infrastructure adjacent to the project, including Class II bike lanes (identified with blue~colored lines) and Class Ill bike routes (identified with green~ colored lines). As shown in the figure, currently there are ample bicycle facilities surrounding the project site. The existing bicycle infrastructure in the vicinity of the project site is consistent with the City of Carlsbad of Sustainable Mobility Plan (12/2020). 6 I I' ,l • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Figure 2: Existing Bicycle Infrastructure 7 I .i , • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lon1s Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 , Figure 3 below shows existing transit and/or shuttle services (identified with red-colored markers) that serve the project site with a stop/station within a¼ mile distance. Table 1 below provides details about the existing transit and/or shuttle service stop/stations location and routes. Figure 3: Existing Transit/Shuttle Stops 8 I r • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Table 1: Existing Transit/Shuttle Stops Location, Service Operator, and Route ID Location Transit Service Type Operator Route(s) A NE corner of Faraday Ave./ Park Center Dr./ 5. Melrose Dr. B SE corner of Faraday Ave./ Park Center Dr./ 5. Melrose Dr. C SW corner of 5. Melrose Dr./ Sycamore Ave. D NE corner of 5. Melrose Dr./ Sycamore Ave. E SE corner of Palomar Airport Rd./ S. Melrose Dr. / Melrose Dr. F NW corner of Palomar Airport Rd./ 5. Melrose Dr./ Melrose Dr. G SE corner of Palomar Airport Rd./ El Fuerte St. H NW corner of Palomar Airport Rd./ Loker Ave. W. NE corner of Palomar Airport Rd./ Loker Ave. W. J 400' N/0 Palomar Airport Rd./ Loker Ave. W. K 1,600' NE/0 Palomar Airport Rd./ Loker Ave. W. L 1,700' NE/0 Palomar Airport Rd./ Loker Ave. W. M 1,150' W/0 El Fuerte St./ Loker Ave. W. N 800' W/0 El Fuerte St./ Loker Ave. W. 0 NW corner of El Fuerte St./ Loker Ave. W. P SW corner of El Fuerte St./ Loker Ave. W. • Relevant Project-Specific TDM Infrastructure Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop Bus Stop ► The number of existing public bike racks is O (Vacant site) North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District North County Transit District ► The average utilization of the existing public bike racks is O (Vacant site) ► The number of existing secure bike racks is O (Vacant site) ► The average utilization of the existing secure bike racks is O (Vacant site) ► The number of existing designated carpool/vanpool spaces is O (Vacant site) ► The average utilization of the existing designated carpool/vanpool spaces is O (Vacant site) ► As previously shown in Figure 3, sixteen (16) existing transit stops exist in close proximity and directly south and east to the project site. 9 I '<1 r • Urban Systems Associates Inc. 332 332 332 332 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 • Environmental ► The figures below show the existing Class ti Bike Lanes (marked as blue-colored lines) within an approximate 2-mile radius from the project site. Please note that this figure provides both a plan view (Figure 4-1) and a profile view (Figure 4-2) of the area in question to show both the extent of the facilities available within the 2-mile radius and the topographical changes within the area in question. As shown in the figures, the area has a mixture of flat terrain and terrain with elevation changes ranging from approximately 60 feet to 600 feet in elevation in terms of topography, which would not be anticipated to restrict or heavily influence active transportation modes such as bicycling that would otherwise be influenced by steep hills and significant grade changes. Additionally, the area provides ample Class II Bike Lanes for existing and potential future bicycle users. 10 I 1' 1 • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Figure 4-2: Class II Bike Lanes within a 2-Mile Radius from Project Site (Profile View) ► The figures below show street view screenshots ofthe roads adjacent to the project site. o Figure 5 shows street view imagery of Faraday Avenue west of El Fuerte Street. o Figure 6 shows street view imagery of Faraday Avenue east of El Fuerte Street. o Figure 7 shows street view imagery of Faraday Avenue between Whiptail Loop West and Whiptail Loop East. o Figure 8 shows street view imagery of Faraday Avenue west of South Melrose Drive. o Figure 9 shows street view imagery of Whiptail Loop West north of Faraday Avenue. o Figure 10 shows street view imagery of Whiptail Loop East north of Faraday Avenue. 12 I I' .:i , • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lon1s Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Figure 5: Google Street View of Faraday Avenue west of El Fuerte Street - Figure 6: Google Street View of Faraday Avenue east of El Fuerte Street 13 I r 1 t' e • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Figure 7: Google Street View of Faraday Avenue between Whiptail Loop West and Whiptail Loop East Figure 8: Google Street View of Faraday Avenue west of South Melrose Drive 14 I I' ct ,, t' • Urban Systems Associates Inc. ■ TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonIs Pharmaceutical~ -Lot 21 and 22, Wh1ptail loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Figure 9: Google Street View of Whiptail Loop West north of Faraday Avenue Figure 10: Google Street View of Whiptail Loop East north of Faraday Avenue 15 I , • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN Ion is Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Figure 11: Google Street View of Whiptail Loop East at Gazelle Court 16 I r ,, . • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Figure 11: Google Street View of Whiptail Loop East at Gazelle Court • 16 I P ii g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceutical~ -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbc1d, CA 92010 ► The list below shows the current posted speed limits of the roadways adjacent to the project site: o Faraday Avenue from Orion Street to East City limit • 50 mph o Faraday Avenue west of South Melrose Drive • SO mph o Whiptail Loop (between Faraday Avenue -around the loop) • Not posted ► As shown in Figure 2 above, the project is in close proximity to four (4) signalized pedestrian crossings. Additional legal pedestrian crossings occur at unsignalized intersections on Whiptail Loop. The signalized pedestrian crossings are listed below: o Faraday Ave./ El Fuerte St. • Signalized intersection. • Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for three (3) of the four (4) intersection legs. • All intersection approaches have illumination provided by light poles. o Faraday Ave./ Whiptail Loop W. • Signalized intersection. • Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all three (3) intersection legs. • All intersection approaches have illumination provided by light poles. o Faraday Ave./ Whiptail Loop E. • Signalized intersection. • Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all three (3) intersection legs. • All intersection approaches have illumination provided by light poles. o Faraday Ave./ Park Center Dr./ S. Melrose Dr. • Signalized intersection. • Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all four (4) intersection legs. • All intersection approaches have illumination provided by light poles. • Project-Specific and/or Nearby Amenities ► The list below shows the available amenities and/or establishments within a 1/4-mile radius from the project site: o Food establishments: 0 facilities o Child-care facilities: O facilities o Fitness/healthcare facilities: 0 facilities o Dry-cleaning facilities: 0 facilities 17 I I' ,I • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptc1il Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 • Anticipated Workforce and Commute Patterns ► The anticipated commute hours based on shifts or typical work hours are before 7:00 A.M. and after 6:00 P.M. based on a typical work hours/work shift of 7:00 A.M -6:00 P .M. o Normal peak hour arrivals will occur between 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM and normal peak hour departures will occur between 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. ► The anticipated percentage of part-time employees is 0%. All 386 employees are full-time employees. ),, The anticipated average commute distance is approximately 20 miles. Section IV: Infrastructure TOM Selections The City of Carlsbad requests that Transportation Demand Management Plans for new development include relevant infrastructure strategies. The infrastructure strategies are found and have been referenced from Table 2-2 Menu of TDM Strategies, Part I: Infrastructure found in the Non-Residential Developer TOM Plan Guidelines within the TDM Handbook. The infrastructure strategies are identified within the TDM handbook by category, name, description, and point value. A maximum of 28 points are available through infrastructure strategies. As part of the tiered requirements within the City of Carlsbad's TDM ordinance, the lonis Pharmaceuticals project falls within a Tier 3. A Tier 3 project is required to include non-infrastructure strategies yielding four (4) points, which include a Transportation Coordinator (1 point), distribution of new hire transportation information (1 point), and active involvement in the Citywide TOM Program (2 points), and a selection of infrastructure improvements and programmatic strategies. The total number of points that a Tier 3 project is required to include via infrastructure and/or non-infrastructure TOM strategies is a total minimum of 18 points, of which a minimum of six (6) points must be achieved through infrastructure strategies unless otherwise agreed upon with city staff. Infrastructure strategies have been selected by consulting the City of Carlsbad's Transportation Demand Management Handbook (08/2019) to be included as part of the lonis Pharmaceuticals Project's Transportation Demand Management Plan. Each of the selected infrastructure strategies that will be included in the Ion is Pharmaceuticals project includes a brief description of the strategy's characteristics, implementation method, and requested points. The infrastructure strategies are listed below: Choose from the following list of infrastructure strategies: ✓ Secure Bike Parking Points: 1 point • Since the project will consist of 164,833 SF industrial space, the project is required to provide a minimum of 11 long-term bicycle spaces based on the City of Carlsbad's TOM Handbook requirement of 1 secure bicycle space per 15,000 SF of industrial/manufacturing building area. The project will provide long-term secure bike parking for up to 24 bicycles. The stacked racks that are planned to be installed within the secure bike parking room will have a capacity for up to 22 bicycles. The remaining two (2) parking spaces will be accommodated within the 18 I I' , 1 , , • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceutical5 -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 secure bike parking room through a designated area for 2 larger-sized bicycles that will serve as secure and long-term bike parking for bicycles such as a recumbent bicycle. A diagram of the secure bike parking room is included in Sheet TDM-2 within Appendix 1. • These secure bicycle spaces will be provided at no cost to employees. • The bicycles will be placed on stacked racks in an enclosed secure bike room. The stacked racks will be installed by the rack vendor in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Sheet TDM-2 within Appendix 1 includes a stacked bike rack installation diagram to serve as the planned installation reference ofthe stacked bike racks in the secure room. • The secure bike room will be located near the northern building entrance at the basement level of the proposed lab/office building. Users will be able to access the secure room by way of the first level of the parking garage or the parking garage elevator from either the 2nd or 3rd floor of the parking garage. Alternatively, users will also be able to access the secure room through the rear door adjacent to the lunch patio and using the service elevator from the main floor level. • Access to the secure bike room for users will be provided through a card reader. ✓ Innovations (Rike-Share Program) Points: 1 point • Public bike racks for short-term bicycle parking will be provided near the building entrances of all three {3) of the lonis Pharmaceuticals campus buildings for all bicyclists that desire to travel between the buildings of the campus. • As shown in the project site plan in Appendix 1, the public bike racks will consist two {2) existing bike ribbon racks and one (1) new ribbon rack. The existing ribbon racks consist of one (1) rack located in the northeast corner of the Headquarters building and one (1) rack located in the north side of the Conference Center building. The proposed (1) bike ribbon rack will be located in the south side of the proposed Lab/Office building, near the main entrance. • Each of the ribbon racks that are or will be provided onsite will have a parking capacity of 4 spaces each, for a total of 12 spaces throughout the lonis campus. • Bike racks will be installed in accordance with the guidance laid out in "Essentials of Bike Parking", published by the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP). 19 11' 1, • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West. Carlsbad, CA 92010 ✓ Preferential Parking for Car/Vanpools Points: 2 points • • • The Project will provide preferential parking for car/vanpools near the building entrances in a preferred area within the surface parking area. Consistent with CALGreen, out of the total parking spaces (426 spaces), 8%of the total parking spaces will be dedicated as EV/Clean Air/Vanpool spaces. Consistent with the City of Carlsbad's TDM Handbook, an additional 5% of the total parking spaces will be dedicated as carpool/vanpool parking spaces. This will result in 34 parking spaces dedicated for EV/Clean Air/Vanpool usage and 22 parking spaces dedicated for carpool/vanpool usage. The location of these parking spaces will be consistent with the designated locations shown in the project site plan included in Sheet TDM-2 within Appendix 1. The parking spaces highlighted in blue color are spaces dedicated for EV/Clean Air/Vanpool usage, whereas the spaces highlighted in yellow color are spaces dedicated for carpool/vanpool usage. As shown in the site plan, these parking spaces will be located in areas within close proximity to the building entrances, including the east, west, and main entrance (located in the south side of the building), or in a preferential location within the parking structure within close proximity of the parking garage elevator. ■ The Transportation Coordinator will register the tonis site to the SAN DAG Vanpool Program. Through the registration into the program, the Transportation Coordinator will manage the coordination between the service provided by SAN DAG and employees seeking to participate in this program to facilitate an existing vanpool service or create a new route in coordination with SAN DAG in a desired area based on employee travel patterns. ■ Upon hire, employees will receive a brochure describing the existence of a vanpool program and a request form to register for this service. Employees seeking to participate in the program will submit via email the filled form to the Transportation Coordinator. The form will require that the employees seeking to participate in the program provide their name, contact information, travel dates and times, and desired travel route. ■ After registration into the program, the employee will be linked with other employees registering to the program which have similar travel timeframes and routes. ■ The program's usage will be monitored by the Transportation Coordinator by requesting users to indicate on a monthly basis the days within which they traveled to and from the Project site via carpool/vanpool. 20 I I' , , ,, • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whipta1I Loop West, Cirl~bad, CA 92010 ✓ End of Trip Facilities Points: 1 point • The Project will provide showers and lockers for employees who use active transportation to get to work. The showers and lockers will be provided within the basement level of the proposed lab/office building as shown on the site plan contained in Appendix 1, including 4 showers. Additionally, existing end of trip facilities consist of 12 showers and lockers provided in the east side of the existing headquarters building as shown in Appendix 1. ✓ On-site Amenities Points: 1 point • The Project will provide a basketball/ badminton court, a one-half basketball court, and a fitness center. The fitness center will reduce the potential vehicle trips to nearby gymnasiums in the community. The location of the basketball/ badminton court and fitness center are east of the existing headquarters building, while the one-half basketball court is located south of the existing headquarters building as shown on the site plan in Appendix 1. Pictures of the on-site amenities are included in Appendix 2. ✓ Bicycle and Pecte.strian Connections Points: 1 point • • The Project will provide connectivity to existing public pedestrian infrastructure through internal pedestrian pathways as shown in the architectural site plan in Appendix 1. These pathways are denoted in the site plan with a blue-dashed line for the new pedestrian and bicycle connections and a red-dashed line for the existing pedestrian and bicycle connections. Connectivity will be enhanced between the north side (new development) of the property and the south side (existing development) of the property through the construction of a pedestrian bridge as shown in the architectural site plan in Appendix 1. ■ Wayfinding signage will be provided throughout the connection pathways near the three (3) campus buildings illustrating the bicycle circulation along the campus consistent with the architectural site plan in Appendix 1. ✓ Passenger Loading Zone Points: 1 point ■ The Project will provide a loading zone in the northern side of the property, just north of the proposed building as shown in the architectural site plan in Appendix 1. Two loading spaces will be provided to allow pickup and drop-off of employees utilizing Transportation Network Companies for last mile transportation or otherwise being dropped off at the project site in order to further enhance commute options and alternative forms of transportation. 21 I I' , ,, • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Section V: Authorization for Building Permit Issuance By signing below, Developer certifies that the information provided in this document is complete and accurate. By signing this document, a developer is committing to build/provide the infrastructure strategies identified in this document. Failure to provide the identified infrastructure may result in a building not obtaining an occupancy permit until such infrastructure is constructed or other commitments are made to reduce vehicle trips by an amount equivalent to the trips that would have likely been reduced by constructing and providing the listed infrastructure strategies. The developer also acknowledges that commitments to implement additional TDM strategies and monitor and report on those strategies must be made prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. These commitments can be made by completing Part 2 of this document and obtaining subsequent approval of the proposed strategies and monitoring program. Name and Signature of Developer Representative or Designated Applicant: Wayne Sanders Nov. 01 2022 Printed Name Signature Date Name and Signature of Interim Transportation Coordinator (if different from above): Wayne Sanders Nov. 01 2022 Printed Name Signature Date Name and Signature of City of Carlsbad Representative: Printed Name Signature Date 22 I I' ,1 1 ,. • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Part II: Project Background, Existing Conditions and Infrastructure TDM Strategies Section I: Non-Infrastructure TDM Selections The City of Carlsbad requests that Transportation Demand Management Plans for new development include relevant non-infrastructure strategies. The non-infrastructure strategies are found and have been referenced from Table 2-6 Menu of TOM Strategies, Part II: Non-Infrastructure found in the Non- Residential Developer TOM Plan Guidelines within the TOM Handbook. The non-infrastructure strategies are identified within the TOM handbook by category, name, description, and point value. As part of the tiered requirements within the City of Carlsbad's TDM ordinance, the lonis Pharmaceuticals project falls within a Tier 3. A Tier 3 project is required to include non-infrastructure strategies yielding four (4) points, which include a Transportation Coordinator (1 point), distribution of new hire transportation information (1 point), and active involvement in the Citywide TDM Program (2 points), and a selection of infrastructure improvements and programmatic strategies. The total number of points that a Tier 3 project is required to include via infrastructure and/or non-infrastructure TDM strategies is a total minimum of 18 points, of which a minimum of six (6) points must be achieved through infrastructure strategies unless otherwise agreed upon with city staff. Non-infrastructure strategies have been selected by consulting the City of Carlsbad's Transportation Demand Management Handbook (08/2019) to be included as part of the lonis Pharmaceuticals Project's Transportation Demand Management Plan. Each of the selected non-infrastructure strategies that will be included in the lonis Pharmaceuticals project includes a brief description of the strategy's characteristics, implementation method, and requested points. The non-infrastructure strategies are listed below: ✓ Transportation Coordinator (Required) Points Requested: 1 point ■ All developments subject to the TDM ordinance are required to designate an on-site transportation coordinator responsible for ensuring that infrastructure is maintained, policies and programs are implemented, and amenities and partnerships are maintained as described in the approved TOM Plan and otherwise ensuring compliance with City of Carlsbad TOM Plan requirements. ■ The designated transportation coordinator's name, title, and contact information is provided below (to be filled out upon future occupancy-see Page 2 for information regarding interim coordinator): ► Transportation Coordinator Name and Title: Wayne Sanders, Director of Facilities 23 I I' , 1' , , • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonIs Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 ► Mailing Address: 2855 Gazelle Court, Carlsbad, CA 92010 ► Phone: 760. 603. 2562 ► Email: wsanders@ionisph.com ✓ Distribute New Hire Transportation Information (Required_) Points Requested: 1 point ■ All developments subject to the TDM ordinance are required to ensure that transportation options and information is distributed to new employees during the hiring and orientation process. ✓ Citywide TOM Program (Required) Points Requested: 2 points • Transportation Coordinators of all developments subject to the TOM ordinance are required to meet with the citywide TOM programs outreach staff on a regular basis (at least annually (and participate in at least one event held by the citywide TOM program (if available). ✓ Ridematching Service Points Requested: 1 point ■ The City's Carlsbad Commuter program offers free ridematching to participating properties/employers. The proposed project will participate in this program. ✓ Marketing and Outreach Points Requested: 3 points ■ The project will provide marketing and outreach material to new employees through the Transportation Coordinator upon hire that will include a "welcome package" that will highlight local multimodal transportation access and local recreational facilities in the vicinity of the project site. ■ The package will include a community transportation brochure that will be updated yearly and within which travel options that become available in the vicinity of the project (other than single occupancy vehicles (SOVs)) will be outlined. These will include transit stops as well as the schedules of the identified routes that serve the highlighted transit facilities, bike infrastructure such as the identification of existing bike lanes/routes and the extents of such facilities. Furthermore, the package will also include a community map that will show the parks, community centers, and other recreational facilities near the site that have the potential to reduce SOV usage such as restaurants, coffee shops, mail services, etc. ■ Additionally, the Transportation Coordinator will set up one recurring annual event at the Project site for employees to market the available transportation options to employees as a 24 11' ., •' • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lon1s Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whipta1I Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 reinforcement of the "welcome package." The event will be publicized via email to employees in advance to allow employees to plan out for the attendance to the event. • In addition to the annual event, the Transportation Coordinator will reach out to employees via email upon a major update to transportation modes available for users in the vicinity of the Project site, such as the implementation of a new bus route, a major scheduling update to an existing bus route, or the construction of new bicycle infrastructure. • Marketing and outreach material will be readily available within each of the building's lunch rooms to provide additional support to the program in an area of ease of access to employees. ✓ Guaranteed Ride-Home Services • Points Requested: 1 point The project will participate in SANDAG's iCommute program which provides a guaranteed ride home benefit. Details on this program can be found at the following website: https:(lwww.icommutesd.com/comm uters/guaranteed ride home ✓ Telework Program Points Requested: 5 points • The proposed project will promote telework options for eligible employees. The program will be implemented internally by lonis and overseen by the Transportation Coordinator. • Eligibility to the program will be based on the employees' ability to successfully perform responsibilities off-site, impact to the core team and broader organization, performance, unique set of skills, and importance of physical presence onsite. There will be three (3) main categories within which employees will fall based on the above criteria: o Fully Onsite: employees which will be onsite 5 days/week o Hybrid: employees which will have a mix of on-site and off-site work o Fully Remote: employees which will conduct 100% of their work off-site • The program will be open to 100% of the employees at the campus, and all the requests will be considered. The approval of teleworking will be assessed and assigned on a case-by-case basis. Approval for hybrid or fully remote work will be obtained by employees upon approval from their supervisor and area vice president. The approval for hybrid or fully remote work schedules will constitute the following provisions/policies for employees: o Employees will not be penalized for requesting a reasonable remote work arrangement, regardless of whether it is approved or not. o Hybrid or fully remote employees may be required to be on-site on an occasional or ongoing basis as determined by their senior leadership. 25 I 1' ,I • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonIs Pharmaceuticals-Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 o Hybrid or fully remote employees will not be eligible for company-paid relocation expenses. o Employees needing temporary adjustments to theironsite/remote work schedule will have the flexibility to do so with supervisor approval. Permanent adjustments to work schedules will require supervisor and area vice president approval. o An employee may be reimbursed the costs of traveling to and from the office when the employee is required to be at the office and the employee resides more than 500 miles away from the on-site office in accordance with lonis corporate travel policy. o lonis will reimburse appropriate, preapproved office supplies required to perform remote work. o Approval for remote work will be evaluated periodically by senior leadership and may be rescinded at any time based on company circumstances. A minimum of 30 days' notice will be provided. o The assignment of office space as a function of days onsite will be evaluated on an ongoing basis to maximize office utilization. ■ Employees not onsite at least 3 days/week will have the option to sign-up for remote cubicles/offices when onsite. Employees who historically have been assigned a cubicle should reserve a cubicle, and those historically assigned an office should reserve an office. ■ Employees working less than 3 days/week onsite will not be assigned a cubicle/office. o Employees working remotely will be encouraged to spend time onsite and may be required to be onsite for meetings or events that require in person attendance. o Employees working onsite in a hybrid manner will be encouraged to be onsite on the same days to maximize employee interactions. o Employees working onsite will be encouraged to participate in meetings in person in order to avoid "logging in" to a meeting from their office by software means. 26 I 1' ,1 • Urban Systems Associates Inc. • • ■ TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 The program will ensure that on-site office occupancy is maximized from a population density perspective and effective space utilization. This program will be constantly monitored for usage effectiveness by employees and measured Section II: Monitoring All developments are required to begin to monitor the alternative mode share of commute trips to the site through employee surveys within 12 months of reaching 75% occupancy or within 18 months of initial occupancy, whichever occurs first. By signing below, developer agrees to distribute commute surveys to employees every two years following the baseline survey conducted within 12 months of occupancy reaching 75% of within 18 months of initial occupancy, whichever occurs first. Alternatively, developer may provide a copy of the signed lease that stipulates that the employer tenant(s) will administer employee commute surveys on the same schedule. In addition, developer acknowledges the interim and final alternative mode share goals, listed below, that the development is required to achieve. Should the goals not be achieved, t ransportation coordinator agrees to work with the citywide program to identify and implement additional measures suitable to the project site. Figure 12: Mode Share Goals Present till 25% 24% 2025 2025-2029 130% 26% ~ 30-2034 35% 28% 35on 140% 30% Name and Signature of Developer Representative or Designated Applicant: Wayne Sanders Nov.01.2022 -,; Printed Name Signature Date 27 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceutic<1ls -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West. Carlsbad, CA 92010 Section Ill: Authorization Occupancy By signing below, developer and transportation coordinator certify that the information provided in this document is complete and accurate. By signing this document, the transportation coordinator is committing to providing the strategies identified in this document and to participate in monitoring activities described in Section IV. Name and Signature of Developer Representative or Designated Applicant: Wayne Sanders Nov. 01 2022 Printed Name Signature Date Name and Signature of (Interim or Final) Transportation Coordinator: Wayne Sanders ,4Jte,kf/1. Nov. 01 2022 Printed Name Signature Date Name and Signature of City of Carlsbad Representative: Printed Name Signature Date 28 11 l • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals~ Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West. Carlsbc1d, CA 92010 APPENDICES 29 I 1• ., , • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals-Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 • APPENDIX 1: Project Site Plan This page is left intentionally blank. The appendix is provided on the following pages in ll"X17" format. 30 11' .1 • Urban Systems Associates Inc. n ■ n ■ • • • • • • • • • • II u • • PROPOSED MENS ANO WJMENS StiOVIER AND LOCKER ROOMS IN 8AS$1ENT LEVEL OF BUILDING PROPOSED SECURED BIKE STORAGE FOR 22 BICYCLES 00 STACKED RACKS ANO AN AREA FOR 2 LARGE BlKE. SUCH AS A RECUMBENT BIKE ROOM ACCESS IS BY CARO / :~::,ir~~o:st L ING SHORT TERM BICYCLE PARKING PROVIDED IN 4 BIKE SPACE RIBBON RACK RACK IS PROVIDED FOR EMPLOYEE "SHARED BIKE" TRAVEL BET'McEN BUILDINGS V / I / / / / / / ~ EXIST IONIS FITNESS CENTER PHOTOS OVERALL SITE PLAN • IONIS CAMPUS SCAI.E: i°•a,,-i:t-~ , I I I I \ \ I I---➔ .. 1 >,.101 NIS EXISTING CONFERENCE CENTER ,,, ____ _ New Project Area (Lots21 &22) See Sheet TOM-2 ·. . . . . . I t-PROVIDE SIGNAGE ILLUSTRATING CAMPUS BIKE CIRCULATION H PEOESTRIAN PA !HS OF TRAIIElBETV,££N BUILDING •--------. . -· . ?·SSENGEF. LOAO!.HG OP0?-01"' APEA PROVIDE SIGNAGE ILLUSTRATING CAMPUS BIKE CIRCULATION l.Q!.li SITE PARKING INFORMATION-LOTS 21 & 22 TOTAL Sin PARl<JIG PROYIIED STN-IDARD SPACES COMP-'CT SPACES l>DASl'ACES PARIONG PROVIOID: SURFACE I UNCOVERED PARl<la<l CQI/EREO PARl<JNG TOTALACCESSBLE PARl(JflG REQUIRED: (PERZ019CBCTA8U 118-208.2& 118-2082.<) TOTAL ACCESUILE PARl(JHG PROVIDED UNCOVUIEO: STAHOARO ACCESSIBLE V~ ACCESSIBLE TOTALACCESSIILE PARKING PRO'IIOED C<MRED: STANDARD ACCESSIBL.E: V~ACCESSIBLE: OTHER PARIONG PROVIOED: LOAlllNG SPACES REQUIRED: LOAOING SPACES PR<MOED: ZERO EIIISSION I CARPOOL REQUIRED: CARPOOL/ VANPOOL ONLY SPACES PROVIDED PER TOM PfOIE • EV ARE lfClUQEQ IN PARKlfG COUNT MQYEl lltllMUII REQllRED ELECTIUC VEIIICLE SPACES REQUtREO: ELECTRIC VEHICI.E SPACES w CHARGER-· BICYCLE PARJQNO SHARED BIKE PARKING PROVIDED: LONG TERM BICYCLE PARl(tj() MINIMUM REQUIRED, (fl 1TH LO Cl<ERS OR COVERED Loa<A8LE ROOM WTTH RACKS) (SIi Of•~ TOTAL SPACES) LONG TERM BICYCLE PAAl(JNG PROVllEO: EXISTING E""'LOYEE FITN!cSS ..ENTER <lfSPACfS J:!SSPACES 91 SPACES 10 SPACES (INCLUOEO IN TOTAl) 3211SPACES IOOSPACES I SPACES lSPACfS SSPACES 1 SPACE UPACES J SPACES 1 SPACE 0 SPACES 2SPACES MSPACES 22SPACES 43sPACES 22 12 RACK SPACES 22 22 (lOCATal IN 8ASEMENT) I , ---t.: :-.:: ---------' -----':..:....::. -_______;..=; -;_~.: ~ - TOM BICYCLE NOTES: I Bike par1Ung w,I be prOVlded al no cost to e-mpf()yees 2 81cycitSt wi access 1ne ntcyele sIorage room oywoy oflne n~ fevel ot 1ne parkang garage or the panllog gar&Qe etevator from ettner !he 211d or 3rd floor or 1ne parking oa,age AA attemate root'> woula De Ihrough me rear door adJaoant 10 tne 1uncn paho ano using IM serva eJevator h'om It1c makl ltoor Mvel J Blcyde f3CKS 10 be lnstalleO t>y tne o.cycte rack \lenoor 1n accordance w~n the manufactures spec1fteatJOOS • Btcyde ,aOO snould loilow the bcke rack ana ansI011at10n ouk:lance as laid OUI lf1 Ille ~Essenllals 01 Bike Par'<.IQ!t E)(ISnNG El<PI. YEE 1'2COURT BA-S~ETBALL 40' 80' EB 160' SOP 2021-0029 DGA planning I architecture / 1ntenors 550 Ellii Strttt. Moun~it1 View. CA 9'4043 20! F:1.;;:i SaftC.. )rd Fico,-. S..n mnt:iKo. CA 94133 2SS0flfd,A¥Cf!Ue.5'.Mte IIS.~n Diep.CA 92J0J-- 1120 &:h ~S.~CA 95811 CONSULTANTS Clvtl Engineer 650,943-1660 ◄11-<77-2700 ,,,~~ 9Iµ<I"'8CX) MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL 9755 CLAIREMONT MESA. SAN DIEGO CA 9212◄ TEL: 858.61◄.500 CONTACT: BRIAN OLIVER EMAIi.: bkoli\ler@mbakorinU.com S P U R L O C K • Landsc:ope Architect STAMP 2 _3_ _4_ _S_ SPURLOCK LANOSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 2122HANCOCK ST SAN DIEGO. CA 92110 TEL: 619.681.0090 CONT ACT: ANDREW SPURLOCK EMAIL: aspurtock@spurlodc-lano .oom PR8.JMNAAY RE:'v1EW SU!MTTAI. 07.~2ll2_1 SO'RE:'v1EWCYQ.E#I I l.0'4.2021 SO' RNEWCYQ.E #l SCP Rl:\1EW CY<ll #3 SCP RNEWCYQ.E #4 03.16.2022 06.01.2022 (§31.2022 NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 10M1s PROJECT ADDRESS IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS LOT21 AND 22 WHIPTAIL LOOP WEST . CARLSBAD CA 92010 PROJECT NO_ 21004 SCALE AS SHOWN TITI.E OVERALL SITE PLAN TDM-1 DGA planning I architecture I Interiors 2018 • ■ ■ • II • • ■ • ■ a • • ■ u II • • • • • II • • BikeRack.ca ~~wo.,.:,-,,.eo. •...ssf'IIIOIWl.LIOll..t#l::'!11 WiU,>WIOl!l..C.,. ~4•tljlWJ.1a ~tUltCl'-..._ --o•-•.,..-~-o .. _.-~-c•.,.·--a ..... ~,-1111"'~ 0-........... MINIMUM l-'NOSCAPE SETl!ACl<UlE 1 ?llE_PLAN sc.AJ.e: t••U,.(/' PROl'fRTY LINE MINIMUM L.ANOSCAPE SETBAa( LINE EB 2(f 40' 80' SECURRED BIKE STORAGE ROOM PLAN \ / / . / MIMMUMLANDsc,J>E SETBACKU<E /j t / PllOl'ERlY LINE SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1, PROVIOE BUlOING ADDRESS NUMBERS, \/1Sl8lE ANO LEGIBI£ FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING TIE PROPERTY PER FHPS POI.ICY f'00.6 (IJFC 901 ••◄) ct TIIS PROJECf Wlll NOTOISCHAAGE ANY rHCf<EASE IN STORM WATER R\.ff-OFF OHTOM EXISTTNG Hll.SlDEAAE>S AT THE STORM WATm DISCHARGE LOCATIOHS, SUITABLE ENERGY OISSl'ATERS AAE TO 8E NSTAllEO TO REDUCE THE DISCHARGE TO NQN.€ROOIBLE VELOCITIES •· MU.TIPlf STORM WATmOlSCHARGE LOCATIONS Wlll BE USED TO MIIIIC THE EJ<ISTNG ORAJNAGE PAmRN 5 N0ADOITIONAI.RUN-OFF IS PROPOSED FORM FOR THE OISOIARGELOCAroNS 6. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY CONSTRUCTIO N PERMIT, THE OWNER IPERM!TTEE SliAI.I. ENTER 1111'0 A MAINTENAHCE AGREEMENT FOR THE ONGONG PERMANENT BMP MAINTENANCE, SATISFACTORY TO TIE CITY ENGINEER 7. All UTUllES ARE TOBE SCREENED. SEE LN<OSCAPE ORAWlNGS FOR SCREENING ELEMENTS SITE PLAN LEGEND FlRE\NIE PATH OF TRAVB. +----+----+- ** EVf EVG 534' ·9" VISITOR SPACES PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE RET AJNINO WM.I. AREA OF NEW FIRE \NIE ONLY ACCESSIBLE PATH Of TRA\IEL 00 NOT EXCEED 5" SlOPE I< DIRECTIOH OF TRA'IE. ANO 00 NOT EXCEED 2% CROSS SlOPE. FlREHYORANT FIRE ACCESS ROADWAY SIGH ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN DENOTES HEV I CARPOOL PARKING STALL ELECTRIC 1/BllCl.f PAJU<tiG SPACE WITH CHARGING FUTURE ELECTRIC VEHICI.E PARKl«l SPACE CARPOOL I VANPOOL SPACES ONLY r----- l l I l I l l l l l I I I l I l I l l I "EVG" PROVIDED CHARGER AND "EVF" FUTURE CHARGER SPACES BUUllNG S€TIIACK KEYNOTES 10 11 PROPOSED MAXl,IUM 6 TM.I. RETAINING WM.I. PROl'O&0 BRIDGE FROM EXISTING SIRUCrulE TO NEWSTRI.ICT\ft PROPOSED Ol1Tl)()(Jl SEATl<G ANO EATl<G AREA (SEE LAMlSCAPE PLANS) PROPOSED AcCESsllll.E PARKING STAll PROPOSED SURFACE PAAIONG STALL. S~, 'N-11' FOR STAND,\ROSTAll OR MljlMlJMOF 110 SF. COWACT SPACES 8' , 15 PROPOSEO TRASH ANO RECYCl.f PROPOSED MECIWIICAl ENCl.OSUIE & EQUIPMENT YMOS PROPOSED Lo.<DING lllOR£TENT10N PER LANDSCAPE MAIN BUILDING ENTRY Fflf HYDRANT SOP 2021-0029 DGA planning I architecture I interiors SSO Sb Stl"ffC. Mounailft Vliew, CA 9404J 201 Fll>ert Stnet.~Aoor.S,,,fnnc-CA 941Jl 2550 ni,i;""'A ....... S.,,u 11·s:-s..Oiqo.CA'2IOJ lnG8chla.et.s.a.m...t,,.CA9S811 CONSULTANTS Civil Engil1ffr 6S0.94.).166() ◄1>1n-2100 &19-68S.3990 ,o ,..... I "6800 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL 9755 ClAIREMONT MESA. SAN DIEGO CA 9212• TEL: 858.814.500 CONTACT: BRIAN OUVER EMAL: bl<olver@mbakerintl.com S P U R L O C K + Landscape Archn.ct STAMP 2 3 _4_ s NO. CLIENT SPURLOCK LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 2122 HANCOCK ST SAN DIEGO, CA92110 TEL: 619.681.0090 CONTACT: ANDREW SPURLOCK EMAIL; aspunoclc@sporlock•land.com PIIS.JMNAAY Re,1EW SUMTTAL 07.Cll.2021 SCf> REVIEWC\'a.E #I 11.04.2021 SCf> REVIEWC\'a.E #1. 03.16.2022 SCf> REVIEW CYa.E #3 ffiQI.J()22 sr;;1' REVIEWCYa.E Cll.31.2022 DESCRIPTION DATE 10N1s JONIS PHARMACEUTICALS PROJECT IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS LOT21 AND 22 ADDRESS WHIPTAJL LOOP WEST, CARLSBAD CA 92010 PROJECT NO. 21004 SCALE AS SHOWN TITtE SITE PLAN TDM -2 DGA planning I architecture I interiors 2018 ~ ■ • D n a • • • D u ■ • • ■ • ■ • ■ ■ PA PC ,/' P8 " &, \ ""' Pf PE PO / ., I ~-..... j , / I I I I / I I I I P1 ,.,, . .,. P2 PC P8 I P1 P2 -, • ""'-:,. ~-... Pl PE PO ~f> I I " I I / I . , Pl ,.,. . .,. P4 pf ~ ~- I P4 PG I I I I PG I 1r~ ' PH I ,(!.'' ... '" """_J P1 ' I PH ,~,' I ,,,. ... ,,,. PS 423' --g• PS 413' --6" P1i P1i PS CARPOOL/VANPOOL SPACES ONLY PS CARPOOL/VANPOOL SPACES ONLY PF PE PC P1I P1 P2 Pl P4 -_J ' PG I PH I PH I PS PM ~--t {,. I , ..... ..... Pl -~-' / r-· \ P1i ,r ,,:& I / .. ":. PK ' I / "' s, PJ ,~· ,...... / *' ,._4t-C" ' I /' -,;p:i~ ,-t, / / ~-~ CARPOOL/VANPOOL SPACES ONLY KEYNOTES DE>D END rulNAROUNll TREE ti PI.NfilR POT EIROOE TOPAAl<ING STRUCl\JRE EXTERIOR STAR LINE OF CN¥:1f"f ASOIIE ELEVATOR OECKIJRAtl LEGEND PARKING3 SCALE:~••Nr ..i,. .. t, ;,. P7 {,. \ ..... . '\. ~ ;' Lf(S) LOW EMISSION I Cl.EAR A',R/ CARPQOL/VANPOOL SPACES El.ECTRIC VEHICLE PAAl<JNG SPACE wmt CHARGlNG PS EVG(8) .-IF 19) LOW EMISSION I CLEAN AIR I CARPOOL NANPOOL SPACES ANO Fl/f\JRE o'/SP;.cES (o'ITOTAL O 17 AT PARKING STRUCTURE) SDP 2021-0029 DGA planning I architecture I interiors SSO Ellis Stn!'C\. Mounr:11n¼ew.CA 94043 6S0-9◄3-1660 201 fil><nS<,-,J,~fk>o<.S.. Ft>O<lKo.CA 94133 ◄IS-•4"-2700 hso FfflhA....,._s;; •• , ,s. s.n ci...,c ... ,2103 619-US-3990 1720 8thSct.-,acramffl(O.CA95811 916,.+41-6800 CONSULTANTS Clvll Engineer MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL 9755 ClAJREMONT MESA. SANOIEGOCA92124 TEL 858.61'.500 CONTACT: BRIAN 01..NER EMAi...: bkolvet@mr,akorlollcom S P U R L O C K + Landscape Arc:hlt.ct STAMP I 2 3 -4 5 SPURLOCK LANDSCAPE ARCHITeCTURE 2122 HA>ICOCK ST SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 TEL 619.681.0090 CONT ACT: ANDREW SPURLOCK EMAIL; aspurtock@111Hlr1odc-1Md.com PRB.IMNM!.YREVIFW !UMTTAL 07JR2021 SO' Rev'IEW'C(Q£#1 11.04.2021 SO' Rev'IEW'C\"0£#1. 03.21.2022 SO' Rev'IEW'C\"0£#3 06.01.2022 SO' Rev'IEW'C(Q£#4 <ll.31.202l NO. DESCIUPTION DATE 10N1s CLIENT PROJECT ADDRESS IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS LOT21 ANO 22 WHIPTAIL LOOP WEST, CARLSBAD CA 92010 PROJECT NO. 21004 SCALE AS SHOWN TITLE PARKING STRUCTURE FLOOR PLANS TDM-3 OGA planning I archltecll>'e I Interiors 2018 C TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonIs Pharmac0uticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whrptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 • APPENDIX 2: Supplemental Images for Infrastructure Amenities This page is left intentionally blank. The lmages are provided on the following pages. 31 I ·, ! , , • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN loni~ Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whiptail Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Appendix 2-1: Basketball Court and Fitness Center • ■ Appendix 2-2: Basketball Court and Fitness Center 32 I P , , • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN lonis Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22, Whipt;iil Loop West, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Appendix 2-3: Fitness Center (exterior) Appendix 2-4: Fitness Center (interior) 33 I • • Urban Systems Associates Inc. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN Ion is Pharmaceuticals -Lot 21 and 22 . Whiptail Loop West. Carlsbad, CA 92010 Appendix 2-5: Fitness Center (interior) 34 I P rl g ,, • Urban Systems Associat es Inc.