HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE 2024-0060; ROOSEVELT 17; Admin Decision LetterDecember 10, 2024
SUBJECT: PRE 2024-0060 (DEV2024-0120)-ROOSEVELT 17
APNs 203-181-08-00, 203-181-09-00
Dear Mr. McKellar,
C cityof
Thank you for submitting a preliminary review application for a mixed-use project being proposed at 2777
and 2785 Roosevelt Street (Assessor Parcel Numbers 203-181-08-00 & 203-181-09-00). The project site,
an approximately 18,710 square foot lot (0.43-acres), currently is developed with an office building and
restaurant (Hennessey's Tavern). The preliminary review application proposal includes:
• Demolition of the two (2) existing office and restaurant buildings.
• Consolidation of the two (2) existing lots into one (1) lot.
• Construction of a five-story, 62-foot-tall, approximately 35,705-square-foot building.
• At the ground floor level facing Roosevelt Street, the application is proposing a 14-foot-tall plate
height and includes 1,045 square feet of retail space next to a lobby accessing the upper floors by
way of stairs and an elevator. Located behind the retail space and lobby area is an at grade parking
garage for 33 vehicles accessed via decorative paver driveway and secured behind a three-section
mechanical gate that slides into the wall. The parking garage also includes area for electrical
equipment and trash . The proposed trash bin room will be accessed from the outside along the
south side yard.
• The retail space is designed to accommodate one (1) or two (2) retailers depending on preference.
• The proposed parking lot is configured to accommodate 33 vehicles utilizing tandem parking stalls
(8 x 2 = 16 spaces), parking lifts (6 x 2 = 12 spaces), single parking stalls (4), and one (1) van
accessible ADA stall.
• Raised planter/bio-basins are proposed along the two sides and to the rear of the property on the
ground floor.
• The second through the fifth floor levels include 17 residential condominium units (for-sale)
consisting of nine (9) two-bedroom units (ranging from 1,134-to-2,040 square feet), seven (7)
three-bedroom units (ranging from 2,033-to-3,722 square feet), and one (1) four-bedroom unit
(4,100 square feet). All units include private balcony/patio areas.
• On the fifth floor, the project includes an outdoor common amenity with fireplace, dining and
lounging areas, and barbeque/counter area.
• No roof deck is proposed above the fifth floor level.
Community Development Department
Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600
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December 10, 2024
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In response to your application, the Planning Division has prepared this comment letter. Please note that
the purpose of a preliminary review is to provide you with direction and comments on the overall concept
of your project. This preliminary review does not represent an in-depth analysis of your project. It is
intended to give you feedback on critical issues based upon the information provided in your submittal.
This review is based upon the plans, policies, and standards in effect as of the date of this review. Please
be aware that at the time of a formal application submittal, new plans, policies, and standards may be
in effect and additional issues of concern may be raised through a more specific and detailed review.
Planning Division Comments:
1. General Plan and zoning designations for the property are as follows:
a. General Plan: Village-Barrio (V-B)
b. Zoning: Village-Barrio (V-B)
c. Master Plan: The project site is located within the Village Center (VC) District of the
Carlsbad Village & Barrio Master Plan (VBMP). Mixed-use residential with ground floor
retail is permitted in the VC District. Please be aware that the project site is subject to the
VBMP, Figure 2-2 -Use Restriction Map showing streets along which certain use are not
permitted on the ground floor street frontage.
2. The project requires the following permits:
a. Tentative Tract Map (CT). A CT is required for an 18 unit air-space condominium map
consisting of 17 residential units and one (1) ground floor street facing retail unit.
b. Site Development Plan (SOP). An SOP is required pursuant to the provisions outlined within
Section 6.3.3(B) of the VBMP (p. 6-4). Per the VBMP the City Council is the decision maker for
the SOP.
Together, the CT and SOP will require a recommendation from the Planning Commission and approval
by the City Council at separate public hearings.
3. The following technical studies/reports, beyond those listed as required in Development Permit
Application Form P-2, shall be required with a formal submittal. Each of the studies/reports shall be
provided in hardcopy (2 copies each) and digital (.pdf):
a. Air Quality Analysis.
b. Historical, Cultural and Paleontological (three (3) separate reports). The development of the
proposed project will require demolition and excavation in an area of the city known to have a
high sensitivity as it relates to (1) architectural history, (2) archeological resources, and (3)
paleontological resources. Please direct your consultant to the city's Tribal, Cultural and
Paleontological Resources Guidelines. Please note that any archeological pedestrian survey of the
site for the cultural resources study shall also include a Native American monitor during the
survey. The city's Tribal, Cultural and Paleontological Resources Guidelines may be found on the
city's website at:
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c. Noise Study: A noise study shall be submitted for any residential project requiring a discretionary
permit containing five or more dwelling units or any multiple-family dwelling units located within
or 500-feet beyond the 60 dB(A) CNEL noise contour line of the Noise Contour Map as part of the
Carlsbad General Plan. This project meets both of the above qualifications, in that the multiple-
family project is proposing 17 dwelling units and the property is approximately 266 feet beyond
the 60 dB(A) CNEL contour line. Please provide a noise study in compliance with the City of
Carlsbad Noise Guidelines. The city's Noise Guidelines Manual may be found on the city's website
The City's General Plan Noise Element (Chapter 5) may be found on the city's website at:
This does not represent an exhaustive list. Additional studies may be required based on results of the
above studies and also other studies being requested by the reviewing City Departments and Divisions
listed below.
4. On the proposed Civil Sheet, under Project Information, the following listed information should be
corrected, revised, updated, and/or added with a formal application submittal:
a. The Existing Zoning (project Info Note 4) should be noted as: Village-Barrio (V-B)
b. Project Info Note 5 should be updated to say General Plan Land Use Designation and noted
as: Village-Barrio (V-B).
c. Following General Plan Land Use Designation, please add Master Plan: Village & Barrio
Master Plan (Village Center (VC) District).
d. For Minimum Unit Yield (project Info Note 6), please refer to the Village & Barrio Master Plan,
Section 2.4, Pg. 2-10, 2nd paragraph, where it states: "For mixed-use projects, the minimum
density shall be calculated based on fifty percent of the developable area ... " Based on this
information, please correct Note 6 to show a minimum of 6 units (0.43 x .5 = 0.215 x 28 = 6.02
= 6 units minimum).
e. Under Note 8 for Proposed Density, please indicate that this project will be requesting a
Density Bonus and then identify the percentage(%) of density bonus that is being requested.
f. Under Note 15, Minimum Lot Size, please be aware that in the VC District, lot size (and lot
dimensions for that matter) are not applicable (VBMP, Section 2.7.1 (B), Pg. 2-37). This can
probably be deleted.
g. Under Note 17 for lnclusionary Housing, please identify the level of affordability that is being
proposed for the three (3) units. As part of a density bonus request and formal submittal,
please complete Form P-l(H)-Density Bonus Request. Form P-l(H) can be found on the city's
website at:
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h. For notes pertaining to Building Height, please identify Maximum Building Height: 45 feet and
4 stories; and then provide Proposed Building Height: 62 feet and five stories (Ground Floor
Plate Height 14 feet). For the proposed building height, please clarify how you intend to
exceed city's development standards.
5. The Parking Statistics noted on the Civil Sheet, as related to parking ratios, needs to be revised to
reflect the Village & Barrio Master Plan Parking Requirements (VBMP, Section 2.6.6 -Parking), not
CMC Section 21.44.050 -Table B. With that, the following is required for this mixed-use project:
a. Multiple-family Residential Units with two or more bedrooms requires: "One and a half spaces
per unit. For condominiums, one space must be covered. Tandem parking is permitted." As
such, the residential portion of the project requires: 1.5 x 17 = 25.5 = 26 spaces (rounded up).
Of these, a minimum number of 13 spaces will need to be covered. The proposed site plan
shows all spaces covered, thus meeting the requirement.
b. Retail/Commercial Business requires: "One space per 415 square feet." As such, the retail
portion of the project requires: 1,045 square+ 415 = 2.5 = 3 spaces (rounded up).
Please note the Village & Barrio Master Plan parking ratios for retail vary. For example, the
Retail/Commercial Business use category is more liberal than a Restaurant use. With a formal
submittal will need to know exactly what retail use is being proposed.
6. As it relates to both the site and building design, please see Village & Barrio Master Plan (VBMP),
section 2.7.1 (I) on pg. 2-40 as it relates Ground Floor Street Frontage Uses:
New ground floor street frontage uses permitted within the boundaries of the use
restriction area identified on Figure 2-2 shall occupy more than one-half of the habitable
space developed on the ground floor and shall span at least 80 percent of the building
frontage. (VBMP, Section 2.7.1 (1)(1)).
Up to 20 percent of a building frontage may be used for a lobby or entryway to uses above
or behind ground floor street frontage uses. (VBMP, Section 2.7.1 (1)(2)).
It is unclear from the preliminary exhibits exactly how the project complies with the above; however,
visual estimations appear to indicate that the proposed design is coming up short of the requirement.
This will need to be addressed in a formal application submittal.
7. Please update the site plan to identify retail parking spaces versus the residential parking spaces. It is
assumed that the tandem spaces and lifts, from an operational standpoint and the VBMP Section 2.6.6
requirements, will be reserved for the residential units only; however, it needs to be identified on the
8. Please update the site plan to dimension all parking spaces and drive-aisle widths. For parking
dimensions, please reference CMC Section 21.44.050 -Table B. Please note that for 90-degree
parking, a minimum 24-foot-wide drive-aisle is required to provide adequate space for back-up
9. Please dimension the minimum 5-foot turning bump-out that is required to be located at the end of
any stall series.
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10. Please indicate on all building elevations and any future section details, the existing exterior grade
and proposed finished exterior grade and also demonstrate compliance with the Carlsbad Building
Height Definition (CMC Section 21.04.065) (enclosed). See also the city's "Guide for Measuring
Building Height"(enclosed).
11. With a formal application submittal, this mixed-use development will need to demonstrate its
compliance with the Objective Design Standards, specifically as it relates those required for the Village
& Barrio Master Plan . The city has prepared an Informational Bulletin (IB) on the subject. The following
link will take you to IB-302, which also includes various links to references and requirements:
As a convenience, we have printed IB-302, Form P-47 -Village & Barrio Objective Design Standards
(ODS) Compliance Checklist, and the Village & Barrio Master Plan, Appendix E. Form P-47 will need to
be completed with your initial application submittal. Please note that there are architectural styles
associated with the various subdistricts that will need to be identified and the proposed designed
adhered to. Please review your design against the ODS and revise where any non-compliance might
12. This preliminary review application did not include a preliminary landscape exhibit(s); and thus, it was
not routed for landscape review. Please note with a formal application submittal, conceptual
landscape exhibits are required and shall be prepared in accordance with the General Requirements
listed in Section 3 of the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual (February 2016). The exhibit package shall
include a Conceptual Landscape Plan; Conceptual Water Conservation Plan; Conceptual Fire
Protection Plan; and a Conceptual Landscape Maintenance Responsibility Exhibit (private or
common). The Landscape Manual may be found on the city's website at:
13. The Housing Crisis Act of 2019 (SB 330) established a preliminary streamline application process for
housing projects. It is not mandatory unless applicants seek the vesting and processing benefits
offered under SB 330. Participation in the SB 330 streamline process would occur first, followed by
the formal development application process required under Government Code (Gov. Code)§§ 65940,
65941, 65941.5, and Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) § 21.42.050. Acceptance by the city of a
complete SB 330 Streamline Application (Form P-32) and fee will vest the project for 180 days in
accordance with the ordinances, policies and standards in effect at the time the SB 330 Application is
14. Per the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 (SB 330), any project that includes the removal or demolition of a
"protected unit" is required to provide the occupants with 1) relocation benefits (Gov. Code§ 7260
et seq.), and 2) right of first refusal for a comparable unit available in the new housing development.
(Gov. Code § 66300 (d)(2)(D).) "Protected units" are generally defined by Gov. Code §
66300{d)(2)(E)(ii) as including residential units subject to affordability restrictions, price controls, or
occupied by low income households. The formal submittal of the project will need to include
documentation regarding any existing "protected units."
15. New requirements related to the city's goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will likely
impact development requirements of this project. A formal application submittal will need to include
a completed Climate Action Plan Checklist (Form P-30) to determine what requirements will apply to
the project. New GHG reduction requirements are related to energy efficiency, photovoltaic, electric
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vehicle charging, water heating and traffic demand management requirements, as set forth in the
California Green Building Standards Code and in Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapters 18.21, 18.30 and
18.51 which is available on the city's website at the following address:
To the extent that new GHG reduction requirements are in effect at the time of application for grading
or building permits, the project will be required to comply with the effective requirements even if
different than what is proposed in the project's planning approvals. GHG reduction requirements may
impact, but are not limited to, site design and local building code requirements. If incorporating new
GHG reduction requirements results in substantial modifications to the project after planning
approvals are obtained, then prior to issuance of grading or building permits, the applicant may be
required to submit and receive approval of a Consistency Determination or an Amendment
application for the project through the Planning Division.
All necessary application forms, submittal requirements, and fee information are available at the Planning
counter located in the Faraday Building at 1635 Faraday Avenue or online at
https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/community-development/planning. You may also access the
General Plan Land Use Element and the Zoning Ordinance online at the website address shown. Please
review all information carefully before submitting.
Land Development Engineering Division Comments:
1. Contact Nick Gorman in the Transportation Division at Nick.Gorman@carlsbadca.gov, a division
of the Public Works Department, to determine if a Scoping Agreement is required. Scoping
Agreements are used to determine if a Local Mobility Analysis (LMA) is required and the scope of
analysis. If an LMA is deemed necessary, first, work with Transportation Division staff to obtain
an approved scoping agreement. After the scoping agreement has been approved, submit the
approved Scoping Agreement as an appendix within the LMA that is to be prepared per the most
recent Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines.
2. After the scoping agreement has been approved or deemed not necessary by the Transportation
Division, submit a completed Transportation Analysis Need Statement Form P-42 to Land
Development Engineering at LandDev@carlsbadca.gov prior to discretionary application
submittal. If an LMA has been deemed not necessary by the Transportation Division, please
provide correspondence from the Transportation Division indicating one is not required.
3. Depending on the CEQA determination, which is determined after the application for
discretionary permits is submitted, a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) analysis may be required per
the Vehicles Miles Traveled Analysis Guidelines available at:
4. Complete a Stormwater Standards Questionnaire Form E-34. This questionnaire will guide you
and the city in determining what type of reports and storm water mitigation must be completed
to satisfy state and City storm water quality requirements. The questionnaire is located on the
City of Carlsbad website.
5. Based on a preliminary analysis it appears that this project is a Priority Development Project (PDP).
All impervious surfaces being created or replaced (onsite and offsite) shall be included for
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treatment. Submit a Storm Water Quality Management Plan. This project is exempt from
hydromodification. Review the Potential Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Area Map on the City
website to see if this criteria applies to your project.
6. Based on this project's general land use V-B, this project is subject to the City of Carlsbad trash
capture requirements. Incorporate trash capture measures on the project plans and into the
Storm Water Quality Management Plan.
7. Provide a Preliminary Title Report (current within the last six (6) months).
8. Annotate and delineate all existing easements and encumbrances listed in the Preliminary Title
Report on the site plan. If any vacations or quitclaims are planned with this development
annotate on the site plan.
9. A Preliminary Hydrology Study including map and calculations is required to demonstrate
capacity/sizing of proposed and existing storm drain infrastructure. Show 100-year storm
hydrologic calculations before and after development for each drainage basin.
10. A preliminary geotechnical report is required to evaluate the feasibility of the project.
Additionally, the geotechnical report shall assess the infiltration feasibility for the project and
remedial grading necessary. Guidelines for preliminary geotechnical studies are available on the
City of Carlsbad Engineering website.
11. Per CMC Section 15.16.060 this project will require a grading permit and grading plan.
12. A separate improvement plan for work within the right-of-way is required for this project.
13. This project shall utilize City of Carlsbad Survey Control Network established on Record of Survey
Map 17271, NAD83, Zone VI, 1991.35 Epoch for horizontal control and NGVD 29 datum for vertical
control per City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards.
14. Provide the method of draining each lot. Unless otherwise specified by a geotechnical engineer,
method of drainage shall comply with California Building Code (latest version) section 1804.4.
15. For all retaining walls show top of wall and bottom of wall elevations, including at the highest and
lowest points. Indicate maximum height of retaining wall measured from bottom of footing to
top of wall and maximum height measured from finish surface to top of wall.
16. Provide cross sections to show the existing and proposed ground, the proposed wall, the footing
and remedial excavation.
17. The existing tree along the Roosevelt Street frontage is included in the city's street tree inventory.
Indicate on the site plan that they are to remain or to be removed. Proposed removal of street
trees will require approval per Section 11.12.090 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Coordinate
with the parks and recreation department for additional information.
18. The project frontage has been identified in the city's inventory as a vacant planting site.
Coordinate with the parks and recreation department for planting requirements per Section 11.12
of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for additional information.
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19. This project is proposing a subdivision to create 18 condominium units. A tentative map is
20. Show location and dimensions of all accessways and pathways as required for compliance with
Title 24 -State Accessibility Requirements.
21. Provide typical street cross sections for Roosevelt Street. Provide existing right-of-way width and
existing improvements and proposed improvements and dedications.
22. Provide 5-foot minimum back-up clearance at the last stall of the row of parking spaces.
23. All existing services that will not be utilized by this project shall be removed.
24. Obtain a letter from SDG&E confirming their approval of the proposed transformer location and
stating that no additional off-site facilities will be necessary for this project. Please also include
all existing and proposed dry utilities and the services that will supply power to the proposed
25. Ensure the trash enclosure design is consistent with the City of Carlsbad and Republic Services
standards. It is unclear how trash will be collected for this project.
26. Provide multiple cross-sections of the site to demonstrate differences in grade from adjacent
properties, existing and proposed grades on-site, fences and location of structures on-site and on
adjacent properties.
27. Dedications and frontage improvements are required per CMC18.40 and/or CMC20.16. An 11
foot wide public street and utility easement shall be dedicated, and public street frontage
improvements shall include 10-foot-wide sidewalk.
28. A three-inch (3") AC grind and overlay is required for the project frontage per city standards.
29. Remove all private facilities, including but not limited to pervious pavers, buildings, doorways,
etc., out of the public street and utility dedication.
30. Meet with the Fire Department to identify the necessary fire protection measures required for
this project (access, fire hydrants, sprinkler system, on-site circulation, emergency access, etc.)
31. Relocate the proposed vehicle gate a minimum 20 feet from the dedicated public right-of-way so
that approaching vehicles will not queue in the public right-of-way of Roosevelt Street.
32. Plot stopping sight distance at all driveways and corner sight distance at all street intersections.
33. Please address the comments on the returned red lines.
34. Please be advised that a more in-depth review of the proposed development will occur with the
discretionary permit application when a more complete design of the project is provided.
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Public Works Utilities Design Department Comments:
1. Submit a Water Study Analysis for the project that includes domestic meter and fire sizing criteria,
as well as modeling of public distribution system in response to the proposed on-site water
demands per the current Carlsbad Engineering Design Standards and applicable NFPA fire flow
2. Submit a Sewer Study Analysis for existing and proposed demands for the public sewer main.
Note: Commercial and residential units shall require separate sewer laterals, and if there is
potential for a food service facility to occupy the commercial space compliance with FOG
requirements shall be required (CMC 13.06).
3. Project Plans shall be updated to identify all buried utilities in Roosevelt Street right of way along
project frontage. Existing and proposed utility connections shall be properly located and sized for
proposed demands and shall be labeled with current standard detail references. See returned
red lines.
4. Proposed Ground floor layout shall preserve suitable locations and space for all required utility
connections, meters, and backflow devices in conformance with current Engineering Standards.
Identify locations and detail fire service, water, irrigation, and sewer connections at property line
for the new development in compliance with current Carlsbad Engineering Design Standards. See
returned redlines.
5. Public potable water mains along project frontages must meet minimum design diameter and
material as specified in City of Carlsbad Engineering Standard Vol. 2 Section 3.2.2, and thus
upsizing shall be required as a condition of development along project frontage.
6. The existing public sewer main along projects alleyway boundary has an existing 10-foot-wide
easement that shall be recorded and maintained accessible for future maintenance and repairs.
Building Division Comments:
1. Accessible parking per CBC Chapter's 11A and 118 appear to be deficient.
2. Project subject to CBC 11A and 11B. All ground floor units of elevator building to be adaptable.
3. EV Charging not indicated.
4. Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist missing and will need to be included with a formal
submittal for a complete review.
5. Indicate location of proposed bicycle parking per CGBC 5.106.4 et. seq.
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Carlsbad Fire Department Comments:
1. Hose pull distance is not shown and likely exceeds allowed distance of 150 feet. Roadways must
extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior of the first floor to allow for adequate
firefighting operations and hose pull. Hose pull measurements begin at a point in the st reet
located 10 feet from the edge of the curb. Please show hose pull measurement on the plans and
demonstrate you can reach all points of the first floor of the building within 150 feet.
2. Aerial Fire Apparatus access is insufficient. Buildings greater than 45 feet above grade require
aerial apparatus access from two sides of the building. For this design, aerial access can only be
provided from Roosevelt. This does not meet the requirement for access to two sides of the
building. Aerial access roads must be a minimum of 26 feet in width and located at least 15 feet
and a maximum of 30 feet from the building and shall be positioned parallel to entire side of the
building. Obstructions to ladder deployment, such as mature trees, shall be considered when
determining aerial access point(s).
3. Access walkways must be provided to all required egress doors from a building and all firefighter
access doorways. Access walkways must be a minimum of five feet (5'-0") in width. The walkway
on the SE side of the building is only 4'-7". This will need to be revised.
4. Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings (EEROS): Sleeping rooms below the fourth story above
grade plane shall have not fewer than one exterior EEROS, unless exceptions are met. Such
openings shall open directly into a public way or to a yard or court that opens to a public way. If
provided, demonstrate FD has ability to access EEROs with ground ladders. Show locations for
ladder pads. Provide measurement detail to confirm the access path provides sufficient width for
ladder to be placed at proper climbing angle with adequate working space . The ladder pad shall
be located at a distance from the building determined by measuring the required length of the
ladder at the proper climbing angle. The measurement is made with the top of the ladder leaning
against the emergency rescue opening and the foot of the ladder on the ground. The ladder angle
is to be at least 70 degrees and no greater than 76 degrees. Ladder pad shall be sized 6 feet by 6
feet minimum to allow for 3 feet of working space in front, behind, and around the ladder.
5. Applicants must provide documentation that hydrants are provided in the quantity and spacing
described in California Fire Code (CFC} Appendix C and prove that they are capable of delivering
the amount of water required by CFC Appendix B.
Public Works Transportation Comments:
1. Please submit a Scoping Agreement per the latest City of Carlsbad Transportation Impact Analysis
Guidelines. The scoping agreement is provided in Appendix A of the TIA guidelines.
Housing and Homeless Services Comments:
1. Density Bonus Calculation. When a development permit application proposed under Government
Code § 65915 (state density bonus law) is submitted, the applicant will need to submit Form P-
l(H) -Density Bonus Report (formally known as the Supplemental Checklist). A completed form
will allow confirmation of density calculation, incentive eligibility, affordable unit count and level.
Form P-l(H) can be found on the city of Carlsbad's website:
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2. lnclusionary Requirement. The affordable units provided through density bonus will also count
towards the city's inclusionary housing requirement.
3. Affordable Units. The project will be conditioned to record an Affordable Housing Agreement
against the property to restrict the pricing and income level of occupants of the affordable units.
If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this letter with the commenting departments, please
contact Jason Goff at the number below. You may also contact each department individually as follows:
• Planning Division: Jason Goff, Senior Planner, at (442) 339-4643
• Land Development Engineering: Nicole Fine, Senior Engineer, at (442) 339-2744
• Public Works Utilities Design: Markus Mohrle, Associate Engineer, at (442) 339-2322
• Building Division: Shawn Huff, Building Official, at (442) 339-5338
• Fire Department: Darcy Davidson, Fire Inspections, at (442) 339-2662
• Public Works Transportation: Nick Gorman, Associate Engineer at (442) 339-2793
• Housing & Homeless Services: Mandy Mills, Director at (442) 339-2907
City Planner
c: Carlsbad Village 80 LLC, 1903 Wright Place, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Nicole Fine, Project Engineer
Laserfiche/File Copy
Data Entry
1. Planning Division
a. CMC Section 21.04.065 -Building Height (Definition)
b. Guide to Measuring Building Height
c. Informational Bulletin, IB-302
d. Form P-47 -Village & Barrio Objective Design Standards Compliance Checklist
e. Master Plan "Objective Design Standards" Appendix E
2. PW Utilities Design
a. Civil Plan (Redlined)
3. Land Development Engineering
a. Civil Plan (Redlined)