HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-02; Traffic Safety Commission; ; Request to prohibit overnight parking on Wintergreen Drive due to the number of vehicles parking on this street presumably from nearby multi-family dwellings on Hosp WayCITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT COMMISSION MEETING OF: November 2, 2015 ITEM NO. 68 LOCATION: Hosp Way from 550' west of Avenida Magnifica to Calle Arroyo INITIATED BY: Gary Farinacci 2900 Wintergreen Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 REQUESTED ACTION: No action being requested at this time. Staff has determined that the project was satisfactorily implemented and there is no justification for any changes to be made on this section of Hosp Way at this time. BACKGROUND: DATA: Staff received a request to prohibit overnight parking on Wintergreen Drive due to the number of vehicles parking on this street presumably from nearby multi-family dwellings on Hosp Way. On-site parking is provided at multi-family dwellings along Hosp Way, and it is not uncommon for the parking demand to exceed the on-site parking provided. Shortly after this initial request was received, a similar request was made by a resident on David Place. On September 9, 2013 the TSC recommended that City Council approve the addition of on-street parking on Hosp Way from 500 feet west of Avenida Magnifica to Calle Arroyo. On November 5, 2013 City Council approved the request for on-street parking on Hosp Way. The project to add on-street parking was implemented in May 2014 as part of the annual pavement management program. Soon after the on-street parking was implemented on Hosp Way staff received a complaint that the vehicles parked on Hosp Way blocked the driver's view at the driveways. Staff evaluated the site distance at each driveway along Hosp Way and subsequently installed red curb and signage prohibiting parking within the corner site distance at each driveway Staff has reviewed the attached letters received from Ms. Karen Ong and determined there are no issues related to traffic safety that need to be addressed and that no action is needed at this time. RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that the project to add on-street parking on Hosp Way was successfully completed. No action is being requested at this time. NECESSARY CITY COUNCIL ACTION: None. Page 1 TO: Carlsbad City Council ~r-~·H Carlsbad Traffic·tommission Carlsbad City Manager RE: Remove parking on Hosp Way and reinstate the left turn pocket lanes RECEIVED AUG tl4 2015 CITY QF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE I am requesting to be placed on the Carlsbad City Council agenda and the Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission agenda. The item I want to be placed on the agenda is to remove parking on Hosp Way and reinstate the left turn pocket lanes. The parked vehicles on Hosp Way create a dangerous environment for drivers and passengers in vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians. Some bicyclists have resorted to riding their bikes on the sidewalk instead of in the street because it is considered to be too dangerous to ride in that section of Hosp Way alongside the parked vehicles. Thank you to the Councilmembers for meeting with me in February 2015. I was very grateful for the opportunity to discuss the parking situation on Hosp Way. The staff member in attendance at the February meetings told me that the next step was to go on the agenda for the Traffic Safety Commission. He suggested I first try mediation with the Eaves apartment complex. I called Carlsbad Mediation services, I talked to a mediator about the parking situation on Hosp Way. He said that he needed to contact Eaves and his City counterpart. When the mediator called to arrange the meeting he gave me this set of conditions to continue with mediation. If Eaves was able to get all the cars off of Hosp Way, would I discontinue pursuing removing parking on Hosp Way and I would need to gives Eaves time to accomplish this. A mediation meeting was set in March 201·s. At the meeting the representatives from Eaves were informed of the petitions, parking observations, citations issued, etc. The meeting ended with the agreement that with a presentation to the City to have Hosp a no parking street that Eaves will be advised of date and time so that Eaves representatives can attend. In April 2015, I called the Traffic Safety Commission secretary and asked to be placed on the agenda. was told I would be on the agenda for the TSC meeting in May 2015. A few days later I got a call back that because staff needed more time that I would be on the agenda for the June TSC meeting. A few days before the June TSC meeting I called to verify if I was still on the agenda and how much time I was allowed. I was told that I was still on the agenda and would be allowed five to ten minutes. I arrived at City Hall for the June TSC meeting. It was there I was told I am not on the agenda because staff needed more time and the City Attorney need~d to be consulted about an ordinance. The staff member that suggestion mediation said he was disappointed in the results of the mediation meeting. Als o at th e Ju n e TS C me e t i n g I le a r n e d th a t th e r e is no Ju l y or Au g u s t TS C me e t i n g s an d th a t Se p t e m b e r is th e ne x t sc h e d u l e d me e t i n g . Wh e n I as k e d if I wo u l d be on th e Se p t e m b e r TS C ag e n d a , I wa s to l d it wo u l d de p e n d on wh a t th e Ci t y At t o r n e y de c i d e s . On Au g u s t 18 , 20 1 5 I ca l l e d to be pl a c e d on th e Se p t e m b e r TS C ag e n d a , I wa s se n t to vo i c e m a i l an d le f t a me s s a g e . Th a t sa m e da y I ca l l e d th e Ci t y At t o r n e y of f i c e to ge t an up d a t e ab o u t re m o v i n g pa r k i n g on Ho s p Wa y . Th e r po n e I go th e ph wa s ha e Ci v Ma n a g e r am : t th e Ci t y At t o r n e y th i n 1t • ~o p t i e , to ~e th i 5 if f l t e Of l ti l e ag e n d a be t a u s : e th e Ct t v CO ' U 1 1 c i i ha s we e d y vo t e d on it . Th e of f i c e to o k my na m e an d ph o n e nu m b e r an d so m e o n e wi l l ge t ba c k to me . Th e fo l l o w i n g ar e re a s o n s wh y pa r k i n g sh o u l d be re m o v e d on Ho s p Wa y : 1] Ov e r 35 0 pe o p l e ha v e si g n e d pe t i t i o n s to re m o v e pa r k i n g on Ho s p Wa y . Th e pe t i t i o n s ha v e be e n su b m i t t e d to th e Ci t y Co u n c i l . 2) Si n c e pa r k i n g wa s al l o w e d on Ho s p Wa y , ef f e c t i v e Ma y 21 , 20 1 4 , ci t a t i o n s is s u e d on Ho s p Wa y ha s in c r e a s e d si g n i f i c a n t l y . In 20 1 3 , on e ci t a t i o n wa s is s u e d on Ho s p Wa y . In 20 1 4 , in wh i c h pa r k i n g wa s al l o w e d fo r ab o u t se v e n mo n t h s , 94 ci t a t i o n s we r e is s u e d . Fr o m Ja n u a r y 1 to Ma y 27 , 20 1 5 th e r e we r e 24 ci t a t i o n s is s u e d . 3] On a re g u l a r ba s i s dr i v e r s ar e pa r k i n g th e i r ve h i c l e s at da n g e r o u s se c t i o n s of Ho s p Wa y . Th e s e il l e g a l l y pa r k e d ve h i c l e s ar e pa r k i n g at bl i n d cu r v e s , ne x t to le f t tu r n la n e s , on st e e p gr a d i e n t s , at re d cu r b s an d do u b l e pa r k i n g ne x t to an o t h e r pa r k e d ve h i c l e . 4] On a re g u l a r ba s i s dr i v e r s ar e co n d u c t i n g re c k l e s s an d il l e g a l dr i v i n g ma n e u v e r s . Dr i v e r s ar e ma k i n g U· t u r n s in th e mi d d l e of th e st r e e t . Im p a t i e n t dr i v e r s ar e pa s s i n g il l e g a l l y if th e r e ar e lo n g li n e s of ca r s tr y i n g to ma k e a le f t tu r n of if th e r e is a ca r tr y i n g to pa r a l l e l pa r k . SJ Be f o r e ve h i c l e s we r e al l o w e d to pa r k on th e st r e e t , Ho s p Wa y wa s an em e r g e n c y fi r e la n e fo r ab o u t 60 re s i d e n t i a l un i t s lo c a t e d cu r b s i d e . Th e cl o s e s t fi r e hy d r a n t s fo r th e s e re s i d e n t i a l un i t s ar e lo c a t e d on th e cu r b of Ho s p Wa y . 6] In th e ev e n t of a ma n d a t o r y ev a c u a t i o n or d e r th e ve h i c l e s pa r k i n g on Ho s p Wa y po s e a th r e a t to th e 62 2 fa m i l i e s th a t li v e in th e im m e d i a t e vi c i n i t y . Th i s se c t i o n of Ho s p Wa y is su r r o u n d e d by hi l l s i d e ve g e t a t i o n an d tr e e s . 7] Le f t tu r n po c k e t la n e s we r e re m o v e d fo r si x dr i v e w a y s on Ho s p Wa y to ac c o m m o d a t e th e pa r k e d ve h i c l e s . Th e r e ar e ap p r o x i m a t e l y 30 0 re s i d e n t i a l un i t s lo c a t e d wi t h i n th e s e si x dr i v e w a y s . Ac c o r d i n g to th e Pl a n n i n g de p a r t m e n t th e 30 0 re s i d e n t i a l un i t s ar e eq u i v a l e n t to 45 0 to 60 0 ve h i c l e s . On a da i l y ba s i s th e r e ar e hu n d r e d s of ve h i c l e s di r e c t l y af f e c t e d by th e re m o v a l of th e le f t tu r n po c k e t la n e s . Ea c h of th e s e dr i v e w a y s ha s a ga t e d en t r y w a y . Th e r e ca n be lo n g li n e s of ve h i c l e s wa i t i n g in th e st r e e t . Si n c e th e r e is on l y a si n g l e tr a v e l la n e in ea c h di r e c t i o n , so m e im p a t i e n t dr i v e r s no t wa n t i n g to ma k e a le f t tu r n wi l l co n d u c t re c k l e s s dr i v i n g ma n e u v e r s , su c h as ma k i n g U-tu r n s or tr y i n g to pa s s ve h i c l e s st u c k wa i t i n g in li n e . 8] Th e pr i m a r y re a s o n wh y pa r k i n g wa s al l o w e d on Ho s p Wa y wa s to so l v e pr o b l e m s on Wi n t e r g r e e n Dr i v e . A Wi n t e r g r e e n re s i d e n t co m p l a i n e d th a t no n · r e s i d e n t ve h i c l e s we r e pa r k i n g on hi s st r e e t an d as k e d th e Ci t y to pr o h i b i t ov e r n i g h t pa r k i n g . By al l o w i n g pa r k i n g on Ho s p Wa y , al l th e Ci t y di d wa s tr a n s f e r r e d so m e of th e pr o b l e m s on Wi n t e r g r e e n to Ho s p Wa y . Si n c e th e r e we r e no pa r k i n g Z O' f 7 restrictions placed on Wintergreen Drive, there are still non-residents parking on Wintergreen Drive. Parking observations conducted in November and December 2014 and in February, April and May 2015, noted a driver would be observed exiting a parked vehicle on Wintergreen Drive, walk to Hosp Way and continue onto the Eaves property. 9) There could never be a parking shortage at the Eaves apartment complex. The parking policy at Eaves is that each vehicle on site needs a parking permit. If a vehicle does not have a parking permit It is towed. Because of this policy in which Eaves issues all the parking permits to all the residents and guests and maintains an accurate accounting of the number of parking permits distributed, Eaves could never have a parking shortage. There have been several valid reasons presented to remove parking on Hosp Way. There was never a request from a citizen or a property management group to allow parking on Hosp Way. The decision to allow parking on Hosp Way originated from the City. One of the primary function of a city government is to ensure the safety of its citizens by creating a safe environment. It should not be creating and maintaining a dangerous environment in which its citizens have to live with on a daily basis. There is no justification for the City of Carlsbad to maintain the parking on Hosp Way. Safety should be the top priority, Please remove the parking on Hosp Way. Sincerely, f(O/lu) <2nt; Karen Ong Hosp Way Resident 760-720-9339 Kdong333@gmail.com l:..\c f-()LLOVJi:,.:(-/_0,~_ i"•1i(Y1v~, 0~ 1HE PROI-Ji ,ANO 8AC\"-\JlEW5 OF V'fH\CL'E.S XLt..,E6~LL'-/ PA\2-~£0 AT OANGF.Kov,s. stc-r,o.; S ALON & ~ l();;V V·i f,' I. THE'$£. ?1--\0TOS 1./JG~S 1A\l-£:N V.JlTl-◄1 '\.l -rHE t.Pt;.r FE W f f\OI,~ 11 \ S. 11 lS VEHIC.Lc'? PA9''1( .1LL£GALL'/ UK~ T.-1 1s A.L1... ,HE TIME. :r ~)t..'( ('~r-S'f' T DP,'/ "T\r'f\€. 'PH01-os OF -,~1r;:·S C:CC tJ~{) r. !,\ r. '-':, '\3 £. CA v SE 7 ·w r N. I u HT , 1 M':-PH (F i ·o S A~F. TOO t)AR~ 1D t)IS"TI N {!U\Sq : N\A t,t=S. I\ Df 7 ," )1 I '\ .... n t' 1,--f {___) \ I : ,./ ,. r ,-• I 1() ' A , ... ,, ; I.' .. - -r LLf GAi . Ly ?A~'h,:\) ti'! A t-J.O PA~1\\11-~ ,1NO PAR~tl\l&-At,,·!11mr: ~1{,r.r A¼'l\\1'1\l 10t-.lt-' I ! I 0\\ P. i: n-f i· fl~I\D\~N1 1 N~'fi 10 A L~F1 7\n·.1· VOC\l,-\-.1 LANt f\'2-DN1 At-JO BAC~ VI'( \,,\) OF "1Ht-SArl\e LH-4 A \J L IV\ ()VIN G ,-iuc\L-. T~'..\, s tv\OVt N r.,-1R \Jl'K \ ~ t)OU&L,t -- ~Al\V..'t O BLOC~,~& \HE 1£, Tl~t 1\?\;);\)£ L L t\.Jt __ TO: Carlsbad City Council Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission Carlsbad City Manager RE: Remove parking on Hosp Way and reinstate left turn pocket lanes RECEIVED OCT O 1 2015 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE I am requesting to be placed on the Carlsbad City Council agenda and the Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission agenda. The item I want placed on the agenda is to remove parking on Hosp Way and reinstate the left turn pocket lanes. Attached with this letter is a community letter requesting to be placed on the City Council and the Traffic Safety Commission agendas to remove parking on Hosp Way and reinstate the left turn pocket lanes. I am requesting that if this item is to be placed on the agenda that an official written notification be sent with the time, date and place to the following: Karen Ong 2332 Hosp Way Unit#106 Carlsbad, CA 92008 If the item is not to be placed on the agenda, I am requesting that an official written notification be sent to each individual at their address listed on the attached community agenda letter. Please state the reason why the item is not to be placed on the agenda. In August 2015, I wrote a previous request to be placed on the agenda. The City Manager responded by strongly encouraging me to attend the September 14, 2015 TSC meeting at 6 pm; as the City Engineer will discuss the issue of Hosp Way. I talked to the City Engineer on Friday, September 11, 2015. I was told I am not on the TSC agenda but he would allow me five minutes to speak during public comments and I can ask the commissioners to be placed on the TSC agenda. • I have been getting conflicting, inaccurate and misleading information with regards to the TSC. From the TSC office I was told I was on the May and June .2015 agenda. For the September 14 TSC meeting, the TSC office informed me the meeting is at 5 pm; while the City Manager office informed me the meeting is at 6 pm. I was informed that the City Engineer sets the TSC agenda, while the City Engineer tells me that the commissioners set the TSC agenda. Before I attend anotherTSC meeting, in which I have to ask the commissioners to be placed on the TSC agenda, I would like information/answers to the following requests/questions. 1] I am requesting step by step instructions on how to be placed on the Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission agenda. 2] I am requesting the individual names, the title and function of the people on the TSC. l o~ l S 3J I am requesting lnformation on who sets the TSC agenda. Is it the City Engineer, the Traffic Safety Commission or both? 4] Is the City Traffic Engineer a member of the TSC? 5) What role does the City Traffic Engineer perform in relation to the TSC? 6] I am requesting confirmation if the members of the Traffic Safety Commissiol'l have received letters I sent May 27, 2015 and August 24, 2015. Also please confirm receipt of this current letter. I would like written confirmation of the information/answers to these requests/questions be sent to me at: Karen Ong 2332 Hosp Way Unit#106 Carlsbad, CA 92008 In August 2013, the City of Carlsbad sent individual written notifications to the Wintergreen Drive and David Place residents about allowing on-street parking on Hosp Way. Notices were also sent to homeowners associations and property management companies. Please refer to NOTICE A. There were no individual written notifications sent to the 172 condominium residents at the Grove condominium complex, who would be most affected by this change. There were also no written notifications sent to the remaining residents that live along Hosp Way. Hosp Way is the only street access for hundreds of families in which all would be affected by any changes on Hosp Way. According to the Grove property management company it was understood that the City of carlsbad will be notifying each of the Grove residents. Please refer to REPORT A, dated July 22, 2013, yellow highlighted area. It states that "Staff will send Notices of this issue ... to the residents and the Homeowners Association on Wintergreen Dr. and David Pl. and also to the residents and managers of the apartment/condo projects on Hosp Wy .... " The signatures gathered on the petitions to remove parking on Hosp Way and the signatures gathered on the attached community agenda letter are the closest thing the City of carlsbad has in terms of what the public opinion is with regards to allowing on-street parking on Hosp Way. Since the vast majority of the residents living along Hosp Way did not receive the written notification sent out in August 2013, we are officially informing the City of carlsbad that we are all extremely concerned about the dangerous environment created by the parked vehicles on Hosp Way and want the parking removed. To give the City of carlsbad a better understanding of why over 350 people signed the petitions, please refer to MAP A. This map Is a visual guide from the viewpoint of one person of the unsafe and dangerous situations that has occurred on Hosp Way since parking has been allowed. Multiply this one perspective by 350, to understand why so many of us feel it is so hazardous to travel along this section of Hosp Way. Citations issued on Hosp Way increased significantly since the addition of the parked vehicles. Please refer to LIST A and LIST B. ? OF l".5 LIST B are the Individual citations issued in October, November and December 2014. The red dots in front of some of the citations issued, are the ones called in to the non-emergency police dispatch reporting Illegally parked vehicles. As mentioned in a previous letter, there are a larger number of illegally parked vehicles but the police are not always available to monitor the situation and issue citations. This is an example of how unsafe it is on Hosp Way that the local residents feel the need to monitor their street and report illegal parking. We are not asking for anything new. We just want the City to return our street to the way it was before, with no parking anytime, as it was for 32 years before the City of Carlsbad decided to allow on-street p~rking on Hos~ Way. Sincerely, Karen Ong Hosp Way resident 760-720-9339 Kdong333@gmail.com I Printed Name 1 1 TO: Carlsbad City Council Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission Carlsbad City Manager We, the undersigned, are requesting to be placed on the Carlsbad City Council agenda and the Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission agenda. The item we want to be ptaced on the agenda is to remove parking on Hosp Way and reinstate the left tum pocket lanes. The parked vehicles create a dangerous environment for drivers and passengers in vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Over 350 people have signed petitions to remove parking on Hosp Way. Citations issued on Hosp Way has increased from one to 94 in one year. Drivers are parking iUegally at dangerous sections along Hosp Way, such as: red curbs, no parking anytime zones, along blind curves, on steep gradients, next to left tum pocket lanes and double parking next to another parked vehicle. Drivers are conducting reckless driving maneuvers like lliegal U~turns and illegal passing. Before vehicles parked on the street, Hosp Way was a fire emergency lane for about 60 residential units located curbside. The parked vehicles create a dangerous situation for 622 famHles In the event of a maF1datory evacuation order. SlgMtuN Address '1-;,o \.bSIV /lf,JA'( Af7~ (of "ll 00'1 "'1J~½tlc:t •V Comment Date 1-------------t---~~-,..,.------t------""""""'l~-----------tt---r-t---------------t---:------1 i 9/~/JS / , "I 7,0 L, .,.)~ ,<~ i::, 1-\ f2.J'JfcP:. f:Etc.if 1.i. Ch,,· 1cJ,5e~1 15 i ~N ,, Lb ~tt ll4l:/ftl We, the undersigned, are requesting to be placed on the carlsbad aty Council agenda and the Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission agenda. The item we want to be placed on the agenda is to remove parking on Hosp Way and reinstate the left tum pocket lanes. comment -0 I Prillted Name .•. ..... r:_ •. . . ,., We, the underslgned, are requesting to be placed on the C:irlsbad Qty C.Ouncil agenda and the Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission agenda. The item we want to be placed on the agenda is to remove parkinQ on Hosp Way and reinstate the left turn pocket lanes. Data Z 1 37 t"o re.sf-11, L6'_,,, /. c "'f-9 j-----'--___.e._-'----_....-=..l&.&-f----\-lf----7"!:__-----+-----==--=~.....!::...C=-=~---4-------------+---;~~ ~i 7 _G"I , S '-----+1--'-----++=---+---¥-____:---=--..,t'.-+----,:,:: --+--------~""-""=-~'-""-"""''--------+-------------t------1 3 - .f\ 'f> We, the under5'gned, are requesting to be placed on the carts1>ad City C.OUndl agenda and the carlsbad Traffic Safety c.ommission agenda. The it2m we want to be placed on the agenda is to remove parking on Hosp Way and reinstate the left tum pocket lanes. AddNSS --=---------+~==::::.L.L.£:.:;::.!._.--,1....t[e. 4li a · u,7 ~ .., __ \.A ~a ..::_:__Ll.!,:~.J-,!..J.....!........:.~--l..£...:..:.::!~~~~~-::::.::::::,_J._!_~~~-r-=-~--=:.:...:~~~-=::::~~~~-h{...l-.!.'+-f.---l 3;2$, OlWYl • ii () • </ ff ;, ,, ·(._ ~" '-?fo/ I...} 0\ --z( () I I P--Name .... , .. , ............. -.,,, -.., au:: f'l;l,.j~I.,,, w Lit! pic1oeo on me Lar1SDaCI Uty COUndl agenda and the Cartsbad Traffic safety Commission agenda. The item we want to be plaa!d on the agenda is to remove pamng on Hosp Way and reinstale the left tum pocket lanes. AddrNa . Comrilant Date (;\, 1-L;-~~~~.:t:::2.fi~HN~~H9-ut~~':::.../-U2~4~~~~~~---..ic:=-------t-+:=:""'2=~ We, the undersigned, are requesting to be placed on the cartsbild City O>undl agenda and the cartsbad Traffic Safety c.ommtssion agenda. The item we want to be placed on the agenda is to remove parking on Hosp W-ay and reinstate the left timpod(et1anes, ~ 1L\ 23,o H05 · ;, 1~ • ~ !__:_~~-'=-_.___--F~~~~~~-+=--~~=--4!~-l-~~~--------+-t---+-i s, 1C\ I. J\.( li-e ~: « t-1 I{ lLtG I ~I'. ~~~~~~~~~~~- f>l ; \Y\ b )> 1 LA-· L\hJAID \I We, the undersigned, are requesting to be placed on the cartsbad City Council agenda and the cartsbad Traffic Safety Commission agenda, The item we want to be placed on the agenda is to remove parking on Hosp Way and reinstate the teft tum pocket lanes. 11 ~ )'t) 1/J. l , .. v!-----=----=---=---=-......,..,...,,~-....,'-'DI.L:.J~.,p;,,.;....--=----I-Th_lD_--'-=·~~~!-...>,.J..."--i---+-'-~---°"'-+........\,,,,l-~___.:_i_:,'-"!-----4--___..i....:.-=----'-"'----I q1; ~~ \--'( ~~...o..1...J~----'-'~--'-".,~~~--'i,.,£----l'(__---.!..--___:____:'----1--!'e::......L.....=-----tt-___:__.:_:::..:_--=--=-+--~---2:--=------:...-=---! q.,...\ U _s 1 • ) .. ~~~~~-!.M~~~~C_J_~2~3'f-l-c___:fl~0_Js[__:_:2~-'f(:::_..z:::--.:i·-1~~~_r_::.:_:___:~~-JL~~ #-Zif-\l [No1 C.E ~CARLSBAD Tran~portation Department. August 22, 2-013 NOTIFICATION OF UPCOMING TRAFFIC SAFElY COMMISSION MEETING TO ALLOW ON-STREET PARKING ON HOSP )NAY The Traffic Safety Commission will be considering allowance of on-street parking on Hosp Way from approximately 550' west of Avenida Magnifica to Calle Arroyo at its upcoming meeting to be held on: • • MONDAY, Septer:nber 9, 2013, 5:00 p.m. Carlsbad City Council Chambers 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive The propos d act on is in response to requests to prohibit ove ight parl<rng on Wintergreen Drive and Dav d Pia e du to various parking concerns. On-str t p.arklng n this portmn of Hosp Way wBI res n the remo~ of the painted teftttJm ock.ets. If you are interested in addressing the Traffic Safety Commission on this issue, please fill out a REQUEST TO SPEAK form available at the meeting and give the form to the Minutes Clerk at the beginnlng_ of the meeting. ,. '. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at" (760) 602-2734 Sincerely, . JIM MURRAY Associate Engineer Traffic Division ~. Transportation Department • W 1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 I 760-602-8562 fax I l r.r. IC. Jw 22. 2013 STAFF'S PLANNED COURSE OF ACTION REGARDING RIVE/DAVID PLACE REQUEST TO PROHIBIT OVER IGHT PARKING This ls a synopsis of the issue, and staffs planned course of action regarding the above. overflow parking unable to park onsite at apartment/condo projects on Hosp Way are· parking overnight on the closest public streets (with on-street parking) which are Wintergreen Dr. and David Pl. (resldeotlal streets with single family homes). Residents on Wintergreen Dr. and David Pl., unhappy with vehicles from the apartments/condos on Hosp Wy. parking overnight on these two public streets In their neighborhood have requested that the city prohibit overnight parking on both Wintergreen Dr. and David Pf., {fike what the cfty did in two previous similar situations (Celinda Dr. in 2008 and Paseo Descanso In 2009). Staffs Investigation Into the situation found that In this case, unlike the situations on Celinda Dr. and Paseo Descanso, there is the ability to restrlpe Hosp Wy. and provide parking on both sides of the street by repealing an ordinance (from 1982 Ord. 3152) that prohibited parking on both sides of Hosp Wy. This wHI provide parking on Hosp Wy. adjacent to the apartments/condos with the overflow parking issues, which will be more convenient for the apartment/condo residents eliminating their need to find the nearest on-street public parking which is on Wintergreen Dr. and David Pl. Providing on-street parking on Hosp Wy. will eliminate the need to prohibit overnight parking on Wintergreen Dr. ::-nd David Pl. This planned course of action was explained to the requester (Gary Farinacci) of the prohibition of overnight parking on Wintergreen Dr., who said that the residents on Wint~~g~e~~ r;>r. an_c;I Qa'lld..el...s:tl.11.Yia.nt tQJ!!:Ohibi~ overnight parking on these two streets in addltJon to providing on-street parking on Hosp Wy .. since residents are required to be parking in their garages not In their driveways or on the pu~lic streets ~r their HOA'.s CC&.R's. Staff is requesting that letters be provided from the two Homeowner's Associations requesting the overnight parking restrictions on Wintergreen Dr. and David Pl., in addition to staffs plans to address their concerns by providing on-street parking on both sides of Hosp Wy. adjacent to the apartments/condos generating the overflow parking occurring on Wintergreen Dr. and David Pl. • Staff plans include talking with the managers of the two apartment/condo projects on Hosp Wy. (closest to Wintergreen Dr. and David Pl.) to find out what they think about restriping Hosp Wy. to provide on-street parking on both sides of the street {to provide for the overflow parking generated by their apartment/condo projects u11able to park on-site in their private parking lots). Staff will prepare a staff report for the Traffic Safety Commission recommending repealing the ordinance currently prohibiting parking on both sides of Hosp Wy. and \f approved by the City Council, would propose. that the restrlplng of Hosp Wy. providing parking on both sides of the street, be added to the 2013 Slurry Seal Project which will be done either in the fall of 2013 or the spring of 2014. The staff report to the Traffic Safety Commission and the City Council will not support any requests received from the Homeowner's Associations requesting prohibition of overnight parking on Wintergreen Dr. and David P. to implement Homeowners Association CC&R's private parking restrictions on these two public streets, If on-street parking Is provided on both sides of Hosp Wy. adjacent to the apartment/condo projects generating the overflow parking. Staffs recommendation will be that on-street parking be provided on both sides of Hosp Wy. adjacent to the apartment/condo projects. Once the on-street parking has been provided on Hosp Wy., staff will monitor parking on Wintergreen Dr. and David Pl. to see if there is still an Issue with overflow apartmeot/c.ondo parkiPg an tbeie streets or If the overflow parking has moved to Hosp Wy. as staff expects. Staff will send Notic of thJ ssue going to he Tmffk safety Commission and he Oty Council to the res.Id nts and the Homeowners Assael tlon on Winter re n DrA and Dav d Pl. and also to the r sldents and mana ers of the apartment/condo proj cts on Hosp Wy. Inviting h m to att n-th e tw public meetings/public hearings on his issu . lf you have any questions, please give me a call at {760} 602-2734. •CARLSBAD Transportation Department Jim Murray Associate Engineer __ .... .. .............. .. , ....... .............. TO ~,W\~ ~t-.;.1 7J -r.·;: 12:~'iT'!~l:r ::· ,_-,J~\.:>-'·1·~. • •. -r"L,1""'.-,1' ••'/\f" \.\:.\')(.) _' • .'' , Ir ~ .,.._C -,,,J,-,.,,1 • \ .. .. . ' . -• l I llf$,! LL'/ \ \ . •..J'•: •• ' .. • .. ·-: _. De·) .• • . . , f'\l;.\ •.. . ..... r .• Carlsbad I Location / o pWa Wintergreen Drive David Place Total CITATI I Suance - 2012 4 1 1 6 s o11l./ 01-4 N COLL CTIO s STEM pee G Loc:.ibo S, Spci:ifrt ar5" 2013 2014 otal i 2 87 3 1 5 1 0 2 5 83 94 -The count of 1 in 2013 for David Place is a location of Wintergreen/David Pl. It was not included in Wintergreen Subject: FW: Public Records Request -Ong Provided to Karen Ong Here is the information requested for Hosp Way as of 5/27/2015 (due to delay of entry into the recording systems): 7/201S c4 ]It Citation CB266563 CB266067 CB266066 CB266019 CB266653 CB266652 CB266654 CB2666S5 CB271444 CB26fiQ2,Q Issued License 10/20/2014 Dl.53385 10/23/2014 6HOJ659 10/23/2014 7CFR889 10/25/2014 7EJW540 10/27/2014 6JFR672 10/27/2014 8Rll562 10/28/2014 940MMX 10/28/2014 7CFR889 10/29/2014 6YEA195 <:IT,-.TION COLLECllO !>Y T M L ST B H W 014 Month Make Color Exp Date Last 4 VIN Violation Location TOYOT WHT 041S 3956 22514 2200 BLOCK HOSP WAY VOU<S BLK 0615 8636 10400906 2200 BLOCK OF HOSP WAY NISSA GRY 1115 2972 1040090B 2200 BLOCK OF HOSP WAY JEEP FORD BLA MAR DODGE GRY GMC INFIN CHEV 104005S 2246 HOSP 1040055 2200 BLK HOSP WAY 1040055 2200 BU( HOSP WAY 1040055 2200 BLK HOSP WAY 10400906 2262 HOSP WAY le40090B 2200 BLK HOSP WY 0 INFIN BLU GRY BLK RED 0315 1214 0315 1015 1115 1214 1114 5900 3106 6498 1062 2972 4989 1888 1040055 2200 BLK HOSP WY CATW/END AVE MAG ___ -:..::To ro t1obef 014. CB262060 CB262062 C6270499 ~8270496 CB270498 CB270497 CB271409 C8262064 (8271977 CB271975 .CB271976 .CB271983 CB271981 CB271987 CB271988 CB264009 CB265701 (B268146 OCB265702 CB26S703 CB265704 CB264927 CB264926 CB271991 CB271996 CB271994 CB27199S CB271999 CB264975 O CB.264010 CB264012 #(8264013 (8268149 CB262066 C8264976 CB264977 CB262065 11/1/2014 5MOE732 MAZDA BLU 11/1/2014 14838B1 FORD GRY 11/1/2014 6T01004 TOYOT GRN 11/1/2014 3DZVS10 CHEVY WHT 11/1/2014 6NTT021 MAZDA BLK 11/1/2014 5S61479 TOYOT WHT 11/3/2014 5NXC633 HONDA MAR 11/6/2014 5KFA687 KIA RED 11/11/2014 6CRC085 NISSA RED 11/11/2014 5GWN221 MITS RED 11/11/2014 AB96~20 FORD WHT 11/17/2014 6XMU167 HONDA BLK 11/17/2014 6MFP518 TOYOT WHT 11/18/2014 7R73732 MAZDA Sil 11/19/2014 7EJ8616 KIA GRY 11/20/2014 4PVFS11 TOYOT GOL 11/21/2014 6W70009 NISSA GRN 11/22/2014 6W70009 NIS GRE 11/22/2014 7EBZ252 KIA SIL 11/22/2014 6PWF187 BMW SIL 11/22/2014 07318Nl FORD WHT 11/23/2014 5¾55787 FORD RED 11/23/2014 844ZPK NISSA GRY 11/24/2014 6XMU16.7 HONDA BLI< 11/24/2014 7G75243 FORD WHT 11/24/2014 7DVU401 FORD GRY 11/24/2014 6$09712 TOYOT SIL 11/2S/2014 8Y66271 TOYOT WHT 11/26/2014 3VGM448 NI~ GLD 11/26/2014 5DGF237 HYUND SIL 11/28/2014 7ENW340. VOLKS GRY 11/28/2014 7BJT808 JEEP RED 11/29/2014 6TCZ547 CHEVY GRY 11/30/2014 8SH60 KIA BRO 11/30/2014 39530D1 TOYOT WH'f 11/30/2014 5U15000 FORD WHT 11/30/;!014 5ES.N213 HONDA GRY 1114 0815 0915 0615 1114 0115 0615 0915 1214 0315 0315 0814 0415 0515 0315 0215 0115 0115 0215 0415 0615 1115 0115 0814 0815 0215 0615 0715 0615 0715 0215 0915 071S 0315 1114 0515 1015 4730 4959 7718 6136 1187 4307 0183 3480 8667 8859 7698 9942 7666 1860 4469 5305 5305 1606 5976 3322 4649 0631 7698 1831 2726 0813 9372 0759 8955 9826 3429 6768 4850 1083 1547 5577 1040055 2200 HOSP WAY CBD 1040055 2200 HOSP WAY CBD 104005S HOSP WAY W/0 EL CAMINO REAL 1040055 HOSP WAY/W/0 EL CAMINO REAL 1040055 HOSP WY W/0 EL CAMINO REAL 1040055 HOSP WY/W/0 El CAMINO REAL 1040010A 2200 BLK HOSP WY 1040055 2200 HOSP WY CBO 1040055 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 1040055 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 10400906 2255 HOSP WAY 1040055 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 1040055 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 1040Q55 2240 HOSP WAY 1040055 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 1040055 2245 HOSP WAY 1040055 2246 HOSP WY 1040055 2200 HOSP WAY 1040055 2246 HOSP WY 1040055 2246 HOSP WY 1040055 2248 HOSP WY 104-0055 2237 HOSP WY CARLSBAD 104005S 2237 HOSP WY CARLSBAD 4000A1 2200 6LK HOSP WAY 10400S5 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 104005S 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 1040055 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 1040055 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 1040055 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 1040055 2246 HOSP WAY 104005S 2246 HOSP WAY 1040055 2246 HOSP WAY 1040055 22.00 HOSP WAY 1040055 2200 HOSP WAY 1040055 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 1040055 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 10400908 2i62 HOSP WY CBD Disposition 01 OD 15 OD 15 15 ON 1S OD 15 OD 15 15 OD 1S 15 15 01 15 01 ON ON ON 01 01 1S 15 01 ON ON 01 15 15 ON 15 ON ON 15 15 ON 15 15 15 ON 15 15 7 ----------------·----....--------------(8267560 12/3/2014 5EUV770 VOLVO BLA 0914 CB264979 12/3/2014 BEP5161 . CHEVY WHT 1214 CB264980 12/3/2014 SP97814 NISSA Sil 1015 C8265452 12/7/2014 4FCM900 JEEP GOL 0215 CB265451 12(1/2014 6UFD079 HONDA GRY 111S CB251974 12/8/2014 2ETMS01 SEA WHI 0515 f CB263683 12/13/2014 4YGJ831 DODGE BLU 0715 CB264981 12/15/2014 28665P1 DODGE GRY 0415 f CB268761 12/20/2014 6RGX975 KIA BLK 0215 l'CB26467S 12/20/2014 7AXU805 NISSA BLA 0615 CB266177 12/'13/2014 6NGP649' HYUND SIL 0815 CB262067 12/25/2014 4PGF303 CHRYS GRY 1214 CB262068 12/25/2014 6SIA424 HONDA WHI 0615 CB264677 12/27/2014 5BSD276 MITSU SIL 0415 Tot 11 ro, Otte OU 1 T ;,I 7111 4000A1 2200 HOSP WAY 0972 1040055 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 0969 . 10it0055 2240 HOSP WAY N/S 1562 1040055 2200 BLK HOSP 2134 1040055 2200 BLK HOSP 2035 1040180B 2200 BLK HOSP WAY 09-17 1040055 2200 HOSP WAY CARLSBAD 0114 1040055 2240 HOSP WAY 7879 104005S 2200 HOSP WAY 7745 104005S 2200 HOSP WAY 8382 225001 2253 HOSP WAY 0813 1040055 2200 HOSP WAY CARLSBAD 2649 1040055 2200 HOSP WAY CARLSBAD 7903 1040055 2200 HOSP WAY ON ON 15 15 21 ON ON 01 01 ON ON ON 21 21 , b: Carlsbad City Council Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission ---·--------, RECEIVED or.T 2 0 2015 . ITY OF CARLSBAD Cl Tr CLERK'S OFFICE: _We are requesting to be placed on the City Council and the Traffic Safety Commission agendas; the item to be placed on the agenda is to remove parking on Hosp Way and reinstate left turn pocket lanes. If the item is to be placed on the agenda please send a written notification to: Karen Ong 2332 Hosp Way Unit #106, Carlsbad, CA 92008. If the item is not to be placed on the agenda please send a written notification to each individual at their address listed on the attached community agenda letter, and state the reason why it is not to be placed on the agenda. There has been two accidents within a twelve month period In the area where vehicles park on Hosp Way. One was a collision and the other was a hit and run. Please refer to the highlighted areas on ACCIDENT LIST. The idea to allow parking on a collector street to solve parking problems on a nearby residential street is not new. This same Idea was considered in 2009. In 2008, residents from Paseo Descanso asked the City to prohibit overnight parking to solve parking problems, as the City had done for Celinda Drive. Non-residents from a nearby condominium complex were parking on Paseo Descanso. A collector street, Carrillo Way, is adjacent to Paseo Descanso and the condominium complex. According to the TSCC minutes of May 20, 2009, a question was asked why the City restricted parking on Carrillo Way. Part of the answer was" ... this portion of Carrillo Way serves as a collector road and should not have on-street parking." Please refer to highlighted areas on STAFF REPORT 1. From a TSCC meeting dated June 1, 2009, a question was asked, "Is there any reason why there is no parking on the whole distance of Carrillo Way?" The answer was "· ... that the portion of Carrillo Way is a short collector road segment from Melrose Drive to Paseo Descanso." And "There are approximately 1,300 vehicles per day using that road and it would become a sight visibility issue on Paseo Descanso, a lower volume,. low speed residential road. The same issues would result on Carrillo Way with the larger volume of vehicles and parked vehicle doors being opened. It would not be a recommended action." Please refer to highlighted area on STAFF REPORT 2. Hosp Way is a collector street with approximately 2,900 vehicles per day. The portion of Hosp Way where vehicles park, there are ten driveways with 622 residential units. This is equivalent to about 900 to 1200 vehicles that use these ten driveways on a daily basis. Hosp Way has roadway grades vary from 1.86% to 11.0%. There are several closely spaced driveways and private streets. Several intersections, due to the roadway curvilinear alignment, have reduced / OF 2 / , I I , I )ibility. Several maintenance/landscape vehicles cross the road way in the vicinity of Avenida Magnlfica. Please note, one argument to maintain the parking on Hosp Way was that the on- street parking will add "friction" which should slow vehicle speed. On SURVEY, dated 9-02-14, "A speed limit posting of 30 MPH is found to be appropriate and justified." Please refer to highlighted areas on SURVEY. . . From 2008 to 2013, residents from four public residential streets have asked the City to prohibit overnight parking to solve problems caused by non-resident vehicles. This is a recurring problem and the City handled this issue on Ce.linda Drive and Paseo Descanso by prohibiting overnight parking. For Wintergreen Drive and David Place the City decided to allow parking on Hosp Way instead of complying with the parking restriction request. The traffic support staff assigned to handle the Wintergreen/David request, shared.with others the idea of on-street parking on Hosp Way. Because of this recurring problem of non-residents parking on residential streets, this idea had the following positive feedback. ''The credit goes to John and Jim thinking outside the box ... " and "This looks lik.e a great solution." Please refer to highlighted areas on STAFF REPORT 3. The City Council, the Commissions, etc. rely on the expertise ofthe support staff personnel, who are hired for their education, training and experience in their respective fields. Usually the support staff do exemplary work. I've had the opportunity to review several hundred pages of public documents relating to five other traffic projects, and I've seen the meticulous work the traffic department does. But with the case of Hosp Way, the support staff did not do their customary work. The traffic support staff was so focused on this new idea, that any type of parking restrictions on Wintergreen/David were not considered. In their enthusiasm to implement this idea~ staff did not do their usual in-depth analysis in how these changes would affect the surrounding community. MISTAKE ONE: Staff made an -assumption.that a parking shortage at the Eaves apartment complex forced drivers to park on Wintergreen Drive and David Place. The only reason why parking on Hosp Way was even considered was based on this assumption. According to public records there is no indication of anyone else claiming there is a parking shortage at the Eaves apartment complex except from the City. Staff had two opportunities to verify this assumption. Staff conducted three parking observations on Wintergreen Drive and David Place, and could have done a cursory parking observation at the Eaves apartment complex without stepping onto the Eaves property. One of the Eaves parking lot is located down a small decline and runs parallel to Hosp Way. A large portion of this parking lot can easily be seen from a car driving westbound on Hosp Way without stopping or getting out of the car. The other opportunity to verify the parking shortage was when staff communicated with the leasing office and could have asked what the parking policy is. Staff would have discovered Eaves uses a parking permit system in which each vehicle authorized to park on-site needs a parking permit, otherwise the vehicle is towed. As long as Eaves maintains an accurate accounting of the number of parking permits distributed and not exceed their parking inventory, there could never be a parking shortage at the Eaves. If the vehicles parking on Wintergreen Drive and 2 C?F 2/ David Place were Eaves residents, it was not because there was no parking available at Eaves, it was because the driver made the choice not to get a parking permit. MISTAKE TWO: Left turn pocket lanes is a basic traffic engineering concept. Left turn lanes are designed to create a safer condition to cross oncoming traffic lanes and to ease the flow of . . traffic. The traffic staff did not do an in-depth analysis to justify removing left turn pocket lanes for driveways that serves 300 residential units, which is equivalent to 450 to 600 vehicles daily. MISTAKE THREE: Traffic support staff did not send out individual written notices to the 622 families that would be adversely impacted by having vehicles park on both sides of the street adjacent to their residences and driveways. Notices may have been sent to homeowners associations and property management companies. The traffic staff just passed the responsibility to someone else to expend the time, energy and resources to do the City's job. The Carlsbad planning department is able to notify each individual residence at the Grove condominium complex about any developments at the Plaza Camino Real Mall. The planning department kept us apprised of any changes and was able to send regular updates to keep us informed of the progress at the mall. The traffic department should have the same capabilities and responsibilities as the planning department; and since the idea to allow parking on Hosp Way originated with the traffic support staff there was an even bigger responsibility to notify each individual household of this change. The traffic support staff did send individual written notices to the homes on Wintergreen Drive and David Place. The Wintergreen/David residents were fully informed of the circumstances that led to allowing parking on Hosp Way and had the knowledge since July 2013 of what the City was planning to do. The City sent out the notices August 23, 2013. The Individuals who spoke at the September 9, 2013 TSC meeting were all Wintergreen/David residents. All Hosp Way residents had no indication of what was occurring until vehicles began to park on Hosp Way in May 2014. Please refer to highlighted areas on STAFF REPORT 4. MISTAKE FOUR: By not placing parking restrictions on Wintergreen Drive and David Place, some of the problems the residents complained about still occurs. Non-resident vehicles continue to park qn Wintergreen Drive and David Place. The line of sight problems at each of the individual homeowner's driveways still occur. The parked vehicles on Wintergreen/David would often impact the ability to properly place garbage containers on the curb for regular weekly pickup. A Wintergreen resident still wanted to prohibit overnight parking regardless of what the City does on Hosp Way and makes repeated requests for parking restrictions. He knew that without any parking restrictions he would still have problems with line of sight at his driveway and not be able to properly place garbage containers on the street. Somebody wanted parking restrictions on Wintergreen Drive to the point that an unauthorized NO PARKING ANYTIME sign is discovered in April 2014 and removed by the City In May 2014. As mentioned previously, the support staff is so focused in putting parking on Hosp Way that they never even reconsidered the parking restrictions on Wintergreen Drive despite the multiple requests and the Installation of an unauthorized NO PARKING ANYTIME sign. Please refer to 3 OF 2 / highlighted areas on Wintergreen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Keep in mind that no one ever asked the City to allow parking on Hosp Way, it was entirely a City idea. The only request came from Wintergreen/David residents to prohibit overnight parking. MISTAKE FIVE: Staff did not even consider the notion that the problems the residents on Wintergreen/David were complaining about would eventually be transferred to Hosp Way. There are about 38 residential units located about 20 feet from Hosp Way. From the windows of these residences a person can hear and see all the activities occurring on Hosp Way. The Wintergreen/David complaints were littering, disturbing the peace, long term parking, public intoxication, loitering and line of sight problems. These same problems materialized on Hosp Way along with other problems, such as: accidents, theft, trespassing, vandalism, public urination, indecent exposure, people prying into resident's windows, people living in RVs, illegal drug use, illegal parking and illegal driving maneuvers. By allowing parking on Hosp Way the City of Carlsbad rewarded the rude and inconsiderate people who were causing all of the problems on Wintergreen Drive and David Place by giving them ample, convenient and free parking. Allowing parking on Hosp Way was an ill-advised idea, poorly executed and there was an incomplete analysis on the impact that this type of change would have on the surrounding community. The concept of allowing parking on a collector street to solve problems on another street was considered in 2009 and was rejected. There was a series of mistakes that led to the on-street parking that currently exists on Hosp Way. Within a twelve month period two accidents have occurred due to the unsafe conditions on Hosp Way. Please return our street to what it was for 32 years -no parking anytime on Hosp Way. Sincerely, Karen Ong Hosp Way resident 760-720-9339 Kdong333@gmail.com 'f OF 2/ - TO: Carlsbad City Council Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission Carlsbad City Manager We, the undersigned, are requesting to be placed on the Carlsbad City Council agenda and the Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission agenda. The item we want to be placed on the-agenda is to remove parking on Hosp Way and reinstate the left tum pocket lanes. The parked vehicles create a dangerous environment for drivers and passengers in vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Over 350 people have signed petitions to remove parking on Hosp Way. Citations issued on Hosp Way has increased from one to 94 in one year. Drivers are parking illegally at dangerous sections along Hosp Way, such as: red curbs, no parking anytime zones, along blind curves, on steep gradients, next to left tum pocket lanes and double parking next to another parked vehicle. Drivers are conducting reckless driving maneuvers like illegal U-turns and illegal passing. Before vehicles parked on the street, Hosp Way was a fire emergency lane for about 60 residential units located curbside. The parked vehicles create a dangerous situation for 622 families in the event of a mandatory evacuation order. Printed Name Signature Address Comment Date /D_{.p -'M°S I 07 ~";:...,i,Ll.~u.\\.W~~~~~-----!-.Ld.~U:l.!I21~~~~~-tn~~r,,_.x~~?.j.Jlil~~~~...,::i I 0'2 , /09 11 0 ! II /V/.lfA.LI£ c.,t..U~> {I l-~ \(;~ L Ct\\\\\ We, the undersigned, are requesting to be placed on the Carlsbad Qty Council agenda and the carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission agenda. The item we want to be placed on the agenda is to remove parking on Hosp Way and reinstate the left turn pocket lanes . . . ·-· .. ----====~==~===;=====:::::·-=-=-=--==--==-~-=---:::::--=·--=··· -=='.--·=···-:::·-· -=·. -=··--::::::-··-===·--:::· --~·--==-·=··-=--. -===--==· -==· -=· .. :::::-·-=··· ··=· ·::::·. ·-==-· ·=·. :=·. =·. ~_:_, I Prt.mcl Name ~ . C~t Dale I, 3 ' ~?--flosf WM -/Flt>~ A), 7fJ,Qe:e /a.yfe > J----ir---c--,--....-.,--f:r--+"~-c---~-----,---,--R ttL{ r.JC:..-......&.......:-~f--~--=-.L._J!,__ 233 {15 '\ I l Y '-~~~~~~+-=a~~::z:;;q._...)___::-Z~/~Z::::_:0:=___:::_l,_.:::,(.=_o .:...v4-:.:_.:._P-_v.:...-L-=..:-i-_ __ef~~~~--~~$-1/-/-~ ' f l q I n -~~~~~~~~~.t-~r?-=-J--~~~~OO-J~~===---~-J.IJ.~~~~----+t-¥--c~-c)l \I 12o : l~loiC,,£..{--l-.L.c;.ol.M-~~.,_,.Ml~~~~~'---+~....e.....a....-::....~~~~-=-=---4-_:&.....~c..1.1,4~:::....:::....:---~-l-'---"---'='4--''-"""' /21 i ~-'--,c:;.,.,&L..L......!-=<L....j[---H~-~~-- / 21... K rt r( 171 ! r0 (2, 6 11fi :~ ~~ t z ~ i ~ r-. ;1 l (30 ftp!~ 0-ft I 31 ~ J l., ~ We, the undersigned, are requesting to be placed on the cartsbad Qty C.OUndl agalda and the Carlsbad Tl'lfflc Safety Comnmion ar;aerlda. The Item we want to be placlld on the agenda is to remove parking on Hosp WlJI/ and reinstate the left: tum podat llnes. Dale uqlS U/ 1 Fi>rCJ1 v,,...., wit . I 13 l-tOLD -"-t-----4~~~-' 2.~ro l,JooD IDlr~ e:T:R J ... We, the undersigned, are N!questlng to be placed on the carlsbad Qty C.OUndl agenda and the car1sbad Traffic Safety Commilsion agenda. The it-,m we want to be placed on the agenda is ID remove parking on Hosp w,,., and reinstate the left tum pocket lanes. . -~ ~ ft (,_ \ (t Inc# TVl>e Time Location #140042082 COLLISION 17:47 EL CAMINO REAL/HOSP WY 06/20/2014 #14Q045097 HIT/RUN 10:28 2600 BLK EL CAMINO REAL 07/02/2014 #l!\00~7!4i COLLISION 10:47 3100 BLK EL CAMINO REAL 08/18/2014 it1.llnn~1J41 COLLISION 20:29 HOSP WY /EL CAMINO REAL 09/02/2014 #UQQ224Q~ COLLISION 23:08 moo BLK HOSP WY ~ 0.9 /06/2014. #140Q65073 COLLISION 21:32 HOSP WY/EL CAMINO REAL 09/17/2014 #140Q672ZB HIT/RUN 08:40 2600 BLK EL CAMINO REAL 09/26/2014 #140080881 COLLISION 14:31 EL CAMINO REAL/HOSP WY ll/l~/2014 #14QQ8510~ COLLISION 14:44 HOSP WY/MONROE ST 12/0672014 #150040173 COWSION 20:05 2300 BLK AVENIDA MAGNIFICA 06/04/2015 lt150062562 HIT/RUN 09:35 3100 BLK EL CAMINO REAL 08/27/2015 ttl~QQ§Z2Z~ lHJT/RUN . 22:48 2300 BLK HOSP WY 09/16/2015 9 OP 2/ MINUTES 1l iC 1y COOi' ting 0m111lt1111_ 2Q, Page2 • That 313 feet of red curb be painted on the west side of Paseo Descanso beginning at the curb return. • That at. the location of the fire hydrant at 6302 Paseo Oescanso red curt, be painted. • That 60 feet of double yellow centerllne striping "be installed on Paseo Descanso approaching Carrillo Way. •. Lt Rawson stated that an analysis of all calls to the· Police Department from January 2008 to Mey 14, 2008 regarding Peseo Oescanso found a total of 17 calls, five of which were parking related. Mr. Fennel made two of the flve calls. Lt. Rawson mentioned that he did visit the area In question around six in the morning obselVing five vehicle& legally parked across from 6302 Paseo Descanso up to 6310 Paseo Descanso. He did not notice trash or majOr oil spols or any other problems. ' Erin Letsch asked If the sight visibility Issue brought up by Mr. Fennel ls different from any oth8f public street within the City of Carlsbad. Bob Johnson stated no, but staff did recommend painUng 30 feet of red curb on the west side ot Paseo Descanso starting at tlie curb return to prohibit vehicles blocking the proximity of the handicap ramp. U. ••kud dey mttlal rkmg oo e1111 of Motrciee b J°"'1sa, •1111 d "' ID tlllmffll'IIo1n f!Uffl Moko,ct Otlvo 1o Pa1eo Oelll&f181i 1ho travel tanea do nil& allow lo the Melt'OH Dri'Y.e ~n. t'I& eald th!! pc Ww, 11,vea as a cKJlleolar n;,ad Mid hoold 1101 h1Ml ■lidng The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee agreed with s1aff's recommendaUon, as fo!lowS: • · Deny the r11quest flX' pa g rn c n al n Ohl on Paua Dncan5o frg,n Camilo Way lo Pa Cttr • Paint 30 feet of red curt> on the west side of Paseo Oescanso beginning at the curt> return and proceed south. • Paint red curb adjacent to fire nydrant at 6302 Paseo Descanso. • Paint 50 feet of double yellow centerline striping on Paseo Descanso approaching Carrillo Way, Ol'HER BUSINESS: Bob Johnson stated that the City Council appointed two new Traffic Safety Commissioners who begin In June 2009. The next meeting of the TSCC ·is scheduled tor 8:00 am on Thursday, June 25, 2009 In Room 240 et the Faraday Center. Rawson Ryan Joonson Letsch . Bailey --.... _. __ .., -[s :r;\ rF R fr f!o{J_ 1 A M B 0 S T A T N I YA 0 0 E I E N S N S X X ·x X X X l ; c, T A l=-~ RF l;O(~T -;, • \. ·' V l ' ' , • ~-~ I t -,. - ruoe 1. 200 Page9 DISCUSSIQN: hair Cres.s ~Mr.Johnson to addrc th probJCffll of having no paddngon Carrillo Way. Tu 1hm:c ~ why there is no patki.ng on the whot dj ce f Camilo Way? Mr. J bnBon explained tiwt the portion o Carr:iUo Way is short collector road segment from Metro Drive to P . De,;canso. At lbe intersection there are two lanes. left tum lane and a through right lane. There is al a painted median mt the roadway and then one eastbound lancirom elrosc Dri e. There are approximate1y 1,JOOvehicles per day using that road and.it w uld become sight vis.ibilil..y • me on P eo DesC8mJO a Jower volume., Jow ~ ·deolial road. The same issues would result on Cattillo Way with the largerv hlme of vehicles and parked vehicle doo being openM lt'would not. be a rt001D1DCndtd action. Commissioner Roney asked if there was a code violation for parking. Is there some way to research the issue for the Cascada condominiums? • Mr. Johnson replied that the code enforcement would be looking into any code violations if there were a complaint made to the City of Carlsbad Code· Enforcement Office. They would go out to investigate the number of off-street parking. They would compare that to whaf s required and_tiwn they would have the appropriate discussions with management of the condominiuxns if it was not in line with what was approved. • Vi~Cbair Cumming complimented both the neighborhood participants and staff for their very professional presentations. The precedent of Celinda Drive comes into play where 1here was a direct appeal to the City Council. Sometimes the City Council chooses to act as both its own Traffic S~ty • Coordinating Committee and its own Traffic Safety Commission. He felt the core issue was an equity issue between people who have the fortupe or misfortune to live on a public street ver.rus their adjacent neighbors who have private streets that are subject to a slightly different set of rules. That makes it complex ·and he therefore felt it should be expedited to _the City Council. Vice-Chair Cumming said his understanding is that if the Commission adopted 1he recommendation today, there is no City Council action required. For that reason, if for no other, he would like to make a motion that they adopt the same language as the recommendation, except instead of the words "be . denied" it say "be approved." By saying "be approved" that takes 1he issue to the City Council. The details of what might meet the needs of this neighborhood should be explorecl. He felt this issue deserved to be reviewed by the elected officials. Therefore, he recommends a reoolution that the. Commission adopt the recommendation as written with the exception that it say "be approved" rathe.r than denied. ------------------------------------------------ Jim Murray From: Bryan Jones Sent: To: Thursday, July 18, 2013 7:26 PM Skip Hammann Jr Cc: Subject John Kim; Jim Murray; Craddock Stropes; Jon Schauble; Marshall Plantz RE: Inquiry The credi goes tp John and Jlm thinking outs!' e the box and then working with Jon.Schauble to include It in the pavement management program. From: Skip Hammann Jr Sent: Thursday, July 8, 2013 1:49 PM To: Craddock Stropes; Greg Hermann Cc: Belinda Guzman; Bryan Jones Subject: RE: Inquiry Bryan, his ooks like grea sol1,1tion. From: Craddock Stropes Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 12: 16 PM To: Greg Hermann Cc: Skip Hammann Jr; Belinda Guzman; Bryan Jones Subject: RE: Inquiry Per your request -let me know if you need more information. We can also provide an update once further action has been taken. Inquiry: On July 17, the city manager's office contacted Public Works to request a status report on parking issues raised by residents in the neighborhoods near Hosp and Wintergreen. Issue: here is not ade u te park.Ing to accommodate he condo dwellers in the complex on Hosp Way. There is currently an city ordinance prohibiting parking on Hosp Way. Residents in the condo complex on liosp Way have taken to parking in the adjacent residential ~rea along Wintergreen. The r~ld nts along Winterween have tomplained hat the-actdftton 1 cars parked along the street are prev Bg them from placlng1heirtrashcans for ser •~e2, among o r ctMtjes. Residents along Wintergreen also have requested putting in place a parking restriction, similar to one instituted on Celinda Drive, that prohibits overnight parking in the residential area. Response: Upon assessing the neighborhood, it appears there would be justification to remove the ordinance prqblbiting parking along Hosp Way. This solution would negate the need to put in place a parking restriction on Wintergreen. By providing more convenient parking locations for the condo dwellers, the issue of the overflow parking occurring along Wintergreen that interferes with residents' activities should be alleviated. Action: Traffic engineers have assessed the location and are planning to recommend that the city's current ordinance prohibiting parking on Hosp Way be rescinded to allow parking. A staff report needs to be completed and brought to the Traffic Safety Commission before it can go to the City Council for adoption. {No Traffic Safety Commission meeting scheduled for July.) The process could take up to three to four months to complete and implement. Staff has been 1 /2 OF 2/ f~AFF p,Erw.T~/ September 9, 2013 Traffic Safety Commlssion Me ing Page3 ITEM 6C: Provide on-street parkfng on Hosp Way from cane Arroyo to 550 feet west of Aventda Magnlflca Jim Murray presented the staff report to provide on-street parking on a portion of Hosp Way. Hosp Way is a collector street connecting residential areas along Hosp Way to Monroe Street and El Camino Real and has a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour. This street has a curb to curb width • of 40 feet, Is fully Improved with concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks and street lights and Is currently striped with a double yellow centerline with a travel-lane In each direction, and left turn lanes provided at the driveways Into the adjacent apartment and condominium p·rojects. Parking Is currently prohibited on both sides of Hosp Way by city ordinance. Staff has received requests to prohibit overnight parking on Wintergreen Drive and David Place due . to the number of vehicles parking on this street from nearby multi-family dwellings on Hosp Way. Some of the concerns are reduction in available parking for residents, trash ·and debris left on the street, restriction of sight distance due to parked cars, and illegal. Staff is recommending that the existing city ordinance prohibiting parking on Hosp Way be modified to allow parking on both sides of Hosp Way from the intersection wlth Calle Arroyo to approximately 1,200 feet to the west. This would provide approxlmatety 100 new park ng spaces and would address the concerns of overflow p_arktng occurring on Wintergreen OrlVe and David Place. In orde o aa:ommodate parldng on h s portJon of Hosp Way, striping modlflcatlons would be necessary and the eldstlng painted median and feft tum pockets would need 10 be repraced by ~ . pafnted centerline. After the modJffcatlons are complete, left turns Into the driveways of the five muJtj.famtty complexes woutd be made from the slngie travef lane in each direction. The crtv Council would need to approve any modifications to ordinance and the proposed changes to the striping to provide parking on both sides of the street has already been Incorporated Into the city's 2013 Slurry Seal Project. • Gary Farinacci, 2900 Wintergreen Drive, spoke about the Iner~ tn perktng, duration of parking, aMt trash collection issues on Wintergreen AVenue d bv multl-famtly apartment dweJters: Vfrgfe Bo.)'kfn~ 2988 WJnt.ergreen Drlve, expressed concerns regarding prohfbftlng parking on WJntergreen Drive and Davis P1at1!. Staff addressed these concerns and stressed the proposed changes were to add parking on Hosp • Way and not prohibit parking on either Wintergreen Drive or Davis Place. JenyCudmore 2217 David P~ Pointed out that park ng tras been an Increasing tssue..startlng last when construction was . tan apartment complex, which limited orHTte parkfng and n-aeased i,m1ng on Wjn.tergr Drive an.cf OaV! d Pface. ~ ts atso concerned about$Jreed n, he neighborhood tras ~ safety. ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Commissioner Hunter, and duly seconded by Vfce-Chalrperson Muir, to provide on-street parking on Hosp Way from Calle Arroyo to 550 feet west of Avenida Magnlflca. • 4-0-0 Wrisley, Fox, Muir, Hunter None None 13 or 2 I STREET: Hosp Way CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY LIMITS: Mon oe Street to a camino Real • ..... • -::,: .•• .. . . A. Pqyalllnq Speed Data: ~ o1 ~ti Sorvey tocalton of Speed Survey 8&th Percentile 10 MPH Pace Percent In Pace c. TrafQc Eoctm:a: ~ v.Traffi Traffic Cqntrols Pedestrlan/Blcycle Traffic Bicycle Lanes On.:.street Park! D, Rgadpy ftptqra: Clrculatlon Element Street Classlfloatlon Length of Segment AoadWay Width • Nuntier of Lanes ~enlcal Al,:Cer,t Sidewalks streat Direction: Eastbound/Westbound 6119114 S55 Feet west of Calle Arroyo 4M'PH 25fo35 MPH 85% 1,700 -East of Woodridge Circle (2009k ~. -West 0, El Camino Real (200$J Traffic Slgnal at B Camino Real; Stop Slgn Control at Monroe Street, Forest Vkiw Way, and Wintergreen Drive/Grove Avenue Light No Designated Bicycle Lanes Have Been Striped on the Roadway Parallel Parkin Anowed between Winte reen Dr. & cane A In Des • ated Areas Unclasslfled 0.76 Ml. 40 Feet (Curb-to-Curb) 1 Lane E:ach Olrectloo Roild'"Y Grades V, ftOm .86% ta 11 .0% CUNllooar SttfeWlllk on Eacb Sida ~ and Pr!wt· Slrwts reto and made a part IL/ of 21 .;..iim Murray Frorn: Sent: T~: Subject Bryan Jones Wednesday, May 08, 2013 8:50 AM John Kim; Jim Murray FW: R~trictett overnight parking request -Wintergreen Dr. 4 Tu.v,d f'r, • can you two follow up with this individual and state that we will initiate the process .. 'f'.Je will w~r~ to ~.It down and figure i;,ut how best to communicate with everyone else on the street to make sure this is an HOA. or group thing before.we • . take it to TSC ~nd City Council. • • .. • • • • • • . •.• •. •. • ... •. .r We also have a sidewalk project in this area that Jon Schauble Is working on that will narrow the street and restrict some pa~~j_n~.-··---...... • • ... • .. • -• • • -• • • •• • • ••• · .. -·---.. ' . From: Sent: Sun ay, Mey OS 2013 2:22 PM To: John Klm -·-' -·-. ~ . ' Cc: Bryan Jones; ----- subject: Rebicted overnight parking request -Wintergreen Dr. Dear Mr. Kim, .1 am writing to you ·on behalf of the homeowners on Wintergreen Drive in .Carlsbad. We are asking the city to restrici overnight parklng on both sides or the street as soon as possible. The apartments on ·Hosp·Way have continued -to -use both sides ·of Wintergreen for their -overnight and .weekend parking and it has gotten much _ orse over the past few months. Not only do these parkers fill up the available parking • on both sides of the street for a few hundred feet, but they are aJso !eaving their tt and debris on the street as welt. There are ofteii .. ~se>.-.many·ca~:.~rkeq; that the .. o.v.ei:flpY,V :mU$l-4-'~Ef~~fr~sides'-'Of;.~~v.id .. 9._r,t~:,to·rf: In addition, the :·cars· a.re -parked on both .sides of the street ·dire-ctly-.:a_djaeent tcf-Hosp way, making it dangerous for motorists who ,tum from ·Hosp Way onto Wintergreen Drive. And we have also experienced very late n.!ght gathering~_of!h~s~ p~r~rs, di~urbing the peace and many of whic appear to be drinking.-r hope you would agree that this is not acceptable to homeowners who malntain their properties and pay reaJ estate taxes to the city each year. We are aware that two other resjdential areas in Carlsbad, Celinda Drive and Paseo Descanso, experienced s1milar issues and have been abre. to get restricted ~vemig-tit . • parking~--.. -· • • • --· -. • . Therefore, piease consider this request to restrict overnight parking on Wintergreen Drive· an~ a_dvis~ me as to what steps are necessary to begin the process. Wff:9.o· .uridefstand ·that-the restricted ove,:nig·~t parking would apply to homeowners as ·well. • . . . -~ .. Thank you for your time. IS ()P 2 1 ·Jim Murray . From: Sent To: Cc: Monday, July 22, 2013 12:18 PM Jim Murray Joe Willis Subject: Re: Wintergreen Dr. Restricted Parking Jim, From my perspective J would Hke to see if the Hosp parking plan alleviates the problem on David Place before 18$lrleted par:king iB considered. Sent from my iPhone On Jul 9, 2013 at 5:42 AM, _ .,, : ~ ~-=1 ---..... r•--..r ....-~ -J --~ .. _ ------= -wrote: Hello Jim, Just a quick note on our request for restricted overnight parking on Wintergre n and avid PL All home owners who attended our annual meeting this week agreed that they want to restrict the parking on Wmtergreen, regardless of what you do with Hosp Wa . I was told the same for David Pl. The board has asked me to follow-up w_ith you and so_ they can keep our home owners apprised of the progress on this issue. Please let me know what the next steps will be and when you anticipate this to go to council for approval. Thanks again for all your help. /(, (IF 2/ 1 From: sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 6:20 AM To: Jim Murray Cc: Gary @ Home subject: Re: Wintergreen Dr. Restricted Parking Good Morning Jim, In a follow-up to my message below, I wanted to let you know that there is an addit • ona1 reason for tho e of us n Wintergre n equ sting the restricted parking. The apartment dwellers often use our street to leave th ir vehicles parked for extended periods of time. This forces the home owners to call the parking enforcement office of the Carlsbad police to get the vehicle ticketed and/ or removed. We even had one individual leave a boat on a trailer parked for a couple of weeks, he was ticked a couple of times . and finally it was towed away. The very next day after it was towed by the police, the boat was back and had to be towed again. Yes, this may have been the extreme, but I'm sure there are other issues like this that have occurred over the past few years. We appreciate your assistance and I would like to hear back from you this· week on the status of this request. Thank yo~ From: To: 11·1m.m ==~ badca.gov> Cc: J ary @ Home" Sent: Friday, July 19, 2 . Su~Ject: Wintergreen Dr. Restricted Parking Hello Jim, 2 I 7 C)I 2./ . r \J,i (~ri E /2-G Pu f I Lr l Thank you for your response. Based on past experience, it would be safe to say that the Hosp Way parking project will most likely be 4 to 8 months from completion. With that in mind, would it be pos ible to consider placing signs for no parking on the north side of Wintergreen Drive for about the first 6 house from Hosp Way? We cont·nue to expenenc • parking on the housing side of the street that make it ery difficult for such things as weekly garbage pickup and s~ply backing out of our 1 driveway Other than the house on the southwest comer of Wintergreen & Hosp (2895 Wintergreen), no other homes would be affected by parking on that side of the street. It would certainly help while we wait for the • Slurry Seal Project.. Our council member, Keith Blackburn, mentioned • this to me and felt_ that the signs ':Vere an inexpensive & easy temporary fix. Let me know if this is something that could be considered. Thanks again for all your assistance. -:r,~ M u.V"t'a y' Fro~: Jim M, rrn:av ~ 11 ... U1 •~dca~ To: " ___ .... ~~ • .. : Cc: John Kim <John,Kim@@a11ii!®1.1½4.QOV> • 8e1Jt: Frtday, October 18, 2013 4:53 PM Subject: Hosp Wy. parking/restriplng • •• • I You are correct, the restriping of the segment of Hosp Wy. to provide parking on both sides of the street will be done with the City's 2013 Slurry Seal Project, which is scheduled_to be done in the spring of 2014. +; CITYQf CARLSBAD tranfportation Departm.ent JlmMumiy kJsociate Engineer . Traffic Division City of Carlsbad • Jim Murray From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jim, Jeanette Brown Thursday, May 01, 2014 9:33 AM Jim Murray FW: new no parkingn sign Would you be the appropriate person to respond to her email q~estion? Thanks Jeanette Brown From: , , ___ ,_ Sent: Wednesday, Aprn .i0, 2014 3:57 PM To: Police • Subject: new no parkJng" sign On Wintergre Rd • there were some recent .changes at Hosp Way.' The mail box was moved ancl red lines painted along the curb close to the intersection. I like t, u e the trail a.cross the street and the other day I went aik..and there. was "no parking" s.ign. However, it's not clear exactly how far the no parking zone extends as there is only one sign on the whole section of the street Could you please clarify? Thanks. 1 IC/ o~ :2/ ' . City of Carlsbad TRAFFIC REQUE§T • TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT I DATE • BY REQUESTED BY: OPENED: 5/1/14 JM -· ADDRESS: (not given) CLOSED: ~/bL14 JM RE-OPENED: .,-,, ....... CLOSED: ---· PHONE: I States that a new ~NO PARKING A~VTIMJ:" sign has been ~ on the no{ijl side of Wfmeraree.n Dr. an a street ~t between 2892 & 2900 Wlntern,reen Dr. on east end of the newt~ narrowed part1an of Wlntergraen w/ REO curbs at Hosi;i 'Wy. She is guestionlng the sign/clarification on how far the No Parking zone extends? (see attached email) ~2-• J4 -Mb-~ dmil~b .o ... &~ -:r.:£,t-1~ ~~ ~-&.. ·JJo~~ ctt-i!-a.~~~ • ~dll~~oV\ ~ ~~2.1 U5ei! ih~'Dv,. !:::44 f4k.,inDt-,~t,~ ~ %: 12'--e --,-;.!J·rr~ ~sWc:&io; a. ~.t ~(~~).;t ~ , l, ldl:w a, P)e!5$!1~d~3-:fl,..d-ive, '4»1( MHMJ w pgeeJs!:, rlk r•.f sf~ > Mf!.! ff.,i ii;. :iMv'i!li~~-fk-J!r C~i$ ~s d:l:·r60Wlt!f:a.c..:w-+n rM--~-Hie.-1J11t t-1ti,,~ a.2.,07><J~ - >•'· 14-<Dis.:c.,fs:~ .t>.J_ J~ ~ ~ ~,,u;, ~ 41> ~ ~ ~ 3aJ~f'!fdrt~g:~t: wJ{.!iurhw.-..Jia . ACTION REQUIREDfTAKEN YES/NO DATE NO. REMARKS Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee Ne ' Traffic Safety Commission City Council Re$ofution/Ordfnance : Work Order t/€S 5 • ""4 ~~K--o+'T ~ IM~~2'., le;; .... ,i.1.nu..t .. .ih,,.. ¢f.auf- /..lo _, ~ Speed Survey Traffic Count LOCATION: Wintergreen Dr (between 2892 & 2900}. TR NO.: 14-056 ·1 w !~~-!\~.-£ _] _..----' .• . 1 _; I -· ~ ·: 1 ,,~~--~~ ,_ .. _,..,,,._ '¥ .r~"' __ :c ~e~~iw·a-.: t. kt? e,;,(l ~-f:bPJp_t.: ~.: I ' /. d.. A • • • , ~ J· c;.-.. J,)o-::1(;;:. •. • •• •--••-· -~--+it1.tie.-_~~-°'-Y-t'!2f-.f. b.~~ ?i~ ~~dt.,p-~,~ : ... ~ ... -•'~-... :,:·'-~~~~ C •: • , ... ~-£1-1 .. 1!> .. ~1f\! ---·-··-----------~-l l~~~~::A&f~-4k#-~~~n~-i2.~:--~-~-~C~t~~~-~---·.: ··-------~-----···-1-[4 .~-~-~~-. -~ . : -~-.... --. . .. •. :. --.:·_ .................... ·-·•·· .. · ...... . ·.···•,:; • •' I ., . • .. ~--·., .C.; •••••••• • ·.:_ • :··,.,:. _',:: p ·.•• .•:.: . : ·,~;: : ·;· •• • ,• . . ...... . .. . .. -... . , .. ... ·.:> :: ..:: ... ·:· \-·::: I •,]','· • .'. ,• ," •,•I "•/_:; -·. • .. Z I n rl ' • •' • I "" / TO: Carlsbad City Council Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission 381.:L:!O S.>t~318 Al.I::> O\f8S"l~VJ .::10 All8 ~102 & Z lJO 03/\13~3~ There has been seven collisions on Ho~ Way since on-street parking was allowed; four of the seven collisions involved vehicles hitting~ffs. eAher making a request for more detailed information, I recently received a more comprehensive listing of the incidents that has been occurring on Hosp Way since parking began. Please refer to highlighted areas on ACCIDENT LIST 9. Since there are no number designations on most of Hosp Way, some police officers will list Hosp Way/El Camino Real or El Camino Real/Hosp Way as the location site on the report. On ACCIDENT LIST 9, for the incident on 6/4/2015, the location is listed as '2300 BLK AVENI DA MAGNIFICA, CB'. There is no 2300 building or 2300 address, but on the signage at the intersection of Avenida Magnifica and Hosp Way the sign posted states '2300 Avenida Magnifica'. Since October 2014 I have been requesting lists of accidents, etc. on Hosp Way. Last October the City sent me a two page letter explaining that due to privacy rights I am not able to receive private and personal information. It has taken twelve months and several requests to get a list that provides enough information to see a pattern emerging of unsafe situations on Hosp Way. Please refe~ to ACCIDENT LIST 1, 2, 31 4, 5, 61 7, 8 and 9. The lists I received were not always accurate or complete. The information provided on one list does not always show up on the other lists. For example, ACCIDENT LIST 2 show a 10/22/12 collision at Hosp Way/Calle caballero but on ACCIDENT LIST 1 there is no 10/22/12 collision. Both lists were generated in 2014. One recurring problem with ACCIDENT LIST 1 through 9, is that the street Hosp Way has two versions. One version is the private street in which there are 217 residential units that use Hosp Way as their address. And at both the apartment and condominium complexes, any type of report will list Hosp Way as the location site. The other version is the public, collector street, Hosp Way. Since there are no street number designations on most of Hosp Way, it gets complicated trying to determine if an incident occurred on the public or private street version of Hosp Way. While meeting with the Mayor and Councilmembers in February 2015, the City Engineer provided everyone a one page report titled 'Hosp Way Parking Chronology'. Under the section of 8/23/13, the Grove HOA is not listed to receive a Notice. Also the Grove condominium complex does not have an office on-site on Hosp Way. Under the section of Collision History it states, "Prior to the removal of the parking restriction on Hosp Way, there were three reported collisions on Hosp Way between Wintergreen Drive and Calle Arroyo. Since the addition of parking, there have been no reported • collisions. Staff believes that there is no safety issue caused by the allowance of parking on Hosp Way nor the removal of left turn pockets." Please refer to highlighted areas on CHRONOLOGY. From ACCIDENT LIST 1 and 2, that is titled 'City of Carlsbad Transportation Department/Traffic Division, Traffic Collision History Report Midblock Collisions'. There are three collisions that meet the criteria in which the collision occurs between Wintergreen Drive and Calle Arroyo. Report No. 13-0247 dated 1/11/13, Report No. 09-4865, dated 7/16/09 and Report No. 09-1939 dated 3/19/09. If these are the r (ff 2s correct referenced collisions, within a four year span there were three collisions in that section of Hosp Way. Please refer to highlighted areas on ACCIDENT LIST 1 and 2 and MAP A. When reviewing public records I found the 'CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY' dated May 2006. Under section G it states, "The collision rate is significantly higher than the statewide average rate of 2.03 for other equivalent roadway segments. Five of the eight collisions resulted In a hit and run," Even before parking was allowed, Hosp Way has a history of a significantly high collision rate. Please refer to highlighted areas on SURVEY A. Once on-street parking Is allowed on Hosp Way, a succession of problems occurs. PROBLEM ONE: Line of sight issues is a basic traffic engineering concept. The traffic department should have anticipated from the beginning that this would be a problem from the driveways once on-street parking begins. Even after being notified within the first seven days about limited visibility at the driveways, the City did nothing, totally ignored this dangerous situation on Hosp Way. Parking was effective May 21, 2014. Exactly seven days later on May 28, 2014 the City is Informed about limited visibility at the driveways by a person who lives on Forest View Way, who does not even use the driveways. This person was able to anticipate line of sight problems at the driveways just by driving by. Please refer to highlighted areas on COMPLAINT 1. From the first day everyone had line of sight problems from the driveways. We assumed that the City would eventually fix it. Along Hosp Way vehicles were legally able to park right next to the driveways. The parked vehicles blocked line of sight for all vehicles exiting the driveways. And for drivers attempting to enter the driveways from Hosp Way, the parked vehicles blocked the view of any pedestrian, children, strollers and pets walking on the sidewalk when crossing the driveways. Since there is no height, width or length restrictions for vehicles parking on Hosp Way, all types of large commercial vehicles, RVs, etc. parked on Hosp Way. After living with this problem for a few months, three separate complaints about the line of sight problems eventually prompted the City to paint red curbs. Please refer to highlighted areas on COMPLAINT 2 and 3. CORRECTION ONE: On October 21, 2014 red curbs were painted next to driveways and along large sections of Hosp Way. Street signage is removed. Originally there was parking for 100 vehicles, but after the addition of red curbs, only about 50 to 55 vehicles could legally park on Hosp Way. Please note that the 45 to SO vehicles that could no longer park on Hosp Way, returned to parking on-site at the Eaves and did not turn up on Wintergreen Drive and David Place. Please refer to highlighted areas on WORK ORDER 1 and 2. PROBLEM TWO: After red curbs were painted, drivers and police were confused where to park legally on Hosp Way. On November 1, 2014 I called the non-emergency police dispatch to report four vehicles parking illegally on Hosp Way. When I returned home several hours later I noticed the same vehicles but with no parking tickets. I called the police dispatch again, I was informed that a police officer drove by earlier and saw no illegally parked vehicles. I explained that the week before, police ticketed vehicles that parked in the exact same spot. Within a short ti'me two police cruisers arrived and I explained the situation. Both officers surveyed the street and said that because the only signage on the street was NO 2 Of 25 PARKING ANYTIME and NO PARKING ANYTIME BEGINS, that all vehicles were parking Illegally. Please refer to highlighted areas on COMPLAINT 4. CORRECTION TWO: Police department request to install additional signage to better clarify boundaries of parking/no parking areas. On November 12, 2014 additiona I signage is installed. Please refer to highlighted areas on WORK ORDER 3. PROBLEM THREE: One year after parking is allowed there are still problems on Hosp Way. On May 26, 2015 a complaint was sent to the City that vehicles continue to park illegally along dangerous sections of Hosp Way. This complaint also sent numerous photographs of the offending vehicles which are on file with the City. Please refer to highlighted areas on COMPLAINT 5. CORRECTION THREE: On June 81 2015 additional red curbs were painted and street signage removed. Please refer to highlighted areas on WORK ORDER 4 and 5. There have been seven collisions on Hosp W_ay since parking was allowed. There has been a succession of problems on Hosp Way. The City was informed of these problems from three sources -the local residents, the community manager at the Eaves apartment complex and the Carlsbad Police department. The biggest problem now is if the City of Carlsbad allows the parking on Hosp Way to continue. Over 350 people have sent their complaint to the City when they signed the petitions. There is only one correction left to make -remove parking on Hosp Way. Sincerely, Karen Ong Hosp Way Resident 760-720-9339 Kdong333@gmail.com 'I -,...., ....... City of Carlsbad Transportation DepartnientlTraffic Division Artenal: :HOSP WY Umtt 1: MONROE ST • Umit 2: EL CAMINO REAL Total Nwnber of Colllalons: 5 Date Range Reported: 1/1/i008 -3/31/2014 Report No. Date nme ~195 (j) 3/19/09 21:41 )9-4885 ® 7(18Jt)9 6:00 Dist/Dir 725' West of Locatfon ~Arroyo 36' Hoap~l'81\lda West ·of ~ (E) Traffic CofR ton H story Report 'Mldblock Co~U.ions MotorVeh. Type of CoHlalon Involved With DOT1 . • MPC 1 Vehicle• Pedestrian Pedestrian East Head-On Proceeding Straight Parked Pari<ed~~ South Vehlcle7 ----~ --. 9/14/09 ~HO&P WyJMaoroo st\ w~l-et)Ject~---~~""~-ec1....,~--~t:1t-i:um )9-6333 DOT2 MPC2 West Backing South Parked PCF 6/512014 Page 1 Unsafe starting or Backing Improper Turning # lnJ .. # Kid 1 0 0 0 -·. -lmproper-"Ft:2ming---O--S- 12:18~ ~0247______ 1111/13 39'_ Hqsp~ ~-Other-Motor---West--Maki~Rig~~~n9-r~l~iAg-Too~'--• ••• --1 ·-·-o · -11: -··eastof MagJ\ifiLll(W) ~-=~ Vehicle . · Straight '--£._~--- ,3::3.Z!1Q68,j88---------t1~2i16t1-3~~~p-Wy/Et'C5ffll~ ven1c1e • Pedesttian Pedestrian "71mr1h Other east Making--Right-Tutrt-Ped-RiW-Vlo1atian---1-0--- 14:19 ~ :ity of Carlsbad ·ransportaUon DepartmentfTrafflc Division uterlal: .lmlt 1: .lmlt 2: HOSP WY MONROE ST EL CAMINO REAL rota! Number of Colllslons: 3 )ate Range Reported: 1/112012 -12/31/2014 ,eport No. Date Dist/Dir location Time 12.-6730 10/22/12 O' Himf> 'Ny!Oa1le Caba!fe}O 21 :05 In Int. 13-0247 1/11/13 39' Hosp Wy/Avenida 11:09 East of Magnifica~ 13-7968 12/16/13 ·2' Hosp Wy/EI Camino Real 14:19 West of Traffic Collision History Report Midblock Colllsions • MotorVeh. Type of Coll18ion Involved With OOT1 Sideswipe Other Motor West Vehicle Rear-End Other Motor West. Vehicle Vehicle -Pedestrian Pedestrian North MPC1 OOT2 Making left Tum West Making Right Tum West Other East MPC2 Proceeding Straight Proceedlng Straight PCF 1112412014 Page 1 Unsafe Speed Following Too Closely Making Right Tum Ped R/W.Violation # # lnj Kid 0 0 1 0 1 0 r;}_,, ~";~ .oot:.. A1' -;/r w :;_ ~'f 5~E. -•.OC)\!. A~- : /41:f,:";. . . lt,E,N'\" ""C'lfE OA.Te. CRIMEC'.ASE 03 09/14 arodent 03/09/14 OUMECASE 03/17/14 FI 03/25/14 CRIME CASE 04/02/14 ARREST 04/03/14 CITATION 04/03/14 ARREST" 04/04/14 FI 04 05/14 ARREST 04/05/14 ARREST 04/05/14 FI 04/08/14 FI 04/08/14 A 04/12/14 FI 04/16/14 CRIME CASE 04/28/14 CRIME CASE 04/29/14 CRIME CASE 04/29/14 ARREST 04/29/14 ARREST 04 29/14 ARREST 04/29/14 ARREST 04/29/14 CRIME CASE 05/02/14 OUMECASE 05/02/14 ARREST 05/02/14 CRIME CASE 05 08/14 CRIME CASE 05/14/14 ARREST 05/16/14 OTATION 05/20/14 OTAUON OS/22114 CRIME CASE 0S~/14 ARREST 05/2.3/14 OTATI0N 05/27/14 OTATI0N 05/27/14 CITATION OS 27/14 CRIME CASE 06 '03/14 c: 06i osn4 06 08/14 T1&<= 17:30 20:12 15:55 10:50 20:29 0:01 11:11 17:16 10:25 21:39 21:39 2:19 2:19 0:30 10:50 17:45 1:33 1:33 2:05 2:05 2:05 6:51 21:10 21:10 21:36 23:59 16:30 23:46 &:_08 6~06 22:SS 211S5 11:11 11:11 11:11 U :05 19:14 19:14 V\01.A-Tt~ DE';>CJt\PTI ....._, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TRAFFIC IMPOUND STOP MISCELLANEOUS DISORDERLY CONDUCT STOP MENTALLY ILL OBSlRUCTED VI.ell DISORDERLY CONDUCT DISORDERLY CONDUCT DRUGS BURGLARY DRUGS SPEEDING MISSING JlNENllf PAY FOR ADOPTION DOMESTIC VIOLENCE DISORDERLY CONDUCT OBSTRUCT PEACE OFFICER PAY FOR ADOPTION DISORDERLY CONDUCT BATTERY DOM6TIC VIOLENCE BATTERY CHILD ABUSE INODENT ARSON MENTALLY ILL DRIVI.: W/O UCENSE STOP OOMESllC VIOLENCE DOMESTIC VJ0l.ENCE REGISTRATION USE OF CEU. PHONE PROOF OF INSURANCE PARt<ING FAILURE TO REGtSttR ITRESSPAssmc;;· .... ' ' \ ... , , . \J\Ol-Ai\<.t,,\ '-8:ntw SU\EE:t uA""'t. 273.SA HOSP 21802A HOSP 226510 WINTERGREEN 22450 A) HOSP 981000 HOSP 647{F)DK HOSP 22450(A) HOSP 5150 HOSP 26710 HOSP 23152B HOSP 23152A HOSP 115SO(A) HOSP 459 HOSP 11350 A) HOSP 22350 HOSP 911000 HOSP 273(A' HOSP 13730 CASE) HOSP 647{F' DK HOSP 148(A)(l) HOSP 273(A) HOSP 647(F)DK HOSP 243(E Ill) HOSP 13730 'CASE) H,OSP 243{E 1(1) HOSP 934000 HOSP 451C HOSP 5150 HOSP 12500 A) HOSP 224SO(A) HOSP 2.73.5 HOSP 273.5 HOSP 4QOO{A'l(1l HOSP 23123 A) HOSP 16028A HOSP 22651K WINTERGREEN 290A HOSP 601 HOSP cQ..u~s. s-r~-r MONROE MONROE MONROE MONlZ0E MONROE MONROE MONROE FI Fl FI CRIME CASE I ARREST ARREST CITATION \ OiATION acddent CRIME CASE CRIME' CASE. FI CTrATION CRlMrCAsE CRIME CASE AA.REST ARREST CRIME CASE CRIME CASE ~ ( CITATION OTATIO~ CRlMEc;ASf OTATION CRlMECAsE CRlMf CASE CRIME CASE A CRIM~CASE tRIMEC.ASE Ef il'f S~ /....Doi.AT 7=./TtfM; ... OUMECASE CRIMf:CASf I CRJMECAsE CRIME CASE \ooMe~ AARE5T ~, ARREST ARREST AAAEsT I -CRIME CASE ARREST -06/10/14 16:30 06/25/14 22:37 06/30/14 17:15 07102 14 3:20 07/O1.i 14 4:31 01/02. 14 4:Ji' 07/02/14 4:31 01/02/14 4:37 07/16/14 11:Q& 07129/14 15:50 08/0G/l-4 2:03 08/19/14 l&20 08 2.5/14 19:19 08/27 14 19;10 09 01/H 12:00 09/01/14 18:37 09'(Q/14 18:36 09 03/14 21!00 09 ,12111 19:10 09124/14 8:08 09/24/14 8:08 OCJ/1.?/14 2:47 10/02/14 11:11 110/03/14· 12:40 10/07/14 13:00 10/19 14 11:00 10'27/14 10:10 10 128/14 18,t1 11 06114 15.00 11/07/14 22:58 -1107/1-4 22:58 IU 071_14 ~- lt/07/1'! 22:SEJ ~07/14 22~58 111107/14 23:07 11107'14 aJ:01 11/07 14 23:07 U/07 i, 23:07 .. 11/07/14, 23.:01 11/25/14 0:.30 11/27/14 8.:45 STOP 22450 A HOSP MONROE STOP 22450(A HOSP OlSORO CONDUCT 647(8) HOSP DEAW..ID S3Q.S(E) .... HOSP POSSESS BURGLAR TOOLS 466 .HOSP OEFRAUO 530.5fE1 HOSP POSSESS BURGLAA TOOLS 466 HOSP DEFRAUD 530.S(E) HOSP 'mAFFIC MISC-HAZ DAVID WINTERGREEN IMPOUND 226S1P HOSP TATIOO f'ERSON UNOER 18 YEARS 653 HOSP TRESSPA$ING 602 HOSP PROOF OF INSURANCE 16028A HOSP MONROE MTTERY 243tEVJ., HOSP VANDALISM (S400 OR MORE) I 594(8)(}) HOSP DRUGS ll5S(){A' HOSP DlSORDERl Y CONDUCT 647p:;)01( HOS-P VANDAUSM 594(8)(2) HOSP ANNOYING lB.EPHC>NE CALL 6S3M(A) HOSP PROOF Of INSURANCE 16028A HOSP - STOP 22450lA HOSP OiILD ABUSf; INCIDENT 934000 HOSP SPEEDING 22349 A) HOSf> MONROE BURGI.AAY 460(A HOSP BURGtARY 460£:a HOSP VEHla.ETHEFT 10851 HOSP STOP 22450 A HOSP WINTERGREEN .VANOAUSM 594{B)(1) . HOSP PARKING 22651K HOSP OOMESTTC VIOLENCf lJl.wt~cl HOSP . - BATTERV 243(Elll) HOSP P.OSSESS .MARIJUANA 1l359 HOSP DRUGS ll364,1~A) HOSP POSSESS MARIJUANA U 357(C> HOSP -POSSESS MARDUANA 11357ca HOSP BATTERY 243(E)(l HOSP OBSTRUCT PEACE OFFICER 14BlA)(1) HOSP DRUGS lJ.364.l(A) HOSP POSSESS MARtlUANA 11359 HOSP - SURG!ARY 460(8 HOSP • OUTSIDE WARRANT/FELONY OOTWAAJWIT HOSP nc1dent Lis Ing S1.mday January 1, 2012 through Wednesday December 31 2014 324 -Motor vehicle accident with no Injuries Location c<1.ntains "Hosp" Carlsbad Fire Department (No FIiter) Alarm Time Type Aid Incident Listing Location 25.S P Wy End of Re ort S;.,1r1day January 1, 2012 through Wednesday December 31,2014 323 -Motor vehicle/pedestrian accident (MV Ped) LQcatlon contains "Hosp_" Carlsbad Fire Department (No FIiter) Number Exp Alarm Time Type Aid Location 0009038 000 12/16/2013 14:23:14 323 N On El Camino Real at Hosp Way End of Re ort Incident Listing S.:inday January 1, 2012 through Wednesday December 31,2014 • 322 -Vehicle accident with injuries Location contains "Hosp" Carlsbad Fire Department (No Filter) Number Exp Alarm Time Type Aid Location 0003206 000 04/17/2012 13:14:05 322 N On El Camlno Real at Hosp Way 0007920 000 09/19/2012 19:42:28 322 On Hosp Way at El Camino Real 0007999 000 09/22/2012 0 I: 14:22 322 N On El Camino Real at Hosp Way 0000474 000 0 \/18/2013 01: 12:36 322 N On Avenida Magnifica at Hosp Way 0005722 000 08/10/2013 I 0:26:49 322 N On El Camino Real at Hosp Way 0001865 000 03/09/2014 20: 13 :23 322 2 On Hosp Way at Monroe St QO()j()' 0 on, 14 t7:4S. g Y.?2 t!IIY Ho w y 0009526 000 11/09/2014 09:36:28 322 2 On Hosp Way at Monroe St End of Repo1t Page I ~~~I ?i;~ .Ll5 7_ _ s] ~t.-CC:l1.l'eo JAN ZOIS Cat!> fi r~(} Complete Reviewed Released X X Carlsbad Fire Department Complete Reviewed Released X X Carlsbad Fire Department Complete Reviewed Released X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Print J,muru . _J,2 I., Donna Her& From: Sent To: Paula Crewse Monday, June 22, 2015 3:59 PM · Donna Reraty • Cc: Subject Paul Eµmonson; Ronald Kemp; Jane Mobaldi; Shelley Collins; Kristina Ray; Debi Thqmsen RE: PRA Request -Kar~n Ong 6-19-15 (2) Hello Donna, Below is the Police Dept. response for the records. Incident# Date Time #140042089 6/20/2014 17:47 #140061241 9/2/2014 20:i·g .. #140062403 9/6/201'4 23:08 #140065073 9/17/2014 21:32 #140080881 11/19/2014 14:31 #140Q85105 12/6/2014 14:44 From: Donna Heraty Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 4:58 PM To: Paula Crewse Type 1181 1182 1182 1182 1182 1182 Type Location Minor EL CAMINO REAl./HOSP WY, Injury 'CB No Injury HOSP WY ta. CAMINO JU:AL, CB No Injury 2255 HOSP WY, CB ' No Injury HOSP WY/a CAMINO REAL, CB No Injury EL CAMINO REAL/HOSP WY, CB No Injury HOSP WY/MONROE ST, CB Cc: Paul Edmonson; Ronald Kemp; Jane Mobaldi; Shelley Collins; Kristina Ray; Debi Thomsen SUbject: PRA Request -Kar.en Ong 6-19-15 (2) Hi Paula, Inf< P-1. COL.LIDED INTO TI- VEHXCl.E. P~2 SUSTAIN PAIN TO HEAD PRJVA.TE PllOPERTY CC • GRY MERZ VAN BACKE \fOlJ{S ... NEG !NJ SINGLE VEH INTO TWC NO INJURIES OR COMF FROM DRIVER. NEG Dl SHE FELL ASLEEP. IN.Fl BETWEEN DRIVER ANt RIO'S RP STATES HE STRtJc• WITH HIS WHITE DOQ NEG INJURIES RP HIT A DOG THAT \-.i ITS A SMALL DOG IN 1 LANE SB ECR SOUTH < CVD 1182 SINGLE VEH INT Please see attached two PRA requests. Please let me know if this should be forwarded to a~yone else. Due date to Clerk's Office: Monday, June 29, 2015. Please forward the responsive document/s to the Clerk's office and COPY ALL on your response. 1 Ac.c10cl\IT L.tST 1../ --BECE\\f\'.tQ ";j\1,(,IT, Z.bl~ Inc# Type Time Location #14QQ4206~ COLLISION 17:47 EL CAMINO REAL/HOSP WY #140045097 HIT/RUN 10:28 2600 BLK EL CAMINO REAL tt14005Zl12 COLLISION 10:47 3100 BLK EL CAMINO REAL #140061241 COWSION 20:29 HOSP WY /EL CAMINO REAL !(14QQ§2103 COLLISION 23:08 2200 BLK HOSP WY #140065073 COLLISION 21:32 HOSP WY/EL CAMINO REAL #140067278 HIT/RUN 08:40 2600 BLK EL CAMINO REAL #140080881 COLLISION 14:31 EL CAMINO REAL/HOSP WY #l40Q85105 COLLISION 14:44 HOSP WY/MONROE ST #150040223 COLLISION 20:05 2300 BLK AVENIDA MAGNIFICA #150062562 HIT/RUN 09:35 3100 BLK EL CAMINO REAL #150067978 HIT/RUN 22:48 2300 BLK HOSP WY f _,_ t ACC D t t~r L\ST B L-------- ---------... ___ __,_ __ ... __ R,EUlW o ~e,n 2 0,-;; $€~ i~,.e a,U\;S'T fO~ 0 /V1 €;.,S ' • Inc.# Tvne Tlrne Location #140042089 :COUJSlON 17:47 'Et. CAMINO ~1./HOSP WY 06120/2014 #140045M7 H1T/RUN 10:28 2600 BLK EL CAMINO REAL 07/02/2014 #1400571.ll.'J COWSION 10:47 3100 BLK EL CAMINO REAL 08718/2014 #140061241 'COLLISION 20:29 tiOSP WY/EL CAMINO REAL 09/02-;201~ #14n~?J1n:i COLLISION 23·:08 2200 BU< liOSl' WY 09/06/2014 #140065073 COLUSlON .21 :32" HoSP WV/EL CAMlNO REAL 09/17/2014 • #1.4M67278 HIT/RUN 08:40 2600 BLK EL CAMINO REAL 09/26/2014 #140080881 COLLISION 14:31 EL CAMINO REAL/HOSP WY ll/l~/2014 #14MRt.:10'i COWSION 14:44 HOSP WY/MONROE ST 12706/2014 #150040223 COLLISION 20:os· 2300 BU< AWENlDA MAGMRCA 0 6/04/2 015 tt1'i0062562 HIT/RUN 09:35 3100 BLK EL CAMINO REAL • 08/27/2015 . it1 Ci0067978 HIT/RUN 22:48 2300 BLK HOSP WY 09/16/2015 AeC~\\/F .o s i:J>tf .{'A,1i ro~ 2-2.,,. -;:o ,f; \c \D-NT ~ ~A-r<..H"E-5 N<rncr .0 1Kfl.T ,Hr.. \)/fIT S ;\rJD T r·, • t • u-tf U$1 fRQ'V'I JutJE-2-2, w,q orJ ACctPE-Ni (...lST ~1 tncldent Incident Pri TC RD Unit From To Location 6/20/2014 ,n .tilM?QB9 2 eomsion -~unor lnj 15 44P 17;47 18:32 EL CAMINO REAL/HOSP WY, C6 Rear~end· a,Uislon 9/2/2014 #140081141 2 Colllslon -No Jnj 15 2K 20:29 21:00 HOSP .WY/EL. CAMI NO REAL. CB Vehicle hlt parkt'!d car -9/6/2014 if.llA00/;;)403 2 Collision -No lnj 11 43P 23:08 23:51 2255 HOSP WY, CB Vehicle hit parked cars _ 9/17/2014 1l140065073 2 Colhsioo .. No In1 15 44P 21:32 21:51 t-lOSP WY /El. CAMINO R~ CB Vehicle hit parked car 11/19/2014 1#140080881 2 Collision -No lnj 15 14P 14:31 14:40 EL CAMINO REAL/HOSP WY, CB rvehcile struck do9 on El Camino RP~, 12/6/2014 #140085105 2 Collision -No Inj 9 33P 14:44 15:49 HOSP WY /MONROE ST, CB Single vehicle into curb/stop lc:irm 1115/2015 .1}' ~000337!! 1 Colnston -No Jnj ilS 34P 16:54 18:00 HOSP WY /EL CAMINO REA~ CB Single vehicle aecidef'lt 6/4/2015 I i;1:'i0()4l)223. 2 Colrision -No lnj 11 44E 20:05 21:il 2300 BlK AVENlOA MAGNifJ.CA, CB Uhaul struck parked car 8/7/2015 #150056956 1 Collision -No lnj 11 42P 01:45 02:07 AVENIDA MAGNIFICA/HOSP WY, CB Flat tire caused driver to strike r11rb 8/25/2015 ~1.5096214.dl 1 Coffi51t111 ~ No tnj 11 3T 20:44 22:24 a CAMINO REAL/HOSP WY, CS V hicle stnJck SOGE electrical hrw 8/27/2015 #150062562 2 Hit/Run 15 1T 09:35 11:03 3144 EL CAMINO REAL, CB Vehicle struck car on parking lot 9/16/2015 #150067899 1 Collision -Minor Inj 11 44E 17:01 17:50 EL CAMINO REAL JNO HOSP WY, CB Vehide rear ended while :,, ~-' at red liaht 9/16/2015 #150067978 2 Hit/Run 11 44E 22:48 23:28 2334 HOSP WY, CB Truck struck gas line in parking 1._trurh 1re °REC 'f \ ~ 0 OlTOBi: tJ 2015, 1).\\$ U$1' l $ l)\r-FC:-,:...i;N1" r~CfV\ -C H I: -n-c!2.fE. • -e;e.,e,.J s=>-eM OVf ,:.) 'j)f..£\/)OU!> t.\~1:S. Sc.n,.~ 11',JC-!OfrvtS PAVF.- A\JO SQM t . l ~CIQEtJ"tS ~A\l'E. esE N ,AOt)el), ~---• • I (~HR0t--.lQLO6Y I .--·---- Hosp 'W'IIY hrk• & Chtanofogv 01 May 2013 -Staff received a complaint about parking Issues on Wintergreen Drive. Residents from the apartment complexes on Hosp Way were parking in front of the single family homes on Wintergreen Drive. At the time, no parking was allowed on Hosp Way and Wintergreen Drive was the closest public street with on-street parking allowed. • Since Hosp Way was generating the parking demand and was wide enough (40 feet curb to curb) to accommodate parking on both sides, allowing parking on Hosp Way was determined to be a feasible option. Since the parking prohibition on Hosp Way was in the city municipal code and required City Council action to alter, It was decided to bring the matter before the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, the Traffic Safety Commission and City Counclf. 8/23/13 -te fbr the pa>mlng Tra c Safety • ilTrtm.on were~ to l'tre ~dentt cm rsrea,1 Dn-ve atid D.avld Plac&. talotk.es were also sent to P.c.lfk ew stat-es of Carls.bad HO'\, H:Jlrgate Estates HOA:, ;;ruf Cetmbad Woodbridge HOA~ whlch represfifll:ad the :ap.attnnent omplexes on Hosp Way. 3/lS 3 -Sta (Jtm .urray a!l'd lCh ~ ~ tbe laasini offices of the apartment complexes Oil Hosp way to hand d er notTrlatlom dttte up.coming Traffic Safety Commission and encourage notification of apartment resldenu: 8/29/13 -Staff report presented to Traffic Safety Coordinating Comm ittee to recommend allowance of parking on Hosp Way from 550' west of Avenfda Magnlflca to calle Arroyo. Striping changes to allow parking (removal of left turn pockets} would be completed as part of the 2013 Slurry Seal Project. The Committee unanimously supported staff's recommendation 9/9/13 -Staff report presented to Traffic Safety Commission to recommend allowance of parking on Hosp Way. The Traffic Safety Commission voted unanimously in support of staffs recommendation. 10/8/13 -Agenda Bill to introduce ordinance to allow parking on Hosp Way was approved. 1 /5/ 3 ... Agend~ II o ad.apt Oltlmam:e to dew parkh,g cm 1-foitp W approved. May 2014 -Slurry seal of Hosp Way is complete, including removal of left tu~n pockets. /21/1 -c order to remcJV'e NO PAAIOl"-#6 son p W'a'fw scomp l cJ. 10/22/14-Work order to paint red curb ne><t to driveways on Hosp Way was completed. Co llsfon HT.starv Prior tot .. remo I of e pafking restriction on osp w!~\~e were three rep:orted com tQni. Ql'l Hosp Wity b~tween Winte green Drive and call Arroyo. Since he ·~ par Ing. there t:iave been no reponed c011f5!ons. Staff 1eves that het,e s no safew lsso aw ed by he 11!0Wilnce of parl<ln on Hwp Way no tlte removal of left tu pockett,, Any sight distance deficiencies caused by parked cars at the dr1veways was addressed by the work order completed on 10/22/14. • Speed Survey History Prior to the removal o~~i~ restriction on Hosp Way, the 85th percentile speed on Hosp Way was found to be 38 mph. After the~-.""' o'f parking, the 85th percentile speed on Hosp Way was found to be 34 mph. The reduction In speed is most likely the result of the narrowing of the roadway caused by parked cars on Hosp Way. From· Sent: a ,, a To: Transportation-Internet Subject: Hosp Way "Improvements" Importance: High Good morning, • reoMPi.Ai~1 • ·r7 · -·· · .. ~·..,..,0,-"'t-.... -· .... -¥ First I would like to say "thank you" for the repairs and resurfacing that were completed on Hosp Way. My concern though is that parking ls now aJlowed on the street In fr-o.nt of the two apartment/condo complexes. This was already a dangerous area du to vehicles pull ng out o drivewavs Without looking and now it has been made moch more dangerou . Now no only will veh le cont nue to AOt p ore pulling out but th people that do stop will have very limited vlslbffltv of the vehicles pproachlng them due to the parked cars. ln addition; ~re Is the risk of people opening doors without look Ing to see If there are cars approaching. The street was not widened and the removal of the tum _lanes was not enough o allow park ngon both,skfesofthestreeta-r,d ha6 ROW made hat stretch afro dway very dangerous to drive through. Thank you for listening. From: Jim Murray Sent: Monday, June 09, 201410:51 AM To: Cc: Doug Bilse; John Kim Subject: Re: Hosp Way '1mprovements" Hi I have beefl-asked te-r-espond to yow-roncerJ:lS-abouUhe recent sl!JtPI sea.Ung (tesur:facing) ob portlon--.0f Hosp wy that was done sathe roadway could be restrlped eliminating left tum pockets to provide parking on both sides of the street. overflow parking from the apartments on Hosp Wy. were parking on the closest public streets with "on-street" parking, which was on Wintergreen Dr. and David Pl. which caused Issues with the residents on these two single family neighborhood streets. , To address the issue, the City Council approved modifying the striping on the portion of Hosp Wy. to allow parking on both sides of Hosp Wy. adjacent to the apartment projects generating the overflow parking, eliminating their need to park on Wintergreen Dr~ and David Pl. Hosp Wy. is 40 feet wide curb to curb which fs a standard width street that allows for a 12 ft. travel lane in both directions and an 8 ft. wide parking lane on both sides of the street. The added "on- stree~ parking on both sides of this segment of Hosp Wy. will add "friction" which should help to slow vehicle speeds on Hosp Wy. and should make drivers entering Hosp Wy. from the driveways more aware of the need to look for approaching vehicle on Hosp Wy. If you have any questions, or want to discuss this further, please give me a call at (760) 602-2734. -Cacy-or Carlsbad JIM MURRAY Associate Engineer Traffic Dtvlsion Public Works Oepartm_ent City of Carlsbad REQUESTED BY: ADDRESS: PHONE: City of Carlsbad TRAFFIC REQUEST TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT OPENED: CLOSED: ""--'--"~-----....;..;.:._:~;___.;,,,,;.___,;;'""""'---'-"-..___ RE-OPENED: -----------CLOSED: DATE BY 9/'Z5/14 l0 /2,}J4 Tl JM Both are concerned lhal vehicles parking a~aoent to bofh sides of d,ivewa~ on Hosp Wy. timit sight visfb JJty for vehldles e,clfing the drivewa!S entering Hosp Wy., and are requesting 1hat RED cum (5 feet) be painted on bolh sides. of the driveways 10 tmprove vislbiHty. (see emails attached) ACTION REQUIRED/f AKEN YES/NO DATE NO. REMARKS Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee Traffic Safety Commission City Council Resolution/Ordinance Work Order Speed Survey Traffic Count LOCATION: Hosp Wy. lAvenida Magnifica CW} to Calle Arroyo) . TR NO.: 14-127 Jim Murra¥ From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: ane~ C zare.s1"~\talonbay.com 1·~1tn1., S pt m er 0, 2014 11:24 M Jim Murray Hanna_Moxcey@avalonbay.com re r n o Hosp way [caMP L~Nr 3 ~.,..,--#P"I ----""8 .. Attachments: JMG_0679JPG; IMG_0680JPG; IMG_0681JPG; IMG_0682.JPG; IMG_0683JPG; IMG_ 0684.JPG; IMG_0685JPG; IMG_0686JPG Hello Mr. Murray, I am CQmmuruly Manager et ves Gar As you may know, our property is located on Hosp Way and many of our residents and their guests park on the street parking along Hosp Way. Ince the eet parl<fng was created, th r~ have been numerous complaints ab u vlslblllly when emar ng nd leaving he community. Cars that park along the re bfook the view of veh cles oomln and going down H sp Way od his Is creal n a dan rous environment with ace en nearly apPeni on a regu r ass A persoo batfcally h to pull oul half w y nto the street In order ta sa lf t safe to make the llJ n. I have included some pictures of the main driveway to our community (tocated next to 2290 Avenlda Magntftca) and some from two other worrisome drivew~ at our community (located at 2285 Hosp Way and the corner of Calle Arroyo and Hosp Way). Please not fa k of vlslb lily wh Ill itflng In the drive y prepa n to turn out, and ke p • mind that1hi s p1 9 om the midd of t day nd not t ght wh n a· me orlty o11he street par1< ng Is taken up t,y vet, . Aclso, there ls pho o ot blue Ford Ranger par.k,ed rn an area ti a. .is dsslgnated as a no parktog zone. Tols happens quite often. I prap<>Si3 tha·t red curbs be painted on both skies o each entrance me,woned approximately 3 car length! back n order to help w th the vlslbllity wh n leaving the commun y. I feol that t ls will greatly ellminate he pcsslb 11ty of ccidents oc-curr;ng due tot a lack of vlslbmty~ Also, pmpose 1hat lhe street are mon1torf.td by Carfs d Police or by a d partmen of the CttY at Carlsbad, lck Ung ortowmg veh mes that are parked n areas th tare designated no parking. Piaase tet me know what w& can do to worTc ogether to remedy this situation. Sincerely, Vanessa Cazares Community Manager eaves Carlsbad 2262 Avenida Magnifica Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: 760-434-6101 Fax:760-434-6107 vanessa_cazares@avalonbay.com 1 ._ Jim Gale From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Jim, Paul Reyes Tuesday, Nov - Jim Gale r 0,,, 201 12:56 PM Doug Bilse; Mickey Williams Hosp Way re; P1.-A·, 1'\T l(. -i ...... ~ ~ After a phone call from Ms. Ong yesterday, I went out and evaluated Hosp Way today. The s gnag f! va ue s o where park ng o I oo allow . t betle.~ nee ad on-al s1 riage o cl r the b uncfarles of h parldng/no-pa areas. Pie glv m a call If v u have qu ns. Thanks, Paul • atyof Carlsbad Sgt. Paul Reyes, Carlsbad Police Traffic Sergeant 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92010 760-931-2107 paul.reyes@carJsbadca.gov 1 I • Gity of Carfsjjad .. . 1635 Faradav Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 7~02~2751 www.cartsbadca.gov From: Craddock Stropes Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 10:15 AM To: Doug §ilse ct: Pat Thomas Subject: Fw:·HOSJ? Way: Please Implement No Parking At All Tlme . Andi is recommending we get in tpuch with Fron,: Council Internet Email Sent: Monday, June 1, 2015 9:56~22 AM To: Craddock Stropes Subject _fW: Hosp Way: Please Implement No Park.Ing At All Time Here is the emalf from ·: , with an· attachment that came in last week. Fro"!:,, .. Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 ·17 PM To: Council Internet Email SUbJect.:-Hosp Way: Please Implement No Parking At AU Time-· 1-tello City of Carlsbad Councily. ------·----- (_~Dt•''.'' '-P 1,'.~· _s Attached is my PowerPoint of the iJJegaJ parking that continues to take place on a daily basis on Hosp Way. We never had this issue until the removal of the No Parking At AJI Time sign and parking was allowed on Hosp Way Eve's Apar:tment Complex needs to iind ways for thefr residents and guasts to.park their vehicles. For years, parking was Aaver an issue until Eve's took over those Apartment . Complaxt on Hosp Way. They.ve created the predicaments, they need to resolve -them and find resolution for thei~ residents and guests. • • . • • Thank you kindly-for your time. Cin.-.oratv t -. ' \L . ~~~4 ~RD. • • PROP08ED ON-S1'1tEETi:=::=!~s;;==~~ PARKING arr or OCEANSIDE PACIFIC OCEAN . NOT TO SCALE ' '-.\ \ CITY Of' ENCINITAS @ NOT TO SCALE VISTA VICINITY MAP PROPOSED ·ON-STREET PARKING EXHIBIT ■■-ARUIAV • 1 r----·-- J ";;, IJfl;V\?>/ A I .~ .. ----... - ClTY OF CAFILSBALJ ENG1NEERING AND TAAFAC SURVEY . STREET: Hosp We.y LiMlTS: Monroe Street to El Camino Real .... ·. A. fr&vaUlgg Spead Data: Dale of Speed Survey Loc:atlon of Speed Survey B5tt1 Percemll• 10MPH Pace Percent In PBce sted S edLlml ~u--~led Ac.oldenr TotaJ Accldl)llls Acaldonla/Mltnor, Vohl MIies (MVM) f fl! a Statewide Acokk>AlsJMVM t-=Dt_recti==-=ore;.:;.:;:.· .::;E::;as:;.:;tb=-=oa.::u:.:.:n.::.:.dM/.:..:..:;es:.;;;.t;.;;.b.;;.ou;;.:.n,;;;d'--__ -+-=~-c:>n: Eastbound/Westbound. 4/06/06 At Cedarwood Wey 35MPH 26 to 36 MPH 80% 30 MP Aata tor &11r1e T , "8 or R 4/04/06 300' West of Avenlcla Magnlflca (E) S8MPH SO to 40 MPH 85% 30MPH .. • .. -· · . . - • AV8Rlge-Oally Traffic Trafhe Controls P~sb1an/Blcycle Traffic Bloyole L.anoo On-$traet Park! o. Roadway ftCJ:OrB: F. Street Classlflcatlon Length of Segment Roadway Width Number of Lan-ea Vert~I Allgnment Horizontal Alignment Sidewalks Driveways . Street L hUn 2,720 -East of Monroe Street (3128/06); 2,874 -Wes1 of El Camino Real (3/28/08) Ttaffic Signal al El Camino Relit; Stop Sign Control at Monroe Street, Forest View Way, and Winteryrsen Drive/Grove Avenue Li ht Ng O~IQ_nat~ Bioyole Lanes Have BeE>n Striped on the Roadway Park1n Prohibll~d on Each Side Unclassified 0.75MI. 40 Feet.(Curb-10--Curb) 1 Lane Each Direction Roadway Gradoe Vary from 1 ,86% to 11 .0% CuNlllnear Sidewalk on Esch Side Several Closely $JMlced Driveways and Private Streets Adequate Street LI htin :. ... L a::~.,~ .... &060dzone~rS~223fil.ma ... <1n ..... ~ .. v.. ... .-... / ·.• •• . :Ct . • ;tabUatunent of naw speed zone. , • -. . • • • . . : ' • • -~hved 'T, ••• • : .. ,,-0 ·' ~ ~r1) CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSPORTATION t>EPARTMENT TO: JOHN MAASHOFF -STREETS SUPERINTENDENT FROM: DOUG BIIBE -CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER &f3 WORK .ORDER LOCATION: HOSP WAY -A VEN/DA MAGN/RCA (W) TO CALLE ARROYO PROJECT: PLEA& PAINT A rorAL OF BD7 ~ or RED CURB PJH J:POA T10NSJ JUSTIFICATION: 10 PROVIDE STOPPING Sl~DISTANCE AT S DRJVEWA YS NOTE: PLEASE COORDINATE WITH SIGN CREW FOR REMOVAL OF SIGNS. A VEN/DA MAGNIFICA 35' WORJ TQ BE :poNE Ci) PLEASE PAINT us FEET OF RED CURB EAST OF DRIVEWAY BEGINNING Ar TOP OF ·x·. (&} PLEASE PAINT 165 ff£T OF RED CURB ME'ST OF DRIVEWAY BEGINNING AT TOP OF 'X'. Q} Pl.EA.SE PAINT 55 fffT OF RED CURB EAST OF DRl\f"WA Y BEGINNING AT TOP OF 'X'. @PLEAS£ PAINT 105 Ff£T OF RED CURB ltfST OF DRIVEWAY BEGINNING AT TOP OF 'X'. NTS @PLEASE PAINT 204 FEET OF RED CURB BITWffN TOP OF 'X' AT DRl\tEWAY AND PCR AT CALLE ARROYO. @ PLEAS£ PAINT 20 FEET OF RED CURB ME'ST OF CALL£ A~ROYO BEGINNING AT .PCR. (i)PLEASE PAINT 2J FEIT OF RED CURB EAST OF DRl\tEWAY BEGINNING AT PCR. (TO 15' E/0 ARE HYDRANT) @PLEASE PAINT J5 FEET OF RED CURB K£ST OF DR/vf"WAY BEGINNING AT PCR. ·@ PLEASE PAINT 50 FFET OF RED CURB EAST OF DRIVEWAY BEGINNING AT PCR. @) PLEAS£ PAINT 35 FEET OF RED CURB ~ST OF DRl\tf"WA Y BEGINNING AT PCR. DATB COKPLETBD _______ BY __ .... • ft ... 11!' 0 .. . CITY OF CABIBBAD TRANSPORTATION Dff ARTDNT . . . TO: JOHN llilSBOff -STBIETS SUPBRINTENDBNT FROM! µ<>UG B1LSB -Cl'l'Y TRAmC BNGINDR ~ WORK ORDER . . N01E: Pl.EASE CO(R()INA1f 'MTH PAINT CREW fOR _PAJN_TINf: OF ADJACENT R8J CURB . ~ UAGNRCA . I DBI TO Bl PQNI . . © PLEASE Rfll01£ R2B(CA) SIGH, RB1B(CA) SCH, NID BMJS LOCATED ON S1REET LHJfT POLE. FEST. (J) PLEAS£ REJIOVE RBfA(CA) SKM • BNiDS LOCA 1ED CW S1'REET I.JQff P<i..£ EOW R26 SIGN. FEBT. "PLEASE REMO\£ R26(CA) ~ ~1B{CA) ~ AND SNl!S L~'TED ON S1REET LIGHT~ FlllT. Q CITY OF. CARLSBAD 1'W(SP0BTA.TIQN DEPARTMENT TO: JOHN . IL\ASHOFF -STREETS SUPERINTENDENT PROK: DOUG BILSE -• CITY TRAFFIC ENGINDR ~ WORK ORDER LOCATION: • HOSP WAY -AVENIDA UAQIIFICA Qr). TO CALLE ARROYO . PROJECT: tr§lALL THREE R26 .9JiNS, ON€R8t .. .t .:111,SlGN.=,.__,N/Jur.,...._D .::ON..usf...:.:R;..;8fB=-· -=· smN=-=----------• lUBm'ICATION: POlict DEPARTllEHT REIJJEST Pl.EASE EXPEDITE MAGNIF1CA IQIJ TQ Bl DOD Ci) INSTALL A 12" X 1s· R26 SIGN, MITH AN RB1B "ENl)•'srGN mow IT, ON A 1El.ESPAR POST, IEHIND ·srorwALK, 8£Tr£EN FIRE H~T AND DRl~Y, FFBT." INSTALL R81B SIGN AT 7 FEET. (i) RA/Sf UP EXIS11NG R2S SIGN 1S-<M STREET LJ(JIT AND INSTALL AN R_B1A "'BEGIN. Bf!-OW IT, FEBT. Q) INSTAJ.J. AN R26 9CN, _MTH AN RB18 "END• SIGN BELOW ir, ON A TEI.ESPAR POST, 8£HH) SDEIMLK, 10 FfET £/0 FIRE HYDRANT, FMBT. INSTALL RB1B ·SIGN AT 7 FEET. WNl'L SHEETING 1lff" OF NEW SIGNS: ~ HEIGHT OF RB1 A SIGN AT LOCA110N p: I I , . , /<,fl di /"}If 5" . DIMENSIONS OF R81A(CA) lof X;;L ct RB1B(CA) a ,X SIGNS ---------- 0 CITY , OF CARLSBAD. TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT TO: JOHN MAASHOFF -STREETS SUPERINTENDENT FROM: DOUG BILSE_ ·~ c~ TRAFFIC E~GINEERa-z; RPIZ /) g . · WORK ORDER LOCATION: . HOSP WAY E/0 AVENID"'A MAGNIACA (W) PROJECT: PAINT 69 EJf#.t J:lUJ CURB . .. JUSTIFICATION: TO~ clARIFY NO PARKING ZONE NO. 15-043 DATE 6./4/15 BY ~LE TRI 15-078 RES/ORDf NIA . HANSEN w.o. #(s) 403573 NOTE: PLEASE COORDINA 7E 'MTH SIGN CREW FOR REMOVAL OF ADJACENT "NO PARKING• SIGN. EXISTING •No PARKING• SIGN A VENIDA MAGN/FICA I._·_·_ ...... NTS HOSP WAY WORK TO BE DONE (i) PLEASE PAINT 69 FEET OF RED CURB £AST OF GATED·DRl~AY BEGINNING AT PCR ON EAST SIDE .OF DRIVEWAY AND EXTENDING TO EXIS71NG •No PARKING ANY11ME" SIGN 'Ml/CH \tfL1. BE REJIOii:IJ. ..... ~ ,.",m•nrll"l2n nv CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT . . TO: JOHN MAASHOFF -· STREETS SUPERINTENDENT FROM: DOUG BILSE -. CITY~~ ENGINEER -cy-~ Ft)~ /J-8 . WORK ORDER LOCATION: HOSP WAY E/0 AVENIDA MAGNIRCA (W) PROJECT: .REMO\£ R26 ANO mGNs JUSTIFICATION: 0 BETTfR NO PARK/NO l()Nf NO. 15-044 DATE 6/-4/1.? BY J. GALE TRI 15-078 RES/ORDf...,... _ _,N4-~-- . HANSEN W.O. ll(s) G.P. 8873 ' • f40J574 -/403575 N0TF: PLEASE COORDINATE W/71-J PAINT CREW FOR PAINTING OF ADJACENT RED CURB. A VEN/DA MAGNJFICA l[ORI( TO BJi DONE . . . ·(i) PLEASE REMOVE ANCHOR AND TEI.ESPAR POST CONTAINING _R26 AND R81A SIGNS, F'MJT, ttf-1/CH_ IS LOCATED ABOUT 69 FEET £AST OF AVENIDA MAGNJF1CA (ET) Vtf-1/CH JS A GA 7fD Df?IYEWA Y. NTS