HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-12-12; Utility Improvements in the Downtown and Terramar Area (Districts 1 & 2); Gomez, PazTo the members of the: CITY COUNCIL Date\Z.{l2/2Y CA--\LCC~ CM~ _iLDCM (3) December 12, 2024 Council Memorandum {city of Carlsbad Memo ID# 2024087 To: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council From: Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Publi~orks Via: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager ~ Re: Utility Improvements in the Downtown and Terramar Area (Districts 1 & 2) This memorandum provides an update to a previous Council Memorandum dated October 5, 2023, Attachment A, on two water and sewer utility replacement projects: Downtown and Terramar Water Main, Capital Improvement Program (CIP} Project No. 3904-C (Districts 1 & 2} and Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements at Terramar, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503 (District 2}. Background Attachment A, which is the Council Memorandum dated October 5, 2023, provides background information on the two projects. Discussion Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement, CIP Project No. 3904-C (Districts 1 & 2) On August 30, 2022, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD} Board of Directors awarded a contract to Burtech Pipeline Incorporated for the work. The project was completed on August 8, 2024, in the amount of $2,659,432. This project replaced approximately 4,400 lineal feet (LF} of aging asbestos cement (AC} water mains with eight-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC} water mains that serve five residential areas and one business area at the following locations: • State Street alley -440 LF of pipe serving 11 businesses • Juniper Avenue -540 LF of pipe serving 22 customers • Hemlock Avenue -535 LF of pipe and serving 15 customers • Garfield Street -900 LF of pipe serving 37 customers • Tierra del Oro Street -785 LF of pipe serving 20 customers • Shore Drive -1,200 LF of pipe serving 33 customers Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements at Terra mar, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503 (District 2) On May 14, 2024, the CMWD Board of Directors awarded a contract to SEMA Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,750,100. This project replaces some of the oldest AC water mains in the city, approximately 5,000 LF, and will abandon and/or remove 7,600 LF of water mains. It will Public Works Branch Utilities Department 5950 El Camino Real I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2722 t Council Memo -Utility Improvements in the Downtown and Terramar Area (Districts 1 & 2) December 12, 2024 Page 2 also replace and/or rehabilitate 1,500 LF of sewer mains and manholes. The project is located on Carlsbad Boulevard from Tierra Del Oro Street south to approximately 300 feet south of Manzano Drive. It also includes a one-quarter mile segment on Cannon Road from Carlsbad Boulevard east across the railroad tracks to Avenida Encinas. The notice to proceed was issued on August 30, 2024, and the underground work to replace the sewer and water pipelines has begun. During the underground investigation (potholing), the contractor discovered a conflict with the San Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE) underground conduit package. Staff are working with SDGE to resolve the conflict as the water and sewer work continues. Next Steps The Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements at Terramar, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503, is estimated to complete construction in late 2025. Attachment: A. Council Memorandum dated October 5, 2023 cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief Nick Ordille, Acting Fire Chief Christie Calderwood, Police Chief Gina Herrera, Assistant City Attorney Amanda Flesse, Utilities Director Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Zach Korach, Finance Director Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director Dave Padilla, Assistant Utilities Director Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager Emily Hasegawa, Engineering Manager John Kim, City Traffic Engineer Eric Lardy, City Planner Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager To the memlltrs of th e: CITY COUNCIL Date ~C A 7cc ~ CM_:L,ACM~M(3) October 5, 2023 ATTACHMENT A Council Memorandum To: From: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works Via: {city of Carlsbad Memo ID# 2023104 Re: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager @ Utility Improvements in the Downto~nd Terramar Area Update (Districts 1 & 2) This memorandum provides an update to a previous Council Memorandum dated October 13, 2022, provided as Attachment A, on two water and sewer utility replacement projects: the Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements at Terramar, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Nos. 5048 and 5503 (District 2), and the Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement, CIP Project No. 3904-C (Districts 1 and 2). Background Attachment A provides background information on the projects, including descriptions of the improvements. Discussion Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503 The project will replace or rehabilitate approximately 5,100 lineal feet (LF) of water and sewer utilities along Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road and is in the final design phase,which is estimated for completion in December 2023. The California Coastal Commission will consider granting a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) Waiver in October 2023, completing the discretionary permit process and allowing the project to advance to the bidding phase. On September 20, 2023, the Planning Commission adopted a resolution to approve CDP 2022-0056, for the water and sewer utility improvements. Also, the Planning Commission adopted a resolution to approve a third addendum to the final Addendum to the Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the Water, Recycled Water and Sewer Master Plan Updates, which determined that these utility projects are consistent with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Sections 15162-15164. Staff will continue to coordinate with the Coastal Commission, which reserves permitting authority in and north of Cannon Road, to obtain a CDP Waiver for the project. The Coastal Commission mailed notices to residents within a 100-feet radius of the project site to notify them that approval of a CDP Waiver will be noticed as part of the Deputy Director report for the San Diego Coast District at the Coastal Commission's meeting on October 12, 2023. The project is subject to the Coastal Commission's summer work moratorium and any required construction scheduling constraints will be specified in the contract documents. Public Works Branch Utilities Department 5950 El Camino Real I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 t Council Memo -Utility Improvements in the Downtown and Terramar Area Update (Dist. 1 & 2) October 5, 2023 Page 2 Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement, CIP Project No. 3904-C The Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) Board awarded a contract in the amount of $2,475,000 on August 30, 2022, and construction of the project is approximately 61% completed. The following phases of pipeline installation are completed: • Tierra del Oro -785 LF of pipe serving 20 customers installed February-May 2023 • Juniper Avenue -540 LF of pipe serving 22 customers installed April-May 2023 • State Street Alley-440 LF of pipe serving 11 businesses installed May-June 2023 • Garfield Street -900 LF of pipe serving 37 customers installed June-August 2023 The remaining locations are currently in construction and expected to be completed as follows: • Hemlock Avenue -535 LF of pipe and 15 services (September-October 2023) • Shore Drive -1,200 LF of pipe and 33 services {October-November 2023) Each pipeline segment location required some design changes due to existing utility conflicts. Change orders to date total $180,125, with a remaining contingency balance of $191,125. To date, there are no archaeological or cultural resource findings, though monitoring will continue through the end of excavation activities. Next Steps Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503 Upon completion offinal design and receipt of the CDP Waiver, staff will seek authorization from the CMWD Board to advertise the project for bids and will return in early 2024 for acceptance of bids and contract award. If approved, water and sewer utilities construction is estimated to commence in Spring 2024 and be completed in Summer 2025. Staff will continue to work with Community & Engagement staff to inform Terramar area residents of the project's status. Street improvements proposed for the Terra mar Area Coastal Improvements, CIP Project No. 6054, will follow completion of the water and sewer utility improvements. Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement. CIP Project No. 3904-C Staff will continue to work with businesses and residents temporarily impacted during the remaining pipeline improvements. CMWD Operations staff will continue to need to shut down the water systems as part of the connection process to the new pipeline and connection to the water distribution system. Final trench repaving at all sites is scheduled for December 2023 and January 2024, and the final project close-out is expected in early 2024. 2 Council Memo -Utility Improvements in the Downtown and Terramar Area Update (Dist. 1 & 2) October 5, 2023 Page 3 Attachments: A. Council Memorandum dated October 13, 2022 B. Location Map -Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503 C. Location Map -Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement, CIP Project No. 3904-C cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Mickey Williams, Police Chief Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Vicki Quiram, Utilities Director Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director Gina Herrera, Deputy City Attorney Emily Hasegawa, Engineering Manager Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager Dave Padilla, Utilities Engineering Manager John Kim, City Traffic Engineer Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Eric Lardy, City Planner Eric Zielke, Senior Engineer 3 To the members of the: CITY COUNCIL Datel~cA.JL.cc ./ CM-✓~ L DCM (3) ~ October 13, 2022 Council Memorandum To: HohOrable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council From: Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works Via: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager Attachment A fcityof Carlsbad Memo ID# 2022111 Re: Utility Improvements in the Downto a1,d Terramar Area Update (Districts 1 8t 2) This memorandum provides an update on two water and sewer utility replacement projects : the Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements at Terramar, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Nos. 5048 and 5503 (District 2), and the Downtown and Terramar Wat er Main Replacement, CIP Project No: 3904-C (Districts 1 & 2). Backgrou1,d Outreach and construction activities on these two construction projects have begun and will continue until the end of 2024, as further described below. Phased construction is planned to minimize disruption of water service to the residents and businesses served. Public Works staff are working with the Communication & Engagement Department to reach out in advance of these critical projects to meet with, notify and coordinate with the businesses and residents that will be temporarily impacted during these facility improvements. Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements at Terramar, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503 (District 2) . A Council Memorandum dated April 7, 2022, provides background information on CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503. This project will replace some of the oldest asbestos cement (AC) water mains in the city, approximately 5,000 lineal feet, and will abandon and/or remove 7,600 lineal feet of water mains. It will also replace and/or rehabilitate 1,500 lineal feet of sewer mains and manholes. The project is located on Carlsbad Boulevard from Tierra Del Oro Street south to approximately 300 feet south of Manzano Drive. It also includes a one-quarter mile segment on Cannon Road from Carlsbad Boulevard east across the railroad tracks to Avenida Encinas. Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement, CIP Project No. 3904-C (Districts 1 & 2) On August 30, 2022, Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) awarded a contract to Burtech Pipeline Incorporated for construction of CIP Project No. 3904-C. This project will replace approximately 4,400 lineal feet of aging AC water mains with eight-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water mains that serve five residential areas and one business area at the following locations: o State Street alley -from Grand Avenue to Carlsbad Village Drive o Juniper Avenue -from Carlsbad Boulevard to Garfield Street o Hemlock Avenue -from Carlsbad Boulevard to Garfield Street Public Works Branch Utilities Department 5950 El Camino Real I Carlsbad. CA 92008 I 442-339-2722 t Council Memo -Utility Improvements in the Downtown and Terramar Area Update (Dist. 1 & 2) October 13, 2022 Page 2 • Garfield Street -from Chinquapin Avenue to southern end of street • Tierra del Oro Street and Shore Drive -entire streets Discussion Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements at Terra mar, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503 (District 2) The project preliminary design is complete and final design Is in progress. On August 29, 2022, staff presented the proposed utility work to the California Coastal Commission, which reserves permitting authority north of Cannon Road. Coastal Commission staff opined that the portion of the project within the Local Coastal Plan area of deferred certification should qualify for a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) waiver. Staff will continue to work with the Coastal Commission for approval of the CDP waiver. The Planning Division of the Community Development Department will also review the project for conformance with the city's Local Coastal Plan, and staff are preparing the applications to initiate that process. Subsurface investigations for the project will continue in October 2022 along Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road. Utility potholing will commence at 20 locations in one to two weeks throughout the project area. This is a continuation of field exploration which began in late June when three soil borings were completed at these locations. These investigations will allow the project design to be finalized in the coming months. Public Works staff are working with the Communication & Engagement Department on notifications related to these activities. Water and sewer utilities construction is estimated to commence in fall 2023 and be completed in late 2024. The project is subject to the Coastal Commission's summer work moratorium, and the construction scheduling constraints to be specified in the contract documents will be developed in consideration of CIP Project No. 3904-C construction activities. Downtown and Terra mar Water Main Replacement, CIP Project No. 3904-C (Districts 1 & 2) Construction of the Downtown and Terra mar project will commence in the coming months. Construction activity is anticipated to start at Tierra del Oro Street and Shore Drive, followed by the State Street alley site, then at three other sites on Garfield Street, Hemlock Avenue and Juniper Avenue. Construction will occur over an estimated 14-month period with minimal work during summer months. All the sites have scheduling challenges related to the summer construction moratorium on Carlsbad Boulevard, the Farmer's Market at State Street, or water demand requirements of the Hubbs Research Center, which leaves limited options for construction scheduling. The construction periods for each site will be determined within the next several weeks with the approval of the contractor's construction schedule. Phased construction is planned to minimize disruption of water service to the residents and businesses served. Public Works staff are working with the Communication & Engagement Council Memo -Utility Improvements in the Downtown and Terramar Area Update (Dist. 1 8l 2) October 13, 2022 Page 3 Department to reach out in advance of this critical project to meet with, notify and coordinate with the businesses and residents that will be temporarily impacted during these facility improvements. Next Steps An estimated timeline for future utility improvement work in the Downtown and Terramar areas Is as follows: • October 2022 -Subsurface utility investigations/potholing work will occur in Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road, as part of Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements at Terrarnar, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503 • December 2022 -Construction is expected to commence on the Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement, CIP Project No. 3904-C 0 Fall 2023 -Estimated construction start of the Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements at Terramar, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503 • Early 2024 -Estimated construction completion of the Downtown and Terra mar Water Main Replacement, CIP Project No. 3904-C • Late 2024-Estimated construction completion of the Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements at Terra mar, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503 Attachment: A. Location Map -Carlsbad Boulevard Water and Sewer Improvements at Terramar, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503 B. Location Map -Downtown and Terramar Water Main Replacement, CIP Project No. 3904-C cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Mickey Williams, Police Chief Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney Vicki Quiram, Utilities Director Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer l<yle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director l<ristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director Babaq Taj, Engineering Manager Dave Padilla, Utilities Engineering Manager Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager John l<im, City Traffic Engineer Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Eric Lardy, City Planner Munl.I pal \','.iter DiW1~l (_ City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Boulevard Water & Sewer Improvements Project Location Map LOCATION MAP ! NOT TO SCALE PROJECT LOCATION STATE STREET ALLEY PROJECT LOCATION JUNIPER AVE. PROJECT LOCATION HEMLOCJ( AVE. NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP PROJECT LOCA GARFIELD ST. PROJECT LOCATION TIERRA DEL ORO ST. PROJECT LOCA T/ON SHORE DR. Page 1 of 4 PROJECT NAME PROJECT DOWNTOWN AND TERRAMAR WATER NUMBER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT 3904-C LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NAME DOWNTOWN AND TERRAMAR WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT ~ Page 2 of 4 PROJECT NUMBER 3904~C LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCAL£ NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP PROJECT NAME DOWNTOWN AND TERRAMAR WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT Page 3 of 4 PROJECT NUMBER AGUA /-/£0/0NDA LAGOON TTACHMENT 3904=C B LOCATION MAP Page 4 of 4 PROJECT SITE \ \ NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP PROJECT NAME DOWNTOWN AND TERRAMAR WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT 3904-C B Carlsba Munl :;ipall W.iter O~tr tct ( City of Carlsbad Attachment B Carlsbad Boulevard Water & Sewer Improvements Project Location Map Not1ale LOCATION MAP ¼ NOT TO SCALE PROJECT LOCATION STATE STREET ALLEY PROJECT LOCATION JUNIPER AVE. PROJECT LOCATION HEMLOCK AVE. NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP PROJECT LOCA GARFIELD ST. PROJECT LOCATION TIERRA DEL ORO ST. PROJECT LOCA T/ON SHORE DR. Attachment C Page 1 of 4 PROJECT NAME PROJECT EXHIBIT DOWNTOWN AND TERRAMAR WATER NUMBER 3 MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT 3904-C LOCATION MAP Page 2 of 4 NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP ........... PROJECT NAME PROJECT EXHIBIT DOWNTOWN AND TERRAMAR WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT NUMBER 3904-C 3 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP PROJECT NAME DOWNTOWN AND TERRAMAR WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT Page 3 of 4 PROJECT NUMBER AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON EXHIBIT 3904--C 3 LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP PROJECT NAME DOWNTOWN AND TERRAMAR WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT Page 4 of 4 PROJECT NUMBER 3904--C ( \ NOT TO SCALE \ \ EXHIBIT