HomeMy WebLinkAbout6738 LIMONITE CT; ; AS070079; Permit3/8/24,12:25 PM AS070079 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: A5070079 Job Address: 6738 LIMONITE CT Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2132901700 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Status: ISSUED Applied 4/3/2007 Approved: 4/3/2007 Issued: 4/3/2007 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: LA COSTA GREENS TWO FIRE SPRINKLER INSPECTIONS X 44 HOMES @ $124.00 Applicant: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS, INC. SUITE D 1045 ARMANDO STREET ANAHEIM, CA 800-635-1656 Owner: WARMINGTON TRIESTE ASSOCIATES L P C/O WARMINGTON HOMES CALIFORNIA 3090 PULLMAN ST #A COSTA MESA CA Fees ($) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 5,456 01 5,456 0 about:blank 1/1 Brenda Wardwell From: Linda Ontiveros Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 12:15 PM To: Brenda Wardwell Cc: Mike Peterson Subject: Trieste Phase 8/CT 04-09 Attachments: image001 .gif; CT04-09_Reso5851 .pdf Hi Brenda - Warmington Homes will be pulling Phase 8, Lots 35-44 at Trieste (La Costa Greens 1.17). On the original Phase, a note was made that fire sprinklers are required on Lots 45-59, 69-71, 77-88, 95-99. I just wanted to know if it's possible to confirm that this comment is accurate as I'll be assessing meter charges on the Phase 8 lots. I've attached the conditions as reference if needed. Thanks Brenda, please let me know if you need further information from me. Linda 42" CITY Of CARLSBAD Public Works Linda Ontiveros Engineering Technician Development Services City of Carlsbad www.carlsbadca.gov P: 760-602-2773 F: 760-602-1052 linda.ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov &emeL Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. 1 83/28/2007 08:30 7146662978 RESIDENTIAL FIRE.SVS Mar 27 COO? 12e27PM UPPMINGTOM HOMES, CFISTLEN (76 6-3707 TRM- M 0 L COSTA GREZNS 1.11 Iwo Bat O1i7/06 SEQVENCZ SHEF.T MODELS PAGE 82 - LOT PLAri ELEVMQN ADDRESS 2 (13)(5) 3k C 67UES1R.EIJADE MAR ROAD 3. (1)() 2R. U 6732 ISTRELLA DE MAR ROAD 4 (S) 11 A 6736 ES1RLI.A LW MAR ROAD (1) Pro-platted Options (For Ip/k optlo'zs, rfr t, ALES ON'= IRE-PL075 malrix) () Beck Wetcryolvc Bvk Weter Vnlvc /Split system Dropped Cirec ( Pcpcnd Fooffngs (9FreSprinkfrre TOTAL _3__= S ApTwIved; Wgrminsdan MT CL ALM; 1NSPA11SH COLONIAL 2dV SFANTi COLC1tAL 3A/ SPA)1T$H COLONIAL IB! TFJSCANY 2/ TUSCf%NY 3JR0PA COITAGS IC 1UkO'EAI cTTAG3 20/ CRAFTSMAN BUNGALOW 3E/ MONTEREY 3C/ EUROPEAN COrrAOE 03/28/28 08:38 7146662978 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYS PAGE 03 mar 27 LJO7 2t27PM WF1WNINTON I4EIHES, CRTLEN (76 16-9707 p.8 'flWSTE @ LA COSTA GItNS 1,17 lirn*c Datc 07/27/06 SEQUENCE BIlLET 1UAS}.14 LOT rLAN FJ..RVON ADD1ESS -. 6 (1)(2X5) I C 6744 ESMELLA DE MAR ROAD 7 (1)(2)(5) IR A 6748 ESTRELLA OF MPIR ROAD 8 (I)(3)(5). 31k CX 652E$TBUADEMARROAD 9 (I)(S) 21 0 6756 11TB$LLA DII MARROAD 72 (I)(5) 2 B 1953 COBALT DRXVE 73 .(1)(3X3) i A 1949 COBALTDRIvE 74 (1)(3)) 2 0 1945COBALT DRIVE 102 (1) 3R C 1940 COBALT DPUVE " 103 (1)(3X5) 2R A 1944 COBALT DRIVE 104 (1)(2)(5) IR 13 1 COBALT DRIVE i 10 (1)(2X) 3P 6 I9S2 COBALT DRIVE 106 (fl(2X5) I?. - B 1956 COBALT DRIVB • 107 (I)() 3R A 1960 COMLT DRIVE V Prc-p1ocd CIkma (Fo pe$o op1iern. refr to S4L&S 0FFJMPA&X On rwafrb) Back WOW Va1vn Ileck Wiicv Volvo I Split S7!NJ () Th'oppdG3r4rea ()DccpdFoatp (6) Fft TOTAl., 4jW rita - -. _ ALM: _ IA! SPANISH COLONIAL 2/V SPANISH COLONIAL JB/ TUSCANY 213/ TUSCANY IC! EUROPEAN COTFACJE 201 CRAFFSMAI4 BUNGALOW FJ&wII 3A1 SPANISH COLO1UAL 30 EUROPEAN COTTAGE 36/MONTEREY 3Cx/ EUROPEAN COTTAGE 03/28/2007 08:30 7146662978 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYS PAGE @4 Mar 27 2007 12:7PM !JPMXt9GT0N 40MES, CASTLEM (7601479707 p.4 - TRIESTE @ LA COSTA GREENS 1.17 Icinac Dat 07/27/96 SEQUENCE SREET PJLSE-2 LOT PLAN ELZVATION ADDR1S - 10 (I)(2X5) 1R B 6760 BSIEELLADE MAR ROAD 11 (1)(3)(5) 2R A 6764 ESTRELLADEMARROAD 12 (1X3X5) 3R B 6763 ESTRELLA DS MAR ROAD 13 (1X3) 2R. B 6772ESTRELLDB MAR ROAD 92 (1)(3)(5) 2 A 6725 LIMOWS COURT 93 (1)(3x5) 3R B 6721 U140N1TECOtJRt (1)2)(5) I A 6717 T34ON!TB COURT (1)()(5)() 2 D 6713 LIMONITECOURT 1 (1X5)(6) T C 6709 LIMONITE COURT ' (1X5)(6) 2 A 6703 LflONrrE COUWr / <iX$0) 3 C 6701 LIMONITE COURT if (1)(6) ZR B 6702 LIMONtrE COURT " 100 (1)(3X5) II!. A 6706 LTMONITh COURI' 101 (l)()XS) 2N 0 6710 UMONI'tECQugr (1) Prcp]otted Optioc (For aprcifte opfIonr. r-), to $AM OCR PR1-PLO7rna) 3)BackWR1urValve Back Water Vulval Split S!am Wapped Gciigea Devpead Footings (çFlrep,Iuk1en (Zeta 9,-99) TOTAL 14 - IV: fli 1A/ SPANISH COLONIAL 2.A/ SPAM615 COLONIAL. 3A1 SPANISH COLONIAL 1131 TUSCANY 231 T1JSCAN? 30 RUROPEAN COTTAGE 10 EUROPEAN COT'MS 2WCI!ATrSMAi1BUN43#LOW 3E/ MONThRBY ICXF EUROPEAN COTTAGE 03/28/2007.08:30 7146662978 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYS PAGE @5 Mr 27 2007 1227PM WRPMXNtTON kMES, CASTLEN (750)47E-707 p.5 TEIESTE @14 COSTA GREENS 1.17 Iee,14 Ditc: 077106 SEQUENCE SREET PHASE-3 LOT PLAN VJWATION ADDRESS - 14 (I) 3R A 6776 ESTRBU..ADB MAR ROAD 1.5 (1X3XS) 2R A 6780 LSTRELLA DE MAR ROAD 16 (1)(2)(5) IR A E78420T LADEMAR WAD J 7 (1)(3)(5) 331 C 67118 ESTRELLA DE MAR WAD 75 (1)(3) 3 A 671SL1MOriCOURT 76 (I)(3X) 2R B 6722 LIMON1TE COURT @ (1)(2)()(6) IR A d726 LIKONITECOURT " 5 (1)(3X3X6) 3. C 6730 LIMONITE COURT ' (IV (tX3)(5)(6) 3 E 6745 UMONLTE COURT / (i7 (1)(2)(5)(() i B 6741 TJMONE7E COURT (/ 39 ([)()5 3 A 6737 LUv1O1ETBCOlJRT 90 (1)(5) 2 D 5733 10W'T couzr 91 (tI(S) 1 C 672.9 LIMONITE COtTRT Pr-p1.ottedOptitrna For spacYk ophons, rnibr o&4LS OFFICEPRR.P.WT3 mafrL) Back wour Valve Bark Waer Valve F Split Syatux Dropped Orngce DapcadFootngs (6)Th4Pdnkkr: (Zt1tN 77,707,8) TOTAL Is - MC -. JWS: aw Iamu pJn IA) SPANISH COLONIAL 2A/ SMI'fl514 COLONIAL 3A1 SPANISH COLONIAL 11W TUSCANY 2B/TUSCANY 2C/ EUROPEAN COTTAGE IV EUROPEAN COTTAGE 201 cKAvrsMAN BUNGALOW 315/ MONThIIY 3cX/RUROPEAN COTrAGE 0 08:30 7146662978 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYS PAGE @6 Mir 27 2O0 :2'lT IiJRRMIN0T0F1 HOMES. STL.EM p.6 • 1B)STE @ LA COSTA GREENS 1.17 lieu Dafr: 07/27/06 SEQUENCE SI.T PHA$E-4 LOT PLAN ELVAT1ON —r ADDJU!SS is (TX3)(5) 3 F. 700 RRIDOT CouR'r 19 (I)(5) 2R A 2004 PEWDOT COURT 20 (1X5) 3 A 2013 PERBOT COURT 21 (1)(5) IR B 2009 PERIDOT COTJRT 22 (l)( 2R 0 2005 PEROT COURT 23 (l))(5) 1 B 2001PDO'rColJRT (1)(5)(6) 2R. 0 6734 UMONflE COURT (SIP (1)X5)(6) JR C 6738 LTh'IONJTB COTJRI" / ( (3)(3)(5)(4) 2R A 6742 UMoNXIE COURT " c1x2x5(6) ER c 4746 LtMONTfI COURT ' a B 6150 LTMONiTh CDIJRT LI W) (1X2XX6) 3R A 6754L1MONTlCOURT ' (1)C3X5X3) 3R B 67-q UmoNm COURT 2 B 6749 WdONM COURT (I) Pr.p1oned Options (For p4ftc optIsi refrrlo £4L55 OFFiCE PR&PLQTS mdfriai) Back Water Valve Back Watcr Valve / Split Syecin Drpcd Gar*gca () Doepoe4 Footngs (6) rl#*/w I (Lots 73-áó) TOTAL WmrmliRgtm UT" IkA Ca: AM:C 1 PISA H Plan 1A/ SPANISH COLONIAL 2A/ SPANISH COLONIAL 3M SPANISH COLONIAL (RI TUSCANY • 2B/ TUSCANY 3C/BIJROPBAN COTTAGE PC/ EUROPEAN QOTFAGE ZD/ ('RAPTSMi',N BUNGALOW 3B/ MONTEREY 3C-vJ EMOPBAX cctrmo, 03/28/2007 08:30 7146662978 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYS PAGE @7 Mar 21 2007 1227FM IatPPMIMCT0N HOMES, C14STLM I7001476-9707 P-7 ThIESTE LA COSTA GREENS 1.17 IsueDiite: 07/27106 SEQUENCE SET P1ASE-5 4 (L)(z)cs)(6) I B 1987 MARCAS1 PLACE ' 46 (1)(3X5X6)3 C 1983 MAI.CASITh PLACE ' 47 (1)(5X6) 2 A 1979 MMCASrM PLACE 1 48 (IX 5)(6) I A 1975MARCA3rrEPLACE / 49 (1)(5)(d) 2R B 1971 KAft'A &M PLACE / 64 (IXS)(6) L C 1972 M CASEPLCE V 65 (I)(5X6) 3R IJ76MARCAS1TEPLACE V 6 (LX)(6) IR B 1980 MARCASITE PLACE 67 (1)(5)(6)2R. 0 1984MARCAsrrBpLACE / 68 (1)(3)(5X6) 3R A 1986 MAPCASTE PLACE ' 69 (1)(3)(50) 3R C 1990 Ii4ARCAS1TE PLACE 70 (IX3X5)(6) 29. B 1994 MARCASItE PLACE L/ 71 (1)(S)(6) 39. A 1998 MARCASITE PLACE Pyi-p1ottc1Opticn (bor ,prcc opfli. riftrw&lL&1 OFFICE PRR-Pb= maim) Back Water Valve (5)BckWat Valve / Split Sctem rizuppd Gnragas Dvcnd Fboth FVjir*tk&frs (Los 4S-ø, 44-71). Irv_ DTt4CL' - -- --- - - -- -a-- - TOTAL 13 -r -- - 4pved: Wanunjta MT: JV: IS NK: JWS; man n ug tA/ SPANISH COJ.ONIAL 2A/ SPANISH COLONLL 3A/ SPANISH COLONIAL tB/ TUSCANY 2B/ TUSCANY 3C/ EUROPEAN COTFAGB IC/EUROPEAN CO1TAW3 20/CRAFFSMANBUNOALOW 3E/MONTER,Y 3=EUROPEAN COTXAG 03/28/2807 08:30 7146662978 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYS PAGE @8 Mar 27 2007 1227PPf WARMINGTOM HOMES, CAsTLErI 780I476-9707 p.8 TFUICSTh a LA COSTA GIUENS 1.17 IuaDRic: 07/7m6 SEQVENCSflEJCT PEASE-6 LOT PrAzi ELEVATION _ADDRRSS (1)()(6) 3E A 1967 MARCASITEPLACR V (1)(2)(5X6) I R C 1963 MARCAS1T PLACE V (IX3)5)(6) 2R 1) 1939 MABeASnEPLACE v (I)()S6 3R C 1955 MARASXTEP1E / (I)(5)(6) 1K A 1951 MARcA$ITE PLACE (l)(5X6) 2 8 1947 MARCASITE PLACE " (60 (1X5)( I A 1943 MARCASjTE PLACE ' (1)(5)(6) 1K B l939MARCASflEpLJ1cE V (5)6 2R A 1935MAPCFt PLACE ' (IXG) 3 1931 MA1CA3lTh PLACE " (LX3)5X6) 2 A (956 MARCASrrE PlAcE (I))(5X6) I 13 (1X3)5)(6) 3 195oMA1WAS1TEpLACE C 1964 MARCAS1TF PLACII (IXS)(6) 2 B L968 MARCASITE PLACE Prc-plottocJ Opt1on (Fo, .cpflc opr1wt, rqfp to S41,ES OFFiCE iREP1.023 m6frix) Back Wa1erVave (2) Book Wet Volvo f Split Syokm (4)l)uppo4Vrngeo (9) Deopoud Poo?(ng (6reh1er (iov50-6) MW - PUAI.a --- - — - - - —I TOTAT. -14 MW pn _ IA) SPANTS9 COL.OWLebL 2Af SPANISH corANLu... MI SPANISH COLONIAL 1B' TIJSCAYJY 2s/TUSCANY 30 P.U1OPAN COTTAGE IC/EUROPEAN COTTAGE 20 CRAFTSMAN BUNGALOW 3B1 MoNTEPJY 3CX/ EUROFEAN COTTAQE 03/28/2007 08:30 7146662978 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYS PAGE 09 Mar 27 2007 12:27PM WARu1INGTON HO1IES, C9TLEM 17 169707 p.3 DSL'Z ® EA COSTA (mEENS 1.17 ilsixe Date, 077106 SEQUENCE 5fflET RevIsion #1: 09/19106 'RASE-7 Rvliio* 82: 02/07/07 LOT - ELJVAflOzc AWINSS 24 (I)X iR A 25 1)(3)( 2R B 6o4B$TRLTPB MAR ROAD 26 (L)() 3R C 6009 BS172J.LADBMARROM 21 (1).) 1A B 6B12H0X.LADB WAR ROAD 28 0)(3)(5) 31 A 681GBIADB MAR ROAD 29 (1)30 28. A 6020 9SILADBMARR 30 (I)(5) OR C 6824 8STRELLA DE MAAROAD 31 (1X3)(5) IR B 6128 3sI0LtA DB MAR ROAD 32 (1)ç3 OR JD 6032EiLtADHMAR.bAD 33 (1)(2X5) OR A 34 (l))(5) 1R C 640ESTREADBMAR ROAD V Riwidoit NX Distacl 02/07I07 Ctouzp Thautng mv. Luti 29-34 toni Pbsso.5 to P-7 Rvfaio91 Patad 09119/06: Chnngc Lois 24.27 bock WstorVa!v to Bac]cWiw Valvb 02th System Q) Ph I th d Opthnu, (For sp&Afic opz ans. rifer to SAL.AT WNW J?JPLO'3mggnx) (2) BqkWate Vidvo (3)BkWsxc valve /Splitsystem Dippod Onio Doopsad F096W ()FISprtsAllT ----- --. ---. w_• -- __ AI!pruna: WormbwMa UT.DO: c CL - 14M 3W3 J-b Cp plan ]N OPAI'USE COLONIAL 181 1JSCAN C/ LuRO113A14 COTIM3E 2AF SP4SEcOLAJ 7-Pd TJSX ZDF CP 1'MAN BUOALOW PISTI II 3A/ SPANIBR COLONIAL OC/ Et7110.AN corrAG! 3BfMONr28r1 OcX! EtJROPMN COTTAGE Id 03/28/2007 08:30 7146662978 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYS PAGE 18 IIar 27 2007 12:28PM IJflRI1INT0N HOMES, CF1STLEM ( 3)476-9707 p.10 ..1USTE®LACOsTAGRfl!Ns I.1. ,. bueDate 07(27/06 SEQtJEI(CE SEEET . Rrviva #1: 09/19/06 PHASE-9 Revhiim 2: 0207/1)7 LOT .. PLAN BLEVATION ADDREsS 35 (1X2)(5) 3R E 6844BSLLI DE MAOAD ' 36 (1)(2X5) A 6848BSnQLIADJaKAaF.0AU 37 (1)(5) 3R C 213STmLA1)BMAR1Z0AD " 31 (1)(5) . 211. 3 6856BSTKEZLADB MAIL ROAD V 39 40 (1)(3X5) (1)(5) 3 . 2 . 13 p 1999 COURT ' 1995 OiV1NcouRr V 41 42 (1)(5) (1X5) 1B 33. C I 11 1991 Othffl?E COURT' 1987 OLI4JN[ COURT ' 43 (1)(5) 2 A L983 OLNE COURT 44 1979 OL1VB COURT J e1sLin 92 Datcti 02/07/07: CbnePiiaahig Mavis Lots 3944 ftcnn Phaaø-? to Phui-3 øvion.01 Dad 09119/06: C1nge Lot 31, Back Water Valve to Back Waw Valve Split Syucm Pie-plotted Optiuna (Forpflc ejfliozu, refer to SALF$ OFNCZ nz nors meirfx) Baolc Water Va1'c Back WOW Valve! SpIlt System (4)pdOngca (cpenFooi (6)FhiS,rinkIers TOTAL . -•• is pprovea; wi Ct: M. . TV: 1TW\ £7 ALM: ' rw& -.. biiT plan u ___ IA/ SPANISE COLONIAL . 2A/ SPANISH COLONIAL 3A1 SPANXBE COLONIAL 1B/ TUSCANY 2B/ TLJSCANY 3U EtJR0PAN. COTrAZ 1C/ EUROPEAN CO'AGE 2D/ CLPTS!vLANBtJNGALOW 313/ MONTEREY 3/ BUBDPP.AN COrAGB 03/28/2007 88:30 7146662978 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYS PAGE 11 - Mar 27 2007 1228PM IiiARMI1WT0N HOMES, CASTLEM (760 6-8707 p.11 TRffS1'E @ LA COSTA GREENS .1.17 Tone Daft: 07/27106 SEQUENCE SEET BUILD QTYT _J.OT PLitI'l ELEVATION ADDBSS (IX5) IR B 6724 ESTRELLAJE MAR ROAD S (1)(5) 3R CX 674OESThELLADE MAIL ROAD (I) Prc.pIatcd Uptwis (For pcI?c c,p:in:. rife to WITS OFFICE P)IE-FWTS nw0b) Back WalwrValve Pack W Valve / Spilt System (1) Dropped Garagc Deepend Food FIn Srb*kiw FArV - U.HA .. - - --- --- - -- -- __ -- . - TOTAI 2 Approved; wamInabre- MT DO: muj iL ftli MI SPANISH COLO4LAL 2W SPANISH COLONIAL 3W SPANISH COLONIAL IDITUSCANY 2WTUCM4Y 30' EUROPEAN COTTAGIS id EtJROPEA'X COTTAGE 20/ CRAFTSMAN BUNGALOW 3E/ MONTEREY 3CUEtIROPEAN COTTAGE DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trjeste P1-1.rdf FILE COPY RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS, INC. 2871 E. VIA MARTENS ANAHEIM, CA 92806 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR Trieste @ La Costa Greens Carlsbad, CA TR# CT 04-09, LA COSTA GREENS 1.17 Triest Plan Type 1 2 HD 1ST FL. GATHERING RM. CALC. Date: 1/18/2007 File No: 3389 Data File Name: trieste P1-1.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING I s ov FOR C0F0RMANt1 I r' nF DESGI CQIE •JF THE P, CPLA10E WITH THE ! THE CcTfACT TS. GJACTG IS RESPONSIBLE cSS TO BE CONFIRMED RE1ATE0 T THE JOB :;nL AO FOR COORDINATION OF THE '(i* OF ALL TRDE 256.0 sq. ft./spklr. (max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 16.0 ft. Mm. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 8.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable Descr: RA0612 RFC43 Conc. (16x16) K=4.30 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 0. 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=4.18 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm-Over: K=4.16 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Eli) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: BlazeMaster HWC: 150 LAW WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: 1/17/07 By: Carlsbad Water Static: 75.0 psi Resid: 20.0 psi Flow:1500.0 gpm Public Main Size: 6 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 4 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press. Node Total Avail. Req'd Flowing Flow (psi) No. Flow Press. Press. 1 13.0 9.7 37 18.0 2 13.0 9.7 37 31.5 REVIEWING AUTHORITY C.F.D. APPROVE ) CUBMITTED CARLSBADIFIRIJ DEPARTMENT- 75.0 30.1 75.0 49.8 Page 1 ASO900 99 APP0VED 7Lt) 74/6 7 APPROVED P.S NDTEO 0 NOT APPJVED, F[SIJBMIT DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-1.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD * * P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) 1 1 52.50 B -----2.0 SRCE 18.0 4.70 30.1 ---- 31.5 13.27 49.8 150 2 1.025 7.0 -------- ---- ---- 0.08 0.00 25.4 ---- 0.22 0.00 36.6 2 2 130.00 2L -4.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 18.0 1.35 25.4 ---- 31.5 3.80 36.6 150 3 1.598 18.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 20.0 ---- 0.03 0.00 28.8 3 3 4.50 L ---- ---- ---- ---- 18.0 0.10 20.0 ---- 31.5 0.29 28.8 150 4 1.505 40 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.01 1.73 18.2 5 0.03 1.73 26.7 4 4 4.50 LBS ---- 2.0 -5 5 13.0 0.89 18.2 5 26.5 3.32 26.7 150 5 1.055 19.0 ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 0.04 1.73 15.5 ---- 0.14 1.73 21.7 5 5 4.00 R ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 13.0 0.05 15.5 ---- 26.5 0.18 21.7 150 6 1.394 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.01 1.73 13.8 ---- 0.04 1.73 19.8 6 6 5.00 150 7 1.394 7 7 4.20 150 8 0.874 8 7 9.00 150 9 1.394 9 9 5.20 150 10 0.874 10 6 10.00 150 11 1.394 11 11 2.80 150 12 1.394 12 12 12.20 150 13 1.394 13 13 15.80 150 14 1.394 14 14 4.00 150 15 0.874 15 14 48.00 150 16 0.874 16 16 6.80 150 17 0.874 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.01 13.8 ---- 7.9 0.04 19.8 6.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 13.8 ---- 0.00 0.00 19.7 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 13.8 ---- 0.0 0.00 19.7 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 13.8 ---- 0.00 0.00 19.7 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.01 13.8 ---- 7.9 0.04 19.7 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 13.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 19.7 LR ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 13.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 19.7 8.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 13.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 19.7 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 9.1 0.06 13.8 ---- .18.6 0.21 19.8 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.01 4.33 9.4 ---- 0.02 4.33 15.2 2L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 9.1 0.10 9.4 ---- 18.6 0.36 15.2 16.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 9.3 ---- 0.02 0.00 14.9 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.1 0.00 9.3 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.9 6.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 9.3 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.9 L3R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -- 3.9 0.03 9.3 ---- 7.9 0.10 14.9 11.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -0.00 0.00 9.3 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.8 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 9.3 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.8 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 9.3 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.8 L8R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.65 9.3 ---- 7.9 2.36 14.8 15.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 8.6 ---- 0.04 0.00 12.4 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 8.6 ---- 0.0 0.00 12.4 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 8.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 12.4 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-1.rdf Page 3 17 16 6.20 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.07 8.6 ---- 7.9 0.27 12.4 150 18 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 8.5 ---- 0.04 0.00 12.2 18 18 6.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -3.9 0.10 8.5 ---- 7.9 0.37 12.2 150 19 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 8.4 ---- 0.04 0.00 11.8 19 19 3.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 .8.4 ---- 0.0 0.00 11.8 150 20 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 8.4 ---- 0.00 0.00 11.8 20 19 7.00 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.08 8.4 ---- 7.9 0.30 11.8 150 21 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 8.3 ---- 0.04 0.00 11.5 21 21 4.20 LB ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 8.1 0.56 8.3 ---- 16.1 1.99 11.5 150 22 0.874 10.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.04 0.00 7.8 ---- 0.14 0.00 9.5 22 21 21.80 LB2R ---- 20.0 ----- 4.2 0.39 8.3 ---- -8.2 1.36 11.5 150 23 0.874 12.0 ---- 20.0 ---- - ---- -0.01 0.00 8.7 ---- -0.04 0.00 12.8 23 23 3.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 4.9 0.10 8.7 ---- 10.4 0.43 12.8 150 24 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 8.6 ---- 0.06 0.00 12.4 24 23 6.00 2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -9.1 0.39 8.7 -----18.6 1.47 12.8 150 25 0.874 2.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.05 0.00 9.1 ---- -0.18 0.00 14.3 25 25 1.50 150 26 0.874 26 25 15.50 150 12 1.394 27 27 7.50 150 28 0.874 28 29 2.00 150 30 0.874 29 31 8.20 150 32 0.874 30 32 19.80 150 33 0.874 31 33 16.00 150 34 0.874 32 34 8.00 150 35 0.874 33 34 9.00 150 36 0.874 34 36 10.80 150 37 0.874 35 13 10.00 150 9 0.874 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 9.1 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.3 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 9.1 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.3 LBR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -9.1 0.15 9.1 ---- -18.6 0.58 14.3 15.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 9.3 ---- -0.02 0.00 14.9 2L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 13.6 ---- 0.0 0.00 19.1 14.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 13.6 ---- 0.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 13.5 ---- 0.0 0.00 18.6 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 13.5 ---- 0.00 0.00 18.6 LB ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 4.9 0.28 12.7 ---- 10.4 1.14 15.7 10.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 12.4 ---- 0.06 0.00 14.5 B2R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 4.9 0.38 12.4 ---- 10.4 1.55 14.5 5.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 12.0 ---- 0.06 0.00 13.0 L3R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 4.9 0.40 12.0 ---- 10.4 1.63 13.0 10.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 11.6 ---- 0.06 0.00 11.4 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.6 ---- 13.5 0.91 11.4 1.0 ---- 10.0 4.18 ---- 0.00 0.00 11.6 13.5 0.10 0.00 10.4 BR ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 4.9 0.20 11.6 -----3.1 0.09 11.4 4.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 11.4 -----0.01 0.00 11.4 LR ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 13.0 1.77 11.4 ---- 13.0 1.77 11.4 8.0 ---- 10.0 4.18 13.0 0.09 0.00 9.7 13.0 0.09 0.00 9.7 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -3.9 0.13 9.3 -----7.9 0.48 14.9 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- - 0.01 4.33 13.7 -----0.04 4.33 19.7 p ) DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-1.rdf Page 4 36 15 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 9.3 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.8 .150 27 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 13.6 ---- 0.00 4.33 19.1 37 22 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 8.1 0.67 7.8 ---- 16.1 2.38 9.5 150 36 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.04 4.33 11.4 ---- 0.14 4.33 11.4 38 24 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 4.9 0.26 8.6 ---- 10.4 1.07 12.4 150 31 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.02 4.33 12.7 ---- 0.06 4.33 15.7 39 26 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 9.1 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.3 150 29 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 13.5 ---- 0.00 4.33 18.6 Legend: P - Pipe # LEN - Pipe Length DIA - Pipe Diameter FIT. - Pipe Fittings EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device PUMP - Pump Pressure EL - Node Elevation SP - K-Factor DISCH - Discharge in gpm FLOW - Flow Rate FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation PT - Total Pressure at Node Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Ell, L=90 Eli, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVlv, X= X, The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 6.98 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 12.24 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: B MATERIAL: BlazeMaster HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 0.874 1.00 7.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.394 2.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.598 2.00 9.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 000 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X Y z 1.025 . 1.00 3.00 7.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.505 2.00 4.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-1.rdf Page 5 PAGE: M MATERIAL: Copper Tube-M HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 1.055 2.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS 7.8 computer program (License No. 38061304 to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node with on e s p r i n k l e r flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node with 2 sprinklers flowing in acco r d a n c e with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 LaVista Road Tucker, GA 30084 (770) 934-8423 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-2.rdf Page 1 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS, INC. 2871 E. VIA MARTENS ANAHEIM,CA 92806 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR Trieste @ La Costa Greens Carlsbad, CA TR# CT 04-09, LA COSTA GREENS 1.17 Triest Plan Type 1 2 HD 2ND FL. MASTER BED CALC. Date: 1/18/2007 File No: 3389 Data File Name: trieste Pl-2.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 256.0 sq. ft./spklr. (max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 16.0 ft. Min. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 8. 0 f t . SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable Descr: RA0612 RFC43 Conc. (16x16) K=4.30 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=4.18 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm-Over: K=4.16 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Eli) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: BiazeMaster HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: 1/17/07 By: Carlsbad Water Static: 75.0 psi Resid: 20.0 psi Flow:1500.0 gpm Public Main Size: 6 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 4 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press. Flowing Flow (psi) 1 13.0 9.7 2 13.0 9.7 REVIEWING AUTHORITY C. F. D. Node Total Avail. Req'd No. Flow Press. Press. 17 18.0 75.0 32.9 17 31.3 75.0 49.8 3 3 4.50 150 4 1.505 4 4 4.50 150 5 1.055 5 5 4.00 150 6 1.394 6 6 5.00 150 7 1.394 7 7 4.20 150 8 0.874 8 7 9.00 150 9 1.394 9 9 5.20 150 10 0.874 10 6 10.00 150 11 1.394 11 11 2.80 150 12 1.394 12 12 12.20 150 13 1.394 13 13 15.80 150 14 1.394 14 14 4.00 150 15 0.874 15 14 48.00 150 16 0.874 16 16 6.80 150 17 0.874 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-2.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * I sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD * * P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) * * 1 1 52.50 B -----2.0 SRCE 18.0 4.70 32.9 ---- 31.3 13.10 49.8 150 2 1.025 7.0 -------- ---- ---- 0.08 0.00 28.2 ---- 0.22 0.00 36.7 2 2 130.00 2L -4.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 18.0 1.35 28.2 ---- 31.3 3.75 36.7 150 3 1.598 18.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 22.9 ---- 0.03 0.00 29.0 L ---- ---- ---- ---- 18.0 0.10 22.9 ---- 31.3 0.29 29.0 4.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.01 1.73 21.0 5 0.03 1.73 27.0 LBS ---- 2.0 -5 5 13.0 0.89 21.0 5 26.3 3.26 27.0 19.0 ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 0.04 1.73 18.4 ---- 0.14 1.73 22.0 R --- 6.0 ---- ---- 13.0 0.05 18.4 ---- 26.3 0.18 22.0 1.0 ---- 10.0 -------- 0.01 1.73 16.6 ---- 0.04 1.73 20.1 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.01 16.6 ---- 7.9 0.04 20.1 6.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 20.0 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.6 ---- 0.0 0.00 20.0 3.0 ---- 10.0 ----- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 20.0 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.01 16.6 ---- 7.9 0.04 20.0 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 20.0 LR ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.6 ---- 0.0 0.00 20.0 8.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -0.00 0.00 16.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 20.0 R ---- 10.0 -------- 9.1 0.06 16.6 ---- 18.4 0.20 20.1 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.01 4.33 12.2 ---- 0.02 4.33 15.5 2L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 9.1 0.09 12.2 ---- 18.4 0.35 15.5 16.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 12.1 ---- 0.02 0.00 15.2 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 2.2 0.01 12.1 ---- 3.2 0.01 15.2 6.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.1 ---- 0.00 0.00 15.2 L3R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.1 0.06 12.1 ---- 11.0 0.19 15.2 11.0 ---- 20.0 ----- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.1 ---- 0.01 0.00 15.0 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 12.1 ---- 0.0 0.00 15.0 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.1 ---- 0.00 0.00 15.0 L8R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.1 1.47 12.1 ---- 11.0 4.37 15.0 15.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 10.6 ---- 0.07 0.00 10.6 B ---- 20.0 --- ---- 13.0 0.93 10.6 ---- 13.0 0.93 10.6 3.0 ---- 20.0 4.18 13.0 0.09 0.00 9.7 13.0 0.09 0.00 9.7 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-2.rdf Page 3 17 16 6.20 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.9 0.21 10.6 -----2.0 0.02 10.6 150 18 0.874 1.0---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 0.00 10.8 ---- 0.00 0.00 10.6 18 18 6.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.9 0.29 10.8 -----2.0 0.03 10.6 150 19 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -0.03 0.00 11.1 ---- 0.00 0.00 10.6 19 19 3.00 - B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.1 ---- 13.3 0.59 10.6 150 20 0.874 3.0----- 20.0 4.18 ---- 0.00 0.00 11.113.3 0.10 0.00 10.1 20 19 7.00 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.9 0.23 11.1 ----- -15.2 1.01 10.6 150 21 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 0.00 11.3 ---- -0.13 0.00 11.7 21 21 4.20 LB ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.2 0.05 11.3 ---- -4.9 0.22 11.7 150 22 0.874 10.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.4 ---- -0.02 0.00 11.9 22 21 21.80 LB2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -4.7 0.48 11.3 ---- -10.4 2.10 11.7 150 23 0.874 12.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.01 0.00 11.8 ---- -0.06 0.00 13.8 23 23 3.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 2.2 0.02 11.8 ---- 4.9 0.10 13.8 150 24 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- -- --- 0.00 0.00 11.8 ---- 0.02 0.00 13.7 24 23 6.00 2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.9 0.23 11.8 -----15.2 1.01 13.8 150 25 0.874 2.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 0.00 12.0 -----0.13 0.00 14.8 25 25 1.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 12.0 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.8 150 26 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.0 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.8 26 25 15.50 LBR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.9 0.09 12.0 ---- -15.2 0.40 14.8 150 12 1.394 15.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.1 -----0.01 0.00 15.2 27 27 7.50 2L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.4 ---- 0.0 0.00 19.3 150 28 0.874 14.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.4 ---- 0.00 0.00 19.3 28 29 2.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.4 ---- 0.0 0.00 19.1 150 30 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.4 ---- 0.00 0.00 19.1 29 31 8.20 LB ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 2.2 0.06 16.1 ---- 4.9 0.28 17.7 150 32 0.874 10.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.0 ---- 0.02 0.00 17.5 30 32 19.80 B2R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 2.2 0.09 16.0 ---- 4.9 0.38 17.5 150 33 0.874 5.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 15.9 ---- 0.02 0.00 17.1 31 33 16.00 L3R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 2.2 0.09 15.9 ---- 4.9 0.40 17.1 150 34 0.874 10.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 15.8 ---- 0.02 0.00 16.7 32 34 8.00 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 15.8 ---- 0.0 0.00 16.7 150 35 0.874 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 15.8 ---- 0.00 0.00 16.7 33 34 9.00 BR ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 2.2 0.05 15.8 ---- 4.9 0.20 16.7 150 36 0.874 4.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ----- 0.00 0.00 15.8 ---- 0.02 0.00 16.5 34 36 10.80 LR ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 15.8 ---- 0.0 0.00 16.5 150 37 0.874 8.0 ---- 10.0 -------- 0.00 0.00 15.8 ---- 0.00 0.00 16.5 35 13 10.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -3.9 0.13 12.1 -----7.9 0.48 15.2 150 9 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- - 0.01 4.33 16.6 -----0.04 4.33 20.0 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste Pi-2.rdf Page 4 36 15 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 12.1 ---- 0.0 0.00 15.0 150 27 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 16.4 ---- 0.00 4.33 19.3 37 22 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.2 0.06 11.4 -----4.9 0.26 11.9 150 36 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 15.8 -----0.02 4.33 16.5 38 24 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 2.2 0.06 11.8 ---- 4.9 0.26 13.7 150 31 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 16.1 ---- 0.02 4.33 17.7 39 26 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 12.0 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.8 150 29 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 16.4 ---- 0.00 4.33 19.1 Legend: P - Pipe # DIA - Pipe Diameter EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length PUMP - Pump Pressure SP - K-Factor FLOW - Flow Rate PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PT - Total Pressure at Node LEN - Pipe Length FIT. - Pipe Fittings FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device EL - Node Elevation DISCH - Discharge in gpm FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Eli, L=90 Eli, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVlv, X= X, The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 6.99 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 12.15 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: B MATERIAL: BlazeMaster HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 0.874 1.00 7.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.394 2.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.598 2.00 9.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 1.025 1.00 3.00 7.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 0.00 1.505 2.00 4.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-2.rdf Page 5 PAGE: N MATERIAL: Copper Tube-N HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 1.055 2.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS 7.8 computer program (License No. 38061304 to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node with 2 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 LaVista Road Tucker, GA 30084 (770) 934-8423 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-2.rdf Page 6 WATER SUPPLY CURVE 75.0 67. P R 60.0 E 52 S 45.0 R E 30.0 P 22.E I. 15.0 7.5 0 .0 11 I I I I I 04 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 FLOW (GPM) Static = 75.0 psi, Residual = 20.0 psi @ 1500 gpm (1 sprinkler flowing) (2 sprinklers flowing) A = Available Water Supply C = Available Water Supply 75.0 psi @ 18.0 gpm 75.0 psi @ 31.3 gpm B = Required Water Supply D = Required Water Supply 32.9 psi @ 18.0 gpm 49.8 psi @ 31.3 gpm CD OB DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-G.rdf Page 1 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS, INC. 2871 E. VIA MARTENS ANAHEIM,CA 92806 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR Trieste @ La Costa GreePis Carlsbad, CA TR# CT 04-09, LA COSTA GREENS 1.17 Triest Plan Type 1 2 liD Garage Calc. Date: 1/18/2007 File No: 3389 Data File Name: trieste P1-G.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 118.0 sq. ft./spklr. (max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 15.0 ft. Mm. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 6.5 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 7.5 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable Descr: F1FR K=5.60 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=5.36 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm-Over: K=5.31 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Eli) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: BlazeMaster HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: 1/17/07 By: Carlsbad Water Static: 75.0 psi Resid: 20.0 psi Fiow:1500.0 gpm Public Main Size: 6 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 4 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press. Node Total Avail. Req'd Flowing Flow (psi) No. Flow Press. Press. 1 17.7 10.9 28 22.7 75.0 40.5 2 17.7 10.9 28 41.8 74.9 65.9 REVIEWING AUTHORITY C. F. D. DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-G.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD * * P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) * ===================== * ===================== 1 1 52.50 B -----2.0 SRCE ---- 22.7 7.24 40.5 ---- 41.8 22.38 65.9 150 2 1.025 7.0 -------- ---- ---- 0.12 0.00 33.3 ---- 0.38 0.00 43.6 2 2 130.00 2L -5.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 22.7 2.07 33.3 ---- 41.8 6.40 43.6 150 3 1.598 18.0 -------- ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 26.2 ---- 0.04 0.00 32.2 3 3 4.50 L -------- ---- ---- 22.7 0.16 26.2 ---- 41.8 0.49 32.2 150 4 1.505 4.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.02 1.73 24.3 5 0.06 1.73 29.9 4 4 4.50 LBS ---- 2.0 -5 5 17.7 1.57 24.3 5 36.8 6.07 29.9 150 5 1.055 19.0 ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 0.07 1.73 21.0 ---- 0.26 1.73 22.1 5 5 4.00 R ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 17.7 0.09 21.0 ---- 36.8 0.33 22.1 150 6 1.394 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.02 1.73 19.2 ---- 0.07 1.73 20.1 6 6 5.00 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 6.0 0.03 19.2 ---- 11.1 0.08 20.1 150 7 1.394 6.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 19.2 ---- 0.01 0.00 20.0 7 7 4.20 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 19.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 20.0 150 8 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 19.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 20.0 8 7 9.00 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 6.0 0.02 19.2 ---- 11.1 0.07 20.0 150 9 1.394 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 19.1 ---- 0.01 0.00 19.9 9 9 5.20 LR ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 19.1 ---- 0.0 0.00 19.9 150 10 0.874 8.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 19.1 ---- 0.00 0.00 19.9 10 6 10.00 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 11.7 0.09 19.2 ---- 25.6 0.37 20.1 150 11 1.394 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.01 4.33 14.8 ---- 0.03 4.33 15.4 11 11 2.80 2L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 11.7 0.15 14.8 ---- 25.6 0.64 15.4 150 12 1.394 16.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 14.6 ---- 0.03 0.00 14.7 12 12 12.20 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 9.4 0.10 14.6 ---- 7.1 0.06 14.7 150 13 1.394 6.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 14.5 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.7 13 13 15.80 L3R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 15.4 0.36 14.5 ---- 18.2 0.49 14.7 150 14 1.394 11.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 14.2 ---- 0.02 0.00 14.2 14 14 4.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 17.7 1.17 14.2 ---- 17.7 1.17 14.2 150 15 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.17 0.00 13.0 ---- 0.17 0.00 13.0 15 14 48.00 LBR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.3 0.25 14.2 ---- 0.5 0.02 14.2 150 16 0.874 15.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.4 ---- -0.00 0.00 14.2 16 16 6.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 14.4 ----- 0.0 0.00 14.2 150 17 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.4 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.2 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-G.rdf Page 3 17 16 6.20 R 20.0 ---- ---- -2.3 0.03 14.4 ---- 0.5 0.00 14.2 150 18 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.4 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.2 18 18 6.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.3 0.04 14.4 ---- 0.5 0.00 14.2 150 19 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.5 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.2 19 19 3.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 14.5 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.2 150 20 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.5 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.2 20 19 7.00 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.3 0.03 14.5 ---- 0.5 0.00 14.2 150 21 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.5 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.1 21 21 4.20 LB ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -0.7 0.01 14.5 ---- 0.2 0.00 14.1 150 22 0.874 10.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.5 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.1 22 21 21.80 LB2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -1.6 0.06 14.5 ---- 0.4 0.00 14.1 150 23 0.874 12.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.1 23 23 3.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.7 0.00 14.6 -----0.2 0.00 14.1 150 24 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 -------- 0.00 0.00 14.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.1 24 23 6.00 2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.3 0.03 14.6 ---- 0.5 0.00 14.1 150 25 0.874 2.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.1 25 25 1.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 14.6 ---- .19.1 0.86 14.1 150 26 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.6 ---- 0.19 0.00 13.3 26 25 15.50 LER ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.3 0.01 14.6 ---- -18.5 0.57 14.1 150 12 1.394 15.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.6 ---- -0.02 0.00 14.7 2727 7.50 2L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 17.7 3.59 14.5---- 17.7 3.59 14.5 150 28 0.874 14.0 ---- 10.0 5.36 17.7 0.17 0.00 10.9 17.7 0.17 0.00 10.9 28 29 2.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 18.9 ---- 19.1 1.72 14.4 150 30 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 5.36 ---- 0.00 0.00 18.9 19.1 0.19 0.00 12.6 29 31 8.20 LB ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.7 0.01 18.9 ---- -0.2 0.00 18.5 150 32 0.874 10.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 18.9 ---- 0.00 0.00 18.5 30 32 19.80 B2R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.7 0.01 18.9 -----0.2 0.00 18.5 150 33 0.874 5.0 ---- 10.0. --------0.00 0.00 18.9.---- 0.00 0.00 18.5 31 33 16.00 150 34 0.874 32 34 8.00 .150 35 0.874 33 34 9.00 150 36 0.874 34 36 10.80 150 37 0.874 35 13 10.00 150 9 0.874 L3R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.7 0.01 18.9 -----0.2 0.00 18.5 10.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 18.9 ---- 0.00 0.00 18.5 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 18.9 ---- 0.0 0.00 18.5 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 18.9 ---- 0.00 0.00 18.5 BR ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.7 0.01 18.9 ---- -0.2 0.00 18.5 4.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 18.9 ---- 0.00 0.00 18.5 LR ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 18.9 ---- 0.0 0.00 18.5 8.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 18.9 ---- 0.00 0.00 18.5 B ---- 20.0 ---- -6.0 0.29 14.5 ---- -11.1 0.92 14.7 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- - 0.02 4.33 19.1 ---- -0.07 4.33 19.9 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-G.rdf Page 4 36 15 10.QO L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 17.7 2.84 13.0 ---- 17.7 2.84 13.0 150 27 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.17 4.33 14.5 ---- 0.17 4.33 14.5 37 22 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -0.7 0.01 14.5 ---- 0.2 0.00 14.1 150 36 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 18.9 ---- 0.00 4.33 18.5 38 24 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.7 0.01 14.6 -----0.2 0.00 14.1 150 31 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 18.9 ---- 0.00 4.33 18.5 39 26 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 14.6 ---- 19.1 3.25 13.3 150 29 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 18.9 ---- 0.19 4.33 14.4 Legend: P - Pipe # DIA - Pipe Diameter EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length PUMP - Pump Pressure SP - K-Factor FLOW - Flow Rate PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PT - Total Pressure at Node LEN - Pipe Length FIT. - Pipe Fittings FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device EL - Node Elevation DISCI-i - Discharge in gpm FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot FE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Ell, L=90 Ell, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatViv, X= X, The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 27 at 9.46 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 16.24 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: B MATERIAL: BiazeMaster HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 0.874 1.00 7.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.394 2.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 11.00. 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.598 2.00 9.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatViv X Y Z 1.025 1.00 3.00 7.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.505 2.00 4.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P1-G.rdf Page 5 PAGE: M MATERIAL: Copper Tube-M HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B P. C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 1.055 2.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS 7.8 computer program (License No. 38061304 to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node with 2 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 LaVista Road Tucker, GA 30084 (770) 934-8423 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste-Pl-G.rdf Page 6 WATER SUPPLY CURVE 75.0 67.5 OD P R 60.0 S S 52.5 S 45.0 37.5 E 30.0 P 22.5 I 15.0 7.5 0 .0 11 I I I I I I I I 08 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 FLOW (GPM) Static = 75.0 psi, Residual = 20.0 psi @ 1500 gpm (1 sprinkler flowing) (2 sprinklers flowing) A = Available Water Supply C = Available Water Supply 75.0 psi @ 22.7 gpm 74.9 psi @ 41.8 gpm B = Required Water Supply D = Required Water Supply 40.5 psi @ 22.7 gpm 65.9 psi @ 41.8 gpm DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-1.rdf Page 1 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS, INC. 2871 E. VIA MARTENS ANAHEIM, CA 92806 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR Trieste @ La Costa Greens Carlsbad, CA TR# CT 04-09, LA COSTA GREENS 1.17 Triest Plan Type 2 2 HD 1ST FL. GATHERING RM. Caic. Date: 1/18/2007 File No: 3389 Data File Name: trieste P2-1.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 256.0 sq. ft./spklr. (max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 16.0 ft. Mm. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 8.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable Descr: RA0612 RFC43 Conc. (16x16) K=4.30 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs& Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=4.18 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm-Over: K=4.16 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Eli) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: BlazeMaster HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: 1/17/07 By: Carlsbad Water Static: 75.0 psi Resid: 20.0 psi Fiow:1500.0 gpm Public Main Size: 6 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 4 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Flowing Flow 1 13.0 2 13.0 REVIEWING AUTHORITY C. F. D. Press. Node Total Avail. Req'd. (psi) No. Flow Press. Press. 9.7 33 18.0 75.0 35.1 9.7 33 32.0 75.0 59.3 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-1.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD * * P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) 1 1 52.50 B -----2.0 SRCE 18.0 4.71 35.1 ---- 32.0 13.66 59.3 150 2 1.025 7.0 -------- ---- ---- 0.08 0.00 30.4 ---- 0.23 0.00 45.6 2 2 130.00 2L -4.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 18.0 1.35 30.4 ---- 32.0 3.91 45.6 150 3 1.598 18.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 25.1 ---- 0.03 0.00 37.7 3 3 4.50 L ---- ---- ---- ---- 18.0 0.10 25.1 ---- 32.0 0.30 37.7 150 4 1.505 4.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.01 1.73 23.2 5 0.04 1.73 35.7 4 4 4.50 LBS ---- 2.0 -5 5 13.0 0.89 23.2 5 27.0 3.43 35.7 150 5 1.055 19.0 ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 0.04 1.73 20.6 ---- 0.15 1.73 30.5 5 5 4.00 R ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 13.0 0.15 20.6 ---- 27.0 0.59 30.5 150 6 1.101 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.03 1.73 18.7 ---- 0.12 1.73 28.2 6 6 1.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 13.0 0.25 18.7 ---- 27.0 0.95 28.2 150 7 1.101 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 18.5 ---- 0.12 0.00 27.3 7 7 2.80 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 6.8 0.07 18.5 ---- 14.1. 0.28 27.3 150 8 1.101 5.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 18.4 ---- 0.04 0.00 27.0 8 7 4.00 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 6.2 0.04 18.5 ---- 12.9 0.15 27.3 150 9 1.101 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 18.4 ---- 0.03 0.00 27.1 9 9 10.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -6.2 0.41 18.4 ---- 12.9 1.59 27.1 150 10 0.874 7.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.02 4.33 13.7 ---- 0.09 4.33 21.2 10 10 2.00 150 11 0.874 11 11 3.80 150 12 0.874 12 12 4.00 150 13 0.874 13 12 3.80 150 1.4 0.874 14 14 0.80 150 15 0.874 15 14 47.00 150 16 0.874 16 16 0.50 150 17 0.874 2L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.2 0.39 13.7 ---- 12.9 1.50 21.2 14.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 13.3 ---- 0.09 0.00 19.7 LR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 2.5 0.05 13.3 ---- 5.1 0.19 19.7 8.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 13.3 ---- 0.02 0.00 19.5 LR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.8 0.34 13.3 -----14.1 1.31 19.5 8.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 0.00 13.6 ---- -0.11 0.00 20.8 B ---- 20.0 -------. . 9.3 0.34 13.3 ---- 19.1 1.31 19.5 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.05 0.00 12.9 ---- 0.19 0.00 18.2 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 1.8 0.01 12.9 ---- 4.2 0.04 18.2 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.9 ---- 0.01 0.00 18.1 9R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 7.4 1.87 12.9 ---- 14.9 6.79 18.2 9.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 11.0 ---- 0.12 0.00 11.4 B ---- 20..0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.0 ---- 0.0 0.00 11.4 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.0 ---- 0.00 0.00 11.4 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Tr±este\trieste P2-1.rdf Page 3 17 16 1.00 B 20.0 ---- ---- 7.4 0.13 11.0 ---- 14.9 0.48 11.4 150 18 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 10.9 ---- 0.12 0.00 10.9 18 18 7.50 BR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 13.0 1.09 10.9 ---- 13.0 1.09 10.9 150 19 0.874 4.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.09 0.00 9.8 ---- 0.09 0.00 9.8 19 18 10.00 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -5.6 0.22 10.9 ---- 1.9 0.03 10.9 150 20 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.02 0.00 11.1 ---- 0.00 0.00 10.9 20 20 2.00 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -5.6 0.06 11.1 ---- 1.9 0.01 10.9 150 21 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.02 0.00 11.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 10.9 21 21 7.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.2 ---- 14.0 1.14 10.9 150 22 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.2 ---- 0.11 0.00 9.7 22 21 25.50 L3R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -5.6 0.70 11.2 -----12.1 2.94 10.9 150 23 0.874 10.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.02 0.00 11.9 -----0.08 0.00 13.8 23 23 38.50 2B3R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -5.6 0.94 11.9 -----12.1 3.93 13.8 150 24 0.874 9.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.02 0.00 12.8 -----0.08 0.00 17.7 24 24 5.20 LBR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -1.8 0.04 12.8 -----4.2 0.19 17.7 150 25 0.874 11.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 17.2 -----0.01 4.33 22.3 25 24 31.00 L4B2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -3.7 0.49 12.8 ---- -7.9 1.94 17.7 150 11 0.874 21.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.01 0.00 13.3 -----0.04 0.00 19.7 26 25 1.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 17.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 22.3 150 26 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 17.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 22.3 27 26 6.20 B ---- ---. 10.0 --------- 0.0 0.00 17.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 22.3 150 27 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 17.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 22.3 28 26 4.20 B ---- 10.0 ------- 0.0 0.00 17.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 22.3 150 28 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 17.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 22.3 29 29 1.80 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 17.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 22.3 150 30 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 17.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 22.3 30 29 8.50 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 17.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 22.3 150 31 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- - ---- 0.00 0.00 17.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 22.3 31 32 9.50 3L ---- 10.0 ----- ---- 13.0 2.88 12.6 ---- 13.0 2.88 12.6 150 33 0.874 21.0 •---- 10.0 4.18 13.0 0.09 0.0.0 9.7 13.0 0.09 0.00 9.7 32 34 6.50 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 15.5 ---- 14.0 1.03 12.2 150 35 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 4.18 ---- 0.00 0.00 15.5 14.0 0.11 0.00 11.2 33 13 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.8 0.48 13.6 -----14.1 1.85 20.8 150 8 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 4.33 18.4 -----0.11 4.33 27.0 34 15 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 1.8 0.04 12.9 ---- 4.2 0.20 18.1 150 25 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 17.2 ---- 0.01 4.33 22.3 35 19 10.00 L --- 20.0 ---- ---- 13.0 1.60 9.8 ---- 13.0 1.60 9.8 150 32 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.09 4.33 12.6 ---- 0.09 4.33 12.6 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-1.rdf Page 4 36 22 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.2 ---- 14.0 1.84 9.7 150 34 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 15.5 ---- 0.11 4.33 12.2 37 25 10.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 17.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 22.3 150 29 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 17.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 22.3 Legend: P - Pipe # DIA - Pipe Diameter EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length PUMP - Pump Pressure SF - K-Factor FLOW - Flow Rate PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PT - Total Pressure at Node LEN - Pipe Length FIT. - Pipe Fittings FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device EL - Node Elevation DISCH - Discharge in gpm FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot FE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Eli, L=90 Eli, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVlv, X= The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 6.99 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 12.43 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: B MATERIAL: BiazeMaster HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 0.874 1.00 7.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 7.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.598 2.00 9.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 1.025 1.00 3.00 7.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.505 2.00 4.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: M MATERIAL: Copper Tube-M HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 1.055 2.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS 7.8 computer program (License No. 38061304 to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node with 2 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 LaVista Road DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-1.rdf Page 5 Tucker, GA 30084 (770) 934-8423 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-2.rdf Page 1 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS, INC. 2871 E. VIA MARTENS ANAHEIM,CA 92806 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR Trieste @ La Costa Greens Carlsbad, CA TR# CT 04-09, LA COSTA GREENS 1.17 Triest Plan Type 2 2 HD 2ND FL. MASTER BED Caic. Date: 1/18/2007 File No: 3389 Data File Name: trieste P2-2.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 256.0 sq. ft./spklr. (max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 16.0 ft. Mm. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 8.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable Descr: RA0612 RFC43 Conc. (16x16) K=4.30 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=4.18 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm-Over: K=4.16 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Eli) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: BlazeMaster HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: 1/17/07 By: Carlsbad Water Static: 75.0 psi Resid: 20.0 psi Flow:1500.0 gpm Public Main Size: 6 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 4 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Flowing Flow 1 13.0 2 13.0 Press. Node Total Avail. (psi) No. Flow Press. 9.7 17 18.0 75.0 9.7 17 31.2 75.0 Req'd Press. 34.2 56.5 REVIEWING AUTHORITY C.F.D. DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-2.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD * * P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISC}j FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) 1 1 52.50 B -----2.0 SRCE 18.0 4.71 34.2 ---- 31.2 13.04 56.5 150 2 1.025 7.0 -------- ---- ---- 0.08 0.00 29.5 ---- 0.22 0.00 43.5 2 2 130.00 2L -4.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 18.0 1.35 29.5 ---- 31.2 3.73 43.5 150 3 1.598 18.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 24.1 ---- 0.03 0.00 35.7 3 3 4.50 L ---- ---- ---- ---- 18.0 0.10 24.1 ---- 31.2 0.29 35.7 150 4 1.505 4.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.01 1.73 22.3 5 0.03 1.73 33.7 4 4 4.50 LBS ---- 2.0 -5 5 13.0 0.89 22.3 5 26.2 3.24 33.7 150 5 1.055 19.0 ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 0.04 1.73 19.7 ---- 0.14 1.73 28.7 5 5 4.00 R ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 13.0 0.15 19.7 ---- 26.2 0.56 28.7 150 6 1.101 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.03 1.73 17.8 ---- 0.11 1.73 26.4 6 6 1.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 13.0 0.25 17.8 ---- 26.2 0.90 26.4 150 7 1.101 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 17.5 ---- 0.11 0.00 25.5 7 7 2.80 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 6.8 0.07 17.5 ---- 13.6 0.26 25.5 150 8 1.101 5.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 17.5 ---- 0.03 0.00 25.3 8 7 4.00 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 6.2 0.04 17.5 ---- 12.6 0.14 25.5 150 9 1.101 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 17.5 ---- 0.03 0.00 25.4 9 9 10.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 6.2 0.41 17.5 ---- 12.6 1.50 25.4 150 10 0.874 7.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.02 4.33 12.7 ---- 0.09 4.33 19.6 10 10 2.00 2L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.2 0.39 12.7 ---- 12.6 1.42 19.6 150 11 0.874 14.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 12.4 ---- 0.09 0.00 18.1 11 11 3.80 LR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 2.5 0.05 12.4 ---- 5.0 0.19 18.1 150 12 0.874 8.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.3 ---- 0.02 0.00 18.0 12 12 4.00 LR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.8 0.34 12.3 -----13.6 1.24 18.0 150 13 0.874 8.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 0.00 12.6 -----0.10 0.00 19.2 13 12 3.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 9.3 0.35 12.3 ---- 18.6 1.25 18.0 150 14 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.05 0.00 12.0 ---- 0.18 0.00 16.7 1414 0.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 1.7 0.01 12.0 ---- 3.8 0.04 16.7 150 15 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.0 ---- 0.01 0.00 16.7 15 14 47.00 9R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 7.6 1.96 12.0 ---- 14.8 6.71 16.7 150 16 0.874 9.0 --- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 10.0 ---- 0.12 0.00 10.0 16 16 0.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- -----13.0 0.33 10.0 ---- 13.0 0.33 10.0 150 17 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 4.18 13.0 0.09 0.00 9.7 13.0 0.09 0.00 9,7 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-2.rdf Page 3 17 16 1.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -5.4 0.07 10.0 ---- 1.8 0.01 10.0 150 18 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.02 0.00 10.1 ---- 0.00 0.00 10.0 18 18 7.50 BR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 10.1 ---- 0.0 0.00 10.0 150 19 0.874 4.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 10.1 ---- 0.00 0.00 10.0 19 18 10.00 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -5.4 0.20 10.1 ---- 1.8 0.03 10.0 15020 0.874 1.0---- 20.0 4.18 -----0.02 0.00 10.3 13.2 0.00 0.00 10.0 20 20 2.00 R ---- 20.0 4.18 ---- -5.4 0.06 10.3 13.2 -11.4 0.22 10.0 150 21 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.02 0.00 10.3 -----0.07 0.00 10.2 21 21 7.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 10.3 ---- 0.0 0.00 10.2 150 22 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 10.3 ---- 0.00 0.00 10.2 22 21 25.50 L3R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -5.4 0.66 10.3 -----11.4 2.63 10.2 150 23 0.874 10.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.02 0.00 11.0 -----0.07 0.00 12.8 23 23 38.50 2B3R ---- 20.0 ---- ----- -5.4 0.88 11.0 ---- -11.4 3.52 12.8 150 24 0.874 9.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.02 0.00 11.9 ---- -0.07 0.00 16.3 24 24 5.20 LBR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -1.7 0.04 11.9 -----3.8 0.16 16.'3 150 25 0.874 11.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 16.2 ---- -0.01 4.33 20.8 25 24 31.00 L4B2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -3.7 0.48 11.9 -----7.6 1.80 16.3 150 11 0.874 21.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.01 0.00 12.4 ---- -0.03 0.00 18.1 26 25 1.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 20.8 150 26 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 20.8 27 26 6.20 B ---- 10.0- ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 20.8 150 27 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 20.8 28 26 4.20 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 20.8 150 28 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 20.8 29 29 1.80 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 20.8 150 30 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 20.8 30 29 8.50 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 20.8 150 31 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 20.8 31 32 9.50 3L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 14.4 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.3 150 33 0.874 21.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.4 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.3 32 34 6.50 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 14.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.5 150 35 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.5 33 13 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.8 0.48 12.6 -----13.6 1.75 19.2 150 8 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 4.33 17.5 -----0.10 4.33 25.3 34 15 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 1.7 0.04 12.0 ---- 3.8 0.17 16.7 150 25 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ----- ---- 0.00 4.33 16.2 ---- 0.01 4.33 20.8 35 19 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 10.1 ---- 0.0 0.00 10.0 150 32 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 14.4 ---- 0.00 4.33 14.3 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-2.rdf Page 4 36 22 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 10.3 ---- 0.0 0.00 10.2 150 34 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 14.7 ---- 0.00 4.33 14.5 37 25 10.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 20.8 150 29 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 20.8 Legend: P - Pipe # DIA - Pipe Diameter EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length PUMP - Pump Pressure SP - K-Factor FLOW - Flow Rate PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PT - Total Pressure at Node LEN - Pipe Length FIT. - Pipe Fittings FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device EL - Node Elevation DISCH - Discharge in gpm FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Eli, L=90 Eli, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVlv, X= X, The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 6.99 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 12.12 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: B MATERIAL: BlazeMaster HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVlv X I Z 0.874 1.00 7.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 7.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.598 2.00 9.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X I Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X I Z 1.025 1.00 3.00 7.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.505 2.00 4.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: N MATERIAL: Copper Tube-N HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X I Z 45 Eli 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X I Z 1.055 2.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS 7.8 computer program (License No. 38061304 to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpin at each node with 2 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 LaVista Road DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-2.rdf Page 5 Tucker, GA 30084 (770) 934-8423 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-G.rdf Page 1 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS, INC. 2871 E. VIA MARTENS ANAHEIM,CA 92806 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR Trieste @ La Costa Greens Carlsbad, CA TR# CT 04-09, LA COSTA GREENS 1.17 Triest Plan Type 2 2 HD Garage Caic. Date: 1/18/2007 File No: 3389 Data File Name: trieste P2-G.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 100.0 sq. ft./spkir. (max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spkirs: 15.0 ft. Min. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 6.5 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 7.5 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable Descr: F1FR K=5.60 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=5.36 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm-Over: K=5.31 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Eli) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: BiazeMaster HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: 1/17/07 By: Carlsbad Water Static: 75.0 psi Resid: 20.0 psi Fiow:1500.0 gpm Public Main Size: 6 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 4 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Flowing Flow 1 15.0 2 15.0 REVIEWING AUTHORITY C. F. D. Press. Node Total Avail. Req'd (psi) No. Flow Press. Press. 7.8 31 20.0 75.0 33.1 7.8 31 36.2 74.9 59.8 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-G.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD * * P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) ==================================== * ===================== * ===================== 1 1 52.50 B -----2.0 SRCE 20.0 5.72 33.1 ---- 36.2 17.20 59.8 150 2 1.025 7.0 -------- ---- ---- 0.10 0.00 27.4 ---- 0.29 0.00 42.6 2 2 130.00 2L -5.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 20.0 1.64 27.4 ---- 36.2 4.92 42.6 150 3 1.598 18.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 20.7 ---- 0.03 0.00 32.7 3 3 4.50 L ---- ---- ---- ---- 20.0 0.13 20.7 ---- 36.2 0.38 32.7 150 4 1.505 4.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.01 1.73 18.9 5 0.04 1.73 30.6 4 4 4.50 LBS ---- 2.0 -5 5 15.0 1.16 18.9 5 31.2 4.49 30.6 150 5 1.055 19.0 ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 0.05 1.73 16.0 ---- 0.19 1.73 24.4 5 5 4.00 R ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 15.0 0.20 16.0 ---- 31.2 0.78 24.4 150 6 1.101 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.04 1.73 14.0 ---- 0.16 1.73 21.9 6 6 1.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 15.0 0.32 14.0 ---- 31.2 1.24 21.9 150 7 1.101 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.04 0.00 13.7 ---- 0.16 0.00 20.6 7 7 2.80 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 7.8 0.09 13.7 ---- 16.2 0.36 20.6 150 8 1.101 5.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 13.6 ---- 0.05 0.00 20.3 8 7 4.00 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 7.2 0.05 13.7 ---- 15.1 0.20 20.6 150 9 1.101 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 13.7 ---- 0.04 0.00 20.4 9 9 10.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 7.2 0.54 13.7 ---- 15.1 2.11 20.4 150 10 0.874 7.0 ---- 20.0 --------0.03 4.33 8.8 ---- 0.12 4.33 14.0 10 10 2.00 2L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 7.2 0.51 8.8 ---- 15.1 1.98 14.0 150 11 0.874 14.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 8.3 ---- 0.12 0.00 12.0 11 11 3.80 LR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 2.3 0.04 8.3 ---- 4.7 0.17 12.0 150 12 0.874 8.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 8.2 ---- 0.01 0.00 11.8 12 12 4.00 LR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -7.8 0.44 8.2 -----16.2 1.70 11.8 150 13 0.874 8.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.04 0.00 8.7 -----0.14 0.00 13.5 13 12 3.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.40 8.2 ---- 20.9 1.54 11.8 150 14 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.06 0.00 7.8 ---- 0.23 0.00 10.3 14 14 0.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 8.2 0.15 7.8 ---- 17.1 0.60 10.3 150 15 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.04 0.00 7.7 ---- 0.16 0.00 9.7 15 14 47.00 9R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 1.8 0.14 7.8 ---- 3.8 0.53 10.3 150 16 0.874 9.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 7.7---- 0.01 0.00 9.7 16 16 0.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 7.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 9.7 150 17 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 7.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 9.7 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-G.rdf Page 3 17 16 1.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 1.8 0.01 7.7 ---- 3.8 0.04 9.7 150 18 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 7.7 ---- 0.01 0.00 9.7 18 18 7.50 BR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 7.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 9.7 150 19 0.874 4.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 7.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 9.7 19 18 10.00 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 1.8 0.03 7.7 ---- 3.8 0.10 9.7 150 20 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 7.7 ---- 0.01 0.00 9.6 20 20 2.00 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 1.8 0.01 7.7 ---- 3.8 0.03 9.6 150 21 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 7.7 ---- 0.01 0.00 9.6 21 21 7.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 7.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 9.6 150 22 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 7.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 9.6 22 21 25.50 L3R ---- 20.0 ----- ---- 1.8 0.09 7.7 ---- 3.8 0.34 9.6 150 23 0.874 10.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 7.6 ---- 0.01 0.00 9.2 23 23 38.50 2B3R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 1.8 0.12 7.6 ---- 3.8 0.45 9.2 150 24 0.874 9.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 7.5 ---- 0.01 0.00 8.8 24 24 5.20 LBR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.8 0.46 7.5 ---- 14.1 1.78 8.8 150 25 0.874 11.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.03 4.33 11.3 ---- 0.11 4.33 11.3 25 24 31.00 L4B2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -5.0 0.83 7.5 ---- -10.3 3.21 8.8 150 11 0.874 21.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.02 0.00 8.3 ---- -0.06 0.00 12.0 26 25 1.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.3 ---- 16.2 1.14 11.3 150 26 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.3 ---- 0.14 0.00 10.2 27 26 6.20 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.3 ---- 0.0 0.00 10.2 150 27 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.3 ---- 0.00 0.00 10.2 28 26 4.20 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.3 ---- 16.2 1.02 10.2 150 28 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 5.36 ---- 0.00 0.00 11.3 16.2 0.14 0.00 9.2 29 29 1.80 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 9.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 9.2 150 30 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 9.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 9.2 30 29 8.50 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 15.0 1.41 9.2 ---- 15.0 1.41 9.2 150 31 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 5.36 15.0 0.12 0.00 7.8 15.0 0.12 0.00 7.8 31 32 9.50 3L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 12.0 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.0 150 33 0.874 21.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.0 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.0 32 34 6.50 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 12.0 ---- 0.0 0.00 13.9 150 35 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.0 ---- 0.00 0.00 13.9 33 13 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -7.8 0.62 8.7 -----16.2 2.40 13.5 150 8 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- - 0.04 4.33 13.6 -----0.14 4.33 20.3 34 15 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 8.2 0.69 7.7 ---- 17.1 2.67 9.7 150 25 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.04 4.33 11.3 ---- 0.16 4.33 11.3 35 19 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 7.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 9.7 150 32 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 12.0 ---- 0.00 4.33 14.0 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-G.rdf Page 4 36 22 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 7.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 9.6 150 34 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 12.0 ---- 0.00 4.33 13.9 37 25 10.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 15.0 2.09 11.3 ---- 15.0 2.09 11.3 150 29 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.12 0.00 9.2 ---- 0.12 0.00 9.2 Legend: P - Pipe # DIA - Pipe Diameter EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length PUMP - Pump Pressure SP -.K-Factor FLOW - Flow Rate PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PT - Total Pressure at Node LEN - Pipe Length FIT. - Pipe Fittings FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device EL - Node Elevation DISCH - Discharge in gpm FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Eli, L=90 Eli, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatViv, X= X, The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 30 at 8.02 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 14.08 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: B MATERIAL: BlazeMaster HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatViv X Y Z 0.874 1.00 7.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 7.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.598 2.00 9.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z • 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatViv X Y Z 1.025 1.00 3.00 7.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.505 2.00 4.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: M MATERIAL: Copper Tube-M HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun .Couplg SwgChk GatViv X Y Z 1.055 2.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS 7.8 computer program (License No. 38061304 ) to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node with 2 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 LaVista Road DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P2-G.rdf Page 5 Tucker, GA 30084 (770) 934-8423 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-1.rdf Page 1 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS, INC. 2871 E. VIA MARTENS ANAHEIM, CA 92806 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR Trieste @ La Costa Greens Carlsbad, CA TR# CT 04-09, LA COSTA GREENS 1.17 Triest Plan Type 3 2 HD 1st FL. NOOK Caic. Date: 1/18/2007 File No: 3389 Data File Name: trieste P3-1.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 256.0 sq. ft./spklr. (max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 16.0 ft. Min. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 8.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable Descr: RA0612 RFC43 Conc. (16x16) K=4.30 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=4.18 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm-Over: K=4.16 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Ell) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: BiazeMaster HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: 1/17/07 By: Carlsbad Water Static: 75.0 psi Resid: 20.0 psi Flow:1500.0 gpm Public Main Size: 6 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 4 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press. Node Total Avail. Req'd Flowing Flow (psi) No. Flow Press. Press. 1 13.0 9.7 42 18.0 75.0 33.9 2 13.0 9.7 42 31.8 75.0 57.9 REVIEWING AUTHORITY C.F.D. DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-1.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD * * P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) * * ===================== 1 1 52.50 B -----2.0 SRCE ---- 18.0 4.71 33.9 ---- 31.7 13.47 57.9 150 2 1.025 7.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.08 0.00 29.2 ---- 0.23 0.00 44.4 2 2 130.00 2L -4.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 18.0 1.35 29.2 ---- 31.8 3.86 44.4 150 3 1.598 18.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 23.8 ---- 0.03 0.00 36.6 3 3 4.50 L ---- ---- ---- ---- 18.0 0.10 23.8 ---- 31.8 0.30 36.6 150 4 1.505 4.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.01 1.73 22.0 5 0.03 1.73 34.5 4 4 4.50 LBS ---- 2.0 -5 5 13.0 0.89 22.0 5 26.8 3.37 34.5 150 5 1.055 19.0 ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 0.04 1.73 19.4 ---- 0.14 1.73 29.4 5 5 4.00 R ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 13.0 0.15 19.4 ---- 26.8 0.58 29.4 150 6 1.101 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.03 1.73 17.5 ---- 0.12 1.73 27.1 6 6 4.80 2L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 13.0 0.58 17.5 ---- 26.8 2.19 27.1 150 7 1.101 14.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 16.9 ---- 0.12 0.00 24.9 7 7 2.00 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 7.4 0.08 16.9 ---- 15.2 0.29 24.9 150 8 1.101 5.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 16.8 ---- 0.04 0.00 24.6 8 7 6.80 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 5.6 0.05 16.9 ---- 11.6 0.19 24.9 150 9 1.101 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 16.9 ---- 0.02 0.00 24.7 9 9 10.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 5.6 0.34 16.9 ---- 11.6 1.29 24.7 150 10 0.874 7.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.02 4.33 12.2 ---- 0.08 4.33 19.1 10 10 4.00 2L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 5.6 0.36 12.2 ---- 11.6 1.37 19.1 150 11 0.874 14.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 11.8 ---- 0.08 0.00 17.7 11 11 2.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.7 0.14 11.8 ---- 14.3 0.56 17.7 150 12 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 11.7 ---- 0.11 0.00 17.2 12 12 5.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 17.2 150 13 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 17.2 13 12 39.20 8R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.7 1.30 11.7 ---- 14.3 5.29 17.2 150 14 0.874 8.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 10.4 ---- 0.11 0.00 11.9 14 14 12.50 L2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.7 0.59 10.4 ---- 14.3 2.41 11.9 150 15 0.874 - 9.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 9.8 ---- 0.11 0.00 9.5 15 15 0.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 9.8 ---- 13.8 0.37 9.5 150 16 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 9.8 ---- 0.10 0.00 9.1 16 15 2.00 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.7 0.08 9.8 ---- 0.5 0.00 9.5 150 17 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 9.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 9.5 DATE: 1/16/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-1.rdf Page 3 17 17 3.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 9.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 9.5 150 18 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 9.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 9.5 18 17 7.80 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.7 0.24 9.7 ---- 0.5 0.00 9.5 150 19 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 9.5 ---- 0.00 0.00 9.5 19 19 5.80 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 13.0 0.64 9.5 ---- 13.0 0.64 9.5 150 20 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.09 0.00 8.8 ---- 0.09 0.00 8.8 20 19 3.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.3 0.15 9.5 -----12.5 0.53 9.5 150 21 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -0.02 0.00 9.6 -----0.09 0.00 10.0 21 21 3.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 9.6 ---- 0.0 0.00 10.0 150 22 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 9.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 10.0 22 21 42.50 2B7R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- --6.3 1.38 9.6 -----12.5 4.86 10.0 150 23 0.874 13.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.02 0.00 11.0 -----0.09 0.00 14.9 23 23 3.20 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.0 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.9 150 24 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.0 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.9 24 23 16.00 B3R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.3 0.55 11.0 -----12.5 1.93 14.9 150 25 0.874 6.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.02 0.00 11.6 -----0.09 0.00 16.8 25 25 5.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.6 ---- 0.0 0.00 16.8 150 26 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 16.8 26 25 9.50 2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.3 0.29 11.6 -----12.5 1.01 16.8 150 27 0.874 2.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.02 0.00 11.8 -----0.09 0.00 17.8 27 27 0.50 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -7.4 0.05 11.8 -----15.2 0.19 17.8 150 28 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 0.00 11.9 -----0.13 0.00 18.0 28 28 5.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.9 ---- 0.0 0.00 18.0 150 29 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.9 ---- 0.00 0.00 18.0 29 28 0.50 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -7.4 0.05 11.9 -----15.2 0.19 18.0 150 30 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 0.00 11.9 -----0.13 0.00 18.2 30 27 7.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 1.1 0.01 11.8 ---- 2.7 0.06 17.8 150 11 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.8 ---- 0.01 0.00 17.7 31 31 7.80 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 15.9 ---- 0.0 0.00 21.1 150 32 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 15.9 ---- 0.00 0.00 21.1 32 33 7.80 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 22.3 150 34 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 22.3 33 35 7.80 2L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.0 ---- 0.0 0.00 21.5 150 36 0.874 14.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.0 ---- 0.00 0.00 21.5 34 37 0.80 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 15.3 ---- 0.0 0.00 19.2 150 38 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 15.3 ---- 0.00 0.00 19.2 35 39 1.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 14.1 ---- 13.8 0.84 11.7 150 40 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 4.18 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.1 13.8 0.10 0.00 10.8 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-1.rdf Page 4 36 41 6.00 2L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 13.0 1.89 11.6 ---- 13.0 1.89 11.6 150 42 0.874 14.0 ---- 10.0 4.18 13.0 0.09 0.00 9.7 13.0 0.09 0.00 9.7 37 13 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 17.2 150 35 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 16.0 ---- 0.00 4.33 21.5 38 16 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 9.8 ---- 13.8 1.78 9.1 150 39 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 14.1 ---- 0.10 4.33 11.7 39 20 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 13.0 1.60 8.8 ---- 13.0 1.60 8.8 150 41 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.09 4.33 11.6 ---- 0.09 4.33 11.6 40 24 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.0 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.9 150 37 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 15.3 ---- 0.00 4.33 19.2 41 26 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.6 ---- 0.0 0.00 16.8 150 31 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 15.9 ---- 0.00 4.33 21.1 42 29 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.9 ---- 0.0 0.00 18.0 150 33 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 16.2 ---- 0.00 4.33 22.3 43 30 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -7.4 0.56 11.9 -----15.2 2.14 18.2 150 8 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 4.33 16.8 -----0.13 4.33 24.6 Legend: P - Pipe # LEN - Pipe Length DIA - Pipe Diameter FIT. - Pipe Fittings EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device PUMP - Pump Pressure EL - Node Elevation SP - K-Factor DISCH - Discharge in gpm FLOW - Flow Rate FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation PT - Total Pressure at Node Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Eli, L=90 Eli, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVlv, X= X, The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 6.9,9 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 12.34 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-1.rdf Page 5 PAGE: B MATERIAL: BlazeMaster HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 0.874 1.00 7.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 7.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.598 2.00 9.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 1.025 1.00 3.00 7.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.505 2.00 4.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: M MATERIAL: Copper Tube-M HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 1.055 2.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS 7.8 computer program (License No. 38061304 to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node with 2 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 LaVista Road Tucker, GA 30084 (770) 934-8423 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-1.rdf Page 6 WATER SUPPLY CURVE 75 67 P a R 60.0 OD E 525 S U 45.0 R E 37.5 11 30.0 P S 22.5 I 15.0 7.5 0.0' 04 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 FLOW (GPM) Static = 75.0 psi, Residual = 20.0 Psi @ 1500 gpm (1 sprinkler flowing) (2 sprinklers flowing) A = Available Water Supply C = Available Water Supply 75.0 psi @ 18.0 gpm 75.0 psi @ 31.8 gpm B = Required Water Supply D = Required Water Supply 33.9 psi @ 18.0 gpm 57.9 psi @ 31.8 gpm DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-2.rdf Page 1 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS, INC. 2871 E. VIA MARTENS ANAHEIM,CA 92806 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR Trieste @ La Costa Greens Carlsbad, CA TR# CT 04-09, LA COSTA GREENS 1.17 Triest Plan Type 3 2 HD 2ND FL. MASTER BED Calc. Date: 1/18/2007 File No: 3389 Data File Name: trieste P3-2.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 256.0 sq. ft./spklr. (max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 16.0 ft. Mm. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 8.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable Descr: RA0612 RFC43 Conc. (16x16) K=4.30 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=4.18 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm-Over: K=4.16 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1. Eli) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: BiazeMaster HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: 1/17/07 By: Carlsbad Water Static: 75.0 psi Resid: 20.0 psi Flow:1500.0 gpm Public Main Size: 6 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 4 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press. Node Total Avail. Req'd Flowing Flow (psi) No. Flow Press. Press. 1 13.0 9.7 22 18.0 75.0 34.7 2 13.0 9.7 22 31.0 75.0 56.9 REVIEWING AUTHORITY C. F. D. DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-2.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD * * P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) ==================================== * * ===================== 1 1 52.50 B ---- -2.0 SRCE 18.0 4.71 34.7 ---- 31.0 12.89 56.9 150 2 1.025 7.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.08 0.00 29.9 ---- 0.22 0.00 44.0 2 2 130.00 2L -4.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 18.0 1.35 29.9 ---- 31.0 3.69 44.0 150 3 1.598 18.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 24.6 ---- 0.02 0.00 36.3 3 3 4.50 L ---- ---- ---- ---- 18.0 0.10 24.6 ---- 31.0 0.28 36.3 150 41.505 4.0---- 2.0 -5 5 0.01 1.73 22.8 5 0.03 1.73 34.3 4 4 4.50 LBS ---- 2.0 -5 5 13.0 0.89 22.8 5 26.0 3.20 34.3 150 5 1.055 19.0 ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 0.04 1.73 20.1 ---- 0.14 1.73 29.4 5 5 4.00 R ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 13.0 0.15 20.1 ---- 26.0 0.55 29.4 150 6 1.101 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.03 1.73 18.3 ---- 0.11 1.73 27.1 6 6 4.80 2L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 13.0 0.58 18.3 ---- 26.0 2.08 27.1 150 7 1.101 14.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 17.7 ---- 0.11 0.00 25.0 7 7 2.00 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 7.4 0.08 17.7 ---- 14.8 0.27 25.0 150 8 1.101 5.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 17.6 ---- 0.04 0.00 24.8 8 7 6.80 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 5.6 0.05 17.7 ---- 11.2 0.18 25.0 150 9 1.101 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 17.6 ---- 0.02 0.00 24.9 9 9 10.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 5.6 0.34 17.6 ---- 11.2 1.22 24.9 150 10 0.874 7.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.02 4.33 13.0 ---- 0.07 4.33 19.3 10 10 4.00 2L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 5.6 0.36 13.0 ---- 11.2 1.30 19.3 150 11 0.874 14.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 12.6 ---- 0.07 0.00 18.0 11 11 2.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.4 0.13 12.6 ---- 13.5 0.51 18.0 150 12 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 12.5 ---- 0.10 0.00 17.5 12 12 5.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 12.5 ---- 0.0 0.00 17.5 150 13 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.5 ---- 0.00 0.00 17.5 13 12 39.20 8R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.4 1.22 12.5 ---- 13.5 4.78 17.5 150 14 0.874 8.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -0.03 0.00 11.3 ---- 0.10 0.00 12.7 14 14 12.50 L2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.4 0.55 11.3 ---- 13.5 2.18 12.7 150 15 0.874 9.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 10.7 ---- 0.10 0.00 10.5 15 15 0.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 10.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 10.5 150 16 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 10.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 10.5 16 15 2.00 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.4 0.08 10.7 ---i- 13.5 0.30 10.5 150 17 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 10.6 ---- 0.10 0.00 10.2 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-2.rdf Page 3 17 17 3.00 B ---- 20.0 --------0,0 0.00 10.6 ---- 13.0 0.57 10.2 150 18 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 4.18 ---- 0.00 0.00 10.6 13.0 0.09 0.00 9.7 18 17 7.80 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.4 0.23 10.6 ---- 0.5 0.00 10.2 150 19 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 ---- 0.00 0.00 10.2 19 19 5.80 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 10.4 ---- 0.0 0.00 10.2 150 20 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 10.4 ---- 0.00 0.00 10.2 20 19 3.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.4 0.15 10.4 ---- 0.5 0.00 10.2 150 21 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 10.2 --- 0.00 0.00 10.2 21 21 3.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 13.0 0.57 10.2 ---- 13.0 0.57 10.2 150 22 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 4.18 13.0 0.09 0.00 9.7 13.0 0.09 0.00 9.7 22 21 42.50 2B7P. ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.6 1.48 10.2 ---- -12.5 4.87 10.2 150 23 0.874 13.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 0.00 11.7 ---- -0.09 0.00 15.1 23 23 3.20 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 15.1 150 24 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 15.1 24 23 16.00 B3R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.6 0.58 11.7 ---- -12.5 1.93 15.1 150 25 0.874 6.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 0.00 12.3 ---- -0.09 0.00 17.0 25 25 5.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 12.3 ---- 0.0 0.00 17.0 150 26 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.3 ---- 0.00 0.00 17.0 26 25 9.50 2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -6.6 0.31 12.3 ---- -12.5 1.01 17.0 150 27 0.874 2.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ----- -0.03 0.00 12.6 ---- -0.09 0.00 18.0 27 27 0.50 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -7.4 0.05 12.6 -----14.8 0.18 18.0 150 28 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 0.00 12.7 -----0.12 0.00 18.2 28 28 5.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 12.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 18.2 150 29 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 18.2 29 28 0.50 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -7.4 0.05 12.7 -----14.8 0.18 18.2 150 30 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 0.00 12.7 ---- -0.12 0.00 18.4 30 27 7.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.8 0.01 12.6 ---- 2.3 0.04 18.0 150 11 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 18.0 31 31 7.80 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.6 ---- 0.0 0.00 21.4 150 32 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 21.4 32 33 7.80 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 17.0 ---- 0.0 0.00 22.6 150 34 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 17.0 ---- 0.00 0.00 22.6 33 35 7.80 2L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.8 ---- 0.0 0.00 21.8 150 36 0.874 14.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.8 ---- 0.00 0.00 21.8 34 37 0.80 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 16.0 ---- 0.0 0.00 19.4 150 38 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 16.0 ---- 0.00 0.00 19.4 35 39 1.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 000 15.0 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.9 150 40 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 15.0 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.9 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-2.rdf Page 4 36 41 6.00 2L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 14.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.6 150 42 0.874 14.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 14.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.6 37 13 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 12.5 ---- 0.0 0.00 17.5 150 35 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 16.8 ---- 0.00 4.33 21.8 38 16 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 10.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 10.5 150 39 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 15.0 ---- 0.00 4.33 14.9 39 20 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 10.4 ---- 0.0 0.00 10.2 150 41 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 14.7 ---- 0.00 4.33 14.6 40 24 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 15.1 150 37 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 16.0 ---- 0.00 4.33 19.4 41 26 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 12.3 ---- 0.0 0.00 17.0 150 31 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 16.6 ---- 0.00 4.33 21.4 42 29 10.00 L ----• 20.0 ---- ---- -0.0 0.00 12.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 18.2 150 33 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 17.0 ---- 0.00 4.33 22.6 43 30 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -7.4 0.57 12.7 -----14.8 2.03 18.4 150 8 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- - 0.03 4.33 17.6 -----0.12 4.33 24.8 Legend: P - Pipe # LEN - Pipe Length DIA - Pipe Diameter FIT. - Pipe Fittings EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device PUMP - Pump Pressure EL - Node Elevation SP - K-Factor DISCH - Discharge in gpm FLOW - Flow Rate FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation PT - Total Pressure at Node Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Ell, L=90 Eli, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVlv, X= X, The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 6.99 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 12.05 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-2.rdf Page 5 PAGE: B MATERIAL: BiazeMaster HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 0.874 1.00 7.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 7.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.598 2.00 9.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 1.025 1.00 3.00 7.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.505 2.00 4.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: M MATERIAL: Copper Tube-M HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C .S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Coupig SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 1.055 2.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS 7.8 computer program (License No. 38061304 to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node with 2 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 LaVista Road Tucker, GA 30084 (770) 934-8423 S DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-2.rdf Page 6 WATER SUPPLY CURVE 75.0 67. 5 P R 60.0 OD E 52.5 S 45.0 R E 30.0 P S 22.5 I 15.0 7.5 0.0 04 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 FLOW (GPM) Static = 75.0 psi, Residual = 20.0 psi @ 1500 gpm (1 sprinkler flowing) (2 sprinklers flowing) A = Available Water Supply C = Available Water Supply 75.0 psi @ 18.0 gpm 75.0 psi @ 31.0 gpm B = Required Water Supply D = Required Water Supply 34.7 psi @ 18.0 gpm 56.9 psi @ 31.0 gpm DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-G.rdf Page 1 RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS, INC. 2871 E. VIA MARTENS ANAHEIM,CA 92806 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR Trieste @ La Costa Greens Carlsbad, CA TR# CT 04-09, LA COSTA GREENS 1.17 Triest Plan Type 3 2 HD Garage Caic. Date: 1/18/2007 File No: 3389 Data File Name: trieste P3-G.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 105.0 sq. ft./spkir. (max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 15.0 ft. Mm. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 6.5 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 7.5 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable Descr: F1FR K=5.60 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=5.36 (Incl. 1 Tee). 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm-Over: K=5.31 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Eli) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: BlazeMaster HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: 1/17/07 By: Carlsbad Water Static: 75.0 psi Resid: 20.0 psi Fiow:1500.0 gpm Public Main Size: 6 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 4 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press. Node Total Avail. Req'd Flowing Flow (psi) No. Flow Press. Press. 1 15.8 8.7 3.6 20.8 75.0 37.4 2 15.8 8.7 36 37.0 74.9 62.4 REVIEWING AUTHORITY C. F. D. DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-G..rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD * * P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) ==================================== * ===================== * ===================== 1 1 52.50 B -----2.0 SRCE 20.8 6.14 37.4 ---- 37.0 17.89 62.4 150 2 1.025 7.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.10 0.00 31.2 ---- 0.30 0.00 44.5 2 2 130.00 2L -5.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 20.8 1.76 31.2 ---- 37.0 5.12 44.5 150 3 1.598 18.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 24.5 ---- 0.03 0.00 34.4 3 3 4.50 L ---- ---- ---- ---- 20.8 0.14 24.5 ---- 37.0 0.39 34.4 150 4 1.505 4.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.02 1.73 22.6 5 0.05 1.73 32.2 4 4 4.50 LBS ---- 2.0 -5 5 15.8 1.27 22.6 5 32.0 4.70 32.2 150 5 1.055 19.0 ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 0.05 1.73 19.6 ---- 0.20 1.73 25.8 5 5 .4.00 R ---- 6.0 ---- ---- 15.8 0.22 19.6 ---- 32.0 0.81 25.8 150 6 1.101 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ----- 0.04 1.73 17.6 ---- 0.16 1.73 23.2 6 6. 4.80 150 7 1.101 7 7 2.00 150 8 1.101 8 7 6.80 150 9 1.101 9 9 10.00 150 10 0.874 10 10 4.00 150 11 0.874 11 11 2.00 150 12 0.874 12 12 5.50 150 13 0.874 13 12 39.20 150 14 0.874 14 14 12.50 150 15 0.874 15 15 0.50 150 16 0.874 16 15 2.00 150 17 0.874 2L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 15.8 0.83 17.6 ---- 32.0 3.05 23.2 14.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.04 0.00 16.8 ---- 0.16 0.00 20.2 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 8.5 0.10 16.8 ---- 18.0 0.39 20.2 5.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 16.7 ---- 0.06 0.00 19.8 R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 7.3 0.08 16.8 ---- 14.0 0.27 20.2 1.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 16.7 ---- 0.04 0.00 19.9 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 7.3 0.55 16.7 ---- 14.0 1.84 19.9 7.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 4.33 11.8 ---- 0.11 4.33 13.7 2L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 7.3 0.58 11.8 ---- 14.0 1.95 13.7 14.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 11.3 ---- 0.11 0.00 11.8 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 13.4 0.50 11.3 ---- 19.8 1.03 11.8 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.10 0.00 10.8 ---- 0.21 0.00 10.8 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 15.8 1.15 10.8 ---- 15.8 1.15 10.8 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.14 0.00 9.6 ---- 0.14 0.00 9.6 BR ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.4 0.20 10.8 ---- 4.0 0.51 10.8 8.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.0 ---- 0.01 0.00 10.2 L2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.4 0.09 11.0 ---- 4.0 0.23 10.2 9.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.1 ---- 0.01 0.00 10.0 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.1 ---- 0.0 0.00 10.0 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.1 ---- 0.00. 0.00 10.0 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.4 0.01 11.1 ---- 4.0 0.03 10.0 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.1 ---- 0.01 0.00 10.0 S DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-G.rdf Page 3 17 17 3.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.1 0.0 0.00 10.0 150 18 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.1 0.00 0.00 10.0 18 17 7.80 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.4 0.04 11.1 ---- 4.0 0.10 10.0 150 19 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.1 0.01 0.00 9.9 19 19 5.80 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.1 0.0 0.00 9.9 150 20 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.1 0.00 0.00 9.9 20 19 3.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.4 0.03 11.1 ---- 4.0 0.07 9.9 150 21 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.1 0.01 0.00 9.8 21 21 3.00 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.1 0.0 0.00 9.8 150 22 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.1 0.00 0.00 9.8 22 21 42.50 2B7R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.4 0.24 11.1 4.0 0.60 9.8 150 23 0.874 13.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.4 0.01 0.00 9.2 23 23 3.20 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.4 16.2 0.88 9.2 150 24 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.4 0.14 0.00 8.3 24 23 16.00 B3R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.4 0.09 11..4 -----12.2 1.84 9.2 150 25 0.874 6.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.5 ---- -0.08 0.00 11.1 25 25 5.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.5 0.0 0.00 11.1 150 26 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.5 0.00 0.00 11.1 26 25 9.50 2R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -2.4 0.05 11.5 -----12.2 0.96 11.1 150 27 0.874 2.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.5 ---- -0.08 0.00 12.0 27 27 0.50 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -8.5 0.06 11.5 -----18.0 0.26 12.0 150 28 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.04 0.00 11.6 -----0.17 0.00 12.3 28 28 5.50 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.6 0.0 0.00 12.3 150 29 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.6 0.00 0.00 12.3 29 28 0.50 R ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -8.5 0.06 11.6 -----18.0 0.26 12.3 150 30 0.874 1.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- - 0.04 0.00 11.6 -----0.17 0.00 12.5 30 27 7.80 B ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 6.1 0.25 11.5 --- 5.8 0.23 12.0 150 11 0.874 3.0 ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 11.3 0.02 0.00 11.8 31 31 7.80 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 15.8 0.0 0.00 15.4 150 32 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 15.8 0.00 0.00 15.4 32 33 7.80 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 15.9 0.0 0.00 16.6 150 34 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 15.9 0.00 0.00 16.6 33 35 7.80 2L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 15.8 2.95 11.6 - 15.8 2.95 11.6 150 36 0.874 14.0 ---- 10.0 5.36 15.8 0.14 0.00 8.7 15.8 0.14 0.00 8.7 34 37 0.80 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 15.7 16.2 1.11 10.3 150 38 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 5.36 0.00 0.00 15.7 16.2 0.14 0.00 9.2 35 39 1.00 L. ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 15.4 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.3 150 40 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 15.4 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.3 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-G.rdf Page 4 36 41 6.00 2L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 15.4 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.2 150 42 0.874 14.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 15.4 ---- 0.00 0.00 14.2 37 13 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 15.8 2.30 9.6 ---- 15.8 2.30 9.6 150 35 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.14 4.33 11.6 ---- 0.14 4.33 11.6 38 16 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.1 ---- 0.0 0.00 10.0 150 39 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 15.4 ---- 0.00 4.33 14.3 39 20 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.1 ---- 0.0 0.00 9.9 150 41 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 15.4 ---- 0.00 4.33 14.2 40 24 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.4 ---- 16.2 2.41 8.3 150 37 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 15.7 ---- 0.14 4.33 10.3 41 26 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.5 ---- 0.0 0.00 11.1 150 31 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 15.8 ---- 0.00 4.33 15.4 42 29 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.6 ---- 0.0 0.00 12.3 150 33 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 4.33 15.9 ---- 0.00 4.33 16.6 43 30 10.00 L ---- 20.0 ---- ---- -8.5 0.73 11.6 ---- -18.0 2.93 12.5 150 8 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- - 0.04 4.33 16.7 ---- -0.17 4.33 19.8 Legend: P - Pipe # LEN - Pipe Length DIA - Pipe Diameter FIT. - Pipe Fittings EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device PUMP - Pump Pressure EL - Node Elevation SP - K-Factor DISCH - Discharge in gpm FLOW - Flow Rate FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation PT - Total Pressure at Node Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Eli, L=90 Ell, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVlv, X= X , The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 37 at 8.45 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 1 at 14.39 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt 4 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-G.rdf Page 5 PAGE: B MATERIAL: BlazeMaster HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 0.874 1.00 7.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 7.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.598 2.00 9.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 1.025 1.00 3.00 7.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.505 2.00 4.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: M MATERIAL: Copper Tube-M HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Eli 90 Eli TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVlv X Y Z 1.055 2.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS 7.8 computer program (License No. 38061304 to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node with 2 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 LaVista Road Tucker, GA 30084 (770) 934-8423 DATE: 1/18/2007 P:\Trieste\trieste P3-G.rdf Page 6 WATER SUPPLY CURVE 75.0 67.5 P R 60.0 E S 52.5 S U 45.0 37.5 30.0 P 22.5 I 15.0 7.5 0.0 04 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 FLOW (GPM) Static = 75.0 psi, Residual = 20.0 psi @ 1500 gpm (1 sprinkler flowing) (2 sprinklers flowing) A = Available Water Supply C = Available Water Supply 75.0 psi @ 20.8 gpm 74.9 psi @ 37.0 gpm B = Required Water Supply D = Required Water Supply 37.4 psi @ 20.8 gpm 62.4 psi @ 37.0 gpm 2 =6 0 kl~* Bulletin 006 Rev.D ReIiabk A Concealed Residential Sprinkler engineered for a minimum design density of 0.05 gpm/ft2 with low GPM requirements. Features 1. Very low water flow requirements. 2.1/211 (13mm) Total adjustment. Thread-On/Thread-Off or Push-On/Thread Off cover attachment option. Smooth aesthetic ceiling profile. Available in brass, chrome and black plated or painted finishes. Listings & Approval Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, and certified by UL for Canada (cULus) NYC MEA 258-93-E UL Listing Categories Residential Automatic Sprinklers UL Guide Number VKKW Product Description Model RFC43 and RFC49 Concealed Residential Sprinklers are fast response residential fusible solder link automatic 513rink1er5. Residential sprinklers differ from standard sprinklers primarily in their response time and water distribution patterns. Model RFC43 and RFC49 sprinklers discharge water in a hemispherical pattern below the sprinkler deflector. Residential distribution patterns are higher and generally contain a finer droplet size than standard sprinkler patterns. The combination of speed of operation and high discharge pattern required for residential sprinklers has demonstrated, in fire testing, an ability for controlling residential fires, and thereby providing significant evacuation time for occupants. The RFC43 and RFC49 Sprinklers provide the best form of fire protection by combining an attractive appearance and 1/2V (13mm) of cover adjustment for ease of installation. The small diameter cover plate is easily and positively attached and blends into the ceiling, concealing the most dependable fire protection available, an automatic sprinkler system. Model RFC43 (SIN RA0612) Model RFC49 - Coming Soon Flat Concealed Residential Sprinklers The RFC43 and RFC49 are UL Listed Residential Sprinklers to be installed in the residential portions of any occupancy in accordance with NFPA 13,13R, & 13D. The RFC43 and RFC49 can reduce the need for precise cutting of drop nipples. The threaded cover plate assembly can be adjusted without tools to fit accurately against the ceiling. The fire protection system need not be shut down to adjust or remove the cover plate assembly. Application and Installation The RFC43 and RFC49, for residential installations, use a 165°F (74°C) fusible solder link in a tuning fork style sprinkler frame with a drop-down deflector. This assembly is recessed into the ceiling and concealed by a flat cover plate. The cover plate is attached to the skirt using 135°F (57°C) ordinary temperature classification solder. When the ceiling temperature rises, the solder holding the cover plate releases the cover allowing the deflector to drop into position and -J C) C 0) AW The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York 10523 exposing the sprinkler inside to ceiling temperature. The subsequent operation of the solder link opens the waterway and causes the deflector to drop into position to distribute the discharging water in a hemispherical pattern below the sprinkler deflector. Any adjustment of thread engagement between the cover plate and cup will assure that the drop-down deflector is properly located below the ceiling. The residential distribution pattern contains a finer droplet size than a standard sprinkler, and the pattern produces significantly higher wall wetting. After a 2 5/8 inch diameter hole is cut in the ceiling, the sprinkler is to be installed with the Model FC Wrench. When installing a sprinkler, the wrench is first positioned into the sprinkler/cup assembly and around the hexagonal body of the sprinkler frame. The Wrench must bottom out against the cup in order to ensure proper, safe installation. The sprinkler is then tightened into the pipe fitting. When inserting or removing the wrench from the sprinkler/cup assembly, care should be taken to prevent damage to the sprinkler. DO NOT WRENCH ON ANY OTHER PART OF THE SPRINKLER/CUP ASSEMBLY. MODEL RFC43 AND RFC49 CONCEALED SPRINKLERS MUST BE INSTALLED ONLY WITH 135°F RATED COVERS. Cover assemblies provide up to ,<" (13mm) of adjustment. Turn the cover clockwise until the flange is in contact with the ceiling. For the push-on/thread-off option, the cover assembly is pushed onto the cup and final adjustment is made by turning the cover clockwise until the skirt flange makes full contact with the ceiling. Cover removal requires turning in the counter-clockwise direction. In ceilings that have a plenum space above the sprinkler, the plenum space may have neutral or negative pressurization but must not be positively pressurized. Inspect all sprinklers after installation to ensure that the gap between the cover plate and ceiling and the 4 slots in the cup are all open and free from any air flow impediment. Temperature Rating Sprinkler I Cover Plate Max. Ambient Temp. 165°F/74°C 135°FI57C 100F/38°C Installation Data: RFC43 (SIN RA0612) Thread Size inch (mm) K Factor Sprinkler Spacing ft. (m) Maximum Distance to Wall ft. (m) Minimum Minimum Required Sprinkler Discharge Distance between sprinklers, ft. (m) Flow Press. gpm (Lpm) psi (bar) ½" (15mm) 4.3 12 x 12 (3.6x3.6) 6(1.83) 8(2.43) 12 (45) 7.8 (0.54) 1/211 (15mm) 4.3 14 x 14 (4.3x4.3) 7(2,13) 8(2.43) 13 (49) 9.1 (0.63) 1/211 (15mm) ½" (15mm) 4.3 4.3 16 x16 (4.9x4.9) 18 x 18 (5.5x5.5) 8(2.43) 9(2.74) 8(2.43) 8(2.43) 13(4 9) 18(68) 9.1 (0.63) 17.5(l.21) 1/2's (15mm) 4.3 20 x 20 (6.0x6.0) 10(3.05) 8(2.43) 21(79) 23.8 (1.64) Note: 1 bar = 100 Kpa I+Il+i,ri fl+ 1MQ (RAflR1R'l Thread Size inch (mm) K Factor Sprinkler Spacing ft. (m) Maximum Distance to Wall ft. (m) Minimum Minimum Required Sprinkler Discharge Distance between sprinklers, ft. (m) Flow Press. gpm (Lpm) psi (bar) ½"(lsmm) 4.9 12 x 12 (3.6x3.6) 6(1.83) 8(2.43) 13(49) 7.0 (0.48) 1/211 (15mm) 4.9 14 x 14 (4.3x4.3) 7(2.13) 8(2.43) 13 (49) 7.0 (0.48) 1/211 (15mm) 1/211 (15mm) 4.9 4.9 16 x 16 (4.9x4.9) 18 x 18 (5.5x5.5) 8(2.43) 9(2.74) 8(2.43 8 (2.43j 13 (49) 17 (64.3) 7.0 (0.48) 12.0(0.83) 1/211 (15mm) 49 20x20(6.0x6.0) 10 (3.05) 8(2.43) 20(75.7) 116.7(1.14) Note: 1 bar = 100 Kpa FOR SLOPED CEILING APPLICATIONS SEE RASCO BULLETIN 035.] Maintenance Model RFC43 and RFC49 Concealed Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using a soft brush or gentle vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler cover plate assembly which has been painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to installation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging until used to minimize the potential for damage to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non-operation. 135°F (570C). Cover plate assembly shall consist of a brass cover plate and copper alloy retainer flange allowing a ½" cover plate adjustment Any secure engagement between the cover plate and the cup will assure that the drop-down deflector is properly located below the ceiling. A plastic protective cap shall be provided and factory installed inside the sprinkler cup to protect the drop-down sprinkler deflector from damage, which could occur during construction before the cover plate is installed. Standard cover finish: [Chrome] [White] [Specialty - specify]. Residential concealed sprinklers shall be Reliable Model RFC43, SIN RA0612 (Bulletin 006) or Model RFC49, SIN RA0616 (Bulletin 006). Model RFC43 and RFC49 Residential Concealed Sprinkler Specification Sprinklers shall be cULus Listed low flow residential concealed sprinklers with drop-down deflector and adjustable flat cover plate engineered for a minimum design density of 0.05 gprrVft2. Sprinkler frame and deflector shall be of bronze frame construction having a ½" NFl thread. Thermal element shall consist of an approved black-painted beryllium-nickel fusible solder link with symmetric lever mechanism, maintaining a Teflon-coated Belleville spring washer and machined brass cap water seal assembly containing no plastic parts. Sprinkler K-factor shall be nominal 4.3 (62.4), having a 7/16" orifice. Temperature rating shall be Ordinary 165°F (740C); cover plate temperature rating to be Ordering Information Specify: Sprinkler Model Cover Plate Finish Thread-On or Push-On Feature Cover Plate Finishes (1) Standard Finishes Chrome White Special Application Finishes Bright Brass Black Plating Black Paint Off White Satin Chrome (1) Other colors and finishes available. Consult factory for details. Note: Paint or any other coatings applied over the factory finish will void all approvals and warranties. 1" x 1/2" REDUCING TEE OR ELBOW -- - - I -: - "(66. 7mm) DIA. [58.7mm] DIA - HOLE IN CEILING CUP I - 2" [50.8mm] MAX. FACE OF FITTING TO FACE OF CEILING ' S S." •' S DIMENSION CEILING " [12.7mm] MAX. COVER ADJUSTMENT DIA. ;--IIt- COVER PLATE . -. -- [84.1mm] [4.8mm] ASSEMBLY COVER PLATE: 1/2" [12.7mm] ADJUSTMENT ReHable ... For Complete Protection Reliable offers a wide selection of sprinkler components. Following are some of the many precision-made Reliable products that guard life and property from fire around the clock. Automatic sprinklers Flush automatic sprinklers Recessed automatic sprinklers Concealed automatic sprinklers Adjustable automatic sprinklers Dry automatic sprinklers Intermediate level sprinklers Open sprinklers Spray nozzles Alarm valves Retarding chambers Dry pipe valves Accelerators for dry pipe valves Mechanical sprinkler alarms Electrical sprinkler alarm switches Water flow detectors Deluge valves Detector check valves Check valves Supertrol electrical system Sprinkler emergency cabinets Sprinkler wrenches Sprinkler escutcheons and guards Inspectors test connections Sight drains Ball drips and drum drips Control valve seals Air maintenance devices Air compressors Pressure gauges ldentication signs Fire department connection The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest pertinent Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances, whenever applicable. Products manufactured and distributed by RELIABLE have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries. Manufactured by: The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. Recycled -- -----------------. Paper Offices (800) 431-158b bales unices (800) 848-6051 Sales Fax (914) 829-2042 Corporate Offices Revision lines indicate updated or new data www.reliablesprinkler.com Internet Address E.G. Printed in USA. 12106 PIN 9999970261 Bulletin 136 Rev.M lin . b'Id, Model Fl FR Model Fl FR Recessed Quick Response Sprinklers Model Fl FR Sprinkler Types Standard Upright Standard Pendent Conventional Vertical Sidewall Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Model Fl FR Recessed Sprinkler Types Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Listings & Approvals Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) Certified by FM Approvals Loss Prevention Council (LPC, UK) NYC BS&A No. 587-75-SA Meets MIL-S-901C and MlL-STD 167-1 Verband der Schadenversicherer (VdS, Germany) NYC MEA 258-93-E UL Listing Category Sprinklers, Automatic & Open Quick Response Sprinkler UL Guide Number VNIV Patents: US Patent No. 6,374,920 Applies to Model Fl FR Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers. Product Description Reliable Models Fl FR and Fl FR Recessed Sprinklers are quick response sprinklers which combine the durability of a standard sprinkler with the attractive low profile of a decorative sprinkler. The Models Fl FR and Fl FR Recessed automatic sprinklers utilize a 3.0 mm frangible glass bulb. These sprinklers have demonstrated response times in laboratory tests which are five to ten times faster than standard response sprinklers. This quick response enables the Model Fl FR and Fl FR Recessed sprinklers to apply water to a fire much faster than standard sprinklers of the same temperature rating. The glass bulb consists of an accurately controlled amount of special fluid hermetically sealed inside a precisely manu- factured glass capsule. This glass bulb is specially con- structed to provide fast thermal response. The balance of parts are made of brass, copper and beryllium nickel. At normal temperatures, the glass bulb contains the fluid in both the liquid and vapor phases. The vapor phase can be seen as a small bubble. As heat is applied, the liquid ex- Upright Pendent Vertical Sidewall Conventional I Horizontal Sidewall Recessed Pendent HSW 1 Deflector (Model FP Shown) pands, forcing the bubble smaller and smaller as the liquid pressure increases. Continued heating forces the liquid to push out against the bulb, causing the glass to shatter, opening the waterway and allowing the deflector to distrib- ute-the discharging water. Application Quick response sprinklers are used in fixed fire protec- tion systems: Wet, Dry, Deluge or Preaction. Care must be exercised that the orifice size, temperature rating, deflector style and sprinkler type are in accordance with the latest published standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation or the approving Authority Having Jurisdiction. Quick response sprinklers are intended for installation as specified in NFPA 13. Quick response sprinklers and stan- dard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York 10552 Model Fl FR Quick Response Upright, Pendent & Conventional Sprinklers Installation Wrench: Model 0 Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data: Sprinkler Type Standard-Upright (SSU) and Pendent (SSP) Deflectors Marked to Indicate Position K Factor 1 Sprinkler Height Approval Organization Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) US Metric SSU SSP X"(15mm) Standard Orifice with)" NPT (R))Thread 5.6 80 J 2.2" (56mm) 1_1,2,3.45,6,7 R3625 R3615 1," (20mm) Large Orifice with ,3.1" NPT (R4)Thread 8.0 115 1 2.3" (58mm) 1,2,3,4.7,8 R3622 1 R3612 (17mm) Small Orifice with )" NJPT (R)) Thread 4.2 60 2.2" (56mm) 12,8 R3623 } R3613 " (10mm) Small Orifice with )" NPT (R)) Thread 2.8 40 2.2" (56mm) 1,2,8 R3621 R3611 lomm Orifice XLH with R%"Thread 4.2 60 56mm 4,6,7 R3624 I R3614 Conventional--Install in Upright or Pendent Position 4.2 5.6 8.0 60 80 115 56mm 56mm 58mm - - 4,6,7 4,7 R3674 R3675 R3672 10mm Orifice XLH with RThread 15mm Standard Orifice with )" NPT (R)) Thread 20mm Large Orifice with A" NPT (R34)Thread It, Upright Pendent Conventional Model Fl FR Quick Response Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model GFR1 Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data: Nominal Orifice Thread Size K Factor Sprinkler Height Approval(') Organizations Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) US Metric )" (15mm) " NPT (RI/2) 5.6 80 22' (56mm) 1,2,34,5,7,8 R3615 %" (20mm) " NPT (R3A) 8.0 115 2.3" (58mm) 112,3,8 R3612 (11 MM) )ç'NPT(R1/2) 4.2 60 2.211(56mm) 1,2,8 R3613 %" (10mm) ) NPT (R½) 2.8 40 22'(56mm) 1,2,8 R3611 10mm R 4.2 60 56mm 4,7 R3614 Refer to escutcheon data table for approvals and dimensions. 2 J/4 HOLE Ott (5Z2mr"J 15/16 DLI 149.2mmJ i TICHT COLLAR 57 PNKLtR I S 112-REDUCER WRENCH BOSS 711 -1; FACT OFt! ADJL,STMENTt' A oov N. I . ///// j CEILING? V8 (3.2mm) 2 27/32 Ott (72.2mm) ________ I36100:_C (I) REFER TO Ft & I? ESCUTCHEON DATA TABLE FOR ANPROVALS AND DIMENSIONS. 2. - 2 5/8 DL4. (56.7mmj - HOLE IN CEILING * 2 5/I6 054. 158.7mm] - CUP X I/2 REDUCER CEILING 00SV8 FACE OF 1777ING TO FACE OF CEILING DIMENSION V) ADJUSTMENT (;) REFER TO PP ESCUTCHEON DATA TABLE FOR APPROVALS. AND DIMENSIONS. Vertical Sidewall Model Fl FR Quick Response Vertical Sidewall Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model 0 Sprinkler Wrench Installation Position: Upright or Pendent Approval Type: Light Hazard Occupancy Installation Data: Nominal Orifice Thread Size K Factor _______ Sprinkler Height Approval Organizations Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) __________ US Metric 1/2 NPT (R14) 5.6 80 2.2' (56mm) 1,2,3,6,8 15mm 1/21' NPT (R½) 5.6 80 2.2° (56mm) 1 4(1) R3685 (1) LPC Approval is for Pendent position only. Orientation I Deflector to Ceiling I Dimension (Mm.. Max.) Upright 411 - 12" (102mm - 305mm) Pendent 6" - 12" (152mm - 305mm) I us Patent No. 6,374,920 Model Fl FR Quick Response Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Deflector: HSW 1 Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data: Approval Organizations I K Factor and Type of Approval I Sprinkler Nominal Thread Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) I Light I Ordinary Orifice I Size US I Metric I Length Hazard Hazard )ç'(l5mm) )" NPT(R½) 5.6 80 2.63"(67mm) 1,2,3,5,8 1,2,5,8 R3635 NOTE: UL, ULC and MEA Listing permits use with El or F2 recessed escutcheon. 136FG04 FACE or FITTING TO - WALL DIMENSION 1 1/4 MIN. [31.8mm] -2 1/4" HOLE DIlL /8" ,,.2mm] '73.2mm] CEILING TO 7" x 1/2" REDUCER - I DEFLECTOR - , .,t . 75,16 0/A [49.2mm] , 2 27/32" 0/A. [72.2mm] TURN COLLAR UNTIL L TIGHT AGAINST SPRINKLER ~ADJUSIWINI WRENCH BOSS. " (1) REFER TO ESCUTHEON DATA TABLE FOR APPROVALS AND DIMENSION Horizontal Sidewall 3. Installation Quick response sprinklers are intended for installation as specified in NFPA 13. Quick response sprinklers and stan- dard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. The Model Fl FR Recessed Quick Response Sprinklers are to be installed as shown. The Model Fl or F2 Escutcheons illus- trated are the only recessed escutcheons to be used with the Mode! Fl FR Sprinklers. The use of any other recessed escutch- eon will void all approvals and negate all warranties. When installing Model Fl FR Sprinklers, use the Model D Sprin- kler Wrench. When installing Model Fl FR Recessed Pendent or Sidewall Spnklers, use the Model GFR1 Spnkler Wrench. Any other type of wrench may damage these sprinklers. Glass bulb sprinklers have orange bulb protectors to minimize bulb damage dung shipping, handling and installation. RE- MOVE THIS PROTECTION AT THE TIME THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS PLACED IN SERVICE FOR FIRE PROTECTION. Re- moval of the protectors before this time may leave the bulb vul- nerable to damage. RASCO wrenches are designed to install sprinklers when covers are in place. REMOVE PROTECTORS BY UNDOING THE CLASP BY HAND. DO NOT USE TOOLS TO REMOVE THE PROTECTORS. Temperature Ratings Classification Sprinkler I Temperature Max. Ambient Temp. I_E.._ Bulb Color C Ordinary 57 I Orange Ordinary 68 I 155 Red Intermediate isF1001F(381C) I 175 Yellow Intermediate 93 I 200 Green High (1) 141 Blue 1) Not available for recessed sprinklers. Escutcheon Data EeC tCh5Ofl A I Face of Pilling Mo dal Approvals Adjustment Dimension' to Ceiling or wall Dimension 1/2" Fl 1,2,4,8 Max Recess (38.1mm) Min Recess Y4 " (5mm-24mm) (19.1mm) 1/2" F2 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 Max Recess (38.1mm) _lI/" Min Recess 16 (5mm-17mm) (24mm) FP 1,2 Max Recessed 7/ 6 /1 1)" (38.1mm) Push-on/ (11 mm) 1,2 Mm Recessed 1 6 1" (25.4mm) Thread-off (24mm) No Dimensional Figure for FP Maintenance The Models F1 FR and F1 FR Recessed Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using a soft brush or gen- tle vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler which has been painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprin- klers. Prior to installation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging until used to mini- mize the potential for damage to sprinklers that .would cause improper operation or non-operation. Sprinkler Types Standard Upright Standard Pendent Conventional Sidewall (Vertical, Horizontal HSW1) Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall HSW1 Finishes (2) Standard Finishes Sprinkler Escutcheon Bronze Brass Chrome Plated Chrome Plated (3) White Polyester Coated White Painted (3) Special Application Finishes Sprinkler Escutcheon Bright Brass Bright Brass Black Plated Black Plated Black Paint Black Paint Off White • Off White Satin Chrome Satin Chrome Other finishes and colors are available on special order. Consult the factory for details. FM Approvals is limited to bronze and brass, chrome or black plated finishes only. FP Push-on/Thread-off escutcheon Ordering Information Specify: Sprinkler Model Sprinkler Type Orifice Size Deflector Type Temperature Rating Sprinkler Finish Escutcheon Type Escutcheon Finish (where applicable) Note: When Model F1FR Recessed sprinklers are ordered, the sprinklers and escutcheons are packaged separately. - The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest perfmnent Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable. Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and reputa- ble-sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries. Manufactured by Reliable" The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. (800)431-1588 Sales Offices (800)848-6051 Sales Fax (914)668-3470 Corporate Offices .reliabIesprinkler.com Internet Address ® Recycled Paper Revision lines indicate updated or new data EG. Printed in U.S.A. 7/05 P/149999970027 T-480 NPTxNPT 250 lb WWP Bronze Ring Check® Valves i fication Fire Protection Valve .Inhine Lift Type • Rubber Discs • Spring Actuated 250 PSI/17.2 Bar Non-Shock Cold Working Pressure' CONFORMS TO MSS SP-80 MATERIAL LIST Body Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400 Stem Stainless Steel ASTM A 582 Alloy C30300 Spring 316 Stainless Steel Disc Holder Stainless Steel Type 301 Disc Water, Oil or Gas (Buna-N) Seat Screw Stainless Steel ASTM A 276 Alloy S43000 Body End Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400 DIMENSIONS-WEIGHTS-QUANTITIES uumensions Size A S C T-480 Master In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. Ctn. Qty. % 10 2.00 51 1.38 35 1.44 37 0.41 0.19 100 1h 15 2.06 52 1.38 35 1.19 30 0.36 0.16 100 3/4 20 2.25 57 1.63 41 1.31 33 0.48 0.22 100 1 25 2.63 67 2.00 51 1.50 38 0.77 0.35 50 11/4 32 2.94 75 2.38 60 1.69 43 1.14 0.51 30 1½ 40 3.31 84 2.75 70 2.00 51 1.63 0.74 30 2 50 3.69 94 3.38 86 2.31 59 2.27 1.03 10 Ordering: The T.480 has standard Bean-N Discs. Also available with TFE (Y) Discs; specify T-410-Y. W thru 2 require ½ pound pressure to open. T-480 Threaded NIBCO Check valves may be installed in both horizontal and vertical lines with upward flow or in any intermediate position. WARNING - Valve must be installed downstream of receiver tank if used in line with reciprocating air compressor. Do Not Use as a Footvalve. Warning - Do Not Use For Reciprocating Air Compressor Service. NIBCO INC. WORLD HEADQUARTERS • 1516 MIDDLEBURY ST. • aKHART. IN 46516-4740 • USA • PH: 1.800.234.0227 TECH SERVICES PH: 1.888.446.4226 • FAX: 1.800.234.0557 • INTERNATIONAL OFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3221 • FAX +1.574.295.3455 www.nibco.com WFDT \Naterflow Detector WFDTA Waterliow Detector (ULC/Canadian) WFDTI'IR Waterfiow Detector (non-retard) Replacement Parts A77-01-02 Terminal Block for WFDT A77-0-08 Terminal Block for WFDTNR A3008-00 Retard Mechanism PRK9 Paddle Kit 546-7000 Cover Tamper Switch Kit S07-66-02 Tamper Screws for Cover WFDW Cover Wrench WFDN4 NEMA-4 Gasket Kit C58-164-01 Metal Cover C53-195-0i. Plastic Cover (WFDTNR) Models Available WFDT Waierflov.' Ljei.cio WFLjTI,JF: Vai eriic,. [JE1 Ccioj Product Overview System Sensor WFDT Retard and WFDTNR Non-Retard T-Tap Waterfiow Detectors are designed for primary signaling in residential systems and branch line signaling in larger systems. Both models fit any tee that has a 1' NPT branch including: and 2" NPT threaded ferrous and brass tees; -" and 2" copper sweat tees; Central, Spears and Victauiic brand 1' CPVC tees and 1W' polybutyl. ens tees. Design. The design of the WFDT and WFD'fl\'R makes them easy to install and simple to maintain. Either can be mounted in the vertical or horizontal position. Two conduit openings permit easy attachment to the local alarm system. The retard mechanism (Model WFDT only) and switch assemblies are field-replaceable Features. Twelve different flexible plastic paddles fit r', 1/', J)/a" and 2' tees. Sizes are marked clearly, on the paddle for ease of installation. Plastic paddles slip over the actuating lever and are securely fastened with one screw. The handy depth gauge insures the proper installation depth and clearance, of the detector to the tee. Sealed retard mechanism (Model WFDT) assures that the retard is not contami- nated'by dust and dirt when the cover is removed Visual Switch Activation (Model WFDT) permits installer to accurately set the retard even under extremely noisy conditions 100% Synchronization activates both alarm panel and local bell simultaneously Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire Construction. The FDT and WFDTNR include a durable tamper resistant enclosure and rugged switch assembl3 The long lasting covers completely enclose, the electrical components to keep out dust and dirt. linpi-oved self-gujd- UC ing secith' screws and removal tools make detectors resistant to tampering and LISTED simplify field maintenance. Dual SPDT switches are enclosed in a durable rermi- nal block for added strength. ill ,011 MEA approved 777 157'gS'Z Engineering Specifications General Specifications Mtiili:l sali hi 'WPJYi a: \iFDTi'l a:. nianiiiacsured ' hvtten, eIIMJ:. -5:13 wattrliitw CltteCLO, tall bt 1: 'F Stiti- HaL iv' nataiitd 05 5 so tha has , T' l'PT branci, inciudm: 7, '' Tnreaoerl lerrout or bratS. see: 1-2 cei. .5(PSI per Sores sees: Central. S carr.' and Viciaul,r brand Y CPVC tees: a: 1 t'' pais'hurvlenr teL- lIt. tignatLtl (ii, tin dr:Iwlrilrs atid/iji as specilieci livrtm. Lmitcitin, swill moan: as Si' clear pile tpaii vitlir approoriasr 515$.: tithe: 1 ripenn. 1 rcrio d lEirv.icli vertical or horizontal rus it liiti irUili Silt. iltemp!. Or ear windi illay cnllisgr WatLi dtreci:ior,, liv.' rat. or A - 11. GPM nips diameter 0; nip closer 511511 24' tram valor Di drali. ].tetecrors shall how rensis'trr ai ilts rang;- of l ti ] Ii gallon; per minuir and a ossu: es nrnurr raimp ol 251i psi. T0r retard 1-111, detector shall hr ii sealed mechanical M a>. usiuni Surge. plieninaLc unit witin visual inulcalltni 01 actuation. Thin actuation mechanisni shall inciucit: a polystiwlertr van 11.: FPS inserted through tit is; biting and connected h: a mechanical linisags in di,-- deisi:' nitchanism. Thin non-retard (jornpaliLilfr lee Fittings i ta detector shill respeind With rill rim= dtiiy to watarfios in tis specified direction and rangit. Output. isa1l - I nredoed lerrous and brass tees coppel sweat consist o: dual SPOT switches (Farm C. coniacts. iwo conduit entrances lont of which it a knockau: type( tot CPVC tees, and polvOutylerie Lees standard fittings ui commonly used electrical conduit shall be provided OIL the aetectOrs. in grounding provisiorl is provided. All detectors shall hr listed lit. Underwriters Laboratories for indoor or outdoor use. Contact Ratings Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 10.0 A @ 125/250 VAC - 2.5lt8-24V0C Electrical Connections for WFDI Overall Dimensions. installed WFDT: 4.5" H y 3.75" 'N V. 6.7" L 0 -_1 -_9) (11.4cm H>: 9.5cm 'N X 17cm L) P NOTE: common and B connections will WFDTNR: 3.75" H >: 3.25' W a: 4.25" 1 cmi close when vane is deflected, i.e., (9. cm H ) 8.2cm > 'N a: 10.8cm 1) WOR- when water is flowing. Duel switches £wnsHnsntiialit permit applications to be combined Conduit Entrances on a SWlTcHirSWlTCH2* Single detector. 2 openings for >./" conduit ______________________ Operating Tempnraure Range FBI I 11@111759-1 0 220D VAC I1 AMPS 1 C-49 C itch WFOTH WFOTH 24 VDC 2.5 AMPS UL Models: optional P/N 546-7000 WT WFDT _______ ULC/Cariadian Models: factory -installed j fl! B 1 E E Enclosure iononsilsnceabie ' end-al-line resistor ULlndoorJDutdoor Rated initiating zone of listed FACP coo COO COO 0DM Shippini Weight ---' WFDT:2.61b5.(l.21cg.) Typical FACP Connection WFDTNR: 1.5 lbs. (0.7 kg.) J Servide Use Automatic Sprinkler: NFPA 13 One or Two Family Dwelling: NFPA 1.30 To power source Resiosnual Occupancies up tO 4 Stories: NFPA 13R compatible BreakwireanshownlDr NatiDnal Fire Alarm Cods: NFPA 72 ball with bell Z~ supervision of connection DO NOT allow stripped wire Warranty WFDT and WFOTH leads to extend beyond 3 years - switch assembly switch housing. DO NOT Typical Local Bell Connection loop wires. U.S. Patent Non. 3,845,259; 4,782,333; 5.213.205 Ordering Information Model Number Description . . ' Delay Adjustment Dial WFDT . Waterflow Detector, Fits 1, 1i4, 192 , 7' ferrous and brass threaded lees; 1', 1, 2 copper sweat tees: i. CPVC tees; and 1/a polybutylene tees WFDTNR - Waterflov' Detector, non-retard, fits same tees be Model WFDT Delay .k77-01D2 Replacement TerminalBloch for WFDT adjusimanl A77.0i.0B Replacement Terminal Block for WFDTNR dial ' P.3008-00 Replacement Retard Mechanism PRK9 Replacement Paddle Kit -12 paddles for WFDT and WFDTNR (see WFDT for sizes) - 546-7000 Cover Tamper Switch Kit for WFDT 45 507-66-02 Replacement Tamper Screws for Covers of WFDT, WFDTNR WFDW - Replacement Tamper Proof Wrench for Cover of WFDT, WFDTNR WFDN4 NEM/i-4 Gasket Kit NOTE: Retard time may exceed 90 seconds. C5B-164-01 Replacement Metal Cover Adjust andoerily that lime doss ne exceed 90 seconds. C58-195-01. ,. Replacement Plastic Cover (-WFDTNR) . . . -UL.e vetsioti aesigttaied with W s11111s lwnDls, wnm Nasi. System Sensor Sales and Service System Sensor Headquarters - System Sensor Canada System Sensor in China System Sensor — Fat East System Sensor — India - 3825 Ohio Avenue Ph: 905.812.0767 Ph: 86.29.8832.0119 - Ph: Ph: x.2700 St. Charles, IL 50.174 Fx: 905.81.2.0771 Fx: 86.29.8832.5119 Fx: 85.22.736.6580 Fx: Ph: 800/SEIIiSOR2 System Sensor Europe System Sensor in Singapore System Sensof - Australia System Sensor — Russia Fx: 630/377-6495 Ph: 44.1403.891920 Ph: 65.6273.2230 Ph: 613.54.281.142 Ph: 70.95.937.7982 www.systemeensor.com f.: 44.1403.891921 Fx: 55.6273.2610 Fx: 611.54.281.172 Fx: 70.95.937.7923 52005 System Sensor. The company reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. A05-0195-01O-6135 #1223 I nfthiL 5nvar5 MuntifacsturiflE Comaunt: Victauiir5 Is a registered trademark of Victaulic company of America.