HomeMy WebLinkAbout1901 WRIGHT PL; ; FPC2018-0372; PermitPERMIT REPORT (ity of Carlsbad Print Date: 02/24/2021 Job Address: 1901 WRIGHT PL, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Permit Type: FIRE-Construction Commercial Work Class: Parcel #: 2120911300 Track #: Valuation: $10,916,186.00 Lot #: Occupancy Group: Project #: #of Dwelling Units: Plan #: Bedrooms: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check #: Plan Check#: Project Title: Description: HOME 2 SUITES BY HILTON -FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Permit No: FPC2018-0372 Status: Closed - Finaled Fire Alarm Applied: 11/19/2018 Issued: 12/18/2018 Finaled Close Out: 03/31/2020 Inspector: Final Inspection: Applicant: FPContractor: JS ELECTRIC CO JS ELECTRIC CO -INACTIVE JEREMY SCHULZE 535 PRINCELAND CT 535 PRINCELAND CT CORONA, CA 92879-1383 CORONA, CA 92879-1383 (951) 280-9045 (951) 280-9045 FEE . AMOUNT FIRE New Alarm System $1,265.00 FIRE Reinspection (per inspection) $193.00 Total Fees: $1,458.00 Total Payments To Date: $1,458.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Fire Department Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-4665 1 760-602-8561 f I www.carlsbadca.gov INSTALLATION COMPANY: co JS ELECTRIC WWW.JSELECTRICCO.COM o 1D o'-uJ 00 PERPARED BY JEREMY SCHULZE 10-30-2018 U. - HIGHLIGHTED SET UL & Fill CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE CUT SHEETS AND CSFM LISTINGS PROJECT INFORMATION: HOME SUITES BY HILTON 1901 WRIGHT PLACE CARLSBAD CA, 92008 U Applicant ID No: 387398-001 Service Center No: I Expires: 31-MAR-2019 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the Alarm Service Comoanv indicated below is included by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) in its Product Directories as eligible to use the UL Listing Mark in connection with Certificated Alarm Systems. The only evidence of compliance with UL's requirements is the issuance of a UL Certificate for the Alarm System and the Certificate is current under UL's Certificate Verification Service. This Certificate does not apply in any way to the communication channel between the protected property and any facility that monitors signals from the protected property unless the use of a UL listed or Classified Alarm Transport Company is specified on the Certificate. Listed Service From: HUNT VALLEY, MD Alarm Service Company: (100593-758) Service Center: (100593-758) LYDIA SECURITY MONITORING INC, DBA LYDIA SECURITY MONITORING INC, DBA COPS MONITORING COPS MONITORING 235 SHILLING CIR 235 SHILLING CIR SUITE 108 SUITE 108 HUNT VALLEY MD 21031 HUNT VALLEY MD 21031 The Alarm Service Company is Listed in the following Certificate Service Categories: File - Vol No. CCN Listing Category BPI 0262-1 CRZM Monitoring Stations, National Industrial Security S5087-5 UUFX [Signal and Fire Alarm Equipment and Services] (Protective Signaling Services) Central Station ***THIS CERTIFICATE EXPIRES ON 31 -MAR-201 9*** "LOOK FOR THE UL ALARM SYSTEM CERTIFICATE" 1, T~i FrT I F 00 5 1 000 41,111 Engineered Systems.Distr IRV,! NM 01191 9ronam t;i As I4\\ NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION -1C ____ IN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES /NICET '\® Providing Certification Programs Since 1961 BE IT KNOWN THAT Jason Salazar IS HEREBY AWARDED CERTIFICATION AT LEVEL I IN FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS BASED UPON SUCCESSFUL DEMONSTRATION OF REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE AND WORK PERFORMANCE AS SET FORTH BY THIS INSTITUTE. Certification Valid through October 1, 2017 CERTIFICATION NUMBER 138948 P. CHAIRMAN OF THE NICET BOARD OF GOVERNORS A DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 3etoth of btebemen Presented to rN Has completed 16 hours of technical trailing on the Silent Knight IntelliKnight 5820XL, 5808, 5700 Series Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panels and the SKSS programming software NBFAA lntetliKnight Fire Alarm Control Panels -Course ID: 08-2614 -1£ credits Instructor March 28 & 29, 2012 Valid three years from above dale SILENT 36 KNIGHT by Honeywell Proof O f. A tten.. dance Presented to LS Has attended an eight hour program of instruction. covering principles of Basic Fire and an introduction to Silent Knight panels, peripherals, sensors and modules. EsNNTs Introduction to Basic Fire Technology- Course# 11-3194, 0.2.CEU -2 Hours Instructor 32 7-f2— Valid Iii ree years from above date DSILENT KNIGHT by Honeywell Cer 0 tcate of Completion JS Electric Co. - Corona., CA Has completed a self-directed program of instruction covering Silent Knight IFP-2000 DSILENT KNIGHT by Honeywell 0OXSeptember 23, 2014 IV e Valid three years from above date Instructor gecord of Com pletio& Jason Salazar Of JS Electric Co. Has completed a self-directed program of instruciton covering IFP-50/100/1000 On-Line Test 13~ SILENT KNIGHT by Honeywell September 22, 2014 Instructor Record of CO m-Pletia Off JS Electric Co. Has completed a self-directed program of instruction covering Addressable FIRE-CO Detector D SILENT KNIGHT by Honeywell September 17,2014 Valid three years from above dale Instructor SECTION FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS Farenhyt calable Analog/Ad dressabI) Fire Alarm ControL System2 FP-2OOO/ RPS-2000 The IFP-2000 is an intelligent analog/addressable fire alarm control panel (FACP). The basic lFP-2000 panel contains one built in signaling line circuit (SLC), which can support 159 IDP sensors and 159 IDP modules or 127 SD devices per loop. Additional SLC loops can be added using the model 5815XL SLC expander to increase the overall point capacity to a maximum of 636 points per panel. IFP-2000 has the interconnection capability for up to 16 panels. The system has two modes of operation, Multiple panels covering one larger building, or multiple independent buildings. RPS-2000 is used in a networked system where at least one IFP-2000 is in the system. It is the same as an IFP-2000 without the display. IFP-2000 has eight on-board FlexputTm circuits that can be configured for auxiliary power, notification outputs, or for conventional smoke detector inputs (Class A or Class B). The FACP also has a built-in, dual-line digital fire communicator, Form C trouble relay, and two programmable Form C relays. IFP-2000 has powerful features such as detector sensitivity, day/night thresholds, drift compensation, pre-trouble maintenance alert, and calibration trouble alert. IFP-2000 supports a variety of devices, including RA-2000 remote annunciator, 5824 serial/parallel printer interlace module (for event logging system reports), RPS-1 000 intelligent power module, and IDP or SD protocol SLC devices. Features Built-in support for up to 159 IDP sensors and 159 IDP modules or 127 SD devices SLC devices. SLC expander will increase overall capacity to 636 points per IFP-2000 panel. RPS-2000 is used in a networked system where at least one IFP-2000 is in the system. Up to 16 IFP-2000 or RPS-2000 panels can be networked providing up to 10,176 total points. Networked panels can be configured to emulate a large virtual system or can be segmented into separate sites for multiple building applications. Built-in UL listed digital communicator for remote reporting of system activity and system programming. 9.OA of output power is available through 8 sets of terminals for notification and auxiliary applications per panel. Supports Class B (Style 4) and Class A (Style 6 or Style 7) configuration for SLC, and SBUS. JumpStart auto programming allows for faster set up time by selecting default options for many programming tasks. DSILENT KNIGHT by Honeywell Addressable Fite Control Panel IFP- 2 :0 auxiliary power, notification outputs, or conventional smoke detector inputs. Notification circuits can be configured as Class A (Style Z) or Class B (Style Y). 2- and 4-wire smoke detectors can be configured as Class A (Style D) or Class B (Style B). Two RS-485 buses provide communication to system accessories. Built-in USB interlace for programming. Dedicated Form C trouble relay and two general purpose Form C programmable relays rated at 2.5 amps at 24 VDC. System automatically tests IDP addressable devices. 13 preset notification cadence patterns (including ANSI 3.41) and four user programmable patterns. Four line LCD display with 40 characters per line. Built-in synchronization for appliances from AMSECO, Gentex®, System Sensor®, and Wheelock®. 999 software zones and 999 output groups Programmable date setting for Daylight Saving Time. The lFP-2000 I RPS-2000 can be surface or flush mounted. Four programmable function keys. P/N 350028 Rev F Copyright © 2013 Honeywell International Inc. Specifications Physical Flush Mount Dim: 14.75"W x 25"H x 4"D (37.5W x 63.5 H x 10.16 D cm) Overall Dimensions: 16"W x 26.4"H x 4.65"D (40.6W x 67 H x 11.8 D cm) Weight: 28 lbs. (12.8 kg) Color: Red Environmental Operating Temperature: 32°F - 120°F (0°C - 49°C) Humidity: 10% - 93% non-condensing Electrical iFP-2000 AC: 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 5.OA IFP-2000HVAC: 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 2.5A Total Accessory Load: 9A @ 24 VDC power-limited Standby Current: 290 mA' :Alarm Current: 530 mA Battery Charging Capacity: 17 to 55 AH, 'Battery Size: 18 AH max. allowed in control panel cabinet. Larger capacity batteries can be housed in RBB or AB-55 accessory cabinet. Flexput Circuits Eight circuits that can be programmed individually as: Notification Circuits: 3A per circuit @ 24 VDC, power-limited Auxiliary Power Circuits: 3A per circuit @ 24 VDC, power- limited Initiation Circuit: 100 mA per circuit @ 24 VDC, power-limited Indicator Lights General Alarm (Red): On when in alarm Supervisory (Yellow): On when a supervisory condition exists System Troubles (Yellow): On when a trouble condition exists System Silenced (Yellow): On when an alarm, trouble or supervisory condition has been silenced but not yet cleared System Power (Green): Off for AC failure; On when power systems are normal Telephone Requirements: FCC Part 15 & Part 68 approved Jack: RJ3IX (two required) Approvals' NFPA 13, NFPA 15, NFPA 16, NFPA 70, & NFPA 72: Central., Station; Remote Signalling; Local Protective Signalling, Systems; Auxiliary Protected Premises Unit; & Water Deluge Releasing Service. Suitable for automatic, manual, waterfiow, spnnkler supervisory (DACT non-coded) signalling services Other Approvals: UL Listed, FM Approved, City of New York,, and CSFM Approved Releasing Solenoids Manufacturer Part number Rating Current Freq Asco 18210A107 24 VDC 3 A max 0 Hz Asco 8210G207 24 VDC 3 A max 0 Hz Ordering Information lFP-2000 Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel lFP-2000HV High Voltage (240VAC) Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel RPS-2000 Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel without built in display RPS-2000HV High Voltage (240VAC) Intelligent Fire Alarm control Panel without built-in display SBUS Accessories RA-2000 Red Remote Annunciator. Four line LCD annunciator with 40 characters per line RA-2000GRAY Gray Remote Annunciator Four line LCD annunciator with 40 characters per line 5815XL Signal Line Circuit (SLC) Expander RPS-1 000 6 amp Intelligent Power Module with 6 flexputs 5496 6 amp intelligent Power Module 5824 Serial/Parallel Printer Interface Module 5880 LED I/O Module 5865-3 & 5865-4 LED Fire Annunciators 5883 Relay Interface Board lOP Devices See the specification sheets listed below for a complete listing of the IDP devices. 350361 Intelligent Device Protocol devices specification sheet SD Devices See the specification sheets listed below for a complete listing of the SD devices. 350360 SD Device Protocol devices specification sheet Networking Accessories IFP-RPT-FO Network repeater board for fiber optic IFP-RPT-UTP Network repeater board for twisted pair wire IFP-RPT-UTP-KIT Wired twisted pair network repeater card and cabinet kit. lFP-RPT-FO-KIT Fiber optic network repeater card and cabinet kit. Miscellaneous Accessories 5655 Silent Knight Software Suite - 2. Provides programming, upload /download, and event reporting RBB Remote Battery Box Accessory Cabinet. Use for backup batteries up to 35 AH. Dimensions: 16" W x 10" H x 6" D (40.64 W x 25.4 H x 15.24 D cm) AB-55 Remote Battery Box Accessory Cabinet. Use for backup batteries that are 35 AH - 55AH. Dimensions: 20" W x 12" H x 7.5" D (50.8 W x 30.48 H x 19.05 D cm) SILENT This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific D KI'JIGH.T applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, by Honeywell Northford, CT 06472-1610 Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. For Technical Support, please call 800-446-6444. www.farenhyt.com Made in the U.S.A. SILENT Farenhyt KNIGHT by Honeywell Intelligent Power Module ç 6Amp intelligent Distributed Agency Listings Module, - RPS-1 000 intelligent distributed power module adds 6.0 amps of power, six FlexputTM I/O circuits, and two Form C relay circuits to a compatible Farenhyt addressable system. RPS- 1000 connects to the FACP via the RS-485 system bus allowing up to an additional 6,000 feet of wiring. Each RPS- 1000 is optically isolated providing ground loop isolation and transient protection. RPS-1 000 supports its own backup battery and monitors the AC power. The Flexput circuits can be programmed as notification appliance circuits, continuous, resettable, or door holder power, or as conventional initiation circuits for 2 or 4-wire smoke detectors and contact devices (e.g. pull stations). Features Six onboard Flexput circuits programmable for: Notification appliance circuits (Class B/Style V & Class NStyle Z) Conventional initiation circuits (Class B/Style B & Class NStyle D) both 2- and 4-wire Auxiliary power (for door holders, continuous power, or resettable power) 6.0 amps output power Supports Class A (Style 6) and Class B (Style 4) configuration of the SBUS Two Form C programmable relays rated at 2.5A @ 24 VDC Ground loop isolation and transient protection Provides SBUS optical isolation and re-conditions the RS- 485 signal Built-inynchronization for appliances from System Sensor'"AMSECO, Gentex'', Faraday, and Wheelock® Up to 6,000 foot wiring distance from the RPS-1000 Battery charging capacity is 35 Ah Large cabinet size can house two 18 Ah backup batteries or RBB accessory cabinet can house battery sizes larger that 18 Ah Room to mount two 5815XL SLC expander modules I M A MIS OVA c! approved APPRUVID 429.92-E Vol ix (RPs-1oo F(compatibility) -- - -- -- FPkS-10OP is compatible with the following) CPs:1 IF15-2000/RPS-2000 (63 max per panel) IFP-2000V1P (63 max per panel) IFP-1000 (8 max per panel) IFP-I000ECS (8 max per panel) IFP-100 (8 max per panel) IFP-100ECS (8 max per panel) IFP-50 (8 max per panel) Installation RPS-1000 can be surface or flush mounted. P/N 350070 Rev G Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc. Programmable for NACe, Auxilary Power. or Conventional initiation Input Circuits (2. or 4-wire) RPS.1080.1 RPS.1 I II1 • I1 ttld prograra for Mcs, 03 Auxilaty Power, or Conventional Initiation Input I Circuits (2. or4we) wrnm 'I'll' Programmable for NACs, JjJ ff1 Auxilary Power, or Conventional Initiation 00 Input Circuits (2. or 4-wire) ojmai TIRPS-1000-2 SOUS To Next I I RPS.1000 RA-1000 0 0 10 cc 0 — -- Wm- 5815XL RA.1000s 5824 L..., SLC Devices • 5815XL RA-1000 SLC Devices Specifications Electrical Primary AC:' - )120 VRMS, 50 or 60 Hz, 2.7A, or) 240 VRMS 50 or 60 Hz, 1.4A rotal Accessory Load: 6A © 24VDc) dby Current: 40 rnA' (Alarm Current: 160 mA) (Flexput Circuits, Notification: 3 amps per circuit (6A system total)) jnitiation: 100 mA power limited @ 24 VDGj Physical Mounting Dimensions: 14.5"W x 24.75"H x 3.9"D (36.8 cm W x 62.9 cm H x 9.8 cm D) Overall Dimensions: 16.1"W x 26.4"H x 4.1"D (40.6 cm W x 67 cm H x 11.8 cm D) Color: Red Environmental Operating Temperature: 32°F - 120°F (0°C - 49°C) Humidity: 10% - 93% non-condensing Approvals C• UL 86 (. NFPA 13, NFPA 15, NFPA i, NFPA 10 1j (.c s) ( MEA 429-92-E Vol. IX' ( FMil Ordering Information iRPs-1 odo) nteUigentDistnbutedPower Module.) Specify 120 VAC or 240 VAC operation when ordering. Accessories RBB Remote Battery Box Accessory Cabinet. 16" W x 10" H x 6"D (406 mm W x 254 mm H x 152 mm D) AB-55 Remote Battery Box Accessory Cabinet. 20"W x 12" H x 7.5" D 5815XL SLC Expander Module D SILENT This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all KNIGHT specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472.1610 Phone: (800) 328-0103, by Honeywell Fax: (203) 484-7118. www.farenhyt.com Made in the U.S.A SILENT Farenhyt KNIGHT by Honeywell nteiIugent Power ModuIe vi (54961 The 5496 intelligent power module by Silent Knight is the most cost-effective power supply available today. It delivers 6 amps of notification appliance circuit power and built-in synchronization for appliances from System Sensor®,Gentex®, Faraday, AMSECO, System Sensor®, and Wheelock®. The 5496's advanced microprocessor design is years ahead of the competition. Its switch mode power supply design is up to 50% more efficient than competitive linear mode power supplies. The 5496 is a 6 amp notification power expander that provides its own AC power connection, battery charging circuit, and backup battery for use with Silent Knight lFP-Series fire alarm control panels (FACP5). The 5496 is the cost-effective solution for powering notification appliances required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The 5496 has built-in ANSI cadence pattern. The output circuits can be programmed as notification appliance circuits, or as auxiliary power (configurable for constant, resettable, or door holder power). Features UL Listed for 6 amps of notification power Power supply's advanced switch mode design reduces damaging heat and manages power up to 50% more efficiently than other systems Built-in synchronization for appliances from Gentex, Faraday, AMSECO, System Sensor, and Wheelock 24 VDC filtered output voltage Four power-limited notification outputs; 2 Class A or 4 Class B, or I Class A and 2 Class B NAGs are programmable as notification appliance circuits, or as auxiliary power to be used as constant, resettable, or door holder power 3 amps per output circuit Ground fault detector Communicates to the FACP via 4-wire SBUS (wire runs up to 6000 ft) - AC loss delay option shuts off power to non-essential high- current accessories like magnetic door holders Lightweight design adds to ease of installation and reduces shipping costs ANSI Cadence pattern output capability built-in UL 864 & 1481 listed CSFM approved MEA approved OSHPD (CA) OSP-0065-1 0 (see accessories) Agency Listings MEA 429-92-E Vol. XIV - 5496 Intelligent Power Module Installation The 5496 cabinet is surface mounted. çCompatibihty - - The 5496 is compatible with the followin FACPs 71(1P-2OOó)RPS-2000 Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-1000 Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-100 Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-50 Intelligent Fire Panel PIN 350302 Rev E © 2013 Honeywell International Inc GentekO is a Registered Trademark of Gentex Corporation. System Sensors is a Register Trademark of System Sensor. Wheelock" is a Registered Trademark of Wheelock, Inc. 4 Outputs Programmable as Notification Appliance Circuits, or as Auxiliary Power Output I Output 2 Output 3 Output 4 SBUS Communication To a Compatible Silent Knight FACP Auxiliary Power Can Be - Programmed To Be Constant, Resettable, or Door Holder Power Specifications Physical Height: 16' (40.6 cm) Width: 12.25" (30.9 cm) Depth: 3° (7.6 kg) Shipping Weight: 8.7 lbs. (3.9 kg) 1ElectricaI' ?AC Input: 120 VAC at 2.7A' (Output: 24 VOC at 6A' (Alarm Current: 160 rnA (Standby Current: 40 m Notification/Aux. Power Circuits: 4) Output Configuration: 2 Class A (Style Z) Class B (Style Y)' ,j Class A & 2 Class B') (Amps Per Output Circuit: 3.0 (6.0 amps total) (Notification Circuit Output 204— 273VDC @ 3OA ea- c') End-of-Line Resistance: 4.7k91EOL resistor required on) (each Class B circuit I (Battery Charging Capacity 7'.0- - 35 0 AH Environmental Operating Temperature: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Humidity: 10% - 93% non-condensing Ordering Information 5496 Intelligent Power Modu') RBB Remote Battery Box Accessories: SK-SCK Seismic Compliance Kit D SILENT This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep EM our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific KNIGHT applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, a Northford, CT 06472-1610. Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. For by Honeywell Technical Support, please call 800-446-6444. www.farenhyt.com Made In the U.S.A. Honeywell THE POWER OF CONNECTED IPGSM-4G Fire Alarm Communicators Single or Dual Path Commercial Fire Communicator General The IPGSM-4G is a commerciaIf ire alarm communicator that offers contact ID reporting with any Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) that has a built-in dialer. This single or dual path communicator connects directly to the primary and secondary communication ports of a fire panels Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (DACT). It offers three selectable reporting paths which include: Cellular only, IP only. or IP primary/celluLar backup. All signals from the IPGSM-4G are delivered to Honeywell's AlarmNet® Network Control Center, which routes highly encrypted Ethernet data packets via a customer provided internet connection or cellular network to the appropriate central station. The state of the artAlarmNet network control center is fully redundant and monitored 24/7. AlarmNet has the ability to route messages using ALarmNet-I and 800 PLUS services, providing true redundancy and multi-path message delivery. Alternative communication methods are critical in the marketplace due to VoIP (Voice over IP), migration from POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) and growth of digital radio networks. The IPGSM-4G's single path communications solution allows one technology to be used (either IP or cellular) to provide the appropriate connectivity to a central station. For added reliability, our exclusive dual path solution allows both technologies (IP and cellular) to be used together for maximum survivability or for local jurisdiction requirements that specify a dual technology system. FEATURES & BENEFITS Saves the cost of two dedicated phone Lines. Single or dual path communications- (can communicate to central station using celluLar technology, internet, or both. Requires no change to the existing Fire Alarm Control Panel configuration. (Connects directly to the primary and secondary telephone ports of a DACT.) Operates over the following communication protocols: HSPA+ (4G) HSPA (HSDPA & HSUPA)(3G), EDGE (2G GPRS) (2G). Selectable reporting paths and supervision intervals to meet NFPA 72, chapter 26 requirements. (Compliant with NFPA 72 2010 and 2013 supervision requirements.) Works over any type of customer provided Ethernet 10/100 based network connection (LAN or WAN), DSL modem or cable modem. Data transmits over standard contact-ID protocol but is secured with the industry's advanced encryption standard (AES 256 bit). Supports both dynamic (DHCP) or Public and Private Static IP addressing. Built-In Power Supply module: On board charging circuit design accommodates back- up battery. Includes primary power and battery supervision. Diagnostic LEDs: Signal strength and status indicators. Reliable connection: IP and GSM connection tested every day. QOS: Quality of Service diagnostics via AtarmNet conveys vital communicator information including when message was received, signal strength, and message path used. 7720P Hand-held programmer for easy setup. The IPGSM-40 is designed to operate over the most common cellular networks, including 3G and HSPA+. Its multi-GSM platform technology automatically chooses the best available cellular signal in the area based on signal strength and seamlessly self-adjusts to maintain critical life safety communication. In addition, it connects to any type of customer provided Ethernet 10/100 base network connection (LAN or WAN), DSL model or cable modem. Our selectable reporting path feature allows the radio to be configured for a single or dual path solution as well as the appropriate supervision intervals based on NFPA 72 requirements. (See diagram below for selectable paths and supervision timing intervals.) 2010 GSM Single Path (cellular only) 5 minutes 2010 IP Single Path (IP only) 5 minutes 2010 IP & GSM Dual Path (IP and cellular) 24 hours 2013 GSM Single Path (cellular only) 1 hour 2013 IP Single Path (IP only) 1 hour 2013 IP & GSM Dual Path (IP and cellular) 6 hours Operation When an event occurs, the Fire Alarm Control Panel goes off hookto dialthe centralstation. The IPGSM-4G Dialer Capture Module detects the off-hook condition and provides the fire panel with a dial tone. When the fire panel detects the dial tone, it begins dialing the central station. After the dialing is completed, the Dialer Capture Module returns a handshake to the fire panel. The fire panel then sends the contact ID reports to the Dialer Capture Module, which in turn sends a kiss-off after the report is successfully received from the fire panel. The Dialer Capture Module sends the contact ID reports to the IPGSM communications module. When all the reports are sent, the fire panel goes on-hook. The IPGSM communications module then transmits the messages to the central station either over the GSM network or the Internet (dependent on configuration). Easy to Program The IPGSM-4G communicator can be pre- programmed using the 7720P programmer to enter all central-station information. This is saved to the IPGSM-4G communicator panel memory. When the IPGSM-4G communicator is installed at the site and connected to the Internet/Intranet, it registers itself with the AlarmNet receiver. For most installations, the only required parameters are: 2 Primary City ID (two digits) obtained from your monitoring station. Primary Central Station ID(twodigits) obtained from your monitoring station. Primary Subscriber ID (four digits) obtained from your monitoring station. Communication Module's MAC ID, and MAC CRC number located on outside of box, and inside of the module. All of these parameters are assigned by the monitoring station. Note: Some assembly is required. See Installation and Setup Guide #800-12454 for full details. Fire Communicator Capability The IPGSM-4G is compatible with fire panels that use the Contact ID communications format as described in the SIA DC-05 standard. ALarmNet Honeywell's AlarmNet has been the nationwide leader in alarm communications technology since 1986. A reliable alternative for the transmission of alarm signals, our radio network provides extensive coverage in the United States and Canada. AlarmNet Network Control center processes signals from powerfulservers in multiple locations equipped with 24/7 infrastructure support. The AlarmNet network consist of redundant hardware servers, hot back-up databases and generators with battery back-up at all locations to ensure continuity of service. Signals from Alarm-Net are transmitted to the central station's receivers using multiple communications paths consisting of the Internet, radio network or toll-free POTS service. Installation Requirements UL COMPLIANCE To meet UL864/NFPA, ensure the following: IPGSM-4G must be installed in accordance with NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) standards 70 and 72. IPGSM-4G must be mounted in the same room and within 20 feet of the fire panel. IPGSM-4G, and all equipment used for the IP connection (such as the router, hub, modem, etc.) shall be listed, must be powered from an Un- switched branch circuit, and be provided with appropriate standby power. IPGSM-4G must use the 7AH battery (not supplied) to provide 24-hour backup capability. IPGSM-4G Technical Specifications ELECTRICAL Transformer: Primary: 120VAC, 60Hz, 0.5A Secondary: 18VDC, 50VA Battery: One 12 V 7.0 AH Lead-acid battery: (not supplied) Battery charging current: lAmp maximum Battery discharge current: Standby 230m4, Active 950mA CABINET SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: 14.875" H x 12.75" W x 3.0'D (37.8 cm H x 32.4 cm W x 7.6 cm 0) Color: Red SHIPPING SPECIFICATIONS PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION IPGSM-4G: Internet and Digital Cellular Fire Alarm Communicator Panel. Includes red cabinet with Ademco key and lock, wall outlet box, Dialer Capture Module, IGSM Communications Module, antenna & mounting adapter, PowerBoostl power supply, LED display board, transformer, manual. & required screws, cables, etc. Antenna External Hardware GSM-ANT3DB: 3db gain external/remote antenna WA7626-CA: SNA to N Adapter 7626-50HC: 50 ft. antenna cable, low loss 7626-25HC: 25 ft. antenna cable, Low loss Note: The GSM-ANT3DB and the WA7626-CA are both required for installing an external antenna along with the necessary cable needed (7626-50HC: 50 ft. or 7626-25HC: 25 ft.) Ademco° and AlarmNete are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to- date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. Alt specifications are subjectto change without notice. Weight 5.3 tbs. (6.94 kg) Dimensions: 15.625'H x 13.79" W x 9.25'D (39.7 cm H x 34.9 cm W x 23.9 cm D) TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY RANGES This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0- 49°C/32 - 120°F and at a relative humidity 93% ± 2 /a RH (non condensing at 32°C ± 2°C (90°F ± 3°F). However, the useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic components may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that this system and its peripherals be installed in an environment with a normal room temperature of 15- 270C/60 - 801E Other Accessories 7720P: IPGSM-4G hand held programmer. HPTCOVER: Plug-in transformer box for IPGSM communicator. BAT-1270: Battery 12 Volts, 7 AH, sealed. AGENCY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS The listings and approvals below apply to the basic IPGSM-4G communicator panel. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status. UL Listed: S789 CSFM: 7300-1645:0199 FDNY: COA #6219 For more information Learn more about Honeywell's IPGSM-4G and other products available by visiting www.honeywellpower.com. Honeywell Power Products 12 Clintonville Road Northford, CT 06472-1610 877.HPP.POWR www.honeywelLcom OH-60769 I F 106/17 @2017 Honeywell International. Inc. Honeywell THE POWER OF CONNECTED SILENT Farenhyt KNIGHT by Honeywell Remote Annuncia tor (Remote Annunciator Agency Listings 1RA-2OOO City of The RA-2000 red remote annunciator can be used to operate U New and program the lFP-2000 or RPS-2000 FACP. The RA-2000's i. XJ0A York keypad and display match the built-in annunciator of the lFP- 2000 control panel. I The remote annunciator connects to the control panel via the RS-485 SBUS. When the system is in normal operation and has AC power, the Power LED is lit and all other LEDs are off. The other LEDs turn on as alarms, supervisories, troubles, and system silenced occur. The RA-2000 can be surface or flush mounted and is also available in gray color as RA-2000GRAY. Features 160-character backlit LCD display (4 lines with 40 characters each) Operation and appearance is identical to IFP-2000 built-in annunciator Tactile/audible feedback when key is pressed on annunciator RS-485 SBUS interface to panel Can be flush or surface mounted. Trim ring (P/N RA-IOOTR or RA-2000GRAYTR) available for surface mounting Initiate and end fire drills with a single key press Multi-panel displays can display the status and event history of all the panels they are assigned in a network. Multi-panel annunciators will sound the highest priority tone from the panel it is assigned to View current status by alarms, supervisories, or troubles On-board piezo sounder audibly indicates alarms, troubles, and supervisories Five Status LEDs for; alarms, supervisory, trouble, silence and AC power indications Four programmable function keys Available in red or gray color Wiring lengths up to 6000 ft. from the control panel (UL hsted_comphes —with NFPAñ (.) (Mapprove (.) (csf) A. - - - MEA approved CRA-2000GRAY rhe RA-2000 and RA-2000GRAY are) compatible with the following FAC (IFP-200p) (intelligent Fire Alarm) (Control Panel IFP-2000ECS Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel with Emergency Communication System RPS-2000 Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel without built in display ECS-RCU2000 Supervised Remote Command Unit P/N 350401 Rev F Copyright © 2013 Honeywell International Inc. LED Status Indicators Review Events Individually by, Alarms, Supervisories, or Troubles 160 Character Display Large Buttons for System Silence, Reset, Event Acknowledge, and Fire Drill I Numeric Keypad Designed Keypad (Hidden when door is closed) (Hidden when door is closed) Programmable Function Keys RA-2000 Features Specifications Ordering Information OperatingVoitagej ( _VD CD (2000 - Red Remote Annunciator) RA-2000GRAY - Gray Remote Annunciator (AÔun Optional Accessories (' ño f 00 RA-IOOTR Red surface mount trim ring ((0° C to 49° C)) RA-2000GRAYTR Gray surface mount trim ring Mounting: Surface or Flush Dimensions Flush Mount Outside wall 12.25W x 11.5"H x 718"D (31.1W x 29.21-1 x 2.2D cm) Inside wall 9-3/8"W x 8-3/8"H x 2"D (23.8W x 21.31-1 x 5.ID cm) Surface Mount Including Trim Ring 12.25"W x 11.5"H x 3"D (31.1W x 29.21-1 x 2.20 cm) D SILENT This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific KNIGHT applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. For by Honeywell Technical Support, Please call 800-446-6444. www.farenhyt.com Made in the U.S.A. DSILENT KNIGHT a by Honeywell Agency Listings MEA 429-92-E Vol VI A,PROVSD (5815xt.' Installation The 5815XL can be mounted on standoffs located in the IFP-1000, IFP-I000ECS, IFP- 2000 or RPS-1000 cabinet or in the 5815RMK remote mounting kit. All control panel mounting options allow you to install two 5815XLs per cabinet. (CompatibIlIty) The 5815XL is compatible with the FP-1000 IFP-I000ECS and IFP-2000 FACP. The 5815XL supports multiple device types of the same protocol, either SD or IDP. You cannot mix SD and IDP devices on a 5815XL. Farenhyt (Signaling Line circuit Expander) (5815XL) The 5815XL is a signaling line circuit (SLC) expander for use with the Farenhyt IFP-1 000, IFP-I000ECS and IFP-2000 analog/addressable fire alarm control panel (FACP). Use the 5815XL to add more SLC devices of the same protocol to the IFP-1000/ECS or IFP-2000 control panel. The 5815XL supports the same number of devices and SLC device types that are supported by the control panel. A maximum of seven 5815XLs can be used with the lFP- 1000/ECS FACP. A maximum of 63 5815XLs can be used on an IFP-2000 panel, but the total SLC device count is limited to 636. The 5815XL communicates with the FACP via an RS 485 system bus. A green LED on the 5815XL board blinks to indicate good communication. If an addressable device on a 5815XL fails, the loop communicates the failure to the IFP- 1000 and continues to operate normally. Features Adds support for up to 159 IDP detectors and 159 IDP modules or 127 SD devices to the lFP-2000 system. Adds support for up to 99 IDP detectors and 99 IDP modules or 127 SD devices for the lFP-1000/ECS system. Communicates with the FACP via RS 485 system bus LED indicates good communication House up to two 5815XLs in the IFP-1000 cabinet, IFP-2000 cabinet, RPS-1000 cabinet, or one 5815XL in the 5815RMK remote mounting kit SLC wiring used standard wire. Twisted pair or shield cable are not required UL 864 listed complies with_NFPA72 and ioj) C CSFM approve ( MEA' FM approved P/N 350211 Rev F Copyright © 2013 Honeywell International Inc. FlexputTm is a Trademark of Silent Knight Jumpstart® is a Registered Trademark of Silent Knight FACP 5815XL 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 sc.s+ SC. s+ +AB-+A •+AB IN OUT 0000 0000 I TOW a I Uiedfor Class A Co,,55ur15ai, configurations IFP-1000 connection to 5815X1 Control Panel Roiird Assembly IItEi Ri- MIS*Nlm LLi IFP-2000 connection to 5815XL Specifications Environmental 5815X11 Physical Operating Temperature: 32°F - 120°F (0°C - 49°C) Height: 4.2" (10.7 cm) Width: 4.8" (12.2 cm) Shipping Weight: 5.6 oz (159 g) lApprovals) _ (NFP _ A 13, NFPA 15, _NF 16, NFPA7O, &) ___ (NFPA 72 Central Station Remote Signalling Loca Protective l______ Signalling Sysm tes Auxiliary Protected Premis Unit & Water Deluge Releasing Service Suitable for automatic manual waterfiow, sprinkler supervory(DAC) (non-coded) signalling seMces.) çother Approvals: ULListed; cFM7i70459.13 MEA 429-92-E Vol. VI; FMApp) Humidity: 10% - 93% non-condensing RPS-1 000 Physical (Optional Accessory) Height: 26" (66 cm) Width: 16" (40 cm) Depth: 4.7" (11.8 cm) Shipping Weight: 28.8 lbs (13.1. kg) 5815RMK Physical (Optional Accessory) Height: 10.2" (25.9 cm) Width: 10.4" (26.4 cm) Depth: 3" (7.6 cm) Shipping Weight: 1.2 oz (37g) Ordering Information 8155D gnai Lita System Capacity Accessories IFP-1 000/ECS FACP supports seven 5815XLs RPS-1 000 IFP-2000 FACP supports 63 5815XLs (but a maximum of 636 SLC devices per system) 5815RMK 5815XL Capacity: 127 SD addressable devices for IFP-1000/ECS & lFP-2000 VIP-5815MK c159iDP detectors and 159 IDP modules for IFP-0 99 1 D detectors and 99 IDP modules for the IFP-1 000/ECS ç Electrical Standby & Alarm Current: 55 mA max - 125 mA (wh) (maximum number of devices installed on 5815XL)) Intelligent Power Module. Cabinet holds two 5815XLs. Remote Mounting Kit. Cabinet holds two 5815XLs. Mounting Kit. Mounting kit installs in VIP-series cabinets and holds two 5815XLs. SILENT This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our KNIGHT D product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 by Honeywell Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. For Technical Support, Please call 800-446- 6444. www.farenhyt.com EM Made In the U.S.A. D SILENT KNIGHT by Honeywell 1FP=200,,,;0/ECS - RPS -20 0 0 Analog /Addressable Fire System Emergency Communication System Farenhyt TM Series Installation and Operations Manual Document 151430-L8 11/05/13 Rev: G Model IFP-2000/ECS Installation Manual Section 1 Introduction The IFP-2000 Fire Alarm Control/Communicator is an analog addressable fire control system that meets the requirements of UL 864. The RPS-2000 is used in a networked system where there is at least one IFP-2000 in the system. The RPS-2000 is the same as the IFP-2000 without the display. When using the RPS-2000 as a stand alone local unit, one RA-2000 must be connected, and the RA-2000 must be wired in conduit within 20' of the RPS-2000. The IFP-2000ECS Fire Alarm Control/Communicator is an analog addressable fire control system combined with an Emergency Communication System that meets the requirements of UL standard 2572. 1.1 Overview of Basic System The IFP-2000 base system is packaged as an assembled stack of 3 circuit boards mounted to an aluminum housing. 1.1.1 Hardware Features The basic IFP-2000 panel contains one built in signaling line circuit (SLC), which supports up to 159 IDP sensors and 159 IDP modules or 127 SD SLC devices. Additional SLC loops can be added using the model 5815XL SLC expander to increase overall point capacity to a maximum of 636 points. The SLC(s) supports both the SD Protocol and Intelligent Device Protocol (IDP). Each SLC supports 159 IDP sensors and 159 IDP modules or 127 SD devices to a maximum of 636 points per IFP-2000 control panel. 9.OA of output power is available through 8 sets of terminals for notification and auxiliary applications. Each circuit is power limited per UL 864 and can source up to 3.OA (total output power must not exceed 9.OA). The constant auxiliary power load must not exceed 6.OA for normal standby. Built-in dual phone line, digital alarm communicator/transmitter (DACT). Reports events to central station by point or by zone. UL Listed for pre-action and deluge releasing systems. Dedicated Form C trouble relay and two general purpose Form C programmable relays. Can be used with Model RA-2000 remote annunciators (sold separately). Supports the 5865-3, 5865-4, and 5880 LED annunciators. See sections 4.8 and 4.9 for additional information on these models (sold separately). Printing of event log available through the Model 5824 serial/parallel printer interface module (sold separately). Supports conventional 2-wire & 4-wire detectors using the 8 FlexputTM circuits or SLC zone modules. 999 software zones, 999 output groups. Add four notification/auxiliary power circuits with each 5496 Intelligent Power Module. Add six FlexputTM circuits with each RPS-1000 Remote Power Supply. Interconnection capability for up to eight panels. 1.1.2 Network System Hardware Features The default network setup can contain up to eight IFP-2000 / RPS-2000 panels connected within a networked system providing a maximum addressable point capacity of 5,088. The networked system can be configured to emulate a large virtual system or can be segmented into separate 1-1 151430-L8 Introduction sites for multiple building applications. Each building is referred to as a "site". All panels in a site operate as a single panel. Panels can be interconnected using a BUS or CLASS A (style 7) topology. Panels can be connected cost effectively via shielded twisted pair copper wire within conduit when the panels are located no more than 20 feet apart and within the same room. Panels separated by more than 20 feet or located in multiple buildings use IFP-RPT network repeater hardware to provide up to 3000 ft. of separation with twisted pair copper wire or up to 8dB loss of signal separation for fiber optic cable. Both methods of panel connectivity can be used within the same networked system. The network architecture provides true peer to peer capability allowing network survivability for all hardware that remains operational in the event of partial system failure. 1.1.3 Software Features Advanced analog smoke detector features: Three sensitivity settings (high, medium, low) Automatic drift compensation Maintenance alert region Point status meets calibrated smoke test requirements for NFPA 72 Automatic day/night sensitivity adjustment "JumpStart AutoProgramming" feature for easy programming Non-volatile event history stores 1000 events per panel A choice of output patterns available for notification outputs, including ANSI 3.41 temporal signal Built-in synchronization appliance support for AMSECO, Gentex®, System Sensor®, and Wheelock® 1.1.4 IFP-2000ECS Features 15 Recordable one minute messages that can be mapped to eight ECS buttons. ECS messages can be selected as priority over fire. Support of up to seven ECS-RCU2000's. The ECS-RCU2000 meets the requirements for an LOC. Programmable trigger inputs from an external source, such as a Monaco system, to either the ECS-VCM, ECS-RVM or 5880. Up to eight inputs available on the 5880 module. Support for up to 16 SBUS addressable amplifiers using a combination of ECS-50W, ECS-125W or ECS- DUAL50W for a maximum of 2000 watts per system and up to 128 mappable speaker circuits. Support for dual channel and backup audio using the ECS-DUALSOW amplifier and ECS-SOWBU back-up amplifier. Single enclosure for both Fire and Emergency Control System components. 1.2 About this Manual This manual is intended to be a complete reference for all installation and operation tasks for the IFP-2000, IFP- 2000ECS*, IFP-2000HV, IFP2000ECSHV**, RPS-2000, and RPS-2000HV. Please let us know if the manual does not meet your needs in any way. We value your feedback! * All references to IFP-2000 within this manual are applicable to the IFP-2000ECS. ** All references to IFP-2000HV within this manual are applicable to the IFP-2000ECSHV. 151430-L8 1-2 Model IFP-2000/ECS Installation Manual 1.2.1 Terms Used in this Manual The following terminology is used with the above mentioned control panels: Term Description SLC Signaling line circuit Module The term module is used for all hardware devices except for SLC addressable devices and notification appliances. This includes the IFP-2000/RPS-2000 panels itself and the built-in power supply. It also refers to any (optional) 5815XL SLC expansion module. Input Point An addressable sensing device, such as a smoke, heat detector or a contact monitor device Input Zone A protected area made up of input points Output Point A notification point or circuit for notification appliances. Relay circuits and auxiliary (Or "Output Circuit") power circuits are also considered output points Group (or "Output Group" or A group of output points. Operating characteristics are common to all output points OPG) in a group Mapping Mapping is the process of specifying which outputs are activated when certain events occur in the system. Section 8.3 explains mapping in detail Networking Up to 8 panels can be networked to sites that act like one panel ECS Emergency Communication System 1-3 151430-L8 Introduction 1.3 Compatible Products Table 1-1 lists the products available from Silent Knight for use with the IFP-2000. Table 1-1: IFP-2000 Compatible Products Type of Device Model Description IDP Addressable See Section 7.1 for a list of compatible devices SLC Devices SD Addressable See Section 7.2 for a list of compatible devices SLC Devices 5815XL SLC Expander Each 5815XL allows up to 159 IDP sensors and 159 IDP modules or up to 127 SD devices to be added to the system. The number of 5815XLs that can be added to the system is limited only by the maximum number of SBUS devices. However the maximum point count is limited to 636 per panel. This allows the installer to distribute the 636 points on more than two SLC loops and also allows all 636 points to be all sensors or all modules or any combination of sensors and modules. RPS-2000 Addressable Same operation as IFP-2000 without display Power Supply w/no display 5824 Serial/Parallel Allows a printer to be attached for the on-site event logging. Maximum of two Printer Interface Module 5824s per control panel. RPS-1 000 Intelligent Provides additional power, six FlexpuP" circuits, and two Form C relays. See Power Module Model RPS-1000 Installation Instructions P/N 151024. 5496 Intelligent Power Provides four additional Notification Appliance Circuits/Auxiliary power Module RA-2000 Remote Fire Same operation, similar appearance as on-board annunciator Alarm Annunciator 5865-3 and 5865-4 LED LED annunciator can display up to 30 LEDs (15 red and 15 yellow). 5865-4 has Annunciator key switches for silence and reset, and a system trouble LED. Other Modules 5880 LED I/O Module Driver for up to 40 LEDs. Interfaces with customized annunciator boards. In addition, the 5880 has eight generic switch input points. 5883 General Purpose Provides 10 Form C relays. Designed to be driven by the 5880. Up to four, 5883s Relay Module can be used with each 5880 module. VlP50* 50 watt audio amplifier *All References to ECS-50W throughout this manual will be applicable to VIP-50. ECS-VCM Voice Control Module used with the IFP-2000ECS 24 Switch expander ECS-SW24 50 watt audio amplifier ECS-50W 125 watt audio amplifier Refer to the ECS-Series installation manual PN ECS-125W ECS-CE4 Provides 4 additional audio circuits for the 151455 for more info on ECS-50W or the ECS-125W these accessories. Remote Voice Microphone used with the ECS-RVM IFP-2000ECS Dual Channel amplifier ECS-DUAL50W Backup daughter card ECS-50WBU IFP-2000ECS Contains IFP-2000 and ECS-VCM in single cabinet. Other Modules IFP-RCU2000ECS Contains RA-2000 and ECS-RVM in single cabinet. (cent.) 151430-L8 1-4 Mode! !FP-2000/ECS Installation Manual Table 1-1: IFP-2000 Compatible Products Type of Device Model Description 7860 Telephone Cord RJ31X cord for connecting phone line to the lFP-2000. Silent Knight 5655 For communication and panel programming with a Windows-based computer Software Suite (SKSS-2) and modem (not sold by Silent Knight, see Table 1-2 for compatible modems). Enables remote viewing of detector status and event history. RBB Remote Battery Box for mounting backup batteries up to 35AH that are too large Misc. to fit into the main control panel cabinet. Dimensions: 16" W x 10' H x 6" D (40.64 cm W x 25.4 cm H x 15.24 cm D) AB-55 Remote Battery Box for mounting backup batteries up to 55AH that are too large to fit into the main control panel cabinet. Dimensions: 20' W x 12" H x 7.5" D (50.8 cm W 30.48 cm H x 19.05 cm D) The following modems have been tested by Silent Knight for compatibility with the Silent Knight Software Suite software packages: Table 1-2: Compatible Modems Manufacturer Model US Robotics 28.8 Motorola LifeStyle 28.8, 3400 series Premier 33.6 MultiTech I MT19321ZDX 1.4 How to Contact Silent Knight If you have a question or encounter a problem not covered in this manual, contact Silent Knight Technical Support at 800-446-6444. To order parts, contact Silent Knight Sales at 800-328-0103. Limitations of Fire Alarm Systems Manufacturer recommends that smoke and/or heat detectors be located throughout a protected premise following the recommendations of the current edition of the National Fire Protection Association Standard 72 (NFPA 72), manufacturer's recommendations, state and local codes, and the recommendations contained in Guide for the Proper Use of System Smoke Detectors, which is made available at no charge to all installing dealers. A study by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (an agency of the United States government) indicated that smoke detectors may not go off or give early warning in as many as 35% of all fires. While fire alarm systems are designed to provide warning against fire, they do not guarantee warning or protection against fire. A fire alarm system may not provide timely or adeauate warnin x. orsimnlymav not function, for a variety of reasons. For example. Particles of combustion or smoke from a developing fire may not reach the sensing chambers of smoke detectors because: Barriers such as closed or partially closed doors, walls, or chimneys may inhibit particle or smoke flow. Smoke particles may become cold, stratify, and not reach the ceiling or upper walls where detectors are located. Smoke particles may be blown away from detectors by air outlets Smoke particles may be drawn into air returns before reaching the detector. 1-5 151430-L8 Introduction In general, smoke detectors on one level of a structure cannot be expected to sense fires developing on another level. The amount of smoke present may be insufficient to alarm smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are designed to alarm at various levels of smoke density. If such density levels are not created by a developing fire at the location of detectors, the detectors will not go into alarm. Smoke detectors, even when working properly, have sensing limitations. Detectors that have photoelectronic sensing chambers tend to detect smoldering fires better than flaming fires, which have little visible smoke. Detectors that have ionizing-type sensing chambers tend to detect fast flaming fires better than smoldering fires. Because fires develop in different ways and are often unpredictable in their growth, neither type of detector is necessarily best and a given type of detector may not provide adequate warning of a fire. Smoke detectors are subject to false alarms and nuisance alarms and may have been disconnected by users. For example, a smoke detector located in or near a kitchen may go into nuisance alarm during normal operation of kitchen appliances. In addition, dusty or steamy environments may cause a smoke detector to falsely alarm. If the location of a smoke detector causes an abundance of false alarms or nuisance alarms, do not disconnect the smoke detector; call a professional to analyze the situation and recommend a solution. Smoke detectors cannot be expected to provide adequate warning of fires caused by arson, children playing with matches (especially within bedrooms), smoking in bed, violent explosions (caused by escaping gas, improper storage of flammable materials, etc.). Heat detectors do not sense particles of combustion and are designed to alarm only when heat on their sensors increases at a predetermined rate or reaches a predetermined level. Heat detectors are designed to protect property, not life. Warning devices (including horns, sirens, and bells) may not alert people or wake up sleepers who are located on the other side of closed or partially open doors. A warning device that activates on a different floor or level of a dwelling or structure is less likely to awaken or alert people. Even persons who are awake may not notice the warning if the alarm is muffled by noise from a stereo, radio, air conditioner or other appliance, or by passing traffic. Audible warning devices may not alert the hearing-impaired (strobes or other devices should be provided to warn these people). Any warning device may fail to alert people with a disability, deep sleepers, people who have recently used alcohol or drugs, or people on medication or sleeping pills. Please note that: Strobes can, under certain circumstances, cause seizures in people with conditions such as epilepsy. Studies have shown that certain people, even when they hear a fire alarm signal, do not respond or com- prehend the meaning of the signal. It is the property owner's responsibility to conduct fire drills and other training exercises to make people aware of fire alarm signals and instruct on the proper reaction to alarm signals. In rare instances, the sounding of a warning device can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss. Telephone lines needed to transmit alarm signals from a premises to a central station may be out of service or temporarily out of service. For added protection against telephone line failure, backup radio transmission systems are recommended. System components, though designed to last many years, can fail at any time. As a precautionary measure, it is recommended that smoke detectors be checked, maintained, and replaced per manufacturer's recommendations. System components will not work without electrical power. If system batteries are not serviced or replaced regularly, they may not provide battery backup when AC power fails. Environments with high air velocity or that are dusty or dirty require more frequent maintenance. In general, fire and emergency alarm systems and devices will not work without power and will not function properly unless they are maintained and tested regularly. While installing an alarm system may make the owner eligible for a lower insurance rate, an alarm system is not a substitute for insurance. Property owners should continue to act prudently in protecting the premises and the people in their premises and should properly insure life and property and buy sufficient amounts of liability insurance to meet their needs. 151430-L8 1-6 Mode! IFP-2000/ECS Installation Manual Requirements and recommendations for proper use of fire alarm systems including smoke detectors and other fire alarm devices: Early fire detection is best achieved by the installation and maintenance of fire detection equipment in all rooms and areas of the house or building in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of the current edition of the National Fire Protection Association Standard 72, National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72), the manufacturer's recommendations, State and local codes and the recommendations contained in Guide for the Proper Use of System Smoke Detectors, which is made available at no charge to all installing dealers. For specific requirements, check with the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (ex. Fire Chief) for fire protection systems. Requirements and recommendations include: Smoke detectors shall be installed in sleeping rooms in new construction and it is recommended that they shall also be installed in sleeping rooms in existing construction. It is recommended that more than one smoke detector shall be installed in a hallway if it is more than 30 feet long. It is recommended that there shall never be less then two smoke detectors per apartment or residence. It is recommended that smoke detectors be located in any room where an alarm control is located, or in any room where alarm control connections to an AC source or phone lines are made. If detectors are not so located, a fire within the room could prevent the control from reporting a fire. All fire alarm systems require notification devices, including sirens, bells, horns, and/or strobes. In residential applications, each automatic alarm initiating device when activated shall cause the operation of an alarm notification device that shall be clearly audible in all bedrooms over ambient or background noise levels (at least 15dB above noise) with all intervening doors closed. It is recommended that a smoke detector with an integral sounder (smoke alarm) be located in every bedroom and an additional notification device be located on each level of a residence. To keep your fire alarm system in excellent working order, ongoing maintenance is required per the manufacturer's recommendations and UL and NFPA standards. At a minimum the requirements of Chapter 14 of NFPA 72, 20 10 Edition shall be followed. A maintenance agreement should be arranged through the local manufacturer's representative. Maintenance should be performed annually by authorized personnel only. The most common cause of an alarm system not functioning when a fire occurs is inadequate maintenance. As such, the alarm system should be tested weekly to make sure all sensors and transmitters are working properly. 1-7 151430-L8 Agency Listings, Approvals, and Requirements Section 2 Agency Listings, Approvals, and Requirements 2.1 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) The following information must be provided to the telephone company before the IFP-2000 can be con- nected to the phone lines: A Manufacturer: Silent Knight by Honeywell B Model Number: IFP-2000/lFP-2000ECS C FCC registration number: AC6ALII B6820 Ringer equivalence: 0.813 0 Type of jack: RJ3IX E Facility Interface Codes: Loop Start: 02LS2 F Service Order Code: 9.OF This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by ACTA. On the inside cover of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier. If requested, this information must be provided to the telephone company. A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA. A compliant telephone cord (not provided) and modular jack must be utilized with this product. It is designed to be used with a modular jack that is also compliant. The REN (ringer equivalence number) provided on this installation sheet is used to determine the number of devices that may be connected to the public switched telephone network. This number must not exceed 5.0. Since this product has an REN of 0.8, the number of devices is limited. The REN number is embedded in the FCC registration number as 11B. If the IFP-2000 / IFP-2000HV / IFP-2000ECS / IFP-2000ECSHV causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that the temporarily discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice is not practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary. The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service. If trouble is experienced with the IFP-2000 / IFP-2000HV / IFP-2000ECS / IFP-2000ECSHV, for repair or warranty information, please contact Silent Knight at 1-800-328-0103 or www.silentknight.com. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the IFP-2000 / IFP-2000HV / IFP-2000ECS/IFP-2000ECSHV until the problem has been resolved. This product cannot be adjusted or repaired in the field. It must be returned to the factory for service. This equipment is not designed for use with party line service. Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. You may contact the state public utility commission, public service commission or corporation commission for information. Since the IFP-2000, IFP-2000HV, IFP-2000ECS, or IFP-2000ECSHV is a commercial fire alarm panel, it must be connected upstream of all other equipment utilizing the phone lines. If you have questions about the 151430-L8 2-1 Model IFP-2000/ECS Installation Manual installation, contact your telephone company or a qualified installer. This device has been verified to comply with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) This device may not cause radio interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 2.2 Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 2.2.1 Requirements for All Installations General requirements are described in this section. When installing an individual device, refer to the specific section of the manual for additional requirements. The following subsections list specific requirements for each type of installation (for example, Central Station Fire Alarm systems, Local Protected Fire Alarm systems, and so on). See Section 10.7 for information on releasing operation. All field wiring must be installed in accordance with NFPA 70 National Electric Code. Use the addressable smoke detectors specified in Section 7.1 (IDP devices) or Section 7.2 (SD devices) of this manual and/or conventional detectors listed in the compatibility chart in Appendix A. Use UL listed notification appliances compatible with the IFP-2000 from those specified in Appendix A of this manual. A full system checkout must be performed any time the panel is programmed. Restricted Options: The loss of AC signal is defaulted to 3 hours, but the system still allows settings from 0 - 30 hours. For UL certified installations, this number must be set from ito 3 hours. The system allows the use of non-latching, spot type smoke detectors. This feature may not be used in commercial applications whereby a general alarm is sounded. It is intended for elevator recall, door holding applications, and hotel/motel room applications. The system allows the Alarm Verification confirmation time to be set from ito 250 seconds. For UL certified installations the setting must be a minimum of 60 seconds. Call forwarding shall not be used. When two count is used: detector spacing shall be cut in half, you shall not use the alarm verification feature, and no delay shall be used. P.A.S. (positive alarm sequence) feature shall be used only with automatic detectors. No ECS initiating devices on SLC loops. 2.2.2 Requirements for Central Station Fire Alarm Systems Use both phone lines. Enable phone line monitors for both lines. You must program a phone number and a test time so that the IFP-2000 sends an automatic daily test to the central station. The AC Loss Hours option must be set from 1-3 hours. 2.2.3 Requirements for Local Protected Fire Alarm Systems At least one UL listed supervised notification appliance must be used. 2-2 151430-L8 Agency Listings, Approvals, and Requirements 2.2.4 Requirements for Remote Station Protected Fire Alarm Systems - (DACT) Do not exceed the current draw load restrictions shown in Section 3.6. The AC Loss Hours option must be set from 1-3 hours. 151430-L8 2-3 Mode! IFP-2000/ECS Installation Manual Section 3 Before You Begin Installation This section of the manual is intended to help you plan your tasks to facilitate a smooth installation. Please read this section thoroughly, especially if you are installing a IFP-2000 or RPS-2000 panel for the first time. 3.1 What's in the Box? The IFP-2000 or RPS-2000 ships with the following hardware: A cabinet with all hardware assembled Two keys for the front door Ten 4.7K ohm end-of-line resistors A battery cable for batteries wired in series 3.2 Environmental Specifications It is important to protect the IFP-2000 control panel from water. To prevent water damage, the following precautions should be FOLLOWED when installing the units: Intended for indoor use in dry locations only Do not mount directly on exterior walls, especially masonry walls (condensation) Do not mount directly on exterior walls below grade (condensation) Protect from plumbing leaks Protect from splash caused by sprinkler system inspection ports Do not mount in areas with humidity-generating equipment (such as dryers, production machinery) When selecting a location to mount the IFP-2000 control panel, the unit should be mounted where it will NOT be exposed to: temperatures outside the range of 0°C- 49°C (321F-1201F) or humidity exceeding 93% noncondensing. 3.3 Electrical Specifications Terminal Label Description Rating Earth Ground Faults Voltage Current AC input (hot) 120/240 VAC, 5A for the IFP-2000, N/A 50/60 Hz 2.5A for the IFP-2000HV Earth ground N/A N/A N/A AC input (neutral) 120/240 VAC, 5A for the IFP-2000, N/A 50/60 Hz 2.5A for the IFP-2000HV X 1/01 FlexpuVTM Circuits 24 VDC 3.OA notification and auxiliary OL) power circuits 0 100 mA for initiation circuits 3-1 151430-L8 Before You Begin Installation Terminal Label Description Rating Earth Ground Faults Voltage Current X 110 2 FlexputTm Circuits 24 VDC 3.OA notification and auxiliary power circuits 00 0 100 mA for initiation circuits X *1/0 3 FlexpuvTM Circuits 24 VDC 3.0A notification and auxiliary power circuits 00 0 100 mA for initiation circuits X *1/04 FlexputN Circuits 24 VDC 3.OA notification and auxiliary power circuits 00 0 100 mA for initiation circuits X *1/0 5 Flexputm Circuits 24 VDC 3.OA notification and auxiliary power circuits 00 0 100 mA for initiation circuits X *1/0 6 FlexpuV'' Circuits 24 VDC 3.OA notification and auxiliary power circuits 00 o 100 mA for initiation circuits X *1/0 7 FlexpuVM Circuits 24 VDC 3.OA notification and auxiliary power circuits 00 0 100 mA for initiation circuits X 1/0 8 FlexputTh1 Circuits 24 VDC 3.0A notification and auxiliary power circuits 00 0 100 mA for initiation circuits B SBUS1 OUT SBUS communication 5 VDC 100 mA 00 ~1 1 SBUS power 24 VDC 1.0 A B SBUS1 IN Used for Class A installations 00 A + B SBUS2 OUT SBUS communication 5 VDC 100 mA 00 A SBUS power 24 VDC 1.0 A B SBUS2 IN Used for Class A installations 00 A + A NETWORK NETWORKING CONNECTION 5V lOOmA N/A ::j GND N.C. RELAY I General Purpose Relay 1 24 VDC 2.5 A, resistive N/A C N.C. * Regulatedfor NAC circuits, spec/al application when usedfor releasing or auxiliary power circuits. I 151430-L8 3-2 Mode! IFP-2000/ECS Installation Manual Terminal Label Description Rating EarthGround Faults Voltage Current N.C. RELAY 2 General Purpose Relay 2 24 VDC 2.5 A, resistive N/A C N.O. N.C. TROUBLE Trouble Relay 24 VDC 2.5 A, resistive N/A C N.C. S- SLC OUT SLC terminals 32 VDC 150 mA on S+ Sc- SLC IN Used for Class A installations Sc+ Ring Phone Line 1 Telco Ring N/A OLI Tip Phone Line I Telco Tip Ring Phone Line I Premises Ring Tip Phone Line I Premises lip Ring Phone Line 2 Telco Ring N/A 0) Tip Phone Line 2 Telco Tip Ring Phone Line 2 Premises Ring Tip Phone Line 2 Premises Tip =+1 Battery Battery Connection 24 VDC 1.12 A N/A 3.3 151430-L8 Before You Begin Installation 3.4 Wiring Specifications Induced noise (transfer of electrical energy from one wire to another) can interfere with telephone communication or cause false alarms. To avoid induced noise, follow these guidelines: Isolate input wiring from high current output and power wiring. Do not pull one multi-conductor cable for the entire panel. Instead, separate the wiring as follows: High voltage AC power terminal SLC loops SLC In/Out Terminals Audio input/output Phone line circuits, Ring Tip Telco, Phone Terminals Notification circuits 1/01-1/08 Terminals SBUS SBUSI In/Out Terminals, SBUS 2 In/Out Terminals Relay circuits Trouble, Relay 1, Relay 2 Terminals Network Communication Local Connection, IFP-RPT twisted pair Do not pull wires from different groups through the same conduit. If you must run them together, do so for as short a distance as possible or use shielded cable. Connect the shield to earth ground at the panel. You must route high and low voltages separately. Route the wiring around the inside perimeter of the cabinet. It should not cross the circuit board where it could induce noise into the sensitive microelectronics or pick up unwanted RF noise from the high speed circuits. See Figure 3-1 for an example. High frequency noise, such as that produced by the inductive reactance of a speaker or bell, can also be reduced by running the wire through ferrite shield beads or by wrapping it around a ferrite toroid. 151430-L8 3-4 To phone lines Mode! IFP-2000/ECS Installation Manual Relay AC Power Outputs p Input :R3le,flI power.Hrnfted circuits are ins ad usbig types .FPL, FPLR. FPLP or permitted substitute cables, provided these power-limited cable conductors extending: beyond the jacket are separated by a minimum of '0.25 In, (6.35 mm) or by a nonconductive sleeve or non- conductive barrier from all other conductors. ----------------------------------- ------------------- All cIrcuits, except battery cables anilAc. are power limited. Mbeaintain at least 114' spaci tween power limited qnd non-power limited circuits.' Separate hleh and low voIta9elrcufts-- 3-5 151430-L8 ie Before You Begin Installation Relay AC Power outputs Input Fire alarm power.limlted circuits are All circuits, excePt battery Installed using types FPL FPLR. FPLP cables and igare or permitted substitute cables, power km provided these power-limited cable Itleintain at least 114" sPacing conductors extending beyond the and edclrcults. jacket are separated by a mInimum of 0.26 in. (6.36 mm) or by a nonconductive separate high and low sleeve or nonconductive barrier from voltage CIrcuIts. all other conductors. Figure 3-1 Wire Routing Example for IFP-2000ECS 151430-L8 3-6 SI In/1 Netwc Repei SBUS SE Model !FP-2000/ECS Installation Manual 3.5 Board Assembly Diagram - •. Proarammable Figure 3-2 Model IFP-2000 Assembly Figure 3-2 shows the circuit boards, metal housing and annunciator that attach the IFP-2000 assembly to the cabinet. If you should need to remove the board assembly for repair, remove the four mounting nuts which hold the assembly in the cabinet. Then lift the entire assembly out of the cabinet. Do not attempt to remove the circuit boards from the metal bracket. 3-7 151430-L8 Before You Begin Installation 3.6 Calculating Current Draw and Standby Battery This section is for helping you determine the current draw and standby battery needs for your installation. 3.6.1 Current Draw Worksheet Requirements The following steps must be taken when determining IFP-2000 current draw and standby battery requirements. You will use the Current Draw Worksheet to determine current draw and standby battery requirements. Use Table 3-1 if installing IDP SLC Devices or use Table 3-2 if installing SD SLC Devices. For the IFP-2000, the worst case current draw is listed for the panel, addressable devices, and all SBUS expanders. Fill in the number of addressable devices and expanders that will be used in the system and compute the current draw requirements for alarm and standby. Record this information in the current draw worksheet on Line A. Add up the current draw for all auxiliary devices and record in the table on Line B. Add up the current draw for all notification appliance loads and record in the table on Line C. For notification appliances and auxiliary devices not mentioned in the manual, refer to the device manual for the current ratings. Make sure that the total alarm current you calculated, including current for the panel itself, does not exceed 9.0 A. This is the maximum alarm current for the IFP-2000 control panel. If the current is above 9.0 A you will need to use a notification power expander(s) such as the Silent Knight 5496 or the RPS-1000 intelligent power expander, to distribute the power loads so that the IFP-2000 or the power expanders do not exceed their power ratings. Refer to the current draw work- sheets provided with the 5496 or the RPS-1000 manuals so you do not exceed their power ratings. Alternatively, you may network additional IFP-2000s or RPS-2000s to get additional power. Complete the remaining instructions in the appropriate current draw worksheet for determining battery size requirements. 151430-L8 3-8 Mode! IFP-2000/ECS Installation Manual 3.6.2 Current Draw Worksheet for IDP SLC Devices Use Table 3-1 to determine current requirements during alarm/battery standby operation when IDP SLC devices are installed. You can install up to 159 IDP sensors per loop (636 points max per panel) and 159 IDP modules per loop (636 points max per panel). Copy this section if additional space is required. Table 3-1: Current Draw Worksheet for IDP SLC Devices Device # of Devices Current per Device Standby Alarm Current Current For each device use this formula: This column X This column = Current per number of devices. Battery current draw) I 290 mA 290 mA iü m - Addressable SLC Devices LIDE:Eho 'p59 max/loop) 636m) ane Standby: CmA mA mA IDP-Photo-T mA mA IDP-PhotoR mA mA IDP-lon mA mA IDP-Heat mA mA IDP-Heat-HT mA mA IDP-Acclimate mA mA P-Heat-_ROW mA mA IDP-Beam (without integral test) SLC Standby/Alarm: 2 mA mA mA Aux. Pwr Standby: 2 mA mA Alarm: 8.5 mA mA IDP-Beam-T5 (with integral test) SLC Standby/Alarm: 2 mA mA mA Aux. Pwr Standby: 2 mA mA Alarm: 8.5 mA mA DNR (non-relay) None, included with lDP-PhotoR6 DNR (with relay) None, included with IDP-PhotoR & IDP-Relay7 lDP-CO-Fire SLC [Standby) (30mA mA AIarm 17.2 mA, mA (lDP-Monito, dbyLAlarm (0.375mA, mA mA IDP-Minimon mA mA IDP-Pull-SA/IDP-Pull-DA mA mA IDP-Monitor-2 Standby/Alarm: 0.75 mA mA mA IDP-Monitor-10 Standby/Alarm: 3.5 mA mA mA IDP-Control SLC Standby 0.375mA mA Alarm: 0.375mA mA Aux Pwr Standby 1.7mA mA Alarm: 7mA mA IDP-Control-6 SLC Standby 2.25 mA mA Alarm: 2.25 mA mA Aux Pwr Standby 8 mA mA Alarm: 20 mA mA IDP-Relay) LStandbyL (0.255 mA mA mA IDP-Relay-6 Standby/Alarm: 1.45 mA mA mA 3..9 151430-L8 Before You Begin Installation Table 3-1: Current Draw Worksheet for lOP SLC Devices Device # of Devices Current per Device Standby Alarm Current Current IDP-RelayMon-2 (159 max/loop & 636 max! panel)1 Standby: 1.3 mA mA Alarm: 24 mA mA IDP-Zone Aux Pwr Standby 12 mA mA Alarm: 90 mA mA SLC Standby/Alarm .27 mA mA mA lDP-Zone-6 Aux Pwr Standby 50 mA mA Alarm: 70 mA I I mA SLC Standby/Alarm 2 mA mA mA SLC Accessories B200SR Sounder Base 159 max/loop) &i3) 1panel) Aux Pwr Standby: .5 mA mA Alarm: 35 mA mA SLC Standby .3 mA mA _____ B2005 Intelligent Sounder Bass) Aux Pwr Standby L5mA mA PJan -._(hi gh vol) 5 m mA SLC Standby) )3 mA, mA B224RB Relay Base Standby/Alarm: .5 mA mA mA RT15I/151 KEY Alarm: 7.5 mA mA RAIOOZ Alarm: 10 mA mA SLC Isolator Devices IDP-ISO (Isolator Module) (318 max/loop & 636 max! panel) Standby/Alarm: 0.45 mA mA mA B224B1 Isolator Base Standby/Alarm: 0.5 mA mA J mA Accessories Modules _pi 63 max ax I Standby:) mA Alarrw 125mA, mA RA4000 Remote Fire Alarm) Annundat - (63max)r !Py) mA Ala rITF.) )50 mA, mA 5824 Serial/Parallel Module (2 max.) Standby/Alarm: 45 mA mA mA 5496 Intelligent Power Module (63 max)4 Standby/Alarm: 10 mA mA mA RPS-1 000_lntelliKnightPower Standby/Alarm mA mA 5865-4 LED Annunciator (with reset and silence switches) (63 max)4 Standby: 35m A mA ' Alarm: 145 mA mA 5865-3 LED Annunciator (63 max)4 Standby: 35 mA mA Alarm: 145 mA mA 5880 I/O Module (63 max)4 Standby: 35 mA mA Alarm: 200 mA mA 5883 Relay Interface (63 max)4 Standby: 0 mA mA Alarm: (22 mA/relay) 220 mA mA ECS-VCM Voice Control Module (1 max.) Standby: 70 mA mA Alarm: 100 mA mA ECS-5W24 Switch Expander (3 max.) Standby: 10 mA mA Alarm: 25 mA mA 151430-L8 3-10 Model !FP-2000/ECS Installation Manual Table 3-1: Current Draw Worksheet for lOP SLC Devices Device # of Devices Current per Device Standby Current Alarm Current VIP-50 or VIP-125 Audio Amplifier with/without VIP-CE4 (8 max.) Standby: 10 mA mA Alarm: 10 mA mA ECS-RVM Remote Voice Module (7 max.) Standby: 70 mA mA Alarm: 100 mA mA ESC-50W or ECS-125W Audio Amplifier with/without ECS-CE4 (8 max.) Standby 10 mA mA Alarm 10 mA mA lFP-RPT-FO Network Repeater IFP-RPT-UTP Network Repeater 1 ( max.) Standby: 24 mA mA Alarm: 24 mA mA ECS-DUAL50W Dual Audio Amp (1 max.) Standby/Alarm: 10 mA mA mA ECS-50WBU Back-Up Amplifier (1 max.) Standby/Alarm: 10 mA mA mA Total System Current Auxiliary Devices2 Refer to devices manual for current rating. Alarm/Standby: mA mA mA Alarm/Standby: mA mA mA Alarm/Standby: mA mA mA Auxiliary Devices Current Notification Appliance Circuits Refer to device manual for current rating. Alarm: mA mA Alarm: mA mA Alarm: mA mA Alarm: mA mA Notification Appliances Current mA Total current ratings of all devices in system (line A + line B + C) mA mA Total current ratings converted to amperes (line D .001): A A Number of standby hours H Multiply lines E and F. Total standby AH AH Alarm sounding period in hours. (For example, 5 minutes = .0833 hours) H Multiply lines E and H. Total alarm AH AH Add lines G and 1. 3 Total ampere hours required AH Total does not include isolator devices or accessory bases. If using door holders, you do not need to consider door holder current for alarm/battery standby, because power is removed during that time. However, during normal operation, door holders draw current and must be included in the 9.OA total current that can be drawn from the panel. Use next size battery with capacity greater than required. Maximum SBUS address capacity is 63 SBUS modules. The practical limit is determined by the amount of SBUS bandwidth consumed by each SBUS module. See section 4.10.2. The IDP-Beam-T draws a maximum of 500mA from auxiliary power when the test feature is used. This should be considered when determining auxiliary power capacity but not calculated into current require- ments for day to day operation. The IDP-PhotoR is sold separately from the DNR. Current draw for the DNR + IDP-PhotoR is calculated by increasing the "Number of Devices" column for each IDP-PhotoR used with a DNR. The DNR housing does not include a Relay circuit board. If a relay is needed, be sure to add one to the IDP-Relay & IDP-PhotoR "Number of Devices" column for each DNR used for correct current calculations. The FACP can only support 5 devices w/LED's on. The current draw has been added to the panels alarm current. 3-11 151430-L8 Model !FP-2000/ECS Installation Manual Section 4 Control Panel Installation To avoid the risk of electrical shock and damage to the unit, power should be OFF to the control panel while installing or servicing. 4.1 Mounting the Control Panel Cabinet Read the environmental specifications in Section 3.2 before mounting the control panel cabinet. This will ensure that you select a suitable location. The panel should be accessible to main drop wiring runs. It should be mounted as close to the center of the building as possible and located within a secured area, bUt should be accessible for testing and servicing. Mount the control panel cabinet so it is firmly secured to the wall surface. When mounting on concrete, especially when moisture is expected, attach a piece of 3/4 inch plywood to the concrete surface and then attach the cabinet to the plywood. Also mount any other modules to the plywood. The IFP-2000 cabinet can be surface or flush mounted. Cabinet dimensions are 26.4"H x 16" W x 4.65"D. If you flush mount the cabinet, the hole for the enclosure should be 15" W x 25" H. There should be 1.5" to 1.75" of cabinet extruding from the wall, this should be measured from either the top edge or bottom edge to the exterior side of the sheet rock. Do NOT flush mount in a wall designated as a fire break. The IFP-2000ECS cabinet can be surface or flush mounted. Cabinet dimensions are 27"H x 20.362"W x 5.054"D If you flush mount the cabinet, the hole for the enclosure should be 201/4" W x 26V2" H. There should be 1.5" to 1.75" of cabinet extruding from the wall, this should be measured from either the top edge or bottom edge to the exterior side of the sheet rock. Do NOT flush mount in a wall designated as a fire break. 4.1.1 Preventing Water Damage Water damage to the fire system can be caused by moisture entering the cabinet through the conduits. Conduits that are installed to enter the top of the cabinet are most likely to cause water problems. Installers should take reasonable precautions to prevent water from entering the cabinet. Water damage is not covered under warranty. 4.1.2 Removing the IFP-2000 Assembly from the Housing Should it ever be necessary to remove the control panel assembly from the cabinet for repair, do so by unscrewing the nuts that connect the control panel assembly to the cabinet. Do not attempt to disassemble the circuit boards. See Section 3.5 for location of the nuts. 4.1.3 Ethernet Connection Ethernet connection is not used at this time. For port location see Figure 3-2. 4.2 AC Connection At installation, connect the AC terminals to the power source as shown in Figure 4-1 or Figure 4-2. It may be necessary for a professional electrician to make this connection. The AC terminals are rated at 120 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, SA (for the IFP-2000) or 240 VAC 50 or 60 Hz, 2.5A (for 151430-L8 4-1 2dfl VAC models Wed here Control Pane! Installation the IFP-2000HV). Figure 4-1 120 VAC Power Connection for the IFP-2000 Figure 4-2 240 VAC Power Connection for the IFP-2000/ECSHV 4.3 Battery Connection The control panel battery charge capacity is 17 to 55 AH. Use 12V batteries of the same AH rating. Determine the correct AH rating as per your standby load calculation (see Section 3.6). Wire batteries in series to produce a 24-volt equivalent. Do not parallel batteries to increase the AH rating. It is 151430-L8 4-2 Mode! !FP-2000/ECS Installation Manual recommended that you replace batteries every five years. To Control Panel Figure 4-3 Battery Connection 4.3.1 Battery Accessory Cabinets The Model RBB or AB-55 Accessory cabinets can be used when you are required to use backup batteries that are too large to fit into the main control panel cabinet. The RBB cabinet holds batteries up to the 35 AH size. The RBB dimensions are 16" W x 10" H x 6" D (40.64 cm W x 25.4 cm H x 15.24 cm D). The AB-55 Accessory cabinet holds batteries up to the 55AH size. The AB-55 dimensions are 20" W x 11.5" H x 7.5" D (50.8 cm W x 30.48 cm H x 19.05 cm D). Installing the RBB or AB-55 Accessory Cabinet and Batteries To properly install the accessory cabinet and backup batteries, follow these steps: 1. Mount the accessory cabinet. See Figure 4-4 for the four cabinet mounting holes. If mounting onto drywall the accessory cabinet must be mounted onto 3/4-inch plywood. This is neces- sary because the weight of the batteries inside the accessory cabinet could cause the cabinet to pull away from the drywall. When mounting on concrete, especially when moisture is expected, attach a piece of %-inch plywood to the concrete surface and then attach the RBB or AB-55 cabinet to the plywood. If using the battery cable extenders provided (P/N 140643), mount the RBB or AB-55 cabinet no more than 18" away from the main control panel cabinet. This will ensure that the battery cables reach the 151430-L8 4-3 Control Panel installation battery terminals. Figure 4-4 RBB or AB-55 Cabinet Mounting Holes Connect the main control panel battery cables to the battery cable extenders as shown in Figure 4-5. Figure 4-5 Splicing Control panel Battery Cable to RBB or AB-55 Battery Cable Extenders Run extended battery cable from control panel cabinet through conduit to RBB or AB-55 cabinet. See Fig- ure 4-6. Figure 4-6 Battery Connections in the RBB or AB-55 Cabinet Note: Figure 4-6 is an example of how the wire connections can be routed However, any other cabinet knock- outs (on either the main control panel or the RBB/AB-55 cabinet), that are not previously being used may be utilized to connect conduit between the two cabinets. 151430-L8 4-4 Model !FP-2000/ECS Installation Manual Connect battery leads to the backup battery terminals. See Figure 4-6. Observe the proper polarity to prevent damage to the batteries or the control panel. Insert the RBB or AB-55 cover screws into the cover mounting holes. See Figure 4-6. Screw the cover screw % of the way into the cover mounting hole. Align the cover plate mounting keyhole over the cover mounting screws. See Figure 4-7. N / N i Cover.Plate MoãntingKeholes Figure 4-7 Cover Plate Mounting Keyholes and Cover Mounting Screws Alignment Slide the cover into place and tighten the cover mounting screws. See Figure 4-7. 4.4 SBUS Wiring This section contains information on calculating SBUS wire distances and the types of wiring configurations (Class A and B). 4.4.1 Calculating Wiring Distance for SBUS Modules The IFP-2000 panel has two SBUS circuits which can support up to LOA of module load per SBUS circuit. When determining the type of wire and the maximum wiring distance that can be used, you will need to calculate loads for each SBUS to ensure that each SBUS does not exceed LOA. To calculate the wire gauge that must be used to connect SBUS modules to the control panel, it is necessary to calculate the total worst case current draw for all modules on a single SBUS circuit. The total worst case current draw is calculated by adding the individual worst case currents for each module. The individual worst case values are shown in the table below. 151430-L8 4-5 Control Pane! Installation Note: Total worst case current draw on a single SBUS cannot exceed 1 amp. Ifa large number of accessory mod- ules are required, and the worst case current draw will exceed the 2 amps total, then the current draw must be distributed using RPS-1 000 Power Expanders. Each RPS-1000 Power Expander provides an additional SBUS, with an additional 1 amp of SB US current. Wiring distance calculations are done separately for each RPS-1000, and separately for each control panel SBUS. Model Number Worst Case Current Draw RA-2000 Fire Annunciator .120 amps 581 5X .150 amps 5824 Serial/Parallel Printer Interface Module .040 amps 5880 LED I/O Module .250 amps 5865 LED Annunciator .200 amps RPS-1 000 Intelligent Power Supply .010 amps 5496 Intelligent Power Supply .010 amps ECS-50W .010 amps ECS-125W .010 amps ECS-VCM / ECS-VCM with ECSSW24* .115 amps /.185 amps ECS-RCU / ECS-RCU with ECSSW24* .210 amps /325 amps ECS-DUAL50W .010 amps ECS-DUALSOW WITH ECS-50WBU .010 amps Note: Refer to Table 3-2 if using SD SLC devices and Table 3-1 jf using lDP SLC devices for maximum number of each type of device that can be used per system. * All devices must use the same SBUS and VBUS. After calculating the total worst case current draw, refer toTable 4-1 for the maximum distance the modules can be located from the panel on a single wire run. The table ensures 6.0 volts of line drop maximum. In general, the wire length is limited by resistance, but for heavier wire gauges, capacitance is the limiting factor. These cases are marked in the chart with an asterisk (*). Maximum length can never be more than 6,000 feet, regardless of gauge used. The formula used to generate this chart is shown in the note below. Table 4-1: Wire Distances Per Wire Gauge Using Copper Wire Wiring Distance: SBUS Modules to Panel Total Worst Case Current Draw (amps) 22 Gauge 18 Gauge 16 Gauge 14 Gauge 0.100 1852 ft. 4688 ft. * 6000 ft. * 6000 ft. 0.200 926 ft. 2344 ft. 3731 ft. 5906 ft. 0.300 617 ft. 1563 ft. 2488 ft. 3937 ft. 0.400 463 ft. 1172 ft. 1866 ft. 2953 ft. 0.500 370 ft. 938 ft. 1493 ft. 2362 ft. 0.600 309 ft. 781 ft. 1244 ft. 1969 ft. 0.700 265 ft. 670 ft. 1066 ft. 1687 ft. 0.800 231 ft. 586 ft. 933 ft. 1476 ft. 0.900 206 ft. 521 ft. 829 ft. 1312 ft. 1.000 (Max) 185 ft. 469 ft. 746 ft. 1181 ft. 151430-L8 4-6 Model IFP-2000/ECS Installation Manual Note: The following formulas were used to generate the wire distance chart: Maximum Resistance (Ohms) = 6.0 Volts Total Worst Case Current Draw (amps) Maximum Wire Length (Feet) = Maximum Resistance (Ohms) * 500 (6000 feet maximum) Rpu where: Rpu = Ohms per 1000 feet for various wire gauges (see table below) Table 4-2: Typical Wire Resistance Per 1000 ft. Using Copper Wire Wire Gauge Ohms per 1000 feet (Rpu) 22 16.2 18 6.4 16 4.02 14 2.54 Wiring Distance calculation example: Suppose a system is configured with the following SBUS modules: 2- Module RA-2000 Fire Annunciator 1 - RPS-1000 Intelligent Power Expander 1 - 5865 LED Annunciator 1 - 5824 Serial/Parallel Interface Module The total worst case current is calculated as follows: RA-2000 Current Draw = 2 x.120 amps =.240 amps RPS-1000 Current Draw = 1 X.010 amps = .010 amps 5865 Current Draw = 1 x.200 amps =.200 amps 5824 Current Draw = 1 x.040 amps =.040 amps Total Worst Case Current Draw = .490 amps Using this value, and referring to the Wiring Distance table, it can be found that the available options are: 370 feet maximum using 22 Gauge wire 938 feet maximum using 18 Gauge wire 1493 feet maximum using 16 Gauge wire 2362 feet maximum using 14 Gauge wire 151430-L8 4-7 Control Pane! Installation 44.2 Wiring Configurations Figure 4-8 illustrates SBUS 1, Class A wiring configuration and Figure 4-9 illustrates SBUS1 Class B configuration. SBUS 2 wiring configurations are the same as SBUS 1. Supervisei Power Lim For proper system supervision do not use looped wire under terminals marked A, B, +, and - of the SBUS device connectors. Break wire runs to provide supervision of connections. Figure 4-8 SBUS Class A Wiring Supei Power Figure 4-9 SBUS Class B Wiring 151430-L8 4-8 Model !FP-2000/ECS Installation Manual 4.5 RA-2000 Remote Annunciator Installation The optional Model RA-2000 Remote Annunciator, shown in Figure 4-10, performs the same functions as the on-board annunciator. The RA-2000 can be surface or flush mounted. It is available in gray color as RA- 2000GRAY. Figure 4-10 Model RA-2000 Remote Annunciator, Front View RA-2000 installation involves the following steps: Make sure power is off at the panel. Mount the RA-2000 in the desired location (see Section 4.5.1). Connect the RA-2000 to the panel (see Section 4.5.2). Use the DIP switches on the back of the RA-2000 to assign an SBUS ID# to the RA-2000 (see Section 4.10.1). The RA-2000 module must be added to the system through programming. JumpStart AutoProgramming will add the module automatically (see Section 8.2.3). You can also add it manually (see Section 9.2.2). Select a name, if desired (see Section 4.5.1 Mounting the RA-2000 This section of the manual describes mounting the remote annunciator. The annunciator can be flush or surface mounted. Flush Mounting This section of the manual describes flush mounting. Follow these steps to flush mount the RA-2000 151430-L8 4-9 Control Panel Installation The back box dimensions are 9 9/32" W x 83/8" H. The minimum depth required is 2". The back box can be mounted prior to the complete installation of the RA-2000 using any of the mounting holes shown in Figure 4-11. Mounting Holes Figure 4-11 Back Box Mounting Holes Remove knockout holes as needed for wires. See Figure 4-12 for backbox knockout locations. Wire Kno' Figure 4-12 Back Box Knockout Locations 3. Wire the annunciator board to the main control panel. As described in Section 4.5.2. 151430-L8 4-10 Mode! !FP-2000/ECS Installation Manua! 4. Attach the annunciator and door assembly to back box as shown in Figure 4-13 using the supplied screws. Figure 4-13 Attaching Annunciator! Door Assembly to Backbox Surface Mounting The Model RA-100TR red trim ring and RA-2000GRAYTR gray trim ring kits are available for use when surface mounting the RA-2000. Remove the desired knock out. See Figure 4-12. To properly mount the back box, insert a single screw into the key shaped mounting hole. Do not tighten all the way. See Figure 4-14. Place a level on top of the back box, with the back box level insert the rest of the mounting screws. Key Shaped Mounting Hole .......... V-1--l"'O" Back Box Mounting Holes Figure 4-14 Back Box Surface Mount Holes Run wires to the control panel. 151430-L8 4-11 Control Pane! Installation 4. Place the trim ring over the back box as shown in Figure 4-15. Figure 4-15 Installing Trim Ring Attach the door assembly to the back box using screws provided. After the SBUS wiring to the annunciator is complete (described in Section 4.5.2), replace the electronic assembly in the back box. Place the bezel over the back box and tighten the set screws on the bezel. 4.5.2 RA-2000 Connection to the Panel Connect the RA-2000 to the panel as shown in Figure 4-16. Supervis Power Lim Figure 4-16 Model RA-2000 Connection to the Panel 151430-L8 4-12 Model !FP-2000/ECS Installation Manual 4.5.3 Temporary Programming Display When an RPS-2000 is being initially setup, place an RA-2000 on the panel at address 63 and power up the panel. This will initiate the Temporary Programming Display feature. This allows the RA-2000 to act as the main annunciator for the RPS-2000 panel and allows access to the idle screen and menu system for programming. While in this mode, a trouble will be annunciated through the system to indicate the feature is being utilized. This is only available when no other annunciators are programmed into the system. When running JumpStart Auto- programming, the system will ask if the intention is to keep the display or remove it after programming. When using the Temporary Display is no longer necessary; power the panel off, remove the display, and re- power the panel. 4.6 5815XL Installation The 5815XL SLC expander lets you add additional addressable devices. The maximum number of SLC devices per panel is 636. The number of5815XL's is limited by the maximum number of SBUS devices. To install the 5815XL: Make sure power is off at the panel. Mount the 5815XL in the IFP-2000 cabinet, the RPS-1000 cabinet, or the 5815RMK remote mounting kit. Use the standoffs located under the control panel board assembly and secure with screws provided with the 5815XL. For additional information see Model RPS-1000 Installation Instructions (P/N 151153) or 5815RMK Remote Mounting Kit Installation Instructions (P/N 151391). Connect the 5815XL to the control panel. (See Section 4.6.1.) Use on-board DIP switches to select an SBUS ID#. (See Section 4.10.1.) Add the 5815XL module to the system through programming. JumpStart will add the module automatically (see Section 8.2). You can also add it manually (see Section 9.2.2). Select a name, if desired (see Section You are now ready to connect SLC devices to the 5815XL (see Section 7.4). Figure 4-17 is a drawing of the 5815XL board, showing the location of terminals and DIP switches. H DIP switches for setting IN - + RRS A IS I _I I To panel via SBUS To SLC loop Figure 4-17 5815XL Board 151430-L8 4-13 Control Pane! Installation 4.6.1 5815XL Connection to the Panel Connect the 5815XL to the control panel as shown in Figure 4-18. After the 5815XL is connected to the panel, it must be added to the system. This programming steps are described in Section 9.2.2. Control Panel Board Assembly I Supervised Power Limited Figure 4-18 5815XL Connection to Main Panel Assembly 4.7 5824 Serial/Parallel Interface Module Installation The 5824 serial/parallel interface module allows you to connect a printer to the panel, so you can print a real-time log of system events. Instructions for installing the 5824 appear below. The 5824 is for ancillary use only. 5824 installation involves the following steps: Make sure power is off at the panel. Connect the 5824 to the panel as shown in Figure 4-19. Note: Two 5824s per panel maximum. Use the DIP switches on the 5824 board to assign an SBUS ID# to the 5824 (see Section 4.10.1). Configure the 5824 device through programming. See Section 4.7.1. 151430-L8 4-14 Control Pane! Installation 4.10 Configuring SBUS Modules This section describes how to configure any system hardware modules that have been added to the system. 4.10.1 Assigning SBUS Module IN SBUS devices on a panel are addressed from ito 63 and are connected to either SBUS 1 or SBUS 2. Although the addressing scheme allows 63 SBUS devices to be connected to a panel, the actual number is limited by current draw and SBUS bandwidth usage as discussed below. When installing a hardware module (such as 5815XL, 5824, RA-2000, 5496, RPS-1000, 5865-3 or 5865-4), you must use the DIP switches on the module to assign an ID# to the module. Address zero is an invalid address and is not allowed. Figure 4-30 shows all possible DIP switch positions and their correlation to a numerical ID. For example, to select ID 2, place DIP switch 2 in the up or on position. ON I SI I. . - Address 1 2 34 58 uTilIiIfilil . i!.i.lil.lil22il,LT.1111 i.i..23.ti];1;IiI.l 45 il.lililitul ililiJ1.2411. r1iTir.111 25 47 IlII.IuluIII ul.W.T.jil . ililiTir.1.I .1'l.TiT'l'l .11i1.l.Il27 .JITi!iI;I.l 41 iT'1..l.Eil28 'i.I.T'14.l .ii.i.i,i29 .rr..11 51 1I1lIlI1I1l llI1•Ili1 • II.TlI1;1.l 52 T.i.r1.r.i 31 63 • ir.;32 lT.T1iII1 54 1.Ti!.IETu111 .Ii1iTulibI 33 •.j.i.iij;i;i 55 ulul.1.Ii1ul 12 •l.lululil.i 34 . 56 .1, 13 . 35 57 14 iTik1iIi1. . iT.Ti1r.1;1 58 .!.J.T.TII11 Is4u1.!i]11.13711 11M1 59 iT'jilil.T.lis ui1.38 iTiI.1T11 so 17.'r.3911uJ.r;1.1 61 Is liii 11111;1 • il11111 62 IiTif.1.1.1 41 63 uIii.1,l.iiI • 42 .1.1.iiI4i121;J;•IiT.lil.l 43 Figure i Possible SBUS •. addresses Refer to Section 9.2 to edit, add, delete, and view module list. 4.10.2 SBUS Bandwidth Considerations Each SBUS device generates a certain amount of traffic on the SBUS. Generally, the amount of traffic generated depends on the type of SBUS device. To help you figure out the SBUS bandwidth usage of a given collection of devices, a tool is available on the Farenhyt website (www.farenhyt.com). The tool will serve as a guide to help determine how heavily loaded an SBUS is with respect to bandwidth. We recommend you use this tool if you 151430-L8 4-22 Model IFP-2000/ECS Installation Manual plan to have more than eight SBUS devices per SBUS. Remember to include devices that are on RPS-1000 SBUS repeaters in your list of devices for SBUS bandwidth calculations. 4.11 Telephone Connection Connect the telephone lines as shown in Figure 4-31. The Model 7860 phone cord is available from Silent Knight for this purpose. If you do not use the model 7860 to connect to the phone lines, the wire used for the connection must be 26 AWG or larger diameter wire. A number of programmable options are available for customizing telephone lines. These options are described in Section 9.6.2. Figure 4-31 Connection of Telephone Lines 4.12 FlexputsTM I/O Circuits The eight FlexputTM circuits are an innovative and versatile feature of the control panel. They can be used as: Class A or B notification circuits, Class A or B initiation circuits (either 2 or 4 wire detectors), or as auxiliary power (resettable, continuous, or door holder). The polarity of the Flexput terminals differs depending on whether the circuit is programmed as an input or an output circuit. If the circuit is programmed as an input circuit (for a detector or normally open contact) the X terminal is negative and 0 terminal is positive. If the circuit is programmed as an output circuit (Aux power or NAC) then the X terminal is positive and the 0 terminal is negative. 4.12.1 Conventional Notification Appliance This sub-section of the manual explains how to install conventional notification appliances for Class A (Style Z) and Class B (Style Y) configurations. Class B Notification Wiring You must use an appliance from the list of compatible appliances in the Appendix A at the back of this manual. To install a circuit: 1. Wire Class B Notification appliances as shown in Figure 4-32. 151430-L8 4-23 Control Pane! Installation 2. Configure the circuit through programming (see Section 9.5) UUk' I Alarm Polarity Shown Model 7628 "NPower Limited UL Listed EOL Notification Wiring 4.7 kL Y-OY* Supervised Regulated 24 VDC 3A per Circuit, 9A max Combined Figure 432 Class B Notification Appliance Circuit Wiring Maximum voltage drop is 3V per Class B notification. See Table 4-3. Table 4-3: Maximum Impedance Class B Current Maximum Impedance 1.OA 3Q 1.5A 20 2.OA 1.5n 2.5A 1.2 3.OA I 1.OQ Class A Notification Wiring You must use an appliance from the list of compatible appliances in Appendix A at the back of this manual. To install a Class A notification appliance circuit: 1. Wire the Class A notification appliances as shown in Figure 4-33. I-or proper system supervision ao not use loopea wire unaer termir connectors. Break wire runs to provide supervision of connections. 151430-L8 4-24 Control Pane! Installation 2. Smoke power is supplied to each Class A loop as shown in Figure 4-39. Control Panel Board Assembly Maximum Impedance per PAM-2 Ora circuit is 500 Iflodel 160150 White Supervision Gra Module ,-I----- IUejPAM-2 Supervised I Oran9eodeI 1601 Power Limited -upervlslc I Module Figure 4-39 Class A 4-Wire Smoke Detector Connections Note: In programming any point that uses multiple Flexput circuits are always referred to as the lowest Flexput circuit number used For example, Figure 4-39 uses Flexput circuits 1, 2, 3 together and 4, 5, 6 together. In programming (1, 2, 3) would be referred to as point 1, and (4, 5, 6) would be referred to as point 4. 4.12.5 Auxiliary Power Installation Flexput Circuits 1-8 on the control panel can be used as auxiliary power circuits. The three types of auxiliary power available are: Door Holder Power (see Section Constant Power (see Section Resettable Power (see Section Sounder Sync Power (see Section Auxiliary power circuits are power limited. Each circuit can source up to 3A (total current for all Flexput circuits must not exceed 9.0 A in alarm, and 6A when used as constant auxiliary power in normal standby). To install an auxiliary power circuit: 1. Wire the Flexput circuit(s) that will be used for auxiliary power. See Figure 4-40 for location of Flexput cir- cuits. 151430-L8 4-30 Mode! !FP-2000/ECS Installation Manua! 2. Configure the auxiliary power output through programming (see Section 9.5). When used as auxiliary power, terminals labeled "0" are negative, terminals labeled "X" are positive Figure 4-40 Flexput Circuit Location Door Holder Power Door holder power is intended for fire door applications. When there are no fire system alarms in the system and the panel has AC power, door holder circuits have 24 volt power present at their terminals. Any fire system alarm will cause power to disconnect. Power will be re-applied when the fire system is reset. If AC power is not present, the auxiliary door holder power will be disconnected to conserve the battery backup. When AC power is restored, power is immediately restored to the door holder circuits. Use a UL listed door holder such as ESL DHX-1224, for this application. See Table A-5 for compatible door holder list. Constant Power Use constant power for applications that require a constant auxiliary power source. Power is always present at constant circuits. Resettable Power Resettable power is typically used to power beam detectors, flame detectors and conventional 4-wire smoke detectors. For circuits selected as Resettable, 24 volt power is always present at the terminals unless a fire system reset occurs. If a fire system reset occurs, power is disconnected from the terminals for 30 seconds, then re- applied. See Table A-4 for compatible four wire smoke detectors. Sounder Sync Power Sounder Sync Power continuously outputs the System Sensor synchronization pattern and is intended for use with B200S sounder bases. 151430-L8 4-31 Control Panel Installation 4.13 On-Board Relays (Conventional) The control panel has two built-in programmable relays and a built-in trouble relay. All relays are Form C rated at 2.5 A @ 24VDC. Figure 4-41 Location of Conventional Relay Circuits 4.13.1 Trouble Relay The control panel has a dedicated Form C trouble relay built in. The relay provides a normally open and a normally closed contact. The trouble relay will deactivate under any trouble condition. Note: The NC contact is the relay contact that is closed when the panel has power and there are no trouble con-ditions. 4.13.2 Programmable Relays The control panel has two Form C programmable relays built in. Each relay provides a normally open and a normally closed contact. To install one or two programmable relays, follow these steps. Wire Relay 1 and/or Relay 2 as needed for your application. See Figure 4-41 for the location of the relay ter- minals. Configure the relay through programming (see Section 9.5). 151430-L8 4-32 Control Pane! Installation 5. If necessary, adjust loop current using the potentiometer (RIO) on the 5220 board. Normal loop current is 2- to-8 mA with a 1k ohm remote station receiving unit. Maximum loop resistance is 3k ohm. NC To El V 0 II II 0 II Note: Flexput circuit I and Relay 2 used as examples. Any Flexput circuit and either relay I or relay 2 could be used. Remote Indicator Intended for connection to a Polarity Reversal circuit of a Remote Station receiving unit having compatible ratings. Jumper these terminals when City Box is not used. Figure 4-45 Polarity Reversal Connection Using the 5220 Module Using the 7644* Module When the 7644 is used for polarity reversal, it allows alarm and trouble events to be reported to a remote site. Alarms will override trouble conditions and it will not be possible to reset the remote indicator until the condition is cleared and the control panel is reset. To install the 7644* for polarity reversal: Wire the 7644 to the control panel as shown in Figure 4-46. Do not install an EOL resistor on the terminals of the Flexput circuit used. Note: Use only Flexput circuits on the control panelfor reverse polarity. Program the Flexput circuit as a notification circuit. See Section 9.5.2. Map the group to activate non silenceable, constant on in response to a system general alarm, and to discon- nect in response to a system trouble. Note: *When ordering, use PN 7644-L8 151430-L8 4-36 Model IFP-2000/ECS Installation Manual 4. Intended for connection to a polarity reversal circuit of a remote station receiving unit having compatible rating. Figure 4.46 Polarity Reversal Connection Using the 7644 4.14.5 Transmitter Activated by Dry Contacts This section describes the connection of a UL 864 listed remote station transmitter to the IFP-2000 dry relay contacts. The IFP-2000 FACP contacts must be supervised by the remote station transmitter module using end- of-line resistors (ELRs) with a value determined by the transmitter manufacturer. Power is also provided by the remote station transmitter manufacturer. Refer to the remote station transmitter manufacturer's manual for details. WA Typical Input! Trouble Relay Zone Triggers Note: The Trouble Relay Is a fail-safe relay. With power applied to the FACP and no troubles in the panel, the contacts should be in the condition Indicated In the drawing. Caution For System Supervision, do not use looped wire under terminals. Break Are run to provide supervision of connections. Transmitter Activated by Dry Contacts Figure 4-47 Transmitter Activated by Dry Contacts 151430-L8 4-37 Mode! !FP-2000/ECS Installation Manua! Section 7 IDP and SD SLC Device Installation I power or servicing. I I 7.1 List of IDP SLC Devices The following IDP SLC devices can be used with the control panel. See the device installation instructions (packaged with the device) for more information. Note: The control panel supports the use of either IDP SLC devices or SD SLC devices. You cannot install both SLC device types on the control panel. Part Numbers Model Name/Description Installation Sheet PN LOP- Photoelectric smoke detector) l56-3611-000) IDP-Photo-T Photoelectric smoke detector with thermal (135°F) IDP-Acclimate Multi-criteria photoelectric smoke detector with thermal (135°F) IDP-PhotoR Photoelectric replacement smoke detector with remote test capability in DNR 156-3569-000 IDP-Beam Reflected beam smoke detector without test feature 156-2735-00 IDP-Beam-T Reflected beam smoke detector with test feature IDP-ION Ionization smoke detector 156-3607-00 DNR/DNRW Duct smoke detector housing. Non-relay (photo sold separately) 156-3051-000) lDP-Heat) Fixed temperature thermal detector (135°F)) 156-3608-000) DP-Heat-ROR 'Rate-of-rise thermal detector with 135° fixed temperature) IDP-Heat-HT Fixed high temperature thermal detector (190°F) IDP-Pull-SA Addressable single action pull station 156-3606-000 IDP-PuH-DA Addressable dual action pull station) l56-3605-00O) IDP-ISO Fault isolator module 156-2729-000 lDP-Monuto! Monitor module) I56-3603-000P 'ID P-Minim o=n 1 Mini monitor module) 156-2726-002) IDP-Monitor-2 Dual input monitor module 156-2730-000 IDP-Monitor-10 10 input monitor module 156-2731-000 IDP-Relay) Relaymodul& 729-0O0 IDP-Relay-6 Six circuit relay module 156-2729-000 IDP-RelayMon-2 Multi module with 2 relay outputs & 2 monitor inputs 156-3734-000 IDP-Zone Zone interface module 156-3602-000 IDP-Zone-6 Six zone interface module 156-2733-000 IDP-Control Supervised control module 156-3800-000 IDP-Control-6 Six circuit supervised control module 156-2734-000 IDP-FlRE-CQ)',gO Smoke Detector 156-3946-00) 151430-L8 7-1 !DP and SD SLC Device Installation Part Numbers Model Name/Description Installation Sheet PN 132008 1j1igent sounder base) 156-3387-00) B21OLP) 6" mounting bas& 156-0595-000) B224B1 6" isolator base 156-0725-000 B224RB 6" relay base 156-3737-000 B200SR Sounder base 156-3392-000 B501 4" mounting base 156-0357-000 7.2 List of SD SLC Devices The following SLC devices can be used with the control panel. See the appropriate section number in this manual or the device installation instructions (packaged with the device) for more information. MODEL NUMBER MODEL NAME/DESCRIPTION Installation Sheet PN SD505-APS Photoelectric smoke detector 150955 SD505-AIS Ionization smoke detector 150955 SD505-AHS Absolute temperature heat detector.Tnp point range from 135"F-150"F (0"-30"C) 150955 SD505-6AB 6" base for use with the SD505-AHS, SD505-AIS, and SD505-APS. 150955 SD505-61B 6" short circuit isolator base for use with the SD505-AHS, SD505-AIS, and 5D505- APS 151175 50505-6RB 6" relay base for use with the SD505-AHS, SD505-AIS, and SD505-APS 151192 SD505-6SB 6" sounder base for use with the SD505-AHS, SD505-AIS, and SD505-APS SLC devices 151191 SD505-DUCT Duct Housing including the SD505-APS Analog Photoelectric Smoke Sensor. Intake tubing for duct available in three lengths: SD505-12 (2.5 foot); SD505-T5 (5 foot); SD505-TI0 (10 foot) 1700-098 SD505-DUCTR Duct housing with relay base including SD505-APS Analog PhotoElectric Smoke Sensor SD500-PS/- PSDA Single or dual action addressable pull station 151177 SDSOO-AIM Addressable input module (switch input), standard size, DIP switch configurable 151071 SD500-MlM Mini input monitor module (switch input), small size, DIP switch configurable. Fits in single-gang box with manual pull station switch. 151071 SDSOO-ANM Addressable notification module 151109 SD500-ARM Addressable relay module DIP switch configurable. 151091 SD500-SDM Addressable smoke detector module. Use to assign an address to a loop of conventional devices. 151193 SD500-LlM Line isolator module. Fits in a double gang box. 151125 SDSOO-LED Addressable LED driver module. Capable of driving up to 80 LEDs. Up to 40 SD500- LED Driver Modules can be used per SLC loop. 151232 SD505-DTS-K Remote test switch & LED indicator for the 5D505-DUCTR 1700-09882 151430-L8 7-2 Mode! !FP-2000/ECS Installation Manua! 7.3 Maximum Number of SLC Devices The IFP-2000 supports IDP or SD SLC devices. The maximum number of SLC devices per panel is 636. Th_ number of5815XL is limited only by the SBUS bandwidth, 636 point count, and IA SBUS current limit. Device' support is as follows ,IDP Devices - The IFP-2000 supports a total of 636 !DP points. The SLC points can be all sensors or all module) pr any combination of modules and sensors or SD Devices - The IFP-2000 system can support a total of 636 SD SLC detectors and modules, in any combination. 7.4 Wiring Requirements for SLC Devices The following information applies to all SLC devices. Refer to the section that describes the type of device you are installing for details. 7.4.1 Wiring 5815XL in Style 4 (Class B) Configuration No special wire is required for addressable loops. The wire can be untwisted, unshielded, solid or stranded as long as it meets the National Electric Code 760-51 requirements for power limited fire protective signaling cables. Wire distances are computed using copper wire. Maximum wiring resistance is 40 ohms for IDP devices and 50 ohms for SD devices. Maximum loop length depends on the wire gauge. See Table 7-1 for IDP and Table 7-2 for SD. Table 7-1 Maximum wiring distance for IDP modules Wire Gauge Max. Distance for IDP 22AWG 1200 feet I8AWG 3100 feet 6 AWG 4900 feeU I4AWG 7900 feet I2AWG 10,000 feet Table 7-2 Maximum wiring distance for SD devices Wire Gauge Max. Distance for SD 22AWG 1500 feet 18AWG 3900 feet 16AWG 6200 feet I4AWG 10,000 feet 151430-L8 7-3 IDP and SD SLC Device Installation Figure 7-1 and Figure 7-2 show how wire length is determined for out-and-back tap and T-tap style wiring. 5815XL SLC device I + --------I Dotted line path shows how wire distance is calculated l for the SLC device at the end SLC device1 of the run. The wire distance I must be less than the maximum per wire gauge. I I I I IDP device max loop resistance =40 ohms SD device max loop resistance =50 ohms SLC device I I L- Figure 7-1 Calculating wire run length for a simple out and back tap When using T-taps, the total length of all taps and the main bus must not exceed 40,000 feet. This requirement must be met in addition to the maximum distance requirements for the various wire gauges. SLC device In this example, 4............. 1000 feet 1600 feet Optional #.----. 3500 feet SLC Short Circuit Isolator you can use 16 AW G because the Device greatest distance is 3500 feet. SLC device The device located farthest from the 5815XL must be less than the maximum distance per wire gauge. IDP device max loop resistance =40 ohms SD device max loop resistance =50 ohms Additional Wiring Requirements If Using Isolator Devices: Up to 50 devices can be used per branch. Up to 100 of resistance per branch. Figure 7-2 Calculating Wire Run Length for a T-tap 151430-L8 7-4 Mode! IFP-2000/ECS Installation Manua! 7.4.2 Wiring 5815XL in Style 6 & 7 (Class A) Configuration Figure 7-3 on page 5 illustrates how to wire the SLC loop for Style 6 or Style 7 Class A installations. Note: Style 6 does not use short circuit isolator devices Note: Style 7 requires an isolator module as the first device on the in and the out loops. Note: No t-taps allowed on Class A SLC loops Wires must be in conduit and closed nippted at the control panel and on each side of all the devices. Style 6 0 = Any SW device, including detectors [Ja Une Isolator Device Detectors with 6 Isolator Bases Wires must be in conduit and closed nlppled. SLC sw Circuit IN SLC OUT Style 7 Figure 7-3 Class A SLC Configuration For proper system supervision do not use looped wire under terminals marked SLC + and - of the SLC device connectors. Break wire runs to provide supervision of connections. 151430-L8 7-5 IDP and SD SLC Device Installation 7.5 Wiring IDP SLC Detectors This section describes how to install IDP heat and smoke detectors. All detectors ship with installation instructions. Refer to each detector's installation instructions for more detailed information. This information applies to the following IDP models: IDP-Photo Photoelectric Smoke Detector IDP-Photo-T Photoelectric Smoke Detector with Thermal IDP-Acclimate Multi-criteria Photoelectric Smoke Detector with Thermal IDP-Heat Fixed Thermal Detector (135° F) IDP-Heat-HT High Temperature Thermal Detector (1900 F) IDP-Heat-ROR Rate-of-Rise Thermal Detector IDP-Ion Ionization Smoke Detector IDP-Fire-CO CO Detector To wire IDP detectors: Wire device bases as shown in Figure 7-4. Set the address for each device as described in Section 7.6. Caution: Do not loop wire under Terminal I or 2. Break wire run to provide supervision of connections. Class B wiring RA4OOZ(OpIonaI) Class A wiring Figure 7-4 Heat and Smoke Detector Connection to the Panel. 151430-L8 7-6 Mode! !FP-2000/ECS Installation Manua! 7.6 Addressing IDP SLC Devices All IDP devices are addressed using the two rotary dials that appear on the device board. Use the ONES rotary dial to set the ones place in a one or two digit number, and use the TENS rotary dial to set the tens place in a two or three digit number. The control panel recognizes when an IDP detector or IDP module is installed. For this reason, IDP detectors can be assigned any unique address from ito 159, and IDP modules can be assigned any unique address from ito 159. There can be an IDP detector using address 1 and an IDP module using address 1. o is an invalid address. In order to set the sensor above address 99, carefully remove the stop on the upper rotary switch with thumb as shown in Example 2. Example 1: To select device address 35, turn the ONES rotary dial to 5 and the TENS rotary dial to 3 as shown in Figure 7-5. Example 2: To select device address 105, turn the ONES rotary dial to 5 and the TENS rotary dial to 10 as show in Figure 7-5. Breakaway Stop TENS ONES All dials labeled for ONES or TENS position. Example 1: Device Set to 35. TENS ONES Example 2: Device Set to 105. Figure 7-5 IDP SLC Device Addressing Using Rotary Dials 151430-L8 7-7 DSILENT KNIGHT by Honeywell Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road Northford, CT 06472-1610 203-484-7161 Fax: 203-484-7118 www.silentknight.com IPGSM.4G; I Commercial Fire Communicator I Installation and Setup Guide 800-12454V2 8/14 Rev. A Contents General Information .1 PackageContents .....................................................................................................................1 CompatibleFire Panels..............................................................................................................1 Operation.....................................................................................................................................1 Installation...................................................................................................................................1 ULCompliance..........................................................................................................................1 STEP 1 - Activate the SIM and Setup the Customer Account........................................................2 STEP 2 - Register the Communicator with AlarmNet....................................................................2 STEP 3 - Determine the Signal Strength and Select a Location.....................................................3 STEP 4 - Mount and Wire..........................................................................................................3 STEP 5 - Program the Communicator.........................................................................................6 STEP 6 - Configure the Fire Panel..............................................................................................7 STEP7— Test the System .........................................................................................................7 Dialer Capture Module Information.................................................................................................8 LEDDisplay Information................................................................................................................8 PowerBoostiInformation ..............................................................................................................9 Communicator Information ..........................................................................................................10 RFSpecifications ..................................................................................................................... 11 CentralStation Messages.............................................................................................................11 IPGSM-4G Trouble Detection Information .....................................................................................12 IPGSM-4G Specifications..............................................................................................................12 WiringDiagram.................................................................................................Inside of Back Cover IPGSM-4G Commercial Fire Communicator - Installation and Setup Guide General Information The IPGSM-4G Commercial Fire Communicator (henceforth referred to as IPGSM-4G) is a commercial Fire Alarm com- municator that allows a Fire panel that previously reported by POTS to be upgraded to a system that uses the internet or cellular means to connect to a central station. This dual path communicator connects directly to the primary and secondary communication ports of a Fire panel's Dig- ital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (DAd). It offers three selectable reporting paths which include; Cellular only, IP only, or IP primary/cellular backup. In addition, the communicator's power module (PowerBoosti) monitors and re- ports AC power loss, and low battery conditions. All signals from the IPGSM-4G communicator panel are delivered to Honeywell's AlarmNet Network Control Center, which routes the information to the appropriate central station. Package Contents Red Fire Cabinet and Back Plate • Antenna and Mounting Adapter Cam Lock with Key • PowerBoosti Dialer Capture Module • Battery harness Communicator • Wall Outlet Box (P/N K14358) 50 ohm cable assembly (for antenna) • Ferrite Filter LED Display board Mounting Rails (for above) Hardware Bag Transformer, 18VAC (N8167) Compatible Fire Panels The IPGSM-4G is compatible with Fire Panels that use the Contact ID communication format as described in the SIA DC-05 Standard. After completing the field installation, verify communications with the central station is successful by sending several events. Also, get confirmation that these events were received. Operation The IPGSM-4G replaces the fire panel's POTS communications path. When an event occurs, the fire panel goes off- hook to dial the central station. The IPGSM-4G detects the off-hook condition and provides the fire panel with a dial tone. When the fire panel detects the dial tone, it begins dialing the central station. The IPGSM-4G considers the three second period after dialing as the number dialing has been completed. After the dialing is completed, the Dialer Cap- ture Module returns a handshake to the fire panel. The fire panel then sends the contact ID reports to the IPGSM-4G, which in turn sends a kiss-off after the report is suc- cessfully received from the fire panel. Within the IPGSM-4G, the Dialer Capture Module sends the contact ID reports over the ECP bus to the Communicator. When all the reports are sent, the fire panel goes on-hook. The IPGSM-4G then transmits the messages to the central station (either over the internet or the GSM network). Installation UL Compliance To meet UL864/NFPA, ensure the following: IPGSM-4G must be installed in accordance with NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) standards 70 and 72. IPGSM-4G must be mounted in the same room and within 20 feet of the fire panel. The Telco line wiring and the Power Transformer wiring must be routed through conduit. IPGSM-4G, and all equipment used for the IP connection (such as the router, hub, modem, etc.) shall be UL Listed, must be powered from an un-switched branch circuit, and be provided with appropriate standby power. IPGSM-4G must use a 7AH battery (not supplied) to provide 24-hour backup capability. — 1 — IPGSM-4G Commercial Fire Communicator - Installation and Setup Guide Programming for UL864 Compliance The IPGSM-4G Commercial Fire Alarm Communicator provides a programmable supervision feature that allows the sys- tem to meet the UL864 Commercial Fire requirements. These requirements are in the following table. NOTICE TO USERS, INSTALLERS, AUTHORITIES HAVING 3URISDIACTION AND OTHER INVOLVED PARTIES This product incorporates field programmable software. In order to comply with the requirements in the standard for control units and accessories for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 864 certain programming features or options must be lim- ited to specific settings or not used at all as indicated below. Selected Corn. Path t Supervision Interval IP Fault Time GSM Fault Time UL864 Compliant? 2010 GSM 5 minutes N/A 5 minutes Y 2010 IP 5 minutes 5 minutes N/A V 2010 IP & GSM 24 hours 1 hour 1 hour V 2013 GSM 1 hour N/A 1 hour N 2013 IP 1 hour 1 hour N/A N 2013 IP & GSM 6 hours 1 hour 1 hour N STEP 1 — Activate the SIM and Setuo the Customer Account The communicator requires a subscriber account (customer account) to be setup with AlarmNet Direct. This is accom- plished by registering the communicator with AlarmNet. Registering, enables the fire panel to send reports. To setup the customer account you will need to contact the central monitoring station to get account information, and have access to the AlarmNet Direct website. To access the AlarmNet Direct website visit - https://services.alarrnnet.com/AlarmNetDirect If you do not wish to use the AlarmNet Direct website, you may call AlarmNet to setup the account, just phone 800- 222-6525, then select option 1. (Monday—Friday 8:00 am to 9:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm EST) Have the following information ready: Primary City ID (two digits), obtained from your moni- • Primary Subscriber ID (four digits), obtained from toring station. your monitoring station. Primary Central Station ID (two digits), obtained from • Communicator's MAC ID, and MAC CRC number locat- your monitoring station. ed on outside of box, and inside the communicator. Note: The IPGSM-4G comes with a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) that needs to be activated. I To activate the SIM, log into the AlarmNet Direct website and choose "SIM Activation/Status", then enter the required information. Click Activate SIM. Setup the customer account by choosing "Program New Device GSM/I", enter the required information. When complete, click DONE. STEP 2 — Register the Communicator with AlarmNet Registering the communicator activates the account with AlarmNet and enables the fire system's control panel to send reports. There are three methods that can be used to register the communicator. Register the communicator by logging into AlarmNet Direct and choosing "Show Programmed Devices GSM/I". Search for the account using the Account Information or MAC ID. Under the "Actions" column, use the pull- down menu and choose Register. OR After the IPGSM-4G is installed and programmed, you can register the communicator by clicking the TEST/ REGISTRATION switch 3 times. OR After the IPGSM-4G is installed and programmed, you can register the communicator using the 7720P Pro- gramming tool. Simply: Press [Shift ] then press [4']. Please wait for "Registration SUCCESS" message. —2— IPGSM-4G Commercial Fire Communicator - Installation and Setup Guide STEP 3 — Determine the Signal Strength and Select a Location IMPORTANT - Do Not mount this device outdoors. RF Exposure Warning - The internal or external antenna(s) used by this product must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 7.8 in. (20 cm) from all persons and must not be co-located or operat- ing in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter except in accordance with FCC multi- transmitter product procedures. When choosing a suitable mounting location, understand that signal strength is very important for proper operation. For most installations using the supplied antenna, mounting the unit as high as practical, and avoiding large metal components provides adequate signal strength for proper operation. In this procedure you will use the Communicator to determine signal strength in order to find a suitable mounting loca- tion. Note: If the SIM is already activated, the RSSI signal strength indicators will indicate signal strength. If the SIM has not been activated, the firmware in the communicator enables it to communicate with the cellular network towers (without the SIM being activated) so that signal strength measurements can be determined. In this case, you can display the signal strength by simultaneously pressing the TEST/ REGISTRATION and MODE switches. For this procedure you will need a fully charged 12V battery. Attach the Antenna Mounting Adapter, RF cable, and Antenna (see illustration on page 5). Temporarily wire the battery's negative [-] terminal to TB1-4 on the communicator, then wire the battery's plus [+] terminal to T131-2 on the communicator. Wait about one minute for the communicator to initialize. Position the assembly near a suitable mounting position and observe the RSSI display. Look for a mounting position that yields at least 3 bars lit solid. For optimal I I performance 4 or 5 bars are better. I 4 4 4 9 9 3 BARS MIN. Verify the signal strength remains steady for a few minutes, then mark that A V Y G G G mounting position. Disconnect the battery. STEP 4 — Mount and Wire For UL compliant installations, refer to the topic on UL Compliance in this manual. For UL compliant installations, the Telco line wiring and the Power Transformer wiring must be routed through conduit. For Dry/Indoor use only. Unless otherwise specified, use 18AWG. Additional cabinet wiring may be routed through conduit if desired. This communicator comes partially assembled with all the components mounted except the external Antenna, LED Dis- play board, and PowerBoosti. To protect certain components on the PowerBoosti, it is shipped un-mounted. All inter- nal wiring is complete. Note: Refer to the diagram on page 5, and to the Wiring Diagram on the inside of the back cover of this man- ual for wiring and component identification. Remove knockouts from cabinet to accommodate the power input wires, and wiring to the fire panel. Then mount the cabinet securely to the wall using 4 screws or bolts. Use mounting screws or bolts that are suitable for the material being anchored to. Ensure the cabinet door lock is installed. Install the two plastic mounting rails for the LED Display board. They simply snap into the back plate holes. -3- IPGSM-46 Commercial Fire Communicator - Installation and Setup Guide Connect the LED Display board to its connector, then slide the board into the mounting rails. (Yellow LED and Buzzer are on top.) Carefully remove the packaging material that surrounds the PowerBoosti. Mount the PowerBoosti on the three unused standoffs. Use the two metal screws and lock washers to fasten the left side of the circuit board. Ensure the lock washers are located between the circuit board and the head of the two metal screws. The right side of the board just snaps in place on the upper right standoff. Mount the Wall Outlet Box to an un-switched facility power outlet and run a conduit to the cabinet. In this step DO NOT plug the transformer in. Route wire (minimum 18AWG) from the transformer, through the conduit and into the cabinet. Pass the wires through the Ferrite Filter, then loop the wires back through again making a loop. Connect the wires to the PowerBoosti AC terminals. piI Connect and route 16AWG insulated wire from facility power ground (typically a cold water pipe) to the cabi- net's ground post. Ensure all ground connections are tight. Connect the Ethernet cable and the Telco 1 and Telco 2 lines. If you choose to use an optional Cabinet Tam- per Switch (if the fire panel supports it) mount and wire it. Verify the PowerBoosti DIP switches are configured as shown below. PowerBoosti 0NIIl!I I 12345 (Switch handle = white) 12. Ensure the following: LED Display board is fully seated. All wiring terminals and connectors are tight. All wiring has been completed and secured with cable ties. 13. Install the battery (not supplied). Plug the power transformer in, and attach the battery cable. —4— : L • o TB I 02 08 04 LEJ i i• 06 07 000000 08 09 010 011 NP DLII TO Facility Ground - CONDUIT IHI c.j cJ • _.j __I cc + - - C 0 1 0 El r-L 0 El RED I l. El El GREEN 1 LJ , CD Dialer Capture Module EEl - U 111111 • IPGSM-4G Commercial Fire Communicator — Installation and Setup Guide ANTENNA NUT, WASHER ANTENNA MOUNTING ADAPTER WALL OUTLET BOX (K14358) TRANSFORMER (N8167) CABINET DOOR BATTERY 7AH Communicator (not supplied) Wiring for Grounds, Power, and RF —5— IPGSM-4G Commercial Fire Communicator — Installation and Setup Guide STEP 5- Program the Communicator You must use the 7720P Programming tool to program the IPGSM-4G. When using the 7720P Programming tool, the values given below are for most installations. Press the [#] key to ac- cept the displayed default value ()xx) or enter the new value and press the [#] key for the next prompt. Use the [Space] key to scroll through a list of options. Connect the 7720P. (You can use the [Shift + A] key to check the software revision.) 7720P PROGRAMMER Press [#]. Strt Prog Mode? Y/N Press [Shift] then [Y], then [#]. Program Device? Y/N Press [Shift] then [Y], then [#]. JCom Path Choice (II' & GSM) Press [Space] to scroll choices; IP&GSM, IP, or GSM. Press [#] to select. The IP Fault Time, and the GSM Fault Time that correspond to the choices are: Note: The 2013 choices have been evaluated to Choice Supervision Interval IP Fault Time GSM Fault Time meet NFPA 2013 supervision 2010 IP & GSM 24 hours 1 hour 1 hour requirements and are sub- 2013 IP 1 hour 1 hour - - - ject to approval by the local 2013 GSM 1 hour - - - 1 hour authority having jurisdiction. 2013 IP & GSM 6 hours 1 hour 1 hour (See back cover.) 2010 IP 5 minutes 5 minutes --- 2010 GSM 5 minutes - - - 5 minutes Primary City ID (??) Enter number 01-99, then press [#]. Primary CS ID (??) Enter number 01-FE, then press [#]. Primary Sub ID (????) Enter number 0001-9999, then press [#]. - Note: If a Com Path Choice of IP & GSM or IP was selected, prompt 9 will appear. JUse DHCP? Y/N (Y) If your router is configured for DHCP, press [Shift] then [Y], then press [#]. Note: If DHCP is not selected (your router is set for a static IP), prompts 10 through 13 will appear. Use - the [Space] key to advance to the next address part. 10. 1 NIC IP Address: Enter choice, then press [#]. Follow the prompts. 11. I Subnet Mask: Enter choice, then press [#]. Follow the prompts. 12. J Gateway IP Address: Enter choice, then press [#]. Follow the prompts. 13. J DNS Sery IP Addr: Enter choice, then press [#]. Follow the prompts. [Review? Y/N Enter choice, then press [#]. Follow the prompts. Create Password? Y/N Enter choice, then press [#]. Follow the prompts. Exit Prog Mode? Y/N Press [Shift] then [Y], then press [#]. DONE. Notes: • If an error in programming occurs, set the factory defaults (see next topic) and reprogram. am IPGSM-46 Commercial Fire Communicator - Installation and Setup Guide To exit the programming mode, press [N] in response to the "Review?" prompt. Then press [Y] to the "Exit Prog Mode?" prompt. Upon exiting, the root file is updated to log the changes made. A message is displayed telling the user that this step is being executed. When complete, the message "DONE" is displayed to indicate the file was suc- cessfully uploaded. Note: If critical configuration changes were made, such as the mode of operation, the communicator will reset to ensure that the programming features are enabled. If the file is not successfully uploaded, one of the following prompts will be displayed. Follow the steps shown below until the upload is successful. Display *Description What to do Cannot Upload I Try Again? Y!N_ I Communicator is not yet initialized. Wait for RSSI indicator LEDs to be lit. Press [V]. Failed to Update I Root File! Network problem, or you answered "N" to "Cannot Upload Try Again?" prompt. Initiate the Force Server Update Command by pressing the [0] key. Setting Factory Defaults To reset the programming options to factory-default values, at the "Exit Prog Mode?" prompt press [Shift] plus [ESC]. Note, setting the factory defaults will also erase any password that may have been entered. I Set Default? Press [Y] to reset factory default values. IYIN I _ Press [N] to cancel this function. Press [Shift] then [Y], then [#]. The Create Password prompt appears, follow the prompts then exit. STEP 6 — Con fiaure the Fire Panel Ensure the Phone Line Supervision (or Telco Fault) on the panel is enabled. Then choose a setting that is no higher than 90 seconds (or as close to that) as the panel allows. Ensure no more than 1 pause character (usually a comma) is programmed into the dialing string (usually 2 se- conds). Note, this is necessary since the Dialer Capture Module waits only 3 seconds after the phone number is dialed. Having more than 3 seconds of pause time will cause it to think the phone number is complete and cause it to generate the high-low tones at an incorrect moment. STEP 7 — Test the System Close the Wall Outlet Box, then close and lock the cabinet cover. Refer to the fire panel's installation/operation guide the testing procedure. (Notify the monitoring station that a test will be conducted.) Test the system to ensure it is operating. Verify communications with the monitoring station is successful by sending several events. Also, get confirma- tion that these events were received. —7— IPGSM-4G Commercial Fire Communicator - Installation and Setup Guide Dialer Capture Module Information LED Indicator STATUS RED - Steady ON - Messages exist in buffer. RED -Flashing GREEN - Steady ON No messages to be sent. Waiting for messages. Normal Indication. GREEN - Blinks every 2 sec. PowerBoosti communication problem. GREEN -Blinks twice every sec. Connection with the Communicator is lost. GREEN - Blinks 10 times every sec. PowerBoosti and Communicator connections are lost. IFl I* cIc..1 • —I + fl8 L_J EI 0 O RW El El rir I C848 1 GREEN "' ) U ! Dialer Capture Module Note: Telco ports 1 (primary dialer) and 2 (secondary dialer) may be used instead of the terminal board. Whichever connection method is used, both Telco paths must be connected to the Fire Panel. I LED Display Information Status TjiD Indicator RADIO TROUBLE Yellow - ON when radio trouble is present. Both IP and GSM communication paths are lost. Communicator radio is not registered. Old Alarm Time has been exceeded. (Message has not been delivered within the fixed 10 minute window.) Buzzer - Upon loss of AC power, this will beep once every 10 seconds. LOW BATTERY Yellow - ON when battery is low (<11.5VDC). Yellow - (not used) AC LOSS Yellow - ON when no AC is present (< 90VAC). AC ON Green - ON when AC is present. RADIO TROUBLE I LOW BATTERY (not used) AC LOSS AC ON Note: If a wire pulled out of the LED Board Connector refer to the diagram on right and reinsert wire, ensuring the connector pin is locked in. —8— - Violet LED Board - Black Connector - White NC Wires - Red - Brown - Yellow - Gray - IPGSM-4G Commercial Fire Communicator - Installation and Setup Guide PowerBoosti Information LED Indicator STATUS AC (green) AC power available. ACTIVE (green) Cyclical flashing - normal communications. Repetition of 3 flashes - loss of communications. LOW BATT (yellow) - Missing or low battery. TROUBLE (yellow) One or more trouble conditions exist, such as; overload, output supervi- sion, ground fault, or charger failure. Notes: If AC power is lost and the battery voltage falls below lOv, the PowerBoosti output voltage will be turned off. The output power is turned back on when AC power is restored. You must use the DIP switch settings shown below. LOW BATTLED PowerBoosti INDICATOR U TROUBLE LED INDICATOR Configure DIP switch as shown: ON 12345 (Switch handle = white) AC LED INDICATOR 04 ACTIVE LED INDICATOR I PGSM-cOM003-VO —9— 7720P Port Progremmer . 131 06 - 07 Test/ Registration 08 Switch to 09 Dli 91 F-f Mods 19 Switch IPGSM-4G Commercial Fire Communicator - Installation and Setup Guide Communicator Information ON - NOT registered with AlarmNet. GRIN OFF - Registered with AlarmNet. FAST BLINK - Download session with Compass in progress. SLOW BLINK - In unison with yellow LED, registration in progress. - ON - Message transmission pending. YEL QUICK PERIODIC BUNK - Normal. FAST BLINK - Message waiting for network ACK. SLOW BLINK - Idle power abnormal. SLOW BLINK - In unison with green LED, registration in progress. - ON- No contact with network. RED OFF- Normal. SLOW BLINK- Loss of communication with the Dialer Capture Module (ECP fault). FAST BLINK- No network contact AND loss of communi- cation with the Dialer Capture Module. - Note: If all LEDs FAST BLINK in unison with the RSSI LEDs this indicates a Hardware Error. ON -100 MB/S link to Internet. Link Speed OFF -10 MB/S link to Internet. GREEN ON - Link detected. Ethernet LlnklAetivlty OFF - No link detected. GREEN FAST BUNK - Network activity. MODULE'S RECEIVED SIGNAL STRENGTH (RSSI) When the Mode Switch is NOT depressed, LED 1 will illuminate rod. The remaining LEDs indicate RSSI (Received Signal Strength). 0 11111 MODULE'S OPERATION MODE When the Mode switch IS depressed, LED 1 will be OFF. LEDs 2 and 3 indicate the module's communication mode with the control panel. Mode LED 2 (yellow) LED 3 (yellow) ECP OFF OFF Zone ON OFF 4204 OFF ON 2-4204 ON ON MODULE'S STATUS When the Mode Switch IS depressed, LED 1 will be OFF. LEDs 4, 5, and 6 indicate the module's Status. LED 4 (green) LED 5 (green) LED 6 (green) ON - Connected to ON - GPRS service ON - Module registered, no second Internet. available, site available. OFF - Not connected OFF - No GPRS service OFF - Module not registered with to Internet. available, network carder. FAST BLINK - GPRS in use. SLOW BLINK - Module registered, second site available, andlow signal strength. NORMAL BLINK - Module registered, second site available, acceptable signal strength. FAST BLINK - Module registered, second site available, excellent signal strength. Cellular Status LED Voice Session - Short blink every second Data Session - Short blink every 2 seconds Connected to Cell network - Short blink every 4 seconds No or deactivated SIM - Long blink every second RSSI / Mode and status LEDs -10- IPGSM-4G Commercial Fire Communicator - Installation and Setup Guide RF Specifications Freauencv Bands 2G GSM/GPRS/EDGE 3G/4G UMTS/I1SPA+ Output Power Quad Band, 850/900/1800/1900 MHz Band V, Band II 2G GPRS +33dBm, GMSK modulation EDGE +27dBm, 8-PSK modulation 3G UMTS +24dBm, QPSK modulation WCDMA +24dBm, QPSK modulation 4G HSPA+ +24dBm, 64 QAM modulation WCDMA +24dBm, 64 QAM modulation Central Station Messages Alarm Condition Alarm Code Restore Code Power On/ Reset E339 C0803 N/A ECP Supervision (Compromise Indication) - E355 C0000 R355 C0000 Primary Communication Path Supervision E350 C0951 R350 C0951 Secondary Communication Path Supervision E350 C0952 R350 C0952 Periodic GSM Comm Path Test Failure E358 C0803 N/A (We do not send a restoral R358 C0803, we send a failure message every day after the radio attempts to test and fails.) Trouble Reporting: E380, E351, N/A When a single fault (open or short IP, GSM suppression, low/missing battery, E352 codes as AC loss) occurs, and the communicator is programmed for an IP& GSM com- appropriate. munication path, multiple alarm Codes and their appropriate Restore Codes are reported to the Central Station. IPGSM-4G communicator fault - The Fire Panel sends out a E380, and E352 message via Telco #1, these are then relayed to the central station via the IPGSM-4G. Telco line 1 fault - The Fire Panel sends out a E380, and E351 message via Telco #2, these are then relayed to the central station via the IPGSM-4G. Telco line 2 fault - - Fire Panel sends out a E380, and E352 via Telco #1, the- se are then relayed to the central station via the IPGSM-4G. Test AlarmNet Messages Communication failure. 5555 1555 6 5555 3555 6 (Possible Compromise Indication) Authorized Radio Substitution OODO 010C 0 N/A Unauthorized Radio Substitution Attempt OODO 010E 0 N/A Service Termination OODO 020E 0 - N/A —11 - 11111111 IPGSM-4G Commercial Fire Communicator - Installation and Setup Guide IPGSM-40 Trouble Detection Information Telco 1 is used for the Fire Panel to output contact ID messages to the IPGSM-4G, and Telco 2 is used by the IPGSM- 413 to report faults to the Fire Panel. If Telco 1 is not operational, the Fire Panel will use Telco 2 to report events if there are no faults in the Communicator. Fault Condition 1Indication to Fire Panel - PowerBoostl fault * - Telco 2 is cut. Communicator fault Failure of the communications path when Telco 2 is cut. IP only or GSM only is programmed as a communications path. Failure of both communications paths Telco 1 and 2 are cut. when IP&GSM is programmed as a com- munications path. Dialer capture Module buffer is full. Hang up. (Panel will retry, giving the buffer a chance to empty.) IPGSM-40 Specifications ITEM SPECIFICATION Cabinet Dimensions: Width 12 3/4 inches, Height 14 7/8 inches, Depth 3 inches Transformer: N8167 Primary -12OVAC, 60Hz, Secondary -18VAC, 50VA Battery: 12V, 7Ah sealed lead acid type (not supplied) Use a Honeywell 712BNP, Yuasa NP7-12 or equivalent. Battery Charging Current: maximum 1A Battery Discharge Current: 1 standby 230mA, active 950mA Environment: Operating temperature: _200 to +550C, for UL installations 0°C to +490C Storage temperature: —400 to +700C Humidity: 0 to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing, for UL instal- lations 0% to 93% Altitude: to 10,000 ft. operating, to 40,000 ft. storage Supervision: The Radio (communicator), battery, and AC power, conditions are monitored by the cabinet indicator LEDs: RADIO TROUBLE lights when any of these conditions exist. Both IP and GSM communication paths are lost. Communicator radio is not registered. Old Alarm Time has been exceeded. (Message has not been de- livered within the fixed 10 minute window.) LOW BATTERY lights when the battery voltage is less than 11.5VDC. AC LOSS lights when the AC power is less than 90VAC. —12— Wiring Diagram The wiring diagram below is depicted for point-to-point electrical connection checks used for troubleshooting or compo- nent replacement. It is not intended to show the physical routing of wires. When replacing a wire or component, en- sure the wire is routed in the same manner as the original factory wire. (Note: Wire colors may vary.) NOTES • All circuits are power limited except the backup battery which is non-power limited. Non-power limited wiring must be separated from the power limited wiring by at least 1/4 inch. If desired, use a Honeywell 955WH Tamper Switch with the 28-2 bracket. SECTION 2 INITIATION DEVICES, NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES, & MISC PARTS SILENT Farenhyt KNIGHT by Honeywell iteiiigent ase) General System Sensor® intelligent mounting bases and kits provide a variety of ways to install Silent Knight detectors in any application. Intelligent detectors can be mounted in either flanged or flangeless bases depending on junction box selection (see Junction Box Selection Guide). Across this product line, detectors plug in easily to the base with SEMS screws; and models employ various 12 to 24 AWG wire ranges. Relay, isolator, and sounder bases can be used to meet local code requirements. Relay bases provide one Form-C contact relay for control of auxiliary functions such as door closure and elevator recall. Isolator bases allow loops to continue to operate under fault conditions and automatically restore when the fault is removed. Sounder bases are available in temporal and non-temporal pattern versions depending on whether the signal is to be used for evacuation Electrical purposes. B200SR: Features External supply voltage: 16 to 33 VDC (VFWR) Bases enable quick and secure detector plug-in Standby current: 500 pA max. SEMS screws provide easy wiring connection -Alarm current: 35 mA max.SLC operating Support for 12-24 AWG (14-24 for B224RB and B224B1) voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. provides installation flexibility SLC standby current: 300 pF. Multiple accessory options provide mounting flexibility B224RB, B224B1: Operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC Sounder bases are compliant with UL 464 and UL 864 (powered by SLC). Standby ratings: <500 pA max © 24 VDC. Specifications Set time (B224RB only): short delay 55 to Physical 90 msec; long delay 6 to 9 seconds. Diameter: Reset time (B224RB only): 20 msec max. - B501: 4.1" (104mm) Relay characteristics (B224RB only): two- - B2IOLP, 13224131, B224RB: 6.1" (155 mm), coil latching relay; one Form-C contact; - B200SR: 6.875" (175 mm). ratings (UL/CSA): 0.9A@ 125 VAC, 0.9A Wire gauge: © 110 VDC, and 3.0 A © 30 VDC. - 13224131, B224RB: 14 to 24 AWG - B200SR: 12 to 24 AWG. Environmental Operating temperature range: - B224B1, B224RB, B200SR: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). P/N 351527 Rev - B2IOLP: -4°F to 150°F (-20°C to 66°C). Copyright © 2010 Honeywell International Inc. Humidity range: 10% to 93% RH, non-condensing. Junction Box Selection Guide Models mow Gang WWWW ring Ordering Information INTELLIGENT BASES B501: Flangeless mounting base. B210LP Flanged Mounting Base) B200SR: Intelligent sounder base capable of producing sound output with T3 or continuous tone. B224RB: Relay base. B224B1: Isolator base. cAtyustiicngs 'The listings and approvals below apply to intelligent bases as noted. In some cases, certain modules &' applications may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing maybe in process. Consultfactory f0j) atest listing status. (.UL Listed: S911) ('FM Approved) (MEA 22-95-E 205-94-E Vol2257-06-E) SFM 7300-0075192 7300-1653109 7300-1653:126, 7300-1653 i) System Sensor® is a registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc D SILENT This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or KNIGHT anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 by Honeywell Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. www.farenhyt.com (Addressable Detector Bases) (B21oLP)& B501 The B2IOLP 6" Mounting Base and the B501 4" Mounting Base are plug in detector bases for IDP style detectors intended for use with Silent Knight IFP-series fire alarm control panels (FACPs). The B2IOLP and B501 have screw terminals for power (+) and (-) and remote annunciator connections. Communication takes place over the power (+) and (-) lines. Features Plug-in mounting provides ease of installation Tamper-proof feature prevents removal of the detector without the use of a tool Range of mounting options to meet any application Rotary address switches for fast installation Optional remote LED annunciator (PN RAIOOZ) SEMS screws 12-22 AWG wire ranges for installation flexibility UL Listed Installation The B2IOLP and B501 can be mounted on a variety of junction boxes as shown in the tables below. U.S. Junction Box Selection Guide* Model Single Gang 3.5" Oct 4" Oct 4" Sq B2IOLP Yes Yes Yes Yes B501 No Yes No No Metric Junction Box Selection Guide* Model 50 mm 60 mm 70 mm 75 mm B2IOLP No No No No B501 Yes Yes Yes No Box depth is contingent on base and wire size. Refer to the National Electric Code or applicable local codes for appropriate recommendations. Farenhyt DSILENT KNIGHT by Honeywell Agency Listings B501 Base 1 CompatibiIuty1 rhe B2IOLP and B501 are compatible w ,the foIlowing IDP-series detectors. !DP-hoto Photoelectric Smoke Detector:) IDP-Photo-T Photoelectric Smoke Detector with Thermal IDP-Acclimate Multicriteria Photoelectric Smoke Detector IDP-Ion Ionization Smoke Detector IDP-Heat Fixed Temperature Thermal Detector (lOP-Heat-ROR Rate-of-Rise Detecto with Thermal, IDP-Heat-HT Fixed High Temperature Thermal Detector The B2IOLP and B501 are compatible with the following FACPs: E!FP-2POP/ RPS-2000 Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-1009/ ECS Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-100 / ECS Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-50 Intelligent Fire Panel P/N 350295 Rev F © 2013 Honeywell International Inc B2IOLP Base Installed with Detector B501 Base Installed with Detector Wiring IDP-Series Detector Mounting Bases Specifications Physical B2IOLP Diameter: 6.1" (155 mm) B501 Diameter: 4.1" (104 mm) Electrical Wire Gauge: 18-12 Terminals: Terminal 1: Power (-) and Optional RAIOOZ Terminal 2: Power (+) Terminal 3: Optional RAIOOZ Remote Annunciator Environmental Operating Temperature: 32°F - 150°F (0°C - 66°C) Humidity: 10% - 93% non-condensing Ordering Information B210LP 6" Mounting Base B501 4" Mounting Base B2IOLPBP 6" Mounting Base bulk pkg of 10 Accessories RAIOOZ Remote LED Annunciator. XR213 Detector Removal Tool. A removal and replacement tool for IDP plug-in detectors. Includes the T55-127-000. M02-04-01 Detector Test Magnet. M02-09-00 Test Magnet with Telescoping Handle. XP-4 Extension Pole for XR2B. Extends from 5-15 ft. T55-127-000 Detector Removal Head. BCK-200B Black Detector Kit. For IDP-series detectors. F210 Accessory flange ring for B2IOLP This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our D SILENT product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or KNIGHT anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. For Technical Support, Please call by Honeywell 800-446-6444. www.farenhyt.com Made In the U.S.A. SILENT Farenhyt KNIGHT by Honeywell nteiiigent Sounder _Bases Agency Listings B200S1B200S-LF) The B200S sounder base series is designed for new and existing commercial dwelling unit applications. It offers UO L maximum flexibility in installation, configuration, and operation LtiJ to meet or exceed UL 268 and UL 464 requirements. Pending The sounder base "listens in" to the communication between the attached sensor head and the fire alarm control panel (FACP) to adopt the same address as the detector, but as a unique device type on the loop. The FACP can then use that address to command an individual sounder - or a group of ! - sounders - to activate. In addition, the FACP's will enable LZ ( custom tone patterns. • • $ The B200S series sounder bases recognize the System Sensor synchronization protocol. This enables it to be used as a component of the general evacuation signal - along with ' other System Sensor horns, horn strobes, and chimes - when connected to a FACP output programmed as sounder (B2OO-LF B200S base power. - _____ cTheB200s-1-F low frequency sounder base is designed to (meet the NFPA 72 sleeping space requirement to produce a~ I Ci~ Photo Photoelectric Smoke Detector) (fundamental frequency of 520 Hz +1- 10% with a square wave) •IDP-Photo-T Photoelectric Smoke Detector or its equivalent. Studies show that a lower frequency, L - with Thermal centered around 520 Hz, is the most ideal to awaken sleeping) occupants, even those with mild to severe hearing • IDP-Ion Ionization Smoke Detector IDP-Acclimate Multicriteria Photoelectric Features Smoke Detector Addressability for maximum configuration flexibility • IDP-Heat Fixed Temperature Thermal Supports Continuous, ANSI Temporal 3, ANSI Temporal 4, Detector and March Time tones IDP-Heat-ROR Rate-of-Rise Detector with Custom tone capability with some FACP models Thermal Ability to synchronize with other System Sensor notification • IDP-Heat-HT Fixed High Temperature devices Thermal Detector ndSmok _ UL 268 and UL 464 compliant • Pre-wire mounting plate fits various junction box sizes - -- - - -- Uses a mechanical locking feature that prevents the removal of the attached sensor head I The B200S/B200S-LF are compatible No external relays and input modules needed to supervise with the following FACPs: the Aux power • IFP-2000/RPS-2000 Intelligent Fire Panel 520 Hz +1— 10% square wave tone (13200SLF) • IFP-2000ECS Emergency Communication Installation System with Fire Alarm Control Panel The B200S series sounder bases can be mounted directly to (_IFP-1000 Intelligent Fire Pane) 4" (10.16 cm) square, 4" (10.16 cm) octagon, 3 1/2" (8.9 cm) • IFP-I000ECS Emergency Communication octagon, single-gang or double-gang junction boxes. System with Fire Alarm Control Panel Compatibility . IFP-100 Intelligent Fire Panel The B200S series are compatible with the following lOP- • IFP-IOOECS Emergency Communication series detectors programmed for System Sensor protocol: System with Fire Alarm Control Panel (Firmware version 13.0 or higher for IFP-100 & IFP-1000. (Firmware version 4.0 or higher for IFP-2000). PIN 351564 Rev B Copyright © 2015 Honeywell International Inc. OPTIONAL REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR MODEL RMCOZ1OOZ F ag 15 +) Sounder Base Power (-) Sounder Base Power NAC It. LISTED rot NAC RESISrOfi 4.7K Wiring B200S/B200S-LF Specifications Sound Output Volume Greater than 85 dBA minimum Physical measured in a UL reverberant room Height: 2.0" (5.08 cm) less sensor at 10 feet, 24 Volts (in continuous tone). Width: 6.875" (17.46 cm (9 £1.0 B200S -.50 lb. (227gm) Ordering Information B200S-LF - .60 lb. (272gm) B200S Intelligent Sounder Base f62oos-Lj i~nte Low Frequency Sounder_Base, (1 610 33 VDC M02-04-01 Detector Test Magnet M02-09-01 Telescoping Test Magnet m, (3_5 rn (i 40 mAma,dmum (15 th 32 VD) 00pA max (base only)' 32°F - 120°F (0°C - 49°C) 10% - 93% non- condensing Shipping Weight: Electrical, - - Aux Power Voitag) 'Aux Power Standby (Current Aux Power Alarm (Current B200SJ fAux Power Alarm) Current B200S-LF) (SLC Operating Voltage) (SLC StandbyIAlarmCurrent Environmental Operating Temperature: Humidity: D SILENT This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All KNIGHT specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. by Honeywell For Technical Support, Please call 800-446-6444. www.farenhyt.com 1013-Heat (Base Not Included) Farenhyt Addressable Devices with intelhgen) Device .Protocol (IDP)' Intelligent Device Protocol (IDP) devices are intelligent addressable devices for use with the following Farenhyt addressable fire alarm control panels (FACPs): lFP-2000, IFP-1000/ECS, IFP-100/ECS, and IFP-50. lop detectors, modules, and accessories communicate to the FACP over the signaling line circuit loop (SLC loop) using a two-wire connection. Shielded or twisted wire is not required. Up to 99 addressable IDP detectors and 99 IDP modules can communicate with the IFP-50, IFP-100/ECS, and IFP- 1000/ECS FACP on a single loop. The IFP-2000 can have up to 159 IDP detectors and 159 IDP modules on a single SLC loop. Any combination of addressable IDP devices and IDP modules can be used on a single SLC loop. The assortment of IDP detectors, modules, and accessories that are compatible with Farenhyt addressable FACPs are described below. For detailed information on IDP devices, see the device specification sheet. DSILENT KNIGHT by Honeywell A fixed temperature and rate-of-rise thermal detector that uses a thermistor sensing circuit to produce 135°F (57°C) thermal protection. Rate-of-rise detection occurs at 15°F per minute (9°C per minute). IDP-Beam A beam smoke detector that is uniquely suited for protecting open areas with high ceilings where other methods of smoke detection are difficult to install and maintain. IDP-Beam-T Abeam smoke detector that includes an integrated sensitivity IDP-Beam test feature. The IDP-Beam-T is uniquely suited for protecting open areas with high ceilings where other methods of smoke detection are difficult to install and maintain. The DNR Intelligent non-relay photoelectric duct smoke detector housing and DNRW watertight non- relay photoelectric duct smoke detector housing (head not included) are for use in air handling systems DNR that have air velocities of 100 to 4000 ft/minute. IDP-PhotoR Remote test capable head replacement for DNR/DNRW that IDP-Photo (Base Not lncIuc' . . . - IDP-Photo-T A plug-in photoelectric smoke detector with thermal. IDP-Photo-T offers a unique optical sensing chamber that is engineered to sense smoke produced by a wide range of combustion sources. Dual electronic thermistors add 135°F (57°C) thermal technology to maximize detection. DetectorsD P-Phot A plug-in photoelectric smoke detector. IDP-Photo offers a unique optical sensing chamber that is engineered to sense smoke produced by a wide range of combustion sources. ' has a date code OT UUii or newer. lOP-Acclimate Incorporates both thermal and photoelectric technologies that interact to maximize detection. The IDP-Acclimate has an on- board microprocessor with advanced software that focuses on rejecting nuisance alarms. IDP-Ion A plug-in ionization smoke detector. IDP-Ion incorporates a unique single source, dual chamber design to respond quickly to a broad range of fires. IDP-Heat A fixed temperature thermal detector that uses a thermistor sensing circuit to produce 135°F (57°C) fixed thermal detection. IDP-Heat-HT A variable high temperature detector that provides high temperature detection at 135°F - 190°F (57°C - 88°C). DP-FIRE-CO The IDP-FIRE-CO is a plug-in, addressable device that provides both fire and carbon monoxide (CO) detection. The IDP- FIRE-CO should be used in conjunction with the B200S intelligent sounder base. 11313-FIRE-CO With B200S (Base Not included) P/N 350361 Rev F Copyright 0 2013 Honeywell International Inc. DP-Monitor1 A monitor module that acts as an interface to contact devices, such as waterflow switches and pull stations. The lDP-Monitor supports Class B supervised or Class A supervised wiring. IDP-Monitor lDP-Minimon A compact and light weight monitor module that acts as an interface to contact devices, such as waterfiow switches and pull stations. The IOP-Minimon supports Class B supervised wiring. IDP-Monitor-2 A monitor module with two initiating circuits that acts as an interface to contact devices, such as waterfiow switches and pull stations. Because the lDP-Monitor-2 is capable of monitoring two separate Class B circuits, it is ideal for watertlow tamper switch and flow switch monitoring. lDP-Monitor-10 A 10 point monitor module that acts as an interface to contact devices, such as waterfiow switches and pull stations. Conventional 4-wire smoke detectors can be monitored for alarm and trouble conditions. The IDP-Monitor-10 supports ten Class B or five Class A supervised contact inputs. (IDP-Relay A relay module that allows an FACP to switch discrete contacts by code command. The relay contains two isolated sets of Form C contacts, which operate as a DPDT switch. lDP-Relay-6 A relay module that has six Form C relays. The lDP-Relay-6 allows an FACP to switch discrete contacts by code command and can be used by virtually any normally open or normally closed application. IDP-Relaymon-2 The lDP-Relaymon-2 combines two relay outputs and two monitor inputs into one module device. The module is capable of Class B supervised wiring to the monitored devices. It also contains Form C relay contacts allowing the panel to switch the contacts on command. lDP-Control A notification module that lets you add notification circuits wherever they are needed on an FACP SLC loop. The lOP- Control provides supervised monitoring of wiring to load devices such as bells, horns, and strobes. The IDP-Control supports Class B and Class A wiring. lDP-Control-6 A notification module that has six integrated modules for maximum flexibility, allowing you to add notification circuits wherever they are needed on an FACP SLC loop. IDP-Control-6 lDP-Zone A two-wire interface module that allows an FACP to interface with and monitor two-wire conventional smoke detectors. This means you can retrofit an existing building and use existing conventional devices. The IDP-Zone supports Style B and Style D wiring. lDP-Zone-6 A two-wire interface module that has six integrated modules and allows an FACP to interface with and monitor two-wire conventional smoke detectors. This means you can retrofit an existing building and use existing conventional devices. The lDP-Zone-6 supports Class B and Class A wiring. lOP-ISO A line isolator module that acts as an automatic switch that opens when the line voltage on the SLC loop drops below four volts. Isolator modules are spaced between groups of sensors or modules in a loop to protect the rest of the loop. If a short occurs between any two isolators, then both isolators immediately switch to an open circuit state and isolate the r devices between them. lDP-ISO Asoris)____ (lDP-Pull-SAilDP-Pull-D The lDP-Pull-SA is -a single- action pull station requiring only one motion to activate the station. The IDP-Pull-DA is a dual action pull station requiring two motions to active the station. (B21OLP) A 6" mounting base with built-in remote annunciator connections. B200SR The B200SR is designed for new and existing dwelling unit applications. It offers maximum flexibility in installation, configuration, and operation to meet or exceed UL 268 and UL 464 requirements. The sounder base "listens in" to the communication between the attached sensor head and the fire alarm control panel (FACP) to adopt the same address as the detector, but as a unique device type on the loop. The B200S has support for CO detection using the IDP-FIRE-CO. B224RB A 6" mounting base with a built-in Form C relay contact. Lets you control a wide variety of normally open and normally closed applications. The B224RB supports Class B and Class A wiring. B224Bl A 6" mounting base with a built-in isolator for IDP-series detectors. The B224Bl prevents an entire communication loop from being disabled when a short circuit occurs by isolating any part of a loop that has a short from the rest of the loop. Restores the entire loop when the cause of the short circuit is corrected. Supports Class B and Class A wiring. D SILENT This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or KNIGHT anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 by Honeywell Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. For Technical Support, Please call Made In the U.S.A. 800-446-6444. www.farenhyt.com SILENT Farenhyt KNIGHT by Honeywell intelHgent U- (Inteuignt Photoelectric Smoke Detector) Photoelectric Smoke with ThermaI MEA (lDP- Photo,IDP-Photo-T and IDP-PhotoRj The IDP-Photo is a photoelectric smoke detector and the IDP-Photo-T is a photoelectric smoke detector with thermal. These plug in smoke detectors, with integral communication, provide features that surpass conventional detectors and are for use with Silent Knight IFP-series fire alarm control panels (FACPs). Detector sensitivity can be programmed from the FACP ) software. Sensitivity is continuously monitored and reported to the FACP. Point ID capability allows each detector's address to be set with rotary address switches, providing exact detector locations for selective maintenance when chamber contamination reaches unacceptable levels. incIuded lDP-Photo and IDP-Photo-T have a unique optical sensing _P-Ph6to (Bate not chamber that is engineered to sense smoke produced by a (iuition wide range of combustion sources. In the lDP-Photo-T, dual The IDP-Photo and IDP-Photo-T plug into a) electronic thermistors add 135°F (57°C) thermal technology to çompatibIe IDP-series detector base.The maximize detection. IDP-PhotoR is a remote test capable detector The IDP-PhotoR is a remote test capable detector for use with for use with the DNR (W) duct smoke the DNR (W) duct smoke detectors. detectors Features (ompatibiii) - - Sleek, low-profile design The IDP-Photo, IDP-Photo-T and IDP-PhotoR, Reliable analog communications for trouble-free operation are compatible with the foI!owingIDP-serie) Age resistant polymer housing detector bases:) , -- B210j ,, Mountin g Ba j Dual electronic thermistor design on the IDP-Photo-T • B501 4" Mounting Base Superior EMI resistance for reliability • B224B1 6" Isolator Base Simple field cleaning for code compliance • B224RB 6" Relay Base Variety of mounting options to meet any application • B200SR 6" Sounder Base Dual LED indicators for 3600 visibility The IDP-Photo, IDP-Photo-T and IDP-PhotoR Detector transmits signal to indicate maintenance is required are compatible with the following FACPs: Optional remote LED annunciator (System Sensor PN • IFP-2000 I RPS-2000 Intelligent Fire RAIOOZ) Panel Plug-in mounting provides ease of installation • (jFP-i000/ ECS Intelligent Fire Panel Tamper-proof feature available on mounting bases • IFP-100 / ECS Intelligent Fire Panel Listed for use in duct applications • lFP-50 Intelligent Fire Panel Rotary address switches for fast installation • IFP-25 Intelligent Fire Panel UL Listed PIN 350280 Rev F Copyright © 2013 Honeywell International Inc. I I I Wiring IDP$ertes Detector Mounting Bases Wiring IDP-Series Detector Mounting Bases Specifications* Physical Height: 2.0" (5.0 cm) Diameter: 4.1" (10.4 cm) installed in B501 base çElectnca Operating Voltage: 15-32 Standby Current:' 250 pA @ 24 VDC (no communication; LED off)' 00 pA @ 24 VDC(one comrnurucathn every5secw1t1) LED enabted) 'Alarm Current 6 5mA@24 VDCmax (with LED Environmental Operating Temperature IDP-Photo: 320 - 120°F (0°C - 49°C) IDP-Photo-T: 320 - 100°F (0°C - 38°C) Humidity: 10% - 93% non-condensing Other Ratings IDP-Photo-T Thermal: Fixed temperature setpoint 135°F (57°C) Velocity: 0 - 4000 fpm (0 - 20 mlsec) (suitable for installation in ducts) IDP-Photo Insect Screen Hole Size: 0.016" (0.41 mm) nominal Ordering Information IDP-Photo Photoelectric Smoke Detector lOP-Photo-I Photoelectric Smoke Detector with Thermal (135°F) IDP-PhotoR Photoelectric smoke detector, remote test capable, for use with DNR (W) duct smoke detector Accessories RAIOOZ Remote LED Annunciator. XR2B Detector Removal Tool. A removal and replacement tool for lOP plug-in detectors. Includes the 155-127-000. M02-04-01 Detector Test Magnet. M02-09-00 Test Magnet with Telescoping Handle. XP-4 Extension Pole for XR213. Extends from 5— 15 ft. T55-127-000 Detector Removal Head. BCK-200B Black Detector Kit. For IDP-series detectors. * Unless otherwise noted, specifications apply to IDP-Photo and IDP-Photo-T. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our D SILENT product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or KNIGHT more all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. For Technical Support, Please call by Honeywell 800-446-6444. www.farenhyt.com Made In the U.S.A. Farenhyt (Intelligent Thermal and Rate-of-Rise) TherrnaI Detectors IDP-Heat, IDP-Heat-HT, &DP-Heat-ROR) The lOP-Heat, IDP-Heat-HT, and IDP-Heat-ROR are plug in thermal detectors, with integral communication, that provide features that surpass conventional detectors. These thermal detectors are for use with Silent Knight IFP-series fire alarm control panels (FACPs). Detector sensitivity can be programmed from the FACP software. Sensitivity is continuously monitored and reported to the FACP. Point ID capability allows each detector's address to be set with rotary address switches, providing exact detector locations for selective maintenance when chamber contamination reaches unacceptable levels. lOP-Heat is a fixed temperature thermal detector that uses a thermistor sensing circuit to produce 135°F (57°C) fixed thermal detection. IDP-Heat-HT is a variable high temperature detector that provides high temperature detection at 135°F - 190°F (57°C - 88°C). IDP-Heat-ROR is a fixed temperature and rate-of-rise thermal detector that uses a thermistor sensing circuit to produce 135°F (57°C) thermal protection. Features Sleek, low-profile design Reliable analog communications for trouble-free operation Age resistant polymer housing Innovative thermistor sensing circuit Superior EMI resistance for reliability Variety of mounting options to meet any application Dual LED indicators for 3601 visibility Detector transmits signal to indicate maintenance is required Plug-in mounting provides ease of installation Optional remote LED annunciator (System Sensors PN RAIOOZ) Tamper-proof feature available on mounting bases Rotary address switches for fast installation UL Listed Installation The lOP thermal detectors plug into a compatible IDP-series detector base. DSILENT KNIGHT by Honeywell Agency Listings MEA U6 L . 383-02-E V VI IDP-Heat Installed in the B2IOLP Mounting Base - (Base Not Included) compatibiIity The IDP-Heat, IDP-Heat-HT, and "IDP-Heat-ROR are compatible with the) foHowing ID P-series detector bases 13210Ll puntIng Base) B501 4" Mounting Base B224B1 6" Isolator Base B224RB 6" Relay Base B200SR Sounder Base The IDP-Heat-HT, andlDP-Heat-RÔR ar ,compatible with the following FACPs) IFP-2000 / RPS-2000 Intelligent Fire Panel iFP71001])/ ECS Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-100 / ECS Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-50 Intelligent Fire Panel The IDP-Heat is compatible with the following FACPs: IFP-2000 / RPS-2000 Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-1000 I ECS Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-100 I ECS Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-50 Intelligent Fire Panel lFP-25 Intelligent Fire Panel P/N 350285 Rev F Copyright© 2013 Honeywell International Inc. Wiring IDP-Series Detector Mounting Bases Specifications* Physical Height: 2.0" (5.0 cm) Diameter: 4.1" (10.4 cm) Shipping Weight: 4.8 02 (136 g) Electrical Operating Voltage: 15 —32 voc) Standby Current lDP-Heat: - - - '200 pA @ 24 VDC (no communication; LE - D off 300 pA @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 sec wit LED enabled) IDP-Heat-HT & IDP-Heat-ROR ) 150 pA c 24 VDC (no communication; LED off) 200 pA @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 sec with' LED enabled) 'Alarm Current: 6.5 mA@ 24 VDC max (with LED on$' IDP-Heat-ROR: Rate-of-rise detection 150F/mm (90C/mm) Ordering Information IDP-Heat Fixed Temperature Thermal Detector IDP-Heat-HT Fixed High Temperature Thermal Detector (lDP-Heat-ROR Fixed Temperature and Rate-of-Rise' Thermal Detector1 Accessories RAIOOZ Remote LED Annunciator. XR213 Detector Removal Tool. A removal and replacement tool for lOP plug-in detectors. Includes the 155-127-000. M02-04-00 Replacement Test Magnet. M02-09-00 Test Magnet with Telescoping Handle. XP-4 Extension Pole for XR213. Extends from 5— 15 ft. T55-127-000 Detector Removal Head. BCK-200B Black Detector Kit. For IDP-series detectors. Environmental Operating Temperature * Unless otherwise noted, specifications apply to all IDP lOP-Heat & lDP-Heat-ROR: -40 - 100°F (-20°C - 38°C) thermal detectors. IDP-Heat-HT: -40 - 150°F (-20°C - 66°C) Humidity: 10% - 93% non-condensing Thermal Ratings IDP-Heat: Fixed temperature setpoint 135°F (57°C) IDP-Heat-HT: High temperature heat 135°F - 190°F (57°C - 88°C) This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our D SILENT product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or KNIGHT anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. For Technical Support, Please call by Honeywell 800-446-6444. www.farenhyt.com Made in the U.S.A. DSILENT KNIGHT by Honeywell Agency Listings SUL (ompatibdit) (rheIDP-FIRE-CO is compatible ith'the following FACPs programmed for System Sensor protocol: (Firmware version 13.0 or higher for lFP-100 & IFP-1000. Firmware version 4.0 or higher for lFP-2000). IFP-2000/RPS-2000 Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-2000EGS Emergency Communication System with Fire Alarm Control Pane FP-100O intelligent Fire Pane IFP-I000ECS Emergency Communication System with Fire Alarm Control Panel IFP-100 Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-IOOECS Emergency Communication System with Fire Alarm Control Panel IFP-50 Intelligent Fire Panel Farenhyt Advanced Multi-Criteria Fire/CO Detecto !P The IDP-FIRE-CO is a plug-in, addressable device that provides both fire and carbon monoxide (CO) detection. For fire, the detector combines four separate sensing elements in one unit (smoke, CO, light/flame, and heat) to sense multiple components of a fire. This approach enables enhanced sensitivity to real fire with heightened immunity to nuisance particulate. For CO, the detector's electrochemical sensing cell creates a separate signal for life safety CO detection. Released through the incomplete burning of various fuels, CO is a colorless, odorless and deadly gas that is virtually impossible to detect with the human senses. Because the potential exists for dangerous levels of CO to accumulate in almost any building, legislation mandating the use of CO detection in commercial spaces continues to increase across the U.S. and Canada. The IDP-FIRE-CO is listed to the UL 2075 standard for system-connected life safety carbon monoxide monitoring. The lDP-FIRE-CO should be used in conjunction with the B200S intelligent sounder base (sold separately), which can generate either a Temp 3 pattern for fire or a Temp 4 pattern for CO alarm indication. With each sounder base carrying a unique address, the FACP can then command an individual sounder, or a group of sounders, to activate. The command set from the panel can be tailored to the specific event, allowing selection of tone, and group. For more information on the B200S refer to Data Sheet P/N 351182. IDP-FIRE-CO can also be used with the B2IOLP 6" standard base, the B200SR sounder base or the B224RB relay base. Features Unique ability to detect all four major elements of a fire: - Smoke - Carbon Monoxide (CO) - Light/flame - Heat Separate CO detection signal Highest nuisance alarm immunity Automatic drift compensation of smoke sensor and CO cell Uses only one address on the SLC RealTest® CO testing capability UL 268 and UL 2075 listed Separates audible signal for fire or CO alarm when used with B200S base CO cell end-of-life warning and fault P/N 351180 Rev D Copyright © 2014 Honeywell International Inc. Specifications Physical Diameter: 6.875" (17.46 cm) installed in a B200S base Height: 3.46" (8.79 cm) installed in B200S base Shipping Weight: 4.6 oz Color: Ivory Operating Temperature Range: 32° F to 1000 F (0° C to 38° C) Humidity: 15 to 90% relative humidity (non-condensing) Air Velocity: 0 to 4,000 ft/mm (0 to 20 m/sec) ç Electricai Operating Voftage (11 to 32 VDC ximum Standby;,(300pA - at 24 VDC (nc (communication every 5 second (with LED blink enabled)) Maximum Alarm Current (LED on): 7.2 mA at 24 VDC Sensitivity Settings Sensitivity settings are programmable through zone programming. Low: 4% per foot (30.48 cm) of smoke. Used in equipment rooms, kitchens, paint shop. Medium: 3% per foot (30.48 cm) of smoke. Moderately clean environments: Used in hotel rooms, dorm rooms. High: 2% per foot (30.48 cm) of smoke. Clean environments: Used in offices. Warning: After the CO cell has reached the end-of-life, the CO sensor no longer provides life safety protection. However, when the fire detector enters Photo, Thermal, Infrared (PTIR) mode, the following sensitivities apply: Level 1: 1% per foot (30.48 cm) of smoke. Very clean environments- Used in laboratories. Level 2: 2% per foot (30.48 cm) of smoke. Clean environments - offices. Level 5: 3% per foot (30.48 cm) of smoke. Moderately clean environments- Used in hotel rooms, dorm rooms. Level 6: Thermal alarm at 135° F (57° C). CO Monitoring UL Standard Reference - Alarm Parts Per Million Detector Response lime 70 ± 5 ppm 60-240 mm. 150 ± 5 ppm 10-50 mm. 400 Fl ppm 4-15 mm. Thresholds are as follows: Note: Per UL Standard 2075, the IDP-FIRE-CO has been tested to the sensitivity limits defined in UL Standard 2034. [O rniati) (IDP-FlRE-COD included)) Note: Due to the unique nature of this detector, please consult your Fire Alarm Control Panel Manufacturer for the specific model and compatibility. Optional Accessories B200S Intelligent sounder base B2IOLP 6" mounting base B200SR Sounder base B224RB Relay base M02-04-01 Detector test magnet M02-09-01 Telescoping test magnet SILENT This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our KNIGHT D product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or 01-M anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 by Honeywell Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. For Techincal Support, Please call Made in the U.S.A. 800-446-6444. www.farenhyt.com F arenhyt KNIGH .SILEN TT by Honeywell nte! ligent Non-Relay Duct _Detect Agency Listings cIRIPNR1V The DNR Intelligent non-relay photoelectric duct smoke detector housing and DNRW watertight non-relay photoelectric duct smoke detector housing (head not included) are for use with Silent Knight IFP-series fire alarm control panels (FACPs). The DNR and DNRW feature a pivoting housing that is flexible enough to fit configurations from square to rectangular. They feature low-flow technology that enables duct smoke detection throughout a broad range of airflow environments. Many difficult to solve HVAC applications occur in low airflow duct applications where reliable smoke detection is critical. These duct detectors can detect smoke at air speed velocities of 100 feet per minute or greater, while continuing the same reliable performance to 4000 feet per minute. By sampling air currents passing through a duct and giving dependable performance for shutdown of fans, blowers, and air conditioning systems, the DNR and DNRW prevent the spread of toxic smoke and fire gases through the protected area. The intelligent duct detectors communicate and are continuously monitored through the FACP signaling line circuit (SLC) loop. Detector sensitivity changes caused by dirt, temperature, or humidity are reported to the FACP, allowing compensation algorithms to maintain the detector's set sensitivity. An advanced indication at the panel identifies the detector address, allowing for selected maintenance to be performed as needed. Features Photoelectric, integrated low-flow technology (IDP-Photo or IDP- PhotoR detector head sold separately) Air velocity rating from 100 to 4000 feet per minute (0.5 to 20.32 meters per second) Support for Class B or Class A wiring Patented sampling tube installs from front or back of the detector with no tools required Available space within housing to accommodate mounting of relay module Provides trouble signal in the event the sensor cover is removed or improperly installed Easy to clean Easily accessible code wheels on sensor head (IDP-Photo sold separately) UL recognized field replaceable power and sensor boards Transparent cover for convenient visual inspection UL listed Remote testing capability DNRW is listed as a watertight enclosure allowing for use in the most extreme environments. MEA US L 225-02-E Vol. V atI The DNR and DNRW are designed ) use in air handling systems that have air )velocities or 100 to 4000 feet per minute, 0.5 20.3 (èornpatibility') The DNR and DNRW are compatible with') lFP-2000 / RPS-2000 Intelligent Fire Panel (iFP-10O0frelligentFPanei) IFP-100 Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-50 Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-25 Intelligent Fire Panel P/N 350085 Rev E © 2013 Honeywell International Inc. Wiring for Intelligent Non-Relay Duct Smoke Detector DNR to RTS45I/RTS45IKEY/RTSI5I/RTSI5IKEY with"R" Remote test capable detector head option: DNR to RTS45I/RTS45IKEY/RTSI5I/RTSI5IKEY with DCOIL option *: (Non remote test capable housing) TEST COIL+ Ji —'*@ 4 fr TESTCOIL- COMM + OUT (CONV ONLY) + RTS451/RT5451 KEY COMM- J RT5151/RTS151KEY REMOTE TEST STATION RA/RTS RA+ LED OPTION 1 PER UNIT RTS + TEST COIL OPTION 1 PER UNIT 95rnA CURRENT DRAW Important Notes: (for non remote test capable housing) The use of either RTSI5I or RTSI5I KEY requires the installation of an accessory coil, DCOIL, sold separately. Please refer to the DNR or DNRW installation manual for more information The RTSI5IIRTSI5IKEY test coil circuit requires an external 24VDC power supply which must be UL listed TEST COIL + TEST COIL - COMM + OUT (CONV ONLY) + COMM - RA/RTS - RA+ RTS + RT545/RTS451KEY RTS151IRTSIS1KEY $ 2 c JUMPER 4 5 Specifications - Physical (Rectangular): 14.38 in (37 cm) Length; 5in (12.7 cm) Width; 2.5 in (6..6 cm) Depth (Square): 7.75 in (19.7cm) Length; 9 in (22.9cm) Width ; 2.5 in (6.35cm) Depth Weight 1.61b (0.73kg) Environmental Operating Temperature: -4°F - 158°F (-20°C - 70°C) Humidity: 0% - 95% non-condensing Air Velocity 100 to 4000 ft/mm (0.5-20.3 m/s) Electrical Please see detector head installation manual for electrical specifications Ordering Information 1DNR' InteIhgentnon-ray duct smoke detecto DNRW Watertight non-relay duct smoke detector IDP-PhotoR Addressable Photoelectric Detector with remote test capability (not included with DNR) lOP-Relay Addressable Relay Module, must be added if relay function is required, (fits in housing) Accessories DSTI Metal Sampling Tube Duct Width up to 1' DSTI-5 Metal Sampling Tube Duct Widths 1'- 2' DST3 Metal Sampling Tube Duct Widths 2'— 4' DST5 Metal Sampling Tube Duct Widths 4'- 8' DSTIO Metal Sampling Tube Duct Widths 8'— 12' DH4000E-1 Weatherproof Enclosure EXT Metal Exhaust Tube Duct width 1' RAIOOZ Remote LED Annunciator DCOIL Duct Accessory Coil. (see important note for detail) RTS I 51 Magnetic Remote Test station RTSI 51 KEY Key-Activated Remote Test station M02-04-00 Test Magnet P48-21-00 Replacement End Cap for Metal Sampling Tube D SILENT This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our KNIGHT ______________ product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. www.farenhyt.com by Honeywell Made in the U.S.A. Farenhyt Addressable Single Action and Dual Action Pull Stations lDP-Pull-SA &iDP-Pull-DA The IDP-Pull-SA is a single action pull station requiring only one motion to activate the station. The IDP-Pull-DA is a dual action pull station requiring two motions to active the station. Both pull stations are designed to work with Silent Knight IFP-series fire alarm control panels (FACP5). Features Installer can open station without causing an alarm condition Dual-color LED is visible through handle of station blinks green to indicate normal operation and remains steady red in an alarm condition Key operated test and reset lock using lock plate actuator Key matches compatible FACP locks Meets the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) controls and operating mechanisms guidelines (Section 4.1.3[13]) Meets ADA requirement for 5 lbs maximum pull force to active Shell, door, and handle molded from durable LEXAN® Reliable analog communications for trouble-free operation Braille text on station handle Handle latches in down position and the word Activated appears, clearly indicating the station has been pulled Rotary address switches for fast installation UL Listed, including UL 38, Standard of Manually Actuated Signaling System Installation The IDP-Pull-SA and IDP-Pull-DA can be surface mounted to an SB-I/O surface back box or semi-flush mounted on a standard single-gang with a minimum depth of 2.13"(5.40 cm) or double- gang or 4" (10.61 cm) square electrical box. You can also use the optional (System Sensor® PN BG-TR) trim ring if the station is being semi-flush mounted. DSILENT KNIGHT by Honeywell Agency Listings UL 6 MEA 7.02-E Vol: IX For IDP Pull DA IDP-Pull-SA (FIRE L PUSH IN PULL DOWN DSILENT KNICHI The IDP-Pull-SA and IDP-Pull-DA are) compatible with the following FACPsj IFP-2000/RPS-2000 Intelligent Fire Panel (lFP-1 000 Intelligent Fire PaneI IFP-100 Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-50 Intelligent Fire Panel P/N 350286 Rev E © 2010 Honeywell International Inc Wiring IDP-Pull-SA & IDP-Pull-DA Pull Stations Specifications* Physical Height: 5.5" (14 cm) Width: 4" (10.2 cm) Depth: 5.4 oz. (3.7 cm) Housing Material: LEXAN polycarbonate resin Bi-Colored LED: Blinking Green: Normal Steady Red: Alarm Switch: Single pole, single throw (SPST) normally open (N/O) switch which closes upon activation of the pull station çElectrica Operating Voltage: 15-32 VDCll Operating Current (LED flashing) 300 p ,,Wire Gauge Up to I2AWG(31mm2)) Environmental Operating Temperature 320 - 120°F (0°C - 49°C) Humidity: 10% - 93% non-condensing Ordering Information IDP-Pull-SA Single Action Pull Station (IDP-Pull-DA) ualActkn Pull StatIo Accessories BG-TR Optional trim ring. SB-1/0 Surface backbox, indoor/outdoor. lDP-Pull-DA. * Unless otherwise noted, specifications apply to IDP-Pull-SA and D SILENT This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications KNIGHT or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472- I by Honeywell 1610 Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. www.farenhyt.com Made in the U.S.A. Farenhyt (Addressable monitor ModuIe M DP-onitor) The IDP-Monitor is an addressable monitor module for use with Silent Knight IFP-series fire alarm control panels (FACP5). The lDP-Monitor acts as an interlace to contact devices, such as waterfiow switches and pull stations. The IDP-Monitor supports Class A supervised or Class B supervised wiring to the load device. Conventional 4-wire smoke detectors can be monitored for alarm and trouble conditions. Features Single contact monitor Support for Class A and Class B wiring Fully supervised Panel controlled status LED that flashes green in normal state and is solid red in alarm Attractive ivory cover plate Rotary address switches for fast installation SEMS screws for easy wiring UL Listed Installation The IDP-Monitor mounts directly into a 4" square electrical box. The box must have a minimum depth of 2-1/8". A surface mount electrical box (System Sensor® PN SMB500) is available from Silent Knight. DSILENT KNIGHT by Honeywell Agency Listings MEA UOL çV D 386-0 yoU ornpatibiIity' The IDP-Monitor is compatible with the) following FAG P IFP-2000 / RPS-2000 Intelligent Fire Panel FP-100O/ ECS Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-100 I ECS Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-50 Intelligent Fire Panel Ordering Information ( IDP-Mon. \ ( . ltor) Monitonng Module Accessories SMB500 4" Square Surface Mount Electrical Box PIN 350288 Rev H Copyright© 2013 Honeywell International Inc. TO NEXT DEVICE ANY NUMBER OF UL LISTED CONTACT CLOSURE DEVICES MAY BE USED. DO NOT MIX FIRE ALARM INTIATING, SUPERVISORY, OR SECURITY DEVICES ON THE SAME MODULE. FROM PANEL OR PREVIOUS DEVICE MONITOR MODULE 1 CONNECT MODULES TO LISTED COMPATIBLE a CONTROL PANELS ONLY 0 47K EOL RESISTOR ELR-47K ALL WIRING SHOWN IS SUPERVISED AND POWER LIMITED INITIATING DEVICE CIRCUIT (IDC) - NFPA STYLE B POWER LIMITED 450jA MAX. Q 11 VDC MAX INSTALL CONTACT CLOSURE DEVICES PER MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. Typical Wiring for lDP-Monitor Module, NFPA Style B TO NEXT FROM PANEL OR DEVICE PREVIOUS DEVICE MONITOR ANY NUMBER OF UL LISTED CONTACT MODULE CLOSURE DEVICES MAY BE USED. DO NOT MIX FIRE ALARM INTIATING, SUPERVISORY, OR SECURITY DEVICES ON THE SAME MODULE. CONNECT MODULES TO LISTED COMPATIBLE CONTROL PANELS ONLY EOL RESISTOR IS INTERNAL AT TERMINALS 8 & 9 ALL WIRING SHOWN IS SUPERVISED AND POWER LIMITED INSTALL CONTACT CLOSURE DEVICES PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. Typical Wiring for IDP-Monitor Module, NFPA Style D Specifications Physical Height: 4.5" (11.4 cm) Width: 4" (10.2 cm) Depth: 1.25" (3 cm) Shipping Weight: 6.3 oz (196 g) Eçlectrical' Operating Voltage: 15-32 V (Current Draw (LED on)5 0 mAma (Operating Current (LED _flashuig) 375 pA (Standby Current) ç400 pA max @24 VDC (one communication every) sec with 47K EOL); 1550 pA max @ 24 VDC (one communication every) sec with EOL <1 K)____ (5.5 mA (with LED latched on' 'LED Current: 5.5 mA (with LED latched on)), nd-of-LieResistance:47K ffangDeve Circuit Wiring Resistance: i50na LC Loop Resistance: 46 Environmental Operating Temperature: 32°F - 120°F (0°C - 49°C) Humidity: 10% - 93% non-condensing D SILENT This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or KNIGH'I anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 by Honeywell Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203) 484-7118. For Technical Support, Please call 800-446-6444. www.farenhyt.com Made in the U.S.A. SILENT Farenhyt KNIGHT by Honeywell (Addressable Relay Module)Agency Listings (DP-Rela The lDP-Relay is an addressable relay module for use with Silent Knight IFP-series fire alarm control panels (FACP5). The IDP-Relay allows a Silent Knight FACP to switch discrete contacts by code command. The relay contains two isolated sets of Form C contacts, which operate as a DPDT switch. No supervision is provided for the notification appliance circuit. The IDP-Relay contacts can be used for virtually any normally open or normally closed application. Each IDP-Relay is programmed with a unique signaling line circuit (SLC) loop address. When an event occurs that controls the IDP-Relay, the relay is triggered by the FACR Features Two sets of Form C contacts Contacts are rated for a variety of amps (see Specifications) Panel controlled status LED that flashes green in normal state and is solid red in alarm Relay programming is completely flexible—can be mapped to zone conditions Polling LED visible through the cover plate Attractive ivory cover plate Rotary address switches for fast installation SEMS screws for easy wiring UL Listed Installation The IDP-Relay mounts directly into a 4" square electrical box. The box must have a minimum depth of 2-1/8". A surface mount electrical box (System Sensor® PN SMB500) is available from Silent Knight. MEA 386-02-E Vol II V (0 Compatibility' ;The IDP-Relay is compatible with the) ollowingFACPs IFP-2000 / RPS-2000 Intelligent Fire Panel FP-1060 ECS Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-100 I ECS Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-50 Intelligent Fire Panel IFP-25 Intelligent Fire Panel Ordering Information P-Relay (Relay ModuI Accessories SMB500 4" Square Surface Mount Electrical Box CB500 Module Barrier P/N 350290 Rev H © 2013 Honeywell International Inc. CONNECT MODULES TO LISTED COMPATIBLE CONTROL PANELS ONLY. - FROM PANEL ;ic::cIII:: OR PREVIOUS DEVICE If any wiring to Terminals 4-10 is Nonpower limited, The CB500 barrier is required. The CB500 includes a Nonpower limited label, which must be placed over the Power Limited terminal information on the name plate label. TO NEXT DEVICE - RELAY CONTROL MODULE oto <J FITW e © Relay CommJ 1 6 TI Normally Clos Normally Op Ti Relay Comm TI Normally Clos TISOES Unused Normally Open 1 'NOTE: ANY FAULT IN THE POWER SUPPLY IS LIMITED TO THAT ZONE AND DOES NOT RESULT IN A FAULT IN A SEPARATE ZONE. Specifications Physical Height: 4.5" (11.4 cm) Width: 4.25" (10.2 cm) Depth: 1.3" (3 cm) Shipping Weight: 6.3 oz (196 g) Environmental Operating Temperature: 32°F - 120°F (0°C - 49°C) Humidity: 10% - 93% non-condensing çElectrical' Operating Voltage: 15 — 32 VDC LED Current 5 5 mA (with LED latched on)') (operating Current: %p230 pA (LED fai tp (255 pA (LED flashing) groUp poII End-of-Line Resistance: Not used çStandby Current: 300 pA rna@ 24 VDC (one' pmmunication every 5 sec with LED enabled)') Relay Contact Ratings Current Rating Max Voltage Load Description Application 3 A 30 VDC Resistive Noncoded 2 A 30 VDC Resistive Coded 0.7 A 70.7 VDC PF = 0.35 Noncoded 0.9 A 125 VAC Resistive Noncoded 0.46 A 30 VDC L/R = 20 ms Noncoded 0.5 A 125 VAC PF = 0.75 Noncoded 0.3 A 125 VAC PF = 0.35 Noncoded 2 A 25 VAC PF= 0.35 Noncoded D SILENT This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or KNIGHT anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 Phone: (800) 328-0103, Fax: (203)484-7118. For Technical Support, Please call by Honeywell 800-446-6444. www.farenhyt.com Made in the U.S.A. SYSTEM $ SENSOR (9—LA- oor leiabl -~-"', Output Horns, (Strobes, 'and Horn StrObeS)for Wall Applications SpectrA/en® Advance outdoor audible visible products are rich with features that cut installation times and maximize profits. Features Weatherproof per NEMA 4X, 1P56 Listed to UL 1638 (strobe) and UL 464 (horn) Compatible with System Sensor synchronization protocol and legacy SpectrAlert products IF1&d selectable candela sethngs' 15 15/75 30,(75,95, 110 115 135, 150, 177, and 185 Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation at 15 and 15/75 candela Rotary switch for horn tone and three volume selections Horn rated at 88+ dBA at 16 volts Rated from —40°F to 151°F Universal mounting plate with an onboard shorting spring that tests wiring continuity before devices are installed Plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box Tamper-resistant construction Listed for ceiling or wall mounting Aaencv Listinas SIGNALING @ FM MEA 7300-1653:187 (outdoor strobes): LISTED S4011 (chimes, horn strobes, horns) APPROVED approved 7125-1653:188 (horn strnbes, chime strobes) S3593 (outdoor and alert Strobes) 3023572 MEA452-05-E 7136-1653:189 (horns, of M f r , - - WN, SpectrAlert Advance offers the broadest line of outdoor horns, strobes, and horn strobes in the industry. With white or red plastic housings, wall or ceiling mounting options, and plain or FIRE-printed devices, SpectrAlert Advance can meet virtually any application requirement, including indoor, outdoor, wet, and dry applications in temperatures from _40eF to 151°F. Like the entire SpectrAlert Advance line, outdoor horns, strobes, and horn strobes for wall applications include a variety of features that increase application flexibility and simplify installation. First, field-selectable settings, including candela, automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation, horn tones, and three volume options enable installers to easily adapt devices to meet requirements. Next, SpectrAlert Advance devices use a universal mounting plate for both wall and ceiling applications. This mounting plate includes an onboard shorting spring that ensures wiring continuity before devices are installed, so installers can verify proper wiring without mounting the devices and exposing them to potential construction damage. Once the plates are mounted, all SpectrAlert Advance devices utilize a plug-in design with a single captured screw to speed installation and virtually eliminate costly ground faults. Outdoor devices ship with weatherproof plastic back boxes (metal back boxes are available separately) that accommodate in-and- out wiring for daisy chaining devices. Plastic back boxes feature removable side flanges and improved resistance to saltwater corrosion. Knock-outs located on the back eliminate the need to drill holes for screw-in mounting. Plastic and metal weatherproof back boxes come with 34-inch top and bottom conduit entries and 34-inch knock-outs at the back. A screw-in NPT plug with an 0-ring gasket for a watertight seal is included with each back box. SpectrAlert Advance Outdoor Horn, Strobe, and Horn Strobe Specifications General SpectrAlert Advance outdoor horns, strobes, and horn strobes shall mount to a weatherproof back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products. The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, SpectrAlert Advance products, when used with the Sync.Circuit" Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync.Circuit Module, 12-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 9 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 17 and 33 volts. Outdoor SpectrAlert Advance products shall operate between —40 and 151 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified unfiltered power supply. Strobes and horn strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15, 15/75, 30, 75, 95, 110, 115, 135, 150, 177, and 185. Strobe The strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model ______ listed to UL 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The strobe must be installed with its weatherproof back box in order to remain outdoor approved per UL The strobe shall be suitable for use in wet environments. Horn Strobe Combination The horn strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The horn strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have three audibility options and an option to switch between a temporal three pattern and a non-temporal (continuous) pattern. These options shall be set by a multiple position switch. On four-wire products, the strobe shall be powered independently of the sounder. The horn or horn strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. The horn strobe must be installed with its weatherproof back box in order to remain outdoor approved per UL The horn strobe shall be suitable for use in wet environments. (OpemtlngTemperatur& -40°F t0151 °F (--40°C to 66°C)) ,Strobe Flash Rate (i flash per second) (Nominal Voltage (Regulated 12 DC/RNR or regulated 24 DC/FWRI) (Operating Voltage Rang&) (8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 V nominal)) (InputTerminal Wire Gauge', (12 to 18 AWG' Wall-Mount Dimensions (Including lens) 5.6'i x 4.7'W x 2.5"D (142 mm L x 119 mm W x 64 mm 0) Horn Dimensions 5.6L x 4.7W x 1.3D (142 mm Lx 119 mm W x 33 mm 0) Wall-Mount Weatherproof Back Box Dimensions (SA-WBB) 5.7"L x 5.1"W x 2.0"D (145 mm L x 130 mm W x 51 mm D) Notes: Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs. P, 5, PC, and SC products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 and 15/75 Cd. AVDSO2O1 UL Current Draw Data Candela 8-17.5 Volts DC FWR 16-33 Volts DC FWR Standard 15 123 128 66 71 Candela 15/75 142 148 77 81 Range 30 NA NA 94 96 75 NA NA 158 153 95 NA NA 181 176 (110') NA NA 202) 195 115 NA NA 210 205 High 135 NA NA 228 207 Candela 150 NA NA 246 220 Range 177 NA NA 281 251 8-17.5 Volts 16-33 Volts Sound Pattern dB DC FWR DC FWR Temporal High 57 55 69 75 Temporal Medium 44 49 58 69 Temporal Low 38 44 44 48 Non-Temporal High 57 56 69 75 Non-Temporal Medium 42 50 60 69 Non-Temporal Low 41 44 50 50 Coded High 57 55 69 75 Coded Medium 44 51 56 69 Coded Low 40 46 52 50 185 UL Max. Current Draw (mA NA RMS), 2-Wire NA Horn 286 258 Strobe, Standard Candela Range (15-115 cd) DC Input 8-17.5 Volts 15 15175 16-33 Volts 15 15175 30 75 95 110 115 jemporal High) 137 147 79 90 107 (176) 194 212 218 Temporal Medium 132 144 69 80 97 157 182 201 210 Temporal Low 132 143 66 77 93 154 179 198 207 Non-Temporal High 141 152 91 100 116 176 201 221 229 Non-Temporal Medium 133 145 75 85 102 163 187 207 216 Non-Temporal Low 131 144 68 79 96 156 182 201 210 FWR Input Temporal High 136 155 88 97 112 168 190 210 218 Temporal Medium 129 152 78 88 103 160 184 202 206 Temporal Low 129 151 76 86 101 160 184 194 201 Non-Temporal High 142 161 103 112 126 181 203 221 229 Non-Temporal Medium 134 155 85 95 110 166 189 208 216 Non-Temporal Low UL Max. Current Draw (mA 132 RMS), 2-Wire 154 Horn 80 90 Strobe, High Candela Range 105 (135-185 161 cd) 184 202 211 16-33 Volts 16-33 Volts DC Input 135 150 177 185 FWR Input 135 150 177 185 Temporal High 245 259 290 297 Temporal High 215 231 258 265 Temporal Medium 235 253 288 297 Temporal Medium 209 224 250 258 Temporal Low 232 251 282 292 Temporal Low 207 221 248 256 Non-Temporal High 255 270 303 309 Non-Temporal High 233 248 275 281 Non-Temporal Medium 242 259 293 299 Non-Temporal Medium 219 232 262 267 Non-Temporal Low 238 254 291 295 Non-Temporal Low 214 229 256 262 Candela Derating For K series products used at low temperatures, listed candela ratings must be reduced in accordance with Horn Tones and Sound Output Data ~ Horn and Horn Strobe Output (dBA) 8--17.5 16-33 Switch Sound Volts Volts 24-Volt Nominal Reverberant Anechoic Position Pattern dB DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR 1 Temporal High 78 78 84 84 88 88 99 98 2 Temporal Medium 74 74 80 80 86 86 96 96 3 Temporal Low 71 73 76 76 83 80 94 89 4 Non- Temporal High 82 82 88 88 93 92 100 100 5 Non- Temporal Medium 78 78 85 85 90 90 98 98 6 Non- Temporal Low 75 75 81 81 88 84 96 92 7t Coded High 82 82 88 88 93 92 101 101 8t Coded Medium 78 78 85 85 90 90 97 98 9t Coded Low 75 75 81 81 88 85 96 92 Settings 7, 8, and 9 are not available on 2-wire horn strobe. Avos01201 I1lStrobe !Output ) Listed Candela Candela rating at -40°F 15 Do not use below 32°F 30 15/75 75 44 95 70 110 110 115 115 135 135 150 150 177 177 185 1185 -w Wall-Mount Horn Horn Strobes erproof Back Box SpectrAlert Advance Diagrams I Watt-Mount Horn Strobe with Plastic Weatherproof Back Box SpectrAlert Advance Ordering Information Wall Horn Strobes P2RK*t, 12-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box)) P2RHK*t 2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) P2WK*t 2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, White, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) P2WHK 2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, White, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) P4RKt 4-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) P4WK 4-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, White, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) P2RHK-120 2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor, 120 V (includes plastic weatherproof back box) Wall Strobes SRK*t) (Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box)) SRHK Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) SWK*t Strobe, Standard cd, White, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) SWHK Strobe, High cd, White, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) Horns HRKt Horn, Red, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) Accessories SA-WBB Red, Metal Weatherproof Back Box SA-WBBW White, Metal Weatherproof Back Box — Notes: * Add "-P' to model number for plain housing (no 'FIRE" marking on cover), e.g., P2RK-P. t Add "-R" to model number for weatherproof replacement device (no back box included), only for use with weatherproof outdoor flush mounting plate, WTP and WTPW "Standard cd" refers to strobes that include 15. 15/75, 30, 75, 95, 110, and 115 candela settings. "High cd" refers to strobes that include 135, 150, 177, and 185 candela settings. When replacing standard outdoor units both the device and back box must be replaced. cYSTEII4 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 02012 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change without notice. visit aystemoenso.cam SENSOR Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 far current pcductlnfarniatan, Including the latest version of this data sheet AVDS01201 .3/12 SYSTEM SENSOR jndoorSeIectabIe. Output Strobes and (Horn Strobes for) LCeiling A13,13,116ationi) System Sensor L-Series audible visible notification products are rich with features guaranteed to cut installation times and maximize profits with lower current draw and modern aesthetics. Features Plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box Tamper-resistant construction Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation at 15 and 30 candela Field-selectable candela settings on ceiling units: 15, 30, 75, 95,115,150, and 177 Horn rated at 88+ dBA at 16 volts a Rotary switch for horn tone and two volume selections Universal mounting plate for ceiling units Mounting plate shorting spring feature checks wiring continuity before device installation Electrically Compatible with legacy SpectrAlert and SpectrAlert Advance devices Compatible with MDL3 sync module Listed for ceiling mounting only Agency Listings SIGNALING USTED S5512 FM approved except Jj25-16534J 54011 for ALERT models 7135-16538503 3057383 The System Sensor L-Serles offers the most versatile and easy-to-use line of horns, strobes, and horn strobes in the industry with lower current draws and moden aesthetics. With white and red plastic housings, wall and ceiling mounting options, System Sensor L-Series can meet virtually any application requirement. The entire L-Series product line of ceiling-mount strobes and horn strobes include a variety of 'eajres that increase their application versatility while simplifying hstallaticn. All devices feature a plug-in design with minimal intrusiol into e back box, making installations fast and foolproof while virtsaly eliminating costly and time- consuming ground faults. To further simplify installatlo,, the L-Series utilizes a universal mounting plate so installes can mount them to a wide array of back boxes. With an onboard slc.rtir;g spring, installers can test wiring continuity before the device is inslalled. Installers can also easily adapt devices to a suit a wide range of application requirements using field-selectable candela settings, automatic selection of 12- or 24-vclt operation, and a rotary switch for horn tones with two ye ume selections. L-Series Specifications General L-Series ceiling-mount strobes and horn strobes shall mount to a standard 4 x 4 x 11/2-inch back box, 4-inch octagon back box, or double- gang back box. Two-wire products shall also mount to a single-gang 2 x 4 x 17/8-inch back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products. The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, L-Series products, when used with the Sync'Circuit'° Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the SyncuCircuit Module, 12-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 8.5 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 16.5 and 33 volts. Indoor L-Series products shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified unfiltered power supply. Ceiling strobes and horn strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15, 30, 75, 95, 115, 150, and 177. Strobe The strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series Model ______ listed to UL 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Horn Strobe Combination The horn strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series Model -listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The horn strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have two audibility options and an option to switch between a temporal three pattern and a non-temporal (continuous) pattern. These options are set by a multiple position switch. The horn on horn strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. Synchronization Module The module shall be a System Sensor Sync.Circuit model MDL3 listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize L-Series strobes at 1 Hz and horns at temporal three. Also, while operating the strobes, the module shall silence the horns on horn strobe models over a single pair of wires. The module shall mount to a 4 11/16 x 4 11/16 x 2 1/8-inch back box. The module shall also control two Style Y (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class A) circuit. The module shall synchronize multiple zones. Daisy chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control. The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. Standard Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C)) (Humidity Rang& 10 to 93% non-condensing) (Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second) (Nominal Voltage) (Regulated 12 VDC or regulated 24 DC/FWR') )Operating Voltage Range2 (8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 V nominal)) Operating Voltage Range (MDL3)i 8.5 to 17.5V (12 V nominal) or 16.5 to 33 V (24V nominal)) Input Terminal Wire Gauge 12 to 18 AWG Ceiling-Mount Dimensions (including lens) 6.8 diameter x 2.5 high (173 mm diameter x 64 mm high) Ceiling-Mount Surface Mount Back Box Skirt Dimensions 6.9k diameter x 3.4 high (1175 mm diameter x 86 mm high) (SBBCRL, SBBCWL) Notes: Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs P, S, PC, and SC products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 and 30 Cd. AVD586800 UL Current Draw Data 8-17.5 Volts 16-33 Volts Candela DC DC FWR (15) 87 41) 60 (30) 153 (63) 86 75 N/A .i ii) 142 (95) N/A (i) 164 (1 15) N/A (158) 191 (150) N/A (189) 228 (177) N/A (226) 264 8-17.5 Volts 16-33 Volts DC Input 15cd 30cd Temporal Low 96 165 54 71 137 161 185 211 249 Non-Temporal High 106 173 71 90 141 165 187 230 273 Non-Temportal Low 95 166 54 71 124 161 170 216 258 3.1K Temporal High 111 164 69 94 147 163 184 229 257 3.1K Temporal Low 103 163 54 88 143 155 185 212 252 3.1K Non-Temporal High 111 172 69 94 144 164 202 229 271 3.11< Non-Temporal Low 103 169 54 88 131 155 187 217 259 16-33 Volts FWR Input 15cd 30cd 75cd 95cd 115cd 150cd 177cd Temporal High 107 135 179 198 223 254 286 Temporal Low 78 101 151 172 199 229 262 Non-Temporal High 107 135 179 198 223 254 286 Non-Temportal Low 78 101 151 172 199 229 262 3.1K Temporal High 108 135 179 200 225 255 289 3.1K Temporal Low 79 101 150 171 196 229 260 3.1K Non-Temporal High 108 135 179 200 225 255 289 3.1K Non-Temporal Low 79 101 150 171 196 229 260 Horn Strobe Tones and Sound Output Data 8-17.5 16-33 Volts Volts Switch Position Sound Pattern dB DC DC FWR 1 Temporal Hiah 84 89 89 2 Temporal Low 75 83 83 3 Non-Temporal High 85 90 90 4 Non-Temporal Low 76 84 84 5 3.1 KHz Temporal High 83 88 88 6 3.1 KHz Temporal Low 76 82 82 7 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal High 84 89 89 8 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal Low 77 83 83 AV0S86800 2.50 All Ø6.r 2.47 1.37 L-Series Dimensions Ceiling-Mount Horn Strobes Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box Ceiling Mount Horn Strobes with Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box L-Series Ordering Information _Model ________Description ________________________________________________Illocel 1I*!Ifff.11[,]i Ceiling Horn Strobes Ceiling Strobes SCRL Strobe, Red PC2RL 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Red SCWL (Strobe, White) PC2WL 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Whites SCWL-CLR-ALERT Strobe, White, ALERT Accessories TRC-2 Universal Ceiling Trim Ring Red TRC-2W Universal Ceiling Trim Ring White SBBCRL Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box, Red SBBCWL Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box, White fl c1'STEII,1 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 02017 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change rothout nohce. Visit systemsenoor.cam s$ SENSOR Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 for current product Information, Including the latestversrAi of this data sheet I AVDS86801 • 03/17 SYSTEM $ SENSOR SpectrA/en® Advance audible visible notification products are rich with features guaranteed to cut installation times and maximize profits. Features 520 Hz ± 10% square wave tone Plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box Tamper-resistant construction Field-selectable candela settings on wall units: 135, 150, 177, and 185 Rotary switch for low frequency sounder tone Universal mounting plate for wall units Mounting plate shorting spring checks wiring continuity before device installation Electrically compatible with legacy SpectrAlert devices Compatible with MDL3 sync module Listed for ceiling or wall mounting All R'.S e S Or The SpectrAlert Advance series offers the most versatile and easy-to-use line of low frequency sounder and low frequency sounder strobes in the industry. With white and red plastic housings, dual listed for wall and ceiling mounting, SpectrAlert Advance can meet virtually any application requirement. The wall-mount low frequency sounder, and low frequency sounder strobes were designed to address the NFPA 72 sleeping space requirements that require a low frequency notification appliance that operates within frequency range of 520 Hz ± 10% and is of a square wave tone. Like the entire SpectrAlert Advance product line they include a variety of features that increase their application versatility while simplifying installation. All devices feature plug-in designs with minimal intrusion into the back box, making installations fast and foolproof while virtually eliminating costly and time-consuming ground faults. To further simplify installation and protect devices from construction damage, SpectrAlert Advance utilizes a universal mounting plate with an onboard shorting spring, so installers can test wiring continuity before the device is installed. Installers can also easily adapt devices to a suit a wide range of application requirements using field-selectable candela settings, Agency Listings automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation, and a rotary switch for 520 Hz low frequency sounder tones. SIGNAlING ®<S>MEA LISTED APPROVED approved S4011 (sounder) 3047563 MEM52-05-E 7135-1653:0223 S5512 (strobes) 7125-1653:0224 SpectrAlert Advance Specifications General SpectrAlert Advance low frequency sounder and low frequency sounder strobes shall mount to a standard 4 x 4 x 11/2-inch back box, 4-inch octagon back box, or double-gang back box. Two-wire products shall also mount to a single-gang 2 x 4 x 17/'B-inch back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting products. The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, SpectrAlert Advance products, when used with the Sync.Circuit'° Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync.Circuit Module, 12-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 8.5 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 16.5 and 33 volts. Indoor SpectrAlert Advance products shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full- wave rectified unfiltered power supply. Low Frequency Sounder strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 135, 150, 177, and 185. The field selectable tones will sound within the frequency range of 520 Hz ±10% square wave tone and have a permanent marking on the housing that reads "low frequency sounder". Low Frequency Sounder The low frequency sounder shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model ______ listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The low frequency sounder and the Sync.CircuitTM MDL3 Module accessory, if used, shall be powered from a notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts (includes fire alarm panels with built in sync). When used with the Sync.Circuit Module MDL3, 12-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 8.5 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 16.5 to 33 volts. If the notification appliances are not UL 9th edition listed with the corresponding panel or power supply being used, then refer to the compatibility listing of the panel to determine maximum devices on a circuit. The low frequency sounder has an option to switch between temporal three pattern, non-temporal (continuous) pattern and coded supply within the frequency range of 520Hz ± 10% square wave tone. The low frequency sounder shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. Low Frequency Sounder Strobe Combination The low frequency sounder strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model ______ listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The low frequency sounder strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The sounder shall have an option to switch between a temporal three pattern and a non-temporal (continuous) pattern. These options are set by a multiple position switch. The low frequency sounder on low frequency sounder strobe models shall operate on a non-coded power supply. The field selectable tones will sound within the frequency range of 520 Hz ±10% square wave tone. Synchronization Module The module shall be a System Sensor SyncsCircuit model MDL3 listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert strobes at 1 Hz and low frequency sounder at temporal three. Also, while operating the strobes, the module shall silence the low frequency sounder on low frequency sounder strobe models over a single pair of wires. The module shall mount to a 411/16 x 411/16 x 21/e-inch back box. The module shall also control two Style V (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class A) circuit. The module shall synchronize multiple zones. Daisy chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control. The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. to 120°F (0°C to tFrequency Range: 520 Hz ±10%) i.Strobe Flash Rat& 1 flash per second) (Nominal Voltage Low Frequency Sounder (Regulated 12 DC/FWR or regulated 24 DC/RNR') (Nominal Voltage Range Low Frequency Sounder Strobe) Regulated 24 VDC/FWR1) (Operating Voltage Range) (8 to 17.5 V 02 V nominal) or 16 to 33 V(24 V nominal)) (Operating Voltage Range MDL3 Sync Module) (8.5 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16.5 to 33 V (24 V nominal)) Input Terminal Wire Gauge 12 to 18 AWG Wall-Mount Dimensions (including lens) 6.4 inches Lx 4.7 inches W x 2.5 inches D (162 mm Lx 119mmWx64mm D) Sounder Dimensions 5.6 inches L x 4.7 inches W x 1.3 inches D (142mmLx 119 mm W x 33 mm D) Low Frequency Sounder/Strobe with Surface Mount Back Box 6.4 inches Lx 4.7 inches W x 4.3 inches D Dimensions (SBBR, SBBW) (162 mm Lx 120 mm W x 108 mm D) Low Frequency Sounder with Surface Mount Back Box Dimensions 5.7 inches Lx 4.8 inches W x 3 inches D (SBBR,SBBW) (145 mm L x 120 mm W x 76 mm D) Notes: 1. Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs UL Current Draw Data UL Max. Low Frequency Sounder Current Draw (mA RMS) - Sound Pattern dB - DC FWR DC FWR Temporal 3 High 191 262 138 166 Continuous High 292 384 138 208 Coded High 292 388 153 205 UL Max. Current Draw (mA RMS), 2-Wire Low Frequency Sounder Strobe, High Candela Range 16-33 Volts 16-33 Volts DC Input 135 150 177 185 FWR Input 135 150 177 185 (Temporal 3) 277) 2921 325 344 (Temporal 3) 2961 3091 343) (351) Continuous 337 362 387 417 Continuous 393 395 432 433 Low Frequency Sounder Tones and Sound Output Data &-ii.s 16-33 24-Volt Nominal Volts Volts Reverberant Anechoic Switch Position Sound Pattern DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR 1 Temporal 3 76 76 76 76 76 76 86 86 2 Continuous 80 80 80 80 80 80 90 90 3t Coded 80 80 80 80 80 80 90 90 t Sounder ratings provided are for continuous voltage as provided by the NAC 4.7 in. 6.4 in. SpectrAlert Advance Dimensions Wall-mount low frequency sounder strobes Wall-mount low frequency sounder SpectrAlert Advance Ordering Information mooei Wall Low Frequency Sounder Strobes II*IS4it•IIL•]I P2RH-LF 2-Wire Low Frequency Sounder Strobe, High Cd, Red 'P2WH-LF) (2-Wire Low Frequency Sounder Strobe, High Cd, White) Low Frequency Sounders HR-LF Low Frequency Sounder, Red HW-LF Low Frequency Sounder, White Accessories SBBR Surface Mount Back Box, Wall, Red SBBW Surface Mount Back Box, Wall, White TR-HS Trim Ring, Wall, Red Notes: High cd' refers to strobes that include 135, 150, 177, and 185 candela settings. }57'ffJI7 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 52015 System Sensor. Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 Product specifications subject to change WOW notice. Visit syofernoensor.ccin SEN. www.systemsensor.com AVD516404. 1/15 for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet I R iE SYSTEM $ SENSOR 'Indoor selectable.) Output Horns,) Strobes and) Horn Strobes .1or) Wall Applications) System Sensor L-Series audible visible notification products are rich with features guaranteed to cut installation times and maximize profits with lower current draw and modern aesthetics. Features Updated Modem Aesthetics Small profile devices for Horns and Horn Strobes Plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box Tamper-resistant construction Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation at 15 and 30 candela Field-selectable candela settings on wall units: 15, 30, 75, 95, 110, 135, and 185 Horn rated at 88+ dBA at 16 volts Rotary switch for horn tone and two volume selections a Mounting plate for all standard and all compact wall units Mounting plate shorting spring checks wiring continuity before device installation Electrically Compatible with legacy SpectrAlert and SpectAlert Advance devices Compatible with MDL3 sync module Listed for wall mounting only Aaencv Listinas SIGNALING USTED 0551 2 APPROVED FM approved except J125-1653:0504 S4011 for AllAh models 7135-18538503 3057383,3057072 The System Sensor 1.-Series offers the most versatile and easy-to-use line of horns, strobes, and horn strobes in the industry wih lower current craws and modern aesthetics. With white and red plastic housings, standard and compact devices, and plain, FIRE, and FUEGO-prirded devices, System Sensor L-Series can meet virtually any a3pl;catior requirement. The L-Series line: of wall-mount horns, strobes, and horn strobes include a variety of features that increase their application versatility while simplifying installation. All devices feature plug-in designs with minimal intrusion into the back box, making installations fast an. foolproof while virtually eliminating costly and time-consuming groLnd faults. To-furt,er simplify nsalation and protect devices from construction damage, the IL-Series utilizes a universal mounting plate for all models with an cnoarc shorting spring, so installers can test wiring ccntin.Jity before-the device is installed. Installers can also easily adat devices to a suit a wide range of application requirements using field-selectable candela settings, automatic selectioi, ii of 12- or 24-volt operation, and a rotary switch for horn tones wiTh two volume selections. L-Series Specifications General L-Series standard horns, strobes, and horn strobes shall mount to a standard 2 x 4 x 1 7/8-inch back box, 4 x 4 x 1'/2-inch back box, 4-inch octagon back box, or double-gang back box. L-Series compact products shall mount to a single-gang 2 x 4 x 17A-inch back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products for all standard models and a separate universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting wall compact models. The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, L-Series products, when used with the SynceCircuit" Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync.Circuit Module, 12-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 8.5 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 16.5 and 33 volts. Indoor L-Series products shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified unfiltered power supply. Strobes and horn strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15, 30, 75, 95, 110, 135, and 185. Strobe The strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series Model ______ listed to UL 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Horn Strobe Combination The horn strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series Model ______ listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The horn strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have two audibility options and an option to switch between a temporal three pattern and a non-temporal (continuous) pattern. These options are set by a multiple position switch. The horn on horn strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. Synchronization Module The module shall be a System Sensor SynceCircuit model MDL3 listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert strobes at 1 Hz and horns at temporal three. Also, while operating the strobes, the module shall silence the horns on horn strobe models over a single pair of wires. The module shall mount to a 411/16 x 411/16 x 21/8-inch back box. The module shall also control two Style Y (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class A) circuit. The module shall synchronize multiple zones. Daisy chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control. The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second Nominal Voltage Regulated 12 DC or regulated 24 DC/FWR1'2j ',Operating Voltage Range 8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 V nominal)) (Operating Voltage Range MDL3 Sync Module 8.5 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16.5 to 33 V (24 V nominal) Input Terminal Wire Gauge 12 to 18 AWG Wall-Mount Dimensions (including lens) 5.6-L x 4.7'W x 1.91 D (143 mm L x 119 mm W x 49 mm D) Compact Wall-Mount Dimensions (Including lens) 5.26" Lx 3.46W x 1.91" D (133 mm Lx 88 mm W x 49 mm D) Horn Dimensions 5.6L x 4.7W x 1.25D (143 mm Lx 119 mm W x 32 mm D) Compact Horn Dimensions 5.25" Lx 3.45" W x 1.25" D (133mm Lx 88mm W x 32mm D) Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs Strobe products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 cd and 30 cd. UL Current Draw Data 8-17.5 Volts 16-33 Volts Candela DC DC FWR Candela (15) 88 43) 60 Range 30 143 63 83 75 N/A 107 136 95 N/A 121 155 110 N/A 148 179 135 N/A 172 209 185 N/A 222 257 UL Max. Horn Current Draw (rnA RMS) Sound Pattern dB 8-17.5 Volts DC 16-33 Volts DC FWR Temporal High 39 44 54 Temporal Low 28 32 54 Non-Temporal High 43 47 54 Non-Temporal Low 29 32 54 3.1 KHz Temporal High 39 41 54 3.1 KHz Temporal Low 29 32 54 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal High 42 43 54 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal Low 28 29 54 Coded High 43 47 54 3.1 KHz Coded High 42 43 54 UL Max. Current Draw (rnA DC Input RMS), 2-Wire 8-17.5 Volts 15cd Horn Strobe, 300d Candela Range (15-115 16-33 Volts 15cd 30cd cd) 75cd 95cd llOcd 135cd 185cd .Temporal High) 98 158 (54 74 (121) U42.) (i (1 245) Temporal Low 93 154 44 65 111 133 157 184 235 Non-Temporal High 106 166 73 94 139 160 182 211 262 Non-Temportal Low 93 156 51 71 119 139 162 190 239 3.lKTemporal High 93 156 53 73 119 140 164 190 242 3.lKTemporal Low 91 154 45 66 112 133 160 185 235 3.1K Non-Temporal High 99 162 69 90 135 157 175 208 261 3.1K Non-Temporal Low 93 156 52 72 119 138 162 192 242 FWR Input 16-33 Volts 15cd 30cd 75cd 95cd hOed 135cd 185cd Temporal High 83 107 156 177 198 234 287 Temporal Low 68 91 145 165 185 223 271 Non-Temporal High 111 135 185 207 230 264 316 Non-Temportal Low 79 104 157 175 197 235 283 3.1K Temporal High 81 105 155 177 196 234 284 3.1K Temporal Low 68 90 145 166 186 222 276 3.1K Non-Temporal High 104 131 177 204 230 264 326 3.1K Non-Temporal Low 77 102 156 177 199 234 291 Horn Tones and Sound Output Data Horn and Horn Strobe Output (dBA) 8-17.5 16-33 Switch Volts Volts Position Sound Pattern dB DC DC FWR 1 Temporal High 84 89 89 2 Temporal Low 75 83 83 3 Non-Temporal High 85 90 90 4 Non-Temporal Low 76 84 84 5 3.1 KHz Temporal High 83 88 88 6 3.1 KHz Temporal Low 76 82 82 7 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal High 84 89 89 8 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal Low 77 83 83 9* Coded High 85 90 90 10* 3.1 KHz Coded High 84 89 89 * Settings 9 and 10 are not available on the 2-wire horn strobes. L-Series Dimensions 5.27 3.46 - .'l 1.25 .27 Compact Horn -4.70 5.67 !iI 1.91 1.25 Strobe I Horn Strobe Horn L-Series Ordering Information Wall Horn Strobes Horns P2RL 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Red HRL Horn, Red P2WL 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, White HWL Horn, White P2GRL 2-Wire, Compact Horn Strobe, Red HGRL Compact Horn, Red P2GWL 2-Wire, Compact Horn Strobe, White HGWL Compact Horn, White P2RL-P 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Red, Plain Accessories P2WL-P 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, White, Plain TR-2 Universal Wall Trim Ring Red P2RL-SP 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Red, FUEGO TR-2W Universal Wall Trim Ring White P2WL-SP 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, White, FUEGO SBBRL Wall Surface Mount Back Box, Red Wall Strobes SBBWL Wall Surface Mount Back Box, White SRL Strobe, Red SBBGRL Compact Wall Surface Mount Back Box, Red SWL Strobe, White SBBGWL Compact Wall Surface Mount Back Box, White SGRL Compact Strobe, Red SGWL Compact Strobe, White SRL-P Strobe, Red, Plain SWL-P Strobe, White, Plain SRL-SP Strobe, Red, FUEGO SWL-CLR-ALERT Strobe, White, ALERT Notes: All -P models have a plain housing (no "FIRE" marking on cover) All -SP models have FUEGO" marking on cover All -ALERT models have "ALERT marking on cover -" cYcTEfL4 3825 Ohio Avenue • St, Charles, IL 60174 ©2017 System Sensor. for current product infonnadon, including the latest version 01 this data sheet. 5EAIcOR Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 Product specificaons subject to change without noce. 'daitayatemsenacr.cam www,systemsensor,com AvoS8e503 • 03/17 AIR AND PAM SERIES)___ iULThVOLTAGE RELAY MODULES) in Control The PAM Series Relays are encapsulated multi-voltage devices with "flying" leads that offer versatile, reliable perfor- mance in a convenient package. Several of the versions contain a red LED which indicates when the relay coil is energized. The PAM Series Relays are packaged with a self-tapping screw and a piece of double sided tape for easy installation almost anywhere. The relays are also packaged with wire-nuts to aid installation. PAM Relays are ideal for applications where remote relays are required for control or status feedback They are suit- able for use with HVAC,Temperature Control, Fire Alarm, Security, Energy Management, Lighting Control Systems and Building Automation Systems. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FPA—M---I', The PAM-I Relay provides 10.0 A form "C" contacts. The relay may be energized by one of three input voltages: 24VDC, 24VAC, or I 2OVAC. The input voltages are polarity-sensitive and diode-protected. PAM-I Relays contain a red LED which indicates when the relay coil is energized. PAM-2 The PAM-2 Relay provides 7.0 A form "C" contacts. The relay may be energized by one of two input voltages: I 2VDC or 24VDC. The input voltages are polarity-sensitive and diode-protected. PAM-2 Relays contain a red LED which indicates when the relay coil is energized. PAM-4 The PAM-4 Relay provides 10.0 A form "C" contacts. The relay may be energized across a wide voltage range from 9VDC to 40VDC, making it ideal for I 2VDC and 24VDC EOL circuits. The I 5mA operating current is constant across the operating range. The input voltages are polarity-sensitive and diode-protected. PAM-SD The PAM-SD Relay provides 7.0 A form "C" contacts. The relay may be energized by an input voltage between 20VDC to 32VDC, making it ideal for 24VDC NAC circuits. The input voltages are polarity-sensitive and diode- protected. The PAM-SD provides an additional set of wires for redundant input voltage (circuit supervision pass through). CSFM LISTED MEA ACCEPTED usm Air Products and Controls is a Brand of Apollo America 25 Corporate Drive Auburn Hills, Ml 48326 (248) 332-3900 Phone (888) 332-2241 Toll free (248) 332-8807 Fax wwwap-c.com HALMA GROUP COMPANY L1ILtIUULU DV. RELAY ENERGIZED LED BLU LYEL NC) C+TS -120 VAC @ 0.030A !AC © 0.050A © 0.015A PAM-1 RED BLU CC TO 10.0 A 9VDC ((+) 4OVDC 0.015A __________________ BLK ORG NO) CONTACTS PAM-4 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ,- RELAY ENERGIZED LED OW-) WHT _____ Nc"l 7.0 A +24VDC © 0.015A RED ORG CONTACTS +I2VDC @ 0.015A NO PAM-2 TO 7.OA 32VDC 2OVDC ((_) YEL NC NTACTS @ (+) RED___________ ORG NO) 0.0I5A () ________________ PAM-SD MUL)L r1UMbtI: I rAM-i I IMAINI-A rAIVl-4 PAM-bU COIL VOLTAGE: 24VAC!24VDC/120VAC 12VDCI24VDC 9 to 40VDC 20 to 32VDC POLARIZED: Yes Yes Yes Yes ENERGIZED LED INDICATOR Yes Yes No No CURRENT REQUIREMENT: ©24VDC 024VAC 0120VAC 012VDC 15mA 15mA 15mA 15mA 15mA 15mA 50mA I30mA1 CONTACT CONFIGURATION: (1) SPDT dry form "C" (1) SPOT dry form "C" (1) SPOT dry form "C" (1)SPDT dry form "C" CONTACT RATINGS: (contact rating/ power factor) 05VDC 024VDC (120VAC 250UA! .35PF 250A/.35PF 2501JA 25011A/ .35PF i 7A/.35PF) 7A1.35PF 7A 7A/.35PF IOA 7A/.35PF IOA 7A1.35PF WIRE LEADS: 6 "flying" leads 12"/18AWG Wire-nuts _provided 6 "flying' leads 12"/I8AWG Wire-nuts provided 5 "flying" leads 12"/I8AWG Wire-nuts provided 7 "flying" leads 12°/I8AWG Wre-nuts provided AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: (t100%RH,condensing) 32°F to 120°F (0- to 49°C) 32°F to 120°F (0"C to 49°C) 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) CONSTRUCTION: 100%potted(sealed) with 'lying" leads MOUNTING: Pre-drilled mounting screw holeandself tapping screw provided. Double sided tape provided. DIMENSIONS: H W D 1.50°(38mm) 1.50"(38mm) 1.50"(38mm) 1.50"(38mm) 1.20"(25mm) 1.00"(25mm) 1.00"(25mm) 1.00"(25mm) 0.90(20mm) 0.90"(23mm) 0.90"(23mm) 0.80"(20mm) LISTINGS AND APPROVALS: UL": MEA: C.RFM UOXX/7.S3403 UOXX/7.S3403 UOXX/7.S3403 UOXX/7.S3403 73-92-E Vol.21 73-92-EVol.21 73-92-E Vol.21 73-92-E Vol.21 7flfl1 flfli• 101 I 7'tflltl flflA•1 01 7'flfl.i flflAl Al 7'flft4 AAA.l Al *UOXXControl Unit Accessories, System; /7=also Certified for Canada NOTICE: The information contained in this document is intended only as a summary and is subject to change without notice. The products described have specific instructional/installation documentation, which covets various technical, approval, code, limitation and liability information. Copies of this documentation along with any gen- eral product warning and limitation documents, which also contain important information, are provided with the product and are also available from Air Products and Controls Inc. The information contained in all of these documents should be considered before specifying or using the products. Any example applications shown are subject to the most current enforced local/national codes, standards, approvals, certifications, and/or the authority having jurisdiction. All of these resources, as well as the specific manufacturer of any shown or mentioned related equipment, should be consulted prior to any implementation. For further information or assistance concerning the products, contact Air Products and Controls Inc. Air Products and Controls Increserves the right to change any and all documentation without notice. ©Air Products and Controls Inc. 2013 DS-RL-1 E060404 LOW VOLTAGE Extension Rod Aoolications fr °4 61= I . 3" 4"Mjustahtr HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIRE DOOR HOLDERS DH SERIES Features Extremely low current draw. Only 20mA at 24V saves on power supplies and backup batteries New recessed mount for lowest profile look Dual voltage inputs in each units reduces stocking requirements Self-adjusting swivel catch-plate reduces installation time and adjusts to door alignment changes Optional extension rods make installation faster Low residual magnetism easily releases even on new ADA low pressure door closers Built-in transient protection Floor mount units available Description The DH Series Electromagnetic Fire Door Holders are constructed of the finest materials and workmanship available. Each door holder is made of durable die- cast metal and offered in a powdercoated finish. Installation is easy with DH Series installation technique - an adhesive template assures alignment without secondary adjustments. No brackets are required for recessed, flush or surface mounting (the surface mounting box has three conduit ready entries). Plus, the new catch plate features two pivot points and two way adjustability to further ensure perfect alignment. Optional extension rods are also available for providing the proper gap distance between the door and wall. The basic units offer superior reliability with built-in transient protection and low residual magnetism so they release easily even on new ADA low pressure door closers. MEA4> approved APPROVED S2985 R19958 3550-1039:100 200-97-E NOT TO BE USED FOR INSTALLATION PURPOSES. RSG reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in prices, colours, materials, components, equipment, specifications and models and also to discontinue models. Specifications Model Voltage DCImA AC/mA Terminals Holding Force 24120 24V 20 19 C&L 401bs. (18.1 kg) 120V - 20 C&L 35 lbs. (15.8 kg) Note: Holding forces listed in the above table correspond with shaded values. Non-shaded values are slightly less. Ordering Information Model Description DH24I20SPC 24V AC/DC, 120 VAC Surface Mount, Electromagnetic Door Holder DH24I2ORPC 24V AC/DC, 120 VAC Recess Mount, Electromagnetic Door Holder DH24120FP0 r24V AC/DC 120 VAC Semi Flush Mount Electromagnetic Door Holder) DH24I20GPCI 24V AC/DC, 120 VAC Floor Mount Electromagnetic Door Holder, Single Coil DH24I20GPC2 24V AC/DC, 120 VAC Floor Mount Electromagnetic Door Holder, Double Coil DHE1PC 1" Extension Rod DHE2PC 20 Extension Rod DHE3PC Extension Rod DHE4APC Adjustable Extension Rod DHSBPC Swivel Base I NOT TO BE USED FOR INSTALLATION PURPOSES. RSG reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in prices, colours, materials, components, equipment, specifications and models and also to discontinue models. - - - - - - - - U I! 0 M M SYSTEM RECORD DOCUMENTS (SRD) BA KB OX SERIES - - - - - - - - Material: Boxes: #18 Gauge Steel with Red Powder Coat Textured Finish (Standard). Door: #18 Gauge Steel with Red Textured Finish (Standard). Hinge: Concealed Stainless Steel Piano Hinge Fastener: Standard 3/4" Cat 30 Key Lock (Other Lock Assemblies Available). Backbox Depth: 3.25" Surface: 14.25"wx 14.25"h Standard - Installed with 4 GB Additional digital flash drive with Features: USB B connector - Durable powder coat baked-on finish Kirkland manufactures code compliant solutions! The System Record Documents (SRD) from the BAKBOX SERIES is the perfect item to meet demanding code requirements. NFPA 72 2013 states that a cabinet must be "prominently labeled 'SYSTEM RECORD DOCUMENTS'. NFPA 72 2013 states, "With every new system, a documentation cabinet shall be installed at the system control unit or other approved location at the protected premises." This durable #18 gauge steel enclosure with a stain- less steel piano hinge and key lock keeps your code-required documents, including but not limited to, test and inspection, service and system records, and manuals. In addition, a 4GB USB flash drive safely and secure- ly stores your fire alarm software, eliminating occurrences of the software not being on-site when technicians arrive to service the system. Using a stan- dard USB B connector you may also store records electronically (See NFPA 72 2013 The SRD is designed with a plan clip to keep your documents secured. The inside cover has a recordkeeping log for identifying equipment information and required documentation locations (See NFPA 72 2013 7.2.1). %BAK ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER: MB300I DESCRIPTION: System Record Document Box BOX - Permanently screened (1 "h white ink) "SYSTEM RECORD DOCUMENTS" - Legend sheet for doc- umentation, passwords and system information. 180305 (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection Features NEMA 4X* (IP 65) and 6P (IP 67) *Enclosure is 4X. For additional corrosion protection of mounting hardware, use model PCVS-2 CRH -40° to 1400 (-40°C to 60°C) operating temperature range Visual Switch Indicators Two conduit entrances Adjustable length trip rod Accomodates up to I2AWG wire Switch detects tampering and valve closure RoHS compliant Two SPDT contacts PCVS Series Control Valve Supervisory Switch Before any work is done on the fire sprinkler or fire alarm system, the building owner or their authorized representative shall be notified. Before opening any closed valve, ensure that opening the valve will not cause any damage from water flow due to open or missing sprinklers, piping, etc. no c®us USTED APPROVED (E Important: This document contains important information on the installation and operation of PCVS valve supervisory switches. Please read all instructions carefully before beginning installation. A copy of this document is required by NFPA 72 to be maintained on site. Description Technical Specifications The Model PCVS is a weather proof and tamper resistant switch for monitoring the open position of fire sprinkler control valves of the wall and yard post indicator and butterfly types. Two SPDT (Form C) contacts are provided which will operate when the valve position is altered from an open state. The unit mounts in a 1/2" NPT tapped hole in the post indicator or butterfly valve housing. The device is engaged by the indicating assembly of the post indicator or the operating mechanism of the butterfly valve, actuating switches when the valve is fully open. The unit should be installed where it is accessible for service. The cover is held in place by two tamper resistant screws that require a special tool to remove. The tool is furnished with each device. Testing The operation of the PCVS and its associated protective monitoring system shall be tested upon completion of the installation and in- spected, tested and maintained in accordance with all applicable local and national codes and standards and/or the Authority Having Juris- diction, (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). A minimum test shall consist of turning the valve operating mechanism towards the closed position. The PCVS shall operate within the first two revolutions of the operating mechanism. Fully close the valve and ensure the PCVS does not restore. Fully open the valve and ensure that the PCVS restores to normal. Dimensions See Fig 10 Weight 1.0 lbs (0,45 kg) Cover: Die Cast Finish: Red Powder Coat Enclosure Base: Die Cast Finish: Black Powder Coat All parts have corrosion resistant finishes Tamper Resistant Screws Cover Tamper Optional Cover Tamper Switch Available PCVS-2: Two Sets of SPDT (Form C) Contact 10.0 Amps at 125/250 VAC Ratings 2.0 Amps at 30VDC Resistive 10 mAmps minimum at 24 VDC -40° F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C) Environmental NEMA 4X (IP 65) and NEMA 6P Enclosure (IP67) Limitations (Use suitably rated conduit and connector) Indoor or Outdoor Use (See PIVSU-EX Bulletin 5400694 for Hazardous locations) Conduit Two Knockouts for 1/2" conduit provided Entrances (See Notice on Page 7 and Fig. 11 on Page 6) Service Use NFPA 13,13D, 13R, 72 Specifications subject to change without notice Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC • St. Louis, MO • Tech Support: 866-956-0988 I Customer Service: 866-572-3005 . www.pottersignal.com 5401526- REV F • 8/15 PAGE iOF7 I 11 3/8" (28,9 cm) aces Ijiass DT ssembly Steel Tripping Block Replace ® POTTER The Symbol of Protection PCVS Series Control Valve Supervisory Switch Theory Of Operation The PCVS is a spring loaded switch. It is in normal position when the trip rod is pulling against the spring force. Normal is when the switch is installed on the valve and the valve is fully open. As the valve closes, the valve actuator moves away from the trip rod of the PCVS and the spring on the PCVS pulls the trip rod over and trips the switch. Alternate Window Installation and Moving Hood Installation Target Moves Up as Valve is Shut Fig 1 Subject to the approval of the "authority having jurisdiction" the alternate method of installation shown in Fig. 1 may be used. In this method, one of the glass windows of the housing is replaced with a 1/4" thick metal plate that is cut to fit in place of the glass and drilled and tapped to recieve 1/2" NPT pipe nipple. In some cases it may be necessary to attach an angle bracket to the target assembly to engage the PCVS trip rod. Hood Moves Down as Valve is Shut Fig 2 If the target is stationary and a hood arrangement is used, such as is shown in Fig. 2, the hood must be drilled with a 23/32" drill and tapped with a 1/2" NPT. The center line of this hole should be 1/8" below the portion of target assembly that strikes the PCVS trip rod. The 113/8" dimension shown is for a Clow Valve. Flexible conduit must be used for this type of installation. (More on pg. 3). Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC St. Louis, MO • Tech Support: 866-956-0988 / Customer Service: 866-572-3005 • www.pottersignal.com 5401526. REV F • 8/15 PAGE 2OF7 (E)POTTER PCVS Series The Symbol of Protection Control Valve Supervisory Switch Typical Installations On Post Indicator Valve Housings Fig fl Fig down Ut. NOTE: Before any work is done on the fire sprinkler or fire alarm system, the building owner or their authorized representative shall be notified. Before opening any closed valve, ensure that opening the valve will not cause any damage from water flow due to open or missing sprinklers, piping, etc. Position the valve to fully open ("OPEN" should appear in the window of the housing). Partially close the valve while observing the direction that the target assembly moves. Reopen the valve. If the valve housing is predrilled with a 1/2" NPT for installation of a monitoring switch, remove the 1/2" plug and fully open the valve. Make sure that "OPEN" appears in the window of the housing. GO TO STEP NO. 6. If the valve is not pre-drilled for 1/2" NPT, remove the head and target assembly (consultation with valve manufacturer is recommended). If the target assembly moved up as the valve was closed, measure the distance from the bottom of the head to the lower part of the target assembly that will contact the trip rod of the PCVS (see Fig. 3). This is usually a plate or bar on the target assembly, on a side adjacent to the "OPEN/SHUT" plates. Subtract 1/8" from the measurement. If the target moved down as the valve was closed, measure the distance from the bottom of the head to the upper portion of the target assembly that will contact the trip rod of the PCVS (see Fig. 4). Add 1/8" (3,2mm) to this measurement. Mark the housing at the proper location. Using a 23/32" (18,2mm) drill bit, drill and then tap a 1/2" NPT in the housing on the side that coincides with the portion of the target assembly that will engage the trip rod of the PCVS. Replace the head and target assembly. Loosen the socket head screw that holds the nipple in the PCVS and remove the nipple. Screw the locknut that is provided onto the nipple. & Screw the nipple into the 1/2" NPT hole in the valve housing hand tighten. Tighten the locknut against the valve housing to secure the nipple firmly in place. 9. Insert a scale or probe thru the nipple to measure the distance from the open end of the nipple to the target assembly. Subtract 1/2" (12,5mm) from this measurement. NOTE: In some cases, it may be necessary to attach an angle bracket to the target assembly to engage the PCVS trip rod. Using the special tool provided, loosen the two cover screws and remove the cover from the PCVS. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in place and adjust the rod length, from the end of the collar to the end of the rod, using the dimension determined in Step 9. Tighten the locking screw to 5 in-lbs minimum to hold the rod in place and properly seal the enclosure. Partially close the valve to move the target assembly away (3 to 4 revolutions of the handle/hand wheel). With the PCVS positioned so the spring will pull the trip rod to follow the target as the valve is closing, slide the PCVS over the nipple. Tighten the socket head screw in the collar. Carefully open the valve to the fully open position. As the target moves to the open position it should engage the trip rod and actuate the switch(es). There should be a minimum overtravel of 1/2 revolution of the handle/hand wheel after the switch(es) actuate (a continuity meter connected to each set of contacts is one method that could be used to determine this). Slowly close the valve. The switch must operate during the first two revolutions of the handle/hand wheel or during 1/5 of the travel distance of the valve control apparatus from its normal condition. NOTE: Small adjustments of the target position may be necessary (consultation with valve manufacturer is recommended). Complete the required electrical wiring, connections and tests. The valve should be operated through the entire cycle of fully closed and fully open to determine the integrity of the PCVS installation and the signaling system. Check that all electrical and mechanical connections are secure. Reinstall the cover and tighten the cover screws to 15 in-lbs minimum to properly seal the enclosure. When the installation and testing are complete, return valve to its proper position. Alternative installation for other post indicator valve housing shown in Fig. 1 and 2. Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC . St. Louis, MO • Tech Support: 866-956-0988 / Customer Service: 866-572-3005 www.pottersignal.com I 5401526- REV F • 8115 PAGE 3OF7 (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection PCVS Series Control Valve Supervisory Switch Typical Installation on a Butterfly Valve Fig S Typical Indicating Butterfly Valve Fig 6 Dresser Indicating Butterfly Valve uul Valve Partially Closed Valve Open (13 mm) Remove the 1/2" NPT plug from the gear operator case. Loosen the set screw that holds the nipple in the PCVS and remove the nipple. Screw the locknut that is provided onto the nipple. Screw the nipple into the 112" NPT hole in the gear operator-hand tighten. Tighten the locknut against the case, to secure the nipple fimily in place Partially close the valve to move the boss on the gear hub out of the way (3 or revolutions of the hand wheel or crank). 6 Using the special tool provided, loosen the two cover screws and remove the cover from the PCVS. 7. Orient the PCVS so the spring will pull up the trip rod to follow the actuating cam inside the valve. NOTE: If trip rod length is excessive, loosen the locking screw and remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Using pliers, break off the one (1) inch long notched section (see Fig. 12). Reinstall the trip rod, tightening the screw to 5 in-lbs minimum, and repeat Step 7 procedure. & Remove device from nipple and shorten the trip rod 1/32" (0,80mm) (this is to prevent the trip rod from dragging on the gear hub inside the valve). Tighten the locking screw to hold the rod in place. Re-install the device on the nipple. Tighten the screw in the collar against the nipple. NOTE: In some cases it may be necessary to remove the gear box cover to ensure correct operation (consultation with the valve manufacturer is recommended). Carefully open the valve to its full open position, as the boss on the gear hub moves to the open position it must engage the PCVS trip rod and actuate the switch(es). There should be a minimum overtravel or revolution of the crank or hand wheel after the switch(es) actuate (a continuity meter connected to each set of contacts is one method that could be used to determine this). NOTE: Slight adjustment of gear stops maybe necessary to prevent oveilravel of the trip rod (consultation with valve manufacture is recommended). Carefully close the valve. The switch(es) must operate during the first two revolutions of the crank or hand wheel or during 1/5 of the travel distance of the valve control apparatus from its normal condition. H. Complete the required electrical wiring, connections and tests. The valve should be operated through the entire cycle of fully closed and fully open to determine the integrity of the PCVS installation and signaling system. Reinstall the cover and tighten the screws to 15 in-lbs minimum to properly seal the enclosure. When the installation and testing are complete, return valve to its proper position. Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC • St. Louis, MO • Tech Support: 866-956-0988 I Customer Service: 866-572-3005 • www.pottersignal.com 5401526- REV F • 8/15 PAGE 4OF7 (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection Typical Pressure Reducer Type Valve Installation Fig 7 ç Nipple .'Locknut 1/16" (1,6 mm: Minimum Gap This figure shows the Model PCVS mounted on the valve yoke, with a bracket supplied by the valve manufacturer, to supervise a pressure reducer type valve. NOTE: This application is subject to the approval of the authority having jurisdiction. PBK - Butterfly Valve Kit for Valves with Internal Supervisory Switches Pratt Butterfly Valve Kit as used to mount a PCVS on a Pratt Model 1EV Valve. Kits contain: Bracket, nuts and instructions NOTE: Due to changes in valves, brackets may need to be modified by installer. This application is subject to the approval of the authority having jurisdiction. PCVS Series Control Valve Supervisory Switch PVK - Pratt PIVA Post Indicator Valve Kit Fig 9 Machine Screw #8-32 Pratt Valve Kit as used to mount a PCVS on a Pratt Model PIVA Valve. Kit contains: Instructions, template, screw and nut. NOTE: This application is subject to the approval of the authority having jurisdiction. Fig 8 Locknuts Boti Leket and ±nut Supplied th PBK tinting Kit Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC ' St. Louis, MO • Tech Support: 866-956-0988 I Customer Service: 866-572-3005 • www.pottersignal.com 5401526-REVF • 8115 PAGE SOF7 (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection PCVS Series Control Valve Supervisory Switch Dimensions Fig 10 2.79 [70.87] 5.29 [I49] I 77 [19.61] c 7.86 01.10 [199.53 ] [27.92 Rod retracted and breakaway Rod Fully Extended 4.00 [101.60 5.20 [81.26] h '_L .85 7 f [1.51] 0.84 [2144 1 1.52 [38.61 .12 [3.05] 2.72 [69.05 Cover Tamper Switch Socket Head Screw (2)o.886 Knockouts For 1/2" Electrical Conduit Connections Grow 1/2" Knockout Removal oved Fig 11 To remove knockouts: Place screwdriver at inside edge of knockouts not in the center. NOTE: Do not drill into the base as this creates metal shavings which can create electrical hazards and damage the device. Drilling voids the warranty. Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC • St. Louis, MO • Tech Support: 866-956-0988 / Customer Service: 866-572-3005 • www.pottersignal.com 5401526- REV F • 9115 PAGE 6OF7 (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection Breaking Excessive Rod Length Fig 12 Switch Terminal Connections Clamping Plate Terminal Fig 13 An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the terminal and serve as two separate connections. The wire must be severed, thereby providing supervision of the connection in the event that the wire become dislodged from under the terminal. Failure to sever the wire may render the device inoperable risking severe property damage and loss of life. Do not strip wire beyond 3/8 of length or expose an uninsulated conductor beyond the edge of the terminal block. When using stranded wire, capture all strands under the clamping plate. All conduit and connectors selected for the installation of this product shall be suitable for the environment for which it is to be used and shall be installed to the manufacturer's installation instructions. For NEMA 4, 4X, 6, 6P installations, the cover screws are recommended to be tightened to 15 in- lbs minimum and the trip rod locking screw tightened to 5 in-lbs minimum to properly seal the enclosure. Typical Electrical Connections Fig 14 EOLR CM NC N NO NCCOM PCVS Series Control Valve Supervisory Switch Ordering Information Model Description Stock No. PCVS-2 Potter Control Valve Switch (double switch) 1010203 PCVS-2 CR11 Poller Control Valve Switch (double switch). Corrosion resistant 316 stainless steel hardware. 1010211 - Cover Screw 5490424 - Hex Key for Cover Screws and Installation Adjustments 5250062 PBK-S Pratt Butterfly Valve Kit - 3" (75mm) to 12" (30mm) 0090133 PBK-M Pratt Butterfly Valve Kit - 14" (355 mm) and 16" (406 mm) 0090146 PBK-L Pratt Butterfly Valve Kit - 18' (457mm) 1024" (610 mm) 0090132 PVK Pratt Valve Kit 1000060 - Optional Cover Tamper Switch Kit 0090200 KBK Kennedy Butterfly Valve Kit 0090143 TBK Tycho Butterfly Valve Kit 10090150 For pressure reducer type valve installation kits (if required) contact valve manufacturer. Engineering Specifications: Post Indicator & Butterfly Valves UL, CUL Listed / FM Approved and CE Marked valve supervisory switches shall be furnished and installed on all post Indicator and Butterfly valves that can be used to shut off the flow of water to any portion of the fire sprinkler system, where indicated on the drawings and plans and as required by applicable local and national codes and standards. The supervisory switch shall be NEMA 4X and 6P rated and capable of being mounted in any position indoors or out and be completely submerged without allowing water to enter the enclosure. The enclosure shall be held captive by tamper resistant screws. The device shall contain two conduit entrances and two Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) switches. The device shall contain a removable 1/2" NPT nipple and adjustable trip rod, the trip rod shall be held captive by a set screw accessible upon removal of the cover. The switch contacts shall be rated at bA, 125/250VAC and 2A, 30VDC. Post Indicator and Butterfly Valve supervisory switch shall be model PCVS-2 manufactured by Potter Electric Signal Company LLC Supervisory switches have a normal service life of 10-15 years. However, the service life may be significantly reduced by local environmental conditions. FRI M I M W M WTI _ — — — I.uI-I..I-I-I-I Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC • St. Louis, MO Tech Support: 866-956-0988 / Customer Service: 866-572-3005 • www.pottersignal.com IBO 800I:2008 1 DESIGNING, MANUFACTURING, & DISTRIBUTING QUAI.flY SYSTEMS 5401526- REV F • 8/15 PAGE 7 OF 7 (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection OSYSU Series Outside Screw an4 Yoke Vqlv Supervisory Switch Features NEMA 4X* (IF 65) and 6P (IF 67) *Enclosure is 41. For additional corrosion protection of mounting hardware, use model OSYSU-2 CR11 -400 to 1400 (-40°C to 60°C) operating temperature range Visual switch indicators Two conduit entrances Adjustable length trip rod Accomodates up to 12AWG wire Three position switch detects tampering and valve closure Knurled mounting bracket prevents slipping Fine adjustment feature for fast, easy installation RoHS compliant One or two SPDT contact models (-1,-2) Before any work is done on the fire sprinkler or fire alarm system, the I building owner or their authorized representative shall be notified. I Before opening any closed valve, ensure that opening the valve will not SMNAUNG I I C®US <@> C E cause any damage from water flow due to open or missing sprinklers, I LISTED APPROVED I piping, etc. I Important: This document contains important information on the installation and operation of OS&Y valve supervisory switches. Please read all instructions carefully before beginning installation. A copy of this document is required by NFPA 72 to be maintained on site. Description The OSYSU is used to monitor the open position of an OS&Y (outside screw and yoke) type gate valve. This device is available in two models; the OSYSU-1, containing one set of SPDT (Form C) contacts and the OSYSU-2, containing two sets of SPDT (Form C) contacts. These switches mount conveniently to most OS&Y valves ranging in size from 2" to 12" (50mm to 300mm). They will mount on some valves as small as 1/2" (12,5mm). The cover is held in place by two tamper resistant screws that require a special tool to remove. The tool is furnished with each device. Testing The operation of the OSYSU and its associated protective monitoring system shall be inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with all applicable local and national codes and standards and/or the Authority Having Jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). A minimum test shall consist of turning the valve wheel towards the closed position. The OSYSU shall operate within the first two revolutions of the wheel. Fully close the valve and ensure that the OSYSU does not restore. Fully open the valve and ensure that the OSYSU restores to normal only when the valve is fully opened. Close the valve fully to determine that the stem threads do not activate the switch. The switch being activated by the stem threads could result in afalse valve open indication. Technical Specifications Dimensions See Fig 8 Weight 1.6 lbs (0,73 kg) Cover: Die Cast Finish: Red Powder Coat Enclosure Base: Die Cast Finish: Black Powder Coat All parts have corrosion resistant finishes Tamper Resistant Screws Cover Tamper Optional Cover Tamper Switch Available OSYSU-1: One Set of SPDT (Form C) OSYSU-2: Two Sets of SPDT (Form C) Contact Ratings 10.0 Amps at 125/250 VAC 2.0 Amps at 30VDC Resistive 10 mAmps minimum at 24 VDC -40° F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C) Environmental NEMA 4X (IF 65) and NEMA 6P (IP 67) Enclosure Limitations (Use suitably rated conduit and connector) Indoor or Outdoor Use (See OSYSU-EX Bulletin 5400705 for Hazardous locations) Conduit Two Knockouts for 1/2" conduit provided Entrances (See Notice on Page 6 and Fig. 9 on Page 5) Service Use NFPA 13,13D, 13R, 72 Specifications subject to change without notice Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC • St. Louis, MO • Tech Support: 866-956-0988 / Customer Service: 866-572-3005 • www.pottersignal.com 5401525-REVE • 8115 PAGE 10F6 (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection OSYSU Series Outside Screw and Yoke Vqlv Supervisory Switch Theory of Operation The OSYSU is a 3 position switch. The center position is the normal installation position. Normal is when the switch is installed on the OS&Y valve, the valve is fully open and the trip rod of the OSYSU is in the groove of the valve stem. Closing the valve causes the trip rod to ride up out of the groove and activates the switches. Removing the OSYSU from the valve causes the spring to pull the trip rod in the other direction and activates the switches. Visual Switch Status Indication There are 3 visual indicators to determine the status of the switches. Fig 1; the actuator button of the micro switches are on the raised section of the switch actuator. Fig 2; the trip rod is perpendicular to the base and lined up with the alignment mark on the mounting bracket. Fig 3; the white visual indicator is visible through the window on the back of the switch actuator. A final test is to meter the contacts marked COM and N.O. to ensure they are an open circuit when the valve is open and that they close and have continuity within 2 revolutions of turning the valve handwheel towards the closed position and the contacts remain closed as the valve is completely closed and until the valve is completely opened when the trip rod drops back into the groove in the valve stem. Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC • St Louis, MO Tech Support: 866-956-0988 / Customer Service: 866-572-3005 • www.pottersignal.com 5401525-REVE • 9115 PAGE 2OF6 OSYSU Series (E)POTTER Outside Screw and Yoke Vqlvç The Symbol of Protection Supervisory Switcn Small Valve Installation - 1/2" Through 2 1/2" Sizes Fig WIN Slotted mounting holes and micro-adjustment feature may be used for fine adjustment of switch assembly to mounting bracket. Re-tighten screws to 20 in-lbs minimum. Small Valve Installation NOTE: If the valve stem is pre-grooved at 1/8" minimum depth; proceed to step 7. Remove and discard "E" ring and roller from the trip rod. With the valve in the FULL OPEN position, locate the OSYSU across the valve yoke as far as possible from the valve gland so that the spring loaded trip rod of the OSYSU is pulled against the non threaded portion of the valve stem. Position the OSYSU with the bracket near the handwheel as shown in Fig. 6 if possible to avoid creating a pinch point between the wheel and the OSYSU. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in place and adjust the rod length (see Fig. 5). When adjusted properly, the rod should extend past the valve screw, but not so far that it contacts the clamp bar. Tighten the locking screw to 5 in-lbs minimum to hold the trip rod in place and properly seal the enclosure. NOTE: If trip rod length is excessive, loosen the locking screw and remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Using pliers, break off the one (1) inch long notched section (see Fig. 10). Reinstall trip rod and repeat Step 3 procedure. Mount the OSYSU loosely with the carriage bolts and clamp bar supplied. On valves with limited clearance use J-hooks supplied instead of the carriage bolts and clamp bar to mount the OSYSU. S. Mark the valve stem at the center of the trip rod. Remove the OSYSU. Utilizing a 3/16" or 1/4" diameter straight file, file a 1/8" minimum depth groove centered on the mark on the valve stem. Deburr and smooth the edges of the groove to prevent damage to the valve packing and to allow the trip rod to move easily in and out of the groove as the valve is operated. NOTE: A groove depth of up to approximately 3/16" can make it easier to install the OSYSU so that it does not restore as it rolls over by the threads of the valve stem. 7. Mount the OSYSU on the valve yoke with the spring loaded trip rod of the OSYSU pulled against the valve stem and centered in the groove of the stem. If possible, position the OSYSU with the flat side of the bracket toward the hand wheel, as shown in Fig. 6, to help avoid creating a pinch point between the wheel and OSYSU. When in this preferred mounting position, it is usually best to use the white indicator visible through the window, as illustrated in Fig. 3, to aid in initially locating the OSYSU in the correct position on the yoke. If the unit must be installed inverted with the white indicator no longer easily visible, use the visual indicators of the actuator buttons on the micro-switches, as illustrated in Fig. 1, or the trip rod alignment mark on the bracket, as illustrated in Fig. 2, to aid in initially locating the OSYSU. & Final adjustment can be made by slightly loosening the two screws on the bracket and using the fine adjustment feature (see Fig. 5). The adjustment is correct when the plungers on the switches are depressed by the actuator and there is no continuity between the COM and NO terminals on the switches. Tighten the adjustment screws and all mounting hardware securely (20 in-lbs minimum). Check to insure that the rod moves out of the groove easily and that the switches activate within two turns when the valve is operated from the FULL OPEN towards the CLOSED position. Reinstall the cover and tighten the cover screws to 15 in-lbs minimum to properly seal the enclosure. Close the valve fully to determine that the stem threads do not activate the switch. The switch being activated by the stem threads could result in afalse valve open indication. Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC • St. Louis, MO • Tech Support: 866-956-0988 / Customer Service: 866-572-3005 www.pottersignal.com 5401525-REVE • 8/15 PAGE 3OF6 OSYSU Series @POTTER Outside Screw and Yoke Valve The Symbol of Protection Supervisory Switch - - jiL_IIIIEi!!I1i, = Slotted mounting holes and micro- adjustment feature may be used for fine adjustment of switch assembly to mounting bracket. Re-tighten screws to 20 in-lbs minimum. Large Valve Installation NOTE: If the valve stem is pre-grooved at 1/8" minimum depth; proceed to step 6. With the valve in the FULL OPEN position, locate the OSYSU across the valve yoke as far from the valve gland as possible so that the spring loaded trip rod of the OSYSU is pulled against the non threaded portion of the valve stem. Position the OSYSU with the bracket near the handwheel as shown in Fig. 7 if possible to avoid creating a pinch point between the wheel and the OSYSU. Mount the OSYSU loosely with the carriage bolts and clamp bar supplied. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in place and adjust the rod length (see Fig. 5). When adjusted properly, the rod should extend past the valve screw, but not so far that it contacts the clamp bar. Tighten the locking screw to 5 in-lbs minimum to hold the trip rod in place and properly seal the enclosure. NOTE: If trip rod length is excessive, loosen the locking screw and remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Using pliers, break off the one (1) inch long notched section (see Fig. 10). Reinstall trip rod and repeat Step 3 procedure. 4. Mark the valve stem at the center of the trip rod. Remove the OSYSU. Utilizing a 3/8" or W' diameter straight file, file a 1/8" minimum depth groove centered on the mark on the valve stem. Deburr and smooth the edges of the groove to prevent damage to the valve packing and to allow the trip rod to move easily in and out of the groove as the valve is operated. NOTE: A groove depth of up to approximately 3/16" can make it easier to install the OSYSU so that it does not restore as it rolls over by the threads of the valve stem. 6 Mount the OSYSU on the valve yoke with the spring loaded trip rod of the OSYSU pulled against the valve stem and centered in the groove of the stem. If possible, position the OSYSU with the flat side of the bracket toward the hand wheel, as shown in Fig. 7, to help avoid creating a pinch point between the wheel and OSYSU. When in this preferred mounting position, it is usually best to use the white indicator visible through the window, as illustrated in Fig. 3, to aid in initially locating the OSYSU in the correct position on the yoke. If the unit must be installed inverted with the white indicator no longer easily visible, use the visual indicators of the actuator buttons on the micro-switches, as illustrated in Fig. 1, or the trip rod alignment mark on the bracket, as illustrated in Fig. 2, to aid in initially locating the OSYSU. 7. Final adjustment can be made by slightly loosening the two screws on the bracket and using the fine adjustment feature (see Fig. 5). The adjustment is correct when the plungers on the switches are depressed by the actuator and there is no continuity between the COM and NO terminals on the switches. & Tighten the adjustment screws and mounting hardware securely (minimum 20 in-lbs). Check to insure that the rod moves out of the groove easily and that the switches activate within two turns when the valve is operated from the FULL OPEN towards the CLOSED position. 9. Reinstall the cover and tighten the cover screws to 15 in-lbs minimum to properly seal the enclosure. gg AM N iON."I AN , ;WAuT l E Close the valve fully to determine that the stem threads do not activate the switch. The switch being activated by the stem threads could result in afoJse valve open indication. Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC • St. Louis, MO • Tech Support: 866-956.0988 / Customer Service: 866-572-3005 • www.pottersignal.com 5401525-REVE • 8/15 PAGE 4OF6 Rod fully extended Cover Tamper Switch (2)o.886 Knockouts For I Electrical Conds Connections Ground l/4"-20 Hardw Clamp Ba (70.97] LTJ 0 1 H—i 0 Rod retracted and I." (06.72] breakaway section removed 3.05 (,7.47] 2.25 (s7.I3] (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection OSYSU Series Outside Screw and Yoke Valve Supervisory Switch Dimensions Fig 8 Knockout Removal Fig 9 To remove knockouts: Place screwdriver at inside edge of knockouts, not in ved the center. NOTE: Do not drill into the base as this creates metal shavings which can create electrical hazards and damage the device. Drilling voids the warranty. Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC St. Louis, MO Tech Support: 866-956-0988 I Customer Service: 866-572-3005 • www.pottersignal.com 5401525-REVE • 8115 PAGE 5OF6 Breaking Excessive Rod Length Fig 10 Switch Terminal Connections Clamping Plate Terminal Fig 11 (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection OSYSU Series Outside Screw and Yoke Vqlv? I Supervisory Switch Ordering Information Model Description Stock No. OSYSU-1 Outside Screw & Yoke 1010102 Supervisory Switch (Single switch) OSYSU-2 Outside Screw & Yoke 1010202 Supervisory Switch (Double switch) OSYSU-2 Outside Screw & Yoke Supervisory 1010210 CRH Switch (Double Switch). Corrosion resistant hardware of 316 stainless steel & nickel plated to ASTM B377 Type V Brackets Cover Screw 5490424 Hex Key for Cover Screws and 5250062 Installation Adjustments Optional Cover Tamper Switch Kit 0090200 An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the terminal and serve as two separate connections. The wire must be severed, thereby providing supervision of the connection in the event that the wire become dislodged from under the terminal. Failure to sever the wire may render the device inoperable risking severe property damage and loss of life. Do not strip wire beyond 3/8" of length or expose an uninsulated conductor beyond the edge of the terminal block. When using stranded wire, capture all strands under the clamping plate. All conduit and connectors selected for the installation of this product shall be suitable for the environment for which it is to be used and shall be installed to the manufacturer's installation instructions. For NEMA 4, 4X, 6, 6P installations, the cover screws are recommended to be tightened to 15 in- lbs minimum and the trip rod locking screw tightened to 5 in-lbs minimum to properly seal the enclosure. Typical Electrical Connections Fig 12 EOLR CMNC N NO NCCOM ii. — _ _ '1'1'1 -- I11 1 .. I - TO FIRE ALARM PANEL Engineering Specifications: OS&Y Valves UL, CUL Listed / FM Approved and CE Marked valve supervisory switches shall be furnished and installed on all OS&Y type valves that can be used to shut off the flow of water to any portion of the fire sprinkler system, where indicated on the drawings and plans and as required by applicable local and national codes and standards. The supervisory switch shall be NEMA 4X and 6P rated and capable of being mounted in any position indoors or out and be completely submerged without allowing water to enter the enclosure.. The enclosure shall be held captive by tamper resistant screws. The device shall contain two /2" conduit entrances and one or two Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) switches. There shall be a visual indicator to display the status of the switches. To aid in installation, it shall be possible to make fine adjustments to the position of the switch on the valve without loosening the mounting bracket from the valve. The device shall contain an adjustable length trip rod and roller, the trip rod shall be held captive by a set screw accessible upon removal of the cover. The switch contacts shall be rated at bA, 125/250VAC and 2A, 30VDC. OS&Y Valve supervisory switch shall be model OSYSU-1 for the single switch model and OSYSU-2 for the two switch model manufactured by Potter Electric Signal Company LLC Supervisory switches have a normal service life of 10-15 years. However, the service life may be significantly reduced by local environmental conditions. Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC St. Louis, MO Tech Support: 866-956-0988 I Customer Service: 866-572-3005 . www.pottersignal.com Lao 0001:2008 1 DESIGNING, MANUFACTURING, &DISTRIBUTING QUALITY SYSTEMS 5401525- REV E • 8/15 PAGE 6 OF 6 VSR (E)POTTER VANE TYPE WATERFLOW The Symbol of Protection ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD Specifications subject to change without notice. Ordering Information Nominal Pipe Size Model Part Number 2' DN50 VSR-2 1144402 2 1/2' DN65 VSR-2 1/2 1144425 3" DN80 VSR-3 1144403 3 1/2' - VSR-3 1/2 1144435 DN100 VSR-4 1144404 - VSR-5 1144405 DNI50 VSR-6 1144406 8' DN200 VSR-8 1144408 Optional: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, stock no. 0090148 Replaceable Components: Retard/Switch Assembly, stock no. 1029030 UL, CUL and CSFM Listed, FM Approved,LPCBApproved,For CE Marked (EN12259-5) /VdS Approved model use VSR-EU Service Pressure: 450 PSI (31 BAR) - UL Flow Sensitivity Range for Signal: 4-10 GPM (15-38 LPM) -UL Maximum Surge: 18 FPS (5.5 m/s) Contact Ratings: Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 10.0 Amps at 125/250VAC 2.0 Amps at 30VDC Resistive 10 mAmps mm. at 24VDC Conduit Entrances: Two knockouts provided for 1/2" conduit. Individual switch compartments suitable for dissimilar voltages. Environmental Specifications: NEMA 4/IP54 Rated Enclosure suitable for indoor or outdoor use with factory installed gasket and die-cast housing when used with appropriate conduit fitting. Temperature Range: 40°F - 120°F, (4.5°C - 49°C) - UL Non-corrosive sleeve factory installed in saddle. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-13 One or two family dwelling NFPA-13D Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-13R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 Installation must be performed by qualified personnel and in accordance with all national and local codes and ordinances. Shock hazard. Disconnect power source before servicing. Serious injury or death could result. Risk of explosion. Not for use in hazardous locations. Serious injury or death could result. -- I CAUTION I iterfiow switches that are monitoring wetpipe sprinkler systems be used as the sole initiating device to discharge AFFF, del chemical suppression systems. Waterfiow switches used for )hcation may result in unintended discharges caused by sin pped air, or short retard times. -- Important: This document contains important information on the installation and operation of the VSR waterfiow switches. Please read all instructions carefully before beginning installation. A copy of this document is required by NFPA 72 to be maintained on site. General Information Enclosure The Model VSR is a vane type waterfiow switch for use on wet sprinkler The VSR switches and retard device are enclosed in a general purpose, systems. It is UL Listed for use on a steel pipe; schedules 5 through 40, die-cast housing. The cover is held in place with two tamper resistant sizes 2" - 6" and is UL Listed and FM Approved for use on steel pipe; screws which require a special key for removal. A field installable schedules 10 through 40, sizes 2" thru 8" (50 mm thru 200 mm). LPC cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used approved sizes are 2" thru 8" (50 mm thru 200 mm). See Ordering to indicate unauthorized removal of the cover. See bulletin number Information chart. 5401103 for installation instructions of this switch. The VSR may also be used as a sectional waterfiow detector on large systems. The VSR contains two single pole, double throw, snap action switches and an adjustable, instantly recycling pneumatic retard. The switches are actuated when a flow of 10 GPM (38 LPM) or more occurs downstream of the device. The flow condition must exist for a period of time necessary to overcome the selected retard period. Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC • St. Louis, MO • Phone: 866-956-1211/Canada 888-882-1833 • www.pottersignal.com PRINTED IN USA MFG. #5401146 - REV M PAGE! 0F4 11115 (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection VSR VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD Installation (see Fig. 1) These devices may be mounted on horizontal or vertical pipe. On horizontal pipe they shall be installed on the top side of the pipe where they will be accessible. The device should not be installed within 6" (15 cm) of a fitting which changes the direction of the waterfiow or within 24" (60 cm) of a valve or drain. NOTE: Do not leave cover off for an extended period of time. Drain the system and drill a hole in the pipe using a hole saw in a slow speed drill (see Fig. 1). Clean the inside pipe of all growth or other material for a distance equal to the pipe diameter on either side of the hole. Roll the vane so that it may be inserted into the hole; do not bend or crease it. Insert the vane so that the arrow on the saddle points in the direction of the waterfiow. Take care not to damage the non-corrosive bushing in the saddle. The bushing should fit inside the hole in the pipe. Install the saddle strap and tighten nuts alternately to required torque (see the chart in Fig. 1). The vane must not rub the inside of the pipe or bind in any way. Do not trim the paddle. Failure to follow these instructions may prevent the device from operating and will void the warranty. Do not obstruct or otherwise prevent the trip stem of the flow switch from moving when water flows as this could damage the flow switch and prevent an alarm. If an alarm is not desired, a qualified technician should disable the alarm system. Fig. 1 Retard Adjustment e DO NOTLEA YE COVER OFF FOR ANEJCENDED PERIOD OF TIME The delay can be adjusted by rotating the retard adjustment knob from 0 to the max setting (60-90 seconds). The time delay should be set at the minimum required to prevent false alarms t pe TIGHTEN NUTS ALTERNATELY OUNT ON PIPE SO RROW ON SADDLE I POINTS IN DIRECTION OF WATERFLOW CAUTION Hole must be drilled perpendicular to the pipe and vertically centered Refer to the Compatible Pipe/Installation Requirements chart for size. Correct Incorrect ROLL PADDLE IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF D1RECTI0# \ (Flowing seat 0F WATERFLOW WATERFLOW water activates device in one direction only.) awo. 1146-li -01 j..i- 20mm2mm MAX. DNSO ONLY USE (2) 5180162 ADAPTERS AS SHOWN ABOVE DWGS 1146-IF Compatible Pipe! InstallationRequirements Model Nominal Pipe Size Nominal Pipe O.D. Pipe Wall Thickness ___________ Hole Size U-Bolt Nuts Torque Lightwall Schedule 10 (UL) Schedule 40 (UL) BS-1387 (LPC) DN (VDS) inch mm inch into inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm fl-lb n-in VSR-2 2 DN50 2.375 60.3 .065 1.651 0.109 2.77 0.154 3.91 0.142 3.6 0.091 2.3 1.25+.125/- .062 33.0±2.0 VSR-2 1/2 2.5 - 2.875 73.0 .084 2.134 0.120 3.05 0.203 5.16 - - - - VSR-2 1/2 - DN65 3.000 76.1 - - - - - - 0.142 3.6 0.102 2.6 VSR-3 3 1 DN80 3.500 88.9 .083 2.108 0.120 3.05 0.216 5.49 0.157 4.0 0.114 2.9 2.00±125 50.8±2.0 20 27 VSR-3 1/2 3.5 - 4.000 101.6 - - 0.120 3.05 0.226 5.74 - - - - VSR-4 4 - DN100 - 4.500 - 114.3 - .084 - 2.134 - 0.120 - 3.05 - 0.237 6.02 - 0.177 - 4.5 - 0.126 - 3.2 VSR-5 5 - 5.563 141.3 - - 0.134 3.40 0.258 6.55 - - - - - VSR-6 6 DNISO 6.625 168.3 .115 2.921 0.134 3.40 0.280 7.11 0.197 5.0 0.157 4.0 VSR-8 8 DN200 8.625 219.1 - • 0.148 3.76 0.322 8.18 0.248 6.3 0.177 1 4.5 NOTE: For copper or plastic pipe use Model' PRINTED IN USA MFG. #5401146 - REV M PAGE 2 OF 4 11115 Fig. 6 Mounting Dimensions 3.50 in 2.00 (50.8 IA. in mm) nWG. Il1S14 NOMINAL PIPE DIA. +1.75 in (+44.5 MM) FOR ON 50—ON 652-2.5 in NOMINAL PIPE DIA. +2.125 in (+54.0 MM) FOR ON 00— ON 200 3-8 in Fig. 7 GREEN GROUND (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection VSR VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig. 4 Switch Terminal Connections Clamping To remove knockouts: Place screwdriver at Break out thin section of cover when Plate Terminal inside edge of knockouts, not in the center. wiring both switches from one conduit '. entrance. on. II46-16 An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the terminal and serve as two separate connections. The wire must be severed, thereby providing supervision of the connection in the event that the wire become dislodged from under the terminal. Failure to sever the wire may render the device 6-13 inoperable risking severe property damage and loss of life. Do not strip wire beyond 3/8 of length or expose an uninsulated conductor beyond the edge of the terminal block. When using stranded wire, capture all strands under the clamping plate. CONNECTOR Fig. 5 Typical Electrical Connections NEUTRALFROM BREAKER I) BREAKER Notes: I LINE FRO The Model VSR has two switches, one can be used to operate a central station, proprietary or remote signaling unit, while the other contact is used to operate a local audible or visual annunciator. For supervised circuits, see "Switch Terminal Connections" drawing and warning note (Fig. 4). NEUTRAL FROM BELL EOL (End 01 Line Re,lsto,( nnnectlngtna UL Listed Panel, use the peeth value for drcnitsuper,It Testing The frequency of inspection and testing for the Model VSR and its associated protective monitoring system shall be in accordance with applicable NFPA Codes and Standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). If provided, the inspector's test valve shall always be used for test purposes. If there are no provisions for testing the operation of the flow detection device on the system, application of the '/SR is not recommended or advisable. A minimum flow of 10 GPM (38 LPM) is required to activate this device. se the person responsible for testing of the fire protection system that this system must be tested in accordance the testing instructions. NOTICE Do not drill into the base as this creates metal shavings which can create electrical hazards and damage the device. Drilling voids the warranty. PRINTED IN USA MPG. #5401146 - REV M PAGE 3 OF 4 11/15 VSR (E)POTTER VANE TYPE WATERFLOW The Symbol of Protection ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD Maintenance Inspect detectors monthly. If leaks are found, replace the detector. The VSR waterfiow switch should provide years of trouble-free service. The retard and switch assembly are easily field replaceable. In the unlikely event that either component does not perform properly, please order replacement retard switch assembly stock # 102903 0 (see Fig. 8). There is no maintenance required, only periodic testing and inspection. Retard/Switch Assembly Replacement (See Fig. 8) The Retard/Switch Assembly is field-replaceable without draining the system or removing the waterfiow switch from the pipe I. Make sure the fire alarm zone or circuit connected to the waterfiow switch is bypassed or otherwise taken out of service. Disconnect the power source for local bell (if applicable). Identify and remove all wires from the waterfiow switch. Remove the (2) mounting screws holding retard/switch assembly to the base. Do not remove the (2) retard housing screws. Remove the retard assembly by lifting it straight up over the tripstem. Install the new retard assembly. Make sure the locating pins on the retard/switch assembly fit into the locating pin bosses on the base. Re-install the (2) original mounting screws. Reconnect all wires. Perform a flow test and place the system back in service. REMOVE (2) ORIGINAL MOUNTING Fig. 8 SCREWS HOLDING RETARD/SWITCH -'ZASSEMBLy TO BASE BREAKOIJTTHINSECFIONOFCOVER WHEN WIRING BOTH SWITCHES FROM ONE CONDUIT ENTRANCE (2) ORIGINAL MOUNTING /SCREWS RETARD/SWITCH ASSEMBLY ,VTUI (2) LOCATING PINS fl i DO NOT REMO (2) RErARD HO SCREWS (2) LOCATD BOSSES IN] DWG# 1146-10 Removal of Waterfiow Switch To prevent accidental water damage, all control valves should be shut tight and the system completely drained before waterfiow detectors are removed or replaced. Turn off electrical power to the detector, then disconnect wiring. Loosen nuts and remove U-bolts. Gently lift the saddle far enough to get your fingers under it. With your fingers, roll the vane so it will fit through the hole while continuing to lift the waterfiow detector saddle. Lift detector clear of pipe. PRINTED IN USA MFG. #5401146 - REV M PAGE 4 OF 4 11115 Terminals Fl - Quick disconnect (mm) tabs, 0.187" x 0.032"- Mate with AMP. INC. Ft F2 FASTON "187" series -OR— 6.35 F2 - Quick disconnect tabs, 0.250" x 0.032" .0.8 .0.8 - Mate with AMP. INC FASTON "250" series I 1 F1 fl -- e HT H MODEL PS-1270 Fl ZL L L: 5.95(151) W. 2.56(65) H: 3.70(94) HT: 3.86(98) Tolerances are /- 0.04 in. (1- 1mm) and /- 0.08 in. (+1- 2mm) for height dimensions. All data subject to change without notice. Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) technology for superior performance Valve regulated, spill proof construction allows safe operation in any position Power/volume ratio yielding unrivaled energy density Rugged impact resistant ABS case and cover (UL94-HB) Approved for transport by air. D.0.T., l.A.T.A., F.A.A. and C.A.B. certified U.L. recognized under file number MH 20845 Performance Specifications • Nominal Voltage l2vofts(6ceIIs Nominal capacity 20-hr. (350mA to 10.50 volts) ........................................................7.00 AH 10-hr. (650mA to 10.50 volts) .......................................................6.50 AH 5-hr. (1.2A to 10.20 volts) ............................................................6.00 AH 1-hr. (4.5A to 9.00 volts) ..............................................................4.50 AH 15-mm. (14A to 9.00 volts) .................................................................3.50 AH Approximate Weight ...........................................................4.80 lbs. (2.18 kg) Energy Density (20-hr. rate) ................................1.49 W-h/in3 (90.95 W-h/1) Specific Energy (20-hr. rate) ..............................17.50 W-h/lb (38.58 W-h/kg) Internal Resistance (approx.) ......................................................23 milliohms Max Discharge Current (7 Mm.) ...............................................21.0 amperes Max Short-Duration Discharge Current (10 Sec.)..................70.0 amperes Shelf Life (% of nominal capacity at 68°F (200C)) 1 Month ......................................................................................................97% 3 Months.....................................................................................................91% 6 Months ....................................................................................................83% Operating Temperature Range Charge .. ........................................................... -4°F (-20°C) to 122°F (50°C) Discharge ....................................................... -40°F(-40°C)to 140-F (60-C) Case......................................................................................................ABS Plastic Power-SonIc Chargers ................................................ PSC-12800A, 12800A-C Shelf Life & Storage .2 l 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Standing Period (Months) Discharge Time vs. Discharge Current 20 10 NICK • 5 Final Voltage 10.5V 2 10.2T to U 30 9.6V \\ E I 10 - 9.ov - - - __.\ 40°C (104°F) I 20°C (68°F) I ' 0°C (32°F) i 5 iiiii 81ri 0.35 0.70 1.4 3.5 7.0 14 Discharge Current (A) 00 Chongisnot - - - - I - necessary unless - I 100%ofcacI is required. 8G - V ' 5°C Changbetre (4lF) use aneceosa) erecover - - - - - 6C full capacity. - I Qragama - 3 C -; 20°C I C5PtY.DOfl0t 40 v - - (104°F) _ _ _(86°F) - --- ach _(68°F)-.f this stab. 02011. Power-Sonlc Coiporaten.PJI Fights reserved. PS trademarks are the property of their respects. owners. Discharge Characteristics I 14.0 13.0 Power-Sonic offers a wide range of chargers suitable for batteries up to 100AH. Please refer to the Charger Selection Guide in our specification sheets for °C-Series Switch Mode Chargers" and 'Transformer Type A and F Series". Please contact our Technical department for advice if you have difficulty in locating suitable models. I I I 1.2 2.4 6 12 24 36481 2 4 6 810 2040 min h ci Discharge Time Life Characteristics in Stand-By Use I 100 Ambient Temperature 20* .0 am low= U 80 wool to CL ts 60 U 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 Years Life Characteristics in Cyclic Use I 120 100 80 U '5 rL 60 U C .2 40 20 I 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Number of Cycles I U Further ia m Information Please refer to our website www.power-sonic.com for a complete range of useful downloads, such as product catalogs, material salëty data sheets (MSDS), ISO certification, etc.. I 1. 011) -2.ChargeCurrent:0.IC I I 3. Ambient Temperature: 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F) I I I I I I (68°F) - - Float Charging Voltage 2.25- 2.30 VICeil II iii Discharge Depth 100% Discharge Depth 50 Discharge Depth 30% 1. Discharge Current 0.2C (Final Voltage Cycle Applications: Limit initial current to 2.1A. Charge until battery voltage (under charge) reaches 14.4 to 14.7 volts at 68°F (20°C). Hold at 14.4 to 14.7 volts until current drops to under 70mA. Battery is fully charged under these conditions, and charger should be disconnected or switched to "float" voltage. "Float" or "Stand-By" Service: Hold battery across constant voltage source of 13.5 to 13.8 volts continuously. When held at this voltage, the battery will seek its own current level and maintain itself in a fully charged condition. Note: Due to the self-discharge characteristics of this type of battery, it is imperative that they be charged within 6 months of storage, otherwise permanent loss of capacity might occur as a result of sulfation. IPJ I rI J lLjJl - I IJ I --..-, =- saw HT H MODEL PS-12200H0-M6 L L: 7.14(181) W: 2.99(76) H: 6.56(167) HI: 6.56(167) Tolerances are +1- 0.04 in. (+1- 1mm) and +/- 0.08 in. (+/- 2mm) for height dimensions. All data subject to change without notice. Heavy duty (HD) construction with high vibration tolerance Punch-plate design yielding ultra-low impedance Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) technology for superior performance High rate discharge characteristics matching 'pure lead' products Valve regulated, spill proof construction allows safe operation in any position Rugged impact resistant ABS case and cover (U194-HB) Approved for transport by air. D.O.T., l.A.T.A., F.A.A. and C.A.B. certified U.L. recognized under file number MH 20845 Nominal Voltage......................................................12 volts (6 cells) T12-A 12mm Nominal Capacity 112-A-Threaded insert l-me -1 ( 'j 20-hr. (1.06A to 10.80 volts) ...........................................21.0 AH with 6mm stud 113mm '\) 1 0-hr. (2.0A to 10.80 volts) .............................................20.0 AH 5-hr. (3.57A to 10.50 volts) ...........................................17.8 AH 1-hr. (15.1A to 9.60 volts) .............................................15.1 AH .-i ri •. - rwi—ri—re 15-mm. (502A to 9.60 volts) ...............................................12.5 AH Approximate Weight ........................................14.0 lbs. (6.35 kg) Energy Density (20-hr. rate) ............1.97 W-h/in3 (120.40 W-h/1) Specific Energy (20-hr. rate) ........... 18.00 W-h/lb (41.51 W-h/kg) Internal Resistance (approx.) ......................................7 milliohms Max Discharge Current (5 Mm.) .............................93.4 amperes Max Short-Duration Discharge Current (5 Sec.)... 470.0 amperes Shelf Life (% of nominal capacity at 68°F (20° C) 1 Month .................................................................................97% 3Months................................................................................91% 6 Months ...............................................................................83% Operating Temperature Range Charge .................................................32°F (0°C) to 104°F (40°C) Discharge ............................................-40°F (-40°C) to 158°F (70°C) Case..................................................................................ABS Plastic Power-Sonic Chargers ............................ PSC-1 24000A, 1 24000A-C Discharge Characteristics I 14.0 13.0 I 12.0 is 11.0 I .E 10.0 12 9.0 I 8.0 1.2 2.4 6 12 24 36481 2 4 6 810 20 40 mm h Discharge Time Life Characteristics in Stand-By Use I 00 Ambient Temperature 20°C (687) - - - so __________ 1 1 40 Float 2.25- Charging 2.30 Voltage V!Cell - - 20 -- - -- Discharge Discharge I Discharge Depth 100% Depth 50 j Depth 30% 1. Discharge Current 0.2C (Final Voltage 1.7 oil) 20 ____ 2.ChargeCurrent:0.IC I 3. Ambient Temperature: 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F) rI I I I I I 0 1 2 3 4 Years Life Characteristics in Cyclic Use I 120 100 80 U Is rL 60 0 C .2 40 A Shelf Life & Storage 00 z I- I 1%ofcadll DV N 55 " Chaging before - - s - - - - - r - use is necessary (41 F) toheiprecover 60 full capacity. I Qiagemf toreeforefull 40°C 3 C 20°C I Do not 40 - - (104°F). _(86°F) - .(68°F)_4.-_ I I 1' _is reciLdred. U (5 CL (5 _____ 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Standing Period (Months) Discharge Time vs. Discharge Current 20 1 hk 15 10 5 Final Voltage I- io.sv \% 5, - - - - - - P 10.2V 'I 9.6V\ 30 - - - - -- E LS 10 - - - !.40C (104°F) I 20°C (68°F) I 0°C (32°F) 1 - - - - -8 .IV 1.06 2.12 4.24 10.6 21.2 42.4 Discharge Current (A) il•l Cycle Applications: Limit initial current to 6.36A. Charge until battery voltage (under charge) reaches 14.4 to 14.7 volts at 68°F (20°C). Hold at 14.4 to 14.7 volts until current drops to under 210mA. Battery is fully charged under these conditions, and charger should be disconnected or switched to "Hoar voltage. "Float" or "Stand-By" Service: Hold battery across constant voltage source of 13.5 to 13.8 volts continuously. When held at this voltage, the battery will seek its own current level and maintain itself in a fully charged condition. Note: Due to the self-discharge characteristics of this type of battery, it is imperative that they be charged within 6 months of storage, otherwise permanent loss of capacity might occur as a result of sulfation. necessary unless =08 reach Power-Sonic offers a wide range of chargers suitable for batteries up to 1 OOAH. Please refer to the Charger Selection Guide in our specification sheets for "C-Series Switch Mode Chargers" and "Transformer Type A and F Series". Please contact our Technical department for advice if you have difficulty in locating suitable models. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Number of Cycles rj Information! Please refer to our website www.power-sonic.com for a complete range of useful downloads, such as product catalogs, material safety data sheets (MSDS), ISO certification, etc.. 02016. Power-SonIc Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. CONSTRUCTION: SOLID OR STRANDED BARE COPPER CONDUCTORS, LOW SMOKE PVC INSULATION, WHERE SHIELDED: 100% COVERAGE, ALUMINUM POLYESTER BACKED FOIL SHIELD WITH A TINNED COPPER DRAIN WIRE, RIPCORD, RED* LOW SMOKE PVC JACKET. COLOR CODE: BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW APPLICATIONS: FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING CIRCUITS. ALSO USED FOR SMOKE DETECTORS, VOICE COMMUNICATIONS, BURGLAR ALARMS, AUDIO, CONTROL, INITIATING, AND NOTIFICATION CIRCUITS COMPLIANCE NEC ARTICLE 760 UL 1424 FOR POWER LIMITED FIRE ALARM CIRCUITS LISTED BY (UL) AS TYPE FPLP (75C, 300V.) FLAME TEST: NFPA 262 (UL 910 STEINER TUNNEL) OPTIONS *AVAILABLE AND STOCKED IN VARIOUS JACKET COLORS, ADDITIONAL CONDUCTORS AND AVAILABLE: PACKAGING OPTIONS. ALSO AVAILABLE WITH ALUMINUM INTERLOCK ARMOR PROTECTION. PLEASE CONSULT FACTORY PLENUM RATED - MULTI-CONDUCTOR NON-SHIELDED 341 UP G40005.I 575610 2 18 SOLID FPLPICMP 0.145 17 G40172.I 577983 2 18 STRANDED FPLP!CMP 0.154 18 G40505.1 575615 .4 18 SOLID FPLPICMP 0.183 30 G50032.I 575619 2, 16 SOLID FPLP!CMP 0.170 24. G50359.1 578910 2 16 STRANDED FPLP!CMP 0.178 26 G50370.I 575622 4 16 SOLID FPLPICMP 0.199 44 G60004.I 575624 2 14 SOLID FPLP/CL3P. 0.204 '36 G60210.1 577204 2 14 STRANDED FPLPICL3P 0.220 38 G60347.I 575626 4 14 SOLID FPLP/CL3P 0.241 68 G70009.I 575628 2 12 SOLID FPLP/CL3P 0.246 55 PLENUM RATED - MULTI-CONDUCTOR SHIELDED 341 SP G40006.I 575614 2 18 SOLID FPLP/CMP 0.145 19 G40178.I 58014$ 2 18 STRANDED FPLP!CMP 0.154 20 G40504.I 577931 4 18 SOLID FPLPICMP 0.183 33 G500 13.I 575618 2 16 SOLID FPLPICMP 0.170 27 G50360.I 579072 2 16 STRANDED FPLPICMP 0.178 28 G50369.I 575623 4 16 SOLID FPLP!CMP 0.199 47 G60025.I 575625 2 14 SOLID FPLPICL3P 0.204 39 G60337.I 580144 2 14 STRANDED FPLP/CL3P 0.220 41 G60346.I 575627 4 14 SOLID FPLP/CL3P 0.241 70 G70019.I . 576446 2 12 SOLID FPLPICL3P 0.246 58 SECTION 3 UL & CSFM LISTINGS CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM tp (NGNo.) (771-66- L&~9=-,0158 Page 1 of 1 LATEGO 7165 - FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT (COMMERCIAL LISTEE: SILENT KNIGHT SECURITYOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir.Kireyev@honeywell.com odslFP-2000' IFP-2000HV, RPS-2000, and RPS-2000HV fire alarm control units. Power limited, automatic, manual, local, remote station, auxiliary, proprietary, central station, supervising station, waterfiow, smoke control and releasing service. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: RA-2000; Remote Annunciator) __________ 5895X1JRPS-1000, 5496; Remote Intelligent Power Moduj 5815XL sLc; Loop Expander) 5880; LED Output Module 5883; Relay Module 5865-3, -4; LED Annunciator 5824; Printer Interface RATING: 120 VAC Primary, 24 VDC Secondary INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control units for use in high-rise structures when used in conjunction with Model SKE-360 Voice-Tone Evacuation Unit (CSFM Listing No. 6912-0559:122); EVAX Audio Adjunct System Models EVAX-25 (CSFM Listing No. 06911-1446:100), EVAX-50 or EVAX-50E (CSFM Listing No. 06911-1446:102); EVX-2ZA or EVX-4Z Zone Splitters (CSFM Listing No. 06912-1446:101); HMX-MP or HMX-DP Voice Evacuation System (CSFM Listing No. 06911-1446:103), two-way firefighter telephone and separately listed electrically and functionally compatible initiating and indicating devices. Also suitable for non-high-rise applications where the voice evacuation and two-way firefighter telephone are not required. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. These control units can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. This control unit meets the requirements of UL-864, 9th Edition Standards. 10-01-08 bh This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other e lssu uIyO1,2O18) tingExp CJune 30, 2öii) Authorized By: DAWD CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM tp (LISTING No 73O0-1653:01O9D Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 - FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir.Kireyev©honeywell.com ESIGN:) 4odB4O1, B401 B, B401 R, B401 BR, B401 BR-750, B401 R-750, B402B, 6404B, B404BT, B40613, B501, B50IB, 14506587-002, B50IBH, B50IBHT, B40IBH, BIIOLP, BIIORLP, B11ORLP750, BII2LP, BII4LP, B114LPBT, BI16LP,B210LP) B501-BL, B501-IV, -13501 -WHITE, B300-6, B300-6-IV, B300-6-IS detector bases. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, *model number, *electrical rating and UL label. I APPROVAL: Listed as detector bases for use with separately listed compatible detectors. *Refer to Manufacturers Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly 7300-1209:128 I I I I I *Rev 04-03-18 gt I This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed I the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other (pate sued: JuIy01, 201 ) tijE?r) ne 30,2O), Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE TINGN (730o-1653:023) Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300— FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir.kireyevhoneywell.com çeB200S-Land B200SR-LF Low Frequency Intelligent Sounder Bases. *Models B2005-LF and B200SR-LF may be followed by a two digit suffix, indicating the color of the detector's enclosure: -WH for white, -IV for ivory, -BL for black etc. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 16-33 VDCNFWR INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as low frequency intelligent sounder bases for use with listee's compatible separately listed detectors. These units can generate a low frequency alarm signal for sleeping areas in accordance with NFPA 72. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. *Rev 04-03-18 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed (fj\' the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other (tis~u if :) (July 01, 2) (L&ingExpj) June 30, 20ó) Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRM FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No: 7272-0559:0149 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7272 - SMOKE DETECTOR-SYSTEM TYPE-PHOTOELECTRIC LISTEE: SILENT KNIGHT SECURITYOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir.Kireyev©honeywell.com DESIGN:' JModels IDP-PHOTO, IDPPHOTOR*, IDP-PHOTO-T, IDP-ACCLIMATE, SK-PHOTO, SKPHOTOR*, SK-PHOTO-T and SK-ACCLIMATE photoelectric type smoke detectors. Model IDP-PHOTO-T employs a 1350F supplement integral heat sensor which only assists in a fire situation. This thermal circuitry is NOT approved for use in lieu of a required heat detector. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 24 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listees name, product number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric type smoke detector for use with listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm control units and bases. All models are suitable for open areas and inside duct installations with air velocities between 0-4000 FPM. Models IDP-PHOTO and IDP-PHOTOR are approved for installations inside System sensor duct housing DNR (OSFM Listing No. 3242-1653:209) and DNRW(OSFM Listing No. 32421653:210)*. Models SK-PHOTO and SK-PHOTOR are approved for installations inside Silent Knight SK-DUCT (OSFM Listing No. 3242-0559:162) and System Sensor DNRW (OSFM Listing No. 32421653:210)* NOTE: The photoelectric type detectors are generally more effective at detecting slow, smoldering fires that smolder for hours before bursting into flame. Sources of these fires may include cigarettes burning in couches or bedding. The ionization type detectors are generally more effective at detecting fast, flaming fires that consume combustible materials rapidly and spread quickly. Sources of these fires may include paper burning in a waste container or a grease fire in the kitchen. XLF: 7272-0028:0206 *Rev. 02-01-10fn, This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM (9 (LISTING NO.' 7270-0559:0147 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7270 - HEAT DETECTOR LISTEE: SILENT KNIGHT SECURITYOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir.Kireyev©honeywell.com pESIGN') (rv&els lOP HEAT and SK HEAT* (fixed temperature) pP-HEATöIDP HEAT-HT SKHEATROR*, and SKHEATHT*(fixed temperature with Rate-of-Rise) electronic heat detectors. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 135°F fixed temperature for Models lOP-HEAT, IDP-HEAT-ROR, SKHEAT* and SKHEATROR* 190°F fixed temperature for Model IDP-HEAT-HT and SK-HEAT-HT INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listees name, model number, electrical ratings, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as heat detectors for use with *listees separately listed compatible base and fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instructions Manual for details. XLF: 7270-0028:0196 *Rev. 07-14-09 fm This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Issued July 01, 2018) 1ListingExpireS Fi 319 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL - FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE (LISTINGNO' 7275-O559:0i7O Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7275 - COMBINATION SMOKE/CO DETECTOR-PHOTOELECTRIC TYPE LISTEE: SILENT KNIGHT SECURITYOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir.Kireyev©honeywell.com (pESIGN) v1odelSK-FIRE-CO and lOP FIRE Cô'combination multi cntena photoelectnc smoke and Carbon Monoxide detector with supplement heat sensor. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 15-32 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, NFPA 720, applicable codes & ordinances and in manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as smoke detectors for use with Model B200S base and listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Also suited for gas and vapor detection. The supplemental heat sensor is intended for use to reduce the nuisance alarm and is not intended for use as a stand alone heat detector. XLF: 7275-0028:0264 12-13-12 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other ate Issued JuIyO1, 2018 p1 ne32O1) Authorized By: DAViD CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM tp LISTINGNo) t7150-0559:0146) Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7150 - FIRE ALARM PULL BOXES LISTEE: SILENT KNIGHT SECURITYOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: VIadimir.Kireyevhoneywell.com pESIG1) iJeIPS-SA, PS-DA, PS-DASP and fiEP-PULL-DPfire alarm pull boxes. The PS series followed by SA or DA is a single action or dual action pull station that has normally open switch contacts. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm pull boxes for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. * These manual pull boxes meet the requirements of UL Standard 38, 1999 Edition and California amendments. XLF: 7150-0028:0199 *Updated 09-08-09 fm This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued) (July 01, 2018) çLit,ngExpire 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTIL.LO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE UL I STINGNo 0-p55915 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 - FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: SILENT KNIGHT SECURITYOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir.kireyev@honeywell.com @IGN Models IDP-Relay-6, SK-Relay-6, relay module, IDP-Control-6, 5K -Control-6, supervising control module, lDP-Monitor-1O,_SK-Mon-10, input monitor module, IDP-Zone-6, SK-Zone-6 six zone interface moduleiiDP-Mor& lDP-Minirnon, IDP-Zone, 5K-Monitor, SK-Minimon, 5K-Zone monitor modules, IDP-Control,Relay) SK-Control, 5K-Relay, control modules, (615-Monitor-2) SK-Monitor-2, dual monitor modules,and *IDP..RELAyMON..2 *SK..RELAYMON..2 with 2 input/2 output relay modules. All devices are intended to be connected between the signaling line circuit of a compatible fire alarm control panel. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 16-33 VDC Primary INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, product number and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. NOTE: If an external power supply is used for Model SK-Zone-6 and IDP-Zone-6, the negative of the external power supply is referenced to the negative of the auxiliary supply of the compatible control panel. This is done in order to detect ground faults on the initiating circuit. XLF: 7300-0028:0219 *Rev. 10-25-11 mt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other rLD—ate yO1, 2O18 ) (UstingExpJ (iO,O19 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM 10-~_"000 (ISTINGNo) (ii{5:ofà8) Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7125 - FIRE ALARM DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir.Kireyev©honeywell.corn Models CHSR and CHSW Chime/Strobes. ChiodelsFiRj P2W, P2RH and P2WH Horn/Strobes two-wire type, rectangular enclosure. Models PC2R, PC2W, PC2RH and PC2WH Horn/Strobes two-wire type, round enclosure Models P4R, P4W, P4RH and P4WH Horn/Strobes four-wire type, rectangular enclosure. Models PC4R, PC4W, PC4RH and PC4WH Horn/Strobes* four-wire type, round enclosure. All models are intended for indoor use only unless other wise indicated. Models may be suffix :Le, oroutdoor u) or may by suffix P" for followed by the indicating indoor be followed plain housing with no lettering. 1<" suffix models are suitable for outdoor applications at temperatures from -40°F to +151°F (-40°C to +66°C) and are rated NEMA 4X when used with the System Sensor weather proof back boxes models SA-WBB (Wall), SA-WBBW (Wall), SA-WBBC (Ceiling) and *SA..JBCW (Ceiling). Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Standard Horn/Strobes and Chime/Strobes 8 - 17.5 or 16-33 VDC/FWR Hi CD Horn/Strobes 16-33 VDC/FWR INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances, and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as *horn/strobes or chime/strobes suitable for signaling appliances and equipment for the hearing impaired applications when used with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Horn/strobes with -K suffix are suitable for indoor or outdoor use, ceiling or wall mount. Chime section is suitable for private mode and indoor use only. Horn/Strobes or chime/strobes* can generate the distinctive three-pulse audible Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2010 Edition. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. Corrected 12-15-11 bh This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed (Ø/ the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other (teISSUedD (July 01, 201!) (ListngExjjj (June 30,201i) Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION W FM OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE (ySTINGNO j-16534 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7125 - FIRE ALARM DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl lnc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir.Kireyev©honeywell.com pESIG) Models P2HR-LF and P?WH.LFhomIstrobes Intended for indoor use and suitable for wall or ceiling mount. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 8-17.5 or 16-33 Vdc/VFWR INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances, and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as horn/strobes suitable for signaling appliances and equipment for the hearing impaired applications when used with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. *These units can generate a low frequency alarm signal for sleeping areas in accordance with NFPA 72. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. *Rev 07-22-14 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other [Datssui3 uIyO1, 201 gExpJ ne 30, 2019) Authorized By: DAVID CASTILL.O, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE (LISTING No. C7-1 i & --I q53O5763 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7135 - AUDIBLE DEVICES LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl lnc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir.Kireyev©honeywell.com pESIGN System Sensor Indoor 2-wire and *4..wire Models: HWL, HRL, HGWL and HGRL Horns; CHWL and CHRL Chimes; (1'2RL, P2WL P2GRL, P2GWL, P2RL-P, P2WL-P, P2RL-SP, P2WL-SP, *P4RL and *p4f/I Wall Horn Strobes; PWC *PC4RL and *PC4WL Ceiling Horn Strobes; CHSRL and CHSWL Wall Chime Strobes; CHSCRL and CHSCWL Ceiling Chime Strobes; Wall Bezel Parts: BZR-F, BZR-AL, BZR-AG, BZR-EV, BZR-P, BZR-SP, BZR-PG, BZW-F, BZW-AL, BZW-AG, BZW-EV, BZW-P, BZW-SP, BZW-PG, BZGR-F, BZGR-AL, BZGR-AG, BZGR-EV, BZGR-P, BZGR-SP, BZGR-PG, BZGW-F, BZGW-AL, BZGW-AG, BZGW-EV, BZGW-P, BZGW-SP and BZGW-PG, Ceiling Bezel Parts: BZRC-F, BZRC-AL, BZRC-AG, BZRC-EV, BZRC-P, BZRC-SP, BZRC-PG, BZWC-F, BZWC-AL, BZWC-AG, BZWC-EV, BZWC-P, BZWC-SP and BZWC-PG. Color Lens: LENS-A2, LENS-132, LENS-G2, LENS-112, LENS-AC2, LENS-BC2, LENS-GC2 and LENS-RC2. WallTnrn Rings: *TR2 and *TR2W CeilingTrim Rings: *TRC2 and *TRC2W Wall Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBRL, SBBGRL, SBBWL and SBBGWL, Ceiling Surface Mounted Back Boxes: Revision 08-21-2017 doe This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other pate sued: JuIy01, 2018D 01 (Listing Expirn e 30, 29) Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7135-1653:0503 Page 2 of 2 SBBCRL and SBBCWL MPI20KL 120 VAC Adapter Mounting Plate Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 12 VDC regulated and 24 VDC/FWR INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible devices when used with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Suitable for indoor use, wall or ceiling mounted. Authority having jurisdiction should be consulted prior to installation. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. Revision 08-21-2017 dcc This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct V operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other I i (ptesue?July-o -; 201 i&j (.j7une 30, 2019) Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM (9 USTINGNo.)(7125-1653:0504) Pagel of 2 CATEGORY: 7125 - FIRE ALARM DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir.Kireyev©honeywell.com ESIG System Sensor Indoor 2-wire Models: L, SWL) SGRL, SGWL, SRL-P SWL-P, SRL-SP, SWL-CLR-ALERT and SWL-ALERT Wall Strobes; (SCR,SCWLand SCWL-CLR-ALERT Ceiling Strobes. Wall Bezel Parts: BZR-F, BZR-AL, BZR-AG, BZR-EV, BZR-P, BZR-SP, BZR-PG, BZW-F, BZW-AL, BZW-AG, BZW-EV, BZW-P, BZW-SP, BZW-PG, BZGR-F, BZGR-AL, BZGR-AG, BZGR-EV, BZGR-P, BZGR-SP, BZGR-PG, BZGW-F, BZGW-AL, BZGW-AG, BZGW-EV, BZGW-P, BZGW-SP and BZGW-PG, Ceiling Bezel Parts: BZRC-F, BZRC-AL, BZRC-AG, BZRC-EV, BZRC-P, BZRC-SP, BZRC-PG, BZWC-F, BZWC-AL, BZWC-AG, BZWC-EV, BZWC-P, BZWC-SP and BZWC-PG. Color Lens: LENS-A2, LENS-132, LENS-G2, LENS-112, LENS-AC2, LENS-BC2, LENS-GC2 and LENS-RC2. WalITrim Rings: TR2 and TR2W CeilingTrim Rings: TRC2 and TRC2W. Wall Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBRL, SBBGRL, SBBWL and SBBGWL, Ceiling Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBCRL and SBBCWL Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. 02-14-17 gt ri This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other issue) @uly 01, 2018 ) (Listing Ex 30, 2019) Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7125-1653:0504 Page 2 of 2 RATING: Regulated 12 VDC setting: 8-17.5 VDC Regulated 24 VDC/twr setting: 16-33 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as two wire strobe units used for synchronous application when used with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Suitable for indoor use, vertical wall or horizontal ceiling mounted. Authority having jurisdiction should be consulted prior to installation. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. 02-14-17 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct J operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other ate'ssue (July 01, 2óii tUStIngEXpke CJune 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILL.O, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE (iNo) C73oô-IÔÔ4:oioi) Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 - FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: Apollo America lnc.25 Corporate Dr., Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Contact: John Schertel (248) 332-3900 Fax (248) 332-8807 Email: John.SchertelapoIlo-fire.com lEj (Models MR101/')*MR10I/C/R, 'MR-101-SSE/C, *MR.101..SSE/C/R MR-104/C, *MRI 04,C,R, 'MR-104-SSE/C, *MR..I 04-SSE/C/R, MR-201/C, MR20I/C/*R, *MR.201.SSE/C *MR.201.SSE/C/R MR-204/C, MR204/C/*R, *MR..204..SSE/C PAM-2'PAM-3, PAM-4, PAM-SD, RIC-1, RIC-2, RIC-3, RIC-4, MRRlC301/*C, *MR..RIC.301/C/R MRRlC305*/C, * MR-RIC-305/C/R, MR-RIC-401 */C *MR..RIc..401/c/R MRRlC405*/C and *MR RIC-405/C/R relay modules. *Models MR-ITM/C and MR-ITM/C/R relay modules (with test mode). Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instruction, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as relay modules for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. NOTE: 1. Formerly Air Products and Controls, Inc. *Rev. 04-03-14 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued) uIy 01, 20) LnxpJ J3O, 2O Authorized By: DAVID CASTILL.O, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE (LIsTiNG) (3559-1039:OiO Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 3550 - DOOR CLOSER/HOLDERS/RELEASING DEVICES LISTEE: RSG2700 Junipero Ave., Signal Hill, CA 90755 Contact: Helen Moyer (562) 630-4684 Fax (562) 529-5100 Email: helen©rsgsecurity.com (DESIGN!) ModelsDH-12, -24,-120,-1224,-24120,and-24220 door closer/holders. Refer to listee's (data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational _consideratio RATING: 12V,(24V120V, and 220V INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions and applicable codes and ordinances. The system is intended to be mounted in a horizontal position only. MARKING: Listees name, model number, rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as door closer/holders for use with separately listed compatible detectors and fire alarm control units. *Rev. 06-13-2003 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other (pate Issued) uIy 01, 2Oi) (tingExps (J no 30,i) Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE tl!1GNo.) 123100) Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7161 - CABLES-FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING LISTEE: Southwire Co.One Southwire Drive, Carrollton, GA 30119 Contact: Cheryl White (770) 832-5039 Fax (770) 832-5047 Email: cheryl.white©southwire.com SIGN) peFPL FPLR and FPLP fire protechve signaling cable Refertohstee s data sheet for) (detailed product descnptuon and operaonal considerations) INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NEC Art. 760 and applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, type, NEC rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as power-limited fire protective signaling cable. NOTE: Formerly 7160-1236:0102 7/8/16 dg This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other (teIssj July Ol,_2!) (EitingExp (ie3O, 2019) Authorized By: DAVID CASTIL.LO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM t9 STftIGNo, t73O164599' Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 - FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: HONEYWELL SECURITY2 Corporate Center Dr, Ste. 100, Melville, NY 11747 Contact: Issa Khouryawad (516) 577-2312 Fax (516) 577-3540 Email: issa.khouryawad©Honeywell.com CD7ESIGh jodels iPGSM COM iPGSM-DP and *IGSMCFP4G Internet and Digital Cellular Fire Communicators. Units are suitable for residential and commercial applications. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as a control unit accessory for use with separately listed compatible commercial and residential fire alarm control units. *Model IGSMCFP4G is intended for use with specific Honeywell Security control units that employ the ECP bus. Refer to listee's installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Burglary and other non-fire functions were not examined. iPGSM-COM, iPGSM-DP formerly listed in 7300-1645:0183. *Rev o7o114 gt I This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed (\t the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other @ate sued) (July 01, 201 8) (Listing Exp) June 30,2019 ,) i Authorized By: DAVID CASTILL.O, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM t9 iifiNG No.) Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 - FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: VIadimir.KireyevhoneywelI.com @iN) (MeSWK, SWHK, SCWK, SCWHK,SRHK, SCRK and SCRHK strobe lights intended for indoor or outdoor use and may be mounted on the wall or the ceiling. These strobe lights are suitable for outdoor use at an operating temperature range of -40°F to 150°F (-40°C to 66°C)° rating and are'NEMA 4)rated when used with the Listed models SA-WBB (wall), SA-WBBW (Wall) or the model SA-WBBC (ceiling), SA-WBBCW (Ceiling) weatherproof back boxes. May be followed by suffix -P for plain housing with no lettering. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 8-17.5 or 16-33 VDC/FWR INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instruction, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listees name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as strobe lights for general signaling. For indoor or outdoor use. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Not approved for public mode and not to be used as an evacuation signal for the hearing impaired. *Cored 07-22-10 fm This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other (bate IssuedD (uly oioj) gExpJ) ( 3 i eO, 2019) Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE @1 "T 7779-0328061 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7770 - VALVES/SWITCHES LISTEE: Potter Electric Signal Col 609 Park 370 Place, Hazelwood, 63042 United States Contact: Bill Witherspoon (314) 595-6900 Fax (314) 595-6999 Email: BillW©pottersignal.com iGN:) Supervisory switches listed below to monitor pressure, OS&Y, gate, globe/gate, Ply, tank temperature or water level valves. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. HLS-B WLS-W WLS-S PS-40A PS-120A (osysu-2) OSYS-B PMS PTS-B ÔSYSU-1 GVS PCVS-1 P1 VS-B US-S US-W (vs- WLS PTS-C PS40 PSI20 RBVS *PSI5 *P525 INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model designation and FM or UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as sprinkler system supervisory switches. NOTE: Formerly 7738-0328:010 I *Revision 09-07-2016 dc This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Issued) fJ~IyO1,2 lListing Expires) 2019) Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE ,LISTING No.; 7770-0328:0001, Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7770 - VALVES/SWITCHES LISTEE: Potter Electric Signal Co1609 Park 370 Place, Hazelwood, 63042 United States Contact: Bill Witherspoon (314) 595-6900 Fax (314) 595-6999 Email: BillWpottersignal.com :DESIGN:' Vane and pressure type water flow alarm switches listed below. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. Vane Types: VSR-CF VSR-D VSR-F VSR-SF VSR-FE-2 VS-SP VS-F VSR-SFG VSR-SFT VSG VSR; VSR-S VSR-C VSR-ST VSR-SG Pressure Tve: WFS-B WFSR-C WFSPD-B PSIO PS-1 OA PS-bOA WFSR-F PSIOO INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number and UL or FM label. APPROVAL: Listed as waterfiow alarm switches for use with fire sprinkler systems. Vane models may be used in wet pipe systems; pressure models may be used in wet or dry systems. Model VSR-CF is for use on K, L or M copper pipe (2", 2-1/2", 3", 4") and listed CPVC pipe (2", 2-1/2", 3"). Model VSR-SF for use on 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" and *2 steel, copper or listed plastic pipe. Model VSG is for low flow rate. Model VSR-SFG and VSR-SFT are for use on 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2' and *2 plastic pipe. Models VS-F, VSR-F, VSR-FE and VSR-FE-2 is for use on 2", 2-1/2", 3", 3-1/2", 4", 5", 6", 8" and 10" pipe. *Model VSR is for use on steel pipe sizes from 2" through 8". Vane type switches may be used outdoors when the outdoor temperature never falls below 40oF. Rev*5172007 jw This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other bate Issued: :july 01, 2018 'Listing Expires June 30, 2019; Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION STATEMENTS The user shall not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless authorized by the Installation Instructions or Users Man- ual. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the users authority to operate the equipment. CLASS B DIGITAL DEVICE STATEMENT This equipment has been tested to FCC requirements and has been found acceptable for use. The FCC requires the following statement for your information: This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not oc- cur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turn- ing the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: If using an indoor antenna, have a quality outdoor antenna installed. Reorient the receiving antenna until interference is reduced or eliminated. Move the radio or television receiver away from the receiver/control. Move the antenna leads away from any wire runs to the receiver/control. Plug the receiver/control into a different outlet so that it and the radio or television receiver are on different branch circuits. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. FCC STATEMENT This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired opera- tion. RF Exposure Warning - The internal or external antenna(s) used by this product must be installed to pro- vide a separation distance of at least 7.8 in. (20 cm) from all persons and must not be co- located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures. Documentation and online support: Please go to http://www.honeywellpower.com Contact Technical Support: (877) HPP-POWR, or Email us at hpp.tethserv@honeywell.com I Warranty: For the latest warranty information, please go to http://www.honeywellpower.com/warranty.html III 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 800-12454V2 8/14 Rev. A Honeywell 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CI 06472-1610 USA Copyright © 2014 Honeywell International Inc. www.honeywellpower.com FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION To be completed by the system installation contractor at the time ofsystem acceptance and approval. It shall be permitted to modify this form as needed to provide a more complete and/or clear record. Insert N/A in all unused lines. Attach additional sheets, data, or calculations as necessary to provide a complete record. PROPERTY INFORMATION Name of property: HOME2 SUITES BY HILTON Address: 1901 WRIGHT PLACE CARLSBAD CA, 92008 Description of property: HOTEL Occupancy type: _1_________ - Name of property representative: RYONGCHO Address: 1901 WRIGHT PLACE CARLSBAD CA, 92008 Phone: 760.931.2141 Fax: E-mail: Authority having jurisdiction over this property: CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT — Phone: Fax: E-mail: www.carlsbadca.gov INSTALLATION, SERVICE, AND TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Installation contractor for this equipment: JS ELECTRIC CO Address: 535 Pnnceland CT. CORONA CA. 92879 License or certification number: CA C10 LIC#937150 Phone: 951-280-9045 Fax: 951-582-4209 Service organization for this equipment: JS ELECTRIC CO Address: 535 Princeland CT. CORONA CA. 92879 E-mail: COREY.SKAGGS@JSELECTRICCO.0 OM License or certification number: CA C1 LIC#937150 Phone: 951-280-9045 Fax: 951-582-4209 E-mail: COREY.SKAGGS@JSELECTRICCO.0 OM______ A contract for test and inspection in accordance with NFPA standards is in effect as of: 12-11-18 Contracted testing company: JSELECTRICCO Address: 535 pnnceland CT. CORONA CA. 92879 Phone: 951-280-9045 Fax: 951-582-4209 E-mail: COREY.SKAGGS@JSELECTRICCO.0 Contract expires: 3-2-21 Contract number: JSFAI438 Frequency of routine inspections: ANNUAL DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM OR SERVICE Z Fire alarm system (nonvoice) Fire alarm with in-building fire emergency voice alarm communication system (EVACS) Mass notification system (MNS) Combination system, with the following components: NFPA 72, Fig. (p. 1 o 12) Copyright 0 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. Fire alarm 0 EVACS 0 MNS 0 Two-way, in-building, emergency communication system 0 Other (specify): 3. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM OR SERVICE (continued) NFPA 72 edition: 2013 Additional description of system(s): ADDRESSABLE FACP 3.1 Control Unit Manufacturer: FARENHYT Model number: IFP-2000 - 3.2 Mass Notification System Z This system does not incorporate an MNS 3.2.1 System Type: In-building MNS—combination In-building MNS—stand-alone 0 Wide-area MNS 0 Distributed recipient MNS Other (specify): 3.2.2 System Features: Combination fire alarm/MNS 0 MNS autonomous control unit 0 Wide-area MNS to regional national alerting interface Local operating console (LOC) 0 Direct recipient MNS (DRMNS) 0 Wide-area MNS to DRMNS interface Wide-area MNS to high-power speaker array (HPSA) interface DIn-building MNS to wide-area MNS interface D Other (specify)i 3.3 System Documentation 0 An owner's manual, a copy of the manufacturer's instructions, a written sequence of operation, and a copy of the numbered record drawings are stored on site. Location: I FLR ELECTRICAL ROOM 3.4 System Software 0 This system does not have alterable site-specific software. Operating system (executive) software revision level: VER. 5 Site-specific software revision date: 10/1/2017 - Revision completed by: _FARENHYT A copy of the site-specific software is stored on site. Location: I FLR ELECTRICAL ROOM 33 Off-Premises Signal Transmission 0 This system does not have off-premises transmission. Name of organization receiving alarm signals with phone numbers: Alarm: SECURITY PARTNERS LLC Phone: 714-224-0114 Supervisory: SECURITY PARTNERS LLC Phone: 71 ___ Trouble: SECURITY PARTNERS LLC Phone: 714-224-0114 Entity to which alarms are retransmitted: SECURITY PARTNERS LLC Phone: 714-224-0114 Method of retransmission: CONTACT ID If Chapter 26, specify the means of transmission from the protected premises to the supervising station: CONTACT ID_____ If Chapter 27, specify the type of auxiliary alarm system: Local energy 0 Shunt 0 Wired 0 Wireless NFPA 72, Fig. (p.20f12) S Copyright 0 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. 4. CIRCUITS AND PATHWAYS 4.1 Signaling Line Pathways 4.1.1 Pathways Class Designations and Survivability Pathways class: B Survivability level: (See NFPA 72, Sections 12.3 and 12.4) 4.1.2 Pathways Utilizing Two or More Media Quantity: N/A - Description: N/A Quantity: -4. 4.1.3 Device Power Pathways 0 No separate power pathways from the signaling line pathway Power pathways are separate but of the same pathway classification as the signaling line pathway Power pathways are separate and different classification from the signaling line pathway 4.1.4 Isolation Modules Quantity: N/A________ 4.2 Alarm Initiating Device Pathways 4.2.1 Pathways Class Designations and Survivability Pathways class: B - ______ Survivability level: •1 Quantity: 4 (See NFPA 72, Sections 12.3 and 12.4) 4.2.2 Pathways Utilizing Two or More Media Quantity: N/A - - - Description: N/A 4.2.3 Device Power Pathways 0 No separate power pathways from the initiating device pathway Power pathways are separate but of the same pathway classification as the initiating device pathway Power pathways are separate and different classification from the initiating device pathway 4.3 Non-Voice Audible System Pathways 4.3.1 Pathways Class Designations and Survivability Pathways class: B Survivability level: 1 Quantity: 60 (See NFPA 72, Sections 12.3 and 12.4) 4.3.2 Pathways Utilizing Two or More Media Quantity: N/A Description: N/A 4.3.3 Appliance Power Pathways 0 No separate power pathways from the notification appliance pathway Power pathways are separate but of the same pathway classification as the notification appliance pathway Power pathways are separate and different classification from the notification appliance pathway NFPA 72, Fig. (p. 3 of 12) Copyright 0 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. 5. ALARM INITIATING DEVICES 5.1 Manual Initiating Devices 5.1.1 Manual Fire Alarm Boxes 0 This system does not have manual fire alarm boxes. Type and number of devices: Addressable: 1 Conventional: 0 Coded: C) Transmitter: 0 Other (specify): N/A 5.1.2 Other Alarm Boxes N This system does not have other alarm boxes. Description: N/A Type and number of devices: Addressable: N/A Conventional: N/A Coded: N/A Transmitter: N/A Other (specify): N/A 5.2 Automatic Initiating Devices 5.2.1 Smoke Detectors 0 This system does not have smoke detectors. Type and number of devices: Addressable: 225 Conventional: N/A Other (specify): NIA Type of coverage: 0 Complete area N Partial area 0 Nonrequired partial area Other (specify): N/A Type of smoke detector sensing technology: 0 Ionization N Photoelectric N Multicriteria 0 Aspirating 0 Beam Other (specify): N/A 5.2.2 Duct Smoke Detectors N This system does not have alarm-causing duct smoke detectors. Type and number of devices: Addressable: 0 Conventional: N/A Other (specify): N/A Type of coverage: N/A Type of smoke detector sensing technology: 0 Ionization 0 Photoelectric 0 Aspirating 0 Beam 5.2.3 Radiant Energy (Flame) Detectors N This system does not have radiant energy detectors. Type and number of devices: Addressable: N/A Conventional: N/A Other (specify): N/A Type of coverage: N/A 5.2.4 Gas Detectors N This system does not have gas detectors. Type of detector(s): CO DETECTORS Number of devices: Addressable: 4 Conventional: N/A Type of coverage: N/A 5.2.5 Heat Detectors 0 This system does not have heat detectors. Type and number of devices: Addressable: 2 Conventional: N/A Type of coverage: 0 Complete area 0 Partial area 0 Nonrequired partial area 0 Linear N Spot Type of heat detector sensing technology: 0 Fixed temperature N Rate-of-rise 0 Rate compensated NFPA 72, Fig. (p.4 of 12) Copyright 02009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. it may not be copied for commercial asia or distribution. ALARM INITIATING DEVICES (continued) 5.2.6 Addressable Monitoring Modules Number of devices: 14 5.2.7 Waterfiow Alarm Devices Type and number of devices: Addressable: 6 0 This system does not have monitoring modules. 0 This system does not have waterfiow alarm devices. Conventional: Coded: - - - - - Transmitter: 5.2.8 Alarm Verification This system does not incorporate alarm verification. Number of devices subject to alarm verification: 0 - - - Alarm verification set for 0 - seconds 5.2.9 Presignal Number of devices subject to presignal: Describe presignal functions: N/A 5.2.10 Positive Alarm Sequence (PAS) Describe PAS: N/A 5.2.11 Other Initiating Devices Describe: N/A This system does not incorporate pre-signal. 0 This system does not incorporate PAS. 0 This system does not have other initiating devices. SUPERVISORY SIGNAL-INITIATING DEVICES 6.1 Sprinkler System Supervisory Devices 0 This system does not have sprinkler supervisory devices. Type and number of devices: Addressable: 7 Conventional: - Coded: Transmitter: - Other (specify): 6.2 Fire Pump Description and Supervisory Devices 0 This system does not have a fire pump. Type fire pump: 0 Electric pump 0 Engine Type and number of devices: Addressable: I N/A Conventional: N/A -- Coded: N/A Transmitter N/A -. Other (specify): N/A 6.2.1 Fire Pump Functions Supervised o Power 0 Running 0 Phase reversal 0 Selector switch not in auto 0 Engine or control panel trouble 0 Low fuel Other (specify): _N/A 6.3 Duct Smoke Detectors (DSDs) 0 This system does not have DSDs causing supervisory signals. Type and number of devices: Addressable: N/A Conventional: N/A - Other (specify): N/A Type of coverage: _N/A Type of smoke detector sensing technology: 0 Ionization 0 Photoelectric 0 Aspirating 0 Beam 6.4 Other Supervisory Devices 0 This system does not have other supervisory devices. Describe: GUEST ROOM SMOKE DETECTORS W/ LF-SOUNDER BASE NFPA 72, Fig. (p.5 of 12) Copyright 0 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. 7. MONITORED SYSTEMS 7.1 Engine-Driven Generator 7.1.1 Generator Functions Supervised Engine or control panel trouble 0 Generator running Other (specify): N/A 7.2 Special Hazard Suppression Systems Description of special hazard system(s): N/A 7.3 Other Monitoring Systems Description of special hazard system(s): N/A 8. ANNUNCIATORS 0 This system does not have a generator. 0 Selector switch not in auto 0 Low fuel 0 This system does not monitor special hazard systems. 0 This system does not monitor other systems. 0 This system does not have annunciators. 8.1 Location and Description of Annunciators Location 1: RA-2000 REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR AT FRONT DESK Location 2: Location 3: 9. ALARM NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES 9.1 In-Building Fire Emergency Voice Alarm Communication System 0 This system does not have an EVACS. Number of single voice alarm channels: N/A Number of multiple voice alarm channels: N/A Number of speakers: N/A Number of speaker circuits: N/A Location of amplification and sound-processing equipment: N/A Location of paging microphone stations: Location 1: N/A Location 2: N/A Location 3: N/A 9.2 Nonvoice Notification Appliances Horns: 0 With visible: 53 Chimes: 0 With visible: 0 Visible only: 12 Other (describe): 0 9.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels Quantity: 8 -- Locations: UPPER FLOOR ELECTRICAL ROOMS This system does not have nonvoice notification appliances. Bells: I With visible: 0 This system does not have power extender panels. NFPA 72, Fig. (p. 6 of 12) Copyright 02009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for indhtdual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. MASS NOTIFICATION CONTROLS, APPLIANCES, AND CIRCUITS This system does not have an MNS. 10.1 MNS Local Operating Consoles Location 1: N/A Location 2: N/A Location 3: N/A 10.2 High-Power Speaker Arrays Number of HPSA speaker initiation zones: N/A Location 1: N/A Location 2: N/A Location 3: N/A 10.3 Mass Notification Devices Combination fire alarm/MNS visible appliances: N/A MNS-only visible appliances: N/A - Textual signs: N/A - Other (describe): N/A - - Supervision class: N/A 10.3.1 Special Hazard Notification 10 This system does not have special suppression predischarge notification. Z MNS systems DO NOT override notification appliances required to provide special suppression predischarge notification. TWO-WAY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS 11.1 Telephone System Q This system does not have a two-way telephone system. Number of telephone jacks installed: - N/A Number of warden stations installed: N/A - - - Number of telephone handsets stored on site: N/A - -- - - Type of telephone system installed: 0 Electrically powered 0 Sound powered 11.2 Two-Way Radio Communications Enhancement System Z This system does not have a two-way radio communications enhancement system. Percentage of area covered by two-way radio service: Critical areas: - % General building areas: % Amplification component locations: N/A Inbound signal strength: N/A - - - dBm Outbound signal strength: N/A dBm Donor antenna isolation is: N/A - dB above the signal booster gain Radio frequencies covered: NIA Radio system monitor panel location: N/A NFPA 72, Fig. (p.70f12) Copyright 0 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. TWO-WAY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (continued) 11.3 Area of Refuge (Area of Rescue Assistance) Emergency Communications Systems This system does not have an area of refuge (area of rescue assistance) emergency communications system. Number of stations: N/A Location of central control point: N/A Days and hours when central control point is attended: N/A Location of alternate control point: N/A Days and hours when alternate control point is attended: _N/A 11.4 Elevator Emergency Communications Systems This system does not have an elevator emergency communications system. Number of elevators with stations: N/A Location of central control point: N/A Days and hours when central control point is attended: N/A Location of alternate control point: N/A - - Days and hours when alternate control point is attended: N/AA 11.5 Other Two-Way Communication Systems Describe: N/A CONTROL FUNCTIONS This system activates the following control fictions: 0 Hold-open door releasing devices 0 Smoke management 0 HVAC shutdown 0 F/S dampers o Door unlocking 0 Elevator recall 0 Fuel source shutdown 0 Extinguishing agent release O Elevator shunt trip 0 Mass notification system override of fire alarm notification appliances Other (specify): 12.1 Addressable Control Modules Number of devices: 11 Other (specify): N/A SYSTEM POWER 13.1 Control Unit 0 This system does not have control modules. 13.1.1 Primary Power Input voltage of control panel: I2OVAC Control panel amps: 20A Overcurrent protection: Type: CIRCUIT BREAKER Amps: 20A Location (of primary supply panel board): PANEL IT CIRCUIT I Disconnecting means location: ELECTRICAL ROOM - - 13.1.2 Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: N/A Location of fuel storage: N/A Type of fuel: N/A NFPA 72, Fig. (p.8 of 12) Copyright 02009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. 13. SYSTEM POWER (continued) 13.1.3 Uninterruptible Power System This system does not have a UPS. Equipment powered by a UPS system: N/A Location of UPS system: N/A Calculated capacity of UPS batteries to drive the system components connected to it: In standby mode (hours): NIA * In alarm mode (minutes): 13.1.4 Batteries N/A Location: FACP I FLR Type: LEAD ACID Nominal voltage: 12V ELECTRICAL ROOM Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: In standby mode (hours): 24 - In alarm mode (minutes): 5 Batteries are marked with date of manufacture D Battery calculations are attached Amp/hour rating: 20AH 13.2 In-Building Fire Emergency Voice Alarm Communication System or Mass Notification System Z This system does not have an EVACS or MNS system. 13.2.1 Primary Power Input voltage of EVACS or MNS panel: Overcurrent protection: Type: N/A Location (of primary supply panel board): Disconnecting means location: N/A N/A N/A EVACS or MNS panel amps: N/A Amps: N/A 13.2.2 Engine-Driven Generator This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: N/A Location of fuel storage: N/A Type of fuel: 13.2.3 Uninterruptible Power System 0 This system does not have a UPS. Equipment powered by a UPS system: N/A Location of UPS system: N/A Calculated capacity of UPS batteries to drive the system components connected to it: In standby mode (hours): N/A In alarm mode (minutes): N/A 13.2.4 Batteries Location: ELECTRICAL ROOM Type: LEAD ACID Nominal voltage: 120V Amp/hour rating: 7AH Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: In standby mode (hours): 24 In alarm mode (minutes): 5 10 Batteries are marked with date of manufacture Z Battery calculations are attached - NFPA 72, Fig. (p.90f 12) Copyright 02009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. SYSTEM POWER (continued) 133 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels 0 This system does not have power extender panels. 13.3.1 Primary Power Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 20A Overcurrent protection: Type: CIRCUIT BREAKER Amps: 20A Location (of primary supply panel board):ELECTRICAL PANEL 7 Disconnecting means location: IFLR ELECTRICAL ROOMS 13.3.2 Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: N/A Location of fuel storage: N/A Type of fuel: N/A 13.3.3 Uninterruptible Power System 0 This system does not have a UPS. Equipment powered by a UPS system: NIA Location of UPS system: NIA Calculated capacity of UPS batteries to drive the system components connected to it: In standby mode (hours): N/A - - In alarm mode (minutes): N/A 13.3.4 Batteries Location: ffi.ontrt.gm@marriott Type: LEAD ACID Nominal voltage: 12V comPS 1,2,3,4 Amp/hour rating: 7AH Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: In standby mode (hours): 24 In alarm mode (minutes): 5 0 Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached RECORD OF SYSTEM INSTALLATION Fill out after all installation is complete and wiring has been checkedfor opens, shorts, groundfaults, and improper branching, but before conducting operational acceptance tests. This is a: 0 New system 0 Modification to an existing system Permit number: The system has been installed in accordance with the following requirements: (Note any or all that apply.) 0 NFPA 72, Edition: 2013 NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 760, Edition: 2013 Manufacturer's published instructions Other (specify): System deviations from referenced NFPA standards: Signed: ( S J4 Printed name: COREY SKAGGS Date: 3/32020 Organization: JS ELECTRI CO Title: FIRE ALARM TECHNICIAN Phone: 951-280-9045 NFPA 72, Fig. (p. 10 of 12) Copyright 02009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. RECORD OF SYSTEM OPERATIONAL ACCEPTANCE TEST New system All operationalfeatures andfunctions of this system were tested by, or in the presence of the signer shown below, on the date shown below, and were found to be operating properly in accordance with the requirements for the following: Modifications to an existing system All newly modified operationalfeatures andfunctions of the system were tested by, or in the presence of the signer shown below, on the date shown below, and were found to be operating properly in accordance with the requirements of the following: Z NFPA 72, Edition: 2013 Z NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 760, Edition: 2013 - Manufacturer's published instructions Other (specify): - Individual device testing documentation [Inspection and Testing Form (Figure is attached] Signed: (fr'LV JS JJLJ.JJ.O Printed name: COREY SKAGGS Date: 3/3/2020 Organization: ELECTRIC CO - - - - - Title: FIRE ALARFVHNICIAN -- Phone: 951-280-9045 CERTIFICATIONS AND APPROVALS 16.1 System Installation Contractor: This system, as specified herein, has been installed and tested according to all NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: Organization: JS ELECTRIC CO Printed name: COREY SKAGGS Title: FIRE ALARM TECHNICIAN Date: 3/3/2020 Phone: 951-280-9045 16.2 System Service Contractor: The undersigned has a service contract for this system in effect as of the date shown below. Signed: C Printed name: COREY SKAGGS_ -- Date: 3/3/2020 - Organization: S ELECTRIC CO Title: - FIRE ALARM TECHNICtNR Phone: 951-280-9045 16.3 Supervising Station: This system, as specified herein, will be monitored according to all NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: Printed name: COREY SKAGGS Date: 3/3/2020 Organization: J - LECTICCO Title: FIRE ALARM TECHNICIAN - Phone: 951-280-9045 NFPA 72, Fig. (p.11 of 12) Copyright 0 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for Individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. 16. CERTIFICATIONS AND APPROVALS (continued) 16.4 Property or Owner Representative: I accept this system as having been installed and tested to its specifications and all NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: - Printed name: Date: Organization: Title: Phone: - 16.5 Authority Having Jurisdiction: I have witnessed a satisfactory acceptance test of this system and find it to be installed and operating properly in accordance with its approved plans and specifications, with its approved sequence of operations, and with all NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: - - Printed name: Date: - - Organization: - -- - - Title: Phone: S NFPA 72, Fig. (p. 12 of 12) Copyright 0 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution.