HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 2018-0031; EL CAMINO AT CANNON ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS - CIP 6042; HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS STUDY; 2019-02-04Chang~ Civil Engineering0Hydrology•Hydraulics0SedImentation February 4, 2019 Brandon Miles City of Carlsbad Public Works -Transportation and Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: El Camino Real Bridge Improvements Hydraulic Analysis Dear Brandon: P. 0. Box 9496 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067--4496 T: 858.692.0760 F: 858.832.1402 wayne@changconsultants.com The existing El Camino Real bridge crosses Agua Hedionda Creek just southeast of Cannon Road. The bridge currently contains five through lanes (two northwest and three southeast), left and right turn lanes onto Cannon Road, a bike lane in each direction, a raised center median, and a pedestrian walkway on the southwest edge. Kleinfelder prepared construction plans for the ''El Camino Real Bridge Improvements at Cannon Road" (see attached plan excerpts). The plans propose widening the southwest edge of the bridge by 3.75 feet. The widening will be accomplished by constructing a cantilevered deck along the southwest edge. The widening in conjunction with relocation of the adjacent roadway barrier will increase the pedestrian walkway width from 4 to 6 feet. The existing roadway barrier on the northeast edge of the bridge will be replaced with a taller barrier with attached bicycle railing. Kleinfelder's plans also propose a new bike/pedestrian bridge with an 8-foot wide path over Agua Hedionda Creek. The bridge will be approximately 26 feet upstream of the El Camino Real bridge. Twenty-three existing trees and surrounding vegetation behind the southeasterly proposed bridge abutment will be removed and replaced with five trees and low-lying vegetation. Sound walls will be revised adjacent to the bridge. This letter provides hydraulic analyses of existing (pre-project) and proposed (post-project) conditions to assess changes to the Agua Hedionda Creek I 00-year water surface elevations resulting from the project. An existing condition HEC-RAS model was prepared by Brown and Caldwell for a 2011 Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR). The CLOMR's topographic mapping is from 2005 and the vertical datum is NGVD 29. The HEC-RAS cross-section locations are attached. The existing Cannon Road bridge and El Camino Real bridge are at cross-sections 1200.003 and 1569.522, respectively. The CLOMR model was updated downstream of Cannon Road with 2013 field surveyed cross-sections. In addition, the roughness coefficients were adjusted to reflect ongoing maintenance between Cannon Road and El Camino Real. The updated model represents existing conditions. The FEMA I 00-year flow rate is 9,850 cubic feet per second. The existing condition model was revised to create the proposed condition model. The proposed bike/pedestrian bridge (at cross-section 1630) and revised landscaping are reflected upstream of El Camino Real. The existing condition results and FEMA's floodplain mapping (see attached "Flood Insurance Rate Map") show that the I 00-year flow does not overtop the existing El Camino Real bridge, so the proposed El Camino Real bridge improvements will not impact water surface elevations. The attached tabulated output contains a comparison of the existing and proposed condition results. The output shows that the I 00-year water surface elevations below the El Camino Real bridge (below cross-section 1488.443) are not affected by the project. The water surface elevations from the El Camino Real bridge to cross-section 2499.93 are slightly reduced by the project. This is due to the reduced vegetation density resulting from the project. Finally, the water surface elevations are similar at cross-section 2599. 93, so the benefits dissipate at above this location. In summary, the hydraulic modeling shows that the proposed project will not impact the I 00-year water surface elevations. The project will result in a small increase in elevations just upstream of the El Camino Real bridge. Therefore, the project adheres to floodplain and floodway regulations. Sincerely, /fry Wayne W. Chang, M.S., P.E. i No. 46548 -i;. E><p. 6/30/19 Enclosures C /V \ CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR EL CAMINO REAL BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS AT CANNON ROAD -.rnwPOW ~~-::===:-==:, .. & N-~~._-._,._-.----• ::..;-~-=-~-.. _,--,. ~--~-..-.....-- •-==• PROJECT NO. 6042/6056 57C0191 BRIDGE NO. WIS m: O'YIWJtltD (NM All ........ ...._._..,....,. ... _, .... ~-.... --~ ...... -.,..."""'-==-~.:=.~...r.;=r ---~----................... ~-.,.. ..... ..,,... ai.•o.a-,. ... .,,_..,_,,.. ... ,.. ......... 'CIDGN MMDCI• (PO NJ ~------.. ·-·------=:-.""=-:r-=•=~,--• CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD.CAIJFORN~ ~ -~-"--'°"'~""""..,....~ .............. 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PLAN SYMBOLS "AS BlJILT'" z 0 t ::> ex: I- C/) z 0 u ex: 0 u. l-o z I ...J ~ ~ co ::> Cl) ~ 0 0) "' -........ ~n.M ~ .. 20.dO' ==» 441♦50 ....... PROFILE GRADE 1/1" • 1'-¥ ELEVIITION KCIH ~ ~ 1/t,• .. l'-o" , ~ e ,;,,:r rlflOtfT-0,-W,liT lW 0# R,0K / ---------------------------1 END "1:lfSTitM lltJDGE , llA44J+&l.l•tn~ M011:i r'Olt lllll)G( UGHTIC, sa "UI.Hr1iG "'-NII AND DttA4S IHIXJ_ PLAN 1/I" .. l'-o" PLIIN SYMBOLS ~ -KC1'101\1UNMCAT10N ~ "'---~---.... (.--.-Jl '--lllt\ltltD~P\NI --- INDEX TO PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE PLANS .....,_ .. .. " " .. --~ ......,.,.....,.. ..,_ .. ,..,, ,,.,,.., .. ,.,... _,.,,.,..., = """"OOCIMIIC (,....lltmlCM. _, .r.MIIIICATtD STEil .......... TYPICAL SECTION z 0 B ::> 0:: ~ z 0 u 0:: 0 u. l-o z ' ~ ~ Ill ::> Cl) ~ 0 Ol DllflCWJril.LNl)NASf(III (fl'flOl'D:l---PIACE) e ,..,,.._,, "" 10.-♦J.a .. ITA ♦41+19,71& (0..c...tH0fllfAI.. ... .-o·•., ,_,_, STA 10-+U.11 • SY4 ♦41•5t.tU: C,R.CMN')llrM. 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FIRM flOOOINIUIWICERA~IW' SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA AND ll"'COIU''OIII.A.T~D A.IUIAS PAIIEI.NIOl'U/5 .. .....,-,.Xtt(lfl,ll!MJIIMIL~ -~ _...__ • 1674.96 1638.35 1599.81 Cross-section Locations HEC-RAS River: Aqua Hedioncla Reach· 1 Profile· BaseFloO<I Reach·-RNerSta Prollle Plan QTolal Mw,ChEI W.S. Elev CrilW.S. E.G.EJev E.G. Slope VelChnl Flow Area Too Width Froude # Chi (els) Clll (ft) (ft\ Cfll (Mt\ ffll<l {SQ ft\ (ft) --· -1·-808.0.00 0.001439 8.39 1627.41 1003.98 1 2599.93 Basef'lood EC So"'°L M.13 "7.14 43.23 48.21 0.47 L-~9$.93 Bast1Flo0<1 AH Pmo Bridge 808.0.00 M.13 .. 7.14 43.23 48.20 0.001441 8.39 1825.31 1003.~ 0.47 I 2499.93 BaseFlooo EC Surve-v a.oa.o.00 33.84 47.02 43.06 48.06 0.001442 8.30 1807.18 11◄8.~ 0.47 -I 2499.93 BaseF1ood AH Prop 9ridoe a.o&l.00 33.84 47.01 43.06 48.08 0.001444 8.30 1604.83 1145.18 0.47 1 2399.931 BaseFlood EC Survey a.oeo.oo 33.55 ◄6.80 42.67 47.91 0.001485 8.59 1900.86 1151.62 0.47 1 2399.931 BaseFlood AH Prop Bndge 8080.00 33.55 48.80 42.87 47.00 0.001467 8.59 1896.11 1150.51 0.47 1 2349.933 BesefloOd EC Survev 8080.00 33.40 48.87 42.52 47.78 0.001363 7.87 22n.24 1076,83 0.45 1 2M9.933 BeseflOod AH Prop Bridoe 8080.00 33.40 46,86 42.52 .e7.?e 0.001365 7,88 2272.81 1078,68 o.•S I 1 -2299.935 easeAoO<I EC SUMIV 8080.00 33.25 48.72 42.44 47.70 0.001401 8.20 2230.28 1006.03 0.45 1 2299.935 Baseflooel AH Proo B<i<loe 608.0.00 33.25 48.71 -42.44 47.70 0.001404 8.20 2225.86 1005.88 0.48 1 2199.94 Baseflood EC Survey 9850.00 32.95 45.86 43.28 47.43 0,00264e 10.89 1748.24 873.35 0.63 1 2199.94 BaseFloOd AH Proo Sttdae 9850.00 32.95 45.85 43.28 47.43 0.002657 10.91 1740.90 872.08 0.63 1 2149.942 BaseFlood ecs"""y 9650.00 32.80 «.91 ◄3.11 47.22 0.003'513 12.29 1154.91 564.93 0.73 I 2149.942 Baseflood AH Proo Bridge 9850.00 32.80 «.89 43.11 47.22 0.0034542 12.32 1144.08 583.93 0.73 I 2099.950 BaseFlood ECSllMly 9850.00 32.65 4◄.88 42.99 46.98 0.OOM86 11.72 1185.23 533,35 0.71 1 2099.950 Ba'8flo0d AH Prop Bridge 9850.00 32.65 «.86 42.99 46.97 0.003517 11.75 1174.78 532.01 0.71 1 2049.050 BasoFloOd ECSunloy 9850.00 32.50 45.15 42.62 46.85 0.002548 10.08 1335.03 566.61 0.61 1 2049.950 BaseFlood AH.Prop Bridge 9850.00 32.50 45.13 42.62 46.64 0.002579 10.13 1321.57 583.40 0.61 1 1999.950 BaseFloOCI ECSUNey 9850,00 32.35 45.46 48.37 0.001445 8.36 1800.32 817.87 0.47 1 1999.950 Baseflood AH Prop Bridoe, 9850.00 32.35 45.44 48.38 0.001458 8.39 1786.89 812,90 O.<t? , 1949.952 Ba~lood ECS•""'"' 9850.00 32.20 45.74 48,19 0,000533 5.77 2558.87 860.89 0.30 1 1949,952 BaseFlood AH Prop Bndge 9850.00 32.20 45.74 46,17 0,000522 S.70 2553.85 860.86 0.29 1 1899.954 BasoFlood EC Surv&i 9850.00 32.05 45.24 ◄6.10 0.001049 7.76 1775.08 548.57 0,41 1 1899.954 a-Flood AH Prop Bridge 9850.00 32.05 45.23 ◄6.09 0.001054 1.n 1767.00 541.77 0.41 1 1870.88 BaseFlood EC SUrvey 9850.00 30.85 45.44 39.86 <5.98 0.000704 6.44 2552.93 1070.50 0.34 1 1670.88 8aseF1ood AH Fl'rop Bridge 9850.00 30.85 45.<3 39.86 45.97 0.000708 6.48 2541.18 1069.50 0.34 1 1819.12 BaseFlood EC S"""'v 9850.00 30.00 45.◄3 39.15 45.93 0.000836 8.12 2227.33 1755,37 0.32 1 1819.12 Basefilood AH Prop Blldgo 9850,00 30.00 45.42 39.15 45.82 0.000639 6.13 .2219.01 1754.12 0.32 1 1774.959 BneAood EC Sllf"Wy 9850.00 30.00 45.37 38.36 <4-5.90 0.000589 6.23 2123.55 1789.71 0.31 HEC.RAS River. Aqua Hec:lioncta: Reach· 1 Proflte· BaseAoOd (Conlk1ued) Read, Rivet Sr.a Proflle Plan a Total MlnCO El W.S.Ele•1 CritW.S. E.G.Elev E.G. Slope. VetChnl flow Area TopWdlh Froudo #Cbl (<:IS) (ft) (ft) (ftl (ft) lftiftl /ft/$1 (so ft) ffi\ 1 ---1774.959 Baseflood AHProollri<IOe 9850.00 30.00 45.36 38.:le 45.89 0.000591 6.23 2116.19 1788.16 0.31 1 1724.961 BaseAoOd EC survey 9850.00 30.00 ,s.09 38.27 45.85 0.000800 7.08 1962.10 1647.20 o.se 1 1724.961 8'lseFJOOCI AH Proo Bridge 9850.00 30.00 45.07 38.27 45.83 0.000807 7.11 1931.42 184S.4◄ o.se I 1674.963 BaseFlood EC SUrwy 8850.00 31.60 45.11 38.32 45.76 0,000814 6.73 1750.97 1510.47 0.36 I 1674.963 BaseFI0Od AH Proo Bridge 9850.00 31.60 45.10 39.32 45.76 0.000619 6.74 1741.46 1508.94 0.36 I 1636.348 Baseflood EC SUrvev 9850.00 31.60 44.65 45.69 0.002257 8.30 1296.28 1127.81 0.43 1 1838.348 BaseFlood AH ProoB"""" 9850.00 31.60 44.61 39.58 45.68 0.001305 8.39 1287.08 1116.26 0.4, 1630 Pronru. .. d Blke/Pedes!ri •n Bridne 1 1599.81 BaseAood ECSU""'v 9850.00 31.60 44.75 39.83 45.50 0.003216 6.96 1422.23 1063.78 0.39 1 1599.81 BaseAood AH Prop Bridge 9850.00 31.60 44.71 3Q.83 45.47 0.002299 6.99 1412.65 1058.13 0.39 1 1569.522 I Camlnr Real Bridge 1 1488.443 e.iseFlood EC Survey 9850.00 31.60 42.95 39.46 44.26 0.003781 9.17 1073.63 128.62 0.56 1 1488.U3 Baseflood AH Prop Bridge 8850.00 31.60 42.95 39 . .«I '14.26 0.003781 8.17 1073.63 128.62 0.56 I Hoa.665 BaseFlood EC SuMv 9850.00 31.60 42.82 43.91 0.003238 8.37 1178.-46 785.01 0.52 1 1408.665 BaseFloo<t AH Ptno Bodge 9850.00 31.60 42.82 43.91 0.003238 8.37 1176.46 785.01 0.52 1 1351.03 Bas.eAood EC SUr,,ey 9850.00 31.60 42.70 43.71 0.003041 8.07 1221.12 660.13 0.50 1 1351.03 BaseFlood AH Prop Bridge 8650.00 31.60 42.70 43.71 0.003041 8.07 1221.12 660.13 0.50 1 1275.886 Baseflood ECSUMly 8850.00 31.80 42.27 43.45 0.003425 8.71 1130.52 135.70 0.53 1 127.S.886 Baseflood AH Pron 1:11-...e 9850.00 31.80 42.27 <3.45 0.003425 8.71 1130.52 135.70 0.53 1 1238.54 BaseF19od ECSUMy 9850.00 31.80 42.21 38.80 43.30 0.003184 8.37 1177.21 143.27 0.51 1 1238.54 8'lseF1oOO AH Prop Bridge 9850.00 31.80 •2.21 38.90 43.30 0.003184 8.37 1177.21 143.27 0.51 1 1200.003 C.annnn Rnad Bridge 1 1142.497 BaseFlood ECSurwv 8850.00 32.SO 40.67 43.00 0.032687 12.23 805.32 123.11 o ... 1 11,42.497 BaseFfood AH Pron a-e 9850.00 32.50 40.67 43.00 0.032687 12.23 605.32 123.11 0.8' Existing Condition Cross-sections River = Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 2599,93 .2 .03 .2 70 Legend 65 60 1/1/S BaseFlood e. 55 Grocnd I 50 lneff t 45 • jjj Bank Sta 40 35 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Statlon (tt) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 2499.93 .2 .03 .2 70 Legend 65 1/1/S BaseFlood 60 g 55 Ground -~ 50 lneff ... 1 • UJ 45 Bank Sta 40 35 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach = 1 RS = 2399,931 .2 ,03 .2 70 Legend 65 WS Ba..,Flood 60 g 55 Gl'CUnd g 50 lneff j • w ~l Bank Sta ' ' ' ' ' 200 ' 1000 14°00 0 400 600 800 1200 1600 1800 Station (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 2349.933 ,2 .03 .2 75 Legend 70 65 •NSBa..,Flood g 60 Groond li 55 Inell l 50 • m Bank Sta I ' ' I ' ' I ' 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 2299.935 .2 .03 .2 80 Legend 70 VI/S Bas4!!1Flood € Ground ~ 60 lneff ~ 50 • ill Bank Sta 40 30 0 200 400 800 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (n) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 2199.94 .2 .03 .2 70 Legend 65 60 WS BaseFlooo g 55 Ground I 5 lneff • ill 45 Bank Sta 40 35 30 0 200 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 2149.942 .2 .03 .2 70 Legend 65 WS Ba5"flood 60 g 55 Ground .§ lneff 1i t ◄5 • iii Bank Sia 40 35 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1◄00 Station(ft) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach = 1 RS = 2099. 950 .2 ,j-.o3 I .2 I 80 Legend 70 WSSaseflood §: Ground -~ 60 1i Jneff 1 50 • Bank Sia w ◄O 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station(ft) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 2049.950 .2 I .03 .O◄ 80 Legend 70 1/vS BaseFlood g Ground .g 60 lneff 1 50 • Bank Sta 40 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Stallon (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1999.950 .2 .03 70 Legend 65 60 ws BoseFlood g 55 Ground I 50 lneff ~ ◄5 • Bank Sta -40 35 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Slalion (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1949.952 .2 .03 .04 70 Lagend 65 60 'WS Bas4!!1Flood g 55 Ground .§ 50 lnetf I ◄5 • Bank Sta ◄0 35 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 s1anon (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 1899.954 .2 .03 .04 80 Legend 70 wse .. eflood g 60 Gmund § Inell .. 1 50 • w Bank Sia 40 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1◄00 S1alion (ft) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1870.68 .2 .03 .04 70 l•gend 60 WS Bas.eFlood g Ground J 50 lneff • Bank Sta 40 30 o 500 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1819.12 .2 + .03 I .04 80 Legend 70 WS BaseFlood g 60 GrO<Jnd -~ lneff ;; > 50 • ~ Bank Stil .;o 30 o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 station (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1774.959 .2 65 Legend 60 WS BaseFlood g 55 Ground j 50 tneff ~ 45· • ill Bank Sta .;o 35 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Statioo(ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach = 1 RS = 1724.961 .2 .03 I .04 70 Legend 65 60 \NS BaseFlood e: 55 Ground 3 50 lneff ] • ◄5 Bank Sta ◄0 35 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station(ft) River= Aqua Hedlonda Reach = 1 RS = 1674.963 .2 .03 .04 80 Legend 70 ws BaseFIOOd g Ground 3 60 ., lneff .. • 1i 50 Bank Sta w ◄0 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1638.348 .04 •~)-.03 .04 70 IAogend 7 65 5 60 WS BaseFlood € 55 Ground Ii 50 lneff i ◄5 • Bank Sta ◄0 35 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station(ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 1599.81 . 013 . r-°"s, . ,013 80 0 0 Legend 7 5 70 5 ws BaseFlood g 60 Ground .§ lnefl ;; i 50 • ID Bank Sta 40 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station(ft) River= Aqua Hedionda R.each = 1 RS= 1569.522 BR . 013 . r-°"s, . .013 80 0 0 Legend 7 5 70 5 WS BaseFlood g 60 Ground i lnefl 50 • ID Bank Sta 40 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Siafion(ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 1569.522 BR .1 ·°" + .1------>j 46 l •gand 46 44 'WS BaseFk>od g 42 Ground C 40 .g lneff j 36 • 36 Bank Sta 34 32 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 1488.443 .1 .04 + .1------.j 48 legend ◄6 44 WS Basel'loo<I € 42 Ground ,8 40 lneff 1 38 • 36 Bank Sia 34 32 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Slallon(ft) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach = 1 RS= 1408.665 .1 .04 .03-----, 80 legend 70 W$ BaseFloo<I g 60 Ground -~ lneff 1 50 • Bank Sta 40 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station(ft) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach = 1 RS= 1351.03 ., .04 03-------! 90 Legend BO ws BaseFlood g 70 Ground ,§ 80 lneN ~ • ... 50 Bani<Sta UJ 40 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Slation(ft) 80 70 € 60 i 50 ul 40 30 48 46 « € 42 -~ 40 I 38 [il 38 34 32 30 48 48 44 € 42 -~ 40 j 38 di 36 34 32 30 River= Aqua Hedionda Reach = 1 RS = 1275.886 lc-------------.1---------------e.i.---.04--------.03---- 0 200 .013 0 100 0 100 400 S1aUon (ft) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach = 1 l I 200 300 Station(~) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach = 1 l 200 300 Stalioo (ft) 800 RS= 1238.54 .013------- 400 500 RS = 1200.003 BR .013------~ 400 500 Legend WS BaseFlood Ground lneff • Bae1<S1a 1000 600 600 Legend ws Basel'looo Grouod lneff • Bank Sta Legend WS BaseFlood GrouOO lneff • Bani< Sta River = Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1200.003 BR .045 .08 .045 46 Legend 46 ◄4 WSBueFlood g ◄2 Ground i 40 ,.,.,rr 38 • iii 38 Bank Sta 3-4 32 30 0 100 200 300 ◄00 500 Statioo(fl) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 1142.497 .075 .075 .075 ◄8 ◄6 Legend « WS Baseflood g ◄2 Ground 8 40 lneff 1 38 • w Bank Sta 38 3-4 32 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (fl) Proposed Condition Cross-sections River= Aqua Hedionda Reach = 1 RS= 2599.93 .2 .03-.2 70 Legitnd 65 ws BaseFlood 60 §: 55 Ground j 50 lneff ~ • ~ 45 Bank Sta 40 35 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Stalion(ft) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 2499.93 .2 + 03 .2 70 Legend 65 WS BaseFlood 60 §: 55 Ground !i 50 lneff ] • w 45 Bank Sta ◄0 35 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 2399.931 .2 .03 ,2 70 Legend 65 ws Baseflood 60 §: 55 Ground C 2 50 lneff ~ • ill 45 Bank Sta 40 35 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Sla1ion (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 2349.933 .2 .03-+ .2 75 legend 70 65 WS BaseFlood € 60 Ground g 55 lneff ' 50 • iii ◄5 BankS1'1 ◄O 35 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1◄00 1600 Sla1ion (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 2299.935 sor-· 2 .03 .2 Legend 70 WSBa.seFlood € Ground ·! 60 lneff ~ 50 • Bank s1a ◄O 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1◄00 1600 Stalion (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 2199.94 .2 .03 I .2 70 Legend 65 60 WS BaseFlood s 55 Ground e i 50 lneff 45 • Bank Sta 40 35 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 2149.942 .2 .03 .2 70 Legend 65 WS BaseFlood 60 g 55 Ground g 50 lneff l 45 • Bank Sta 40 35 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 St.Ilion (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 2099. 950 .2 .03 .2 80 Legend 70 WS Baseflood g 60 Ground g ln<lff ~ 50 • iii Bank SIO 40 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Slalion (ft) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 2049.950 .2 .03 .04 80 Legend 70 WS BaseFlood g 60 Ground C 8 lneff i 50 • llJ Bank.Sia 40 30 0 200 1200 Station (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach = 1 RS= 1999.950 .2 .03 I .04 70 65 Legend 60 WSBaseFlood g 55 Ground ~ 50 lneff ! 45 • Bani< Sta 40 35 30 0 200 -400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 S1a1lon (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach = 1 RS = 1949.952 .2 .03 I .04 70 Legend 65 60 WS S..eFlood g 55 Ground i 50 lneff ◄5 • w Bank Sta ◄() 35 30 0 200 400 600 1000 1200 1◄00 Stalion (fl) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach = 1 RS = 1899.954 .2 .03 .04 80 Legend 70 WS BaseFlood g Ground -~ 60 lneff J 50 • iii Bank S18 ◄O 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Station(fl) .2 .03 70 60 g g ! 50 <I() 30 0 500 .2 .03 80 70 g 60 j ;; } 50 w <I() 3 0 500 6S .2-----1<-.03 I 60 g 55 8 50 j 45 w 40 35 30 0 500 River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1870.68 .04 1000 1500 Station (ft) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1819.12 .Q.4 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach = 1 RS= 1774.959 .04---------------• 1000 1500 Station (ft) Legend WS BaseFlood Ground lneff • Bank Sta 2000 Legend IIIIS Baseflood 2500 Ground lneff • Bank Sta Legend IIIIS BaseFlood Ground 2500 lneff • Bank Sta River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1724.961 .2 .03-, .0<4 70 Legend 65 60 WS BaseFlood g 55 Ground j 50 lneff <5 • Bank Sta •0 35 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Stotion(lt) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1674.963 .2 .03 .04 80 Legend 70 W$ BaseFlood g 60 Ground i lneff 50 • i Bank Sia <0 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station(ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1638.348 .0<4 -~,03 .0<4 70 0 Legend 3 65 5 60 WS Baseflood g 55 Ground -~ 50 lneff 1 •5 • w Bank Sia 40 35 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1630 BR r .04 70 gend 65 60 WS BaseFlood € 55 Ground .g 50 lneff ] ◄5 • w Bank St.a ◄0 35 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station {ft) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1630 BR .013 .045 .013 60 Legend 70 WS BaseFlood g 60 Ground i lneff" 50 • ~ Bank Sta Iii ◄O 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station {ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1599.81 .013 .045 .013 80 Legend 70 ws BaseFlood g Ground -~ 60 lneff I 50 • Bank Sta 40 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1569.522 BR .013 +-.045 ,013 80 legend 70 WS Baseflood g 60 Ground -~ lneff ~ 50 • ill Bank Sta 40 30 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 1569.522 BR .1 .04 + 1------I 48 Legend 46 44 WS BaseFlood € 42 Ground -~ 40 Inell I 36 • 36 Bani< Sta 34 32 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (n) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 1488.443 .1 ,04 .1------1 46 Legend 46 44 WS Baseflood g 42 Ground ,Ii 40 Inell ~ 36 • .!! 36 BankStl! w 34 32 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft) BO 70 g 60 i 50 40 30 90 80 g 70 I 60 ~ 50 40 30 BO 70 g ~ ~ ~ 50 .a 0 200 .1 0 200 River = Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 .1 400 600 S1ation(ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 400 600 S11tion (ft) River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS = 1408.665 .04 ,013---1 800 1000 RS= 1351,03 ,04 .03-, 800 1000 RS = 1275.886 k--------------.1--------------l .... ---.04----,,k------.03----->I 0 200 400 600 800 station (ft) Legend WS BaseFlood Ground lneff • Bank Sia 1200 Legend ws BaseFlood Ground lneff • Bank Sia 1200 Legend ws BaseFlood 1000 Ground lneff • BaMSta River= Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1238.54 .013 .04 .013 48 Legend 46 44 WS Ba..,Flood g 42 Ground j 40 lneff ! 38 • 38 Bank Sta 34 32 30 0 100 200 JOO 400 500 600 Station (ft) River= Aqua Hedlonda Reach= 1 RS= 1200.003 BR I .013 48 Le99nd 46 « WS Baseflood e. 42 Ground ~ 40 j 38 lneff • J! 38 Bank Sta w 34 32 JO 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) River = Aqua Hedionda Reach= 1 RS= 1200.003 BR .045 ,08 .045 48 Legend 46 44 WS Baseflood §: 42 Gcound .2 40 j 38 lneff • w 38 Bani< Sta 34 32 30 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Statlon{ft) -48 "6 44 g 42 ~ 40 1 38 36 34 32 RS= 1142.497 River= Aqua Hedionda Reacll = 1 k--------.075--------,,jc-----.075----~<-------.075------- 0 100 200 300 Station (ft) ◄00 500 600 Legend ws BaseFlood Ground lneff • Bank Sta 0 0 ~ MAP SCALE 1" = 500' 1,000 l=:r:::::::::::E=:=:=3C:=:=:1=::::=:=:3::=:=:::::J FEET 0 250 500 750 PANEL 0768G FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 768 OF 2375 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) ~ s.2YMllt!ll CNft.88AO, QTY Of l!lJNW! P.6l!El. ~ """""""" G NoicelOUMf'-Thellep.....,._._..Ddawahol.lld beiaod wherl ~ n-..p~ ... ConinNnttJ Hlilml;lla llhCMn.,,. lt'4lld be Uled en ~ ~ ~ N ~ ..........., MAP NUMBER 06073C0768G MAP REVISED MAY 16, 2012 Federal Emergency Management Agency Thia is an official cw; of a po,tlon of the above referenc:ecl lood map. It was extracted using F-MfT On-line. This map does not reloct changes ct amendmenta whk:h may ha\e been m-subsequent to the dat• on the title block. Fot the latest ~t lnfonnalion about National Flood Insurance Program tooct m,-pg check the FEMA Flood Map Store at www_msc.fema.gov