HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2020-0006; 5980 EAGLE DRIVE; TIER 3 PRELIMINARY TDM STUDY; 2021-02-01(
Amazon Parking Lot @ 5980 Eagle Drive
SDP 2020-0006/CUP2020-0011 (DEV2020-0291)
Tier 3 Preliminary Transportation Demand Management
(TDM) Plan
Prepared for:
444 South Cedros Avenue -Suite 172
Solana Beach, CA 92075
Prepared by:
5865 Avenida Encinas, Suite 1428
Carlsbad, CA 92008
February 2021
1. Introduction ........................... .
2. Transportation Demand Management Plan ..
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Existing Conditions and TDM Context ............................................................................................. 5
2.3 Infrastructure TDM Selections ........................................................................................................ 7
2.4 Non-Infrastructure TDM Selections ................................................................................................ 8
2.5 Monitoring and Implementation ................................................................................................. 10
3. Summary ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 1 Project Site Location and Study Area .............................................................................................. 2
Figure 2 Project Site Plan................................. . ............................................................................... 3
Figure 3 Carlsbad Connector Turning Template .......................................................................................... 9
Table 1 Proposed TDM Strategies ................................................................................................................ 4
Table 2 Employee Daily Arrival and Departure Profile ................................................................................. 5
Table 3 Proposed Mode Share Targets ....................................................................................................... 11
Table 4 Proposed TDM Strategies .............................................................................................................. 12
Appendix A: Scoping Agreement Memo
Appendix B: Tier 3 TDM Plan
Appendix C: Carlsbad Connector Operational Area
Appendix D: Terrain View and Street Elevations
Appendix E: Eagle Drive & Grey Hawk Court Street Views from Project Driveways
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad
Tier 3 Transportation Demand Management Plan
STC has prepared this Tier 3 Transportation Demand Management Plan on behalf of Greystar to support
the application for a minor Site Development Plan (SDP) and a minor Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a
proposed auto storage facility at 5980 Eagle Drive in the City of Carlsbad.
The site is located on the northeast corner of the Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court intersection in the City
of Carlsbad. A project site location and study area are shown in Figure 1. The project site plan consists of
308 parking spaces proposed on a 5.9-acre lot. A project site plan is shown on Figure 2.
The site will operate as an off-site parking lot for User delivery vans and delivery drivers' personal vehicles
between 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM for distribution to customers between 11:00 AM -9:00 PM. Delivery
drivers traveling by car will arrive at the parking lot and swap their car for a delivery van and drive to a
distribution center to load the van for their shift. At the end of the shift the delivery driver will return the
van to the lot and retrieve their car.
A TDM Plan scoping meeting was held with City staff and it was determined that auto storage is permitted
per the P-M (planned industrial zone) and that a Level Ill Local Mobility Analysis (LMA) report is required.
The LMA is provided under separate cover. The Scoping Agreement Memo is provided in Appendix A.
The City of Carlsbad also requires a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan if a site generates
110 or more average daily employee trips. A TDM Plan is required for the proposed parking lot and is
incorporated into this document.
This TDM Plan is organized into five sections:
1. Introduction
2. Existing Conditions and TDM Context
3. Infrastructure TDM Selections
4. Non-Infrastructure TDM Selections
5. Monitoring and Implementation
The following is a brief summary of the TDM Plan:
• The City's TOM Handbook (2019) requires a Tier 3 TDM Plan for a project that generates more
than 275 average daily employee trips. Proposed TDM infrastructure strategies and non-
infrastructure strategies are proposed and are listed in Table 1. The combined strategies meet the
18 points of TDM strategies required for this project. Some of the TDM strategies are also
highlighted in Figure L
• The TDM plan will comply with requirements of the Mobility Element and with the City's TDM
5980 Eagle Dri~e, Carlsbad
Tier 3 Transportation Demand Management Plan
5980 agle Drive, Carlsbad
r"' ',j Proposed Study Area
1111111 Project Site Location
• Distribution Center
\j Local Amenities
Figure 1
Project Site Location and Study Area
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad
Passenger Loading Zone
12' W x 40' L
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Secure Bike Parking
4 Bike Boxes
I ,,
~ -
77-5/8" W X 79-1/2" L X 101" H
Bike Repair Station
8.5'' W X 50" H X 16" D
Preferential Parking for
Carpool/ Vanpool (16 Stalls) W+E
Figure 2
Project Site Plan
Table 1 Proposed TOM Strategies
TDM Strategy Number of Points Requested
Proposed Infrastructure TDM Strategies
Secure Bike Parking 1
Bike Repair Station 1
Transit Shelter 1
Car/Vanpool Preferential Parking 2
Passenger Loading Zone 1
Infrastructure Based Innovation 2
Total 8
Proposed Non-Infrastructure TDM Strategies
Transportation Coordinator 1
Distribute New Hire Transportation Information 1
Citywide TDM Program 2
TDM Leases and Purchase Agreements 5
Ride-Matching Services 1
Marketing and Outreach 1
Total 11
Grand Total 19
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad 4
Tier 3 Transportation Demand Management Plan
2.1 Introduction
Per Table 2 below, the project is expected to generate 924 employee daily trips which meets the trip
generation threshold specified in the City's TOM Handbook for a Tier 3 Transportation Demand
Management (TDM) Plan. The TDM Plan is a "fluid", ongoing document that will be updated where
necessary as the monitoring and reporting program progresses. This section provides specific details of
the TOM Plan which are re-iterated in the completed Tier 3 TDM Plan Template for Non-Residential
Projects provided in Appendix B.
Table 2 Employee Daily Arrival and Departure Profile
29 0
116 0
86 0
0 0
0 0
0 22
0 44
0 116
0 36
0 13
231 231
Total Daily Trips
2.2 Existing Conditions and TOM Context
Pedestrian Infrastructure
Delivery Vans
0 0 29
0 29 145
0 116 202
0 86 86
22 0 22
44 0 66
116 0 160
36 0 152
13 0 49
0 0 13
231 231 924
Sidewalk is provided on the north side of Grey Hawk Court and on the east side of Eagle Drive. Sidewalks
are consistently 5 feet wide or greater on both streets. Sidewalk is uninterrupted between the site and
the bus stops on Palomar Airport Road providing pedestrian access to transit services. Grey Hawk Court
operates at pedestrian level of service (LOS) B (5980 Eagle Drive Local Mobility Analysis, February 2021).
Eagle Drive is classified as an industrial street, which is subject to level of service standards for vehicles
and transit. Two driveway access points will be provided, one on Eagle Drive at the intersection with Tiger
Run Court and one at the driveway access to Grey Hawk Business Center on the north side of Grey Hawk
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad s
Tier 3 Transportation Demand Management Plan
' '
Bicycle Infrastructure
Class II Bike Lanes are provided in both directions on both Eagle Drive. There are no bicycle facilities on
Grey Hawk Court and the street is classified as a local/neighborhood street in the City of Carlsbad Mobility
Element. Grey Hawk Court currently operates at bicycle level of service B.
Transit Cannectivity
Eagle Drive currently operates at LOS C for transit services on the northbound side fronting the project
site (5980 Eagle Drive Local Mobility Analysis, February 2021). Bus services are provided on nearby
Palomar Airport Road approximately¼ mile from the proposed site access. Palomar Airport Road also
operates at LOS C for transit services. The site is also within the Carlsbad Connector operational area
shown in Appendix C. This is an on demand, app-based shuttle service which runs from the Carlsbad
Poinsettia Coaster Station. However, as a result of temporary service reductions implemented on Coaster
trains due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the service has been temporarily suspended until further notice.
However, STC understands that the multi-agency partnership that manages the Carlsbad Connector
service will attempt to re-launch the service once the Coaster schedules return to normal.
Appendix D provides a terrain view of the study area and vicinity and elevation profiles for Eagle Drive
and Grey Hawk Court. The sidewalk and bike lane provision as well as street lighting may encourage active
and alternative modes of travel. Appendix E shows the street views on Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court
from the proposed project driveways. The bike lane and sidewalk on Eagle Drive can be seen on both sides
of the street. The sidewalk on both sides of the street on Grey Hawk Court can also be seen.
There are limited project specific and neighboring amenities within a ¼ mile or 5-minute walk of the
project site. The nearest local amenities are located at the Carlsbad Ranch Market on the northwest corner
of Palomar Airport Road and Business Park Drive. These are approximately¾ mile or a 15-minute walk
from the project site. Uninterrupted sidewalk is provided between the project site and Carlsbad Ranch
Market. The location of Carlsbad Ranch Market is shown in Figure 1. The following amenities are provided:
• Six food takeout/ delivery options
• Two fitness centers
• Small grocery store selling local produce
• Gas station and convenience store
• Bank and ATM
• Hair salon
Anticipated Workforce and Commute Patterns
Table 2 shows the arrival and departure profile for the parking lot on a typical day. The typical daily shift
pattern is from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM (start) through 7:00 PM-10:00 PM (finish).
The site is currently vacant and commute patterns will be obtained from the surveys which wilt be
undertaken within 12 months of reaching 75% occupancy.
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad 6
Tier 3 Transportation Demand Management Plan
' '
i I
2.3 Infrastructure TDM Selections
A total of 18 points is required from infrastructure and non-infrastructure TDM strategies. New
developments must achieve a minimum of 6 points through infrastructure strategies. The project is
anticipated to achieve 8 infrastructure points through the following strategies, points requested are
shown in parentheses:
Secure Bike Parking (1 point)
A minimum of four bike boxes will be provided approximately 120 feet from the Eagle Drive entrance to
the site adjacent to the transit shelter with space allocated for four more in the future. The bike boxes will
be accessible by access code, smart phone app or similar. The secure bike parking location is shown on
Figure 2 and will be accessible from the sidewalk on the east side of Eagle Drive. The bike boxes will be
two-tier so the dimensions of four boxes together will be 77-5/8" wide, 79-1/2" long and 101" high.
Bike Repair Station (l point)
A bike repair station (www.bikefixtation.com) will be provided on-site near the secure bike parking. The
repair station will provide a universal bike mounting stand, tool assemblies, and is ADA compliant. It also
comes with a QR-code for online help and instructions. The bike repair station is shown on Figure 2 and is
8.5'' wide, SO" high and 16" deep. The repair station will be located adjacent to the secure bike parking
and accessible from the sidewalk on the east side of Eagle Drive.
Transit Shelter (1 point)
A transit shelter will be provided to serve as a pick-up and drop-off location for on-demand, ride hailing
services. These could include:
• Drop-off and pick-up services
o Taxi services, Uber, Lyft
o Shuttle services
o Private cars making pass-by drop-off/ pick-up
• Carlsbad Connector (currently suspended)
The location of the shelter is shown on the site plan in Figure 2. The shelter will be 5-feet wide and 10-
feet long and will have a ceiling height of BO-inches It will be provided adjacent to the passenger loading
zone near the entrance to the site and accessible from the sidewalk on Eagle Drive. The shelter will be a
comfortable waiting space for employees and contain a display case/ kiosk with information about
available transportation options at the transit shelter. Information will be reviewed quarterly and updated
as needed.
Car/Vanpool Preferential Parking (2 points)
Sixteen parking stal!s will be reserved for car/vanpool parking only. Additional spaces will be provided
should these fill up. The User will have an enforcement policy in place to ensure that spaces are on!y used
by carpoolers and vanpoo!ers. The User will also provide a ride-matching service to employees to obtain
S980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad
Tier 3 Transportation Demand Management Plan
' I
maximum points forth is TOM strategy. The location of the car/ van pool spaces are shown on Figure 2 and
will be located approximately 200 feet from the driveway access, opposite the ADA stalls.
Passenger Loading Zone (1 point}
A 12-feet wide passenger loading zone will be provided approximately 40-feet in length, long enough for
2 cars to wait in line and for the Carlsbad Connector to stop. Figure 3 shows the turning template for a
conventional school bus which represents the design vehicle for the Carlsbad Connector vans. The figure
shows that the Carlsbad Connector bus is able to navigate around the parking islands closest to the
entrance. The loading zone will be co-located with the transit shelter, secure bike parking and carpool
parking spaces, as shown in Figure 2.
Infrastructure Based Innovation (2 points}
The transit shelter and loading zone is considered innovative as it will not be limited to bus services. It will
provide a convenient waiting space for users of ride-hailing services such as the Carlsbad Connector or
Uber/ lyft. It also provides the opportunity for staff to be dropped off at the loading zone in a timely
manner. This is ideal for single car households who carpool to work. Services such as uber pool could be
utilized by staff traveling to/ from the same location. This strategy will be used in conjunction with The
User's ride-matching service.
As explained earlier, the shelter will be a comfortable waiting space for employees and contain a display
case/ kiosk with information about available transportation options at the transit shelter. Information will
be reviewed quarterly and updated as needed. While the Carlsbad Connector service is temporarily
suspended due to a reduction in Coaster rail services as a result of COVI0-19, STC understands that the
service managers will attempt to re-launch the service once Coaster schedules return to normal.
2.4 Non-Infrastructure TOM Selections
In addition to the infrastructure selections listed above, the project is requesting a further 11 points from
non-infrastructure TOM selections to achieve the required 18 points combined. The non-infrastructure
selections are listed below with points requested shown in parentheses:
Transportation Coordinator (1 point)
The transportation coordinator responsible for ensuring the infrastructure is developed as agreed upon
with the City, wilt be Neal Abbott. Contact details are provided in Appendix B.
Distribute New Hire Transportation Information (1 point)
The User will ensure that transportation options information is distributed to new employees during the
hiring and orientation process.
Citywide TDM Program (2 points)
The transportation coordinator will meet with the citywide TOM programs outreach staff on a regular
basis (at least annually) and participate in at least one event held by the citywide TOM program (if
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad
Tier 3 Transportation Demand Management Piao
Eagle Dr at Tiger Run Ct, Carlsbad, CA
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I Figure 3
I ' -
TOM in Leases and Purchase Agreements (5 points)
The lease agreement will bind the User to provide the ongoing TDM services outlined in this TDM Plan.
Ride-matching Services {1 point)
The User will provide a ride-matching service to staff or encourage new staff to use existing ride-matching
platforms such as Waze or Uber Pool. An enclosed bulletin board at the transit shelter will be installed as
a promotional area for ride sharing services and a place where staff can seek carpoolers who take similar
routes to work.
Marketing and Outreach (1 Point)
This strategy will ensure that commuters are educated about the transportation programs and services
available to them and encourage sustainable travel choices on an ongoing manner.
No less than once per year, the User will hold an event at the site that includes food trucks or barbeques
brought in by the company. The event will promote all forms of alternative travel but will be called the
"Carpool Cookout" with commuters specifically encouraged to get to know one another, learn where each
other live and find a carpooling companion.
The User conducts morning meetings at its employment locations, including locations such as the project
site, even though there is not a building. Drivers gather at least weekly and are briefed on safety. At the
project site, the meeting will be held near the transit shelter and bike lockers, which serves as the focal
point of alternative transportation. As noted above, the transit shelter will contain a display case/kiosk
with information about available transportation options. Managers will use the same meetings as an
opportunity to verbally remind drivers about their travel options and encourage them to commute using
sustainable travel modes.
2.5 Monitoring and Implementation
To ensure that TDM strategies continue throughout the life of the project, requirements will be
incorporated into the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R) of the property and into the User
lease agreements. It will clarify any obligation to fund and implement the programs and to adhere to
reporting requirements. User may be subject to financial penalties if targets are not met.
Commute surveys will be distributed to employees every two years following the baseline survey which
will be conducted within 12 months of occupancy reaching 75 percent or within 18 months of initial
occupancy, whichever occurs first. The developer will provide a copy of the signed tease that stipulates
that the employer will administer employee commute surveys on the same schedule.
ln addition, the developer acknowledges the interim and final alternative mode share goals, listed below
in Table 3, that the development is required to achieve. Should the goals not be achieved, the
transportation coordinator agrees to work with the citywide program to identify and implement
additional measures suitable to the project site.
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad ,0
Tier 3 Transportation Demand Management Plan
Table 3 Proposed Mode Share Targets
Period in which reporting falls Mode Share Goal
Present till 2025 25%
2025-2029 30%
2030-2034 35%
2035 on 40%
The details shown above outline the developer's and proposed User's commitment to the TOM Plan
process and shows that infrastructure and non-infrastructure measures will meet the required 18 points
worth of TOM strategies.
5980 Eagle Drive, ca rlsbad 11
Tier 3 Transportation Demand Management Plan
The following is a brief summary of results previously presented:
• The City's TOM Handbook (2019) requires a Tier 3 TOM Plan for a project that generates more
than 275 average daily employee trips. Combined TOM infrastructure non-infrastructure
strategies shown in Table 4 meet the 18 points of TOM strategies required for this project.
Table 4 Proposed TOM Strategies
TOM Strategy Number of Points Requested
Proposed Infrastructure TDM Strategies
Secure Bike Parking 1
Bike Repair Station 1
Transit Shelter 1
Car/Vanpool Preferential Parking 2
Passenger Loading Zone 1
Infrastructure Based Innovation 2
Total 8
Proposed Non-Infrastructure TDM Strategies
Transportation Coordinator 1
Distribute New Hire Transportation Information 1
Citywide TOM Program 2
TOM Leases and Purchase Agreements 5
Ride-Matching Services 1
Marketing and Outreach 1
Total 11
Grand Total 19
The TOM plan will comply with requirements of the Mobility Element and with the City's TOM Ordinance.
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad 12
Tier 3 Transportation Demand Management Plan
' \
Appendix A: Scoping Agreement Memo
Technical Memorandum
Subject: 5980 Eagle Drive, Local Mobility Analysis Scoping Agreement
January 20, 2021 Date:
To: Jennifer Horodyski, TE
City of Carlsbad
From: David DiPierro, TE
Philip Wragg, AICP
STC Traffic Inc. is pleased to submit this scoping letter on behalf of Greystar for the proposed vehicle
storage facility on the northeast corner of Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court. A minor Site Development
Plan and minor Conditional Use Permit is being prepared and the following reports are required:
• Local Mobility Analysis (LMA)
• Transportation Demand Management (TOM) Plan
• Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis
Preliminary meetings were held with City staff on October 5, October 14 and November 4, 2020 to discuss
the project. The purpose of this letter is to file a scoping agreement with the City (per Transportation
Impact Analysis (TIA) guideline requirements) and establish the technical parameters for the traffic related
reports. Attachment A contains the City form "Scoping Agreement for Traffic Impact Study" and Figure 2.
through Figure 6 show trip distribution and assignment figures used to determine the study area. This
scoping memo is organized into the following sections:
1. Project Description
1.1. Site Operation
2. Local Mobility Anlaysis
2.1. Report Category and Trip Generation
2.2. Multi-Modal Level of Service
2.3. Trip Distribution and Assignment
2.4. Signalized and Unsignalized Intersection Analysis
2.5. Study Area Map
2.6. Signal Warrant Analysis
2.7. Non-Peak Hour Roadway Segment Analysis
2.8. Analysis Scenario
2.9. Other Jurisdictional Impacts
3. VMT Analysis
4. TDM Plan
The project site is located at 5980 Eagle Drive on the northeast corner of Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court.
Two driveway access points will be provided, one on Eagle Drive at the intersection with Tiger Run Court,
and one at the driveway access to Grey Hawk Business Center on the north side of Grey Hawk Court. The
preliminary site plan is shown in Figure 1.
STCTraffic, Inc.
5865 Avenida Encinas, Suite 142-B, Carlsbad, CA 92008
www .stctraffic.corn
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad
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Secure Bike Parking I
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Preferential Parking for
Carpool/ Vanpool (16 Stalls)
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Figure 1
Preliminary Site Plan
The parking lot will have 308 stalls maximum which will accommodate a maximum parking lot utilization
rate of 75% or 231 delivery vans. Trip generation has been based on the User's "Megacycle" logistical
profile. Trip distribution is based on Figure 10B of Carlsbad Oaks North Traffic Study Local Facilities
Management Plan (2002) for commuter trips and the location of the nearby distribution centers, which
the lot will serve on Loker Avenue and Business Park Drive.
1.1 Site Operation
The lot will operate as storage facility for delivery vans, staff will arrive on site and swap personal vehicles
with delivery vans and head to the distribution center on Business Park Drive or Loker Avenue. At the end
of the shift they will return the van to the parking lot (from the distribution center) and collect their
personal vehicle. Inbound and outbound non-peak hour project trips will be generated.
2.1 Report Category and Trip Generation
The project trip generation has been derived by using the "Megacycle" logistics profile that the User has
in place for delivery services. Delivery operations occur between 09:00 AM -09:30 PM for distribution of
goods to customers between 11:00 AM and 09:00PM. Delivery employees would commute to the
proposed parking site in their personal vehicles, park, pick-up a delivery van, drive to existing nearby
distribution centers to load packages for the entire day, make deliveries, return to the parking site, drop
off a delivery van, and exit site in personal vehicles. Delivery operations at the existing distribution
centers begin at 10:00 AM and end at 11:30 AM, with delivery vans loading/departing from the centers at
a rate of no more than 120 vans every 30 minutes to facilitate a regulated traffic flow into the surrounding
roadway network. This departure window is designed to reduce impacts during the typical morning
commuter peak hours and improve delivery efficiencies. Delivery vans return to the parking site between
7:00 PM and 9:00 PM.
At the project site, the same workforce that arrives in personal vehicles and departs in a van in the
morning (between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM) is the same workforce that drops the van off and leaves again
(in personal vehicles) in the evening (between 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM). Therefore, there is essentially
only one shift per day.
Employee Average Daily Trips (ADT) will be 924 trips consisting of 462 inbound and 462 outbound per day.
This in turn will consist of 231 private vehicles in and 231 vans out in the morning and 231 vans in and 231
private vehicles out in the evening. Table 1 shows the 75% daily trip profile summary. The raw data
provided is shown in Attachment B with the site operating at 69% capacity or 212 delivery vans. It is our
understanding that this is the typical utilization for the site. However, for a conservative assessment we
have assumed a 75% utilization rate or 231 delivery vans. Any more than this would lead to inefficiencies
as employees would be required to drive vans out of spaces before driving in with their private vehicles
at the beginning of the shift. This would create unnecessary blocking of the parking aisles and potential
delivery delay to customers. Attachment C shows trip generation based on a maximum 75% capacity. This
methodology was discussed and agreed with City staff during scoping discussions.
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo 3
Table 1 Typical Daily Trip Profile Maximum Utilization
Delivery Vans
Time Total
09:00-09:30 29 0 0 0 29
09:30-10:00 116 0 0 29 145
10:00-10:30 86 0 0 116 202
10:30-11:00 0 0 0 86 86
19:00-19:30 0 0 22 0 22
19:30-20:00 0 22 44 0 66
20:00-20:30 0 44 116 0 160
20:30-21:00 0 116 36 0 152
21:00-21:30 0 36 13 0 49
21:30-22:00 0 13 0 0 13
Total 231 231 231 231 924
Total Daily Trips 924
Table 1 shows that there will be no project impact during the peak hours. During scoping discussions, it
was agreed that the project peak hours should be assessed. Based on the typical daily trip profile applied
to a 75% utilization, as shown in Table 1 the project peak hours are:
• 09:30 AM to 10:30 AM
• 08:00 PM to 09:00 PM
Table 1 shows that there will be 347 project trips in the AM project peak hour (202 inbound and 145
outbound). In the PM project peak hour there will be 312 project trips (152 inbound and 116 outbound).
Table 2 shows the project trip generation which is comparable to the typical daily in-out t rip profile
provided by the User summarized in Table 1.
Table 2 Project Trip Generation
Land Use ■ Daily
Eagle Drive Proposed Trip Generation 308 . '
AM Project
Peak Hour
In Out
PM Project
Peak Hour
In Out
• t
STC understands that the proposed auto storage land use is consistent with the City of Carlsbad General
Plan. The project will generate below 1,000 Average Daily Trips (ADT). A Level Ill TIA is required based on
Table 1 of the City of Carlsbad's Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines (April 2018). A Level Ill TIA
includes the following elements:
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo 4
• Trip Generation Table
• MMLOS (ped, bike, transit)
• Trip Distribution & Assignment Figure
• Study Area Map
• Signalized Intersection Analysis
• Unsignalized Intersection Analysis
• Existing Conditions Analysis
The following sections describe the LMA elements in more detail.
2.2 Multi-Modal Level of Service (MMLOS}
A Level 3 TIA requires a Multi-Modal level of Service (MMLOS) analysis for pedestrian, bike and transit
modes of travel. MMLOS assigns a letter "grade" for these modes of travel. The City's General Plan
establishes LOS Dor better on each roadway for each mode of travel that is subject to this standard.
STC will use the City's MMLOS tool to determine the MMLOS for Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court.
According to Figure 1 of the TIA guidelines, Eagle Drive is an "industrial Street" and Grey Hawk Court is a
"local/ neighborhood street". Industrial streets are subject to transit MMLOS analysis only and local
streets are subject to pedestrian and6 bicycle MMLOS analyses. The following segments and modes will
be assessed in the MMLOS analysis:
Eagle Drive
Transit MM LOS -The eastbound and westbound transit lines and stops on Palomar Airport Road (east
and west of the Eagle Drive intersection) will be assessed. These are approximately a ¼-mile from the
project site.
Pedestrian MMLOS -the sidewalk on the east side of Eagle Drive will be assessed along the project
frontage and between Grey Hawk Court and Palomar Airport Road to accommodate pedestrian routes to
the transit stops.
Bicycle MM LOS -Eagle Drive is classified as an "industrial street" and therefore not subject to Bicycle
MM LOS analysis.
Grey Hawk Court
Transit MMLOS-Grey Hawk Court is classified as a "local/ neighborhood street" which are not subject to
transit MM LOS.
Pedestrian MM LOS-the sidewalk on the north side of Grey Hawk Court fronting the project site will be
Bicycle MMLOS-The eastbound and westbound street segments on Grey Hawk Court between the Eagle
Drive intersection and the project driveway will be assessed. Both directions provide access to the bike
lanes on Eagle Drive.
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo 5
Palomar Airport Road
Palomar Airport Road is not part of the project frontage but subject to pedestrian MMLOS as sidewalk is
used to the eastbound and westbound transit stops. The following Palomar Airport Road segments will
be assessed for pedestrian MMLOS:
• The sidewalk on the north side or Palomar Airport Road between Eagle Drive and the westbound
transit stop.
• The sidewalk on the south side of Palomar Airport Road between Eagle Drive and the eastbound
transit stop.
2.3 Trip Distribution and Assignment
A project distribution and assignment analysis has been carried out to determine the study area. The
distribution for commuter trips was based on Figure 10B of the Carlsbad Oaks North Traffic Study Local
Facilities Management Plan (2002} as shown in Attachment 0. Proposed distribution proportions and trip
assignments are shown on Figures 2 through 6 listed below and on the following pages.
• Figure 2 Project-Peak Hour Personal Vehicle Trip Distribution
• Figure 3 Project Peak Hour Van Trip Distribution
• Figure 4 Project-Peak Hour Personal Vehicle Trip Distribution
• Figure 5 Project Peak Hour Van Trip Assignment
• Figure 6 Total Project Peak Hour Trip Assignments & Daily Project Trips
Figure 2 through Figure 6 show that 71% of the van trips will serve the Business Park Drive distribution
center and 29% will serve the Loker Avenue distribution center.
To comply with Mobility Element Policy 3-P.ll, if a project adds 110 ADT or 11 peak hour one-directional
trips to a roadway facility that is already exempt from vehicular level of service standards, it will be subject
to implementing TOM and TSM strategies. The Palomar Airport Road segment between El Camino Real
and Melrose Drive is listed as one of the exempt facilities in the Mobility Element. Figure 6 shows that the
project will add 171 trips in each direction on to Palomar Airport Road west of Melrose Drive. The TOM
plan will be prepared to comply with the TOM Ordinance and will meet TOM requirements. To meet TSM
requirements, the project will pay for the installation of one traffic signal controller.
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo 6
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad
LEGEND • Unsignalized Intersection y 11% @ Signalized Intersection 7, Lionshead Ave
~25% ;§!.
"' N
~ 9 y s0%
Tiger Run Court Project Owy
-u-Stop Controlled Approach _a_ .. Project Site Location .. ~ ~ -Amazon Distribution Center ·f: ;§!. ;§!.
0 :! 14%~ .. )006 Turning Movement% .., ,. ...
p ~
~ ~ ,: 0 "' .5!
XX% Distribution Proportion
8 Eagle Drive & Lionshead Avenue Eagle Drive & f) Tiger Run Court/ Project Dwy •
~20% -~
3 ~ 0 ;§!. .. "' 'i "' y 2s% "' N ... "' 9 ~ ~
Grey Hawk Ct Palomar Airport Rd • 0
t ,,. 55%.A 0 "" .. ;§!. ~ .£ > -;;; ;§ 0"' > v, N 0 !It ~ .. .. ~ Q.
Eagle Drive & Grey Hawk Court @) Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo
& Palomar Airport Road
Figure 2
Project-Peak Hour Personal Vehicle Trip Distribution
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad
0 Unsignalized Intersection
@ Signalized Intersection ,,.. Stop Controlled Approach .. Project Site Location -Dlstribution Center
XX% Tu ming Movement%
)OI,.; Distribution Proportion
Lionshead Ave
0 Eagle Drive & Uonshe.id Avenue
Tiger Run Court
9 y 32%
Project Dwy ,,,
~ N ""
Eagle Drive & f) Tiger Run Court/ Project Dwy
9 ~ 16%
Grey Hawk Ct
C, Eagle Drive & Grey Hawk Court
Palomar Airport Rd ~ 1------
29%.A .g
C: ~
2 :
l7i\ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo
\::.I & Palomar Airport Road
Figure 3
Project Peak Hour Van Trip Distribution
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad
0 Unslgnalized lnter5ection y 22/0 @ Signalized Intersection --u-Uonshead Ave
" Stop Controlled Approach ...0.... .. Project Site Location
QI ~ ~ -Distribution Center > N "' 'C N 0 0 0 28/0~ QI xx/o Turning Movement (AM/PM) ..
0 Eagle Drive & Lionshead Avenue
Tiger Run Court
9 y o1so
Project Dwy
Eagle Drive & f) Tiger Run Court/ Project Dwy
9 y 0/40
Grey Hawk Ct
C, Eagle Drive & Grey Hawk Court
QI ·"
~40/0 ~ N 0
0 0 ..
""' ~
Palomar Airport Rd • ..:.c.;.c;__.....:...._---1O 1------
11110 A ]
i "-
t::i'\ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo
\:!I & Palomar Airport Road
Figure 4
Project Peak Hour Personal Vehicle Trip Assignment
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad
LEGEND ~ 75/0
0 Unsignalized Intersection
@ Signalized Intersection Lion,head Ave
y om
Tiger Run Court
~ y 47/0
Project Dwy .,... Stop Controlled Approach .. Project Site Location
_Q_ p -Distribution Center
YJ/n Turning Movement (AM/PM)
0 Eagle Drive & Llonshead Avenue Eagle Drive & f) Tiger Run Court/ Project Dwy
9 y 23/0
Grey Hawk Ct
~ ,?_ c ~ 0/29 C0 !!! ... N ~ ""-~
Palomar Alrpart Rd • 0
,!, ;;; >
al );I CL
8 Eagle Drive & Grey Hawk Court @ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo
& Palomar Airport Road
Figure 5
Project Peak Hour Van Trip Assignment
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad
LEGEND • Unsignalized Intersection
@ Signalized Intersection Lions.he~ Ave -er
-0-Stop Controlled Approach
~ Project Site Location -Distribution Center
xx/xx Turning Movement (AM/PM)
i 28/0 ~ C ... !
xx-Directional Dally Project Trips
"f' 22/79
N 00 N 0 ~ ......
Tiger Run Court
~ 75/40
'f 47/80
Project Dwy
9 "f' 23/40
N -l ~ 40/49 m 0 ...... -t 00 N ,ll
Grey Hawk Court Palomar Airport R01d g ____ _
111/44 J.
0 Eagle Drive & lionshead Ave a Eagle Drive & v Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway 8 Eagle Drive & Grey Hawk court @ Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo &
Palomar Airport Road
Figure 6
Total Project Peak Hour Trip Assignments (Personal Vehicle+ Van Trips) & Daily Project Trips
2.4 Signalized and Unsignalized Intersection Analysis
In accordance with page 9 and page 21 of the City's TIA guidelines, the following study area intersections
will be analyzed:
Study Area Intersections
• Eagle Drive and Lionshead Avenue -Unsignalized
• Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway -Unsignalized
• Eagle Drive/ Paseo Valindo and Palomar Airport Road -Signalized
Four intersections were considered for analysis the three intersections mentioned above and Eagle Drive
at Grey Hawk Court, but only three meet the criteria for evaluation. The intersection analyses will conform
with section 7.1 and section 7.2 of the City's TIA guidelines. The unsignalized intersections will be subject
to signal warrant analyses and MUTCD-CA methodology will be applied. The signalized intersection will
be subject to a queue and storage analysis based on the following criteria:
• Left turn queue assessment: Compare the left turn volume with the length of the left turn
pocket(s). A general rule of thumb of one foot per left turning vehicle per lane may be used for
this analysis.
• Left turn volume: If the left turn volume exceeds 250 vehicles per hour, a second left turn lane is
• Right turn volume: If the right turn volume exceeds 150 vehicles per hour, a dedicated right turn
lane is recommended.
STC will also carry out turn lane analysis for all turning movements on all approaches, subject to vehicular
level of service for the project peak hours (09:30 AM to 10:30 AM and 08:00 PM to 09:00 PM).
Study Area Roadway Segments
Roadway segments should be included in the study area when the segment has an increase in project
traffic equal to SO or more peak-hour trips in either direction of travel. Table 1 shows that there will be
no peak hour project trips and therefore evaluation of roadway segments is not required.
2.5 Study Area Map
Figure 2 shows the proposed study area which consists of the intersections listed in Section 2.4.
2.6 Signal Warrant Analysis
Two signal warrant analyses will be carried out at the following unsignalized intersections:
• Eagle Drive and lionshead Avenue
• Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/ Project Driveway
2. 7 Non-Peak Hour Roadway Segment Analysis
Level of service project peak hour roadway segment analysis is required where SO or more project trips
are added to a segment in a single direction of travel. The roadway segment analysis will be carried out at
the following segments:
• Eagle Drive between Palomar Airport Road and lionshead Road
• lionshead Avenue between Eagle Drive and Business Park Drive
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo 12
• Palomar Airport Road between Melrose Drive and City limits
The segment analysis will make reference to the City of Carlsbad Service Volume Table Report (June 2020)
to inform the level of service thresholds and roadway segment capacity. Volumes on Palomar Airport Road
will be measured at each segment and averaged for comparison to the corridor capacity. Where
appropriate the analysis will also refer to the Street Segment Facility Performance Measures Approach
Technical Review (November 2019).
2.8 Analysis Scenarios
Existing Conditions Analysis is the required scenario for a Level Ill TIA. Study area traffic counts will be
collected on a neutral day (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday). Study area roadway conditions, speed
limit signs and intersection geometry/ traffic controls will be identified. The location and types of bicycle
and pedestrian facilities within the study area will also be included. Findings of the field assessment and
data collection will be summarized in graphic form for the report.
The traffic count data will be used to derive the existing conditions analysis and project trips will be added
to the existing conditions to derive the existing plus project conditions.
2.9 Other Jurisdictional Impacts
As previously explained there will be no peak hour project impact on the surrounding road network. Figure
6 shows that 328 daily project trips will be distributed on Business Park Drive. This is located within the
City of Vista. Draft Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines state that intersection analysis is at the
discretion of the City of Vista Traffic Engineer. Correspondence with the City of Vista Traffic Engineer
shown in Attachment E explains that trips within the City of Vista do not need to be evaluated as they
would have been evaluated with the distribution center on Business Park Drive.
As applicable based on the Carlsbad Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis Guidelines (September 15,
2020) Section 3.3.5 Industrial Projects-states that the ITE Trip Generation manual can be used as a guide
in determining which projects are industrial versus other land use types. Pert he definition of Warehousing
(including high-cube warehouses, parcel hubs, fulfillment centers, and cold storage warehouses) which
this project is proposed to be used as an auto storage lot. Therefore, this project would qualify to fall
under the land use category of industrial use and use the designated thresholds of significance for this
type of land development project.
The project will generate less than 2,400 ADT. As addressed in scoping discussions, STC will use SANDAG
SB 743 VMT/employee maps and 2016 data for the relevant traffic analysis zone or census tract to derive
the project VMT and determine if there will be a potentially significant impact. The findings will be
presented in a technical memo under a separate cover.
The City's Transportation Demand Management Handbook (August 2019) requires a "Tier 3" TOM Plan
for projects that generate more than 245 daily trips. The TOM Plan will be organized into the following
four sections:
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TDM & VMT Scoping Memo 13
' '
• Existing Conditions and TOM Context
• Infrastructure TOM Selections
• Non-Infrastructure TOM Selections
• Monitoring and Implementation
The TOM Plan will comply with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Mobility Element and with the
City's TOM Ordinance. 18 points of TOM strategies will be required for this project. Details on the
infrastructure and non-infrastructure strategies that will be implemented by the project will be provided
in the TOM Plan.
During scoping discussions with City staff on October S, 2020 concern was raised that a transit shelter for
use in conjunction with the Carlsbad Connector may not be appropriate as services have been suspended
or reduced during the COVlD-19 pandemic. However, STC understands that the shelter could still be
utilized by employees waiting to be picked up, for ride-sharing services and taxi services such as Uber or
It is a pleasure to provide this LMA scoping memo to the City of Carlsbad. We are happy to discuss our
findings and recommendations further to support your review. Please feel free to contact me or Phil by
phone or email.
STC Traffic
David DiPierro, TE
• Attachment A Scoping Agreement Form
• Attachment B Raw Trip Generation Data
• Attachment C 75% Utilization Trip Generation
• Attachment D Carlsbad Oaks North Local Facilities Management Plan Traffic Study Distribution
• Attachment E Correspondence with City of Vista Traffic Engineer
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Sc.oping Memo 14
Attachment A Scoping Agreement Form
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo
{City of
_ __cTccRAccN.cS"-P"O-'-RT-'-A-'-T-'-'IO~N'--'l'-'M"-P'-'A-'-CTccAccN.c.Accl.cYS"IS,cG,c:Ue.:l,:D,cELe:IN_,_,Ec:_S _____________ Car]sbad
April 2018
This letter acknowledges the City of Carlsbad Traffic Engineering Division requirements for the transportation
impact analysis of the following project. The analysis must follow the latest City of Carlsbad Transportalon
Impact Study Guidelines dated September 2017.
Case No.
Project Name: Amazon Parking Lot@ 5980 Eagle Drive
Project Location: 5980 Eagle Drive
Project Description: Vehicle Storage Facility
Related Cases -
SP No.
GPA No. ______________________________ _
STC Traffic Inc
5865 Avenida Encinas, Suite 142-B,
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Telephone. (760) 602-4290
444South Cedros Ave, Suite 172,
Solana Beach, CA 92075
(858} 914-2123
A. Trip Generation source:_F0o0t0o0ce,_,Do'o'c"Pe'o''-'-------------------
Elttended land Use _________ _
Elltended Zoning
Total Daily Trips
Proposed Land Use Parking lot for delivery service vans
Proposed Zoning Ancillary/ Accessory for industrial use
For cast Dally Trips 924 -----------
(Attach a trip generation table. Describe Trip Reduction Factors proposed and Included In the trip gene rat Ton table.)
B. Trip Distribution: D Select Zone {Model Series __ )
(Provide eKhlblt for detailed trip dlstrltlutlon and assignment.I See attached memo
C. Background Traffic
Phased Project D No 0 Yes Phases: _______________ _
Plea~ contad the Enqlnttrlna Devision or usf/ the most reaintly provided tJata
Model/Forcast Methodology: _________________________ _
35 I Page
(City of
__ T_R_A_N_S_PO_R_T_A_T_IO_N_IM_P_A_CT_A_N_A_LY_S_IS_G_U_I_D_E_ll_N_ES ______________ Carlsbad
D, Study Intersections: (NOTE: Subject to revision after other projects, trip generation and distribution are
determined, or comments)
1. Eagle Drive and Lionshead Avenue S ... _________________ _
2. Eagle Drive and Tiger Run Court/ Project Dwy 6 .. __________________ _
3. Eagle Drive/ Pc1seo Valindo & Palomar Airport Rd 7 ___________________ _
4. ------------8. -------------
E. Study Roadway Segments: (NOTE: Subject to revision after other projects, trip generation and
distribution are determined, or comments)
MMLOS Study Segments Auto LOS Study Segments
< ,l•'o""
1. East side of Eagle Drive from northern property lmeto Palomar Airport Road 5. Eagle Drive between Palomar Airport Rood and Lionshead Ave
2. Grey Hawk ct from Eagle Drto Project Driveway 6. LJonshead Avenue between Eagle Drive and Business Park Drive
3. North side of Palomar Airport Road west of Eagle Drive to transit stop 7. Palomar Airport Road between Melrose Drive and Business Park Dr,ve
4. South side of Palomar Airport Road east of Eagle Drive to transit stop
F. Other Jurisdictional Impacts
Is this project within any other Asency's Sphere of Influence or one-mile radius of boundaries? @Yes D No
If so, name of Jurisdiction. City of Vista ~------------------------
G. Site Plan (Attach a legible 11'X17' copy)
H. Specific issues to be adressed in the Study (In addttlon to the standard analysis described in the
Guidelines) (To be fil~ out by Engineering Devision}
Recommended by:
Consultant's Representative Date
Scoplog Agreemeot Submitted on
Scoping Agreemeot Resubmitted on
Approved Scoping Agreement:
City of Carlsbad Date
Traffic Eogineerlng Division
36 I Page
Attachment B Raw Trip Generation Data
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo
_____ !_erso~a_! '!'~h~les [ V~ns Personal Vehicles vans Total
0.00% 000% o_p~--t---"c·c00%=-+~"cooc%c-_-_00.(!_0_!" _______ o o o o o o o I o
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% o 00% 0.00% o oo,,c-___ o o o o o o o ) o i
Total !
" 0
_ :~-.-~-.-1 In _ Out -+-"'=°"='-+~' _0c'c"c Out Total In Out Total In Out Total In , Out
01,00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% o.00% 0.00% 000%_ ______ s":----"c----"----_!1------0"---o-____ o o ;
01:30 0.00% Q.0()% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Q ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ___ I O __ _j__
02:00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
oz,30 . 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 000% 0.00% 0.00% o o o o o ---o -----o +---o-+--o---
03:00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0
03:30 1 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0
04:00 I 0.00% o 00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% o o o o o o
04:30 0.00% 0 00% _ 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0
05:00 0.00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0
" 0
" " "
" 0
" " "
" " " " "
VanADT .,.
l-"s's"s"-r-"s·"s""cc-+-">-,""s's-t-,o.00% 0.00% 000% o.00% o o o o o o o o 0
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09:30 25.20% 0.00%__!_ __ 2~2,0%,c_+c",","='~f-•=.3_9_~---6_:_3~% __ ·-____!.07 o 107 ___ o ______ 2! _____ .,,, ___ _c,,o,,_+-~"c._-+-''"~-+----
10:00 18.50% ,-0.00% 18.50% 000% 25.20% 25.20% 78 0 ___ _?8 _ 0 107 107 78 107 185
e-c'c"c',"-+ 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% i 0.0'0",-~.,0_,,,s,c--c.,s_s,""cc---s,c._--s,~ o o 78 78 o --~8 ___ >_8 ___ +-----
11,00 0.00% 000% 000% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% o o o o o o--~o---o o
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1s,oo 0.00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18:30 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 , O O i O
19:00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4 72% 0.00% 4.72% 0 0 0 20 0 20 20 0 '" 19:30 0.00% 4.72% 4.72% 9.45% 0.00% 9.45% 0 20 20 40 0 40 40 20
20:00 0.00% _____ 9.45% 9.45% 25.20% 0.00% 25.20% 0 40 40 107 0 107 107 40
20:30 0.00% 25.20% 25.20% 7.87% 0.00% 7.87% 0 107 107 33 0 33 33 107 ----~~_,oo __ 00(?0_!; . 7.87% 7.87% 2.76% 0.00% 2.76% o 33 33 12 o n 12 33
0.00% 2.76% 2.76% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 12 12 0 0 0 0 1l
000·%--0.00% -+-_Q:!)0% ! -1 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% O O o o o O O o
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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'" "' "" .,
" 0
" " 0
50.00% 50.00% 100.00% 50.00% 50.00% 100.00% 212 212 ____ 42~------212 212 424 424 424 -1----_!4-~_ +--_
t :
Attachment C 75% Utilization Trip Generation
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo
PersonalVehicles Vans Personal~ehicles +-___ 0,0,,~~~------~ Total -1-i'Van~ ~ , __ ,--f--~'"~--+-coUt ·-Total In Out Totcoa,, _ _j _ _..,ln Out Total ' ---in_ -~i___l_iotal , ---"'"'---1---_.,o,~._J ,_,,..,.,..,, _j_ ! 462
00,00 0.00% : __ o.00%~:00% _-J_-,o,.o,0>,_+-'0.00% o 00% o o o o o o l--~o'---l--'o 7 o ___ _
~i-'•,i~-~~=~=!':'·~=:·,_-11---"!-'['1': li--"!-'t=~._+'~:!,.,~:~~-i !
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~30 _,0,.0e0c%'-e-'0~00~%-000% 000% 000% 0.00% ' 0 0 -J--0"----f--0 0 0 I ~ ~ ~-' ; -
I--04:00 0.00% I O 00% 0 il O 00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 u v u
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·-'"'-'''"0'-l---"o.00% o.o0%_-+ 0.00%_ 0-,00%=-'+---"o.,oo,%"-l-□-00% ··-T o ---□--i-__ -_-:Co•_-_-+1-_+_--~<o-o o o o o
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_ 08:00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 -'"----+-0__ 0 0 __ _.,o_ 0 0 0 _
oa:lO o.o ,,""~+-,o,.oo=•~t-o.00%,_-1--1-o'c00%"" o.00% o 00% o o , o ---'-r-~o---+--□ o ---1----'''--'-o o __
09:00 6.30% 0.00% 6.30% 0.00% 0.00% -• 0.00% I i9 o 29 o o o 29 o 29
0 0
09:30 2,s -''""=-1--,0,.00,%,_+-,,s,,,"'~---0.00% 6.30% 6.30% I 116 o 116 o 29 29 116 I _29 146 _
10:00 18.50% 0.00% 18.50% 0 00% 25.20% 25.20% 85 0 85 0 116 116 85 116 202 __
~~-o.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1s.so% 18.50% o o o o 85 ss, _____ o, ___ . -'""-----t--'"'s'-+--
1--11,00 0.00%--t_-,00.000%~+ 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 Oi--+-+--''-+-~O -+-"'"-----+---0 0 0 _
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Attachment D Carlsbad Oaks North Traffic Study Local Facilities Management
Plan -Distribution Figure
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo
, ,
' ' ' ' '
, ,
, ,
@ Assumed Adjustment for the
Faraday Connection Year 2005
No See.le
Attachment E Correspondence with City of Vista Traffic Engineer
5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad LMA, TOM & VMT Scoping Memo
Hi Dave,
Husam Hasenin
Pilvid D1P1erro
Philip Wragg
RE: Amazon Distribution Center
Thursday, November 12, 2020 11:55:05 AM
Since the traffic impacts from the Amazon Distribution Center within the City of Vista would have
been evaluated with the Amazon Distribution Center itself, you do not need to evaluate the trips
within the City of Vista as part of the Carlsbad parking lot.
Sam Hasenin, P.E., T.E.
Principal Engineer, Traffic Engineering
200 Civic Center Drive
Vista, CA 92084
(760) 643-5411
h hasen I n@cityofvista.com
From: David Di Pierro <dave.dipierro@STCTraffic.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 10:57 AM
To: Husam Hasen in <hhasenin@ci.vista.ca.us>
Cc: Philip Wragg <Philip.Wragg@STCTraffic.com>
Subject: Amazon Distribution Center
Hi Sam-
We are currently involved in writing up a TIA study for a van storage lot in the City of Carlsbad. The
vans will drive over to Business Park Drive in the City of Vista to load up there vans during non-peak
hours (9:30-10:30 AM inbound and 8-9 PM outbound). Based on our trip distribution we are
assuming that no more then 164 trips would use Business Park Drive during either of these non-peak
hours. Based on your City guidelines I do not see that we are required to study any road segments
or intersections that fall within your jurisdiction, but wanted to make sure I double-checked with you
first before moving ahead on the project. If you would please verify would be much appreciated.
David DiPierro
STC Traffic, Inc.
(760) 585-7756
david .dipierro@stctraff1 c. com
Appendix B: Tier 3 TDM Plan
Carlsbad TDM Handbook
PART I: Project Background, Existing Conditions and Infrastructure TDM
Submission Date:
This section must be completed prior to building pennit issuance and updated prior to occupancy as
SECTION I: Developer Profile
Developer Name:
Property Manager
Developer Mailing
Primary Contact:
Raul Tamez
620 Newport Center Drive, 15th Floor
Newport Beach California
Raul Tamez
SECTION II: Project Information
Project Name: 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad
Permit Number:
Z,p Code
Fmai1 raul.tamez@greystar.com
Project Address: Northeast Corner of Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court
t-;umber Street Suite
City State Z,p Code
Project Interim Transportation Coordinator
0 Developer agrees to provide an Interim Transportation Coordinator responsible for ensuring the
infrastructure is developed as agreed upon with the City of Carlsbad, development and
execution of TOM Plan requirements, and transitioning Transportation Coordinator duties to
new owners or property managers upon occupancy.
Provide name, title, and contact information. This individual may be the primary contact listed
above fOr the nroiect.
Neal Abbott, AICP
PM, AMZL Procurement• Tran,portation Planning
(206) 412-3627
Carlsbad TDM Handbook
Land Use and Area
Complete the chart below to include each non-residential use, gross floor area and expected
number of employees allocated to each use.
Land Use GFA Employees
H-0 Hospital
C-1 Neighborhood
C-2 General Commercial
C-T Commercial Tourist
C-M Heavy Commercial
C-L Local Shopping Center
0 Office
V-R Village Review
L-C Limited Control
M Industrial
P-M Planned Industrial
Automobile Parking
Automobile Parking
Surface Parking Spaces
Structured Parking S_paces
205,240 sq ft (parking area)
Existing # of
Allocated Spaces
231 Auto Storage
Proposed # of Proposed # of
Allocated Spaces New Parking
308 308
0 0
SECTION 111: Existing Conditions & TDM Context
Complete the following section to establish existing conditions and TOM context.
Relevant Existing TOM Infrastructure Network
Please pn11·ide II hrief'discus.1/011 or map thal dncribn the alternalin' 1ran,portarion i11/i-r1S1rt1cl//re avaifahle rlwt
sen·c.1· the pn!jC\'I .1·i1e. Inc /udc tlwfo!lriwi11g iff'IIIS:
• !'ede,trian in/i"asrruc/1/rc (l({jace111 10 1he sidr (e.g side\\'a/ks, 11earh_1 cmsswa{k.l· or sig11a!i:.ed crossings)
• Bihl! in/i-as1mct111T hy 1_1pc (r.g. C/us1· !. fl. or IIIJ adjaffnl 10 the sifi:'
• Trc111>il or shuttle ser\'lce.1· sen'illg the sill' •1'i1h a slOpiHmion wirhin a \-; mile (or u 5-11wwte \\'a/kj
Existing Infrastructure
Pedestrian; Sidewalk is provided on the north side of Grey Hawk Court and on the east side of Eagle Drive. Sidewalks are consistently 5 feet wide
or greater on both streets. Sidewalk is uninterrupted between the site and the bus stops on Palomar Airport Road providing pedestrian access to
transit services. Grey Hawk Court operates at pedestrian level of service (LOS) B. Eagle Drive is classified as an industrial street, which is subject to
level of service standards for vehicles and transit. The site access will cons.st of the east leg of the Eagle Drive/ Tiger Run Court uns1gnalized
intersect<on. Bike: Class II Bike Lanes are provided in both directions on both Eagle Drive. There are no bicycle facil1t1es on Grey Hawk Court and
the street is classified as a local/neighborhood street in the City of Carlsbad Mobility Element. Grey Hawk Court currently operates at bicycle LOS
C. Transit: Eagle Drive currently operates at LOS C for transit services on the northbound side fronting the project site. Bus services are provided
on nearby Palomar Airport Road approximately¼ mile from the proposed s,te access. The site Is also within the Carlsbad Connector operational
area shown in Appendix B. Palomar Airport Road also operates at LOS C for trans.I services.
Relevant Project-Specific TOM Infrastructure (Tenant Improvements Only)
Plea~e pro ride (I hrhfili.,l ussirm and ,ite p!a11 describing the 011,ite TDM i11/i·astruct11re currenl(r 11rni!ah!e:
• .\'um her o/jmhlic bike racks am/ approximate /ocalirm with regurd1 lo h11i!di11g entrance
• Average ulili::ation o(hi!..e racks (in%)
• Numher secure hike racks (specif',: 1-1·hether in bike cage. hi!..e room or bi!..e lockers)
• Areriwe 1111/i::alio11 of'hike racks (in '!·i,)
• Number of desi1-;11aleil carpoohw1pool spaces and location ,rit/i regards to h11ildi11g e11/ra11ce
• A),'(:mge wili::ation o(ca1poo!A·1111poo! space., (in %i
• A1/\ other i11jms/n1c/111'e or services available lo properly le1w111s rlw! e11cm1mg,' !he use rfp11h!ic /ransit.
carpooling rn11poo!i11g. g·a!king and hiking, such as a hike repair \Ill/ion, an onsi/e shelter or \\'ailing area
fi!r h111·cs or .1huttln, etc.
Not applicable. Site is currently vacant/undeveloped
Carlsbad TDM HJndbook
Iii the hox hdow, pli!a.1·e prm•ide 111ap.1 of'the reil:'Hllll to1wgwpf1ical a11d e.rperil:'11/iaf condi1i11111 that 1\'ill influence
trawl helwl'ior,1· w 1h0c projl!el silc. At a minimum, prodde the.fiJ/!md11g.
• ,1 (ioog/e map 11"1/h /erl"//111 view and hiki' /um.:s 1hmd111; upproximate/_\' a 2-mi!I:' radiio armmd 1hr sile
• Pho10.1· (or street l'ic11· ~creen.1hol) of'the road1· ad,1acent lo the properly
• fj're!n'<l!1/. disn11.1 additional enrim11111e11/al aspects rhal ma_r I111/HICI 111-e of uctn•e a11d al!rma/ii·e
1ru11.1porra1io11. such 11.1 traffic speed,. pedestrian saJi::ty, /igl11il!g, etc.)
Appendix D provides a terrain view of the project site and vicinity and elevation profiles for Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court. Appendix
E shows the street views from the project driveways on Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court.
Appendix D also shows that the elevation changes on £agle Drive may discourage cycling and walking to or from the site. In contrast
the sidewalk and bike lane provision as well as 5treet lighting may encourage active and alternative modes of travel.
Project-Specific and/or Nearby Amenities
Count and reporl tire 1111111hl:'r (!/ pmi<'cl->pecific and ndghhoring amenities 011si1e or with ill a 5-minu/e \\'a/k ( 1/4
milrJ o(/he proiect silc and provide mup.
• Repon the numher· of (llnl'nities or e,·tab/ishmenl> hr t_1pe. !11c/11de 1111111her of food cstah/ishmenl>. child-care
ji1cilitie1. fit11es>ihea/1hcarefiici!itics and 11/hcr rdn·an/ 1erl'ices s11ch a, d1:r-clcaning th al C/11/ impact trip
There are limited project 5pecific and neighboring amenities within a S•minute walk or¼ mile of the project site. The nearest local amenities
at the Carlsbad Ranch Market on the northwest comer of Palomar Airport Road and Business Park Drive. These are approximately¾ mile or
a 15-minute walk from the project site. Uninterrupted sidewalk is provided between the project site and Carlsbad Ranch Market. The
location of Carlsbad Ranch Market is shown in Figure 1 of the TOM Plan. The following amenities are provided:
• Six takeout/ delivery options
Two fitne5s centers
Small grocery store selling local produce
Gas station and convenience store
Bank and ATM
Hair salon
Anticipated Workforce and Commute Patterns
The makCfff' of the existi11g or wrtidpared workfi,rce will help shape the approach lo T[).H f(,r a given site. /ndmle
• E.li1·ti11g or a111idpab!d comnmfr hours hast'd 011 ;-Iii/is or (ipical \l'()rk ho11n
• Exi1ti11g or anlinpatcd percentage of purl-lime employees
• If aniilah/e, (IIH' e.us/I11g co11111111ting ill/iirmalio11, rnch l/.\ the pi!rcen//1J.;(' o(emp!oyee.1 11si11g dif/i!ren/
com11111/c modes and 1hc a\'cmge commulc di~wnce.
C1rl1bad rnM Handbook
Table 2 of the TDM Plan shows the arrival and departure profile for the parking lot on a typical day. The typical daily shift pattern is as follows:
• from 9am-11am (start) through 7pm-1Dpm (finish)
Due to the nature of the shift pattern it is likely that most staff employed will be full time or staff will work full days.
The site is currently vacant and commute patterns will be obtained from the surveys which will be undertaken within 12 months of reaching 75%
SECTION IV: Infrastructure TDM Selections
The developer will work with the TA to determine infrastructure strategies applicable to the site and
the appropriate placement of TOM infrastructure.
Please reference Table 2-4 Menu of TDM Strategies, Part I: Infrastructure found in the Non-
Residential Developer TOM Plan Guidelines within the TOM handbook for infrastructure strategies
and points. An average new development is required to achieve a total of 18 points while a
redevelopment/tenant improvement is required to achieve 9 points. Required strategies add 4 points
towards the total required number of points. New developments must achieve a minimum of 6
points through infrastructure strategies unless otherwise agreed upon with city staff. Tenant
improvement projects are eligible to achieve all required points in Part IT.
In case ofa tenant improvement, if the tenant has access to any infrastructure amenity below, the
tenant can claim that amenity in their plan unless that amenity does not meet minimum standards
or is, on average, fully utilized, such as two carpool spaces that are both occupied on most
weekdays. The capacity of an existing infrastructure amenity will need to be evaluated at the time
the strategy is proposed.
Points not earned through infrastructure strategies will be expected to be earned in Part 11.
Reference Part II strategies to ensure that the appropriate infrastructure is selected to support
desired amenities or programs.
Infrastructure strategies must be selected and approved prior to building permit issuance.
Programmatic strategies in Part TI may be submitted after the building pennit has been issued, but
must be approved prior to occupancy.
Check the box to the left of the strategy to include it in the plan. Provide infonnation as requested in
the box below the strategy and indicate the points requested for the strategy, using the handbook as
a guide. For strategies with a range of points, work with the TA who will assist in determining the
appropriate number of points based on the unique context of the site and the proposed project. Refer
to the Carlsbad TOM Handbook for details about each strategy.
' \
Carlsbad TDM Handbook
0 Secure Bike Parking Points Requested: 1
Jndica/t' t/1e 1wmhi:r ofsecure, long-term hik(;' parking spaces to he pro1'idt'd, hml' they 1d!I he accessnl and 1d11:re
1/wi· wi/1 hi;' locmed mr the proiecl .1i1e. Jfrft'r to !he lwmlhook fi:ir tht' 1111111ha of spaces requirl;'d /0 earn poin/1·. If
ruclinil. i11c/11de location 011 th(;' .1·i1e mrm.
A minimum of four bike boxes will be provided near the transit shelter with space allocated for four more in the future. The bike boxe, will be
acce,sible by arcess code, smart phone app or similar
□ Public Bike Parking Points Requested:
!ndiea/C' !ht' numher o/sl10r1-1crm spaces all(/ the lype o(hikc rack/oh(' provided and ll'here the_r td/1 he located 011
/he project site. R(jcr to the handbook fi:ir the n11111her of spact's re11uired to earn points and gwda11ce nn i11stal/111io11.
ff',,ractical ill( !iide !oc11/io11 on t!w site mw,
0 Bicycle Repair Station Points Requested: 1
!Jncrihe whul i1em, will he included in tile hicrc!e re,Hrir rn1lim1 and 1rhere ii will he /ocmed wilhin !he nroit'ct 1·/cc
A bike repair station (www.b1kefixtat1on.com) will be provided on-:,1te near the secure bike parking. The repair station will provide a
universal bike mounting stand, tool as,emblie.s, and 1s ADA compliant It also comes with a QR-code for onl1ne help and instructions.
D Micromobility Parking Points Requested:
Indicate where micmnwhilil_\' parking IJJllff (or intaim hike racks) 1d/l he located OIi the pr11iec/ sile. I( practical,
inclmle location on !he site 111/11)
Cirlsbad TOM 1-'andboo~
0 Transit Shelter Additions or Improvements Points Requested:
Descrihc th<' /ocali<m 0{1ra11.1i1 s1on.1· and wha1 tncs of uddi1ioll.1i'i111orore111cnb ar~· bei1w nm1,o.1ed.
A transit shelter will be provided to serve ilS il pick-up and drop-off location for on-demand, ride boiling services. These could include:
• Drop-off and pick-up services
• Tax, services, Uber, Lyft
• Shuttle services
• Private cars making pass•by drop•off/ pick-up
• Carlsbad Connector (currently suspended)
The location of the shelter is shown on the site plan in Figure 2 of the TOM Plan. It will be provided adjacent to the passenger loading zone
near the entrnnce to the site. The shelter will be a comfortable wiliting space for employees and contain a display case/ kiosk with
informat,on about avililable transportation options at the transit shelter. Information w;11 be reviewed quarterly and updated as needed.
0 Preferential Parking for CarNanpools Points Requested: 2
!ndica/c 1he numhcr of'u11pool und vw1poo! rcscn'cd .1paccs to he provid, ·ii and whcr<' t!iey 1ri/l be localed 011 the
,,rojcct sire. Re/er lo the lwm/hoo/.._fi;r guidance on the required 1111mha o(spaces. Maxinmm poi111.1 will he awarded
1vhe11 ojkred in coniu11ctio11 with ridc-matchine serrice.\
s,xteen parking stalls will be reserved for car/vanpool parking only. Additional spaces will be provided should these fill up. The User
will have an enforcement policy in place to ensure that spaces are @ly used by carpoolers and vanpoolers. The User will also provide a
ride-matching service to employees to obtilin maximum points for this TOM strategy The location of the car/ vanpool spaces are
shown on Figure 1 of the TDM Plan and will be located approx;motely 200 feet from the driveway access, opposite the ADA stalls.
D Parking Spaces for Car Share Vehicles Points Requested:
Indicate the 11umher o(rese/"\"ed .,paces lo he pml'ided fi:;r car share H:hicle.1 and 11here they v,i/1 he located OIi the
pm/eel sue. Sl!ould he 1://ered i11 cm1j11ndio11 with car share 1·e/11dcs.
Carlsbad TOM Handbook
D End of Trip Facilities Points Requested:
/iidi,·111e 1/re 1111111her of ,;/wm!rs and chan 'in, moms and where thn will he !ucr.</ed on the sitelb11ildi1w P/u.n.
D On-site Amenities Points Requested:
LJisc111·x !he on-site a1111'11ities that 1ri!f he louued al the det'i'lupme111 and crplain hm-1· lhe\e ojferi11g1· will millf{llle trips
rather //wn .1er1·e as /rip-generators. Di.1-u1.1s dl\col/11/s amilahle lo /i'IU/ll/.1' (f"applicahk. Proride a map sho11·inJ.; the
location of thew ameniries.
D Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections Points Requested:
Proi·iile a mav :,l,mrin" !ro,m,ed nrdeslrian a11d hinde i11/ra,1ruc/i1re and co11nection, w eds/i1w fiJ.cilitin
' I
Carlsbad TDM Handbook
0 Passenger Loading Zone Points Requested: 1
Descrihi! location o(amf dl!note /vad,m.; :u11e 011 bui!dim! 1·ire uhm
A 12 feet wide passenger loading zone approximately 40 feet m length, long enough for 2 cars to wait in line and for the Carlsbad
Connector to stop. Figure 3 of the TOM Plan shows the turning template for a conventional school bus which represents the design
vehicle for the Carlsbad Connector vans. The figure shows that the Carlsbad Connector bus is able to navigate around the parking islands
closest to the entrance. The loading zone will be co-located with the transit shelter, secure bike parking and carpool parking spaces.
0 Innovation (Infrastructure-Based) Points Requested: 2
Dncrihe tire 11ra1e1,1· and dil('!/11" hmr ii will lead lo reduced Ii111;l c-occ1wanc,, 1·ehic!I! lri JS lo a11d /mm 1/te ~ite
The transit shelter and loading zone is considered innovative as ,twill not be limited to bus services It will provide a convenient waiting space
for users of ride-hailing services such as the Carlsbad Connector or Uber/ Lyft. It also provides the opportunity for staff to be dropped at the
loading zone in a timely manner. This is ideal for single car households who carpool to work. Services such as uber pool could be utilized by
staff traveling to/ from the same location. This strategy will be used 1n conjunction with the User's ride•matching service.
As explained earlier, the shelter will be a comfortable waiting space for employees and contain a display case/ kiosk with information about
available transportation options at the trans,t shelter. Information will be reviewed quarterly ond updated as needed. While the Carlsbad
Connector service is temporarily suspended due to a reduction in Coaster rail services as a result of COVID-19, STC understands that the
service managers will attempt to re"launch the service once Coaster schedules return to normal.
Carl~bad TOM Handbook
SECTION V: Authorization for Building Permit Issuance
By signing below, Developer certifies that the information provided in this document is complete
and accurate. By signing this document, a developer is committing to build/provide the
infrastructure strategies identified in this document. Failure to provide the identified infrastructure
may result in a building not obtaining an occupancy pe1mit until such infrastructure is constructed
or other commitments are made to reduce vehicle trips by an amount equivalent to the trips that
would have likely been reduced by constructing and providing the listed infrastructure strategies.
The developer also acknowledges that commitments to implement additional TDM strategies and
monitor and report on those strategies must be made prior to occupancy. These commitments can be
made by completing Part II of this document and obtaining subsequent approval of the proposed
strategies and monitoring plan.
Name _an~_~i nature of DeveloP._':.!_ Represe~1_t11tive or _Desi nated A _!~~a,.n,.t~: _
[Beau Br_and _ . m--v __ . _11/12/20_2_0 __
[ Prl!!!_ed Name _ _ Sig~at!lre ___ 12_~~ ____ _
Name and Si nature of Pro er ifferent from above):
l'\1-.,-J< 5._,.'1'..,;<T" 4>Q -~~-d;ii~A=,.._~z~] _ _//·~ -;io~e, ---·
f£i.nted Name __ _____ Si --~tl-~_1_1 Q~t~
Name and Signature of City of Carlsbad Representative:
[Printed:.-;..----I S~natu;e -----~-j D~t~---__ -_-_ -----
(drl>bad TDM Handbook
PART II: Non-Infrastructure TDM Strategies, Implementation and
Monitoring Plan
Submission Date:
This section must be completed and approved prior to occupancy.
SECTION I: Non-Infrastructure TOM Selections
The developer will work with the TA to determine strategies applicable to the site.
Please reference Table 2-5 Menu of TDM Strategies, Part II: Non-Infrastructure found in the
Developer TOM Plan Guidelines within the TOM handbook for relevant infrastructure strategies
and points. It is expected that Part II will contain a sufficient number of strategies to earn the
remaining required points not earned through infrastructure strategies. A total of 18 points is
required from Part I and Part II combined for new developments and 9 points for
redevelopments/tenant improvements. Required strategies add 4 points towards the required total.
The non-infrastructure strategies are organized into the following categories: amenities, policies,
developer/employer programs, employer programs, partnerships and innovation. A well-rounded,
effective and sustainable TOM plan should include strategies from multiple categories and be
applicable to the anticipated workforce and commute patterns.
Check the box to the left of the strategy if it will be included in the development. Provide
information as requested in the box below the strategy. Additionally, indicate the points requested
for the strategy. Refer to the Carlsbad TOM Handbook for additional guidance and for the number
of points available for each strategy.
Required Strategies
0 Transportation Coordinator Points: I
All developments subject to the TOM ordinance are required to designate an on-site transportation
coordinator responsible for ensuring that infrastructure is maintained, policies and programs are
implemented, and amenities and partnerships are maintained as described in the approved TOM
Plan and otherwise ensuring compliance with City of Carlsbad TOM Plan requirements.
I'rovidt: the name. title and contact i11/imnalio11 for the TC
Neal Abbott, AICP
PM, AMZL Procurement -Transportation Planning
(206) 412-3627
Carlsbad TOM Handboo~
0 Distribute New Hire Transportation Information Points: 1
All developments subject to the TDM ordinance are required to ensure that transportation options
infonnation is distributed to new employees during the hiring and orientation process.
0 Citywide TDM Program Points: 2
Transportation Coordinators of all developments subject to the TDM ordinance are required to meet
with the citywide TDM programs outreach staff on a regular basis (at least annually) and participate
in at least one event held by the citywide TDM program (if available).
Elective Strategies
D Car Share Vehicles Points Requested:
Jde111i/r the 1111111hcr o(car share Fehic/cs thm will b.: pl'Odded 011-sile and i/these vehicles will he provided hy an
existing car share opera/or /JI' hy !he empfoyeriproper{_r mrncr. !11dicate ahether membership will he_!id~r or par/iafl_r
suh.\idi:ed_fiir employee.1/tenants. lndicme !he 11umhcr of' resenw/ .\f!ilces lo he proi·ided_/iJr car share vehicles and
where thev will he lonued 011 the rroiec/ 1·i1e
D Micromobility Service Credits Points Requested:
Desaihc the micmmohilil_\' service tfwl ll'ilf he ai'ailah!e for use h_r employee.vlenants and tht' Ind o(serrice
credi1s/rnhsi,(1·. Indicate ifa!I employee.1/1e111111ts iri!I h111·e a(·c·e.1·s 10 the .1·nTin: credits ,md holl' !he program \\'ill he
D Real-Time Travel Information Points Requested:
LJescrihe the propo.1-ed location o/the resu111·ce.1 a11d any olher rdcTa111 i11/omwtio11 (i.e .. m11ge of 1hc WiFi lumpot.
l11catio11 of real-lime /rare! i11/ormalio11 screens or kiosk).
Corlsbad TDM H~ridbook
D Mobile On-site Amenities Points Requested:
Discus1 the mohile 011-sile a1111.:ni1ie.1 Iha! \\'ii/ he /ocmcd al the dere/opmen/ and explain how these ofj'erings 1\"il/
mitiga/1! lrip1 rather !lwn serve 0.1· lrip-ge11cra1ors. Di,cu,s di.1co1111/s aw1i!ahle to /e11a11fs. Proi:ide a map shmring !he
locm/011 of these aml!nities /( W"'licahle and disc11s.1 cwreemen/s /,et;we11 H'm/or., and ,cf1ei/11les.
0 TOM in Leases and Purchase Agreements Points Requested: 5
Appli!!.1 to I/CH' de1dopme111s on~r Pro1·ide hmgmWI! that 1\'/!l he i11c!mled in the /ecnc tlwl \\'Ill a/hmji1r TD:lf
rnn wrlim> ro/n
The lease agreement will bmd the tenant to provide the ongoing TDM services outlined in this TDM Plan
CJrlsbad TOM Handboo~
D NonMStandard Vehicle Policies Points Requested:
Applies to 11cw dercfopme11/s 1111/_r Descrihc 1he 1i1e ·s non-tradi1imw/ t·ehidc 111wwy:;eme111 plan. Thi, s1rategy may he
i111 ,!e111c11/ed irilh the 11011-swiulard rchidc mirktnl! i11j"ra:,1ructure s/ratC!!1' (micromohilitdbic -ddelc.).
Developer/Employer Programs
D Mobility Services Incentives Budget Points Requested:
!11c/11de dewils of program including how the pmgram will he admi111\lercd Indicate 1he total m1111wl budget. de.1crihe
what percentage o(lhe wvrl;fim:c ll'iff he eligible lo partic1jx1te, ho\\' /he program wilt be marketed and how
•iarlici1Ja/ion will he monitored
0 RideMmatching Services Points Requested:
Dn'e!oper should discuss plans lo n-eiite m1 intemal ride-matcl1i11f._! program. Al a mini 11111111, dendopcr ll'ifl promo/I'
e.dstinfl ridt'-matchi11v nfmfOrm.
The User will provide a ride-matching service to staff or encourage new staff to use existing ride-matching platforms such as Waze. An
enclosed bulletin board at the transit shelter will be installed as a promot.onal area for ride sharing ser~ices and a place where staff can
seek carpoolers who take similar routes to work.
D Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) Services Points Requested:
Dn-elop<:r shou!J discu.1.1· plans to crc111e WI i11ta11ul GR! f proJ:ram. Al a minimum. do!reloper 11·i// promote existing
.1e1-vices, ,uch as SANDAG 'i iComl//11/e
Carlsbad TOM Handbook
0 Marketing and Outreach Points Requested: 1
Include dr!lai/r; of'markctin,: and outreach e/!ortY
Th,; strategy will ensure that commuters are educated about the transportation programs and services ava'ilable to them and encourage
sustainable travel choices on an ongoing manner.
No less than once per year, the User will hold an event at the site that includes food trucks or b.irbeques brought in by the company.
The event will promote all forms of alternative travel but will be called the "Carpool Cookout" w,th commuters specifically encouraged
to get to know one another, learn where each other live and /ind a c.irpooling com pa noon.
The User conducts morning meetings at ,ts employment locations, including locations such as ours even though there is not a building.
Drivers gather at least weekly and are briefed on safety At our site, the meeting will be held near the transit shelter and bike lockers,
which serves as the focal po,nt of alternative transportation. As noted above, the transit shelter will contain o display case/kiosk w,111
information about available transportation opt,ons. Managers will use the same meetings a; an opportunity to verbally remind drivers
about their travel options and encourage them to commute using sustamable travel modes.
Employer Programs
D Telework Program Points Requested:
Include information about the program, such as the infrastructure and policies that will be available to support
teleworking, the anticipated percentage of employees that will be eligible and any limits or guidance on the number of
days employees can telework per week or month. The number of points range hased on the expected number of te/ework
dais and associated trio reductions (see handbook for further r!uidance)
D Flexible/Alternative Work Schedules Points Requested:
Include information ahout the program, such as the anticipated percentage of employees that will be eligible and any
limits or guidance on the arrangements that are acceptable.
Carlsbad TDM Hanrlbrmk
D Alternative Transportation Incentive Points Requested:
Include details o.lprogram including how the program will be administered. Indicate the total annual budget, describe
what percentage a/the workforce will be eligible to participate, how the program will be marketed and how
narticination will be monitored.
D Commuter Tax Benefits Points Requested:
Include how the oro~ram will be marketed to emvlorees
Carlsbad TDM Handbook
D Customized Travel Plans Points Requested:
ldentifo devartment/rJOsition that will he resvonsible for imvlementation
D Establish and Maintain Partnerships with Area Businesses Points Requested:
Jdentifi· partna h11siness(es) or entitic.1 and the 7DM reso11rce(.1') that will he prorided through the partnership.
De1crihe how co~/.\' will he shared
D Establish and Maintain Partnerships with Private Vendors Points Requested:
ldentiti· uar/m:r hu~incD(n) or en/iliCI' and the 7D.\,J re1·011rce(1') tlwl •rill be vro1-ided throuJih tire //Urt11enhip
Carlsbad TOM Hdndbook
D Innovation (Non-Infrastructure-Based) Points Requested:
lJescribc th;, :,fl areo;-and discu5'> how ir will /pad to rt'duccd sirwle·uccunancv 1 ·ehicle rrirJ5 ro and from r/Je sire
SECTION Ill: Implementation (New Developments Only)
By signing below, developer agrees to inform the city of a sale and provide contact information for
a new owner to ensure that the plan will continue throughout the life of the project.
~-~me and Signature of Deve~oper Repre~entative or Desirnat~d Applicant:
Beau Brand _ i Q,,..l,---_I l/~2_1_2020
Pn!_l!_e~ Name ___ ~tgnature ___ Date ___ _
Carlsbad TOM Handbook
SECTION IV: Monitoring
By signing below, developer agrees to distribute commute surveys to employees every two years
following the baseline survey conducted within 12 months of occupancy reaching 75 percent or
within 18 months of initial occupancy, whichever occurs first. Alternatively, developer may provide
a copy of the signed lease that stipulates that the employer tenant(s) will administer employee
commute surveys on the same schedule.
In addition, developer acknowledges the interim and final alternative mode share goals, listed
below, that the development is required to achieve. Should the goals not be achieved, transportation
coordinator agrees to work with the citywide program to identify and implement additional
measures suitable to the project site.
Present till
2025 -2029
2035 on
Carlsbad TDM H.indbook
SECTION V: Authorization Occupancy
By signing below, developer and transportation coordinator certify that the information
provided in this document is complete and accurate. By signing this document, the
transportation coordinator is committing to providing the strategics identified in this
document and to participate in monitoring activities described in Section IV.
Name and Signature of Developer Re_presentative or Designated A_pplicant: 1· ---------------'
Beau Brand, Grcystar I ~v 11/12/2020
i Signature _ Date , • -__________ _J
Name and Sign~ure of (Interim or Final) Tra~~PO!'tat!~n <;oordinato-..:_:
tPrintcd Name_and Organization ,-s-1-gn_a_t_u_re---:::::::~---~=~--
T j ' --1 ----'
Name and Si nat!!_t_:l_!_~_Cpty of Carlsb_ad Representati'!'e:
---S-i~~~-~;e ______ --------_------'1-D-at_e __ _
Printed N amc
Appendix C: Carlsbad Connector Operational Area
ft,c Cross111gs at Carlst,.ld ~
Leo Ca,r,110 Ranch
H1st,'Jr1c P<Jr,._
Appendix D: Terrain View and Street Elevations
Terrah, View
AirPort·Crq v
po)Otnllf Airport Rd
,..f!"IPanm, Kabob
• W Gnll-=-Ca'flsbad
,.. ,.,. ~ , / -.>-I :, ,,
Leo Camilo
o._~ Ebulltt,on <1,.-4i,.
BrP.w Works LLC -
" Palomar Estates West~
M()t:i/!i:> t rr ... Pa.~. • j .. ., ~--
"'Nd --W s.n Motc1'• ., n
San Marcos High School y
La~.e San
bagle Drive Elevation Profile
Appendix E: Eagle Drive & Grey Hawk Court Street Views from Project Driveways
Eagle Drive @ Grey Hawk Court Looking North
Eagle Drive @ Tiger Run Court Opposite Project Drfveway location
Eagle Drive @ Project Driveway Looking North
Eagle Drive@ Project Driveway Looking South
Eagle Drive @ Project Driveway Looking West