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1 LEGOLAND DR; ; FA010010; Permit
3/7/24, 2:22 PM FAOIOOIO Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fire Alarm Permit Permit No: FA010010 Status: ISSUED Applied 5/15/2001 Approved: 6/7/2001 Job Address: I LEGOLAND DR Permit Type: FALARM Parcel No: Lot #: 0 Reference No.: PC #: Project Title: LEGOLAND TECHNIC DINER Applicant: Owner: Issued: 6/7/2001 Inspector: Fees ($) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 170 0 170 0 about:btank 1/1 CARLSBAD FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES Permit Submittal Form A. Check or fill in pertinent informationTor type of permit you are submitting. AS - Automatic Sprinklers Commercial Residential_____________ Number of Heads per System: System # Heads System # Heads_____ System # Heads System # Heads_____ System # Heads System # Heads_____ Underground included for approval Underground included for reference only Total Fees ' FA - Fire Alarm 10 devices or less Over 10 devices # of devices FS -Fixed Systems (Circle One). : Hood & Duct, Halon, Special Chemical Agent,. Standpipe. , Spray Booth, or Appliance. . Total Fees There may bee an additional fee of $50.00 per '/2 hour for.. Failed. Inspections.: Address ofjob ite (. t_e!j1ák1d per.. Building Permit # CB Contractor Information N ame _(0 0fr1 W\ 5 y4eti Address k em cLq Evc1v 3k City, State, Zip (1'(rk7b)td') (2 cc Kind of License and number C/C) 6I2.13 Phone7(k) 13O Certificate of Insurance on file with Fire Dept.? Business License on fir with ty? signature YorN v6?1r( orN Date Ila -ith 017 7W- i /L -r~e-7s-/ S f-)ry j42y\ Ia 10 ? t#YyJ L41v4flh zw & $oV3 2?- Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Ao(ooO 15531 CONTAINER LANE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649-1530 (714) 902-8000 FAX: (714) 902-8001 - C-10 #612153 5845 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE 136 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 930-6014 FAX: (760) 930-6015 MEMO DATE: May 25, 2001 TO: CARLSBAD FIRE DEPT. ATTN: BRENDA REF: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM, LEGOLAND, TECHNIC DINER FROM: David A. Loucks BRENDA, HERE IS AN ITEMIZATION OF THE PLAN CHECK COMMENTS FOR LEGOLAND TECHNIC DINER. REQUIREMENT 13.06 OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION IS A.3. REQUIREMENT 13.25 AIR VELOCITY THROUGH SUPPLY DUCTS IN FOOT PER MINUTE, (FPM): SF-1 (1,460) FPM; SF-2 (1,089) FPM; AC-10 (941) FPM.. THE FIRE ALARM PANEL IS ADDRESSABLE AND IDENTIFIES EACH DUCT DETECTOR INDIVIDUALLY BY AIR HANDLER. SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATION SHEETS AND SFM LISTING SHEETS FOR THE FSP-751 SMOKE DETECTOR AND B7IOLP SMOKE DETECTOR BASE. SEE CORRECTED SFM LISTING NUMBER 7165-0028 FOR THE AFP-200 ON ATTACHED SHEET FA-1. THE LISTING SHEET FOR THE AFP-1010 WAS PROVIDED BECAUSE THE INTELLIGENT NET WORK ANNUNCIATOR (INA) IS LOCATED ON THE LISTING SHEET FOR THE AFP- 1010 (SEE HI-LIGHTED NOTATION). THE EXISTING SYSTEM AT LEGOLAND CONSISTS OF NUMEROUS STAND-ALONE AFP-200 FIRE ALARM PANELS SERVING INDIVIDUAL 1 of Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. 15531 CONTAINER LANE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649-1530 (714) 902-8000 FAX: (714) 902-8001 C-10 #612153 5845 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE 136 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 930-6014 FAX: (760) 930-6015 AREAS AND CONNECTED THROUGHOUT THE SITE BY A STYLE 6 (CLASS A) NETWORK. ALL AFP-200 FIRE ALARM PANELS REPORT TO THE EXISTING INA AND PRINTER AT LEGOLAND'S MAIN SECURITY GUARD STATION. THE INA IS SERVING AS A PROPRIETARY NETWORK DISPLAY. THE INA MAY BE USED WITH ALL NOTIFIER ADDRESSABLE FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANELS, (AM2020, AFP1010, AFP-200, AFP-300, AND AFP-400.) SEE ATTACHED U.L. FILE REPORT ON THE INA. WE CONTACTED NOTIFIER TO SEE WHY THE CALIFORNIA LISTING ON THE INA WAS SO CONFUSING AND THEY INFORMED US THAT THE NEW JULY 12001 LISTINGS WILL CLARIFY THE INA LISTINGS TO ELIMINATE THIS CONFUSION. THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATION SHEETS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED TO ILLUSTRATE THE CORRECT SMOKE DETECTOR. THE PLANS INDICATE AN AFP-200 FIRE ALARM PANEL SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE DINER (SEE SHEET FA-1). SINCERELY, DAVID A. LOUCKS 2 of 2 ( Underwriters Laboratories Inc. - 33 Pu tse' oac, NOrtrbrcQ. :iju('Q:S t7081 272-am, FAX ho. :7081 272-612 MCI Maui No. 2 4-343 Ca3Ie UUNC 'ORTh8ROUiI, - Telex c 55025343 11 File S635 Project 93NK8909 July 9, 1993 REPORT on CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES Notifier, Div. of Pittway Corp. Northford, CT Copyright 0 1993 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. authorizes the above named company to reproduce this Report provided it is reproduced in its entirety. Allot-for-profit organization DRS/LJS aedlcated to øublic safety and .h rt, committed to quality service - Fik...UI1 1: ,up-r.1 IiiL LUL rIOUFIER NO. 114 P.3 File S635 Vol. 23 J Sec. 1 Page 1 Issued: 7-9-93 and Report / Revised: 12-14-00 DESCRIPTION PRODUCT COVERED: Model INA Remote Annunciator; Models RPT-F, -if, and -WF Remote Repeater Modules. Enclosures ABS-4D, ABS-4DR. ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS: General - The models in this Report are intended for use with the Listed Models NRT-M13W, -M13F, -M19W, and -M19F receiving units, and Listed Control *Unit Models AM2021010 FP-20) AFP-300 and AFP-400. The INA is a read only annunciator, and the RPT modules are fiber optic and/or hardwired data repeaters. All of these products are housed in their own enclosures. Installation - These products are intended to be installed in accordance with the following: NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. NFPA 71 - Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Signaling System for Central Station Service. In accordance with the local authority having jurisdiction. NFPA 72 - Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Protective Signaling Systems. UL 1076 - Proprietary Burglar Alarm Systems and Units. Knockouts are provided on the unit so that the field wiring may be run in conduit if required by the local authority having jurisdiction. All field wiring connections are intended to be made at the installation wiring terminals provided as part of the control unit. Ratings. - The field wiring circuits are rated as follows: INA - Primary power is rated 24 V dc, 358 mA maximum. Signaling line (hard wire) is rated 5 V, 150 mA. Fiber optic signaling line is rated for a maximum attenuation of 15 dB. CO/MOF: str DMS a ILL -9 and Report (P3;e 1) NOTIFJER3 - FIRE SYSTEF'AS Intelligent Network Annunciator ERITk, REVISED OCT 13 2000 UNDERWRITERS CACRATORIES IN 4z] [Doc.jment 15002 C8f2/00 Rev: 14 NOO-5296J 1:5iiFFi FIFE LITE H@TIFIEF c'.1T4 ('S635 Vol. 23 Sec. I ILL-9 and Report (Page 9) 1.2 RvAmm DociThiENrAnoN Toobiainacompleleundctstandingofspec3fic features in the DA or to become miIiar withfimctions in gcnenij, inake of the documentation noted in Uble U-1. The NOTIFIER document ()OC-NO1) chanpmvides ohecomtdocumeng revision. A copy of ibis document is inchided with eveffyNotiiier shipment Tm.E - NUMBER TITLE Nument - A?.03WAFP1O1O FiiwAConvo.Psv. 15080 Ii.emCctmm.Sv,5. - t.IALDLIIAV(LCD1O) - 15037 - I.OuMsee,(LQM) - ies TCnSTliu.(NcS) 51095 1602 T,E3T1wjcm3,ni 15216 rbevuaoiOonev(Ca41) 1S8 T*kC*CTUj,#uwOni. 16331 FCPS.IIFCPS.2iEFUD N.ILOnLNMJeML SO AU'AFP10100iiiiibnn.enosc 15331 Vow 50351 ft. OM=CANFMMWMMWW 15370 6.5S M.&ooFvcP,io(AFP-209) - 15511 SM N50LFP1O1O 15031 50357 NaicImewAcaBcw (NIB.80) 15656 - - Th3iaotP Im ca(TPI.3324 fl - 16712 .ni&ygFAu. W,umSmm,S PAMMMMOMOWMINI 50705 PJW.OQ FcP4Pi.(AFP..30OlAFP400) 50953I50W - FlIthe,wms 1112.02 ACT2AuwCdvUmeTWWWMM - 51118 CW&12D1BffmwOwj=m - 50641 APS-AaasMavP0*enSiwPu 50702 58Tiwc - 50788 RM.1 RawmAbovomm 51138 VEC2GWVaMEwamv= CMIRLPAIL 508 N8G-1aXPu.*,svi 61093 Table L24 Related Documentation INA 150904 IMM [iiöo-52962J Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. 15531 CONTAINER LANE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649-1530 (714) 902-8000 FAX: (714) 902-8001 C-lU #612153 5845 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE 136 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 930-6014 FAX: (760) 930-6015 LEGOLAND Technic Diner I Lego Drive Carlsbad, CA SYSTEM SUBMITTAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM MFG. MODEL# DESCRIPTION CSFM# NOTIFIER INA Intelligent Network Annunciator EXISTING NOTIFIER PRN-5 Printer EXISTING NOTIFIER AFP-200 Analog Fire Panel 7165-0028:164 NOTIFIER ISO-X Fault Isolator Module 7165-0028:141 NOTIFIER FSP-751 Plug-In Smoke Detectors 7272-0028:206 NOTIFIER B7IOLP Base 7272-0028:206 HVAC FSD-751 P Duct Smoke Detectors 3240-0028:205 NOTIFIER FMM Monitor Modules 7300-0028:202 NOTIFIER NBG-I2LX Manual Pull Station 7150-0028:199 NOTIFIER® 'W FIRE SYSTEMS A PITTWAY COMPANY GENERAL The NOTIFIER Intelligent Network Annunciator (INA) is an 80-character backlit LED display with operator keypad for the NOTIFIER network, NOTI•FIRE•NETTM. The INA provides control and display capabilities for the following network nodes: AM2020, AFPI010, AFP-400, AFP-300, AFP-200 fire alarm control panels. HARDWARE FEATURES Optically isolated ElA-232 printer and EIA-232 CRT/key- board interface. Optically isolated EIA-485 interface. Status LEDs indicate: POWER, FIRE ALARM, SECURITY ALARM, SUPERVISORY, SYSTEM TROUBLE, SIGNALS SILENCED, CPU FAILURE. Piezo sounder. Requires 24 VDC only. Optional power supply supervision (in-cabinet supply). Nonvolatile real-time clock (RTC). Alphanumeric keypad with tactile and audible feedback. 80-character backlit LCD display. FEATURES INCLUDE Individual Enable/Disable or Group Enable/Disable all net- worked AM2020/AFP1010/AFP-400/AFP-300 points and zones. Control ON/OFF all networked AM2020/AFP 101 0/AFP-400/ AFP-300 control points. Read Status all networked AM2020/AFP1010/AFP-400/ AFP-300 points and zones. Network event display and optional CAT with keyboard. Network voice message generation (multi-channel). Network master fire phone, paging control, HVAC control. Network command center. Node and/or network LED/LCD/graphic annunciation. Network-wide: Acknowledge, Silence, Reset. Lamp Test (local to INA). NFPA Style 4 & 7 option. Groups & Linking (Control & Display a subset of Nodes on the network). Local trouble reporting to other network display nodes. Split History Buffer (100 Alarm events, 400 System events). Print INA programming and history reports. UL listed for remote-site interrogation via a modem interface. Report status of networked panels and their respective field devices to a central station via a single UDACT (see data sheet DN-4867). PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION INA Intelligent Network Annunciator. Requires a MIB Media Interface Board. MlB-W Media Interface, wire. MlB-F Media Interface, fiber optics. MIB-WF Media Interface, hybrid wire and fiber. NOTI"FIRE. NETTM is a trademark of NOTIFIER, 1994. January 24, 2000 A0-110 INA Intelligent Network Annunciator Release 3.0 Section: Network Systems California State Fire Marshal 7165-0028:141 7170-0028:153 S6 CS 118 IVIEA (NOTMEA approved for 261-93-E Burglar or Approved Fiber Optics) ABS-413 Annunciator Backbox. Mounts one INA. Surface or Semi-Flush. Box dimensions: 19.87" (504.698 mm) wide x 11.97" (304.038 mm) high x 3.5" (88.900 cm) deep. Door dimensions: 19.875" (504.825 mm) wide x 11.974" high (304.1396 mm) x 1.25" (31.750 cm) deep. ADP-4 Annunciator Dress Plate. Mounts the INA in one row of a CAB-3 Series cabinet. INA INDICATORS AND CONTROLS The INA LED indicators and their functions are as follows: Power - indicates the presence of power when power supply is external. Indicates presence of primary (AC power) when power supply is in cabinet. Fire Alarm - indicates the presence of a fire alarm signal. Security Alarm - indicates the presence of a security alarm signal. Supervisory - indicates the presence of supervisory signal (i.e., sprinkler valve off normal, low pressure, fire pump running, guard's tour, etc.). System Trouble - indicates the presence of a trouble signal or noncritical process signal. Signals Silenced - indicates that notification appliances have been silenced. CPU Failure - indicates microprocessor failure (LCD/LED display information is invalid). The function keys include the following: Ack/Step • Prior (History/Read Status) • Alpha Enter Signal Silence • Next (History) • Lamp Test System Reset • Program • Enter Backspace This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our I product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or ISO-9001 anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For Engineering and Manufacturing I more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 Quality System cerflied to N OTI FIE fl One Fire-Life Place, Northford, Connecticut 06472 International Standard ISO-9001 Made in the U.S.A. DN-5343 - Page 1 of 2 THE INA DISPLAY Node Address in the range of 1-249. Device Status DEVICE TYPES Detectors: Modules: PHOT NCMN THEA MPUL IOND MON ION PULL 7 SCON WAT Custom Device Label that was entered during programming of the fire panel. ALARM: M211 PHOT COMPUTER ROOM FOURTEENTH FLOOR 84:32P,03,01,00 124 Software Zone Label of the first software zone that the device was mapped to during programming. Time and Date \ Device Address Hour:Minute Month/Day/Year in the range 01-99. Loop Number in the range 1-9, with 0=Loop 10. OPTIONAL CONNECTIONS Network Command Center INA Network Display ACS Annunciator Speaker/Fire Telephone Control L1 1 L1 1 L1 i:1 L1 tJ LIIJ LA UM L11J LJIJ L1 J L1 J L1 UM L1 IJ CJ IJ LA IJ L1 IJ 11 10 r L1 IJ L1 UM MLI U= MLA IJ =13 1,1M MCI UM =111 93M jiJr ij A UM MAIi -- _;.-] _;__ ri ii LJ riiiE1 iJ ___ ]EIMM L11JLJ 11J 11J L11JL1 ItJL1 u JIJ I I I I I 1I ij iiijI 11J [Iti CRT-2 Video Display Unit PRN Series Event Printer ACS Annunciator Fan/Damper Control (HVAC only) VTCC-1 Voice/Telephone Communication Center Page 2 of 2 - DN-5343 11JI-,o". Ce CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE USIr No. CA EGORV: 7165-0028:141 Control Unit (Non High-Rise) Page 1 of 2 LISTEE: Nbtif jet, A Pittway Company, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472 - 1 6 5 3 Contact: Lawrence Flood (203) 484-1200 DESIGN: Models AFP-1010 and AM-2020 fire alarm control units. Inherently powe r - limited; coded, non-coded and march time; local, proprietary and central stati o n service; manual, automatic, watertlow and sprinkler supervisory service. A l s o suitable for releasing service. Refer to 11stees data sheet for detailed p r o d u c t description and operational considerations. System components: DIA-1 /-2/-1010/-2020 LIB-200/-200A/-400 SlB-232/-2048/-2048A CPU-1010/-2020 ICA-4/-4L MPS-24/-24A/-248 CAB series BP-1I-3. DP-1, DPDW-1 STS-1 CRT-1/CRT-2 MON-i P-80/PRN-2/PRN-3 SIB-64 UZC-256 MPS-TR NRT-Mi 3W/-M13F NRT-M 19W/-M1 9F NRT-NET MIB-F/-W/-WF RPT-F/-W/-WF INA SIB-NET ABS-4DIABF-4 lCA-4L XPP- 1/XPM-8/XPM-8L/XPR-8/XPC8 RACK-511-67 ISO-X NR45-24 AVPS-24 MPM-2 Display Interface Assembly Loop Interface Board Serial Interface Board Central Processor Board Interconnect Assembly Main Power Supply Enclosure Dress Panel Tamper Switch Terminal With Keyboard Monitor Printer Serial Interface Board Universal Zone Coder Trouble Relay Network Reporting Terminals Network Reporting Terminals Network Module Media Interface Board Repeater Module Intelligent Network Annunciator Serial Interface Board INA Cabinet Interconnect Chassis Assembly XP Transponder 19 Rack Isolator Module Battery Charger Audio/Visual Power Supply Power Supply Meter Rev. 08.02-2000 ..... This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engine e r i n g s t a f f h a s r e v i e w e d t h e t e s t r e s u l t s and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims . T h i s l i s t i n g i s n o t a n e n d o r s e m e n t o r .- recommendation of the Item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correc t o p e r a t i o n a l r e q u i r e m e n t s o r i n s t a l l a t i o n ëntena. Refer to 11stees data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable informat i o n s o u r c e s . Date lsud: AUGUST 2, 2000 Authorized By: "EffecthJeIiWsue date to expiration date Listing Expires June BEN HO, Supervising Deputy Program Manager February 21, 2000 G-155 (NOTIFIER® 'JFIRE SYSTEMS A PITTWAY COMPANY GENERAL The PRN-5 printer is used with the NOTIFIER AM2020, AFP1010, AFC-600, AFP-400, AFP-300, AFP-200, and AFP-100 fire alarm control panels to provide a written record of system events and status changes. The PRN-5 may also be used with the System 5000 or System 500 when used with the LCD-80 Liquid Crystal Display. When used with NOTI• FIRE • NETTM, the PRN-5 may be used with the INA, NAT, or NCS. FEATURES Provides a hard-copy printout of all system events and sta- tus changes. Time-stamps the printed record of each event and status change with the current time-of-day and date. Uses standard 90 by 11° tractor-feed fan-fold paper. Provides 80 columns of data at 10 characters per inch. Provides printed record of system configuration and addres- sable device parameters. Nine-pin print head. Very quiet (approximately 55 dBA). APPLICATIONS Use with NOTIFIER AM2020, AFP1010, AFC-600, AFP-400, AFP-300, AFP-200, AFP-100, System 5000, System 500, NRT, NCS, or INA. Printed transaction records reduce the man- hours required to install and maintain a system. A printed record of all system events (alarms, troubles, etc.) and status changes can be especially valuable in the event of a disputed incident. CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION The printer is housed in its own separate enclosure and is suitable for placement on a desk top, counter, or table. INSTALLATION The PRN-5 should be placed in a secure area to prevent theft of the printer and/or printed records. The PRN-5 must not be located further than 50 ft./15.24 m (actual cable length) from the control panel. The PRN-5 con- nects directly to the AFP-200 main PC board or AFP-300/AFP- 400/AFC-600 CPU board or to the Serial Interface Board (SIB- 2048, SIB-2048A, SIB-NET, or SIB-232) or the Display Inter- face Board (DIA-1 010 or DlA-2020) in the AM2020 or AFP1 010 control panel. When used with the AFP-100, the PRN-5 con- nects to the PIM-24 option module. When used with the INA, the PRN-5 can be connected directly within 50 feet (15.24 m). When used with the System 5000 or System 500, the PRN-5 receives its information via the LCD-80 Liquid Crystal Display. Messages programmed into the LCD-80 nonvolatile memory will automatically be transmitted to the PAN-S with a display of time and date. The LCD-80 may be mounted in the System 5000 cabinet, or may be mounted remotely up to 6,000 feet (1828.8 m) from the cabinet. When mounted remotely, the PRN-5 must be mounted within 50 ft. (15.24 m) of the LCD-80. PRN-5 Printer Section: Peripheral Devices California State Fire & ULC : iarshl 0 7300-0028:197 LISTED CS100 S635 MEA On the NCS/NRT, the PAN-S connects to the corn/port. Consult the control panel installation manual for the proper method and pin numbers used to complete the electrical con- nection to the control panel. NOTE: If printer operation is required during failure of primary power, use of a separate UL-llsted Uninterruptable Power Sup- ply (UPS) system is recommended. PRINTER SPECIFICATIONS Printing method: Serial printing with 9-pin matrix print head. Printing speed, high draft: 360 cps at 10 cpi. Character density: 10 cpi standard (12, 15, 17.1, and 20 cpi available via front panel). Resolution, horizontal: 240 dots per inch. Resolution, vertical: 144 dots per inch. Ribbon life (approximate): 4 million characters (DPQ). Acoustic noise level: 55 dBA (approximate). Dimensions: 19" (48.26 mm) wide x 7.9" (20.07 mm) high x 9.7° (24.64 mm) deep. Weight: 17.6 pounds (7.9 kg). Power supply: 120/240 VAC. Power consumption: 50 watts (operating). Operating environment temperature: 50°F to 104°F (10°C to 40°C). Operating environment humidity: 20% to 80% (non-con- densing). PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION PRN-5 9-pin, dot-matrix printer, 120 VAC power. NOTI•PIRE•NET' is a trademark of NOTIFIER, 1994. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For IS09001 more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 Kamd u u N OTI Fl ER One Fire-Lite Place, Northford, Connecticut 06472 MCINEERINS & MANUFACThRINC DN-6769 - Page 1 of 1 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION V'r-i AN OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL I FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-0028:197 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Misc. Device/Control Unit Accessories LISTEE: Notifier, A Pittway Company, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Lawrence Flood (203) 484-1200 DESIGN: Model PRN-5 Printer. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical ratings, and UL Inc. Label APPROVAL: Listed as printer use with listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. 08.09-99 b This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 21 2000 Authorized By: Effective issue date to expiration date Listing Expires June 30, 2001 OB60HO, Supervising Deputy Program Manager July 12, 2000 DN-3783 • A-105 NOTIFIER FIRE SYSTEMS GENERAL The AFP-200 is a compact, cost-effective, intelligent fire alarm control with a capacity of 301 individually identified and controlled points and an extensive list of powerful fea- tures. The AFP-200 provides capabilities that exceed most large intelligent systems, at a cost comparable to conven- tional control panels. FEATURES 198 intelligent device capacity (99 analog detectors and 99 monitor/control modules). Style 4, 6. or 7. Overall 301 point capability (198 intelligent points, 4 pro- grammable NAC circuits, 99 programmable relays). Network ready (reference NOTI • FIRE • NET'" and NAM- 232 catalog sheets for more information). Intelligent features: & Manual sensitivity adjustment. ' Day/Night automatic sensitivity adjustment. V Drift compensation (U.S. Patent Pending) meets UL requirements as a calibrated test instrument. V Auto detector test (meets NFPA 72). ' Maintenance alert (two separate algorithms). -' Pre-alarm (AWACSTM U. S. Patent Pending). y' Activate local sounder base on pre-alarm. ' LED blink control for sleeping areas. V Automatic device type check. Releasing features: V Four independent hazards. ' Sophisticated cross-zone (three options) . Delay timer and Discharge timers (adjustable). " Abort (four options). Optional DACT, with AC fail delay. LCD-80 remote display/control. ACS annunciators (EIA-485), including LDM custom. Printer interface (80-column and 40-column printers). 5.0 A usable regulated output power, plus 6.0 A expander (maximum 8.0 A to panel circuits). 80-character LCD display, backlit. Real-time clock, with European format option. History file with 650-event capacity in nonvolatile memory. Includes non-erasable shadow history. Waterflow or supervisory selection per point. Alarm Verification selection per point, with tally. Walk Test reports two devices set to same address. Positive Alarm Sequence (PAS) Presignal per NFPA 72. Silence inhibit and Auto Silence timer options. March time/temporal/California code for bell circuits. Field-programmable on panel or on PC, with user-defined passwords, plus Autoprogram feature. UL listed modem interface allows remote/off-site system integration. AFP-200 Analog Fire Panel Section: Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panels California State Fire Marshal 7165-0028:164 LISTED CSI I8 S635 U.S. Coast Guard 161.002123/1 94/60004 (El) Approved The AFP-200 MMX-2 two-wire detector interface provides compatibility with many non-NOTIFIER detectors for retrofit applications (consult factory for latest compatibility listings). Dual-rate charger for up to 90 hours of standby power. Two-Stage option for notification circuits (Canada). Tornado Warning activates different notification circuit code. Non-alarm points for lower priority functions. Remote ACK/Silence/ResetJDrill via MMX modules. Automatic time control functions, with holiday exceptions. Rapid poll algorithm for manual stations. Responds in < 2 seconds. Operates with untwisted, unshielded wire (up to 1,000 ft.! 304.8 m) for retrofit applications (U. S. Patent 5,210,523). UL listed for Fire Signaling per Standard 864 & NFPA 72. UL listed for Burglary applications per Standard 1076. UL listed for Releasing per NFPA I2, 12A, 12B, 13,15,16. UL listed for Critical Process Monitoring. FM approved for Agent Release and PreactionlDeluge. Approved for marine applications by U.S. Coast Guard and Lloyd's Register of shipping. NOTI. FIRE- NET" is a trademark of NOTIFIER, 1994. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or IS09 001 more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For N OTI Fl E R One Fire-Lite Place, Northford, Connecticut 06472 ENCINEM11119 & MANUMCBRIN Made In the U.S.A. SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM SLC Intelligent Loop ------------------ 198 devices NOTI'FIRE•NET Optional Network Interface SDX-751 CPX-751 FDX-551 ----------------- - NBG-121X MMX-1 - CMX-2 via the NAM-232 IDC IAC I EIA-485 99 software zones AFP-200 _ RS-232 4 Notification or ACM-8R Release Circuits Relay Control CRT-2 ______ 4.4.____ mmum Mara. LJt J I LJ :: ACM/AEM-1 6AT LED Annunciator ifo1olo o 1 Lj;o 21° oIo- 0 . LDM-32 Custom Graphics PRN Series Printer 3783dia9.wmf Four standard Notification or Releasing circuits. Full Alpha keyboard for menu-driven programming. 5 ampen regulated power si I Option. Page 2 of 4 - DN-3783 • 07/12/00 EIA-232 interface for CRT, ElA-485 loop for printer, or Pc computer. LCD or LED rs. loop. to 198 devices a single pair wires. Slot for optional module. 12 AH batteries. 80-character backlit Up to 90 hours standby power. LCD display. ALERT ACTION Warning at panel Shut off power of possible fire to equipment monitored by this detector PREALM SMOKE(PHOTO) PHOIO) FLOOR 3 EQUIP RACK 5 FLOOR 3P RACK 5 ALERT: 0.22% 1.40% PREALM S: 0.51% ACTION: 1.0% 11:25 P 12/25/93 D66 11:36 P 193 D66 3% 2% ALARM Evacuate building and call fire department ALARM: SMOKE(PHOTO) FLOOR 3 EQUIP RACK 5 FIRE DEPT CALLED 11:59 p 12/25/93 D66 AWACS TM Advance Warning Addressable Combustion Sensing (U.S. Patent Pending) SMOKE OBSCURATION % per foot 1% r TIME ALERT and ACTION levels are completely adjustable in the field to suit the cleanliness and stability of the environment. ALARM levels are field adjustable to one of three levels within the UL permitted range. ACTION levels latch and may be used to perform control functions. ALERT levels self-restore and may be used to activate a local sounder base before general ALARM evacuation. F GRAM 1. WAIT EZONES AUTO 2= POINT 2. 4 MESSAGE 6= SPL ZONES CHECK FIELD PROGRAMMING.- 3 WAYS AUTO-PROGRAM The AFP-200 identifies all devices that are connect- ed, determines the type of device, and loads default values (general alarm) into nonvolatile memory. This is completed in less than 30 seconds. ON-LINE EDIT While still providing fire protection, the AFP-200 pro- gram may be completely edited from the front keypad. Menu trees permit easy change of any parameter without referral to the programming manual. Recall, increment and edit function speeds entry of alphanu- meric labels. New program check routine catches common errors. 3. OFF-LINE PC: VeriFire-200 The complete AFP-200 program may be created in an off-line PC-compatible computer with a Windows®- based utility, then loaded into the AFP-200 EIA-232 port. The program may also be off-loaded to a PC at any time. High-speed data transfer completes upload or download in less than one minute. The PC pro- gram may also be used to access remote AFP200 systems over dial-up phone lines, providing detail status information and history file search/sort. DN.3783 • 07/12/00 - Page 3 of 4 3. AGENCY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS See page 1 for listing agencies and file numbers. These listings and approvals apply to the basic AFP-200 control panel. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Con- sult factory for latest listing status. SPECIFICATIONS Primary input power, 120 VAC, 50160 Hz, 3.0 Amps. Total Internal 24 VDC Power - 5.0 A (total shared power). V High-ripple regulated power: 1.5 A (suitable for EIA-485 devices, except ACM-8R); 1.0 A maximum standby. V Non-resettable power: 500 mA. V Four-wire smoke detector power: 500 mA. V Four built-in notification circuits: NAC Circuit 1: 2.25 A. NAC Circuits 2-4: 2.25 A (shared total). NOTE: with optional APS-6R Power Supply NAC circuits 3 & 4 are expanded to 3.0 A (8.0 A total power). Battery charger range: 7 All - 18 AH. Charge high rate: 29.1 V. Float rate: 27.0 V. Relay contact rating: 2.0 A @ 30 VDC. Cabinet dimensions: 16.125" (40.9575 cm) high x 14.5' (36.83 cm) wide x 5.5" (13.97 cm) deep. SYSTEM CAPACITY Total programmable input/output points: 301 Intelligent detectors: 99 Addressable monitor/control modules: 99 Programmable NAC circuits in panel: 4 Programmable software zones: 99 Programmable remote relay/annunciator points: 99 LCD-80 annunciators per system: 4 ACS annunciators per system: 10 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS 6 LED indicators: AC Power; Fire Alarm; Pre-Alarm; Super- visory/Security; Alarm Silenced; System Trouble. 21 Membrane Switch Controls: Acknowledge/Step; Silence; Evacuate; System Reset; 12-key Alpha pad; 4 cursor keys; Enter. LCD Display: 80 characters (4 x 20) with long-life LED backlight. COMPATIBLE INTELLIGENT DEVICES CPX-751: Low-profile ionization detector. SDX-751: Low-profile photoelectric detector. SDX-551TH: Photoelectric with thermal element. HPX-751: HARSHTh' Hostile Area photoelectric detector. FDX-551: Fixed thermal (heat) sensor. FDX-551R: Fixed and rate-of-rise thermal sensor. CPX-551 DUCT: Ionization smoke detector (for duct use only). SDX-551 DUCT: Photoelectric smoke detector (duct use only). B71 CLIP: Detector base, low profile. B224RB: Intelligent relay base, low profile (low-profile only). B224B1: Intelligent isolator base, low profile (low-profile only). B7IOHD: HARSHTm detector base (HARSH TM only). BX50I: Detector base, classic (SDX-551TH, FDX-551/R only). BSOIBH: Sounder base (classic or low-profile). BH50IBHT: Sounder base with temporal sounder (classic or low-profile). B524RB: Intelligent relay base (SDX-551TH, FDX-551/R only). B524B1: Intelligent isolator base (SDX-551TH, FDX-551/R only). B501: Detector base, flangeless (classic or low-profile). DHX-501: Duct housing with alarm relay. DHX-502: Duct housing without alarm relay. continued next column... Page 4 of 4 - DN.3783 • 07/12/00 MMX-1: Monitor module. MMX-2: Two-wire detector monitor module. MMX-101: Miniature monitor module. CMX-2: Control module. NBG-I2LX: Advanced manual fire alarm station, addressable. BGX-IOIL: Classic manual fire alarm station, addressable. ISO-X: Isolator module. XP5 Series: Transponders (see data sheet DN-6625). COMPATIBLE DEVICES, EIA-232 Port (see data sheets) PRN Series: 80-column printer. VS4095!S2: Printer, 40 column, 24 volts. Mounted in exter- nal backbox (order from Keltron, Inc.). CRT-2: Video display terminal. NAM-232: Network Interface Module to NOTI•FIRE•NET wire or fiber models. COMPATIBLE DEVICES, RS-485 Port (see data sheets) ACS Series: Remote Serial Annunciator/Control systems. LCD-80: Remote LCD display. LDM Series: Remote custom graphic driver modules. ACM-BR: Remote relay module. Eight Form-C relays. NIB-96: Network Interface Board. RPT-485: Series Repeater, isolator and/or fiber-optic modem. UDACT: Universal Digital Communicator. PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION BEAFP-200G: Basic AFP-200 equipment kit. Includes main board with display and keypad, door, hardware and manual. Backbox (SBB-4X or SBB-4XR) ordered separately. BEAFP-200R: Same as BEAFP-200G, but with red door. BEAFP-200GE: Same as BEAFP-200G but 230 VAC. BEAFP-200RE: Same as BEAFP-200R but 230 VAC. SBB-4X: AFP-200 backbox (no door), gray. SBB-4XR: AFP-200 backbox (no door), red. CAB-AM: Heavy-duty outer enclosure. Required for marine agency approved applications. 4XTM: Plug-in Transmitter Module. Provides municipal box and remote station connection. RTM-8: Plug-in Relay Transmitter Module. Provides eight Form-C relays, plus transmitter. 4XMM: AmmeterNoltmeter. TR-4XG: Gray Trim Ring for semi-flush mounting (TR-4XR for red). DP-AFP200: Full-length dead-front panel (required for Cana- dian applications). PS-1270: Battery, 12 volt, 7.0 AH, (two required). PS-12120: Battery, 12 volt, 12.0 AH, (two required). PS-12180: Battery, 12 volt, 18.0 AH (two required). APS-6R: 6.0 A expansion supply (requires BB-17). BB-17: Battery box, required for PS-12180, or if APS-6R is used. 411 Series: Digital Alarm Communicator/Transmitter. VeriFire-200: Programming kit for PC. Includes diskette, cable, and instructions. ROM-AFP200SP: Spanish language kit. Includes software IC, manual, and labels. ARCHITECTURAL/ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS Specifications are available on CD-ROM with NOTIFIER's Speci•FireTM software. Contact NOTIFIER for details. - July 7, 1997 H-150 Iso-x (O NOYIFI ER® Fault Isolator Module A Pittway Company Section: Intelligent/Addressable Devices GENERAL The NOTIFIER ISO-X Fault Isolator Module is used with the AM2020, AFPI010, AFP-200, and System 5000 (equipped with an AIM-200 Module) to protect the system against wire-to-wire short circuits on the SLC loops. FEATURES Powered by SLC loop directly, no external power required. Mount in standard 4-inch square (2-1/8" deep) junction boxes. Integral LED blinks to indicate normal condition. Illumi- nates steady when short circuit condition is detected. High noise (EMF/RFl) immunity. Wide viewing angle of LED. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. Opens SLC loop automatically on detection of short, pre- venting the short from causing failure of the entire loop. CONSTRUCTION The face plate is made of LEXAN® in off-white. Includes yellow LED indicator that pulses when normal and illumi- nates steady when a short is detected. NOTE: Up to 100 ISO-X modules and/or bases can be used per Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) without loss of additional module addresses due to current limitations. Each module or base added beyond 100 units reduces the capacity of an SLC by two address positions. All SLC field devices must have been purchased after February 1995 to meet the aforementioned requirements. If the SLC field devices were purchased prior to February 1995, each ISO-X used reduces the capacity of an SLC by two address posi- tions. OPERATION Automatically opens circuit when the line voltage drops be- low four volts. Fault Isolator Modules should be spaced between groups of sensors (maximum 25) in a loop to pro- tect the rest of the loop. If a short occurs between any two isolators, then both isolators immediately switch to an open circuit state and isolate the groups of sensors between them. The remaining units on the loop continue to fully operate. California State Fire ( D @ 9 Marshal 7165-0028:141 S635 C5699 7165-0028:144 CSI 18/C5733 7170-0028:153 7170-0028:154 (model ISO-XA) US Coast Guard FM BSA 161-002/23/0 161-002/27/0 0V2A3AY 578-81-SA OoLJcc 0 cAum,I:DE.wERaIzE IiJTPelORTOSEfr.XD,O 0 The ISO-X Fault Isolator Module The Face Plate LEXAN® is a registered trademark of GE Plastics, a subsidiary or General Electric Company. Automatically resets on correction of short. Support Style 4, 6, or 7 wiring. APPLICATIONS The Fault Isolator Modules should be spaced between — groups of sensors in a loop to protect the rest of the loop. Use to isolate short circuit problems within a section of a loop so that other sections can continue to operate nor- mally. The ISO-X supports a maximum of 25 devices in- between isolators. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We by to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or ISO-9001 more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 Quality System Certified to anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For Engineering and Manufacturing N OTI Fl ER 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 International Standard ISO-gaol Made In the U.S.A. DN-2243 - Page 1 of 2 OPERATION, cont'd In Style 4 loops, the ISO-X is generally used at each T-tap branch, to limit the effect of short circuits on a branch to the devices on that branch. The LED indicator is on con- tinuously during a short circuit condition. The ISO-X Fault Isolator Module automatically restores the shorted portion of the communications loop to normal con- dition when the short circuit condition is removed. INSTALLATION Mount on a standard 4" mounting junction box which is at least 2-1/8" deep. Terminal screws are provided for "in and out" wiring. Installation instructions are provided with each module. Surface mount box made of LEXAN® is available as an option. SPECIFICATIONS Operating voltage: 15-28 VDC (peak). Current range: 5 mA for LED latched in alarm. Standby current: 400 pA maximum, plus supervision cur- rent. Pulsing current: 30 mA for 15 mS (CMX-1). Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). Relative humidity: 10% to 95%. Weight: 150 grams (5 oz.). PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION ISO-X Isolator Module. ISO-XA Isolator Module. Canadian (ULC) version. SMB500 Surface Mount Backbox. ARCHITECTURAL/ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS Fault Isolator Modules shall be provided to automatically isolate wire-to-wire short circuits on an SLC loop. The Fault Isolator Module shall limit the number of modules or detec- tors that may be rendered inoperative by a short circuit fault on the SLC Loop. If a wire-to-wire short occurs, the Fault Isolator Module shall automatically open-circuit (dis- connect) the SLC loop. When the short circuit condition is corrected, the Fault Isolator Module shall automatically re- connect the isolated section of the SLC loop. The Fault Isolator Module shall not require any address-setting, and its operations shall be totally automatic. It shall not be necessary to replace or reset an Fault Isolator Module af- ter its normal operation. The Fault Isolator Module shall mount in a standard 4-inch deep electrical box, in a sur- face mounted backbox, or in the Fire Alarm Control Panel. It shall provide a single LED which shall flash to indicate that the Isolator is operational and shall illuminate steadily to indicate that a short circuit condition has been detected and isolated. Page 20f2 - DN-2243 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION fli - A OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING . BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-0028:164 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Control Units (Non High-Rise) LISTEE: Notifier, A Pittway Company, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-1200 DESIGN: Local, auxiliary, remote station (PPU), proprietary (PPU) and central station (PPU). Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: 0 4XTM RTM-8 DP0] TR-4XG MMX-1 -101 FSTC75 94 N-ELR- CRT-2 VS-409 5/5 CMX-1 BB-17 AVPS-24 4XMM INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's codes & ordinances and jurisdiction. Transmitter Module Relay Module Dress Panel Trim Ring Monitor Module Loop Isolâthr..'Modulèj EOL Resistors Terminal with Keyboard Printer Control Module Battery Box Power Supply etwolkpdapterModule Meter Module printed installation instructions. NFPA 72. applicable in a manner acceptable to the authcr:ty having MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm control unit for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. Suitable for central station (PPU) service when used with separately listed compatible DACT. This control unit can generate the distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NF?A 72. 1993 Edition. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. NOTE: Also suitable for releasing service. For releasing application, Mcce!s NR45 battery charger and AVPS-24 power supply shall not be used. P!ease contact the manufacturer for action. 'Rev. 02-24-99 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has iev iewed the test results and/cr other data but does not make an indeperent verification of any claims. This listing is r.c: an endorsement Or recommendation of the item listed. This listing shcutd not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installaxn 'J citer:a. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation irs:ructions arrd!or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 2, 2000 Authorized By: Effective issue dare to expiration date Listing Expires June 30, 2001 ii N HO, Supervising Deputy Program Manager () NOTIFIER® FIRE S YS TEAl S GENERAL The NOTIFIER FSP.751 (photo) and FSl-751 (ion) are ana- log, addressable, low-profile (height measures only 1.661 42.164 mm) smoke detectors designed for the entire line of intelligent systems from NOTIFIER. The FSP-751T photo model includes a built-in thermal (heat) detection device. If either condition (smoke or heat) is detected, the device will alarm. The addressability of the FSP-751 and FSl-751 enables the control panel to provide firefighters with a pinpoint descrip- tion of where the fire is located. The FSP-751 and FSI-751 are also analog devices. The control panel is capable of not only knowing the detector's location but exactly how much smoke is in the chamber of the detector. The detector may be set for different sensitivity settings appropriate to the en- vironment of its location. Analog devices continually send obscuration values to the con- trol panel. These values may be gathered so as to allow the control panel to determine if a detector has accumulated an excessive amount of dirt or dust. A "maintenance" required indication allows the installer to clean the smoke detector be- fore an unwanted false alarm occurs. The FSI-751 Intelligent Ionization Sensor incorporates a unique single-source chamber design to respond quickly and dependably to a broad range of fires. The FSP-751 Intelligent Photoelectric Sensor's unique opti- cal sensing chamber is designed with superior signal to noise ratio. The optical chamber is engineered to sense the pres- ence of smoke produced by a wide range of combustion sources. FlashScan® (patent pending) is a new communication pro- tocol developed by NOTIFIER Engineering that greatly en- hances the speed of communication between analog intelli- gent devices and certain NOTIFIER systems. Intelligent de- vices communicate in a grouped fashion. If one of the de- vices within the group has new information, the panel's CPU stops the group poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect is response speed greater than five times that of earlier designs. FlashScan® is a registered trademark of NOTIFIER. FEATURES Sleek, low-profile design (height only 1.66"/42.164 mm). Common base for both photo and ion detectors. Addressable-analog communication. Stable communication technique with noise immunity. Low standby current. Rotary 01 to 159 address switches (01 to 99 on traditional systems). Optional remote, single-gang LED accessory (RA400Z). Dual LED design provides 3600 viewing angle. December 15, 2000 DN-6714 • H-200 FSI-751 and FSP-751/751T Low-Profile Intelligent Plug-in Smoke Detectors with FlashScan® Section: Intelligent/Addressable Devices California State Fire @ @ 0 Marshal 7272-0028:206 (FSP-751/-7517) LISTED CS308 7271-0028:201 S1115 (FSI-751) MARYLAND M EA State Fire Marshal <i 2020 (FSI-751) 277-99-E Approved (FSP-751/ 2013 (FSP-7511-7517) -751T only) FSP-751 with RMK400 recessed mounting kit Visible bicolor LEDs blink green every time the detector is addressed, and illuminate steady red on alarm. Walk test with address display (an address of 121 will blink the detector LED: 12-(pause)-1) (FlashScan® systems only). Built-in functional test switch activated by external mag- net. Optional relay, isolator, or sounder bases. Listed to UL 268. SPECIFICATIONS Size: 1.66"(42.16 mm) high x4.1"(104.14 mm) diameter. Shipping weight: 3.6 oz. (104 g). Operating temperature: 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 1200F). I This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our I product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. i IS09001 For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 : U U .1 () N OTI Fl ER" 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 M11=11111 &MANUM1UIN DN-6714 • 12/15100 - Page 1 of 4 UL listed velocity range: ION: 0 - 1500 fpm (0 - 7.62 ml sec). PHOTO: 0-4000 fpm (0-20.32 mlsec). Relative humidity: 10% - 93% noncondensing. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Voltage range: 15-32 volts DC peak. Standby current - ION: 200 pA @24 VDC (without com- munication); 300 pA @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 seconds with LED enabled). Standby current - PHOTO: 250 pA @ 24 VDC (without communication); 360 pA @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 seconds with LED enabled). LED current (max.): 6.5 mA @ 24 VDC ("ON"). Air velocity ratings: FSP-751 & FSP-751T to 4,000 ft./min. (1219.2 m/min.). FSI-751: to 1,500 ft./min. (457.2 mlmin.). BASES AVAILABLE: B7IOLP: 6.1" (154.94 mm) diameter. B501: 4.1"(104.14 mm) diameter. B50IBH or B5OIBHT: Sounder base assembly. Includes B501 base. B224RB Relay Base: Screw terminals: up to 14 AWG (2.0 mm'). Relay type: Form-C. Rating: 2.0 A @ 30 VDC resistive; 0.3 A @ 110 VDC inductive; 1.0 A @ 30 VDC in- ductive. Dimensions: 6.2" (157.48 mm) x 1.2" (30.48 mm). B524Bl Isolator Base: Dimensions: 6.2" (157.48 mm) x 1.2" (30.48 mm). Maximum: 25 devices between isolator bases. Duct applications: FSP-751 and FSP-751T are Listed for use in air ducts. See Duct Application Guide A05-1004 for details on pendant-mount applications. NOTE: These prod- ucts are NOT Listed for use inside a duct smoke detector housing. INSTALLATION The FSP-751 and FSl-751 plug-in detectors use a separate base to simplify installation, service, and maintenance. A special tool allows maintenance personnel to plug in and re- move detectors without using a ladder. Mount base on a box which is at least 1.5" (38.1 mm) deep. Suitable mounting base boxes include: 4" (101.6 mm) square box. 3-1/2" (88.9 mm) or 4" (101.6 mm) octagonal box. Single-gang box (except relay or isolator base). With B50IBH base, use a 4" (101.6 mm) square box. With B224RB or B224Bl base, use a 3-1/2" (88.9 mm) octagonal box, or a 4" (101.6 mm) octagonal or square box. SMOKE GUARD PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Model Description FSI-751 Low-profile intelligent ionization sensor. Must be mounted to one of the bases listed below. FSP-751 Low-profile intelligent photoelectronic sensor. Must be mounted to one of the bases listed be- low. FSP-751T Same as FSP-751 but includes a built-in 135°F (57°C) fixed-temperature thermal device. BASES: B7IOLPBP Standard U.S. low-profile base, pkg. of 10. B50IBP Standard European flangeless base, pkg. of 10. B50IBH Sounder base, includes B501 base above. B501 BHT Same as B501 BH, but includes temporal sounder. B224RB Intelligent relay base. B224Bl Intelligent isolator base. Isolates SLC from loop shorts. ACCESSORIES: SDG-773 Smoke Detector Guard. This guard is mechani- cally compatible with both FSI-751 and FSP-751 detectors. It is UL-compatibility listed with the FSP-751 (file UL S5515). It is NOT UL-compat- ibility listed with the FSI-751. FIIO Retrofit replacement flange for BX-501 base. Converts BX-501 base for use with FlashScan detectors. RA400Z* Remote LED annunciator. 3 - 32 VDC. Fits U.S. single-gang electrical box. SMK400 Surface mounting kit provides for entry of sur- face wiring conduit. For use with B501 base only. RMK400 Recessed mounting kit. For use with B501 base only. SMB600 Surface mounting kit for use with B7IOLP. M02-04-01 Test magnet. M02-09-00 Test magnet with telescope stick. XR-2 Detector removal tool. Allows installation and/ or removal of FlashScan Series detector heads from base in high ceiling installations. XP-4 Extension pole for XR-2. Comes in three five- foot sections. , (1.905 GM) 7' (17.76cm) 3,4. Ceiling or Wall MODEL NO. SDG-773 "Supported by B7IOLP and B501 bases only. Cover: 16 gauge perforated steel (3/16" [4.7625 mm] dia. perforations on 1/4" 16.35 mm] staggered centers). 51% open. SDG-773 is 3" (76.2 mm) deep by 7" (177.8 mm) wide. , OPTIONAL Frame: 3/4"x 314"(19.05 x 19.05 mm) angle, 14 gauge solid SDG773 Smoke C steel. .. All guards are supplied with the following: Guards fasten to mounting frame with No. 10/24 x 3/8" (9.525 mm) long Allen-head screws (10/24 spanner-head screws and tool option at extra cost). Standard finish: "Cool Tan" baked enamel. (7.62 cm) MOUNTING DIAGRAM SDG-773 Smoke Guard 4762sd9m.wmf Page 2of4 - DN-6714. 12/15/00 DETECTORS, EXPLODED VIEW ENSOR COVER COVER Ld 101,ut REMOVAL TABS Ii- FSP-751 and FSP-751T Photo FSI-751 Ion TEST MAGNET POSITIONING PAINTED \ SURFACE 107 MAGNET TEST MARKER LED STATUS INDICATORS PAINTE SURFA TEST MARKER TEST PAINTED SURFACE MAGNET 6714ma91.wnif FSP-751 and FSP-751T Photo TES PAINTED 071408g3.tif SURFACE AL FSI-751 Ion DN-6714•12115100 - Page 3of4 WIRING DIAGRAMS REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR +1 I— Listed Compatible PANEL ------------------------------------------- -OPTIONAL RETURN LOOP --------------------------------------------------------- + FSP-751 and FSP-751T Photo REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR + I I DO NOT LOOP wire under terminals I or 2. Break wire run to: provide supervision of connections. Control Panel -n 1T / ------------------------- --/----- SI LE U.JLPLiQN.ALViIRJNJi____ a FSI-751 Ion Page 4of4 - DN-6714•12/15/00 - IL_ r"-:L .jP hit FiRE ENGNEEING - BUILDING M,TEL5 LISTING PSCGM LISTING SERVICE ISTING No 7272-1209:192 Fae 1 of 1 CATEGORY Photoelectric Smoke Detector LISTEE: System Sensor, 3E25 Ohio Avenue, Sc. Charles. IL 601 74 Contact: Andre; Nikolic (630) 377-6674 DESIGN: McdeisLF7i and FF-7E1T phczce!ec:c t'/pe smoke ce:ec:crs. Each unit c:r.ss:s of resszcrs, capactcrs. diodes. transistors, micccrocesscr, LED, phctc&ec:ric chamber, mour.ted or. a printed wiring bcard inside an enclosure which has an opening to te cutside air. Mcd& FSF-7E_1T employs an interai heat senscr. This senscr is intended fcr use only as a succiemental to te smoke detec:cr. Refer to Iisze&s data snet for additicnai detailed prcduc: descpz:cn anc ccerazicr.al ccrscera:cr.s. RATING: 241 VCC IN5TALLA7iCN: In ac:::arce wi: lis:s :n:e: r.s:2:a:::r. irs:c::cns. a:::cc:e c:ces & cr:rances arc in. manner eccec:::ez :ne au:nciti havnc !ur:sc::cr.. MARKI NG: Ls:es name. rcuc: r,uer, ec:ca ra::r.c ar.c L'L !a:e:. FRCVAL: Ls:ec as smcke de:ec:crs fcr use wt Nc::fiers secara:ev listed ccmpa:ie bases and fire alarm c:n:: en::s. St.izale cr c:er. areas wiz air veccties bezwer. 0-40CC fcm. L This Ustir.g is based uccn technical data submzted Ity the accilcant. CSMre Ençir.eerlr.ç staff has reviewed the test res.z and/cr cder data but does r.ct make an. ir.ceer.dent verficatcn cf any cairns. This listr.ç is not an endCrSeme recar-r-erdat.cn cr J-e rte r' 'is ad This his.r scu1d nc used sed tc vi :crrec a ooe.crah recu,re'e'cs or ins ailac - cntena. Refer tc listee's data sneet. ir.szallatcn irstrccns ar.c:cr cner suitable ircrnazcn scurces. Date Issued: JUNE 5, 2000 Athcd E7: affective issue date to epirarion date - Listing Expires June 30, 200 "EN HO, Super,iing Ccur' !n:yam Merac'- &OTI Fl ER FIRE SYSTEMS GENERAL The NOTIFIER FSP-751 (photo) and FSI-751 (ion) are ana- log, addressable, low-profile (height measures only 1.667 42.164 mm) smoke detectors designed for the entire line of intelligent systems from NOTIFIER. The FSP-751T photo model includes a built-in thermal (heat) detection device. If either condition (smoke or heat) is detected, the device will alarm. t. - The addressability of the FSP-751 and FSI-751 enables the control panel to provide firefighters with a pinpoint descrip- tión of where the fire is located. The FSP-751 and FSl-751 are also analog devices. The control panel is capable of not only knowing the detector's location but exactly how much smoke is in the chamber of the detector. The detector may be setfor different sensitivity settings appropriate to the en- vironment of its location. Analog devices continually send obscuration values to the con- trol panel. These values may be gathered so as to allow the control panel to determine if a detector has accumulated an excessive amount of dirt or dust. A "maintenance" required indication allows the installer to dean the smoke detector be- fore an unwanted false alarm occurs. The FSl-751 Intelligent Ionization Sensor Incorporates a unique single-source chamber design to respond quickly and dependably to a broad range of fires. The FSP-751 Intelligent Photoelectric Sensor's unique opti- cal sensing chamber is designed with superior signal to noise ratio. The optical chamber is engineered to sense the pres- ence of smoke produced by a wide range of combustion sources. FlashScan® (patent pending) is a new communication pro- tocol developed by NOTIFIER Engineering that greatly en- hances the speed of communication between analog intelli- gent devices and certain NOTIFIER systems. Intelligent de- vices communicate in a grouped fashion. If one of the de- vices within the group has new information, the panel's CPU stops the group poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect is response speed greater than five times that of earlier designs. FlashScane is a registered trademark of NOTIFIER. FEATURES Sleek, low-profile design (height only 1.66"/42.164 mm). Common base for both photo and ion detectors. Addressable-analog communication. Stable communication technique with noise immunity. Low standby current. Rotary 01 to 159 address switches (01 to 99 on traditional systems). Optional remote, single-gang LED accessory (RA400Z). Dual LED design provides 360" viewing angle. December 15, 2000 DN-6714• H-200 FSI-751 and FSP-751/751T Low-Profile Intelligent Plug-in Smoke Detectors with FlashScan® Section: Intelligent/Addressable Devices California State Fire Marshal 7272-0028:206 (FSP-751/-751T) LISTED CS308 7271-0028:201 S1115 (FSI-751) MARYLAND MEA State Fire Marshal 277-99-E 2020 (FSI-751) Approved (FSP-751/ 2013 (FSP-751/-751 -751 T only) FSP-751T with B7IOLP base ID FSP-751 with RMK400 recessed mounting kit Visible bicolor LEDs blink green every time the detector is addressed, and illuminate steady red on alarm. Walk test with address display (an address of 121 will blink the detector LED: 12-(pause)-1) (FlashScan® systems only). Built-in functional test switch activated by external mag- net. - Optional relay, isolator, or sounder bases. Listed to UL 268. SPECIFICATIONS Size: 1.66"(42.16 mm) high x4.1"(104.14 mm) diameter. Shipping weight: 3.6 oz. (104 g). Operating temperature: 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 1200F). I This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our I I product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or I IS09001 I anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. I I For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 WINTE =X d I NEM NOTIFIER 12 Clintonville Road, Northiord, Connecticut 06472 MIME & MANIMTIII? I DN-6714" 12115100 - Page 1 014 UL listed velocity range: ION: 0 - 1500 fpm (0 - 7.62 ml sec). PHOTO: 0-4000 fpm (0-20.32 m/sec). Relative humidity: 10% - 93% noncondensing. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Voltage range: 15-32 volts DC peak. Standby current - ION: 200 IA @24 VDC (without com- munication); 300 pA @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 seconds with LED enabled). Standby current - PHOTO: 250 pA @ 24 VDC (without communication); 360 pA @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 seconds with LED enabled). LED current (max.): 6.5 mA @ 24 VDC ("ON"). Air velocity ratings: FSP-751 & FSP-751T to 4,000 ft./min. (1219.2 rn/mm.). FSI-751: to 1,500 ft./min. (457.2 mlmin.). BASES AVAILABLE: B7IOLP: 6.1"(154.94 mm) diameter. B501: 4.1" (104.14 mm) diameter. 1350I13H or B50IBHT: Sounder base assembly. Includes B501 base. B224RB Relay Base: Screw terminals: up to 14 AWG (2.0 mm'). Relay type: Form-C. Rating: 2.0 A @ 30 VDC resistive; 0.3 A @ 110 VDC inductive; 1.0 A @ 30 VDC in- ductive. Dimensions: 6.2" (157.48 mm) x 1.2" (30.48 mm). B524B1 Isolator Base: Dimensions: 6.2" (157.48 mm) x 1.2" (30.48 mm). Maximum: 25 devices between isolator bases. Duct applications: FSP-751 and FSP-751T are Listed for use in air ducts. See Duct Application Guide A05-1004 for details on pendant-mount applications. NOTE: These prod- ucts are NOT Listed for use inside a duct smoke detector housing. INSTALLATION The FSP-751 and FSI-751 plug-in detectors use a separate base to simplify installation, service, and maintenance. A special tool allows maintenance personnel to plug in and re- move detectors without using a ladder. Mount base on a box which is at least 1.5" (38.1 mm) deep. Suitable mounting base boxes include: 4" (101.6 mm) square box. 3-1/2" (88.9 mm) or 4" (101.6 mm) octagonal box. Single-gang box (except relay or isolator base). With B50IBH base, use a 4" (101.6 mm) square box. With B224RB or B224B1 base, use a 3-1/2" (88.9 mm) octagonal box, or a 4" (101.6 mm) octagonal or square box. SMOKE GUARD Page 2of4 - DN-6714" 12/15/00 PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Model Description FSI-751 Low-profile intelligent ionization sensor. Must be mounted to one of the bases listed below. FSP-751 Low-profile intelligent photoelectronic sensor. Must be mounted to one of the bases listed be- low. FSP-751T Same as FSP-751 but includes a built-in 135°F (57°C) fixed-temperature thermal device. BASES: B7IOLPBP Standard U.S. low-profile base, pkg. of 10. B50IBP Standard European flangeless base, pkg. of 10. B50IBH Sounder base, includes B501 base above. B501 BHT Same as 13501 BH, but includes temporal sounder. B224RB Intelligent relay base. B224Bl Intelligent isolator base. Isolates SLC from loop shorts. ACCESSORIES: SDG-773 Smoke Detector Guard. This guard is mechani- cally compatible with both FSI-751 and FSP-751 detectors. It is UL-compatibility listed with the FSP-751 (file UL S5515). It is NOT UL-compat- ibility listed with the FSI-751. FIIO Retrofit replacement flange for BX-501 base. Converts BX-501 base for use with FlashScan detectors. RA400Z* Remote LED annunciator. 3 - 32 VDC. Fits U.S. single-gang electrical box. SMK400 Surface mounting kit provides for entry of sur- face wiring conduit. For use with B501 base only. RMK400 Recessed mounting kit. For use with B501 base only. SMB600 Surface mounting kit for use with B7IOLP. M02-04-01 Test magnet. M02-09-00 Test magnet with telescope stick. XR-2 Detector removal tool. Allows installation and/ or removal of FlashScan Series detector heads from base in high ceiling installations. XP-4 Extension pole for XR-2. Comes in three five- foot sections. (1.905 cm) 7 (17.78 cm) 1- 3, ceiling or Wall MODEL NO. SDG-773 *Supped by B7IOLP and B591 bases only. Cover: 16 gauge perforated steel (3/16" [4.7625 mm] dia. perforations on 1/4° [6.35 mm] staggered centers). 51% open. SDG-773 is 3" (76.2 mm) deep by 7" (177.8 mm) wide. OPTIONAL Frame: 3/4" x 3/4"(19.05 x 19.05 mm) angle, 14 gauge solid SDG-773 Smoke C steel. (1.905 cm) All guards are supplied with the following: 314j Guards fasten to mounting frame with No. 10/24 x 3/8" (9.525 mm) long Allen-head screws (10/24 spanner-head screws and tool option at extra cost). Standard finish: "Cool Tan" baked enamel. (7.62 cm): MOUNTING DIAGRAM SDG-773 Smoke Guard £762sd9m.wmf DETECTORS, EXPLODED VIEW V,SENSOR COVER O!J Li COVER IJPJJ REMOVAL TABS -----I--- .-II. AL FSP-751 and FSP-751T Photo FSI-751 Ion TEST MAGNET POSITIONING LED PAINTED V SURFACE 10-1 PAINTED SURFACE MAGNET TEST MARKER LED STATUS INDICATORS LED I MAGNET TEST MARKER n". TEST PAINTED_I MAGNET SURFACE 6714magl.wmf FSP-751 and FSP-751T Photo '1MZTk;_f7) II PAINTED 6114mag3.IU SURFACE FSI-751 Ion DN-6714 • 12/15/00 - Page 3o14 FSP-751 and FSP-751T Photo A FSI-751 Ion REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR /fA7JiONI r2. f connections. WIRING DIAGRAMS REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR +1 I- En Page 4of4 - DN-6714• 12/15/00 - FiRE ENG,'4EEING EUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PCG%I - LIS;13LNG SERVICE LISTING No. 7272-1209:19 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Fhotoe!éctric 5rk6 Detector USTEE: Syszern Sensor',—;3E25 Ohio Avenue, Sc. C?rIes. IL 601 74 Contact: AndreNikoflc (630) 377-6674 DESiGN: - Mcd&s FS-P-75 i land F -7Sllphczc&ectric type snake Ce:ec:crs)Each - ------unit -----unit c:r.s;szsa;re;s:crs. capactcrs. dicdes. transszors, rriCrCrocesscr, LED, pctc&ec:ic chamber, cur.ted cr.&prnted wiring bcard inside an encIosre whi hasan opening cc me cütde air. Mcd& Fs-7e1;V employs an inte heat senscr. This seti is intended fcr use or.iy)as a succie'etaI tg7re smoke de?eccr. Fe'etc Iise s data s-er rc' addizicnai dca lec prccuc: desc:;z:cr. açccera;cr.aI cscer:ii'.- RATING: 242 INSTALLATION:? In acrc2I: !is-.&s :r.:e- r:::cr. irs:c:;c. a:cc:ec:ce & cr::rances ahcr rar.re acCec:3:ie ::- a:criz- ur:scc::cr. MAKNC-: Ls-.es na-ne;-. ;rc.:c: nurrer, er;cai r::r.g arc UL !a::. ACVAL: Ltec as s._..d kCd-_:ec=rz fcr use wit Ncer's saar:v Iisd crr;a e bas'a-c fire a'a'— c: -: L a SLr3c e c c:e air vecczes ie 0-40CC tarn: ' This 'istu is àsed u c a tec-ical cas.bitted b y U-c accucCrt CS4F re E-ginee-rg sa' as reiiewed U-c es res. arIcr cU-er, data bu dces rct make i1rcecendent ve'ca.cn C ars c1airs Tnia Iss...rc is riot a- eidcrZe'te' 'I reedat.cn of the iter 'is ad ThilrgscuId nc be used tc vs ccrrec cr irs ada.c c:-'e'a Re'e .chs ee s data s-ce' irs.zla.c insr..ctcs arc. cr c.re,s.itacle infcs—a..cr scies' ace Issued: JUNE]}2OOO .hcrzed B-i: ecive issue date' täe.piraticn date Lliting Expir9sJ.zne 30, 2001 EI.HO. SuperisThc Ccr- I. iam Mar7ec'- (I NOTIFIER® FIRE SYSTEMS GENERAL An HVAC system supplies conditioned air to virtually every area of a building. Smoke introduced into this air duct system is thus distributed to the entire building. Smoke detectors for use in air duct systems sense the presence of smoke in the duct. The FSD-751 Pair duct smoke detector is a photoelectric detector, combining this detection technology with an efficient housing design that samples air passing through the duct, allowing detec- tion of a developing hazardous condition. When sufficient smoke is sensed, an alarm signal is initiated at the fire control panel monitoring the detector, and appràpriate action can be taken to shut off fans and blowers and change over air handling sys- tems, etc. This can isolate toxic smoke and fire gases or prevent their distribution throughout the areas served by the duct system. Two LEDs on each detector can be programmed by the system control panel to provide a local alarm indication. A remote alarm output is provided for use with auxiliary devices. The FSD-751 P has remote test capability with the RTS451IRTS451 KEY Remote Test Station. Traditional panels support addresses of 0-99. The FlashScan® protocol supports addresses of 0— 159. FlashScan® (patent pending) is a new communication protocol developed by NOTIFIER Engineering that greatly enhances the speed of communication between analog intelligent devices. Intelligent devices communi- cate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices within the group has new information, the panel's CPU stops the group poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect is response speed greater than five times that of earlier designs. APPLICATIONS Duct smoke detectors have specific limitations. Duct smoke detectors are: NOT substitute for open area smoke detectors. NOT substitute for early warning detection. NOTa replacement for a building's regular fire detection sys- tem. Call NOTIFIER for a copy of System Sensor's application guide, Proper Use of Smoke Detectors in Duct Applications, (A05- 1004-00). INSTALLATION Wiring: For signal wiring (the wiring between detectors or from detectors to auxiliary devices), it is recommended that single conductor wire be no smaller than I8AWG (0.75 mm). The duct smoke detector terminals accommodate wire sizes up to 12 AWG (3.25 mm2). Flexible conduit is recommended for the last foot (30.48 cm) of conduit; solid conduit connections may be used if desired. Smoke detectors and alarm system control panels have specifi- cations for Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) wiring. Consult the con- trol panel specifications for wiring requirements before wiring the detector loop. The FSD-751 P/FSD-751 RP detector is de- signed for ease of wiring; the housing provides a terminal strip with clamping plates. LED Features: If programmed with the system control panel, two LEDs on each duct smoke detector light to provide October 26, 2000 DN-6821 • H-215 FSD-751 Pand FSD-751RP Intelligent Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detectors with FlashScan® Section: Intelligent Addressable Devices California State Fire Marshal 3240-0028:205 Approved (FSD75IP) LISTED (FSD-751P) S1115 local visible indication. Remote LED annunciator capability is avail- able as an option. Each duct smoke detector can only be wired to one remote accessory. NOTIFIER panels offer different feature sets across different panel models. As a result, certain features of the FSD-751P1 FSD-751 RP may be available on some control panels, but not on others. Possible features, if supported by the control panel are: Panel controls the LED operation on sensor. Operational modes are: RED blink, RED continuous, GREEN blink, GREEN continu- ous, and OFF. The remote output maybe synchronized to the LED operation or controlled independently of the LEDs. SPECIFICATIONS FSD-751P Operating voltage range: 15 to 32 VDC. Standby current: 300 iA @24 VDC (one communication every 5 seconds with LED blink enabled). Operating temperature range: 320 to 131°F (00 to 550C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% (non-condensing). Duct air velocity: 500 to 4,000 feet/mm. (152.4 to 1219.2 meters! mm.). Dimensions: 14.375" (365.125 mm) wide x 5.500" (13.970 mm) high x 2.750" (69.850 mm) deep. Options: RTS-451, RTS-451 KEY, RA400Z. Separate auxiliary power not required. FSD-751 RP Operating voltage range: 15 to 32 VDC (comm. line voltage) and 24 VACNDC or 120/240 VAC auxiliary power* (separate source). *NOTE: The FSD-751RP requires a separate auxil- iary source. Standby current: 300 pA @24 VDC (one communication every 5 seconds with LED blink enabled). Auxiliary power current draw (@ 24 VDC): 26 mA (standby), 87 mA (alarm). Options: RTS-451, RTS-451 KEY, RA400Z, APA45I. - I Flashscanf& is a registered trademark of NOTIFIER. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our I product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or IS09001 I anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. I For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 •j I N OTI Fl E fl 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 UIIEHllN & IWIUFAClIRlE I DN-6821 • 10/26/00 - Page 1 of 2 SAMPLE WIRING DIAGRAMS See product Installation Intructions for wiring diagrams for the FSD-751 RP. COMMUNICATION LINE UL Listed Control Panel LI 00 ()0 The RA400Z 6821wfr1.wrnf Operating temperature range: 32° to 131°F (00 to 550C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% (non-condensing). Duct air velocity: 500 to 4,000 feet/mm. (152.4 to 1219.2 meters! mm.). Dimensions: 14.376'(365.125 mm) wide x 5.500" (13.970 mm) high x 2.750" (69.850 mm) deep. Relay contact ratings: 2 Form-C, DPDT, 10 A @250 VAC, 10 A @30 VDC (resistive). Minimum switching current of 100 mA SVDC. Programming specifications/requirements for intelligent system control panels: The number of devices that can have their LEDs programmed to illuminate is limited by the features of the panel and the individual devices. The actual number of devices is determined by the control panel and its ability to supply LED current. Refer to the control panel installation manual for details. INLET TUBE SELECTION 86211n1t.tbl Outside Duct Width Inlet Tube* Up to 2 feet (0.6096 m) ST-1.5 2 to 4 feet (0.6096 to 1.2192 m) ST-3 4 to 8 feet (1.2192 to 2.4384 m) ST-5 8 to 12 feet (2.4384 to 3.6576 m) ST-b *NOTE: Inlet tube is required and must be purchased separately. Order one inlet tube for each duct smoke detector ordered. PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Model Description FSD-751 P Duct detector housing with FlashScan® photoelec- tric smoke detector. FSD-751RP Duct detector housing with FlashScan® photoelec- tric smoke detector, DPDT relay. ST-1.5 Metal sampling tube, duct widths 1' to 2' (see table at left for metric lengths). ST-3 Metal sampling tube, duct widths 2' to 4'. ST4 Metal sampling tube, duct widths 4' to 8'. ST-10 Metal sampling tube, duct widths 8' to 12'. RA400Z Remote annunciator alarm LED. RTS45I Remote test station. Mounts in single-gang box. Includes red alarm LED and magnet test switch. RTS45I KEY Key-activated remote test station. F36-09-00 Replacement filters. M02-04-00 Replacement test magnet. S08-39-01 Replacement photo insect screen. P48-55-00 Replacement end cap for plastic sampling tube. P48-21-00 Replacement end cap for metal sampling tube. A5053FS Replacement photoelectric sensor board. A5067 Replacement power board (without relay). A5060 Replacement power board (with relay). FSD-751P Duct Smoke Detector using a UL Listed control panel Terminals FSD-751 P Detector Terminals N 0 1T U, ca a w'I- OOO I— 0 0 0 6821w1r2.wmf RA400Z I 6821w1r3.wrnf COMMON TEST \ Field-Installed \JUMPER LED RESET RTS45I/RTS45I KEY FSD-751P Duct Smoke Detector with optional RA400Z I FSD-751P Duct Smoke Detector with RTS45I! RTS4SI KEY NOTE: For RTS45I, Terminal 3 is not used. RTS451 does not have a Terminal 6. For RTS45IKEY, Ter- minals 3 and 6 are not used. The RTS45I The RTS45IKEY Page 2 of 2 - DN-6821 • 10/26/00 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOREStRY & ARE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING- BUILDING MATERiALS US1NG PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 3240-0028:205 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY Duct Smoke Dectector Housing/Base LISltE: Notifier, A Pittway Company, One Fire-t.iTe Place, Northford CT 06472-1853 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 44.-1200 DESIGN Made-f- FSD7S1P duct smoke 4etecto71 Unit consists of an enclosure, electrical Components. sampling and ext'.aust tubes and listed photoelectric smoke detector sensor. Refer to 0stees data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with Iistee's printed Instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: listaes name, model designation, air velocity rating and UI. label. APPROVAL: Listed as a duct smoke detector for use in 141/AC systerno having air velocities between 500 to 4000 ft/mm. Suitable for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. 07-13-2000 / This liang is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engtnesslng slaWhes reiøiswed the test raeulS f ')• andior aster date but does nol make an Independent ve,itcation of any claims. Na listing Is not an andoisement or renimendedon of the Item Wed. This listing should natbe used to verI coned operation a l r e q u i m m e n t s o r criteria. Refine llstsWs date sheet Installation instwstlons andlor other suitable frJ w m r b n s o u r c e s . ttta issued: JULY 13, 2000 Authorized By: -tTecbve issue data to expiration date usdng Expires June 30 2001I BEN HO, Supervising Deputy Ptvgiatni Manager November 13, 2000 DN-6720 • H-220 NOTIFIER"' FMM, FZM, and FDM Series FIRE SYSTEMS Monitor Modules with FlashScan® Section: Intelligent/Addressable Devices GENERAL Four different monitor modules are available for NOTIFIER in- telligent controls to suit a variety of applications. Monitor modules are used to supervise a circuit of dry-contact input devices, such as conventional heat detectors and pull sta- tions, or monitor and power a circuit of two-wire smoke de- tectors (FZM-1). FMM-1 - is a standard-sized module (typically mounts to a 4" [101.6 mm] square box) that supervises either a Class A (Style D) or Class B (Style B) circuit of dry-contact input devices. FMM-101 - is a miniature monitor module (a mere 1.3" (33.02 mm) H x 2.75" (69.85 mm) W x 0.5" (12.70 mm) D) used to supervise a Class B (Style B) circuit. Its compact design allows the FMM-101 to often be mounted in a single- gang box behind the device it's monitoring. FZM-1 - is a standard-sized module used to monitor and supervise compatible two-wire, 24 volt, smoke detectors on a Class A (Style D) or Class B (Style B) circuit. FDM-1 - is a standard-sized dual monitor module used to monitor and supervise two independent two-wire initiating device circuits (lDCs) at two separate, consecutive addresses in intelligent, two-wire systems. FlashScan® (patent pending) is a new communication protocol developed by NOTIFIER Engineering that greatly enhances the speed of communication between analog in- telligent devices. Intelligent devices communicate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices within the group has new information, the panel CPU stops the group poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect is response speed greater than five times that of other designs. FlashScan® is a registered trademark of NOTIFIER. FMM-1 MONITOR MODULE Built-in type identification automatically identifies this de- vice as a monitor module to the control panel. Powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. No additional power required. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. Direct-dial entry of address 01 - 159 (01 - 99 on tradi- tional systems). LED flashes green during normal operation (this is a pro- grammable option) and latches on steady red to indicate alarm. The FMM-1 Monitor Module is intended for use in intelli- gent, two-wire systems, where the individual address of each module is selected using the built-in rotary switches. It pro- vides either a two-wire or four-wire fault-tolerant Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) for normally-open-contact fire alarm and supervisory devices. The module has a panel-controlled LED indicator. The FMM-1 can be used to replace MMX-1 mod- ules in existing systems. California State Fire & @ 9 Marshal 7300-0028:202 LISTED CS669 (except FDM-1) S635 (except FDM-1) FM > MEA MARYLAND < State Fire Marshal Approved 457-99-E Permit # 2020 (except FDM-1) (except FDM-1) (except FDM-1) FMM-1, FZM-1, and FDM-1 FMM-1 Applications - Use to monitor a zone of four- wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterfiow devices, or other normally-open dry-contact alarm activation devices. May also be used to monitor normally- open supervisory devices with special supervisory Indica- tion at the control panel. Monitored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the Style B circuit. No resistor is required for su- pervision of the Style D circuit. Maximum IDC loop length is 2,500 ft./762 m (20 ohms maximum). FMM-1 Operation - Each FMM-1 uses one of 159 avail- able module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regu- lar polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). A flashing LED indicates that the module is in communica- tion with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limitations on the loop). FMM-1 Specifications Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). Average operating current: 400 pA (LED flashing). This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our I product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. IS09001 For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 93~1. • NOTIFIER 12 Clintonville Road, Northiord, Connecticut 06472 ENCINEEIIIN 9 MANUMC1fl1 EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 4.5"(114.3 mm) high x 4"(101.6 mm) wide x 1.25" (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4" (101.6 mm) square x 2.125" (53.975 mm) deep box. FMM.101 MINI MONITOR MODULE Built-in type identification automatically identifies this de- vice as a monitor module to the AFC-600. Powered directly by two-wire FACP. No additional power required. High noise (EMFIRFl) immunity. Tinned, stripped leads for ease of wiring. Direct-dial entry of address (01-159). The FMM-101 Mini Monitor Module can be installed in a single-gang junction directly behind the monitored unit. Its small size and light weight allow it to be installed without rigid mounting. The FMM-101 is intended for use in intelligent, two-wire systems where the individual address of each mod- ule is selected using rotary switches. It provides a two-wire initiating device circuit for normally-open-contact fire alarm and security devices. The FMM-101 can be used to replace MMX-101 module in existing systems. 14j,Lj I_ADDRESS o I 13(:)2 11 ____ I 12 ((t)\ 311 11 9i,ij 41 LOOP 1O'-' 51 I I Y5 I- 9 87 6 1 8 76 TENS ONES I liI__ o o 4iu c I 11~ tl-J Lu -J _J ca tO H FMM-1 01 Applications - Use to monitor a single de- vice or a zone of four-wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterfiow devices, or other normally-open dry-contact devices. May also be used to monitor normally- open supervisory devices with special supervisory indication at the control panel. Monitored circuit/device is wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the circuit. FMM-101 Operation - Each FMM-101 uses one of 159 available module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). FMM-1 01 Specifications Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Average operating current: 375 pA maximum. EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 1.3"(33.02 mm) high x 2.75" (69.85 mm) wide x 0.5" (12.70 mm) deep. Wire length: 6" (152.4 mm) minimum. FZM-1 INTERFACE MODULE Supports compatible two-wire smoke detectors. Supervises IDC wiring and connection of external power source. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. Direct-dial entry of address (01-159). LED flashes during normal operation (this is a program- mable option). ° LED latches steady to indicate alarm on command from control panel. The FZM-1 Interface Module is intended for use in intelli- gent, addressable systems, where the individual address of each module is selected using built-in rotary switches. This module allows intelligent panels to interface and monitor two- wire conventional smoke detectors. It transmits the status (normal, open, or alarm) of one full zone of conventional de- tectors back to the control panel. All two-wire detectors be- ing monitored must be UL compatible with the module. The FZM-1 has a panel-controlled LED indicator and can be used to replace MMX-2 modules in existing systems. FZM-1 Applications - Use the FZM-1 to monitor a zone of two-wire smoke detectors. The monitored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) Initiating Device Circuit. A 3.9 K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the end of the Style B or D (class B or A) circuit (maximum IDC loop resistance is 25 ohms). Install ELR across terminals 8 and 9 for Style D application. FZM-1 Operation - Each FZM-1 uses one of 159 avail- able module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regu- lar polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). A flashing LED indicates that the module is in communica- tion with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limitations on the loop). FZM-1 Specifications Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). Average operating current: 270 pA (LED flashing). EOL resistance: 3.9K ohms. External supply voltage (between Terminals T3 and T4): DC voltage: 18 to 28 volts power limited. Ripple voltage: 0.1 VRMS maximum. Current: 90 mA per module maximum. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 4.5"(114.3 mm) high x4"(101.6 mm) wide x 1.25" (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4"(101.6 mm) square x 2.125" (53.975 mm) deep box. FDM-1 DUAL MONITOR MODULE The FDM-1 Dual Monitor Module is intended for use in in- telligent, two-wire systems. It provides two independent two- wire initiating device circuits (lDCs) at two separate, consecu- tive addresses. It is capable of monitoring normally open contact fire alarm and supervisory devices; or either normally open or normally closed security devices. The module has a single panel-controlled LED. NOTE: The FDM-1 provides two Class B (Style Y IDC circuits ONLY. Class A (Style Z) IDC circuits are NOT supported in any application. FDM-1 Specifications Normal operating voltage range: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 5.7 mA (LED on). Average operating current: 750 pA (LED flashing). Page 2 of 6 - DN-6720 • 11/13/00 N 'Ii © CAUTION - DE-ENERGIZE UNIT PRIOR TO SERVICING J -...,,-------- N Face Plate for FMM-1, FZM-1, and FDM-1 MOUNTING DIAGRAMS for sftndard-sized modules I EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Maximu'm IDC wiring resistance: 1,500 ohms. Temperature range: 32° to 120°F (0° to 49°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% (non-condensing). Dimensions: 4.5" (114.3 mm) high x 4" (101.6 mm) wide x 2.125" (53.975 mm) deep. FDM-1 Automatic Addressing - The FDM-1 auto- matically assigns itself to two addressable points, starting with the original address. For example, if the FDM-1 is set to address "55", then it will automatically assign itself to ad- dresses "55" and "56". Terminals 6 and 7 use the first ad- dress, and terminals 8 and 9 use the second address: /AiJYi ON- : Avoid duplicating addresses on the system. INSTALLATION FMM-1, FDM-1, and FZM-1 modules mount directly to a standard 4" (101.6 mm) square, 2.125" (53.975 mm) deep, electrical box. They may also be mounted to the SMBSOO surface-mount box. Mounting hardware and installation instructions are provided with each module. All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, and regu- lations. These modules are intended for power-limited wiring only. The FMM-101 module is intended to be wired and mounted without rigid connections inside a standard electrical box. All wiring must conform to applicable lo- cal codes, ordinances, and regulations. PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Model Description FMM-1 Monitor module. FMM-101 Monitor module, miniature. FZM-1 Monitor module, two-wire detectors FDM-1 Monitor module, dual, two independent Class B circuits. SMB500 Optional surface-mount backbox. ARCHITECTS'/ENGINEERS' SPECIFICATIONS Specifications of these and all NOTIFIER products are available from NOTIFIER. DN-6720 • 11/13/00 - Page 3 of 6 WIRING DIAGRAMS The following wiring diagrams are included: FDM-1, typical dual two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. FMM-101, typical two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. FMM-1, typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style B. FMM-1, typical four-wire fault-tolerant initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style D. FMM-1, typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration for security systems (with alarm versus short capability). FZM-1, interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style B. FZM-1, interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style D. FRM-1, relay control module used to disconnect a power supply. Fig. I FDM-1: Typical dual two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. Two Initiating Device Circuits (dialed address "N' then "N+ l") each power-limited to 230 pA max. @ 12 VDC max. ,47K EL Il Resistor II ELR-47KII IT N 47K EOL Resistor ELR-47K T -) FROM Panel or Previous —1 Device Communication Line 32 VDC maximum. Shielded/twisted-pair is recommenced. All wiring shcwn is supervised and power Imted. • Conn:t rnoc ules to 1istec compatible NOTiFIER :on:rol pareis only. ANY NUMBER of UL Listed contact closure devices may be used. 6822w1r1.wmf DO NOT MIX fire alarm initiating, supervisory, or security devices on the same cicuit. Install contact closure devices per manufacturer's installation instructions. 1- -i; TO NEXT J DEVICE (+) (-) UL LISTED Compatible Control Panel BLACK 10 1IRED FMM-101 6789 10 C-Qf)e~l 4 2 5678 13 101514 10 V.0LET 10- 14 YELLOW WIRING DIAGRAM: FMM-01 Fig. 2 FMM-101: Typical two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. Page 4 of 6 - DN-6720 • 11/13/00 I 47l( EOL INCLUDED 6720wfrl.wmf IWIRING DIAGRAMS THIS ii Connect modules to listed compatible NOTIFIER control panels only. All wiring shown is supervised and power limited. Install contact closure devices per manufacturers' installation instructions. Any number of UL-listed contact closure devices may be used. DO NOT MIX fire alarm initiating, supervisory, or security devices on the same circuit. V Fig. 3 FMM-1: Typical two-wire initiating device circuit configuration, NFPA Style B. TO Next Device FROM Panel or Previous 4 '0IIII Device MONITOR Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) IJ L!29 NFPA Style B, power limited Communication Line 230 pA max 2VDCmax. 32 VDC maximum. Shielded/twisted-pair 8(a 119 + is recommended. 47K EOL Resistor ELR-47K 610 3 4 Communication Loss ft ONES ADD RS (optional connection for panels I 0 001 which support this feature) FUTURE FEATURE U 6720w1r2.wmf V Fig. 4 FMM-1: Typical four-wire fault-tolerant initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style D. TO Next Device () ,_tMO~NIMR FROM Panel or Previous Device Communication Line 32 VDC maximum. Shielded/twisted-pair is recommended. I11I .... Communication Loss REssi (optional connection for panels 0 0 which support this feature) FUTURE FEATURE EOL Resistor is internal at terminals 8 & 9 900 81 7TENs 2 63 5 4 ONES U 6720w4.wml V Fig. 5 FMM-1: Typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration for security systems (with alarm versus short capability). Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) TO Next Device () —) FROM Panel or Previous NFPA Style B, power limited: MONITOR cx>(+) Device 230 pA max. @ 12 VDC max. d MODULE "Communication Line 14K Series Resistor 9 0 0 - 32 VDC maximum. Shielded/twisted-pair 8 1 is recommended. + 47K EOL .07TENS 20 Resistor + 6 , 3 Communication Loss ELR-47K Q OO 5 4 LP ONES ADDRESS (optional connection for panels ° 0 which support this feature) 2 FUTURE FEATURE 672Owir4.wnf DN-6720• 11/13/00 - Page 5of6 6720wft6.wmf Connect modules to listed compatible control panels only. WIRING11 Terminal wiring must be power limited. DO NOT MIX fire alarm initiating, supervisory, or security devices on the same circuit. DIAGRAMS DO NOT LOOP wire under terminals. Break wire run to provide supervision of connections. THIS PAGE: Detectors must be UL listed compatible with module. Install detectors per manufacturers' installation instructions. Power to the interface module must be externally switched to reset the detectors. An FRM-1 relay control module can be used to switch power from a standard power supply: see Fig. 7 below. V Fig. 6 FZM-1: Interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style B. 3.9K EOL Resistor (included) A2143-1O TODe Nvice tcxDcxDc INTERFACE In [c2 LMODULE SD IIII7 TENS 2l11 I' I I IlDl5 4 LO ONES ADDRESS o/2 1t_.J / 6720w1r5.wn,f U - FROM Panel or Previous Device Communication Line 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. Listed Batter,' Backup () 4 switched DC 4 power supply. - Optional Branch Circuit TO Next Interface Module Module supervises supply voltage and detector loop. V Fig. 7 FZM-1: Interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style D. TO Next Device F6_ ___INTERFACE In MODULE c; FROM Panel or Previous Device Communication Line 32 VDC maximum. Twisted-pair is recommended. 3.9K EOL Resistor (included) required at terminals 8 & 9 A2143-1O W (-1 Listed Batter,' Backup (+) switched DC RESS power supply. - Optional Branch Circuit ojj .. , TO Next Interface Module Module supervises supply voltage and detector loop. V Fig. 8 FRM-1: Relay control module used to disconnect a power supply. TO Next Device DC POWER SUPPLY (+) Listed for Fire (—) Protection with Batter,' Backup Page 6 of 6 - DN-6720 • 11/13/00 ( I FROM Panel r32 or Previous RELAY Device CONTROL Communication d MODULE ation Line 99 0 ximum. r is 2 recommended. 6—' 3 54F4 6720w1r7.wmf CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION 'i,, ' OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-0028:202 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Misc. Devices/Control Unit Accessories LISTEE: Notifier, A Pittway Company, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-1200 Fax (203) 484-7309 DESIGN: ModeIs((FMM1,FMM-10I, FZM-1, FSM-101 monitor modules and Models FCM-1, FRM-1 control modules. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, product number and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. 01-12-2000 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: J UN E 2, 2000 Authorized By: Effective issue date to expiration date Listing Expires June 30, 2001 OBEN *HO, Supervising Deputy Program Manager June 9, 2000 DN-6726 • H-240 (NOTIFIER® FIRE SYSTEFv15 GENERAL The NOTIFIER NBG-12LX is a state-of-the-art, dual-ac- tion (i.e., requires two motions to activate the station) pull station that includes an addressable interface for any NOTIFIER intelligent control panel. Because the NBG- 12LX is addressable, the control panel can display the exact location of the activated manual station. This leads fire personnel quickly to the location of the alarm. FEATURES Maintenance personnel can open station without causing an alarm condition. Built-in bicolor LED, which is visible through the handle of the station, flashes in normal operation and latches steady red when in alarm. Handle latches in down position and the word "ACTI- VATED" appears to clearly indicate the station has been operated. Captive screw terminals wire-ready for easy connection to SLC loop (accepts up to 12 AWG/3.25 mm2 wire). Semi-flush, mounts to a standard single-gang (2.125" [5.3975 cm] minimum depth), double-gang, or 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box. Smooth dual-action design. Within ADA 5 lb. pull force. Highly visible. Attractive shape and textured finish. Key reset. Includes Braille text on station handle. Optional trim ring (BG-TR). Meets UL 38, Standard for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes. Up to 99 NBG-1 2LX stations per loop on classic protocol systems (non-FlashScan). Up to 159 NBG-12LX stations per loop on FlashScan protocol systems. Dual-color LED blinks green for FlashScan systems. CONSTRUCTION Shell, door, and handle are molded of durable LEXAN® (or polycarbonate equivalent) with a textured finish. OPERATION Pushing in, then pulling down on the handle causes it to latch in the down/activated position. Once latched, the word "ACTIVATED" (in bright yellow) appears at the top of the handle, while a portion of the handle protrudes from the bottom of the station. To reset the station, simply unlock the station with the key and pull the door open. This action resets the handle; closing the door automati- cally resets the switch. NBG-12LX Addressable Manual Pull Station with FlashScanTM Section: Intelligent/Addressable Devices U.S. PATENTS PENDING O California State Fire Marshal 7150-0028:199 LISTED S692 Approved The NBG-12LX Addressable Manual Pull Station Each manual station, on command from the control panel, sends data to the panel representing the state of the manual switch. Two rotary decimal switches allow address set- tings (1-159 on FlashScan Systems, 1-99 on CLIP sys- tems). FlashScan 5' is a trademark of NOTIFIER. LEXAN® is a regis- tered trademark of GE Plastics, a subsidiary of General Electric Company. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our I I product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or S09001 I anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. I For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 I g i I N OTI Fl E R 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 ENINEEIlN & MANIIMCflRlll I DN-6726 • 06/09/00 - Page 1 of 2 PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Model Description NBG-I2LX Dual-action addressable pull station. Includes key locking feature. S13-110 Surface backbox. BG-TR Optional trim ring. INSTALLATION The NBG-I2LX will mount semi-flush into a single-gang, double-gang, or standard 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical outlet box, or will surface mount to the Model SB-b sur- face backbox. If the NBG-I2LX is being semi-flush mounted, then the optional trim ring (BG-TR) may be used. The BG-TR is usually needed for semi-flush mounting with 4" (10.16 cm) or double-gang boxes (not with single-gang boxes). - o 1. 2. : 4 I Ti1ih r. I j Terminal ' .... ., Connections 1 SLC(—) 2 SLC (+) Back of station without door. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Normal operating voltage: 24 VDC. Maximum SLC loop voltage: 28.0 VDC. Maximum SLC loop current: 230 pA. ARCHITECTURAL! ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS Manual Fire Alarm Stations shall be non-coded, with a key- operated reset lock in order that they may be tested, and so designed that after actual Emergency Operation, they cannot be restored to normal except by use of a key. An operated station shall automatically condition itself so as to be visually detected as activated. Manual stations shall be constructed of red-colored LEXAN® (or polycar- bonate equivalent) with clearly visible operating instruc- tions provided on the cover. The word FIRE shall appear on the front of the stations in white letters, 1.00 inches (25.4 mm) or larger. Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting on matching backbox SB-I 0; or semi-flush mount- ing on a standard single-gang, double-gang, or 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box, and shall be installed within the limits defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or per national/local requirements. Manual Stations shall be Underwriters Laboratories listed. Manual stations shall connect with two wires to one of the control panel SLC loops. The manual station shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the panel representing the state of the manual switch. Manual sta- tions shall provide address setting by use of rotary decimal switches. The loop poll LED shall be clearly visible through the front of the station. The LED shall flash while in the normal condition, and stay steadily illuminated when in alarm. g?j;ziof A.Y TAB 15 0 ADDRZSS 0 13 L 0) 12 3 i 4 110 5 2:! 7 LLOJ_J 81 LI1 TARY SWITCHES *Remove tab to select addresses above 99 (FlashScan systems only). Cover open to show easy access to miniature monitor module, rotary switch, and UL label. Page 2 of 2 - DN-6726 • 06/09/00 r— CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION ....OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7150-0028:199 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Manual Pull Stations/Boxes LISTEE: Notifier, A Pittway Company, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-1200 DESIGN: Models NBG-12. NBG-12S. NBG-12W, NBG-12LW. NBG-12NC, NBG-12WP, NBG- 12LWP, NBG-1 2L, NBG-1 2LX,JNBG-1 2LA, NBG-1 2PS, NBG-1 2LSP and NBG-1 2SP fire alarm pull boxes. The NBG-1 2 series is a dual action pull station that has normally open switch contacts. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm pull boxes for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Models NRG-12WP, NBG-I2LW. NBG-12W and NBG- 1 2LWP are intended for outdoor use when installed with Model WP-1 0 back box. Couected 04-25-2000 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing Is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 21 2000 Authorized By: Effective issue date to expiration date =Ustingxpires June 30, 2001 j ?BEN HO, fSupervising Deputy Program Manager