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5600 PASEO DEL NORTE; 124; AS160307; Permit
2/22/24, 2:12 PM AS160307 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit 5600 PASEO DEL Job Address: NORTE Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2110222200 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: AS160307 Status: APPROVED Applied 9/30/2016 Approved: 10/13/2016 Issued: 10/13/2016 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: LEVI'S-CARLSBAD PREM. OUTLETS ADD/RELOCATE SPRINKLERS IN (E) A124 SUITE SPACE FOR NEW WALL & CEILING LAYOUT Applicant: COSCO FIRE PROTECTION 4990 GREEN CRAIG LN SAN DIEGO, CA 858-444-2000 Owner: RUBYS DINER CPG CARLSBAD HOLDINGS L L C CPG PARTNERS LP P0 BOX 6120 INDIANAPOLIS IN Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 303 0 303 0 about:blank 1/1 I .000000 'CI. Cs cosco S. •• Fire Protection San Diego Branch Office 4990 Greencraig Lane San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 444-2000 fax: 444-2056 CA Lic.: C-16 #577621 www.coscofire.com MATERIAL SUBMITTAL Date: 9-22-16 LEVI'S- CARLSBAD PREMIUM OUTLETS 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 JOB # 1609-1458 All material submitted, maybe substituted by material of equal performance & design, & shall be deemed acceptable by purchaser. A8160307 Submitted by: 5600 PASEO DEL NORrE 124 Los Angeles 0 San Francisco 0 Orange • Fresno 0 San Diego • Seattle Page 1 of 6 JII(IF,1® MICROMATIC® STANDARD l:ll[*1•.yIy RESPONSE UPRIGHT SPRINKLER VKIOO (K5.6) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com DESCRIPTION The Viking Micromatic5 Standard Response Upright VKIOO Sprinkler is a small, ther- mosensitive, glass-bulb spray sprinkler available in several different finishes and tem- perature ratings to meet design requirements. The special Polyester and Electroless Nickel PTFE (ENT) coatings can be used in decorative applications where colors are desired. In addition, these coatings have been investigated for installation in corrosive atmospheres and are listed/approved as corrosion resistant as indicated in the Approval Charts. (Note: FM Global approves the ENT coating as corrosion resistant. FM Global has no approval classification for Polyester coatings as corrosion resistant.) Viking standard response sprinklers may be ordered and/or used as open sprinklers (glass bulb and pip cap assembly removed) on deluge systems. Refer to Ordering Instructions. LISTINGS AND APPROVALS c®us cULus Listed: Category VNIV FM Approved: Classes 2001, 2002, 2015, 2017, 2043 NOTE: Other International approval certificates are available upon request. Refer to Approval Chart I and UL Design Criteria on pages cULus Listing requirements, and refer to Approval Chart 2 and FM Design Criteria for FM Approval requirements that must be followed. TECHNICAL DATA Specifications: Minimum Operating Pressure: 7 psi (0.5 bar)t Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) wwp Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34.5 bar) Thread size: 1/2" NPT, 15 mm BSP Nominal K-Factor: 5.6 U.S. (80.6 metric**) Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to -65 OF (-55 °C) Overall Length: 2-3/8" (60 mm) t cULus Listing, FM Approval, and NFPA 13 installs require a minimum of 7 psi (0.5 bar). Approvals ONLY is 5 psi (0.35 bar). The minimum operating pressure for LPCB and CE ** Metric K-factor measurement shown is in Bar. When pressure is measured in kPa, divide the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. Material Standards: Frame Casting: Brass UNS-C84400 or QM Brass Deflector: Brass UNS-C23000 or Copper UNS-CI 9500 Bulb: Glass, nominal 5 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with PTFE Tape Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel UNS-530400 For Polyester Coated Sorinklers: Belleville Spring-Exposed For ENT coated Sorinklers: Belleville Spring - Exposed, Screw and Pipcap - ENT plated. ttNot for FM Approval. Ordering Information: (Also refer to the current Viking price list.) Order Micromatic® Standard Response Upright VKIOO by first adding the appropriate suffix for the sprinkler finish and then the appropriate suffix for the temperature rating to the sprinkler base part number. Finish Suffix: Brass = A, Chrome = F, White Polyester = M-IW Black Polyester = M-/B, Wax Coated = C, Wax Over Polyester = V-/ ENT =JN Temperature Suffix: 135 OF (57 °C) = A, 155 OF (68 °C) = B, 175 OF (79 0C) = D, 200 OF (93 °C) = E, 212 OF (100 "C) = M. 286 OF (141 °C) = G, 360 OF (182 "C) = H, 500 OF (260 °C) = L, OPEN = Z (PTFE only). For example, sprinkler VKIOO with a 1/2" thread, Brass finish and a 155 OF (68 °C) temperature rating = Part No. 12986AB Form No. F_052014 16.08.18 Rev 16.2 Replaces Form No. F 052014 Rev 16.1 (Corrected BSP thread size in approval chart 1) Page 2 of 6 \HI(It1® MICROMATIC® STANDARD RESPONSE UPRIGHT' SPRINKLER VKIOO (K5.6) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com Available Finishes And Temperature Ratings: Refer to Table I. Accessories: (Also refer to the Viking website.) Sprinkler Wrenches: A. Standard Wrench: Part No. 10896W/B (available since 2000). D. Wrench for Wax Coated Sprinklers: Part No. 13577W/B* (available since 2006) *A h/2 ratchet is required (not available from Viking). Sprinkler Cabinets: Six-head capacity: Part No. 01724A (available since 1971) Twelve-head capacity: Part No. 01725A (available since 1971) INSTALLATION Refer to appropriate NFPA Installation Standards. OPERATION During fire conditions, the heat-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the glass to shatter, releasing the pip cap and sealing spring assembly. Water flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler deflector, forming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. INSPECTIONS, TESTS AND MAINTENANCE Refer to NFPA 25 for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance requirements. AVAILABILITY The Viking Micromati& Standard Response Upright Sprinkler VKIOO is available through a network of domestic and international distributors. See The Viking Corporation web site for the closest distributor or contact The Viking Corporation. GUARANTEE For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current list price schedule or contact Viking directly. Form No. F_052014 16.08.18 Rev 16.2 Page 3 of 6 t%iII(IF1® MICROMATIC® STANDARD l:II[i.,7Iy RESPONSE UPRIGHT SPRINKLER VKIOO (K5.6) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945.9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com TABLE 1: AVAILABLE SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE RATINGS AND FINISHES Ordinary 135 OF (57 °C) 100 OF (38 °C) ' Orange Ordinary 155 OF (68 °C) 100 OF (38 °C) Red Intermediate 175 OF (79 C) 150 OF (65 °C) Yellow Intermediate 200 OF (93 °C) 150 OF (65 °C) Green High 286 OF (141 °C) 225 OF (107 °C) Blue Extra High 360°F(182°C) 300 °F(149°C) Mauve Ultra High3 500 OF (260 °C) 465 OF (240 °C) Black Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Chrome, White Polyester, Black Polyester, and ENT Corrosion-Resistant Coatings4: White Polyester, Black Polyester, and Black PTFE in all temperature ratings. ENT in all temperature ratings except 135 OF (57 °C). Wax-Coated Brass and Wax over Polyester5 for sprinklers with the following temperature ratings: 155 OF (68 °C) Lt. Brown Wax 175 OF (79 °C) Brown Wax 200 OF (93 °C) Brown Wax 286 OF (141 °C) Ok. Brown Wax, Footnotes 1 The sprinkler temperature rating is stamped on the deflector. 2 Based on NFPA-1 3. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation standards. Sprinklers of Ultra-High temperature rating are intended for use inside ovens, dryers, or similar enclosures with normal operating temperatures above 300 °F (149 °C). Where the ambient temperature around the Ultra-High temperature rated sprinkler is significantly reduced below 300 °F (149 °C), response time may be severely retarded. The corrosion-resistant coatings have passed the standard corrosion test required by the approving agencies indicated in the Approval Charts. These tests cannot and do not represent all possible corrosive environments. Prior to installation, verify through the end-user that the coatings are com- patible with or suitable for the proposed environment. For automatic sprinklers, the coatings indicated are applied to the exposed exterior surfaces only. Note that the spring is exposed on sprinklers with Polyester and ENT coatings. For ENT coated automatic sprinklers, the waterway is coated. Wax melting point is 170 OF (76 C) for 286 OF (141 C) temperature rated sprinklers. Protective Sprinkler Cap - Wrench Flat Figure 1: Standard Sprinkler Wrench 10896W1B Form No. F_052014 16.08.18 Rev 16.2 Page 4 of 6 141KING4 MICROMATIC® STANDARD lII[iUi7M RESPONSE UPRIGHT SPRINKLER VKIOO (K5.6) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com Standard Orifice 12986 VK100 1/2" 15 mm 5.6 1 80.6 2-1/4" 57 Al, B3, C4, D2, E5 - - - 12993 VKIOO - 15mm 5.6 80.6 2-1/4" 57 Al, 133, C4, D2, E5 - -- - sL.JIICE - Produc1:fIp (Contact .Local Viking JOffice) 10138 VK100 1/2" 15 mm 1 5.6 80.6 2-1/4" 57 Al, B3, C4, D2, E5 - - -- 10193 VKIOO -- 15 mm 1 5.6 80.6 1 2-1/4" 57 Al, B3, C4, D2, ES - - -_ Approved Temperature Ratings A - 135 °F (57 °C), 155°F (68 °C), 175°F (79 °C), 200 °F (93 °C), 286 °F (141 °C), and 360 °F (182 Approved Finishes °C) 1 - Brass, Chrome, White Polyester56, and Black Polyester66 B - 135°F (57 °C), 155°F (68 °C), 175 °F (79 °C), 2- Brass and Chrome and 200 °F (93 °C) 3 - Wax-Coated Brass and Wax Over Polyester5 C - 286 °F (141 °C) 4 - High Temperature 200 °F (93 °C) Wax Coating (corrosion resistant); maximum ambient tern- D - 500 °F (260 "C)7 perature allowed at ceiling = 150 °F (65 °C) E -155°F (68 °C), 175°F (79 °C), 200°F (93 5-ENT' °C), 286 °F (141 °C), 360 °F (182 °C), and 500 °F (260 "C)7 Footnotes 1 Base part number is shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking's current price schedule. 2Metiic K-factor shown is for use when pressure is measured in bar. When pressure is measured in kPa, divide the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. 3This table shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Check with the manufacturer for any additional approvals. 4 Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for use in the U.S. and Canada. cULus Listed as corrosion resistant. 6 Other colors are available on request with the same Listings and Approvals as the standard colors. Sprinklers of Ultra-High temperature rating are intended for use inside ovens, dryers, or similar enclosures with normal operating temperatures above 300 °F (149 °C). Where the ambient temperature around the Ultra-High temperature rated sprinkler is significantly reduced below 300 °F (149 °C), the response time of the Ultra-High temperature rated sprinkler may be severely retarded. cULus Listina Reauirements: The Viking Micromati& Standard Response Upright Sprinkler VK100 is cULus Listed as indicated in Approval Chart 1 for installation in accordance with the latest edition of NFPA 13 for standard spray sprinklers. Designed for use in Light, Ordinary, and Extra Hazard occupancies. The sprinkler installation rules contained in NFPA 13 for standard spray upright sprinklers must be followed. IMPORTANT: Always refer to Bulletin Form No. F_091699 - Care and Handling of Sprinklers. Also refer to Bulletin Form No. F_080614 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. Viking sprinklers are to be in- stalled in accordance with the latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of NFPA, LPCB, APSAD, VdS or other similar organizations, and also with the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards, whenever applicable. Form No. F_052014 16.08.18 Rev 16.2 Page 5 of 6 JII(IIsl i® MICROMATIC® STANDARD l:ll[*1u7Iv RESPONSE UPRIGHT SPRINKLER VK100 (K5.6) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.viklnggroupinc.com - --J-- 0 Sprinkler Base SIN Thread Size Nominal K-Factor Overall Length FM Approvals3 Part Number1 NPT I BSP U.S. I metric- I Inches mm (Refer also to Design Criteria below.) Standard Orifice 12986 VK100 1/2=1mm 5.6 80.6 2-1/4" 57 Al, B2, C3, Dl, E4, F6 12993 VK100 -- 15 mm 5.6 80.6 2-1/4" 57 1 Al, Dl, E4, F6, G5 INOTICE Product 1Below Limited Availab imiaiLocal vii. DJiira'a 10138 VK100 1/2" 15 mm 5.6 80.6 2-1/4" 57 Al, B2, C3, Dl, E4, F6 10193 VK100 - 15 mm 5.6 80.6 2-1/4" 57 Al, G5, Dl, E4, F6 Approved Temperature Ratings A - 135°F (57 °C), 155°F (68 °C), 175°F (79 "C), 200 Approved Finishes °F °C), °F °C), °F (93 212 (100 286 (141 °C), and 360°F (182 °C) 1 - Brass, Chrome, White Polyester4, and Black Polyester4 B - 135°F (57 °C), 155°F (68 °C), 175°F (79 °C), 200°F 2 - Wax-Coated Brass (corrosion resistant) : (100 °C) 3 - High Temperature 200 "F (93 °C) Wax Coating (corrosion resistant); maximum ambient D - 500 °F (260 "C)5 temperature allowed at ceiling = 150 "F (65 °C) E - 155 °F (68 "C) 4 - Wax-Coated Brass and Wax Over Polyester5 F - 155 °F (68 °C), 175 "F (79 "C), 200 °F (93 °C), 286 "F 5-White Polyester and Wax-Coated Brass (corrosion resistant) (141 °C), 360 "F (182 °C), and 500 °F (260 "C)5 G-135°F(57°C), 155°F(68°C), 175°F(79°C),and 6- ENT6 200 "F (93 °C) Footnotes Base part number is shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking's current price schedule. 2 Metric K-factor shown is for use when pressure is measured in bar. When pressure is measured in kPa, divide the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. This table shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Check with the manufacturer for any additional approvals. Other colors are available on request with the same Approvals as the standard colors. Sprinklers of Ultra-High temperature rating are intended for use inside ovens, dryers, or similar enclosures with normal operating temperatures above 300 °F (149 "C). Where the ambient temperature around the Ultra-High temperature rated sprinkler is significantly reduced below 300 °F (149 °C), the response time of the Ultra-High temperature rated sprinkler may be severely retarded. 6 FM approved as corrosion resistant. FM Aenroval Requirements: The Viking Micromatic5 Standard Response Upright Sprinkler VK100 is is FM Approved as standard response Non-Storage upright sprinkler as indicated in the FM Approval Guide. For specific application and installation requirements, reference the latest applicable FM Loss Prevention Data Sheets (including Data Sheet 2-0). FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets contain guidelines relating to, but not limited to: minimum water supply requirements, hydraulic design, ceiling slope and obstructions, minimum and maximum allowable spacing, and deflector distance below the ceiling. NOTE: The FM installation guidelines may differ from cULus and/or NFPA criteria. IMPORTANT: Always refer to Bulletin Form No. F_091699 - Care and Handling of Sprinklers. Also refer to page SRI-3 for gen-eral care, installation, and maintenance information. Viking sprinklers are to be installed in accordance with the latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of NFPA, FM Global, LPCB, APSAD, VdS or other similar organizations, and also with the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards, whenever applicable. Form No. F_052014 16.08.18 Rev 16.2 Page 6 of 6 The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcsvikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.viklnggroupinc.com Sprinkler wrench 13577W1B** must be used for installing wax coated sprinklers. Step 1: Carefully slide the wrench sideways around the deflector, ensuring engage- ment with the sprinkiger wrench flats. Wax Coated ' Upright Sprinkler ** A 1/2" ratchet is required Step 2: Carefully press the wrench downward (not available from Viking) and ensure engagement with the sprinkler wrench flats. Figure 2: Wrench 13577W1B for Wax Coated Sprinklers Form No. F_052014 16.08.18 Rev 16.2 Replaces Form No. F_052014 Rev 16.1 (Corrected BSP thread size in approval chart 1) SCHEDULE 10 SPECIFICATIONS NOMINAL NOMINAL NPS NOM OD NOM ID WALL WEIGHT UL PIECES In. mm - I In. mm In. mm Ibs./ft. kg/rn CRR Lift 1¼ 1.660 42.2 1.442 36.6 .109 2.77 1.81 2.69 7.3 61 1% 1.900 48.3 1.682 42.7 .109 2.77 2.09 3.11 5.8 61 2 2.375 60.3 2.157 54.8 .109 2.77 2.64 3.93 4.7 37 2% 2.875 73.0 2.635 66.9 .120 3.05 3.53 526 3.5 30 3 3.500 88.9 3.260 82.8 .120 3.05 4.34 6.46 2.6 19 4 4.500 114.3 4.260 108.2 .120 3.05 5.62 8.37 1.6 19 5 5.563 141.3 5.295 134.5 .134 3.40 7.78 11.58 1.5 13 6 6.625 168.3 6.357 161.5 .134 3.40 9.30 13.85 1.0 10 8 8.625 219.1 8.249 209.5 .188 4.78 16.96 25.26 2.1 7 Calculated using Standard UL CRR formula, UL Fire Protection Directory, Category VIZY. The CRR is ratio value used to measure the ability of a pipe to withstand corrosion. Threaded Schedule 40 steel pipe is used as the benchmark (value of 7.0). SCHEDULE 40 SPECIFICATIONS NOMINAL NOMINAL NPS NOM OD NON ID WALL WEIGHT UL PIECES In. mm in. mm In. mm IIbs./ft. kg/rn CRR Lift 1 1.315 33.4 1.049 26.6 .133 3.38 1.68 2.50 1.00 70 1% 1.660 42.2 1.380 35.1 .140 3.56 2.27 3.39 1.00 51 1% 1.900 48.3 1.610 40.9 .145 3.68 2.72 4.05 1.00 44 2 2.375 60.3 2.067 52.5 .154 3.91 3.66 5.45 1.00 30 Calculated using Standard UL CRR formula, UL Are Protection Directory, Category ViZY. The CRR Is ratio value used to measure the ability of a pipe to withstand corrosion. Threaded Schedule 40 steel pipe is used as the benchmark (value of 7.0). @ C@ APPROVED FM Approved and Fully Listed Sprinkler Pipe Wheatland's Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 steel fire sprinkler pipe is FM Approved and UL, C-UL and FM Listed. Approvals and Specifications Both products meet or exceed the following standards: ASTM A135, Type E, Grade A (Schedule 10) ASTM A795, Type E, Grade A (Schedule 40) NFPA13 Manufacturing Protocols Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 are subjected to the toughest possible testing protocols to ensure the highest quality and long-lasting performance. Finishes and Coatings All Wheatland black steel fire sprinkler pipe up to 6" receives a proprietary mill coating to ensure a clean, corrosion-resistant surface that outperforms and outlasts standard lacquer coatings. This coating allows the pipe to be easily painted, without special preparation. Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 can be ordered in black, or with hot-dip galvanizing, to meet FM/UL requirements for dry systems that meet the zinc coating specifications of ASTM A795 or A53. All Wheatland galvanized material is also UL Listed. Product Marking Each length of Wheatland fire sprinkler pipe is continuously stenciled to show the manufacturer, type of pipe, grade, size and length. Barcoding is acceptable as a supplementary identification method. PROJECT: CONTRACTOR: DATE: ENGINEER: SPECIFICATION REFERENCE: SYSTEM TYPE: LOCATIONS: COMMENTS: 0 BLACK 0 HOT-DIP GALVANIZED It Wheatland Tube JI4CSTEEL GROUP FIG. 3201 90 Elbow A— im *Ppiievee whamwmadwsk or 000IadmiAmP5s Rr..ft5se. DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS (~) W.m. I V i FIGURE 3201 ELBOW Nominal Size WOrkkIg?ressurea Uimenslon A Appmx. Wt. Fiich 1 500 1.50 0.62 20 Of 50 38.18 0.28 1% 500 115 0.90 44.4.5 041 14 500 1.94 1.20 40 3.150 49)16 054 2 500 225 1.85 - 50 3450 51)5 8J4 â—ddng Pr.uure Ratirms me formless ssnly end based on Scls. 40 pipe. Forth. latest UL/ULC, and FM pressure ratings Venus pipe idiedule, please visit crwitinlLcom or contert your local Anvil Repreientative. Dimensions: ASME B16.3 Material: ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 Finish: Black Threads: NPT per ASME Bi .20.1 Agency Approvals: All ductile iron threaded Fittings are UL/UI.0 Listed and FM Approved. NOTICE: Duatile iron fittings hrie her tensile strength than that of steel pipe. Therefore, orer tightening can cause danago to pip. threads which may cause leakage. Ductile iron fittings should be tightened approximately three turns be>ssnd hand sight but no more than Four turns. SPFIDI-1.15 <FF~I~FVW DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS FIG, 3202 45• Elbow C 11 & lomallswumadwK teslesMvlsii R*iieniti. FIGURE 3202I:I.1'' Nominal Site PfW Work 're Dimension A Approx. M. Each 500 1.12 0.46 3450 244 0.21 1¼ 500 1.29 0.73 _____ 37/S 11.135 1¼ 500 1.43 0.92 312 042 2 500 1.60 1.50 SC 343101 47,47 -00 £ Wcddng Preusurs Ratings ore For reference only and based an $os. .40 pipe. For the latest WULC, and FM pressure ratings versus pipe scheèsh, please visit ceMlustLcom or contact vur local Mvii Representative. Dimensions: ASME B16.3 Material: ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 Finish: Black Threads: NPT per ASME B1.20.1 Agency Approvals: All ductile iron threaded linings are UL/ULC Listed and FM Approved. NOTICE: Ductile iron fiffings have higher tensile strength than that of tied pipe. Therefore, over lightening can cause daniage$o pipe threacis Which may cause leakage. Duclih Won fiflings shouMbe tightened approximataiy three turns bend hand tight, but no more than four turns. SPF/Dl-1,15 4!Em~~W! DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS • (~ I A W.N.: FIG. 3201R Reducing 90 Elbow ,tm APPROVED MW MW IkntItI5nL .tsseuirmwLsen nAMPSW=PApmwrb1w FIGUREI31Z01I:1 REDUCING 90' lI:s1YJ Nominal Size max. WmkIn DIMMIOM AppOX. A a I x 2 PreSSMA Wt. Each *1 .ã1 P37Mg kin) hi 6i.0 1k. (ka) I x½ 500 1.26 1.36 0.44 3450 3200 345d 020 I x 'A 500 1.37 1.45 0.52 75 x 20 3450 34.13 383 AN 11/4 x ½ 500 1.34 1.53 0.64 32 x "S 34.01i 34A - 1Ax% 500 1,45 1.62 0.72 V.2(1 34$0 164.3 41.111 0.33 1½ X 500 1.58 1.61 0.75 3225 3450 4013 42.41 0.34 1½x1 500 1.65 1.80 0,92 40x25 34511 45.12 0.42 19x1% 500 1.82 1.88 1.08 40.r37 3.150 46.22 41.15 0.43 2x½ 500 1.49 1.88 1.08 Sor if 3450 V.84 41.15 2x31 500 1.60 1.97 1.24 50x21) 3450 51103 0.56 lxi 500 1.73 2.02 1.40 2x1% 500 1.90 2.10 132 5.032 3450 WI 5334 030 2x114 500 2.02 2.16 1.65 .50%40 3I.30 54616 AgPloseur. Wings arefor mforame orJy and basedon5ck4O pip.. Forthe latest UI/ULC. and FM pressure ratings versus pipe chedde, phase viiit onviliniLcam or cantect your local Anvil Rupiesentafive. Dimensions: ASME B16.3 Material: ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 Finish: Black Threads: NPT per ASME B1.20.1 Agency Approvals: All ductile iron threaded fillings are UL/ULC Listed and FM Approved. NOTICE: Ductile iron fittings have higher tensile strength than that of st.el pipe Therefore, aver tightenksg can cause damage to pipe threads which may cause leakage. Ductile iron fittings should 6. tightened apprdmote!y three turns beyond hand tight, but no more than four tune. SPF/DI-1.15 DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS ®ANVJ FIG. 3205 Straight Tee Wise APPROVED ILherDisid Ltettaten, owwoboftall setenMv5iIseRsemI.nve. EFIGURE 11uI,1 I:[e1i TEE Nominal Size Maximum We urea Dimension A Approx.WE Each sIck:fii) 1 500 130 0.85 0.39 1¼ 500 1.75 1.22 32 3450 4445 055 1½ 500 1.94 1.55 40 . 3450 43J 010 2 500 2.25 2.45 50 3450 51.15 Li! —Wor&ing Pressure Ratings are for reisrence only and based on Sck 40 pipe. For the letest UIUI.C, and FM pressure ratings versus pipe ;dseduk, please vit wwllintl cam or contact your local Melt Representative. Dimensions: ASME 816.3 Material: ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 Finish: Black Threads: NPT per ASME B1.20.1 Agency Approvals: All ductile iron threaded finings are UL/ULC Listed and FM Approved. NOTICE: Dudi6 iron fittings hone hifihef tensile strength than that of steel pip.. Therefore, over tightening can cause darriage to pipe threads which may cause leakage. Ductile iron fittings zharM be tightened prcerimate' three turns beyond hand tight, but no more than four turns. SPF/DI-1.15 DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS (j).4.NVJ FIG. 3205R Reducing Tee tine nntavxo MMWWA [ FIGURE Nonthot Sire Max. Dimensions Wotidng 1 x 2 it 3 Pressure& A B C ik,nm PS1tkfli kMn 7n 6tnanJ tkJ l I5c25 .3450 30111 34.54 301 29 0 t 1 x~x 1 500 1.50 1.45 1.50 013 1 it ¼x 1 500 .13. 1.36 1.50 0.64 tSi2(1 if 5 3450 3S.10 33 30.10 0.3.3 1 xlx .4 t4 500 1.26 1.26 1.36 0.71 .i5. 3450 32.00 32.0(1 3.4.54 (147 1 xix ~ 500 1.37 1.37 1.45 016 635(0 3450 34.07: 34j0 24.83 0.34 1 xix 1¼* 500 1.67 1.67 1.58 0.98 25s25 452 1450 42.41 42.41 43.13 0.44 lx lxl¼* 500 1.80 1.80 1.65 1.16 25425450 3450 45.22 i 15)2 4W 0.53 1¼x 1x ½* 500 1,34 1.26 1.53 0.82 52r25115 3450 34.04 3200 38.80 0.31 1¼ X it V4 500 1.45 1.37 1.62 0.90 .02455450 3450 36.33 34.30 ILlS 0.41 1¼x1 xl 500 1.58 1.50 1.67 1.00 321125.r25 3450 40.13 36.10 42.42 17.45 1 X xi ¼ 500 115 1.67 115 1.88 37;25.t32 3450 4445 42.42 14.45 0.49 1Y4x1xl¼ 500 1.88 1.80 1.82 1.42 32 ..2; 40 345(1 4/15 45.1? 40.22 0.64 1¼ x Wi x ¼ 500 1.34 1.34 1.53 0.86 32452455 1 5450 34.04 1 340.4 388t5 0.39 I MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 FIGURE Nominal Size Max. Dimensions Working lx-2x3 PressoreA A B C in thin) ?$7&) k4àit0 in (ontO in8nn) 1¼x1WxV4 500 1.45 1.45 1.62 0.92 3h32450 1450 3445 3643 411.1s 0.42 1¼x1¼x1 500 138 138 1.67 0.95 32452:25 3450 40.13 40.18 42.42 0.43 1¼x1¼x134* 500 11U 1.88 1.82 1.45 3450 1175 1 47.1's 4622 1 LiM Dimensions: ASME 816.3 Material: ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 Finish: Black Threads: NPT per ASME 81.20.1 Agency Approvals: All ductile iron threaded fittings are UL/ULC Listed and FM Approved. NOTICE: Du&Ie iron fiffings have higher tensile simngth thon that al steel pipe. Therefore. amtightsing n came damage to pipe threads which may cause leakage. Ductile iron Mngs 4=W be lightened opwoxiinote1y three turns beyond hand tight but no more than IourlurnL AWcllth Pressure Potings are for referente only and based an 5ài. 40 For the latest ULJULC, and FM pressem retings venus pipe schté4e, phase visit orvibtcom or contact yaw local Mvii Repr.senve. * PartsssppliedasBulJ Head Tee". SPF/Dl-1.15 DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS e . ~... m; FIG. 3205R Reducing Tee H 1 x 2 x 3 FIGURE 3205R - REDUCING TE NomlnoJ Size Max. Working Dimensions 1x2x3 Pessure A B C .k 4mn P7iJ h.tn& 1 AmiJ I,. Thna ik 1¼x14x2* 500 2.10 2.10 1.90 1.75 12 32:50 3450 51.34 53.34 4626 0.19 1½x1 x½ 500 1.41 1.34 1.86 0.95 4tl25gI'S 3450 3M4 34.04 42.26 0.43 1½x1 x% 500 1.52 1.37 1.75 1.14 40115120 3450 _3541 34.50 44.45 0.57 1½x1 xl 500 1.65 1.50 1.80 117 4s'5425 3453 411.9 30.10 15.12 0.53 1½x1 xl% 500 1.82 1.67 1.88 1.34 40:25 3i 3450 4423 47.42 41.15 062 l½xlx114 500 1.94 1.80 1.94 1.45 60:25:40 3450 (9.28 45)2 4933 0.66 1½x1½x½ 500 1.41 1.34 1.66 1.05 431115 3450 33J1 34.04 42.26 0.40 1½x1¼x% 500 1.52 1.45 1.75 1.15 4(1:32:20 3450 3661 36.83 44.15 0.5 1½x1½x1 500 1.65 1.58 1.80 1.25 40I212S 3450 42.91 40.13 4.72 CV 1½x19 x2* 500 2.16 2.10 2.02 1.90 60.r32i 50 $450 54.66 5334 P30 0.86 11411½x 1h 500 1.41 1.41 1.16 1.15 40:4(1:15 .3450 5.5.81 3381 29.46 052 Phi 1½x3.4 500 152 1.52 1.75 1.24 40:40:1(1 3451 3061 3332 44.45 056 1½x1½x1 500 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.30 .10: lOx 25 3450 41.91 41.8! 4512 0.59 11,4x1½x1½ 500 1.82 1 1.82 1 1.88 1.48 3450 46.25 4623 41.15 0.67 FIGURE 3205P - REDUCING TEE Nominal She Max. Dimensions ____ ivOnung WI Each Ix2x3 Presure,g A B C 1½x1½x2* 500 2.16 2.16 2.02 1.98 411,40:53) 1 5450 54.36 5486 54.30 030 2 xix 2 500 225 2.02 2.25 2.15 50:25:50 3450 51.15 52.3! 51.45 0.98 2x1Yix2 500 2.25 2.10 2.25 2.30 5(!:3230 3450 5135 53.34 57.15 !.O4 2x1½x½ 500 1,49 1.41 1.88 1.50 50: 40: 15 5450 31.85 35.81 4135 038 2x1½ 500 1.60 1.52 1.97 1.62 50:40x30 3450 40.64 .186! 50.04 0.73 2 xl ½ xl 500 1,73 1,65 2.02 1.64 53:40:25 5450 _43.94 4131 51.31, 014 2x1½x111 500 1.90 1.02 2.10 1.80 30:40:37 3450 4026 (6 76 5.334 OR 2 xl ½ xl ½ 500 2.02 1.94 2.16 2.00 5.0:40:40 3450 51.31 49.26 34.86 C.fl 2x1½x2 500 2.25 2.16 2.25 2.35 50:40y50 34511 5135 54.&' 5fl5 1.117 2x2x1h 500 1.49 1.49 128 1.60 50:512:15 3450 31.85 3115 47.15 0)) 2x2x% 500 1.60 1.60 1.97 1.68 SO g 50: 191 3450 40.64 4044 AN *.76 2 x 2 x 1 500 1.73 1.73 2.02 1.85 50z50:75 3450 63,94 43.94 52.31 .0.84 2x2x1¼ 500 1.90 1.90 2,10 2.04 50:50:32 3450_ 44.. 4142 44.45 (193 2x2x 1½ 500 22 2.02 1 2.16 2.18 30,50k 40 3450 44.45 42.47 44.45 099 £ Working Pressure RatIngs cn for reference only and based on Sd. 40 pipe. For the blest UL/ULC, and FM preuui . ratings rsus pe schedule, please visit arM0niLcom or contact yaw lord AM Reprevs. * p, Head Tee'. SPFI0I-1.15 DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS (i) A A.M. 1; FIG, 3221 Coupling UM APPROVED FWU VN VS Os4...dUwatss sefldeAmPSlss tapsevat5m. FIGURE 322 COUPLING Nominal Size Maximum Worea Dimemlco A Approx. . Each king 1 500 1.67 0.40 25 3450 42.42 12.18 1¼ 500 1.93 0.57 1 500 2.15 0.75 413 3<0 41 12.34 2 SOD 2.53 1.15 50 34512 AN 0.52 A - Wothng Pressure Ratingsare for reference odyand based on 56. 401 pipe. Fthe latt UL/ULC, and FM pressure ratings verv,n pipe ededule, phase visit onvillritcorn or contact your bed Repreeedalive. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: ASME B 16.3 Material: ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 Finish: Black Threads: NPT per ASME B1.20.1 Agency Approvals: All ductile iron threaded fittings are UL/ULC Listed and FM Approved. NOTICE: Ductile iron fillings have h' her tensile ronglh than that of steel pipe. Therefore, over tightening can cause damage to pipe threads which may cause leakage. Ductile iron fillings should be lightened approxima* three turns beyond hand tight, but no more than Four turns. SPF/Dl-115 DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS FIG. 3221R Reducing Coupling C® L. U$1 *PIROVED For UsAipnvul D. uidlJnedea. ce Sam RreereUeV. [ejiJ1 1 fh - REDUCING COUPLING Nominal Size makm WOfII19 J,A Dimension A Approx. Wt. Each hLtn.,J PSIIkIW Jnne) _____ lx ½ 500 1.69 0.39 764 15 35 - 111$ 1 x% 500 1.69 0.53 '5 jr 70 36O - Woulcrng Pressure Ratings are For reference oi4 and based on 5th. 40 pipe, Forth. latest UL/ULC, andZrre ratings vanes pipe schedule, please visit anvibsiLcom or contact your loon1 Anvil Representntive. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS I Dimensions: ASME B16.3 Material: ASTM A536 Grade 65.45-12 Finish: Black Threads: NPT per ASME B 1.20.1 Agency Approvals: All ductile iron threaded fittings are UL/ULC Listed and FM Approved. NOTICE Ductile iron fittings have higher tensile strength than that of steel pipe. Therefore, aver tightening can cause damage to pipe threads which may cause leakage. Ductile iron fithngs should be isitened appradmattify three turns beyond hood tight, but no more than four turns. SPF/01-1.15 0ZEEw::w:L> DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS FIG, 3224 Cap ISM flimft l$t APPROVEn PeUxi5lprellDeSalIdLkv5v... moieiiiNwrsIRi,dsuse FIGURE t4ombial Size Dimension A Approx. WI. Each 1 500 116 0.32 114 500 1.28 0.43 37 3450 L51 - 020 1½ 500 1.33 0.60 40 340 33.14 071 2 500 1.45 0.91 50 3450 31I3 041 £ PmxieRhigr.for reAmenceorityandbamdon Sch.4Opipe for the latest UL/ULC. and FMpreswre ratings versus pipe schedule, please visit cinvfinlicom or contact your" Anvil Repnoenlufive. Dimensions: ASME B16.3 Material: ASTM A536 Grade 6545-12 Finish: Black Threads: NPT per ASME B1 .20.1 Agency Approvals: AN ductile iron threaded fittings are UL/ULC listed and FM Approved. NOTICE: Ductile lion fittings have higher tensile strength than that of stool pipe. Therefore, over lightening can cause damage to pipe threads which may cause høkoge. Ductile Iran fittings shoiM be lightened approximately three turns beyond hand tight, but no more than four turns. SP0I-1.15 Pipe Hangers Fig. 2- Adjustable Band Hanger (B-Line B3110) •TDLcD Fig. 2F - Adjustable Band Hanger Felt Lined for Copper Tubing (B-Line B3170F) cn Size Range: ufflu Fig. 2 - 21/2" (65mm) thru 6" (150mm) pipe Fig. 2F - 21/2" (65mm) thru 6" (150mm) pipe Material: Pie-Galvanized Steel Function: Recommended for the suspension of non- insulated pipe or insulated pipe with B3151 shield. Fig. 2NFPA accomodates the reduced rod schedule of ; the National Fire Pretection Association Pamphlet 13. Approvals: Factory Mutual Engineering Approved. Underwriters Laboratories Listed. Conforms to Federal Specification MN-H-171 E & A-A-i 192A Type 10 and Manufacturers Standardization Society ANSI/MSS SP-69 & SP-58, Type 10. Standard Finish: Pie-Galvanized Note: Available in Stainless Steel material. Order By Part number and finish Fig. 2F Fig. 2 Nominal Pipe Size Rod Size B C D Max. Rec. Load Approx Wt./100 Part No. in. (mm) A in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) lbs. (kN) lbs. (kg) 2-21/2 21I2" (65) 1/2"13 * 53/4" (146.0) 41/4' (107.9) 1/8" (41.3) 600 (2.67) 41 (18.6) 2-3 3' (75) 1/3"_3* 6 (152.4) 41/8' (104.8) 1'/4' (31.7) 600 (2.67) 45 (20.4) 2-31I2 31/2' (90) 1I2'-13 * 73/ (187.3) 51/4" (133.3) 21/8' (54.0) 600 (2.61) 52 (23.6) 2-4 4' (100) /8'-11 * 7/' (181.3) 5' (127.0) 1/8" (41.3) 1000 (4.45) 59 (27.6) 2-5 5' (125) /8"-11 9' (228.6) 61/8' (155.6) 21/4' (51.1) 1250 (5.56) 97 (44.0) 2-6 6' (150) 3/4"- 10 93/' (238.1) 61/2" (165.1) 1/8" (47.6) 1250 (5.56) 139 (63.0) Fig. 2F Nominal Pipe Size Rod Size B C D Max. Rec. Load Approx Wt./100 Part No. in. (mm) A in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) lbs. (kIll) lbs. (kg) 2F-21/z 21/2' (65) 1/2'-13 * 53/4' (146.0) 41/4' (107.9) 1/8" (41.3) 600 (2.67) 41 (18.6) 2F-3 3" (15) 1/2"13 6' (152.4) 41/8" (104.8) 1'/4" (31.7) 600 (2.61) 45 (20.4) 2F-31/z 31/2' (90) 1/2°13 * 73/9' (187.3) 51/4" (133.3) 21/e (54.0) 600 (2.67) 52 (23.6) 21`4 N. (100) /8'-11 * 7/8" (187.3) 5" (127.0) 1/" (41.3) 1000 (4.45) 59 (27.6) 2F-5 5" (125) /a"-11 9' (228.6) 61/8" (155.6) 21/4" (51.1) 1250 (5.56) 97 (44.0) 2F-6 6' (150) I4"-10 9/8" (238.1) 61/2" (165.1) 1/6° (47.6) 1250 (5.56) 139 (63.0) * 3/ nut is used when requested. ** 1/2 nut is used when requested. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. B-Line by E T4V 22 Fire Protection Solutions Fig. 2 All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. 38 Fire Protection Solutions B-Une by EIT1V Pipe Clamps Fig. 24- Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe & IPS Steel Pipe** Double Fastener Strap Side Mounted (B-Line B3183) Size Range: 3/4" (20mm) thru 2" (50mm) CPVC pipe Material: Pre-Galvanized Steel ®TOLcD Function: Intended to perform as a hanger to support CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems. Can be installed on the top or on the bottom of a beam. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) to support fire sprinkler piping. May be installed in wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 20 gauge (0.912mm) steel using (2) 1/4" x 1" tek type screws. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Features: Fig. 24 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation. The flared edge design protects the CPVC pipe from any rough surface. Easily attaches to the building structure using the two UL Listed hex head self threading screws* furnished with the product. It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fitted with a hex socket attachment be used as installation tools. No impact F' tools (such as a hammer) are allowed. Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools. No pre-drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish: Pre-Galvanized Order By: Figure number and pipe size * Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. ** With reduced spacing, consult factory. cPvc Max. Hanger Fastener Hex Approx. Pipe Size A B C Spacing Head Size WI/100 Part No. in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) R. (ml in. (mm) Lbs. (kg) 24-3/4 3/4" (20) 2/16" (58.7) 15/31' (27.8) 13/16" (30.2) 51/2 (1.67) /16" (1.9) 9 (4.1) 24-1 r (25) 2/8" (66.7) 1/16" (33.3) 13/16" (30.2) 6 (1.83) 5/16" (7.9) 9 (4.1) 24-11/4 11/4" (32) 3" (76.2) 11/2' (38.1) 13/16' (30.2) 61/2 (1.98) /16" (7.9) p ii (5.0) 24.11/2 11/2" (40) 31/4" (82.5) 1/8" (42.3) 13/16" (30.2) 1 (2.13) /16" (7.9) 12 (5.4) 24-2 2' (50) 311/16" (93.7) 121/32" (43.6) 13/16' (30.2) 8 (2.44) /16" (7.9) 15 (6.8) Fig. 25 - Surge Restrainer Size Range: - One size fits 3/4" (20mm) thru 2" (40mm) pipe. ILj Material: - Pre-Galvanized Steel Function: - Designed to be used in conjunction with Fig. 200 band hangers to restrict the upward movement of piping as it occurs during sprinkler head activation or earthquake type activity. The surge restrainer is easily and efficiently installed by snapping into a locking position on the band hanger. This product is intended to satisfy the requirements as indicated in the National Fire Protection Association NFPA 13, 2010 edition, and Can be used to restrain either steel pipe or CPVC plastic Pipe. Approvals: - Underwriters Laboratories Listed only when used with band hanger Fig. 200, in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Finish: Pre-Galvanized Order By: Figure number and band hanger, size from 3/4" (20mm) thru 2" (40mm). Patent #5,344,108 Threaded Accessories B3205 - Threaded Rod (right-hand threads - both ends) (TOLCO Fig. 103) B32051 - Threaded Rod (right & left hand threads) Size Range: /8-16 thru 3"-4 rod Material: Steel Function: Recommended for use as a hanger support in hanger assemblies. Rod is threaded on both ends with right hand threads of the length shown. Also available with left and right hand threads - specify Fig. B3205L when ordering. Maximum Temperature: 750°F (399°C) Finish: Plain or Electro-Galvanized. Contact B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, rod size, length and finish Standard Design Load Thread Size Thread Length TL 650°F (343°C) 750°F (399°C) Part No. A in. (mm) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) B3205-3/a x 'L' /e"-16 21/2' (63.5) 730 (3.25) 572 (2.54) B3205-1I2 X '1' '/2-13 21/2 (63.5) 1350 (6.00) 1057 (4.10) 63205-51a x 'L' /'-11 21/2" (63.5) 2160 (9.61) 1692 (7.52) B3205-3/4 x 'L' /4"-10 3" (76.2) 3230 (14.37) 2530 (11.25) B3205-7/a x 'L 1/g°_9 31/2' (88.9) 4480 (19.93) 3508 (15.60) For larger sizes consult full line pipe hanger catalog. ATR - All Threaded Rod (TOLCO Fig. 99 & Fig. 100) Size Range: /8'-16 thru 11/2"-6 rod in 10' (3.05m) lengths Material: Steel Maximum Temperature: 750°F (399°C) Finish: Plain or Electro-Galvanized. Contact B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, rod size, length and finish Note: Fig. 99 is cut to length all threaded rod. Fig. 100 is full length. Part No. Threads Recommended Load Approx. WtI100 Ft. & Size Per Inch Lbs. IN) Lbs. (kg) ATR 1/4" x '1' 20 240 (1.01) 12 (5.44) ATR 3/8" x 16 730 (3.24) 29 (13.15) ATR 'If x L' 13 1350 (6.00) 53 (24.04) ATR 5/( x '1' 11 2160 (9.60) 89 (40.37) ATR 3/4" x '1 10 3230 (14.37) 123 (55.79) ATR 7/e"x'L' 9 4480 (19.93) 170 (77.11) For larger sizes consult full line pipe hanger catalog. B-Li ne All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. by E1'N 94 Fire Protection Solutions SAMMYS® FOR WOOD -No pre-dnhling required. Quick to install using the Sammy Nut Dnverwith an 18V cordless dnllldriver. Saves time from traditional methods. Reduces installation costa. ManUfactUred In the U.S.A. w.wawbuIWex.com) #14 SW Red Nut Diiver Part # 8114910 Jak I W a V SPECIAL NUT DRIVER SYSTEM: The nut drivers were designed with a unique spin-off featurewhlch provides efast and safe Installation each tIme. When the face of the driver comes Into contact wIth the material you are Installing Into, continue dulling mitfi nut driver spins free. Installation Is then complete. Warranty requires the use of the appropriate nut driver for Installations. 11ffiSi Not then 2'nomhialwidth 7~ftmbot-' ________(1-1/2') up to 3-1/2' pipe; riot less than 2'(2-1/?nontinatwMth4'&8'pipe FlxJast Minimum 2-1/2 ______ requ1remen18h5vn0t5pp1yt0201 It branch lines. MiI tom for main lines. Exception: This I thicker nailing strips restingon top of steel beams. 'No pre-drilling required. Quick to install using the Sammy Nut Driver with an 18V cordless drill/driver. Saves lime from traditional methods. Reduces installation costs. Manufactured In the U.S.A. www.irwbulWex.com ) lil4sWRed Nut Driver Part#8114910 'p Ifir 8019957 SWG 200 1/4x 2' 1725 (FIr) 25 125 3/8 8020957 ThWG10 141 622 (Fl,) 300 25 125 3/8 8021957 SWG20 114x2 1725 (FIr) 1050 25 125 3)8' 8073925 SWG2O-SS 1/4x2' 1725 (FItI 850 25 125 . 3/8" 8022925 SWG 25-380 TO x 2-1/2' 2249 (Fl,) 1500 25 125 3/8' 8023925 SWG 30 114x3' 1884 (Fl,) 25 125 > 3/8 8139957 S 3)8" 8269957 SH. 1/2' 8303957 SH-1 May requ&epre.driting; noneilt Inlet menulactueer. 1050 her 1500 vertical 850@45 8150922 . XP20 8153922 )(P35 8181922 XP 200 8294922 SXP2O 829922 SXP3S 8293957 SWXP 35 250 3/8" Vertical 185 1/4". VertIcal 185 250 3/8 • VertIcal 170 45' 80 .710 Vertical . •'. 250 90' 80 3/8' Horizontal 80 .035' .027' .035' .027" .035' .027" .027' .060" .060' .060" APPROVALS 8007957 GSTiO:' 3/8' \nlcál . CPVC.i-1a . 300 1-It?' : '" ........ 8020957 SWG 10 3/8' HorIzontal CPVC 1-1/2' 300 1-1/2' 8008957 GST2O 3/8 VertIcal 21/2' 850 1 1/2' 4 1475 8068925 GST2O-SS 3/8' Vertical 2-1/2' 850 8010957 GST30 318 Vertical 4 1500 1 1/2' 4 1475 11/2" 8009925 GST25-380 3/8' VertIcal 4' 1500 1-1/2' 8022925 SWG2S-380 3/8' Horizontal 3417-4" 1500 11/2' 8021957 SWG2O 318' HorIzontal 2-112'-3"' 1050 8073925 SING 20-SS 3/8 Horizontal 2-1/2' 850 8269957 SH-GSTICST2O 3/8" 45' Angle off Vertical 2-1/2' 850 1-1/2' 8269957 SH-GSTST20 3/8' 45 Angle Off VeiIJcal 4 1500 11/? 8139957 SH-GST2O 3/8' 17" Angle off Verdcal 3 1050 1-1/2" 4 1475 8038957 DSTR : '3/8' " . Veillóal 4' : '1500 •' . .035' . ' : ,... 1475 .105' 8037957 DSTR 1-1/2 3/8' VertIcal 4 1500 .035" 4' 1475 .105' 8039957 DSTR 516 3/8' Veitical or 1500 .: ..03r 4 .. 1475 .105' 8045957 DST 516 3/8' VertIcal 4' 1500 .188' 4 1475 .188' 8046957 TEK 50 3/8' vertical . : .255' 4 1475 .188' 8055957 SWDR 1 3/8' Horizontal 4 1500 .037' 4' 1475 .060' - 8056957. SWDR 516 3/9' Haftntw 4 1500 037" 4', 1475 .060' 8054957 SWDR 1-1/2 3/8' HorIzontal 4' 1500 .037' 4 1475 .060' 8137951 SI-I4DSTR1 3/8' . 17MgleoIrVertIcal 4' . 1500. .. .035' 4' ' 1415 .105' 8268957 3/8' VertIcal 2-1/2' 850 SH- TEK 50 . •. . 70 Arlie off VerticaI 4' . . 1500 8150922 )020.3/8 VertIcal 21/2' 850 027' ' 8153922 XP 35 3/8' VertIcal 4' 1500 .060' 2' 940 .029" 1475 .125' 8294922 SXP2O 3/8' wrllcalorupto45" 2' 750 027" 2' 635 029' 8295922 SXP3S 3/8" VertIcalorupto89' 3-1/2' 1250 .060' 2' 635 .029' 8293957 . SWXP 35 3/8' HorIzontal 3-1/2' 1250 . .060' ISAIIMYSFORCONcRETE- PIPE HANGER . . ..i.. . .. ............. , ...• .. . .. ..,., 4• 1475. 3000 8061957 SWC2O HOrizOntal 4' 1475 3000 8150922 XP 2D Vecal 2-1/2" . . 850' P 3Q00psi 8150922 XP 20 VertIcal 2-1/2' 850 Post-Pour Rama II LW( !g 35 P1 8153922 XP 35 U. Vertical 500 .060' Max 4 trade slze EMT &6 trade sze RMC, IMC, and rigid PVC conduit 8294922 SW 20 3)8' VertIcal '.. 283. .027' Max4 trade size EMT, RMC, and IMC & 5 trade size flgtdPVC conduit 8295922 SW 35 3/8' Vertical 500 .060' Max 4 trade size EMT & 6 trade sze RMC, IMC, and rigid PVC conduit 8293957 SWXP35 3/9' Horizontal . 500 .060' ' Max 4trade size EMT &6trade sze RMC, INC, and rigid PVC conduit UL Usted 4S16- Cable Hanger, Cat No. C-22000 Plenum Rated, 8149957 CZ2000 114'0r318" Onto Vertical Rod Complies wl NEC Standards Gauge No. 229.. 2091. 1891. .169!., . 1491 12g.. 1/8' . 3115' IN, Nominal Decimal Equivalent .030' .036' .048' .060' .075" .105' .125" .188' .250' SWG 25-380 Maidmum pipe size In composite wood Joist alowed by UL is 3-112' ULrmp8anrmwWi NEC Standards. SWG 25-380 Maidmum pipe size in wood timber or Joist slowed by UL i ' SWG 20 Ma UL and FM tests were performed in compliance with NFPA 13 SteriderdsMaximum pipe size in composite wood joist atIowed by UL Is 2-1/2' FesterIng mquimmest S thnes weight of weter.11ited schedule 40 pipe phao 250 pounds. SWG 20 Maidmum pipe size in wood timber or joist stowed by UL lo 3" FireLock® Outlet-T , I HW-:!3 , U 0 - - I Read and understand all instructions before attempting to install any Victaulic piping products. Wear safety glasses, hardhat, and foot protection. Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious personal injury and/or property damage. Depressurize and drain the piping system before attempting to install, remove, or adjust any Victaulic piping products. Failure to follow this instruction could result in serious personal injury and/or property damage. The Style 922 FireLock Outlet-T is designed for direct connection of sprinkler heads, drop nipples, sprigs, drains, gauges, and other outlet products. The Style 922 FireLock Outlet-T is UL Listed and FM Approved up to 300 psi/2068kPa and VdS Approved up to 16 Bar/232 psi at ambient temperatures that are typical for fire protection systems. PRODUCT DATA i r Z-1 _______ ______ V 1 i'4 ½ 1 116 1.30 1.83 1.10 3.87 236 1.0 T 32 15 30.2 33.0 46.5 27.9 98.3 65.0 0.45 -_20 30.2 32.5 46.5 2Z9 983 65.0 00 25 30.2 38.6 55.4 27.9 98.3 65.0 0.54 t .. . 1½ ½ I 'Aa 1.42 1.95 1.22 4.08 2.56 1.2 40 15 , 30.2 36.1 49.5 31.0 103.6 65.0 0.54 K 1 1116 1.40 1.95 1.22 4.08 256 1.2 20 30.2 35.6 - 49.5 - 31.0 - 103.6 65.0 - 054 1 1M6 134 230 122 4.08 256 1.3 25 30.2 41.7 58.4 31.0 103.6 65.0 039 2 ½ 1146 1.66 2.19 1.46 4.60 . 2.56 1.3 50 15 30.2 42.2 55.6 37.1 116.8 65.0 0.59 14 I M6 134 2.19 1.46 430 256 1.4 20 1 30.2 41.7 55.6 37.1 116.8 65.0 0.64 I 1 148 1.88 2.54 1.46 4.60 256 1.5 25 30.2 47.8 64.5 37.1 - 116.8 65.0 0.68 2½ ½ 1 315 1.91 2.44 1.71 540 256 1.6 65 15 30.2 48.5 62.0 43.41372 65.0 0.73 ~ I IAG 1 1.89 244 1.71 5.40 256 1.6 20 30.2 48.0 62.0 43.4 137.2 65.0 0.73 1 13,36 2.13 2.79 1.71 5.40 256 1.6 25 302 54.1 70.9 43.4 137.2 65.0 0.73 ½ 13/1. 1.91 2.44 1.71 550 256 1.6 76.1 mm x 15 30.2 48.5 62.0 43.4 139.7 65.0 0.73 14 1 33s 1.89 244 1.71 550 256 16 20 i 302 48.0 62.0 43.4 139.7 65.0 0.73 1 1 1ls 2.13 2.79 1.71 5.50 . 256 1.7 25 30.2 54.1 70.9 43.4 139.7 65.0 0.80 t Victaulic female threaded products are designed to accommodate standard NPT or BSPT (Optional) male pipe threads only. Use of male threaded products with special features, such as probes, dry pendent sprinkler heads, etc., should be verified as suitable for use with this Victaulic product Failure to verify suitability in advance may result in assembly problems or leakage. Center of run to engaged pipe end for NPT threads (dimensions are approximate). www.victaulic.com vICTAuLIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIc COMPANY. © 2004 vIcTAULIc COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. REV_C 4taulcr 1-922_i Exaggerated for clarity 2. Ensure that a ½-inch/13-mm area around the hole is clean, smooth, and free from indentations and/or projections that could affect gasket sealing (refer to the sketch above). Remove any burrs and sharp or rough edges from the hole that might affect assem- bly, proper seating of the locating collar, flow from the outlet, or gasket seating. INSTALLATION 1. Install the gasket into the gasket pocket, as shown above. Press the gasket along the full circumference to ensure that it fully seats in the gasket pocket. DO NOT LUBRICATE THE GASKET. 3. Install the outlet housing onto the pipe by centering the locating collar in the hole. To check for proper engagement, slide the outlet housing back and forth while pushing down. A properly positioned outlet housing can be moved only a small amount in any direction. 3a. Rotate the lower housing around the pipe, while holding the outlet housing in place to make sure the locating collar remains seated properly in the hole. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1-922 FireLock® Outlet-T STYLE 922 PIPE PREPARATION NOTICE Victaulic hole cutting tools are recommended for proper hole preparation. 1. Cut a hole on the centerline of the pipe. Refer to table on page 1 for hole requirements. 2. Insert a bolt into the outlet housing and lower housing, and thread a nut loosely onto the bolt (nut should be flush with end of bolt) to allow for the 'swing-over" feature, as shown above. 4. Insert the other track bolt into the outlet housing and lower housing. Install the nut finger-tight. www.victaulic.com '/(ctauIicr VICTAULIC IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF vIcTAuUc COMPANY. 02004 vICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. I-922_2 REV_C INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1-922 FireLock® Outlet-I STYLE 922 5. Tighten the nuts evenly to an approximate torque value of 20ft-IbsI27.1-Nom to ensure proper gasket compression. NOTE: To avoid over-tightening the nuts, use a wrench with a maximum length of 8 inches/200mm. DO NOT over-tighten the nuts. The outlet housing, near the gasket, should not make metal-to-metal contact with the pipe. In addition, a small gap is expected between the outlet housing and the lower housing, as shown above. DO NOT over-tighten the nuts. Over-tightening the nuts can over-compress the gasket and distort the outlet housing and lower housing. Over-tightening does not enhance product per- formance. Failure to follow this instruction could cause product failure, resulting in serious personal injury and/or property damage. www.victaulic.com Al-c-ta-ulidVICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICAULIC COMPANY. © 24 VICTAUIJC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. REV_C 1-922_3 STYLE 922 III IIIIIIlIlIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WCAS-65GJLA For complete contact information, visit www.victaulic.com /9tauIicr 1-922 3393 REV C Z100922000 UPDATED 3/2004 VICTAULIC IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAUuC COMPANY. 02004 VICTAuLIc COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. 1-922