HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2020-0006; 5980 EAGLE DRIVE; LOCAL MOBILITY STUDY; 2021-02-01Amazon Parking Lot @ 5980 Eagle Drive SOP 2020-0006/CUP2020-0011 (DEV2020-0291) Local Mobility Analysis Prepared for: Greystar 444 South Cedros Avenue-Suite 172 Solana Beach, CA 92075 Prepared by: .. ·~ @•~" ~ 5865 Avenida Encinas, Suite 142B Carlsbad, CA 92008 February 2021 ( { TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................................... ! 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Project Study Area and Methodology ................................................................................................... 8 2.1. Mobility Element .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.2. Multi Modal Level of Service Analysis ........................................................................................... 8 2.3. Signalized Intersection Analysis ................................................................................................... 8 2.4. Unsignalized Intersection Analysis ................................................................................................ 9 2.5. Roadway Segment Analysis .......................................................................................................... 9 3. Trip Generation .................................................................................................................................. 11 4. Trip Distribution and Assignment........................................................ . .......................................... 13 4.1. Personal Vehicle Trip Distribution ............... . ................................................... 13 4.2. Delivery Van Trip Distribution...................... . ..... 13 4.3. Total Project Trip Assignments.... . ............................................................................. 18 5. Existing Conditions .............................................................................................................................. 20 5.1. Existing Intersection Geometries ............................................................................................... 20 5.2. Existing Traffic Volumes............ . ................................................................... 20 5.3. Pre-COVID-19 Conditions........................ . ............................................................................ 20 5.4. Multi-Modal Level of Service ...................................................................................................... 23 6. Existing Plus Project Conditions .......................................................................................................... 24 6.1. Existing Plus Project Geometries ............................................................................................... 24 6.2. Existing Plus Project Volumes ..................................................................................................... 24 6.3. Signalized Intersection Analysis .................................................................................................. 24 6.4. Unsignalized Intersections ......................................................................................................... 27 6.4.1. Eagle Drive and Lionshead Avenue Signal Warrant Analysis ................................................. 27 6.4.2. Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/Project Driveway Signal Warrant Analysis ......................... 27 6.5. Roadway Segment Analysis............................. . ...................................... 27 7. Findings and Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 29 7.1. Summary of Intersection Analysis... . .............................. 29 7.2. Summary of Roadway Segment Analysis...................... . .............................. 29 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Roadway Service Volume Table -Specific Corridor ..................................................................... 9 Table 2-2 Roadway Service Volume Table -Generalized Data {Industrial Streets) ................................... 10 Table 3-1 Daily Trip Profile Maximum Average Utilization ......................................................................... 11 Table 3-2 Project Trip Generation ............................................................................................................... 12 Table 5-1 MMLOS Results Eagle Drive......................................... . ........................................ 23 Table 5-2 MMLOS Results Grey Hawk Court ........................ . Table 5-3 MMLOS Results Palomar Airport Road ....................... . ············································23 ············································23 Table 6-1 Left Turn Queue Assessment ...................................................................................................... 24 Table 6-2 Right Turn Evaluation .................................................................................................................. 27 Table 6-3 Existing and Existing Plus Project Peak Hour Roadway Segment Analysis Summary ................. 28 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis ( LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Project Site location and Study Area .......................................................................................... 5 Flgure 1-2 Project Site Plan ........................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 4-1 Project Peak Hour Personal Vehicle Trip Distribution ............................................................... 14 Figure 4-2 Project Peak Hour Personal Vehicle Trip Assignment .............................................................. 15 Figure 4-3 Project Peak Hour Van Trip Distribution .................................................................................... 16 Figure 4-4 Project Peak Hour Van Trip Assignment ................................................................................... 17 Figure 4-5 Total Project Peak Hour Trip Assignments (Personal Vehicle+ Van Trips) ................................ 19 Figure 5-1 Study Intersections Existing Geometries .................................................................................. 21 Figure 5-2 Existing Project Peak Hour Traffic Volumes, ............................................................................. 22 Figure 6-1 Existing Plus Project Geometries .............................................................................................. 25 Figure 6-2 Existing Plus Project Peak Hour Turning Movements............. .. ............................................. 26 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Scoping Agreement Appendix B: City of Carlsbad Roadway Service Volume Tables Appendix C: User Daily Trip Profile -Raw Data Appendix D: Daily Trip Profile Maximum Average Utilization Appendix E: Carlsbad Oaks North Traffic Study Local Facilities Management Plan Distribution Figure Appendix F: Traffic Count Data Appendix G: MMLOS Worksheets Appendix H: Transit Service Map and Schedule Appendix I: Carlsbad Connector Operational Area Appendix J: Eagle Drive & Lionshead Avenue Signal Warrant Analysis 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis I \ r ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STC has prepared this Local Mobility Analysis (LMA) on behalf of Greystar to support the application for a minor Site Development Plan and a minor Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a proposed auto storage facility at 5980 Eagle Drive in the City of Carlsbad. Project Description The site is located on the northeast corner of the Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court. The project proposes to install 308 parking spaces on a 5.94-acre vacant site. The site will operate between 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM. Delivery drivers would arrive at the project location with their personal vehicles or by alternative modes of transportation where they would pick up a delivery van and drive to the nearby distribution facility. Once there, the van is loaded with goods that are delivered in the surrounding area. At the end of their shift, drivers would return the delivery van to the project site before returning home. They do not come and go from the project site throughout the day, nor do they load or unload packages, have semi-trucks on site, maintain vehicles or undertake any other operational efforts there. The site is solely a place to pick up and return delivery vans, and as such does not require any on site amenities or services. Methodology This LMA has been written in conformity with the following City of Carlsbad guidance documents: • Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines (April 2018) • General Plan Mobility Element Study Area The intersections included in the study area are listed below: 1. Eagle Drive and Lionshead Avenue-Unsignalized 2. Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway-Unsignalized 3. Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo and Palomar Airport Road -Signalized The following study area roadway segments were analyzed for project peak hours: 1. Lionshead Avenue between Eagle Drive and Business Park Drive 2. Palomar Airport Road between Melrose Drive and City Limits (average) 3. Eagle Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Lionshead Avenue Per the City of Carlsbad's General Plan Mobility Element, the Palomar Airport Road facility between El Camino Real and Melrose Drive is identified as a street facility exempt from LOS standards. Therefore, daily traffic analysis was carried out for this street facility to determine if the project would be required to implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) and Traffic Signal Management (TSM) strategies. S980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis ' ' ' ' ' Trip Generation The trip generation is based on information provided by the User as agreed in scoping discussions with City staff. There will be 924 daily project trips when the site operates at 75% capacity which is considered to be maximum average utilization. The project peak hours will be 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM and 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM. During the AM project peak hour there will be 347 project trips (202 inbound and 145 outbound). During the PM project peak hour there will be 312 project trips (152 inbound and 160 outbound). Trip Distribution and Assignment Trip distribution and assignment analysis was conducted to determine the distribution of project trips required to carry out the queue analysis, signal warrant analyses and the level of analysis for street facilities exempt from vehicle LOS standards. Trip distribution and assignment was initially separated for delivery driver's personal vehicles and the delivery vans to be stored at the project site. Personal vehicle distribution proportions were based on Figure 10B of the Carlsbad Oaks North Traffic Study Local Facilities Management Plan which is appended to this report. The delivery van distribution was based on the location of the two distribution facilities which were weighted by their size as follows: • Loker Avenue 29% • Business Park Drive 71% The personal vehicle and delivery van trip assignments were combined to give a total project trip assignment for the project peak hours of operation. This was used to derive the existing plus project traffic volumes. Scenarios Evaluated A Level Ill traffic study requires Existing Conditions Analysis and Existing Plus Project Conditions Analysis. Intersection geometries and traffic volumes were analyzed for both conditions. Signalized and unsignalized intersection analyses were carried out for the Existing Plus Project condition. The signalized intersection analysis consisted of a left turn queue assessment and left and right turn volume analysis. The unsignalized intersection analyses consisted of signal warrant analysis for the following intersections: • Eagle Drive and Lionshead Avenue • Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway Eight-hour, four-hour and peak-hour warrant analyses were carried out in accordance with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Chapter 4C (MUTCD, 2014 Rev. 5 March 2020). Results The following is a brief summary of results: • The MM LOS analysis showed that streets subject to this analysis currently operate at level of service B for bicycles and pedestrians on Grey hawk Court, and level of service C for transit on Eagle Drive and Palomar Airport Road. In line with the City's Transportation Demand Management (TOM) ordinance, transit and bicycle infrastructure TOM improvements are proposed as part of the project's TOM plan. 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis ' ' ' • The proposed site maximum average utilization will generate 924 daily trips. There will be no network peak hour trips. Project peak hours are between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM and 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM. During the AM project peak hour there will be 347 trips (202 inbound and 145 outbound) and in the PM project peak hour there will be 312 trips (152 inbound and 160 outbound). This was derived from a typical in-out trip profile provided by the User. • A trip distribution and assignment analyses were prepared to determine if the project will add traffic to any of the City's street facilities that are exempt from the vehicle LOS standard. Palomar Airport Road between El Camino Real and Melrose Drive is identified in the City's Mobility Element Policy 3-P.11 as an exempt street facility and is within the vicinity of the project site. The project is therefore subject to this policy. The analysis identified that the highest number of project trips added to this segment in one direction is 171 Average Daily Trips (ADT). • To meet the Traffic Signal Management (TSM) requirements of Mobility Element Policy 3-P.11, the project will pay to install one traffic signal controller. To meet the Transportation Demand Management (TOM) requirements of Policy 3-P.11 the project will implement a series of infrastructure and non-infrastructure strategies that reduce the reliance on single-occupant automobile and assist in achieving the city's livable streets vision. Further details are shown in the TOM Plan provided under a separate cover. • The left turn queue assessment found that the existing storage lengths for the left-turn pockets at the Eagle Drive and Palomar Airport Road intersection are adequate to accommodate queue lengths in the Existing Plus Project condition. The left turn volume analysis showed that the left turn volumes on all approach lanes of the Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo and Palomar Airport Road intersection will not exceed the 250 vehicle per hour threshold. The right turn volume analysis showed that the right turn volumes on all approach lanes of the Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo and Palomar Airport Road intersection will not exceed the 150 vehicle per hour threshold. • The signal warrant analyses for Eagle Drive and lionshead Avenue and Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway showed that the major approach volumes are not sufficient to meet any of the signal warrants (eight-hour, four-hour or peak-hour). 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis 3 ( 1. Introduction This report summarizes the findings of the LMA for the proposed auto storage facility project in the City of Carlsbad, California. The purpose of this analysis is to assess the operation of surrounding transportation facilities under existing and existing plus project conditions. This study was conducted in accordance with the City of Carlsbad's Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines (April 2018) and General Plan Mobility Element. The site is located on the northeast corner of the Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court intersection in the City of Carlsbad. A project site location and study area are shown in Figure 1-1. The project site plan consists of 308 parking spaces proposed on a 5.9-acre lot. Two driveway access points will be provided, one on Eagle Drive at the intersection with Tiger Run Court and one at the driveway access to Grey Hawk Business Center on the north side of Grey Hawk Court. The project site plan is shown in Figure 1-2. The site will operate from 9:00 AM until 10:00 PM to allow for distribution to customers between 11:00 AM and 9:00 PM as an off-site parking lot for delivery vans and delivery drivers' personal vehicles. Delivery drivers traveling by car will arrive at the parking lot and swap their car for a delivery van and drive to a distribution center to load the van for their shift. At the end of the shift the delivery driver will return the van to the lot and retrieve their car. LMA scoping meetings were held with City staff on October 5, October 14 and November 4, 2020. It was determined that auto storage is permitted per the P-M (planned industrial zone) and a Level 3 report is required. The scoping agreement is provided in Appendix A. A Level 3 report requires the following elements per Table 1 of the City of Carlsbad Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines (April 2018). • Multi-Modal Level of Service (MMLOS) • Study Area Map • Trip Generation Table • Trip Distribution & Assignment Figure • Signalized Intersection Analysis • Unsignalized Intersection Analysis • Existing Conditions Analysis S980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis ' 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Proposed Study Area Project Site Location Distribution Center ,,_, Facility Exempt fro.m LOS Analysis ,,_, Segment Analyied for LOS 0 Study Intersections A Transit Stop Streets subject to Multi-Modal LOS Analysis: (b} = bicycle (p} = pedestrian (t) = transit Figure 1-1 Project Site Location and Study Area 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Passenger Loading Zone 12' W x 40' L Transit Shelter 10' Lx 5' W J T◄• ~-•-~ -~i;::;:~~~-. R:".r-i'"-.A 0 ~,r,.::;:.;.,,;:;a-,..-:;.......-', ,=;:.,--;=.,;::;_;:::~;=,.c::-;:"i"~~m~!;n-:.~~~::~~~-----~~·~---'-,.,..;::::..._;;:,,-,:-~_;,,-:.-:-;. '¼~l ,l"" 'r • I 11 I I!:~ Secure Bike Parking 4 Bike Boxes 77-5/8" W X 79-1/2" L X 101" H Bike Repair Station 8.5" W x 50" H x 16" D Preferential Parking for Carpool/ Van pool (16 Stalls) 11)-,.-~ ·--- -- W+E s NOTTO SCALE Figure 1-2 Project Site Plan The City of Carlsbad also requires a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan if a site generates 110 or more average daily employee trips. A TDM Plan is required for the proposed parking lot and is provided under a separate cover. The TDM Plan will comply with the requirements of the City of Carts bad Mobility Element and the TDM Ordinance. This Document is organized into seven sections: 1. Introduction 2. Project Study Area and Methodology 3. Trip Generation 4. Trip Distribution and Assignment 5. Existing Conditions 6. Existing Plus Project Conditions 7. Findings and Recommendations S980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis 7 2. Project Study Area and Methodology The following methodologies have been used to complete the LMA. In accordance with the criteria in sections 3.2, of the City's TIA guidelines, the following study area intersections will be analyzed as they are within one quarter mile of the project site or meet the criteria outlined in section 7.1 and 7.2 of the guidelines: Study Area Intersections 1. Eagle Drive and lionshead Avenue -Unsignalized 2. Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway-Unsignalized 3. Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo and Palomar Airport Road -Signalized 2.1. Mobility Element To comply with Mobility Element Policy 3-P.11, ff a project adds 110 ADT or 11 peak hour one-directional trips to a street facility exempt from vehicular level of service standards, it will be subject to implementing TDM and TSM strategies. 2.2. Multi Modal Level of Service Analysis A Level 3 report requires a Multi-Modal Level of Service (MM LOS) analysis for pedestrian, bike and transit modes of travel. MMLOS assigns a letter "grade" for these modes of travel. The City's General Plan requires LOS Dor better on each roadway for each mode of travel that is subject to this standard. The City provides an MM LOS toot which was used to determine the MM LOS for Eagle Drive, Grey Hawk Court and Palomar Airport Road. According to Figure 1 of the Transportation Impact Analysis guidelines, Eagle Drive is an "industrial Street", Grey Hawk Court is a "local/ neighborhood street", and Palomar Airport Road is an "arterial street". Industrial and arterial streets are subject to transit MM LOS analysis only and local streets are subject to pedestrian and bicycle MM LOS analyses. The Eagle Drive segment extends from Palomar Airport Road to Uonshead Avenue. The Grey Hawk Court segment extends from Eagle Drive to the entrance to Grey Hawk Court Business Park. The Palomar Airport Road segment extends approximately 150-feet to the transit stop either side of Eagle Drive. 2.3. Signalized Intersection Analysis The signalized intersection analysis will be based on trip generation and assignment for the project and in accordance with section 7.1 of the City's TIA guidelines the analysis will be based on the following criteria: • Left turn queue assessment: Compare the left turn volume with the length of the left turn pocket(s). A general rule of thumb of one foot per left turning vehicle per lane may be used for this analysis. • Left turn volume: If the left turn volume exceeds 250 vehicles per hour, a second left turn lane is recommended. • Right turn volume: If the right turn volume exceeds 150 vehicles per hour, a dedicated right turn lane is recommended. 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis 8 2.4. Unsignalized Intersection Analysis According to section 7.2 of the TIA guidelines for unsignalized intersections a signal warrant analysis is required if: • The unsignalized intersection provides direct access to the project site, or • The unsignalized intersection provides direct access to a cumulative project considered in the Transportation Impact Analysis, or • The unsignalized intersection has been identified by the City as a potential signalized intersection. 2.5. Roadway Segment Analysis The study roadway segments were evaluated for peak hour conditions by utilizing the City of Carlsbad's Roadway Service Volume Tables (2019), which provide peak hour directional capacity for automobile mode of travel. The city has developed two roadway service volume tables as described below: Roadway Service Volume Table-Specific Corridor: is developed for each roadway facility subject to Auto Multi Modal Level of Service (MMLOS) in the City of Carlsbad's General Plan Mobility Element. Roadway service volumes for Palomar Airport Road were developed and included in this table. Roadway service volume for Palomar Airport Road was used to analyze the study roadway segment is shown in Table 2-1. Roadway Service Volume Table -Generalized Data: provides general service volumes for roadways with certain roadway characteristic. For roadways not subject to Auto MMLOS, this table can be utilized to assess the roadway conditions. To determine the operating conditions of Lionshead Avenue and Eagle Drive, Roadway Service Volume Table -Generalized Data (Industrial Street s) was utilized and is shown in Table 2-2. The Generalized Data table does not provide segment capacity thresholds for industrial streets with posted speed limit of 50 MPH. For a conservative analysis, 40 MPH capacity thresholds for the Lionshead Avenue segment between Eagle Drive and Business Park Drive, were used. To evaluate the operating conditions of a study roadway segment, peak hour directional volume was compared to the peak hour directional roadway service volumes from the table and the corresponding level of service (LOS) letter grade was reported. Both the service volume tables are included in Appendix B. Table 2-1 Roadway Service Volume Table -Specific Corridor Palomar Airport Road Facility Limits Roadway Classification Melrose Drive to City Limits 3/55/D -Lanes/Posted Speed/Median Type; D-Divided •• -Indicates LOS cannot be achieved during peak hour ## -Indicates the capacity jumps to LOS F 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis 3/55/D A Peak Direction LOS Thresholds B C D Thresholds LOS Roadway E Standard Capacity ·····-- 9 Table 2-2 Roadway Service Volume Table -Generalized Data (Industrial Streets) I Roadway Segment I I I Lionshead Avenue between Eagle Drive and Business Park Drive Eagle Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Lionshead Avenue Roadway Classification 1/50/D 1/35/U A ** ** 1/50/0 -Lanes/ Posted Speed/Median Type; D· Divided; U-Undivided •••Indicates LOS cannot be achieved during peak hour 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis Peak Direction LOS Thresholds I B C I D •• 228 756 ** 180 590 Thresholds ------ LOS Roadway E Standard Capacity 936 756 936 740 590 740 10 3. TRIP GENERATION The project trip generation has been derived by using the "Megacycle" logistics profile that the User has in place for delivery services. Delivery operations occur between 9:00 AM -10:00 PM for distribution to customers between 11:00 AM until 9:00 PM. Delivery employees would commute to the proposed parking site in their personal vehicles, park, pick-up a delivery van, drive to existing nearby distribution centers to load packages for the entire day, make deliveries, return to the parking site, drop off the delivery van, and exit the site in their personal vehicles. Delivery operations at the existing distributions centers begin at 10:00 AM and end at 11:30 AM, with delivery vans loading/departing from the centers at a rate of no more than 120 vans every 30 minut es to facilitate a regulated traffic flow into the surrounding roadway network. This departure window is designed to reduce impacts during t he typical morning commuter peak hours and improve delivery efficiencies. Delivery vans return to the parking site between 7:00 PM and 9:30 PM. The full User daily t rip profile is provided in Appendix C. The raw data is provided in Appendix B with the site operating at 69% capacity or 212 delivery vans. It is our understanding that t his is the typical utilization for the site. However, for a conservative assessment we have assumed a 75% maximum average utilization rate or 231 delivery vans. Any more than this would lead to inefficiencies as employees would be required to drive vans out of spaces before driving in with their private vehicles at the beginning of the shift. This would create unnecessary blocking of the parking aisles and potential delivery delay to customers. Appendix D shows trip generation based on a maximum average 75% capacity. This methodology was discussed and agreed with City staff during scoping discussions. Table 3-1 shows the 75% maximum average utilization daily trip profile summary. Table 3-1 Daily Trip Profile M aximum Average Utilization ■ Time I • • • 09:00-09:30 29 0 0 0 29 09:30-10:00 116 0 0 29 145 AM 10:00-10:30 86 0 0 116 202 10:30-11:00 0 0 0 86 86 19:00-19:30 0 0 22 0 22 19:30-20:00 0 22 44 0 66 20:00-20:30 0 44 116 0 160 PM 20:30-21:00 0 116 36 0 152 21:00-21:30 0 36 13 0 49 21:30-22:00 0 13 0 0 13 Total 231 231 231 231 924 Total Daily Trips 924 Table 3-1 shows that there will be no project impact during t he roadway peak hours. During scoping discussions, it was agreed that the project peak hours should be assessed. Based on the typical daily trip profile applied to a 75% utilization, as shown in Table 3-1 the project peak hours are: • 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM • 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis 11 Table 3-2 shows the project trip generation which is comparable to the typical daily in-out trip profile provided by the User summarized in Table 3-1. Land Use Eagle Drive Proposed Trip Generation Table 3-2 Project Trip Generation Number of Spaces 308 ■· 924 STC understands that the proposed auto storage land use is consistent with the City of Carlsbad General Plan. The project will generate below 1,000 ADT. A Level Ill report is required based on Table 1 of the City of Carlsbad's Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines (April 2018). S980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis 12 ( ( 4. TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT Trip distribution and assignment analysis is required to assess the signalized and unsignalized intersections in the study area. The analysis is also required to confirm whether project trips are above the threshold for street facilities that are exempt from the vehicle LOS standard per the City of Carlsbad Mobility Element. Palomar Airport Road between El Camino Real and Melrose Drive is identified in section 3-P.10 as a facility exempt from this standard. A project is subject to implementing Traffic Signal Management (TSM) and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies if it adds 110 ADT or 11 peak hour trips in a single direction of travel to an exempt segment. Trip distribution and assignment analyses were prepared to determine the forecast project trips on Palomar Airport Road during the peak hour. There are two different trip distribution patterns as explained in the following paragraphs. This is a conservative analysis as it assumes that all employees drive their own vehicle to the site and it is based on the maximum average utilization trip profile explained in chapter 3. 4.1. Personal Vehicle Trip Distribution Delivery drivers' personal vehicles arrive on site to begin their shift. This equates to 202 inbound vehicles during the AM project peak hour (9:30 AM to 10:30 AM). Personal vehicles depart the site at the end of the shift after returning the delivery vans. This equates to 160 outbound vehicles in the PM project peak hour (8:00 PM to 9:00 PM). Personal vehicle trip distribution and assignment are shown on Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2 respectively. The distribution proportions were based on Figure 10B of the Carlsbad Oaks North Traffic Study Local Facilities Management Plan which is provided in Appendix E. Some minor adjustments were made to consider the location of the project site and were agreed during scoping discussions. 4.2. Delivery Van Trip Distribution After arriving at the parking lot and parking personal vehicles, drivers will leave the site in delivery vans and drive to one of two distribution centers. This equates to 145 vans during the AM project peak hour (9:30 AM to 10:30 AM). The closest is located on Business Park Drive, approximately ¾ mile east of the project site access. The other is located on Loker Avenue West approximately 1 ¼ miles west of the site. The Loker Avenue distribution center is 90,000 square feet and the Business Park Drive distribution center is 220,000 square feet. Trips were distributed proportionally based on building size with 29% (42 vans) distributed to the Loker Avenue center and 71% {103 vans) to the Business Park Drive center. The route assigned to each facility is based on a combination of Google Maps online route planning software and the driver's familiarity of the roadway and their easiest path of travel. At the end of the shift delivery vans will return to the project site via the distribution centers this equates to 152 vans in the PM project peak hour (8:00 PM to 9:00 PM) drivers will then leave the site in their personal vehicles The delivery van trip distribution and assignment is shown on Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-4 respectively. 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis B 5980 agle Drive, Carlsbad LEGEND 0 Unslgnalized Intersection @ Signalized Intersection ~ Stop Controlled Approach Project Site Location Distribution Center Turning Movement % Distribution Proportion -0-Uonshead Ave "11% _a_ ., ~ ., ~ ~ ~ 0 ;! 14%~ ., : .., 0 Eagle Drive & Uonshead Avenue Tiger Run Court ~ "50% Project Owy p Eagle Drive & f) Tiger Run Court/ Project Owy Palomar AlrPOrt Rd @ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo & Palomar Airport Road Figure 4-1 Project Peak Hour Personal Vehicle Trip Distribution 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad 0 Unsignallzed Intersection @ Signalized Intersection Stop Controlled Approach Project Site Location Distribution Center Turning Movement% Distribution Proportion .,22/0 -u-UonsheadAve ...0... ~ ~ l N a:, ~ N ~ 28/0~ !!! 0 :f ... 8 Eagle Drive & Uonshead Avenue ~ ~0/40 g3 N i ~40/0 M "' 0 0 ~ 9 ,-o,so ,,,,,,_ ~ "' T 11er Run Court ProJ@ct OWy Palomar Airport Rd • 0 p ~ ,1110 .A 0 I ~ -0 C: ~ J! 0 > ~ ~ .. 0.. • Eagle Drive & ® Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo Tiger Run Court/ Project Owy & Palomar Airport Road Figure 4-2 Project Peak Hour Personal Vehicle Trip Assignment 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad NOTTO SCALE LEGEND Unsignallzed Intersection Signalized Intersection Stop Controlled Approach Project Site Location Distribution Center Turning Movement % Distribution Proportion -.,- uonshead Ave ...a... 8 Eagle Drive & llonshead Avenue roger Run Court p ~52% 9 y 32% Project Dwy Palomar Airport Rd Eagle Drive & f) Tiger Run Court/ Project Dwy @ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo & Palomar Airport Road Figure 4-3 Project Peak Hour Van Trip Distribution 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LEGEND Unsignalized Intersection Signalized Intersection Stop Controlled Approach Project Site Location Distribution Center Turning Movement % Distribution Proportion Lionshead Ave y-o/79 ...0.... 9 Eagle Drive & Llonshead Avenue Tiger Run Court p ~ 75/0 9 ,. 47/0 Project Owy A Eagle Drive & V Tiger Run Court/ Project Dwy 0 ~ .. ~ 0/29 ;::. ~ ... N ~ w ~ Palomar Airport Rd • 0 0/44.A 0 -8 .s ;;; > ~ ::. @ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo & Palomar Airport Road Figure 4-4 Project Peak Hour Van Trip Assignment ( 4.3. Total Project Trip Assignments Figure 4-5 shows the total project trip assignments which is a combination of the personal vehicle and delivery van trip assignments shown in Figure 4-2 and Figure 4-4. Figure 4-5 also shows the project daily trips for each direction on Eagle Drive and Palomar Airport Road. It shows that west of Melrose Drive the project will generate 171 daily trips on Palomar Airport Road on a segment which is exempt from vehicle LOS standard per section 3-P .10 of the Mobility Element. This is above the 110 ADT threshold meaning the project will be subject to implementing TSM and TOM strategies. A TOM Plan has been provided under a separate cover which explains how the project will implement TOM Strategies. To meet the TSM requirements of Mobility Element policy 3-P.11, the project will pay to install one traffic signal controller. 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis 18 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad NOTTO SCALE 0 Unsignalized Intersection ® Signalized Intersection -u-Stop Controlled Approach Project Site Location Distribution Center )()(91, Turning Movement% XX% Distribution Proportion ., 22/79 00 ;;:; ,.._ 0 Eagle Drive & Lionshead Ave Tiger Run Court ~ 75/40 ., 47/80 Projectowy A Eagle Drive & V Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway Palomar Airport Road ~1------ l l l /44 _A @ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo & Palomar Airport Road Figure 4-5 Total Project Trip Assignments (Project Peak Hour) ( ( 5. EXISTING CONDITIONS The following section analyzes the existing conditions at the project study intersections and street facilities. 5.1. Existing Intersection Geometries Figure 5-1 shows the study intersection geometries under existing conditions. 5.2. Existing Traffic Volumes Turning movement counts were carried out on Tuesday November 10, 2020 at the Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo and Palomar Airport Road intersection during the project peak hours (9:30 AM to 10:30 AM and 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM). ADT counts were carried out on Tuesday October 20 and Tuesday November 10, 2020. STC also acquired historical ADT counts for the Palomar Airport Road segments between Melrose Drive and Eagle Drive which were carried out on Wednesday May 1, 2019, and between Eagle Drive and East City limit which were carried out on Wednesday March 20, 2019. Additional count data was also provided by City staff and was used to compare and validate the count data used in the LOS and signal warrant analyses. Further details on the counts used for the study intersections and roadway segments are provided in the table in Appendix F. 5.3. Pre-COVID-19 Conditions The following paragraphs explain how traffic volume data has been extrapolated to reflect pre-COVID traffic conditions. LOS Analysis Traffic Volumes For the Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo and Palomar Airport Road intersection LOS analysis, November 2020 turning movement proportions were applied to the 2019 ADT volumes for the project peak hours to derive eastbound and westbound turning movements on Palomar Airport Road. This methodology was used because the 2019 counts were higher than the November 2020 counts. However, the November 2020 southbound turning movement volumes were used on Eagle Drive, as this was the most conservative data acquired by STC and were higher than counts provided by the City. These have also been included in Appendix F for comparison. Signal Warrant Analysis Volumes Approach volumes from the ADT counts collected in October and November 2020 were applied to the Signal Warrant Analysis carried out for the Eagle Drive intersections with Lionshead Avenue and Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway. These counts were compared with the extracts from the 2019/2020 Growth Management Plan Monitoring Report, as shown in Appendix F. When comparing the October/November 2020 counts to the 2019/2020 Growth Management Plan, the October/November 2020 counts were the more conservative counts, and therefore were the ones that were used. Figure 5-2 shows existing turning movement counts at the project intersections. Full traffic count data is provided in Appendix F. S980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis 20 5980 Eagle Drive, Carl sbad NOTTO SCALE I LEGEND Unsignalized Intersection Signalized Intersection Stop Controlled Approach Project Site Location Distribution Center Existing Geometry Llonshead Ave "'"tr 0 Eagle Drive & lionshead Ave 1~ Tige.f Run Court 9 p ~t .) ~ -~ 0 Palomar Alrpon Road ~ ----- ! f) Eagle Drive & Tiger Run Court @ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo & Palomar Airport Road Figure 5-1 Study Intersections Existing Geometries 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad NOTTO SCALE LEGEND Unsignalized Intersection Signalized Intersection Stop Controlled Approach Project Site location Distribution Center Turning Movement Volume 0 - ~2/0 g .......... ~140/39 0 N - ~ • ~ 'f' 23/5 Lionshead Ave -C- 2/0 ~ _Q_ ~t~ 159/35 _. .~ 0 g!:::. 31/5 '4f Q ~ ,.,, st ~ N ! 0 Eagle Drive & lionshead Ave ,-.. ,.,, o3 ~ N N ~ • Tiger Run C.Oun p A t 17/9 ~ l "' !:.::'. 31/30 ~ 0 ..... ~ -"' 5 st N f) Eagle Drive & Tiger Run Court "' "" ~ ~ 29/3 ~ ~ ~ i "" "' -.:l ~ 1026/411 ~ f ~ 'f' 65/62 Palomar Airport Road ~•t----- 39/10 ~ ~ 727/531 _. ~ 16/17 '4f ~ t: @ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Vallndo & Palomar Airport Road Figure 5-2 Existing Project Peak Hour Turning Movements 5.4. Multi-Modal Level of Service Table 5-1 through Table 5-3 show the MMLOS results for Eagle Drive, Grey Hawk Court and Palomar Airport Road. Appendix G contains the MM LOS tool analysis worksheets. Table 5-1 MMLOS Results Eagle Drive Eagle Drive I Transit -I 70 I C I 70 Score I LOS C Table 5-1 shows that Multi-Modal Level of Service standard C is met for Eagle Drive. Table 5-2 MMLOS Results Grey Hawk Court Table 5-2 shows that Pedestrian and Bicycle Level of Service standard B is met for Grey Hawk Court. Grey Hawk Court speed limit is currently unposted. A 25 MPH speed limit was assumed based on engineering judgement for a cul-de-sac street that is approximately 600 feet long and 50 feet wide serving commercial businesses with on street parking. Table 5-3 MMLOS Results Palomar Airport Road Eagle Drive . . [ Transit I 70 I C I 70 I C I Table 5-3 shows that Multi-Modal Level of Service standard C is met for Palomar Airport Road. The transit LOS for the site is based on the bus stops on Palomar Airport Road either side of the Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo intersection. The westbound stop is approximately 650 feet walking distance from the project site. The westbound 445 service terminates at the Carlsbad Poinsettia Coaster train station. There are two services in the AM peak hour and two services in the PM peak hour. The Eastbound stop is approximately 750 feet from the project site. Eastbound service terminates at the Palomar College Transit Center in San Marcos which is opposite the Palomar College Sprinter station. Service map and schedules are provided in Appendix H. The project site is also within the operational area of the Carlsbad Connector service. This is an on demand, app-based shuttle service which runs from the Carlsbad Poinsettia Coaster Station. The service runs from 7am to 6pm and the operational area is shown in Appendix I. However, because of temporary service reductions implemented on Coaster trains due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the service has been temporary suspended until further notice. Therefore, the Carlsbad Connector Service is not included in the MMLOS analysis. However, STC understands that the multi-agency partnership that manages the Carlsbad Connector service, will attempt to re-launch the service once the Coaster schedules return to normal. 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis 23 6. EXISTING PLUS PROJECT CONDITIONS This section describes the outcome of the signalized and unsignalized intersection analyses under existing plus project conditions. 6.1. Existing Plus Project Geometries As explained earlier the project driveway will consist of the east arm of the Eagle Drive/ Tiger Run Court unsignalized intersection. The existing plus project geometries are shown in Figure 6-1 and includes the following improvements to the Eagle Drive/ Tiger Run Court intersection: • Restripe existing left turn lane on Tiger Run Court to left-through lane. 6.2. Existing Plus Project Volumes The project volumes shown in Figure 4-5 were added to the existing volumes shown in Figure 5-2 to derive the existing plus project volumes provided in Figure 6-2. 6.3. Signalized Intersection Analysis This section addresses the adequacy of the signalized intersection geometry to serve the existing plus project volumes during the project peak hours that were assessed. The Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo and Palomar Airport Road intersection is the only signalized intersection analyzed in the study area. The adjusted traffic counts (as explained in section 5.3) are provided in Appendix F. Left Turn Queue Assessment Table 6-1 compares the left turn volumes with the length of the left turn pocket. The left movements from Figure 6-2 were used and the general rule of thumb of one foot per left turning vehicle was used in line with the City's TIA guidelines. Table 6-1 Left Turn Queue Assessment Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo and Palomar Airport Road EBL 250 150 54 WBL 300 65 62 NBL 200 9 1 SBL 200 42 45 Left Turn Volume Section 7.1 of the City's TIA guidelines states that if the left turn volume exceeds 250 per hour a second left turn is recommended. Figure 6-2 shows that the left turn volumes on all arms of the Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo and Palomar Airport Road intersection will not exceed the 250 vehicle per hour threshold. S980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis 24 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad NOTTO SCALE Unsignalized Intersection Signalized Intersection Stop Controlled Approach Project Site Location Distribution Center Existing Geometry Project Geometry Lionshectd Ave ""tr 0 Eagle Drive & Lionshead Ave 4 Tiger Run Court 9 Project Driveway p f) Eagle Drive & Tiger Run Court Palomar Airport Road ~----- @ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo & Palomar Airport Road Figure 6-1 Study Intersections Existing+ Project Geometries 5980 t:.agle Drive, Carlsbad NOTTO SCALE -.:r Unsignalized Intersection Signalized Intersection Stop Controlled Approach Project Site Location Distribution Center Lion5head Ave -U- 210 A 159/35 _. l 59/5 ~ i ~ ~ 2/0 ,._140/39 y 45/84 0 Eagle Drive & Lionshead Ave °' ,-.. M ,-.. CO r:: 0 N N V\ Tiger Run Coun 1119 A P 010 _.1 0 31130 ~ I ~ 75/40 ..-o,o y 47/80 Pro ct Driveway 0 Eagle Drive & Tiger Run Court l c5 "' 0 ~ 69/32 ~ "' ~ t " a\ ~ ~ ,._ 1026/411 J/16. f ~ y 65/62 Palomilr Airport Road ~----- 1501s4 A 727/S31 _. i !! 16/17 ~ 2 cf @ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo & Palomar Airport Road Figure 6-2 Existing+ Project Non-Peak Hour Turning Movements Right Turn Volume Section 7.1 of the City's TIA guidelines states that if the right turn volume exceeds 150 per hour a dedicated right turn lane is recommended. Figure 6-2 shows that the right turn volumes on all arms of the Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo and Palomar Airport Road intersection will not exceed the 150 vehicle per hour threshold. Table 6-2 Right Turn Evaluation Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo and Palomar Airport Road Existing+ Project Right Turn Volume Movement AM I PM EBR 16 17 WBR 69 32 NBR 76 26 SBR 74 104 6.4. Unsignalized Intersections This section summarizes the findings of the signal warrant analyses carried out for the following intersections established in the scoping agreement with the City. 6.4.1. Eagle Drive and Lionshead Avenue Signal Warrant Analysis Correspondence with City staff has identified the Eagle Drive and Lionshead Avenue intersection as a potential future signal and therefore qualifies for a signal warrant analysis in accordance with section 7.2 of the City's TIA guidelines. Eight-hour, four-hour, and peak-hour signal warrants were carried out per Chapter 4C California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD, 2014 Rev. 5 March 2020). The signal warrants are provided in Appendix J which shows that the major and minor street volumes are not sufficient to meet an eight-hour, four-hour or peak-hour warrant. 6.4.2. Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/Project Driveway Signal Warrant Analysis A signal warrant analysis is required for the Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway intersection as it provides direct access to the project site. Eight-hour, four-hour, and peak-hour signal warrants were carried out per Chapter 4C California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD, 2014 Rev. 5 March 2020). The signal warrants are provided in Appendix J which shows that the major and minor street volumes are not sufficient to meet an eight-hour, four-hour or peak-hour warrant. 6.5. Roadway Segment Analysis The project peak hour roadway segment conditions were evaluated using the highest volumes for the AM project peak hour (9:30-10:30) and the PM project peak hour (8:00-9:00). The existing (without project) and existing plus project roadway segment analysis results are summarized in Table 6-3. As shown in Table 6-3, all study roadway segments operate at acceptable LOS C or better in either direction during both AM and PM project peak hour for both existing and existing plus project conditions. 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis 27 Table 6-3 Existing and Existing Plus Project Peak Hour Roadway Segment Analysis Summary Roadway Segment Lionshead Avenue between Eagle Drive and Business Park Drive Palomar Airport Road between Melrose Drive and City limits (Average) Eagle Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Lionshead Avenue Posted Speed Limit/ Classification / Median 50mph/ Industrial/ Divided 55mph/ Arterial/ Divided 35mph/ Industrial/ Undivided 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis Project Peak Hour 9:30- 10:30 AM 8:00- 9:00 PM 9:30- 10:30 AM 8:00- 9:00 PM 9:30- 10:30 AM 8:00- 9:00 PM Direction of Travel Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Existing I I . Volume Lanes 186 1 936 0.199 C 166 1 936 0.177 C 37 1 936 0.040 C 45 1 936 0.048 C 842 3 2,920 0.320 C 1080 3 2,920 0.494 C 575 3 2,920 0.261 C 901 3 2,920 0.338 C 83 1 740 0.112 C 56 1 740 0.076 C 10 1 740 0.014 C 36 1 740 0.049 C Existing Plus Project Peak Hour Volume Lanes V /C LOS Capacity 261 1 936 0.199 C 188 1 936 0.177 C 55 1 936 0.040 C 124 1 936 0.048 C 953 1 2,920 0.320 C 1122 1 2,920 0.494 C 619 1 2,920 0.261 C 989 1 2,920 0.338 C 234 1 740 0.112 C 126 1 740 0.076 C 103 1 740 0.014 C 156 1 740 0.049 C 28 , \ 7. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This section summarizes the findings of the intersection and street facility analysis, project impact and recommendations. 7.1. Summary of Intersection Analysis The signalized and unsignalized intersection analysis showed that study intersections are forecast to operate at acceptable levels. For the signalized intersection, queues will not exceed the City's thresholds for left turn storage lengths in the existing plus project condition. For the unsignalized intersections, the eight-hour, four-hour and peak-hour signal warrants were not met. 7.2. Summary of Roadway Segment Analysis Figure 4-5 shows that 171 daily project trips are forecast to travel via Palomar Airport Road on a segment which is exempt from vehicle LOS standard per section 3-P.10 of the Mobility Element. This is above the 110 ADT threshold meaning the project will be subject to implementing TSM and TDM strategies. A TDM Plan has been provided under a separate cover which explains how the project will implement TOM Strategies. To meet the TSM requirements of Mobility Element policy 3-P.11, the project will pay to install one traffic signal controller. The MM LOS analysis showed that streets subject to this analysis currently operate at level of service B for bicycles and pedestrians on Grey Hawk Court, and level of service C for transit on Eagle Drive and Palomar Airport Road. In line with the City's Transportation Demand Management {TDM) ordinance, transit and bicycle infrastructure TDM improvements are proposed as part of the project's TDM plan. The Auto Level of Service analysis carried out on the study roadway area segments showed that all study roadway segments operate at acceptable LOS C or better in either direction during both AM and PM project peak hour for both existing and existing plus project conditions. S980 Eagle Drive. Carlsbad Local Mobility Analysis " \ Appendix A: Scoping Agreement 5980 Eagle or;ve, Carlsbad Level Ill Trnn5portation Impact Analy5i5 I ' Technical Memorandum Subject: 5980 Eagle Drive, Local Mobility Analysis Scoping Agreement January 20, 2021 Date: To: Jennifer Horodyski, TE City of Carlsbad From: David DiPierro, TE Philip Wragg, AICP -------... --------------------- STC Traffic Inc. is pleased to submit this scoping letter on behalf of Greystar for the proposed vehicle storage facility on the northeast corner of Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court. A minor Site Development Plan and minor Conditional Use Permit is being prepared and the following reports are required: • Local Mobility Analysis (LMA) • Transportation Demand Management (TOM) Plan • Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis Preliminary meetings were held with City staff on October 5, October 14 and November 4, 2020 to discuss the project. The purpose of this letter is to file a scoping agreement with the City (per Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) guideline requirements) and establish the technical parameters for the traffic related reports. Attachment A contains the City form "Scoping Agreement for Traffic Impact Study" and Figure 2 through Figure 6 show trip distribution and assignment figures used to determine the study area. This scoping memo is organized into the following sections: 1. Project Description 1.1. Site Operation 2. Local Mobility Anlaysis 2.1. Report Category and Trip Generation 2.2. Multi-Modal Level of Service 2.3. Trip Distribution and Assignment 2.4. Signalized and Unsignalized Intersection Analysis 2.5. Study Area Map 2.6. Signal Warrant Analysis 2.7. Non-Peak Hour Roadway Segment Analysis 2.8. Analysis Scenario 2.9. Other Jurisdictional Impacts 3. VMT Analysis 4. TDM Plan 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located at 5980 Eagle Drive on the northeast corner of Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court. Two driveway access points will be provided, one on Eagle Drive at the intersection with Tiger Run Court, and one at the driveway access to Grey Hawk Business Center on the north side of Grey Hawk Court. The preliminary site plan is shown in Figure 1. STC Traffic, Inc. S865 Avenida Encinas, Suite 142-8, Carlsbad, CA 92008 www .stctraffic.com 5980 tagle Drive, Carlsbad ----~--- ~ ~ ___ -_.;.:__ __ ___ \ . _, . \\ ,~:-, ~-""-(;:r~ • ~ .,, ~.,.,..-~-----=------" . ~ ~--'---, ~ r --" , .. Preferential Parking for Carpool/ Vanpool (16 Stalls) 0- W+E s NOTTO SCALE Figure 1 Preliminary Site Plan ( The parking lot will have 308 stalls maximum which will accommodate a maximum parking lot utilization rate of 75% or 231 delivery vans. Trip generation has been based on the User's "Megacycle" logistical profile. Trip distribution is based on Figure 10B of Carlsbad Oaks North Traffic Study local Facilities Management Plan (2002) for commuter trips and the location of the nearby distribution centers, which the lot will serve on Loker Avenue and Business Park Drive. 1.1 Site Operation The lot will operate as storage facility for delivery vans, staff will arrive on site and swap personal vehicles with delivery vans and head to the distribution center on Business Park Drive or Loker Avenue. At the end of the shift they will return the van to the parking lot (from the distribution center) and collect their personal vehicle. Inbound and outbound non-peak hour project trips will be generated. 2. LOCAL MOBILITY ANALYSIS 2.1 Report Category and Trip Generation The project trip generation has been derived by using the "Megacycle" logistics profile that the User has in place for delivery services. Delivery operations occur between 09:00 AM -09:30 PM for distribution of goods to customers between 11:00 AM and 09:00PM. Delivery employees would commute to the proposed parking site in their personal vehicles, park, pick-up a delivery van, drive to existing nearby distribution centers to load packages for the entire day, make deliveries, return to the parking site, drop off a delivery van, and exit site in personal vehicles. Delivery operations at the existing distribution centers begin at 10:00 AM and end at 11:30 AM, with delivery vans loading/departing from the centers at a rate of no more than 120 vans every 30 minutes to facilitate a regulated traffic flow into the surrounding roadway network. This departure window is designed to reduce impacts during the typical morning commuter peak hours and improve delivery efficiencies. Delivery vans return to the parking site between 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM. At the project site, the same workforce that arrives in personal vehicles and departs in a van in the morning (between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM) is the same workforce that drops the van off and leaves again (in personal vehicles) in the evening (between 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM). Therefore, there is essentially only one shift per day. Employee Average Daily Trips {ADT) will be 924 trips consisting of 462 inbound and 462 outbound per day. This in turn will consist of 231 private vehicles in and 231 vans out in the morning and 231 vans in and 231 private vehicles out in the evening. Table 1 shows the 75% daily trip profile summary. The raw data provided is shown in Attachment B with the site operating at 69% capacity or 212 delivery vans. It is our understanding that this is the typical utilization for the site. However, for a conservative assessment we have assumed a 75% utilization rate or 231 delivery vans. Any more than this would lead to inefficiencies as employees would be required to drive vans out of spaces before driving in with their private vehicles at the beginning of the shift. This would create unnecessary blocking of the parking aisles and potential delivery delay to customers. Attachment C shows trip generation based on a maximum 75% capacity. This methodology was discussed and agreed with City staff during scoping discussions. 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo 3 Table 1 Typical Daily Trip Profile Maximum Utilization '*' 1;iit! ■· --Delivery Vans Time In I Out 09:00-09:30 29 0 0 0 29 09:30-10:00 116 0 0 29 145 AM 10:00-10:30 86 0 0 116 202 10:30-11:00 0 0 0 86 86 19:00-19:30 0 0 22 0 22 19:30-20:00 0 22 44 0 66 20:00-20:30 0 44 116 0 160 PM 20:30-21:00 0 116 36 0 152 21:00-21:30 0 36 13 0 49 21:30-22:00 0 13 0 0 13 Total 231 231 231 231 924 Total Daily Trips 924 Table 1 shows that there will be no project impact during the peak hours. During scoping discussions, it was agreed that the project peak hours should be assessed. Based on the typical daily trip profile applied to a 75% utilization, as shown in Table 1 the project peak hours are: • 09:30 AM to 10:30 AM • 08:00 PM to 09:00 PM Table 1 shows that there will be 347 project trips in the AM project peak hour (202 inbound and 145 outbound). In the PM project peak hour there will be 312 project trips (152 inbound and 116 outbound). Table 2 shows the project trip generation which is comparable to the typical daily in-out trip profile provided by the User summarized in Table l. Table 2 Project Trip Generation land Use Eagle Drive Proposed Trip Generation .. . . . .. 308 STC understands that the proposed auto storage land use is consistent with the City of Carlsbad General Plan. The project will generate below 1,000 Average Daily Trips (ADT). A Level Ill TIA is required based on Table 1 of the City of Carlsbad's Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines (April 2018}. A Level Ill TIA includes the following elements: 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TDM & VMT Scoping Memo 4 • • Trip Generation Table • MMLOS (ped, bike, transit) • Trip Distribution & Assignment Figure • Study Area Map • Signalized Intersection Analysis • Unsignalized Intersection Analysis • Existing Conditions Analysis The following sections describe the LMA elements in more detail. 2.2 Multi-Modal Level of Service (MMLOS) A Level 3 TIA requires a Multi-Modal Level of Service (MMLOS) analysis for pedestrian, bike and transit modes of travel. MM LOS assigns a letter "grade" for these modes of travel. The City's General Plan establishes LOS Dor better on each roadway for each mode of travel that is subject to this standard. STC will use the City's MMLOS tool to determine the MMLOS for Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court. According to Figure 1 of the TIA guidelines, Eagle Drive is an "industrial Street" and Grey Hawk Court is a "local/ neighborhood street". Industrial streets are subject to transit MMLOS analysis only and local streets are subject to pedestrian and6 bicycle MMLOS analyses. The following segments and modes will be assessed in the MMLOS analysis: Eagle Drive Transit MM LOS -The eastbound and westbound transit lines and stops on Palomar Airport Road (east and west of the Eagle Drive intersection) will be assessed. These are approximately a ¼-mile from the project site. Pedestrian MMLOS -the sidewalk on the east side of Eagle Drive will be assessed along the project frontage and between Grey Hawk Court and Palomar Airport Road to accommodate pedestrian routes to the transit stops. Bicycle MM LOS -Eagle Drive is classified as an "industrial street" and therefore not subject to Bicycle MM LOS analysis. Grey Hawk Court Transit MMLOS-Grey Hawk Court is classified as a "local/ neighborhood street" which are not subject to transit MMLOS. Pedestrian MMLOS-the sidewalk on the north side of Grey Hawk Court fronting the project site will be assessed. Bicycle MMLOS-The eastbound and westbound street segments on Grey Hawk Court between the Eagle Drive intersection and the project driveway will be assessed. Both directions provide access to the bike lanes on Eagle Drive . 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TDM & VMT Scoping Memo 5 Palomar Airport Road Palomar Airport Road is not part of the project frontage but subject to pedestrian MM LOS as sidewalk is used to the eastbound and westbound transit stops. The following Palomar Airport Road segments will be assessed for pedestrian MMLOS: • The sidewalk on the north side or Palomar Airport Road between Eagle Drive and the westbound transit stop. • The sidewalk on the south side of Palomar Airport Road between Eagle Drive and the eastbound transit stop. 2.3 Trip Distribution and Assignment A project distribution and assignment analysis has been carried out to determine the study area. The distribution for commuter trips was based on Figure 10B of the Carlsbad Oaks North Traffic Study Local Facilities Management Plan (2002) as shown in Attachment D. Proposed distribution proportions and trip assignments are shown on Figures 2 through 6 listed below and on the following pages. • Figure 2 Project-Peak Hour Personal Vehicle Trip Distribution • Figure 3 Project Peak Hour Van Trip Distribution • Figure 4 Project-Peak Hour Personal Vehicle Trip Distribution • Figure S Project Peak Hour Van Trip Assignment • Figure 6 Total Project Peak Hour Trip Assignments & Daily Project Trips Figure 2 through Figure 6 show that 71% of the van trips will serve the Business Park Drive distribution center and 29% will serve the Loker Avenue distribution center. To comply with Mobility Element Policy 3-P.11, if a project adds 110 ADT or 11 peak hour one-directional trips to a roadway facility that is already exempt from vehicular level of service standards, it will be subject to implementing TDM and TSM strategies. The Palomar Airport Road segment between El Camino Real and Melrose Drive is listed as one of the exempt facilities in the Mobility Element. Figure 6 shows that the project will add 171 trips in each direction on to Palomar Airport Road west of Melrose Drive. The TDM plan will be prepared to comply with the TDM Ordinance and will meet TDM requirements. To meet TSM requirements, the project will pay for the installation of one traffic signal controller. 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo 6 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LEGEND 0 Unsignalized Intersection y 11% © Signalized Intersection 7T Lionshead Ave -er Stop Controlled Approach ...!L .. Project Site Location .. ~ ., -Amazon Distribution Center .~ ~ ~ 0 ;:: 14%~ "' XX% Turning Movement% .. ~ )()(" Distribution Proportion 0 Eagle Drive & lions head Avenue Tiger Run Court p ~ 25% 9 y so% Project Dwy Eagle Drive & f) Tiger Run Court/ Project Dwy 9 y 25% Grey Hawk Ct 0 Eagle Drive & Grey Hawk Court Palomar Airport Rd • o i------o 55%.A .g C: ~ f7i'\ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo \:!I & Palomar Airport Road Figure 2 Project-Peak Hour Personal Vehicle Trip Distribution 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad NOTTO SCALE LEGEND 0 Unsignalized Intersection @ Signalized Intersection Lionshead Ave ,.52% 7T Stop Controlled Approach ....a... .. Project Site Location -Distribution Center XX'l6 Turning Movement% xx" Distribution Proportion 0 Eagle Drive & Uonshead Avenue Tiger Run Court p ~52% 9,. 32% Project Dwy Eagle Drive & f) Tiger Run Court/ Project Dwy 9 ,. 16% Grey Hawk Ct 8 Eagle Drive & Grey Hawk Court ~19% Palomar Airport Rd • ------1oi------o 29%~ .g C: ~ 0 ~ IA'\ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo \::,J & Palomar Airport Road Figure 3 Project Peak Hour Van Trip Distribution 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad NOTTO SCALE LEGEND 0 Unslgnalized Intersection ~22/0 @ Signalized Intersection -er Lionshead Ave --0-Stop Controlled Approach ...a... .. Project Site Location .. ~ .,, -Distribution Center > N ~ ·c: N 0 C, C, XXhO< Turning Movement (AM/PM) 28/0~ ! 0 Eagle Drive & Lionshead Avenue Tiger Run Court p ~0/40 9 ,. 0/80 Project Dwy g 0 Eagle Drive & f) Tiger Run Court/ Project Owy 9 ~ 0/40 Grey Hawk Ct C, Eagle Drive & Grey Hawk Court .. > ~40/0 ·c: ~ N 0 .. 0 ~ ! ~ ~ Palomar Airport Rd • --~----10 1----- 111/0 .A .g s ;;; > 0 51 ;:_ Iii\ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo \::!J & Palomar Airport Road Figure 4 Project Peak Hour Personal Vehicle Trip Assignment 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LEGEND 0 Unsignallzed Intersection @ Signalized Intersection Uonshead Ave y om ,:r Stop Controlled Approach _o_ .. Project Site Location -Distribution Center xx/xx Turning Movement (AM/PM) 8 Eagle Drive & Lionshead Avenue Tiger Run Court p ~ 75/0 9 y 47/0 Project Dwy Eagle Drive & f) Tiger Run Court/ Project Dwy 9 y 23/0 Grey Hawk Ct C, Eagle Drive & Grey Hawk Court ~0/29 Palomar Airport Rd ~ ._ ___ _ 0 0/44..A .g .5 ;;; > 0 il( ,. 0. t;i'\ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo ~ & Palomar Airport Road Figure 5 Project Peak Hour Van Trip Assignment 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad , LEGEND 0 Unsignallzed Intersection @ Signalized Intersection -,:,-Stop Controlled Approach .. Project Site Location -Distribution Center ,x/xx Turning Movement (AM/PM) xx-Directional Daily Project Trips y-W79 UOnshead Ave 7r Tiger Run Court ....0.. "' ,-.. C> U"I p ~ 75/40 y-47/80 Project Owy ~ 40/49 Y° 23/40 ~ Grev Hawk Court Palomar Airport Road ~----- ll l /44 ,A 0 Eagle Drive & lionshead Ave A Eagle Drive & V' Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway O Eagle Drive & Grey Hawk court © Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo & Palomar Airport Road Figure 6 Total Project Peak Hour Trip Assignments (Personal Vehicle+ Van Trips) & Daily Project Trips ( ( , 2.4 Signalized and Unsignalized Intersection Analysis In accordance with page 9 and page 21 of the City's TIA guidelines, the following study area intersections will be analyzed: Study Area Intersections • Eagle Drive and Lionshead Avenue -Unsignalized • Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway-Unsignalized • Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo and Palomar Airport Road -Signalized Four intersections were considered for analysis the three intersections mentioned above and Eagle Drive at Grey Hawk Court, but only three meet the criteria for evaluation. The intersection analyses will conform with section 7.1 and section 7.2 of the City's TIA guidelines. The unsignalized intersections will be subject to signal warrant analyses and MUTCD-CA methodology will be applied. The signalized intersection will be subject to a queue and storage analysis based on the following criteria: • Left turn queue assessment: Compare the left turn volume with the length of the left turn pocket(s). A general rule of thumb of one foot per left turning vehicle per lane may be used for this analysis. • Left turn volume: If the left turn volume exceeds 250 vehicles per hour, a second left turn lane is recommended. • Right turn volume: If the right turn volume exceeds 150 vehicles per hour, a dedicated right turn lane is recommended. STC will also carry out turn lane analysis for all turning movements on all approaches, subject to vehicular level of service for the project peak hours (09:30 AM to 10:30 AM and 08:00 PM to 09:00 PM). Study Area Roadway Segments Roadway segments should be included in the study area when the segment has an increase in project traffic equal to SO or more peak-hour trips in either direction of travel. Table 1 shows that there will be no peak hour project trips and therefore evaluation of roadway segments is not required. 2.5 Study Area Map Figure 2 shows the proposed study area which consists of the intersections listed in Section 2.4. 2.6 Signal Warrant Analysis Two signal warrant analyses will be carried out at the following unsignalized intersections: • Eagle Drive and Lionshead Avenue • Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway 2.7 Non-Peak Hour Roadway Segment Analysis Level of service project peak hour roadway segment analysis is required where 50 or more project trips are added to a segment in a single direction of travel. The roadway segment analysis will be carried out at the following segments: • Eagle Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Lionshead Road • lionshead Avenue between Eagle Drive and Business Park Drive 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TDM & VMT Scoping Memo 12 I ( ( • Palomar Airport Road between Melrose Drive and City limits The segment analysis will make reference to the City of Carlsbad Service Volume Tobie Report (June 2020) to inform the level of service thresholds and roadway segment capacity. Volumes on Palomar Airport Road will be measured at each segment and averaged for comparison to the corridor capacity. Where appropriate the analysis will also refer to the Street Segment Facility Performance Measures Approach Technical Review (November 2019). 2.8 Analysis Scenarios Existing Conditions Analysis is the required scenario for a Level Ill TIA. Study area traffic counts will be collected on a neutral day (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday). Study area roadway conditions, speed limit signs and intersection geometry/ traffic controls will be identified. The location and types of bicycle and pedestrian facilities within the study area will also be included. Findings of the field assessment and data collection will be summarized in graphic form for the report. The traffic count data will be used to derive the existing conditions analysis and project trips will be added to the existing conditions to derive the existing plus project conditions. 2.9 Other Jurisdictional Impacts As previously explained there will be no peak hour project impact on the surrounding road network. Figure 6 shows that 328 daily project trips will be distributed on Business Park Drive. This is located within the City of Vista. Draft Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines state that intersection analysis is at the discretion of the City of Vista Traffic Engineer. Correspondence with the City of Vista Traffic Engineer shown in Attachment E explains that trips within the City of Vista do not need to be evaluated as they would have been evaluated with the distribution center on Business Park Drive. 3. VMT ANALYSIS As applicable based on the Carlsbad Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis Guidelines (September lS, 2020) Section 3.3.5 Industrial Projects-states that the ITE Trip Generation manual can be used as a guide in determining which projects are industrial versus other land use types. Pert he definition of Warehousing (including high-cube warehouses, parcel hubs, fulfillment centers, and cold storage warehouses) which this project is proposed to be used as an auto storage lot. Therefore, this project would qualify to fall under the land use category of industrial use and use the designated thresholds of significance for this type of land development project. The project will generate less than 2,400 ADT. As addressed in scoping discussions, STC will use SANDAG SB 743 VMT/employee maps and 2016 data for the relevant traffic analysis zone or census tract to derive the project VMT and determine if there will be a potentially significant impact. The findings will be presented in a technical memo under a separate cover. 4. PRELIMINARY TOM PLAN The City's Transportation Demand Management Handbook (August 2019) requires a "Tier 3" TOM Plan for projects that generate more than 24S daily trips. The TOM Plan will be organized into the following four sections: 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TDM & VMT Scoping Memo 13 , 1. ' • Existing Conditions and TDM Context • Infrastructure TOM Selections • Non-Infrastructure TDM Selections • Monitoring and Implementation The TDM Plan will comply with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Mobility Element and with the City's TDM Ordinance. 18 points of TOM strategies will be required for this project. Details on the infrastructure and non-infrastructure strategies that will be implemented by the project will be provided in the TOM Plan. During scoping discussions with City staff on October 5, 2020 concern was raised that a transit shelter for use in conjunction with the Carlsbad Connector may not be appropriate as services have been suspended or reduced during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, STC understands that the shelter could still be utilized by employees waiting to be picked up, for ride-sharing services and taxi services such as Uber or Lyft. It is a pleasure to provide this LMA scoping memo to the City of Carlsbad. We are happy to discuss our findings and recommendations further to support your review. Please feel free to contact me or Phil by phone or email. Sincerely, STC Traffic David DiPierro, TE Attachments: • Attachment A Scoping Agreement Form • Attachment B Raw Trip Generation Data • Attachment C 75% Utilization Trip Generation • Attachment D Carlsbad Oaks North Local Facilities Management Plan Traffic Study Distribution • Attachment E Correspondence with City of Vista Traffic Engineer 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo 14 ( ' \ Attachment A Scoping Agreement Form 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo \ April 2018 ATTACHMENT A SCOPING AGREEMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPACT STUDY Thls letter acknowledges the City of Carlsbad Traffic Engineering Division requirements for the transportation impact analysis of the following project. The analysis must follow the latest City of Carlsbad Transportalon Impact Study Guidelines dated September 2017. Case No. Project Name: Amazon Parking Lot@ 5980 Eagle Drive Project Locat!on: 5980 Eagle Drive Project Description: Vehicle Storage Facility Related Cases - SP No. EIRNo. ------------------------------- GPA No. ______________________________ _ CZ No. Name: Consultant STC Traffic Inc Address: 5865 Avenida Encinas, Suite 142-B, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone: (760) 602-4290 Developer Greystar 444South Cedros Ave, Suite 172, Solana Beach, CA 92075 {858) 914-2123 A. Trip Generation Source:...::'"c'c"c"'-'oC,c'c"Pc;o'c'------------------- Extended Land Use _________ _ Extended Zoning Proposed land Use Parking lot for delivery service vans Proposed Zoning Ancillary/ Accessory for industrial use Total Daily Trips Forcast Daily Trips 09024_;__ _________ _ (Attach a trip generation table. OMcrlbf! Trip Reduction Factors proposed and Included In the trip generation table.) e. Trip Distribution: D Select Zone (Model Series __ ) (Provide exhibit for detailed trip dlstnbutlon and assignment.) See attached memo C. Background Traffic Phased Project D No 0 Yes Phases: _______________ _ Please contact the Enqlneerlng Devision or use the most recently provided data Model/ForcastMethodology: _________________________ _ 35 I Page ( \ \ ( City of _ _.T-"R'-'ANc,cSc_P.:cDc,RT-"A-"T-"10_,N_...,IM"P-'-A"'CT'---'-'ANc,cA_cLc_YS_,l_,_S --_G--_UlccD_ecEL,clN"'E"S'----------------Carlsbad ( l ; ' O , o , ,, D. Study Intersections: (NOTE: Subject to revision after other projects, trip generation and di5tr!butlon are determined, or comments) 1. Eagle Drive and Lionshead Avenue 5. _________________ _ 2. Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/ Project Dwy 6. _________________ _ 3. Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo & Palomar Airport Rd 7. _________________ _ 4. ---------------··------------- E. Study Roadway Segments: (NOTE: Subject to revision after other projects, trip generation and d(stribution are determined, or comments) MMLOS Study Segment,/, Auto LOS Stucly Segmenb 1. Ea;t side of Eagle Drive from non hem property line to Palomar Alrpon Road S. Eagle Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Uonshud Ave 2. Grey Hawk ct from Eagle Orto Project Driveway 6. lions head Avenue between Eagle Drive and Bu>iness Pari,; Drive 3. North side of Palomar Airport Road west of Eagle Drive to tnm5il ,top 7. Palomar Airport Road between Melrose Drive and Business Park Drive 4. South side of Palomar Airport Road east of Eagle Drive to transit stop April 2018 F. Other Jurisdictional Impacts Is this project within any other Agency's Sphere of Influence or one-mile radiu5 of boundaries? Eil Yes D No If so, name of Jurisdiction, City of Vista ----'------------------ G. Site Plan (Attach a legible 11'X17' copy) H. Specific Issues to be adressed In the Study (in addition to the standard analysis described In the Guidelines) {To be filled out by Enslneerlng Devision) Recommended by: Consultant's Representative Oate Scoping Agreement Submitted on Oate Scoping Agreement Resubmitted on Oate Approved Scoping Agreement: City of Carlsbad Date Traffic Engineering Division 36 I Page ( Attachment B Raw Trip Generation Data , \ , \ 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo Personal Vehicles Vans Pers<>nal Vehicles Vans :::: :~ jl :E TifE -i 1.~~f-:01°b"!%"----iE ___ I T "f I --or--"f 01,10 0.00% 000% I 000% ! 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%-___ _.o___ o o o o o ~!:E f HE :::~ l ::: HE :: ::: : --: __ -_-J --~ ~ ~ 03 30 0 00% 0 00% 0 00% 0 00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 ----0 0 0 04 oo o oo~ 1-0_00% o 00% I o 00% 0.00% 0.00% o o o ______ o ____ o o o o o 04 30 0 00% 0 00% 0 00% 0 00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 --"---0 0 0 0 os·oo o 00% o 00% o 00% o 00% 0.00% 0.00% o o o o 0 ___ 00~ o o _ o os:30 0.00% o.00%-_ Oj0%--~ 0.00% o.00%:._,00.0000,~--~"~ o o ___ ,o,_ ___ o .. ---'"c__-__ 0o,_--j_--""-.j-"--+-+-----1 06:00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%-l-t--"OC.Oc0%--_+-COC.00""%-__0.00o%-_ __ _o0 ___ 0 O O =::c"c==s",_-=-:=-="e::::::1=:JiO=l=1",:- 06:30 0.00% -···· 0}JO~ -~00% , _,o.,o,°'~+-'"-,",°'cc_co,.o,o,,~ --"~----""--o O ___ o o --""-+-""+-+-'"+--+-" __ 07,EO_ o.o0% o 00% 0.00% o.00% 0.00% 0.00% o ___ ,o._ __ o o :"-:==i"t===j";_ 0 0 e-c"'c'c'°"-+-'0.00% 0.00% __ SU)O% l--~,?0% O Q!lc•+-~",-,o°'=---'"~ -~""----""----o O o o _ O --~""------> e-s"'s's"c--s"s·"s°'a-+ 0.00% o.00% 0.00% 0.00% _ _,,,_,,,".._ ___ ,,__ ,, ___ ,,._ ___ o o o ------s"c--+--Jl-0 _ 08:30 o 00% 0.00% o.00% ~+-"c-","c'"-f-"=·00% 0.00% o o o o o o --""--a--""-+-o , +-----l 1------~_:_00 +c',·s'°'=+--""-,=~:-' G.l0% +...c0a"s"s'-+--c"c·"s°'~--0OO% ___ ,,,._ __ ,,._ __ ,,,, ____ ,, __ _-o_ O --2,'-+-s"--+---s'c'c--+' r"'=","--t _2s.20% o.00% 2s.20% 1 o.00%cc-1-c'c'c°'.._ _ 6.30% 101 o 10,, ___ ~o._ __ ,,,,_ n 101 21 134 f-''"'''""-+-',s.so% 0.00% 1s.s0% 0.00% 25 20% 2s.20% _,,,, __ ~o,_ __ ,,0,._ ___ ,,,_ __ ,rn,,c_ __ c"10_7_ 1s 101_+--s"s'+-+-+- f-,'"c','"-t-,"·,",°'--,-o.oo,,,_1-o,.,,0%=-1--0.00% 1_~~0% 18.50% __ o o ~ o===~"c:==j','===-";_ 78 78 f-,u,,,oo,_+-,""oo,•~-'"'"""''' __ o_.o,0%=++-"c-~00% 0.00% o_o_o~+-----""-o-_ __ _o_ ____ ,o ___ o o o o o _ _!_1,30 1-0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.1)(1% 0.00% 0.00% -~"----""'---"--=====i"t=====i"t====-="t=:::=:::e"=:+:=i"=l-:" 12,00 _ _,_ 0.00%cc+-c"c"c°'cc+c"c·'""="-, +--""'"'°'~+-'"""'°'"--'0.00% __ J) ___ ,o+-___ o o o o o o o __ 12:30 ' -~00_0% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 -•---0 0 ____ _o"_-_-_-_-_-_c,"c======•"c----,O ____ , ___ 0"-~ 13:00 ,,,,,°'=+--""''""=---""'""0%, 11011% 0.00% 0.00% --'""----"~----0 0 0 0 --~"---+--""-----0 f-_<~_4s~:s;s __ -+ s;:_::_-_7_--s:s:~s:s:s_-+r'~,:sc·s:,:.s,'s,-o---_-_c:,:~,:.,·~---~:,::=---":,:::m,~~--: ----:---c-_--,: 0=::_-__ jc:t=-=-::--c:~==j:====,:'==-=-t-~:-_-_-r"--_-,0:===r-+---_ 14:30 0.000,c-~"•·c"",'~+ o.o_~-+-+-""'"~°';.+s"c-"~"•''--'""''""''----""'-o o ~ __ _-o,_ ___ o"----o o o o 15:00 --000% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 --""---'"'---""'-0 0 0 ---- --- - 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CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SY. , , , ---. PROJECT SITE ~ 17. 37. r77--r,...,.-,...,....,,....,...~ PROJECT YEAR 2005 "WITH F AF.ADAY CONNECTION" ADJUSTMENTS DISTRIBUTION 3· 17. LEGEND @ Assumed Adjustment for the Fanday Connection Y~ar 2005 No See.le FIGURE !OB Attachment E Correspondence with City of Vista Traffic Engineer 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo ( , \ From: To: ec, Subject: Date: Hi Dave, Husam Hasenjn DaVICl DIPierro Philip Wragg RE: Amazon Distribution Center Thursday, November 12, 2020 11:56:05 AM Since the traffic impacts from the Amazon Distribution Center within the City of Vista would have been evaluated with the Amazon Distribution Center itself, you do not need to evaluate the trips within the City of Vista as part of the Carlsbad parking lot. Thanks I Sam Hasenin, P.E., T.E. Principal Engineer, Traffic Engineering 200 Civic Center Drive Vista, CA 92084 (760) 643-5411 hh a sen i n@cityofvista.com From: David DiPierro <dave.dipierro@STCTraffic.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 10:57 AM To: Husam Hasenin <hhasenin@ci.vista.ca.us> Cc: Philip Wragg <Philip.Wragg@STCTraffic.com> Subject: Amazon Distribution Center Hi Sam- We are currently involved in writing up a TIA study for a van storage lot in the City of Carlsbad. The vans will drive over to Business Park Drive in the City of Vista to load up there vans during non-peak hours (9:30-10:30 AM inbound and 8-9 PM outbound). Based on our trip distribution we are assuming that no more then 164 trips would use Business Park Drive during either of these non-peak hours. Based on your City guidelines I do not see that we are required to study any road segments or intersections that fall within your jurisdiction, but wanted to make sure I double-checked with you first before moving ahead on the project If you would please verify would be much appreciated. Thanks David DiPierro STC Traffic, Inc. (760) 585-7756 da·,1 d .d I p1erro@stctrafflc.com ( Appendix B: City of Carlsbad Roadway Service Volume Tables 5980 Easle Drive, Carlsbad Level Ill Transportation Impact Analysis ( \ (_ City of _c:RDe,Ac,De.,W:,:A:"Y"Cc:A,cPc,ACc,l.:_TY,_T'-'A"B"'LEc,S.__ ___________________ Carlsbad Table 1 • Roadway Capacity Table -Specific Corridors Roadway Peak Direction N'S Streets Limits Classification A B C D City Limits to Marron Road 6/35/0 .. .. •• . . Marron Road to Carlsbad Village Drive 6/35/0 .. '" 2070 2520 Carlsbad Village Drive to Tamarack Avenue 6/5S/D 1930 2850 2900 " Tamarack Avenue to Cannon Road 6/55/D .. •• HOO 2800 2/55/D -NB •• 1060 1860 " Cannon Road to College Boulevard ___ ,_,, 3/55/0 -SB •• 2150 2900 " College Boulevard to Palomar A, rport Road 6/55/D 2'0 2750 2940 " El Camino Real .. Palomar Airport Road to Cilmino Vida Roble 6/55/0 •• lBO 2510 2/55/D -NB .. "' 2020 2100 Camino Vida Roble to Poinsettia lane .. 3/55/0 -SB 1470 2820 2900 Po, nsettia lane to Aviara Parkway•Alsa Road 6/55/D .. .. 2100 2820 3/55/D -NB .. 1390 2580 " Aviara Parkway-Alga Road to La Costa Avenue ---- 2/55/D • SB .. 800 1920 " La Costa Avenue to Leucadia Boulevard 6/55/D .. .. 1880 2820 City Limits to Carlsbad Villoge Drive 4/4S/D .. .. '" 1680 Carlsbad Village Drive to Cannon Road 4/4S/D •• .. 1D40 1760 College Boulevard El Camino Real to Aston Avenue 4/SO/D .. .. ;so 1440 2/50/D -NS 880 1680 " " Aston Avenue to Palomar Airport Road 2/50/D -S8 80 '" 1040 " Aviara Parkway Palomar Ai port Road to Poi nsettIa Lane 4/45/D .. .. • • 1130 4/55/D -NB .. •• 1710 2740 City Limits to Palomar Airport Road 3/55/D -SB .. •• .. ,ao Mel rose Drive Palomar Al rport Road to Poinsettia Lane 6/55/D .. "' 2720 2880 Poinsettia L.;neto Rancho Santa Fe Road 6/SS/D .. .. 1400 2100 City LI mits to Camino Junipero 6/55/D •• 2520 3160 " Camino Junipero to La Costa Avenue 6/SS/D .. 1400 2660 2700 Rancho Santa Fe Road La Costa Avenue to Cal le Barcelona 6/50/D •• 460 2410 2480 Calle Barcelona to Olivenhain Road 6/50/D •• S40 2810 3040 Roadway Peak Direction E11•1 Streets Limits Classification A B C D Avenida Encinas to Paseo del Norte 4/35/0 .. •• .. BO Paseo del Norte to Car Country 4/SO/D .. ;so 1630 1770 Car Country to Legoland Dnve 4/50/D .. 1170 1660 1700 Cannon Road Legoland Drive to Faraday Avenue 4/50/0 .. "' 1280 1320 Faraday Avenue to El Camino Real 4/SO/O •• •• 1280 1620 El Cami no Real to College Boulevard 4/SO/D •• .. ,so 1310 Van Allen Way to El Camino Real 4/40/D .. .. '" 1400 Faraday Avenue El Camino Real to MelroseOrive 4/50/D .. .. 1370 1640 Carlsbad Boulevard to Avenida Encinas 2/35/U .. s,o '" " 3/35/D -rn .. .. .. .. Avenida Encinas to Paseo del Norte 2/35/D -w, .. .. .. .. 3/45/0 -rn .. .. 1640 2660 Paseo del Norte to Armada .. .. 4/45/0 • WB 2250 3570 Palomar Airport Rood Armado toAviara Parkway 6/55/0 .. '50 2760 2940 Avia ra Parkway to Camino Vida Roble 6/S5/D 440 2720 2900 " Camino Vida Roble to El Cami no Real 6/55/D •• '" 2140 " El Camino Real to El Fuerte 6/55/0 .. 1290 2830 2900 El Fuerteto MelroseOrive 6/55/0 •• 1230 2860 2940 Melrose Drive to Cit\/ Limits 6/55/0 .. ,40 2590 2900 Avenida Encinas to Paseo del Norte 4/35/D .. .. .. '80 Poinsettia Lane Paseo del Norte to Aviara Parkway 4/S0/D .. .. 1330 1770 L.; Costa Avenue Piraeus Street to El Camino Real 4/SS/D .. 1450 1700 " •• lnd,cates LO> cannot be achieved during peak hou, .I• g., signal ,pacing,, too clo<e to a chie.e smooth traffic fiow, even at low volumes I- ll# lnd,cates the capacily 1umps to LOS F because intersection capacit,es have bee 1 reached, (i e., travel speeds qu,ckly degrade to LO> F) February 2019 E 1400 " " " " ----- " " 2S80 " " 2900 " " 2880 1770 1800 1810 " " 1630 2830 1630 " " " " " " E 1320 1800 " " " 1690 1680 " " ,so SSC 2740 3680 " " " " " " 1190 1840 " 6 I Page r-\... (.,.1 of _:cRO"'Ac,De.,WccAc_Y'-'C'"'A"-P-"A"Clc_TY,_T-'-'A°'B"'L"'ES'-----------------------------------Carlsbad Table 2: Roadway Capacity Table -Generalized Data Segment Capacity Threshold for Arterial streets Segment Capacity Threshold for Industrial Streets Hourly Volume in Peak Direction Hourly Volume in Peak Direction Speed _, Lanes Limit _,., B C D ' Lanes Limit Median B C D ' 35 Undivided •• ,so 590 740 ' Divided •• 35 '90 630 780 25 Undivided •• HO 450 560 25 Divided •• "' 6,0 720 35 Divided •• 520 1390 ,,.o " ....... .. 600 '560 '760 2 Divided •• 50 650 1690 1820 3S Undivided .. ''° ,., 740 1 •• 35 Divided ,so 6'0 7BO 40 UndiV1ded •• 2'6 706 "' 55 Divided •• 1050 '600 "'' 40 Divided •• 22, 756 '" 35 D,vided •• 680 2230 25'0 " Divided •• 2<>40 2660 2700 ' Divided .. 50 2'60 2760 2800 55 Divided '"' 2600 2870 2,00 ' " Divided •• 2780 '560 3620 Hourly Volume in Both Direction ' o umein Hou lyV I • ' B th Di ecti "" Speed ,..,, Lanes Limit Median B C D ' ...... Limit Median B C D ' 35 Undivided .. S<O 1100 1380 2 Divided •• 35 '60 1170 "50 25 Undivided .. 200 BOO 990 25 Divided .. 250 1080 1270 35 □i>1ided •• '70 25'0 2860 " Divided •• 1120 2890 '260 ' •• 50 Divided '580 S,30 S,80 35 Undivided •• "' 1100 BBO 2 35 Divided .. '60 1170 ""' 40 Undivided •• 40. 1320 "56 55 DiVlded •• 1950 ,,.o ,soo 40 Divided •• '32 ''°" '740 5 55 DIVlded •• 3395 '"' 4455 35 Divided •• '260 4130 4720 6 50 Divided .. '380 5120 5180 55 Divided 7'0 ,.,o 5320 5'60 7 " Divided •• '"'' 5785 5878 Annual Aver.., Daily Trllffic Annual Al/erase Deily Traffic Speed -""'~ Limit ""''" B C D ' ...... Limit Median B C D ' 35 Undivided •• 4200 13700 17200 2 ..... •• 35 4'00 14600 18100 25 Undivided •• 2200 ,.,, uooo 25 Divided •• 2800 12000 ,..,oo 35 Divided .. 12100 32200 """" " Divided •• "900 36200 40B00 ' Divided •• 50 19700 39200 42200 " Undivided .. '200 13700 17200 2 " Divided •• 14600 4'00 18100 40 Undivided •• 5040 '64'0 "'"" 55 Divided .. 24'00 41700 43&00 '° Divided •• 52BO 17520 21no 35 Divided •• 15800 51700 59000 6 50 Divided •• 5,'700 """" """" 55 Divided 9100 60200 66500 67000 February 2019 7 I Page \ Appendix C: User Daily Trip Profile -Raw Data 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Level Ill Transportation Impact Analysis Vans Personal Vehicles Vans ·-____ , Total f Van ADT In Out Total In Out To!al In Out To!al In Out , Total I 424 ~:~:----~-~~~--~ ~~: -----~ ---~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:: 1:-,T 1 :,---~r· ---0.00% 0.00% 0.00% o _____ ,o ___ o o o o u u 0.00% 0 00% 0 00% 0 0 __ _,,,_ ___ --0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---------0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% O o o O 00,_ ___ !) __ _ 000% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----0,00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ------~----1---- 0,00% , 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% o o o o o o ·-o--f--o·---: o 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% o o o o -'"'---,o,_ ____ oo__ "--+-""'----+---> 06:00+_00.0000•-,-a"s"ao_¾ _, o.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% ___ ,o,_ __ 00,_ __ ,o,___ o o _co,_ ___ 00,_--4 __ 0 ____ o __ --t-----i 06:30 o.oo~_ 0.00% o,~0% t o.,00%=-+-'"""'0%~-'''''''''------q· ___ ,o ___ ,o,_ ___ ,o o , o o o o 01,00 0.00% 1-s"s"s"s'-t-'">·'s'o''--'--0.00% 0.00% 0.00% o o __ _,,,_ ____ ,,,_ __ o o o __ +-s'-+-c''---+ _ t-c'c",~._ __ 0.00% 0.00% 000% o.oo~--0.00% _000.o,0%=---'''----"''----o ___ _,o,_ __ ~o ___ o, o ''-+-''-++--- os,oo ' 0.00% 0.00% 000% -l-+-''s·'s's'--''<-'<0%"_· 0.00%-_ __ _,o,_ ___ o,,_ __ _,,o ____ ,o ___ ,o ___ ,o,_ ___ o o o t-,o,,,,,,o-+_,o,.,,0%=+ o.00% 0.00% o 00% 0.1)()% o.00% o o o o :==t'===t'====i't:__;_' 0 -""'>°"'--t-S's's0%=-+-'''"""=-6.30% o oo0,_-'o0.o0o,,,__,o,°""cc: u ___ ,o __ _,,,,,_ ___ ,o _ o o 21 o n 09:3D 2s.20% 0.00% 2s.20% 000% 6.30% 6.30% 10? 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LEGEND Assumed Adjustment for the Faraday Co11nection Ycat 2005 No Scale FIGURE !OB \ Appendix F: Traffic Count Data ( 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Level Ill Transportation Impact Analysis Table for Appendix F Traffic Count Data References Date Reference Acquired Analysis By • TMC 11/10/2020 20-04-0224-001 NDS STC LOS Analysis for Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo Eagle Drive and Palomar Airport Road 4/28-and Palomar Airport Road Signalized Eagle Drive bet. Lionshead Ave ADT 4/30/2020 CA20_4090_093 NOS City intersection and Palomar Airport Road LOS Analysis for Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo Palomar Airport Rd bet. Paseo ADT 3/20/2019 CA19_4085_042 NOS STC and Palomar Airport Road Signalized Valindo/ Eagle Drive and East City intersection Limit AND ADT 5/1/2019 CA19_ 4201_032 NOS STC Roadway Segment LOS for Palomar Airport #5072 Palomar Airport Road bet. Road facility bet. Melrose Drive and City Melrose Drive and Eagle Drive Limit s ADT 11/10/2020 CA20_040226_002 NOS STC Signal Warrant Analysis for Eagle Drive and West of Eagle Drive Lionshead Avenue AND ADT 11/10/2020 CA20_040226_003 NOS STC Roadway Segment LOS for Lionshead East of Eagle Drive Avenue (Average) Signal Warrant Analysis for Eagle Drive and Lionshead Avenue Eagle Drive bet Tiger Run Court ADT 10/20/2020 CA20_ 40210_001 '' NOS STC AND Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/ Project and Grey Hawk Court Driveway ADT 11/10/2020 CA20_040226_001 NOS STC Signal Warrant Analysis for Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court west of Eagle Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway Drive ADT 10/20/2020 CA20_40210_002 NOS STC Roadway Segment LOS for Eagle Drive Eagle Drive bet. Palomar Airport Road and Grey Hawk Court TMC 11/10/2020 20-040224-004 NOS STC Eagle Drive and Lionshead Ave 11/10/2020 20-040224-003 NOS STC Figure 5-2 (for information only) Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court TMC • ADT"' Average Daily Trips TMC = Turning Movement Counts Higher than City Counts Ref CA20_ 4090_093 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Level Ill Transportation Impact Analysis Extracts from 2019/2020 Growth Management Plan Monitoring Report ... _ l!lSI<> SI l:iO s,o 7~ " C !,e, C !.11:t\:l'>oodA...,,,,. .WW •,a 110 sso 7o6G u C a! C lrdl.,AA~ La("• o,,., co,•-l,128 •~•oao 1/WIJ $& t11:l SiO 7.0 " C ,0 C - U!lmllelrt: l.'e'.r<l:e i!:l'tff 10 Cit, l/5Q/\I ~ m 15' "' 11i C !D C •,OS., tncM~ Aytrr..,e -~ 1/!iON W!I m m; 916 l6S C :m C !tr-. 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Level Ill Transportation Impact Analysis Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Eagle Dr & Palomar Airport Rd Peak Hour Turning Movement Count ID: 20-040224-001 City: Carlsbad Day: Tuesday Date: 11/10/2020 (I) IX ::, 0 ::c :.:: ~ ll. "C 0:::: t: 0 C. .... ci 09:30 AM -10:30 AM AM 32 9 14 0 NONE NOON O O O 0 08:00 PM -09:00 PM PM 16 9 13 0 AM NOON PM 0 1 1 0 848 0 264 ¢::i 3 o 2 .!)o 36 o 5 .,,J1 719 0 399 _. 3 73 0 770 PM 0.84 9 AM 09:30 AM -10:30 AM NOON NONE PM 08:00 PM -09:00 PM PM NOON AM 1 t. 2 0 23 3 ... 245 0 804 1 ' 36 0 48 0 (. 0 3 ¢ 439 0 812 15 0 13 ,. 0 0 1 0.5 0.5 AM NOON PM PM NOON AM 0 0 C z -I -0 m :0 5 C u, Total Vehicles (AM) PM 58 0 2 26 PM Total Vehicles (AM) NOON 0 0 AM 72 0 Total Vehicles (PM) 0 Q Q NOON 9 14 76 AM ..... .,, q,4' 0 l -..,, o ~ I ., 0 #N/ PM • Q NOON #N/ AM #N/ AM t Q NOON #N/ PM ~r;:--1 ~~ l .;I' ~ / ~ ~ Total Vehicles (NOON) Total Vehicles (PM) T urning Movement Proportions Eagle Dr & Palomar Airport Rd Peak Hour Turning Movement Count ID: 20-040224-001 Day: Tuesday City: Carlsbad Date: 11/10/2020 0 "' 09:30 AM -10:30 AM AM 58% 16% 26% 0% AM #VALUE! 0 ~ C: j z 0 ... ::r:: NONE NOON NOON NONE .., i,: m < ;o w 08:00 PM -09:00 PM PM 42% 24% 34% 0% PM #VALUE! 0 0. C "' AM NOON PM ., .. '+ \# PM NOON AM 0 1 1 0 1 t. 1% 3% "C "ti ex: IIJ t: 3 .. 86% 92% 0 0 3 Q. 0% 0.5% 0 1 ,. 13% 5% IIJ ... -, < )> ... 5% 1% 1 0 C'" 0% 0% :;· ra "C E 0 0 93% 95% 3 ;:i. «i ::0 Cl. 2% 3% 0 0. 0 1 0.5 0.5 AM NOON PM ~ ~ t ,. PM NOON AM Total Vehicles (AM) PM 0% 3% 7% 90% PM Total Vehicles (AM) _J L NOON NOON _J L 7 I 7 I Total Vehicles (NOON) Total Vehicles (NOON) _J L Pedestrians (Crosswalks) _J L 7 I _J L 7 I Total Vehicles (PM) Total Vehicles (PM) _J L 7 _J L ---, COVID-19 Adjusted Volumes Eagle Dr & Palomar Airport Rd Peak Hour Turning Movement Count ID: 20-040224-001 Day: Tuesday City: Carlsbad Date: 11/10/2020 0 "' 09:30 AM -10:30 AM AM 32 9 14 0 AM #VALUE! 0 a:: C ::, z 0 -i :J: NONE NOON NOON NONE -u :.: m ~ ;Q 08:00 PM -09:00 PM PM 16 9 13 0 PM #VALUE! 0 ... C (/) AM NOON PM ~ .. '+ l.t PM NOON AM 0 1 1 0 1 t. 3 29 "C "1J 0:: Ill t: 3 ~ 411 1026 0 0 3 Q. 3 3 0 1 ' 60 61 Ill ... ., <( ~ ... 36 7 1 0 ~ 2 4 ., Ill "C E 0 0 727 531 3 ::i. iii ;:u a. 16 17 0 Q. 0 1 0.5 0.5 AM NOON PM "" .. t ,. PM NOON AM Total Vehicles (AM) PM 0 2 26 PM Total Vehicles (AM) _J L NOON NOON _J L 7 I 7 I Total Vehicles (NOON) Total Vehicles (NOON) _J L Pedestrians (Crosswalks) _J L 7 I _J L 7 I Total Vehicles (PM) Total Vehicles (PM) _J L 7 _J L Day: Tuesday Date: 4/28/2020 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services VOLUME Eagle Dr Bet. Lionshead Ave & Palomar Airport Rd City: Carlsbad Project#: CA20_ 4090_093 DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL PM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL 00:00 0 2 2 12:00 23 16 39 00:15 1 1 2 12:15 17 19 36 00:30 0 0 0 12:30 19 2 21 00:45 1 2 0 3 1 5 12:45 19 78 12 49 31 127 01:00 0 1 1 13:00 8 15 23 01:1S 0 0 0 13:15 14 12 26 01:30 0 0 0 13:30 12 18 30 01:45 0 0 1 0 1 13:4S 7 41 12 57 19 98 02:00 0 0 0 14:00 16 13 29 02:15 2 0 2 14:15 18 10 28 02:30 0 1 l 14:30 15 10 25 02:45 0 2 0 l 0 3 14:4S 15 64 18 51 33 115 03:00 0 0 0 1S:00 16 13 29 03:15 0 0 0 15:1S 13 7 20 03:30 0 0 0 15:30 13 21 34 03:45 0 0 0 15:45 10 52 14 55 24 107 04:00 0 0 0 16:00 13 19 32 04:15 0 1 1 16:1S 12 16 28 04:30 0 0 0 16:30 14 21 35 04:45 0 1 2 1 2 16:45 11 so 14 70 25 120 05:00 1 0 1 17:00 4 15 19 05:1S 2 0 2 17:15 9 6 15 05:30 0 1 l 17:30 5 10 15 05:45 6 9 1 2 7 11 17:45 4 22 12 43 16 65 06:00 3 2 5 18:00 5 8 13 06:1S s 2 7 18:15 2 8 10 06:30 11 6 17 18:30 2 14 16 06:45 8 27 3 13 11 40 18:45 5 14 7 37 12 51 07:00 7 5 12 19:00 4 4 8 07:15 11 3 14 19:15 4 7 11 07:30 13 6 19 19:30 2 6 8 07:45 13 44 12 26 25 70 19:45 2 12 6 23 8 35 08:00 9 3 12 20:00 0 3 3 08:1S 9 2 11 20:15 1 1 2 08:30 7 8 15 20:30 3 1 4 08:45 10 35 5 18 15 53 20:45 0 4 2 7 2 11 09:00 5 9 14 21:00 2 4 6 09:15 14 5 19 21:15 0 1 1 09:30 16 4 20 21:30 1 0 1 09:45 11 46 11 29 22 75 21:45 1 4 0 s 1 9 10:00 22 8 30 22:00 2 0 2 10:15 17 9 26 22:15 1 0 1 10:30 11 3 14 22:30 0 1 1 10:45 5 55 15 35 20 90 22:45 0 3 1 2 1 5 11:00 14 7 21 23:00 0 0 0 11:15 13 11 24 23:15 0 0 0 11:30 14 8 22 23:30 0 1 1 11:45 15 56 9 35 24 91 23:45 1 1 1 2 2 3 TOTALS 276 165 441 TOTALS 345 401 746 SPLIT% 62.6% 37.4% 37.2% SPLIT% 46.2% 53.8% 62.8% DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Peak Hour 11:45 11:30 11:30 PM Peak Hour 12:00 15:30 12:00 AM Pk Volume 74 52 121 PM Pk Volume 78 70 127 Pk Hr Fador 0.804 0.684 0.776 PkHrFador 0.848 0.833 0.814 7-9Volume 79 44 123 4 •6Volume 72 113 185 7 -9 Peak Hour 07:15 07:00 07:00 4 • 6 Peak Hour 16:00 16:00 16:00 7 • 9 Pk Volume 46 26 70 4-6 Pk Volume 50 70 120 Pk Hr Fador 0.885 0.542 0.700 Pk Hr Factor 0.893 0.833 0.857 Day: Wednesday Date: 4/29/2020 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Service, VOLUME Eagle Dr Bet. Lionshead Ave & Palomar Airport Rd City: Carlsbad Project#: CA20_ 4090_093 DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL PM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL 00:00 0 2 2 12:00 27 10 37 00:15 0 0 0 12:15 17 15 32 00:30 0 0 0 12:30 13 10 23 00:45 0 0 2 0 2 12:45 9 66 12 47 21 113 01:00 1 0 1 13:00 23 11 34 01:15 0 0 0 13:15 17 12 29 01:30 0 1 1 13:30 12 15 27 01:45 0 1 1 2 1 3 13:45 13 65 8 46 21 111 02:00 1 0 1 14:00 22 10 32 02:15 1 0 1 14:15 14 14 28 02:30 1 0 1 14:30 11 23 34 02:45 0 3 0 0 3 14:45 17 64 13 60 30 124 03:00 0 0 0 15:00 13 7 20 03:15 0 1 1 15:15 11 14 2S 03:30 0 0 0 15:30 17 11 28 03:45 0 0 1 0 1 15:45 14 55 13 45 27 100 04:00 0 1 1 16:00 6 21 27 04:15 2 0 2 16:15 14 14 28 04:30 0 1 1 16:30 16 12 28 04:45 0 2 1 3 1 s 16:45 4 40 8 55 12 95 05:00 0 0 0 17:00 7 14 21 05:15 1 0 1 17:15 11 14 25 05:30 2 1 3 17:30 5 12 17 05:45 7 10 1 2 8 12 17:45 5 28 20 60 25 88 06:00 1 1 2 18:00 9 19 28 06:15 1 3 4 18:15 3 15 18 06:30 7 2 9 18:30 4 9 13 06:45 10 19 5 11 15 30 18:45 3 19 9 52 12 71 07:00 5 6 11 19:00 1 2 3 07:15 11 4 15 19:15 3 s 8 07:30 13 2 15 19:30 0 7 7 07:45 1S 44 9 21 24 65 19:45 1 5 2 16 3 21 08:00 6 8 14 20:00 1 7 8 08:15 13 7 20 20:15 2 0 2 08:30 14 8 22 20:30 3 2 5 08:45 11 44 8 31 19 75 20:45 0 6 4 13 4 19 09:00 16 16 32 21:00 1 0 1 09:15 14 5 19 21:15 2 1 3 09:30 13 10 23 21:30 0 0 0 09:45 12 55 14 45 26 100 21:45 1 4 1 2 2 6 10:00 14 9 23 22:00 0 0 0 10:15 13 6 19 22:15 0 0 0 10:30 12 8 20 22:30 0 0 0 10:45 17 56 13 36 30 92 22:45 0 1 1 1 1 11:00 23 15 38 23:00 0 0 0 11:15 12 20 32 23:15 0 0 0 11:30 21 16 37 23:30 1 1 2 11:45 20 76 17 68 37 144 23:45 0 1 1 2 1 3 TOTALS 310 222 532 TOTALS 353 399 752 SPLIT% 58.3% 41.7% 41.4% SPLIT% 46.9% 53.1% S8.6% DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Peak Hour 11:30 11:00 11:00 PM Peak Hour 12:00 17:30 14:00 AM Pk Volume 85 68 144 PM Pk Volume 66 66 124 Pk Hr Factor 0.787 0.850 0.947 Pk Hr Factor 0.611 0.825 0.912 7 -9Volume 88 52 140 4•6Volume 68 115 183 7 • 9 Peak Hour 07:45 07:45 07:45 4 • 6 Peak Hour 16:15 17:00 16:00 7. 9 Pk Volume 48 32 80 4-6 Pk Volume 41 60 95 Pk Hr factor 0.800 0.889 0.833 Pk Hr Factor 0.641 0.750 0.848 Day: Thursday Date: 4/30/2020 DAILY TOTALS AM Period NB SB 00:00 0 2 00:15 1 0 00:30 0 0 00:45 0 1 0 2 01:00 1 0 01:1S 0 0 01:30 0 0 01:45 0 1 0 02:00 1 1 02:15 0 0 02:30 0 0 02:45 1 2 0 1 03:00 0 0 03:15 0 0 03:30 0 0 03:45 0 0 04:00 0 0 04:15 3 1 04:30 0 0 04:45 1 4 0 1 05:00 1 0 05:15 2 0 05:30 2 0 05:45 4 9 2 2 06:00 2 1 06:15 4 3 06:30 9 2 06:4S 7 22 6 12 07:00 5 3 07:15 10 0 07:30 14 15 07:45 11 40 6 24 08:00 8 4 08:15 16 3 08:30 10 4 08:45 11 45 10 21 09:00 9 3 09:15 18 12 09:30 10 11 09:45 9 46 15 41 10:00 18 11 10:15 8 14 10:30 17 13 10:45 14 57 17 55 11:00 13 12 11:15 8 14 11:30 26 13 11:45 13 60 8 47 TOTALS 287 206 SPLIT% 58.2% 41.8% DAILY TOTALS AM Peak Hour 11:30 10:l.S AM Pk Volume 80 56 Pk Hr Factor 0.769 0.824 7 -9Volume 85 45 7 • 9 Peak Hour 07:30 07:30 7 -9 Pk Volume 49 28 Pk Hr Factor 0.766 0.467 EB Prepared by Nation.ii Data & SuNevlng Services VOLUME Eagle Dr Bet. Lionshead Ave & Palomar Airport Rd WB TOTAL PM Period NB SB 2 12:00 24 15 1 12:15 17 15 0 12:30 25 18 0 3 12:45 22 88 8 1 13:00 7 5 0 13:15 14 14 0 13:30 8 13 0 1 13:45 14 43 17 2 14:00 19 18 0 14:15 18 11 0 14:30 12 19 1 3 14:45 17 66 8 0 15:00 16 21 0 15:15 9 17 0 15:30 16 13 0 15:45 14 55 13 0 16:00 11 14 4 16:15 12 11 0 16:30 5 11 l 5 16:45 10 38 14 1 17:00 9 7 2 17:15 5 9 2 17:30 4 6 6 11 17:45 7 25 10 3 18:00 6 5 7 18:15 7 2 11 18:30 2 5 13 34 18:45 2 17 7 8 19:00 5 2 10 19:15 2 1 29 19:30 3 3 17 64 19:45 8 18 2 12 20:00 2 1 19 20:15 1 2 14 20:30 3 6 21 66 20:45 1 7 0 12 21:00 2 2 30 21:15 1 0 21 21:30 0 0 24 87 21:45 2 5 0 29 22:00 0 1 22 22:15 1 1 30 22:30 0 2 31 112 22:45 0 l 2 25 23:00 0 0 22 23:15 0 0 39 23:30 1 5 21 107 23:45 0 1 493 TOTALS 364 40.6% SPLIT% 50.6% 11:45 PM Peak Hour 12:00 135 PM Pk Volume 88 0.785 Pk Hr Factor 0.880 130 4-6Volume 63 07:30 4 • 6 Peak Hour 16:00 77 4 • 6 Pk Volume 38 0.664 Pk Hr Factor 0.792 City: Carlsbad Project#: CA20_ 4090_093 EB WB 56 49 56 64 50 32 19 8 9 2 6 5 356 49.4% 13:45 65 0.855 82 16:00 50 0.893 ~ TOTAL 39 32 43 30 144 12 28 21 31 92 37 29 31 25 122 37 26 29 27 119 25 23 16 24 88 16 14 10 17 57 11 9 7 9 36 7 3 6 10 26 3 3 9 1 16 4 1 0 2 7 1 2 2 2 7 0 0 6 0 6 720 59.4% ~ 12:00 144 0.837 145 16:00 88 0.880 Day: Wednesday Date: 3/20/2019 Prepared by NDS/ATD VOLUME Palomar Airport Rd Bet. Pa5eo Valindo/Eagle Dr & E City Limit City: Carlsbad Project#: CA19_ 4085_042 DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL PM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL 00:00 36 23 59 12:00 340 269 609 00:15 28 15 43 12:15 352 272 624 00:30 22 31 53 12:30 266 296 562 00:45 14 100 13 82 27 182 12:45 289 1247 322 1159 611 2406 01:00 18 8 26 13:00 304 300 604 01:15 10 8 18 13:15 268 291 559 01:30 18 8 26 13:30 299 276 575 01:45 5 51 6 30 11 81 13:45 284 1155 278 1145 562 2300 02:00 7 8 15 14:00 343 234 577 02:15 12 12 24 14:15 342 283 625 02:30 11 17 28 14:30 428 242 670 02:45 11 41 12 49 23 90 14:45 469 1582 285 1044 754 2626 03:00 10 12 22 15:00 428 285 713 03:15 9 14 23 15:15 470 269 739 03:30 12 22 34 15:30 442 307 749 03:45 10 41 32 80 42 121 15:45 452 1792 281 1142 733 2934 04:00 11 42 53 16:00 461 263 724 04:15 18 61 79 16:15 500 299 799 04:30 19 94 113 16:30 487 264 751 04:45 30 78 136 333 166 411 16:45 544 1992 281 1107 825 3099 05:00 41 110 151 17:00 520 266 786 05:15 38 142 180 17:15 536 289 825 05:30 48 247 295 17:30 432 252 684 05:45 49 176 329 828 378 1004 17:45 420 1908 274 1081 694 2989 06:00 56 234 290 18:00 378 199 577 06:15 76 248 324 18:15 343 223 566 06:30 143 344 487 18:30 311 165 476 06:45 148 423 373 1199 521 1622 18:45 274 1306 208 795 482 2101 07:00 152 386 538 19:00 231 172 403 07:15 212 395 607 19:15 218 167 385 07:30 284 406 690 19:30 188 167 355 07:45 264 912 440 1627 704 2539 19:45 210 847 129 635 339 1482 08:00 256 442 698 20:00 177 137 314 08:15 283 413 696 20:15 163 141 304 08:30 222 468 690 20:30 128 121 249 08:45 222 983 425 1748 647 2731 20:45 124 592 77 476 201 1068 09:00 217 325 542 21:00 114 101 215 09:15 221 365 586 21:1.5 128 74 202 09:30 213 299 512 21:30 99 73 172 09:45 228 879 289 1278 517 2157 21:45 85 426 63 311 148 737 10:00 228 240 468 22:00 82 57 139 10:15 233 292 525 22:15 77 46 123 10:30 253 278 531 22:30 82 58 140 10:45 247 961 251 1061 498 2022 22:45 57 298 36 197 93 495 11:00 268 313 581 23:00 74 23 97 11:15 287 244 531 23:15 54 37 91 11:30 284 307 591 23:30 71 18 89 11:45 307 1146 279 1143 586 2289 23:45 41 240 19 97 60 337 TOTALS 5791 9458 15249 TOTALS 13385 9189 22574 SPLIT % 38.0% 62.0% 40.3% SPLIT% 59.3% 40.7% 59.7% DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Peak Hour 11:30 07:45 07:30 PM Peak Hour 16:30 12:30 16:30 AM Pk Volume 1283 1763 2788 PM Pk Volume 2087 1209 3187 Pk Hr Factor 0.911 0.942 0.990 Pk Hr Factor 0.959 0.939 0.966 7-9Volume 1895 3375 5270 4 -6Volume 3900 2188 6088 7 • 9 Peak Hour 07:30 07:45 07:30 4-6 Peak Hour 16:30 16:15 16:30 7 • 9 Pk Volume 1087 1763 2788 4 • 6 Pk Volume 2087 1110 3187 Pk Hr Factor 0.957 0.942 0.990 Pk Hr Factor 0.959 0.928 0.966 Day: Wednesday Date: 5/1/2019 Pr~pared by NDS/ATD VOLUME #5072 Palomar Airport Rd Bet. Melrose Dr & City Limits City: Carlsbad Project#: CA19_ 4201_032 DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL PM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL 00:00 36 19 55 12:00 276 290 566 00:15 21 11 32 12:15 284 270 554 00:30 14 15 29 12:30 285 293 578 00:45 20 91 15 60 35 151 12:45 266 1111 305 1158 571 2269 01:00 54 10 64 13:00 274 270 544 01:15 10 9 19 13:15 289 297 586 01:30 14 9 23 13:30 317 271 588 01:45 10 88 9 37 19 125 13:45 277 1157 271 1109 548 2266 02:00 16 12 28 14:00 291 226 517 02:15 13 17 30 14:15 337 248 585 02:30 8 9 17 14:30 485 242 727 02:45 8 45 13 51 21 96 14:45 404 1517 252 968 656 2485 03:00 11 16 27 15:00 379 257 636 03:15 4 18 22 15:15 374 258 632 03:30 11 45 56 15:30 375 278 653 03:45 11 37 59 138 70 175 15:45 400 1528 222 1015 622 2543 04:00 14 36 50 16:00 441 284 725 04:15 12 51 63 16:15 441 278 719 04:30 27 93 120 16:30 437 295 732 04:45 38 91 144 324 182 415 16:45 471 1790 283 1140 754 2930 05:00 38 105 143 17:00 503 278 781 05:15 35 168 203 17:15 488 278 766 05:30 47 273 320 17:30 471 294 765 05:45 70 190 358 904 428 1094 17:45 386 1848 267 1117 653 2965 06:00 55 232 287 18:00 348 241 589 06:15 81 271 352 18:15 332 211 543 06:30 115 315 430 18:30 280 196 476 06:45 140 391 365 1183 sos 1574 18:45 246 1206 171 819 417 2025 07:00 149 364 513 19:00 221 150 371 07:15 183 377 560 19:15 234 172 406 07:30 211 383 594 19:30 182 160 342 07:45 229 772 384 1508 613 2280 19:45 199 836 127 609 326 1445 08:00 245 401 646 20:00 157 110 267 08:15 219 373 592 20:15 134 123 257 08:30 194 356 550 20:30 139 108 247 08:45 212 870 421 1551 633 2421 20:45 128 558 84 425 212 983 09:00 224 329 553 21:00 104 74 178 09:15 202 265 467 21:15 100 60 160 09:30 180 272 452 21:30 88 76 164 09:45 197 803 297 1163 494 1966 21:45 87 379 75 285 162 664 10:00 187 235 422 22:00 90 47 137 10:15 218 236 454 22:15 72 41 113 10:30 233 221 454 22:30 76 37 113 10:45 249 887 237 929 486 1816 22:45 66 304 30 155 96 459 11:00 261 233 494 23:00 75 26 101 11:15 231 254 485 23:15 38 21 59 11:30 260 277 537 23:30 42 14 56 11:45 289 1041 266 1030 555 2071 23:45 33 188 13 74 46 262 TOTALS 5306 8878 14184 TOTALS U422 8874 21296 SPLIT% 37.4% 62.6% 40.0% SPLIT% 58.3% 41.7% 60.0% DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Peak Hour 11:45 08:00 07:30 PM Peak Hour 16:45 12:30 16:45 AM Pk Volume 1134 1551 2445 PM Pk Volume 1933 1165 3066 Pk Hr Fa<tor 0.981 0.921 0.946 Pk Hr Fattor 0.961 0.955 0.981 7 •9Volume 1642 3059 4701 4 •6Volume 3638 2257 5895 7 • 9 Peak Hour 07:30 08:00 07:30 4 • 6 Peak Hour 16:45 16:00 16:45 7 • 9 Pk Volume 904 1551 2445 4 • 6 Pk Volume 1933 1140 3066 Pk Hr Fa<tor 0.922 0.921 0.946 Pk Hr Fae.tor 0.961 0.966 0.981 Day: Tuesday Date: 11/10/2020 Prepared by National Data & Surveying ~Mees VOLUME Lionshead Ave W/O Eagle Dr City: Carlsbad Project#: CA20_040226_002 DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL PM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL 00:00 1 3 4 12:00 47 70 117 00:15 1 6 7 12:15 57 55 112 00:30 0 1 1 12:30 67 57 124 00:45 1 3 7 17 8 20 12:45 66 237 46 228 112 465 01:00 3 4 7 13:00 51 52 103 01:15 1 2 3 13:15 49 56 105 01:30 2 2 4 13:30 52 71 123 01:45 0 6 1 9 1 15 13:45 52 204 44 223 96 427 02:00 0 4 4 14:00 39 48 87 02:15 1 4 5 14:15 53 49 102 02:30 1 0 1 14:30 55 47 102 02:45 0 2 3 11 3 13 14:45 62 209 64 208 126 417 03:00 1 0 1 15:00 65 57 122 03:15 0 3 3 15:15 60 63 123 03:30 1 3 4 15:30 69 84 153 03:45 0 2 6 12 6 14 15:45 76 270 71 275 147 545 04:00 2 4 6 16:00 61 92 153 04:15 4 1 5 16:15 67 72 139 04:30 3 3 6 16:30 63 79 142 04:45 9 18 10 18 19 36 16:45 72 263 72 315 144 578 05:00 15 4 19 17:00 92 84 176 05:15 13 1 14 17:15 55 74 129 05:30 30 14 44 17:30 46 52 98 05:45 53 111 25 44 78 155 17:45 42 235 51 261 93 496 06:00 28 21 49 18:00 27 44 71 06:15 26 24 so 18:15 22 31 53 06:30 26 27 53 18:30 23 32 55 06:45 66 146 36 108 102 254 18:45 23 95 19 126 42 221 07:00 51 33 84 19:00 13 39 S2 07:15 43 31 74 19:1S 11 16 27 07:30 58 54 112 19:30 11 15 26 07:45 73 225 66 184 139 409 19:45 13 48 14 84 27 132 08:00 56 35 91 20:00 10 23 33 08:15 49 46 95 20:15 17 9 26 08:30 46 48 94 20:30 6 12 18 08:45 61 212 30 159 91 371 20:45 7 40 6 so 13 90 09:00 48 39 87 21:00 3 10 13 09:15 51 44 95 21:15 5 7 12 09:30 54 36 90 21:30 4 7 11 09:45 50 203 45 164 95 367 21:45 6 18 3 27 9 45 10:00 34 37 71 22:00 2 6 8 10:15 56 42 98 22:15 5 0 5 10:30 37 42 79 22:30 4 2 6 10:45 43 170 32 153 75 323 22:45 5 16 5 13 10 29 11:00 48 51 99 23:00 7 2 9 11:15 50 60 110 23:15 1 1 2 11:30 53 49 102 23:30 0 5 5 11:45 37 188 52 212 89 400 23:45 1 9 3 11 4 20 TOTALS 1286 1091 2377 TOTALS 1644 1821 3465 SPLIT" 54.1% 45,9% 40.7" SPLIT" 47.4% 52.6% 59.3% DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Peak Hour 07:30 11:45 11:45 PM Peak Hour 16:15 15:30 16:15 AM Pk Volume 236 234 442 PM Pk Volume 294 319 601 Pk Hr Factor 0.808 0.836 0.891 Pk Hr Factor 0.799 0.867 0.854 7-9Volume 437 343 780 4•6Volume 498 576 1074 7 • 9 Peak Hour 07:30 07:30 07:30 4 -6 Peak Hour 16:15 16:00 16:15 7 • 9 Pk Volume 236 201 437 4 • 6 Pk Volume 294 31S 601 Pk Hr Factor 0.808 0.761 0.786 Pk Hr Factor 0.799 0.856 0.854 Day: Tuesday Date: 11/10/2020 Prepared by National Data & Su~ylng ServicH VOLUME Lionshead Ave E/O Eagle Dr City: Carlsbad Project#: CA20_040226_003 DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL PM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL 00:00 1 3 4 12:00 53 61 114 00:15 1 6 7 12:15 60 57 117 00:30 0 1 1 12:30 72 71 143 00:45 0 2 6 16 6 18 12:45 70 255 54 243 124 498 01:00 3 4 7 13:00 48 so 98 01:15 0 1 1 13:15 49 53 102 01:30 2 2 4 13:30 55 62 117 01:45 0 5 1 8 1 13 13:45 57 209 44 209 101 418 02:00 0 5 5 14:00 44 47 91 02:15 1 3 4 14:15 47 50 97 02:30 1 0 1 14:30 65 44 109 02:45 0 2 3 11 3 13 14:45 62 218 56 197 118 415 03:00 1 0 l 15:00 58 56 114 03:15 0 3 3 15:15 60 55 115 03:30 2 3 5 15:30 73 81 154 03:45 0 3 s 11 s 14 15:45 79 270 70 262 149 532 04:00 2 s 7 16:00 85 83 168 04:15 4 2 6 16:15 73 67 140 04:30 3 4 7 16:30 75 67 142 04:45 9 18 10 21 19 39 16:45 81 314 59 276 140 590 05:00 9 s 14 17:00 93 72 165 05:15 14 2 16 17:15 53 75 128 05:30 27 15 42 17:30 46 so 96 05:45 48 98 27 49 75 147 17:45 42 234 46 243 88 477 06:00 26 21 47 18:00 33 41 74 06:15 24 29 53 18:15 21 28 49 06:30 20 36 56 18:30 27 32 59 06:45 53 123 40 126 93 249 18:45 24 105 23 124 47 229 07:00 42 33 75 19:00 16 33 49 07:15 40 41 81 19:15 15 17 32 07:30 53 57 110 19:30 12 19 31 07:45 67 202 72 203 139 405 19:45 15 58 15 84 30 142 08:00 38 41 79 20:00 9 16 25 08:15 42 53 95 20:15 15 8 23 08:30 31 53 84 20:30 5 15 20 08:45 37 148 35 182 72 330 20:45 8 37 6 45 14 82 09:00 42 29 71 21:00 3 11 14 09:15 43 45 88 21:15 s 7 12 09:30 47 39 86 21:30 6 4 10 09:45 45 177 47 160 92 337 21:45 6 20 4 26 10 46 10:00 40 38 78 22:00 2 6 8 10:15 54 42 96 22:15 5 3 8 10:30 36 40 76 22:30 4 2 6 10:45 43 173 35 155 78 328 22:45 6 17 5 16 11 33 11:00 55 50 105 23:00 7 1 8 11:15 51 57 108 23:15 1 1 2 11:30 62 49 111 23:30 0 4 4 11:45 42 210 56 212 98 422 23:45 1 9 3 9 4 18 TOTALS 1161 1154 2315 TOTALS 1746 1734 3480 SPLIT% 50.2% 49.8% 39.9% SPLIT% 50.2% 49.8% 60.1% DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Peak Hour 11.:45 11:45 11:45 PM Peak Hour 16:15 15:30 15:30 AM Pk Volume 227 245 472 PM Pk Volume 322 301 611 Pk Hr Factor 0.788 0.863 0.825 Pk Hr Factor 0.866 0.907 0.909 7-9Volume 350 385 735 4-6Volume 548 S19 1067 7 -9 Peak Hour 07:00 07:30 07:30 4 -6 Peak Hour 16:15 16:00 16:00 7 -9 Pk Volume 202 223 423 4 -6 Pk Volume 322 276 590 Pk Hr Factor 0.754 o.n4 0.761 Pk Hr Factor 0,866 0.831 0.878 Day: Tuesday Date: 10/20/2020 9repared by National Ona & Surveying Services VOLUME Eagle Dr Bet. Tiger Run Ct & Grey Hawk Ct City: Carlsbad Project#: CA20_ 40210_001 DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL PM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL 00:00 0 0 0 12:00 23 25 48 00:15 0 0 0 12:15 19 24 43 00:30 0 0 0 12:30 33 24 57 00:45 0 0 0 12:45 18 93 17 90 35 183 01:00 0 0 0 13:00 25 17 42 01:15 1 3 4 13:15 15 22 37 01:30 0 0 0 13:30 18 18 36 01:45 0 1 1 4 1 5 13:45 24 82 12 69 36 151 02:00 0 0 0 14:00 20 15 35 02:15 1 0 1 14:15 17 13 30 02:30 0 0 0 14:30 27 9 36 02:45 0 1 0 0 1 14:45 11 75 18 55 29 130 03:00 1 1 2 15:00 23 17 40 03:15 0 1 1 15:15 18 26 44 03:30 0 0 0 15:30 16 26 42 03:45 0 1 0 2 0 3 15:45 26 83 19 88 45 171 04:00 0 0 0 16:00 13 28 41 04:15 0 1 1 16:15 18 24 42 04:30 0 0 0 16:30 33 30 63 04:45 1 1 0 1 1 2 16:45 29 93 42 124 71 217 05:00 2 0 2 17:00 12 23 35 05:15 4 1 s 17:15 15 24 39 05:30 3 1 4 17:30 13 18 31 05:45 3 12 5 7 8 19 17:45 12 52 27 92 39 144 06:00 2 3 s 18:00 9 13 22 06:15 1 2 3 18:15 9 24 33 06:30 16 4 20 18:30 11 16 27 06:45 17 36 2 11 19 47 18:45 16 45 13 66 29 111 07:00 15 6 21 19:00 4 10 14 07:15 11 3 14 19:15 3 18 21 07:30 19 6 25 19:30 6 4 10 07:45 21 66 18 33 39 99 19:45 7 20 4 36 11 56 08:00 16 16 32 20:00 5 14 19 08:15 21 13 34 20:15 1 12 13 08:30 12 22 34 20:30 2 6 8 08:45 22 71 11 62 33 133 20:45 0 8 3 35 3 43 09:00 18 18 36 21:00 1 0 1 09:15 16 4 20 21:15 5 4 9 09:30 12 13 25 21:30 1 6 7 09:45 19 65 13 48 32 113 21:45 0 7 4 14 4 21 10:00 23 18 41 22:00 0 0 0 10:1S 13 12 25 22:15 1 0 1 10:30 9 10 19 22:30 1 0 1 10:45 18 63 6 46 24 109 22:45 4 6 1 1 5 7 11:00 16 16 32 23:00 1 1 2 11:15 17 20 37 23:15 0 0 0 11:30 23 17 40 23:30 1 0 1 11:45 18 74 17 70 35 144 23:45 0 2 1 2 1 4 TOTALS 391 284 675 TOTALS 566 672 1238 SPLIT% 57.9% 42.1% 35.3% SPLIT% 45.7% 54.3% 64.7% DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Peak Hour 11:45 11:45 U :45 PM Peak Hour 12:15 16:00 16:00 AM Pk Volume 93 90 183 PM Pk Volume 95 124 217 Pk Hr Factor 0.705 0.900 0.803 Pk Hr Factor 0.720 0.738 0.764 7 •9Volume 137 95 232 4 •6Volume 145 216 361 7 • 9 Peak Hour 07:30 07:45 07:45 4 • 6 Peak Hour 16:00 16:00 16:00 7 • 9 Pk Volume 77 69 139 4 • 6 Pk Volume 93 124 217 Pk Hr Factor 0.917 0.784 0.891 Pk Hr Factor 0.705 0.738 0.764 Day: Tuesday Date: 11/10/2020 Prepared by National Dita & Surveying Services VOLUME Tiger Run Ct W/O Eagle Dr City: Carlsbad Project#: CA20_040226_001 DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL PM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL 00:00 0 0 0 12:00 17 17 34 00:15 0 0 0 12:15 16 16 32 00:30 0 0 0 12:30 8 10 18 00:45 1 1 2 2 3 3 12:45 20 61 20 63 40 124 01:00 0 0 0 13:00 15 15 30 01:15 0 0 0 13:15 19 17 36 01:30 0 0 0 13:30 20 10 30 01:45 0 0 0 13:45 10 64 15 57 25 121 02:00 0 1 1 14:00 14 13 27 02:15 0 0 0 14:15 7 10 17 02:30 1 0 1 14:30 12 9 21 02:45 0 1 0 1 0 2 14:45 7 40 8 40 15 80 03:00 0 0 0 15:00 12 18 30 03:15 0 1 1 15:15 29 18 47 03:30 1 0 1 15:30 20 19 39 03:45 0 1 0 1 0 2 15:45 24 85 20 75 44 160 04:00 0 1 1 16:00 33 12 45 04:15 1 0 1 16:15 24 9 33 04:30 0 0 0 16:30 32 21 53 04:45 0 1 0 1 0 2 16:45 60 149 36 78 96 227 05:00 0 9 9 17:00 31 10 41 05:15 2 5 7 17:15 17 12 29 05:30 0 3 3 17:30 18 16 34 05:45 0 2 0 17 0 19 17:45 28 94 15 53 43 147 06:00 0 4 4 18:00 20 8 28 06:15 2 3 5 18:15 17 11 28 06:30 4 6 10 18:30 12 11 23 06:45 5 11 13 26 18 37 18:45 9 58 8 38 17 96 07:00 2 13 15 19:00 18 1 19 07:15 2 14 16 19:15 14 4 18 07:30 5 11 16 19:30 2 3 5 07:45 4 13 22 60 26 73 19:45 2 36 7 15 9 51 08:00 1 20 21 20:00 23 6 29 08:15 3 19 22 20:15 9 2 11 08:30 1 21 22 20:30 1 2 3 08:45 9 14 42 102 51 116 20:45 7 40 4 14 11 54 09:00 15 22 37 21:00 1 0 1 09:15 5 18 23 21:15 4 1 s 09:30 7 18 25 21:30 3 1 4 09:45 12 39 12 70 24 109 21:45 1 9 0 2 1 11 10:00 18 24 42 22:00 0 0 0 10:15 10 13 23 22:15 0 1 1 10:30 16 16 32 22:30 0 0 0 10:45 11 55 13 66 24 121 22:45 2 2 0 1 2 3 11:00 15 14 29 23:00 1 0 1 11:15 14 19 33 23:15 0 1 1 11:30 19 7 26 23:30 1 0 1 11:45 11 59 15 55 26 114 23:45 1 3 0 1 1 4 TOTALS 197 401 598 TOTALS 641 437 1078 SPLIT % 32.9% 67.1% 35.7% SPLIT% 59.5% 40.5% 64.3% DAILY TOTALS ~ AM Peak Hour 11:30 08:15 08:45 PM Peak Hou, 16:00 16:30 16:00 AM Pk Volume 63 104 136 PM Pk Volume 149 79 227 Pk Hr Factor 0.829 0.619 0.667 Pk Hr Factor 0.621 0.549 0.591 7·9Volume 27 162 189 4•6Volume 243 131 374 7 -9 Peak Hour 08:00 08:00 08:00 4 -6 Peak Hour 16:00 16:30 16:00 7 • 9 Pk Volume 14 102 116 4 • 6 Pk Volume 149 79 227 Pk Hr Factor 0.389 0.607 0.569 Pk Hr Factor 0.621 0.549 0.591 Day: Tuesday Date: 10/20/2020 DAILY TOTALS AM Period NB SB 00:00 0 0 00:15 0 0 00:30 0 0 00:45 1 1 1 1 01:00 0 0 01:15 1 1 01:30 0 1 01:4S 0 1 1 3 02:00 0 0 02:15 1 0 02:30 0 0 02:45 0 1 0 03:00 1 1 03:15 0 0 03:30 1 0 03:45 1 3 0 1 04:00 1 0 04:15 0 0 04:30 0 0 04:45 1 2 0 05:00 3 0 OS:15 4 0 OS:30 4 1 05:45 7 18 1 2 06:00 5 1 06:15 5 3 06:30 15 5 06:4S 23 48 4 13 07:00 27 3 07:1S 18 3 07:30 30 5 07:45 30 105 5 16 08:00 27 4 08:1S 28 9 08:30 21 6 08:45 29 105 9 28 09:00 29 10 09:15 21 8 09:30 15 9 09:45 23 88 17 44 10:00 28 16 10:15 17 14 10:30 11 16 10:45 19 75 11 57 11:00 13 17 11:15 21 20 11:30 24 17 11:4S 27 85 15 69 TOTALS 532 234 SPLIT % 69.5% 30.5% DAILY TOTALS AM Peak Hour 07:30 11:45 AM Pk Volume 115 93 Pk Hr Factor 0.958 0,894 7-9Volume 210 44 7 -9 Peak Hour 07:30 08:00 7 • 9 Pk Volume 11.5 28 Pk Hr Factor 0.958 0.778 EB Prepared by NatlonaJ Data & Surveying SeMc:es VOLUME Eagle Dr Bet. Palomar Airport Rd & Grey Hawk Ct WB TOTAL PM Period NB SB 0 12:00 21 26 0 12:15 20 26 0 12:30 25 26 2 2 12:45 21 87 21 0 13:00 28 15 2 13:15 22 26 1 13:30 17 24 1 4 13:45 26 93 14 0 14:00 19 18 1 14:15 18 18 0 14:30 15 15 0 1 14:45 8 60 18 2 15:00 20 18 0 tS:15 20 24 1 15:30 13 25 1 4 15:45 16 69 23 1 16:00 10 35 0 16:15 12 36 0 16:30 16 40 1 2 16:45 21 59 52 3 17:00 8 37 4 17:15 11 32 5 17:30 8 24 8 20 17:45 12 39 27 6 18:00 7 17 8 18:15 7 26 20 18:30 8 19 27 61 18:45 15 37 18 30 19:00 3 11 21 · 19:15 2 20 35 19:30 4 5 35 121 19:45 7 16 4 31 20:00 5 14 37 20:15 3 13 27 20:30 2 6 38 133 20:45 0 10 3 39 21:00 0 1 29 21:15 4 6 24 21:30 1 6 40 132 21:45 0 5 4 44 22:00 0 2 31 22:15 0 0 27 22:30 1 0 30 132 22:45 0 1 1 30 23:00 0 1 41 23:15 0 0 41 23:30 1 0 42 154 23:45 0 1 1 766 TOTALS 477 37.5% SPLIT% 37.4% 11:45 PM Peak Hour 12:30 186 PM Pk Volume 96 0.912 Pk Hr Factor 0.857 254 4-6Volume 98 07:30 4-6 Peak Hour 16:00 138 4 • 6 Pk Volume 59 0.932 Pk Hr Factor 0.702 City: Carlsbad Project#: CA20_ 40210_002 EB WB 99 79 69 90 163 120 80 40 36 17 3 2 798 62.6% 16:15 165 0.793 283 16:15 165 0.793 ~ TOTAL 47 46 51 42 186 43 48 41 40 172 37 36 30 26 129 38 44 38 39 159 45 48 56 73 222 45 43 32 39 159 24 33 27 33 117 14 22 9 11 56 19 16 8 3 46 1 10 7 4 22 2 0 1 1 4 l 0 1 1 3 1275 62.5% ~ 16:00 222 0.760 381 16:00 222 0.760 Prepared by National D ata & Surveying Services Eagle Dr & Lionshead Ave Peak Hour Turning Movement Count ID: 20-040224-004 City: Carlsbad <I) er ::> 0 :c 09:30 AM -10:30 AM AM 0 NONE NOON 0 :.: < UJ Q. 08:00 PM • 09:00 PM PM 0 AM NOON PM 0 158 0 49 ¢::i 0 0 0 _!) 0 ---+---+--- 2 0 0 j 1 159 0 35 -+ 1 31 0 5 "\, 0 AM NOON PM Total Vehicles (AM) PM NOON AM Total Vehicles (NOON) -!~ ... !--- -. <e> .. "\. t' 7~ t ,., 2 0 0 1 10 0 56 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 lf 0 0 0 1 1 0 Day: Tuesday Date: 11/10/2020 AM 09:30 AM -10:30 AM NOON NONE PM 08:00 PM -09:00 PM PM NOON AM 0 t_ 0 0 2 1 +-39 0 140 1' 5 0 23 ---+----+------••· 0 C.-0 0 0 c:::;> 37 0 184 PM NOON AM (') 0 C: z -i ,, rri " 6 0 (/) 0 10 0 PM Total Vehicles (AM) 0 0 0 0 NOON 0 18 3 24 AM Total Vehicles (NOON) Total Vehicles (PM) Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Eagle Dr & Tiger Run Ct Peak Hour Turning Movement Count ID: 20-040224-003 City: Carlsbad Day: Tuesday Date: 11/10/2020 V) a:: :::> 0 :c :.:: < UJ Q. 09:30 AM -10:30 AM AM 28 27 0 NONE NOON O O 0 08:00 PM -09:00 PM PM 7 3 0 AM NOON PM 0 1 1 68 0 13 <:= 0 0 0 :J 0 f----+--+--- 17 0 9 j 1 0 0 0 _. 0 31 0 30 .,. 1 0 AM NOON PM 0 43 AM 09:30 AM -10:30 AM 0 0 NOON NONE 0 11 PM 08:00 PM -09:00 PM it PM NOON AM 0 0 t. 0 0 0 _ ___,....._____, __ 0 +-0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 _ ___,.....____, __ 0 57 0 c;" 0 0 0 NOON PM 0.46 0 0 1 1 0 PM NOON AM (') 0 C 2 -i " l"1 ;o 0 0 Vl Total Vehicles (AM) PM 33 0 6 2 0 PM Total Vehicles (AM) NOON 0 0 0 0 0 NOON AM 59 1 40 26 0 AM Eagle Dr Total Vehicles (NOON) Total Vehicles (NOON) Total Vehicles (PM) Total Vehicles (PM) Appendix G: MMLOS Worksheets 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Level Ill Transportation Impact Analysis ROADWAY INFO TRANSIT May require improvements and upgrades to fully support CAP goals! * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant? Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment? Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub? Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub? • Closest distance to existing transit stop: weekdays: Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods? On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm? at will es? gle i e alo ar Airp oad io s a v n ust ials 1, 13 0 Bench 0 Trash Cans 0 Covered Bus Stop 0 Well-lit Stops 0 Stop located within a block of commercial user; No No Yes No <= 1/4 mile walk to bus only on pr s nt None of the above No No 0 0 Yes 0 Bench □Trash Cans 0 Covered Bus Stop □ Well-lit Stops O Stop located within a block of commercial users No No Yes No <= 1/4 mile walk to bus only N pres nt None of the above No No 0 0 Yes Project: _________________________________________ _ Segment: Eagle Drive From Palomar Airport Road To Lionshead Avenue Scenario: ____________________________________________ _ Access Connectivity Transit priority Service Amenities Bicycle Accommodations Available Mobility Services Located Within 1/2 Mlle Walk from Subject Site or Roadway Segment No greater than 1/4 mile walk to the nearest transit stop No greater than 1/2 mile walk to the nearest transit stop No greater than 1 mile bicycle ride to the nearest transit stop ADA compliant sidewalk or path to transit stops in both directions Multiple transit routes stop on segment Route provides a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub Route provides for a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub Dedicated right of way Transit priority during peak hours Headways of-15 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays Headways of 30 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays Headways of 1 hour between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays Commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods No more than 1 hour headways between 9 am and 5 pm on weekends Covered bus stops Bench Well-lit stop that provides a sense of security Trash cans 50 (rail/bus) 30 (bus) 30 (rail/bus) 20 bus) 5 15 10 15 5 5 5 1S 5 2 10 5 5 10 5 2 30 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bus stop located within a block of commercial services S 0 Bike parking available at the bus sto 5 0 Bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop S 0 No Transit Stop Located Within 1/2 Mile Walk from Sub ect Site or Roadwa Segment Area governed by an adopted TOM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes On demand rideshare services available 60 60 25 0 ._ ________ Segment within FLEX service area 60 0 70 ~ . . -.. • . . • ~ . . ~ ""',-.. ;~ __ --I"':.~ ~ lo •· • -• • • ,~ " C 30 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 70 C I CCityof jCarlsbad ROADWAY INFO 0 ,. !Ji. -.; --.,-·, . .. : ·n~\ ::,. . .. . . . . Grey Hawk Court j~~·~ 14:: l.! '.ft ,. • • Eagle Drive ~~~-1" -... ···i ~~·\r'ili)I Grey Hawk Business Park cic-.J., . . • ,n,: ... . . ... Local/Neighborhood . ., T .. . . .. , . ,,., . 1,913 ' -· ·:r , - PEDESTRIAN EB SCORE I LOS WB SCORE I LOS 80 Is 80 Is = . • -<• ·.o 1, May require improvements and ,=;....._v ... "'J~f"t°l:Ttl"f,lJ:H .... • , -· ,.. ~ .. · -• ·' upgrades to fully support CAP goals! EB WB • Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD? Yes Yes • Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement Is 4'): 5.5 5 • Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., Yes Yes cross-slope and trip hazards)? • Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements? No No • Do the street light locations appear adequate? Yes Yes Speed limit (mlles per hour -mph): 25 mph or lower 25 mph or lower Number of Through Lanes: 1 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes In count) Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way: o· to 2· o· to 2· Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more No No buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way? Any apparent sight distance Issues at intersections and No pedestrian crossings? No . ' Are there any permanent speed control devices installed? No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median Island)? No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility? No No Are there Intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown No No heads)? Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings? No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting? No No ._, i:.. Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% No No II of street curb line? I• Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions? No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length? No No I • • .,~ • Project: __________________________________________ _ Segment: Grey Hawk Court From Eagle Drive To Grey Hawk Business Park Scenario: --------------------------------------------- Accessibility and functionality 8 y: • Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Sidewalk or path meets ADA unobstructed width requirements • Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Sidewalk width meets minimum width for typology according to the Mobility Element (or 5' if unspecified) Sidewalk width exceeds minimum width for typology according to the Mobility Element (or 6' if unspecified) segments meet ADA requirements (cross-slope and trip Sidewalk width meets recommended width for typology according to the Mobility Element (or 8' if unspecified) 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge On-street parking or bike lane provides 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel wa Landscaping 2' to S' wide provides 'buffer' between pedestrians and vehicle travel way Landscaping greater than 5' wide provides 'buffer' between Street characteristics edestrians and vehicle t ravel way Less than 3,000 vehicles per lane per day Speed limit 30 mph or less No apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings Permanent speed control devices installed on segments posted as approved by the City Traffic Engineer • Essential Features (Criteria must be met): Crosswalks are marked according to CA MUTCD guidelines Crosswalk is high visibility (I.e., continental markings per the CA MUTCD) Traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width Crossing characteristics (pedestrian refuge, bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median Island) Other Elements Presence of intersection enhancements for pedestrians (pedestrian-friendly signal phasing, pedestrian countdown heads, signage, etc.) RRFBs at uncontrolled crossings if warranted • Essential Features (Criteria must be met}: Street light locations a pear ade uate Active building frontages on 80% of street curbline (pedestrian attracting frontages such as active storefronts and recreational spaces) Street trees provide shade over more than 50% of sidewalk length Street furniture oriented toward businesses or attractions 15 10 s 10 10 10 10 s 5 10 5 s s s 10 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 L-----------jPedestrian scale lighting ~ ,rJDI' I :-'L-W.L .a ' ~"' ' I, : ~: ',': .• , ~ r_'.! l~~~-•a...!L--" 4/_, _, --• ,· -· ··:. ~~i .,11~ _ . 11•' :l;' ,;,u_J: •.',i{ !a!1 !£GU 15 15 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 80 B B No No May require improvements and upgrades to fully support CAP goals! * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)? * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines? per hour -mph): Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan? Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections? p 25 siness a hood RE I LOS Yes Yes No a i or w r Both No 0 WB SCORE I LOS 85 I B Yes Yes No , P r lel r n 5 mpho er Both No 0 Project: ________________________________________ _ Segment: Grey Hawk Court From Eagle Drive To Grey Hawk Business Park Scenario: ____________________________________________ _ By: Speed limit is s 25 mph 25 25 25 Speed limit ls 30 mph 15 0 0 Street Characteristics i.:S:..cpe=e..:d.;.;li.;,;m.c.it.c.i..:s..:3..:S.;.;m"'pc.;h.;,_ _____________ --4 _ __;1:.:o'------jl--------"0::.._ ___ -4-____ o::.._ ___ --t Facility Bikeway Design Connectivity/ Contiguity Adjacent Vehicle Parking Other Elements Street with ADT < 3,000 15 15 15 Street with ADT between 3,000 and 6,000 10 0 0 Class I facility (off-street path), Class IV {cycle track), or multiuse path Class II facility that meets minimum width of 5' (on-street bicycle lanes) Bike lane buffer (2' min) is rovided Class Ill facility (bike route designated by signage or paint only) Additional traffic calming/speed management features have been applied to Class Ill facility (I.e. a bike boulevard) Blkeway meets or exceeds the Bicycle Master Plan Bike lane (Including buffer) is at least 8' wide from face of curb Bicycle facilities with signing and striping meet design guidelines D Good pavement condition for bikeway (no visible potholes) Free of infrastructure that obstructs bike facility (e.g. grates) Blkeways on side streets are consistent with Bicycle Master Plan along segment Bike lanes are striped continuously on all approaches to and departures from Intersections, without dropping at turn lanes or driveways No on-street arkin and s eed limit Is 25 or 30 m h Back-In angled parking Parallel parking with door-side buffered bike lane Enhanced bicycle detection or video detection is provided at intersections 25 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 25 25 25 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 10 s 5 s 5 s 5 s 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 85 B ROADWAY INFO MM LOS score not required for this mode based on street typology selected. TRANSIT May require improvements and upgrades to fully support CAP goals! • Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant? Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment? Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub? Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub? • Closest distance to existing transit stop: weekdays: Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods? On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm? twill s? lo r ir o d 1 f es o I Drive 0 ee o E le Driv eri I onne t 3 D Bench D Trash cans 0 Covered Bus Stop 0 Well-lit Stops 0 Stop located within a block of commercial users No No Yes No <= 1/4 mile walk to bus only None res nt None of the above No No 0 Yes 0 Ben<:h 0 Trash Cans 0 Covered Bus Stop 0 Well-lit Stops D Stop located within a block of commercial users No No Yes No <= 1/4 mile walk to bus only on r s None of the above No No 0 0 Yes Project: _________________________________________ _ Segment: Palomar Airport Road From 150 feet west of Eagle Drive To 150 feet east of Eagle Drive Scenario: ____________________________________________ _ By: Access Connectivity Transit priority Service Amenities Bicycle Accommodations Aval/able Mobility Services ._ ______ _ Transit Stop Located Within 1/2 Mile Walk from Subject Site or Roadway Segment No greater than 1/4 mile walk to the nearest transit stop No greater than 1/2 mile walk to the nearest transit stop No greater than 1 mile bicycle ride to the nearest transit stop ADA compliant sidewalk or path to transit stops ln both directions Multiple transit routes stop on segment Route provides a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub Route provides for a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub Dedicated ri ht of way Transit priority during peak hours Headways of-15 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays Headways of 30 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays Headways of 1 hour between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekda s Commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods No more than 1 hour headways between 9 am and 5 pm on weekends Covered bus stops Bench Well-lit stop that rovides a sense of security Trash cans 50 (rail/bus) 30 (bus) 30 (rail/bus) 20 bus 5 15 10 15 5 5 5 15 s 2 10 5 5 10 s 2 Bus stop located within a block of commercial services 5 Bike parking available at the bus stop 5 Bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop 5 No Transit Sto Located Within 1/2 Mlle Walk from Sub·ect Site or Roadwa Area governed by an adopted TOM ordinance that will promote rides haring and/or the use of non-auto modes On demand rldeshare services available Se ment within FLEX service area 60 60 ---. . . .. . , . . ~ • ~ _ .. • • -' ~ 1'f •"" .. -.. ·-~ '-' .:__ ~ .: . ~ 30 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Se ment 25 0 0 70 C 30 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 70 C Appendix H: Transit Service Map and Schedule 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Level Iii Transportation Impact Analysis z 0 "' -I I () 0 C z ..... -< -I "' ► z V> =:; n ..... C) e a... a, ~ ;;; g ~ ~ ct i" .... -"" .... ~ PACIFIC OCEAN r®i,Mlt5i!!, COASTER legend/ Leyendo -Route 445/Ruto 445 ++-+ 0 ® • a BREEZE System/Sistema BREEZE Select Trips/Viojes Sele(los COASTER/SPRINTER Street/Colle Time Point/Punto de liempo Stops/Porodos Londmork/Punto de Referencio T ronsfer /Tronsbordo CARLSBAD 0 0.5 ~Mile, Bressi• Ranch SAN MARCOS Bressi• Ranch 44 5 I Carlsbad Poinsettia COASTER Connection to Palomar College Conexi6n 44 5 Carlsbad Poinsellia COASTER a Palomar College See pg. 6 for Holiday schedules/Ver p6g. 244 para obtener las horarios de dies festivos Monday -Friday Eastbound to Palomar College Lunes a Viernes • Oireccion hacia el este a Palomar College ARRIVING ARRIVING SB COASTER NB COASTER San Morcos Polornor From Oceanside From Son Oiego Corlsbod Palomar Loker Ave. Blvd. & College Uegodo SB COASTER Uegodo NB COASTER Poinsettio Airport Rd. & & Rancho Santo Transit desde Oceanside desde Son Diego Station Yarrow Dr. El Fuerte St. Fe Rd. Center COASTER COASTER 1 2 3 4 5 I 6:42 7:09 I 7:14 7 :29 7:37 7:49 8:030 I I I 7:49 8:36 I 8:41 8:56 9:02 --I I I --I ---3:45 3:57p I I I 3:43 2:48 I 4:03 4:16 4:23 4:36 4:49 I I ·-------------------------- MondaL; Friday Westbound to Carls d Poinsettia Station Lunes a Viernes • Oireccion hacia el oeste a la Estacion Carlsbad Poinsettia DEPARTING DEPARTING Palomar Son Morcos NB COASTER SB COASTER College Blvd. & Loker Ave. Polomor Carlsbad To Oceanside To San Diego Tronsit Rancho Santo & Airport Rd. & Poinsettia 5Al/DA NB COASTER SAllDA SB COASTER Center Fe Rd. El Fuerte St. Yarrow Dr. Station a Oceanside a Son Diego 5 4 3 2 1 COASTER COASTER 6:36 6:45 6:53 7:00 7:160 I 7:09 7:260 I 7:36 7:50 8:00 8:07 8:22 I 8:36 9:47 I 8:01 8: 15 ---I --I 4:29 4:38 4:46 4:53 5:l0p : 5:14 5:2lp 5:04 5:13 5:20 5:27 5:43 I 5:46 5:51 I I I I I I I I I I I -------------· -------------· Route 445 does not operate on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays. La Ruta 445 no opera los s6bados, domingos o en dias festivos. Please note, BREEZE ., school tripper" bes service only r-.■s while High Tech trigh Is i■ session for In-person lear■l■g a■d are subject to clia■ge basetl on bell times. NCTD wiU updote trip planning applicotio■s and GoNCTD.com wlie■ t•ls service returas. Tengo en cuenta que el servicia de autobtis •school tripper• del BREEZE solo funciona mientras High Tech High se encuentre abierta para closes presenciales y estci sujeto a cambios en funcion de los hororios de entrado y salido. El NCTD actuolizora las o~i<OCiones de ~anificaci6n de viaje y GoNCTD.com cuando el servicio se reanude. • Bus may wait up to ten minutes for a late arriving COASTER train. El autobus puede esperar haste diez minutes en case que un tren COASTER este atrasado. Guio de Posojeros del NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT I VALIDA desde el 4 de octubre de/ 2020 229 Appendix I: Carl sbad Connector Operational Area 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Level Ill Transportation Impact Analysis 'The Crossings ar Cartst,ad fl f EGo ANo Ca fo,,, :.i Q I Jf 8 Buena Vista Par#( Appendix J: Eagle Drive & Lionshead Avenue Signal Warrant Analysis S980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad Level Ill Transportation Impact Analysis ~s;iti:!iL Yiaf!Bi!~I ~t!.!Wl~i fQR EAGLE ORIV{ ANQ LIQr:ial'!~ ~l I I I I I I Eight ind four Hour Warrants I I Peak Hour warrant I 1u .. r .. w c~ ..... • -AnDl'oach@,s I I Mla2t ~lrHI Hlabus AoMo.a,b llll!EHSSl!i!D :r:eu all !RREilmll Existing Project El<♦ p Rank E..1dstlna; Project E+P EB' wB' NB' Rank Hr endini Both EB WB Both EB WB Both Hr ending NB 1:00 AM 3 16 19 19 20 1:00AM 0 0 24 19 2:00AM 6 8 14 --14 22 2:00AM 1 1 20 15 3:00AM 2 11 13 13 23 3:00AM 1 1 20 14 ~ ,_ 4:00AM 2 11 13 13 23 4:00AM 1 1 20 14 S:OOAM 18 ll 39 39 18 S:OOAM 1 1 20 40 ti:OOAM 111 49 160 160 15 6:00AM 12 u 17 172 7:00AM 146 126 Tl2 272 12 7:00AM 36 36 14 308 8:00AM 225 203 428 428 5 8:00AM 66 66 10 494 I 9:00 AM 212 182 394 394 10 9:00AM 71 71 • 465 10:00 AM 203 160 363 18 14 32 221 174 395 91 10:00AM 65 38 103 2 498 ' 11:00AM 170 155 325 14 11 25 164 166 350 111 11:00AM 63 82 145 1 495 U :OO PM 188 212 400 400 8 12:00 PM 74 1• 8 474 1:00PM 237 243 480 '80 3 1:00 PM 93 93 3 573 2:00PM 204 209 413 413 6 2:00PM 82 82 6 495 0--- 3:00 PM 209 197 406 C06 7 3:00 PM 75 75 7 481 il:OOPM 270 262 532 532 2 4:00 PM 83 83 s 61S 5:00 PM 263 276 S39 I 539 l 5:00 PM 93 93 3 632 ✓ Highest Volume on both iilppr~dun 6:00 PM 23S 2'3 478 I 478 4 6:00 PM S2 52 11 530 I 7,00PM 9S 124 219 219 13 7:00 PM 45 45 13 264 8:00PM 48 84 132 2l 23 48 107 15S 16 8:00PM 20 6 26 1S 160 9:00PM 40 45 85 0 79 79 40 124 164 14 9:00PM 8 40 48 12 212 10:00PM 18 26 44 7 7 18 33 S0.76 17 10:00PM 7 12 19 16 70 11:00PM 16 16 32 32 19 11:00PM 6 6 18 38 I 12:00AM 9 9 18 18 21 12:00AM 2 2 19 20 I 2930 2888 5818 I ~ffacC.oun iltaR•ft •• I 'count RidCA20_040226 002 11/10/2020 'Count Ref CA.20_040226_003 11/10/2020 I ""Count Ref CA20_ 40210_001 10/20/2020 I I I California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHW A's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions I & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 5) COUNT DATE 10/20 and 11/10/2020 CALC PW DATE 11/13/2020 DIST co RTE Major St: Lionsbead Avenue Minor St: Eagle Drive PM CHK DDP DATE 11/13/2020 Critical Approach Speed Critical Approach Speed 50mph 35 mph mph mph Speed limit or critical speed on major street traffic> 40 mph ...... ~9.rrrn/:1 ..... JZJ } or In built up area of isolated community of< 10,000 population ....................... D RURAL (R) URBAN (U) □ WARRANT 1 • Eight Hour Vehicular Volume SATISFIED YES O NO IZ] (Condition A or Condition B or combination of A and B must be satisfied) Condition A -Minimum Vehicle Volume MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) u R u R §" 100% SATISFIED YES O NO 12) 80% SATISFIED YES O NO IZI ,f ,f' ~ Page 841 APPROACH 2 or More ~ Hour LANES ~-Oj Both Approaches 500 350 600 420 395 Ma or Street (400) (280) (480) (336) Highest A~proach 150 105 200 140 103 Minor treet 120 84 160) (112 Condition B -Interruption of Continuous Traffic MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) u R u R 350 145 $ APPROACH ~ f} LANES 2 or More o,'11 Both Approaches 750 525 900 630 395 350 Ma'or Streat 600 420 720 (504 Highest A£iproach 75 53 100 70 103 145 Minor treet (60) (42) (80) (56 Combination of Conditions A & B REQUIREMENT CONDITION TWO CONDITIONS A. MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME SATISFIED 80% AND, 400 480 413 406 532 539 74 93 82 75 83 93 100% SATISFIED YES O NO IZ] 80% SATISFIED YES □ NO 0 ,f 9-,s-s s- Hour 400 480 413 406 532 539 74 93 82 75 83 93 SATISFIED YES 0 NO IZl ✓ FULFILLED Yes D No IZ] B. INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC AND. AN ADEQUATE TRIAL OF OTHER ALTERNATIVES THAT COULD CAUSE LESS DELAY AND INCONVENIENCE TO TRAFFIC HAS FAILED Yes D No IZI TO SOLVE THE TRAFFIC PROBLEMS The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7. 2014 ' California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHWA's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions I & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 2 of 5) WARRANT 2 -Four Hour Vehicular Volume SATISFIED• YES □ NO 0 Record hourly vehicular volumes for any four hours of an average day $ 6 2 01 ~ ii:' ,J-' s< APPROACH LANES Ooe Mora cf>$,&~ .p,"" .:::f"" .,..( Hour Both Approaches -Major Street ✓ 395 350 '"' 539 Higher Approach -Minor Street ✓ 103 IOI 93 93 *All plotted points fall above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-1 (URBAN AREAS) Yes D No IZl QB, All plotted points fall above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-2. (RURAL AREAS) Yes D No 12] WARRANT 3 -Peak Hour SATISFIED YES □ NO 0 (Part A or Part B must be satisfied) PARIA SATISFIED YES O NO 121 (All parts 1, 2, and 3 below must be satisfied for the same one hour, for any four consecutive 15-minute periods) 1 The total delay experienced by traffic on one minor street approach (one direction only) controlled by a STOP sfgn equals or exceeds four vehicle-hours for a one-lane Yes D No C2] approach, or five vehicle-hours for a two-lane approach: At:iC. 2. The volume on the same minor street approach (one direction only) equals or exceeds Yes D No IZ] 100 vph for one moving lane of traffic or 150 vph for two moving lanes; e.tiC2 3 The total entering volume serviced during the hour equals or exceeds 800 vph for intersections with four or more approaches or 650 vph for intersections with three annroaches. Yes D No IZl PARIB SATISFIED YES O NO [Z] APPROACH LANES Ooe Both Approaches -Major Street ✓ Higher Approach -Minor Street ✓ 2 01 More 539 93 Hour 4p 4p rn-Sµm m-:ipm The plotted point falls above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-3. (URBAN AREAS) QB., The plotted point falls above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-4. (RURAL AREAS) Yes □ No 0 Yes □ No 0 Page 842 The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants snail not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4-Highway Traffic Signals November7,2014 California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHWA's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions I & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-1. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume 500 2 OR MORE LANES & 2 OR MORE LANES 400 2 OR MORE LANES & 1 LANE MINOR STREET 300 I I 1 LANE & 1 LANE HIGHER- VOLUME APPROACH -200 VPH 395, 10 ) 100 350, 10 ) 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES- VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) •Nole: 115 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 80 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane. Figure 4C-2. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume (70% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESSTHAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 40 MPH ON MAJOR STREET) 400 MINOR STREET HIGHER- VOLUME APPROACH· VPH 300 200 100 200 2 OR MORE LANES & 1 LANE I I 1 LANE & 1 LANE 300 400 500 600 700 800 MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES- VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) 900 ·Note: 80 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 60 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane. Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals so· 60' 1000 Page 836 November 7, 2014 California MUTCD 2014 Edition Page 837 (FHWA 's MlJTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions I & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3, Peak Hour 600 500 MINOR 400 STREET HIGHER- VOLUME 300 APPROACH - VPH 200 150· 100 •(s 100' 9, 93) 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES- VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) ·Note: 150 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane. Figure 4C-4. Warrant 3, Peak Hour (70% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 40 MPH ON MAJOR STREET) 400 MINOR STREET 300 HIGHER· VOLUME APPROACH -200 VPH 100 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES- VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) ·Note: 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 75 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane. Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7, 2014 SIGNAL WAARANT CAtr, lATION5 FOR EAGLE DRIVE AND TIC ER RUN COURT I I I I I Eight ind Four Hour Waminh I Peak Hour Warrant M:alor <.tr-i.. .. •h ,-.. rn::11ch-Minor Strfft Hflrhest A ,oroach Intersection VPH All Aooroilches Exlstmg _Project Ex♦ P Exisli"ll Project E+P Rank Rank EB' Hr endinK NB' SB' Both NB S8 Both EB WB Both Hr endina WB 1:00AM 0 0 0 0 24 1:00AM l l 20 I 2:00AM 1 4 5 5 19 2:00AM 0 0 24 5 -3:00AM l 0 I I 23 3:00AM I I 20 2 4:00AM l 2 3 3 21 4:00AM 1 I 20 4 S:OOAM 1 1 2 2 22 S:OOAM l l 20 3 6:00AM 12 7 19 19 17 6:00AM 2 2 18 21 7:00AM 36 11 47 47 16 7:00AM 11 11 16 S8 8:00AM 66 33 99 99 14 8:00AM 13 13 15 112 9:00AM 71 62 133 133 10 9:00AM 14 14 14 147 -10:00AM 65 48 113 51 25 76 116 73 189 2 10:00AM 39 61 100 4 289 11:00A.M 63 46 109 51 2S 76 114 71 18S 3 11:00AM ss~ 202 l 387 12:00PM 74 70 144 I 1441 81 12:00PMI 59r-----s9' 9 203 1:00PM 93 90 183 183 4 1:00PM 61 61 8 244 2:00PM 82 69 ISi 151 7 2:00PM 64 64 7 215 3:00PM 75 S5 130 I 1301 Ill 3:00PM 40 401 13 170 4:00PM 83 88 171 171 5 4:00PM 8S 8S 6 256 -✓ 5:00PM 93 124 217 217 I 5:00 PM 1:-i· 149 3 366 Minor Strut Htg~r Volume 6:00PM S2 92 144 144 8 6:00PM 94 5 238 7:00PM 45 66 111 I n1l 12 7:00 PMI 581 S81 JO 169 8:00PM 20 36 56 l7 33 so 37 69 106[ u 8:00PMI 3 6 L_____2Zj 53[ 11 158 9:00PM 8 3S 43 49 79 ll8 57 114 171 5 9:00PM 40 120 160• 2 331 --10:00 PM 7 14 21 19 29 48 26 43 69 1S 10:00 PM 9 31 46 12 114 ll:00 PM 6 l 7 7 18 11:00 PM 2 2 18 9 12:00AM 2 2 4 4 20 12:00AM 3 3 17 7 957 956 1913 838 1219 T-r.,. Cnunt Data R-'l!rence:s 'CA20_40210_00I 10/20/2020 'CA20_040226_001 11/10/2020 California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHWA's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions I & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 5) COUNT DATE 10/20 and 11/10/2020 CALC PW DATE 11/16/2020 DIST co RTE PM Major St: __ E_a_gl_e_D_ri_v_e _________ _ Minor St: __ T_i.._ge_r_R_u_n_C_o_urt_/ _Pr_oJ ... • e_ct_D_r_iv_e_w .... ay'---- CHK DDP DATE 11/16/2020 Critical Approach Speed --"3-"-5.;.:m.;.i:pc.:.h __ _ Critical Approach Speed mph mph Speed limit or critical speed on major street traffic> 40 mph ......................... □ } or In built up area of isolated community of< 10,000 population ....................... 0 RURAL (R) URBAN (U) IZI WARRANT 1 -Eight Hour Vehicular Volume SATISFIED YES O NO 0 (Condition A or Condition B or combination of A and B must be satisfjed) Condition A -Minimum Vehicle Volume 100% SATISFIED YES 0 NO IZI MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 80% SATISFIED YES 0 NO IZI (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) u R u R ,s $ ~ s-s-" s O\Q; Page 841 APPROACH 2 or More ~ Hour LANES 0, Both Approaches 500 350 600 420 189 185 183 151 171 217 144 171 Ma· or Street (400) (280 (480) (336) Highest A$iproach 150 105 200 140 39 55 61 64 85 149 94 40 Minor tree! (120) (84) 160) (112) Condition B -Interruption of Continuous Traffic 100% SATISFIED YES O NO IZ) MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 80% SATISFIED YES 0 NO 121 (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) u R u R rf "'<$' ~" s-~ s-s-§: APPROACH 1 2 or More LANES ¼ ½ 7, ~~ /~I t%~ lo¾ O\Q; ,s,.: !S' {i,S-~,.:, our o,"' -.; ~ .::yQ. ,<:i: ,.,,<:i: .,,_<:i; ~,f eof H Both Approaches 750 525 900 630 189 185 183 15 1 171 217 144 171 Malor Street (600) (420) (720) (504) Highest Approach 75 53 100 70 39 55 61 64 85 149 94 40 Minor Street (60) (42) (80) (56) Combination of Conditions A & B SATISFIED YES O NO 121 REQUIREMENT CONDITION ✓ FULFILLED TWO CONDITIONS A. MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME Yes 0 No 0 SATISFIED 80% AND, B. INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC AND. AN ADEQUATE TRIAL OF OTHER ALTERNATIVES THAT COULD CAUSE LESS DELAY AND INCONVENIENCE TO TRAFFIC HAS FAILED Yes 0 No IZl TO SOLVE THE TRAFFIC PROBLEMS The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. Chapter 4C-Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7, 20 I 4 ( California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHWA's MUTCD 2009 Edition. including Revisions I & 2, a~ amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 2 of 5) WARRANT 2 -Four Hour Vehicular Volume SATISFIED• YES □ NO IZl Record hourly vehicular volumes for any four hours of an average day ...,cf ~ &$' "1/, ½' "%'" 2 o, i/'$' $',:;, " APPROACH LANES Oce More 0\ a"" a"" s' s,:;, Hour '-;',qjOj Both Approaches• MaJor Street ✓ 189 185 17 1 69 Higher Approach • Minor Street ✓ 61 147 1120 37 •AJI plotted points fall above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-1. (URBAN AREAS) Yes □ No IZl QB, All plotted pomts fall above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-2. (RURAL AREAS) Yes □ No IZl WARRANT 3 -Peak Hour SATISFIED YES □ NO 1ZJ (Part A or Part B must be satisfied) PARIA SATISFIED YES O NO l2) (All parts 1, 2, and 3 below must be satisfied for the same one hour, for any four consecutive 15-minute periods) 1 The total delay experienced by traffic on one minor street approach (one direction only) controlled by a STOP sign equals or exceeds four vehicle-hours for a one-lane Yes D No IZ] approach, or five vehicle-hours for a two-lane approach,~ 2 The volume on the same minor street approach (one direction only) equals or exceeds Yes D No IZ] 100 vph for one moving lane of traffic or 150 vph for two moving lanes; 6f:::l.ll 3 The total entering volume serviced during the hour equals or exceeds 800 vph for intersections with four or more approaches or 650 vph for intersections with three a""roaches Yes O No IZl PARTS SATISFIED YES O NO IZ] 2 O< H APPROACH LANES oc, More Both Approaches -MaJor Street ✓ 217 1pm -5pm Higher Approach • Minor Street ✓ 149 4pm -5pm The pJotted point falls above the applicable curve m Figure 4C-3. (URBAN AREAS) Yes □ No IZl QB, The plotted point falls above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-4. (RURAL AREAS) Yes □ No IZl Page 842 The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. Chapter 4C-Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7, 2014 ' \ California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FIIWA •~ MlJTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2. as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-1. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume 500 ,oo NES& 1 LANE MINOR STREET 300 I I 1 LANE & 1 LANE HIGHER- VOLUME APPROACH -200 VPH (171 I 100 ( 185.l (189,61 (69, 37 115' ao· 300 400 soo Goo 100 aoo 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES- VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) 'Note. 115 vph applies as the lower threshold volume lor a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 80 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane. Figure 4C-2, Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume (70% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 40 MPH ON MAJOR STREET) ,oo MINOR STREET HIGHER- VOLUME APPROACH- VPH 300 200 100 (185.147) (17Ll20) (189,61) (69, 37) 200 300 ,oo 2 OR MORE LANES & 1 LANE I I 1 LANE & 1 LANE 500 600 700 MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES- VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) 900 "Note: 80 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 60 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach wJ!h one lane. Chapter 4C -·1 raffie Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -1 lighway Traffic Signals 1000 Page 836 Novemher 7, 2014 California MUTCD 2014 Edition (Fl IWA 's MUI CD 2009 Edition, including Revisions I & 2, as amended for use in California) MINOR STREET HIGHER- VOLUME APPROACH- VPH 600 500 <00 300 200 ' ~ Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3, Peak Hour r--,.. 1'... I'--. / 2 OR MORT LANTS & 21OR MFRE LtES t-,.... ---I'--. I', ~ 2 OR MORE LAIN ES ~ 1 LA1E r---.. ~ --- ........ l/1 LANE & 1 LANE "-. ✓ Page 837 (217. I 9[ ,so- 100 100· 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 11 00 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHE&- VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) *Note: 150 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume !or a minor•streel approach with one lane. Figure 4C-4. Warrant 3, Peak Hour (70% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 40 MPH ON MAJOR STREET) 400 MINOR STREET 300 HIGHER· VOLUME APPROACH • 200 VPH ,oo LANES & 2 OR MORE LANES ----l-----l I I I I 2 OR MORE LANES & 1 LANE (2l7Jfl 100· L ____ L_ _ _[_ _ _, __ -'---'---'-----'---'--75· 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1 000 1100 1200 1300 MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPAOACHE&- VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) 'Note: 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a mm or-street approach with two or more lanes and 75 vph applies as the lower threshold volume tor a minor-street approach with one lane. Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4-llighway Traffic Signals November 7. 2014