HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; FA080034; Permit3/7/24, 12:33 PM FA080034 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fire Alarm Permit Job Address: I LEGOLAND DR Permit Type: FALARM Parcel No: 2111000900 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: FA080034 Status: ISSUED Applied 6/3/2008 Approved: 6/10/2008 Issued: 6/10/2008 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: LEGOLAND SEALIFE 2 FIRE ALARM INSPECTIONS @ $65/EA Applicant: PYRO-COMM SYSTEMS STEF 5115 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 760-930-6014 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC PLAY U S ACQU ISITI C/O PTS P 0 BOX 543185 DALLAS TX Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 130 0 130 . 0 about:blank 1/1 Job #27597 FA09 003 +. These plans have heen reviewed for apparent compliance with the current applicable codes and siutidanis in fote in the jurisdiction. The owner or cotliracior mar uttltie this review in support of an application for a huildi uc permit with the express understanding that this review in no way relieves the owner or contractor or their professional engineer or architect for sole respotisihitit for fiil I compliance with said codes and standards. including the building code or for any responsibtlty for deficiencies. errors. omissions or negligence in these plaits whether or not noted in this review. 1)atc: 0/09 Reviewer j.) Mr—R4I-COMMEND APPR(.)VAI. AS NOTED Legoland Lost Kingdom One Legoland Dr. Carlsbad, CA Fire Alarm System Submittal FIRE ALARM SYSTEM MFG. MODEL # DESCRIPTION CSFM# (Control Panel) NOTIFIER AFP-200 Analog Fire Panel 7165-0028:164 NOTIFIER DP-AFP200 Dress Panel 7165-0028:164 NOTIFIER NAM-232 Network Adaptor Module 7165-0028:164 NOTIFIER PS-1270 12 Volt 7 Ah Battery No Listing (Serial Annunciator) NOTIFIER LCD-80 80 Character Liquid Crystal Display 7120-0028:156 NOTIFIER AKS-1B Key Switch 7120-0028:156 NOTIFIER NCM-W Network Control Module 7165-0028:214 (Initiating Devices) NOTIFIER NBG-12LX Addressable Manual Pull Station 7150-0028:199 NOTIFIER FSP-851 Intelligent Photo Smoke Detector 7272-0028:206 NOTIFIER B7IOLP Low Profile Detector Base 7300-0028:173 (Indicating Devices) WHEELOCK ZRS-24MCW-FR Multi-Candela Wall Strobe 7125-0785:141 WHEELOCK ZNS-24MCW-FR Multi-Candela Wall Horn/Strobe 7125-0785:142 Job # 27597 MFG. MODEL # DESCRIPTION CSFM# (Indicating Devices - Con'tj WHEELOCK ASWP-2475C-FR WIP Multi-Candela Wall Horn/Strobe FDM-1 Dual Monitor Module FMM-1 Monitor Module FRM-1 Relay Module WFD Waterfiow Detectors PIBV2 Post Indicator Valve 05Y2 Supervisory Switch 7125-0785:131 7300-0028:202 7300-0028:202 7300-0028:202 7770-1653:114 7770-1653:118 7770-1653:118 (Auxiliary Equipment) NOTIFIER NOTIFIER NOTIFIER (Misc. Equipment) NOTIFIER NOTIFIER NOTIFIER 19, 2004 DN-3783 • A-105 NOTIFIER® GENERAL The AFP-200 is a compact, cost-effective, intelligent fire alarm control with a capacity of 198 individually identified and con- trolled points and an extensive list of powerful features. The AFP-200 provides capabilities that exceed most large intelli- gent systems, at a cost comparable to conventional control panels. FEATURES 198 intelligent device capacity (99 analog detectors and 99 monitor/control modules). Style 4, 6, or 7. Overall 301 point capability (198 intelligent points, 4 pro- grammable NAC circuits, 99 programmable relays). Network ready (reference NOTI • FIRE • NETTm and NAM- 232 data sheets for more information). Intelligent features: V Manual sensitivity adjustment. .' Day/Night automatic sensitivity adjustment. V Drift compensation (U.S. Patent Pending) meets UL requirements as a calibrated test instrument. V Auto detector test (meets NFPA 72). V Maintenance alert (two separate algorithms). v" Pre-alarm (AWACSTm U.S. Patent Pending). v' Activate local sounder base on pre-alarm. V LED blink control for sleeping areas. V Automatic device type check. Releasing features: ' Four independent hazards. V Sophisticated cross-zone (three options) &'Delay timer and Discharge timers (adjustable). V Abort (four options). Optional DACT, with AC fail delay. LCD-80 remote display/control. ACS annunciators (EIA-485), including LDM custom. Printer interface (80-column and 40-column printers). 5.0 A usable regulated output power, plus 6.0 A expander (maximum 8.0 A to panel circuits). 80-character LCD display, backlit. Real-time clock, with European format option. History file with 650-event capacity in nonvolatile memory. Includes non-erasable shadow history. Watertlow or supervisory selection per point. Alarm Verification selection per point, with tally. Walk Test reports two devices set to same address. Positive Alarm Sequence (PAS) Presignal per NFPA 72. Silence inhibit and Auto Silence timer options. March time/temporal/California code for bell circuits. Field-programmable on panel or on PC, with user-defined passwords, plus Autoprogram feature. UL-Listed modem interface allows remote/off-site system integration. FZM-1 two-wire detector interface provides compatibility with many non-NOTIFIER detectors for retrofit applications (con- sult factory for latest compatibility listings). Dual-rate charger for up to 90 hours of standby power. NOTI.FIRE.NETTM is a trademark of NOTIFIER, 1994. AFP-200 Analog Fire Panel Section: Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panels California State 1 !164 LISTED CSI I8 S635 (AFP-200C, <@> AFP-200RC) IVI EA U.S. Coast Guard APPROVED 104-93-E Vol. XI 161.002/23/3 The AFP-200 3783atp2.wmf Two-Stage option for notification circuits (Canada). Tornado Warning activates different notification circuit code. Non-alarm points for lower priority functions. Remote Silence/Reset/Evacuate via monitor modules. Automatic time control functions, with holiday exceptions. Rapid poll algorithm for manual stations. Responds in < 2 seconds. Operates with untwisted, unshielded wire (up to 1,000 ft.! 304.8 m) for retrofit applications (U.S. Patent 5, 210, 523). UL Listed for Fire Signaling per Standard 864 & NFPA 72. UL Listed for Burglary applications per Standard 1076. UL Listed for Releasing Service. Complies with NFPA 12, 12A9 12B, 13,15,16,17,17A, 2001 Standards when installed in accordance with appropriate NFPA standard. Approved forAgent Release and Preaction/Deluge by CSFM, City and County of Denver, FM, MEA, and ULC. Approved for marine applications by U.S. Coast Guard and Lloyd's Register of shipping. AGENCY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Listing agencies and file numbers displayed above. These list- ings and approvals apply to the basic AFP-200 control panel. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult fac- tory for latest listing status. 94/60004 (E2) City of Chicago CLASS 1: 1928E City and County of DENVER NOTIFIER® is a Honeywell company. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our IS09001 product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications !- or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 ENGINEERING & MIRRIH11311111111 N OTI Fl ER 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 QUALITY SYSTEMS Made in the U.S.A. DN-3783 • 02/19/04 - Page 1 of 4 Sample System Diagram NOTI•FIRE•NET" Optional Network Interface via the NAM-232 Thermal ------------------NBG12LX FMM-1 FCM-1 Fixed t IDC lAG AFP-200 PRN Series Printer UDACT 3783diag.wmf Four standard notification or releasing circuits AUX relays ElA-232 interface for CRT, printer, or PC computer EIA-485 loop for LCD or LED annunciators Full alpha keyboard for menu-driven programming SLC loop — up to 198 devices on a single pair of wires 5 ampere regulated power supply Voltmeter/ ammeter option Page 2 of 4 - DN-3783 • 02/19/04 12 AH batteries, 18 AH with BB-17, up to 90 hours standby power 80-character backlit LCD display DN-3783 • 02/19/04 - Page 3 of 4 AWACS TM Advance Warning Addressable Combustion Sensing (U.S. Patent Pending) SMOKE OBSCURATION % per foot 3% - - ALERT ACTION ALARM Warning at panel Shut off power Evacuate building of possible fire to equipment monitored and call fire department by this detector PREALM SMOKE(PHOTO) PREALM SMOKE(PHOIOI ALARM: SMOKE(PHOTO) FLOOR 3 EQUIP RACK 5 FLOOR 3 EQUIP RACK 5 FLOOR 3 EQUIP RACK 5 1 0 - - ALERT: 0.22% 1.40% ACTION: 0,51% 1.40% FIRE DEPT CALLED I 2/0 11:25 P 12/25/93 066 11:36 P 12125/93 D66 11:59 P 12/25/93 D66 J 1%-- - - -- I TIME ALERT and ACTION levels are completely adjustable in the field to suit the cleanliness and stability of the environment. ALARM levels are field adjustable to one of three levels within the UL permitted range. ACTION levels latch and may be used to perform control functions. ALERT levels self-restore and may be used to activate a local sounder base before general ALARM evacu- ation. GRAM AIT F 0= CLR I = AUTO 2= POINT 3 = PASSWD 4 = MESSAGE 5=ZONES 6=SPL ZONES 7=SYS 8=CHECK 3783v200.Jpg Field Programming —3 Ways AUTO-PROGRAM The AFP-200 identifies all devices that are connect- ed, determines the type of device, and loads default values (general alarm) into nonvolatile memory. This is completed in less than 30 seconds. ON-LINE EDIT While still providing fire protection, the AFP-200 pro- gram may be completely edited from the front key- pad. Menu trees permit easy change of any param- eter without referral to the programming manual. Re- call, increment and edit function speeds entry of al- phanumeric labels. New program check routine catch- es common errors. OFF-LINE PC: VeriFire-200 (included with VeriFire-CD) The complete AFP-200 program may be created in an off-line PC-compatible computer with a Windows®- based utility, then loaded into the AFP-200 EIA-232 port. The program may also be off-loaded to a PC at anytime. High-speed data transfer completes upload or download in less than one minute. The PC program may also be used to access remote AFP-200 systems over dial-up phone lines, providing detail status infor- mation and history file search/sort. 3. SPECIFICATIONS Primary input power, 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3.0 A; for AFP-200E: 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 1.5 A. Total Internal 24 VDC Power: 5.0 A (total shared power). V High-ripple regulated power: 1.5 A (suitable for EIA-485 devices, except ACM-8R); 1.0 A maximum standby. V Non-resettable power: 500 mA. V Four-wire smoke detector power: 500 mA. V Four built-in notification circuits: NAG Circuit 1: 2.25 A. NAG Circuits 2-4: 2.25 A (shared total). NOTE: with optionalAPS-6R Power Supply NAC circuits 3 & 4 are expanded to 3.0 A (8.0 A total power). Battery charger range: 7 AH - 18 AH. Charge high rate: 29.1 V. Float rate: 27.0 V. Relay contact rating: 2.0 A @ 30 VDC. Cabinet dimensions: 16.125"(40.958 cm) high x14.5"(36.83 cm) wide x 5.5" (13.97 cm) deep. SYSTEM CAPACITY Total programmable input/output points: 301 Intelligent detectors: 99 Addressable monitor/control modules: 99 Programmable NAG circuits in panel: 4 Programmable software zones: 99 Programmable remote relay/annunciator points: 99 LCD-80 annunciators per system: 4 ACS annunciators per system: 10 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS 6 LED indicators: AC Power; Fire Alarm; Pie-Alarm; Super- visory/Security; Alarm Silenced; System Trouble. 21 Membrane Switch Controls: Acknowledge/Step lM4 Evacuate; System Reset; 12-key Alpha pad; 4 cursor"4cs;' Enter. LCD Display: 80 characters (4 x 20) with long-life LED be light. Data sheets are available for many of the compatible prod- ucts listed below. COMPATIBLE INTELLIGENT DEVICES FSl-851: Ion detector, replaces FSI-751. FSl-751: Ion detector. FSP-851: Photo detector, replaces FS!-751. FSP-751: Photo detector. FSP-851T: Photo detector with 135°F (57°C) thermal element, replaces FSP-751 T. FSP-751T: Photo detector with fixed thermal element. FST-851: Thermal detector, 135°F (57°C), replaces FST-751. FST-751: Thermal detector, fixed. FST-851 R: Thermal detector, 135°F (57°C) with rate-of-rise, replaces FST-751R. FST-751 R: Thermal detector, fixed and rate-of-rise. FST-851 H: 190°F (88°C) high-temperature thermal detector. FSH-751: HARSHTm photo detector, requires B7irfJilD,Jse, detector replaces HPX 751 7 HPX-751: HARSHTm photo detector, requires B710Rba4. LPX-751 L: VIEW® laser detector. fr FSD-751 PL: Low-flow photo duct detector with housing, re- places FSD-751P. FSD-751P: Duct detector, with housing. FSD-751 RPL: Low-flow photo duct detector with housing and relay, replaces FSD-751P. FSD-751RP: Duct detector, with housing and relay. B7IOLPBP: Standard flanged base, package of ten. B50IBP: Standard flangeless base, package often. NOTE: Remove"BP" suffix for single-pack bases. B7IOHD: Base for FSH-751 (HARSH) only. B224RB: Relay base. B224B1: Isolator base. B50IBH: Sounder base. B501 BHT: Sounder base with temporal sounder. Page 4 of 4 - DN-3783 • 02/19/04 NBG-I2LX: Addressable pull station, visible LED. ISO-X: Isolator module. FMM-1: Monitor module. FMM-101: Monitor module, miniature. FDM-1: Monitor module, dual, two independent Class B circuits. FZM-1: Monitor module, two-wire smoke detectors. FCM-1: Control module. FRM-1: Relay module. FSM-101: Pull station monitor module. XP5-M: Transponder, monitor, 5 addressable Class B circuits. XP5-C: Transponder, control/relay, 5 addressable Class B cir- cuits. XP6-C: Six-circuit supervised control module. XP6-MA: Six-zone interface module; connects intelligent alarm system to two-wire conventional detection zone. X1136-111: Six-relay (Form-C) control module. XPIO-M: Ten-input monitor module. XPIQ: Intelligent quad transponder. COMPATIBLE DEVICES, EIA-232 Port PRN Series: 80-column printer. V54095/52: Printer, 40 column, 24 volts. Mounted in external backbox (order from Keltron, Inc.). CRT-2: Video display terminal. NAM-232: Network Interface Module to NOTI' FIRE 'NET" wire or fiber models. COMPATIBLE DEVICES, RS-"S Port ACS Series: Remote Serial Annunciator/Control systems. LCD-80: Remote LCD display. LDM Series: Remote custom graphic driver modules. ACM-8R: Remote relay module. Eight Form-C relays. NIB-96: Network Interface Board. RPT485: Series Repeater, isolator and/or fiber-optic modem. UDACT: Universal Digital Communicator. PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION AFP-200: AFP-200 system. Includes main PC board with dis- play and keypad, backbox and door (gray), hardware and in- struction manual. 120 VAC. AFP-200E: Same as AFP-200, but 230 VAC. AFP-200R: Same as AFP-200, but with red backbox and door. AFP-200RE: Same as AFP-200R, but 230 VAC. AFP-200C: Same as AFP-200, but ULC-approved version. AFP-200RC: Same as AFP-200R, but ULC-approved version. DRAFP200*: Replacement door, gray. DRAFP200R*: Replacement door, red. *Add an °E° to end of part number for 230 VAC labeling. SBB-4X: AFP-200 backbox (no door), gray, for replacement only. SBB4XR: AFP-200 backbox (no door), red, for replacement only. CAB-AM: Heavy-duty outer enclosure. Required for marine agency approved applications. 4XTM: Plug-in Transmitter Module. Provides municipal box and remote station connection. RTM-8: Plug-in Relay Transmitter Module. Provides eight Form- C relays, plus transmitter. 4XMM: AmmeterNoltmeter. TR-4XG: Gray Trim Ring for semi-flush mounting (TR-4XR for red). DP-AFP200: Full-length dead-front panel (required for Cana- dian applications). PS Series: Batteries. The AFP-200 requires two 12-volt, 7.0 to 18.0 AH batteries. BAT Series: Batteries. The AFP-200 requires two 12-volt, 7.0 to 18.0 AH batteries. APS-611: 6.0 A expansion supply (requires BB-17). BB-17: Battery box, required for batteries above 12.0 AH, or if APS-6R is used. CHG-120: 120 AH battery charger for use with 25 to 120 AH batteries. 411 Series: Digital Alarm Communicator/Transmitter. VeriFire-CD: Programming kit for PC. Includes a CD with a variety of VeriFireTm programs (including VeriFire-200), cable, and instructions. ROM-AFP200SP: Spanish language kit. Includes software IC, manual, and labels. uqust 18, 2004 DN-5331 •A0-250 N OT I F I E R® 1ework Adapter oduIe Section: Network Systems GENERAL The NAM-232 Network Adapter Module functions as an in- terface between the AFP-200, AFP-300, and AFP-400 Fire Alarm Control Panels and the NOTI.FIRE. NET"". The control panels each consume a single-node address on the network. The NAM-232 interfaces to the control panels through the EIA-232 serial communications port. NOTI•FIRE'NET"" is a series of systems that allow a group of Fire Alarm Control Panels and other control equipment to connect together to form a true peer-to-peer network. Equip- ment that connects to NOTI" FIRE" NET' and communi- cates with other equipment using the network may be re- ferred to as a network node. An NFS-3030/NFS-640 Fire Alarm System with an NCM Network Control Module installed; an NCA Network Control Annunciator with an NCM installed; an AM2020/AFPI0I0 Fire Alarm System with a SIB-NET Se- rial Interface Board installed; an NCS Network Control Sta- tion; an INA Intelligent Network Annunciator; and an AFP- 200/300/400 with a NAM-232 may all be network nodes. The network supports communications over a twisted-pair wire or fiber-optic medium. A network combination of both wire and fiber may exist in the same network. NOTE: Refer to manual network configuration section for panel compatibility. NOTI"FIRE•NET'" is a trademark of NOTIFIER, 1994. NETWORK FEATURES AFP-200: The network has the ability to send Acknowledge, Si- lence, and Reset commands to the AFP-200. Limited cooperative control-by-event (CCBE). Zones 1- 45 are network independent. Zones 46-89 are initialized as one (1) "OR" equation. The local node can send or receive network zone activa- tions. AFP-300IAFP-400: Read/Alter Status; Group Enable/Disable; Individual Point Enable/Disable. The network has the ability to send Acknowledge, Si- lence, and Reset commands to the AFP-300/AFP-400. Cooperative control-by-event (CCBE). Zones 1-99 are network independent. The local node can send or receive network zone activa- tions. Remote ACS control via the INA EIA-485 port. Two (2) annunciator addresses for a total of 128 annunciator points per AFP-300/AFP-400 system. FEATURES NAM-232W: Network Adapter Module (Wire) Supports twisted-pair wire medium. Data is regenerated at each node. DIP switch selectable single-port or dual-port monitoring. California State Fire Marshal 7165-0028:164 7165-0028:181 LISTED CSI I8 7170-0028:182 S63 MEA 104-93-E Vol. VIII (NAM-232144 APPROVED Li 00 io —1170 (00 BHI El ENABLE tj T82 LIS SW2 AHI 0 5 DIP 8 P1 _______ Switch - swil , ICA-4/4L / Connector 0 IuIIIIuIuIWiIL. .rfl1L11111111 0 181 0 0 0 . Network Adapter Module Wire (NAM-232W) DIP switch selectable network drill option. Selectable Earth Fault detection per channel. Provides electrical isolation between nodes. Transmission rate of 312.5 Kbaud. Compatible with NOTI•FIRE•NET"" Release 2.5 (or higher). Diagnostic LED indicators. I ENABLE SW3 RECON STATB RCVDB Earth Channel B Channel B ChannelA ChannelA RCVDA STATA PULSE TROUBLE TXD RXD Earth EIA.232 Transmit EIA.232 Receive Common Ground Ground +24VDC +24V0C NOTIFIER® is a Honeywell company. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our IS0911001 information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications gni product _______________________ or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. .i a I U For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 ENGINEERING & MRNUMC11J1lM NOTI F I ERa 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 QUALITY SYSTEMS Made in the U.S.A. DN-5331 • 08/19/04 - Page 1 of 2 Li o INDICATORS o RECON RECON: This yellow LED should remain off at all STATB times when the network is operating properly. If it 11 RCVDB illuminates periodically, check the network media and Transmit Receive Transmit Receive thresholds using the META (Media Evaluation Tool). Channel B Channel B Channel A Channel A STATB: This yellow LED illuminates when the NAM- 232 is not receiving valid data from NOTl"FlRE. N fJ3< fJ2~ fJ1 7LED NET on Port "B'. < RCVDB: This green LED illuminates when the NAM- J4 is receiving data from the NOTl•FlRE•NET on RCVDA Channel "B" (wire or fiber connection). 11 STATA B HI (NAM-232W only): This green LED illuminates PULSE "B" to indicate the NAM-232W Channel is set for high threshold (N/A on NAM-232F). TROUBLE A HI (NAM-232W only): This green LED illuminates 1 FOR DIP to indicate the NAM-232W Channel "A" is set for high threshold (N/A on NAM-232F). Switch RCVDA: This green LED illuminates when the NAM- SW1 232 is receiving data from the NOTI•FlRE•NET on ICA-4/4L - 0 Channel "A" (wire or fiber connection). Connector TXD STATA: This yellow LED illuminates when the NAM- RX D 232 is not receiving valid data from NOTI•FlRE•NETTm /1 on Port W. Si Earth PULSE: This green LED illuminates when the NAM- 1.1 II I EIA-232 Transmit 232 is transmitting data to NOTI-FIRE-NET. ®I ElA-232 Receive Common TROUBLE: This yellow LED indicates that the NAM- I I ®I Ground 232 is not functioning. IT 51 I @1 Ground +24 VOC TXD: This green LED indicates when the NAM-232 +24 VOC is transmitting data over the ElA-232 interface to the AFP-200, AFP-300, AFP-400 FACP. FOR is J 0 TB1 RXD: This green LED indicates when the NAM-232 o AFP-200, receiving data over the EIA-232 interface from the AFP-300, AFP-400 FACP. Network Adapter Module Fiber (NAM-2321 NFPA Style 4 & 7 network operation. FEATURES, continued NAM-232F: Network Adapter Module (Fiber) Supports fiber optic medium. Transmission rate of 312.5 Kbaud. DIP switch selectable single-port or dual-port monitoring. DIP switch selectable network drill option. Data is regenerated at each node. Data is immune to all environmental noise. Diagnostic LED indicators. Optical isolation prevents ground loops. High level of data security. NFPA Style 4 & 7 network operation. MOUNTING The NAM-232 normally mounts inside the back of the control panel cabinet. The NAM-232 can also mount in the cabinet of other nodes on the network, provided that the distance be- tween the NAM-232 and its host node is not greater than 50 feet (15.24 m). GENERAL NOTES: AFP-200, AFP-300, and AFP-400 lose local CRT capability when connected to the NAM-232. AFP-200 system loses local printerand CRT capability when connected to the NAM-232. Page 2 of 2— DN-5331 • 08/19/04 NETWORK CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE NFS-640/-3030 w/NCM * HH INA (_NOTI•FIRE•NET'M no MIA CS AFP-200 WI AFP-400 NAM-232 WI NAM-232 _____________ 5331 conf.wmt *NOTE, NOTI• FIRE "NET: NOTI-FIRE-NETTIA version 3.0 network will not support the ONYXTm Series of products (NFS-640, NFS-3030, NCA, NCS- W/F-ONYX, orNWS). NOTI-FIRE-NETTm version 4.0 network will not support the INA, NFS-3030, or NWS. NOTl.FlRE.NETTM ver- sion 5.0 network will not support the INA. *NOTE, NAM-232 FIRMWARE UPGRADE: The NAM-232 comes from the factory with firmware for a version 3.0 network. To upgrade the NAM-232 for a version 4.0 network, order NROM-NAM4.0111. To upgrade the NAM-232 for a version 5.0 network, order NROM-NAM5.OM. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-0028:164 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: pntrol Unit (Non High-Rise) LISTEE: l4tifier, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Cá: Larry Flood (203) 484-1200 FAX (203) 484-7309 DESIGN: Model AFP-200 fire alarm control unit. Local, auxiliary, remote station (PPU), proprietary (PPU) and central station (PPU). Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: 4XTM RTM-8 DP-AFP200, ADP-4 TRXG MMX-1, -101 ISO-X N-ELR CRT-2 V54095/5 CMX-1 BB-17 AVPS-24, MPS-24A, -24B NAM-232 4XMM INA CAB Series* ABS-41), ABF-4 AKS-1 MlB-W, -F, -WF Transmitter Module Relay Module Dress Panel Trim Ring Monitor Module Loop Isolator Module EOL Resistors Terminal with Keyboard Printer Control Module Battery Box Power Supply Network Adapter Module Meter Module Intelligent Network Annunciator Enclosure INA Cabinet Annunciator Key Switch Media Interface Board INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm control unit for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. Suitable for central station (PPU) service when used with separately listed compatible DACT. This control unit can generate the distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. Also suitable for releasing service. For releasing application, Models NR-45 battery charger and AVPS-24 power supply shall not be used. Please contact the manufacturer for action. This control unit meets the requirements of UL-864, 8th edition Standard. *Rev. 11-02-2002 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test (a results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 4, 2007 Listing Expires June 30, 2008 Authorized By: MIKE TANAKA, Senior Deputy State Fire Marshal Program Manager July 7, 2000 DN-1109 • E-200 NOTI Fl ER ® FIRE SYSTEMS GENERAL Power-Sonic PS Series batteries provide secondary power whole series of NOTIFIER fire alarm control panels. FEATURES Provide secondary power for control panels. Gelled electrolyte. Sealed and maintenance-free. Overcharge protected. Extended shelf life. Easy handling with leakproof construction. Ruggedly constructed, high-impact case (ABS, polystyrene, or polypropylene depending on model). Long service life. Compact design. CAPACITY Battery capacity, expressed in ampere-hours (AH), is the product of a discharge current and the length, of time that the current is dis- charged. Batteries are rated according to their performance during 20 hours of discharge at a constant current The rated capacity of a battery is determined by subjecting it to a constant discharge current for 20-hours-at 68°F (20°C). After 20 hours the voltage across the terminals is measured. The discharge current which causes a reading of 1.72 volts per cell (5.16 Von a 6 V battery and 10.32 V on a 12 V battery) is called the rated current. This current multiplied by 20 is the rated capacity of the battery. APPLICATIONS Use the PS Series batteries to provide backup power for control panels. Select batteries based on current requirements for your system and the capacity of its charger. These batteries can be used over a temperature range of -76°F to +140°F (-60°C to *60°C). CONSTRUCTION PS Series Batteries Section: Power Supplies LISTED MH14328 (5) -4 SEALED RECHARGEABLE BATTERY Model PS-695 6 Volt 9.5 AH Power-Sonic Corporation The sealed construction of the Power-Sonic battery allows trouble- free, safe operation in any position. There is no need to add elec- trolyte, as gases generated during-overcharge are-recombined-in a unique "Oxygen Cycle." The-battery is sealed, leakproof, and main- ! tenance-free. The case is of high-impact materials with high resis- tance to chemicals and flammability. INSTALLATION All panels have space reserved for batteries. See the appropriate panel installation manual for battery size restrictions. Typical inter- connection diagrams are shown in the literature accompanying each control panel. The PS-695 Battery This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our I I product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or I I anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For I Ion 9001 I more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 I 111154 =6 _ • I (go NOTIFIEW One Fire-Lite Place, Northford, Connecticut 06472 ENCINEE1111111 & MANIIMCTUIIINC I DN-1109'07/07/00 - Page 1of 3 rol TOP VIEW C C HEIGHT 1 BELOW 3.70 ± 0.08 inches (94 ± 2 mm) HEIGHT 2 BELOW 3.86 ± 0.08 inches (96 ±2 mm) I-' E= 0 0 1 BB-17: Optional Battery Backbox A 14-112"W x 8-1/4" H x 4-3/4" D SIDE 2 (mm: 368.3 W x 209.55 H x 120.65 D) For remote mounting of two 12-volt VIEW PS-12180 batteries. 2.56 ± 0.04 inches (65 ± 1 mm) BB-55: Optional Battery Backbox 16 See CHG-120 data sheet for details. ENGINEERiNG SPECIFiCATIONS The fire control panel shall be equipped with secondary power provided by gelled-electrolyte batteries. The batteries shall be maintenance-free and shall be capable of powering the system in a manner and for a length of time determined by the governing regulations and the authority having jurisdiction. MODEL Nominal- Voltage V Nominal Capacity @ 20 hr. rate A- H. .Discharge Current @ 20 hr. rate mA DIMENSIONS Width Depth Height Height over terminal Weight in. 7mm. in. mm. in. -- mm. in. mm. lbs. kg. PS-695 6 9.5 475 426 108 2.75 70 5.54 141 5.54 141 4.9 2.2 PS-1250 12 5.0 250 3.54 90 2.76 70 4.02 102 4.21 107 4.1 1.9 E41270 12 7.0 325 5.94 151 2.56 65 3.70943.86 98 5.7 2.6 lS-12120 12 12 600 5.94 151 3.86 98 3.70 94 3.86 98 8.8 4.0 PS-12180 12 18 875 7.13 181 2.99 76 6.57 167 6.57 167 12.8 5.8 PS-12250 12 25 1300 6.89. 175 6.54 166 4.92 125 4.92 125 18.7 8.5 PS-12550 12 55 3000 1025 260 6.60 168 820 208 9.45 240 39.7 18.0 PS-121000 .12 100 5000 12-.00--l 305 6.6W. 168 8.20 208 9.45 240 65.7 29.8 L•]ii!iJ 1 SEALED RECHARGEABLE BATTERY MODEL PS-1270 12 VOLT 7.0 AMR HOUR 5.94 ± 0.04 inches (151 ± 1 mm) 1109ciiml.Of Characteristic Discharge Curves 6.5 .13 6.0 -12 5.5 -11 > 5.0-10 4.5.9 4.0 8 1 2 3 5 10 2030 60 2 3 5 10 20 30 llO9gtfl.tif minutes hours Discharge Time © 20"C (68"17) Page 2 of 3 - DN-1 109 • 07/07/00 Effect of Temperature on Capacity 120% 100% 80% to ' 60% C., 'V cm 40% 20% 0% ____ -... ...- -20" -10" 0" 10" 20" 30" 40" 50" 60" 1109grt2.wmf Temperature (Degrees C.) 14.0 V 13.0 V CD 12.0 V CD CU 11.0 V CU . 10.0V 9.OV 8.0V PS-121000 RECHARGEABLE BATTERY: APPLICATIONS AND CHARGING CYCLE APPLICATIONS: Limit initial current to 20A. Charge until battery voltage (under charge) reaches 14.40 to 14.70 volts at 68°F (200C). Hold at 14.40 to 14.70 volts untlicurrent drops to approximately 1000 mA. Battery is fully charged under these conditions, and charger should either be disconnected or switched to "float" voltage. "FLOAT" OR "STAND-BY" SERVICE: Hold battery across constant voltage source or 13.50 to 13.80 volts continu- ously. When held at this voltage, the battery will seek its own current level and maintain itself in a fully charged position. NOTE: Due to the self-discharge characteristics of this type of battery, it is imperative that the batter, be charged after six to nine months of storage, otherwise permanent loss of capacity might result from sulfation. 100% 90% 0 40% Charging is NOT necessary unless JL 100% of capacity - I \•/ is required. L - Charging before (~i OF) use is necessary to help recover full capacity. Charge may fail to restore full capacity. 40°C 30°C 20°C (104°F) (86°F) (68°F) DO NOT let batteries reach -this state. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Standing Period (Months) PS-121000 II I I I II I Ambient Temperature 20°C (68°F) I - ---- :EZ Final Voltage 1 OA 200A Shelf-Life and Storage PS-121000 Discharge Characteristics 1.2 2.4 6 12 24 36481 2 4 6810 2040 MiNUTES HOURS Discharge Time ON-il 09 • 07/07/00 - Page 3 of 3 LCD-80 with ABF-1B fu119, 2004 DN-3198•D-120 NOTIFIER LC -80 an LCD-SO :tal TM Liquid Section: Annunciator Control Systems GENERAL The LCD-BO is an 80-character, backlit LCD display annuncia- tor for the NOTIFIER NFS-640, NFS-3030 (ACS mode only), AM2020, AFP1 010, AFC-600, AFP-400, AFP-300, AFP-200, System 5000, and System 500 fire alarm control panels, or the NCA network control annunciator. Up to 32 LCD-80s may be connected onto the two-wire EIA-485 port. The LCD-80 has two basic modes of operation, "Terminal" and "ACS" mode. The LCD-BOTM shares all the features of the LCD-SO, but only utilizes "Terminal" mode, where it mimics the panel display. COMMON FEATURES 80-character backlit Liquid Crystal Display (20 characters x 4 lines). Control switches for System Acknowledge, Signal Silence and System Reset. Time and date display field. Enable Key switch and phone jack options. Can be remotely located up to 6,000 ft. (1828.8 m) from the control panel. Local piezo sounder with alarm/trouble resound. Flush/surface/panel mount option. Optional RPT-485 repeater increases the distance and num- ber of LCD-80s in a system (see RPT-485 data sheet). Optional transmission over fiber optics (see RPT-485 data sheet). ACS MODE When operated in "ACS" mode, the LCD-80 provides a remote or local digital display and printer interface for the System 5000 and System 500. For the NFS-640, NFS-3030, NCA, AM2020, AFP1010, AFC-600, AFP-400, AFP-300, and AFP-200, the LCD-80 provides a vectored annunciation capability. lndMdual devices/zones can be installer-defined to only display and print at specific locations (EXAMPLE:A maintenance office receives only non-alarm point activations. These inputs could be sump pump on, high water, backup AHU on, low temperature in freezer, etc.). Alarm/trouble count. Custom "normal" message. European option: first alarm/last alarm/alarm count. Field-programmable messages from CRT or PC-compatible computer (PK-LCD-80 Programming Kit required). EIA485 interface: up to 32 per system. Printer output port: EIA-232, compatible with PRN Series printers. Field-programmable messages in nonvolatile memory in two options 128 points, 4.0 -character labels; or 256 points, 20 character labels. Internal nonvolatile clock for time and date in ACS mode. NFS-640, NFS-3030, AM2020, AFPIOIO, AFC-600, AFP- 400, and AFP-300 "vectored" printer capability. Can be mounted in a System 5000 cabinet module position. NOTE: The NFS-3030 operates with the LCD-SO in ACS mode only. TERMINAL MODE In "Terminal" mode, the LCD-80 mimics the NFS-640, NCA, AM2020, AFPI 010, AFC-600, AFP-400, AFP-300 and AFP- 200 displays. Up to 32 LCD-80s can annunciate and provide remote reset, acknowledge, and silence of the control panel FM LISTED Csloo APPROVED (LCD-80) P!Pi.i S635 U.S. Coast Guard 94/60004 (E2) 161.002/23/2 (AFP-200) IVI FP EA (AFP-200) (A 93/60140 (E2) 161.002/27/3 1010, AM2020) 290-91-E (LCD-80) (AFPIOIO, AM2020) 289-91-E (LCD-SO) 104-93-E Vol. III California (LCD-80TM) State Fire 317-01-E (NFS-640) S-I';, Marshal 345-02-E (LCD-80) ' 7120-0028:156 C, 11 1 I NO] .DFOR STATUS F cONIRAST I AflJS1 IF------FOR I LNPTEST GLOBAL ACKNOWLEDGE SILENCE j RESET 0 LCD-BOTM from remote locations. The DIA-1 010 and DIA-2020 (Display Interface) include aTemiinal mode driver port-for LCD-80s in Terminal mode. The Terminal mode port is standard on the NFS-640, AFC-600, AFP-400, AFP-300, and AFP-200 main PC/ CPU boards. Displays device type identifiers. Device and zone custom alpha labels. Time/date and Device address. May operate in addition to CRT. No programming necessary. LCD-80 displays-time, date, and custom messages received from NFS-640, AM2020, AFPIOIO, AFC-600, AFP-400, AFP-300, or AFP-200. NOTE: The NFS-3030 does NOT use LCD-SO in terminal mode, or the LCD-8OTM. NOTIFIER® is a Honeywell company. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our ISO 9001 product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. NT. I I For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 tiltdilittillim & MDFACI1IillN 11 N OTI F! E RE 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 QUALITY SYSTEMS Made in the U.S.A. DN-3198 • 07/19/04 - Page 1 of 2 6,000 ft. (1828.8 m) maximum total wire length EIA-485 EIA-485 EIA-485 (2 wires) (2 wires) (2 wires) 24VDC V 24VDC V 24VDC (2 wires) (2 wires) (2 wires) JEll EEl I 'I ,L TO TO TO PRN LCD-80 PRN LCD-SO .PRN LCD-80 PRINTER PRINTER PRINTER NFS-3030, NFS-640, AM2020, AEP10I0, AFC-600, AFP-300/400, AFP-200, System 5000, System 500, or NCA System 5000 with panel-mounted LCD-SO 3198dia1.w,nf ElA-232, 4 wires 50 ft. (15.24 m) max. The LCD-SO in ACS Mode LCD-80 is 8.25" (20.96 cm) high, 4.375" (11.11 cm) wide, and 1.75" (4.45 cm) deep. Up to 32 LCD-80s may be used on one EIA- 485 circuit. NOTE: Must have sufficient regulated 24 volt power. Certain NOTIFIER systems may have lim- its to the amount of LCD-80s with ACKJSTEF9 \' Signal Silence, and Reset switches. _____________ • LCD-80 mounts with any CHS-4 chassis slot. The LCD-80 may display all System 5000 cir- PRN Printer cults. Alternately, itmay display upto 192A1M- 200 points and two rows of modules. The LCD-SO or LCD-BOTM in Terminal Mode I ABF-1 DO - The ABF-1 DB 6,000 ft. (1828.8 m) maximum wire length is a semi-flush-mount between-each LCD-SO backbox for the NOTiFIER EIA-485 (2 wires) LCD-80 Series Annunciator. The ABF-1DB mounts one 24 VDC It includes an (2 wires) jt~ cJc LCD-80(TM). TemnaI-Mode EJ attractive smoked-glass door with NOTIFIER keylock. LCD-80(TM) LCD-80(TM) LCD-80(TM) Dimensions, BOX only: 9.938" (25.24 cm) high, f NFS0 Terminal Mode.EIA-485 reV.jm (2 wires) 4.625" (11.75 cm) wide, Prort NCA, 2.5" (6.35 cm) deep.. Pr) AM2020, Up. t032 LCD-80(TM)s may be used in a continu- Dimensions, DOOR only: AFP1010 0u54-wire loop (verify sufficient 24 VDC available). 10.713" (27.21 cm) high, AFC-600, Each may have ACK/STEP, SIGNAL SILENCE, and 6.0" (15.24 cm) wide, AFP-300/400, SYSTEM RESET switches. 0.75" (1.9 cm) deep. PRN Printer orAFP-200 Displays all analog, addressable points. No programming required for LCD-80(TM)s. RELATED OPTIONS PK-LCD-80 (order VERIFIRE-CD): Off-Line Programming Kit for LCD-80. Allows PC programming messages when LCD-SO is used in the ACS mode. - CCM-I: Converter Module. Required for terminal tion on olderAM2020s orAFP1010s that do not incudtb 2020 or DIA-1 010 Display Interfaces. Also required for Al and AFP1 010 systems which require a CRT with keyboard. one ICA-4L chassis slot or two CHS4 chassis slots. See ACS Series (DN-524) or ONYXTM ACS Series (DN-6862) data sheets for additional information on items below. ABF-IDB: Semi-flush box with-alternative smoked-glass door, any keylock. ADP-4: Annunciator Dress Plate, gray. Allows panel mounting of up to four LCD-80(TM) modules in a CAB-3 Series cabinet. ADP-41B: Annunciator Dress Plate, black. Allows panel mounting of up to four LCD-80(TM) modules in a CAB-4 Series cabinet. Page 2of2 - DN-3198 - 07/19/04 ABF-1 B: Annunciator Flush Box, 9.938" (25.24 cm) high, 4.625" (11.75 cm) wide, and 2.5" (6.35 cm) deep. Order AKS-1 B key switch and APJ-1 B phone jack if desired. Can also be mounted in ABF-213 or ABF-4B annunciator backboxes. ABS-1 TB: Deep Surface Backbox (mounts one LCD-80/-80TM). AKS-11191: Key Switch (black) to enable/disable controls when mounted inABF orABS-1TB. APJ-1 B: Annunciator Phone Jack, black. Mounts to ABE flush box orABS-1TB. PRN Series: 80-Column Serial Printer (see PRN data sheet). RPT-485W: EIA-485 Wire Repeater. Increases wire distance between LCD-80s in ACS mode (see RPT-485 data sheet). RPT-485F: EIA-485 Fiber-Optics Repeater. Increases distance and converts ElA-485 wire to fiber-optics in ACS mode (see RPT-485 data sheet). LISTING No. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7120-0028:156 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Annunciators LISTEE: Notifier, -A Pittway Company, One- Fir-e-Lite-Place, North•ford CT 0647-2-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-1200 FAX (203) 484-7309 DESIGN: Model *ACS annunciator control system. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. Unit consists of the following modules: .ACM-16AT, -I6ATY, -16ATG ACM-32A, -32AY, -32 AG ACM-24AT, ACM-48, ACM-48A AEM-24AT, AEM-48A AEM-i 6AT AEM-32A, ACM-32A AFM-I6AT, AFM-32A, AFM-16A ABM-16AT, ABM-32A ABS-11, -2, -1B, -213, AT, -ITB ABF-1, -ID, -2,-2D, -4, -IB, -213, -413 ABF-IDB, -2DB ADP-4 AKS-1, -lB LCD-80, -BOTM LDM-32 LDM-E32 LDM-R32 ACM-8R Control Module Control Module Control Module Control Module Expander Module Control Module Fixed Module Blank Module Enclosures (Surface) Enclosures (Flush) Enclosures (Flush) Dress Panel Key Switch Control Panel Lamp Driver Module Lamp Driver Expander Lamp Driver Expander (Relay) Mappable Relay Control Module INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, product number, electrical rating and UL label. Listed as an annunciator system when usedinconjunction.withseparatelyJisted compatible fire alarm control units. *Rec 04-13-2006 jew This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 4, 2007 Listing Expires June 30, 2008 Authorized By: MIKE TANAKA, Senior Deputy State Fire Marshal Program Manager DN-6861:A • AO-260 NCM-W, NCM-F \7:`-"*NYXO Series Network Communications Modules NOTE FIER® by Honeywell General The Network Communications Module (NCM) provides NOTI- FIERs NFS-640. NFS-3030. and NFS2-3030 Fire Alarm Control Panels, and NCA and NCA-2 Network Control Annunciators with a means to connect to NOTI.FIRE.NETW. Two types of NCM are available NCM-W for connecting nodes with twisted- pair wire, and NCM-F for connecting nodes with fiber-optic cable. NCM-W Features Supports twisted-pair wire medium. NFPA Style 4 (Class B) operation or NFPA Style 7 (Class A) operation. Two programmable data thresholds. Transformer coupling provides electrical isolation between nodes. Pluggable terminal wiring with strain relief. Pluggable service connector (feeds signal directly through) in the event that power must be removed from a node. 312.5 Kbaud transmission rate. Data is regenerated at each node. Two network ports to allow simultaneous connection to fire alarm control panel and to programming computer. Enables software and database upload/download over NOTI • FIRE -NET-. - - Repeaters are available to increase signal. Repeaters. may be utilized to switch media type. Up to 3.000 feet (914.4 m) between nodes in a point-to-point fashion (actual distance varies with wire quality). NCM-W Interconnections: When wiring consecutive NCM-W boards, wiring may 'enter or exit at Port A or Port B. NCM-W port-to-port wiring is not polarity sensitive; use of Port A or Port B is arbitrary. An NCM-.W may be-connected to any of the follow- ing devices: MIB-W MB-WF, NAM-232W;-NCM-W (in 'another panel), NCS-W network connection, RPT-W, RPT-WF. NCM-W Switch Functions: The NCM-W provides two sets of switches to simplify network setup. Enable ground fault detec- tion by setting "ON" switch SW103 (Channel A); switch SW10I (Channel B). Activate on-board end-of-line resistors by set- ting 'ON" switch SW100 (Channel A); switch 102 (Channel B). NOTE: Correct configuration is dependent on network design; refer to the 'NOTI • FIRE • NET manual. For further information and diagrams, refer to the NCM Installa- tion Document. 51533. NCM-F Features Supports fiber-o= medium. NFPA Style 4 iCiass B) or Style 7 (Class A) operation. Data is irnmne.io,.alLenvironmentaLnoise. Optical isolancr, prevents ground loops. NOTI• FIRE•MET' fiber-optic medium. Fiber type: 62.5.125 micrometers (muttimode); or 50/125 micrometers (muftirnode). Maximum attenuabon is 8 dB with 62.51125.pm cable and 4.2 dB with 501125 urn cable. Wavelength (1): 820 nanometers (use standard 850 nm fiber). NCM-W Connectors: ST® style. 312.5 Kbaud transmission rate. Data is regenerated at each node. Two network ports to allow simultaneous connection to fire alarm control -panel and to programming computer. Enables software and database upload/download over t4OTi- FIRE -'NET'. NCM-F Interconnections: When wiring consecutive nodes/ repeaters, fiber cable must exit one board on Transmit (TX) and enter the next node/repeater on Receive (RX). The fiber-optic pair (RX, TX) from Port A of one node/repeater may be con- nected to either Port A or Port B of another node/repeater. An NCM-F may be connected to any of the following devices: MIB-F, MIB-WF, NAM-232F, another NCM-F, NCS-F network connection, RPT-F, RPT-WF. Common Specifications Temperature and humidityranges: This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 120°F); and at a relative humidity (noncondensing) of 85% at 30°C (86°F) per NFPA, and 93% ± 2% at 32°C ± 2°C (89.6°F ± 1.1°F) per ULC. However, the useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic components may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is rec- ommended that this system and all peripherals be installed in an environment with a nominal room temperature of 15°C to 27°C (60°F to 80°17). Mixing Wire and Fiber on the Same Network in some networks, it may be necessary to mix twisted-pair wire and fiber-optic cable. There are two solutions: In any network, an RPT-WF may be used as an interface between wire and fiber. ° In a network that uses an AFPIOIO or AM2020, a MIB- WF may be used as the interface between wire and fiber. DN-6861:A 11/30/06— Page 1 of 2 - \•_ Ground Fault Detection switches and Nerwork EOL Termination Resistor switches ,TATA flTll Iiii, P6_ Diagnostic LEDs 6851ncmw.w,,,f _E1OO AHI BHI- L05 LED7 RCOA RCDB LEN LED2 STATA STATB LE3 .505 RECON PLILSEI LED',LEO SET POWER Mounting IJLC Listed: file CS118. Both NCM-W and NCM-F can be installed in any standard chas- • CSFM approved: files 7165-0028:214 (NFS-640), 7165- sis such as the CHS-4L, CHS-M2, CHS-M3 or CHS-4Ittsee 0028:224 NFS-3030.1, 7170-0028:216 NFS-640, 7170- panel sheets). Additionally, the NCM-W can be door-iuhted 0028:23 'NFS-3030l. on the ADP-4B dress panel on a single-space blanlpiat. FM approved (NFS-640, NFS-3030). (BMP-1) for mounting in an CAB-4 Series cabinet. MEA approved: file 317-01-E ('NCM-W, NFS-640, NcA). Agency Listings and Approvals Product Line Information The following listings and approvals apply to the NCM. In some cases. certain mouIes or applications may not be listed by cer- tain approval agencies. or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status. UL Listed: file S535. NCM-W: Network Communications Module, twisted-pair wire interface. NCM-F: Network Communications Module, fiber-optic cable interface. Diagnostic LED Indicators A HI (green): Illuminates to indicate the NCM-W Port A is set for high threshold (NCM-W only). B HI (green): Illuminates to indicate the NCM-W Port B is set for high threshold (NCM-W only). RCD A (green): Illuminates when the NCM is receiving data from NOTI • FIRE- NETIm on Port A. RCD B (green): Illuminates when the NCM is receiving data from NOTI • FIRE • NET on Port B. STATA (yellow): Illuminates when the NCM has not received valid data from NOTI -FIRE •NET on Port A for at least 16 sec- onds. STATB (yellow): Illuminates when the NCM has not received valid data from NOTl• FIRE •NET on Port B for at least 16 seconds. RECON (yellow): Illuminates when a reconfiguration on NOTI-FIRE-NETTm is in progress. PULSEI (green): Illumi- nates when the NCM is transmitting NOTI • FIRE • NETN is in progress. RESET (yellow): Illuminates when the microcontroller fails. POWER (green): Illuminates when +5 VOC is available. NCM-W (detail) ____ P4CM-F (detail) ChannelA & B Connections © m m m ma Channel A & B L nl reni Connections IIIi !III I 1 •LIM]RXIITXJLRXj J203 J202 .3201 .1200 Network Connection Ports (NUP) . / \ .33 J2 Diagnostic I Lii k: J3 .32 — POW 0 0 LEDs / RCDA RcDB \ Network ]]jjjj j ( S&LE A STLATB Connection L) LLgI1 RESET POWE R C LS 6861 nm wmf NOTI -FIRE .NETW is a trademark, and ONYX® and NOTIFIER® are reg- istered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. ST® is a registered trade- mark of AT&T. C2006 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of thisdocumentis strictly prohibited. I SO go 01 This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. ZT31717713 We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. ENSINEERINS 9 MANTWISM All specifications are subject to change without notice. QUALITY SYSTEMS Made in the U.S. A. For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118. www.notifier.com Page 2 of 2— DN-6851:A • 11/30/06 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-0028:214 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: Control Unit (Non High-Rise) LISTEE: Notifier, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-1200 FAX (203) 484-7309 DESIGN: Model NFS-640, NFS-640E fire alarm control units. Local, auxiliary, remote station (PPU), proprietary (PPU), central station (PPU), automatic, manual, waterfiow and sprinkler supervisory services. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: CPU-640,-640E r.:W NCA NCM-W/F r LEM-320 KDM-2 TM-4 CAB-4 Series TR-A4, -134, -C4, -134 DP-DISP DP-1B BMP-1 XPDP, DPDW-1B, DPSW-1B, VP-213 CHS-4MB, -M2,-4L,-4N NFS-LBB, BB-25, BB-17 BP-4 STS-1 UDACT UZC-256 RPT-W, RPT485W, RPT-485WF RPT-F SCS-8 SCE-8 SCS-8L SCE-8L ARM-4 APS-6R/APS-6RE ACPS-2406 CHG-120 FCPS-24 DCM-4RK CRM-4RK CRE-4 ICM-4RK ICE-4 *ISOX XP5-M, XPS-C XPIQ XPC-8 XPM-8, XPM-8L XPP-1 XPR-8 CPU Board Network Communication Annunicator Network Control Module Loop Expander Module Keyboard Display Module Transmitter Module Enclosure Trim Ring Display Dress Panel Blank Panel Blank Module Dress Panels Chassis Battery Box Battery Panel Security Tamper Swith Universal DACT Universal Zone Coder Repeater Wire Repeater Fiber Smoke Control Station Smoke Control Expander Smoke Control Lamp Driver Station Smoke Control Expander Lamp Auxiliary Relay Module Auxiliary Power supply Addressable Power Supply Battery Charger Field Charger Power Supply Dual Channel Module Control Relay Module Control Relay Expander Indicating Control Expander Indicating Circuit Expander Isolator Module Transponder Transponder Quad Intelligent Audio Transponder Control Module Transponder MonitorModules Transponder Processor Transponder Relay Module *Corrected 11-15-2002 Listing No. 7165-0028:214 Page 2 of 2 PRN-5 Printer VS4095 Keltron Remote Printer CRT-2 Display Terminal NBG-12LX Addressable Manual Pull Station NBG-12LRA Agent Release Abort Station FZM-1 Interface--Module REL-2.2K Releasing Supervision Kit INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm control units for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. This control unit can generate the temporal code pattern fire alarm signal as required per NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. Refer to listee's Installation Instructions Manual for details. This control unit meets the requirements of UL-864, 8th Edition Standard. NOTE: For Fire Alarm Verification feature (delay of fire alarm signal), the maximum Retard/Reset/Restart period shall not exceed 30 seconds. Corrected 11-15-2002 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or . recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 4, 2007 Listing Expires June 30, 2008 Authorized By: MIKE TANAKA, Senior Deputy State Fire Marshal Program Manager NOTI Fl ER® by Honeywell GENERAL The NOTIFIER NBG-12LX is a state-of-the-art, dual-ac- tion (i.e., requires two motions to activate the station) pull station that includes an addressable interface for any NOTIFIER intelligent control panel. Because the NBG-12LX is addressable, the control panel can display the exact location of the activated manual station. This leads fire personnel quickly to the location of the alarm. FEATURES Maintenance personnel can open station without causing an alarm condition. Built-in bicolor LED, which is visible through the handle of the station, flashes in normal operation and latches steady red when in alarm. Handle latches in down position and the word "ACTI- VATED" appears to clearly indicate the station has been operated. Captive screw terminals wire-ready for easy connection to SLC loop (accepts up to 12 AWG/3.1 mm2 wire). Semi-flush, mounts to a standard single-gang (2.125" [5.3975 cm] minimum depth), double-gang, or 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box. Smooth dual-action design. Within ADA 5 lb. pull force. Highly visible. Attractive shape and textured finish. Key reset. Includes Braille text on station handle. Optional trim ring (BG-TR). Meets UL 38, Standard for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes. Up to 99 NBG-1 2LX stations per loop on classic protocol systems. Up to 159 NBG-12LX stations per loop on FlashScan® protocol systems. Dual-color LED blinks green to indicate normal on FlashScan® systems. CONSTRUCTION Shell, door, and handle are molded of durable LEXAN® (or polycarbonate equivalent) with a textured finish. OPERATION Pushing in, then pulling down on the handle causes it to latch in the down/activated position. Once latched, the word "ACTIVATED" (in bright yellow) appears at the top of the handle, while a portion of the handle protrudes from FlashScan® and NOTIFIER® are registered trademarks of Hon- eywell International INC. LEXAN® is a registered trademark of (Zl PItir ,,f (ni 2005 DN-6726 • H-240 NBG-12LX A4dessabIe Manual Pull Station with FlashScan® Section: Intelligent/Addressable Devices Patented, U.S. Patent No. D428,351; 6,380,846 U.S. Patent Pending: 091686,286 US Stae JFJt MEA 67-02-E 7150-0028:199 LISTED S692 U.S. Coast Guard < FM> 161.002/23/3 (AFP-200) APPROVED B SMI 93/60141 (E3) 02/6007 C1313066760047 T:iwNBG-12LX Addressable Manual Pull Station the bottom of the station. To reset the station, simply un- lock the station with the key and pull the door open. This action resets the handle; closing the door automatically resets the switch. Each manual station, on command from the control panel, sends data to the panel representing the state of the manual switch. Two rotary decimal switches allow address set- tings (1 - 159 on FlashScan® systems, 1 - 99 on CLIP - ------ systems). This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. IS09001 For more information. contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203)484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 - 1 NOTIFIER ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING by Honeywell 12 Clintonville Road, Northtord, Connecticut 06472 QUALITY SYSTEMS DN-6726 • 06/1 3/05 - Page 1 of 2 LED TARY DECIMAL SWITCHES *Remove tab to select addresses above 99 (FlashScan® systems only). II 1 13Z 2 12 : 111Qiff 1itVA 1 ADDRESS a LJ 8 . 7 6 Back of station without door. Detail of BREAKAWAY TAB* XG- RODUCT LINE INFORMATION 12LX Dual-action addressable pull station. Includes key locking feature. SB-10 Surface backbox. SB-I/O Indoor/outdoor surface backbox. BG-TR Optional trim ring. INSTALLATION The NBG-12LX will mount semi-flush into a single-gang, double-gang, or standard 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical outlet box, or will surface mount to the model SB-10 or SB-I/O surface backbox. If the NBG-12LX is being semi- flush mounted, then the optional trim ring (BG-TR) may be used. The BG-TR is usually needed for semi-flush mount- ing with 4" (10.16 cm) or double-gang boxes (not with single-gang boxes). 1.2 3:4 H P ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Normal operating voltage: 24 VDC. Maximum SLC loop voltage: 28.0 VDC. Maximum SLC loop current: 375 pA. ARCHITECTURAL! ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS Manual Fire Alarm Stations shall be non-coded, with a key-operated reset lock in order that they may be tested, and so designed that after actual Emergency Operation, they cannot be restored to normal except by use of a key. An operated station shall automatically condition itself so as to be visually detected as activated. Manual stations shall be constructed of red-colored LEXAN® (or polycar- bonate equivalent) with clearly visible operating instruc- tions provided on the cover. The word FIRE shall appear on the front of the stations in white letters, 1.00 inches (2.54 cm) or larger. Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting on matching backbox SB-b; or semi-flush mount- ing on a standard single-gang, double-gang, or 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box, and shall be installed within the limits defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or per national/local requirements. Manual Stations shall be Underwriters Laboratories listed. Manual stations shall connect with two wires to one of the control panel SLC loops. The manual station shall, on com- mand from the control panel, send data to the panel repre- senting the state of the manual switch. Manual stations shall provide address setting by use of rotary decimal switches. The loop poll LED shall be clearly visible through the front of the station. The LED shall flash while in the normal condition; and-stayysteadily illumina'tedwhen in alarm. Terminal Connections 1 SLC (-) 2 SLC (+) Cover open to show easy access to miniature monitor module, rotary switch, and UL label. Page 2 of 2 - DN-6726 • 06/13/05 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7150-0028:199 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Boxes/Pull Stations LISTEE: Notifier, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484*7161 FAX (203) 484-7309 DESIGN: Models NBG-12, NBG-12S, NBG-I2LR, NBG-I2LRA, NBG-12LAO, NBG-I2LAOB, NBC- 12-LO, NBG-I2LOB, NBG-12W, NBG-12LW, NBG-12NC, NBG-12WP, NBG-12LWP, NBC- 12L, NBQ12t.X, NBG-I2LA, NBG-I2PS, NBG-12LSP, NBG-I2LPS, NBG-I2LPSP, NBG- I2SP Nir-BG12LX and *NBG 12L)(SP fire alarm pull boxes All units except Model NBG- 12S are dual an pull stations. Models NBG-12LR and NBG-12LRA are intended for agent releasi?4d,yice. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating, and UL label. -APPROVAL: Listed-as fire alarm pull boxes for use-with separately listed-compatible-fire alarm-control-units. Models NBG-12WP, NBG-I2LW, NBG-12W, NBG-12LWP, NBG-I2LAO, NBG-12L0, NBG- 12LAOB and NBG-I2LOB are intended for outdoor use when installed with Models WBB, SB- I/O, or WP-10 back box. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. Rev. 1-06-2006 jew 0 and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 4, 2007 Listing Expires June 30, 2008 Authorized By: MIKE TANAKA, Senior Deputy State Fire Marshal Program Manager 6934ph01.jpg -.--%•.• FSP-851 with B71OLP base 8935ph014p9 FSP-851T with B7IOLP base Operating temperature: FSP-851: 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 120°F); FSP451T 0°C to 38°C (32°F to 100°F). Low-temperature sig- nal for FSP-851T at 45°F i-I— 10°F (7.22°C +1— 5.540C). UL-Listed velocity range: 0 —4000 ft./min. (1219.2 rn/mm.), suitable for installation in ducts. Relative humidity: 10% — 93% noncondensing. Thermal ratings: fixed-temperature setpoint 135°F (57°C). DETECTOR SPACING and APPLICATIONS: NOTIFIER recommends spacing detectors in compliance with NFPA 72. In low airflow applications with smooth ceilings, space detectors 30 feet (9.144 m) for ceiling heights 10 feet (3.048 m) and higher. For specific information regarding detector spacing, placement, and special applications, refer to NFPA 72. System Smoke DetectorApplication Guide, document A05-1003, is avail- able at systemsensor.com. FSP-851 and FSP-851T are Listed for use in ducts, but they are. NOT Listed for use inside duct smoke detector housings. FlashScan® NOTIFIER® and System Sensor are regis- tered trademarks of Honeywell International INC. Bayblend® is a registered trademark of Bayer Corporation. Juy18, 2005 DN-6935 • H-202 ® £ FSP-851 and FSP-851T NOTIFIER Intelligent Plug-in Photoelectric by Honeywell Smoke Detectors with FlashScan® Section: Intelligent/Addressable Devices GENERAL ® MEA NOTIFIER 851 Series intelligent plug-in smoke detectors with inte- 225-02- gral communication provide features that surpass conventional detectors. Detector sensitivity can be programmed in the control panel software. Sensitivity is continuously monitored and re- LISTED CS915 APPROVED ported to the panel. Point ID capability allows each detector's (FS851A California .-.- State Fire S1115 FSPB51TA) Marshal address to be set with decade address switches, providing ex- act detector locations for selective maintenance when cham- MARYLAND 7272-0028:206 ber contamination reaches an unacceptable level. The FSP- State Fire Marshal 851 photoelectric detector's unique optical sensing chamber Permit # 2122 BS MI is engineered to sense smoke produced by a wide range of U.S. Coast Guard C1313066760036 combustion sources. Dual electronic thermistors add 135°F (57°C) fixed-temperature thermal sensing on the FSP-851 T. 161.002/23/3 (AFP200) FSP-851 and FSP-851T detectors are compatible with all 161.002/27/3 (AFP1010/AM2020) NOTIFIER intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACP5). 161.002/42/1 (NFS-640) FlashScan® (U.S. Patent 5,539,389) is a communication pro- tocol developed by NOTIFIER Engineering that greatly en- hances the speed of communication between analog intelligent Certif. # 2004081801000017 (FSP-851 T) devices and certain NOTIFIER systems. Intelligent devices corn- Certif. # 2004081801000016 (FSP-851) 03/60011 rnunicate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices within the group has new information, the panel's CPU stops the grY poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect is respons speed greater than five times that of earlier designs. r*400 Wolpr~ FEATURES Sleek, low-profile design. Addressable-analog communication. Stable communication technique with noise immunity. Low standby current. Two-wire SLC connection. FlashScan®(NFS-640, NFS-3030) and classic CUP system (AFP- 100, AFP-200, AFP-300, AFP-400, NFS-640,AFP1010, AM2020, and NFS-3030) compatible. Rotary, decimal addressing (1 - 99 on current classic sys- tems, 1 - 159 on FlashScan® systems). Optional remote, single-gang LED accessory (RA400Z). Dual LED design provides 360° viewing angle. Visible bicolor LEDs blink green every time the detector is addressed, and illuminate steady red on alarm. Remote test feature from the panel. Walk test with address display (an address of 121 will blink the detector LED: 12-(pause)-1) (FlashScan® systems only). Built-in functional test switch activated by external magnet. Built-in tamper-resistant feature. Sealed against back pressure. Constructed of off-white Bayblend®, designed to commer- cial standards, and offers an attractive appearance. 94-5V plastic flammability rating. SEMS screws for wiring of the separate base. Optional relay, isolator, or sounder bases. Listed to UL 268. Backward-compatible. SPECIFICATIONS Size: 2.1° (5.3 cm) high x 4.1° (10.4 cm) diameter installed in B501 base, 6.1' (15.5 cm) diameter installed in B71OLP base. Shipping weight: 5.2 oz. (147 g). This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. ISO 9001 For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 i NOTI FlEW 1119111101111111 MMUFA11IRING by Honeywell 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 QUALITY SYSTEMS DN-6935 • 07/18/05 — Page 1 of 2 See Duct Application Smoke Detectors Guide, document A05- 1004, available at systemsensor.com, for details on pendant- mount applications. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Voltage range: 15 -32 volts DC peak. Standby current (max. avg.): 250 pA @ 24 VDC (with no com- munication enabled); 360 pA @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 seconds with LED enabled). LED current (max.): 6.5 mA © 24 VDC ('"ON"). BASES AVAILABLE: B71OLP: 6.1" (15.5 cm) diameter. B501: 4.1" (10.4 cm) diameter. 5501 BH or B501 BHT: Sounder base assembly. Includes B501 base. B224RB Relay Base: Screw terminals: up to 14 AWG (2.0 mm2). Relay type: Form-C. Rating: 2.0 A © 30 VDC resis- tive; 0.3 A 0 110 VDC inductive; 1.0 A 0 30 VDC inductive. Dimensions: 6.2" (15.748 cm) x 1.2" (3.048 cm). B224Bl Isolator Base: Dimensions: 6.2" (15.748 cm) x 1.2" (3.048 cm). Maximum: 25 devices between isolator bases. INSTALLATION FSP-851 plug-in detectors use a separate base to simplify in- stallation, service, and maintenance. A special tool allows main- tenance personnel to plug in and remove detectors without us- ing a ladder. Mount base on an electrical backbox which is at least 1.5" (3.81 cm) deep. Suitable mounting base boxes include: 4.0" (10.16 cm) square box. 3.5" (8.89 cm) or 4.0" (10.16 cm) octagonal box. Single-gang box (except relay or isolator base). With B501BH or B501BHT base, use a 4.0" (10.16 cm) square box. With B224R8 or B224B1 base, use a 3.5" (8.89 cm) octago- nal box, or a 4.0" (10.16 cm) octagonal or square box. NOTES: 1) Because of the inherent supervision provided by the SLC loop, end-of-line resistors are not required. Wiring "T-taps" or branches are permitted for Style 4 (Class '"B") wiring. 2) When using relay or sounder bases, consult data sheet DN-2243 (ISO-X) for device limitations between isolator modules and isola- tor bases. 't \A!RODUCT LINE INFORMATION "A" suffix indicates ULC Listed model. F-SP-851: Low-profile intelligent photoelectric sensor. Must be mounted to one of the bases listed below. FSP-851A: Same as FSP-851 but with ULC Listing. FSP-851T: Same as FSP-851 but includes a built-in 135°F (57°C) fixed-temperature thermal device. FSP-851TA: Same as FSP-851T but with ULC Listing. Bases: B71OLPBP: Standard U.S. low-profile base, pkg. of 10. B71OLPA: Standard U.S. low-profile base, ULC Listing. B501 BP: Standard European flangeless base, pkg. of 10. B501 A: Standard European flangeless base, ULC Listing. B501 BH(A): Sounder base, includes B501 (A) base above. B501 BHT(A): Same as B501 BH(A), but includes temporal sounder. B224RB(A): Intelligent relay base. B224B1(A): Intelligent isolator base. Isolates SLC from loop shorts. Accessories: F11 0: Retrofit replacement flange for BX-501 base. Converts BX- 501 base for use with FlashScan® detectors. RA400Z(A): Remote LED annunciator. 3-32 VDC. Fits U.S. single- gang electrical box. Supported byB71OLP(A) and B501(A) bases only. SMK400: Surface mounting kit provides for entry of surface wiring conduit. For use with B501(A) base only. RMK400: Recessed mounting kit. For use with B501(A) base only. SMB600: Surface mounting kit for use with B71OLP(A). BCK-200B: Black detector covers, box of 10. M02-04-01: Test magnet. M02-09-00: Test magnet with telescope stick. XR2B: Detector removal tool. Allows installation and/or removal of FlashScan® Series detector heads from base in high ceiling installations. T55-127-000: Detector removal tool without pole. XP-4: Extension pole for XR213. Comes in three 5-ft. sections. Detector Guards: NOTE: Some guards fisted be!owmay not be applicable to FSP models. SDG-773: Smoke detector guard; cover is 7.0" (17.78 cm) square x 3.0(7.62 cm) deep. This guard is mechanically com- patible with FSP-751. It is UL-compatibility listed with the FSP- 851 (file UL S5515). STI 9601: Low-profile, flush-mount smoke detector guard, wire.* STI 9602: Low-profile, surface-mount, smoke detector guard, wire. STI 9609: High-profile, flush-mount, smoke detector guard, wire.* STI 9605: High-profile, surface-mount, smoke detector guard, wire.'" STI 9604: Flush-mount heat detector guard, wire.* STI 9610: Surface-mount heat detector guard, wire.'" '"For dimensions and additional information on STI Steel Web Stop- pers, see data sheet DN-4936. S71-8200-SS: Flush-mount stainless steel smoke detector guard (compatibility pending). STI-8230-SS: Surface-mount stainless steel smoke detector guard (compatibility pending). REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR WIRING DIAGRAM + 8833addr.wml List Compatible 4/ CONTROL 3 L3 3 PANEL 2 AS b NN address dial on I back of detector L -------------- OPTIONAL-RETURN LOOP ---------------------- J-1 Page 2 of 2 - DN-6935 • 07/18/05 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING -BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7272-0028:206 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Photoelectric Smoke Detector LISTEE: Notifier, One Fire-Lite Place, Nohford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-1200 FAX (203) 484-7309 DESIGN- Models FSP-751, HPX-751 FSP-75 iT, *FSH 751 ,*(FAPT751, *FAPT 851 *FSP 851 and *Fsp..851T photoelectric type smoke detectors. Models FSP-751T and *Fsp..851T employ a 1350F supplement integral heat sensor which only assists in a fire situation. This thermal circuitry is NOT approved for use in lieu of a required heat detector. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 24VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, product number, electrical-rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric type smoke detector for use with listee's separately listed compatible base and fire alarm control units. Models FSP-751 FSP-751T, *FApT751 *FApT851 *FSP.. 851 and *Fsp..851T Models FSP-751 and FSP-751T are suitable for open areas and inside duct installation with air velocities between 0-4000 fpm. Model HPX-751 is suitable for open areas with air velocities between 0-300 fpm. *Model FS-H-751 is suitable for open areas with air velocity between 0-400 fpm. NOTE: 1. Combined with 7272-0028:208 2. The photoelectric type detectors are generally more effective at detecting slow, smoldering fires that smolder for hours before bursting into flame. Sources of these fires may include cigarettes burning in couches or bedding. The ionization type detectors are generally more effective at detecting fast, flaming fires that consume combustible materials-rapidly and spread quickly. Sources of these fires may include paper burning in a waste container or a grease fire in the kitchen. *Rev. 07-24-2002 BR ii This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date issued JUNE 4, 2007 Listing Expires June 30, 2008 Authorized By:, MIKE TANAKA, Senior Deputy State Fire Marshal Program Manager IIj CL;. Flanged Mounting Base Recessed Mounting DN-60054:A H-320 Intelligent Bases B224B1(A), B224RB(A), 0501 (A), B501BH(A), 10150111113H-2(A), 13501 BHT(A), B501 BHT-2(A), B7IOLP(A), Mounting Kits, and Accessories NOTIFIER® by Honeywell ee / General Intelligent FlashScanS and CLIP mounting bases and kits pro- vide a variety of ways to install NOTIFIER detectors in any appli- cation. Intelligent detectors can be mounted in either flanged or flangeless bases depending on junction box selection (see Junction Box Selection Guide). Across this product line, detec- tors plug in easily to the base with SEMS screws; and models employ various 12 to 22 AWG wire ranges. Relay, isolator, and sounder bases can be used to meet local code requirements. Relay bases provide one Form-C contact relay for control of auxiliary functions such as door closure and elevator recall. Isolator bases allow loops to continue to operate under fault conditions and automatically restore when the fault is removed. Sounder bases are available in temporal and non- temporal pattern versions depending on whether the signal is to be used for evacuation purposes. The RMK400 recessed mounting kit provides the most aes- thetically pleasing installation. Surface mounting boxes are available when flush mounting isn't possible. Specifications Diameter: For B501: 4.1" (104 mm). For 8224B1, B224RB, B7IOLP: 6.1" (155 n). For B50IBH, B50IBH-2, 8501BH7 B50IBHT-2: 6.0" (152 mm). Wire gauge: for B224B1, B224RB: 14 to 24 AWG For B7IOLP,B501, B501B1-1, B50IBH-2, 850IBH7 550181-IT-2: 12 to18AWG Temperature range: For B224B1, B224RB, B50IBH,B50IBH- 2, B501BH7 B5OIBF4T-2 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). For B501 and B71OLP, 32°F to 150°F (0°C to 66°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% RH, non-condensing. ji System temperature and humidity ranges: This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 120°F); and at a relative humidity (noncondensing) pf 85% at 30°C (86°F) per NFPA. and 93%* 2% at 32°C ±2°C-(89.6°F ± 1.1°F) per ULC. However, the useful life of the system!s standby batteries and the electronic components may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. There- fore, it is recommended that this system and all peripherals be installed in an environment with a nominal room temperature of 15°C to 27°C (60°F to 80°F). Electrical Ratings FOR B224RB, B224B1: Operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC (powered by SLC). Standby ratings: <500 pA maximum @ 24 VDC. Set time (B224RB only): short delay 55 to 90 msec; long delay 6 to 9 seconds. Reset time (B224RB only): 20 msec maximum. Relay characteristics (B224RB only): two-coil latching relay; one Form-C contact ratings (UUCSA): 0.9 A @ 125 VAC, 0.9 A @ 110 VDC, and 3.0 A @ 30 VDC. FOR B50IBH, B50IBH-2, B50IBHT, B50IBHT-2: External supply voltage: 17 to 32 VDC. Standby current: 1.0 mA maximum. Alarm current: 15 mA maximum. Maximum ripple voltage: 10% of supply voltage. Startup-capacitance: 200 ijF. Set time: for B50IBH and B50IBH7 6 to 15 seconds. For B50IBH-2 and B50IBHT-2, 0.75 to 5.7 seconds. Sound output: greater than 90 dBA measured in anechoic room at 10 feet (3.048 rn), 24 volts. 85 dBA minimum in UL reverberant room. Recessed Mounting Kit The RMK400 can be used with drywall or suspended -ceilings. The aesthetically pleasing design can be used with -standard junction boxes - suitable for use with 4.0° (10.16 cm) octago- nal, 50 mm, and 60 mm junction boxes connected to flexible conduit. Note that-junction boxes are not included in the kit As an application example, with the B501 base, the RMK400 pro- vides a simple installation solution in applications that-demand a lower-profile smoke detector. Agency Listings and Approvals The listings -and approvals below apply to intelligent bases as noted. In some cases, certain modules or applications may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in pro- cess. Consult factory for latest listing status. Listing information to be provided in upcoming edits. Consult panel manuals for lists of compatible UL-Listed devices. All bases have been previously listed for use with various panels. Product Line Information INTELLIGENT BASES 5501: Flangeless mounting base. B50IA: Flangeless mounting base, ULC Listed. DN-60054:A• 11/30/06 - Page 1 of 2 B7IOLP: Flanged mounting base. B7IOLPA: Flanged mounting base, ULC UL Listed. B50IBH: Standard sounder base. B501 BHA: Standard sounder base, ULC Listed. B501 BHT: Temporal tone sounder base. B50IBHTA: Temporal tone sounder base, ULC Listed. B50IBH-2: Standard sounder base, UL 864 9th edition compli- ant. B50IBH-2A: Standard sounder base, UL 864 9th edition com- pliant, ULC Listed. B50IBHT-2: Temporal tone sounder base, UL 864 9th edition compliant. BSOI BHT-2A: Temporal tone sounder base, UL 864 9th edition compliant, ULC Listed. B224RB: Relay base. B224RBA: Relay base, ULC Listed. B224B1: Isolator base. 8224B1A: Isolator base, ULC Listed. MOUNTING KITS AND ACCESSORIES RMK400: Recessed mounting kit. SMK400: Surface mounting kit, flangeless. SMB600: Surface mounting kit, flanged. F1 10: Retrofit flange for B501 B, B524. RA400Z: Remote LED annunciator. RA400ZA: Remote LED annunciator, ULC Listed. M02-04-01: Detector test magnet M02-09-00: Test magnet with telescoping handle. XR2B: Detector removal tool (T55-127-000 included). XP-4: Extension pole for XR2B (5 to 15 ft/1.524 to 4.572 m). T55-127-000: Detector removal head. BCK-200B: Black detector kit Junction Box Selection Guide Base Models Single- Gang 3.5" Oct. 4.0" Oct. 4.0" Sq. 4.0" Sq. with 3.0" mud ring 50 mm 60 mm 70 mm 75 mm B501 No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No 8711OLP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No B224RB No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes B224Bl No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes B50IBH, B50IBH-2 No No No Yes No No No No No B501 BHT, B501BHT-2 No No No Yes No No No No No NOTE: Box depth contingent on base and wire size. Refer to National Electric Code or applicable local codes for appropriate recommendations. FlashScan®, NOTIFIER® and System Sensor® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. 02006 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited. ISO 900i This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. E'I I I I .1 We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. MSINEMING & MANUfACn= QUALITY SYSTEMS All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118. www.notifier.com Page 2 of 2— DN-60054.A- 11/30/06 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-0028:173 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Misc. Devices/Control Unit Accessories LISTEE: Notifier, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Lawrence Flood (203)484-1200-FAX (203),484-7309 DESIGN: Models 6X501, 136101-P, 13612LP, 136141-P, B616LP and 1371DkPdetector bases. Refer to listees data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listees printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Ustees name, product designation, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as detector bases for use with separately listed compatible detectors. XLF: 73.00-1209:128 07-29-94 0 1% This listing is based upon technical data submitted-by-the-applicant CSFM Fire Engineering-stafftiasreviewedthe test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listees data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 4, 2007 Listing Expires June 30, 2008 Authorized By: MIKE TANAKA, Senior Deputy State Fire Marshal Program Manager COOPER Wheelock Series ZRS Strobes, ZNS Horn Strobes and Series ZNH Horns SNA P F p Series ZNS Series ZNH Series ZRS Series ZRS Description: The Wheelock Series Z notification appliances feature an-easy snap on base that is designed to simplify the installation and testing of horns, strobes, and horn/strobes. The separate Series Z snap on base can be pre-wired so circuit wiring can be fully tested before the appliance is installed and before the walls are covered. Once all surrounding work is complete, the appliance can be simply installed by snaping it on the base. Shorting contacts in the base, which provide continuity for circuit testing, are permanently opened when the appliance is installed so any subsequent removal of the appliance will indicate a trouble condition on that circuit at the control panel whencircuit supervision is enabled. The-same base is used for all Series Z horns, strobes and horn/strobes to provide consistent installation and easy replacement of appliances if required. A locking screw is also included for the appliance to provide extra secure installation. The Wheelock Series Z appliances incorporate the same dependable circuitry and high efficiency optics that are used in Wheelock RSS strobes, NS horn/strobes and NH horns and have the same high performance ratings. The Series Z appliances are compatible with all UL listed "Regulated" panels and all panels that are compatibility listed with Wheelock RSS, NS and NH appliances. ZNS, ZNH and ZRS appliances go onto the base plate in a SNAP. .UL F 1Z MEA APPROVED Features: Approvals include: UL Standard 1971, UL Standard 464, New York City (MEA), California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), Factory Mutual (FM) and Chicago (BFP). See approvals by model number in Specifications and Ordering Information ADA/NFPA/UFC/ANSI and OSHA 29, Part 1910, 165 compliant EZ Mount SNAP design, with separate base plate, provides ability to pre-wire the base and test the circuit wiring before the walls are covered The base plate is protected by a disposable cover and the appliances can quickly snap onto the base after the walls are painted. - Patented EZ Mount Universal Mounting Plate (ZBASE) - uses single plate for ceiling and wall mount installations Wall Mount models feature field selectable candela settings of 15/30/75/110cd and 135/185cd Ceiling Mount models feature field selectable candela settings of 15/30/75/95cd and 115/177cd Strobes can be synchronized using the Wheelock sync modules or power supplies with built-in sync protocol 12 and 24 VDC models with UL "Regulated Voltage" using filtered DC or unfiltered VRMS input voltage Strobes produce 1 flash per second over the "Regulated Voltage" range (ZNS, ZRS models) Selectable Continuous Horn or Temporal (Code-3) Tones with selectable 90 or 95 dBA setting (ZNH, ZNS models) Selectable 12 or 24VDC in 1 appliance (ZNH model) NOTE: All CAUTIONS and WARNINGS are identified by the symbol A. All warnings are printed in bold capital letters. A WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSOCIATED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING, SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. VISIT WWW.COOPERWHEELOCK.COM OR CONTACT COOPER WHEELOCK FOR THE CURRENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS OR WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION, INSTALLATION AND/OR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. General Notes: Strobes are designed to flash at 1 flash per second minimum over their "Regulated Voltage Range". All candela ratings represent minimum effective strobe intensity based on UL Standard 1971. Series ZNS Strobe products are listed under UL Standards 1971 and 464 for indoor use with a temperature range of 32"F to 1207 (0"C to 49"C) and maximum humidity of 93% (± 2%). Series ZNH horns are listed under UL Standard 464 for audible signal appliances (Indoor use only). 'Regulated Voltage Range" is the newest terminology used by UL to identify the voltage range. Prior to this change UL used the terminology "Listed Voltage Range". Table 1: Series ZNS Ratings Per UL Standard 1971 Input Regulated I Model Voltage Voltage Strobe Candela VDC Range (CD) VDC/FWR ZNS-MCW 24 16.0 -33.0 15/30/75/110 ZNS-MCWH 24 16.0 -33.0 135/185 ZNS-MCC 24 16.0 -33.0 15/30/75/95 ZNS-MCCH 24 16.0 -33.0 115/177 Table 2: Series ZNSIZNH Horn dBA Ratings I Reverberant dBA I Anechoic dBA @ 1 Oft per UL 464 @10ft Description Volume 12 24 12 24 VDC VDC VDC VDC Continuous High 83 87 89 95 Horn Low 76 81 84 90 Code 3 High 79 82 89 95 Horn Low 72 76 84 90 Table 3: Series ZNS UL Max. Current* AW I I Audible Wall Mt'i1tfrobe Models Ceiling Mount Strobe Models Series ZNSIZNH 24 VDC ZNS-MC' ZNS-MCWH ZNS-MCC ZNS-MCCH ZNH-12124 15cd 30cd 75cd llOcd 135cd 185cd 15cd 30cd 75cd 95cd 115cd 177cd High(95)dBA 16-33 VDC 1 0.044 0.074 0.107 0.184 0.244 0.350 0.477 0.082 0.124 0.209 0.275 0.350 0.477 Low(90)dBA 1 0.0181 0.066 0.101 0.177 0.232 0.306 0.429 0.071 0.114 0.201 0.261 0.306 0.429 Series ZWSJZNH I Audible I2VDC I ZNH-12124 IHigh (89) dBAI 8-17.5 I 0.021 11-ow (84) dBA I VDC 0.012 t: 1 Table 4: Series ZRS UL Max. CIlrrent* Wall Mount ZRS - Ceiling Mount ZRS 24VDC MCW MCWH MCC MCCH Models 15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd 135cd 185cd 15cd 30cd 75cd -95cd 11 5c 177cd 16-33 vdc 0.060 1 0.092 0.165 0.220 0.300 0.420 0.065 0.105 0.189 0.249 0.300 0.420 * UL max current rating is the maximum RMS current within the listed voltage range (16-33v for 24v units). For strobes the UL max current is usually at the minimum listed voltage (16v for 24v units). For audibles the max current is usually at the maximum listed voltage (33v for 24v units). For unfiltered FWR ratings, see installation instructions. Wiring Diagrams" ZNS/ZNH APPLIANCE FROMO ~TO NEXTO PRECEDINGO OR EOLRD PS-12/24-BMP, J APPLIANCE, SM/DSMD -PPLIANCED PS-12/24-8C9 0R2 FACPO SIGNAL ZNS AND ZNH APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH SM MOD- ULE SINGLE CLASS "B" NAC CIRCUIT WITH AUDIBLE SILENCE FEATURE SMLJ F0 Strob +DSTROSED t AD NACO -OSTROBED Circuit NS udib cO L EOLRD AudibleD __ udib eD NACO CircuitO NOTE: ZNSIZNH must be set on Code-3 horn tone to achieve synchronized temporal (Code-3) tone. Refer to Installation instruction (P83983, P83600 respectively). For detail using SM or DSM Sync Module refer to Data Sheet S3000 or Installation Instructions P83123 for SM and P83177 for DSM. For wiring information on the power supplies refer to Installation Instructions P84662 for PS-24-8MC. ZNS AND ZNH APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH DSM MODULE DUAL CLASS "A" NAC CIRCUIT WITH NO AUDIBLE SILENCE FEATURE DUAL SYNC MODULE (2) SYNC + ØSYNC + Dull I +INl F 3 MINUSI +AUDIBLE - [ A SIGNAL - C AUDIBLE IRC!JIT flU P + 0U12 + Q0 + IN2 APPLIANCE APPLIANCE - MINUS2 SIGNAL CIRCUIT RETURN ___________ SPECIFICATION & ORDERING INFORMATION Model Number Order Code Strobe Candela Sync wISM, DSM or PS-24-8MC 24 VDC 12 VDC Mounting Options# Agency Approvals UL MEA CSFM FM BFP ZNSCW-FR 0304 151301751110 X X - B, D, E, F X * X * * ZNMCW-FW 0305 15/30/75/110 X X - B, D, E, F X • X * ZNS-MCWH-FR 0306 135/185 X X - B, D, E. F X * X * * ZNS-MCWH-RN 0307 135/185 X X - B, D, E. F X * X * * ZNH-R 0300 - X X X B,D,E,F X * X * * ZNH-W 0301 - X X X B. D. E, F X * X * * ZNS-MCC-FR 0310 15/30/75/95 X X - B, 0, E, F X * X * * ZNS-MCC-FW 0311 15/30/75/95 X X - B, D, E, F X * X * * ZNS-MCCH-FR 0312 115/177 X X - B, D, E, F X * X * * 7N!CCH-FW 0313 115/177 X X - B, D, E, F X * X * * IR5M)WFR 4085 15/30/75/110 X X - B. D, E. F X * X * * ZRS-CW-FW 0302 15/30/75/110 X X - B, D, E, F X * X * * ZRS-MCWI-I-FR 5242 135/185 X X - B, D, E, F X * X * * ZRS-MCWH-FW 0303 135/185 X X - B. D, E, F X * X * * ZRS-MCC-FW 0309 15/30/75/95 X X - B, D, E, F X * X * * ZRS-MCC-FR 0308 15/30/75/95 X X - B, D, E, F X * X * * ZRS-MCCH-FR 5240 115/177 X X - B, D, E, F X * X * ZRS-MCCH-FW 0314 115/177 X X - B, 0, E, F X * X * * ZBASE 5268 Accessory - Includes base, dust cover, mounting screws and installation sheet ZBB-R 6036 Backbox for-indoor suface mounting of all SNAP models ZBB-W 6045 Backbox for indoor suface mounting of all SNAP models renolng #The ZRS, ZNS and ZNH will mount to single-gang, double-gang, 4 octal, 4" square and 3-1/2 octal back boxes. NOTE: Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice in accordance with Wheelock Inc. standard terms and conditions. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS SPECIFICATIONS General Audible/visual notification appliances shall be listed for indoor use and shall meet the requirements of FCC Part 15 Class B. These appliances shall be listed under UL Standard 1971 (Standard for Safety Signaling Devices for Hearing Impaired) and UL Standard 464 (Fire Protective Signaling). The appliances shall use a Patented Universal EZMount backplate that shall allow mounting to a single- gang, double-gang, 4-inch square, 4" octal, or a 3-1/2° octal backbox. Two wire appliance wiring shall be capable of directly connecting to the mounting back plate. Continuity checking of the entire NAC circuit prior to attaching any audible/visual notification appliances shall be allowed. A dust cover shall fit and protect the mounting plate. The dust cover shall be easily removed when the appliance is installed over the backplate. Removal of an appliance shall result in an alarm condition by the Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). Strobes Strobe appliances shall produce a minimum flash rate of 60 flashes per minute (1 flash per second) over the Regulated Voltage Range of 16 to 33 VDC and shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube enclosed in a rugged Lexan lens. The strobes shall be available with two or four field selectable settings in one unit and shall be rated, per UL 1971, for up to 185 cd for wall mounting and 177 cd for ceiling mounting. The strobes shall operate over an extended temperature range of 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) and be listed for maximum humidity of 95% RH. Strobe inputs shall be polarized for compatibility with standard reverse polarity supervision of circuit wiring by a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). Audibles and Audible/Strobe Combinations Horns and horn/strobes shall be listed for Indoor use under UL Standard 464. The horns shall be able to produce a continuous output or a temporal code-3 output that can be synchronized. The horns shall have at least 2 sound level settings of 90 and 95 dBA. Synchronization Modules When synchronization of strobes or temporal Code-3 audibles is required, the appliances shall be compatible with the Wheelock Series SM and DSM Sync Modules or the Wheelock PS-24-8MC Power Supply with built-in, patented sync protocol. The strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time during operation. Audibles and strobes shall be able to be synchronized on a 2-wire circuit with the capability to silence the audible if required. If the sync module or power supply fails to operate (i.e., contacts remain closed), the strobes shall revert to a non-synchronized flashrate 00 COOPER Wheelock 73 Branchport Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740 Phone: (800) 631-2148 ax: (732) 222-2588 ww.cooperwheelock.com WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION 3 YEAR WARRANTY Made in USA ZI000 ZNS/ZNH ZRS 06107 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7125-0785:141 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Fire Alarm Devices for the Hearing Impaired LISTEE: Wheelock Inc., 273 Branchport Ave., Long Branch NJ 07740 Contact: Luy Nguyen (732) 433-6005 Fax (732) 222-5607 DESIGN: Synchronized or non-synchronized Strobe Lights. Models are as follows: RSS-##W RSSP-##W RSS-##C RSSP-.##C RSS-##CR RSSP-##CR 2415 2415 2415 2415 2415 2415 2475 2475 2430 2430 2430 2430 241575 241575 2475 2475 2475 2475 2430 2430 *2495 *2495 *2495 *2495 24110 24110 1215 1215 121575 121575 Also, Models RSS-24MCW and RSSP-24MCW, RSS-24MCC, RSS-24MCCR, RSSP- 24MCC, RSS-24MCWH, RSS-24MCWHR, RSSP-24MCWH, RSS-24MCCH, RSS- 24MCCHR, RSSP-24MCCH, *ZRS..MCC *ZRSI *ZRS..MCCH and *ZRSMCWH Model numbers may be followed by any two aIhàinumeric character indicating lens orientation, lettering and color. Refer to Iistee'dataheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical 12 = 8-17.5VDC/FWR OR 24 =16-33VDC/FWR Candela 15=5cd, 1575=15175cd on axis, 30=30cd, 75=75cd, 110=ll0cd (Wall) RSS-24MCW, RSSP-24MCW, *ZRSMCW: Selectable 15cd, 30cd, 75cd orll0cd RSS-24MCC, RSS-24MCCR, RSSP-24MCC, *ZRS..MCC: Selectable 15cd, 30cd, 75cd and 95cd RSS-24MCWH, RSS-24MCWHR, RSSP-24MCWH, *ZRSMCWH: Selectable 135cd, 185cd RSS-24MCCH, RSS-24MCCHR, RSSP-24MCCH, *ZRSMCCH: Selectable 115cd, 177cd Flash rate 60 flashes/minute INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Models with suffix -W, wall mount only. Models with suffix -C, ceiling mount only. All models are for indoor use only. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical/candela rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as strobe light suitable for the hearing impaired when used with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. For synchronization strobes, Models SM- 12/24, SMX-12/24, DSM-12/24 or DSMX-12/24 Sync Control Module (CSFM Listing No. 7300-0785:132) must be used. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. *Rev. 12-13-2006 jw This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 4, 2007 Listing Expires June 30, 2008 Authorized By: MIKE TANAKA, Senior Deputy State Fire Marshal Program Manager CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7125-0785:142 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Fire Alarm Devices for the Hearing Impaired LISTEE: Wheelock Inc., 273 Branchport Ave., Long Branch NJ 07740 Contact: Luy Nguyen (732) 433-6005 Fax (732) 222-5607 DESIGN: Models NH-12/24, NH-12/24R, and *ZNH horns and Models NS-1215W, NS-121575W, NS-2415W, NS-241575W, NS-2430W, NS-2475W and NS-24110W; NS4-1215W, NS4- 121575W, NS4-2415W, NS4-241575W, NS4-2430W, NS4-2475W and NS4-2411OW, NS-24MCW, NS4-24MCW, NS-24MCC, NS-24MCCH, *zN ,w *ZNS...MCC *zNs.. MCWH and *ZNS..MCCH horn strobes. Model number majbe(ollowed by any two- alpha/numeric characters indicating lens, lettering and color:nit are synchronized or non-synchronized strobes. Models NH-12/24R, NS-24MCC, N2.MCCH, *ZNS.MCC and *ZNS MCCH are ceiling mount only. Refer to listee's data sØt for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical-Strobe Horn: 8-17.5 VDC/FWR and 16-33 VDC/FWR Horn: 8-17.5 VDC/FWR and 16-33 VDC/FWR Candela: 15=15cd, 1575=15/75cd on axis, 30=30cd, 75=75cd, 110=110cd (Wail) NS-24MCW, NS4-24MCW, *ZNS..MCW: Selectable 15cd, 30cd, 75cd, 110cd *Ns..24Mcc *ZNSMCC: Selectable 15cd, 30cd, 75cd, 95cd *NS..24MCCH *ZNS..MCCH: Selectable 115cd, 177cd *ZNS..MCW..d: Selectable 135cd, 185cd Flash rate: 60 Flashes/minute INSTALLATION: In accordance with-Iistee'spiinted-installation-instructions, applicable-codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. *All units are for wall mount only. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical/candela rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible and audible/visual signaling devices for use with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm. control units. Models with strobe. lights are suitable for the heating impatred. For indoor use only except-for-model NH-12/24 horn. All synchronization strobes shall be used with Models SM-12/24, SMX-12/24,DSM-12724 or DSMX-12/24 Sync Control Module (CSFM Listing No. 7300-0785:132). Refer to manufacturer's installation manual for details. These appliances can produce a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation-Signal-(for total-evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. Rev. 12-13-2006 jw This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 4, 2007 Listing Expires June 30, 2008 Authorized By: MIKE TANAKA, Senior Deputy State Fire Marsha! Program Manager 00 COOPER Wheelock Weatherproof Appliances - Series AH Audibles, AS Audible Strobes, MT Multitone Strobes, RSS Strobes and ET70 Speaker Strobes and Weatherproof Mounting Accessories 5 F R Er Iftill, is Em I Description: Designed for life safety, performance and reliability, Cooper Wheelock's cost effective weatherpoof notification appliances include: Weatherproof Appliances Series Strobes RSSWP Horn Strobes ASWP ( 4J Horns AH-24WF AI12WP Multitone Horn Strobes MTWP Multitone Horns MT Speaker Strobes ET70WP Speakers ET-1010 All strobe models are UL dual listed - meeting both UL1638 and UL1971 requirements. As dual listed appliances, these weatherproof strobes, horn strobes and speaker strobes are listed for outdoor applications under UL 1638 as well as under UL 1971, the Standard for Safety Signaling Devices for Hearing Impaired. With an extended temperature range of —31°F to 150°F (-40°C to 660C), Wheelock weatherproof appliances meet or exceed UL outdoor test requirements for rain, humidity and corrosion resistance while providing multiple strobe intensity options, including the highest strobe ratings available for area coverage per NFPA 72 strobe spacing tables (up to 185 candela for wall mounting and 177 candela for ceiling mounting). To enable weatherproof mounting, Cooper-Wheelock provides the industry's widest choice of mounting options for surface or unique semi-flush installation. Models are available for surface mounting to Wheelock weatherproof backboxes on walls or ceilings. The optional WP-KIT allows the weatherproof backboxes (lOB, WPBB or WPSBB) to be mounted to a recessed electrical box for concealed conduit installation. For semi-flush installation, the WPA and WFPA kits allow a customer to mount the weatherproof appliances to a recessed electrical box without the need for an external weatherproof backbox. See the Backboxes, Plates and Gaskets Table on page three of this document for a summarization of these mounting options and the required accessories. D OU L !" 10 MEA APPROVED E5946 151-92-E 7125.0785:131 (ASWP) S5391 7125-0785:146 (ET70WP) S2652 7125-0785:156 (MTWP) 7300-0785:154 (RSSWP) When used in conjunction with Wheelock PS-24-8MC Power Supplies or SM/DSM Sync Modules, the Wheelock weatherproof appliances can be synchronized to meet NFPA 72 synchronization requirements. The horn outputof horn strobes can be independently controlled on 2-wire circuits using the Wheelock patented sync protocol. MTWP horn strobe models are 4-wire appliances; the strobes can be synchronized while the audible can be connected to a coded fire alarm system or can be set to produce any of eight selectable tones. Features: Approvals include: UL Standards 1971, 1638, 464 and 1480 California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) and New York City (MEA), Factory Mutual (FM) and Chicago (BFP). See agency approvals by model number on page two of this document Compliance with the following requirements: NFPA, UFC, ANSI 117.1, OSHA Part 29, 1910.165, ADA Weatherproof with extended temperature range of —40°F to 150°F (-40°C to 660C)* Dual Listed strobe models (UL 1638 and UL 1971) Industry's highest strobe candela options Synchronization capability using Series SM, DSM Synch Modules (MTWP and MT-12/24 audible is non-sync) Models with field selectable tone, dBA and candela settings Wall or ceiling mounting options Surface of semi-flush mounting IN/OUT wiring termination accepting two #12-18 AWG wires at each terminal The series RSSWP. ASWP, MTWP and ET70WP have UL approval down to -40°F. The AH-24WP, MT-12/24 and the ET-1010 have been ULC tested and approved to -40°F, but not submitted to UL. The AH-I2WP has UUULC approval to -31°F. NOTE: All CAUTIONS and WARNINGS are identified by the symbol A. All warnings are printed in bold capital letters. A WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSOCIATED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING, SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. VISIT WWW.COOPERWHEELOCK.COM OR CONTACT COOPER WHEELOCK FOR THE CURRENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS OR WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION, INSTALLATION AND/OR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. General Notes: Strobes are designed to flash at I flash per second minimum over their UL Listed Regulated Voltage Range. All candela ratings represent minimum effective Strobe intensity based on UL Standards 1971 and 1638 as indicated in candela ratings table. Wall Mount Ceiling Mount e-rF I F1 pFI1E iiu L RSSWP MTWP RSSWP MTWP PlRe ASWP ETTOWP ASWP ET7DWP Strobe Order Code Strobe Order Code RSSWP-2475W-FR Red 9013 RSSWP-2475C-FR Red 4338 RSSWP-2475W-FW White 3034 RSSWP-2475C-FW White 4446 RSSWP-24MCWH-FR Red 5161 RSSWP-24MCCH-FR Red 5167 RSSWP-24MCWH-FW White 5165 RSSWP-24MCCH-FWWhite 5187 Audible Strobe Audible Strob ASWP-2475W-FR Red REM-1-- ) ASWP-2475C-;R Red 4251 ASWP-24MCHW-FR Red V ASWP-2475C-FW White 4502 ASWP-24MCWH-FW White 5140 ASWP-24MCCH-FR Red 5149 Multi-tone Strobe ASWP-24MCCH-FW White 5157 MTWP-2475W-FR Red 8420 Multi-tone Strobe MTWP-2475W-FW White 3112 MTWP-2475C-FR Red 4457 MTWP-24MCWH-FR Red 5132 MTWP-2475C-FW White 4478 MTWP-24MCWH-FW White 5134 MTWP-24MCCH-FR Red 5102 Speaker Strobe MTWP-24MCCH-FW White 5122 ET70WP-2475W-FR Red 9077 Speaker Strobe ET70WP-2475W-FW White 3179 ET70WP-2475C-FR Red 4452 ET70WP-24185W-FR Red 4885 ET70WP-2475C-FW White 4454 ET70WP-24185W-FW White 4891 ET70WP-24177C-FR Red 4845 ET70WP-24177C-FW White 4859 Candela Ratings Series UL 1971 © 320- 120°F UL 1638 © 77°F UL 1638 © -40°F RSS, ET70WP and MTWP UL Max Current (Strobe Only) ASWP High Med Low 2475 30 180 115 0.138 0.168 0.155 0.150 135 135 65 0.300 0.355 0.340 0.335 185 185 1 90 MCWH 0.420 0.480 0.465 0.460 115 115 50 0.300 0.355 0.340 0.335 MCCH 177 177 75 0.420 0.480 0.465 0.460 24185 185 185 90 0.420 24177 177 177 75 0.420 UL Max. Current Audible) MTWP/MT 24 VDC MT 12 VDC IBA HI STD HI STD Horn 0.108 0.044 0.177 0.034 Bell 0.053 0.024 0.095 0.020 March Time 0.104 0.038 0.142 0.034 Code 3 Horn 0.091 0.035 0.142 0.034 Code 3Tone 0.075 1 0.035 10.105 0.021 Slow Whoop 0.098 0.037 0.142 0.035 Siren 0.104 0.036 0.152 1 0.114 0.030 Hi/Lo 0.057 0.025 0.026 Wall or Ceiling Mount oTi II] ET-1010 Audible Order Code AH-24WP-R Red 7416 AH-I2WP-R Red 7415 Horn MT-12/24-R Red 5023 Speaker ET-1010-R Red 3135 ET-1010-W White 3137 UL Max. Current AH 24 VDC 12 VDC ugh (99) dBA 0.080 0.192 Wed (95) dBA 0.043 0.108 Low (90) dBA 0.021 0.058 UL Reverberant dBA © 10 Feet Wafts 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 1 4 1 8 ET-1010 77 180 183 186 187 92 94 ET70WP 78 181 184 187 190 93 195 Model Number Agency Approvals Strobe UL MEA CSFM FM BFP RSSWP-2475 X X X X * RSSWP-24MCWH X * * * * RSSWP-24MCCH X * * * * Audible Strobe ASWP-2475 X X X X X ASWP-MCWH X * * * * ASWP-MCCH X * * * * Multitone Strobe MTWP-2475 X X X X * MTWP-MCWH X * * * * MTWP-MCCH X * * * * Horns/Audibles AH-24WP X X X - X AH-I2WP X X X - X MT-12/24 X X X X X Speaker Strobe - ET70WP-2475 X X X * * ET70WP-185 X * * * * ET70WP-177 IX * * * * *pending Mounting Accessories WFP WFPA lOB WPSBB WPBB WBB Gasket Kit Order Code WP-KIT 4486 Mounting Options: Backboxes, Plates, Gasket Kits Flush Plates WFPA-R Red 4698 Surface Mount Flush WFPA-W White 4701 Exposed Conduit Concealed Conduit Mount WFP-R Red 4696 WFP-W White 4697 RSSWP Strobes WPSBB WPSBB + WP-KIT WFP Backboxes ET70WP Speaker Strobes lOB lOB + WP-KIT WFP IOB-R IOB-W Red White 5046 ASWP Horn Strobes 5047 WPBB WPBB + WP-KIT WFPA WPSBB-R Red 9751 AHWP Horns WBB - WFP WPSBB-W White 3033 ET-1 010 Speakers WBB - WFP WPBB-R Red 9014 WPBB-W White 4692 MTWP Multitone Horn Strobes lOB lOB + WP-KIT WFP WBB-R Red 2959 Multitoné Horn lOB lOB + WP-KIT WFP WBB-W White 2960 - Wiring Diagrams SERIES MTWP AUDIBLE APPLIANCE AND STROBE OPERATE IN UNISON. RED AND BLACK SHUNT-WIRES ARE SUPPLIED. + :CEDING + TO NEXT I LIANCE RED APPLIANCE - FACP BLACK - OR EOLR STROBE AUDIBLE SERIES RSSWP, ASWP, AHWP, MTWP AND MT-12124 APPLIANCES FROM + TO NEXT + PRECEDING - - APPLIANCE I APPLIANCE OR OR EOLR tti i FACP SERIES MTWP APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED STROBE OPERATION WITH CODED FACP MTWP 0 Strobe Sync 0 CircuIt Module NAC#10 I 0 or PS-12/24-8 Audible Power e) Cimult FACP supply -e NAC#2 Note: Strobe circuit requires constant voltage. Note: Models are available in Red or White. Contact Customer Service for Order Code and Delivery. #Refer to Data Sheet S7000 for Mounting Options NOTE: Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice in accordance with Wheelock Inc. standard terms and conditions. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS SPECIFICATIONS General Weatherproof notification appliances shall be UL listed for outdoor use. Weatherproof Strobe appliances shall be listed under UL Standard 1638 (Standard for Visual Signaling Appliances) for Indoor/Outdoor use and UL Standard 1971 (Standard for Safety Signaling Devices for Hearing Impaired). The appliances shall be available for optional wall mounting or ceiling mounting to weatherproof backboxes using either exposed conduit or concealed conduit, or semi-flush mounting to a recessed electrical box in walls or ceilings using Wheelock mounting accessories. Weatherproof Strobes Weatherproof Strobe appliances shall produce a minimum flash rate of 60 flashes per minute over the UL Regulated Voltage Range of 16 to 33 VDC and shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube. The weatherproof strobes shall be available with UL 1971 candela ratings up to 185 cd for wall mounting and 177 cd for ceiling mounting. UL 1638 candela ratings up to 180 cd at 77°F shall be available. The strobes shall operate over an extended temperature range of —40°F to 150°F (-40°C to 66°C) and be listed for maximum humidity of 95% RH. Strobe inputs shall be polarized for compatibility with standard reverse polarity supervision of circuit wiring by a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). Weatherproof Audibles and Audible/Strobe Combinations Weatherproof horns and multitone audibles shall be listed for Indoor/Outdoor use under UL Standard 464. The horns shall be able to produce a continuous output or a temporal code-3 output that can be synchronized. T Multitone audibles shall be able to produce 8 distinct tones selectable by dip switch and shall have at least 2 sound level settings. Multitone Audible/Strobe combinations shall have independent inputs for the audible and strobe. The strobes shall be able to be synchronized. The audibles shall be able to be coded when operated on a separate NAC. Weatherproof Speakers and Speaker/Strobes Weatherproof speakers and speaker/strobes shall be listed for Indoor/Outdoor use under UL Standard 1480. All speakers shall provide field selectable taps for 1/8W to 8W operation for either 25 VRMS or 70 VRMS audio systems and shall incorporate a sealed back construction for extra protection and improved audibility. Speakers without strobes shall be Wheelock Series ET-1 010. They shall be listed to produce up to 94 dBA and shall incorporate a vandal resistant grille design. Speaker with strobes shall be Wheelock Series ET70WP. They shall be available for surface or semi-flush mounting to walls or ceilings and shall be listed to produce up to 93 dBA. Synchronization Modules When synchronization of strobes or temporal code-3 audibles is required, the appliances shall be compatible with the Wheelock Series SM and DSM Sync Modules or the Wheelock PS-24-8MC Power Supply with built-in, patented sync protocol. The strobes and audibles shall not drift out of synchronization at any time during operation. Series ASWP audibles and strobes shall be able to be synchronized on a 2-wire circuit with the ability to silence the audible if required. The strobes on Series MT multitone audible/strobe appliances shall be able to be synchronized and shall be able to be operated on a separate circuit from the audibles while the audible circuit is connected to a coded or continuous NAC. Weatherproof Mounting Accessories Weatherproof mounting options shall include surface mounting or semi-flush mounting to walls or ceilings. Surface mounted appliances shall mount to Wheelock lOB, WBB, WPBB or WPSBB weatherproof backboxes using either exposed conduit or concealed conduit For concealed conduit the weatherproof backbox shall be mounted to a recessed electrical box with Wheelock's WP-KIT to provide a weatherproof seal for the electrical box. Semi-flush mounted appliances shall mount to a recessed electrical box using Wheelock WFP or WFPA flush plates to provide a weatherproof seal between the electrical box and the appliance. 273 Branchport Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740 Phone: (800) 631-2148 Fax: (732) 222-2588 www.cooperwheelock.com Member WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION 3 YEAR WARRANTY Made in USA S9004 WP 03107 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7125-0785:131 Page I of 2 CATEGORY: Fire Alarm Devices for the Hearing-Impaired LISTEE: Wheelock, 273 Branchport Ave., Long Branch NJ 07740 Contact: *Deborah Piserchia (732) 443-6001 Fax (732) 222-5607 DESIGN: Models AS-1215, -2415, -1230, -2430, -121575, -241575, -2475 and -24110 audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by any three alpha/numeric characters indicating lens orientation, lettering and color. Models AS-1215W, -2415W, -1230W, -2430W, -121575W, -241575W, -2475W and -24110W audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by any three alpha/numeric characters indicating lens orientation, lettering and color. These units with suffix -W are for wall mount only. *Models AS-121575W and AS-241575W lens color may be white, red, blue, green, or amber. Models AS-2415C, -2430C, -2475C and -24100C audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by two alpha/numeric characters indicating lens lettering, orientation and color. These units are intended for ceiling mount only. Model AH-12, -24, AH-I2WP, -24WP audible appliances (no strobe), followed by an alpha or numeric character indicating product color. Model AS-24MCW and AS-24MCC auI/strobe, followed by any two alpha or numeric character indicating lettering and proøZibVcolor. *Lens color may be white, red, blue, green, or amber. Models ASWP-2475W and *As\fJI,..2475c audible/strobe with integral private mode fire/emergency visual signaling for non-hearing impaired applications. Lens color may be white, red, blue, green, and amber. Both models are suitable for outdoor use when mounted on the Model WPBB back box. Models AS-24MCWH, AS-24MCCH, *Aswp..24McwH and *ASWP..24MCCH audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by two alpha/numeric characters indicating lens lettering and product color. Units with suffix CH are for ceiling mount only. Units with suffix WH are for wall mount only. *Lens color may be white, red, blue, green, or amber. Refer to the listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical: 8-17.5/16-33 VDCNFWR Flash Rate: 60 flashes/minute Candela: 15:15cd, 1575:15/75cd, 30:30cd, 75:75cd, 95:95cd, 100:100cd, 110:110cd MCW: Selectable 15cd, 30cd, 75cd, llocd MCC: Selectable 15cd, 30cd, 75cd, 95cd MCWH: Selectable 135cd, 185cd (65cd, 90cd at -40 C) MCCH: Selectable 115cd, 177cd (50cd, 75cd at -40 C) Listing No. 7125-0785:131 Page 2 of 2 INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Models ASWP-2475W, ASWP- 24MCWH, AS-24MCW and AS-24MCWH are for wall mount only. Models ASWP-2475C, ASWP-24MCCH, AS-24MCCH, AND AS-24MCC are for ceiling mount only. Models with suffix - W or WH are for wall mount only. Models with suffix —C or -CH are for ceiling mount only. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical/candela rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible and audible/visual signaling devices suitable for the hearing impaired when used in conjunction with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. For indoor use only except Models AH-I2WP, AH-24WP, *Aswp..2475w ASWP-2475C, ASWP-24MCWH, and ASWP-24MCCH audible appliances are suitable for indoor/outdoor. For synchronization, Models AS Series must be used with Model SM-12/24, SMX-12/24, DSM-12/24 or DSMX-12/24 sync control module (CSFM Listing No. 7300-0785:132). Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. These appliances can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. NOTE: Models AH-12, AH-24, -12WP and -24WP audible devices are not suitable for the hearing impaired applications. Rev. 10-01-07 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or 4 recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: OCTOBER 17, 2007 Listing Expires June 30, 2008 Authorized By: MIKE TANAKA, Senior Deputy State Fire Marshal Program Manager (a NOTIFIER® GENERAL Four different monitor modules are available for NOTIFIER in- telligent controls to suit a variety of applications. Monitor mod- ules are used to supervise a circuit of dry-contact input de- vices, such as conventional heat detectors and pull stations, or monitor and power a circuit of two-wire smoke detectors (FZM-1). FMM-1 - is a standard-sized module (typically mounts to a 4" [10.16 cm] square box) that supervises either a Class A (Style D) or Class B (Style B) circuit of dry-contact input de- vices. FMM-101 - is a miniature monitor module (a mere 1.3" (3.302 cm) H x 2.75" (6.985 cm) W x 0.5" (1.270 cm) D) used to supervise a Class B (Style B) circuit. Its compact design allows the FMM-101 to often be mounted in a single-gang box behind the device it's monitoring. FZM-1 - is a standard-sized module used to monitor and supervise compatible two-wire, 24 volt, smoke detectors on a Class A (Style 0) or Class B (Style B) circuit. FDM-1 - is a standard-sized dual monitor module used to monitor and supervise two independent two-wire initiating device circuits (lDCs) at two separate, consecutive addresses in intelligent, two-wire systems. FlashScan® (U.S. Patent 5,539,389) is a new communi- cation protocol developed by NOTIFIER Engineering that greatly enhances the speed of communication between ana- log intelligent devices. Intelligent devices communicate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices within the group has new information, the panel CPU stops the group poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect is response speed greater than five times that of other designs. FlashScan® is a registered trademark of NOTIFIER. FMM-1 MONITOR MODULE Built-in type identification automatically identifies this de- vice as a monitor module to the control panel. Powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. No additional power required. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. Direct-dial entry of address: 01 —159 on FlashScan® sys- tems, 01 —99 on CLIP systems. LED flashes green during normal operation (this is a pro- grammable option) and latches on steady red to indicate alarm. The FMM-1 Monitor Module is intended for use in intelli- gent, two-wire systems, where the individual address of each module is selected using the built-in rotary switches. It pro- vides either a two-wire or four-wire fault-tolerant Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) for normally-open-contact fire alarm and supervisory devices. The module has a panel-controlled LED indicator. The FMM-1 can be used to replace MMX-1 mod- ules in existing systems. August 23, 2004 DN-6720 H-220 FMM-1, FMM-1O1, FZM-1, FDM-1 Monitor Modules with FlashScan® Section: Intelligent/Addressable Devices LISTED CS669 APPROVED S635 93160141 (E3) (FMM-1/-101, FZM-1) 941600041E2 (AFP200: except FDM-1) 02/60007 (NFS-640: FDM-1) 11. 9 113 0 56789 detail of FDM-1 LJ8 I —note "ones" 2 addresses are IJt16 : 3 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 only II5 2 4 ONES I linor' ADDRESS FMM-1 Applications - Use to monitor a zone of four- wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterfiow devices, or other normally-open dry-contact alarm activation devices. May also be used to monitor normally- open supervisory devices with special supervisory indica- tion at the control panel. Monitored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the Style B circuit. No resistor is required for su- pervision of the Style D circuit. Maximum IDC loop length is 2,500 ft./762 m (20 ohms maximum). U.S. Coast Guard 161.002/23/3 (AFP-200: FMM-1/-101, FZM-1) 161.002/42/1 California State Fire (NFS-640: FMM-1/-101) Marshal 7300-0028:202 MEA 143-01-E (FDM-1) 317-01-E (FMM-1/-101) 345-02-E (FMM-1/-101) 457-99-E (FZM-1, FMM-1/-101) 447-99-E FMM-1 and FZM-1 NOTIFIER® is a Honeywell company. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications IS09001 or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203)484-7118 EIIIIIIIIIERING IMANllFilE1UIl 10 NOTIFIER" 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 QUALITY SY STEMS DN-6720 • 08/23/04 - Page 1 of 6 FM M-1 Operation -Each FMM-1 uses one of 159 avail- able module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regu- lar polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). A flashing LED indicates that the module is in communica- tion with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limitations on the loop). FM M-1 Specifications Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). Maximum operating current: 375 pA (LED flashing). EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 4.5' (11.43 cm) high x 4" (10.16 cm) wide x 1.25" (3.175 cm) deep. Mounts to a 4" (10.16 cm) square x 2.125° (5.398 cm) deep box. FMM-101 MINI MONITOR MODULE Built-in type identification automatically identifies this de- vice as a monitor module to the panel. Powered directly by two-wire FACP. No additional power required. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. Tinned, stripped leads for ease of wiring. Direct-dial entry of address: 01 —159 on FlashScan® sys- tems, 01 - 99 on CLIP systems. 15 0 1 ADDRESS 0 12 31 3 11 4 LOOP çjg TENS ONES - o :UJ Q •• IC.) -J -J Lu -J :o ca The FMM-101 Mini Monitor Module can be installed in a single-gang junction directly behind the monitored unit. Its small size and light weight allow it to be installed without rigid mounting. The FMM-101 is intended for use in intelligent, two-wire systems where the individual address of each mod- ule is selected using rotary switches. It provides a two-wire initiating device circuit for normally-open-contact fire alarm and security devices. The FMM-101 can be used to replace MMX-101 module in existing systems. FMM-101 Applications - Use to monitor a single de- vice or a zone of four-wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterfiow devices, or other normally-open dry- contact devices. May also be used to monitor normally-open supervisory devices with special supervisory indication at the control panel. Monitored circuit/device is wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47 ohm End-of- Line Resistor (provided) terminates the circuit. FMM-1 01 Operation - Each FMM-101 uses one of 159 available module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). FMM-1 01 Specifications Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum operating current: 375 pA. EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 1.3" (3.302 cm) high x 2.75" (6.985 cm) wide x 0.5" (1.270 cm) deep. Wire length: 6' (15.24 cm) minimum. FZM-1 INTERFACE MODULE Supports compatible two-wire smoke detectors. Supervises IDC wiring and connection of external power source. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. Direct-dial entry of address: 01 —159 on FlashScan® sys- tems, 01 - 99 on CLIP systems. LED flashes during normal operation (this is a program- mable option). LED latches steady to indicate alarm on command from control panel. The FZM-1 Interface Module is intended for use in intelli- gent, addressable systems, where the individual address of each module is selected using built-in rotary switches. This module allows intelligent panels to interface and monitor two- wire conventional smoke detectors. It transmits the status (normal, open, or alarm) of one full zone of conventional de- tectors back to the control panel. All two-wire detectors be- ing monitored must be UL compatible with the module. The FZM-1 has a panel-controlled LED indicator and can be used to replace MMX-2 modules in existing systems. FZM-1 Applications - Use the FZM-1 to monitor a zone of two-wire smoke detectors. The monitored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) Ini- tiating Device Circuit. A 3.9 K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (pro- vided) terminates the end of the Style B or D (class B or A) circuit (maximum IDC loop resistance is 25 ohms). Install ELR across terminals 8 and 9 for Style D application. FZM-1 Operation - Each FZM-1 uses one of 159 avail- able module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regu- lar polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). A flashing LED indicates that the module is in communica- tion with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limitations on the loop). FZM-1 Specifications Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). Maximum operating current: 255 pA (LED flashing). EOL resistance: 3.91K ohms. External supply voltage (between Terminals T3 and T4): DC voltage: 18 to 28 volts power limited. Ripple voltage: 0.1 VRMS maximum. Current: 90 mA per module maximum. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 4.5" (11.43 cm) high x 4" (10.16 cm) wide x 1.25" (3.175 cm) deep. Mounts to a 4" (10.16 cm) square x 2.125" (5.398 cm) deep box. Page 2 of 6— DN-6720 • 08/23/04 /CAUTION! V Avoid duplicating addresses on the system. 21 CAUTION DE-ENERGIZE UNIT PRIOR TO SERVICING Face Plate for FMM-1, FZM-1, and FDM-1 MOUNTING DIAGRAMS for standard-shred modules 'Ii FDM-1 DUAL MONITOR MODULE The FDM-1 Dual Monitor Module is intended for use in in- telligent, two-wire systems. It provides two independent two- wire initiating device circuits (lDCs) at two separate, consecu- tive addresses. It is capable of monitoring normally open contact fire alarm and supervisory devices; or either normally open or normally closed security devices. The module has a single panel-controlled LED. NOTE: The FDM-1 provides two Class B (Style ) IDC circuits ONLY. Class A (Style Z) IDC circuits are NOT supported in any application. FDM-1 Specifications Normal operating voltage range: 15 to 32 VDC. \ Maximum current draw: 5.7 mA (LED on). Maximum operating current: 750 pA (LED flashing). EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 1,500 ohms. Temperature range: 32° to 120°F (0° to 49°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% (non-condensing). Dimensions: 4.5" (11.43 cm) high x 4" (10.16 cm) wide x 2.125" (5.398 cm) deep. FDM-1 Automatic Addressing —The FDM-1 auto- matically assigns itself to two addressable points, starting with the original address. For example, if the FDM-1 is set to address "56°, then it will automatically assign itself to ad- dresses "56" and "57". NOTE: "ones" addresses on the FDM-1 are 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 only. Terminals 6 and 7 use the first ad- dress, and terminals 8 and 9 use the second address. INSTALLATION FMM-1, FDM-1, and FZM-1 modules mount directly to a stan- dard 4" (10.16 cm) square, 2.125" (5.398 cm) deep, electrical box. They may also be mounted to the SMB500 surface-mount box. Mounting hardware and installation instructions are pro- vided with each module. All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, and regulations. These modules are intended for power-limited wiring only. The FMM-101 module is intended to be wired and mounted without rigid connections inside a standard electrical box. All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, and regulations. PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION FMM-1 Monitor module. FMM-101 Monitor module, miniature. FZM-1 Monitor module, two-wire detectors FDM-1 Monitor module, dual, two independent Class B circuits. SMB500 Optional surface-mount backbox. ARCHITECTS'/ENGINEERS' SPECIFICATIONS Specifications of these and all NOTIFIER products are avail- able from NOTIFIER. DN-6720 • 08/23/04 - Page 3 of 6 WIRING DIAGRAMS The following wiring diagrams are included: FDM-1, typical dual two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. FMM-1O1, typical two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. FMM-1, typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style B. FMM-1, typical four-wire fault-tolerant initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style D. FMM-1, typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration for security systems (with alarm versus short capability). FZM-1, interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style B. FZM-1, interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style D. FRM-1, relay control module used to disconnect a power supply. Fig I FDM-1: Typical dual two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. Two Initiating Device Circuits 1W11 (L&H) TO Next each power-limited to Device (-) FROM Panel (+) or Previous 230 hA max. @ 12 VDC max. MONITOR 4 Device 47K EOL MODULE Qb r32 unication Line Resistor H 0 -C maximum. ELR-47K 8 d-pair is +mended. 2 47K EOL 6 t 3 Resistor L 5 - 4 All wiring shown is supervised ELR-47K LOOP ONES ADDRESS and power limited. ° Connect modules to listed compatible 0 9 NOTIFIER control panels only. ANY NUMBER of UL Listed contact closure devices may be used. 6822ww1.wmf DO NOT MIX fire alarm initiating, supervisory, or security devices on the same circuit. Install contact closure devices per manufacturer's installation instructions. TO NEXT DEVICE I BLACK 1 I 4 RED UL LISTED I I Compatible (-) (+) FMM-101 Control 5 6789 10 589 4 -5 1 1 4 32( 1 1F 10 1514 0 () (-.) VIOLEfl'I 14 YELLOW 47K EOL INCLUDED Fig. 2 FMM-101: Typical two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. 6720wir1.wmf Page 4 of 6— ON-6720 • 08/23/04 Connect modules to listed compatible NOTIFIER control panels only. All wiring shown is supervised and power limited. Install contact closure devices per manufacturers' installation instructions. Any number of UL-listed contact closure devices may be used. DO NOT MIX fire alarm initiating, supervisory, or security devices on the same circuit. 'V Fig. 3 FMM-1: Typical two-wire initiating device circuit configuration, NFPA Style B. TO Next Device Panel or Previous MONITOR Device Initiating Device Circuit (1DQ 0 MODULE NFPA Style B, power limited: Communication ication Line 230 jA max. © 12 VDC max. 2 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. 47K EOL EM 7 TEm 20 ELR-47K Resistor 10 3 4 Communication Loss ioo p ONES ADMESS (optional connection for panels which support this feature) FUTURE FEATURE 6720w1r2.wmf 'V Fig. 4 FMM-1: Typical four-wire fault-tolerant initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style D. TO Next FROM Panel Device or Previous MONITOR Device MODULE Communication Line 32 VDC maximum. 8 is Twisted-pair is recommended. E OL Resistor is internal at terminals 8 & 9 E15 0 4 Communication Loss LOOP ONES ADDRESS (optional connection for panels which support this feature) FUTURE FEATURE 6720w1r3.wmt 'V Fig. 5 FMM-1: Typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration for security systems (with alarm versus short capability). TO Next Device (—) FROM Panel Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) xo< or Previous NFPA Style B, power limited: MONITOR Device 230 pA max. @ 12 VDC max. d MODULE Communication Line 0 — 32 VDC maximum. 14K Series Resistor\ 9 0 8 1 Twisted-pair is recommended. 20 + 47KE0L Resistor 06 3 Communication Loss ELR-47K LOOP ONES ADDRESS (optional connection for panels Qj 0 9 which support this feature) FUTURE FEATURE 6720w1r4.wmf u - DN-6720 • 08/23104 — Page 5 of 6 TO Next Device INTERFACE c? MODULE jLd FROM Panel or Previous Device Communication Line 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. Connect modules to listed compatible control panels only. IT • ING Terminal wiring must be power limited. DO NOT MIX fire alarm initiating, supervisory, or security devices on the same circuit. 'L DO NOT LOOP wire under terminals. Break wire run to provide supervision of connections.THIS PAGE: Detectors must be UL listed compatible with module. j FRM- Install detectors per manufacturers' installation instructions. Power to the interface module must be externally switched to reset the detectors. An FRM-1 relay control module can be used to switch power from a standard power supply; see Fig. 7 below. 'V Fig. 6 FZM-1: Interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style B. TO Next Device INTERFACE MODULE EM 79 20 3.9K EOL Resistor 6(p 3983 (included) ONES A2143-1O LOOP nosss 09 6720w1r5.wmf FROM Panel (+) or Previous Device Communication Line 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. Listed Battery Backup 4 switched DC '4 power supply. A- Optional Branch Circuit TO Next Interface Module Module supervises supply voltage and detector loop. 'V Fig. 7 FZM-1: Interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style D. 3.9K EOL Resistor (included) required at terminals 8 & 9 A2143-1O TENS 2 I, ONES cs U 6720wir6.wmf Listed Battery Backup (+) , switched DC REss power supply. Optional Branch Circuit M TO Next Interface Module odule supervises supply voltage and detector loop. 'V Fig. 8 FRM-1: Relay control module used to disconnect a power supply. FROM Pane! or Previous — Device CONTROL_U [-DI RELAY MODULE o .___ El El iJfl 19 61 2LJ J F4LJII 3Jj LOOP ADDIT cs°o9 TO Next Device DC POWER SUPPLY () Listed for Fire (—) Protection with Battery Backup Communication Line 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. L) 6720w1r7.wmf Page 6 of 6— DN-6720 • 08/23/04 April 5, 2004 ' DN-6724 • H-230 NOTIFIER®' FCM and FRM Series I I Control and Relay Modules I with FlashScan® I I Section: Intelligent/Addressable Devices I GENERAL FCM-1 Control Module - The FCM-1 Addressable Control Module provides NOTIFIER intelligent control pan- els a circuit for Notification Appliances (horns, strobes, speak- ers, etc.) or to monitor a telephone circuit. Addressability al- lows the FCM to be activated, either manually or through panel programming, on a select (zone or area of coverage) basis. FRM-1 Relay Module - The FRM-1 Addressable Re- lay Module provides the system with a dry-contact output for activating a variety of auxiliary devices, such as fans, damp- ers, control equipment, etc. Addressability allows the dry contact to be activated, either manually or through panel programming, on a select basis. FlashScan® (U.S. Patent 5,539,389) is a new communi- cation protocol developed by NOTIFIER Engineering that greatly enhances the speed of communication between ana- log intelligent devices. Intelligent devices communicate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices within the group has new information, the panel CPU stops the group poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect is response speed greater than five times that of other designs. FEATURES Built-in type identification automatically identifies these devices to the control panel. Internal circuitry and relay powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. The FCM module requires power (for horns, strobes, etc.), audio (for speakers), or a telephone riser (for hand- sets). Internal relay feature available on FlashScan® sys- tems only. Integral LED "blinks" green each time a communication is received from the control panel and turns on in steady red when activated. LED blink may be deselected globally (affects all devices). High noise immunity (EMF/RFl). The FCM may be used to switch 24-volt NAC power, au- dio (up to 70.7 VRMS) or telephone. Wide viewing angle of LED. SEMS screws with clamping plates for wiring ease. Direct-dial entry of address 01— 159 for FlashScan®, 01 - 99 on traditional systems. Speaker, audible/visual, and telephone applications may be wired for Class B or A (Style V or Z). APPLICATIONS The FCM is used to switch 24 VDC audible/visual power, high-level audio (speakers), or control telephone devices. The FlashScan® is a registered trademark of NOTIFIER. Noryl® is a registered trademark of GE Plastics, a subsidiary of General Elec- tric Company. 1:13 LISTED CS669 S3705 MARYLAND "EA State Fire Marshal UVI Permit #2020 457-99-E APPROVED (See wiring diagram Fig. 5 for FRM4) FRM may be programmed to operate dry contacts for door holders, Air Handling Unit shutdown, etc., and to reset four- wire smoke detector power. CONSTRUCTION The face plate is made of off-white Noryl®. Controls include two rotary switches for direct-dial entry of address (01-159). The FCM is configured for a single Class B (Style Y) or Class A (Style Z) Notification Appliance Circuit. The FRM provides two Form-C dry contacts that switch together. OPERATION Each FCM or FRM uses one of 159 possible module ad- dresses on a SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and status, including the open/normal/short status of its Notification Appliance Circuit NOTIFIER® is a Honeywell company. This document Is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or IS09001 anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. 933 dl=l For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 ENGINEERING & MANUFAC1URING NOTI Fl E Re 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 QUALITY SYSTEMS DN-6724 • 04/05/04 - Page 1 of 4 MOUNTING DIAGRAMS Note CB500 Module Barrier, which creates isolated quadrant. ISOLATED QUADRANT Page 2 of 4 - DN-6724 • 04/05/04 (NAC). The LED blinks with each poll received. On command, it activates its internal relay. The FCM supervises Class B (Style Y) or Class A (Style Z) notification or control circuits. Upon code command from the panel, the FCM will discon- nect the supervision and connect the external power supply in the proper polarity across the load device. The disconnec- tion of the supervision provides a positive indication to the panel that the control relay actually turned ON. The external power supply is always relay isolated from the communica- tion loop so that a trouble condition on the external power supply will never interfere with the rest of the system. Rotary switches set a unique address for each module. The address may be set before or after mounting. The.uilt-in TYPE CODE (not settable) will identify the modIetothe control panel, so as to differentiate between a modiil anda sensor address. SPECIFICATIONS for FCM Normal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 6.5 mA (LED on). Average operating current: 350 pA direct poll (CLIP mode), 375 pA group poll (FlashScan® mode) with LED flashing. External supply voltage (between Terminals T3 and T4): maximum 80 volts (RMS or DC). Drain on external supply: 2 mA maximum (using internal EOL relay). EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% non-condensing. Dimensions: 4.5" (114.3 mm) high x 4" (101.6 mm) wide x 1.25" (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4" (101.6 mm) square x 2.125" (53.975 mm) deep box. SPECIFICATIONS for FAR Normal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 6.5 mA (LED on). Average operating current: 230 pA direct poll (CLIP mode), 255 pA group poll (FlashScan® mode) with LED flashing. EOL resistance: not used. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% non-condensing. Dimensions: 4.5" (114.3 mm) high x 4" (101.6 mm) wide x 1.25° (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4" (101.6 mm) square x 2.125" (53.975 mm) deep box. RELAY CONTACT RATINGS for both FCM and FEW models Load Description Application Maximum Current Voltage Rating Resistive Non-Coded 30 VDC 3.0 A Resistive Coded 30 VDC 2.0 A Resistive Non-Coded 110 VDC 0.9 A Resistive Non-Coded 125 VAC 0.9 A Inductive (L/R = 5 ms) Coded 30 VDC 0.5 A Inductive (L/R = 2 ms) Coded 30 VDC 1.0 A Inductive (PF = 0.35) 1 Non-Coded 1125 VAC 1 0.5 A PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION FCM-1 Intelligent Addressable Control Module. FRM-1 Intelligent Addressable Relay Module. A2143-20 Capacitor, required for Class A (Style Z) opera- tion of speakers. SMB500 Optional Surface-Mount Backbox. CB500 Control Module Barrier - required by UL for separating power-limited and non-power limited wiring in the same junction box as FCM-1. [U] Em eED 4 The Face Plate CAUTION DE-ENERGIZE UNIT PRIOR TO SERVICING Y WIRING DIAGRAMS The following wiring diagrams are provided: FCM-1: Typical notification appliance circuit configuration, NFPA Style V. FCM-1: Typical fault-tolerant notification appliance circuit con- figuration, NFPA Style Z. FCM-1: Typical wiring for speaker supervision and switching, NFPA Style Y. FCM-1: Typical fault-tolerant wiring for speaker supervision and switching, NFPA Style Z. FRM-1: Relay module wiring diagram. V Fig. I FCM-1: Typical notification appliance circuit configuration, NFPA Style V. Connect modules to Listed compatible NOTIFIER control panels only. All wiring shown is supervised and power limited. Communication Line 32 VDC max. Module polarities are shown in alarm. \ Refer to panel documentation for TO Next Device : cxDcx: CONTROL ci? MODULE 47K EOL Q Resistor ELR-47K 9 0 8 1 (-) (-) EJ7mNS 2 63 D5 NE8' 4 LOOP ADDRESS cs°00 (+) (+) UL listed EOL Relay TO NEXT control module or EOL Relay. shown ONE RELAY REQUIRED for each circuit energized Some control panels have the RELAY BUILT IN 24 VDC coil and do not require external wiring. A77-716B Refer to the NOTIFIER manual. type of cable required. FROM Panel r7DONOTLOOPWre or Previous tDevice 3 & 4. o provide supervision of connections. 24 VDC POWER SUPPLY Power Supply: Isolated, regulated, power-limited per NFPA 70. Listed for fire protection with battery backup. V Fig. 2 FCM-1: Typical fault-tolerant notification appliance circuit configuration, NFPA Style Z. Connect modules to Listed compatible NOTIFIER control panels only. All wiring shown is supervised and power limited. Communication Line 32 VDC max. Module polarities are shown in alarm. (.... \ Refer to panel documentation for TO Next +) Device CONTROL EOL Resistor is internal at ci? MODULE terminals 8 & 9 9 0 81 \ 7 TENS 2 63 LOOP5 ONES ADDRESS o UL eONE listed EOL Relay ol module or EOL Relay. shown EQUIRED for each circuit. energized anels have the RELAY BUILT IN 24 VDC coil anonotrequire external wiring. A77-716B Refer to the NOTIFIER manual. type of cable required. - FROM Panel (+) or Previous Device 24 VDC Circuit / DO NOTLOOP wire / on terminals 3 & 4. Break wire to provide supervision of connections. 24 VDC POWER SUPPLY Power Supply: Isolated, regulated, power-limited per NFPA 70. Listed for fire protection with battery backup. DN-6724 • 04/05/04 - Page 3 of 4 V Fig. 3 FCM-1: Typical wiring for speaker supervision and switching, NFPA Style Y. Connect modules to Listed compatible Refer to panel documentation NOTIFIER control panels only. ext - Communication Line for type of cable required. TO N 32 VDC max. ) FROM Panel All wiring shown is supervised. Device Wires must be supervised per NFPA. ,pcccKIiI or Previous Device Module polarities are shown in alarm. MODULE LI /DONOTLOOP wire on terminals 3 & 4. 47KEOL Resistor I Break wire to ensure supervision of connections. ELR47K 7 TENS 2 H AUDIO AMPLIFIER 70.7 VRMS Max. Use only models AA-30, M-100, or AA-120. Amplifier must provide wring supervision per NFPA. Speaker Switching Circuit: NFPA STYLE W TO Next Con trol Module ' SUPERVISION Speakers must be listed for fire protection. Last module must return Refer to the Relay Contact Rating table for maximum load. wires for supervision. 6?24r3.wmf V Fig. 4 FCM-1: Typical fault-tolerant wiring for speaker supervision and switching, NFPA Style Z. Connect modules to Listed compatible NOTIFIER control panels only. All wiring shown is supervised. Refer to panel documentation Wires must be supervised per NFPA. —) Communication Line for type of cable required. TO Next Module polarities are shown in alarm. Device 32 C max. C—) FROM Panel CONTROL (+) or Previous Device EOL Resistor is internal at terminals 8 Bypass Capacitors: A2143 MODULE Audio Circuit 16 V, non-polarized, < 10 pA leakage. DO NOT LOOP wire on terminals 3 & 4. Break wire to ensure ______ : ! ms 2 supervision of connections. 65 3 C;) AUDIO AMPLIFIER ON 70.7 VRMS Max. LOOP ADDRESS Use only models M-30, -4 AA-100, or AAA 20. I r Amplifier must provide Ii wiring supervision per NFPA. Speaker Switching Circuit: NFPA STYLE X TO Next Control Module ] SUPERVISION Speakers must be listed for fire protection. Last module must return 6724w1r4.w,nf Refer to the Relay Contact Rating table for maximum load, wires for supervision. MOTE regarding AUDIO AMPLIFIER in Figures 3 & 4 above: 1) Audio circuit wiring must be twisted-pair as a minimum. See NOTIFIER installation manual for detailed information. TO Next Device .4------------ Idt RELAY COMMON 2 99 0 NORMALLY CLOSED 2 8 -*1f 1 NORMALLY OPEN 2 -I H 2 RELAY COMMON I EI 6 3 NORMALLY CLOSED I J 5 -*-i 4 FROM Panel (+) or Previous Fi:32 'C icatnLine Device maximum. anel documentation f cable required. NORMALLY OPEN 1 Fig. 5 FRM-1: Relay module wiring diagram. Connect modules to Listed compatible NOTIFIER control panels only. Module does NOT supervise controlled circuits. Page 4 of 4 - DN-6724 • 04/05/04 6724y,r5.wmf CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY& FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No 7300-0028:202 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Misc. Devices/Control Unit Accessories LISTEE: ! Notifier, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-1200 FAX (203) 484-7309 DESIGN: Models FMM-1, .FMM-101, FZM-1, FSM-101, FDM-1, *FTM..1 monitor modules and Models FCM-1, FRM-1 control modules. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, product number and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. *Model FTM-1 is intended to be used with Notifier Models NFS-640 (CSFM Listing Nos. 7165-0028:214 and 7170-0028:216), NFS-3030, NFS2-3030 (CSFM Listing Nos. 7165-0028:224 and 7170-0028:223) Fire Alarm Control Units. Rev. 07-12-2006 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 4, 2007 Listing Expires June 30, 2008 Authorized By: MIKE TANAKA, Senior Deputy State Fire Marshal Program Manager DN-3396:A • 1-500 ( ?~o NCOTI FI E Ri [I] I[AYAiL] I Conventional Initiating Devices I II; V.1 WFD and WFDT(NR) Waterfiow Detectors WFD SERIES The System Sensor WFD Series Waterfiow Detectors are compatible with Schedule 10 through 40 steel pipe, sizes 2" through 8" (50.8 mm through 203.2 mm), and can be mounted in a vertical or horizontal position. Robust construction. WFD Series detectors are contained in a rugged, NEMA 4-rated enclosure. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, the WED Series operates across a wide tem- perature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). Reliable performance. UL-Listed models are equipped with tamper-resistant cover screws to prevent unauthorized entry. Inside, two sets of SPDT (Form-C) synchronized switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block to assure reliable perfor- mance. False-alarm immunity. WFD Series detectors incorporate a mechanical retard feature, which minimizes the risk of false alarm due to pressure surges or air trapped in the sprinkler system. Additionally, the mechanical retard's unique sealed design is immune to dust and other contaminants. Simplified operation. The WED Series is designed to simplify installation. Two conduit openings permit easy attachment to the local alarm system. The retard mechanism and dual SPDT switches are field-replaceable. WFDT/WFDTNR T-TAP MODELS The System Sensor WFDT Retard and WFDTNR Non-Retard T-Tap Waterflow Detectors are designed for branch-line signal- ing in larger systems and for primary signaling in residential systems. Both models fit any tee that has a 1" (25.4 mm) NPT branch, including: 1" (25.4 mm), 1.25" (31.75 mm), and 1.5" (38.1 mm) NPT threaded ferrous and brass tees; 1" (25.4 mm), 1.25" (31.75 mm), 1.5" (38.1 mm), and 2" (50.8 mm) copper sweat tees; Central, Spears®, and Victaulic® 1" (25.4 mm) CPVC tees; and 1.5" (38.1 mm) polybutylene tees. Design. The design of the WFDT and WFDTNR makes them easy to install and simple to maintain. Either can be mounted in the vertical or horizontal position. Two conduit openings per- mit easy attachment to the local alarm system. The retard mechanism (models WFDT(A) only) and switch assemblies are field-replaceable. Features. Nine different flexible plastic paddles fit 1" (25.4 mm), 1.25" (31.75 mm), 1.5" (38.1 mm), and 2" (50.8 mm) tees. Sizes are marked clearly on the paddle for ease of instal- lation. Plastic paddles slip over the actuating lever and are securely fastened with one screw. The handy depth gauge ensures the proper installation depth and clearance of the detector to the tee. Construction. The WFDT(A) and WFDTNR include a durable tamper-resistant enclosure and a rugged switch assembly. The long-lasting covers completely enclose the electrical compo- nents to keep out dust and dirt. Improved self-guiding security screws and removal tools make these detectors resistant to tampering and simplify field maintenance. Dual SPDT switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block for added strength. WFD Series Waterfiow Detector FEATURES WFD30-2 models install in 2" (50.8 mm) hole sizes. UL-Listed models are NEMA 4-rated (WED Series). Sealed retard mechanism (WED Series and models WFDT(A)) assures that the retard is not contaminated by dust and dirt when the cover is removed. Visual switch activation (WFD Series and models WFDT(A)) permits installer to accurately set retard under noisy conditions. Rugged dual SPDT switches are enclosed in a durable ter- minal block. Durable construction: metal enclosure; heavy-duty alumi- num pipe saddles; impact-resistant cover protects mecha- nism; steel U-bolts provide secure mounting. Tamper-resistant assembly; optional tamper indicator. Accommodates up to 12 AWG (3.25 mm2) wire. 100% synchronization activates both alarm panel and local bell simultaneously. 1" (25.4 mm) through 8" (203.2 mm) models available. Schedule 10/40 pipe. Water resistant. SEMS clamping plate. Can be vertically or horizontally mounted. Improved self-guiding security screws and removal tool. Adjustable pneumatic delay (0 to 70 seconds) prevents false alarms due to water surges. Serviceable without draining pipe. Requires no power to operate sensing mechanism. Useful for waterflow rates up to 15 feet per second (4.57 meters per second). DN-3396:A • 3/1/07 - Page 1 of 4 OPERATION Water flowing in the pipe deflects the detector's vane, which operates a linkage to release the pneumatic delay shaft. The stop on the shaft then releases the switch levers at a rate determined by the presetting of the pneumatic delay mecha- nism. When the shaft and its stops have pulled far enough away, the spring operated switch levers actuate both SPDT switches, which each have N.O. and N.C. terminals that can be used to initiate an alarm or auxiliary indication. When water stops flowing, the vane is no longer deflected and a spring draws the actuator arm of the linkage back against the stops on the pneumatic delay shaft, closing the switch levers and returning the device to its normal condition. Observe switch activation with cover open. The pneumatic delay mechanism is adjustable within a range of 0 to 70 seconds. It incorporates an automatic, noncumula- tive reset to accommodate a sequence of surges without acquiring an accumulated delay greater or less than the preset value. As shipped, the adjustment dial is set for a delay of 20- 30 seconds; but any value within the 0- to 70-second range can be selected in the field. APPLICATIONS Detectors are used in wetpipe sprinkler systems to signal waterflow of 4 to 10 GPM. The flow could be due to the open- ing of one or more sprinkler heads or test valves, or it could be due to leakage or rupture of the piping. By the appropriate choice of installation sites, the detectors can be used to signal general flow (Installed in mains) or flow by zones (installed in branch lines). Either horizontal or vertical pipes can be utilized. Common usages of these waterflow detectors include operat- ing a bell or horn at the riser and signaling a control panel or master box. If the detectors are used at the upper limits of their tempera- ture ranges, especially at a 100% duty cycle, their working life may be significantly shortened. The vane and linkage of the waterflow detectors CAN BE DAMAGED by the sudden rush of water when the control valve opens. DO NOT USE vane-type waterflow detectors in drypipe sprinkler systems, deluge systems, or pre-action systems. Use a pressure-actuated detector on such systems instead. SPECIFICATIONS WFD SERIES Static Pressure Rating: 450 PSI. Triggering Threshold Bandwidth (flow rate): 4 to 10 GPM. Maximum Surge: 18 feet per second (FPS) (5.4864 m/sec). Compatible Pipe: steel water pipe, schedule 10 through 40. Contact Ratings: two sets of SPDT (Form-C) contacts; 10.0 A, 1/2 HP @ 125/250 VAC; 2.5 A @ 6/12/24 VDC. Conduit Entrances: two openings for 0.5" (12.7 mm) con- duit. One open, one knock-out type. Operating Temperature Range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). Enclosure Rating: NEMA 4, suitable for indoor/outdoor use (UL Listed only). Cover Tamper Switch: standard for ULC models; optional for UL models (P/N 546-7000). Shipping Weights: 4.2 lbs. (1.9 kg) for WFO20; 4.3 lbs. (1.95 kg) for WFD25; 4.5 lbs. (2.04 kg) for WFD30 and WFD30-2; 4.7 lbs. (2.13 kg) for WFD35; 5.2 lbs. (2.36 kg) for WFD40; 6.3 lbs. (2.86 kg) for WFDSO; 6.8 lbs. (3.08 kg) for WFD60; 7.5 lbs. (3.4 kg) for WFD80. Service Use: NFPA 13 for Automatic Sprinkler; NFPA 130 for One- or Two-Family Dwelling; NFPA 13R for Residential Occu- pancies up to Four Stories; NFPA 72 for National Fire Alarm Code. Warranty: 3 years. U.S. Patent Numbers: 3,845,259 • 4,782,333 • 5,213,205 WFDT AND WFDTNR MODELS Static Pressure Rating: 250 PSI. Triggering Threshold Bandwidth (flow rate): 4 to 10 GPM. Maximum Surge: 18 feet per second (FPS) (5.4864 m/sec). Compatible Tee Fittings: threaded ferrous and brass tees, copper sweat tees, CPVC tees, and polybutylene tees. Contact Ratings: two sets of SPOT (Form-C) contacts; 10.0 A, 1/2 HP © 125/250 VAC; 2.5 A © 24 VOC. Overall Dimensions (installed): WFDT: 4.5" (114.30 mm) x 3.75" (95.25 mm) x 6.7" (170.18 mm). WFDTNR: 3.75" (95.25 mm)x 3.25" (82.55 mm) x4.25" (107.95 mm). Conduit Entrances: 2 openings for 0.5" (12.7 mm) conduit. Operating Temperature Range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). Enclosure Rating: UL indoor/outdoor rating. Cover Tamper Switch: standard for ULC models; optional for UL models (P/N 546-7000). Shipping Weights: 2.6 lbs. (1.2 kg) for WFDT; 1.5 lbs. (0.7 kg) for WFDTNR. Service Use: NFPA 13 for Automatic Sprinkler; NFPA 130 for One- or Two-Family Dwelling; NFPA 13R for Residential Occu- pancies up to Four Stories; NFPA 72 for National Fire Alarm Code. Warranty: 3 years. U.S. Patent Numbers: 3,845,259 • 4,782,333 • 5,213,205 ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS WFD SERIES Vane-type waterflow detectors shall be installed on system piping as designated on the drawing and/or as specified herein. Detectors shall mount on any clear pipe span of the appropriate nominal size, either a vertical upflow or horizontal run, at least 6" (152.4 mm) from any fittings which may change water direction, flow rate, or pipe diameter; or no closer than 24" (0.6096 m) from a valve or drain. Detectors shall have a sensitivity in the range of 4 to 10 gallons per minute and a static pressure rating of 450 psi for 2" (50.8 mm) to 8" (203.2 mm) pipes. The detector shall respond to waterflow in the specified direction after a preset time delay which is field- adjustable. The delay mechanism shall be a sealed mechani- cal pneumatic unit with visual indication of actuation. The actu- ation mechanism shall include a polyethylene vane inserted through a hole in the pipe and connected by a mechanical link- age to the delay mechanism. Outputs shall consist of dual SPDT switches (Form-C contacts). Two conduit entrances for standard fittings of commonly used electrical conduit shall be provided on the detectors. A grounding provision is provided. Unless noted, enclosures shall be NEMA 4 Listed by Under- writers Laboratories Inc. All detectors shall be Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for indoor or outdoor use. Page 2 of 4- DN-3396:A • 3/1/07 - steel U80L1 err,jnd pipe Polyeth4ene PLASTIC VANE inside pipe Width of Pipe Saddle: SEE TABLE 3396cro9 Sit WFD Dimensions (installed) Detector Model Pipe Saddle Width WFD20 4.6" (116.84 mm) WFD25 4.6" (116.84 mm) WFD30-2 5.2" (132.08 mm) WFD35 5.7" (144.79 mm) WFD40 6.8" (172.72 mm) WFD50 7.8 (198.12 mm) WFD60 9.0" (228.60 mm) WFD80 10.8" (274.32mm) 10140 PIPE shaded WFD Hole Pipe Size Size 2". 2-10. 1-1/4" or 3-1/2" 3" 1-1/4" or 2" 4"t08" 2" 3396p1pe.tbl WFDT or WFDTNR Models Model shall be a WFDT or WFDTNR as manufactured by Sys- tem Sensor. T-tap waterflow detectors shall be installed on a tee that has a 1" (25.4 mm) NPT branch, including: 1" (25.4 mm), 1.25" (31.75 mm), or 1.5" (38.1 mm) threaded ferrous or brass tees; 1" (25.4 mm) to 2" (50.8 mm) copper sweat tees; Central, Spears®, or Victaulic® brand 1" (25.4 mm) CPVC tees; or 1.5" (38.1 mm) polybutylene tee as designated on the drawings and/or specified herein. Detectors shall mount on any clear pipe span of the appropriate size, either a vertical or horizontal run at least 6" (152.4 mm) from any fittings or valves which may change water direction, flow rate, or pipe diameter; or no closer than 24" (0.6096 m) from a valve or drain. Detec- tors shall have a sensitivity in the range of 4 to 10 gallons per minute and a static pressure rating of 250 psi. The retard t-tap detector shall be a sealed mechanical pneumatic unit with visual indication of actuation. The actuation mechanism shall include a polyethylene vane inserted through the tee fitting and connected by a mechanical linkage to the delay mechanism. The non-retard Rap detector shall respond with no time delay Switch enclosure (replacement PIN A77-01-02) Delay mechanism - - Ground screw provided. (replacement P/N A3008-00\ Conduit entrance to waterfiow in the specified direction and range. Outputs shall consist of dual SPDT switches (Form-C contacts). Two conduit entrances (one of which is knock-out type) for standard fittings of commonly used electrical conduit shall be provided on the detectors. A grounding provision is provided. All detectors shall be Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for indoor or outdoor use. Agency Listings and Approvals These listings and approvals apply to the modules specified in this document. In some cases, certain modules or applications may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status. UL Listed: S739 ULC Listed: S739 MEA Listed: 167-93-E CSFM: 7770-1653:114 Mechanical Delay Adjustment Dial Setting 0 1 2 3 4 5 Seconds (±50%) 0 15 30 45 55 70 3396d1a1.tbl WFD Dimensions (installed) 3.75 In. Mounting plat Pipe sad U-bolt nut Plastic d Row paddle oi flow arrow while Saddle gasket-' '' l\ 3.0 inches (76.20 mm) U-BoItNUT - 1.6 Inches (40.64 mm) Cast - Aluminum PIPE SADDLE DN-3396:A • 3/1/07 - Page 3 of 4 Ordering Information WFD Series Detectors UL Models ULC Models Pipe Size Hole Size WFD20 WFD20A 2.0(50.8mm) 1.25" (31.75 mm) WFD25 WFD25A 2.5"(63.5 mm) 1.25"(31.75 mm) WFD30-2 WFD30-2A 3.0" (76.2 mm) 2.00" (50.8 mm) WFD35 WFD35A 3.5" (88.9 mm) 1.25" (31.75 mm) WFD40 WFD40A 4.0" (101.6 mm) 2.00" (50.8 mm) WFD50 WFD50A 5.0"(127 mm) 2.00" (50.8 mm) WFD60 WFD60A 6.0"(152.4 mm) 2.00"(50.8 mm) WFD80 I WFD80A 18.0"(203.2 mm) 12.00"(50.8 mm) WFDT(NR) T-Tap Detectors Model Number Description WFDT Waterfiow detector. Fits: 1"(25.4 mm), 1.25"(31.75 mm), 1.5"(38.1 mm) ferrous and brass threaded tees; 1"(25.4 mm), 1.25"(31.75 mm), 1.5" (38.1 mm), 2"(50.8 mm) copper sweat tees; 1" (25.4 mm) CPVC tees: and 1.5" (38.1 mm) polybutylene tees. Accessories and Replacement Parts Model Number Description WFDW Tamper-proof wrench for metal cover, WFD, WFDT(NR). Spears® is a registered trademark of Spears Manufacturing Company. Vic- taulic® is a registered trademark of Victaulic Company of America. 02007 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. I SO 9001 We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. MMMOlN A FACTIOUS All specifications are subject to change without notice. QUALITY SYSTEMS Made in the U.S. A. For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118. www.notifier.com Page 4 of 4— DN-3396:A "3/1/07 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7770-1653:114 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Valves/Switches LISTEE: 4. System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc., 3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Trish Linhart (630) 377-6580 ext. 1185 FAX (630) 377-7245 DESIGN: ~Jodels WFD20, -25,-30,-35,-40,-50,-60, -80, WFD-30-2, WFDT, WFDTH, WFDTNR, and RFDTH paddle-type waterfiow indicators. *The RFDTH Series has a NEMA Type 4 enclosure rating. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Model Size Working Pressure WFD20 2" 450 psig WFD25 2-1/2" 450 psig WFD30 3" 450 psig WFD30-2 3" 450 psig WFD35 3-1/2" 450 psig WFD40 4" 450 psig WFD50 5" 450 psig WFD60 6" 450 psig WFD80 8" 450 psig WFDT 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" 250 psig WFDTNR 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2", 2" 250 psig WFDTH 111,1-1/211 250 psig RFDTH 1", 1-1/2", 2" Reliable Riser 250 psig INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as waterfiow indicators for use with wet pipe fire sprinkler systems. NOTE: Formerly 7770-1209:140 03-15-07mt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results JJ and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or ., recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: AUGUST 9, 2007 Listing Expires June 30, 2008 Authorized By: MIKE TANAKA, Senior Deputy State Fire Marsha! Program Manager DN-1785:A• 1-510 A \J.IBV2 and PIBV2A (0 NOTIFIER® Supervisory Switches by Honeywell ConventionalIInitiating T1ir4TjF General Post lndicatorlButterfly Valve System Sensor's PIBV2 and PIBV2A supervisory switches moni- tor the open position of post indicator and butterfly control valves. Robust construction. The PIBV2(A) consists of a rugged housing, intended for indoor and outdoor use. When installed with the actuator in the vertical position, the PIBV2(A) is NEMA 3R rated per UL. Application flexibility. The PIBV2(A) features a flexible design that accommodates post indicator, butterfly, and many other types of wall post, recessed wall post and pressure reducing valves. The P1BV2(A)'s unique bi-directional actuator allows the unit to be installed in either rising or falling flag installations. Simplified operation. Installation is made easier with the P1BV2(A)'s single-side conduit entrance. By providing a direct conduit pathway to the electrical source, right angle fittings are not required. Installation is further simplified by the P1BV2(A)'s adjustable length actuator, which eliminates the need for cut- ting the shaft. Reliable performance. The PIBV2(A) is equipped with tamper resistant cover screws to prevent unauthorized entry. Inside, two sets of SPDT (Form-C) synchronized switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block to assure reliable performance. Features NEMA 3R rated enclosure. Bi-directional actuator accommodatesrising or falling flags. Single-side conduit entry does not require right-angle fittings. Adjustable length actuator eliminates the need for cutting the shaft. Accommodates up to 12 AWG (3.31 mm2) wire. Two SPOT contacts are enclosed in a durable terminal block for added strength. 100% synchronization activates both alarm panel and local bell simultaneously. Specifications Contact ratings: two sets of SPOT (Form-C). 10.0 A @ 125/ 250 VAC, 2.5 A @ 6/12/24 VOC. Overall switch dimensions: 4.25" H x 3.5° W x 3.25" 0 (10.8 cm x 8.9 cm x 8.2 cm). Maximum stem extension: 2.125" (5.4 cm). Mounting: 1/2" NPT nipple. Acceptable PIBV2(A) mounting positions: actuator vertical (pointing DOWN), or actuator hori- zontal. The following mounting position is NOT accept- able: actuator vertical (pointing UP). Conduit entrances: one single side open for 1/2" conduit. Operating temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). NOTE: The PIBV2(A) will operate from —40°F to 120°F (-40°C to 49°C); however, UL does not test control valve supervisory switches below 32°F (0°C). Enclosure rating: UL indoor/outdoor; NEMA 3R when mounted with the actuator vertical. Cover tamper switch: standard with ULC model PlBV2A; optional for UL model, P/N 546-7000. Shipping weight: 2 lbs. (0.9 kg). Service use: - Automatic Sprinkler: NFPA 13. - One or Two Family Dwelling: NFPA 13D. - Residential Occupancies up to 4 stories: NFPA 13R. - National Fire Alarm Code: NFPA 72. U.S. Patent No.: 5,213,205 Engineering Specifications Model shall be model number PIBV2(A) Post Indicator Butter- fly Valve supervisory switch as manufactured by System Sen- sor. PIBV2(A) shall be installed on each valve as designated on the drawings and/or as specified herein. Switches shall be mounted so as not to interfere with the normal operation of the valve and shall be adjusted to operate within two revolutions of the valve control or when the valve flag has moved no more than one-fifth of the distance from its normal position. The mechanism shall be contained in a weatherproof die cast metal housing, which shall provide a side entrance for 1/2" conduit and incorporate a 1/2" NPT nipple for attachment to the valve body. A grounding provision is provided. The switch assembly shall include two switches each with a rated capacity of 10.0 A @ 125/250 VAC and 2.5 A @ 24 VOC. The cover shall contain tamper-resistant screws for which a security wrench will be provided with each switch. PIBV2(A) shall be Underwriters Laboratories listed for indoor or outdoor use. The PIBV2(A) shall be Factory Mutual, CSFM, and MEA approved. DN-1 785:A • 02128/07 - Page 1 of 2 Agency Listings and Approvals The listings and approvals below apply to the P1BV2 or PIBV2A supervisory switches. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status. UL Listed: file S739. ULC Listed: file CS1 69 (model PIBV2A). CSFM approved: file 7770-1209:149. FM approved. MEA approved: file 427-91-E. BSA approved: file 750-76-SA. Product Line Information P1BV2: Post Indicator/Butterfly Valve supervisory switch. PIBV2A: ULC model, Post Indicator/Butterfly Valve supervi- sory switch. 546-7000: Cover tamper switch kit. WFDW: Replacement tamper proof wrench for cover. Wiring Diagrams supervisory switch supervisory switch FI B B 1 B B I to nonsilenceable UJJvJJvLJccLkcLkiJ ['1 end-of-line initiating zone of COM .. P11 Li resistor com Listed FACP 1785;T. f TYPICAL FACP CONNECTION 1785w3a.wmf 1785w28wmf BIQ to power source compatible with bell local BREAK WIRE as shown for M bell supervision of connection. DO NOT allow stripped wire leads to extend TYPICAL LOCAL BELL CONNECTION beyond switch housing. DO NOT loop wires. NOTIFIER® and System Sensor® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. 02007 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved, unauthorized use 01 this document is strictly prohibited. I so 9001 This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. MlMMlNE IMEIIING QUALITY SYSTEMS All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118. www.notifier.com Page 2012— DN-1 785:A - 02/28/07 DN-60139:A • 1-511 OSY2 and OSY2A Outside Screw and Yoke (OS&Y) — — — Supervisory Switches by Honeywell Conventional F lllfllTi.1Devices ] General System Sensor's OSY2 and OSY2A supervisory switches monitor the open position of an Outside Screw and Yoke (OS&Y) type gate valve. Robust construction. The OSY2(A) consists of a rugged housing, intended for indoor and outdoor use. When installed with the actuator in the vertical position, the OSY2(A) is NEMA 3R rated per UL. Application flexibility. The OSY2(A) features a user-friendly mounting bracket and adjustable shaft to permit mounting to most OS&Y valves, ranging in size from 1" to 12" (2.54 to 30.48 cm). Its right-angle design and wide bracket span pro- vides maximum clearance for valve components, accommo- dating troublesome valves. Removing OSY2(A)'s gate valve bracket allows the unit to monitor side-bracket-style pressure reducing valves. Simplified operation. Installation is made easier with the OSY2(A)'s single-side conduit entrance. By providing a direct conduit pathway to the electrical source, right angle fittings are not required. Installation is further simplified by the OSY2(A)'s adjustable-length actuator, which eliminates the need for cut- ting the shaft. Reliable performance. The OSY2(A) is equipped with tamper- resistant cover screws to prevent unauthorized entry. Inside, two sets of SPDT (Form-C) synchronized switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block to assure reliable performance. Features NEMA 3R rated enclosure. User-friendly mounting bracket fits newer valve yokes. Single-side conduit entry does not require right-angle fittings. Adjustable length actuator eliminates the need for cutting the shaft. Accommodates up to 12 AWG (3.31 mm2) wire. Three-position switch monitors vandal and valve-close signals. Two SPOT contacts are enclosed in a durable terminal block for added strength. 100% synchronization activates both alarm panel and local bell simultaneously. Specifications Contact ratings: two sets of SPDT (Form-C). 10.0 A @ 125/ 250 VAC, 2.5 A @ 6/12/24 VDC. Dimensions: overall switch: 5.75" H x 3.5W x 3.25" 0(14.6 cm x 8.9 cm x 8.2 cm). Bracket span dimensions: 2.25" H x 6.75" W xl .0" D (5.7 cm 17.1 cm 8.2 cm). Maximum stem extension: 2.625" (6.7 cm). Mounting: Acceptable OSY2(A) mounting positions: actu- ator vertical (pointing DOWN), or actuator horizontal. The fol- lowing mounting position is NOT acceptable: actuator vertical (pointing UP). Conduit entrances: one single side open for 1/2° conduit. Operating temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). 60139ph1.png NOTE: The OSY2(A), will operate from -40°F to 120°F (-40°C to 49°C); however, UL does not test control valve supervisory switches below 32°F (0°C). Enclosure rating: UL indoor/outdoor; NEMA 3R when mounted with the actuator vertical. Cover tamper switch: standard with ULC model OSY2A; optional for UL model, P/N 546-7000. Shipping weight: 28 lbs. (1.3 kg). Service use: - Automatic Sprirkier: NFPA 13. - One or Two Family Dwelling: NFPA 130. - Residential Occupancies up to 4 stories: NFPA 13R. - National Fire Alarm Code: NFPA 72. U.S. Patent Nos.: 5,478,038; 5,213,205 Engineering Specifications Model shall be model number OSY2(A) supervisory switch as manufactured by System Sensor. OSY2(A) shall be installed on each valve as designated on the drawings and/or as speci- fied herein. Switches shall be mounted so as not to interfere with the normal operation of the valve and shall be adjusted to operate within two revolutions of the valve control or when the stem has moved no more than one-fifth of the distance from its normal position. The mechanism shall be contained in a weatherproof die-cast metal housing, which shall provide a side entrance for 1/2" conduit and incorporate the necessary facilities for attachment to the valve. A grounding provision is provided. The switch assembly shall include two switches each with a rated capacity of 10.0 A @ 125/250 VAC and 2.5 A @ 24 VDC. The cover shall contain tamper-resistant screws for which a security wrench will be provided with each switch. OSY2(A) shall be Underwriters Laboratories listed for indoor or outdoor use. The OSY2(A) shall be Factory Mutual, CSFM, and MEA approved. DN-60139:A '02/28/07 - Page 1 012 Agency Listings and Approvals The listings and approvals below apply to the OSY2 or OSY2A supervisory switches. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in pro- cess. Consult factory for latest listing status. UL Listed: file S739. ULC Listed: file S739 (model OSY2A). CSFM approved: file 7770-1653:118. FM approved. MEA approved: file 167-93-E. Wiring Diagrams supervisory switch Product Line Information OSY2: Outside Screw and Yoke (OS&Y) supervisory switch. OSY2A: ULC model, Outside Screw and Yoke (OS&Y) super- visory switch. 546-7000: Cover tamper switch kit. WFDW: Replacement tamper proof wrench for cover. supervisory switch to nonsilenceable initiating zone of Listed FACP 1785w2.w,nf - 1185w2a.wmf ibell to power source I cum compatible with bell TYPICAL LOCAL BELL CONNECTION 1785w3a.wml BREAK WIRE as shown for supervision of connection. DO NOT allow stripped wire leads to extend beyond switch housing. DO NOT loop wires. NOTIFIER® and System Sensor® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. 02007 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. I so 9001 We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. QUALITY SYSTEMS For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118. www.notifier.com Page 2 012— DN-601 39:A • 02/28/07 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7770-1653:118 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Valves/Switches LISTEE: Sstem Sensor, Unincororied Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc., 3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Cotäct: Irish Linhart (630)377-6580 ext. 1185 FAX (630) 377-7245 DESIGN: Models PIBV2 and OSY2 valve supervisory switches. Suitable for outdoor use. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model designation, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as valve supervisory switches for use in fire sprinkler systems. Suitable for outdoor use. NOTE: Formerly 7770-1209:149 06-17-05 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 8, 2007 Listing Expires June 30, 2008 Authorized By: MIKE TANAKA, Senior Deputy State Fire Marshal Program Manager V'ti Jr 1) HY A' 03/5/2e08 9:52 7609306015 PYR000MM SYSTEMS PAGE 02/08 Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc 5115 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE F CARLSBAD CA 920084387 (760) 9306014 FAX; (760) 930-6015 C-iD #612153 7 i' Lit i1.:i. I'.11 .1 :i iI•::tj I K) I\1i 'Liii i.ii:j< (-r2j(II:I,)I .k1)td7. '.:i. :iri r••: o ii IF, F1E' i (C.;i ). I.) 1i1?L)1.J1I. N ;r. AI•IUJJ 1 .7 IN Lit iJJJ IIi :7 1 ;J r;1, 7 AI- M i"it. IWL,H-fl: j ..i.)t.:: r.tKl'II..)Ii1 I-U LOCK :j<i4( tlI I\il. T. t I M('iiN I- 1"f I• bl 1 13 L.i,Ji:Th (-t.KNI,)Il .t)i1t. .11 ;i-u '1Ui .' INi.)IJ3i .. NI. 1. I 3::IJ (II(J4i 1. I. ?tHJ1 N.1 51 '1ILii LJS'L.I 7.I... (:I'K A. A. k ii WJ .11 - JIA : Nil 7 NI'Jh_:: WUL.,N WA I'i:.t.) I I. IJJ• Y EL:l I \/(ii rt 'i 1:1. I. F-JI.i r i r: i) LiNI...r..)li ,:NU. I I- PIr'I. iirr, .II.J?'t ()o'. 1 1..:;NRI. W I K.11'.111 f3'( IJt..) 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II) ¶ (.) !.1ic U1/0LI/OP, ,tI ANN Nit 1 1 Il IL) I i..i.t r1t.jJ<i:: ','s I IC)1 '>3/ 01i-/ 08 1,11 EiNAi ii I F- I\i- NUt I :i VA'l F- F3 1Y NIJlIF .1 .33 .1 U B A 03/ ()L1 /()I!, S i:iNAI.. 3 i:' '-NL;: r-JJL.L.V AL; l'IVA ri'.> t-Y NiJUE: 1. .1. 1. 1.0: 'A 03/ 0+108 il. ANN Mi J 3 HI 10*1 HE'I Al I I''lIIN E:NLJKr: 1* "I 10: !b'%A 03/ 014/ 08 ii 9 : !,i:Nli. 3 i INI,.l: Nil I' AI.. I £ V Ii) Y Niji) II. t 1.0;; 03/05/2008 09:52 7609306015 PYR000MM SYSTEMS PAGE 04/08 oF hg Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. 5115 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE F CARLSBAD, CA 92008-4387 (760) 930-6014 FAX: (160) 930-6015 C-ID #612153 I, - •I I s. s.,, .. , ,.ç,' .1 i..t r-'i••.. .................:.tit .i: ': t$i'Jti: t1•-: r I.: c.):/O'./c)m t(..)'i. (I. (i-?Ii I'.11 I II,tI i :' it1 ii:i E; ir I liII I. fi fI IN :1 i t U'A 01/ OL./ O 1 (J !3 CNIr-\i. :4 CI .INe': Ni) f Y A 0 Y 11 t 1. 1. a C.) t/ '/ CM 'f :i L' tVI L- ).) i1Y NUI*; Ni. t 1. I'tJI 1• IJI• tJI't I ii .1.. !3 r aN ii. r+ 0:11 011-/0 :i EiNAL. ;.:i i FNIt1 !'.IUl ......I A Vi-iI ' ii ItV 1J1jYI. 1 1 J .1 1 0 -I/ ()'I / O% ! L• '.:' '•Y i.II1l.: :1.1. 1 1''1';: )'tA )::•J/:)'.i./(:) Al Iii 1 1 1-41 .11 1 1i\i(J NI(ri )It,i'i :1 p '.1 iii! 1 ,i 1 LjI\I :1:1:: ()J( (.i./(.)I/O :1 CrJNII . CI .:IIi:r Ni) I (L I.IVI I'1-::0 I.)'? I\iIIL)b. t 11 11 O':. )J/O'i/C.) Fill. I 'f iL;i :L')Ai Y.i J'f l\Iii.fl I 1:1 :11 (i'i A (t:.1/OLt/(i\ (-I.F -i . Ni. 1 1 ;l• Ii.j r' I)(NerNt; it ,i: N(JI31 i:i, Hr'I'..)Ki i,; 1. 1. 0:3/01/ o8 1. O' 1'1I.1 :1 J. ItlI L. l i rn- i 1.j.i,:J II!q I-j liii.. .;'i Al 1 ON I 1Wb4 Oi/ L1/ (11..k I 04 i•Ii,,) ; Ib: fAct,... .I-IcJr' LOOt I NVAL.f 1) NI:jI,,,Y '11. )'i O::;31 0' / ()$? 11.9 :i :i i i•• :, r,,:i :i. V'i I- U WY NIJUF:. 7 i 1 1 .1 it Oi' I L,rIAI i_I I NI I I liii V ñl IL VA It I) I3V NI)I)i I II IT )'t' 0 C.I. Fi ', NJj:1 ILI1.I'I I-*1 :i I !::;I. K I P NYAL : inr'i y i I (t!A CE.tiOt..;JU(', I'1'I. . i i' 0. Ii,J; )c)1.,I:NIVAl . ( J.) I,ti"I...Y 1. 1. 030) c):/ 01+, on 11V 11 1`1 1 i 'I, F'II.J'I ILbI Ali. E;HIII- 10(.i:t l'iV6I,.l U If:FI V 11 it 04 (_ifCt/U :J :1 rii. I 1 giK •- j:' .i I t a OA rI I' 1 Ii 1\!1 1 .1 I'I'I tiI1jil: F '11 Lll-d:'. l .1 0' ( (.1;/(3I:'/(.i.* 1j 0 it::tI f ;i..: I ,:i i.ri \' NI_1)f: I. I 1 I, P '..)/ (\ ):i/QI,. / (.)9 iI F11 *11.1 e'.r :Iitci,', I. TifI r:riN1Fl i-i r, Hly Ifr itl J 1 1 it Of A I2I .i ti. '41,11 IIt.l0i" Le N.. AI I\l:I I P111 I ki I I LI IUI• i .1 .1.A O/()it/O 8 lob f:fl..J1'% .;) I I•• l.i(:I LIII I. V fL:I 1 V'ti lI) itY Nlf!) - 11:1 .11 :1 ' -t/CiI-i/(,( Central station bc 03/e5/200e 9:52 769306015 PYROCOMM SYSTEMS PAGE 05/08 NATIONAL FIRE ALARM CODE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION Name of protected property: LeanLand Lost Kingdom ..... Address: - 5342 Armada Dr.- Carlsbad. California Representative of protected propArty (name/phone): ._ Authority having Jurisdiction: Address/telephone number: Organization name/phone Representative name/phone Installer. Pvro-Comm Systems. Inc . (714) 9024000 Pvro-Comm Systems. Inc (.714)902-8000 Supplier PvrO.Cotnrn Systems. Inc 14908000_ . Pyro.Comm Systemsiric. (714) 902.8000 Service organization J711411902-80110 Location of record (as-built) drawings: On S.ite. -. Location of operation and maintenance manuals: ..,.-....Pn$e_ A contract for test and inspection in accordance with NFPA standard(s) Contract No(s): Effective date: Expiration date: System Software Operating system (executive) software revision level(s): Site-specific software revision date: Revision completed by: (name) (firm) 1. Type(s) of System or Service _t NFPA 72, Chapter 6—Local If alarm Is transmitted to location(s) off premises, list where received: NFPA 72, Chapter 8— Remote Station Telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarm: Alarm: Supervisory: Trouble: . ... If alarms are retransmitted to public fire service communications centers or others, indicate location and telephone numbers or the organization receiving alarm: .. Indicate how alarm is retransmitted: NFPA 72, Chapter 8—Propriety Telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarm: Alarm: Supervisory: Trouble: If alarms are retransmitted to public fire service communications centers or others, indicate location and telephone numbers of the organization. receiving alarm: . - _... Indicate how alarm is retransmitted: X ---,NFPA 72, Chapter 8 central Station Prime contractor: ..........-_____ 2002 Edition 03/05/2008 09:52 7609306015 PYR000MM SYSTEMS PAGE @6/08 NATIONAL FIRE ALARM CODE Means of transmission of signals from the protected premises to the central station: __ McCulloh Multiplex One-way radio - Digital alarm communicator Two-way radio )Others Means of transmission of alarms to the public fire service communications canter (aL_L&so L4 — System location: NFPA 72, Chapter 9 - Auxiliary Indicate type of connection: Local energy Shunt _Parallel telephone Location of telephone number for receipt of signals:—L-- 76 0 'P IS' 51/3 / Ae..jO E.CL'.&-4 7y Record of System installation (Fill out after installaf Ion is complete and wing is checked for opens, shorts, ground faults, and Improper branching, but prior to conducting operational acceptance tests.) This systems has been Installed in accordance th the N7PA standards as shown below, was Inspected by on - 6 . , includes the devices shown in 5 and 6, and has been In service Since X NFPA 72, Chapters 1.., 2_ 3_ 4__ 5_ 6_ 7_,_ 8_ 9_ 10_ 11_ (check all that apply) ,NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 760 X Manufacturers Instructions Other (specify): Signed: . Date; Organization: Record of System Operation Documentation in accordance with Inspection Testing Form, Figure 10.013, Is attached All operational features and functions of this system were-tested by: /.'1 . &-ø" (d "' .. Date: _____________ and found lobe operating properly In accordance with the requirements of: X NFPA 72, Chapters 1_ 2.....,,.. 3....... 4........ 5_ B........ 7_ 8...,... 9_ 10_ 11_ (check all that apply) ________NFPA 70, Notional Elocfricel Code, Article Code, 760 X - Manufacture's Instructions Signaling Une Circuits Quantity and class of signaling line circuits connected to system (see NFPA 72, Table 6.6.1): Quantity: _.__. I Style: 4 Class: B 2 2002 Edition 03/85/2008 09:52 7609306815 5. Alarm-Initialling Devkss and Circuits PYR000MM SYSTEMS PAGE 07/88 NATIONAL FIRE ALARM CODE Quantity and class of initiating devices drcuits (see NFPA 72, TWO 6.5): Quantity: - Style: -. - Class: - MANUAL V Manual stations Noncoded VVV - Transmitters Coded - Addressable V 4 Combination manual fire alarm and guard's tour coded stations V AUTOMATIC Coverage: Complete x V Partial Selective Nonrequired - V Smoke detectors V_j Jon -. Photo X Addressable X Duct detectors Ion Photo Addressable - (C) fleet detectors _________ FT V RR FT/RR RC Addressable - (d) Sprinkierweterfiowindicators: Transmitters I Noncoded Coded - Addressable (a) The alarm verification feature is disabled V X or enabled _________ changed from_. seconds to _seconds (f) Other (list): jMmmonitorathestatus of tVVmounted smoke detectors himIshed Jpherawlth addressable monitor modules 6. Supervisory Signal-InitIating Devices and Circuits (use blanks to Indicate quantity of devices) GUARD'S TOUR _NIA Coded stations NIA Noncoded stations (o) _NIA - Compulsory guard's tour system comprised of V_transmitter stations and intermediate stations Note: Câmblnalion devices are recorded under 5(b), Manual, and 6(a), Guard's Tour, SPRINKLER SYSTEM Check if provided x Valve supervisory switches —NIA Building temperature points _NIA Site water temperature points jfA Site water supply level points Electric fire pump: (a) _J!1& Fire pump power (1) ..J,4L& Fire pump running (g) J4IA Phase reversal Engine-driven fire pump: (h) -tWA Selector in auto position (I) NL.. Engine or control panel trouble (j)_B& Fire pump running ENGINE DRIVEN GENERATOR __Nl& Selector in auto position WA Control panel trouble (C) JWA Transfer switches (d) _NIA Engine running Other supervisory function(s) (specify): V V 3 2002 Edition 03/05/2008 09:52 7609306015 PYROCOMM SYSTEMS PAGE @9/08 0tr8 NATIONAL FIRE ALARM CODE Annunciator(s) Number: I Type: LCD Location: - t. Entrance Lobby Alarm Notification Appliances and Circuits NFPA 72, Chapter 6— Emergency Voice/Alarm Service Quantity of voicel&arrn channels: Single: Multiple: Quantity of speakers Installed- Quantity of speaker zones: Quantity of telephones r telephone jacks included in system: Quantity and the class of notification appliance circuits connected to system (see NFPA 72, Table 6,7): Quantity: - 3 Style: V I Class: B Types and quantities of noilficaffon appliances installed: Belie With Visible Speakers With Visible (C) Horns 9 With Visible 9 Chimes With Visible Other: -. With Visible Visible appliances without audible: 7 Mu itICandPa. Strobe _Signals 9. System Power Supplies Fire Alarm Control Panel: Nominal voltage: 24 VDC -. Current Rating: 5 AMPS Over current protection: Type: _PTZ Current Rating: $AMPt_ Secondary (standby): Storage battery; Sealed Lead Acid Amp-hour rating: 12 Calculated capacity to drive system, in hours: .24 K! SM Engine-driven generator dedicated to fire alarm system: - Location of fuel storage: -. _.. (C) Emergency system used as backup to primary power supply:___________________________________________________________________ 10. Comments Frequency of routine tests and Inspections, if other than in accordance with the referenced NFPA standard(s): System deviations form the referenced NFPA standard(s) are: - )C4 77 af __ (signed) for alarm service comy _Jtitie) /4o c4,j:!7i (singed) for central station (title) Upon Wmpietion of the system(s) satisfactory test(s) witnessed (If required by the authority having jurisdiction): sA 4 2002 Edition