HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-01; Traffic Safety Commission; ; Inform Traffic Safety Commissioners of the Carlsbad Mobility Readiness PlanCOMMISSION MEETING OF:
June 1, 2015
INITIATED BY: Lolly Sangster, Program Manager
REQUESTED ACTION: Inform Traffic Safety Commissioners of the Carlsbad Mobility
Readiness Plan
The Program Manager will present information to the Traffic Safety Commission
regarding the Carlsbad Mobility Readiness Plan including emerging transportation
trends and a status update on the progress we have made to date.
No City Council action required for this item.
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The Carlsbad Village Transit Station is the
northernmost transit station in the city. It is located
in the heart of the village and within walking
distance of the coast. Coaster trains. operated by
NCTD, stop frequently at this station and connect
Carlsbad with Oceanside to the north and San Diego
to the south. In addition to the Coaster, NCTD also
provides bus service to this station. In 2013, Amtrak
began providing Surtliner service at this station.
The Amtrak Surfliner connects Carlsbad to San
Diego to the south and several destinations to the
north including Orange County, Los Angeles, Santa
Barbara and San Luis Obispo. Free public parking is
provided in a surface parking lot north of the station.
The City of Carlsbad has many amenities that are enjoyed by residents, business owners and
visitors year round. One of Carlsbad's greatest assets is the Carlsbad Coastal Corridor. Views of
the ocean, walkways providing access to beaches and miles of bicycle lanes make this corridor
accessible by foot, by car and by bicycle. The Coastal Mobility Readiness Plan focuses on identifying
how transportation technology can improve access to the many amenities that exist along this
scenic corridor. The way we travel, by foot, by bike or by ca,, is changing and the corrido1 study
looks at how Carlsbad can be a part of this exciting change. From implementation of bike share
stations to trolleys to electric vehicle charging station, this study focuses on identifying new travel
modes, the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating these new modes into the
fabric of the village, into the existing Coaster stations and into the streetscape along Carlsbad
Boulevard. When complete, the City will have a comprehensive plan that outlines different
transportation strategies and methods by which to implement them within the Coastal Corridor.
The Poinsettia Station is the southernmost transit station
in the city. Located on Avenida Encinas, this transit station
is primarily surrounded by multifamily and single family
homes and retail uses. A large public parking lot provides
free daily parking to serve commuters between Oceanside
and downtown San Diego. Bus service is provided by
NCTO, which connects the station to the greater Carlsbad
community. In addition to the fixed route bus service,
NCTD also runs the route 373 Flex service (Monday
through Friday) that provides point to point transportation
within the southwestern quadrant of the City. This route
connects Legoland, the airport, the Factory Stores. La
Costa Resort, Scripps Coastal Medical Center, Kaiser and
other points of interest to the Polnsenia Transit Station.
Bike sharing programs are an innovatiVe
and relatively new concept designed
to allow users free or relatively cheap
alternatives to the automobile for
short uips. Bike sharing involves the
short-term rental of a bicycle o get
between two points. typocally in an
urban area. The programs are designed
to provide fast and ea,y access for
commute-type trips and differ from
leisure-oriented rental services generally
found In popular tourl!it areas. The goal
cl bike share programs is to redllCe
traffic congestion, vehicular parking
demands, norse pollutron, air pollution,
and the use of the automobile.
Carsharing is an alternative to personal
veh1de ownership that grants dnvers
convenient and affordable access to
a range of vehkles on an hourly or
daily basis. The prrndple of carsharrng
,s that lndrvtduals gain the benefits
of private cars without the costs and
responsibilities of ownership. They
are attract,ve to rustorners who make
occasional use of a vehide, as well
as others who would like occasional
access to a vehicle of a different
type than they use day-to-day. Car
sharing potentially allows persons to
add reduce the number of vehldes
they own or provide another mobility
option for V1S1tors who may only need
a car for a hmoted period of tome.
. , ..... .. -.
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• •• ·.;-•••• • .• • .: of transit station ... _ ·•-•' .-·
An eleciric vehicle (EV) Is powered by
an electric motor instead of a gasohne
engine. The electnc motor gets energy
from a controller. wh,ch regulates the
amount of power-based on the drllle,·s
use of the accelerator pedal. The EV
uses energy stored on its rechargeable
batteries. Unlike a hybrid car, wh,ch Is
fueled by gasoline and uses a battery
and motor to improve efficiency, an
elearlc vehicle is powered excluslvely
by eleci1ic1ty. Elect11c vehicles reduce air
pollution and greenhouse gas emissrons.
Becinc vehicles can also be cheaper
to operate as they can be recharged
instead of refueled with gasoline.
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: ::e::: l+Miles
\·.::;:::·.:_.:of transit station
Smart Parking refers to a suite of
mategies that maxrmoze parking
utilization; reduong parking search
times and ,mproving the parking
experience by giving the driver more
mformatoon 10 make theor parking
chOKe. Specific measures included in
Smart Parlong Includes parking priC1ng,
signage, and informational s rategies.
The most expansrve use of Smart
Parlcong is through a system which
provides information 1n real time such
tha parking avaolabihty and parlclng
pnong ,s continually updated Smart
Parking strategies maximize the use
of exis mg parking spaces and reduce
the need to provide additional parlc,ng
spaces. This s11ategy also encourages
the use of non-automotive modes by
ensunng that drivers are paying market
rates for the used parking spaces.
A uolley refers to either fixed guideway
or rubber tore vehicles that pr ,manly
servu:e vosnors within a localozed area.
Visitor seMng trolleys often travel at
low speed~ making frequent stops to
facihtate ourist travel. These vehicles
are often traditional transot vehodes
that have been rebranded to look like
trolleys, though they retain the same
operating components as regular trans,t
buses. A trolley provides add1I1onal
mobility opt,ons for persons who euher
lack access to a car or choose not to
drrve for certain tnps. Trolleys can be a
significant amenity in a visitor oriented
area. and become an aurac11on by itself.
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(City of