HomeMy WebLinkAbout1901 WRIGHT PL; ; FPC2017-0177; Permitof PERMIT REPORT C (('7cig arl Print Date: 03/07/2024 Permit No: FPC2017-0177 Job Address: 1901 WRIGHT PL, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Status: Closed - Finaled Permit Type: FIRE-Construction Commercial Work Class: Underground Fire Parcel #: 2120911300 Track #: Applied: 06/27/2017 Valuation: $10,916,186.00 Lot #: Issued: Occupancy Group: Project #: Finaled Close Out: 04/16/2021 #of Dwelling Units: Plan #: Bedrooms: Construction Type: Final Inspection: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check #: INSPECTOR: Fieri, Dominic Plan Check #: Wong, Cindy Project Title: Description: HILTON HOME2 SUITES - UNDERGROUND (LG) Applicant: STEVEN SCHMITZ P0 BOX 1665 COTTONWOOD, CA 96022-1665 (530) 276-5848 FEE AMOUNT FIRE Underground Piping with 5+ Hyds/Risers $996.00 Total Fees: $996.00 Total Payments To Date: $996.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Fire Department Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 442-339-2665 1 Inspections: 442-339-2660 1 www.carlsbadca.gov CARLSBAD HOME2 SUITES FIRE FLOW STUDY Wright Place Carlsbad, CA / Date Prepared: September 12, 2017 Prepared for: Koong Cho P.O. Box 3872 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 FPC20I7-0177 1901 WRIGHT PL HILTON HOME2 SUITES - UNDERGROUND (LG) 2120911300 3/1 912018 FPC20I 7-0177 Prepared By: Omega Engineering Consultants 4340 Viewridge Ave, Suite B San Diego, CA 92123 Ph: (858) 634-8620 Declaration of Responsible Charge: I hereby declare that I am the engineer of work for this project, that I have exercised responsible charge over the design of the project as defined in the business and professions code, and that the design is consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of the project drawings and specifications by the governing agency(ies) is confined to a review only and does not relieve me, as an engineer of work, of my responsibilities for project desiga. co Sr-- RCE 75677 ((*(E) o. C 75671 DR Registration Expires 6-30-2018 CM\. Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites Table of Contents Siteand Project Description ...................................................................................................... 1 Methodology.............................................................................................................................. 1 FireFlow Demand.....................................................................................................................2 FireProtection Description and Analysis.................................................................................2 Resultsand Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 2 SiteVicinity Map (Figure 1)......................................................................................................4 Nodal / Pipe Exhibit (Figure 2) ...............................................................................................5 KYPIPE Fire Flow Calculations ...............................................................................................7 Appendices FireFlow Requirements..........................................................................................Appendix 1 Hydrant Flow Test From Carlsbad Municipal Water District ...............................Appendix 2 Backflow Specifications - FEBCO DDCV (Series LF856).....................................Appendix 3 Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites Site and Project Description The Carlsbad Home2 Suites project proposes the construction of a 4-story hotel on a vacant lot located at 1901 Wright Place within the city of Carlsbad, Ca. (See Figure No. I for a Vicinity Map). Water service for the project will be provided by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The available servicing facilities include a 12-inch main that that runs underneath Palomar Oaks Rd. and a 10-inch main that runs underneath Wright Place. The site is located just east of the Bressi Pump Station that is at Pressure Zone 490. The static pressure at the project site is approximately 92 psi per a flow test conducted by Carlsbad Municipal Water District at Hydrant No. H100241 (Appendix 2). There are two proposed points of connection (POCs), one located in Palomar Oaks Way and the other in Wright Place (see figure 2 Nodal / Pipe Exhibit). The project is proposing to connect to each main with 8-inch PVC. The project proposes a looped 8-inch fire service system with two (2) 8-inch Double Detector Check Valve Assemblies (DDCV). The looped system will supply four (4) private on-site fire hydrants. There will be two sectional post indicator valves (PlY) on the 8-inch main with one 8-inch supply line to the building with a check valve, fire department connection (FDC) and PIV. Fire-protection requirements are provided by the Carlsbad Fire Department. See Appendix I for the fire flow and hydrant requirements determined by the Carlsbad Fire Department. Methodology Hydraulic Modeling: All hydraulic modeling was performed using KYPIPE - Pipe2016. This program analysis utilizes the Hazen-Williams Friction equation. The existing Carlsbad system has been modeled as a reservoir node in the KYPIPE software with specified elevation and pressure data. Pressure and flow data was provided by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District in the form of a fire flow model (Appendix 2). Elevations were determined by overlaying available field topography and applying the grades proposed on the grading plans. The DDCV backflow device was modeled in KYpipe as a loss element with a 3-point curve based on manufacturer (FEBCO Model LF856) specified loss curves. Pressure loss information was used from the manufacturer specifications. Nodal elevations, pipe fittings, pipe materials, pipe lengths, pipe sizes, etc. were input into the modeling software to accurately portray the friction loss and head loss. Each public mainline are modeled as Asbestos Concrete pipe (roughness coef. = 125) and the private lire conduits are modeled as PVC (roughness coef. = 140). The analyses will be conducted using a steady state fire-flow model with the fire flow of 4,000 gpm split up amongst various hydrants onsite. The project analyses will include a static scenario and two fire-flow combination scenarios. Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites Fire Flow Demand The total square footage and building type was used to determine the required minimum fire flow using the California Fire Code (CFC, See Attachment 1.0— Table B105.1). Table 2 shows a listing of the proposed square footage, along with building type, and the anticipated fire flow requirements. Table 2. Required Fire Flow Demands I Building Area (sf Construction Type Fire Flow Demand Duration i (gpm)1.2 (hours) I 4 story hotel 86,623 sf VA 4,000 gpm 4 I Per 2013 California Fire Code, Table B105.1 50% reduction, but not less than 1,500 gpm per 2013 California Fire Code. Fire Protection Description and Analysis The analysis was conducted using two points of connection with an 8" looped system onsite. Each fire hydrant service is 6-inch in diameter and the supply line to the building is 8-inch. Case Case Description Min Pressure Max Velocity I Static Analysis 88 psi - (No Fire Flow) (FH-1) 2,000 gpm Fire Flow @ FH-1 & FH-2 76 psi 17s 2 Analyze FH-3 & FH-4 (FH-2) (Pipe P-9) 1,000 gpm Fire flow @ Each Onsite Hydrant 79 psi 18 fps 3 Analyze FS-1 (FFI-2) (Pipe P-9) *FSI represents the point of connection for the fire sprinkler supply to the building. See KYPIPE Calculations beginning at page 7 for more details. 2 Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites Results and Conclusion The Project requires a fire flow of 4,000 gpm for fire protection after a 50% reduction for the presence of an automatic sprinkler system in the building (per Appendix B of the 2013 California Fire Code & the Carlsbad Fire Department). The attached calculations demonstrate that the site will sufficiently provide the required fire-flow capacity to each building onsite while maintaining an operating pressure of over 20 psi at all on-site nodes during these fire flow conditions. It is the opinion of OMEGA Engineering Consultants, Inc. that the Carlsbad Home2 Suites project has adequately addressed and complied with the Conditions of Approval, Carlsbad Fire Department, Carlsbad Municipal Water District, and the California Fire Code requirements. See the attached calculations for modeling results and analysis specifics. NOT TO SCALE CITY OF VISTA 0 CITY OF SAN MARCOS CITY OF ENCINITAS 4 Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites Site Vicinity Map (Figure 1) CITY OF OCEANSIDE I4IflHWAV.28 Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites Nodal / Pipe Exhibit (Figure 2) LEND WA TER CONDUIT w FIRE HYDRANT NODE 1JUNC11ON NODE 0 RESERVOIR BFP (LOSS ELELMENT) NODE ABBREA11ONS FH-/ = FIRE HYDRANT L-/ = LOSS ELEMENT (BACKFLOW PRE yEN liON) P=P/PE LI = JUNCTiON L -1 = BA CKFLOW PRE VENTER FS-/ = FIRE SERI4CE RAE FLOW REQUIREMENT 4,000 GPM 0 20 PSI FOR 4 HOURS GRAPHICAL SCALE. 1 = 60' 0 30 60 120 180 M EG A ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 4340 VIE WRIDGEAVE. SUITE B SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PH.-(858) 634-8620 FAX.-(858)-634-8627 I Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites KYPIPE Fire Flow Calculations Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites Static Case * * * * * * * * * * * * K Y P I P E * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pipe Network Modeling Software * * * * CopyRighted by KYPIPE LLC (www.kypipe.com) * * Version: 8.014 01/11/2016 * * Serial #: 8-5537258 * * Interface: Classic * * Licensed for Pipe2012 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Date & Time: Tue Sep 12 11:58:47 2017 Master File : p:\dwg omega\0325 carlsbad home2suites\fire\fire flow report\kypipe\0325.KYP\0325.P2K SUMMARY OF ORIGINAL DATA ************************************************ UNITS SPECIFIED FLOWRATE ............= gallons/minute HEAD (HGL) ..........= feet PRESSURE ............= psig PIPELINE DATA STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NAMES LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR N A M E #1 #2 (ft) (in) COEFF. LOSS COEFF. P-1 J-1 FH-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20.60 5.86 140.0000 0.45 P-2 J-2 FH-2 7.60 5.86 140.0000 0.45 P-3 3-3 FH-3 12.00 7.68 140.0000 0.00 3-4 PH-4 20.40 5.86 140.0000 0.45 P-6 R-2 I-L-2 19.70 7.68 140.0000 1.00 P-7 O-L-2 3-5 37.30 7.68 140.0000 1.00 P-8 J-FS J-8 105.00 5.86 140.0000 3.60 P-9 O-L-1 R-1 25.30 7.68 140.0000 1.00 P-1 3-4 3-7 16.40 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-11 3-7 J-1 170.70 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-12 J-1 3-5 17.20 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-13 3-9 3-5 326.90 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-15 .1-2 .1-8 292.50 7.68 140.0000 1.35 P-16 J-8 3-3 13.10 7.68 140.0000 1.35 P-18 3-9 J-2 4.90 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-20 3-3 3-4 182.90 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-21 J-7 I-L-1 59.20 7.68 140.0000 1.00 PUMP/LOSS ELEMENT DATA THERE IS A DEVICE AT NODE L-1 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: (ID= 1) HEAD FLOWRATE EFFICIENCY (ft) (gpm) (%) -9.23 1.00 75.00 (Default) -11.54 1200.00 75.00 (Default) -13.85 2400.00 75.00 (Default) THERE IS A DEVICE AT NODE L-2 ...............................> (ID= 1) 8 Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites NODE DATA NODE NODE EXTERNAL JUNCTION EXTERNAL NAME TITLE DEMAND ELEVATION GRADE (gpm) -------------------------------------------------------------- (ft) (ft) FH-1 1.00 171.00 FH-2 1.00 170.00 FH-3 1.00 168.00 FH-4 1.00 170.00 J-1 0.00 164.00 J-2 - 0.00 164.00 J-3 0.00 163.00 J-4 0.00 164.00 J-5 0.00 164.00 J-7 0.00 165.00 J-8 0.00 163.00 J-9 0.00 164.00 J-FS 1.00 170.00 O-L-1 0.00 160.00 O-L-2 0.00 176.00 R-1 ---- 163.00 375.31 R-2 ---- 163.00 375.31 I-L-2 0.00 176.00 I-L-1 0.00 160.00 OUTPUT OPTION DATA OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE TABULATED OUTPUT MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES = 5 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM VELOCITIES = 5 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM HEAD LOSS/1000 = 5 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION NUMBER OF PIPES ...................(P) = 17 NUMBER OF END NODES ...............(J) = 15 NUMBER OF PRIMARY LOOPS ...........(L) = 1 NUMBER OF SUPPLY NODES ............(F) = 2 NUMBER OF SUPPLY ZONES ............(Z) = 1 Case: 0 RESULTS OBTAINED AFTER 14 TRIALS: ACCURACY = 0.73628E-04 SIMULATION DESCRIPTION (LABEL) PIPELINE RESULTS STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLOWRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E *1 *2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites J-1 FH-1 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 J-2 FH-2 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 J-3 FH-3 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 J-4 FH-4 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 R-2 I-L-2 -1335.56 0.65 1.33 9.25 100.62 33.20 O-L-2 3-5 -1335.56 1.24 1.33 9.25 68.81 33.20 J-FS J-8 -1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 O-L-1 R-1 -1340.56 0.85 1.34 9.28 86.32 33.43 3-4 J-7 -400.08 0.06 0.00 2.77 3.56 3.56 3-7 J-1 940.49 2.96 0.00 6.51 17.34 17.34 J-1 3-5 939.49 0.30 0.00 6.51 17.31 17.31 J-9 3-5 396.08 1.14 0.00 2.74 3.50 3.50 J-2 3-8 -397.08 1.03 0.16 2.75 4.05 3.51 3-8 3-3 -398.08 0.05 0.16 2.76 15.69 3.53 3-9 3-2 -396.08 0.02 0.00 2.74 3.50 3.50 3-3 J-4 -399.08 0.65 0.00 2.76 3.54 3.54 3-7 I-L-1 -1340.56 1.98 1.34 9.28 56.04 33.43 PUMP/LOSS ELEMENT RESULTS INLET OUTLET PUMP EFFIC- USEFUL INCREMTL TOTAL *PUMPS #PUMPS NPSH NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD HEAD ENCY POWER COST COST PARALLEL SERIES Avail. gpm ft ft ft Hp $ $ ft Warning P2K107:Device L-1 is operating -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- out of range. L-1 -1340.56 219.77 213.12 -6.6 75.00 0. 0.0 0.0 ** ** 251.6 Warning P2K107:Device L-2 is operating out of range. L-2 -1335.56 201.29 194.63 -6.7 75.00 0. 0.0 0.0 ** ** 233.2 NODE RESULTS NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE gpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ft ft ft psi FH-1 1.00 373.50 171.00 202.50 87.75 FH-2 1.00 374.36 170.00 204.36 88.56 FH-3 1.00 375.75 168.00 207.75 90.02 FH-4 1.00 376.40 170.00 206.40 89.44 3-1 0.00 373.50 164.00 209.50 90.78 3-2 0.00 374.36 164.00 210.36 91.16 3-3 0.00 375.75 163.00 212.75 92.19 3-4 0.00 376.40 164.00 212.40 92.04 3-5 0.00 373.20 164.00 209.20 90.65 3-7 0.00 376.46 165.00 211.46 91.63 3-8 0.00 375.54 163.00 212.54 92.10 3-9 0.00 374.34 164.00 210.34 91.15 J-FS 1.00 375.54 170.00 205.54 89.07 O-L-1 0.00 373.12 160.00 213.12 92.35 O-L-2 0.00 370.63 176.00 194.63 84.34 R-1 --- t. 375.31 163.00 212.31 92.00 R-2 ---- 375.31 163.00 212.31 92.00 I-L-2 0.00 377.29 176.00 201.29 87.23 I-L-1 0.00 379.77 160.00 219.77 95.23 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM VALUES PRESSURES P-i P-2 P-3 P-4 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-la P-li P-12 P-13 P-15 P-16 P-18 P-20 P-21 JUNCTION MAXIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES Psi --------------------- I-L-1 95.23 JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES Psi --------------------- O-L-2 84.34 10 Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites O-L-1 92.35 I-L-2 87.23 J-3 92.19 FM-i 87.75 J-8 92.10 FH-2 88.56 J-4 92.04 J-FS 89.07 VELOCITIES PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) P-9 9.28 P-3 0.01 P-21 9.28 P-i 0.01 P-6 9.25 P-2 0.01 P-7 9.25 P-4 0.01 P-li 6.51 P-S 0.01 H L + M L / 1000 PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER HL+ML/1000 NUMBER HL+ML/1000 (ft/ft) (ft/ft) P-6 100.62 P-3 0.00 P-9 86.32 P-i 0.00 P-7 68.81 P-4 0.00 P-21 56.04 P-8 0.00 P-il 17.34 P-2 0.00 ML / 1000 PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER HL/1000 NUMBER HL/1000 (ft/ft) (ft/ft) P-9 33.43 P-3 0.00 P-21 33.43 P-4 0.00 P-6 33.20 P-8 0.00 P-7 33.20 P-i 0.00 P-li 17.34 P-2 0.00 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS AND OUTFLOWS (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLOWEATE NODE NAME gpm TITLE -------------------------------------------- R-i 1340.56 R-2 -1335.56 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 1340.56 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = -1335.56 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 5.00 FireFiow/Hydrant Report Firef low/Hydrant Report: Specified Minimum Pressure (psi or kPa): 20.0 Minimum Static Pressure(psi or kPa) : 20.0 Sp.Min Pres@FirePump Suctn(psi or kPa): 0.0 Flow-1: Flowrate to maintain the specified pressure at (hydrant) node Node-2: Node that has a lower pressure than specified value at Flow-1 Flow-2: Flowrate to maintain the specified 11 Omega Engineering Consultants Case #1: FH-1 & FH-2 - 21 000 * * * * * * * * * * * * K Y P I P E ** * * *** * * * * * * * *. Pipe Network Modeling Software * * * * CopyRighted by KYPIPE LLC (www.kypipe.com) * * Version: 8.014 01/11/2016 * * Serial #: 8-5537258 * * Interface: Classic * * Licensed for Pipe2012 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Fire Flow Study Carlsbad Home2 Suites gpm demand Date & Time: Tue Sep 12 11:53:09 2017 Master File : p:\dwg omega\0325 carlsbad home2suites\fire\f ire flow report\kypipe\0325.KYP\0325.P2K * *** ** ************** ** ********* ** ** * * ****** ** ** * SUMMARY OF ORIGINAL DATA ************************************************ UNITS SPECIFIED FLOWRATE ............= gallons/minute HEAD (HGL) ..........= feet PRESSURE ............= psig PIPELINE DATA STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NAMES LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR N A M E #1 #2 (ft) (in) COEFF. LOSS COEFF. P-i .1-1 FH-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20.50 5.86 140.0000 0.45 P-2 .1-2 FH-2 7.20 5.86 140.0000 0.45 P-3 J-3 FH-3 12.40 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-4 J-4 FH-4 20.00 5.86 140.0000 0.45 P-6 R-2 I-L-2 19.70 7.68 140.0000 1.00 P-7 O-L-2 J-5 37.30 7.68 140.0000 1.00 P-8 J-FS .1-8 105.00 5.86 140.0000 3.60 P-9 O-L-1 R-1 25.30 7.68 140.0000 1.00 P-1 J-4 .1-7 16.40 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-11 J-7 .1-1 170.70 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-12 J-1 .1-5 17.20 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-13 .1-9 .1-5 326.90 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-15 .1-2 .1-8 292.50 7.68 140.0000 1.35 P-16 .1-8 J-3 13.10 7.68 140.0000 1.35 P-18 J-9 J-2 4.90 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-20 .1-3 J-4 182.90 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-21 .1-7 I-L-1 59.20 7.68 140.0000 1.00 PUMP/LOSS ELEMENT DATA THERE IS A DEVICE AT NODE L-1 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: (ID= 1) HEAD FLOWRATE EFFICIENCY (ft) (gpm) (I) -9.23 1.00 75.00 (Default) -11.54 1200.00 75.00 (Default) -13.85 2400.00 75.00 (Default) THERE IS A DEVICE AT NODE L-2 ...............................> (ID= 1) 13 Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites NODE DATA NODE NODE EXTERNAL JUNCTION EXTERNAL NAME TITLE DEMAND ELEVATION GRADE (gpm) (ft) (ft) -------------------------------------------------------------- FM-i 2000.00 171.00 FH-2 2000.00 170.00 FH-3 1.00 168.00 FH-4 1.00 170.00 J-i 0.00 164.00 J-2 0.00 164.00 J-3 0.00 163.00 J-4 0.00 164.00 J-5 0.00 164.00 J-7 0.00 165.00 J-8 0.00 163.00 J-9 0.00 164.00 J-FS 1.00 170.00 O-L-1 0.00 160.00 O-L-2 0.00 176.00 R-i 163.00 375.31 R-2 163.00 375.31 I-L-2 0.00 176.00 I-L-1 0.00 160.00 OUTPUT OPTION DATA OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE TABULATED OUTPUT MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES = 5 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM VELOCITIES = 5 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM HEAD LOSS/1000 = 5 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION NUMBER OF PIPES ...................(P) = 17 NUMBER OF END NODES ...............(J) = 15 NUMBER OF PRIMARY LOOPS ...........(L) = 1 NUMBER OF SUPPLY NODES ............(F) = 2 NUMBER OF SUPPLY ZONES ............(Z) = 1 Case: 0 RESULTS OBTAINED AFTER 6 TRIALS: ACCURACY = 0.44268E-04 SIMULATION DESCRIPTION (LABEL) PIPELINE RESULTS STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLONRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E #1 #2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites J-1 FH-1 2000.00 5.37 3.95 23.79 454.70 261.81 3-2 FH-2 2000.00 1.89 3.95 23.79 811.01 261.81 3-3 FH-3 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 3-4 FH-4 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 R-2 I-L-2 1583.72 0.90 1.87 10.97 140.33 45.52 0-L-2 3-5 1583.72 1.70 1.87 10.97 95.59 45.52 J-FS J-8 -1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0-L-1 R-1 -2419.28 2.52 4.36 16.75 272.04 99.77 3-4 3-7 -1021.77 0.33 0.00 7.08 20.22 20.22 J-7 3-1 1397.52 6.16 0.00 9.68 36.11 36.11 3-1 J-5 -602.48 0.13 0.00 4.17 7.60 7.60 3-9 3-5 -981.23 6.13 0.00 6.80 18.76 18.76 3-2 3-8 -1018.77 5.88 1.04 7.06 23.68 20.11 J-8 3-3 -1019.77 0.26 1.05 7.06 99.95 20.15 3-9 J-2 981.23 0.09 0.00 6.80 18.76 18.76 3-3 3-4 -1020.77 3.69 0.00 7.07 20.18 20.18 3-7 I-L-1 -2419.28 5.91 4.36 16.75 173.39 99.77 PUMP/Loss ELEMENT RESULTS INLET OUTLET PUMP EFFIC- USEFUL INCREMTL TOTAL #PUMPS #PUMPS NPSH NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD HEAD ENCY POWER COST COST PARALLEL SERIES Avail. gpm ft ft ft -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pd Hp $ $ ft Warning P2K107:Device L-1 is operating out of range. L-1 -2419.28 213.00 208.43 -4.6 75.00 0. 0.0 0.0 ** ** 241.8 L-2 1583.72 196.54 184.27 -12.3 75.00 0. 0.0 0.0 ** ** 227.9 NODE RESULTS NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ gpm ft ft ft psi FH-1 2000.00 347.25 171.00 176.25 76.37 FH-2 2000.00 344.64 170.00 174.64 75.68 FH-3 1.00 358.71 168.00 190.71 82.64 FH-4 1.00 362.40 170.00 192.40 83.37 3-1 0.00 356.57 164.00 192.57 83.45 3-2 0.00 350.48 164.00 186.48 80.81 3-3 0.00 358.71 163.00 195.71 84.81 3-4 0.00 362.40 164.00 198.40 85.97 3-5 0.00 356.70 164.00 192.70 83.50 3-7 0.00 362.73 165.00 197.73 85.69 J-8 0.00 357.40 163.00 194.40 84.24 3-9 0.00 350.57 164.00 186.57 80.85 J-FS 1.00 357.40 170.00 187.40 81.21 O-L-1 0.00 368.43 160.00 208.43 90.32 O-L-2 0.00 360.27 176.00 184.27 79.85 R-1 ---- 375.31 163.00 212.31 92.00 R-2 ---- 375.31 163.00 212.31 92.00 I-L-2 0.00 372.54 176.00 196.54 85.17 I-L-1 0.00 373.00 160.00 213.00 92.30 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM VALUES PRESSURES P-i P-2 P-3 P-4 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-b P-li P-12 P-13 P-15 P-16 P-18 P-20 P-21 JUNCTION MAXIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES --------------------- psi I-L-1 92.30 R-1 92.00 JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES --------------------- psi FH-2 75.68 FH-i 76.37 15 Omega Engineering Consultants R-2 92.00 O-L-2 79.85 O-L-1 90.32 J-2 80.81 J-4 85.97 J-9 80.85 VELOCITIES PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) P-i 23.79 P-3 0.01 P-2 23.79 P-4 0.01 P-9 16.75 P-8 0.01 P-21 16.75 P-12 4.17 P-6 10.97 P-13 6.80 H L + M L / 1000 PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER HL+ML/1000 NUMBER HL+ML/1000 (ft/ft) (ft/ft) P-2 811.01 P-3 0.00 P-i 454.70 P-4 0.00 P-9 272.04 P-8 0.00 P-21 173.39 P-12 7.60 P-6 140.33 P-13 18.76 HL / 1000 PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER HL/1000 NUMBER HL/1000 (ft/ft) (ft/ft) P-i 261.81 P-3 0.00 P-2 261.81 P-8 0.00 P-9 99.77 P-4 0.00 P-21 99.77 P-12 7.60 P-6 45.52 P-13 18.76 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS AND OUTFLOWS (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLONRATE NODE NAME -------------------------------------------- gpm TITLE R-i 2419.28 R-2 1583.72 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 4003.00 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 4003.00 FireFiow/Hydrant Report Firef low/Hydrant Report: Specified Minimum Pressure (psi or kPa): 20.0 Minimum Static Pressure(psi or kPa) : 20.0 Sp.Min Pres@FirePump Suctn(psi or kPa): 0.0 Flow-1: Flowrate to maintain the specified pressure at (hydrant) node Node-2: Node that has a lower pressure than specified value at Flow-1 Flow-2: Fiowrate to maintain the specified Fire Flow Study Carlsbad Home2 Suites 16 Omega Engineering Consultants pressure at Node-2 Flow-3: Fiowrate to maintain the specified pressure at Fire Pump Suction (Flow-3 is based on combined value of hydrant and hose constants) Hose Constant = 0.00 Fire Flow Study Carlsbad Home2 Suites Hydrant Hydrant Elevation Demand Static Flow-1 Node Constant gpm Pressure gpm FH-3 0.0 168.0 1.0 82.6 6320.1 FH-4 0.0 170.0 1.0 83.4 5905.5 Flow-2 Node-2 Flow-3 Flow NFPA gpm gpm Capacity Color 17 Omega Engineering Consultants Case #2: All Hydrants - 11 000 * * * * * * * * * * * * K Y P I P E * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pipe Network Modeling Software * * * * CopyRighted by KYPIPE LLC (www.kypipe.com) * * Version: 8.014 01/11/2016 * * Serial #: 8-5537258 * * Interface: Classic * * Licensed for Pipe2012 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Fire Flow Study Carlsbad Home2 Suites gpm demand Date & Time: Tue Sep 12 11:55:38 2017 Master File : p:\dwg omega\0325 carlsbad home2suites\fire\f ire flow report\kypipe\0325.KYP\0325.P2x ** ************** ********* * * ****** ** ** ** ******* ** SUMMARY OF ORIGINAL DATA ************************************************ UNITS SPECIFIED FLOWRATE ............= gallons/minute HEAD (HGL) ..........= feet PRESSURE ............= psig PIPELINE DATA STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NAMES LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR N A M E #1 #2 (ft) (in) COEFF. LOSS COEFF. P-i J-i FH-i ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20.50 5.86 140.0000 0.45 P-2 J-2 FH-2 7.20 5.86 140.0000 0.45 P-3 J-3 FH-3 12.40 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-4 J-4 FH-4 20.00 5.86 140.0000 0.45 P-6 R-2 I-L-2 19.70 7.68 140.0000 1.00 P-7 O-L-2 J-5 37.30 7.68 140.0000 1.00 P-8 J-FS J-8 105.00 5.86 140.0000 3.60 P-9 O-L-1 R-1 25.30 7.68 140.0000 1.00 P-1 J-4 J-7 16.40 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-11 J-7 J-1 170.70 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-12 J-1 J-5 17.20 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-13 J-9 J-5 326.90 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-15 J-2 J-8 292.50 7.68 140.0000 1.35 P-16 J-8 J-3 13.10 7.68 140.0000 1.35 P-18 J-9 J-2 4.90 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-20 J-3 J-4 182.90 7.68 140.0000 0.00 P-21 J-7 I-L-1 59.20 7.68 140.0000 1.00 PUMP/LOSS ELEMENT DATA THERE IS A DEVICE AT NODE L-1 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: (ID= 1) HEAD FLOWRATE EFFICIENCY (ft) (gpm) (%) -9.23 1.00 75.00 (Default) -11.54 1200.00 75.00 (Default) -13.85 2400.00 75.00 (Default) THERE IS A DEVICE AT NODE L-2 ...............................> (ID= 1) 18 Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites NODE DATA NODE NODE EXTERNAL JUNCTION EXTERNAL NAME TITLE DEMAND ELEVATION GRADE (gpm) -------------------------------------------------------------- (ft) (ft) FH-1 1000.00 171.00 FH-2 1000.00 170.00 FH-3 1000.00 168.00 FH-4 1000.00 170.00 J-1 0.00 164.00 J-2 0.00 164.00 J-3 0.00 163.00 J-4 0.00 164.00 J-5 0.00 164.00 J-7 0.00 165.00 J-8 0.00 163.00 J-9 0.00 164.00 J-FS 1.00 170.00 O-L-1 0.00 160.00 O-L-2 0.00 176.00 R-1 ---- 163.00 375.31 R-2 ---- 163.00 375.31 I-L-2 0.00 176.00 I-L-1 0.00 160.00 OUTPUT OPTION DATA OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE TABULATED OUTPUT MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES = 5 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM VELOCITIES = 5 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM HEAD LOSS/1000 = 5 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION NUMBER OF PIPES ...................(P) = 17 NUMBER OF END NODES ...............(J) = 15 NUMBER OF PRIMARY LOOPS ...........(L) = 1 NUMBER OF SUPPLY NODES ............(F) = 2 NUMBER OF SUPPLY ZONES ............(Z) = 1 Case: 0 RESULTS OBTAINED AFTER 7 TRIALS: ACCURACY = 0.16880E-04 SIMULATION DESCRIPTION (LABEL) PIPELINE RESULTS STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPE CV -CHECK VALVE P I P E NODE NUMBERS FLOWRATE HEAD MINOR LINE HL+ML/ HL/ N A M E #1 *2 LOSS LOSS VELO. 1000 1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gpm ft ft ft/s ft/f ft/f P-i J-1 FH-1 1000.00 1.49 0.99 11.90 120.75 72.52 P-2 J-2 FH-2 1000.00 0.52 0.99 11.90 209.82 72.52 19 Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites P-3 J-3 FH-3 1000.00 0.24 0.00 6.93 19.43 19.43 P-4 J-4 FH-4 1000.00 1.45 0.99 11.90 121.95 72.52 P-6 R-2 I-L-2 1376.61 0.69 1.41 9.53 106.75 35.12 P-7 O-L-2 J-5 1376.61 1.31 1.41 9.53 72.95 35.12 P-8 J-FS J-8 -1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 P-9 O-L-1 R-1 -2624.39 2.93 5.13 18.17 318.71 116.00 P-1 J-4 J-7 -2125.25 1.29 0.00 14.72 78.49 78.49 P-il J-7 J-1 499.14 0.92 0.00 3.46 5.36 5.36 P-12 J-1 J-5 -500.86 0.09 0.00 3.47 5.40 5.40 P-13 J-9 J-5 -875.75 4.97 0.00 6.06 15.20 15.20 P-is J-2 J-8 -124.25 0.12 0.02 0.86 0.46 0.41 P-16 J-8 J-3 -125.25 0.01 0.02 0.87 1.62 0.41 P-18 J-9 J-2 875.75 0.07 0.00 6.06 15.20 15.20 P-20 J-3 J-4 -1125.25 4.42 0.00 7.79 24.17 24.17 P-21 J-7 I-L-1 -2624.39 6.87 5.13 18.17 202.63 116.00 PUMP/LOSS ELEMENT RESULTS INLET OUTLET PUMP EFFIC- USEFUL INCREMTL TOTAL *PUMPS #PUMPS NPSH NAME FLOWRATE HEAD HEAD HEAD ENCY POWER COST COST PARALLEL SERIES Avail. gptn ft ft ft Hp $ $ ft Warning P2K107:Device IL-1 is operating -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- out of range. L-1 -2624.39 211.42 207.24 -4.2 75.00 0. 0.0 0.0 ** ** 239.5 L-2 1376.61 197.20 185.33 -11.9 75.00 0. 0.0 0.0 ** ** 229.0 NODE RESULTS NODE NODE EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC NODE PRESSURE NODE NAME TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------gpm ft ft ft psi FM-i 1000.00 356.04 171.00 185.04 80.18 FH-2 1000.00 352.05 170.00 182.05 78.89 FH-3 1000.00 353.48 168.00 185.48 80.37 FH-4 1000.00 355.70 170.00 185.70 80.47 J-1 0.00 358.51 164.00 194.51 84.29 J-2 0.00 353.56 164.00 189.56 82.14 J-3 0.00 353.72 163.00 190.72 82.65 J-4 0.00 358.14 164.00 194.14 84.13 J-5 0.00 358.61 164.00 194.61 84.33 J-7 0.00 359.43 165.00 194.43 84.25 J-8 0.00 353.70 163.00 190.70 82.64 J-9 0.00 353.64 164.00 189.64 82.18 J-FS 1.00 353.70 170.00 183.70 79.60 O-L-1 0.00 367.24 160.00 207.24 89.81 O-L-2 0.00 361.33 176.00 185.33 80.31 R-1 ---- 375.31 163.00 212.31 92.00 R-2 ---- 375.31 163.00 212.31 92.00 I-L-2 0.00 373.20 176.00 197.20 85.46 I-L-1 0.00 371.42 160.00 211.42 91.62 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM VALUES PRESSURES JUNCTION MAXIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES --------------------- psi R-b 92.00 R-2 92.00 I-L-1 91.62 O-L-1 89.81 JUNCTION MINIMUM NUMBER PRESSURES --------------------- psi FH-2 78.89 J-FS 79.60 FM-i 80.18 O-L-2 80.31 20 Omega Engineering Fire Flow Study Consultants Carlsbad Home2 Suites I-L-2 85.46 FH-3 80.37 VELOCITIES PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER VELOCITY NUMBER VELOCITY (ft/s) (ft/s) P-9 18.17 P-8 0.01 P-21 18.17 P-15 0.86 P-10 14.72 P-16 0.87 P-i 11.90 P-il 3.46 P-2 11.90 P-12 3.47 H L + M L / 1000 PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER HL+ML/1000 NUMBER HL+ML/1000 (ft/ft) (ft/ft) P-9 318.71 P-S 0.00 P-2 209.82 P-15 0.46 P-21 202.63 P-16 1.62 P-4 121.95 P-il 5.36 P-i 120.75 P-12 5.40 ML / 1000 PIPE MAXIMUM PIPE MINIMUM NUMBER HL/1000 NUMBER HL/1000 (ft/ft) (ft/ft) P-9 116.00 P-8 0.00 P-21 116.00 P-15 0.41 P-10 78.49 P-16 0.41 P-i 72.52 P-li 5.36 P-2 72.52 P-12 5.40 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS AND OUTFLOWS (+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM SUPPLY NODES (-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO SUPPLY NODES NODE FLOWRATE NODE NAME gpm TITLE -------------------------------------------- R-1 2624.39 R-2 1376.61 NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 4001.00 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00 NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 4001.00 FireFlow/Hydrant Report Firef low/Hydrant Report: Specified Minimum Pressure(psi or kPa): 20.0 Minimum Static Pressure(psi or kPa) : 20.0 Sp.Min Pres@FirePump Suctn(psi or kPa): 0.0 Flow-1: Flowrate to maintain the specified pressure at (hydrant) node Node-2: Node that has a lower pressure than specified value at Flow-1 Flow-2: Flowrate to maintain the specified pressure at Node-2 Flow-3: Flowrate to maintain the specified pressure at Fire Pump Suction 21 Omega Engineering Consultants (Flow-3 is based on combined Hose Constant = 0.00 Hydrant Hydrant Elevat Node Constant J-FS 0.0 170. 22 Appendix 1 GENERAL NOTES - Wright Place I .. -----. - - . - - I . . ..____ OTM RCFV.STWP.PJWIG - a ot,ocmownaini,iancim&novmnwo .'n . •. soncncw.ftrcemwmorqnceasoaE I ......... setback 47/land I - - I - - . . - - . '...'N %, 7. N1VWjEpRjQflWO74.5fljcQ7S7J5,lft71WC,fl1ft -. . . ... r— T• -. . j . . ...• ... 'S I -- . . .. . I .. . •. . . . .. ,. -s • . ,- - - ._.- - ... .. . .• - L. 1777cTWW.7U 7V7I! TI •. - I '- - I I I-11 1!M77I17 C HOME 2 SUITES HOTEL - p 1. IN ~MOUNMATIIY~LQADMZM I I 01. r I.. ................ . I I I IA4 . _____ r=-i i •1 I....... --r r .1- it II i i it .. .. . . : 8 ' '—I ____________ I I i I. I I I . . . . I . .. nzcnnaaI..a.n1n..manncuTEw1na, I I / ....L.......J I. .. .. ... . . ...• . -- I . 1 8 - —L I . I -. flY. fl15S*LLUAflhIEOIfl4tO*N - — - - I I NOI 10 lI I a i:tST$;j:E:E;Tj Q 1 r - CtF _il 8 !; U c ' 1/ Lif7j i_ -r 5J4 J_)j . - . I a.IWSWUl fltUSZ4l Sits Plan . I/I setback line .,I_, .,._• -•-Q ----------------------------------------------------- --- May 2 2017 t s I I APPROVED I 1 an ------------ LI ' -------- .--------------_._........... property r in e (t4.00.k ItCManM.c.mot$IO.w7ScFCanaIM - 0 -- .., - • .- - Palomar Ai - - - - rpoi-t Rnd I - - ------- - SnE ______ I 1 Al Li UnRYN Appendix 2 CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Prevention Division 1635 Faraday Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008 760.602.4665 WATER AVAILABILITY FORM SECTION A: TO BE COMPLETED BY CUSTOMER PROJECT NAME: Palomar Oaks at Wright Place SR#: (Assigned upon plan submittal) PROJECT ADDRESS: Palomar Oaks at Wright Place CITY: Carlsbad PHONE: ( 858 ) 634-8620 (Omega Engineering Consultants) FAX NUMBER: Largest Building (ft.2): Sprinkled? Construction Type:__________________ SECTION B: TO BE COMPLETED BY LOCAL WATER COMPANY. CUSTOMER TO PROVIDE RESULTS TO CFD. Water Purveyor: City of Carlsbad Location of test (reference map required): Palomar Oaks Way at Wright Place TEST INFORMATION IS VALID FOR 6 MONTHS FROM DATE PERFORMED Flow Test Results Static pressure: 92 PSI Hydrant Number (if applicable):H100241 Elevation of test: 163 Feet Fllat6/Timeof.Test1: -- Pitot Tube Reading: - - PSI orresponding Flow: GPM Total Flow: 2,875 GPM Residual Pressure 70 PSI t peak demand , this water system is capable of providing a fire flow discharge at 20 psi of 8,000 gpm. However, this exceeds the District's criteria of no more than 10 fps in pipelines. Therefore, the maximum allowable fire flow based on District criteria is 2,875 gpm. 1Test to be performed as close as possible to the time the most conservative flows and pressures are expected. Note: If the water availability information was obtained in a manner other than a flow test (i.e. computer modeling), fill out the information above as applicable and check here: I have witnessed and/or reviewed this water flow information and by personal knowledge and/or on-site observation certify that the above information is correct. Name: JenniferR.Mael,P.E. Eng. Lic. No. (if applicable): C69606 Signature: 1/ Title/Org: PLo_ctManager Date: 06/28/2017 Appendix 3 ES-F-LF856 ETA ijT IjD' MasterSeries® 1F856 Double Check Detector Backflow Prevention Assemblies (Type II) Size: 21h" - 10" The FEBCO MasterSeries LF856 Double Check Detector Assemblies are designed to protect drinking water supplies from dangerous cross-con- nections in accordance with national plumbing codes and water authority requirements for non-health hazard non-potable service applications such as irrigation, Are line, or industrial processing. This Backflow Assembly is primar- ily used for protection of drinking water systems and fire sprinkler systems, where Local Governing Code mandates protection from non-potable quality water being pumped or siphoned back into the potable water system. Features Main Valve: Inline Serviceable Assembly No Special Tools Required for Servicing Captured Modular Spring Assembly Reversible & Replaceable Discs Field Replaceable Seats Ductile Iron Valve Body Design Stainless Steal Check Components Winterization feature with disc retainers and valve body drain ports Clapper Check Assembly Commonality between 1st & 2nd Check Components Captured 0-ring Design Auxiliary Bypass: Compact Bypass Design; Remains within Main Valve Assembly Profile Inline Serviceable W Backfiow Assembly No Special Tools Required for Servicing Field Replaceable Seats & Discs Detect Potential Underground Water Leaks Detect Unauthorized Water Usage Model 1F856 Double Check Detector Assembly Specifications The FEBCO MasterSeries LF856 Double Check Detector Valve Assembly shall be installed on the potable water supply and at each point of cross- connection to protect against possible backpressure and backsiphonage conditions for non-health hazard (i.e., pollutant) applications. The assembly shall consist of a main line valve body composed of two (2) independently acting approved clapper style check modules with replaceable seats and disc rubbers. Servicing of both check modules does not require any special tools and are accessed through independent top entry covers. This assembly shall be fitted with approved UL/FM inlet/outlet resilient seated shutoff valves and contain four (4) properly located resilient seated test cocks as specified by AWNA Standard C510. The awdliary bypass line contains a %x 34" (16 x 19mm) Water Meter that complies with ANSVAMNA Standard C700 coupled with an approved check assembly. The bypass line is designed to detect leaks or unauthorized water usage of the water system while protecting against possible backpressure and backsiphonage conditions for non-health hazard (i.e., pollutant) application. Flow and pressure loss performance parameters shall meet the requirements of AWWA Standard C510. NOTICE The information contained herein is not intended to replace the full product installation and safety information available or the experience of a trained product installer. You are required to thoroughly read all installation instruc- tions and product safety information before beginning the installation of this product. The wetted surface of this product contacted by consumable water contains less than 0.25% of lead by weight. Job Name Contractor Job Location Approval Engineer Contractor's P.O. No. Approval Representative FEBCO product specifications In U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contact FEBCO Technical Service. FEBCO reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials without prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on FEBCO products previously or subsequently sold. Options - Suffix OSY: ULIFM Approved OS&Y Gate Valves (ANSVAWVVA 0515 Compliant) CFM: Totalizing Cubic feet/mm 5/8 x 3/4" Water Meter (ANSI/AWWA C700 Compliant) GPM: Totalizing Gallons/mm 5/8"x 3/4" Water Meter (ANSVAWrNA C700 Compliant) LG: Less Shutoff valves; This is NOT an APPROVED ASSEMBLY Example Ordering Descriptions: 4" LF856-OSY-GPM - Valve Assembly fitted with OS&Y Shutoff Valves & Gallon Feet per Minute Water Meter 4 LF856-OSY-CFM - Valve Assembly filled with OS&Y Shutoff Valves, Cubic feet per Minute Water Meter Assembly Flow Orientation: Horizontal & Vertical Up (2½" —10") -Approved by FCCCHR-USC, ASSE, cULus, FM, IAPMO Materials Below is a general material list of the Model LF856. All assemblies' size 21h" through 10" is similar in materials and construction. Please contact your local FEBCO Representative if you require further information. Main Valve Body: Ductile iron Grade 65-45-12 Coating: Fusion epoxy coated internal and external AWWA C550 Shutoff Valves: OS&Y resilient wedge gate valves AWWA 0515 (UL/FM) Check Seats: Stainless Steel Disc Holder: Stainless Steal Elastomer Disc Silicone Spring: Stainless Steel Clamp: ANA C606 (10 Only) Approvals Approved by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at The University of Southern California (FCCCHR-USC) ASSE 1048 Listed -UL Classified JS & Canad **FM Approved IAPMO AWWA Standard 0510 Compliant End Connections: Compliant to ASME B16.1 Class 125 & AWWA Class 0 Range "°Assembly configured with UL/FM Approved OS&Y RW Gate Valves. Less gate valve assemblies are not UL/FM approved configurations. 4 FM e 1048 0 Approved AS Pressure - Temoerature Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12.1 bar) Mm. Working Pressure: 10 psi (0.7 bar) Hydrostatic Test Pressure: 350 psi (24.1 bar) Hydrostatic Safety Pressure: 700 psi (48.3 bar) Temperature Range: 33°F - 140°F (0.5°C- 60°C) Continuous Shutoff Vate Dimensions & Weights Below are the nominal dimensions and physical weights for the Model LF856 size 21N through 10. Allowances must be made for normal manufacturing tolerances. Please visit our webse to download a copy of this products installation Instructions, or contact your local FEBCO Representative for more information. Model 1F856 Assemblies I SIZE DIMENSIONS WEIGHP A - B C E** F G H OSY In. in. mm in. mm in mm in. n-rn in. mm in. mm in. mm 1t. i. 21/2 402/4 1035 251h 648 10 254 16% 416 4½ 114 71/a 181 13% 340 245 111 3 417/a 1064 25% 651 10 254 221/i 565 41h 114 7% 187 13% 340 271 123 4 461/4 1175 28 711 10¼ 257 231/4 591 51h 140 81/a 206 14 356 338 153 6 56 1422 343/4 883 12% 324 301/a 765 61h 165 9115 251 15 381 515 234 8 65 1651 413/. 1061 15% 397 37% 959 7 178 111/. 283 15% 400 826 375 10 726A 1845 46% 1178 15% 397 48 1219 9 229 12% 314 IS 400 1234 560 "Indicates nominal dimensions with OSY Gate Valves (Full Open Position) Indicates weight of complete Backflow Assemblies with specified Gate Valves 25 84 75 184 125 184 175 280 225 250 275 300 0 250 GPM 284 558 M 1128 75 14.7 no fps 3" (LF856) Smilm i&,w Iiate.i Fbw ML Rated Flow 'U S S C- S. 0 200 45) 500 8(3) 1003 1284 1400 1500 GPM 157 2271 3728 5800 75 hA 175 fps 8" 1IFRcR Sw.tel'.w Rated ftw Ii Rated Fbw IS 16 14 I I I 112 I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 8 = U. a 4" ILFB561 I S a 2. IL Performance Raw capacity chart identifies valve performance based upon rated water Velocity up to 20fps. Maximum service flow rate is determined by maxinium rated Velocity of 7.5fps. AWWA Manual M-22 (Appendix C) recommends that the madmum water Velocity in the seriices be not more than lOfps. UL flow rate is determined by typically rated Velocity of 15 feet/sec 21h" (LF856) semeenoo aatev 1% Rated 6(1 F" Se,vkefiw Paledlkiw 'ULlkikidftw w too iso zoo NO ui M 4w 450 500 CPM 319 757 1128 1514 on 75 iii 225 tis law 0 iw ax izm iss zimo 240D GPM 1514 21728 4543 6057 7571 9285 bin 7.5 10.5 153 (pa loll (LM) SeivbwFkc Rated 11w, lii Rated Fbw 0 100 200 300 484 ODD Goo 784 803 GYM o em 1251 1YM 2481 no no GYM 379 1128 1892 MO 0 2211 4543 0314 9285 11286 17 Om is ias lal fps 75 94 I4.t (pa A Watts Water Technologies Company USA: T&: OO) 767-1234 • Fax: (800) 788-4491 • FEBCOor4ine.com Canada: Tel: (905) 332-4090 • Fax: (905) 332-7068 • FEBCOonhineca Lath America: (52)81-1901-8600 • Fax: (52)81-8900-7091 • FEBCOonhne.com ES-F-LF856 1515 0 2016 FEBCO