HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-02; Traffic Safety Commission; ; Prohibit parking on Black Rail CourtCITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT COMMISSION MEETING OF: November 2, 2015 ITEM NO. 6A LOCATION: Black Rail Court INITIATED BY: Patrick S. Campbell Community Association Manager Aviara Point Homeowners Association REQUESTED ACTION: Prohibit parking on Black Rail Court BACKGROUND: DATA: Staff was contacted by Mr. Campbell via email to request that on-street parking on Black Rail Court be prohibited due to safety issues. At approximately the same time, staff received a similar request from Victoria Tijerina, representing the Aviara Master Association. Black Rail Court is a residential collector street in the southwest portion of the city known as Aviara (see Exhibit 1). It is a short cul-de-sac street that serves to connect three gated residential developments (Viaggio, Aviara Point and Marea) to Aviara Parkway. Black Rail Court is approximately 600 feet in length and has a curb-to-curb width of 40 feet. The roadway is fully improved with curb, gutter, and sidewalk on both sides of the street. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street. The roadway is curved and features a centerline radius of 300 feet, which is appropriate, based on the City of Carlsbad Street Design Criteria (see Exhibit 2), for a collector street. The grade on Black Rail Court is approximately 6 percent. As part of a past request, sight distance at the intersection of Black Rail Court and Surfbird Circle was evaluated in 2010 and resulted in the painting of 40' of red curb on the southeast corner. Similarly, sight distance at the intersection of Black Rail Court and Aviara Drive was evaluated in 2011 and resulted in the painting of 25' of red curb on the southwest corner. Based on the most recent request, staff conducted a new field review of Black Rail Court and did not find any operational or safety issue associated with the presence of parked cars on Black Rail Court. Sight distance was found to be adequate from all of the intersecting streets. The roadway width of 40 feet curb to curb was designed to accommodate parking on both sides of the street. Page 1 COMMISSION MEETING OF: (continued) CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT November 2, 2015 ITEM NO. 6A Collision records show that there have been zero reported collisions on Black Rail Court between Aviara Parkway and its western terminus at Tatler Road in the t ime period between January 1, 2008 and September 30, 2015. Since the request specifically mentioned concerns about emergency vehicle access, the Fire Department was contacted. Dominic Fieri, Fire Prevention Specialist II, informed us that the Fire Department had investigated these specific concerns and had found no issues with emergency vehicle access or operations on Black Rail Court due to the parked cars. RECOMMENDATION: Ba sed on the staff findings, the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends that: • The request for the prohibition of parking on Black Rail Court between Aviara Parkway and Tatler Road not be supported at this time. • Double yellow centerline striping be painted on Black Rail Court between Aviara Parkway and Aviara Drive to encourage drivers to stay on the right hand side of the roadway. NECESSARY CITY COUNCIL ACTION: No City Council action required. Page 2 ~ ·- .. c .. c "' " " X LU (. 9 z ~ a: : : ~ I-LU LU 0. . a: : : <! t, ; ~ I zz oo ~~ := > U 00 u .. . . . J .. . . . J <! a: : : ~ u :: S co TABLE A CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET DESIGN CRITERIA DESIGN CLASSIFICATION ANTICIPATED ADT RANGES Deslcm Soeed Minimum Spacing of Intersections (including right-tum in/out) (in feet) Right-of-Way Width (in feet) Private Access to Adjoining Property Curb-to-Curb Distance (in feet) Minimum Traffic Index Minimum structural Section 0n inches) <6> StoooinQ SiQht Distance 151 !in feet) Corner Sight Distance 19> (in feet) Minimum Centerline Radius (in feetl Maximum Centerline Grade (not thru intersec. )<•> Minimum Flowline Grade NOTES: (1)N.A. PRIME ARTERIAL 40,000OR MORE 60MPH 2,600 126 None 106 (18' median) 9 6AC 6AB 580 660 2,400(6) 7% 1.0% MAJOR ARTERIAL 20,000TO 40,000 50MPH 1,200 102 None 82 (18' median) 8.5 5AC 6 AB 430 550 1,400 (S) 7% 1.0% (2lRedudion to 100' with approval of City Engineer. <3>Grades greater than 10% will require specific approval, chip seal, etc. <4>Not to exceed 6% thru intersections. Local, cul-de-sac and hillside may SECONDARY ARTERIAL 10,000TO 20,000 40 MPH 600 84 Where no other access is possible 64 8.0 4AC 6AB 300 440 670 10% 1.0%" increase grade thro1!9h intersections up to 8%, provided that CAL TRANS f.uidelines for sight distance and vertical curves are complied with. <5 Stopping Sight Distance per CALTRANS Highway Design Manual Topic 201 and Volume 3 Section 8 in Chapter 3 of City Standards. (6) Assumes no superelevatlons; includes standard crossfall. (7)Minimum grade of 2.0% is encouraged. If 1.0% minimum is not possible, special construction may be used with City Engineer approval. Gutler line of cul-de-sac bulbs and knuckles shall have minimum grade of 1.0%. COLLECTOR INDUSTRIAL LOCAL CUL-DE-SAC HILLSIDE STREET STREET STREET STREET ALLEY STREET 2,000 TO -20TO 20TO 10,000 2,000 1000 -- 30MPH 30MPH 25 MPH 25MPH -20MPH 300 300 15o r s 15ors -150 others others 200 200 60 or68 72 60/681") 56(12l/60/68<11> 24 64 Limited subject Limited subject O.K. O.K. O.K. Limited subject to approval 40 or 48 6.0 4 AC 6AB 200 330 300 12%(3) 1.0% to approval 52 34142<11> 35<12'/40/42<11> 7.0 5.0 4.5 4AC 4AC 4AC 6AB 4AB<'Ol 4AB(IO) 200 150 150 330 275 275 300 200 200 8% 12%<10l 12%(10) 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% Typical centerline grades at the upper reach of cul-de-sacs shall be 2% minimum. 24 4.0 5-1/2" PCC <l!J - -- - -·· 1.0% (B)Alley sections shall conform to SDRSD G-21. <9>comer Sight Distance per Caltrans Highway Design manual Topic 405 and Volume 3 Section 8 in Chapter 3 of Cily Standards. (10) PCC pavement required for grades over 10% to approval 42 5.0 4AC 4 ABl10l 125(2) 220 200 15%11Cl 1.0% (11) 28-foot clear travel way required where adjacent lots contain any portion of a Fire Hazard Zone/Fire Suppression Zone within the property line. (12) 36-foot curb-to-curb distance permissible when serving 24 or fewer lots and where adjacent lots do not contain any portion of a Fire Hazard Zone/Fire Suppression Zone within the property line. Page 4 of4 EXHIBIT2