HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-12-19; Annual Open Space Status Report for Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Districts – All); Barberio, GaryTo the members of the: CITY COUNCIL Date ~CA \L" CC~ CM ~CM ~_v'DCM (3) ~ December 19, 2024 Council Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council From: Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager Via: Geoff Patnoe, City Manager {city of Carlsbad Memo ID# 2024089 Jeff Murphy, Community De(!ent Director Re: Annual Open Space Status rt for Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Districts -All) This memorandum provides information regarding the Annual Open Space Report for fiscal year (FY) 2023-24. Background Beginning FY 2016-17, the City of Carlsbad has produced and publicly made available an Annual Open Space Status Report (report). This report is completed as a requirement of a settlement agreement involving a lawsuit related to the 2015 General Plan Update/Climate Action Plan adoption with North County Advocates. The settlement agreement was approved by the City Council on March 14, 2017. This report includes an up-to-date open space inventory map and corresponding table that reports on the amount of designated open space within the city and it documents any changes to the open space inventory that occurred over the reporting period. Open space is grouped in the report by the city's 25 Local Facilities Management Zones (LFMZ) as well as categorized by four General Plan open space categories, which are shown below: • Category 1-Preservation of Natural Resources (29.5% of city) Open Space for plant and animal habitat; nature preserves; beaches and bluffs; wetland and riparian areas; canyons and hillsides; and water features such as lagoons and streams. • Category 2 -Managed Production of Resources (1.3% of city) Open space for forestry; agriculture; aquaculture; water management; commercial fisheries; and major mineral resources. • Category 3 -Outdoor Recreation (4.8% of city) Open space for school recreation areas; public parks and recreation areas; greenways; trails; campgrounds; golf courses; and equestrian facilities. Community Services Branch Community Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600 t Council Memo -Annual Open Space Status Report for Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Districts -All) December 19, 2024 Page 2 • Category 4 -Aesthetic, Cultural and Educational Purposes (2.4% of city) Open space for lands with scenic, historical and cultural value; land use buffers; open space that marks entries to the city from surrounding communities and to major developments and neighborhoods within the city; greenbelts providing separation from surrounding communities; and museums, arboreta, zoos, and botanical gardens. This report provides a brief narrative description of the any changes to open space acreages that have occurred since the previous reporting year. The report is available on the open space webpage. To access, please use the following link: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/parks-recreation/open-space Discussion The table in Attachment A details the amount of open space broken down by LFMZ as well as the total citywide open space. The map illustrates the location of open space areas. There were 3.1 acres of open space added to the city's inventory during the FY 2023-24 reporting period to account for the change in designation of Buena Vista Reservoir Park from single family residential to open space, located in the city's LFMZ 1/Northwest Quadrant. Additionally, 844 square feet of open space was removed from the city's inventory during the FY 2023-24 reporting period per the City Council's action on September 26, 2024, to allow for the widening of El Camino Real from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive, located in the city's LFMZ 15/Northeast Quadrant. Note that city mapping and open space totals have been updated to incorporate this change, but no corresponding change appears on the attached map and table because the change is too small to register. Next Steps City staff will continue to monitor the city's open space inventory and submit the next report to City Council by the end of next calendar year (December 2025). Attachment: A. Annual Open Space Status Report for Fiscal Year 2023-24 cc: Cindy McMahon, City Attorney Allegra Frost, Senior Assistant City Attorney Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Rosanne Humphrey, Senior Program Manager Eric Lardy, City Planner Robert Efird, Principal Planner Cliff Jones, Principal Planner Shelley Glennon, Associate Planner ATTACHMENT A City of Carlsbad Annual Open Space Status Report for Fiscal Year 2023-24 July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 The table below shows the amount of designated open space acreage by category in each of the Local Facilities Management Zones (LFMZ). This data is current through the end of the Fiscal Year 2023-24, ending on June 30, 2024. The city added 3.1 acres of open space to the city’s inventory under Category 3 (Outdoor Recreation) during the reporting period for the Buena Vista Reservoir Park in LMFZ 1. The city removed 844 square feet from the city's inventory under Category 3 (Outdoor Recreation) for the widening of El Camino Real at Jackspar Drive in LMFZ 15. 1 2 3 4 LFMZ Preservation of Resources (acres) Managed Production of Resources (acres) Outdoor Recreation (acres) Aesthetic, Cultural, Educational (acres) Total LFMZ Open Space Total LFMZ Acreage Percentage of LFMZ in open space 1 540.2 6.8 136.3 35.6 718.9 3,395.5 21.17% 2 91.9 0.0 9.5 25.8 127.2 805.4 15.80% 3 55.7 0.0 3.3 0.0 59.0 625.4 9.40% 4 32.9 0.0 25.3 44.6 102.8 507.8 20.20% 5 484.8 0.0 110.9 4.7 600.4 2,440.0 24.61% 6 231.9 0.0 280.4 18.9 531.2 2,606.9 20.38% 7 276.9 0.0 28.3 39.2 344.4 812.8 42.40% 8 490.8 0.0 90.9 13.8 595.5 743.1 80.10% 9 195.1 0.0 3.9 8.7 207.7 471.6 44.10% 10 246.8 0.0 114.2 103.2 464.2 766.8 60.50% 11 920.2 0.0 41.9 148.7 1,110.8 2,290.6 48.50% 12 95.3 0.0 16.5 25.9 137.7 660.9 20.80% 13 113.7 232.4 0.0 0.0 346.1 736.9 47.00% 14 535.0 0.0 21.1 9.0 565.1 827.5 68.30% 15 716.6 89.5 34.2 5.1 845.4 1,536.3 55.00% 16 219.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 219.7 413.7 53.10% 17 187.7 0.0 5.6 31.2 224.5 588.4 38.20% 18 299.9 0.0 14.0 30.8 344.7 899.9 38.30% 19 794.5 0.0 200.9 18.7 1,014.1 1,611.6 62.90% 20 200.2 0.0 34.8 23.6 258.6 805.1 32.10% 21 108.5 0.0 5.5 4.4 118.4 267.4 44.30% 22 69.2 0.0 1.5 3.5 74.2 431.0 17.20% 23 184.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 184.4 284.4 64.80% 24 65.3 0.0 10.0 6.6 81.9 199.6 41.00% 25 232.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 232.1 299.9 77.40% TOTAL CITYWIDE 7,389.3 328.7 1,189.1 602.0 9,509.1 25,028.5 38.0% {1:ityof Carlsbad OCEANSIDE SAN M A R C O S }}78 MCCLELLAN-PALOMARAIRPORT Agua Hedionda Lagoon BuenaVistaLagoon CalaveraLake MaerkleReservoir P a c i f i c O c e a n PacificOcean §¨¦5 ·|}þ78 Batiquitos Lagoon PALOMARAIRPORTRD CANNONRD POINSETTIALN LACOSTAAV C A R LS B A D B L BATIQUITOS DR ELCAMINOREAL CAMINO V IDAROBL E C A DENCIAST CHESTN U T A V RANCHO SANTAFE R D HILLSID E D R TAMARACK AV AV I A R A P Y C A L LEACERVO ALGA RD ME L R O S E D R ELFUERTEST ALICANTERD M ARRONRD CA M IN O JUNIPERO FA R A DAYAV CALLEBARCELONA A V E N IDA ENCINAS PASEO D E L N ORTE C A R L S B A D VIL L A G E D R OLIVENHAINRD C OLLEG E B L [0 3,000 Feet PLEASE N OTE: Open spa c e a rea s o n this m a p a re derived fro m the Sa n Diego Co unty a ssesso r pa rc elm a p fro m Sa nGIS.o rg, whic h is the b est m a pping b a se c urrently a va ila b le fo r a c ity-wide perspec tive.Ho wever, the pa rc el lines a nd the o pen spa c e a rea s within them m ust b e c o nsidered a s a ppro xim a tio nso nly, a nd a re no t to b e used to esta b lish definitive lines o f o wnership o r la nd sta tus. THIS MAP/DATA IS PROV IDED W ITHOUT W ARRAN TY OF AN Y KIN D, EITHER EX PRESS ORIMPLIED, IN CLUDIN G BUT N OT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED W ARRAN TIES OF MERCHAN TABILITYAN D FITN ESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. GIS pa rc el da ta is derived fro m Sa nGIS/SAN DAG do wnlo a da b le da ta - www.sa ngis.o rg.Co pyright Sa nGIS 2019.J:\c b gis\pro duc ts\pla nning\Sta nda rdMa p\OpenSpa c e11x17.m xd Open Space Status Report MapFiscal Year 2023/2024 As of 11/20/2024 Future o pen spa c e a rea is no t c o unted in the o pen spa c e a c rea geta b le o n this m a p. Fo r m o re info rm a tio n, see Genera l Pla n La nd Usea nd Co m m unity Design Elem ent, ‘Spec ia l Pla nning Co nsidera tio ns:Ca rlsb a d Bo uleva rd/Agua Hedio nda Center.’ * Future Open Spa c e a nd V isito r Servic es* Open Space Categories: 1 - Preserva tio n o f N a tura l Reso urc es 2 - Ma na ged Pro duc tio n o f Reso urc es 3 - Outdo o r Rec rea tio n (Pro gra m m ed\Unpro gra m m ed) 4 - Aesthetic Cultura l a nd Educ a tio na l Purpo ses La go o ns City Lim its Highwa y Ma jo r Street Pla nned Street Ra ilro a d Acreage % of OS % of City*7,389.3 77.7% 29.5%328.7 3.5% 1.3%1,189.1 12.5%4.8%602.0 6.3% 2.4%Total 9,509.1 38.0%~~l~4~ : I L_ _____ , ===== {'city of Carlsbad