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2882 WHIPTAIL LOOP; 100; FPC2018-0401; Permit
PERMIT REPORT (City of Carlsbad Print Date: 02/29/2024 Job Address: 2882 WHIPTAIL LOOP, # 100, Permit Type: FIRE-Construction Commercial Parcel #: 2091200700 Valuation: $4,837,040.00 Occupancy Group: #of Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: CARLSBAD, CA 92010-6708 Work Class: Fire Alarm Track #: Lot #: Project #: Plan #: Construction Type: Orig. Plan Check #: Plan Check #: Permit No: FPC2018-0401 Status: Closed - Fina led Applied: 12/11/2018 Issued: 12/19/2018 Finaled Close Out: 02/24/2020 Final Inspection: INSPECTOR: Fieri, Dominic Project Title: Description: ZODIAC -FIRE ALARM TI -UPGRADE EXISTING PANEL TO MONITOR ADDED DUCT DETECTORS & EXPAND NOTIFICATION SYSTE Applicant: FPContractor: LOW VOLTAGE INTEGRATED SYSTEMS LOW VOLTAGE FIRE INC KYLE ARGUIJO 1090 JOSHUA WAY, # UNIT A 1090 JOSHUA WAY, U STE A VISTA, CA 92081-7800 VISTA, CA 92081-7800 (760) 598-4110 (760) 598-4110 FEE AMOUNT FIRE TI Fire Alarm System - $620.00 Total Fees: $620.00 Total Payments To Date: $620.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Fire Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1442-339-2665 1 Inspections: 442-339-2660 1 www.carlsbadca.gov FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SUBMITTAL LwItcage i'n ties rcited syst.ms FIRE ALARM S SOUND S DATA S MEDIA S SECURITYS CCTV S ACCESS CONTROL PROJECT ZODIAC TENANT IMPROVEMENT 2882 WHIPTAIL LOOP EAST, CARLSBAD CA 92009 FPC20I8-040 I 2882 WHIPTAIL LOOP #100 ZODIAC - FIRE ALARM TI - UPGRADE EXISTING PANEL TO MONITOR ADDED DUCT DETECTORS & EXPAND NOTIFICATION SYSTEM 2091200700 12/11/2018 FPC20I8-0401 LOW VOLTAGE INTEGRATED SYSTEMS, INC. 1090 JOSHUA WAY, STE A VISTA, CA 92081 (760) 598-4110 Phone (760) 598-4107 Fax info@sdlvis.com License: CIO, C16 # 791832 PHONE: (760) 598-4110 FAX: (760)598-4107 LowVcitage int:g.r.•tecI sy.t.rn * PART DESCRIPTiON MANUFACTURER ES-200X FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL FIRELITE FCPS-24S6 FIRE ALARM POWER SUPPLY NOTIFIER PC2WL HORN/STROBE @ CEILING SYSTEM SENSOR SCWL STROBE @ CEILING SYSTEM SENSOR P2WL HORN/STROBE @ WALL SYSTEM SENSOR SWL STROBE @ WALL SYSTEM SENSOR D4120 DUCT DETECTOR( BY OTHERS) SYSTEM SENSOR D4120W WEATHERPROOF DUCT DETECTOR( BY OTHERS) SYSTEM SENSOR RTS-151 REMOTE TEST SWITCH SYSTEM SENSOR MMF-301 MONITOR MODULE FIRELITE CRF-300 RELAY MODULE FIRELITE SSU00685 FIRE ALARM DOCUMENT BOX SAE Low Voltage Integrated Systems, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Ste A • Vista, California 92081 FIRE • SECURITY • CCTV • ACCESS CONTROL • SOUND • MEDIA LICENSE NO. CIO, C16#791832 email: info @ sdlvis.com N ES-200X Intelligent Addressable FACP with Communicator General The ES-200X is the latest intelligent addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) from Fire-Lite Alarms and is a direct replacement for the MS-9200UDLS. The ES-200X comes with a pre-installed com- municator and supports up to 198 addressable devices (99 detec- tors and 99 modules). With an extensive list of powerful features, the ES-200X programs just like Fire-Lite's other addressable products, yet fits into applications previously served only by conventional pan- els. The pre-installed IPOTS-COM is a dual technology (POTS and IP) communicator. The POTS transmits system status (alarms, troubles, AC loss, etc.) to a Central Station via the public switched telephone network. The IP communicator's internet monitoring capability sends alarm signals over the Internet saving the monthly cost of two dedi- cated business telephone lineS. Although not required, the second- ary telephone line may be retained providing backup communication over the public switched telephone line. Optional cellular reporting is available using the CELL-MOD or CELL-CAB-FL Remote and local programming of the control panel is possible using the FS-Tools Upload/Download utility. Programming databases can be uploaded/downloaded via the panel's USB port (and USB cable) or via an ethernet connection using the IPOTS-COM communicator. The USB port also allows for the download or upload of the entire program, history file, walk-test data, current status and system volt- ages by means of a USB flash drive. The power supply and all electronics are contained on a circuit board supported on a new quick install chassis and housed in a metal cabinet. Available accessories include local and remote upload/download software, remote annunciators, and reverse polar- ity/city box transmitter (4XTMF). Features Listed to UL Standard 864, 10th edition Pre-installed IPOTS-COM Ethernet IP and POTS (Plain Old Tele- phone Service) Central Station Communicator over AlarmNet Optional CELL-MOD or CELL-CAB-FL GSM Central Station Communicator over AlarmNeE Automated activation of the ECC-501100 Emergency Command Center ECC-FFT Firefighter Telephone option Compatible with SWIFT® wireless devices Auto-programming (learn mode) reduces installation time. Reports two devices set to the same address Four built-in, independently programmable Style Z (Class A) or Style V (Class B) NAC circuits Selectable strobe synchronization for System Sensor, Wheelock, and Gentex devices Notification Appliance Circuit End of Line resistor matching Four programmable function keys for ease of maintenance Two programmable relays and one fixed trouble relay Built-in Programmer Integral 80-character LCD display with backlighting Real-time clock/calendar with automatic daylight savings control History file with 1,000 event capacity Addressable sounder base compatibility Multi-criteria detector (smoke, heat, CO) with programmable response Control module delay timer Automatic detector sensitivity testing (NFPA 72 compliant) Automatic device type-code verification Point trouble identification Waterf low selection per module point DF-60957:C 6 1 " i ellTeWarms r0t, Fir by Honeywell Alarm verification selection per detector point Maintenance alert warns when smoke detector dust accumula- tion is excessive One-person audible or silent walk test with walk-test log and printout System alarm verification selection per de:ector point PAS (Positive Alarm Sequence) and Pre-signal oer point (NFPA 72 compliant) Up to 16 ANN-BUS annunciators- 8 per eEcl ANN-Bus Remote Acknowledge, Alarm Silence, Reset and Drill via addressable modules or remote annunciator Upload/Download of program and data via USB with optional FS- Tools Programming Utility SLC COMMUNICATION LOOP Supports LiteSpeedlTm and CLIP protocols SLC operates up to 10,000 ft. (3,000 m) in LiteSpeed mode with twisted, unshielded wire Single addressable SLC loop which meets NFPA Class B and Class A requirements 198 addressable device capacity (99 add essab:e detectors and 99 modules) Compatible with Fire-Lite's addressable ce.iices (refer to the SLC Wiring Manual) NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUITS (NAS Four independently programmable output :irc.jits. Circuits can be configured for the following outputs: - Style Y (Class B) - Style Z (Class A) Silence Inhibit and Autosilence timer options Continuous, March Time, Temporal, or Ca fcmia code for main circuit board NACs with two-stage capability Selectable strobe synchronization per NAC 2.5 A special application, 250mA regulated, total power for NACs NOTE: Maximum or total 24VDC system power shared between all NAC circuits and the ANN-BUS is 2.7 A DF-60957:C 7 16/2018 - Page 1 0t4 PROGRAMMING AND SOFTWARE Autoprogramming (learn mode) reduces installation time Custom English labels (per point) may be manually entered or selected from an internal library file Two programmable Form-C relay outputs 99 software zones Continuous fire protection during online programming Program Check automatically catches common errors not linked to any zone or input point OFFLINE PROGRAMMING: Create the entire program in your office using FS-Tools, a Windows®-based software package, and upload/download system programming locally. Offline program- ming requires an ethernet connection. FS-Tools is available on www.firelite.com. User interface LED INDICATORS Fire Alarm (red) CO Alarm (red) AC Power (green) Supervisory (yellow) Trouble (yellow) Ground fault (yellow) Battery fault (yellow) Disabled (yellow) Maintenance (yellow) Communication (yellow) Alarm Silenced (yellow) F1-F4 Programmable Function Keys (yellow) KEYPAD 16 key alpha-numeric pad Acknowledge Alarm Silence Drill (Manual Evacuate) Four (4) programmable function keys Reset (lamp test) PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION ES-200X: Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel with one SLC loop. Includes main circuit board with display, pre-installed communicator, chassis with transformer, backbox with door, plastic bag containing screws, cables, key, etc. (For ES-200XC, refer to DF-60958.) FS-Tools: Programming software for Windows®-based PC com- puter. Available for download at www.firelite.com. CELL-CAB-FUCELL-MOD: Optional GSM communicators. IPOTS-COM: Dual technology (POTS and IP) communicator. (replacement board) DP-ES-R: Optional dress panel for the ES-200X. TR-CE: Optional trim ring for semi-flush mounting. BB-2F: Optional cabinet for one or two modules. BB-6F: Optional cabinet for up to six modules mounted on CHS-6 chassis. BB-26: Battery backbox, holds up to two 25 AH batteries and CHG- 75. BB-55F: Battery box, houses two 55 AH batteries CHS-6: Chassis, mounts up to six multi-modules in a BB-6F cabinet. CHG-75: Battery charger for lead-acid batteries with a rating of 25 to 75 AH. CHG-120F: Remote battery charging system for lead-acid batteries with a rating of 55 to 120 AH. Requires additional BB-55F for mount- ing. BAT Series: Batteries, see data sheet DF-52397. PRN Series: UL listed compatible event printer. Uses tractor-fed paper. OPTIONAL MODULES 4XTMF Reverse Polarity Transmitter Module: Provides a super- vised output for local energy municipal box transmitter, alarm and trouble. Includes a disable switch and disable trouble LED. PWRMOD24 Power Expander Module: Optional power module. Increases alarm power output to 6 amps. COMPATIBLE ANNUNCIATORS ANN-80: Remote LCD annunciator mimics the information dis- played on the FACP LCD display. Recommended wire type is un- shielded. ANN-100: Remote LCD annunciator mimics the information dis- played on the FACP LCD display. Recommended wire type is un- shielded. For use in FM applications only. ANN-I/O: LED Driver Module provides connections to a user sup- plied graphic an (See DF-52430.) ANN-LED: Annunciator Module provides three LEDs for each zone: Alarm, Trouble, and Supervisory. Ships with red enclosure. (See DF-60241.) ANN-RLED: Provides alarm (red) indicators for up to 30 input zones or addressable points. (See DF-60241.) ANN-RLY: Relay Module provides 10 programmable Form-C relays. Can be mounted inside the cabinet. (See DF-52431.) ANN-SIPG: Serial/Parallel Printer Gateway module provides a con- nection for a serial or parallel printer. (See DF-52429.) ADDRESSABLE DEVICES All feature a polling LED and rotary switches for addressing. SD365: Addressable low-profile photoelectric smoke detector. Lite- Speed only. SD365-IV: Addressable low-profile photoelectric smoke detector. Ivory. LiteSpeed and CLIP mode. SD365T: Addressable low-profile photoelectric smoke detector with thermal sensor. LiteSpeed only. SD365T-IV: Addressable low-profile photoelectric smoke detector with thermal sensor. Ivory. LiteSpeed and CLIP mode. SD365R: Remote test capable addressable photoelectric smoke detector for use with DNR(W) duct detector housing. LiteSpeed only. S0365R-IV: Remote test capable addressable photoelectric smoke detector for use with DNR(W) duct detector housing. Ivory. Lite- Speed and. CLIP mode. H365: Low-profile 135°F fixed thermal sensor. LiteSpeed only. H365-IV: Low-profile 135°F fixed thermal sensor. Ivory. LiteSpeed and CLIP mode. H365R: Low-profile, intelligent, rate-of-rise thermal sensor. Lite- Speed only. H365R-IV: Low-profile, intelligent, rate-of-rise thermal sensor. Ivory. LiteSpeed and CLIP mode. H365HT: Low-profile intelligent 190°F/88°C fixed thermal sensor. LiteSpeed only. H365HT-IV: Low-profile intelligent 190°F/88°C fixed thermal sensor. Ivory. LiteSpeed and CLIP mode. Legacy Devices CP355: Addressable low-profile ionization smoke detector. SD355: Addressable low-profile photoelectric smoke detector. SD355T: Addressable low-profile photoelectric smoke detector with thermal sensor. SD355R: Remote test capable addressable photoelectric smoke detector for use with DNR(W) duct detector housing. SD355C0: Addressable, low-profile device that provides fire, heat, and carbon monoxide (CO) detection. H355: Fast-response, low-profile heat detector. Page 2 of 4— DF-60957:C • 7/16/2018 H355R: Fast-response, low-profile heat detector with rate-of-rise option. H355HT: Fast-response, low-profile heat detector that activates at 190°F188°C. A0355: Low-profile, intelligent, "Adapt" mUlti-sensor detector (133501-13 base included). B200S: Programmable, addressable sounder base. B200SR: Addressable sounder base. BEAM355: Intelligent beam smoke detector. BEAM355S: Intelligent beam smoke detector with integral sensitiv- ity test. D355PL: InnovairFIex low-flow non-relay duct-detector housing; includes SD355R. DNR: lnnovairFlex low-flow non-relay duct-detector housing. (Order SD355R1SD365R separately.) DNRW: InnovairFIex low-flow non-relay duct-detector housing, with NEMA-4 rating. Watertight. (Order SD355R/SD365R separately.) Addressable Modules MMF-300: Addressable Monitor Module for one zone of normally- open dry-contact initiating devices. Mounts in standard 4.0" (10.16 cm.) box. Includes plastic cover plate and end-of-line resistor. Mod- ule may be configured for either a Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) IDC. MDF-300: Dual Monitor Module. Same as MMF-300 except it pro- vides two Style B (Class B) only lDCs. MMF-301: Miniature version of MMF-300. Excludes LED and Style D option. Connects with wire pigtails. May mount in device backbox. MMF-302: Similar to MMF-300. Addressable Monitor Module for one zone of conventional two-wire detectors. Requires resettable 24 VOC power. Refer to the Device Compatibility Document for listed compatible devices and quantity limitation. CMF-300: Addressable Control Module for one Style VIZ (Class BI A) zone of supervised polarized Notification Appliances. Mounts directly to a 4.0" (10.16 cm.) electrical box. NAC option requires external 24 VDC to power notification appliances. CRF-300: Addressable relay module containing two isolated sets of Form-C contacts, which operate as a DPDT switch. Mounts directly to a 4.0" (10.16 cm.) box, surface mount using the SMB500. BG-I2LX: Addressable manual pull station with interface module mounted inside. 1300: This module isolates the SLC loop from short circuit conditions (required for Style 6 or 7 operation). ISO-6: Six-fault isolator module. Mount one or two modules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six modules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F cabinet. SM13500: Used to mount all modules except the MMF-301 and M301. MMF-300-10: Ten-input monitor module. Mount one or two modules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six modules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F cabinet. MMF-302-6: Six-zone interface module. Mount one or two modules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six modules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F cabinet. CMF-300-6: Six-circuit supervised control module. Mount one or two modules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six modules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F cabinet. CRF-300-6: Six-relay control module (Form-C relays). Mount one or two modules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six modules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F cabinet. SWIFT Wireless Devices W-GATE: LiteSpeed Wireless Gateway W-SD355: LiteSpeed intelligent, wireless photo detector. W-H355R: LiteSpeed intelligent wireless rate of rise (1350) heat detector. W-SD3551: Intelligent wireless photo/heat detector. W-H355: LiteSpeed intelligent wireless fixed-temperature (135°) heat detector. W-MMF: LiteSpeed Intelligent wireless monitor module. W-CRF: LiteSpeed Intelligent wireless relay module. W-BGI2LX: LiteSpeed Intelligent wireless pull station. WAV-RL, WAV-WL,WAV-CRL,WAV-CWL: LiteSpeed IntelligentAV bases. W-USB: Wireless USB radio/antenna dongle that plugs into the USB port of a PC running SWIFT Tools. SWIFT Tools: Programming and diagnostic utility for the Wireless Gateway and devices. Available for download from firelite.com. NOTE: For more information on Compatible Addressable Devices for use with the ES-200X, see the following data sheets (document num- bers): SD365 Series (DF-61010), H365 Series (DF-6 1011), AD355 (DF-52386), BG-I2LX (DF-52013), CMF-300-6 (DF-52365), CRF-300-6 (DF-52374), CMFICRF Series (DF-52130), CP355 (DF-52383), H355 Series (DF-52385), 1300 (DF-52389), ISO-6 (DF-60485), MMF-300 SerieslMDF-300 (DF-52121), MMF-300-10 (DF-52347), MMF-302-6 (DF-52356), SD355/5D355T (DF-52384), and SLC Wiring Manual (51309). NOTE: Legacy 300 Series detection devices such as the CP300/CP350, SD300(T)/5D350(7) and older modules such as the M300, M301, M302, C304, and BG-IOLX are not compatible with LiteSpeed polling. If the SLC contains one of these devices, polling must be set for standard CLIP protocol. Please consult factory for further information on previous 300 Series devices. ADDRESSABLE DEVICE ACCESSORIES End-of-Line Resistor Assembly (R-47K and R-3.9K): The 47k ohm assembly supervises the MMF-300, MDF-300, MMF-301, and CMF-300 module circuits. The 3.9k ohm assembly supervises the MMF-302 module circuit. These resistors are included with each module. Power Supervision Relay: Supervises the power to 4-wire smoke detectors and notification appliances. Wiring Requirements While shielded wire is not required, it is recommended that all SLC wiring be twisted-pair to minimize the effects of electrical interfer- ence. Refer to the panel manual for wiring details. DF-60957:C • 7/16/2018— Page 3 of 4 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS System Capacity Intelligent Signaling Line Circuits................................................1 Addressable device capacity..................................................198 Programmable software zones.................................................99 Annunciators.............................................................................16 Electrical Specifications AC Power: Operates in either 120 or 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3.25 A. auto-sensing- no switch required. Wire size: minimum 14 AWG (2.00 mm2) with 600 V insulation. Nonpower-limited, supervised. Battery: Two 12 V 18 AH lead-acid batteries. Battery Charger Capacity: 7-18 AH (ES-200X cabinet holds maximum of two 18 AH batteries.) Communication Loop: Supervised and power-limited. Notification Appliance Circuits: Terminal Block provides connec- tions for four NACs, Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A). Special Application power. Power-limited, supervised circuitry. Maximum signaling current per circuit: 2.5 amps special application, 250mA regulated. End-of-Line Resistor: 4.7k ohm, 1/2 watt (P/N 71252 UL listed) for Style V (Class B) NAC; system capable of 1.9 kQ - 22 kQ ELR range. Refer to the Fire-Lite Device Compatibility Document for listed compatible devices. Two Programmable Relays and One Fixed Trouble Relay: Con- tact rating: 2.0 A @ 30 VDC (resistive), 0.5 A © 30 VAC (resistive). Form-C relays, non-power-limited, non-supervised. Cabinet Specifications Door: 19.26' (48.92 cm.) high x 16.82" (42.73 cm.) wide x 0.72" (1.82 cm.) deep. Backbox: 19.00" (48.26 cm.) high x 16.65" (42.29 cm.) wide x 5.25" (13.34 cm.) deep. Trim Ring (TR-CE): 22.00" (55.88 cm.) high x 19.65" (49.91 cm.) wide. Shipping Specifications Weight: 26.9 lbs. (12.20 kg.) Dimensions: 20.00" (50.80 cm.) high x 22.5" (57.15 cm.) wide x 8.5" (21.59 cm.) deep. Temperature and Humidity Ranges This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0 - 49°C/32 - 120°F and at a relative humidity 93% ± 2% RH (noncondensing) at 32°C ± 2°C (90°F ± 3°F). However, the useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic components may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that this system and its peripherals be installed in an environment with a normal room temperature of 15 - 27°C/60 - 80°F NFPA Standards The ES-200X complies with the following NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Sys- tems requirements: - LOCAL (Automatic, Manual, Waterfiow and Sprinkler Supervi- sory). - AUXILIARY (Automatic, Manual and Waterfiow) (requires 4XTMF). - REMOTE STATION (Automatic, Manual and Waterfiow) (Where a DACT is not accepted, the alarm, trouble and supervi- sory relays may be connected to UL864 listed transmitters. For reverse polarity signaling of alarm and trouble, 4XTMF is required.) - PROPRIETARY (Automatic, Manual and Water? low). - CENTRAL STATION (Automatic, Manual and Waterfiow, and Sprinkler Supervised). - OT, PSDN (Other Technologies, Packet-switched Data Net- work) - IBC 2012, IBC 2009, IBC 2006, IBC 2003, IBC 2000 (Seismic). - CBC 2007 (Seismic) Agency Listings and Approvals The listings and approvals below apply to the basic ES-200X control panel. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status. UL: S624 FM approved CSFM: 7165-0075:500 ° FDNY: COA#6261 NOTE: See DF-60958 for ULC-llsted model. AlarmNet®, Fire-Lite® Alarms, SWIFT®, and System Sensor® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. Microsoft® and Wndows® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. 02018 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. I SO 9001 We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. U I .TI BlIIlUlNI &MENIfA1IIHf® Ii Iii LIT Y SYSTEMS For more information, contact Fire-Lite Alarms. Phone: (800) 627-3473, FAX: (877) 699-4105. Country of Origin: USA www.firelite.com Page 4 of 4— DF-60957:C • 7/16/2018 Calculating the System Current Load Power Supply Calculations Device Type Calculation Column I Primary (AC) Power Source Fire Alarm Current (amps) Calculation Column 2 Secondary (Battery) Power Source Fire Alarm Current (amps) Calculation Column 3 Secondary (Battery) Power Source Standby Current (amps) Qy xrcurrent drawl= Total ON X [current drawl= Total Otv X Fcurrent drawl= Total Main Circuit So X(0.2571= 1 X[O.i4iJ= IPOTS-COM Communicator :J xl0.0411= -r- x[o.041]= -r x[0.040]= CELL-MOD/CAB-FL I X[O.100]= (] X[0.100]= (J X(0.055J= PWRMOD24 - N/A X0.008]= X0.007]= ANN-80 X[0.040]= I X[0.040]= I X[0.015] ANN-100 - X[0.025]= .._1 X[0.025]= : x[0.020]= ANN-(R)LED - X[0.068]= - X[0.068]= I X[0.028]= - ANN-RLY X[0.075]= - ] X[0.075]= I X(0.015]= - ANN-I/O ( ] X[0.200]= - X[0.200]= J X[0.035]= - ANN-S/PG F J X(0.045]= - I XfO.045J= ] X[0.045]= - ECC-FFT - N/A (I X[0.2301= (J X[0.120]= 4XTMF F_I X[0.011I= (1 X[0.011]= C_I X[0.005]= 4-wire Detector Heads (] Xf 1= (1 x ?= I X( 1= Power Supervision Relays4 (] X[0.025]= Fl X[0.025]= I X[0.025]= CP350, CP355 maximum alarm draw Afl() for all devices = maximum alarm draw 040 X[0.00040]= for all devices = - X[0:00030] _1 SD350, SD355, SD365 J X[0.00030]= SD355C0 I X[0.00030]= 5D3501 5D355T, S03651 i xo.0000j= AD350, A0355 I X(0.00030= H350, H355, H365 J X[0.00030]= H350R, H355R, H365R ] X[0.00030]= H355H7, H365HT J X[0.00030]= D350P, D35OPL I X[0.00030]= D35ORP, D35ORPL I X[0.00030]= 13501131-1, 1350I13HT5 X[0.001]= B224RB Relay Base J X(0.00050)= B224B1 Isolator Base F ] X[0.00045]= MMF- MMF-300-10 - F_I X[0.00350]= MDF-300 F X[0.00075]= MMF-301 F X[0.000375]= MMF-302 F X[0.00027]= MMF-302-6 ( X[0.00200]= BG-12LX ( X[0.00030]= - CMF-300 F X[0.00039]= - CMF-300-6 ( X[0.00225]= CRF-300 X[0.00027]= - CRF-300-6 ( X[0.00145]= 1300 ( Xf0.00040J= ISO-6 F I X(0.00045]= W.GATE F ] X(0.040] or [0.024]6 NAC #11 ( ] X( 1= ( 1 X( ]= NAC #27 F ] X( 1= ( J X( ]= NAC #37 F I X( 1= F ] X( 1= NAC #.' I J X( 1= 1 X( 1= FCPS (remote sync) ( I X[0.02]= ( I X[0.0217]= Current Draw from T133 F I F 1= F 1 1 1= F 1 1 1= Sum each column for totals AC Powered, Fire Alarm Load 8 = Battery Powered, Fire Alarm Load = Battery Powered, Standby Load 10= Table 9.3 System Current Load Calculations 1 Main board with display only. 2 If using the Reverse Polarity Alarm output, add 0.005 amps; if using the Reverse Polarity Trouble output, add another 0.005 amps. 3 Refer to the Device Compatibility Document for standby current 4 Must use compatible listed Power Supervision Relay. 5 Maximum alarm current for each sounder base is 0.015 amps which must be supplied by aux. 24VDC source. 6 When powered by an external source, use 0.040A. When powered by the SLC, use 0.024A. 7 If using Gentex brand NACs, the max number of devices for each NAC output is 35. The 'UL Max' current rating, published in their data sheets, must be used in order to maintain performance under low battery conditions with the maximum wire resistances shown in Table D.2 on page 144. 8 Total Alarm current load cannot exceed 3.0 amps or 6.0 amps only when the PWRMOD24 option module is installed. 9 When AC power is initially applied to the panel and the battery is not fully charged, an initial charge current of up to 5.3 amps may be observed at the battery. This high current is only applied for a very short duration (milliseconds) and does not affect system load or battery size calculations. 10 Total Standby current load cannot exceed 2.25 amps. ES-2001 Series Manual-. P/N LS10131-000FL-E:C 7/25/2018 129 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM t9 LISTING No. 17165-0075:0500 I Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7165-- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT (COMMERCIAL) LISTEE: FIRE-LITE ALARMS INC.One Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06410-1653 Contact: Pete Sennett (203) 484-7161 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: pete.sennett@Honeywell.com DESIGN: Models ES-50X and IES-200X ddressable Fire Alarm Control Units. Automatic, manual, watertlow, sprinkler supervisory, local, remote station (PPU), and central station (PPU) services. The ES-50X is a compact version of the ES-200X. The ES-50X has 50 addressable device capability and 2 Notification Appliance Circuits with a 3.0 amps total 24VDC output in Alarm. The ES-200X has 198 addressable device capability and 4 Notification Appliance Circuits with 3.oamps total 24VDC output in Alarm expandable to 6.oamps with Model PWRMOD24. The Model IPOTS-COM provides Phone and IP communication. Models ES-50X and ES-200X system components are as follows: IPOTS-COM POTS and IP Communicator 4XTMF Transmitter Module ANN-80 Remote Annunciator Module ANN-100 Remote Annunciator Module ANN-I/O LED Driver Module ANN-S/PG Serial/Parallel Interface Module ANN-RLY Form-C Relay Module ANN-LED Annunciator Module ANN-RLED Annunciator Module• CELL-MOD GSM Communicator DP-ES-R Dress Panel Model ES-200X system components are as follows: PWRMOD24 NAC Power Expander Module Refer to the listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 120/240Vac 50/60Hz INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm control units, emergency alarm system control units and process 01-31-18 gt ø This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTIL.LO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7165-0075:0500 Page 2 of 2 management equipment for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. Refer to Manufacturers Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: For Fire Alarm Verification Feature (Delay of fire alarm), the maximum Retard/Reset/Restart period must be adjusted to 30 seconds or less. O1-31-l8gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division FCPS.24S6(C/E) & FCPS- 24S8(CIE) 6- & 8-Amp 24-Volt General The FCPS-24S6E (6-amp) and FCPS-24S8E (8-amp) are remote power supplies with battery charger. The FCPS-24S6/- 24S8 may be connected to any 12 or 24 volt fire alarm control panel (FACP) or may be used as stand-alone supplies. Pri- mary applications include notification appliance circuit (NAC) expansion (to support ADA requirements and NAC synchroni- zation) or auxiliary power to support 24 volt system accesso- ries. The FCPS-24S6/-24S8 provides regulated and filtered 24 VDC power to four notification appliance circuits configured as either four Class B (Style Y) or Class A (Style Z, with ZNAC-4 option module). Alternately, the four outputs may be config- ured as all non-resettable, all resettable or two non-resettable and two resettable. The FCPS-24S6/-24S8 also contains a battery charger capable of charging up to 18 AH batteries. FCPS-24S6C & FCPS-24S8C are ULC-listed. NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, the terms FCPS-24S6 and FCPS-24S8 used in this document refers to the standard FCPS- 24S6 and FCPS-24S8, FCPS-24S6C and FCPS-24S8C, the FCPS-24S6E and FCPS-24S8E Features UL-Listed NAC synchronization using System Sensor, Wheelock, or Gentex 'Commander2" appliances. Operates as a "sync-follower' or as a "sync-generator" (default). See note on page 2. Contains two fully-isolated input/control circuits - triggered from FACP NAC (NAC expander mode) or jumped perma- nently "ON" (stand-alone mode). Four Class B (Style Y) or four Class A (Style Z, with ZNAC-4 module) NACs. 6-amp (FCPS-2456) or 8-amp (FCPS-24S8) full load out- put, with 3 amps maximum/circuit, in NAC expander mode (UL 864). 4-amp (FCPS-2456) or 6-amp (FCPS-2458) continuous output in stand-alone mode (UL 1481). Compatible with coded inputs; signals passed through. Optional power-supervision relay (EOLR-1). In stand-alone mode, output power circuits may be config- ured as: resettable, (reset line from FACP required), non-resettable, or a mix of two and two. Fully regulated and filtered power output - optimal for pow- ering four-wire smoke detectors, annunciators, and other system peripherals requiring regulated/filtered power. Power-limiting technology meets UL power-limiting require- ments. Form-C normally-closed trouble relay. Fully supervised power supply, battery, and NACs. Selectable earth fault detection. AC trouble report selectable for immediate 2-hour delay. Works with virtually any UL 864 fire alarm control which uti- lizes an industry-standard reverse-polarity notification cir- cuit (including unfiltered and unregulated NAC power). Requires input trigger voltage of 9 -32 VDC. Self-contained in compact, locking cabinet - 15"H x 14.5"W x 2.75"D (cm: 38.1 H x 36.83W x 6.985D). DN-6927:A2 NOTIFIER® by Honeywell Includes nteral battery chager capable of charging up to 18 AH batteries. Cabinet capable of housing 7.0 AH batter- ies. Battery charger may be disabled via DIP switch for applica- tions requiring larger batteries. Fixed, clamp-type terminal blocks accommodate up to 12 AWG (3.1mm) wire. Specifications Primary (AC) Power: FCPS-24S5C-24S8C: 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 3.2A maximum. FCPS-24S5E/-2458E: 240 VAC, 50 Hz, 1.6A maximum. Wire Size: minimum #14 AWG (2.0mm2) with 600 V insula- tion. Control Input Circuit: Trigger Input Voltage: 9 to 32 VDC. - Trigger Current: 2.0 mA (16 - 32 V); Per Input: 1.0 mA (9 - 16V). Trouble Contact Rating: 5 A at 24 VDC. Auxiliary Power Output: Specific application power 500 mA maximum. Output Circuts: +24 VDC fUtered, regulated. 3.0 A maximum for any one circuit. Total continuojs current for all outputs (stand-alone mode): - FCPS-24S6: 4.0 A maximum. - FCPS-2458: 6.0 A maximum. Total short-!erm current for all outputs (NAC expander mode): - FCPS-24S6: 6.0 A maximum. - FCPS-2458: 8.0 A maximum. Secondary Power (Battery) Charging Circuit: Supports lead-acid batteries only. DN-6927:A2 • 5/17/13 - Page 1 of 2 Float-charge voltage: 27.6 VDC. Maximum current charge: 1.5 A. Maximum battery capacity: 18 AH. Applications Example 1: Expand notification appliance power an additional 6.0 A (FCPS-24S6) or 8.0 A (FCPS-2458). Use up to four Class B (Style Y) outputs or four Class A (Style Z) outputs (using ZNAC-4). For example, the FACP notification appliance circuits will activate the FCPS when reverse-polarity activation occurs. Trouble conditions on the FCPS are sensed by the FACP through the notification appliance circuit. Example 2: Use the FCPS to expand auxiliary regulated 24- volt system power up to 4.0 A (FCPS-2456) or up to 6.0 A (FCPS-2458). Both resettable and non-resettable power options are available. Resettable outputs are created by con- necting the resettable output from the FACP to one or both of the FCPS inputs. Example 3: Use addressable control modules to activate the FCPS instead of activating it through the FACP notification appliance circuits. This typically allows for mounting the FOPS at greater distances* away from the FACP while expanding system architecture in various applications. For example, an addressable control module is used to acti- vate the FCPS, and an addressable monitor module is used to sense FCPS trouble conditions. Local auxiliary power output from the FOPS provides power to the addressable control module. *NOTE: Addressable FACPs are capable of locating control and monitor modules at distances of up to 12,500 feet (3,810meters). Sync Follower/Generator Note In some installations, it is necessary to synchronize the flash timing of all strobes in the system for ADA compliance. Strobes accomplish this by monitoring very short timing pulses on the NAG power which are created by the FAOP. When installed at the end of a NAG wire run, the FCPS-2456/-24S8 can track (i.e. "follow") the strobe synchronization timing pulses on the existing NAG wire run. This maintains the overall system flash timing of the additional strobes attaches to the FOPS. When the FGPS-2456/-2458 is configured (via DIP switch set- tings) as a "sync follower:' the FOPS's NAG outputs track the strobe synchronization pulses present at the FOPS's sync input terminal. The pulses originate from an upstream FACP or other power supply. When the FOPS-2456/-2458 are configured (via DIP switch settings) as a "sync generator," the FOPS's sync Input termi- nals are not used. Rather, the FOPS is. the originator of the strobe synchronization pulses on the FOPS's NAG outputs. In "sync generator" mode, the sync type (System Sensor, Whee- lock, or Gentex) is selectable via DIP switch settings. Standards and Codes The FOPS-24S6 and FCPS-2458 comply with the following standards: NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code. UL 864 Standard for Control Units for Fire Alarm Systems (NAG expander mode). UL 1481 Power Supplies for Fire Alarm Systems. Agency Listings and Approvals These listings and approvals apply to the modules specified in this document. In some cases, certain modules or applications may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be In process. Consult factory for latest listing status. UL Listed: S635, S674 ULC Listed: S635 (FCPS-24560 & FOPS-24580) CSFM Approved: 7315-0028:225 MEA: 299-02-E FM Approved Ordering Information FCPS-24S6: 6.0 A, 120 VAC remote charger power supply. Includes main printed circuit board, transformers, enclosure (1 5"H x 14.6W x 2.75"D [cm: 38.1H x 36.83W x 6.985D]), and installation instructions. FCPS-24S6C: Same as above, ULO-listed. FCPS-24S6R: Same as FOPS-2456 with red enclosure. FCPS-24S6E: 6.0 A, 240 VAC remote charger power supply. Includes main printed circuit board, transformers, enclosure (15"H x 14.5"W x 2.75"D [cm: 38.1 H x 36.83W x 6.985D]), and installation instructions. FCPS-24S8: 8.0 A, 120 VAC remote charger power supply. Includes main printed circuit board, transformers, enclosure (15"H x 14.5"W x 2.75"D [cm: 38.1 H x 36.83W x 6.985D]), and installation instructions. FCPS-24S8C Same as above, ULO-listed. FCPS-24S8R: Same as FCPS-24S8 with red enclosure. FCPS-24S8E: 8.0 A, 240 VAC remote charger power supply. Includes main printed circuit board, transformers, enclosure (15"H x 14.5"W x 2.76'D [cm: 38.1 H x 36.83W x 6.9850]), and installation instructions. ZNAC-4: Glass A (Style Y) NAG option module. EOLR-1: 12/24 VDO end-of-line relay for monitoring four-wire smoke detector power. BAT-1270: Battery, 12-volt, 7.0 AH (two required, see BAT Series data sheet DN-6933). System Sensor® and NOTIFIER® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. ©2013 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. I SO 9001 We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. - - • • We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. ffiN nammmms All specifications are subject to change without notice. QUALITY SYSTEMS Made in the U.S. A. For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203)484-7118. www.notifier.com Page 2 of 2— DN-6927:A2 • 5/17/13 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM 13 LISTING No. 7315-0028:0225 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7315— POWER UNITS LISTEE: NotiflerOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Pete Sennett (203) 484-6127 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: pete.sennett©honeywell.com DESIGN: Models FCPS-2456 and FCPS-24S8 are power limited power supply/battery chargers used for supervision and expanded power driving capability of up to four Notification Appliance Circuits (FACP Fire Circuits, Signaling Devices) or resettable/non resettable outputs. Model ZNAC-4 Class A converter. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 120 VAC, 24 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listees name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as a Power Supply/Battery Charger for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. XLF: 7315-0075:0206 1-24-O3KK This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed \ the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division SYSTEM $ SENSOR Indoor Selectable. Output Strobes and Horn Strobes for Ceiling Applications System Sensor L-Series audible visible notification products are rich with features guaranteed to cut installation times and maximize profits with lower current draw and modern aesthetics. Features is Plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box Tamper-resistant construction is Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation at 15 and 30 candela Field-selectable candela settings on ceiling units: 15, 30, 75, 95, 115, 150, and 177 a Horn rated at 88+ dBA at 16 volts is Rotary switch for horn tone and two volume selections Universal mounting plate for ceiling units Mounting plate shorting spring feature checks wiring continuity before device installation is Electrically Compatible with legacy SpectrAlert and SpectrAlert Advance devices Compatible with MDL3 sync module Listed for ceiling mounting only Aaencv Listinas SIGNALING LISTED APPROVED S5512 FM approved except 7125-16530504 S4011 for ALERT models 7135-16530503 3057383 The System Sensor L-Serl•es offers the most versatile and easy-to-use lre of hcrno, stroies, and horr strobes in the industry with lower current draws and modern aesthetics. With white and red plastic housings, wal a:d cekg mounting options, System Sensor L-Series can meet virtJly any application requirement. The entire L-Series prod Jct line of ceiling-mount strobes and horn strobes include a varety. of features that increase their application versatility wh te simplify n in:aflation. All devices feature a plug-in design wth mnimal intruson ito the back box, making installations fast and foolproof while vi:tuElily eliminating costly and time- consuming ground faults. To further simplify installation the L-Series utilizes a universal mounting plate so insta:le-s can mount then to a wide array of back boxes. With an onboard sior: ng spring, installers can test wiring continuity before the device is installed. Installers car also easily adapt devices to a suit a wide range of application requirements using field-selectable candela settings, automatic seection of 12- or 24-volt operation, and a rotary switch for horn tones with two 'urne selections. L-Series Specifications General L-Series ceiling-mount strobes and horn strobes shall mount to a standard 4 x 4 x 11/2-inch back box, 4-inch octagon back box, or double- gang back box. Two-wire products shall also mount to a single-gang 2 x 4 x 17/8-inch back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products. The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, L-Series products, when used with the Sync•Circuif° Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync.Circuit Module, 12-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 8.5 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 16.5 and 33 volts. Indoor L-Series products shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified unfiltered power supply. Ceiling strobes and horn strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15, 30, 75, 95, 115, 150, and 177. Strobe The strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series Model ______ listed to UL 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Horn Strobe Combination The horn strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series Model ______ listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The horn strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have two audibility options and an option to switch between a temporal three pattern and a non-temporal (continuous) pattern. These options are set by a multiple position switch. The horn on horn strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. Synchronization Module The module shall be a System Sensor Sync'Circuit model MDL3 listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize L-Series strobes at 1 Hz and horns at temporal three. Also, while operating the strobes, the module shall silence the horns on horn strobe models over a single pair of wires. The module shall mount to a 4 11/16 x 4 11/16 x 2 1/8-inch back box. The module shall also control two Style V (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class A) circuit. The module shall synchronize multiple zones. Daisy chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control. The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. Physical/Electrical Specifications Standard Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Humidity Range 10 to 93% non-condensing Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second Nominal Voltage Regulated 12 VDC or regulated 24 DC/FWR1 Operating Voltage Range2 8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 V nominal) Operating Voltage Range (MDL3) 8.5 to 17.5V (12 V nominal) or 16.5 to 33 V (24V nominal) InputTerminal Wire Gauge 12 to 18 AWG Ceiling-Mount Dimensions (including lens) 6.8 diameter x 2.5" high (173 mm diameter x 64 mm high) Ceiling-Mount Surface Mount Sack Box Skirt Dimensions 6.9 diameter x 340 high (175 mm diameter x 86 mm high) (SBBCRL, SBBCWL) Notes: Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs. P, S, PC, and SC products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 and 30 cd. AVDS86800 UL Current Draw Data Candela 8-17.5 Volts DC 16-33 Volts DC FWR 15 1 87 41 60 LM-j 153 63 j 86 75 N/A 111 142 95 N/A 134 164 Q-15-1 N/A I 158 I 191 150 N/A 189 228 177 N/A 226 264 UL Max. Current Draw (mA RMS), 2-Wire Horn Strobe 8-1z5VOlts 16-33 Volts DC l5cd 30cd 15cd 30cd 75cd 95cd 115cd 150cd 177cd 103 167 71 90 143 165 187 217 254 Temporal Low 96 165 54 71 137 161 185 211 249 Non-Temporal High 106 173 71 90 141 165 187 230 273 Non-Temportal Low 95 166 54 71 124 161 170 216 258 3.1K Temporal High 111 164 - 69 94 147 163 184 229 257 3.lKTemporal Low 103 163 54 88 143 155 185 212 252 3.1K Non-Temporal High 111 172 69 94 144 164 202 229 271 3.1K Non-Temporal Low 103 169 54 88 131 155 187 217 259 FWR Input 16-33 Volts 15cd 30cd 75cd 95cd 1115cd 150cd 177cd Temporal High 107 135 179 198 223 254 286 Temporal Low 78 101 151 172 199 229 262 Non-Temporal High 107 135 179 198 223 254 286 Non-Temportal Low 78 101 151 172 199 229 262 3.1K Temporal High 108 135 179 200 225 255 289 3.lKTemporal Low 79 101 150 171 196 -- 229 260 3.1K Non-Temporal High 108 135 179 200 225 255 289 3.1K Non-Temporal Low 79 101 150 171 196 229 260 Horn Strobe Tones and Sound OutDut Data 8-17.5 16-33 Volts Volts Switch Position Sound Pattern dB DC DC FWR 1 Temporal High 84 89 89 2 Temporal Low 75 83 83 3 Non-Temporal High 85 90 90 4 Non-Temporal Low 76 84 84 5 3.1 KHz Temporal High 83 88 88 6 3.1 KHz Temporal Low 76 82 82 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal High 84 89 89 8 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal Low 77 83 83 AV0S86800 L-Series Dimensions 2.47 1.37 0 2.50 Ceiling-Mount Horn Strobes Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box Ceiling Mount Horn Strobes with Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box L-Series Ordering Information tT!iModel I1*ufffiuI[eD Ceiling Horn Strobes PC2RL 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Red I PC2WL 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, White I Model Description Ceiling Strobes SCRL Strobe, Red ISCWL Strobe, White SCWL-CLR-ALERT Strobe, White, ALERT Accessories TRC-2 Universal Ceiling Trim Ring Red TRC-2W Universal Ceiling Trim Ring White SBBCRL Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box, Red SBBCWL Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box, White EIb7 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Product specifications subject to Change without notice. Vail systemse000r.com 02017 System Sensor. ¼_$ 5EitJSOR Phone: 800 Fax: 630-377-6495 for current product InformeOca, including the fotestvembn of this data sheet. AV0586801003117 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 17135-1653:05031 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7135--AUDIBLE DEVICES LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl lnc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Pete Sennett (630) 762-5362 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: pete.sennetthoneywell.com DESIGN: System Sensor Indoor 2-wire and *4 wire Models: HWL, HRL, HGWL and HGRL. Horns; CHWL and CHRL Chimes; P2RL,IP2WLI P2GRL, P2GWL, P2RL-P, P2WL-P, P2RL-SP, P2WL-SP, *P4RL and *4J Wall Horn Strobes; PC2RL,I PC2WL.I*PC4RL and *PC4ffl Ceiling Horn Strobes; CHSRL and CHSWL Wall Chime Strobes; CHSCRL and CHSCWL Ceiling Chime Strobes; Wall Bezel Parts: BZR-F, BZR-AL, BZR-AG, BZR-EV, BZR-P, BZR-SP, BZR-PG, BZW-F, BZW-AL, BZW-AG, BZW-EV, BZW-P, BZW-SP, BZW-PG, BZGR-F, BZGR-AL, BZGR-AG, BZGR-EV, BZGR-P, BZGR-SP, BZGR-PG, BZGW-F, BZGW-AL, BZGW-AG, BZGW-EV, BZGW-P, BZGW-SP and BZGW-PG, Ceiling Bezel Parts: BZRC-F, BZRC-AL, BZRC-AG, BZRC-EV, BZRC-P, BZRC-SP, BZRC-PG, BZWC-F, BZWC-AL, BZWC-AG, BZWC-EV, BZWC-P, BZWC-SP and BZWC-PG. Color Lens: LENS-A2, LENS-132, LENS-G2, LENS-R2, LENS-AC2, LENS-BC2, LENS-GC2 and LENS-RC2. Walilrim Rings: *TR2 and *TR2W CeilingTrim Rings: *TRC2 and *TRC2W Wall Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBRL, SBBGRL, SBBWL and SBBGWL, Ceiling Surface Mounted Back Boxes: Revision 08-21-2017 dcc This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7135-1653:0503 Page 2 of 2 SBBCRL and SBBCWL MPI20KL 120 VAC Adapter Mounting Plate Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 12 VDC regulated and 24 VDCIFWR INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible devices when used with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Suitable for indoor use, wall or ceiling mounted. Authority having jurisdiction should be consulted prior to installation. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. Revision 08-21-2017 dcc This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division The System Sensor L-Series offers the most versatile and easy-to-use line of horns, strobes, and horn strobes in the industry with lower current draws and modern aest-etics. With white and red plastic housings, standard and compact devices, and plain, FIRE and FUEGO-printed devices, System Sensor L-Series can meet virtually any application requirement. The L-Series line of wall-mount horns, strobes, and horn strobes include a variety of features that increase their application versatilty while simplifying installation. All devices feature plug-in designs with minimal intrusion into the back box, making installations fast and foolproof while virtually eliminating costly and time-consuming ground faults. To further simplify installation and protect devices from constructicn damage, the L-Series utilizes a universe.mounting plate for all models with an onboard shorting spring, so installers can test wiring continuity before the device is installed. Installers can also easily adapt devices o a suit a wide range of application requirements using held-selectable candela settings, automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt opera:ion, and a rotary switch for horn tones with two volume selections. SYSTEM $ SENSOR Indoor Selectable- Output Horns, Strobes, and Horn Strobes for Wall Applications System Sensor L-Series audible visible notification products are rich with features guaranteed to cut installation times and maximize profits with lower current draw and modern aesthetics. Features Updated Modern Aesthetics Small profile devices for Horns and Horn Strobes Plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box Tamper-resistant construction Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation at 15 and 30 candela Field-selectable candela settings on wall units: 15, 30, 75, 95, 110, 135, and 185 Horn rated at 88+ dBA at 16 volts Rotary switch for horn tone and two volume selections Mounting plate for all standard and all compact wall units Mounting plate shorting spring checks wiring continuity before device installation Electrically Compatible with legacy SpectrAlert and SpectAlert Advance devices Compatible with MDL3 sync module Listed for wall mounting only Agency Listings SIGNAUNG <i~> LISTED APPROVED 05512 FM approved except 7125-1653504 04011 for ALERT models 7135-1653:0503 3057383,3057072 AVDS865-04 • 11/17/2017 • Page 1 L-Series Specifications General L-Series standard horns, strobes, and horn strobes shall mount to a standard 2 x 4 x 1 7/8-inch back box, 4 x 4 x 11/2-inch back box, 4-inch octagon back box, or double-gang back box. L-Series compact products shall mount to a single-gang 2 x 4 x 17/8-inch back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products for all standard models and a separate universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting wall compact models. The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, L-Series products, when used with the Sync.Circuit'° Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync.Circuit Module, 12-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 8.5 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 16.5 and 33 volts. Indoor L-Series products shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified unfiltered power Supply. Strobes and horn strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15, 30, 75, 95, 110, 135, and 185. Strobe The strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series Model ______ listed to UL 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Horn Strobe Combination The horn strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series Model ______ listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The horn strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have two audibility options and an option to switch between a temporal three pattern and a non-temporal (continuous) pattern. These options are set by a multiple position switch. The horn on horn strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. Synchronization Module The module shall be a System Sensor Sync.Circuit model MDL3 listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize Strobes at 1 Hz and horns at temporal three. Also, while operating the strobes, the module shall silence the horns on horn strobe models over a single pair of wires. The module shall mount to a 411/16 x 411/16 x 21/8-inch back box. The module shall also control two Style Y (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class A) circuit. The module shall synchronize multiple zones. Daisy chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control. The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. Physical0ectrical Specifications Standard Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Humidity Range 10 to 93% non-condensing Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second Nominal Voltage Regulated 12 DC or regulated 24 DC/FWR12 Operating Voltage Range 8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 V nominal) Operating Voltage Range MDL3 Sync Module 8.5 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16.5 to 33 V (24 V nominal) Input Terminal Wire Gauge 12 to 18 AWG Wall-Mount Dimensions (Including lens) 5.6" L x 4.7W x 1.91"D (143 mm L x 119 mm W x 49 mm D) Compact Wall-Mount Dimensions (including lens) 5.26" Lx 3.46" W x 1.91" D (133 mm Lx 88 mm W x 49 mm D) Horn Dimensions 5.61 x 4.7"W x 1.25D (143 mm Lx 119 mm W x 32 mm D) Compact Horn Dimensions 5.25" Lx 3.45" W x 1.25" 0(133mm Lx 88mm W x 32mm D) Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs. Strobe products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 cd and 30 cd. AV05865-04 • 11/17/2017 • Page 2 UL Current Draw Data ui. max. au.y Candela 8-17.5 Volts DC 16-33 Volts DC FWR Candela 15 88 43 60 Range 30 143 63 83 75 N/A 107 136 95 N/A 121 155 110 N/A 148 179 135 N/A 172 209 185 N/A 222 257 UL Max. Horn Current Draw (rnA RMS) Sound Pattern dB 8-17.5 Volts DC 16-33 Volts DC FWR Temporal High 39 44 54 Temporal Low 28 32 54 Non-Temporal High 43 47 54 Non-Temporal Low 29 32 54 3.1 KHz Temporal High 39 41 54 3.1 KHz Temporal Low 29 32 54 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal High 42 43 54 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal Low 28 29 54 Coded High 43 47 54 3.1 KHz Coded High 42 43 54 UL Max. Current Draw (mA DC Input RMS), Wall Horn 8-1Z5 Volts 15cd Strobe, 30cd Candela Range 16-33 Volts 15cd (15-185 30cd cd) 75cd 95cd llocd 135cd 185cd Temporal High 98 158 54 74 121 142 162 196 245 Temporal Low 93 154 44 65 111 133 157 184 235 Non-Temporal High 106 166 73 94 139 160 182 211 262 Non-Temportal Low 93 156 51 71 119 139 162 190 239 3.lKTemporal High 93 156 53 73 119 140 164 190 242 3.lKTemporal Low 91 154 45 66 112 133 160 185 235 3.1K Non-Temporal High 99 162 69 90 135 157 175 208 261 3.1K Non-Temporal Low 93 156 52 72 119 138 162 192 242 FWR Input 16-33 Volts 115cd 30cd 75cd 95cd hOed 135cd 185cd Temporal High 83 107 156 177 198 234 287 Temporal Low 68 91 145 165 185 223 271 Non-Temporal High 111 135 185 207 230 264 316 Non-Temportal Low 79 104 157 175 197 235 283 3.1K Temporal High 81 105 155 177 196 234 284 3.1K Temporal Low 68 90 145 166 186 222 276 3.1K Non-Temporal High 104 131 177 204 230 264 326 3.1K Non-Temporal Low 77 102 156 177 199 234 291 Horn Tones and Sound Output Data 8-17.5 16-33 Switch Volts Volts Position Sound Pattern dB DC DC FWR 1 Temporal High 84 89 89 2 Temporal Low 75 83 83 3 Non-Temporal High 85 90 90 4 Non-Temporal Low 76 84 84 5 3.1 KHz Temporal High 83 88 88 6 3.1 KHz Temporal Low 76 82 82 7 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal High 84 89 89 8 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal Low 77 83 83 9* Coded High 85 90 90 10* 3.1 KHz Coded High 84 89 89 * Settings 9 and 10 are not available on 2-wire horn strobes. Temporal coding must be provided by the NAC. If the NAC voltage is held constant, the horn output remains constantly on. AVD5865.04 • 11/17/2017 • Page 3 L-Series Dimensions - 91. 3A8 345' 48.9 mm 88mm 12r —3.57•— - —1.55• I i __ __ I as mat - 1.211. j 32 arm (11 cm) (3.9CM) 32 mm 133.0 use _________ _____ C II.M __ (13.7 cm) (I) 0 123,9mm _______ _________ A3548-00 A0547-00 A0557.00 Compact Strobe, Horn Strobe Compact Horn Compact Wall Surface Mount Back Box SBBGRL, SBBGWL I•—• 4.70" (11.94cm) 1.9? (4.85 cm) ]LU7. 1.25 (3.19mm) 67 ( Strobe, Horn Strobe 125' _4.82 _ - 32 mm (12.24cm) (4.88em) LW IZ-3 LO -i A0549.00 A0554.01 Wall Surface Mount Back Box SBBRL/SBBWL Horn L-Series Ordering Information Wall Horn Strobes P2RL 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Red P2WL 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, White P2GRL 2-Wire, Compact Horn Strobe, Red P2GWL 2-Wire, Compact Horn Strobe, White P2RL-P 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Red, Plain P2WL-P 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, White, Plain P2RL-SP 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Red, FUEGO P2WL-SP 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, White, FUEGO P4RL ----- 4-Wire, Horn Strobe, Red P4RW 4-Wire, Horn Strobe, White Wall Strobes SRL Strobe, Red SWL Strobe, White SGRL Compact Strobe, Red SGWL Compact Strobe, White SRL-P Strobe, Red, Plain SWL-P Strobe, White, Plain SRL-SP Strobe, Red, FUEGO SWL-CLR-ALERT Strobe, White, ALERT Model Description I" HRL Horn, Red HWL Horn, White HGRL Compact Horn, Red HGWL Compact Horn, White Accessories TR-2 Universal Wall Trim Ring Red TR-2W Universal Wall Trim Ring White SBBRL Wall Surface Mount Back Box, Red SBBWL Wall Surface Mount Back Box, White SBBGRL Compact Wall Surface Mount Back Box, Red SBBGWL Compact Wall Surface Mount Back Box, White Notes: All -P models have a plain housing (no "FIRE" marking on cover) All -SP models have "FUEGO" marking on cover All -ALERT models have "ALERT" marking on cover 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 ©2017 System Sensor. %$ SENSOR" Phone. 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 Product specifications subject to change without notice. V.53 Oystemsenoor.com for current product information. Including the latest version of this data sheet www.systemsensor.com AV05865-04 • 11/17/2017 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL _____ FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 17125-1653:0504 I Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7125— FIRE ALARM DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl lnc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Pete Sennett (630) 762-5362 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: pete.sennett@honeywell.com DESIGN: System Sensor Indoor 2-wire Models: SRL, SWL, SGRL, SGWL, SRL-P SWL-P, SRL-SP, SWL-CLR-ALERT and SWL-ALERT Wall Strobes; SCRL,I SCWL land SCWL-CLR-ALERT Ceiling Strobes. Wall Bezel Parts: BZR-F, BZR-AL, BZR-AG, BZR-EV, BZR-P, BZR-SP, BZR-PG, BZW-F, BZW-AL, BZW-AG, BZW-EV, BZW-P, BZW-SP, BZW-PG, BZGR-F, BZGR-AL, BZGR-AG, BZGR-EV, BZGR-P, BZGR-SP, BZGR-PG, BZGW-F, BZGW-AL, BZGW-AG, BZGW-EV, BZGW-P, BZGW-SP and BZGW-PG, Ceiling Bezel Parts: BZRC-F, BZRC-AL, BZRC-AG, BZRC-EV, BZRC-P, BZRC-SP, BZRC-PG, BZWC-F, BZWC-AL, BZWC-AG, BZWC-EV, BZWC-P, BZWC-SP and BZWC-PG. Color Lens: LENS-A2, LENS-B2, LENS-G2, LENS-R2, LENS-AC2, LENS-BC2, LENS-GC2 and LENS-RC2. WallTrim Rings: TR2 and TR2W CeilingTrim Rings: TRC2 and TRC2W. Wall Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBRL, SBBGRL, SBBWL and SBBGWL, Ceiling Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBCRL and SBBCWL Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. 02-14-17 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7125-1653:0504 Page 2 of 2 RATING: Regulated 12 VDC selling: 8-17.5 VDC Regulated 24 VDCIfwr setting: 16-33 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as two wire strobe units used for synchronous application when used with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Suitable for indoor use, vertical wall or horizontal ceiling mounted. Authority having jurisdiction should be consulted prior to installation. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. 02-14-17 gt 0 T . This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division OF SYSTEM 141 SENSOR 4-Wire Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector The lnnovairFlex'° Series are the only duct smoke detectors flexible enough to fit configurations from square to rectangular and everything in between. / Innovaeli.2 The InnovairFiex D4120 4-wire photoelectric duct smoke detector features a pivoing housing that fits both square and rectangular footprints and mounts to round or rectangular ductwork. This unit senses smoke i-i the most challenging conditions, operating in airflow speeds of 100 to 4,000 feet per minute, temperatures of —4°F to 158°F, and a humidity range of 0 to 95 percent (non- condensing). A plug-in sensor head offers improved false alarm immunity and simple installation, testing, and maintenance. An improved cover design isolates the sensor head from the low-flow feature for simple maintnance. The InnovairFIex housing provides ample wiring space, a -y4-inch conduit knockout, and built-in short circuit protection to prevent damage to sensitive components during installation. High contrast terminal designations make wiring easy. With its 2:1 sensor-to-power capability, the power board of the D4120 may be used to monitor a second sensor, 134S, simultaneously (i.e., supply and return side). As many as 50 lnnovairF ex detectors can be interconnected. When one unit senses smoke, all interconnected detectors will switch their relays; only the detector sensing smoke will go into alarm, thus pinpointing the fire source. An easy-access Test/Reset button makes it possible to test the unit with the cover on. Three DIP switches can be used to configure field selectable settings: cover tamper delay, number of sensors to be controlled, and shut down on trouble option. Each power board has two LEDs that can be used to indicate the status of connected sensors, and a quick reference imprinted on the cover explains the LED status indications (Standby, Maintenance, Trouble, and Alarm). The InnovairFIex duct smoke detector can be customized to meet local codes and specifications without additional wiring. The new InnovairFIex product line is compatible with all previous Innovair Agency Listings models, including remote test accessories. WARNING: Duct smoke detectors are NOT a substitute for open L FM I$fl area smoke detectors; NOT a substitute for early warning detection; LISTED APPROVED approved NOT a replacement for a building's regular fire detection system. 5911 3029700 3242-1653:207 2202 Refer to NFPA 72 and 90A for additional information. Features Photoelectric, integrated low-flow technology Air velocity rating from 100 ft/min to 4,000 ft/mm (0.5 m/s to 20.32 m/sec) Versatile mounting options: square or rectangular configuration Plug-in sensor offers superb false alarm immunity and the latest sensor technology Broad ranges for operating temperature (-4°F to 158°F) and humidity (0% to 95% non-condensing) Patented sampling tube installs from front or back of the detector with no tools required Increased wiring space with a newly added 3A-inch conduit knockout One easy-access Test/Reset.button and improved LED status Patented interconnect feature for multi-fan shutdown New high contrast terminal designations Built-in short circuit protection from operator wiring errors Field selectable settings for configuring the detector Two DPDT Form-C relay contacts .24 VAC/DC or 120 VAC Backward compatibility with existing Innovair products, including remote accessories lnnovairFlex' Duct Smoke Detector The air duct smoke detector shall be a System Sensor lnnovairFlex° D4120 Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector. The detector housing shall be UL listed per UL 268A specifically for.use in air handling systems.The flexible housing of the duct smoke detector fits multiple footprints from square to rectangular.The detector shall operate at air velocities of 100 feet per minute to 4000 feet per minute (05 to 20.32 meters/second).The unit shall be capable of controlling up to 50 air handling systems when interconnected with other detectors. The detector shall be capable of providing a trouble signal in the event that the front cover is removed. It shall be capable of local testing via magnetic switch, test button on the cover, or remote testing using the SSK451 Multi-Signaling Accessory or the RTS451 KEY Remote Test Station. Terminal connections shall be of the strip and clamp method suitable for 12-18 AWG wiring. Size: (Rectangular Dimensions) (Square Dimensions) 14.38 in (37 cm) Length; 5 in (12.74 cm) Width; 2.5 in (636 cm) Depth 7.75 in (19.7 cm) Length; 9 in (22.9 cm) Width; 2.5 in (635 cm) Depth Weight: 2.51bs(1.l4kg) Operating Temperature Range: D4120 & D4S: —4° to 158°F (-20° to 70°C); D4P120: —40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C) Storage Temperature Range: D4120 & D4S: —22° to 158°F (-30° to 70°C); D4P120: —40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C) Operating Humidity Range: 096 to 95% relative humidity non-condensing Air Duct Velocity: i 100 to 4000 ft/mm (05 to 20.32 m/sec) IElectrical tIRatings Power supply voltage: 20-29 VDC 24VAC 50-60 Hz 120 VAC 50-60 Hz Input capacitance: 270 pF max. 270 pF max. N/A Reset voltage: 3.0VDCmin. 2.0 VAC min. 10 VAC min. Reset time: (with RTS451) .03 to 03 sec. .03 to 03 sec. .03 to 03 sec. Reset time: (by power down) 0.6 sec. max. 0.6 sec. max. 0.6 sec. max. Power up time: 35 sec. max. 35 sec. max. 35 sec. max. Alarm response time: 15 sec. 15 sec. 15 sec. Sensitivity Test: See detector label . See detector label See detector label Current Requirements: (Using No Accessories) Max. standby current: 21 mA @ 24VDC 65 mA RMS @ 24VAC 60Hz 20 mA RMS @ 120VAC 60Hz Max. alarm current: 65 mA @ 24VDC 135 mA RMS @ 24VAC 60Hz 35 mA RMS @ 120VAC 60Hz Contact Ratings Alarm Initiation contacts: (SPST) 2.OA @30 VDC (resistive) Alarm auxiliary contacts (DPDT) 10A @30 VDC (resistive); 10A @250 VAC (resistive); ½ HP @240 VAC; ¼ HP @12OVAC Note: Alarm auxiliary contacts shall not be connected to initiating circuits of control panels. Use the alarm initiation contact for this purpose. Supervisory contacts: (SPDT) Accessory Current Loads at 24 VDC 2.OA @30 VDC (resistive); 2.OA @125 VAC (resistive) Device Standby Trouble Alarm APA151/APA451 12.5 mA n/a 30 mA Max. MHR/MHW 0 mA n/a 29 mA Max. RA1 OOZ 0 mA n/a 12 mA Max. RTS151/RTS151KEY 0mW12mA n/a 12mAMax. RTS2/RTS2-AOS 3.0mA max 16 mA Max. with strobe: 55 mA max; without strobe 30 mA max Note: Any combination of accessories may be used such that the given accessory loads are: 110 mA or less at the Aux output, and 50 mA or less at the Alarm output Installing the InnovairFIex Sampling Tube The InnovairFIex sampling tube may be installed from the front or back of the detector.The tube locks securely into place and can be removed by releasing the front or rear locking tab (front locking tab shown below right). AOS-0419-002 Wiring for 4-wire Duct Smoke Detector and Accessories I POWER INPUTS (NOTE 1) I 4VAC/Dç 120 I FVACI I I I 910 I OR I I AUXILIARY CONTACTS I FOR FAN SHUTDOWN, ETC. (NOTE 2) I AUXA AUXB I SUPERVISORY CONTACTS I (NOTE 3) I ------------ I POWER INPUTS (NOTE 1) I I j-VA g-1 910 I OR I I AUXILIARY CONTACTS I FOR FAN SHUTDOWN, ETC. (NOTE 2) I I AUXA AUXB I 1 - ".21111 T.— I SUPERVISORY CONTACTS I I (NOTE 3) I EOL RESISTOR SPECIFIED BY PANEL MANUFACTURER FIRST DETECTOR IN THE LOOP LAST DETECTOR IN THE LOOP NOTE 1: 24V Power Inputs accept a non-polarized 24VDC or 24VAC 50-60Hz. 120VAC Power Inputs accept only 120VAC 50-60Hz. Connect power source to appropriate terminals of each detector. See specifications for additional power supply information. NOTE 2: Auxiliary contacts shown in standby position. Contacts switch during alarm as indicated by arrows. Auxiliary contacts are not to be used for connection to the control panel. See specifications for contact ratings. NOTE 3: Supervisory contacts shown in standby position. Open contacts indicate a trouble condition to the panel. See specifications for contact ratings. NOTE 4: Alarm Initiation contacts shown in standby position. Closed contacts indicate an alarm condition to the panel. See specifications for contact ratings. Please refer to the corresponding installation manual for accessory wiring diagrams. Important Notes on 2:1 Sensor-to-Power CaDabilit .2:1 sensor-to-power capability is not available for all InnovairFIex models. The feature is only available on the D4120 4-wire conventional models. .2:1 sensor-to-power capability can be enabled using one D4120 and one D4S, or two DIS and one D4131 20. Important Interconnect Notes When using the interconnect feature, all interconnected units must be powered using the same independent supply. Polarity must be maintained throughout the interconnect wiring. Connect the INT+ terminal on unit 1 t the INi+ terminal on unit 2 and so on. Similarly connect the lNT/AUX— terminal on unit Ito the INT/AUX- terminal on unit 2 and so on. Up to 50 D4120 units, 50 D4P120 units, 0150 units of combination may be interconnected. Up to 10 DH1 OOACDC units may be interconnected. Please note that each of the 9 DH1 OOACDC units interconnected may be replaced by three 134P120 units. Therefore, when using the interconnect feature a single DH 100ACDC can drive either 9 DH1 00ACDCs 0127 D4120 units. NOTE: Alarm can be reset only at the initiating device and not at the devices interconnected. A05.0419-002 RTS2-AOS UL S2522 AOS Accessories System Sensor provides system flexibility with a variety of accessories, including two remote test stations and several different means of visible and audible system annunciation. As with our duct smoke detectors, all duct smoke detector accessories are UL listed. - - ,-T ~1 1 1 RTS151 ULS4011 RTS151KEYULS2522 APA151 ULS4011 I RA100Z UL S2522 MHW UL S4011 MHR UL S4011 Information D4120 4-wire photoelectric low-flow duct smoke detector Accessories D4S 4-wire photoelectric sensor component only D4P1 20 4-wire photoelectric power board component only, 24VAC/DC, 120 VAC 2D51 4-wire conventional photoelectric sensor head DST1 Metal sampling tube duct width up to lft(0.3m) DST1.5 Metal sampling tube duct widths 1 ft to 2 ft (03 to Ob m) DST3 Metal sampling tube duct widths 2 ft to 4 f (0.6 to 12 m) DST5 Metal sampling tube duct widths 4ftto 8 f (12 to 24 m) DST1 0 Metal sampling tube duct widths 8ftto 12 ft (24 to 3.7 m) APAI 51 Remote annunciator with piezo alarm DH400 OE-1 Weatherproof enclosure ETX Metal exhaust tube duct width ift (03m) M02-04-00 Test magnet MHR Mini Horn, Red MHW Mini Horn, White P48-21-00 End cap for metal sampling tubes RA100Z Remote annunciator alarm LED RTS151 Remote test station RTS151 KEY Remote test station with key lock RTS2 - AOS Multi-signaling accessory "STBW 3825 Ohio Avenue. St. Charles, IL 60174 02010 system Sensor. Pructsedfirm1onsmbJttochanaew1thoutno0ce.S1sltsystem,emor,mm for Phone: 800-SENSOR2. Fax: 630-377-6495 curmntplOdu(tlflform000fl.IndUdInq the law en3i050tthIsdatashent AOS-0419-002 .2/10. 92305 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM t9 LISTING No. 13242-1653:0207 I Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 3242 -- DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR, PHOTO. (W/ OR W/O BASE) LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir.Kireyev©honeywell.com DESIGN: ModelD4120JD4240, RD4120, P270-3000PL, TD41203, 1D41204, LD4S, LD4I20X, LD4I201-1, D4S, D4P120, CD4PI20 LD4PI20X, LD4PI20H, TD4C, PD4120, YD4120, YD4P120, and AD4PI20 four-wire conventional photoelectric duct smoke detectors and subassemblies. Unit consists of a duct detector housing, powerboard with electrical components and relays, exhaust tubes, and listed 2D51 detector head (CSFM Listing No. 7272-1653:203). Model AD4S sensor component. Models *TD4C, LD4I2OX, LD4I20H, LD4PI20X and LD4PI20H do not contain a 120 VAC transformer. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 20-29 VDC, *24 VAC, 120 VAC (except Models *TD4C, LD4I2OX, LD4I20H, LD4PI20X and LD4PI20H *do not have 120 VAC rating). INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instruction, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating, air velocity and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as conventional photoelectric duct smoke detector for use with separately listed fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. *Rev. 03-27-13 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division 'F' SYSTEM $ SENSOR D41 20W Watertight Duct Smoke Detector The InnovairFief Series are the only duct smoke detectors flexible enough to lit configurations from square to rectangular and everything in between. Features NEMA Type 4 UL listed for non-hazardous indoor and outdoor applications UV Resistant, UL listed housing and cover material 4-Wire Photoelectric, integrated low-flow technology Air velocity rating from 100 ft/min to 4,000 ft/mm (0.5 m/s to 20.32 m/sec) Versatile mounting options: square or rectangular configuration Plug-in sensor offers superb false alarm immunity and the latest sensor technology Broad ranges for operating temperature (-4°F to 158°F) and humidity (0% to 95% non-condensing) Patented sampling tube installs from front or back of the detector with no tools required Increased wiring space with a newly added Y4-inch conduit knockout One easy-access Test/Reset button and improved LED status Patented interconnect feature for multi-fan shutdown New high contrast terminal designations Built-in short circuit protection from operator wiring errors Field selectable settings for configuring the detector Two DPDT Form-C relay contacts 24 VAC/DC or 120VAC Backward compatibility with existing Innovair products, including remote accessories \r_-_=7_1__' — 1W 4- iflflOVai/' The InnovairFiex D4120W watertight 4-wire photoelectric duct smoke detector is UL listed as a watertight enclosure providing protection against falling dirt, rain, windblown dust, splashing and hose directed water. D4120W duct smoke detector features a pivoting housing that fits various applications: both square and rectangular footprints mount to round or rectangular ductwork. This unit senses smoke in the most challenging conditions, operating in airflow speeds of 100 to 4,000 feet per minute, temperatures of -4°F to 158°F, and a humidity range of 0 to 95 percent (non- condensing). A plug-in sensor head offers superior false alarm immunity. These features, plus a NEMA 4 rating, allow operators to mount the detector to rooftop HVAC equipment or use the detector in other harsh environments. The new design provides the same form, fit, and wiring terminations as the standard lnnovairFlex unit. Superior test and operational features added to the standard model are also available in this watertight unit. As the only watertight duct smoke detector on the market, D41 20W provides unsurpassed environmental protection while simplifying installation, testing, and maintenance. This InnovairFIex duct smoke detector can be customized to meet local codes and specifications without additional wiring. The new InnovairFIex product line is compatible with all previous Innovair models, including remote test accessories. WARNING: Duct smoke detectors are NOT a substitute for open area smoke detectors; NOT a substitute for early warning detection; NOT a replacement for a building's regular fire detection system. Refer to NFPA 72 and 90A for additional information. Agency Listings NOTE: To maintain the watertight properties of this duct smoke detector, watertight conduit and fittings must be used. Mount the product with the conduit holes facing downwards, if possible YL * LISTED SEll 3242-1653:0209 APPROVED 3037269.797 InnovairFIex Duct Smoke Detector Specifications The air duct smoke detector shall be a System Sensor lnnovairFlex° D4120W Watertight NEMA4 Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector. The detector housing shall be UL listed per UL 268A specifically for use in air handling systems. The flexible housing of the duct smoke detector fits multiple footprints from square to rectangular. The detector shall operate at air velocities of 100 feet per minute to 4000 feet per minute (0.5 to 20.32 meters/second). The unit shall be capable of controlling up to 50 air handling systems when interconnected with other detectors. The detector shall be capable of providing a trouble signal in the event that the front cover is removed. It shall be capable of. local testing via magnetic switch, test button on the cover, or remote testing using the RTS2 - ADS Multi-Signaling Accessory or the RTS151 KEY Remote Test Station. Terminal connections shall be of the strip and clamp method suitable for 12-18 AWG wiring. Size: (Rectangular Dimensions) (Square Dimensions) 14.38 in (37 cm) Length; 5 in (12.7 cm) Width; 2.5 in (6.36 cm) Depth 7.75 in (19.7 cm) Length; 9 in (22.9 cm) Width; 2.5 in (6.35 cm) Depth Weight: 2.5 lbs (1.14 kg) Operating Temperature Range: -4° to 158°F (-20° to 70°C) Storage Temperature Range: -22°F to 158°F (-30°C to 70°C) Operating Humidity Range: 0% to 95% relative humidity non-condensing Air Duct Velocity: 100 to 4000 ft/min (0.5 rn/sec to 20.3 m/sec) NEMA Enclosure Rating: Type 4-Watertight Indoor/Outdoor Electrical Ratings Power supply voltage: 20-29 VDC 24 VAC 50-60 Hz 120 VAC 50-60 Hz Input capacitance: 270 pF max 270 pF max N/A Reset voltage: 3.0 VDC min 2.0 VAC min 10 VAC mm Reset time: (with RTS151) .03 to 0.3 sec .03 to 0.3 sec .03 to 0.3 sec Reset time: (by power down) 0.6 sec max 0.6 sec max 0.6 sec max Power up time: 35 sec max 35 sec max 35 sec max Alarm response time: 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec Sensitivity test: See detector label See detector label See detector label Current Requirements: (Using No Accessories) Max. standby current: 21 mA @ 24 VDC 65 mA RMS @24 VAC 60 Hz 20 mA RMS © 120 VAC 60 Hz Max. alarm current: 65 mA © 24 VDC 135 mA RMS @24 VAC 60 Hz 35 mA RMS © 120 VAC 60 Hz Alarm initiation contacts: (SPST) 2.OA @ 30 VDC (resistive) Alarm auxiliary contacts: (DPDT) 10A @30 VDC; 10A @ 250 VAC; ½ HP @ 240VAC; 1/4 HP @ 120VAC Note: Alarm auxiliary contacts shall not be connected to initiating circuits of control panels. Use the alarm initiation contact for this ouroose. Device Standby Trouble Alarm APA151 12.5 mA N/A 30 mA Max MHR/MHW 0 mA N/A 29 mA Max RA100Z OmA N/A 12 mA Max RTS151 0 m N/A 12 mA Max RTS151KEY 12 mA N/A 12mAMax RTS2-AOS 3.0mA max 16 mA Max with strobe: 55 mA max; without strobe 30 mA max Note: Any combination of accessories may be used such that the given accessory loads are: ilOmA or less at the Aux output, and 50mA or less at the alarm output. HVDSOO600 InstaHinq the InnovairFIex SamDlina Tube I POWER INPUTS (NOTE 1) I I 4VACIDQ 120 I rvi I I 910 I I OR I I AUXILIARY CONTACTS I FOR FAN SHUTDOWN. ETC. (NOTE 2) AUXA AUXB WH I SUPERVISORY CONTACTS I (NOTE 3) I The InnovairFIex sampling tube may be installed from the front or back of the detector. The tube locks securely into place and can be removed by releasing the front or rear locking tab (front locking tab shown below right). rr I Wiring for Watertight 4-wire Duct Smoke Detector -T C7 ThoTEi - I4V I ) .-120 VAC 910 I OR I AUXILIARY CONTACTS I I FOR FAN SHUTDOWN, ETC. (NOTE 2) AUXA AUXB EOL RESISTOR SPECIFIED BY I SUPERVISORY CONTACTS PANELI MANUFACTURER (NOTE 3) I ---I suaN.0 UL/FM LISTED 3 14 4-WIRE CONTROL PANEL + /ALARM 4) ALARM C. ALARM 4 ALARM C ALARM INITIATION INITIATION INITIATION CONTACTS (NOTE 4) ALARM N.C. LOOP '\\ - (NOTE 4) ALARM N.O. CONTACTS -------J -------------J -- FIRST DETECTOR IN THE LOOP LAST DETECTOR IN THE LOOP NOTE 1: 24V Power Inputs accept a non-polarized 24VDC or 24VAC NOTE 3: Supervisory contacts shown in standby position. Open 50-601-1z. 120VAC Power Inputs accept only 120VAC contacts indicate a trouble condition to the panel. See 50-601-1z. Connect power source to appropriate terminals specifications for contact ratings. of each detector. See specifications for additional power NOTE 4: Alarm Initiation contacts shown in standby position. Closed supply information, contacts indicate an alarm condition to the panel. See NOTE 2: Auxiliary contacts shown in standby position. Contacts specifications for contact ratings. switch during alarm as indicated by arrows. Auxiliary contacts are not to be used for connection to the control panel. See specifications for contact ratings. *please refer to the corresponding installation manual for accessory wiring diagrams. Imoortant Interconnect Notes When using the interconnect feature, all interconnected units must be powered using the same independent supply. Polarity must be maintained throughout the interconnect wiring. Connect the INT+ terminal on unit 1 to the INT+ terminal on unit 2 gnd soon. Similarly, connect the INT/AUX— terminal on unit 1 to the INT/AUX- terminal on unit 2 and so on. Up to 50 D4120W units may be interconnected. Up to 10 DH100ACDC units may be interconnected. Please note that each of the 9 DH100ACDC units interconnected may be replaced by three D4120W units. Therefore, when using the interconnect feature a single DH100ACDC can drive either 9 DH100ACDCs or 27 D4120W units. * NOTE: Alarm can be reset only at the initiating device and not at the devices interconnected. HVDS00600 Accessories System Sensor provides system flexibility with a variety of accessories, including two remote test stations and several different means of visible and audible system annunciation. As with our duct smoke detectors, all duct smoke detector accessories are UL listed. \,\4 ~~ RTS151 UL S4011 APA151 UL S4011 RTS2-AOS UL S2522 RA100Z UL S2522 MHWULS4O11 MHR UL S4011 AOS Ordering Information D4120W Watertight 4-wire photoelectric low-flow duct smoke detector Accessories 2D51 4-wire conventional photoelectric sensor head DST1 Metal sampling tube duct width up to ift (0.3m) DST1 .5 Metal sampling tube duct widths 1 it to 2 ft (0.3 to 0.6 m) DST3 Metal sampling tube duct widths 2 ft to 4 ft (0.6 to 1.2m) DST5 Metal sampling tube duct widths 4 it to 8 ft (1.2 to 2.4 m) DST10 Metal sampling tube duct widths 8 f to 12 ft (2.4 to 3.7 m) APA151 Remote annunciator with piezo alarm DH4000E-1 Weatherproof enclosure ETX Metal exhaust tube duct width lit (0.3m) M02-04-00 Test magnet MHR Mini Horn, Red MHW Mini Horn, White P46-21-00 End cap for metal sampling tubes RA100Z Remote annunciator alarm LED RTS151 Remote test station RTS151 KEY Remote test station with key lock RTS2-AOS Multi-signaling accessory with add on strobe STEM 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 ©2012 System Sensor. Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 POdUCr specfficaons subject to chsngewtrout race. sit systemser'oo.com SENSOR www.systemsensor.com HVDSoo600 • 1/12 for current preductinforniaton, Including the fates: version of ti'Is date sheet, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM 13 LISTING No. 13242-1653:02051 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 3242 - DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR, PHOTO. (W/ OR W/O BASE) LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Pete Sennett (630) 762-5362 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: pete.sennetthoneywell.com DESIGN: Model conventional photoelectric duct smoke detector with Type 4 (NEMA 4) watertight enclosure. Unit employs a watertight duct detector housing, powerboard with electrical components and relays, exhaust tubes, and listed 2D51 detector head (CSFM Listing No. 7272-1653:203). Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: I20VAC, 24VAC, 20-29 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with printed installation instruction, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating, air velocity and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as conventional photoelectric duct smoke detector with Type 4 (NEMA 4) watertight enclosure for use with separately listed fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. 10-17-08 bh This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM IM LISTING No. 7300-1653:0212 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl lnc.3825 Ohio Ave, St Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir.Kireyev©honeywell.com DESIGN: Models RTS151, RTSI5I KEY and RAIOOZ Duct Smoke Detector accessories. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Refer to the installation manuals. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. 04-03-09 bh This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division MOUNTING AND WIRING NOTE: This module is intended to be wired and mounted without rigid con- nections inside a standard electrical box. All wiring must conform to appli- cable local codes, ordinances, and regulations. Connect the red (+) and black (-) wires to the positive and negative loop power leads of the Signaling Line Circuit (SLC). Connect the violet (+) and yellow (-) wires to a two-wire, normally open initiating loop. Install the specified EOL resistor value to terminate the initiating loop. Set the address on the module per job drawings. Install the module in the desired mounting location. FIGURE 2. TYPICAL 2-WIRE STYLE B INITIATING DEVICE CIRCUIT (IDC) CONFIGURATION: UL LISTED COMPATIBLE CONTROL SIGNAL LINE CIRCUIT (SLC) PANEL TO J DEVICE NEXT A LLALL WIRING SHOWN IS I SUPERVISED AND TENS ONES POWER LIMITED (+) (+) C-) INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS MMF-301. Monitor Module FlreuTeALarms by Honeywell One FireLite Place Northford, CT 06472 Phone: 203.484.7161 SPECIFICATIONS Nominal Operating Voltage: 15-32 VDC Average Operating Current: 375 pA (group poll); 350 pA (direct poll); 600 pA Maximum (Communicating, IDC Shorted) EOL resistance: 47K ohms Maximum IDC Resistance: 1,500 Ohms Maximum IDC Voltage: 11 Volts Maximum IDC Current: 450 pA Temperature Range: 32'F to 120' F (0'C to 49 C) Humidity: 10% to 93% Non-condensing Dimensions: 1.3" H x 2,75" W x 0.65 D Wire length: 6 minimum BEFORE INSTALLING This information is included as a quick reference installation guide. Refer to the control panel installation manual for detailed system information. If the modules will be installed in an existing operational system, inform the opera- tor and local authority that the system will be temporarily out of service. Dis- connect power to the control panel before installing the modules. NOTICE: This manual should be left with the owner/user of this equipment. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MMF-301 monitor module can be installed in a single gang junction box directly behind the monitored unit. Its small size and light weight allow it to be installed without rigid mounting (see Figure 1). The MMF-301 is intended for use in intelligent, two-wire systems where the individual address of each module is selected using rotary switches. It provides a two-wire initiating cir- cuit for normally open contact fire alarm and security devices. This module can be used to replace an M301 module in existing systems. COMPATIBILITY REQUIREMENTS To ensure proper operation, this module should only be connected to listed compatible system control panels only. FIGURE 1: C1063-OO VIOLET RED 47k EOL INCLUDED (ELR-47k) C0614-02 FL-460-004 1 156-3654-002 02008 FireLite Alarms Inc. df-60379:A1 • E-400 CRF300(A) ORMLITerALarms Relay Module by Honeywell Addressable Devices The CRF-300(A) Addressable Relay Module provides the sys- tem with a dry-contact output for activating a variety of auxil- iary devices, such as fans, door holders, dampers, control equipment, etc. Addressability allows the dry contact to be activated through panel programming, on a select basis: LiteSpeedTm is a communication protocol developed by FiresLite Engineering that greatly enhances the speed of com- munication between analog Intelligent devices. Intelligent devices communicate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices within the group has new information, the panel CPU stops the group poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect is response speed greater than five times that of other designs. Features Built-in type identification automatically identifies these devices to the control panel. Internal circuitry and relay powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. Integral LED "blinks" green each time a communication is received from the control panel and turns on in steady red when activated. High noise immunity (EMF/RFI). Wide viewing angle of LED. SEMS screws with clamping plates for wiring ease. Direct-dial entry of address: 01— 159 for MS-9600(A) series panels, 01 —99 on MS-9200UDLS(A) and MS-9050UD(A). Applications The CRF-300(A) may be programmed to operate dry contacts for door holders, Air Handling Unit shutdown, etc., and to reset four-wire smoke detector power. Construction The face plate is made of off-white heat-resistant plastic. Controls include two rotary switches for direct-dial entry of address setting. The CRF-300(A) is configured for a single Class B (Style Y) or Class A (Style Z) Notification Appliance Circuit. The CRF-300(A) provides two Form-C dry contacts that switch together. Operation Each CRF-300(A) uses one of the addresses on a SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and status, including the open/normal/short status of its Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC). The LED blinks with each poll received. On command, it activates its internal relay. NOTE: Open/short supervision is suspended with the CRF-300. Rotary switches set a unique address for each module. The address may be set before or after mounting. The built-in TYPE CODE (not satiable) will identify the module to the con- trol panel, so as to differentiate between a control module and a relay module. Specifications Normal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum SLC current draw: 6.5 mA (LED on). Average operating current: 230 pA direct poll (CLIP mode), 255 pA group poll (LiteSpeed mode) with LED flashing. EOL resistance: not used. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% non-condensing. Dimensions: 4.5" (11.43 cm) high x 4" (10.16 cm) wide x 1.25" (3.175 cm) deep. Mounts to a 4" (10.16 cm) square x 2.125" (5.398 mm) deep box. Relay Contact Ratings Load Description Application Maximum Current Voltage Rating Resistive Non-Coded 30 VDC 3.0 A Resistive Coded 30 VDC 2.0 A Resistive Non-Coded 110 VDC 0.9 A Resistive Non-Coded 125 VAC 0.9 A Inductive (UR=5ms) Coded 30 VDC 0.5 A Inductive (UR=2ms) Coded 30 VDC 1.0 A Inductive (PF=0.35) Non-Coded 125 VAC 0.5 A dt-60379:A1 • 08/04/09 - Page 1 of 2 Agency Listings and Approvals In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult fac- tory for latest listing status. UL: S2424 ULC: S2424 FM approved CSFM: 7300-0075:185 MEA:72-01-E Product Line Information CRF-300(A): Intelligent addressable relay module. Intelligent addressable relay module, ULC listed model. SMB500: Optional surface-mount backbox. NOTE: For installation instructions, see document 156-1190-005 and refer to the SLC Wiring Manual, document 51309. LiteSpeedTM is a trademark and FiresLite® Alarms is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc. @2009 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. Iso 9001 We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. - • • We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. lEINlN I MMUEI1UIUN1 All specifications are subject to change without notice. QUALITY SYSTEMS Made in the U.S. A. For more information, contact FiresLite Alarms. Phone: (800) 627-3473, FAX: (877) 699-4105. www.firelite.com Page 2 of 2— df-60379:A1 0 08/04/09 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION WITO OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIALUAll LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM k3,110 LISTING No. 17300-0075:0185 I Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: FIRE-LITE ALARMS INC.One Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06410-1653 Contact: Pete Sennett (203) 484-7161 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: pete.sennett@Honeywell.com DESIGN: Models MDF-300,lMMF-3011 MMF-300, MMF-302, MCF-300 monitor modules; Models ICRF-300 bnd CMF-300 control modules; and MMF-302-6 six zone interlace signaling device module. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 15-32 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model designation, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with listee's separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. NOTE: *Rev. 05-06-05 JW øi This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division P ' p ACE-Il FIRE ALARM DOCUMENTS The FAD is the perfect fit to meet the demanding code requirements today. SAE's number one goal is to manufacture code compliant solutions and this product allows you to do just that. NFPA 72 2007 section states, "A record of installed software and firmware version numbers shall be maintained at the location of the fire alarm control unit." This durable 16 gauge steel enclosure with a solid piano hinge and key lock will keep all of your code required documents in one safe place. With a 4GB USB flash drive it stores your fire alarm software safe and secure eliminating the occurrences of the soft- ware not being on site when technicians arrive to service the system. Along with your fire alarm soft- ware you can store your test & inspection docu- ments, service records, manuals & AS built drawings for the system. Using a standard USB B connector it allows you to plug in with any standard SB printer cable to upload or download information. The FDB is designed to hold critical manuals and documents with a durable steel retainer. It has designated hooks to organize key rings and hold important business cards for easy access and reference. Inside the cover it has a organized note table that allows for documentation for passwords and other critical system information. Standard Features: Installed with a 4 gig digital flash drive with USB B connector 2 Key ring hooks to hold system keys Business card holder for key contacts Overall Dimensions are 12" x 13" tall and 2 1/4 deep 16 gauge steel box and cover for security Durable powercoat baked on finish other colors available Standard %"cat 30 key lock other lock as- semblies available Solid stainless steel piano hinge Permanently screened white ink 1" high "Fire Alarm Documents" Legend sheet for passwords and system information [07] %OF Made ln~U.S.A. '100 RjRaD Space Age Electronics, Inc. 2009 ED0549 LT10559 Rev.D 1/2 Space Age Electronics, Inc. www.lsae.com 800.486.1723 Toll Free 508.485.0966 Local 508.485.4740 Fax No Excuses, Just Solutions! S PACEAGE 11111111101VELECTRONICS, INC. Specifications: The fire alarm documents box (FAD) shall be UL Listed, constructed of 18 gauge cold rolled steel. It shall have a red powder coat epoxy finish. The cover shall be permanently screened with 1" high lettering "FIRE ALARM DOCUMENTS" with white indelible ink. The access door shall be locked with a 3/4" barrel lock and the hinge shall be a solid width 12" stainless steel piano hinge. The enclosure will supply 4 mounting holes. Inside the enclosure will accommodate standard 8 1/2 x 11 manuals and loose document records that will be protected within the enclosure. A legend sheet will be permanently attached to the door for system required documentation, key contacts and system information. The FAD will have securely mounted inside a minimum of 4 Gigabyte digital flash memory drive with a standard USB B connector for uploading and downloading information. The drive shall N not be accessible without tools to any person whom gains access to the records. The enclosure shall also provide 2 key ring holders with a location to mount standard business type cards for key contact personnel. USB Storage Interface Requires Standard USB-B Connector Plilip,ty Iflfon,..tfon k.Sptliy. Minimlin, R.qoh.dOon,,..nt.Iton (SIG-FUN) Ot.itliFPA42tI3S.liitu2.l) OCliWIIM._______ Cutificaftan. and Approvals 16.1 Synton Inaloildllon ccnl,vcton IFOli S .115tic.vadncacacan isaswitl000lFit.sa.dh.&, 45dO&dStd n.miSb. 16.5 Adtholily Having Jvr5dIc5on .I'*i.itdl.id!lOS.talit&Winvli*FO.itSt flldSitn.lOititSitflWdaliO .,M&. Icafl.SFO,ait.w.cagnaaandvnaao.. &St.d 0' MLOWb, _________________________________ nlpfloataitflitfl.it,. IOtali,,dditlib,tv,*flflad7J2 lit IlCn,dita.p0000lnit,nli.,çavtt Egolponant In6omna6an * On an.o.Im n,naisan L7106 0.0.1 Legend sheet for storing system information including contacts, sign-off, maintenance & test information, and alternate locations of additional records. Space Age Electronics, Inc. www.lsae.com 800.486.1723 Toll Free 508.485.0966 Local 508.485.4740 Fax No Excuses, Just Solutions! Ordering Information: Part # Description SSU00685 Fire Alarm Storage Cabinet RED SSU00686 Custom screening with your Logo Check out our Infinity line eFAD single gang 2 Gig digital storage solutions (IAMEFAD) This document is subject to change without notice, see doc # ED0479 for legal disclaimer E00549 LT10559 Rev.D 2/2