HomeMy WebLinkAbout2505 STATE ST; ; AS150109; Permit2/l/24,1:39 PM AS150109 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Job Address: 2505 STATE ST Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2030543446 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: AS150109 Status: ISSUED Applied 4/17/2015 Approved: 4/23/2015 Issued: 4/23/2015 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: 2505 STATE ST MODEL B1_375 SF 1ST FL COMM/1772 SF LIV/ 444 SF GAR Applicant: Owner: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS, INC. 2871 E. VIA MARTENS ANAHEIM, CA 714-666-8450 Fees ($) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 350 0 350 0 about:blank 1/1 SEAGROVE PROJECT STATE STREET TOWNHOMES RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS ST# STREET AS# 2503 STATE ST A5150108 2505 STATE ST A5150109 2507 STATE ST AS150110 2509 STATE ST AS150111 2511 STATE ST A5150112 2513 STATE ST A5150113 2515 STATE ST A5150114 2517 STATE ST A5150115 SEE PERMIT A5150108 2503 STATE ST FOR CALCS THERE ARE NO PLANS ASSOCIATED WITH THESE PERMITS - City of Carlsbad I F 04434015 Fire Department Permit Per ttN TSI Job Address: 2505 STATE ST CBAD I LWFP' Permit Type: SP-RINK Subtype: RES . C., 0 Py Parcel No: 2030543446 Lt #: 0 Applied; 2Q15 Issued: Fire Dept Rof#: AS150109 Building Permit#: CB143509 Entered By: COW Location: Project Title: 2505 STATE ST Description: MODEL 8I_375 SF 1ST FL, CQMM/1772 $F LIV! 444 SF Contractor: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS, INC. Phone: 714-666-8450 Fax: 2871 E. VIA MARTENS ANAHEIM, CA 92806 Total Fees $350.00, Total Payments To Date:$0900 #of Systems I # of Additional Risers or Floors 0 Plan ChecK Fee Additional Plan Check Fee #of Heads ,. 0 Permit Fee Additional Permit Fee Re-Inspection Fee 4 ByPass Meter Fee ByPass Addt Meter Fee Other Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $70.00 $80.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $350!00 NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project Includes the 9mposiUon of fees dedications reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as'fees/exactions, You have 90 days from the date this permit was Issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code SectIon 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing In accoiance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 332.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or ennui their imposition. Carlsbad Fire Department Plan Review Requirements Category: SPRINK , RES Date of Report: 04-23-2015 Reviewed y: IL Py Name: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SYSTEMS, INC. Address; .871 E. VIA MARTENS ANAHEIM, CA 92806 Permit #; AS 150109 Job Name: 2505 STATE ST Job Address: 2505 STATE ST CBAD. Please review carefully all comments attached, Conditions: CITY OF CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT - APPROVED: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT. THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION AND REQUIRED TEST, NOTATIONS HEREON, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFORMANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE THE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW. Entry: 04/23/2015 By: OR Action; AP