HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2020-0006; 5980 EAGLE DRIVE; VMT ANALYSIS STUDY; 2021-02-02'
VMT Analysis Technical Memorandum
Amazon Parking Lot @ 5980 Eagle Drive
February 2, 2021
Beau Brand, Greystar
David DiPierro TE
STC has prepared this VMT Analysis Technical Memorandum on behalf of Greystar to support the proposed
vehicle storage facility located at 5980 Eagle Drive, Carlsbad. This memorandum explains why the project
will have a less than significant impact on vehicle miles traveled (VMT) based on the City's VMT Analysis
Guidelines (September 15, 2020).
Project Description
The site is located on the northeast corner of Eagle Drive and Grey Hawk Court. The parking lot will have
308 stalls maximum which will accommodate a maximum parking lot utilization rate of 75% or 231 delivery
vans. Trip generation has been based on User's "Megacycle" logistical profile and 924 average daily trips
will be generated if the project operates at maximum capacity. Trips consist of inbound personal vehicle
trips and outbound delivery van trips at the start of the shift and vice-versa at the end of the shift. The site
will operate between 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM.
VMT Analysis
The City of Carlsbad has published VMT Analysis Guidelines (September 15, 2020) to implement Senate Bill
743. Consistent with the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) Guidelines, the City has changed
the metric for evaluating CEQA transportation impacts from level of service (LOS) to vehicle miles traveled
Scoping discussions with City staff confirmed that no screening criteria would apply to the project, but
justification for use of the industrial threshold of significance will be required. As applicable based on the
Carlsbad Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis Guidelines (September 15, 2020) Section r,3.5 Industrial
Projects-states that the ITE Trip Generation manual can be used as a guide in determining which projects
are industrial versus other land use types. The guidelines define warehousing as high-cube warehouses,
parcel hubs, fulfillment centers, and cold storage warehouses. As stated in the introduction the site will be
used as a vehicle storage facility, and therefore, this project would qualify to fall under the land use
category of industrial use and use the designated thresholds of significance for this type of land
development project. Section 3.3.5 also states that goods movement is not subject to VMT analysis and
that goods movement trips associated with an industrial project would not be included when determining
employee VMT.
In addition, Section 3.3.5 states that typical industrial projects generating less than 2,400 ADT would use
the City of Carlsbad VMT/employee analysis maps and would determine VMT/employee for the traffic
analysis zone in which the project is located. Section 3.1 explains that the VMT analysis maps show
VMT/capita and VMT/employee for each traffic analysis zone (TAZ) in the city. Where TAZ's do not have
STC Traffic, Inc.
5865 Avenida Encinas, Suite 142 B I Carlsbad, CA 92008
sufficient existing development to form the basis for VMT calculations, the VMT is determined based on
the census tract in which the TAZ is located. The VMT for both the TAZs and the census tracts are based on
the regional travel model operated by SANDAG. It was agreed during scoping discussions that SAN DAG SB
743 VMT/employee maps and the 2016 data for the relevant traffic analysis zone or census tract would be
used to derive the project VMT. The SANDAG SB743 VMT Maps website was used to determine the
VMT/employee for census tract 198.06 which can be accessed using the following link:
The screenshot in Attachment A, shows the project VMT is 26.6 VMT/employee for census tract 198.06
and the regional mean is 27.2 VMT/employee. Therefore, the project would have a less t han significant
impact on VMT because it does not exceed the regional average threshold for industrial projects.
Based on this analysis, STC understands that the project will not be subject to VMT mitigation measures
and no further VMT analysis is required. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further
questions or concerns.
STC Traffic
David Di Pierro TE
Attachment A: SAN DAG San Diego Region SB743 VMT Maps for Census Tract 198.06
STC Traffic, Inc.
5865 Avenlda Encinas, Suite 142 B I Carlsbad, CA 92008
Attachment B: SAN DAG San Diego Region S8743 VMT Maps for Census Tract 198.06
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