HomeMy WebLinkAbout2875 WHIPTAIL LOOP; ; FPC2018-0154; PermitPERMIT REPORT City of Carlsbad Print Date: 02/29/2024 Job Address: 2875 WHIPTAIL LOOP, CARLSBAD, CA 92010 Permit Type: FIRE-Construction Commercial Work Class: Fire Sprinklers Parcel #: 2091200600 Track #: Valuation: $726,672.24 Lot #: Occupancy Group: Project #: #of Dwelling Units: Plan #: Bedrooms: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check #: Plan Check #: Permit No: FPC2018-0154 Status: Closed - Finaled Applied: 05/15/2018 Issued: 05/29/2018 Finaled Close Out: 04/16/2021 Final Inspection: INSPECTOR: Wang, Cindy Project Title: Description: SD HAT CO -SPRINKLER TI (118 HEADS) FPContractor: INDUSTRIAL FIRE SPRINKLER CO INC 3845 IMPERIAL AVE SAN DIEGO, CA 92113-1702 (619) 266-6030 FEE AMOUNT FIRE NFPA 13 or 13R System> 100 heads $634.00 Total Fees: $634.00 Total Payments To Date: $634.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Fire Department Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1442-339-2665 1 Inspections: 442-339-2660 1 www.carlsbadca.gov GLbNI BE FIRE SPRINKLER CORPORATION QUICK RESPONSE A UTOMA TIC SPRINKLERS GL SERIES UPRIGHT • PENDENT VERTICAL SIDEWALL HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL CONVENTIONAL (OLD STYLE) DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION The Globe Quick Response Series GL-QR Sprinklers are a low profile yet durable design which utilizes a 3mm frangible glass ampule as the thermosensitive element. This provides sprinkler operation approximately six times faster than ordinary sprinklers. While the Quick Response Sprinkler provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance, it can be installed wherever standard spray sprinklers are specified when allowed by the ap- plicable standards. It offers the additional feature of greatly in- creased safety to life and is available in various styles, orifices, temperature ratings and finishes to meet many varying design requirements. Quick Response Sprinklers should be used ad- visedly and under the direction of approving authorities having jurisdiction. The heart of Globe's Series GL-QR sprinkler proven ac- tuating assembly is a hermetically sealed frangible glass ampule that contains a precisely measured amount of fluid. When heat is absorbed, the liquid within the bulb expands increasing the inter- nal pressure. At the prescribed temperature the internal pressure within the ampule exceeds the strength of the glass causing the glass to shatter. This results in water discharge which is distrib- uted in an approved pattern depending upon the deflector style used. QUICK RESPONSE SERIES GL-QR SERIES GL-QRICNV UPRIGHT CONVENTIONAL 1'l QUICK RESPONSE SERIES GL-QR SERIES GL-QRISW PENDENT VERTICAL SIDEWALL TECHNICAL DATA See reverse side for Approvals and Specifications. Temperature Ratings - 135°F (570C), 155°F (680C), 175°F (79°C), 200°F (93°C), 286°F (141°C) C. will, Water Working Pressure Rating - 175 psi (12 Bars) QUICK RESPONSE Factory tested hydrostatically to 5001psi (34 Bars) HORIZONTAL LPCB/CE Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67°F (-55°C) SIDEWALL HORIZONTAL Frame - bronze • Deflector - brass • Screw - brass SERIES GL-QR/SW SIDEWALL Lodgement Wire - stainless steel • Bulb seat - copper SERIES GL-QR!SW Spring - nickel alloy • Seal - teflon Bulb - glass with alcohol based solution, 3mm size SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE RATING/CLASSIFICATION and COLOR CODING MAR 2018 GFS-1 00a (Formerly A-20) QUICK RESPONSE A UTOMA TIC SPRINKLERS UPRIGHT PENDENT VERTICAL SIDEWALL HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL CONVENTIONAL (OLD STYLE) SPECIFICATIONS NOMINAL "K" FACTOR THREAD SIZE LENGTH' FINISHES 2.8 (40 metric) 1/2"NPT (15mm) 2 1/4" (5.7cm) 4.2 (60 metric) 1/2"NPT (15mm) 2 1/4" (5.7cm) Factory Bronze 5.6 (80 metric) 1/2"NPT (15mm) 2 1/4" (5.7cm) Chrome White Polyester3 8.0 (115 metric) 1/2"NPT (15mm) 2 1/4' (5.7cm) Black Polyester23 8.0 (115 metric) I 3/4°NPT (20mm) 2 7/16" (6.2cm) NOTE: METRIC CONVERSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 'HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL IS 2 9I16. 2FINISHES AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER. 'AVAILABLE AS cULus LISTED CORROSION RESISTANT WHEN SPECIFIED ON ORDER. LISTINGS/APPROVALS K _____ TEMPERATURE - - NYC - DOB 135°F 155°F 175°F 200°F 286°F STYLE SIN FACTOR HAZARD' cULus FM LPCB2 CE MEA (57°C) (68°C) (79°C) (93°C) (141°C) - - 101-92-E GL2815 2.8 LH X X X X X X -- --- -- X GL4215 4.2 LH X X X X X X --- --- -- X UPRIGHT GL5615 5.6 LH/OH X X X X X X X X X X GL8115* 8.0* (W NPT) LH/OH X X X X X X --- --- -- X GL8118 8.0 LH/OH X X X X X X X X X X GL2801 2.8 LH X X X X X X --- -- X GL4201 4.2 LH X X X X X X -- -- X PENDENT GL5601 5.6 LH/OH X X X X X X X X X X GL8101* 8.0* (W NPT) LH/OH X X X X X X - -- -- X GL8106 8.0 LH/OH X X X X X X X X X X VERTICAL GL5632 5.6 LH X X X X X X X --- -- SIDEWALLt GL8133 8.0 LH X X X X X X - --- -- GL2826 2.8 LH X X X X X X --- --- -- X HORIZONTAL ' ' '' " ' GL4226 4.2 LH x x x --- --- -- SIDEWALL GL5626 5.6 LH/OH 'X X X X X X X --- -- X GL5627a 5.6 LH/OH X X X X X -- --- X X - GL8127 8.0 LH/OH X X X X X X --- --- CONVENTIONAL GL5624 5.6 LH/OH X X X X X --- -- X X - (OLD STYLE) GL8125 8.0 LH/OH X X X X X -- --- --- X - 'SPRINKLERS SHALL BE LIMITED AS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF NFPA1 3 AND ANY OTHER RELATED DOCUMENTS. §HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL cULus LISTED FOR DEFLECTOR 4 TO 12 BELOW THE CEILING, FM APPROVED 4 TO & BELOW THE CEILING. INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE TO B55306 AND ANY OTHER RELATED DOCUMENTS. tPENDENT VERTICAL SIDEWALL cULus LISTED FOR 6' MIN. SPACING. tUPRIGHT VERTICAL SIDEWALL cULus LISTED FOR 9' MIN. SPACING. OH: ORDINARY HAZARD LH: LIGHT HAZARD *1I2 NPT, FOR RETROFIT ONLY 2 LPCB REF. NO. 147c/05 ORDERING INFORMATION GLOBE® PRODUCT WARRANTY SPECIFY Globe agrees to repair or replace any of its own manufactured Quantity • SIN • Style • Orifice products found to be defective in material or workmanship for a Thread Size • Temperature • Finishes desired period of one year from date of shipment. Quantity - Wrenches - P/N 325390 (1/2")- For specific details of our warranty please refer to Price List PIN 312366 (L.O.) Terms and Conditions of Sale (Our Price List). GL;BE FIRE SPRINKLER CORPORATION MAR 2018 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 989-846-4583 FAX 989-846-9231 1-800-248-0278 www.globesprinkIer.com PRINTED U.S.A. GFS-1 ooa (Formerly A-20) OrY i _•.• '. . . SERIES GL-QR!ECLH EXTENDED COVERAGE PENDENT SERIES GL-QRIECLH EXTENDED COVERAGE RECESSED PENDENT GL6BE FIRE SPRINKLER CORPORATION QUICK RESPONSE EXTENDED COVERAGE LIGHT HAZARD A UTOMA TIC SPRINKLERS GL8109 PENDENT • RECESSED PENDENT DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION The Globe Quick Response GL8109 Extended Coverage Pendent Sprinkler for Light Hazard occupancies is a low profile yet durable design which utilizes a 3mm frangible glass ampule as the thermo- sensitive element. This provides sprinkler operation approximately six times faster than ordinary sprinklers. While this Quick Response Sprinkler provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance, it can be installed wherever standard light hazard extended coverage pendent sprinklers are specified; but offers the additional feature of greatly increased safety to life. Quick Response Sprinklers should be used advisedly and under the direction of approving authorities having jurisdiction, in accordance with their listings and in accordance with NFPA 13. The heart of Globe's Series GL-QR sprinkler proven actuating as- sembly is a hermetically sealed frangible glass ampule that contains a precisely measured amount of fluid. When heat is absorbed, the liquid within the bulb expands increasing the internal pressure. At the prescribed temperature the internal pressure within the ampule exceeds the strength of the glass causing the glass to shatter. This results in water discharge which is distributed in an approved pattern. TECHNICAL DATA See reverse side for Approvals and Specifications. Temperature Ratings - 135°F (57°C), 155°F (68°C), 175°F (79°C), 200°F (93°C) Water Working Pressure Rating - 175 psi (12 Bars) Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34 Bars) Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67°F (-55°C) Frame - bronze • Deflector - brass • Screw - brass Bulb seat - copper. Spring - nickel alloy ' Seal - teflon Bulb - glass with alcohol based solution, 3mm size Escutcheon Assembly - steel -SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE RATING/CLASSIFICATION and COLOR CODING DEC 2017 GFS-205 (Formerly A-41) QUICK RESPONSE EXTENDED Co VERA GE LIGHT HAZARD AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS GL8109 PENDENT • RECESSED PENDENT SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROVALS SIN NOMINAL THREAD LENGTH FINISHES cULus "K" FACTOR SIZE Factory Bronze GL8109 8.0(115 metric) 3/4"NPT 3" Chrome (20mm) (7.6cm) White Polyester2 Black_Polyester12 NOTE: METRIC CONVERSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 'FINISHES AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER. 2AVAILABLE AS cULus LISTED AS CORROSION RESISTANT WHEN SPECIFIED ON ORDER. cULus LISTING DESIGN - USE REQUIREMENTS FOR LIGHT HAZARDS ONLY TEMPERATURE MAX. AREA OF MIN. DISTANCE SIN STYLE COVERAGE MINI PRESSURE MIN. FLOW BETWEEN 135°F 155°F 175°F 200°F (57°C) (68°C) (79°C) (93°C) LENGTH x WIDTH P.S.!. (bars) G.PM. (Limin.) SPRINKLERS Feet (Meters) Feet (Meters) PENDENT x x x x 16(4.9) x 16(4.9) 10.3 (0.71) 26(98) 18(5.5) x 18(5.5) 16.6(1.14) 33 (125) GL8109 RECESSED _______ 8(2.4) PENDENT 40(151) X --- -- --- 20(6.1)x20(6.1) 24.4(1.68) NOTE: METRIC CONVERSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. SPRINKLERS SHALL BE LIMITED AS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF NFPA13 AND ANY OTHER RELATED DOCUMENTS. FOR COVERAGE AREA DIMENSIONS LESS THAN OR BETWEEN THOSE INDICATED, USE THE MINIMUM FLOW FOR THE NEXT HIGHEST COVERAGE AREA FOR WHICH DESIGN CRITERIAARE STATED. CROSS SECTION I 215/16'DIA.- I , 2'DIA.MIN. I HOLE IN CEILING 29/32' DIA.-I 1'x3/4"- REDUCERJ,.I 1.1 IlI\ /1 1/8" MIN. 7/8" MAX. 1' MIN. 13/4" MAX. 314" ADJUSTMENT RECESSED PENDENT ORDERING INFORMATION SPECIFY Quantity • SIN • Style • Orifice Thread Size • Temperature • Finishes desired Quantity - Wrenches - PIN 325390 Quantity - %" Adjustable Recessed Escutcheons GLOBE® PRODUCT WARRANTY Globe agrees to repair or replace any of its own manufactured products found to be defective in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. For specific details of our warranty please refer to Price List Terms and Conditions of Sale (Our Price List). Quantity - Recessed Wrenches - P/N 325391 Quantity - Protective Caps - P/N 327109-CAP (Friction Fit Recessed) GL:BE FIRE SPRINKLER CORPORATION 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 989-846-4583 FAX 989-846-9231 1-800-248-0278 www.gIobesprinkler.com PRINTED U.S.A. DEC 2017 GFS-205 (Formerly A-41) Page 1 of MICROFAST® QUICK N I F(IIIG SPRINKLER VK300 (K5.6) RESPONSE UPRIGHT The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcsvikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com DESCRIPTION The Viking Microfast® Quick Response Upright Sprinkler VK300 is a 'small, thermosensitive, glass-bulb spray sprinkler available in several differ- ent finishes and temperature ratings to meet design requirements. The spe- cial Polyester and Electroless Nickel PTFE (ENT) coatings can be used in decorative applications where colors are desired. In addition, these coat- ings have been investigated for installation in corrosive atmospheres and are listed/approved as corrosion resistant as indicated in the Approval Charts. (Note: FM global approves the ENT coating as corrosion resistant. FM Global has no approval classification Polyester coatings as corrosion resistant.) LISTINGS AND APPROVALS clJLus Listed: Category VNIV FM Approved: Classes 2002 and 2020 Refer to Approval Charts and Design Criteria for listing and approval requirements that must be followed. 3. TECHNICAL DATA Specifications: Minimum Operating Pressure: 7 psi (0.5 bar)* Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) wwp. Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34.5 bar) Testing: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,831,870 Thread size: 1/2" NPT, 15 mm BSP Nominal K-Factor: 5.6 U.S. (80.6 metric**) Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to -65 °F (-55 °C) Overall Length: 2-3/16" (56 mm) *cULus Listing, FM Approval, and NFPA 13 installs require a minimum of 7 psi (0.5 bar). The minimum operating pressure for LPCB and CE Approvals ONLY is 5 psi (0.35 bar). Material Standards: Frame Casting: Brass UNS-C84400 or QM Brass Deflector: Brass UNS-C23000 or Copper UNS-C19500 Bulb: Glass, nominal 3 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with PTFE Tape Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-ClI000 and Stainless Steel UNS-S30400 For Polyester Coated Sprinklers: Belleville Spring-Exposed For ENT Coated SDrinklers: Belleville Spring-Exposed, Screw and Pipcap - ENT plated Ordering Information: (Also refer to the current Viking price list.) Order Viking Microfast® Quick Response Upright Sprinkler VK300 by first adding the appropriate suffix for the sprinkler finish and then the appropriate suffix for the temperature rating to the sprinkler base part number. Finish Suffix: Brass = A, Chrome = F, White Polyester = M-AN, Black Polyester = M-/B, and ENT = JN Temperature Suffix (°F/°C): 135°/57° = A, 155°/68° = B, 175°/79 = D, 200°/93° = E, and 286°/141 = G For example, sprinkler VK300 with a 1/2" NPT thread, Brass finish and a 155 °F/68 °C temperature rating = Part No. 12978AB Available Finishes And Temperature Ratings: Refer to Table 1. Accessories: (Also refer to the Viking website.) Sprinkler Wrench: Standard Wrench: Part No. 21475M/B (available since 2017) Sprinkler Cabinets: Six-head capacity: Part No. 01724A (available since 1971) Twelve-head capacity: Part No. 01725A (available since 1971) 4. INSTALLATION Refer to appropriate NFPA Installation Standards. Form No. F052114 17.10.05 Rev 17.1 Replaces Form No. F_052114 Rev 15.2 (Replaced wrench 10896W(B with 21475M/B) Page 2 of 4 ® MICROFAST® QUICK 'J II(IIs1 lII[1UI7W RESPONSE UPRIGHT SPRINKLER VK300 (K5.6) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com OPERATION During fire conditions, the heat-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the glass to shatter, releasing the pip cap and sealing spring assembly. Water flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler deflector, forming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. INSPECTIONS, TESTS AND MAINTENANCE Refer to NFPA 25 for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance requirements. AVAILABILITY The Viking Microfast® Quick Response Upright Sprinkler VK300 is available through a network of domestic and international distributors. See The Viking Corporation web site for the closest distributor or contact The Viking Corporation. GUARANTEE For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current list price schedule or contact Viking directly. Ordinary - 135 F (57 C) - - 100°F (38 °C) Orange Ordinary 155°F(68°C) 100°F(38°C) Red Intermediate 175 °F (79 °C) 150 ¶ (65 °C) Yellow Intermediate 200 °F (93 C) 150 °F (65 °C) Green High 286 °F (141 C) 225 °F (107 °C) Blue Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Chrome, White Polyester, Black Polyester, and ENT Corrosion-Resistant Coatings3: White Polyester, Black Polyester, and Black PTFE. ENT in all temperature ratings except 135 °F (57 °C) Footnotes 1 The sprinkler temperature rating is stamped on the deflector. 2 Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation standards. 3 The corrosion-resistant coatings have passed the standard corrosion test required by the approving agencies indicated in the Approval Charts. These tests cannot and do not represent all possible corrosive environments. Prior to installation, verify through the end-user that the coatings are compat- ible with or suitable for the proposed environment. For automatic sprinklers, the coatings indicated are applied to the exposed exterior surfaces only. Note that the spring is exposed on sprinklers with Polyester, ENT, and PTFE coatings. For ENT coated automatic sprinklers, the waterway is coated. Form No. F052114 17.10.05 Rev 17.1 Page 3 of 4 ® MICROFAST® QUICK RESPONSE UPRIGHT SPRINKLER VK300 (K5.6) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com IIff Jl ense MS]R2l61W9P I Base Part SIN Thread Size Nominal K-Factor I Overall Length I Listings and Approvals3 Number1 Inches I mm cULus VdS I LPCB NYC8 CE NPT BSP U.S. metric2 12978 VK300 1/2" 15 mm 5.6 80.6 2-3/16 -- -- See footnote 7. -- 56 Al, B2 I L•ItM Availability 1UTl Viking Office) 06661B I VK300 1/2" 1 15 mm 1 5.6 80.6 2-3/16 56 1 Al, B2 -- I -- ISee footnote 7.I -- Approved Temperature Ratings A- 135 OF (57 °C), 155 OF (68 °C) 175 OF (79 °C), 200°F (93 °C), and Approved Finishes 1 - Brass, Chrome, White Polyester5'6, and Black Polyester56 B -155 °F(68 °C), 175 °F(79 °C), 200 °F(93°C), and 286 °F (141°C) 2-ENT6 Footnotes I Base part number is shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking's current price schedule. K-factor measurement shown is when pressure is measured in Bar. When pressure is measured in kPa, divide the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. 3This table shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Check with the manufacturer for any additional approvals. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for us in the U.S. and Canada Other colors are available on request with the same Listings and Approvals as the standard colors. cULus Listed as corrosion resistant. Meets New York City requirements, effective July 1, 2008 °Accepted for use, City of New York Board of Standards and Appeals, Calendar Number 219-76-SA and City of New York Department of Buildings, MEA 89-92-E, Vol. 16. cULus Listing Requirements: The Viking Microfast® Quick Response Upright Sprinkler VK300 is cULus Listed as indicated in Approval Chart I for installation in accordance with the latest edition of NFPA 13 for standard spray sprinklers. Designed for use in Light and Ordinary Hazard occupancies. The sprinkler installation rules contained in NFPA 13 for standard spray upright sprinklers must be followed. IMPORTANT: Always refer to Bulletin Form No. F_091699 - Care and Handling of Sprinklers. Also refer to Form No. F_080614 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. Viking sprinklers are to be installed in accordance with the latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of NFPA, FM Global, LPCB, APSAD, VdS or other similar organizations, and also with the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards, whenever applicable. Form No. F_052114 17.10.05 Rev 17.1 Page 4 of 4 MICROFAST® QUICK I%I RESPONSE UPRIGHT SPRINKLER VK300 (K5.6) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcsvikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com Base Part I SIN Thread Size Nominal K-Factor Overall Length FM Approvals3 Number' NPT BSP U.S. metric- Inches mm (Refer also to Design Criteria below.) 12978 VK300 1/2" 15 mm 5.6 80.6 2-3/16 56 Al, B2 NOTICE - Product t Limited Availability miaiLocal Viking t•IiIl 06661B VK300 1/2" I 15 mm 5.6 I 80.6 2-3/16 56 Al, B2 Approved Temperature Ratings Approved Finishes A- 135°F (57 °C), 155°F (68 °C), 175°F (79 °C), 200°F (93 °C), and 286°F (141°C) Brass , Chrome, vviii e Polyester", and ac B - 155 °F (68 °C), 175 °F (79 °C), 200 °F (93 °C), and 286 °F (141°C) Polyeser- 2 - ENT6 Footnotes 1 Base part number is shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking's current price schedule. 2 Metric K-factor measurement shown is when pressure is measured in Bar. When pressure is measured in kPa, divide the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. 3This table shows the FM Approvals available at the time of printing. Check with the manufacturer for any additional approvals. Other colors are available on request with the same Approvals as the standard colors. 6 FM approved as corrosion resistant. ..:.:: ........ ... .-,.--.--.--.......... FM Aooroval Reauirements: The Microfast Quick Response Upright Sprinkler VK300 is FM Approved as a quick response Non-Storage upright sprinkler as indicated in the FM Approval Guide. For specific application and installation requirements, reference the latest applicable FM Loss Prevention Data Sheets (including Data Sheet 2-0). FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets contain guidelines relating to, but not limited to: minimum water supply requirements, hydraulic design, ceiling slope and obstructions, minimum and maximum allowable spacing, and deflector distance below the ceiling. NOTE: The FM installation guidelines may differ from cULus and/or NFPA criteria. IMPORTANT: Always refer to Bulletin Form No. F_091699 - Care and Handling of Sprinklers. Also refer to Form No. F_080614 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. Viking sprinklers are to be installed in accordance with the latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of NFPA, FM Global, LPCB, APSAD, VdS or other similar organizations, and also with the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards, whenever applicable. Form No. F_052114 17.10.05 Rev 17.1 Replaces Form No. F_052114 Rev 15.2 (Replaced wrench 10896W/B with 21475M/B) c®us <~> LISTED APPROVED BEAM CLAMPS (3ANVIL Fig. 92 (Formerly Afcon Fig. 100) Universal C-type Clamp (Standard Throat) Size Range: /8 and 1/3 Material: Ductile iron, hardened steel cup point set screw and locknut. Finish: E] Plain orD Zinc Plated (Hot-Dip Galvanized optional) Service: Recommended for use under roof installations with bar joist type construction, or for attachment to the top or bottom flange of structural shapes where the vertical hanger rod is required to be offset from the edge of the flange and where the thickness of joist or flange does not exceed 3/4 Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A-A-1192A (Type 19 & 23) WW-H-171-E (Type 23), ANSI/MSS SP-69 and MSS SP-58 (Type 19 & 23). UL, ULC Listed and FM Approved. How to size: Size of clamp is determined by size of rod to be used. Installation: Follow recommended set screw torque values per MSS-SP-69. Features: They may be attached to horizontal flanges of structural members in either the top beam bottom beam positions. Secured in place by a cup-pointed Set Screw tightened against the flange. A Jam Nut is provided for tightening the Set Screw against the Body Casting. Thru tapping of the body casting permits extended adjustment of the threaded rod. Can be used with Fig 89X retaining clip for seismic applications. Ordering: Specify rod size, figure number, name of clamp and finish. LEAST ONE i..— F ILLTHREAD I I ROD MUST I I1 EXPOSED D JAM - SET FIG. 92: DIMENSIONS (IN) • LOAD (LBS) • TORQUE (IN-LBS) • WEIGHT (LBS) Rod Size A I Set Screw I Size I Torque I Value I Max Loads • I Weight I C I DIE I IF I IC I I H I Top I Bottom I I 60 500 I 250 I 0.34 I 15As I 19A6 I 13A6 I /8 1 1/2 1/2 I 1/2 I 125 950 I 760 I 0.63 I I 113A6 I 1/ 11/16 I I 23/32 U Maximum temperature of 450° F PROJECT INFORMATI O N Project: []Approved Address: ]Approved as noted Contractor: U Not approved Engineer: Remarks: Submittal Date: Notes 1: Notes 2: PH-1.18 r --- ..------.- - -.-- -10 _____ GENERAL INFORMATION - ________ GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION CONTENTS HAN GERMATE® General Information ......................... 1 Material Specifications .................... 1 Rod Hanging Anchor Performance Data............................2 U PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Ordering Information ....................... 3 Hangermate is an all steel threaded fastening system for suspending steel threaded rod vertically overhead in pipe hanging, fire protection, electrical conduit and cable-tray applications. They are available in versions which can be installed in a variety of base materials including steel purlins, bar joists and beams, wood frame columns and beams, as well as concrete ceilings, beams and columns. Steel threaded rods in 1/4" and 3/8 diameters can be vertically suspended with Hangermate. They are also offered in aside mount style for lateral installation of 1/4 and 3/8" diameter steel threaded rods onto joists, columns and overhead members. For all steel and wood hangers, a Hangermate EEL HANGERMATE Socket Driver is recommended to provide proper installation with a drill screw gun. A pivot head is also available for flexible connection angle and positioning of rod hangers. GENERAL APPLICATIONS AND USES WOOD HANGERMATE Hanging Pipe and Sprinkler Systems • HVAC Ductwork and Strut Channels Suspending Conduit and Cable Trays • Suspended Ceilings ANCHOR MATERIALS Lighting Systems and Overhead Utilities • Mounting Security Equipment • Zinc Plated Carbon Steel ANCHOR SIZE RANGE (TYR) + Ease and speed of overhead installation • 1/4" to 3/8' for Steel + Lower in-place cost, when compared to beam clamps, lag bolts and dropins • 1/4" to 3/8" for Wood + Steel and wood Hangermate can be installed with a drill screw gun SUITABLE BASE MATERIALS + Side mount versions available for steel and wood Hangermate • Steel Purlins and Beams + Hangermate socket drivers used for the steel and wood hangers • Wood and Timber FM Approvals M) - see listing for applicable sizes and types Pipe Hangers components for automatic sprinkler systems - File No. JI 3015153 Underwriters Laboratory (UL) - see listing for applicable sizes and types Pipe Hangers - File No. EX 1289 t1GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS CSI Divisions: 05 05 23 - Metal Fastenings and 06 05 23 - Wood, Plastic, and Composite Fastenings. Rod Hangers shall be Hangermate anchors as supplied by DEWALT, Towson, MD. Anchors shall be installed in accordance with published instruction and the Authority Having Jurisdiction. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Component Component P,latenal Screw Body Case hardened carbon steel Coupling Case hardened carbon steel Zinc Plating ASTM B633, sci,Type Ill (Fe/Zn5) Installation Guidelines Select the appropriate socket driver for Thread the appropriate diameter steel Steel Wood the anchor size and type to be installed threaded rod or threaded bolt into the and mount into chuck of installation tool. coupling. The threaded rod or bed should I I Insert the Hangermate coupling into the fully engage the thread length of the socket driver, and install perpendicular coupling on a vertical mount fastener. to the base material surface. Drive the The threaded rod or threaded portion of fastener with a smooth steady motion the bolt can pass through coupling of a unt I the driver and coupling is seated side mount fastener. against the surface of the base material. For UL and/or FM listings for hangers Steel Hangermate should be installed with a retaining nut for parts that are packaged with a nut (see performance data and listings as applicable). When installing Hangermate, eye protection should be worn as a safety precaution. 1-800-4 MAW. DEWALT:.: FERFORMANCE DATA ENGThEEROSY)OWerS - PERFORMANCE DATA Hanaermate for Steel Cat It Description Hang Rod Se - Driver Mm. thick. Max. Thick. Ultimate Tenstie Load (Material thickness) Direction Load Size UL .Thick Pipe Size Fill Thick. Hangemiate For Steel - Vertical PFM2231000 1/4-201" #3 Vert. 1/4" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 2,375 (0.125) - - - - - PFM2231100 1/4-20 xl" #3 Vert. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 2,375 (0.125') V 4" 0.060' - - PFM22311ON 1/4-20 xl" #3/nut Vert. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 4,690 (0.125') V 4" 0.125" 4" 12 ga. PFM2231150 1/4-20 x 1-1/2' #5 Vert. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.188 0.250 3,675 (0.188) V 4" 0.060" 4" 16 ga. PFM223115N 11/4-200-1/2'45/nut Vert 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 5,810 (0.188") V 4" 0.125" 4" 12 ga. PFM2231200 1/4-20x1-1/2"#3 Vert. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.188 0.250 1 2,375 (0.125") V 4" 0.060" - - PFM223120N 1/4-20 x 1-1/2" #3/nut Vert 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 4,690 (0.125") V 4" 0.060" - - PFM2231250 1/4-20 x 2" #3 Vert. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 2,375 (0.125") V 4" 0.125" Hangenuate For Steel - Horizontal PFM2241100 1/4-20 x 1" #3 Horiz. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 2,570 (0.111") H - - - - PFM22411 ON 1/4-20 x 1" # /nut Horiz. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 2,810 (0.111") H 4" 0.060" 4" 16 ga. PFM2241150 1/4-20x1-1/2"#3 Horiz. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 2,570 (0.111 H - - - - PFM224115N 1/4-20 x 1-1/2' #3/nut Hortz. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.250 2,810 (0.111") H 4" 0.060" 4" 16 ga. PFM2241200 1/4-20 x 1-1/2' #5 Horiz. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.500 3,530(0.188") H - - - - PFM22412ON 1/4-20 x 1-1/2" #5/nut Horiz. 3/8" PFM2201200 0.060 0.500 2,810 (0.111") H 4" 0.060" 4" 16 ga. Hangennate Pivot For Steel - Angled Applications PFM2281150 1/4-20x1"#3 Variable 3/8" PFM2201250 0.060 0.188 975 0188" 45* - - - - PFM2281200 12-20 x 1-3/4" #5 Variable 3/8" PFM2201250 0.11 0.188 3,270 0 975 ?) PFM2281250 1/4-14x 1"#3 Variable 3/8" PFM2201250 0.188 0.500 875 0188" 45" - - - - Hanqermat.e for Wood Cat It Description Hang size Rod Driver IJiti lle teTeu Load (lr o size Load Pipe size Load Hangennate For Weed - Vertical PFM2251000 1/4" x 2" Vertical 1/4" PFM2201150 1,510 - - - PFM2251050 1/4"x1" Vertical 3/8" PFM2201150 685 - - - - PFM2251100 1/4" x2" Vertical 3/8" PFM2201150 1,510 1,050 - - PFM2251150 5/16" x2-1/2" Vertical 3/8" PFM2201150 2,670 1,500 4" 1,475 PFM2251200 1/4"x3" Vertical 3/8" PFM2201150 2,075 3" 1,050 - - PFM2251250 1/4" x4" Vertical 3/8" PFM2201150 2,075 3" 1,050 - - PFM2251300 15/16" x2-1/2" Vertical 1/2" PFM2201150 t 2,670 - - - - Ilangenilate For Wood - Horizontal PFM2261 000 1/4" x " Horizontal 1/4" PFM2201150 685 - - - - PFM2261050 1/4"x1" Horizontal 3/8" PFM2201150 685 - - - - PFM2261100 1/4" x2" Horizontal 3/8" PFM2201150 1,800 3" 1,050 - - PFM2261150 5/16" x 2-1/2" Horizontal 3/8" PFM2201150 1,450 3" 1,050 - - Hangennate Pivot For Wood - Angled Applications PFM2281100 1/4"x2" Variable 3/8" PFM2201250 Fl; . 4751111 rt.) I I I 4 *Ultimate Loads In Douglas Fir 1. Trussfjoist manufacturers may require pre-drilled holes with wood depending on the location of the anchor installation. Consult with the trusstoist manufacturer for details. WWW.DEWALTOOIi DEWALT . . . . . ORDERING INFORMATION Hanaermate For Steel - Vertical Cat # Oisàdptl1i . Driver Hang Rod Size OTT MSTR OTT PFM2231 000 1/4-20 x " #3 PFM2201200 Vertical 1/4 25 125 PFM2231100 1/4-20 x 1 #3 PFM2201200 Vertical 3/8 25 125 PFM22311 ON 1/4-20 x 1"#3 / nut PFM2201200 Vertical 3/811 25 125 PFM2231150 1/4-20 x 1-1/2" #5 PFM2201200 Vertical 3/8" 25 125 PFM223115N 1/4-20 x 1-1/2" #5 / nut PFM2201200 Vertical 3/8" 25 125 PFM2231200 1/4-20 x 1-1/2 #3 PFM2201200 Vertical 3/8" 25 125 PFM223120N 1/4-20x1-1/2" #3 / nut PFM2201200 Vertical 3/8 25 125 PFM2231250 1/4-20 x 2" #3 PFM2201200 Vertical 3/8" 25 125 Hanoermate For Steel - Herizental Cat U IJescnpt1on Driver Hang Rod Size OTT MSTR OTT PFM2241100 1/4-20 x 1"#3 PFM2201200 Horizontal 3/8" 25 125 PFM22411ON 1/4-20 x 1"#3 / nut PFM2201200 Horizontal 3/8 25 125 PFM2241150 1/4-20 x 1-1/2" #3 PFM2201200 Horizontal 3/8 25 125 PFM224115N 1/4-20 x 1-1/2" #3 / nut PFM2201200 Horizontal 3/8" 25 125 PFM2241200 1/4-20 x 1-1/2" #5 PFM2201200 Horizontal 3/8" 25 125 PFM224120N 1/4-20 x 1-1/2 #5 /nut PFM2201200 Horizontal 3/8" 25 125 Hanaermate Pivot For Steel - Analed Anolications Cat U S Description Dnvã Hang Rod Size OTT MSTR OTT PFM2281150 1/4-20 x 1"#3 PFM2201250 Variable 3/811 25 125 PFM2281200 12-20 x 1-3/4" #5 PFM2201250 Variable 3/8" 25 125 PFM2281250 1/4-14 x 1"#3 PFM2201250 Variable 3/8" 25 125 Hanoermate For Wood - Vertical Cat U Description Driver Hang Rod Size OTT MSTR OTT PFM2251000 1/4" x 2" PFM2201150 Vertical 1/4" 25 125 PFM2251050 1/4" x 1" PFM2201150 Vertical 3/8" 25 125 PFM2251100 1/4" x 2" PFM2201150 Vertical 3/8 25 125 PFM2251150 5/16" x2-1/2" PFM2201150 Vertical 3/8" 25 125 P. FM2251200 1/4'x3" PFM2201150 Vertical 3/8" 25 125 PFM2251250 1/4x4" PFM2201150 Vertical I 3/8" 25 125 PFM2251300 5/16" x 2-1/2" PFM2201150 Vertical 1/2111 25 125 - ."-----. ORDERING IN Hanoermate For Wend - Horizontal .ricat# MSTRQTT PFM2261 000 1/4" x 1 PFM2201150 Horizontal 1/4 25 125 PFM2261050 1/4" xl" PFM2201150 Horizontal Hang ..RödSize Off 3/8 25 125 PFM2261100 1/4x2" PFM2201150 Horizontal 3/8" 25 125 PFM2261150 5/16 x 2-1/2" PFM2201150 Horizontal 3/8" 25 125 Hanaermate Pivot For Wood - Analed Annllcations Cat U - Description Driver - Hang . Rod Sian k. OTT MSTR OTT PFM2281100 1/4" x2" PFM2201250 Variable 3/8" 1 25 11 125 1-800-4DjWALT L - - - - Mechanical Anchoring Systerns KWIK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ I) Carbon Steel Screw Anchor 3.3.7 Product description KWIK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ I) anchors are comprised of a body with an internally threaded hex washer head. The anchor is manufactured from carbon steel and is heat treated. It has a minimum 0.0003 inch (8 pm) zinc coating in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4042. The internally threaded head is larger than the diameter of the anchor and is formed with serrations on the underside. The anchor body is formed with threads running most of the length of the anchor body. The anchor is installed in a predrilled hole with a powered impact wrench or torque wrench. The anchor threads cut into the concrete on the sides of the hole and interlock with the base material during installation. Applicable base materials include normal-weight concrete, structural lightweight concrete and lightweight concrete over metal deck. Guide specifications Screw anchors shall be KWIK HUS-EZ I as supplied by Hilti, Inc. Anchors shall be manufactured from heat treated carbon steel material, zinc plated to a minimum thickness of 8 pm. Anchors shall be installed using a drill bit of same nominal diameter as anchor. Product features Suitable for cracked and uncracked normal-weight and lightweight concrete, and lightweight concrete over metal deck. Suitable for seismic and nonseismic loads. Quick and easy to install. Thread design enables quality setting and exceptional load values in wide variety of base material strengths. Anchor is fully removable Anchor size is same as drill bit size. Suitable for reduced edge distances and spacing. Material specifications KWIK HUS-EZ I anchors are manufactured from carbon steel. The anchors are bright zinc plated to a minimum thickness of 8 pm. Technical data ACI 318-14 Chapter 17 design The technical data contained in this section are Hilti Simplified Design Tables. The load values were developed using the design parameters and variables of ESR-3027 and the equations of ACI 318-14 Chapter 17. For a detailed explanation of the Hilti Simplified Design Tables, refer to section 3.1.8. Data tables from ESR- 3027 are not contained in this section, but can be found at www.icc-es.org or at www.hilti.com. Product description Material specifications Technical data Installation instructions Design guidelines Ordering information Listinas/AoDrovals ICC-ES (International Code Council) ESR-3027 City of Los Angeles Research Report No. 25897 FM (Factory Mutual) Pipe Hanger Components for Automatic Sprinkler Systems for 3/8 internal threaded diameter anchor LLAQj=B5 <g> '.-- APPROVHI Independent code evaluation IBC®/IRC®2015 IBC®/ IRC®2012 IBC®/ IRC®2009 IBC®/ IRC®2006 3.3.7 ----.-.. .-..- . ----._-_--. ..-..--------- --•_._ - .. - Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 1 www.hilti.com I an español 1-800-879-5000 1 Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 1 www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 329 3.3.7 KWIK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ I) Carbon Steel Screw Anchor Table I - Hilti KWIK HUS-EZ I specifications"2 Setting information Symbol Units Nominal anchor diameter 1/4 Nominal bit diameter dblt in. 1/4 Nominal embedment h m in. 1-5/8 2-1/2 Effective embedment h in. 1.18 1.92 Minimum hole depth h0 in. 2 2-7/8 Installation torque T.. ft-lb (Nm) 18 (24) Wrench size in. 7/16 1 T is the maximum installation torque that may be applied with a torque wrench. 2 See table 2 and figure 5 of section 3.3.6 for spacing, edge distance, and concrete thickness pa- rameters Figure 1 - KWIK HUS-EZ I anchor installation details Table 2- Hilti KWIK HUS-EZ I design strength with concrete / pullout failure in uncracked concrete1'2' Nominal Nominal Tension - 4N Shear - 4V anchor embed. f' = 2,500 psi f 'c = 3,000 psi I',, = 4,000 psi f, = 6,000 psi f' = 2,500 psi f = 3,000 psi f', = 4,000 psi f 6,000 psi diameter depth (17.2 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (41.4 MPa) (17.2 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (41.4 MPa) in. in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (N) lb (kN) lb (kN) 1-5/8 585 620 675 765 1,075 1,180 1,360 1,670 1 (41) (2.6) (2.8) (3.0) (3.4) (4.8) (5.2) (6.0) (7.4) / 2-1/2 1,525 1,670 1,930 2,365 2,235 2,450 2,825 3,460 _______ (64) (6.8) (7.4) (8.6) (10.5) (9.9) (10.9) (12.6) (15.4) Table 3- Hilti KWIK HUS-EZ I design strength with concrete / pullout failure in cracked concrete'-2,3-4-5 Nominal Nominal Tension - cN Shear - IC = 2,500 psi IC = 3,000 psi I = 4,000 psi IC = 6,000 psi I = 2,500 psi f' = 3,000 psi f = 4,000 psi f', = 69000 psi anchor embed. diameter depth (17.2 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (41.4 MPa) (17.2 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (41.4 MPa) in. in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (N) 1-5/8 300 315 345 390 765 835 965 1,180 1/4 (41) (1.3) (1.4) (1.5) (1.7) (3.4) (3.7) (4.3) (5.2) / 2-1/2 760 830 960 1,175 1,585 1,735 2,000 2,450 _______ (64) (3.4) 1 (3.7) (4.3) (5.2) (7.1) (7.7) (8.9) (10.9) See section to convert design strength value to ASD value. - Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted. Apply spacing, edge distance, and concrete thickness factors in tables 5 and 6 as necessary. Compare to the steel values in table 4. The lesser of the values is to be used for the design. Tabular values are for normal weight concrete only. For lightweight concrete multiply design strength by AC as follows: for sand-lightweight, AC = 0.68; for all-lightweight, A = 0.60 Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design is not permitted for uncracked concrete. For seismic tension loads, multiply cracked concrete tabular values in tension by the following reduction factors: 1/4-in diameter by 1-5/8-in nominal embedment depth - a N3141 = 0.60 1/4-in diameter by 2-1/2-in nominal embedment depth - 0.75 No reduction needed for seismic shear. See Section for additional information on seismic applications. Table 4 - Steel design strength for Hilti KWIK HUS-EZ I anchors12 Nominal anchor Nominal internal Tensile' Shear4 Seismic shear4 diameter thread diameter qN 01.I3VSC in. in.. lb(kN) lb (W) lb (M) 1/4-20 3,680 815 365 1/4 UNC (16.4) (3.6) (1.6) 3/8-16 3,680 790 670 UNC (16.4) (3.5) (3.0) 1 See section to convert design strength value to ASD value. 2 Hilti KWIK HUS-EZ I anchors are to be considered brittle steel elements. 3 Tension 4,N = as noted in ACI 318-14 Chapter 17. 4 Shear determined by static tests with 4pv,. <0.64,A UC as noted mACI 318-14 Chapter 17. 5 Seismic shear values determined by seismic shear tests with 4,VCC S 4, 0.60 A fut, as noted in ACI 318-14 Chapter 17. See Section for additional information on seismic applications. 330 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 1 www.hilti.com I an español 1-800-879-5000 1 Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 1 www.hiltl.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 - - - ,D Mechanical Anchoring Systems KWIK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ I) Carbon Steel Screw Anchor 3.3.7 Table 5 - Load adjustment factors for 1/4-in, diameter Hilti KWIK HUS-EZ lin uncracked concrete12 Edge distance in shear II to and away Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor Conc. thickness 1/4-in. KH-EZ in tension factor in tension in shear3 I toward edge from edge factor in shear4 uncracked concrete fAN I RN fAV f, fHV Embedment in. 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-5/8 2-1/2 h_,m (mm) (41) (64) 1 (41) (64) 1 (41) (64) 1 (41) (64) 1 (41) (64) (41) (64) - 1-112 (38) 071 0.63 0.78 0.65 0.59 0.56 0.40 0.21 0.78 0.42 n/a n/a 2 (51) 0.78 0.67 1.00 0.77 0.62 0.58 0.61 0.33 1.00 0.65 n/a n/a j 2-1/2 (64) 0.85 0.72 0.90 0.65 0.60 0.86 0.46 0.90 n/a n/a 3 (76) 0.92 0.76 1.00 0.68 0.62 1.00 0.60 1.00 n/a n/a g 3-1/4 (83) 0.96 0.78 0.70 0.63 0.68 0.88 n/a -. 3-1/2 (89) 0.99 1 0.80 0.71 1 0.64 0.76 0.92 n/a .2. E 4 (102) 1.00 0.85 0.74 0.66 0.92 0.98 n/a 4-1/8 (105) 0.86 0.75 0.66 0.97 1.00 0.81 4-1/2 (114) 0.89 0.77 0.68 1.00 0.84 5 (127) 093 080 0.70 0.89 Ca 5-1/2 (140) 0.98 0.83 0.72 0.93 6 (152) 1.00 0.86 074 0.97 7 (178) 0.92 0.78 1.00 8 (203) 0.98 0.82 9 (229) 1.00 0.86 10 (254) 0.89 11 (279) 0.93 12 (305) 0.97 - 14 (356) 1.00 Table 6- Load adjustment factors for 1/4-in, diameter Hilti KWIK HUS-EZ I in cracked concrete1'2 Edge distance in shear II to and away Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor Conc. thickness 1/4-in. KH-EZ in tension factor in tension in shear3 i_ toward edge from edge factor in shear4 cracked concrete I N INN lAy fm Embedment in. 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-5/8 2-1/2 h,,,,, (mm) (41) (64) 1 (41) (64) 1 (41) (64) 1 (41) (64) (41) (64) (41) (64) 1-1f2 (38) 0.71 0.63 0.88 0.65 0.59 0.56 0.40 0.21 1 0.80 0.43 n/a n/a 2 (51) 0.78 0.67 1.00 0.77 0.62 0.58 0.62 0.33 1.00 0.66 n/a n/a N) 2-1/2 (64) 0.85 0.72 0.90 0.65 0.60 0.87 0.46 0.90 n/a n/a 3 0.92 (76) 0.76 1.00 0.68 0.62 1.00 0.60 1.00 n/a n/a g 3-1/4 (83) 0.96 0.78 070 0.63 068 0.89 n/a 3-1/2 (89) 0.99 0.80 0.71 0.64 0.76 0.92 n/a 4 (102) 1.00 1 0.85 0.74 1 0.66 0.93 0.98 n/a ;- 4-1/8 (105) 0.86 0.75 0.66 0.97 1.00 0.81 4-1/2 (114) 0.89 0.77 0.68 1.00 0.85 5 (127) 0.93 0.80 0.70 0.89 i 5-112 (140) 0.98 0.83 0.72 0.93 -05 _6 (152) 1.00 0.86 074 0.98 7(178) _______ 0.92 0.78 1.00 8 (203) 0.98 1 0.82 9(229) 1.00 0.86 OL 10 (254) 0.90 11 (279) 0.94 12 (305) 0.98 - 14 (356) 1 1.00 1 Linear interpolation not permitted. 2 When combining multiple load adjustment factors (e.g. for a 4 anchor pattern in a corner with thin concrete member) the design can become very conservative. To optimize the design, use Hilti PROMS Anchor Design software or perform anchor calculation using design equations from ACI 318-14 Chapter 17. 3 Spacing factor reduction in shear, fAw assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then 1AV = fANS 4 Concrete thickness reduction factor in shear, f, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then f HV = 1.0. If a reduction factor value is in a shaded cell, this indicates that this specific edge distance may not be permitted with a certain spacing (or vice versa). Check with table 5 and figure 2 of section 3.3.6 to calculate permissable edge distance, spacing and concrete thickness combinations. Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 1 www.hilti.com I an espanol 1-800-879-5000 1 Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 1 www.hiltl.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 331 Mechanical Anchoring Systems 3.3.7 KWIK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ I) Carbon Steel Screw Anchor Table 7 - Hilt! KWIK HUS-EZ I in the soffit of uncracked lightweight concrete over metal deck"''6'7 Installation in lower flute Installation inupper flute Nominal Nominal internal Nominal Tension - 4)N0 Shear - _pV0 Tension - N0 Shear -clV0 anchor thread embed. f',,= 3,000 psi r= 4,000 P' '= 3,000 psi! ,,= 4,000 psi f',=3,000 Ps 1 = 4,000 psi 3,000 psi 4,000 Psi diameter diameter depth (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) in. in. in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) 1-5/8 545 595 610 610 670 730 610 610 - 1/4-20 (41) (2.4) (2.6) (2.7) (2.7) (3.0) (3.2) (2.7) (2.7) 2-1/2 1,220 1,410 610 610 1,275 1,470 610 610 UNC (64) (5.4) (6.3) (2.7) (2.7) (5.7) (6.5) (2.7) (2.7) 1 / ______ 1-5/8 545 595 915 915 670 730 915 915 3/8-16 (41) (2.4) (2.6) (4.1) (4.1) (3.0) (3.2) (4.1) (4.1) 2-1/2 1,220 1,410 915 915 1,275 1,470 915 915 UNC (64) (5.4) (6.3) (4.1) (4.1) (5.7) (6.5) (4.1) (4.1) Table 8 - Hilt! KWIK HUS-EZ I in the soffit of cracked lightweight concrete over metal deck' 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Installation in lower flute Installation in upper flute Nominal Nominal internal Nominal Tension - N0 Shear - Tension - 4N0 Shear - 4V0 anchor thread embed. '= 3,000 psi '= 4,000 psi F,,= 3,000 psi '= 4,000 psi ,,= 3,000 Psi f', ' 4,000 psi f,,= 3,000 psi f',4,000 psi diameter diameter depth (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) in. in. in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) 1-5/8 280 305 610 610 330 360 610 610 1/4-20 (41) (1.2) (1.4) (2.7) (2.7) (1.5) (1.6) (2.7) (2.7) UNC 2-1/2 605 700 610 610 635 735 610 610 1 (64) (2.7) (3.1) (2.7) (2.7) (2.8) (3.3) (2.7) (2.7) / ______ 1-5/8 280 325 915 915 330 380 915 915 3/8-16 (41) (1.2) (1.4) (4.1) (4.1) (1.5) (1.7) (4.1) (4.1) UNC 2-1/2 605 700 915 915 635 735 915 915 (64) (2.7) (3.1) (4.1) (4.1) (2.8) (3.3) (4.1) (4.1) See Section to convert design strength value to ASD value. Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted. Tabular value is for one anchor per flute. Minimum spacing along the length of the flute is 3 x h. (nominal embedment). Tabular values are lightweight concrete and no additional reduction factor is needed. No additional reduction factors for spacing or edge distance need to be applied. Comparison of the tabular values to the steel strength is not necessary. Tabular Values control. Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design is not permitted for uncracked concrete. For seismic loads, multiply cracked concrete tabular values in tension by aNOO = 0.75. For seismic shear, an additional factor must be applied to the cracked concrete tabular values for seismic conditions: 1/4-in diameter by 1-5/8-in nominal embedment depth - 0.44 1/4-in diameter by 2-1/2-in nominal embedment depth - = 0.85 See Section for additional information on seismic applications. ............V . V 332 Hilt!, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 1 www.hilti.com i an español 1-800-879-5000 1 Hiiti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 1 www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 L (J.!U chor// - (typical) Mm. 1-1/4 - Minimum 20 gauge steel deck CI) C C.) Min. 3/4 lvii, I. IL LyjJILiOIl - - Medhanical Anchoring Systems KWIK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ I) Carbon Steel Screw Anchor 3.3.7 Figure 2- Installation of Hilti KWIK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ I) in soffit of concrete over steel deck floor and roof assemblies 1 Anchors may be placed in the upper or lower flute of the steel deck profile provided the minimum concrete cover above the drilled hole is satisfied. Anchors in the lower flute may be installed with a maximum 1-inch offset in either direction from the center of the flute. The offset distance may be increased proportionally for profiles with lower flute widths greater than those shown provided the minimum lower flute edge distance is also satisfied. Canadian Limit State design 3.3.7 Limit State Design of anchors is described in the provisions of CSA A23.3-14 Annex D for post-installed anchors tested and assessed in accordance with ACI 355.2 for mechanical anchors and ACI 355.4 for adhesive anchors. This section contains the Limit State Design tables with unfactored characteristic loads that are based on the published loads in ICC Evaluation Services ESR-3027. These tables are followed by factored resistance tables. The factored resitance tables have characteristic design loads that are prefactored by the applicable reduction factors for a single anchor with no anchor-to-anchor spacing or edge distance adjustments for the convenience of the user of this document. All the figures in the previous ACI 318-14 Chapter 17 design section are applicable to Limit State Design and the tables will reference these figures. For a detailed explanation of the tables developed in accordance with CSA A23.3-14 Annex D, refer to Section 3.1.8. Technical assistance is available by contacting Hilti Canada at (800) 363-4458 or at www.hilti.com. Table 9 - Steel resistance for Hilti KWIK HUS-EZ I N carbon steel screw anchoris Nominal Internal anchor thread Tensile Shear4 Shear5 diameter diameter N V Vweq in. (UNC) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) 3,370 750 335 1/4 1/4-20 (15.0) (3.3) (1.5) 3,370 725 620 1/4 3/8-16 (15.0) (3.2) (2.8) 1 See section to convert design strength value to ASD value. 2 Hilti KWIK HUS-EZ I carbon steel screw anchors are to be considered brittle steel elements. 3 Tensile N = A N 4P. R as noted in CSA A23.3-14 Annex D. 4 Shear determined by static shear tests with V, <Av. 4v 0.6 f R as noted in CSA A23.3-14 Annex D. 5 Seismic shear values determined by seismic shear tests with V, <A 4, 0.6 fw. R as noted in SA A23.3-14 Annex D. See section for additional information on seismic applications. Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 1 www.hilti.com I an espanol 1-800-879-5000 1 Hilti (Canada) corp. 1-800-363-4458 1 www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 333 3.3.7 KWIK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ I) Carbon Steel Screw Anchor Table 10 - Hilti KWIK HUS-EZ I design information in accordance with CSA A23.3-14 Annex D1 141 Design parameter Symbol Units Nominal anchor diameter Ref 1/4 A23.3-14 Anchor O.D. d8 in. 1/4 (mm) (6.4) Effective embedment2 h1 in. 1.18 1.92 (mm) (30) (49) Minimum nominal embedment2 h,. in. 1-5/8 2-1/2 (mm) (41) (64) Minimum concrete thickness h min in. 3-1/4 4-1/8 (mm) (83) (105) Critical edge distance c in. 2.00 2.78 (mm) (51) 1 (71) Minimum spacing at critical edge distance 5m1n,caC in. 1.5 (mm) (38) Minimum edge distance cmin in. 1.50 (mm) (38) Minimum anchor spacing at minimum edge distance for s> in. 3.0 (mm) (76) Mininimum hole depth in concrete h0 in. 2 2-7/8 1 (mm) (51) (73) Minimum specified ultimate strength u. psi 125,000 (N/mm2) (862) Effective tensile stress area A N in2 0.045 (29.0) Steel embed. material resistance factor for reinforcement - 0.85 8.4.3 Resistance modification factor for tension, steel failure modes3 R - 0.70 D.5.3 Resistance modification factor for shear, steel failure modes3 R - 0.65 D.5.3 Factored steel resistance in tension N lb 3, 370 D.6.1.2 (kN) (15.0) Factored steel resistance in shear V lb 750 D.7.1.2 1/4-20 UNC internal thread (kN) (3.3) lb 335 Factored steel resistance in shear, seismic V,,q (kN) (1.5) Factored steel resistance in shear V. lb 725 D.7.1.2 3/8-16 UNC internal thread (kN) (3.2) lb 620 Factored steel resistance in shear, seismic (kN) (2.8) Coeff. for factored conc. breakout resistance, uncracked concrete - 10 D.6.2.2 Coeff. for factored conc. breakout resistance, cracked concrete kcr, - 7 D.6.2.2 Modification factor for anchor resistance, tension, uncracked conc .4 qJ - 1.0 D.6.2.6 Anchor category - - 1 D.5.3 (c) Concrete material resistance factor - 0.65 8.4.2 Resistance modification factor for tension and shear, concrete failure modes, A - 0.75 1.00 D.5.3 (c) Condition B5 Factored pullout resistance in 20 MPa uncracked concrete6 N lb 665 1,645 D.6.3.2 (kN) (3.0) (7.3) Factored pullout resistance in 20 MPa cracked concrete6 N lb 340 815 D.6.3.2 PW (kN) (1.5) (3.6) Factored seismic pullout resistance in 20 MPa cracked concrete" N lb 275 815 D.6.3.2 (kN) (1.2) (3.6) Design information in this table is taken from ICC-ES ESR-3027, dated December, 2015, tables 2, 3, and 4, and converted for use with CSA A23.3-14 Annex D. See figure 1 of this section. The KWIK HUS-EZ I is considered a brittle steel element as defined by CSA P23.3-14 Annex D section D.2. For all design cases, qi = 1.0. The appropriate coefficient for breakout resistance for cracked concrete (k) or uncracked concrete must be used. For use with the load combinations of GSA A23.3-14 chapter 8. Condition B applies where supplementary reinforcement in conformance with CSA A23.3-14 section D.5.3 is not provided, or where pullout or pryout strength governs. For cases where the presence of supplementary reinforcement can be verified, the resistance modification factors associated with Condition A may be used. For all design cases, qi = 1.0. NA (not applicable) denotes that this value does not control for design. See section 4.1.4 of ESR-3027 for additional information. 334 Hilti, Inc. (U5) 1-800-879-8000 1 www.hilti.com I an espanol 1-800-879-5000 1 Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800.363-4458 1 www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 -- Mechanical Anchoring Systems KWIK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ I) Carbon Steel Screw Anchor 3.3.7 Table 11 - Hilt! KWIK HUS-EZ I carbon steel screw anchor factored resistance with concrete/pullout failure II in uncracked concrete" Nominal __________ Tension - N, Shear - Vr f' = 20 MPa I = 25 MPa 1,, = 30 MPa I = 40 MPa I = 20 MPa , I = 25 MPa I',, = 30 MPa f = 40 MPa anchor Effective Nominal diameter embed. embed. (2,900psi) (3,625 psi) (4,350 psi) (5,800 psi) (2,900 psi) (3,625 psi) (4,350 psi) (5,800 psi) in. in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) 1.18 1-5/8 665 710 750 820 805 900 985 1,135 1 (30) (41) (3.0) (3.2) (3.3) (3.6) (3.6) (4.0) (4.4) (5.1) / 1.92 2-1/2 1,645 1,840 2,015 2,325 2,225 2,490 2,725 3,145 (49) (64) (7.3) (8.2) (9.0) (10.3) (9.9) (11.1) (12.1) (14.0) Table 12 - Hilt! KWIK HUS-EZ I carbon steel screw anchor factored resistance with concrete/pullout failure Iii in cracked concrete AW Nominal __________ Tension - Nr Shear - V, I = 20 MPa f = 25 MPa f 'c = 30 MPa f = 40 We I Ic = 20 MPa f = 25 MPa f = 30 MPa f' = 40 MPa anchor Effective Nominal diameter embed. embed. (2,900p5i) (3,625 psi) (4,350 psi) (5,800 psi) (2,900 psi) (3,625 psi) (4,350 psi) (5,800 psi) in. in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) 1.18 1-5/8 340 360 385 415 565 630 690 795 1 (30) (41) (1.5) (1.6) (1.7) (1.9) (2.5) (2.8) (3.1) (3.5) 1.92 2-1/2 815 915 1,000 1,155 1,560 1,740 1,910 2,205 (49) (64) (3.6) (4.1) (4.4) (5.1) (6.9) (7.7) (8.5) (9.8) 1 See section to convert design strength value to ASD value. 2 Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted. 3 Apply spacing, edge distance, and concrete thickness factors in tables 5 to 6 as necessary. Compare to the steel values in table 9. The lesser of the values is to be used for the design. 4 Tabular values are for normal weight concrete only. For lightweight concrete multiply design strength by A. as follows: for sand-lightweight, A. = 0.68; for all-lightweight, Aa = 0.60 5 Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design is not permitted for uncracked concrete. For seismic loads, multiply cracked concrete tabular values in tension by the following reduction factors: 1/4-in diameter by 1-5/8-in nominal embedment depth - = 0.60 1/4-in diameter by 2-1/2-in nominal embedment depth - = 0.75 See section for additional information on seismic applications. Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 1 www.hilti.com I an español 1-800-879-5000 1 Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 1 www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 335 Mechanical Anchor~ng Systems If - 3.3.7 KWIK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ I) Carbon Steel Screw Anchor Table 13 - Hilti KWIK HUS-EZ I in the soffit of uncracked lightweight concrete over metal deck1''7 1+1 Nominal Installation in lower flute Installation inupper flute Nominal internal thread Nominal Tension - N __________ r Shear - V r Tension - N Shear - V ic, = 20 MPa I' = 30 MPa f' = 20 MPa I',, = 30 MPa I',, = 20 MPa f', = 30 MPa ic, = 20 MPa ic, = 30 We anchor diameter embed. diameter in. depth (2,900 psi) (4,350 psi) (2,900 psi) (4,350 psi) (2,900 psi) (4,350 psi) (2,900 psi) (4,350 psi) in. in. (mm) kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN 1-5/8 585 660 720 810 1/4-20 (41) (2.6) (2.9) 475 475 (3.2) (3.6) 560 560 1/4 UNC (2.1) (2.1) (2.5) (2.5) 2-1/2 1,200 1,470 1,255 1,535 (64) (5.3) (6.5) (5.6) (6.8) 1-5/8 585 660 720 810 3/8-16 (41) (2.6) (2.9) 565 565 (3.2) (3.6) 845 845 1/4 UNC (2.5) (2.5) (3.8) (3.8) 2-1/2 1,200 1,470 1,255 1,535 (64) (5.3) (6.5) (5.6) (6.8) Table 14- Hifti KWIK HUS-EZ I in the soffit of cracked lightweight concrete over metal deck' .2.3,4,5A7.8 1+1 Installation in lower flute Installation inupper flute Nominal Nominal internal Nominal Tension - N, Shear - V, Tension - Nr Shear - V, ic, = 20 MPa ic, = 30 MPa ic, = 20 MPa i', = 30 MPa ic, = 20 MPa ic, = 30 MPa ic, = 20 MPa ic, = 30 MPa anchor thread embed. diameter diameter depth (2,900 psi) (4,350 psi) (2,900 psi) (4,350 psi) (2,900 psi) (4,350 psi) (2,900 psi) (4,350 psi) in. I in. in. (mm) kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN 1-5/8 300 340 365 415 1/4-20 (41) (1.3) (1.5) 475 475 (1.6) (1.8) 560 560 1/4 UNC (2.1) (2.1) (2.5) (2.5) 2-1/2 595 730 625 765 (64) (2.6) (3.2) (2.8) (3.4) 1-5/8 300 340 365 415 3/8-16 (41) (1.3) (1.5) 565 565 (1.6) (1.8) 845 845 1/4 UNC (2.5) (2.5) (3.8) (3.8) 2-1/2 595 730 625 765 (64) (2.6) (3.2) (2.8) (3.4) 1 See Section to convert design strength value to ASD value. 2 Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted. 3 Tabular value is for one anchor per flute. Minimum spacing along the length of the flute is 3 x h,.c,,, (nominal embedment). 4 Tabular value is for lightweight concrete and no additional reduction factor is needed. 5 No additional reduction factors for spacing or edge distance need to be applied. 6 Comparison of the tabular values to the steel strength is not necessary. Tabular values control. 7 Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design is not permitted for uncracked concrete. For seismic loads, multiply cracked concrete tabular values in tension by aN.O = 0.75. 8 For the following anchor sizes, an additional factor for seismic shear must be applied to the cracked concrete tabular values for seismic conditions: For the 1/4x1-5/8 anchor - = 0.45 For the 1/4x2-1/2 anchor - cç, = 0.85 See Section for additional information on seismic applications. Allowable stress design for FM sprinkler systems Table 15 - Hilt! KWIK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ) tested load values for FM approval for automatic sprinkler systems' FM maximum Nominal embedment FM tension test load pipe diameter Hanger rod size in. lb in. 3/8-16 UNC 1-5/8 1,475 4 2-1/2 1 Tested in accordance with FM Approval Standard for Pipe Hanger Components for Automatic Sprinklers Systems Class Numbers 1951, 1952 and 1953. 336 Hilti, inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 1 www.hiiti.com i en espanol 1-800-879-5000 1 Hiiti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-44581www.hilti.com i Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 Mechanical Anchoring Systerns L_ -ii:i-1J .-- KWIK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ I) Carbon Steel Screw Anchor 3.3.7 Table 16- Hilti KWlK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ I) allowable stress desian values for installations into hollow core concrete nnels"2 Hanger rod size Mm. effective embedment h., in. Allowable load Ultimate load Tension lb Shear lb45 Tension lb Shear lb45 1/4-20 UNC 1-3/8 455 485 1,810 1,930 3/8-16 UNC 755 - 3,025 1 The admissible anchor location must be established to prevent damage to the prestressed cable during the drilling process. Verify the location and height of the cable with the hollow core plank supplier to confirm admissible anchor location. 2 Minimum compressive strength of prestressed concrete is 7,000 psi. Published ultimate loads represent the average results conducted in local base materials. Due to variations in materials and dimensionl configurations, on-site testing is required to determine the actual performance. 3 Allowable loads calculated with a factor of safety of 4 4 The bottom of the shear plane adjacent to the top of the coupler. 5 Shear values controlled by the steel strength of the screws used to fasten the shear fixture to the KH EZ-1 Screw Anchor. The minimum tensile strength of the screw was 125 ksi. Shear design values should consider the screw or threaded rod steel strength. Figure 3 - Installation of Hilti KWIK HUS-EZ I (KH-EZ I) in hollow core concrete Installation instructions Installation Instructions For Use (IFU) are included with each product package. They can also be viewed or downloaded online at www.hilti.com. Because of the possibility of changes, always verify that downloaded IFU are current when used. Proper installation is critical to achieve full performance. Training is available on request. Contact Hilti Technical Services for applications and conditions not addressed in the IFU. Ordering information' Internal thread Internal thread Hole Minimum Description - diameter length diameter - embedment Qty/ box KH-EZ 1/4x1-5/8 11/4 1/4 3/8 1/4 1-5/8 100 KH-EZ 1/4x2-1/211/4 1/4 3/8 1/4 2-1/2 100 KH-EZ 1/4x1-5/8 13/8 3/8 7/16 1/4 1-5/8 100 KH-EZ 1/4x2-1/213/8 3/8 7/16 1/4 - 2-1/2 100 1 All dimensions in inches. Hilti: Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 1 www.hilti.com I en español 1-800-879-5000 1 Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 1 www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 337 ?owers Sflake+ PRODUCT INFORMATION FASTENERS Snake+ Internally Threaded Screw Anchor PRODUCT.DESCRIPTION SECTION CONTENTS Page No. General Information....................1 The Snake+ anchor is an internally threaded, self-tapping screw anchor designed for performance in cracked and uncracked concrete. Suitable base materials include normal- Material Specifications................1 weight concrete, structural sand-lightweight concrete and concrete over steel deck. The Installation Specifications...........2 Snake+ screw anchor is installed into a drilled hole with a power tool and a Snake+ setting tool. After installation a steel element is threaded into the anchor body. Installation Instructions...............3 Performance Data........................4 GENERAL J I [fiI [sIh'1-W1 l IUSES Ordering Information ..................9 Suspending conduit • Interior applications/low level corrosion environment Cable trays and strut • Tension zone areas Pipe supports • Seismic and wind loading applications Fire sprinklers • Suspended lighting Snake+ FE ATURES AND1:1 II I I + Designed for use in holes drilled with standard ANSI carbide drill bits + Anchor design allows for shallow embedment and mechanically interlocks with base material + Internally threaded anchor for easy adjustment and removability of threaded rod or bolt + Fast anchor installation with a powered impact wrench + Hammer not used for installation INTERNAL THREAD VERSION Unified coarse thread (UNC) ANCHOR MATERIALS Zinc plated carbon steel body APPR OVALS T1 AN D 1LI STINGS1 ANCHOR SIZE RANGE (TYP.) International Code Council, Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), ESR-2272 Code compliant with the IBC, and IRC (see report for applicable code editions) Tested in accordance with ACI 355.2 and ICC-ES AC 193 for use in structural concrete under the design provisions of ACI 318 (Strength Design method using Appendix D) Evaluated and qualified by an accredited independent testing laboratory for recognition in cracked and uncracked concrete including seismic and wind loading (Category 1 anchor) Evaluated and qualified by an accredited independent testing laboratory for reliability against brittle failure, e.g. hydrogen embrittlement Evaluated and qualified by an accredited independent testing laboratory for supplemental recognition in redundant fastening applications FM Global (Factory Mutual) - File No. 3024502 (see report for sizes) www.approvalguide.com - Pipe hanger components for automatic sprinkler systems _GU_IDE SPECI FICATIONS CSI Divisions: 03151-Concrete Anchoring and 05090-Metal Fastenings. Internally threaded anchors shall be Snake+ as supplied by Powers Fasteners, Inc., Brewster, NY. Anchors shall be installed in accordance with published instructions and the Authority Having Jurisdiction. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Anchor Component ' Specification Anchor body Case hardened carbon steel Plating Zinc plating according to ASTM B 633, SC1,Type III (Fe/Zn 5) Minimum plating requirement for Mild Service Condition 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" diameters SUITABLE BASE MATERIALS Normal-weight concrete Structural sand-lightweight concrete Concrete over steel deck This Product Available In Powers Design Assist Real Time Anchor Design Software w'.wi.powersdesignassist.com g i www.powers.com Canada: (905) 673-7295 or (514) 631-4216 Powers USA: (800) 524-3244 or (914) 235-6300 lowers FASTENERS PRODUCT INFORMATION Snake+M II-INSTALLATIONISPECIFICATIONS Installation Information for Snake+ Screw Anchor for Single Point Applications1'3 Nominal Anchor Size Anchor Property / Setting Information Notation Units 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" Nominal outside anchor diameter (da) in. 0.375 (9.5) 0.500 (12.7) 0.750 (mm) (19.1) Internal thread diameter (UNC) d in. (mm) 0.250 (6.4) 0.375 (9.5) 0.500 (12.7) Drill bit diameter Ifl. 3/8 ANSI 1/2 ANSI 3/4 ANSI Minimum hole depth h0 in. 2 (51) 2 (51) 2-1/2 (mm) (64) Minimum concrete member thickness2 hmjn in. (mm) 3 (76) 4 (102) 4 (102) Overall anchor length 'anch in. 1-1/4 (32) 1-1/4 (32) 1-11/16 (mm) (43) Nominal embedment depth h in. (mm) (mm) 1-5/8 (41) 1-5/8 (41) 2-3/16 (55) Effective embedment hef • (mm) Not Applicable 1.10 (28) 1.54 (39) Minimum edge distance2 Cmi,, in. (mm) Not Applicable 3 (76) 4 (102) Minimum spacing distance2 Smin in. (mm) Not Applicable 3 (76) 4 (102) Critical edge distance2 Cac in. (mm) Not Applicable 3 (76) 4 (102) Maximum impact wrench power (torque) TScW ft.-lb. (N-m) 120 (163) 345 (468) 345 (468) Maximum tightening torque of steel insert T max ft.-lb. 4 14 36 (49) element (threaded rod or bolt) (N-m) (6) (19) The information presented in this table is to be used in conjunction with the design criteria of AG 318 Appendix D. For installations through the soffit of steel deck into concrete, see illustration detail. Anchors in the lower flute may be installed with a maximum 1-inch offset in either direction from center of the flute. In addition, anchors shall have an axial spacing along the flute equal to the greater of 3/i,, or 1.5 times the flute width. The notation in parenthesis is for the 2009 IBC. Dimensional Sketch for Snake+ Screw Anchor Installed with Steel Insert Element - -.4..•• .. . 4 . .. •0 a'•j :'.1 rmfm 1 ::• ;.i lef I Do not exceed g Powers USA: (800) 524-3244 or (914) 235-6300 Canada: (905) 673-7295 or (514) 631-4216 www.powers.com 2 IIINSTALLATIONIINSTRUCTIONSI Installation Instructions for Snake+ Screw Anchor -Powers Snake+TM PRODUCT INFORMANTION FASTENERS • .. . .,-. .. . .. ., A . A A . - S . _- • A 1.) Using Using the proper drill bit size, drill a hole into the base material to the required depth. The tolerances of the carbide drill bit used should meet the requirements of ANSI Standard B212.15. 2.) Select a powered impact wrench that does not exceed the maximum torque, Tscrew, for the selected anchor diameter, Attach the Snake+ setting tool supplied by Powers Fasteners to the impact wrench. Mount the anchor onto the setting tool. 3.) Drive the anchor into the hole until the shoulder of the Snake+ setting tool comes into contact with the surface of the base material. Do not spin the setting tool off the anchor to disengage. 4.) Insert threaded rod or a bolt into the Snake-i-, taking care not to exceed the maximum specified tightening torque of the steel insert element, Tmax. Minimum thread engagement should be at least one anchor diameter. Installation Detail for Snake+ Installed Through Soffit of Steel Deck into Concrete STRUCTURAL SAND-LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE OR NORMAL WEIGHT / CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK (MINIMUM 3,000 PSI) / / 1 CLR. MIN UPPER FLUTE j (VALLEY) t .•.4'. •/4:............. 4 i .3 -4: • • ,..: .444 4. .... •..c.4•;•4• •.4 MIN 4 . 4 44 44 i, t ' 4 .4i 4 : ,/# ANCHOR1(. MI4/2 MIN. 4-1/2 MIN. 12' (TYP) - JJ (TYP) —.-- MIN. 1-1/4" LOWER FLUTE (RIDGE) NO. 20 GAGE STEEL DECK MIN. FLUTE EDGE 9 3 www.powers.com Canada: (905) 673-7295 or (514) 631-4216 Powers USA: (800) 524-3244 or (914) 235-6300 ?owers FASTENERS PRODUCT INFORMANTION Snake+ Tension Design Information (For use with load combinations taken from ACI 318 Section Design Characteristic Notation Units Nominal Anchor Size 3/8 inch 1/2 inch Anchor category 1, 2 or 3 Nominal embedment depth in. (mm) 1-5/8' (41) 2-3/16 (41) STEEL STRENGTH IN TENSION4 Minimum specified yield strength of steel insert element ly ksi (N/mm2) ASTM A36 36.0 (248) ksi (N/mm2) ASTM Al 93, Grade B7 105.0 (724) - Minimum specified ultimate strength of steel insert element ksi (N/mm2) ASTM A36 58 0 (400) ksi (N/mm2) ASTMA193, Grade B7 125.0 (862) - Effective tensile stress area of steel insert element A. in2 (mm2) 0.0775 (50) 0.1419 (50) Steel strength in tension N11 lb (I) ASTM A36 4,495 (20.0) 8,230 (7.0) lb ASTM A193, Grade B7 (4 9685 3.1) - Reduction factor for steel 5trength3.4 1 0 - 0.65 CONCRETE BREAKOUT STRENGTH IN TENSION8 Effective embedment hej in. (mm) 1.10 (28) 1.54 (39) Effectiveness factor for uncracked concrete3 k w - 24 30 Effectiveness factor for cracked concretes k.,- - 17 24 Modification factor for cracked and uncracked concrete5 11 c" - Crack d concrete = 1.0 Uncraced concrete = 1.4 Critical edge distance (mm) in. 3 I (76) 4 (102) Reduction factor for concrete breakout strength3 0 - Condition B = 0.65 PULLOUTSTRENGTH IN TENSION (NON-SEISMIC APPLICATIONS)8 ______________ uncracked concrete (2,500 P51)6 Characteristic pullout strength,lb IN (I) See note 7 See Note 7 Characteristic pullout strength, cracked concrete (2,500 PSI)6 N,ic,. (l4) See note 7 See Note 7 Reduction factor for pullout strength3 - Condition B = 0.65 PULLOUTSTRENGTH IN TENSION FOR SEISMIC APPLICATIONS8 Characteristic pullout strength, seismic(2,500P51)6'9 N See note 7 See Note 7 Reduction factor for pullout strength seismic3 - Condition B = 0.65 PULLOUT STRENGTH IN TENSION FOR STRUCTURAL SAND-LIGHTWEIGHT AND NORMAL-WEIGHT CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK Characteristic pullout strength ' uncracked concrete over steel deck6,10 UflC! lb (kN) 1,515 I (6.7) I 1,625 ' (7.2) Characteristic pullout strength, cracked concrete over steel deck6.10 NA&ckcr lb (kN) 1,075 I (4.8) I 1,300 (5.8) Reduction factor for steel deck3 - Condition B = 0.65 Thedata1n this table is intended tobe used with the design provisions of ACI 318Appendle 0; for anchors resisting seismic load combinations the additional requirements of Section D.3.3 shall app. Installation must complywith published instructions and details Al values of owere determined from the load combinationsofACl 318 Section 9.2. If the load combmnationsofACi 318ppendle Care used the appropriate value of 0 must be determined in astordancewithACi 318 Section 0.4.5. It is assumed that the threaded rod or bolt used with the Snake+ anchor will be a steel element as defined byACI 318 Section 0.1. However the anchor steel is classified as non-ductile in seismic tension calculations. Steel failure does not control in this condition. For all design cases use Wv = 1.0. Select appropriate effectiveness factor for cracked concrete (Ice.) or uncracked concrete (kjncr). For all design cases use %#'= 1.0. For concrete compressive strength greater than 2,500 psi, N, = (Pullout strength value from tatde)(specrfled concrete compressive strength12500)05. Pullout strength will not control design of indicated anchors. Do not calculate pullout strength for indicated anchor size and embedment. Anchors are permitted to be used in structural sand-lightweight concrete provided that Nb and Ne,,, are multiplied by a factor of 0.60 (not required for steel deck). Reported values for characteristic pullout strength in tension for seismic applications are based on test results per ACI 355.2. Section 9.5. Values for N d are for structural sand-lightweight concrete (f'ç mm = 3,000 psi) and additional lightweight concrete reduction factors need not be applied. In addition, evaluation for the concrete breakout capacity in accordance with ACI 318 Section 0.5.2 is not required for anchors installed in the flute (soffit). For 2003 IBC, fum replaces f,,; N. replaces 145; (Pcm replaces hI; and Neq replaces The notation in brackets is for the 2009 IBC. g Powers USA: (800) 524-3244 or (914) 235-6300 Canada: (905) 673-7295 or (514) 631-4216 wvvw.powers.com powers Snake+M PRODUCT INFORMATION FA STENERS -PERFORMANCE DATA Shear Design Information (For use with load combinations taken from ACI 318 Section 9.2)12 Design Characteristic Notation Units Nominal Anchor Size 3/8 inch 1/2 inch Anchor category 1, 2 or 3 Nominal embedment depth h,,,,, in. (mm) 1-5/8 (41) 2-3/16 (55) STEEL STRENGTH IN SHEAR4 Minimum specified yield strength of steel insert element ksi (N/n2) ASTM A36 36.0 ksi (N/mm2) ASTM A193, Grade B7 105.0 (724) - Minimum specified ultimate strength of steel insert element ksi (N/mm2) ASTM A36 p8.0 400) ksi (N/mm2) ASTM A193, Grade B7 125.0 (862) - Effective tensile stress area of steel insert element A. in2 (mm) Of7S 0.1419 (50) Steel strength in shear 10 lb (kJ) ASTM A36 770 (3.4) 1995 ('8.9) (( lb J) ASTM Al 93, Grade B7 ('i 1655 i - Reduction factor for steel strength3 - 0.60 CONCRETE BREAKOUT STRENGTH IN SHEAR6 Effective embedment in. 1.10 (28) 1.54 (mm) (39) Load bearing length of anchor (h&or 84, whichever is less) e in. (mm) 1.10 (28) 1.54 (39) Critical edge distance 0 - 3 (76) 4 (102) Reduction factor for concrete breakout3 - Condition B = 0.70 PRYOUT STRENGTH IN SHEAR6 Coefficient for pryout strength (1.0forh<2.5in,2.0forh~2.5in.) - 1.0 2.0 Reduction factor for pryout strength3 - Condition B = 0.70 STEEL STRENGTH IN SHEAR FOR SEISMIC APPLICATIONS5 Steel strength in shear, seismic V 10 lb (l) ASTM A36 770 (3.4) 1995 (8.9) ASTM Al 93, Grade B7 1 655 - Reduction factor for steel strength3 - Condition B = 0.60 STEEL STRENGTH IN SHEAR FOR STRUCTURAL SAND-LIGHTWEIGHT AND NORMAL-WEIGHT CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK8 Steel strength in shear, concrete over steel deck8 lb ASTM A36 ('8.9) ____________ 770 (3.4) 1995 ASTM Al 93, Grade B7 1 (' 655 74) - Reduction factor for steel strength in shear concrete over stud deck 0 - Condition B = 0.60 The data in this table is intended to be used with the design provisions of ACI 318Appendix0 for anchors resisting seismic load combinations the additional requirements of ACI 318 0.3.3 shall apply. Installation must comply with published instructions and details All values of were determined from the load combinations of UBC Seddon 1605.2.1, UBC Section 1612.2.1, or ACI 318 Section 9.2. If the load combinations of UBC Section 1902.2 or ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of 0 must be determined in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.5. For reinforcement that meets ACI 318 Appendix I) requirements for Condition A, see ACI 318 D.4.4 for the appropriate 0 factor: It is assumed that the threaded rod or bob used with the Snake+ anchor will be a steel element as defined byACI 318 0.1. Tabulated values for steel strength in shear must be used for design. These tabulated values are lower than calculated results using equation 0-20 in ACI 318-08 (ACI 318-05) and ACI 318 Anchors are permitted to be used in structural sand-lightweight concrete in accordance with Section 4.1.11 of this report. Tabulated values for steel strength in shear are for seismic applications and based on test results in accordance with ACI 355.2 Section 9.6. Tabulated values for Vsa,deck are for structural sand-lightweight concrete (Fr min = 3,000 psi) and additional lightweight concrete reductiOn factors need not be applied. In addition, evaluation for the concrete breakout capacity in accordance with ACI 318 0.6.2 and the pryout capacity in accordance with ACI 318 0.6.3 are not required for anchors installed in the deck soffit (flute). Shear loads for anchors installed through steel deck into concrete may be applied in any direction. For 2003 IBC, figa replaces f.1, Vsa replaces Vs; €e replaces e, and V replaces Vs.nei. The notation in parenthesis is for the 2009 IBC. r 5 . www.powers.com Canada: (905) 673-7295 or (514) 631-4216 Powers USA: (800) 524-3244 or (914) 235-6300 ?owers. FASTENERS PRODUCT INFORMATION Snake-i.TM 1. Tabular values are are provided for illustration and applicable for single anchors installed in normal-weight concrete with minimum slab thickness, ha and with the following conditions: Cal is greater than or equal to the critical edge distance c (table values based on c = Cac) is greater than or equal to 15 c 2 Calculations were performed according to ACI 318-05 Appendix D The load level corresponding to the Cal controlling failure mode is listed (e.g. For tension steel concrete breakout and pullout For shear. steel Ca2 ha concrete breakout and plyout) Furthermore the capacities for concrete breakout strength in tension and pryout strength in shear are calculated using the effective embedment values h f, for the selected anchors as noted in the design information tables. Please also reference the installation specifications for more information. 3 Strength reduction factors () were based on ACI 318 Section 9.2 for load combinations. Condition B is assumed. Tabular values are permitted for static loads only, seismic loading is not considered with these tables. For designs that include combined tension and shear, the interaction of tension and shear loads must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix D. Interpolation is not permitted to be used with the tabular values. For intermediate base material compressive strengths please see ACI 318 Appendix D. For other design conditions including seismic considerations please see ACI 318 Appendix D. Tension and Shear Factored Design Strength for Snake-i. in Cracked Concrete Minimum Concrete Compressive Strength, ft (psi) Nominal Nominal Steel Anchor Embed. Insert 2,500 3,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 Size (in.) 'nom (in.) Element (Threaded ON, 0 V,, ON, b V,, ØN 4, V, çbN 4, V qN P V,, Rod or Bolt.) Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) ASTMA36 3 ¶111 700 to 805 is!' 5 Ii!' i14O is!, 3/8 1-5/8 ACTRAA1 "'' ' 3 ... . 685 700 .I I .-750 0 870 985 - :70-I1 14oI'1 065 Grade °' - ----i ---- -f I r I 1/2 23/16 ASTMA36 490 635 IJJ 1188- 2 310 MWA kgi- C 669! ip- Tension and Shear Factored Design Strength for Snake+ in Uncracked Concrete - . Minimum Concrete Compressive Strength, ft (psi) Nominal Nominal Steel Anchor Embed. Insert 2,500 3,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 Size (in.) I,iom (in.) Element (Threaded ON,, bV ON bV ON,, Tension SbV ON, I sw shear ON,, Tension I Shear RodorBokl Tension Shear Tension Shear Shear Tension (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) ASTM P36 900 liii 985 CC _________ ii 140 175/8 ii!' 1,395 _________ ¶01. 1,6 10 '' isis 3/8 'o•. .9851,O60'• ,140 i:i i395 i:i !1,610 s:s ASTMA193 Grade 87 3,335 1/2 2-3/16 1 865 ' 040 ' 55 2,385 Legend Steel Strength Controls I_j Concrete Breakout Strength Controls FC3i89 _37j Anchor Pullout/Pryout Strength Controls g Powers USA: (800) 524-3244 or (914) 235-6300 Canada: (905) 673-7295 or (514) 631-4216 www.poWers.com 6 ?owers Snake+ PRODUCT INFORMATION FASTENERS IREDUNDANT FASTENINGWAPPLICATIONS r an anchoring system designed with redundanc% the load maintained by an 66.7 of anchorage pointsin1 anchor that expenerices failure or excessive deflection can be transmitted to neighboring anchors without significant consequences to the fixture or remaining resistance of the anchoring system. In addition to the requirements for anchors, the fixture being attached shall be able to resist the forces acting on it assuming one of the fixing points is not carrying load. It is assumed that by adhering to the limits placed on n1, n2 and n3 below, redundancy will be satisfied. at least I anchor. anchorage point Anchors qualified for redundant applications may be designed for use in normal '' _- j. weight and sand-lightweight cracked and uncracked concrete. Concrete linear element - compressive strength of 2,500 psi shall be used for design. No increase in anchor capacity is permitted for concrete compressive strengths greater than 2,500 psi. The anchor installation is limited to concrete with a compressive strength of 8,500 psi or less. Redundant applications shall be limited to structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories A or B only. Redundant applications shall be limited to support of nonstructural elements. Strength Design (Redundant Fastening): Allowable Stress Design (Redundant Fastening): For strength design, a redundant system is achieved by specifying and limiting the following variables Design values for use with allowable stress design shall be established taking Rd. ASD = Fm = the total number of anchorage points supporting the linear element m- n2 = number of anchors per anchorage point . ol n3 = factored load at each anchorage point Its, using load combinations from IBC Section 1605.2.1 or Where oils the conversion factor calculated as the weighted average of the load factors fro the ACI 318 Section 9.2 controlling load combination. The conversion factor, of is equal to 1.4 assuming all dead load. STRENGTH DESIGN (SD) Design values for use with strength design shall be established taking 4m Fm See redundant fastening design information table for Snake+ design resistance. rfl, n2 = 4) www.powers.com Canada: (905) 673-7295 or (514) 631-4216 Powers USA: (800) 524-3244 or (914) 235-6300 ?owers FASTENERS PRODUCT INFORMATION Snake +M Installation Table for Snake+ Screw Anchor in Redundant Fastening Applications Anchor Property I Setting Information Notation Units Nominal Anchor Size 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" Nominal drill bit diameter dbft in. 3/8" ANSI 1/2" ANSI 3/4" ANSI Nominal embedment depth hnom in. (mm) 1-5/8 (41) 1-5/8 (41) 2-3/16 (55) Effective embedment hef in. 1.10 (28) 1.10 (28) 1.54 (mm) (39) Minimum hole depth h o in. (mm) 2 (51) 2 (51) 2-1/2 (64) Minimum concrete member thickness hmin in. 3 (76.2) 3 (76.2) 3 (mm) (76.2) Overall anchor length Banch in. (mm) 1.10 (28) 1.10 (28) 1.54 (39) Minimum edge distance redundant .fastening' Cmin= Cac in. (mm) 4 (102) 4 (102) 4 (102) Mininum spacing distance, redundant fastening1 5m,n in. (mm) 8 (203) 8 (203) 8 (203) Maximum tightening torque Tmax ft-lb. (N-m) 4 (6) 14 (19) 36 (49) Maximum impact wrench power (torque) T,.ew ft.-lb. (N-m) 120 (163) 345 (468) 345 (468) 1. Tabulated minimum spacing and edge distances are applicable only for redundant fastening applications. Redundant Fastening Design Information for Snake+ Anchors1'2'3 Design Characteristic Notation Units Nominal Anchor Size _________________ 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" Anchor category 1, 2 or 3 - 1 1 1 Nominal embedment depth h,,= in in 15/8 1 (41) 15/8 (41) 2 3/16 (55) CHARACTERISTIC STRENGTH(RESISTANCE) INSTALLED IN CONCRETE45 Resistance, cracked or uncracked concrete (2,500psi) Fce lb (kN) Number of anchorage points Number of anchorage points Number of anchorage points 2-4 3 n1 4 n7 ~ 3 a ' z.3 550 (2.5) 360 (1.6) 675 (3.0) 450 (2.0) 675 (3.0) 450 (2.0) Effective tensile stress area - 0.65 CHARACTERISTIC STRENGTH (RESISTANCE) FOR STRUCTURAL SAND-LIGHTWEIGHT AND NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE OVER STEEL DECK4 Resistance, cracked or uncracked concrete over steel deck (2,500 psi) F lb (kN) Number of anchorage points Number of anchorage points Number of anchorage points ~ 4 n1 ~ 3 n7 2:4 n1 3 n1 2:4 { n7 ~ 3 550 (2.5) 360 (1.6) 675 (3.0) 450 (2.0) 675 (3.0) l 450 I (2.0) Strength reduction factor3 Ora - 0.65 The data in this table is intended to be used with the design provisions of this product; loads may be applied in any direction. Installation must comply with published instructions and details. All values of 0 were determined from the ioad,combinations of UBC Section 1605.2.1, UBC Section 1612.2.1, orACI 318 Section 9.2. It is assumed that the threaded rod or bolt used with the Snake+ anchor has minimum specified properties as listed in the table above or an equivalent steel element. Anchors are permitted to be used in structural sand-lightweight concrete, provided the resistance value is multiplied by 0.6. g Powers USA: (800) 524-3244 or (914) 235-6300 Canada: (905) 673-7295 or (514) 631-4216 www.powerS.com 8 .I , ?owers. Snake+Th' PRODUCT INFORMATION FASTENERS Ultimate Tension Load Capacities for Snake+ in Normal-Weight Uncracked Concrete123.4 Minimum Embedment Minimum Concrete Compressive Strength f' = 2,500 PSI f' = 3,000 psi f' = 6,000 Si Anchor Diameter Depth in. in. (17.2 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (41.4 MPa) (mm) (mm) Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) 1/4 (6.3) 1-5/8 (41) 2130 (9.5) 1,045 (1.6) 2335 (10.4) 1,045 (4.6) - 3/8 1-5/8 2,165 1,045 2,370 1,045 3,190 1,045 (9.5) (41) (.7) (4.6) (10.6) (4.6) (14.2) (4.6) 1/2 2-3/16 5,590 2,050 6,125 2,050 7,425 2050 (12.7) (55) (24.9) (9.1) (7.3) (9.1) (3.1) ('9.1) Tabulated load values are for anchors installed in concrete. Concrete compressive strength must be at the specified minimum at the time of installation. Ultimate load capacities must be reduced by a minimum safety factor of 4.0 or greater to determine allowable working load. The tabulated load values are applicable to single anchors in uncracked concrete installed at critical spacing distance between anchors and at critical edge distance. Ultimate shear capacity is controlled by steel strength of ASTM A36 element (or equivalent). ORDERING INFORMATION Carbon Steel Snake+ Screw Anchor Cat. No. Anchor Size Embedment Internal Thread Depth Std. Box std. Ctn. 64005D 1/4" 1-5/8" 11/32" 100 1,000 6401SD 3/8" 1-5/8" 23/32" 50 500 64035D 1/2" 2-1/2" 1 15/16" 1 50 1 300 Setting Tool for Snake+ Screw Anchor ROW Cat. No. Anchor Size Std. Ctn. 64025D 1/4" 1 6407SD 3/8" 1 6404SD 1 1/2" 1 © 2011 Powers Fasteners, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Snake+ is a registered trademark of Powers Fasteners, Inc. For the most current product information please visit .powerscom. www.powers.com Canada: (905) 673-7295 or (514) 631-4216 Powers USA: (800) 524-3244 or (914) 235-6300