HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; AS010043; Permit3/7/24, 2:47 PM AS010043 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: ASOI 0043 Job Address: 1 LEGOLAND DR Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: Lot #: 0 Reference No.: PC #: Status: ISSUED Applied 2/12/2001 Approved: 3/16/2001 Issued: 3/16/2001 Inspector: Project Title: LEGOLAND TECHNIC DINER Applicant: Owner: Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 501.5 0 501.5 0 about:blank 1/1 Feb. 12 2000 1:35PM HP LASERJET 3200 FEB- 941 FRI 16:08 CARLSBAD FIRE PROTECTION FAX NO. 7008028581 : Leor€cc!414 b%J CAiBAD FIRE PROTERC1ON SERVICES Permit Submittal Form p.1 P1 02 Aau-,-974-501 0 0 £5 A. Check orffl in pertinent Wbnnatfon ft type of permit you aro submitting. AS —Automatic Sprlrthlers Commercial _Residential____________ Number of Hcads per Systoui; System 11 j_ Heads i . System 11 Heads Systom#_ Heeds -- System!!- Heads_ Systcm # - Heads - System II Heads - 'U i,ri 1 Jndcrgr 3n4Jlided!9fapprjyal Undergiowid iilude'd for refbicnce only ___Total Fees AU _____ '.. : '. : 2ol 1.02 PA —Fire Alarm lODcvicesor less ____ Qvci1O devIces ' # of devices Total Fees_______ FS—Flxed Systems ('Circle One) j.'. •- . - Hood &Puct, Mon, Special Chemical Agent, Stanipipc,. Total Fee,_____ Spray Booth, or Appliance. LI There may be an additional fee of $55.00 per /z ft !40d inapet on 1i4't.. Xlell^ A&iress of job site: Oi 4'1' Suite Building PcrmitLCB (U'13&(i JOr i.wri) Contractor Information Name' I(2 Address jT (pC-i H ugiwi 'r ra - City Statc,Zip'i_) Kind of Liccnsc and number C Up' 2'ZPhone5' Z1i•(,it FAX 5S% 2.'R3 SS 3 Do you currently have 'a Certificate of Insuranceon file with the Fire DepitötN Do you currently have a business license on file with the City of CarlsbadorW Signature Date Permit Submital Fom 02102/2001 :.i Aso( Schmidt Fire Protection Co., In-c-. 4760 MURPHY CANYON ROAD - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 TELEPHONE: (858) 279-6122 FAX: (858) 279-3583 CLASSIFICATION C-16 LICENSE 272398 FILE COPY LUI0LANP tCHNIC PW P, ON LcO 2IV CAJ15t3AI2, CA, J013 Mi-464 PAS: 2i-0I ' CAL.CULAliON tH H t2N5ftY: 110/ 19005c'1f11 I6H1' HAZAIt2 CALCS 13Y: MAN 9I1 Your Company Name Page 3 DINNING AREA - CALC #1 Date City Water Supply: Pump Data: Cl-Static Pressure: 72 PSI C2-Residual Pressure: 67.5 PSI C2-Residual Flow: 995 GPM 150 140 130 P 120 R 110 E 100 S 90 S 80 U 70 R 60 E 50 40 30 20 10 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 FLOW C N ' 1.85 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 • -, - Di-Elevation: 9.961 PSI D2-System Flow:229.93 GPM D2-System Pressure: 53.476 PSI Hose ( Adj City ):0 GPM Hose ( Demand ) :100 GPM D3-System Demand:329.93 GPM Safety Margin: 17.940 PSI - - - - - -1 -e D2 —e Your Company Name Page 4 DINNING AREA - CALC #1 Date Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name A Generic Alarm Va B Generic Butterfly Valve C Roll Groove Coupling D Dry Pipe Valve E 90' Standard Elbow F 45' Elbow G Gate Valve H 45' Grvd-Vic Elbow' I 90' Grvd-Vic Elbow J 90' Grvd-Vic Tee K Detector Check Valve L Long Turn Elbow M Medium Turn Elbow N PVC Standard Elbow 0 PVC Tee Branch P PVC 45' Elbow Q Flow Control Valve R PVC Coupling/Run Tee S Swing Check Valve T 90' Flow thru Tee U 45' Firelock Elbow V 90' Firelock Elbow W Wafer Check Valve X 90' Firelock Tee Y Mechanical Tee Z Flow Switch Your Company Name Page 5 ' DINNING AREA - CALC #1 Date Unadjusted Fittings Table 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 A 7.7 21.5 17.0 B 7 10 12 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 9.5 17 28 E 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 F 1. 1 1 1. 2 2 3 3 3 4 G 1 1 1 1 2 H 1 1.5 2 2 3 3 3.5 3.5 I 2 3 4 3.5 6 5.0 8 7 J 4.5 6 8 8.5 10.8 13 17 16 K 14 14 L 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 M 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 8 N 7 7 7 8 9 11 12 13 0 3 3 5 6 8 10 12 15 P 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 Q 18 29 35 R 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 S 4 5 5 7 9 11 14 16 19 22 T 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 U 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.4 V 3.5 4.3 5 6.8 w 10.3 x 8.5 10.8 13 16 Y 2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.5 12.5 15.5 22 Z 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 - A 17 27 29 B 9 10 12 19 21 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i D 47 E 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 F 5 7 9 11 13 17 19 21 24 28 G 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 H 4.5 5 6.5 8.5 10 18 20 23 25 30 I 8.5 10 13 17 20 23 25 33 36 40 J 21 25 . 33 41 50 65 78 88 98 120 K 36 55 45 L 8 9 13 16 18 24 27 30 34 40 M 10 12 16 19 22 N 0 P Q 33 R S 27 32 45 55 65 76 87 98 109 130 T 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 U 4.2 5.0 5.0 V 8.5 10 13 N 13.1 31.8 35.8 27.4 x 21 25 33 Y Z 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 I Your Company Name Page 6 ' DINNING AREA - CALC #1 Date Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Added Req. Req. 101 20 5.6 7 na 14.82 - .10 100 7 102 20 5.6 7.75 na 15.59 .10 100 7 103 20 5.6 8.49 na 16.32 .10 100 7 1 19 10.68 na 105 20 5.6 8.97 na 16.78 .10 100 7 104 20 5.6 9.22 na 17.01 .10 100 7 106 20 5.6 7.1 na 14.92 .10 100 7 107 20 5.6 7.86 na 15.7 .10 100 7 108 20 5.6 8.61 na 16.43 .10 100 7 3 19 10.82 na 110 20 5.6 9.1 na 16.9 .10 100 7 109 20 5.6 9.35 na 17.13 .10 100 7 111 20 5.6 7.9 na 15.74 .10 100 7 112 20 5.6 8.74 na 16.56 .10 100 7 113 20 5.6 9.57 na 17.32 .10 100 7 5 19 . 11.97 na 114 20 5.6 11.19 na 18.73 .10 100 7 2 19 12.59 na 4 19 12.76 na 6 19 13.38 na 11 11 24.04 na 17 11 24.76 na 22 11 28.91 na TOR 11 33.05 na BOR 0.5 38.85 na 50 U6 -3 40.83 na U5 -3 42.02 na U4 2 40.1 na U3 2 50.19 na U2 -3 52.6 na Ui -3 53.48 na 50 The maximum velocity is 12.86 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes 6 and 11 Your Company Name Page 7 DINNING AREA - CALC #1 Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe, Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 101 14.82 1.049 10.000 7.000 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 102 14.82 0.0747 10.000 0.747 ye]. = 5.502 102 15.58 1.38 10.000 7.747 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 103 30.40 0.0743 10.000 0.743 ye]. = 6.521 103 16.32 1.38 iT 6.000 4.670 8.490 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 6.000 0.433 1 46.72 0.1645 10.670 1.755 ye]. = 10.022 1 33.78 1.61 iT 8.000 1.000 10.677 to 120 8.000 2 80.50 0.2124 9.000 1.912 ye]. = 12.686 80.50 12.589 K Factor = 22.69 105 16.78 1.38 10.000 8.974 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 104 16.78 0.0247 10.000 0.247 ye]. = 3.599 104 17.00 1.38 iT 6.000 5.330 9.222 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 6.000 0.433 1 33.78 0.0903 11.330 1.023 ye]. = 7.246 33.78 10.678 K Factor = 10.34 106 14.92 1.049 10.000 7.102 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 107 14.92 0.0757 10.000 0.757 ye]. = 5.539 107 15.70 1.38 10.000 7.859 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 108 30.62 0.0753 10.000 0.753 ye]. = 6.568 108 16.44 1.38 iT 6.000 4.670 8.611 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 6.000 0.433 3 47.06 0.1666 10.670 1.778 ye]. = 10.094 3 34.02 1.61 iT 8.000 1.000 10.822 to 120 8.000 4 81.08 0.2152 9.000 1.937 ye]. = 12.778 81.08 12.759 K Factor = 22.70 110 16.90 1.38 10.000 9.103 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 109 16.90 0.0251 10.000 0.251 Vel = 3.625 109 17.12 1.38 iT 6.000 5.330 9.353 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 6.000 0.433 3 34.02 0.0914 11.330 1.036 ye]. = 7.297 34.02 10.822 K Factor = 10.34 ill 15.74 1.049 10.000 7.904 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 112 15.74 0.0835 10.000 0.835 ye]. = 5.843 - Your Company Name Page 8 ' DINNING AREA - CALC #1 Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 112 16.56 1.38 10.000 8.740 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 113 32.30 0.0831 10.000 0.831 Vel = 6.928 113 17.32 1.38 iT 6.000 4.670 9.570 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 6.000 0.433 5 49.62 0.1838 10.670 1.961 Vel = 10.644 5 18.73 1.61 iT 8.000 1.000 11.965 to 120 8.000 6 68.35 0.1569 9.000 1.412 Vel = 10.772 68.35 13.377 K Factor = 18.69 114 18.73 1.38 iT 6.000 5.330 11.188 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 6.000 0.433 5 18.73 0.0303 11.330 0.343 Vel = 4.018 18.73 11.964 K Factor = 5.42 2 80.50 2.703 10.000 12.589 to 120 4 80.50 0.0170 10.000 0.170 Vel = 4.501 4 81.08 2.703 10.000 12.759 to 120 6 161.58 0.0618 10.000 0.618 Vel = 9.034 6 68.35 2.703 3L 6.217 42.000 13.378 to 120 18.651 3.465 11 229.93 0.1187 60.651 7.200 Vel = 12.856 11 2.703 6.040 24.043 to 120 17 229.93 0.1187 6.040 0.717 Vel = 12.856 17 2.703 1L 6.217 10.080 24.760 to 120 iT 18.651 24.868 22 229.93 0.1187 34.948 4.149 Vel = 12.856 22 2.703 iT 18.651 16.250 28.909 to 120 18.651 TOR 229.93 0.1187 34.901 4.143 Vel = 12.856 TOR 2.703 10.500 33.052 to 120 4.548 BOR 229.93 0.1188 10.500 1.247 Vel = 12.856 BOR 50.00 4.1 2L 8.720 10.000 38.847 Qa = 50 to 140 17.440 1.516 U6 279.93 0.0169 27.440 0.463 Vel = 6.803 U6 4.24 1L 11.667 83.000 40.826 to 150 11.667 US 279.93 0.0126 94.667 1.195 Vel = 6.361 U5 4.1 1L 8.720 6.000 42.021 to 140 8.720 -2.166 U4 279.93 0.0169 14.720 0.249 Vel = 6.803 Your Company Name Page 9 DINNING AREA - CALC #1 Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln., Total Pf Pn U4 4.1 5.000 40.104 to 140 10.000 Fixed loss = 10 U3 279.93 0.0168 5.000 0.084 Vel = 6.803 U3 4.1 1L 8.720 6.000 50.188 to 140 8.720 2.166 U2 279.93 0.0169 14.720 0.249 Vel = 6.803 U2 4.24 2L 11.667 7.000 52.602 to 150 iT 38.891 62.223 Ui 279.93 0.0126 69.223 0.874 Vel = 6.361 50.00 Qa = 50.00 329.93 53.476 K Factor = 45.12 'F I Schmidt Fire Protection Co., Inc. 4760 MURPHY CANYON ROAD - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 TELEPHONE: (858) 279-6122 FAX: (858) 279-3583 CLASSIFICATION C-i 6 LICENSE 272398 ~~6O~ANP 1'CHN IC PMP, M LO t2 IV CA1151AI2, CA. JOt3 *MI-44 L2A1: 2-8-01 "CACULA11ON #21 ' t2N5I1'Y: / 9005q1fi:;1 Ot2INAY ROUP I 1. CALC5 13Y: 13IAN 9I1 Your Company Name Page 3 KITCHEN SERVICE AREA - CALC Date City Water Supply: Pump Data: Cl-Static Pressure: 72 PSI C2-Residual Pressure: 67.5 PSI C2-Residual Flow: 995 GPM 150 140 130 R 110 E 100 S 90 S 80 U R 60 E 50 40 30 20 10 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 FLOW C N " 1.85 ;omputer 1'rograms oy iyaratec inc. oute iii wincinam £1.1-i. USA UiUI - Dl-Elevation: 5.197 PSI D2-System Flow:262.78 GPM D2-System Pressure: 61.127 PSI Hose ( Adj City ):0 GPM Hose ( Demand ):250 GPM D3-System Demand:512.78 GPM - - Safety Margin: 9.553 PSI P 120 12 :1 - D 70 I I I........I I._.__.___.-•____I____!_••• Your Company Name Page 4 KITCHEN SERVICE AREA - CALC Date Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name A Generic Alarm Va B Generic Butterfly Valve C Roll Groove Coupling D Dry Pipe Valve E 90' Standard Elbow F 45' Elbow G Gate Valve H 45' Grvd-Vic Elbow I 90' Grvd-Vic Elbow J 90' Grvd-Vic Tee K Detector Check Valve L Long Turn Elbow M Medium Turn Elbow N PVC Standard Elbow 0 PVC Tee Branch P PVC 45' Elbow Q Flow Control Valve R PVC Coupling/Run Tee S Swing Check Valve. T 90' Flow thru Tee U 45' Firelock Elbow V 90' Firelock Elbow W Wafer Check Valve X 90' Firelock Tee Y Mechanical Tee Z Flow Switch A 17 27 29 B 9 10 12 19 21 C 1 1 1 1 1 D 47 C 12 14 18 22 27 F 5 7 9 11 13 G 2 3 4 5 6 H 4.5 5 6.5 8.5 10 I 8.5 10 13 17 20 J 21 25 33 41 50 K 36 55 45 L 8 9 13 16 18 M 10 12 16 19 22 N 0 P Q 33 R S 27 32 45 55 65 T 25 30 35 50 60 U 4.2 5.0 5.0 V 8.5 10 13 w 13.1 31.8 35.8 27.4 X 21 25 33 y z 12 14 18 22 27 1 1 1. 1 1 35 40 45 50 61 17 19 21 24 28 7 8 10 11 13 18 20 23 25 30 23 25 33 36 40 65 78 88 98 120 24 27 30 34 40 76 87 71 81 35 40 98 109 130 91 101 121 45 50 61 Your Company Name KITCHEN SERVICE AREA - CALC Page 5 Date Unadjusted Fittings Table 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 A 7.7 21.5 17.0 B 7 10 12 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 9.5 17 28 C 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Fl 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 G 1 1 1 1 2 H 1 1.5 2 2 3 3 3.5 3.5 I 2 3 4 3.5 6 5.0 8 7 J 4.5 6 8 8.5 10.8 13 17 16 K 14 14 L 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 M 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 8 N 7 7 7 8 9 11 12 13 o 3 3 5 6 8 10 12 15 P 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 Q 18 29 35 R 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 S 4 5 5 7 9 11 14 16 19 22 T 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 U 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.4 V 3.5 4.3 5 6.8 W 10.3 x 8.5 10.8 13 16 Y 2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.5 12.5 15.5 22 z 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 Your Company Name Page 6 KITCHEN SERVICE AREA - CALC Date Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Added Req. Req. 201 9 5.6 14.38 na 21.23 .15 130 12.12 7 12 14.53 na 202 9 5.6 16.06 na 22.44 .15 130 12.12 8 12 16.29 na 203 9 5.6 16.93 na 23.04 .15 130 12.12 9 12 17.23 na 204 9 5.6 18.61 na 24.16 .15 130 12.12 10 12 - 19.06 na bA 12 24.76 na 205 9 5.6 12.13 na 19.5 .15 130 12.12 12 12 12.07 na 206 9 5.6 13.33. na 20.45 .15 130 12.12 13 12 13.32 na 207 9 5.6 14.69 na 21.46 .15 130 12.12 14 12 14.8 na 208 9 5.6 17.35 na 23.33 .15 130 12.12 15 12 17.69 na 209 9 5.6 23.11 na 26.92 .15 130 12.12 16 12 24.12 na 210 9 5.6 27.99 na 29.63 .15 130 12.12 18 12 30.08 na 211 9 5.6 29.91 na 30.63 .15 130 12.12 19 12 31.33 na 20 12 32.82 na 6 19 26.73 na 11 11 30.2 na 17 11 30.33 na 22 11 33.61 na 21 11 34.38 na TOR 11 38.44 na BOR 0.5 44.58 na 100 U6 -3 46.85 na US -3 . 48.78 na U4 2 47.01 na U3 2 57.15 na U2 -3 59.72 na Ui -3 61.13 na 150 The maximum velocity is 19.49 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes 10 and 10A Your Company Name Page 7 KITCHEN SERVICE AREA - CALC Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. La. Total Pf Pn 201 21.23 1.049 1E 2.000 3.000 14.378 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 iT 5.000 7.000 -1.299 7 21.23 0.1453 10.000 1.453 Vel = 7.881 7 1.049 2E 2.000 8.080 14.533 to 120 4.000 8 21.23 0.1454 12.080 1.756 Vel = 7.881 21.23 16.289 K Factor = 5.26 202 22.44 1.049 1E 2.000 2.500 16.059 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 iT 5.000 7.000 -1.299 8 22.44 0.1611 9.500 1.530 Vel = 8.330 8 21.24 1.38 6.500 16.289 to 120 9 43.68 0.1452 6.500 0.944 Vel = 9.369 43.68 17.233 K Factor = 10.52 203 23.04 1.049 1E 2.000 2.500 16.926 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 iT 5.000 7.000 -1.299 9 23.04 0.1691 9.500 1.606 Vel = 8.553 9 43.67 1.38 5.750 17.233 to 120 10 66.71 0.3179 5.750 1.828 Vel = 14.309 66.71 19.061 K Factor =. 15.28 204 24.16 1.049 1E 2.000 2.500 18.607 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 iT 5.000 7.000 -1.299 10 24.16 0.1846 9.500 1.754 Vel = 8.969 10 66.71 1.38 10.125 19.061 to 120 bA 90.87 0.5631 10.125 5.701 Vel = 19.492 bOA 1.6.1 1E 4.000 6.830 24.761 to 120 iT 8.000 12.000 0.433 11 90.87 0.2657 18.830 5.004 Vel = 14.321 90.87 30.198 K Factor = 16.54 205 19.50 1.049 bE 2.000 3.000 12.125 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 iT 5.000 7.000 -1.299 12 19.50 0.1242 10.000 1.242 Vel = 7.239 12 1.049 2E 2.000 6.080 12.068 to 120 4.000 13 19.50 0.1242 10.080 1.252 Vel = 7.239 19.50 13.320 K Factor = 5.34 206 20.45 1.049 1E 2.000 2.500 13.331 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 iT 5.000 7.000 -1.299 13 20.45 0.1356 9.500 1.288 Vel = 7.592 Your Company Name Page 8 KITCHEN SERVICE AREA - CALC Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 13 19.50 1.38 12.000 13.319 to 120 14 39.95 0.1231 12.000 1.477 Vel = 8.569 39.95 14.796 K Factor = 10.39 207 21.46 1.049 1E 2.000 2.500 14.687 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 iT 5.000 7.000 -1.299 14 21.46 0.1482 9.500 1.408 Vel = 7.967 14 39.95 1.38 1E 3.000 7.625 14.796 to 120 3.000 15 61.41 0.2727 10.625 2.897 Vel = 13.173 61.41 17.693 K Factor = 14.60 208 23.33 1.049 1E 2.000 2.500 17.350 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 iT 5.000 7.000 -1.299 15 23.33 0.1731 9.500 1.644 Vel = 8.661 15 61.40 1.38 1E 3.000 10.000 17.694 to 120 3.000 16 84.73 0.4947 13.000 6.431 Vel = 18.175 84.73 24.125 K Factor = 17.25 209 26.92 1.049 1E 2.000 3.250 23.113 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 iT 5.000 7.000 -1.299 16 26.92 0.2255 10.250 2.311 Vel = 9.993 16 84.74 1.61 1E 4.000 2.830 24.125 to 120 iT 8.000 12.000 0.433 17 111.66 0.3891 14.830 5.770 Vel = 17.597 111.66 30.328 K Factor = 20.28 210 29.63 1.049 1E 2.000 5.600 27.988 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 iT 5.000 7.000 -1.299 18 29.63 0.2693 12.600 3.393 Vel = 10.999 18 1.38 2E 3.000 11.670 30.081 to 120 6.000 19 29.63 0.0708 17.670 1.251 Vel = 6.356 29.63 31.332 K Factor = 5.29 211 30.63 1.049 1E 2.000 2.500 29.912 K Factor = 5.6 to 120 iT 5.000 7.000 -1.299 - 19 30.63 0.2863 9.500 2.720 Vel = 11.371 19 29.62 1.61 iT 8.000 4.000 31.332 to 120 8.000 20 60.25 0.1243 12.000 1.491 Vel = 9.495 20 1.61 iT 8.000 1.000 32.824 to 120 8.000 0.433 21 60.25 0.1242 9.000 1.118 Vel = 9.495 Your Company Name Page 9 KITCHEN SERVICE AREA - CALC Date Hyd. Qa. Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/OL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 60.25 34.375 K Factor = 10.28 6 0.01 2.703 31, 6.217 34.000 26.734 to 120 18.651 3.465 11 0.01 52.651 Vel = 0.001 11 90.86 2.703 6.040 30.199 to 120 17 90.87 0.0214 6.040 0.129 Vel = 5.081 17 111.66 2.703 11, 6.217 10.080 30.327 to 120 iT 18.651 24.868 22 202.53 0.0939 34.948 3.281 Vel = 11.324 22 2.703 8.170 33.608 to 120 21 202.53 0.0939 8.170 0.767 Vel = 11.324 21 60.25 2.703 iT 18.651 8.080 34.375 to 120 18.651 TOR 262.78 0.1520 26.731 4.063 Vel = 14.692 TOR 2.703 10.500 38.438 to 120 4.548 BOR 262.78 0.1520 10.500 1.596 Vel = 14.692 BOR 100.00 4.1 2L 8.720 10.000 44.581 Qa = 100 to 140 17.440 1.516 06 362.78 0.0273 27.440 0.749 Vel = 8.816 06 4.24 1L 11.667 83.000 46.846 to 150 11.667 05 362.78 0.0204 94.667 1.930 Vel = 8.243 05 4.1 1L 8.720 6.000 48.776 to 140 8.720 -2.166 04 362.78 0.0273 14.720 0.402 Vel = 8.816 (34 4.1 5.000 47.012 to 140 10.000 Fixed loss = 10 03 362.78 0.0272 5.000 0.136 Vel = 8.816 03 4.1 11, 8.720 6.000 57.149 to 140 8.720 2.166 02 362.78 0.0273 14.720 0.402 Vel = 8.816 (32 4.24 2L 11.667 7.000 59.716 to 150 iT 38.891 62.223 01 362.78 0.0204 69.223 1.412 Vel = 8.243 150.00 Qa = 150.00 512.78 61.128 K Factor = 65.59 Ascoo43 A *Schmidt Fire Protection Co., Inc. 4760 MURPHY CANYON RD • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 • (858) 279-6122 • FAx (858) 279-3583 LEGOLAND TECHNIC DINER. ONE LEGO DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA. MI-4364 MATERIAL SUBMITTALS SPRINKLER HEADS PIPE & FITTINGS VALVES HANGERS & SWAY BRACING ELECTRICAL DEVICES MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS - c&tvih5 of cw tunhki QUICK RESPONSE RECESSED PENDENT /QUICK RESPONSEN /V/ RECESSED ERTICAL SIDEWALL LOBE° FIRE SPRINKLER W CORPORATION DESCRIPTION A ND OPERATION QUICK RESPONSE A UTOMA TIC SPRINKLERS MODEL JN B ULB SPRAY SERIES RECESSED PENDENI' RECESSED VERTICAL SIDEWALL RECESSED HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL The Globe Quick Response Model JN Sprinkler is a low profile yet durable design which utilizes a 3mm frangible glass ampule as the thermosensitive element. This provides sprinkler operation approxi- mately six times faster than ordinary sprinklers. While the Quick Response Sprinkler provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance, it can be installed wherever standard spray sprinklers are specified but offers the additional feature of greatly increased safety to life. Quick Response Sprinklers should be used advisedly and under the direction of approving authorities having jurisdiction. The heart of Globe's Model JN sprinkler proven actuating assembly is a hermetically sealed frangible glass ampule that contains a precisely measured amount of fluid. When heat is absorbed, the liquid within the bulb expands increasing the internal pressure. At the prescribed temperature the internal pressure within the ampule exceeds the strength of the glass causing the glass to shatter. This results in water discharge which is distributed in an approved pattern depending upon the deflector style used. The patented seat design consists of an engineered plastic seat and silicone 0-ring. This combination has advantages over other types of seating arrangements, in that the plastic seat is an insulator which provides for no heat loss from the bulb to the water in the system, resulting in faster response. In addition, the plastic seat is not subject to corrosion or deterioration by chemicals, bacteria or electrolysis. TECHNICAL DATA U.S. Patent No. 5.494,114. See reverse side for Approvals and Specifications. Temperature Ratings - 135°F (57°C), 155°F (68°C), 175°F (790C), 200°F (93°C), 286°F (141 -C). Water Working Pressure Rating - 175 psi (12 Bars). Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34 Bars). Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67°F (-55°C). Frame - bronze Deflector - brass Screw - brass Bulb seat - engineered plastic 0-ring - silicone elastomer Bulb - glass with alcohol based solution, 3mm size. Escutcheon Assembly - steel SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE RATING/CLASSIFICATION and COLOR CODING AVAILABLE SPRINKLER I BULB N.F.P.A. MAXIMUM CLASSIFICATION TEMPERATURES COLOR CEILING TEMPERATURE ORDINARY I3S°F/I55°F S70C168°C ORANGE/RED 100°F 38°C INTERMEDIATE I7S'F/200°F 790C1930C YELLOW/GREEN 150°F 66°C HIGH 286°F 141°C BLUE 225°F 107°C 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE. STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 SI 7.846-4583 • FAX 517.846-9231 DECEMBER 1998 A-7N BULLETIN JN-Q.R. RECESSED. REV. #4 QLKK RESPONSE A UTOMA TIC SPRINKLERS MODEL JN BULB SPRAY SERIES RECESSED PENDENT • RECESSED VERTICAL SIDEWALL RECESSED HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL .1qpFrlplr4 T,np$iv ORIFICE SIZE NOMINAL "K" FACTOR THREAD SIZE LENGTH FINISHES 38 (10 mm) 2.8 (39 metric) 1/2" NPT 2 114" (5.7 cm) Factory Bronze 7:16" (12.5 mm) 4.2 (59 metric) 1/2" NPT '2 114" (5.7 cm) Satin Chrome (IS mm) 5.6 (80 metric) /2" NPT 2 114" (5.7 cm) Bright Chrome White PoIyes+ 17 /32** (20 mm) 7.8 (I II metric) 1/2" NPT ''2 114" (5.7 cm) Black Polyester+ 17/32" (20 mm) 8.1 (116 metric) 3/4" NPT 2 7116" (6.2 cm) 'Lead Coated - ............- - ... . .-, . ,,., •.-. . . 1URJZUNT*L SIDEWALL 152 9116". "EXCLUDING FINItE. NISHES AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER. 4 PPDfl VA 1 c +AVAILABLE AS UL LIM CORROSION RESISTANT STYLE ORIFICE 135'F I 55F I 7S'F 200'F 2$6'F U.L CANADIAN F.M. N.Y.C. - 0.0.8. SIZE S7C 68'C 7YC 930C I4I"C U.L LP.C. MEA I0I.92.E 318" X X X X X x X - -. X X PENDENT RECESSED t y 112"x x x x x x x x x x I7l32" X X X X X X X X - X 17132' X X X X X X X X X X VERTICAL SIDEWALL 7/16" —...4 X X X X X X - . X RECESSED 1/2 X X X X x X 3/8" X X X x HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL 7/16" X X X -" ''". - - x RECESSED 5 /2 X ,.. —X" X X X X -.... - X I7132" —r" X X X X X X - - X ' rri' &rc' 5HORJZONTAL. SIDEWALL U.L AND C-U.L LISTED FOR DEFLECTOR 4" TO 2" BELOW THE CEILING IUJi3i7 JI . I .1 L#'j V1.J tUSTED FOR ALL HAZARDS. I *VERTICAL SIDEWALL U.L. AND C.U.L USTED FOR LIGHT HAZARD ONLY. "I7l32"XI/2NPT. - -. .. ORDERING INFORMATION . . , SPECIFY Quantity Model Number Style - Orifice Thread Sizes Temperature Finishes desired - ;:: .>z Quantity. Model JN Recessed Wrenches. P/N 325391 .. ,. VERTICAL SIDEWALL . i (I• 325401 R. F (LO.) GLOBES PRODUCT WARRANTY PENDENT s G asu': L 0 B E FIRE SPRINKLER .I..L. HORIZONTAL CORPORATION SIDEWALL Globe agrees to repair or replace any of in own manufac- tured products found to be defective in material or workman- ship for a period of one year from date of shipment. I For specific details; of our warranty please refer to Price List Terms and Conditions of Sale (Our Price List). Ra 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 517.846.4583 FAX 517.846.9231 1-800-248.0278 www.globesprinkler.com cc'.loco 'aGo PRINTflII A RI III FflP'J IN.rN P *crccccr QCV 44 aC -LOBE FIRE SPRINKLER CORPORATION QUICK RESPONSE A UTOMA TIC SPRINKLERS MODEL HC BULB SPRAY SERIES ADJUSTABLE CONCEALED DESCRIPTIONAND OPERATION The Globe Model HC Quick Response Adjustable Concealed Sprinkler is a pendent sprinkler designed for use with concealed piping systems for those areas where an attractive appearance is of primary importance. The Model HC is an assembly provided with a cover plate which completely hides the sprinkler head. After installation all that is visible is the small flat cover which can be factory painted any color you wish. Incorporated in its design is an adjustable feature which is infinitely variable for a full 1/2". This will compensate for uneven ceiling heights and allow adjustment of the sprinkler cover at any time. The feature will also allow the removal of the cover plate to facilitate the changing of soiled or damaged ceiling tiles without the removal of the sprinkler head. This provides significant savings for building maintenance. The cover plate is designed to fall away during a fire and expose the concealed sprinkler to the rising temperatures of the fire. The deflector drops down to a point below the ceiling line. The heat of the fire then operates the glass bulb sprinkler and water is discharged onto the fire. QUICK RESPONSE MODEL HC TECHNICAL DATA ADJUSTABLE CONCEALED See reverse side for Approvals and Specifications. Temperature Ratings - 155°F (68°C) Sprinkler, 135°F (57°C) Cover Plate 200°F (93°C) Sprinkler, 165°F (74°C) Cover Plate. Water Working Pressure Rating - 175 psi (1207 kPa). Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (3448 kPa). Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67°F (-55°C). Frame - brass Deflector - bronze Screw - brass Bulb seat - copper Spring - nickel alloy - Seal - teflon Bulb - glass with glycerin solution, 3mm. SPRINKLER TEMPERA TURE RATING/CLASSIFICATION and COLOR CODING 6 I CLASSIFICATION AVAILABLE SPRINKLER BULB COLOR N.F.P.A. MAXIMUM I I TEMPERATURES CEILING TEMPERATURE I ORDINARY I55F 68'C RED IOO'F 38c I IINTERMEDIATE 200'F 93C GREEN ISOF 660C 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 517-846-4583 • FAX 517-846-9231 2'/a. 2 -i CROSS SECTION ORDERING INFORMATION SPECIFY Quantity Model Number Style Orifice Thread Sizes Temperature Finishes desired Quantity -Model HC Wrenches. P/N G803851 I QUICK RESPONSE A UTOMA TIC SPRINKLERS MODEL HC BULB SPRAY SERIES A DJUSTA BLE CONCEALED SPECIFICATIONS ORIFICE SIZE NOMINAL k" FACTOR THREAD SIZE LENGTH FINISHES 112" (15 mm) 5.6 (80 metric) 1/2" NPT 2 1/8" (5.4 cm) Bright Chrome White Painted Other Painted Finishes MTC. MCTDI . - rr!Auri u . 1N1E5 AVALA&E ON SPECIAL ORDER. PAINTED PLATES OTHER THAN WHITE REQUIRE CUSTOMER TO FURNISH PAINT. APPROVALS ORIFICE I 554F (68°c) 200°F (93'C) STYLE SIZE WITH PLATE WITH PLATE U.L. *CANADIAN U.L 135-F (57'C) 165°F (74'C) CONCEALED 1/2" X X X X PENDENT 'liSTED FOR ALL HAZARDS. Cu. GLOW PRODUCT WARRANTY Globe agrees to repair or replace any of its own manufactured products found to be defective in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. For specific details of our warranty please refer to Price PLATE List Terms and Conditions of Sale (Our Price List). .cccss r access LOBE"Ii FIRE SPRINKLER CORPORATION 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE. STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 517-846-4583 FAX 517-846-9231 The Model ESLO Sprinkler incorpo- rates a specially designed deflector that provides a much greater area of coverage than standard commercial sprinklers. The two (2) piece re- cessed escutcheon assembly pro- vides for 3/4 (19.1mm) of field adjust- ment. Technical Data Model: ESLO Style: Recessed Pendent, Pendent Escutcheon: Model EL.O 2-piece Recessed/ Vented Recessed Note: In the recessed position, only the Model ELO (2-piece) Recessed Planted Escutcheon may be used. Substitution of other "recessed" escutcheons may Impair the operating sensitivity and distribution pattern. Wrench: Pendent - Part #1073 ELO/ESLO/ESFR Combination Recessed Pendent - Part #1093 ESLO Offset Orifice Size: 0.70" (17.8 mm) (VELO) K-Factor: 14.5 (207.35 metric) Thread Size: 3/4'N.P.T. (20 mm) Temperature Rating: 1350F/570C 155017/680C 2000F/930C, 250°F/1210C Approvals: U.L., cUL, MEA 466-92-E Vol. Ill Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi (12.1 Bar) Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psi (34.5 bar) Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: brass or chrome plated Corrosion Resistant Coatings: white orbiack painted Escutcheon: brass, chrome plated, white or black painted Length: 2/" (70 mm) Width: 11/2' (38 mm) Weight: 4.2 oz. (120 grams) Quick Response Extended Coverage Light Hazard Recessed Sprinkler I I ESLO Quick Response Extended Coverage Light Hazard Very Extra Large Orifice Recessed Pendent and Pendent Glass Bulb Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 E -r AM u lvi T ' Product Description The Central Model ESLO Very Extra Large Orifice Recessed Pendent and Pendent Glass Bulb Automatic Sprinklers are specifically designed for Extended Coverage/Light Hazard for all Groups as defined by NFPA 13. They are Listed as Quick Response, up to 20' x 20' (6. Im x 6. lm)(See Design Requirements). Maximum ceiling slope of 2" per foot (158mmJm). SThe ESLO is Listed for smooth flat horizontal ceilings. The ESLO provides the maximum in design flexibility as it has a minimum separation of only 9-0" (2.7m) and is Listed for flows and pressures associated with 16' x 16', 18' x 18' and 20' x 20' spacing (4.9m x 4.9m. 5.5m x 5.5m, 6. Im x 61m). They are intended for use, as all extended coverage sprinklers are, with hydraulically designed systems and using the flows and pressures shown in this brochure. For the purpose of determin- ing the correct flow and pressure to use in the hydraulic calculations, all spacing s rounded up to the next higher cat- egory. For example, 13-6" x 17-6" (4.2m 5 4m) spacing would be calculated at the Listed 18' x 18' (5.5m x 5.5m) flow and pressure. The advantage of the ESLO is the ability to cover large areas, up to 400 ft2 (37 2r172), with pressures that compare to /2 (15mm) standard sprinklers spaced at their maximum of 225 ft2 (21m2). For example, the ESLO can cover 20'x 20' (6. Im x 6. lm) spacing or 400 ft2 (37.2,112) with less pressure than is required with t/ 2 (15mm) sprinklers at 225 ft2 (20.7m2). This is 7.6 psi vs. 16.1 psi (0.5 bar vs. 1.1 bar). No. 2.1.0 1/2" (38.1 mm)—.l Diameter Installation Diagrams ESLO Extended Coverage Light Hazard Recessed Pendent 1. x3I4(2Sx2Omm) "Reducing Coupling il Face of 318"9.5mm) Mm. Reducing 314"(20inm) Nominal Coupling 1 1I8"28.6mm Max. ....... Ii_J .i. T \ Finished Ceiling Line Model ELO (2-piece) Recessed Escutcheon or ELO Vented Recessed Escutcheon Li 2 114(572mm) Dia. Mm. 2 314(69.9mm) Dia. Max. 3 1/4(82.6mm) Diameter Installation Diagrams ESLO Extended Coverage Light Hazard Pendent Note: Centrals Model 65 or 401 escutcheon may be used. When using Centrals Model 65 escutcheon. the face otthe R.C. istoprotrude 1/8 :1116(3.2mm :I.6mm) beyond the Design In Data Design Requirements - Light Hazard Extended Coverage Applications Density .1 GPMflt2 - NFPA 13 All Editions Spacing Flow/Pressure PendentSensitivity Recessed PendentSensitivity 135F 155:F, 200°F, & 250°F 135SF 1553F, 200°F, 250°F __________________ (57-0 (68°C). (93°C). & (12C) (57°C) (68°C), (9300, & (121°C) 16 X 16' 139x49) 38.4 gpm/7.0 psi (7145LpmO.5bar) OR OR OR OR 18'x 18 38.4 gpm/7.0 psi OR OR OR* STD (5.5x5.5) (114.5 Lpm/O.5 bar) 20'x20' 40.0 gpm/7.6 psi OR STD OR* STD (6 7x6.7) (751.6 Lpm'O.52 bar) Use ELO vented support cup assembly. Part #4111 Brass. #4110 Chrome, #4112 White Caution: Minimum spacing between pnd.nt and recessed pondent sprinkle,, Is 9-00. The Model ESLO incorporates the latest in heat-responsive glass bulb tech- nology. The operating mechanism consists of a 3 mm liquid-filled frangible capsule that is only 20 mm in length. Operation: The glass bulb capsule operating mechanism contain a heat- sensitive liquid that expands upon application of heat. At the rated temperature, the frangible capsule ruptures, thereby releasing the orifice seal. The sprinkler then discharges water in a pre-designed spray pattern to control the fire. ]Maintenance Care & rA Installation All Central Model ESLO Recessed Pendent and Pendent Automatic Sprinklers must be installed accord- ing to the current NFPA 13 Standard and these installation instructions. Deviations from these requirements and standards or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void, any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. in addition. installation must also meet local government provisions, codes. and standards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to ensure the minimum required Now rate at the sprinkler. Check for he proper model, style, orifice size, and temperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage: replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be protected from freezing. Upon completion of the installation, 1 the system must be tested per recognized standards. In the event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installation Sequence Step 1. For Pendent and Recessed Pendent sprinklers, the face of the sprinkler fitting should be installed a nominal 3/41 +/a° (19.1mm ±9.5mm) behind the ceiling line. Adjustments are made via the push-on escutcheon. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon" tape. Apply only to the male threads. Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. Use a Central Sprinkler Wrench, to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. (9.5 to 19.0 Nm) of torque; a tangential force of 14 to 28 lbs. (62.3 to 124.5 N) delivered through a 6" (1 so mm) handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft.-lbs. (28.6 Nm) may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. 'Teflon is a trademark of the DuPont Corp. Sprinklers must be handled care- fully. They must not be transported or stored where ambient temperature may exceed 100°F/380C. For best results, store them in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers must never be painted, coated, plated, or altered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may not function properly. Any sprinklers altered in such manner must be replaced. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA standard 25 entitled, "Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems", contains guidelines and minimum maintenance requirements. Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have addi- tional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspec- tion that must be obeyed. It is advisable to have sprinkler systems inspected regularly by a qualified inspection service. Length of time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambient atmosphere, water supply, and site activity. -,1 Do not attempt to reassemble or otherwise reuse a sprinkler that has operated. Replace any sprinkler "')iting corrosion or damage; ys use new sprinklers of the se.tue type and temperature rating as replacements. Because the discharge pattern is critical to protection of life and property. nothing should be hung or attached to the sprinkler unit that would disrupt the pattern. Such obstructions must be removed. In the event that construction has altered the original configuration, the system must be investigated and the protec- tion level maintained. Do not attempt to replace sprinklers without first removing the fire protec- tion system from service. Be certain to secure permission from all authori- ties having jurisdiction, and notify all personnel who may be affected during system shutdown. A fire watch during maintenance periods is a wise precaution. To remove the system from service mode, first refer to the system operating guide and valve instruction. i water and relieve pressure in pipes. Remove the existing unit and install the replacement, using only the special sprinkler wrench. Be certain to match model, style, orifice, and temperature rating. A fire protection system that has been shut off after an activation should be returned to service immedi- ately. Inspect the entire system for damage and replace or repair as necessary. Sprinklers that did not operate but were subjected to corro- sive elements of combustion or excessive temperatures should be inspected, and replaced if need be. The Authority Having Jurisdiction will detail minimum replacement require- ments and regulations. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Com- pany will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from the date of shipment. Please refer to the current Price List for further details of the warranty. fl Ordering Inf ormation Ordering Information: When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, model, style, orifice size, temperature rating, type of finish or coating, and spnnklerwrench. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available through- out the U.S. and Canada, and interna- tionally, through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Patents: Patents are pending. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot 0.3048m 1 pound= 0.4536 kg 1 foot pound= 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm = 3.785 liters Conversions are approximate. OPTIMA 1"1 is a registered trademark of Central Sprinkler Company. 1999 Central Sprinkler Company Printed in U.S.A. CENTRAL Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 PHONE (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 ESLO.2 QUICK UPRIGHT I amor LOBE FIRE SPRINKLER CORPORATION DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION QUICKRESPONSE A UTOMA TIC SPRINKLERS MODEL JN BULB SPRAY SERIES UPRIGHT.PENDENT VERTICAL SIDEWALL HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL CONVENTIONAL (OLD STYLE) The Globe Quick Response Model JN Sprinkler is a low profile yet durable design which utilizes a 3mm frangible glass ampule as the thermosensitive element. This provides sprinkler operation approximately six times faster than ordinary sprinklers. While the Quick Response Sprinkler provides an aesthetically pleasing appear- ance, it can be installed wherever standard spray sprinklers are specified when allowed by the applicable standards. It offers the additional feature of greatly increased safety to life and is available in various styles, orifices, temperature ratings and finishes to meet many varying design requirements. Quick Response Sprinklers should be used advisedly and under the direction of approving authorities having jurisdiction. The heart of Globe's Model JN sprinkler proven actuating assembly is a hermetically sealed frangible glass ampule that contains a precisely measured amount of fluid. When heat is absorbed, the liquid within the bulb expands increasing the internal pressure. At the prescribed temperature the internal pressure within the a npule exceeds the strength of the glass causing the glass to shatter. This results in water discharge which is distributed in an approved pattern depending upon the deflector style used. TEcHNIcAL DATA U.S. Patent No. 5,494,114. See reverse side for Approvals and Specifications. Temperature Ratings - 135°F (57°C), 155°F (68°C), 175°F (790C), 200°F (93°C), 286°F (141 -C). Water Working Pressure Rating - 175 psi (1207 kPa). Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (3448 kPa). Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67°F (-550C). Frame - bronze Deflector - brass Screw - brass I CLASSIFICATION AVAILABLE SPRINKLER BULB I N.F.P.A. MAXIMUM I TEMPERATURES COLOR CEILING TEMPERATURE I-. ORDINARY 13501`1155 57°C/68°C ORANGE/RED 100°F 38°C I INTERMEDIATE I75°F/200°F 7YC/93°C YELLOW/GREEN 150°F 66°C I HIGH 286°F 141°C BLUE 225°F 107°C QUICK RESPONSE ' PENDENT / VERTICAL / SIDEWALL 16F QUICK RESPONSE Bulb seat - engineered plastic 0-ring - silicone elastomer HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL Bulb - glass with glycerin solution, 3mm size. SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE RATING/CLASSIFICATION and COLOR CODING 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 517-846.4583 • FAX 517.846-9231 APRIL 1998 A.6N BULLETIN JN-QUICK RESPONSE. REV. #3 Quantity Model Number Style Orifice Thread Sizes Temperature Finishes desired Quantity. Model JN Wrenches - P/N 325390 (1/21; P/N 312366 (LO.) C 0 B E "' YL FIRE SPRINKLER CORPORATION 0 cK RESPONSE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS MODEL JN BULB SPRAY SERIES UPRIGHT • PENDENT • VERTICAL SIDE WALL HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL • CONVENTIONAL (OLD STYLE) SPECIFICATIONS ORIFICE SIZE NOMINAL "K" FACTOR THREAD SIZE *LENGTH - FINISHES 3/8" (10 mm) 2.8 (39 metric) 1/2" NPT 1*2 114" (5.7 cm) ..1atory Bronze 7116" (12.5 mm) 4.2 (59 metric) 1/2" NPT "2 114" (5.7 cm) 'Satin Chrome (15 mm) 5.6 (80 metric) 1/2" NPT 2 114" (5.7 cm) Bright Chrome White Polyester+ 17/32" (20 mm) 7.8 (III metric) 1/2" NPT "2 II4" (5.7 cm) Black Polyester+ 17/32" (20 mm) 8.1 (116 metric) 3/4" NPT 2 7/16" (6.2 ) ***Lead Coated c; ,-, ,s,. AMC ,rr,..sAur1 ic HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL IS 2 9I16. — OCCLUDING PINTLE. FINISHES AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER. AVAILABLE AS U.L AND C.U.L LISTED CORROSION APPROVALS RESISTANT WHEN SPECIFIED ON STYLE ORIFICE 135°F 155°F 175°F 200°F 286°F U.L CANADIAN F.M. LP.C. N.Y.C. - D.O.B. SIZE 57°C 68°C 79°C 93°C 141°C U.L MEA 10 1-92-E 3/8" X X X X X X X - x 7/16" X X X X X X X - - x UPRIGHT - )' 1/2" X X X X X X X x x x 17/32"* X X X X X X X X - X 17/32" X X X X X X X X X X 3/8" X X X X X X X - X 7/16" X X X X X X X - -- X PENDENT - 1/2" X X X X X X X X X X I7/32"* X X X X X X X X ... X 17/32" X X I X X X X X X X X 3/8" - —.X. X X X X —X— — - -- X VERTICAL - SIDEWALL t 7/16" X X _X— .-..& x - .- x 1L2- —X— x x x x x — 318" X X X X X X X . X HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL 7/16" X X X X X XX 1 X - - X 1/2" X X X X X i .. --CONVENTIONAL —X---- —X-..... ___I_ -X__ X X (OLD STYLE) Ei~~ -x- — iT x x -x------- x ' HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL U.L AND C.U.L LISTED FOR DEFLECTOR 4" TO Ii" BELOW THE CEILING. ORDERING INFORMATION t VERTICAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLER U.L AND C.U.L LISTED FOR LIGHT HAZARD ONLY. 318- VERTICAL SIDEWALL U.L AND C-U.L LISTED FOR UPRIGHT INSTALLATION ONLY. SPECIFY • 1713YX 112' NPT. GLOW PRODUCT WARRANTY Globe agrees to repair or replace any of its own manufac- tured products found to be defective in material or workman- ship for a period of one year from date of shipment. For specific details of our warranty please refer to Price List Terms and Conditions of Sale (Our Price Ust). 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 517-846-4583 FAX 517-846-9231 I-800-248-0278 www.globesprinkler.com ooIPI'-cr ii cA 01111 TIPI lP.I.rI Ilfl( QD(I'.JCC or.v PtNUtNT VIP LOBE , 01 FIRE SPRINKLER CORPORATION DESCRIPTION A ND OPERATION A UTOMATIcSpR1NKLEp MODEL I/BULB SPRAYSERIES DRY TYPE PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT The Globe Model J Dry Type Pendent Sprinkler is designed for use in special applications such as freezing environments and conditions where sediment or foreign materials might accumulate in ordinary drop nipples. The Globe Model J Dry Type Pendent Sprinkler utilizes its frangible glass ampule sprinkler. At the ampule's rated temperature, the sprinkler opens which causes the release of the seat insert, allowing the inner tube and the ball stop to drop down, allowing the ball bearings, 0-ring and piston to be released and ejected through the sprinkler with the water stream. At this time, water flows without obstruction through the sprinkler and is distributed by the deflector, in the approved discharge pattern. The heart of Globe's Model J sprinkler proven actuating assembly is a hermetically seated frangible glass ampule that contains a precisely measured amount of fluid. When heat is absorbed the liquid within the bulb expands increasing the internal pressure. At the prescribed temperature the internal pressure within the ampule exceeds the strength of the glass causing the glass to shatter. This results in water discharge which is distributed in a pattern depen- dent upon deflector style used. TECHNICAL DATA See reverse side for Approvals and Specifications. Temperature Ratings - 35°F (57°C), 155°F (680C), 175°F (790C), 200°F (93°C), 286°F (141°C), 360°F (182°C). Water Working Pressure Rating - 175 psi (1207 kPa). Factory tested pneumatically (air under water) to 100 psi (690 kPa). Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67°F (-550C). Frame - bronze Deflector - brass Screw - brass Bulb seat - copper Spring - nickel alloy Bulb - glass with glycerin solution, 5mm Orifice insert - brass Piston - brass 3/4" NPT or I" NPT End fitting - brass Ball stop - bronze Outer tube - steel pipe Inner tube - stainless steel Seat insert - brass Pins - stainless steel Ball bearings - stainless steel 0-ring - silicone rubber 4 DRY PENDENT SLEEVE & SKIRT SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE RATING/CLASSIFICA TION and COLOR CODING CLASSIFICATION I AVAILABLE SPRINKLER TEMPERATURES BULB COLOR N.F.P.A. MAXIMUM CEILING TEMPERATURE ORDINARY I350F/I55°F 570C/68°C ORANGE/RED 100°F 38°C INTERMEDIATE 175°F/200°F 790093°C YELLOW/GREEN 150°F 66°C HIGH 286°F 141°C BLUE 225°F 107°C EXTRA HIGH 360°F 182°C MAUVE 300°F 149°C 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 517-846-4583 • FAX .517-846-9231 JANUARY 1996 A-30 BULLETIN ASB-DP, REV. #3 A UTOMA Tic SPRJNjcjEp MODEL I B ULB SPRAY SERIES DRY TYPE PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT SPECIFICA TUWV ORIFICE SIZE NOMINAL "K" FACTOR THREAD SIZE LENGTHS FINISHES Factory Bronze "'Satin Chrome BttLqhrome I(2 (IS mm) 5.6 (80 metric) I NPT Variable White Polyester STANDARD to 48" "'Blade Polyester "''Wax Coated Lead Coated """Wax over Lead PIOTE: METRIC CONVERSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. enhigin AVAJIASLS ON splew Ofl5R GALVANIZED OUTER TUBING 6 AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. 314 NPT OUTLET IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. APPROVALS "WAX COATiNG UI. AND C-UL LISTED UP TO 200 ONLY. FM APPROVED TO 2861. UL AND C-LA. LISTED FOR UP TO A 4 A DIMENSION, RI APPROVED FOR UP TO A 3W—A7 DIMENSION. STYLE ORIFICE SIZE I 35'F S7'C I SS'F VC I 75'F 7 .0 200'F 93'C 216'F I4I'C eo360'F I82'c u.L. I CANADIAN U.L.* F. M. N.Y.C.. D.O.E. MEA I0I-92-E PENDENT 112 X X X X X X x x x x RECESSEfl .X_ — X X X PENDENT x — - —S 'LISTED FOR ALL H.AZMDS 'N-lOT FM APPROVED. CROSS SECTIONS II Was, or hi2iT\4 ow 3/V - .••••_ ,,.• 1A (l "A U ,i •1 - I .. I .411 r' I.., PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT It &rj- 41~ mitrir -- 111/0 ,." EXTENDED PENDENT SLEEVE a SKIRT PENDENT LOBE 0 . " FIRE SPRINKLER CORPORATION IMPORTANT INS TALLA Tim DATA Globe ModelJ Dry Pendent sprinklers should be installed in accordance with the requirements set forth in NFPA 13. These sprinklers are to be installed using a pipe wrench applied to the end rutting. When this is not possible, the proper sprinkler head wrench may be used with extreme we for lengths up to approximately IS". Excessive force may distort the frame thus destroying the unit. The Model 'J Dry Sprinkler must not be installed in a short radius 90" elbow. ORDERING INFORMATION SPECIFY Quantity Model Number Style Orifice Temperature Finishes desired Quantity - Model J Wrenches - PIN 312366 Quantity. Model J Recessed Wrenches - PIN 325401 Escutcheons desired 'A Dimension GLOW PRODUCT WARRANTY Globe agrees to repair or replace any of its own manufactured products found to be defective in material or workmanship fora period of one year from date of shipment. For specific details of our warranty please refer to Price List Terms and Conditions of Sale (Our Price List). 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 517-846-4583 FAX 517-846-9231 a.I''AOV IEC ooI'rrCrIlA s,c f 'r' &i -I, T~fl z ____ 1200 mAgLWW Product Nominal Wtflt Wt/Ft PCs/ Wt/Uft Wt/Uft Wt/Uft NIPS I.D. H20 Filled Uft 21' 24' 25' X 1- 1.191. 0.830 1.31 91 1586 1812 1888 .25 30.3 1.2 1.95 91 719 822 Rs * 1 ./4 1.536 1.059 1.87 61 1356 1550 1615 *32 39.0 1.6 2.78 61 615 703 733 1. 1/2' 1.728 1.667 2.71 61 2135 2440 2542 *40 43.9 2.5 4.03 61 968 12.07 1153 *2' 2.203 2.104 3.79 37 2.634 1868 1946 *50 56.0 3.1 5.64 37 741 847 883 z21/2 2.703 2.564 5.10 30 1615 1846 1923 *65 68.7 3.8 7.59 30 733 837 872 * 3.314 3,387 7.18 19 1351 1544 1608 .80 84.2 5.0 10.69 19 613 700 729 *4 4.310 4.473 10.86 19 1784 2039 2124 .90 109.5 6.7 16.16 19 809 925 963 *6' 6.403 7.714 21.70 10 1620 1852. 1928 .150 162.6 11.5 32.29 10 735 840 875 Specifications t: Approvals Super Flo/Dyna-Flow pipe is manufactured to meet ASTM A- 795 Type E. Grade A and is in compliance with NFPA-13 and NFPA-14. All sizes of Dyna Flow/Super Flo are UL Listed, FM Approved and ULC Listed. Ustsd Appiovsd Ust.d Super flo/Dyna-Flow is UL IULC Listed for use with roll grooved. plain-end couplings, and welded joints for wet, dry. preaction and deluge systems. It is FM Approved for roll grooved, plain-end, and welded joints for wet systems. Refer to appropriate documentation for up-to-date listing and approval information. Super Flo/Dyna-Flow is now available hot-dip"galvanized and has been specifically approved by FM for dry systems uses. AdditionalBenefits1I S Lightweight and easy to install, resulting in more efficient use of your freight and labor dollars. Provides stability needed to comply with standard hanger spacing (15 ft O.C.j per NFPA. Available in Standard lengths for your convenience, or can be ordered in custom lengths upon approval. Fast cutting and welding, as well as easy roll grooving and end preparation. Available in Factory roll grooved form for quicker shop turnaround. Clean, durable mill coating provides longer "shelf life" and acts as an excellent primer for custom paint applications. Super Floe/DynamFlowla "igh Strength Steel Pipe m e original high-strength lightwail sprinkler pipe with hydraulics superior to Schedule-10. Super Flo/D% na-Ro pipe is the "original" hih-trenth lihtall sprinkler pipe. Super Flo/Dvna-Flow has outstanding hdraulic capabilities and is recognized as the most popular alternative to Schedule- 10 pipe. Lightweight, easy to cut and easy to handle for installation. Super Flo/Dvna-Flow is a valuable addition to any fire protection system. i'i.idTL E'i rrnIt4. With an inside diameter of up to 1% larger than Schedule-40 and up to 7% larger than Schedule- 10. Super Flo/ D na-Flow pipe hydraulics are exceptional. Larger l.D.s enable Super Flo/Dvna-flow. I related components. to be down- .1 ithin the system. thus increasing the potential for job cost savings. For complete Hazen-Williams charts, refer to "Super FloiD na-Flo H draulic Data Tables." Super Flo,Dvna-Flow products are coated uh an en' ironmentall app'roved and spectul 1% formulated modified-acrylic or .'. er-haed coating. This durable coating rum uble. The black coating acts as .n c.elknt primer and is resistant to .'ehering and L.V. degradation from .'ukluor storage. Metallurgical lurical properties provide excellent fabrication characteristics for end prep finishes. elding and roll grooving. No special process or equipment are needed .r fabrication and installation. (,r) allied CNOuIT 16100 S. Lathrop 11350 Norcom Rd. 2525 N. 27th Ave. Customer Service: Harvey, IL 60426 Philadelphia, PA 19154 Phoenix, AZ 85009 1-800-797-6210 Fax 708.339-1806 UL Listed and FM Approved Standard and Standard Li ghiwaJi Sprinkler Piping Assure the Integrity of Your Sprinkler System QUALITY ASSURANCE In order to assure pipe quality, UL and FM inspectors periodically monitor weld seam testing and specification compliance all year long. American Tube is the only manufacturer who gives you a complete UL listed and FM approved pipe product line. 'CCIFICATIONS --'can Tube arC Sch.40 Pipe is in ance with the ASTM A135 ASTM A795 !J Listed Arrer!carl 7u-es arc Scn-40 -reet :e snrgent :est ec.:rernertS ;n tne CwInc areas: Ie!cec C::ets 2. -ycrcs at! C 2.5 :ce Wail Lre -. 'craticn QUALITY SERVICE American Tube's Quality Service includes: Overnight delivery to almost anywhere in the USA Nationwide job tracking Special lengths Design assistance Mixed truck loads of UL/FM U 0. Sch-40, - American Tube also provides the following benefit., GALVANIZED PIPE Meeting the galvanizing recuirements of ASTM A53. SUPERIOR COATING Diamond Coat: thin, durable. UV cured acrylic. HIGHER STRENGTH Cold Roll manufacturing process gives higher suenga to pipe wail. '- - . __- - AMEFiC,: 7. ACTUAL ID 1.442 - 1.682 4.260 6.357 NOM WALL I WT/FT .109 2.64 I33 .120 .120 .134 9.29 61 61 37 19 12 Maximize Profits )fl a Complete System Sprinkler Piping products and American Tubers UUFM 3 anocn-4O proouts, you can maximize your profits on the complete system. NIPS I ACTUAL 00 1 1i. 1.660 1 1/2" J I 2.375 21/20 2.875 3.5 4•• I 6.625 Nat UI.. LsrnajFM AODVaVIa NPS ACTUAL 00 ACTUAL ID NOM WALL WT/FT PCS/UFT 1 I 1.315 1 1.049 .133 1.68 61 1 1/4" 1 1.660 1.380 .140 2.27 37 1 1/2" 1.900 1.610 .145 2.72 37 2 2.375 J_2.067 [ .154 j 3.65 19 AVAILABILITY AMERICAN TUBE COMPANY. INCORPORATED KOkOMO) '-PHOENIX (I American Tuce s Nationwide Network assures fast aeivev from all points East and West. 2525 N. 27th Ave. - Phoenix. AZ 85009 101 E. Broadway - Kokomo. IN 92501 1-800-877-8823 602-272-6606 FAX: 602-269-1324 Au nrn.,,Iauon aaMaIR1113 11111 0 igms U Rnawn E rn@ at ccicaacn. A2flSft ruw fnwvm us nu aanq. ciu caiicci i90u1 noSeS wo W10,10111 va"M 0111110111111M i92.Z%O Wheatland's riow High Strength Lightwall Sprinkler Pipe Better hydraulics. Lower job costs. Wheatland's Mega-Flow High Strength Sprinkler Pipe features an inside diameter that's up to 11% larger than Schedule 40 pipe and as much as 7% larger than Schedule 10. With the unproved hydraulics of Wheatland's Mega-Flow, you can actually down-size the entire sprinkler system, substantially lowering your job costs without compromising quality or safety. The chart below compares the LD.s of Mega-Flow versus Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 sprinkler pipe: - -- - - - - Mega-Flow - Sch. 10 ----- - -. Sch. 40 Megs-Flow - -" '' Sch. 40 WtJFt. PCS/Uft 1 1/4" 1.660 I 1.530 1.442 1.380 1.80 1.00 1.108 61 1 1/2" 1.900 Ii .740 1.682 1.610 2.64 1.00 1.556 61 2" 2.375 I 2.215 2.157 2.067 2.14 - _1.00 1.961 37 2 1/2" 2.875 1 2.707 2.635 2.469 1.43 _1.00 2.504 19 3..** 3.500 3.316 1 3.260 3.068 1.34 1.00 3.349 19 4fr* 1 4.500 4.316 14.260 4.026 .82 - .00 4.331 19 CacuIated using Standard UL. CRR formula. UL Fire Protection Directory. Category VIZY UL LisiingiFM ApprovaL1111111111111ft Features and Benefits Lightwall means lighter weight to save freight costs Wheatland's Mega-Flow is easier to fabricate. Therefore. labor and installation costs are substantially lower Provides the strength to comply with standard hanger spacing of 15 ft. O.C. per NFPA Readily available in standard lengths; or it may be ordered in custom lengths Roll groove available from mill inventory to reduce your fabrication costs I Durable, high quality mill coating provides a superior primer" surface for custom paint applications. Specifications and Approvals Wheatland's Mega-Flow High Strength Lightwall Sprinkler Pipe meets or exceeds the following: ASTMA13S, Grade A ASTMA795 Type E, Grade A NFPA-13 NFPA-14 UL Listed for use with roll grooved, plain- ended couplings, and welded joints for wet, dry preaction and deluge systems FM Approved for roll grooved, plain-ended, and welded joints for wet systems Please refer to appropriate documentation for up-to-date listing and approval information. Specifications, illustrated materials and descriptions are accurate as known at time of publication and are subject to change without notice. Call today for more information, or for the name of your nearest distributor 800-257-8182. Wheatland TUBE COMPANY 900 Haddon Ave.. Collingswood. NJ 08108 Tel (800) 257-8182 Fax (609) 854-0616 www.wheatland.com Wheatland's =Schedule 10 &Schedule 40 Sprinkler Pipe Here is high quality sprinkler pipe offering you the full range of assurances you require. Both our Schedule 10 and our Schedule 40 Sprinkler Pipe have passed some of the toughest lab tests ever created for sprinkler pipe. Made in America by Wheatland Tube Company means made to the highest standards for consistent quality. Wheatland's Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 Sprinkler Pipe is made from the highest quality steel in one of the nation's most modem and most complete pipe manufacturing plants. Our proprietary mill coaxing offers you a clean, corrosion and heat resistant surface that outlasts and outperforms standard lacquer coatings. Plus, this coating can be quickly and easily painted without special preparation. Or it may be hoc dip galvanized to meet FM requirements for dry systems in accor-dance with the zinc coating specifications of ASTM A795 or 153. Approvals UL Listed FM Approved ASTMA135, Grade A ASTM A795-E Specifications, illustrated materials and descriptions are aurate as known at time of publication and are subject to change without notice. in. mm. in. 1 1/4" 1 1.660 42.2 1.442 mm. Im mm. lb.. kglm 36.6 109 2.77 1.81 2.69 61 1 1/2" 1 1.900 48.3 1.682 42.7 .109 2.77 2.09 3.11 61 2" 2.375 f 60.3 2.157 54.8 09 2.77 2.64 3.93 37 2 1/2" T 2.875 I 73.0 2.635 66.9 .120 3.05 3.53 5.26 19 3.500 88.9 1 3.260 1 82.8 1 .120 1 3.05 1 4.33 6.45 _9 4.500 114.3 4.260 108.2 1 .120 3.05 5.61 8.36 19 6"" 6.625 168.3 I 1.315 1 33.4 6.357 _1.049 161.5 26.6 so.___ 1 .134 .133 3.40 3.38 9.29 1.68 13.84 2.50 I 10 61 11/4" I 1.660 1_42.2 35.1 .140 _1.380 3.56 2.27 3.39 37 1 1/2" I 1.900 48.3 1.610 40.9 .145 3.68 2.72 4.05 L 37 1 2.375 60.3 2.067 52.5 .154 1 3.91 3.65 5.44 I 19 UL Listing/FM Approval pending The 6 Schedule 10 is sold under license from another domestic producer Call today for more information, or for the name of your nearest distributor 800-257-8182. Wheatland TUBE COMPANY 900 Haddon Ave.. Collingswood. NJ 08108 Tel(800)257-8182 Fax(609)854-0616 www.wheat1and.com Style 07 Zero-Flex Rigid Coupling UDC ..r.q..e 4r.g.e-pac sign i :ze 4n0 :CL '2r :t ;ve :.e3r.ces ccsi:vey ' :e ::pe :0 :esist i, ino rs:cria cads : v ec::cri ::s more of ::•;-;e3rea 2 2 Sizes 14- 18 Sizes 20- 24 Sizes IPS CARBON STEEL Pipj1 GROOVED COUPLINGS Style 77 Style 77 couplings are designed with cross-ribbed construction Standard to provide a strong component Flexible Coupling for pressure piping systems. Sizes 3/4 -12 (26.7 - 323.9 mm) are two-piece housings. Sizes 14 - 22 (3556 - 559.0 n'.m) are cast in four identical segments. with larger sizes cast in six segments. Request 0604. V V V. - IrSiz.s 14-2TSizes 24* Size Wr WE lomnai in Max Wont Press 3imension5 - Incites. - x I V Z Apis. Wgt. Each Lbs.;a 245 413 '88 16 260 400 '88 16 34 481 188 16 3 .9 544 188 23 i 388 613 188 26 425 5 75 186 3.6 so 6 81 1 88 3.0 551 1 525 206 53 556 44 206 52 I 6 975 206 7.4 • 9 918 236 74 942 075 E 206 16 • .: 206 83 '318 206 92 075 206 8.3 -c so 1350 250 151 '288 :675 256 3a8 :850 262 - 975 294 32.8 - 175 294 412 ; 306 542 3C 2738 672 27 :3 31 50 313 SIZE Nominal In. 4.ai 'ri Max. Woili Preu. PSlIkPa Dimensions - lncheWmm Apix. WgI. Each lbsikq X V Z 414 1.000 2.13 3.63 1.75 1.1 1.000 2.38 3.88 1.75 12 11/4 1.000 2.63 463 1.75 2.0 11/2 1 000 - -' 3.00 -s 5.00 1 75 2.1 - 2 1.000 -: 3.63 ?2 5.63 - 1 75 2.6 ?½ 1.000 425 6.25 1.75 3.1 3 t 1.000 4.31 6.31 175 32 - 1.000 5.00 700 175 3.7 31/2 1.000 5.63 8.00 115 5.6 4 1.000 6.38 8.50 200 6.7 4¼$ 1.000 5.88 8.06 2.06 1.1.0 1.000 763 10.25 2.00 106 51/ I 7.34 920 2.06 100 1.000 7.60 9.44 2.06 :0,0 6 1.000 9.00 1150 2.00 12 6¼t 1.000 8.50 108 2.06 132 61/a t 1.000 9.19 1150 206 :32 800 1138 1450 2.38 208 i0 j.: 16.75 2.50 3L 1 l2 800 15.50 1900 2.50 ,,78 14 16.63 20.00 }8 35 15 300 1788 212fr' 2.88 488 16 300 i9.,, 2.38 2.88 51 1 - 18 300 ' SI5Z 3.13 644 20 3)?' 23.50 27.50 13 91 2 22 300 25.63 30.00 3.13'S 920 250 27:3 31.38 3.13 U u vimenston - i5i tu "owx .. W.4. I. .......................... - 11 PS CARBON GROOVED STEEL PIPIE COUPLINGS Style 750 The Style 750 Reducing Reducing Coupling Coupling Permits direct &uui.uun on me piping run. It features a special reducing gasket for pressure responsive sealing. A steel washer which prevents telescoping of the smaller pipe inside the larger during vertical systems assembly is available upon request. 1111111 UL Request 06.08. 72 Couplings S--,:e 72 Ouec ccupiings are ned ".3 serve as a cir.:g :e;:c :ov::g an :r.:egrai c:r.ç .u:.et When used on 2 'O 3 - 38 9 -imi V:cauic s :.:::-cs :cr.:act Vc.auic .::'r r.er.da::ens Sty!e//2 .r.ceci for .ac.. Peqs:)6 10 With Grooved Outlet S • LI With Female Threaded OUTLET SIZE Max. Pun x Red. 'Wor1i PT Gr MPT 1 '40mu'au nc!es. •\ Coupling Dirinsions lnches-- ______ ______ Aprx. Weight Each q X / Z * - •j_5i0\ 5t0 294 /50 2.75 14 294 /4 50 2.75 28 2 94 450 275 2.8 5C 338 / I 500 275 35 ; ::: :. i0 - 3C 88 C 358 -:: -t36 C 4-36 600 2.75 45 800 2.75 4.6 600 275 60 6.88 3.25 8.4 88 3.25 8.6 500 450 238 45 450 2.38 8.9 375 soo\ 325 8.9 475 500 325 8.5 SiC 569 / ::c 569 -/ •0 .313 430 613 838 \250 -_5O 6.3 538 6.1 900 39 fl6 900 36\ X 400 X 7 - 400 - A 2 400 313 1200 369\ 193 813 1200 3.69 1 193 3 3 1200 -_ 369 - ..is . qe - -.;•e di ;UUiir'q 14 . ••3 c1/e_eS; .6 0 \ Max. Dimensions April. Wofli. 1flche5frireters Weight SIZE Press. Each Nominal 1flCt15$ PSI: I c.ai nm Ps . X V Z 2 X I 350 3.31 5.22 1.81 2.0 X 1½ 350 3.31 5.22 1.81 2.0 214 X 2 350 4.06 5.90 184 2.9 350 4.06 5.90 1.84 46 4.69 7.06 1.84 4.6 350 4.69 706 1.84 4.1 X 3s 350 4.69 7.06 1.84 4.8 4 X 2 350 6.13 8.78 2.19 8.8 X 2½ 350 6.13 8.78 2.19 8.3 X 3 350 6.13 8.77 2:19 6.6 41/2 t X 3 t 350 6.13 8.78 2.19 6.4 S X 4 350 7.06 10.58 206 10.8 6 X 4 • 350 8.50 11 78 2:19 16.1 X 5 350 8.50 11.78 2:19 12.6 350 8.50 11:25 2.19 15.2 0 a n u 1fl ¶flRQ 147 2 38 22.3 t 00 0imension 'Refer to notes on page 10. Note tnat coupling Performance will vary from charts on page 10. Contact Victauhc or request 06.08. Styie 750 Reducing couplings should not be used with end caps (60) in systems where a vaC uum may as developed. Contact Victaulic for details. - uw . •- _:-: _______ rT's CARBON STEEL PIPE GROOVED FITTINGS Fittings e vo,.eceOI as r.oteø) -EWE -CtoE- - doE & E ,& c to i No 10 No. 11 No. 12 C to E - - C to E - C to E'NJ C _t # No. 13 No. 20 No. 35 Poe lncnas - - No tO 90: Elbow No II 45-'Elbow No 12 22'i Elbow No. 13 111/4 Elbow No 20 No 35 Tee Cross .sw Nominal Actual Size Size C to E Inches - Aarx. Wgt. Ea. Lbs. C to Inches Apr. Wgt. Ea. LbS. C to Inches -_ Aprx. Wgt. Ea. Lbs. C C to E Inches -- Approx. Wgt. Ea Lbs. -- C to E Inches . Aprx Wgt. Ea Lbs C to Incnes I Aor Wg Ea LOS :Sc 225 05 1 50 05 1635w - 138 s - - 225 C6 225 25 225 06 175 0.6 3.250 Of I 38 Sw 0.3 2.25 10 225 660 275 10 I 75 09 1 75 0.8 138sw 0.5 275 15 275 2 1. 900 275 12 175 09 175 0.8 1 38 s 0.5 2.75 20 275 2 2 2 375 325 18 200 13 3.750 14 138 1.0 325 30 325 32 235 375 32 225 22 4000 23 1.50 ii 375 43 375 6 3 C [ 375 37 2.25 Sw - - - - 375 52 - - 3 3500 325 45 250 It 4500 3.1 1.50 21 425 68 425 105 40CC 450 56 275 43 250sw 40 175sw 2.7 4.50 79 450 '15 4 45D0 500 71 300 56 2.88 56 1.75 36 500 119 500 158 425 5i0 110 300 5.6 - - - - 500 SXC 1 25 s 100 313sw 60 3.50 6.6 1885w 4.2 525sw 150 525 155 5583 550 117 325 83 2.885w 78 200sw 5.0 550 178 550 200 2 52K 55 117 325 83 - - - - 5.50 173 - - 2 5 550 11 7 325 83 - - - - 550 178 - - € 8825 850 172 3:0 108 6250 12.2 2.00 70 6.50 257 656 23C 186 3•50 108 - - - -- 650 - - 8 520 650 155 3.50 9.8 3.13 114 200 74 650 220 650 280 S S525-[775 29 425 204 7750 200 2.00 101 775 476 7 7A 50 900 633 475 375 438sw 300 213sw 11.8 9.00 990 900 8Q... 740 5.25 667 488sw 400 T5sw 3E.5 29.3 1000 ;COC 2 4' -:x 21 00 1640 820 5.00sw 460 __32 __32-8 i100sw 1516 ;cc s: 6XC 2400 2O0 1000 1000 ...-6! 4005W 420 1200s* 1880 s:oc rc- V30 _. -P 550sw 650 iQ_ 532 15Osw 50 2632 : ;;: 00 !00 :: .00 sw ;600 3600 3150 sw 600 No 1I0SP:101 20 00 s-h- ~5 - .....34 '5 6 . 6098 .mp CiDOWS l9c 45-I are vi U ong aolus :orgeu siew 42 - •:€s-.-;s see cage 20 - -- e:s 3r'3ç v.c:au.0 LOrg racluS 30 SD aria 60 are aalaOle 'ecueSi 0702 ececz:ee .es:;,* .ro.e0 -2 sS e - çs s.c ace :::act I,claulc !or aelaiS 18 ST-EEL PIPE 1 L_ IPS CARBON GROOVED FITTING S 'lo. 50 and No. 51 ,oncentric; Eccentric Reducers E to E - EtoE -.. -., -.:-.s c -c -s ocr: gt _:s E:oE cres Jo 5' @ Aøro WgtEa. Lbs. 150 45 'C 'C X ,, 9 3 00 20 9 00 23 '2 300 46 '3 900 46 :(. f X X a 1 '3 • 33 36 950 35 50 I : 350 37 43 - • 45 50 48 SIZE Nominal Inches No. 50 No. 51@ -_- E to E Inches Approx. WQ1. Ea. Lbs. E to E Inches Approx. Wgt. Ea. Lbs. 5 x 3 X 4 4000 5.5 1100 111 3,500 4.3 5.000 12.0 6 X 1 X1½ X 2 X 2½ X 3 X 4 X 5 4000 50 1150 145 + 5.5 + + 400 0 6.6 11.50 145 4.00 0 6.4 11.50 14.2 4.000 6.4 5.500 15 4000 6.5 5.500 170 4.000 6.4 5.500 17.0 8 X 2½ X 3 ) 4 X 5 X 6 16.00 7.9 12.00 26.1 5.000 9.3 12.00 22.0 5.000 10:4 12.00 23.0 5.000 11.6 12.00 23.0 5.000 119 6.000 24.0 tO X 4 X a 6.000 19.7 13.00 32.0 I • 34.3 • 34 6.00 d 20.0 13.00 36.9 6.000 22.0 - 0 21:6 12 : X 8 X 10 : 1 48.0 /14 7.000 52.0 14.00 55 700d \39ff 14.00 57.0 14 X 6 X 8 X 10 x12 13.00 .9 13:00 60.0 13.00 65.0 13.00 60.0 / 13.00 :::; 65.0 66.0 16 X 8 • X 1 /14 4.00 1400 73.0 140 73.0 14.00 73.0 1490 73.0 730 -1400 0 23 [ ips CARBON STEEL PIPE HOLE CUT PRODUCTS Hole Cut Piping System Developed by Victaulic to provide a fast, easy mid-pipe outlet without welding. r.ar:cai :ranch tcept.vas :.•.-. :;:ei c'I V:c:auic to i :3st 'easy mid-pipe 't:et without wea:ng A hole is cut .r drilled in the pipe to :ce:ve tite out!et Positioning in tite note s enhanced with either a :cc.ag collar IStyles 920. 921 'and 929) or a toe and heel (Styles 923 and 924) and provides a smooth outlet area for maximum now characteristics "he 'gasket is molded to conform to the pipe 0 D and is of pressure - responsive design. Gasket seal is further enhanced by pressure or vacuum in the irne Styles 920. 921 and 929 are ideal for a variety of branch connections. Styles 923 and 924 provide a weldless connection for a variety of gauges, drains and thermometers. Victaulic hole cut products must be installed on the true centerline of the pipe. Vic Hole Cutting Tools are recommended for preparing pipe to receive all Victaulic hole cut products. NOTE: Vzctaulic female threaded products are designed to accommodate standard ANSI male pipe threads only Use of male threaded products employing special features such as. probes, dry pendant sprinkler heads, thermometer wells. etc. should be checked with the Victaulic product with which they are to be used to verify that they are, in fact. suitable. Failure to venf, swtabiiity in advance may result in difficulties in assembly or leakage. Request 11.01 Styles 920 & 921 Mechanical-T' Bolted Branch Outlet ',e 20 - :.- V:ctau!ic Mechanical-T Outlet provides a direct branch connection at any location a hole can be cut in pipe The hole is cut oversize to receive a hoietir.der locating collar which secures the outlet in ositon permanently. A pressure responsive gasket seals cri tte pipe 0 D C:oss-type connections can be ch:eved w:th Style 920 Mechan:cal-T by utilizing two upper housings of the same size. w:th the same or differing zrar.ch size connections. All s-,-.es of Style 921 are rated at 300 PSI (2065 kPa) on steel pipe. !:r.iact Victaulic for rqcrrtrnendations on others ttpes of pipe. Style 921 is not qcommended for use on PVC piast:c pipe Style 920 Mechanical-T Outlet Is available with grooved or female threaded outlet. Specify choice on order. Units are supplied painted with plated bolts. Galvanized housings are available, supplied with plated bolts. All sizes of Style 920 are rated at 500 PSI (3450 kPa) working pressure on steel pipe. Style 920 may also be used on high density polyethylene or polybutylene (HDPE) pipe. Pressure ratings on HDPE are dependent on the pipe rating. Contact Victaulic for ratings on other pipe. Style 920 is not recommended for use on PVC plastic pipe. Style 921 Mechanical-T Outlet is supplied with a female threaded outlet only. painted housing and a plated "U" shaped bolt which serves as the lower housing. Because of this design. Style 921 is not recommended for use as a cross connection. Galvanized housings are available. Standard piping practices dictate that the Mechanical-T Style 920 and/or Style 921 must be installed so that the main and branch connections are a true 90° angle when permanently attached to the pipeline surface. Request 11.02 OUTLET - Equiv. Feel/meiers OUTLET Equiv. Feel/'erers SIZE of Pipe SIZE of Pipe Nominal Nominal - Inches C Female Inches C, Female Ac:-,al —m Values Grvd. Thd. Ac:ai -ri Values Grvd. Thd. - 2.0 .?, 87 9 105 15 - 4.0 21A 117 110 12.5 18 i . 173 13.5 155 22 - 5.5 6.0 346 20.0 39 7.0 8.0 52 57 Styles 920 & 921 Mechanical-I' Bolted Branch Outlet Performance C, Value. C values for flow of water at .60F (-16°C) are shown in the :aoe at right IFS lGANIOU111 1tL ri LHOLE CUT PRODUCTS 1 Styles 920 & 921 Mechanlcal-T' Jolted Branch Outlet .-.----- V -. e- Style 921 Style 920 wlGrooved Outlet Style 920w/Female Threaded Outlet - M. Dimensions-lnches,-. Weight Each -- Hole - Nominal Work. Size Press. Dia. Fern. Run xBranchl Style PSI .0.13 Thd. Gvv. Fern Nominal IflJc -- No. . -0.00 T V V W V Z ThØ Gry 2X½ 921 300 1 2:06 2:63 138 500 300 25 ,. 300 x 1 300 1.50 1.94 2.63 24921 - 1.38 500 300 - X 11/4 921 300 1.75 2:06 215 35 1.38 5.00 363 32 - x 11/2 921 300 1.75 2.06 2.75 - 1.38 5.00 363 32 - 2111 X 1/2 921 300 15 2:19 215 1.63 5.00 313 23 - X ~ 921 300 150 2:19 2.75 - 1.63 500 313 23 921 300 1.50 2.06 2:75 - 1.63 5.00 313 21 - X 1/4 921 300 2.00 2:31 3.00 - 1.63 5.50 363 30 - x 114 921 300 2.00 2.31 - 1.63 550 363 29 - 30-0. x '15 921 300 1.50 2.31 275 1.94 5.13 313 20 x Yd 921 300 1 2:31 215 - 1.94 5.13 313 20 - X 1(a) 921 300 150 2.31 2.75 - 1.94 5.13 3.13 20 - ) 1'/m (a) 920 500 2.00 2.69 3.50 30 2.25 628 363 44 - x 11/4 921 300 1.63 2.00 3.50 - 194 5 13 363 30 - X 11/2 920 500 2.00 2.69 3.50 2.25 6.38 363 44 44 x 11/2 921 390 2.00 3 - 194 563. -3.â3. _2-L - 3 X ½(a) 921 300 1.50 2.44 300 - 194 488 313 21 - X~(a) 921 300 150 2.44 3:00 - 194 488 313 23 - 921 09 1.50 231 - 1.4 488 313 20 - x i'.4(a) 920 500 2.00 2.69 338 3.63 2.13 6.25 375 44 44 x 1½(a) 920 500 . 2.00 . 2.69 3.38 3.63 2.13 6.25 375 43 44 X 2 920 500 2.50 2.81 3.50 - 2.13 625 413 46 - 921 300 1 50 294 3.50 - 2.50 600 3.25 26 - x 3Y4 921 300 150 2.94 3:50 - 250 600 3.25 25 - x 1 921 300 150 350 - 250 600 9 - X 11/4 920 500 2.0 3:31 4.00 400 2.69 725 375 5 - x 11/2t 920 00 200 331 400 .00 269 725 375 -- 5 50 x 21/2 t 500 00 30D 269 275 - -- 725 _._64 463 x 3T -;; ! 413 5 84 6 NOTE g9 3: e:es ; s3e :-4ie:3:a• ..t et e A--a a'ec: e -ea ce s.ze -.es 's e ::e -; 5:. e S:-.,e 929 :ss :::..::s - 99 :ease .e' -e-sa-:e..e::esze es:e:: szea-:s.e:::a...c: ze :e .ee: 4 e :e s a0e :onrr.ea on oage 59 58 IPS CARBON STEEL PIPE HOLE CUT PRODUCT - Styles 920 & 921 Mechanical-I' Bolted Branch Outlet '-- Style 920 wlFemaje Threaded Outlet z Style 921 Style 920 wiGrooved Outlet Max. -" '102.ZA Weight Each Nominal Waft. Hole - Size Run X Branch a Style Press. PSI oil. .0.13 Fern Thd Gtv - Nominal In., - ±2. L_. _.!!_ V$ W V Z Tile Grv. 4¼0D X300 920 500 2.75 - - 400 29 5CP4 920 500 x 111/2 t 920 500 3.25 8" X2t 920 500 2.50&064.755 j 8.0 X2½t 920 500 x 30.0. 920 500 350 463 325 T o 'Aa 920 500 X 2 t 920 500 o 500 920 538 - 88 6X11/E t 920 500 x1't 920 500 X 2 t 920 500 X2½t 920 500 175 x30.O. 500 X3t 500 X 4 t 920 500 :0 4.59 515 5.38 3.69 9.38 6.25 10.1 10.1 6O.0. x V.4 (a) 920 500 2.00 4.44 5.13 5.13 3.69 938 3.75 7.9 - X2 920 500 2.50 4.44 5.13 5.13 3.63 9.38 4.38 8.0 - X2½(a) 920 500 2.75 4.19 5.13 5.13 3.69 9.38 4.63 8.6 - x30.0. 920 500 2.75 - - 5.13 3.69 9.38 5.38 - - 500 3.50 4.50 5.50 5.13 3.69 9.38 5.38 10.2 - 920 500 59 '59 8 8.4 8X2 500 2.75 5.19 6.25 6.25 4.88 12.00 4.50 11.6 11.6 920 ' 2%t 500 2.75 5.19 6.25 6.25 4.88 12.25 4.50 11.6 11.6 x30.0. 500 2.75 - - 6.25 4.88 12.00 5.38 - 16 920 500 i126 11.6 920 X 4 t - 500 6.7563 25 153 125 920 NOTE C, 31 Continual .e ,ill be .r.r'q sorTie .e '.fec . uttet : . ' .rC' "at t'•e :r'e .. •r' .o'e sze ri :'e 20 or Style 29 , . 999 Please verify 'es,,rs ar'd 'eouired note size •eC tc s.e tAo style Of orOduCl c... Anen ule oroer 'S Aced Center of run to engaged pipe end. temale thrd. outlet only (Dimensions approx.). 4 Require 14 X 3W bolt when used in a cross configuration. *40 § Center of run to end of tilting. Available with grooved or female threaded outlet. Specify choice on order. (a) British Standard female pipe threaded outlet also available. 59 -- ;-.. 1 uiWted TCast iron screwed J 125 lb. standard .. US q isr F: 175 Grinnell standard and extra heavy cast iron sewed cation. WW.P.501c, Amendment I (except plugs and fittings =9 manufactured in accordance with Amer- biii.hiis. WW4P.471a). can Standards: dimensions. ASA 316.4 (except Gr*nnell standard and extra heavy fittings in this iucs d bushings. ASA B 16.14): threads. ASA B2.1: section. sizes '4 to 8-inch. e included in the "List of material. ASTM.A126. Class A. hot dipped galvcxniz. Inspected Fire Protection Equipment and Materials" mg. ASTM.A 153: dimensions also to Federal specifi- issued by the underwriters Laboratories. Inc. w.igbt (appian) each. lb A I ( figs. 351. 353. 354 I 6g. 371 black I gal.. I black as•. in. in. in. '14 .18 .17 ll '(a '14 .25 .28 "4 11/, .40 .41 '14 111 .80 . .61 ... .... 1 '14 11.4 .92 .95 IXI 11.4 1i 1.44 1.46 11.4 114 1% 1.95 2.00 I 2 134 2 V, 3.13 3.21 2 V,1% 2%U4 5.13 10.22 3 234 W. 7.21 7.40 13.25 34 234 316 i 9.97 10.10 18.22 4 2% 3% 12.17 . 12.87 21.36 5 314 414 21.46 22.32 28.13 S 31.4 51.4 1 31.33 33.33 40.50 8 534 6X, 14.56 67.14 I 80.GS FIg. 353 has ribs east an band which donates IA• left bana thread. 'Sizes 4-inch and latest have two bolt boles tapped for send or tap belts. 'Availoel. in sizes j.i@Cb threugb 2.incn only, tapped to puck V inch in 1 toot: cast with stilt 'P' 00 body. elbows 90 elbow straight: fig. 351 right and left fig. 353 pitched: fig. 354' 4-- 11=9e and screw fig. 371' -a -- tA B A: :ea.r :o and of pipe 3: center :o :ac@ of 21tina w.ight (appian) each. lb 45 elbow fig. 356 I A 3 6q.358 6g372 1 sue. in. in. in6 black gal.. black 1.4 .16 .17 14 14 34 .23 .25 . ........ 14 1.4 1.4 .37 .38 14 1 is .56 flange and screw fig. 372 1 '4 1! .83 .88 '4 1!141 1.33 1.36 J 11.'2 "4 116 1.79 1.83 2 1 1% 2.89 2.26 11.1. L'34 4.29 4.35 1 9.45 3 114 234 6.44 6.55 11.91 134 214 8.42 8.71 4 11.4'. 10.64 It. 19.98 S 11.4 31.4, 16.96 17.:3 26.19 $ 234 26.02 26:9 : 35.31 A: :.rner -.0 sea Ci pipe 21.4 41. I 50.17 52.30 64.41 3: cmiii cc. 01 tttia 9 42 pipe Eftinqs cast iron screwed ] 125 lb, standard pressurg ratings. pe i saturated Stan; 125liqwd 4 gas at lso F. 175 tees I wgt (approx) A I C D E F each. lb Iin. size. in. i. I iz. iz. I in. I in. : black galv. straight ti e i !. 13 I3 31. . . .22 .23 log. 353 S 14 '16 6 35 .36 .56 .58 3, 134 11 134 134 134 15,6 1, .84 .85 1 134 I3( 11 2 1.25 1.31 134 - 134 134 134 134 3 4 2.03 2.07 l'2 134 134 i' l'34 2.70 2.72 134 its 16 16 I -. c 2 134 13( l,'. 2.4 ......2' 4.23 &33 I •4 234 1' 34 P34 1'34 I 2", 2% 6.67 6.79 3 234 234 234 334 3'. 3' 10.00 10.16 c IF 334 231 214 234 334 3 334 13.29 13.82 4 2/ 234 234 3% 3'34 3% 16.33 16.99 A. BC: center to end of pipe S 33( 331 334 4% 4'2 4' 27.33 27.67 D.E.F: 6 3'/. 37/i 334 51'• 534 534 40.85 41.40 center to face of fitting 8 5346 5346 534 634 634 634 79.00 81.25 reducing too '/3 /3 S/. 34 34 i3( IVi, i .57 .59 fig. 353 3(6 I 3(. 1144 1 1 1 .57 .60 34 % '36 '3(. 13, 134 134 .76 .76 3/4 I/• 3s '/s '3( 134 1!. 13'. .75 .78 1% 34 31'. 34 34 134 134 134 .62 .63 V 34 % '94 134 136 1'4 136.7 .78 13( % 134 134 1% 11% .64 .67 34 '/3 Y. % % '34 134 134 134 68 .69 34 1)(6 1)(41 13( 134 134 134 1.11 1.15 1 34 '34 134 134 '34 134 134 1.01 1.03 V " " 'to % 134 1% L'4 1.01 1.06 1 '3( "4 %1 1!j 134 1,4 1.13 1.16 3% 34 % % % I i34 13( 1.00 1.04 134 % '34 [ 04 134 134 .89 .91 3% 134 '36 136 3,81 I 1 13( .91 . .95 '/ 2 "6 '34 '1 '. 3' 134 13'. .90 4 i % '31' "• P 3 1.08 14 3% 3% 1 '34 jm '31. '3, , 34 134 13'. .99 1.03 F 1 '34. 1 's'. iv. 134 ' P34 1.73 11.75 3% I IN, 134 Ill.134 i 1.57 1.61 /2 '36 I '34 114 13( 134 V. 1.47 1.49 134 l'/. 1'/ 1% 134 1% 134 1.79 1.84 A B. C. :enter to end of pipe 1 % IN, 1% 134 11%, 1.53 1.56 1 '34 W. l31 134 134 1.36 1.38 D. E. F: 1'/ 1/ 114 13(. j 134 1% 1.27 1.30 :enter to face of tilting 134 VI. 13'. 134 134 134 134 1.73 1.74 3% '34 16 1'!. 1?16 1•'4 1% 1.43 4 134 134 1.27 4 1'% 13/. 131. 114 134 134 1 Y, 1.64 1.71 1 % 'Na 1'!. 134 13/s 1% 1.38 1.41 1 1 114 13'. Y. '3(6 1'3(, 1% 136 1.49 1.55 4 not stocked p'.24 44 1/4" Only 300 LBS ISP.?INK= LINE 1 Welded Outlet FIRE PROTECTiON PRODUCTS I Fittings F®USTED1 APPMed Fig. 702 Cut Grooved Material Al 06 steel pipe, schedule 40. Cut grooves to industry standards. 'L ID -Fr11 40-45 -4.- 1/16" Land Fig. 701 Female Threaded -a- a rig. 702 iImen5Iuns-weIgnis Outlet A B C 0 - E WI. Box 2 2.375 1 3 .625 .313 j2.250 L 1.0 136 2", 2.875 1 3 .625 .313 j2.720 1 ±5 24 3 3.500 - 3 - .625 .313 j3.344 F 2.0 16 4 4.500 - 4 .625 .375 4.334 14.0 j 6 6 6.625 4 .625 1 .375 6.455 6.3 Loose 8 8.625 14 .750 1 .438 1 8.441 11.0 Loose Fig. 702 Outlet-Run/PIpe Outlet Run-Pigs WWI Run-Pips Outlets Run.-Pipel Outteti Run-Pipe 2 2 21! 2'!, 3 1 3 4 4 211s 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 8 5 6 8 - 6 6 8 8 All SPRINK-LETS are for use with standard or thin wall pipe. • All sizes of SPRINK-LET are provided with 1/16" land to assure a full penetration weld. • Material is ASTM A-I 05 or equivalent. . Threads to ANSI 82. 1. -A____ I L445 11 L___ 1/16" Land 1/2" fl 4" rig. tui LlmensIons-welgnIs Outlet A B C D WI. LbS. Box oty .750 1.250 .421 1 - .10 250 of, .jj_ 1.000 .812 AN .15 125 /4 _1_ 1.000 1.000 .185 .25 100 1 _19 1.100 1.299 .235 .35 100 11!. _1 1.250 1.614 1 .250 .55 60 11/a 2.200 1.250 1:850 .250 .60j_50 2 2.700 1.500 2.307 .285 .90 40 2'!, 3.164 1 1.755 1 2.758 .328 1.20 30 3 3.859 1 2.100 1 3.427 .375 1 2.00 12 4 4.930 1 2.375 1 4.460 .438 1 3.20 8 Fig. 701 Outlet-Run/PIpe Out:et RurtPe Outlet RuniPipe - Outlet I RuniPipe Outlet I RuniPipe ] Outlet I Run,Pipe Flat 1 1'i.-1'h 1'!z 2 2 21/1 21!, 4 4 1-1,/i 1 2-2'!, 3-8 2 211, 3 5 21/z 3 4 6 3 4 5 8 1_r/1 10. 2z I 35 ______ 4.4 5-6 6 1i• 2 2 2 3 3 21/ 21!a 4 1 3 3 5 4-5 4 6 6-8 5 8 SPRINK, INC. A mi.,,It Of liii JAMES PIAROIE !NOUSTRIES GROUP 1340 So. Manhattan Avenue Fullerton, CA. 92631 Telephone: (714) 9990323 FAX: (714) 999.0631 i"cs ''c .• 'SW Sar-en -C. *"-"90 In U S. A. ISize 114' 3/8' 1/2' I 314' 1. 1 114-1 1 1/2' 2- A 1 3/4' 1 27132-1 2 7/32' 2 i5I32' 231/32- 3 9116' 4 1/16' 4 11/16' 8 13/4'1314'2_1/32"23/8'2 3/4' 3 323/32'323/32' No. c 125S 1251 (Closed) 3 1116- 3 1/8' 3 1/4' 3 112' 4' 4 314' 5 112' 7' Ship WI. (lbs.) .56 .80 1.00 1 1.81 2.57 1 3.69 5.88 A 27/32' 15/16' 1 3/32' 1 7132-11 15/32' 1 3/4' 2' 211132- B I 3/4'1 3/4'2_1/32'2318'2 3/4' 3' 323/32'323/32' No. C 126S 1261 (Closed) 2 3/4' 3' 3 1I4' 3 5180 40 4 1/2' 5 114' 6 112' Ship WI. (lbs.) .56 .69 .94 1.76 2.5 3.26 5.32 Quan. Unit Pack 12 12 12 6 6 4 2 2 Quan. Per Case 60 60 72 60 36 24 12 12 t i i^` I. ~?_ GLOBE & ANGLE VALVES These valves are designed for general service where tight shut off and frequent use are desired. They are especially recommended for use with steam, air, oil, water and gas service, where non-metallic discs are suited. A swivel disc holder permits disc to wear evenly and provide a tight seal under full load conditions. They are constructed so that they can be repacked with the valve in the fully opened position, while under full pressure. These valves feature easily replaceable non-metallic discs, non-asbestos packing, and heavy duty rugged construction. A choice of discs is available to make these valves suitable for most applications. 126S 126T 126SB min 3rorze Hanowneel 12618 oji.rt 3rorze t4arcwnee 125SB vir. Bronze Harcwr,eei 12518 :r. 3rcr.ze Har'.owneel 125S & 126S L:steo 'r fire sornkier service 2 size on'y Acorovea by tre New YOrK City Boaro c Stancaros anc Aooeals unoer Catencar No 1079.81.SA. Eicoeo .'iitn No 125SD Rubber Dsc arc-area 'or 200 WOG serce iNo Sfearni Recorercec for fire Scrinkier se'.'ce I. Also Available with T Handle - 126STH 125 lbs. WSP 200 lbs. WOO 100% Pressure Tested Screwed Ends Rising Stem Swivel Disc Holder Ventilated Aluminum Alloy Hand Wheel Available with Plastic Hand Wheat Through 1' Body Material: Bronze Conforming to ASTM 8145-SA 125S 125T 1251 & 1261 Equipped with No. 125TD Teflon' disc for general se including steam For Replaceable Disc See Page 52 Bill of Materials Item Description Material Specification 1 Body Bronze ASTM 8-62 2 Hand Wheel Cast Iron ASTM A-126-B 3 Hand Wheel Nut Steel Commercial 4 Packing Non-Asbestos Commercial 5 Packing Gland Brass ASTM B-16 Nut Brass ASTM 8-16 — [4 Packing Stem Brass ASTM 8-16 Central Sprinkler Corporation 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 6 Product Descript ion The Central Model Fl 7 3-Way Bronze Globe Valves are designed for general service as shut-off, throttling, or drain valves. The Central Model F 1 3-Way Bronze Globe Valves provide positive shut-off under normal operating conditions. They are recommended for water service only. The Central Model Fl 7 3-Way I Bronze Globe Valves are of cast bronze construction in strict accordance with ASTM 8-62 specifications 85-5-5-5 for superior corrosion resistance. The hand wheel is manufactured from cast iron materials to meet or exceed the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Factory Mutual The American Water Works Association C-509 and ASTM A-126, Class B Standards. The Central Model Fl 7 3•Way Bronze Globe Valves are rated at 200 psi, non-shock for cold water service, and are tested twice, air under water for consistent quality. The Central Model Fl 7 3-Way Bronze Globe Valves have a soft rubber seat for tight shut-off under all operating conditions. (Mfg. Source: Non-Domestic) 6=1111111111111= 111111 OnOrdering Information Ordering Information: When placing an order. indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity. model. style. orifice size. temperature rating. type of finish or coating. and sprinkler wrench. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available through- out the U.S. and Canada. and internationally, through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Corporation, or call (215) 362.0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Corp. will repair and/or replace any prod- ucts found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from the date of shipment. ase refer to the current Price List irther details of the warranty. Patents: Patents are pending. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 30und = 0.4536 kg toot pound = 1.36 Nm osi = 6 895 kpa =0.0689 bar = 0 0703 kg. cm U S gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 liters e's cns are aporoximate. CENTRAL Central Sprinkler Corporation '991 Central Sprinkler corporation 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale. PA 194.46 F17.0 r.teØ in U S A. Phone (215) 362-0700 . • C0111" 4M 7~ 15 - FIG. 2 ADJUSTABLE RING HANGER FIG. 2 NFPA ADJUSTABLE RING HANGER WiTH REDUCED ROD SIZE Size Range - 112 thru 6 inch pipe. Material- Carbon Steel, Mil. Galvanized to G.90 specification. Function - For general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. Spring tension on swivel nut holds it securely in hanger before installation. Swivel nut. easily removed. Approvals - Underwriters' Laboratories listed and Factory Mutual Engineering approved. Conforms to Federal Specification WW4-1-171E, type 10, and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-69, type 10. Maximum Temperature . 650F Finish - ML Gaivanized and Stainless Steel. Order By - Figure number and pipe size. APPROX. WGHT /2 3/8 3-3/8 2-5/8 i.ui 1x1 400 18_ EWEP is 1-112 3/8 3.7/8 2.7/8 1 16ga x 1 400 21 21 c 4 TO 53 FIG. 99 All THREAD ROD CUT TO LENGTH Size Range - thru 7/8 inch rod in 1 inch increments. Material- Carbon Stee' - Maximum Temperature OF Finish - Plain, Eectro-Galvaniz and Stainless Steel. MAX eac. LOAD Las. Order By - Figure number, rod diam r, rod ROD SEM FOR SERVICE TEMPS. 650F 730F length, and finish. 3/8 610 540 1/2 1130 1010 5/8 1810 1610 3/4 2710 2420 7/8 3770 3360 FIG. 100 ALL THREAD ROD FULL LENGTHS Size Range - 1/4 thru 1.1/2 inch rod in 10'O" lengths. Material - Carbon Steel Maximum TemDerarueq- 750F Finish - Plain, Eectro-Galvanized, and Stainless Steel. Order By - Figure number, rod diameter, and firsn. MAX. EEC. LOAD LBS. APPROX. ROD FOR SERVICE TEMPS WEIGHT SEM 65rF 75rF PER 100 FT. 174 240 215 12 1/2 1130 1010 53 3/4 2710 2420 123 4960 4420 222 1-1/2 11630 10370 510 INCOIPORATID - 46 coRoN&cA.(71q77.uN FIG. 68 WIDE THROAT TOP BEAM "C" CLAMP WITH LOCKNUT Size Range - 3:8 thru 7/8 inch rod. Function For attachment to structural shapes requiring wider throat especially under roof with bar mist construction. This clamp may be used in :he set screw down position only. Approvals - Conforms to Manufacturers Stand- ardization Society SP-69, type 19. Finish - Plain and Electro'Gaivanized. Order By - Figure number, rod size, and finish. Note - Do not overtighten set screw. FIG. 69 BEAM CLAMP RETAINING STRAP Size Range - 3.8 thru 718 inch rod by 4 thru 14 inch ength. Material- Carbon Steel Function . To offer more secure fastening of beam c:arno tO beam when danger of movement might be exoec:ed. Approvals - Underwriters' Laboratories listed wren used with Toico U.L. Listed Fig. 65 and 66 L.r'.:'.ersai Beam Camp. Finish Mu. Galvanized and Stainless Steel. Order By - Figure number, type, length A, and od size oeing used with beam clamp. .ore - Minimum return on Strap: 1. ROD HOLE STOCK TYPE SIZE SIZE SIZE A FINISH 1 3/8 7/16 169axl t Mil. Galv. 1/2 9/16 169axl t Mil. Galv. 2 5/8 11/16 14gaxl-1/4 t MD. Galv. 3/4 13/16 14x1-1/4 t Mil. Galv. - 3 3/8-7/8 specify 12gaxl-1;4 t Md. Galv. -* A 0 1FOL4 TED - aOL C 0 C'01014.4, C4' 01) 737.55 FIG. 58 THREADED SIDE BEAM A7TACHMENT Pw NFPA 1- Lag Bo 1/2 Thm 4 Inch 2.#16a2 Pipe DiSas. 1/2 flu 2 Inch Pip. Size Range. 3/8 Inch rod, pipe sizes 1/2 thna 4 inch. Material- Carbon steel. Fwvctton- Practical and economical bracket used to support piping from wood, concrete or steel beams. Features - Umque design afls rod to be easily threaded into bracket. Offset design permits unlimited rod adjustment. Center mounting hole will accept 3/8 and 1/2 Inch fastener bolts. Per NFPA *13: 1/2 thru 2 Inch pipe requires 3/8 inch fastener; 2-1/2 thru 4 Inch pipe requires 1/2 Inch fastener. ApprovaLs - Underwriters' Laboratories Listed In the U.S. (U.L.) and Canada W.U. Factory Mutual Engine- wing approved thru 4 Inch pipe. Note- U.L. listed using (2) *16 x 2 inch drive screws In wood construction (FIg. 125) for 1/2 thru 2 Inch pipe. Also U.L. listed using (2) 1/4 x 1 Inch Tek type screws in minimum 14ga. steel for 1/2 thru 4 inch pipe. Fhi,h- Plain and Electro-Galvanized. Order by- Figure number and finish B Wood Construction Bclt & Hu Nut 1/2 Thu 4 Inch 2-1/4 Inch Pip uk Type Sauws 1/2 Thru 4 Inch Steel Purlin Conebuction APPROX. PIPE ROD A B C WEIGKF SIZE S12E PER 100 1/2 thru 4 3/8 2-3/4 1-1/21-2/8 14 - TD- - NcompoAy,o - COON& CA • 1114)737-1111110 63 FIG. 114 HEAVY HEX NUT Size Range- 1 4 thru 1.1.2 inch. Material. Carbon Steel Finish • Plain, Electro-Galvanized, HDG, and Stainless Steel. Order By- Figure number, size, and finish. ROD WIDTH ACROSS WIDTH ACROSS APPROX. WEIGHT SIZE FLATS POINTS THICKNESS PER 100 1/4 1/2 37/64 15/64 1.2 W16 9/16 21/32 19/64 17 3/8 11/16 51/64 23/64 3.1 7k.. 1-1/6r 31/64. 65 5/8 1-1/16 1-15/64 39/64 12 3/4 1414 1-2W.•47/69' 19 7/8 1-7/16 1-21/32 55/64 30 1? 17i1 63 1-1/4 2 2-5/16 1-7/32 79 1-1i 2-3/*j 2• FIG. 115 FLAT WASHER - Size Range- 1/4 thru 1-1/2 inch bolt. Material - Carbon Steel Finish Plain, Electro-Galvanized, HDG, and Stainless Steel. Order By - Figure number, size, and finish. ROD OUTSIDE APPROX. WEIGHT SIZE DIAMETER PER 100 1/4 3/4 .7 ': r -is A 1/2 1-3/8 3.9 i.ii 3/4 2 11 7/8 .. 2.1/4 15. 1 2-1/2 19 1-1/4 3 26 1-li? 3-1/2 391 FIG. 116 BEVEL WASHER Size Range - 3/8 thru 7/8 inch Material - Malleable Iron Function - Designed to match taper of flange - beam or channel to permit right angle fastening of bolt. __________________________________ Finish - Plain, Eléctro-Galvanized, and Hp . APPROX. Order By - Figure number, size, and Ii - . BOLT A B C WEIGHT PER 100 3/8 -1/4 11/32 5/32 9 11/32 5132 9 -(3)- A C . 5/8 1-1/2 5/32 14 3/4 7/8 1-112 15/32.. 2 9/16 32 7/3 16 33 - F - A -h . OTL C To--____ - INCONPOATID - COON*. CA • (714) .I118 47 FIG. 70 STEEL ROD COUPLING Size Range- 1. 4 thru 1-1,2 inch rod. Material. Carbon Steel Function - Used for coupling two threaded rods together. Finish - Electra-Galvanized and Stainless Steel. Order By- Figure number and rod size. ROD MAX. APPROX. REC. WEIGHT slfl LENGTH LOAD LOS. PER wo 1/4 7/8 240 2 3!'. - 3/8 1.3/4 610 11 1 5/8 2-1/8 1810 16 7/8 2-1/2 3770 57 i-air- i-air - Consult Factor for ip.ccations. FIG. 70R STEEL REDUCER ROD COUPLING Size Range -4 x 1/4 thru 7/8 x 3/4 inch. Material - Carbo?.5eel Function - EquivaleniFig. 70 except reducer is for coupling two rods of e,9ual diameters. Finish - Electro.Galvanized 'qI Stainless Steel. Order By - Figure number and '?s4 size. 3/)f1/4 1-3/4 240 4 - -I 5/8x1/2 2-1/8 1130 14 1i11 7/8x3/4 2-1/2 2710 40 .,,FIG. 70S SHORT PATJRN STEEL Size Range - 3/8 and 1/2 inch rod./ Material - Carbon Steel Function - Used for couplinfr(wo threaded rods together. Finish - Electro-Galviifed and Stainless Steel. Order By - Figur4umber and rod size. vu im 3/8 1-1/8 610 6 ' er Tolco Band Hanger T(O INCORPORATED CON& CA • II 737460 32C FIG. 25 SURGE RESTRAINER Size Range 1" through. 2" pipe Material - Carbon Steel Function - Designed to be used in conjunction with Tolco Band Hangers to restrict the upward movement of piping as it occurs during sprinkler head activation or earthquake type activity. The surge restrainer is easily and efficiently installed by snapping into a locking position on the band hanger. This product is intended to satisfy the requirement as indicated in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) #13 (1991 Edition). 4- and A-4- Can be used to restrain either steel pipe or CPVC plastic pipe. Approvals - Underwriters* Laboratories Listed when used with Tolco Band Hangers, Figs. 2, 2 NFPA & 200. Finish - MIL Galvanized Order By - Figure number and type. Type 1 For use with 1" & 1-1/4" Type 2 For use with 1-1/2" & 2" Patents Pending Size Range. 1/2 thru 217'r tu Fig. 4 can be specially ereu c VVIINI bonded to clamp. This eliminates :o isolate pipe from clamp. When ordering for 3/16 felt on each half clamp Specify Fl Features- Utilizes hanger de Underwriters' Laborato Mutual Engineering a confon Federal Specific - .j71E, pe 4 INCOPPOlATlO L 0 20 c0401ftCA.(llqfl7. FIG. 4A PIPE CLAMP FOR SWAY BRACING Size Range -4 thru 8 inch pipe. (For sizes 1/2 thru 3i,2 inch, see Fig. 4 Pipe Clamp.) Material - Carbon Steel Function . Used as part of a sway bracing system. Differs from Fig. 4 Pipe Clamp in that the bolt holes are designed to match the holes in Sway Brace Fittings (see Fig. 910/975 series). Approvals - Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories 4 thru 8 inch. Approved by Factory Mutual Engineering 4 thru 8 inch. Maximum Temperature - 750°F Finish - Plain, r Order By- Figure number, pipe size, and finish. APPROX. PIPE STOCK BOLT WEIGHT SIZE A B C SIZE SIZE PER 100 4 8-1/2 5/8 3-5/16 1/4x1-1/4 ____1/2x2 221 253; 611.1/4 3/4 4-7/8 3/8x1.1/21/2x2-1/2 513 331/! W z -i127T - 120 TO, fLC 0 INCOPOPATSO COIDNA. CA • (7t4) 7376USS FIG. 1000 "FAST CLAMP" SWAY BRACE ATTACHMENT Size Range - Pipe size to be braced: 1 through 8 Sch. 10 and 40. Pipe size used for bracing: 1 and 114 Sch. 40 IPS. Material- Carbon Steel Function For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. The pipe attachment com- ponent of a sway brace system: Fig. 1000 is used in conjunction with a Tolco 900 Series Fitting and joined together with bracing pipe per NFPA *13, forming a complete sway brace assembly. Features Can be used to brace Schedules 10 and 40 IPS. Field adjustable, making critical pre-engineering of bracing pipe unnecessary. Unique design requires no threading of bracing pipe. Can be used as 4-way riser brace. Can be used as longitudinal brace. All steel construction eliminates structural deficiencies associated with casting type sway brace fittings. Comes individually packaged with illustrated installation instructions sizes are clearly marked. Steel leaf spring insert provided to assure installer and inspector that necessary minimum torque (5 b/ft) has been achieved. Application Note - Fast Clamp need not be field assembled. Position Fast Clamp and tighten two hex nuts until leaf spring flattens. Length of bracing pipe per National Fire Protection Association, Pamphlet 13, paragraph A-3-10.3.5: 1 Schedule 40 bracing pipe maximum 72. 1.1/4 Schedule 40 bracing pipe maximum 9 2 Approvals - Underwriters' Laboratories listed. Note • Must be used with Tolco U.L. Listed 900 Se"es attachment. Finish • Plain. - qNMENOM Order By - Order first by pipe size to be braced followed by pipe size used for bracing, figure number, and finish. / FIG. 910 0 Al PIPE HOLE W.......... SIZE A B C SIZE E F PER too 1. 2 1•1/2 3 9/16 2-5/16 2 88 1.1/4 -3/16 1.5/163 1Z-?16... FIG. 910 FIG. 4A INCONPlATlO 118 CORONA. CA? 71Ø - FIG. 910 ___ SWIVEL SWAY BRACE FILTING Size Range. 1 & 11/4 inch bracing pipe. Material- Carbon Steel Function For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbances. The building attachment component of a sway brace system; The Fig. 910 is used in conjunction with the Fig. 1000 'Fast Clamp' (or with a Fig. 4A Pipe Clamp), and joined together with a brace pipe per NFPA #13'. Features - Universal swivel design allows Fig. 910 to be attached at any surface angle. All steel construction eliminates deficiencies associated with casting type attachments. Application Note - 'Length of bracing pipe per National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet *13. paragraph A-3-10.3.5: 1. Schedule 40 bracing pipe maximum 7'-2. 1-1/4 Schedule 40 bracing pipe maximum 9'.2. Approvals - Underwriters' Laboratories listed. Note - The Fig. 910 Swivel Attachment and the Fig. 1000 Fast Clamp (or Fig. 4A Pipe Clamp), make up a sway brace system of U.L. Listed attachments and bracing materials which satisfies the requirements of Underwriters' Laboratories and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Finish - Plain, - Order By - Figure number, pipe size, and finish. Note - Specific weight load conditions may require more than one fastener to the building structure. Sway brace attachments may be ordered with mtipie and/or larger fastener mounting holes. Consult the factory. i#t MOO _'NCQIPOAYIO CA • (711 7V. 118A FIG. 911 ____ SWIVEL SWAY BRACE El iTING Size Range - and 1 1/4 inch bracing pipe. Material - Carbon Steel, Hardened cup point set screw. grade 5 pivot bolt. Function - For brac:ng pipe against sway and seismic disturbances. The building attachment component or a sway brace system. The Fig. 911 is used in conjunction with the Fig. 1000, Fast C:amp (or with a Fig. 4A Pipe Clamp), and joined together with brace pipe per NFPA p13'. Features - Universal swivel design allows Fig. 911 to be attached :o any surface angle. All steel cor.s:ruc:ion eliminates deflciencies associated with casting type attachments. Pipe end requires no threads . simply slide bracing pipe through fitting and tighten set screw until'break-off' head of set screw snaps off. This feature shows the installer and :nspec:or wnen a proper installation is made. Application Note - 'Length of bracing pipe per Natcr.ai Fire Protection Association Pahphlet ;13, 1989 edi:ioni :abe 3- (2): 1 schedule 40 ppe maximum ".O: I 14 schedule 40 pipe max:rnum 9'-0 .Ai:errative bracing pipe materials re currenziy under review, please consult factory. pprouals - Underwriters Laboratories Listed. Note -The g. 9 1'. Swivel Attachment, and the Fig. :coo C:amo. tor Fig. 4A Pipe Camp), sway brace system of U.L. Listed rac:ng materials which satisfies :e -C: reme:5 01 underwriters Laboratories : Na::cr.a. Protection Association (NFPA). Finish • ?. :ec:-Galvan:zed. and Stainless ::ee:. Order B - Fr mber. bracing pipe size and Note 5: c:fi . e:;.:'ad conditions may require mcre :r ore :as:ener :o the building structure. :. :rce ::c -.ments may be ordered with —. -•- . -- -, . frnp' nurrina holes. FIG. 911 i. 911 % FIG. 4A APPROX. PIPE WEIGHT SIZE A B C D E F H PER 100 4.3,3 2.5/32 3-1/16 3 2-7/3 2 9/16 100 4. 2-L7'64 3-3/8 3 3-1/8 2-1/4 9/16 118 MWD Show n with Fig. 910 brace fining beam) Shown with Fig. 910 brace flang (along beam) Alice c*.,imip. 128A FIG.SOO ADJUSTABLE SWAYBRACE ATtACHMENT TO STEEL Sim Rsu1g.-4'th,u ir M.S.rial - All Steel. Ame - Seismic brace attachment to tied. feamwe - Permits secure connection to tied where drilling and/or welding of brace connection could pent anxtural issues Comes complotely assembled ready for installation. The Fig. OW must be used with one of the Talon Fig. 900 series brace fittings. (ordered separately) Tighten set bolts against flange until bolt head breaks off then tighten locking jam nut. Tighten ha hi bolts into damp body until lack washers are fully flat. 4p&o. NA. - Allows bracing in both lateral and longitudinal direction. Apr ov.Ia. Underwriters, Laboratories Listed in the U.S. (UL) and Canada (cUL). Order 1, - Figure number, type number, size number. Isuport Structra1 ents Tolco Steel Fig. 65/66 components were used during structural testing and are required to achieve the listed results. Mflee iron components must n be ii1btuted beeani' of this materials serious potential for fracture and failure. DWGN LOADS / LII. VLANGR A1NG £OSS TYPE I Rn ri Wl MAX 11AM BEAM I 3/4' 1,265 2,015 2 1.1/4' in 2,015 *DIGH LOADS I I. FM BEAM MNG ACUM VSR-F (9)PoTrER VANE TYPE WATERFL,OW SWITCH WITH RETARD Potter Electric Signal Company Potter Electric Signal & Mtg. LTD 2081 CraIg Rd,/P. 0. Box 28480 1967 LISIIS Street St.Lculs, MC. 83146 001% MIfli, Ontario, Canada M3B2M (314)878-4321 / (800)325-3936 (416) 441-1833 U.S. PAT. NO. 3921989 CANADIAN PAT. NO. 1009680 OTHERS PATENTS PENDING POTTER ELECTRIC, Rd., 1990 GENERAL INFORMATION The Model VSR-F is a vane type waterf low switch for use on wet sprinkler systems. It Is UL Listed and FM approved for use on steel pipe; schedules 10 through 40 sizes 2' thru V. LPC approved sizes are. 2' through 8'. The unit may also be used as a sectional waterilow detector on large systems. The unit contains two single pole, double throw, snap action switches and an adjustable pneumatic retard. The switches are actuated when a flow of 10 gallons per minute or more occurs downstream of the device. The flow condition must exist for a period of time necessary to overcome the selected retard period. ENCLOSURE: The unit is enclosed in a general purpose, cast aluminum housing. The cover is held in place with two tamper resistant screws which require a special key for re- moval. A field installable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to indicate unauthorized removal of the cover. See Bulletin 763 for installation instructions of this switch. UL & ULC LISTED, FM & LPC APPROVED SeMce Pressure: Up to 450 PSI Minimum Flow Rita for Alarm: 10 GPM Maximum Surge: 18 FPS Contact Ratings: Two sets of S.P.D.T. (Form C) 10.00 Amp. 0 125/250V. AC 2.00Anp.00-30V. DC Resistive Conduit Entrancee: Two openings for 1/2' conduit EnvlronmentalLleiltatlon.: 40/120F, 4.5,C/490C Coutlon: This dSVICS Is not Intended for applications In explosi environm.nts Size. Avallabis: For schedules 10 thru 40 sizes? thru Be LPC Approved Size.: 2" through 8'. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA•13 One or two Family Dwelling NFPA-131 Residential Occupancies up to 4 Stories NFPA-131 Central Station NFPA.71 Local NFPA.72, Auxiliary NFPA-721 Remote Station NFPA-72( Proprietary NFPA-721 Optional: Cover Tamper Switch Order Stk. No. 0090018 Kit for Outdoor Use: Order Stk. No. 1940036 INSTALLATION: S.. Pg.2 These devices may be mounted on a horizontal or vertical pip On horizontal pipe they should be installed on the top side of t pipe where they will be accessible. The units should not be i stalled within 8 Inches of a fitting which changes the direction the walerf low or within 24 Inches of a valve or drain. Drain the system and drill a hole In the pipe using a circular sa ina slow speed drill. The 2' and 2l/2' devices require aho with a min. dla. of 1 1/8'toa max. dla.of 1 5/1 r. All other sizi "ire a hole with a min. die. ofll/8'toa max. dla.0121/1E Clean the inside pipe of all growth or other material for a dl Um equal to the pipe diameter on either side of the hole. Roll the vane so that it may be inserted Into the hole; do fl bend or crease it. Insert the vanes so that the arrow on It saddle points in the directIon 01 the waterf low. Install the sadd strap and tighten nuts alternately to an eventual 50 ft-lbs. torque. See Fig. 2. The vane must not rub the inside of the pç or bind In any way. PRINTED IN USA *oi• ill-F PAOEA OF O.i.M0P WATERP.OW IIOTL AOONOmCNCF LPCAPVALOF THIS PROCUCT IS TI4ATA SETANO SETTING CF 0 OR 76 SECONDS SHALL. NOT SE DWG. $540076140 APPROL RETARD SETTINGS (IN SEC.) A I C 0 E 10-25 2040 5541 50.70 5040 PIN SIZE HOU on IrTo2ur t lArTallmir I7irTo2rnr TO INSTALL. DRLLAHOLE As INDICATED: WLNTQNPVESO ARROW ON WOLE Pam 14DIRECTION CF WATEPP.QW ROU.PADOLE IN OPPOSITE DRECTON CF WATERSOW SUPERVISED LOOP (SEE NOTE) FROM OPEN ONYCLOSE ON CONTROL ALARM ALARM PANEL A___________ NOTE: FOR SUPERVISED CIRCUITS SEE'SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIOM' TO AODL DRAWING AND CAUTON DECES NOTE(FG.1). OR RETURN TO CONTROL DWG 15400711.I5 (SPOTTER VSR-F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW SWITCH WITH RETARD 1G. 1 RETARD 010JJS1ENT: TO DONOTLEAvE00VC5, OFTM FIG. 2 (EmER OCTIDNI SWITCH TERMINAL C0I4EC11IONS • DES TIME DELAY. USE CLAMPING PLATE 1ERMNAL I Th4EUMAMOJ4TCP IRETARD EcEssARv TO TXWTENNUTS I PVENT FAL AU3 ALT514 TO AN EVEmu I ArSETTdQRUS.JMJ.y IAIELY t4gs IADECUATE FOR THIS. I FACTORY SET AT?. 0ç GO DW6I5ICO7I031 CAUTION AN UNINSULATED SECTION OF A SINGLE CONDUCTOR IS NOT PER- MITTED TO BE LOOPED AROUND THE TERMINAL AND SERVE AS TWO SEPARATE CONNECTIONS. THE WIRE MUST BE SEVERED TO SERVE AS TWO SEPARATE CON- NECTIONS. THEREBY PROVIDING SUPERVISION OF THE CONNEC- TIONS IN THE EVENT THAT THE WIRE BECOMES DISLODGED FROM UNDER TERMINAL. G. 3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS STYLE e/ CLASS e (END OF UNE RESISTOR) OCT. (SEE NOTE) END OF CLOSE ON OPEN ON CLOSE ON .. UNE ALARM ALARM / V ALARM RESISTOR YPCAL SWITCH ACTION OPEN ON '/CLOSE ON ALARM / • ALARM NOTES: 1 .The Model VSR.F has two switches. one can be used to operate a central station, proprietary or remote signaling unit, while the other contact is used to operate a local audible or visual annunciator. 2.A concition of LPC Approval of this product Is that the electrical entry must be sealed to exclude moisture. TESTING The frequency of testing for the model VSR-F and its as- sociated protective monitoring system should be in accor- dance with applicable NFPA Standards andlor the author- ity having jurisdiction, but under no circumstances less than bi-monthly. If provided, the "Inspectors Test" valve, that is usually lo- -ted at the end of the most remote branch line, should al- AYS be used for Test purposes. If there are no provisions for testing the operation of the flow detection device on the system, application of the VSR-F is not recommended or advisable. A minimum flow of 10 gpm is required to activate this device. IMPORTANT NOTICE Please advise the person responsible for testing of the Fire Protection System that this system must be tested in accordance with the 1'esting1 Instructions. PRINTED IN USA 751-F PAGE 2 OF 2 Lois LOCAL BELL. TRANSFORMER OR BATTERY DOWERED CPEN ON ALARM / SIGNALING OEVICE ( (e),POTTER BELLS PBA-AC & PBD-DC "otter Electric Signal Company Potter Electric Signal & Mfg. LTD 2081 Craig Road • P.O. Box 28480 1967 Leslie Street St. Louis, MO 631464161 Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M382M3 (314) 878-4321 • (800) 325-3936 (416) 441-1833 UL LISTED, FM APPROVED Sizes Available: 6°. 80 and 100 Voltages Available: 24VAC 120 VAC 12VDC (10.2 to 15.6) Polarized 24VDC (20.4 to 31.2) Polarized Service Use: Fire Alarm General Signaling Burglar Alarm Environment: Indoor or Outdoor Use (See Note 1) -4011 to 150°F (outdoor use requires weatherproof backbox) Termination: 4 No. 18 AWG stranded wires Finish: Red powder coating 6" BELL SHOWN Optional: Model 88K-1 weatherproof backbox These vibrating type bells are designed for use as fire, burglar or general signaling devices. They have low power .onsumption and high decibel ratings. The unit mounts on a standard 40 square electrical box for indoor use or on a model BBK- 1 weatherproof backbox for outdoor applications. ALL DC BELLS ARE POLARIZED AND HAVE BUILT-IN TRANSIENT PROTECTION: SIZE I VOLTAGE MODEL NO. J STOCK NO. CURRENT (MAX.) TYPICAL dB 010 FT. (2) MINIMUM dB 010 FT. (1) 6 12VOC P8012 1706012 .12* 85 76 I 12V0C P80128 I 1708012 .12* 90 76 ~12VDCP60I2I0 1710012 .12* 92 76 .6 24V0C P80246 ] 1706024 .06* 87 76 8 24V0C P80248 1708024 .06A 91 79 I 24V0C P802410 1710024 .06* 94 79 6 24VAC P8*246 1806024 .17A 91 76 6 24VAC P8*248 1808024 .17A 94 76 10 24VAC P9*2410 1810024 .17* 94 76 6 120VAC P8*1206 1806120 .05* 92 82 8 I 120VAC P8*1208 1808120 .05A 99 82 Fl20VA PBAI2OIO [ 1810120 .05A 99 85 Weatherproof backbox model BBK-1 Stk. No. 1500001. Notes: Mn!rtm :2 angs are catcu:aeo from integrated sound pressure measurements made at Underwriters Laboratories as specified in UL Standard 464. UL :emoeratue 'arige s 30° to 150 yDiC3l c9 3tirigs are calculated!ram measurements made with a conventional Sound level meter and are indicative of output levels in an actual installation. PRINTED IN USA - - - MKT. 18850001 - REV L PAGE 1 OF 2 MFG. #5400776 - 1194 FIG. 2 WEATHERPROOF BACKBOX BOX HAS ONE THREADED 112 CONDUIT ENTRANCE o 5/r— FIG. 1 BELLS (5,,POTFER BELLS PBA•AC & PBD-DC DIMENSIONS -1 2 1/161 H I . 1771-I owo. ine-z FIG. 3 WIRING (REAR VIEW) D.C. BELLS (OBSERVE POLARITY) A.C. BELLS C':00J T 10.1. p I (GUI) OWl! (II) OW!! (GUT) a CONTROl. P*V.. an 1 :7 -cv-i.ic on PRE DING 5flj PRWlG 10.1. 0.K (IN) (~>O" uw4 C.ECTRICAL SUPERWAN 6 REQUIRED USE IN NW OUT LDCS AS SHM NOTES: I. oeSCRvE POLARITY TO RING D.C. SELLS. 2. RED wIQES POSITIVE (.). .3. 9CiC WiPES NEGATIVE (-). 0101 U20111CAL SAW010 6 Imm USE IN NW OUT (LION .3 04101. NOTE. I. WHEN USING A.C. BELLS. TERMINATE EACH DCTRA WIRE SEPARATELY AER LAST BELL 2. DID-OF-UN! RESISTOR IS NOT REQUIRED ON A.C. BELLS. DWG. #776-3 INSTALLATION The bell should be mounted a minimum of 8 ft. from the floor or as close to the ceiling as possible. Remove the gong. Connect wiring (see Fig. 3). Mount bell mechanism to backbox (bell mechanism must be mounted with the striker pointing down). Reinstall the gong (be sure that the gong positioning pin, in the mechanism housing, is in the hole in the gong). Test all bells for proper operation and observe that they can be heard where required (bells must be heard in all areas as designated by the authority having jurisdiction. PRINTED IN USA MKT. 08850001. REV L PAGE 2OF2 MFG. #5400776- 11194 lflStaUat ion Instruction FS-ONE High Performance Intumescent Firestop Sealant Product description 'flumescenf texoanas :inen exposed to fire) firestop sealant that e'os orotect combustible and non-combustible penetrations for .D tO 3 flours tire rating Product features Smoke gas and water resistant Contains no halogen. solvents or asbestos High fire rating properties Water based. easy to clean Tested in accordance with UL 1479 ASTME814 UL 2079 Installation instructions for FS-ONE Technical Data FS-ONE intumescent Firestop (at 731 (230C) and 50% relative humidity) Chemical basis: - Density: Color: Working time: Curing time: Water-based intumescent acrylic dispersion Approx. 1.5 aJcm' Red Approx. 20-30 mm Approx. 14-21 days Shore A Hardness: Approx. 35 Movement capability: Approx. 5% Intumescent Activation: Approx 2506F (121°C) Expansion rate (unrestricted): Up to 3-5 times onginal volume Temperature resistance (cured): - -40°F (-40°C) to 212°F (100°C) Application temperature: 35°F (2°C) to 100°F (38°C) Surface burning characteristics: (ASIM E 84.961 Flame Spread: 0 Smoke Development 5 Approvals iC80 Evaluation Service, Inc. Report No. 5071 California State Fire Marshal Listing No. 1200:108 New York MEA 326-96-M City of Ln Mosses Research Report 25188 .'e.n oensnq. 2 Pack mineral 3. Apply FS-ONE. wool. (If required) seal undisturbed for 48 hours. 6. Fasten identification plate (if required). Opening n :e ooenung Surfaces to which FS-ONE will be applied -:.a oe c'eanea of loose debris, dirt. oil, moisture, frost and . Structures s .aoportung penetrating items must be installed rrpItarce :.tth local building and electrical standards Application of firestop ualaet s:.L . :rescribed backtilling material type and depth to ::3'n e ,esired rating (if required). Leave sufficient depth for -, :5-ONE. :: : cn of 'irestop sealant: Apply FS-ONE to the required rer to obtain the desired fire rating. Make sure E ::acts all surfaces to provide maximum adhesion. ' 2cc':'on of FS-ONE use a standard caulking gun. foil pack ;.ri uik oaaer ana bulk gun. With FS-ONE buckets. Graco type aant Dumps rray oe used. (Contact pump manufacturer for :cer selection ) 3 Smoothing of tirestop sealant: To complete the seal. tool mmcdi- teiy to give a smooth appearance. Excess sealant. prior to :ring. can oe cleaned away from adjacent surfaces and tools .'.ttfl :ater a'ie comoleted seal undisturbed for 48 hours. or iaintenance reasons. a penetration seal could be permanently -"arked .vitfl an identification plate. In such a case. mark the den- catcn plate and fasten it in a visible position next to the seal. Nutics Swillilliiuvi Check that the penetration has been sealed according to the specified drawing in the UL Fire Resistance Directory or Hilti Firestop manual. For further advice, please contact Hilti customer service. Refer to Hilti product literature and UL fire resistance directory for specific application details. Nit tl be east For high movement expansion joints Underwater On building materials which bleed oil, plasticizers or solvents (impregnated wood, oil-based seals, green or partially vulcanized rubber) In any penetration other than those specifically described in the Hilti Firestop Manual or the test reports Safety sN Before handling, read the product and material safety data sheet for detailed use and health information. Keep Out of reach of children Wear suitable gloves and eye protection Sim -1 Store only in the original packaging in a location protected from moisture at temperatures between 40°F (5°C) and 86°F (30°C). Observe expiration date on the packaging. 1-800-879-8000 FS-ONE High Performance Intumescent Firestop Sealant Product description Intumescent (expands when exposed to fire) firestop sealant that helps protect combustible and non-combustible penetrations for up to 4 hours fire rating Areas of application Steel, copper and EMT pipes Insulated steel and copper pipes Jacketed cables and cable bundles Closed or vented plastic pipes For use with Concrete, masonry, drywall and wood floor assemblies Wall and floor assemblies rated up to 4 hours Internationally tested and approved o a.sau, Examples c;.øsl.,, v&wvs I Sealing around plastic pipe penetrations in fire rated UNCONMMMUMMYCIIIIES ic 11MUNNTIFIC116101"0047ft"M Construction F3TSY$T UL I I APPROM IA. P 3IsyN CTYi System/Product advantages Protects more than 95% of all typical firestop applications Easy to work with and fast cleanup Quick sealing of remaining gaps Can be repenetrated when laying.new cables RN *&—p—cm—d FSONE Intumescent Firestop Sealant Coior acge CORIVU VONJI Item No. I FS-000, tS red 10.1 aL (300.0 lOW O'IO1I FS-olt foil rid (111430.2aL00id) lOW 00311W Pr=, pad rid S Um (1O) 1100W CO 200 P1.3001310 ii t 600 ml Foil 0apI15 Simplicity Confidence Value 4 1-800-879-8000 ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. 5360 WORKMAN MILL ROAD • WHITrIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 .fl99 A subWary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials EVALUATION REPORT ER-5071 Copyright 0 :1:0 iCBO Evaluation Sormce, Inc. Reissued February 1, 2000 Filing Category: FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION—Other Fire-resistive Construction (080) HILTI FIRESTOP SYSTEMS FOR THROUGH PENETRATIONS HILTI, INC. 5400 SOUTH 122ND EAST AVENUE TULSA. OKLAHOMA 74146 atursa range from 40'F to 110F (4.4C to 43'C). When stored at temperatures ranging from 40F to 90F (4.eC to 32.2'C) in original unopened containers, the shelf life is one year. 2.2.4 CP 618 Flreatop Putty Stick: CP 618 Firestop Putty Stick, a one-component intumescent firestop puny, is used in the fire-rated through-penetration fire-stop assemblies de- scribed in this report It is a nonhardening reusable putty. CP 618 is packaged in 18.cubic..inch (294 967 mm3) sticks and is available in boxes of 12 sticks. The application temperature is 40F to 95F (5C to 35'C). 2.2.5 CP 6421843 Flrsstop Collars: CF 6421843 Flrsitop Collars are zinc-plated sheet steel housings containing intu- mescint inlays They are packaged complete as single unite, with the mounting tabs included. The collars are designed for Plastic pipes used in drain, waste or vented piping systems, including those of acrylonifril. butadlane styrsne (ASS), chlo- rinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) and ftarn.dant poly. propylene (FRPP). The CF 642 collar' is designed forflrsstop. (IM mm)]. The CP 643 collar has a tower profile and utilizes a sheet-met- al-collar housing. Firestop sealant is used in the annular spaces where noted in the system details. 2.3 Installation: The through-penetrating item, opening and related surfaces must be clean and free of all contaminants that may inhibit curing or adhesion. Each system is installed in accordance with Figures 1 through 16. The openings must be included in the opening limitations of S clip, n 302.3 of the USC for occupancy separations and Section 504.6.2 for area separation walls. Installations must comply with Section 714 of the USC. Section 709.6 describes requirements for penetrations in walls and partitions. Section 710.2 describes particular requirements for penetrations in floors, including the need for T.ratings. The L rating is the amount of air leakage, in cubic feet per minute per square foot of opening (CFMIsq. It. or feet/min- ute), through the firestop system at ambient and/or 4006F (204'C) air temperatures at an air pressure differential of 0.30 inch in W.C. (14.7 Pa). The L ratings are intended to assist in determining the suitability of firestop systems for the protec- tion of penetrations and miscellaneous openings in floors and smoke barriers for smoke control in accordance with Section 905 of the USC. 2.4 Identification: Labels on containers identify the product name, the Hitti. Inc., name and address, expiration date, storage information and batch number. 1.0 SUBJECT Hilti Firestop Systems for Through Penetrations. 2.0 DESCRIPTION 2.1 General: MiNi Firestop Systems are designed to seal through.psnetra-tiOns in fire-resistive walls and floors. The systems described in Figures I through l6 are installed in steel o,w0od4ram.d gypsum wallboard partitions, concrete walls, concrete floors and concrete masonry walls. Th. F-ratings and T-railngs ate noted in these figures. where applicable. 2.2 Materials: 2.2.1 FS-ONE High Performance Intumescent Flr.stop Sealant: FS-ONE is an acrylic-based intumescent sealant that remains flexible after curing and expands when exposed to heat, to impede the passage of flames, smoke and toxic gases. FS-ONE is a one-part, ready-to-use sealant that was designed to firestop insulated and noninsulated metallic pipes. jacketed cables, cable bundles, and plastic pipes that penetrate concrete, concrete block, and gypsum or weod fire- resistive construction. FS-ONE is packaged in 10.1- and 20.2-fluid-ounce (300 and 600 mL) tubes and 5-gallon (19L) pails. The application temperature range is from 40F to 100F (4.4C to 37.70C) and the shelf life is one year when stored in the unopened original container at atemperatureof 50F to I00F (10C to 37.7'C). 2.2.2 FS 657 Fire Block Intumescent Firsatop Blocks: FS 657 Fire Block is a ready-to-use intumescent firestopping 'oam block which expands when exposed to heat. FS 657 eblock is designed to protect large opnings with multiple penetrations such as insulated and noninsulated metallic 'oes. cables, cable trays and plastic pipes. The blocks may oe friction .fitted into the opening and provide fire ratings up to 4 P'ourS Fireblocks measure inches by 8 inches by2 inches 127 mm by 203 mmby5l mm) and are available individually r n a case of 26 blocks. 2.2.3 FS 635 Trowelable Firestop Compound: FS635Tro- #.elable Firestop Compound is a cementitious, dry powder that is mixed with water to produce a pourable or ti'owelable material. Packaged in 40-pound (18.1 kg) containers, the ma- terial cures to form a rigid, lightweight barrier, suitable for fire- stopping large openings in walls and floors. Two gallons of clean, potable water are added to each container and blended using a drill or mechanical mixer. Application temper- Evaluation repons of IC8O Evaluation Se,ice. Inc.. are isauad s14,to provide ü,fovwaatioato CIauA nuea,bereoflClO. itiivat eke code upon which the repoef is based. Evaluation reporlsare ace to be coarnved a., riipruiasuigassketics 0f may aike UflbuSuaot speciiflcillya ednoraSma edoreueU orrecenSmia dasson fur ace of the subject repeal. Thai ripen as based upon independent tests or other technical data submitted by she applicant. The ICBO Evahiatian Same,, inc.. technical staff has reviewed the tel reiulti and/ia, Whir data. but does a,ol posce.utessfacilisieJlo ke a,, independent venfication. flea'. zoo warraaly byICRO Evaluation Service, Inc.. express -ar impI..al a, in viny 'Fu,dan 'is, uther matte, an the repeal Ores to any product covered by the repeal. This discl.imerinchades. but is not limited to. merckan1aba1i57. 0.... 1 nf a. Page 2 of 6 Reports of tests complying with USC Standards 7-1 and 7-5: reports of tests On SIC Iselisge. complying with Underwriters Laboratories Standard 1479; descriptive literature; and instal-lation instructions. 4.0 FINDINGS That the MiltI Firestop Systems described in this report comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Coda-, subject to the following conditions: 4.1 Assemblies are installed In accordance with this report and manufacturer's Instructions. 4.2 Fire-resistIv, wail assemblies comply with this re- port and the code. 4.3 Pipe insulation Is listed by an approved agency with a Same-spread rating not exCeeding 25 and smoke-density rating not exceeding 50. This report is subject to reexamination In one year. ER-Mrs 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED GENERAL NOTES ON FIGURES Assemblies: M fire-resistive assemblies must comply with Chapter? of ttis USC. The n*imum dimensions in figures also must be ob-served. Concrete and Concrete Masonry Assemblies: The reinforced am-crate assemblies are either structural lI1wsigNcrnormal.wuightcon. crete and must comply with Chapter 1901 the USC. Reinforced con. orets rnascvvy must comply with Chapter 2101 the USC. Gypsum Wallboard and Stud Will Assemblies: a Steel Studs: Mhársim No. 25 gage (0.02094ncli) (0.53 Ivufi). gel. vaiUsd steel studs measure at least 2!5 Inches (64 mm) *41. *1-loalbie spacing is up to 24 inches (610 mm) on center. Studs must comply with Chapter fl of the USC. b. Wood Studs: Minimum nominal 24 wood studs must comply with Chapter 2301 the USC. The meiamian spacing is 16 nches (406 mm) on center. c. Gypsum Wallboard: Two layers 01 5/-tndi-11dc (IS mm) Type X gypsum wallboard are required on each side of the will assembly The wallboard must comply with Chapter 2501 the USC. One-Hour Firs-resIstIve Wood Floor/Chase Wall Assemblies: Floor Lumber or plywood "floor with lumber. plywood or con-crete or gypsum topping finish must comply with Chapter 23o1 the USC Wood Joists: Nominal 2-by- 10 or larger lumber joists with 1-by-3 lumber bridging and fire-blocked ends must comply with Chapter 23 of the USC. joist spacing isl6 inches (406 mm) an center. c Gypsum Wallboard: One layer 01 5/,-1nch4idi (16 mm) Type X gypsum wallboard ceiling must comply with Chapter 25 of the UBC. The wallboard is directly attached to wood joists. $ lW0440ur Flrs-rs&stiv Wood Floor/Chase Wall Assemblies: Moor LAsober or plywood si$loor with lumber, plywood, or Carl. creteor gypsum topping l,ish nvist comply with Chapter 23 of ft Wood Jol Non*-ii 2-by-l0 or larger kaobsr joists with 1.by.3 Iun*erbddng and flre.blocked ends must comply with Chapter23 01 the USC. Joist spang Is 16 Inches (456mm) on osiser. a. Fining Channels: No. 25 gags (6.0109.inth) ((6.56 miii) sledchmuls,lifskuh (11mm) deep by 11 Incise (39mm) sIde a's fensd to wood jclsts Spacing Is 24 inches (610 n11 on csl. d. Gypsum Wallboard: Two layers 01 /,-indl.thidt (llfln) lypeX gypsan wosU ãslng ns comply with Chapter 2501 Vis USC. The bem layeris fastened to me joists aid theface layirisfastaned 1 Chase Wall: L Wood Studs: Single 2-bye or double 2.by-4 wood chide must comply with Chapter 2301 the USC. Spacing up toll inches (401 mm) on cehllr is permitted. Sole Plate: Sing. 2-by-6 or two parodil 2-by-4kmer plates must comply with Chapter 2301 the USC. Top Pints: The Initle top plate is combiaed using either two 2.0y4 lumber plates ortwoparelld sets of tw02-by4 lumber plates complying with Chapter 23 of the USC. Gypsum Wallboard: On* or.two layers 01 51e.inc11411ick (16 item) lypexg psan wmoaid on each side ofths wail MOO=* with Chapter 2501 the USC. When the chitle stud will Is cciuct.d the p.nsvilng pipe must be su,mimded on all four sides with the wit A a L t P M13 S 44% f t3 • 11-10. I. *111 Al JT • Lt 1411 1 311*FT. I. 14111 if 4W F I 401V11F1 MOT -v, 4 L. 3m 44 - Page 3 of 6 ER-5071 I IPCU.ATtD JETM. ' cTt VMJ. 3 Lc VM.L , WIG • I. 11 ' 43V L PAIN AT 3V • LM flll 1 LflV1. VT. CO &TtPtE &= T41JIl. _OiTE VAJ. CO I.COI( va I. MCIM 1l. ms.t 41 T1t4U1 A i..U4TII 3 lull. T uui VOL 04111 eiir n c#tt a..00cWALL a 7TD*a 1*11111 a' miii. 11CT an PC 1U* ©UU I S MWEL I 33TuG m II It w w li( rMLINGS * 111111 7 10111. Nam U " I 01 I(4 1 111141 11W _.. P. *#. 21 710 HMM OU41iL 44W? 411? Oil GM V31 UM 411 Am ru ior vw sat k wym wm asuz11s 1#1Qfl (TI ia* 431 4' 110MU HNM V= 031 OW XW= TIM . lSIS1l l/t' Vt1 4.11 110€ I1VC101lT 117 3iiIf. l'CTU' Lll.MC117uii.a'. I I. AMA won e M35A VT. 3141 WV. I 3.41111 VT lUll SLIT fliC IITOCOC FW Z4J1T 11 SM OU In= 7 WLL Mi €rAI. Ptp THE4 SLLEV€ ii coicc VM.L 3 IL( WALL I. ii WIlL AMILI 041 I-uIhQ I. L11flI! S 414. MW WE IlL 4117 Vida & 0I11lM 54(1 V 10111. lISTS ITS. PIS LIII 3U US NEWIM I 111111 V 111111 Va! liii! ID £4 SUITS 7 III 711 S.1M . #11111 PS 414 0. 11110€ 13! 411 M jCM I 4111 11105.11110 UIL 1111 P1 C 1.111 ht 10110.11111 Va! 'dli P1 JIM * 1311313103411(11 PUI7'fI ML 35., 0.7 000111T111. 433 I ISIM-3111, 111€ 1111411? 154131(5.41? 11 Own T( vaj. eUS.V .fl414 3 miM. WW CEM ii4. 0.1. 444 fl. I 0.001 *44.1. 2. ?TDeIj 11JI 3' 10111.11W (TI. PE 2S4 WOU i3 L 0CWT06,114 II TO 3 SC 3 TIC 111.L3. 4. 4413 3' 10111. 145111 (TI FK =UU I S WAnM I MillS i• S11. IlCT OKI IlL c. MAIM i ssiu. sApm SIM Ow. 1 441$S 1' SlIM. SKU lIT. 44141 3-414' mwocm 40*. vUL 0111 4 XMM 31t1 3 5.411111 Ile €m 411 rI-SC WUC1T r7 hUlL 6. 41I11l lie Clvi 4.11 Fl-SC M!IT F5Il hi/Il? 441LU if RINT 3 T. ilT •L u11 l4 0 • 3 a • 4114111'. WUS I-lIT. 1 1011111 V4' 411 SLIt Ft-IC ITUT 11(117 11/Ill S I 410 Iu111LY. I ININK 33. ANELF111 FlOmMol 4=MMLVW____UL4L64OrMM (4(311111113031 I1J.MI 11141113 ZW& a 41UIV wmL, 4111 P41 WI III 1041A M 1011 a s r #3113 WIllS 111141 F. 4111 P 40113 M3 II. I 151111' 4011 04. 3. 1. 15151 IT 71141 fl WW= ? 311 433*03III FEW 5114331 10 115133311333 Ii? ISO 1543511* (411w 415114341 Sf III 111 VU01 I VP all iIlT 0 115411111115?I. IS 3543 III @111 1111 rril I___3400.3 _ ___54 3 V 40511? I 43V I S 41,1*031011015433.1.33 3 51141341.1 j I i so" 54' V. 11111114011 to. 1 I a 4311 11 1111 5411113 &A 411. 43 t .t a. WK a lIlA I-"% aiiai fl. i mis mrs ia p r. £104-I rtr Page 4 of 6 ER-5071 T IIf% s -ma 14ft RIVE Lc £T mr U LW lvII ry T 3115 • 4. 3. S 245 Ilk *--m 1 mf-, ?w vev -4 wOOO FLOOWAU4 &sy Cosm n1,g g4m I. 11543 PLVV= UFLW VM F1414 n= r UNK FLrAW 3 njM I-- 4L I 1F PJJL .L dLUX 4 32* F1K*flG fl-U 1C pticlihm iftm 1D K W or TIC ?34S (1110 FLDU PDCM4109 IW K 04t40 m LX.4U biflU TIC C.*flT V A WIll 4 VII I' 'OIL VIED ma Fm (ZOU 13 'cmm 1 110112' 101L DCVI _._ FOL r. iii a' IQS. 3CU 1TC, amm 1 1101(2' IOISL DCVI of. 4PVC ISLMOI 11 K OC 7 TE P11D.1K ir 'a.iiv cut NIAVT NEW ilk 35 Rn GM i01 Sill bUll IL Una 1 314' flU I&bt ItC0L P111 ISLITUL lOt PK f=K aNm vm 104.ITD fleU0T Ill 10*44 1 4100 a,v WO u.n nec WUT rt WAM. I PIIWS £ MON va 7 Lii VIM 11500(1 FIWV DAlI lID wrli w w# IWO • I Mliii 14(10 I ISIS. 4' I a asia 00 s IN we am rw FK jsui i mm 1101 1?. usD1 YV WO 14C m MUTVI I rare '(1*4. PIPE T).G4 i-+*. TA 2-0 VTO FUO *3EI4LY F 10114 '1-43 4-4 4. 14115 IT MW • UM 1511113 fl 1afl15 .-43 440L 4.1411541 10's4 UM FT. ME= ov MIlD WM 1104 RD V UIW, pLrA& U RD fum am a is Kilt A- WIN SW. 4105.1 III 3 I-U FE-*J1O 33 SM S ussli 2' 5*103*1 UM 41 T V 4(71K IlaldIli 015 RD FOLTAW Of K 0(1440 D (KID vms nc om r a van £ U U DVI. CC& &eseACKU44MMKUL C IUM SCOt IS (IlL I *11111 SC (MS VIM 103*1 IU1SUI U ma F. IsOUi SC 41 (CL cim 3*143 (Ut U HI IlTOIDUD on &USW V? VIII aU fl-IC 11134Sf rm3llp D.afl. 11104K 4 3' £57 LII P1-IC 111103(1(1017 DAlI liDS vlmn(mnoI'xwpval & Mliii 111(101' ISIS 0 HI U 4-4141044115,11 2W 32' .cromml. a asia ma -_ ISi mu me wm • mu r. 111th i.e. 231.011 IlL I 11101107 -IC10IL CAl' ISIS t.0R.00JUllY ,.sMlII15.00NS10S. 4. 1 U TIJi10 W'JS lII P1011(10W U1, FOAM U TI,10 TINI cCO fl.00RU*JTC *SSEIO.vfll0 U. .4s1vg 44*S4I !.j !.jw 0 FLIMEISLW bUll 1101 lID 714110. ItImm OR= 1WRom W1( M.l. atT 0-00 4-Il flE-5 fl'U I elvam ITO' III IC 7 TIC FKWM IOC' I1JU P0(14110 MV K 014405 L&4VI bUS iC OUT V I WIll *J01 4, elm DCVI 10. M Mau 53 1 * '• IOlW_ laUD _. ft - - £•m lu fl0.. -. 1 4 1041. loUD Ot 'ena I/a- CiT. 11.11 n-ec iul Frew cauii a FT C XaI!. LII V 4.11 FlOE osiom maw ZI.MT 3 FT C am 019 F1IUTP £4Jf iLUI VM WM 93FAM I' ry FLAIL IVC' I uaIui BUM 0 5(10 '1'. z. NIU.a Via s MU IN. MU( 314' CA10lo 51 hisS iiOEiP oim WI 101(1615 7 I4K a"- viii visec aou i ii r*iu soi TLl .I 4 '1 Ui• ':ai a.--i - - I - -- .1 AMR VM • 1u i -- wc'. I Q.3 5111 -_- SIISS (r1. dt OFF, • IMCM a Myt• 10 VI 244 m IJDITE U 11.11310110170144.11*1 LU & Oil , I1I'VTL? raln WITI wn fl'O( mudsmff I mar ZKAIT. Page 5 018 ER-so?l Z ADKTWN irns ii K N W lit ALLOW 4 mom Y me& Sw(U 1731. FIR 3QU US WAAM 1 mom vIOSk SItU on AM C V31M 45011L SItU *1(3. MR 1 SICCJI V 50111, SItU of. 1 IV.L I' 75311 Mm"m 0UL Nm Inn 41133 ) tAt f4. SIT! CII 4.L ((IVU .T IPT ow S __ TI INS II31C31T as WUIS 4IUs SW Vt! Cli fI•OC WII ri SAAR. 51111 W MR CII VIØ( IIUT fl7 E&31 11 Off IF MiCar. 1170 • 1. VAM SICO E • Z IIK&A VK • 54515 P.54.4151-lIE L tJ • Lm TICS & vwx 1% GVP9M WI4.. ASSEMBLY (140 OR 240 .*I4 4140$( P. P(ILTCThG ITOS 105 31 3' INC fft~ 4 *MIIS 1' mm lISTS (U. AM 31L I S It4VTh. I 5Ui 4 IQS14. SItU cow ME C 'SOUl 4' '0.14. MCCI *70, mn I 'UI VSC. IlMm 11?, I HUT * SITUT FINWIF 51113 4 400 IN WIK FN a i-e l*•SlI I 414. 1-V4' VTL rat 4 &W r5•IIJU. I4I415 W EM ILTI (11 ITUIT 1TP SIA11 U 4.7 3 CDW. liac-ia 110=1U'A R4l4 Fat *131. (TN WLL i Ie-v2' TS V= na VILLA L Asolm MC s tollill V.54.415 2W 7SI31.S.414 ISIT VCV a., ll1>, "r 111 rn t.GIUtSSw.LIS45.Y(IsecNz4,.mu,q (T.41$ 4. 3TE5Ia 011111140 10111. WItS 1131. FK iac WOU IS 75114. (IL SIC 114 11M Laummll ImI V 3 15 hiiWdII 16 1111515711 III 111W 45.1. 111511 5115W 44 IU0C CAlL CU ii WIlL 45.1 13195141W aM ML Vt CS 1WImmasa 7.115415 Lff 4575 Vtt 45& 4. IS.fl It'll IIIIT I7 ClAD 16 1111$ 31W 31M IM 41411 r*STI& 141(151411' 1 VS A *11 451111111 2.75111 54 5 1175 'I. 54.11 SlITS 31154 • 1. qg Ti IlL v -IL45. 31*f 3. IIIL.N 45 • IlIUS lIE 1113115 .. 4.131. USC SIT I VUS VIII WL am ii 0111 pa £41 'IlL P75. O UM C 41115 CII L. t1 WI It'll NUUUV IIS EiUIT DID 'IlL IW O IA'It C I 511 11545 U' ICL 1111? u.n 71-31 IIUT 7W IA.M! ID WMUIAW (TIUS! Fez, it PLAT1t Pitt iias i-IS. 31 215. GYPIJI VM.L AI1ILY 71154 • 1111 71*5 I11 "m VIN 31144 ,75ssAIs(I4'Scm2.eu41-RSIIl (T4CSI( I It U' 54 31 sIC S $54415 I 111131111 Lam S 515 a 451 V 455S 1111311113111115515 C 451 V 31(554(541711 a 1541 P4555(75 ?( 511 ASIG ICS 54111140 (SUP 114131 71111155 7115 (ml 314.5154. T WI an yr WI.n ut m . [iir mi ii 1113W 1 1113T_111aO11 L [CC1a ur ma sr_w u an ii piw_r sic I I .11111145451111131(S. I I11u11rtsay.45avr 141111 tn.un11.tU• wu ___s Page 6 of 6 ER-5071 -.. Lve4msj -MI L IM .lI?SllW rvzv CMIM WQ AMMY o ______ OT VIM ML 14 1I I P1I tOt.i. i MIUS r io.ss.IVIM Va pK au I 0 IC* 2.41111 V 101St 1*10 _. POL 11. 0111.0 M i. rs IV EM W A M - IVOK ii I! liii 11 S TJSf rocow 0104NNG oft = PIla an Mi a mom 1. 111 2-SR VflI 4.1! II CM 1 0& I I ITO 'I. 11111 51#MU 1I1i I 1 GANININ go W, - • III MINK ____ I CALE 3JIIE TOiQl I-It MM VM.L Asmy , *110 u 515.0 215. I 5.51 • 5.41 MUM 4.2. 01 "ff mm & ww w a IF CSi SITU. M UND MIL I'. Iii SIw 11 M&M CS.0 ST. is 'IU 11 DII hAt 01 lIt 5.4 4) 1 . 1*alOs ii t i VL AITWMM tms uww n msus isuss r osi. sco MUM U MGMAMINIM $' *41. WIN CIMI Mi S U. I III MR in "M cuml £M 1S51T 01 U pcM am no IL *4 .CT on Mt S WAM IUM 2111525 L Wit %WIa cs&u .LJ45P Isc4a r. 0 ram4rx mu MIL Ur A& I 01111 M IS PIK01111 FICIM 9 F. 5*4 44f. ~mff41uulmLwmvmqNm o=F=K & 151 2111 SI IC 12114 W A4#?. 55.1 .1 S IM*4 LtisTIisIC4 fl 5Wr5.*a P CAlL liSLE TIllI4t .il1c!f1E VMJ. *oav F 5515 ' III. t * • I-It rTUTVEV roll A YPM WNL A$sos.T (14502245 MII4 545 1*44. M44JI 4 101St litlClU ITU. PE 1.11W MOU 3 3115101 5. AM 4 4 El i CU 515.1 t5 CT W MV 7 TIC 112VI1S Sc It CMIM. CM.L I NOW S PS 414 *4 10SC CISL C. 24 0'IC 1*2.1 Mi V4 ONCIM L 00 sic tW1 a 6 m C. MMX VC 4.12 VA CALL U A ml IR flZ Sf14. WIlT. I.posm 1.1' WTI 4.11 CP MS F2117 2flTT tTU 814 t01TU5. WV cmlw AMO CASE (M.0 CM ITt 4.1 5.oi lCT • I MMM IIsCt SS • 4I.W. 2. C*2.0 TO 11.1. A ISUIlI ZrA 7 011-5.1(114. OCA 7 MEM 2. is.ucp Go fLI11 #ITTY ITS 455.5252 sto 11101152 O Chan 45 IIE151l CTht 52ITIL 4. ytØl 551 A ITUL 1.118. I.T 4.11 CP 45 STTI 1113015 v%%L affia caLTQ.v c4C*4 1.TV. I *SLS 7( 4(11*' Isis (/1'. *441 W I. CWM 1.1019(5. (_T 5.4511-5.101 A. 4.*4f S I. 5T WI 4.1 055514 r TIMt IXl*41I&OMiL a *411V 4011.1111(1 IlU. P5. 511W MCIII 50 fullS 4Dd5. a Da.L1*L10S5 W 5J Dl tU.Lu1C. *4W CAlL WV 1111IS C 545514 IC 45*4 CM U A 401 41? ftLSOU 4. WIlT. 1 W 5524 WLTI 5 gs r55 211?? ITO 811*4511144. WV & *455 11I - ,Jr. 1. Cell IS ILL A 1015114 M 7 MO-ICTOIt p5.45 0111 1. win 05 ITOIV 211?? 111311 mm (545 1niiw s csao rn issais cast 52UIL I 'i55 un A CELl. 1.Wd. Y 4fl 515 JT1 11 5(14.1 2W)I 0101.v 3.01G 11W. It WO no Firestop Selection Chart Timwgl, Penetrations Now to we 1k selsoffm ct Hilti nas simplified the process for selecting the correct UL System for your application. Simply identify the pe n e t r a t i n g i t e m imetal pipe. insulated metal pipe. cable. etc.) and the base material. (I Concrete or Concrete Block IN Gypsum Wood Frame Match the two items within the selection chart below to identify the Hilti UL System. Additional systems a r e a v a i l a b l e b y contacting your local Hilti Sales Representative or Customer Service at (800) 879-8000. FIN ft" me FrOM UL $I_ Pis Malenl Pmistvatia ft (P AMW Iul 111110111W 1110fter SIU 0pn1ns WA Blank opening (sleeved) 3-hour FIRE BLOCK CM 0055 28 - Blank opening . 3-hour CP 618 CM 0058 29 Metal Pip. Steel. cast iron, copper, conduit or EMI 3-hour FS-ONE c.i 1155 31 (sleeved or unsleeved) Steel, cast iron. copper, conduit or EMT 3-hour FS-ONE CM 1184 32 Steel, cast iron, copper, conduit or EMI 3-hour FS-ONE CM 1226 33 (sleeved or unsleeved) Steel. conduit. or EMT 3-hour CP 618 CM 1276 34 . ,.'. Steel, cast iron, conduit, or EMT 3'410ur CP 618 " CM 1277 35' a Steel. cast iron, copper. conduit or EMT 2-hour FS-ONE CM 1291 36 Steel, cast iron, copper, conduit or EMT (sleeved) 4-hour FS-ONE Wi 1041 64 01. Steel, copper. conduit or EMT 4-hour FS-ONE WJ 1042 65 . • Steel, cast iron, copper, conduit or EMT 1 or 2-hour FS-ONE WI 1054 72 lop Steel or copper (sleeved) 2-hour FS-ONE WI. 1058 73 Steel, cast iron, copper, conduit or EMT I or 2-hour FS-ONE WI 1085 74 .- ) Steel, cast iron. copper, conduit or EMT (sleeved) 4-hour FS-ONE WI .1110 75 err Steel, copper. conduit or EMI . 4-hour FS-ONE WI 1111 76 Steel. cast iron. copper. conduit or EMT I or 2-hour FS-ONE FC 1009 58 Plastic and Glue Pipe IM011. PVC. C PVC. ABS. FRPP (vented or closed) 3-hour CP 6421643 CM 2109 37 PVC CPVC. ABS. FRPP (vented or closed) 3-hour CP 642/643 CM 2110 38.39 sleeved) Glass pipe (vented or closed) 3-hour FS-ONE CM 2118 40 £i sleeved arunsleeved) - I PVC. CPVC (vented or closed) 3-hour FS-ONE CM 2141 41 Q PVDF (vented or closed) 3-hour FS-ONE CM 2217 42 56,57 PVC CPVC. ABS. FRPP (vented or closed) 2-hour CP 6421643 FA 2025 . , • ENT (sleeved or unsleeved) 1 or 2-hour FS-ONE WI 2075 77 : . .. PVC. CPVC. ABS. FRPP (vented or closed) 1 or 2•hour CP 6421643 WI 2078 78 - PVC. CPVC (closed) I or 2-hour FS-ONE WI. 2098 79 II PVC. CPVC. ABS. FRPP (vented or closed) I or 2-hour CP 643 FC 2025 59 PVC. CPVC. ABS. FRPP (vented or closed). 1-hour CP 643 FC 2030 60 PVC. CPVC (vented or closed) main wl PVC, 1-hour CP 643 w/FS-ONE FC 2050 61 CPVC (vented or closed) branch -e Ii S.. P"" SP11111111111 Flu Si UL or multiple cables 3-hour FS-ONE CAJ 3095 43 (sleeved or unsleeved) Multiple cables 3-hour CP 6421643 CAJ 3096 44 Single cable 3-hour CP 618 CM 3138 45 Multiple cables 3-hour CP 618 CAJ 3139 46 I lflQl Cable trays (steel or aluminum) 3-hour FS 635 CM 4017 47 Cable tray (steel or aluminum) 3-hour FIRE BLOCK CM 4035 48 Single or multiple cables 2-hour CP 618 WJ 3036 66 ' c (sleeved or unsleeved) - Spine cable trays (steel or aluminum) 2-hour FIRE BLOCK WJ 4016 67 !' -. Single or multiple cables 1 or 2-hour FS-ONE WL 3065 80 " (sleeved or unsleeved) ;?' Single or multiple cables 1 or 2-hour CP 618 WL 3111 81 '' (sleeved or unsleeved) .; 'e Single or multiple cables (sleeved) 1 or 2-hour CP 618 WI 3112 82 Cable tray (steel or aluminum) 1 or 2-hour FIRE BLOCK WL 4011 83 '. . Spine cable trays (steel or aluminum) .1 or 2-hour FIRE BLOCK WI 4019 84 II Single or multiple cables I or 2-hour FS-ONE FC 3012 1 62 IMISM M,5I Pipes - Steel or copper w/ABIPVC insulation 3-hour FS-ONE CM 5090 . 49 - (sleeved or unsleeved) Steel or copper w/glass fiber insulation 2-hour FS-ONE CM 5091 50 - (sleeved or unsleeved) Steel or copper w/glass fiber insulation .2-hour FS-ONE CM 5113 51 (sleeved or unsleeved) • Steel. copper. conduit or EMT 4-hour FS-ONE WJ 5028 68 w/glass fiber insulation (sleeved) Steel, copper, conduit or EMI w/glass 1 or 2-hour FS-ONE WL 5025 85 • fiber insulation (sleeved or unsleeved) Steel. copper, conduit or EMT 1 or 2-hour FS-ONE WL 5028 86 . w/AB/PVC insulation Steel, copper, conduit or EMT 1 or 2-hour FS-ONE WL 5029 87 w/glass fiber insulation ' Steel, copper, conduit or EMT 4-hour FS-ONE WI 5073 88 i!'f.i w/glas$ fiber insulation (sleeved) - Steel, copper, conduit or EMI 1 or 2-hour FS-ONE FC 5004 63 w/glass fiber or AB/PVC insulation Metal Ducts aid Elicbical leeway - - Electrical busway - 3-hour FS 635 CM 6006 52 : Electrical busway 3-hour FS-ONE CM 6017 53 Metal duct w/o damper 1-hour CP 601S WJ 7001 69 :- •,.' ' Metal duct w/o damper 1-hour CP 601S WI 70.03 89 ')' 0 Metal duct w/O damper (sleeved) 1-hour FS-ONE WI 7017 90 Simplicity Confidence Value I . •-i 25 1-800-879-800( __ Pke MU IL 17 UL - Lar,u Ou$s Ift Pu.tratloi,s ç Multiple pipes: Steel. Copper, conduit or EMI 3-hour F5635 CAJ 1140 30 . it. Multiple insulated and non-insulated steel. 3-hour FS-ONE CAJ 8041 54 . - :ooer conduit, or EMT .43 Multiple insulated and non-insulated steel. 3-hour FIRE BLOCK CAJ 8056 55 A copper. EMI. cables and cable trays .d . Multiple cables. EMI. and PVC (closed) 2-hour FS-ONE WJ 8004 70 Multiple insulated and non-insulated steel. 4-hour FIRE BLOCK WJ 8007 71 copper. EMI. cables and cable trays Multiple cables. EMT and PVC (closed) 2-hour FS-ONE WI 8004 91 - •. . all Multiple insulated and non-insulated steel, 1 or 2-hour FIRE BLOCK WI 8013 92 I copper. EMT. cables, cable trays and PVC - • plastic pipe Multiple insulated and non-insulated steel. 4-hour FIRE BLOCK WI 8014 93 s 6 e . • . copper. EMT. cables and cable trays Jolets Floor to floor (concrete to concrete) 3-hour CP 601S FFD-1011 P Floor to floor (concrete to concrete) 2-hour CP 606 FFD-1012 95 .' Floor to floor (concrete to concrete) 2-hour CP 672 FFD-1013 96 -' Floor to wall (concrete to concrete) 3-hour CP 601S FWD-1011 • 97 Floor to wall (concrete to concrete) 2-hour CP 606 FWD-1012 98 Floor to wall (concrete to concrete) 2-hour CP 672 FWO-1013 99 " Concrete block wall to metal deck 1 or 2-hour FS-ONE HWD-0008 102 ' top of wall) Concrete Block wall to metal deck (top of wall) 2-hour CP 601S KWD-0080 111 :y Concrete Block wall to metal deck (top of wall) 2-hour CP 606 HWO-0081 112 b • • Concrete block wall to concrete floor 3-hour CP 601$ HWO-1008 113 itop of wall) .1 • Concrete block wall to concrete floor 2-hour CP 606 HWD-1009 114 too of wall) j Wall to wall (concrete to concrete) 3-hour CP 601$ WWO-1011 • 115 . Wall to wall (concrete to concrete) 2-hour CP 606 WWD-1012 116 - . . Gypsum wall to metal deck (top of wall) 1 or 2-hour FS-ONE HWD-0003 100 I Gypsum wall to metal deck (top of wall) 1 or 2-hour FS-ONE HWO-0005 101 . p •- Gypsum wall to concrete floor (top of wall) I or 2-hour FS-ONE HWO-0010 103 : f Gypsum wall to metal deck I or 2-hour CP 672 HWD-0042 104 G;psum wall to metal deck (top of wall) I or 2-hour CP 606 HWO-0045 105 9 Gypsum wall to metal deck (top of wall) I or 2-hour CP 601$ HWD-0046 106 C . Gypsum wall to metal deck (top of wall) 1 or 2-hour CP 672 11WD-0049 107 '. ,' •. Gypsum wall to metal deck (top of wall) I or 2 hour CP 601$ HW00076 108, 109 if : r Gypsum wall to metal deck (top of wall) 2 hour CP 606 HWD-0077 110 'iee!S new Ut. 2079 stariaard with 500 cycles. 0-'I' annn r a—;, 97 IV Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Product Tech Description 0Data Central Sprinkler Head Cabinets are constructed of a metal enclosure with a hinged cover designed to provide on-site storage of an emergency supply of sprinkler heads and a sprinkler head wrench. NFPA 13 requires a representative number of each type of sprinkler head used in a sprinkler system to be stored in a cabinet on-site to allow for immediate removal and replacement of sprinklers which may have operated or become damaged. Central Sprinkler Head Cabinets are manufactured of heavy gauge steel with knock-outs to accommodate either 1/20 or 3/ N.P.T. threaded sprinkler heads and are painted an attractive ied enamel. They are available in three (3), six (6) r twelve (12) head capacity. Model: Sprinkler Head C ft Style: Orl2head Standard Finish: Red enamel Mfgr. Source: Non-domestic Capacity: 3 sprinkler heads 6 sprinkler heads 12 sprinkler heads Dimensions: 3 head -5' high xTh' long x2Wdew 6 head - So high x 14' long x 31/4' deep 12 head -5' high x143/' long x 5' dew Weight: 3 head - 1.5 lbs. 6 head -2.31bs. l2 head -41bs. No. 284.0 Installation Care & Ordering []MaintenanceInformation Central's Sprinkler Head Cabinet is designed with two e diameter holes for wall mounting or direct attachment to the system riser with a strap-type hanger. The Cabinet should be installed at or near the system control valve and must be stocked with an adequate supply of spare sprinklers and a sprinkler wrench. The stock of spare sprinklers should include sprinklers of each type and temperature rating as are installed in the sprinkler system, in the following quantities: Sprinklers Spare Sprinklers In System Required under 300 6 300-1000 12 over 1000 24 The Cabinets are designed to accept both '' and W N.P.T. threaded sprinklers. For 1W N.P.T. sprinklers, leave the removable knockout in the hole. For 3." N.P.T. sprinklers, insert a screwdriver blade from the front top of the shelf and under the near bottom part of the knockout annular ring. Press the screwdriver handle down to remove the knockout ring. The hole, with the .n0Ck0ut ring removed, will accept a N.P.T. sprinkler. The Cabinet, wrench, and stock of spare sprinklers should be inspected at least quarterly. The following items should be checked: The Cabinet should be readily accessible, and not exposed to a corrosive atmosphere or temperatures in excess of IMF/380C. The stock of spare sprinklers should include an adequate number of each type and temperature rating. The stock of sprinklers must be in good condition. A sprinkler wrench of the appropriate type must be included in the Cabinet. When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, model, style, capacity, and size. Sprinklers, wrenches, and hard- ware for hanging are not supplied with the Cabinet. They must be ordered separately. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, accessories, and other products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada, and internationally through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362.0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from date of shipment. Please refer to the current Price List for further details of the warranty. Conversion Table: 1 inch 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg Conversions are approximate. © 1994 Central Sprinkler Company Printed in U S.A. CENTRAL 'REENOW, Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue. Lansdall, PA 19446 Phone (215) 3620700 FAX (215) 362-5388 Hd.Cab.2 sprinkler systems devices Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue. Lansdale. Pennsylvania 19446 Product Description Central's identification Signs are designed to provide information to the end user about the sprinkler system and it's components. They are available with a variety of wording combinations to meet the signing requirements of NFPA 13. The five basic types of signs are as follows: Type A - Control Valve Sign Type B - Multi-purpose Text Signs Type C Cold Weather Sign Type D - Fire Alarm Sign Type E - Hydraulic Calculation Sign The Signs are constructed of 18 gauge steel or aluminum with a porcelain enamel or printed mylar facing respectively. The signs have corner holes or slots for easy attach- ment in the field. Sign Type B is available with the 'allowing text options: Air control Air control valve Air line Alarm test Alarm line Antifreeze system Auxiliary drain Control Control valve Drain Drain valve Entire system From city main In this building In this section Inspectors test Main control Main drain Open sprinkler control Open sprinkler drain Test valve Triangular main drain Water motor Water motor line Technical Data, Model: Sign Style: Flat, rectangular Standard Finish: porcelain or mylar Size: TypeA-9x7' Type B - 60 x 2 Type C-7%x1'/ Type D-9xT Type E - 5• x 7. Weight: Type A - 4.5 oz. Type B - 0.5 02. Type C - 2.0 02. Type 0-4.002. Type E - 1.5 OZ. rA Installation The Identification Signs are pro- vided with W diameter or larger holes (or slots) in the corners for easy attachment using standard hardware chain, wire, plastic lock ties, or light gauge metal strap (not included). No. 28-9.0 .. ______ Sign . Type A The blank spaces on this sign may be utilized to provide message flexibility. Simply add combinations of sign Type B and Type C as desired. Sign - Type B AUXILIARY DRAIN Sign - Type C FRONT ffii~ BACK Sign - TypeD SPRINKLER Ordering FIRE -ALARM rlInf ormati, 1-11-1t_L)tP'I ORVULI1—t_ [] Sign - Type E When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity and type. Hardware for hanging is not supplied with the Sign. it must be ordered separately. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, accessories, and other products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada, and internationally through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362.0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair andlor replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from date of shipment. Please refer to the current Price List for further details of the warranty. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm I foot =0.3048M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg Conversions are approximate. Adft_~k CENTRAL Iqlommpw 1995 Central Sprinkler Company Printed in U S.A. Central Sprinkler Company 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19448 Phone (215) 3620700 FAX (215) 362-5385 Signs.