HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE 2024-0058; 5001 TIERRA DEL ORO RETAINING WALL; Admin Decision LetterDecember 19, 2024 Brian Taylor 1968 S. Coast Hwy, Suite 3043 Laguna Beach, CA 92651 {cityof Carlsbad SUBJECT: PRE 2024-0058 (DEV2024-0116)-5001 TIERRA DEL ORO RETAINING WALL APN: 210-020~23-00 Thank you for submitting a preliminary review application for proposed development at 5001 Tierra Del Oro Street, Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 210-020-23-0d. The approximately 0.40-acre site is located on the west side of Tierra Del Oro Street and is the northernmost lot within the Tierra Del Oro development. The site slopes down from Tierra Del Oro and transitions into a coastal bluff, with the bottom half of the bluff face currently covered by a large riprap revetment that extends onto the beach. The property is developed with a single-family residence. The project proposes to: • Install 25 pile footings along the ocean-facing side of the property. • Construct a tiered system of retaining walls stepping down the bluff. • Add new stairs on the northern side of the property to provide access to the proposed tiers. In response to your application, the Planning Division has prepared this comment letter. Please note that the purpose of a preliminary review is to provide you with direction and comments on the overall concept of your project. This preliminary review does not represent an in-depth analysis of your project. It is intended to give you feedback on critical issues based upon the information provided in your submittal. This review is based upon the plans, policies, and standards in effect as of the date of this review. Please be aware that at the time of a formal application submittal, new plans, policies, and standards may be in effect and additional issues of concern may be raised through a more specific and detailed review. Planning: General 1. General Plan and zoning designations for the property are as follows: a. General Plan Land Use Designation: Residential 0-4 dwelling units per acre (R-4) and Open Space (OS) Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0058 (DEV2024-0116)-5001 TIERRA DEL ORO RETAINING WALL December 19, 2024 Pa e 2 b. Zoning: One-Family Residential (R-1) and Open Space Zone (OS) c. Coastal Zone : The project site is located within the appealable area of the California Coastal Commission and is subject to the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). The LCP Land Use and Zoning are consistent with the City's General Plan Land Use and Zoning for the site. d. Overlay Zones. The project is located within the Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone (Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21 .204) and the FEMA Flood Hazard Zone (CMC Chapter 21.110) 2. The project, if supported, would require the following permits: a. Coastal Development Permit (CDP). Carlsbad Municipal Code Section (CMC) 21.201.030 states, "any applicant wishing to undertake a development (defined in CMC Section 21.04.107) in the coastal zone shall obtain a minor coastal development permit or coastal development permit in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, in addition to any other permit required by law." A Major CDP is required if the development costs sixty thousand dollars or more. If less than sixty thousand dollars, a Minor CDP will be required . The decision-making authority for the Major and Minor CDPs are the Planning Commission and City Planner, respectively. Please be advised that the proposed development is located within the appeal jurisdiction of the California Coastal Commission. If a CDP is appealed by the Coastal Commission, they would assume authority of the CDP and potentially overturn local decisions. As currently proposed and based on the materials provided, staff does not believe the project can be supported under the criteria for stringline compliance and development restrictions on a coastal bluff, as set forth in the Local Coastal Program and relevant sections of the Carlsbad Municipal Code . Further details and analysis regarding these issues are provided in Sections 4 and 5 below. b. Special Use Permit (SUP). The area proposed to be improved is in a FEMA Flood Hazard Zone. Pursuant to CMC Section 21 .110.130, a Special Use Permit is required development in a flood zone. 3. Coastal Zone. The property is in the Appeals Jurisdiction of the Coastal Zone and is subject to all applicable Mello II Segment policies in the Local Coastal Program (LCP). The Coastal Commission or another party may appeal the City's decision on the project if they disagree with the City's interpretation of standards applied to the project. Please be advised that this property has been the subject of a prior appeal by the California Coastal Commission (Appeal No. A-6-Cll -08-018) involving similar criteria. In that case, the Coastal Commission staff recommended denial of a proposed project due to inconsistencies with the City's Community Deve lopment Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0058 (DEV2024-0116) -5001 TIERRA DEL ORO RETAINING WALL December 19, 2024 Pa e 3 certified LCP, including policies prohibiting development on the bluff face and concerns regarding impacts to public access and bluff stability. The aforementioned appeal may provide some insight as to how the proposed conceptual project might be viewed by the Coastal Commission. For more details, you can review the prior appeal at the following link: https://documents.coastal.ca.gov/reports/2008/8/FlOa-8-2008.pdf 4. Coastal Stringline. Pursuant to CMC Section 21.204.050 of the Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone, no decks, stairs, or other appurtenances shall be permitted further seaward than those allowed by a line drawn between the permitted structures on adjacent properties. This property is the northernmost lot in the development; therefore, analysis can only be made from the adjacent properties to the south. No stringline exhibit was provided with the preliminary review application. For a formal submittal, a detailed plotting of the permitted structures and appurtenances on the adjacent properties to the south will be necessary to determine accurate stringline measurements for the project. The stringline analysis must reflect a like-for-like approach, showing decks-to-decks, stairs-to-stairs, patio-to-patio, wall-to-wall, and other appurtenances as applicable. Therefore, multiple stringlines will be required. The applicant must ensure that the structures used in the stringline exhibit are permitted through either the City of Carlsbad or the California Coastal Commission. Structures that lack verification of permits shall not be included in the stringline analysis. Please provide documentation of permitting for any structures referenced in the exhibit. With the formal submittal's stringline exhibit, please ensure accurate plotting of the adjacent structures, as well as any appurtenances, to justify the proposed improvements. 5. Development on a Coastal Bluff. Pursuant to the City of Carlsbad certified Local Coastal Program (LCP), development on a coastal bluff is inconsistent with the polices established in the certified LCP. Both the construction and associated grading that would be required would be considered development. Undeveloped shoreline features are addressed in the LCP as "No development shall be permitted on any sand or rock beach or on the face of any ocean bluff, with the exception of accessways to provide public beach access and of limited public recreation facilities". Section 21.204.050 of the Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone further requires that grading and excavation be limited to the minimum necessary to complete development consistent with the provisions of this zone. Specifically, no excavation, grading, or deposit of natural materials is permitted on the beach or bluff face except as required to accomplish construction that complies with these restrictions. Any formal submittal must demonstrate how the proposed development adheres to these requirements, particularly in minimizing impacts to the bluff face and beach. The project proposes permanent structures, including stairs, pile footings, and retaining walls, on the bluff face seaward of the residence. These structures will require excavation and/or fill and, as such, are inconsistent with the above provisions of the certified LCP. Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0058 (DEV2024-0116) -5001 TIERRA DEL ORO RETAINING WALL December 19, 2024 Pa e 4 6. Tiered Walls. Although a stringline exhibit was not provided with the preliminary review application, the location of the proposed tiered walls, which in effect create private recreation terraces, does not appear to meet stringline requirements. The term "terraces" is used here to describe the stepped areas resulting from the proposed tiered walls, as shown on the submitted plans. If this terminology does not align with the applicant's intent, clarification and proper identification of these features will be necessary in future submittals. With a formal application submittal, a stringline exhibit will be required to demonstrate that the proposed tiered walls and resulting terraces comply with the stringline requirements. When proposing walls for slope repair, the walls must be designed in a way that aligns with stringline requirements as each wall is a considered an "appurtenance." This means that the walls should not extend beyond the established wall stringline to the south to ensure consistency with the su rrounding development. With a formal application, please provide a stringline drawing to compare adjacent walls. Please note that walls are limited to six feet in height outside of the front yard setback. The height of the walls will need to be dimensioned on a formal submittal. 7. Stairs. The proposed stairs are considered an "appurtenance" also subject to stringline requirements. With a formal application submittal, please provide a stringline drawing to compare adjacent stairs. As discussed above, in order for an adjacent appurtenance to be included in the stringline, it needs to be a permitted structure. Please be advised that in a previous appeal (Appeal No. A-6-Cll-08-018), the California Coastal Commission raised concerns regarding the potential for private accessways, such as stairs, to create a perception of privatization of adjacent public beaches. The appeal noted: "The Commission has historically discouraged the development of private access stairs from residential development to the beach, as it can deter public access. Development such as private access stairs creates a perception that the beach fronting these sites is private, leading to a decrease in public access. 11 As mentioned in comment no. 3 above, this context may inform how the project is evaluated at the Coastal Commission level if it proceeds to an appeal. 8. Geotechnical Reports. The project is subject to the requirements of the Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.204), which applies to areas within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) between the sea and the first public road parallel to the sea. As part of any formal submittal, a geotechnical report must be prepared and submitted in compliance with CMC Section 21.204.110. The geotechnical report must be prepared and signed by both a professional civil engineer with expertise in soils and foundation engineering and a certified engineering geologist or registered geologist with expertise in engineering applications. The report must include findings based on an onsite inspection and a review of the site's geologic, seismic, hydrologic, and soil conditions. It must Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0058 (DEV2024-0116) -5001 TIERRA DEL ORO RETAINING WALL December 19, 2024 Pa e 5 certify that the proposed development will not adversely affect bluff stability, endanger life or property, or contribute to geologic instability throughout the project's lifespan. At a minimum, the report must include: a. Analysis of site topography and cliff geometry, including any unusual geomorphic conditions. b. Assessment of historic, current, and foreseeable bluff erosion using maps, photos, surveys, and records. c. Evaluation of geologic conditions, soil and rock characteristics, and structural features {e.g., faults, bedding). d. Identification of past or potential landslide conditions and the impact of the proposed development on these conditions. e. Consideration of construction activity impacts on site stability and adjacent areas. f. Ground and surface water conditions, including hydrologic changes caused by the project. g. Assessment of potential erosion and mitigation measures during and after construction. h. Effects of marine erosion and potential flooding risks, including wave run-up, tsunami, and storm surge. i. Evaluation of seismic risks, such as ground shaking, liquefaction, and surface rupture. j. Description of hazards from offsite forces, such as dam or reservoir failures. k. Recommendations for mitigating measures and alternative solutions to address geotechnical hazards. The report must express a professional opinion on whether the project can be designed or located to avoid significant geologic instability. It must use an accepted engineering stability analysis method and account for uncertainties in results. The analysis must cover the area from the toe of the bluff inland to a line defined as the greater of either 50 feet from the bluff edge or a line formed by a 20- degree incline passing through the bluff toe. If the report does not conclude that the project can be developed safely and without destabilizing the bluff, no coastal shoreline development permit will be issued. 9. Easements and Preliminary Title Report. A preliminary title report was not provided with this preliminary review application. To ensure all existing easements are accounted for, please submit a preliminary title report with any formal application. All easements listed in the title report must be clearly plotted on the site plan for formal review. Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0058 (DEV2024-0116) -5001 TIERRA DEL ORO RETAINING WALL December 19, 2024 Pa e 6 10. Habitat Management Plan and Biological Resources Report. The project site is subject to buffer requirements established to protect sensitive biological resources . A 20-foot buffer from sensitive upland habitats and a 100-foot buffer from wetlands are required. While the existing residence may already encroach into the 20-foot buffer, new development, grading, or vegetation clearing must acknowledge and comply with these buffer requirements. Generally, no new development is permitted within the buffer, even in areas containing existing hardscape. As part of a formal submittal, a biological resources report will be required to identify vegetation within 100 feet of the property, demonstrate compliance with buffer requirements, and include overlays of any proposed fuel modification zones. Coordination with the Coastal Commission may also be necessary to confirm specific interpretations of buffer policies and project impacts. 11. Mean High Tide Line (MHTL) Survey. Pursuant to Section 30103 of the Coastal Act, the Mean High Tide Line (MHTL) is used to determine permit jurisdiction for projects in the Coastal Zone. If a project is located east (landward) of this line, it falls within the City's jurisdiction; if located west (seaward) of this line, it falls within the Coastal Commission's jurisdiction. To establish the appropriate permitting authority for this project, the applicant must hire a registered land surveyor to produce a technical report delineating the current location of the MHTL based on site conditions. The results of this survey, commonly referred to as an MHTL Survey or Boundary Survey, must be submitted as part of the formal application package. All necessary application forms, submittal requirements, and fee information are available at the Planning counter located in the Faraday Building at 1635 Faraday Avenue or online at https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/community-development/planning. You may also access the General Plan Land Use Element and the Zoning Ordinance online at the website address shown. Please review all information carefully before submitting. Environmental Sustainability, Habitat Management Division: The project site is located within the Coastal Zone and is adjacent to a coastal bluff that supports a mix of native and non-native species. Please refer to the vegetation mapping and conceptual restoration plan schematic for the city's Terra mar Coastal Improvements Project provided below. 1. Constraints: a. A 20-foot buffer is required from sensitive upland habitat. Please note that not all adjacent vegetation qualifies as sensitive. b. A 100-foot buffer is required from wetlands. Confirmation is needed from the Coastal Commission to determine whether the ocean qualifies as a wetland. 2. Biological Report Requirement: a. The project requires a biological report, which must include vegetation mapping extending 100 feet beyond the property boundaries. 3. Fuel Modification Zone (FMZ): Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0058 (DEV2024-0116) -5001 TIERRA DEL ORO RETAINING WALL December 19, 2024 Pa e 7 a. The biological report must include a figure illustrating the required FMZ overlaying the surrounding vegetation, using an aerial basemap. 4. Buffer Restrictions: a. No impacts, including grading or development alternatives, are permitted within a buffer. Although the buffer area may currently be developed, the Coastal Commission generally prohibits alterations within a buffer, even if it contains existing hardscape. 5. FMZ Limitations within Buffers: a. The FMZ cannot encroach upon a biological buffer, with the following exceptions: i. The outermost 20 feet of the FMZ (classified as maintenance type B-3) may overlap with the upland buffer but not with sensitive habitat. ii. No FMZ is permitted within 50 feet of a wetland. 6. Coordination with Coastal Commission: a. Detailed aspects of the project must be discussed with the Coastal Commission to determine their interpretation of potential project impacts. Vegetation Mapping from Terra mar Coa'stal Improvements Project: (SCBS·LB) Coastal Sage Scrub (Lemonadeberry) (DISn 0• t b d (SL-SS) Sea Lavender -15 ur e (BLF) Eroded Bluff Swamp Saltbush -(IP) lceplant -(BPO) Beach -Pacific TRL Trail -(ORN) Ornamental • Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0058 (DEV2024-0116} -5001 TIERRA DEL ORO RETAINING WALL December 19, 2024 Pa e 8 Concep~_al Restoration Plan for Terramar Coastal Improvements Project: Land Development Engineering: Land Development and Engineering has no specific comments to provide at this stage of the review process. Building Division: Building has no comments Fire Department: Fire has no comments. Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0058 (DEV2024-0116}-5001 TIERRA DEL ORO RETAINING WALL December 19, 2024 Pa e 9 If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this letter with the commenting departments, please contact Alex Alegre at the number below. You may also contact each department individually as follows: • Planning Division: Alex Alegre, Assistant Planner, at (442) 339-5268 • Land Development Engineering: Jason Geldert, City Engineer, at (442) 339-2758 • Fire Department: Darcy Davidson, Fire Inspections, at (442) 339-2662 • Building Division: Shawn Huff, Building Official, at (442} 339-5338 • Environmental Sustainability: Rosanne Humphrey, Senior Program Manager, at (442) 339-2729 Sincerely, ERIC LARDY, AICP City Planner EL:AA:cf c: Richard Michael, 5001 Tierra Del Oro, CA 92008 Jason Geldert, City Engineer Rosanne Humphrey, Senior Program Manager Laserfiche/File Copy Data Entry Community Deve lopment Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600