HomeMy WebLinkAbout5966 LA PLACE CT; ; AS140090; Permit3/12/24, 2:50 PM AS140090 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS140090 Job Address: 5966 LA PLACE CT Permit Type: SPR1N*- U1JI6D Parcel No: 2120620600 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Status: APPROVED Applied 3/26/2014 Approved: 4/4/2014 Issued: 4/4/2014 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: MAXLINEAR SCOPE IS TO REMOVE EXISTING BACKFLOW VAULT, AND RECONNECT UNDERGROUND LINES, INSTALL NEW 8" ABOVE-GROUND BACKFLOW PREVENTOR PER NFPA #13&#24. Applicant: AMERICAN AUTOMATIC FIRE SUPPRESSION SUITE B 9510 PATHWAY STREET SANTEE CA 619-562-3010 Owner: CAMPUS CARLSBAD L L C C/O NEWPORT NATIONAL CORP 1525 FARADAY AVE #100 CARLSBAD CA Fees ($) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 429 0 429 0 about:blank 1/1 American Automatic Fire Suppression Inc., CA Lie. C 16-731167 March 19, 2014 Carlsbad Fire Department 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA MAR 19 2014 CARLSIMD FIRE DEPARTMENT Att: Fire Prevention Re: Maxlinear - Underground Submittal 5966 La Place Court Carlsbad, CA. Attached please find three (3) sets of drawings and cut sheets to install new backflow device. Please call when plans are ready for pick up or if you have any questions. Thank you, Michael Dorazio 619-562-3010 AS140090 9510 Pathway St, Suite B * Santee, California 92071 * Office 619.562.3010 * Fax 619.562.8094 * mike@aafsi.com Submit plans and completed permit application to: Contractor License Class and Number (I (I ) C-I (p Do you currently have a b siness license on file with the Cr*of Carlsbad? Name: C'j flfl flI Y?i2-( 0 Signature: u1,{fLrL 4Lr No No: p2_I i(25 )t5)j ate: Iiq/ it CARLSBAD FIRE PREVENTION Exp. Date: 111; (/20 1 S AS140090 CAi I RECEIVED MAR 19 2014 CARLSBAD FM IMPARTMENT Name of Project: Address of job site: CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT PREVENTION DIVISION 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD CA 92008 760-602-4665 Construction Permit Application Form Suite # Building Permit No: CB I LI I )1J) 'i or Project l.D.:________________________________________ C. Contractor Information Company Name flM4brAtl PnJtttm0flL1 F Y c(LfJ2I"cn 0IJ I VT Address g W 0 P61 fhlA. a i Savl-tie-e State (7J Zip c 207, Phone: to I FEi 0 220 1 C) Fax: (fi (Of DL ?DCJ L( E-Mail: m I Ic e, J cf Iro 11Y) 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-7314 (760) 602-4665 Fax: (760) 602-8561 firemaiI@scarIsbadca.gov Office Hours are: M-TH 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. PSI FRI 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. PST To Schedule an Inspection: For inspections ONLY, please call (760) 602-4660, a minimum of two days in advance. Calls will be returned by the end of the next business day. Inspection Hours are: 6:30 AM - 5:00 PM Re-inspection fees and Hydrant Flow Test fees must be paid at the above address prior to receiving an inspection. Inspection Personnel are prohibited by law from accepting payments in the field. All payments must be made at the address above. Plan Check status Inquiries: Allow at least 10 business days for plan review comments and/or approval. This office will contact you when the plans are approved / disapproved. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for mail return of plans. If after 10 business days you have not received a communication from our office, you may contact us at 760-602-4665, by FAX to 760- 602-8561 or e-mail us at: firemail@carlsbadca.gov Revised 9/3/13 I" A~ Tll.~Eq ... Fire Protection by Computer Design AMERICAN AUTOMATIC FIRE 9510 PATHWAY ST. SUITE B SANTEE, CA 92071 -S.. -.-..I- Job Name : MAXLINEAR BACKFLOW Building Location : 5966 LA PLACE CT. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 System Contract Data File : Backf low Calculation.WXF AS 140090 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 AMERICAN AUTOMATIC FIRE Page MAXLINEAR BACKFLOW Date 3/18/14 Hydraulic Design Information Sheet Name - MAXLINEAR Date - 3/18/14 Location - 5966 LA PLACE CT. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Building - System No. - Contractor - AMERICAN AUTOMATIC FIRE SUPPRESSION Contract No. - Calculated By - Drawing No. - FP-01 Construction: ( ) Combustible (X) Non-Combustible Ceiling Height - 1 Occupancy - OFFICE/STORAGE S (XI) NFPA 13 ( ) Lt. Haz. Ord.Haz.Gp. C ) 1 C ) 2 ( ) 3 C ) Ex.Haz. Y ( ) NFPA 231 ( ) NFPA 231C C ) Figure Curve S Other T Specific Ruling Made By Date E M Area of Sprinkler Operation - System Type Sprinkler/Nozzle Density - C ) Wet Make D Area Per Sprinkler - C ) Dry Model E Elevation at Highest Outlet - ( ) Deluge Size S Hose Allowance - Inside - C ) Preaction K-Factor I Rack Sprinkler Allowance - ( ) Other Temp.Rat. G Hose Allowance - Outside - N Note Calculation Flow Required - 1500 Press Required - 20 BOR Summary C-Factor Used: 150 Overhead 150 Underground W Water Flow Test: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: A Date of Test - Cap. - T Time of Test - Rated Cap.- Elev.- E Static Press - 85 8 Press - R Residual Press - 81 Elev. - Well Flow - 1061.6 Proof Flow S Elevation - 0 U P Location - P L Source of Information - Y C Commodity Class Location O Storage Ht. Area Aisle W. M Storage Method: Solid Piled Palletized Rack M Single Row C ) Conven. Pallet C ) Auto. Storage ( ) Encap. S R ( ) Double Row ( ) Slave Pallet ( ) Solid Shelf ( ) Non T A ( ) Mult. Row ( ) Open Shelf 0 R K Flue Spacing Clearance:Storage to Ceiling A Longitudinal Transverse G E Horizontal Barriers Provided: Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N. H. USA 03087 Water Supply Curve C AMERICAN AUTOMATIC FIRE Page 2 MAXLINEAR BACKFLOW Date 3/18/14 City Water Suppiy: Demand: Cl - Static Pressure : 85 Dl - Elevation : 1.732 C2 - Residual Pressure: 81 D2 - System Flow C2 - Residual Flow : 1061.6 02- System Pressure : 39.853 Hose ( Demand) :1500 D3 - System Demand :1500 Safety Margin : 37.565 150 140 130 p 12 R° E10° S90 C2 S 80 -- u 7° R60 E50 1 02 40 30 D3 20 10 620'r400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 FLOW ( N A 1.85) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Fittings Used Summary AMERICAN AUTOMATIC FIRE MAXLIN EAR BACKFLOW Page 3 Date 3/18/14 -. Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name ½ 3/4 1 1'/4 11/2 2 21A 3 31/2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 E NFPA 1390' Standard Elbow 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 G NFPA 13 Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 T NFPA 1390' Flow thru Tee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 Zis Wilkins 475DA Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow Units Summary Diameter Units Inches Length Units Feet Flow Units US Gallons per Minute Pressure Units Pounds per Square Inch Note: Fitting Legend provides equivalent pipe lengths for fittings types of various diameters. Equivalent lengths shown are standard for actual diameters of Sched 40 pipe and CFactors of 120 except as noted with * The fittings marked with a * show equivalent lengths values supplied by manufacturers based on specific pipe diameters and CFactors and they require no adjustment. All values for fittings not marked with a * will be adjusted in the calculation for CFactors of other than 120 and diameters other than Sched 40 per NFPA. Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Pressure / Flow Summary - STANDARD AMERICAN AUTOMATIC FIRE Page 4 MAXLINEAR BACKFLOW Date 3/18/14 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Req. BOR 1.0 20.0 na 1500.0 UG1 -3.0 22.13 na BF1 -3.0 23.67 na BF2 -3.0 36.88 na UG2 -3.0 38.19 na UG3 -3.0 38.77 na SAC -3.0 39.85 na The maximum velocity is 9.62 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes UG1 and BF1 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams - 2007 AMERICAN AUTOMATIC FIRE Page 5 MAXLINEAR BACKFLOW Date 3/18/14 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C° or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pt/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pt Pn BOR to UG1 1500.00 1500.0 8.27 150.0 0.0109 1E 32.344 0.0 0.0 4.000 32.343 36.343 20.000 1.732 0.396 Qa = 1500 Vel = 8.96 UG1 0.0 7.98 2E 54.365 65.000 22.128 to 150.0 0.0 54.365 0.0 BF1 1500.0 0.0130 0.0 119.365 1.546 Vel = 9.62 BF1 0.0 7.98 3E 81.548 12.000 23.674 to 150.0 1 Zis 0.0 81.548 11.998 * * Fixed Loss = 11.998 BF2 1500.0 0.0130 0.0 93.548 1.212 - Vel = 9.62 BF2 0.0 7.98 1E 27.183 15.000 36.884 to 150.0 1G 6.041 86.077 0.0 UG2 1500.0 0.0130 1 52.855 101.077 1.309 Vel = 9.62 UG2 0.0 12.34 1 106.533 265.000 38.193 to 150.0 0.0 106.533 0.0 UG3 1500.0 0.0016 0.0 371.533 0.576 Vel = 4.02 UG3 0.0 8.27 1G 7.187 60.000 38.769 to 150.0 1E 32.344 39.530 0.0 SRC 1500.0 0.0109 0.0 99.530 1.084 Vel = 8.96 0.0 1500.00 39.853 K Factor = 237.61 M Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 FLOW TEST SUMMARY REPORT page 1 LOCATION:Maxlinear Tenant Improvement 5966 La Place Ct., Carlsbad CA Static Hydrant Number: 1 Elevation: 30 Dist. Between Hydrants: 540 Diameter of Main: 8 Outlet Diameter: 2.50 in Static pressure: 85.00 psi Pitot Reading: 40.00 psi Flow at 20 psi: 4790.9 gpm. DATE: 3/13/2014 TIME: 11:20am Flowing Hydrant Number: 2 Elevation: 30 Number flowing: 1 Coeff.: 0.90 Residual pressure: 81.00 psi Flow: 1061.6 gpm GRAPH: PSI I I 100 + 90 +/N/Test Flow-1061.6 gpm-81.00 psii s\\R 80+ 70+ 60 + .... 50 + .... 40+ 30+ 20 + Avail. Flow @ 20 psi=4790.9 gpm * 10 + 0 +-+---+----+-----+------+--------+ -------- +---------+-----------+ 10001500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 FLOW (GPM) NOTES: Flowing hydrant is assumed to be on a circulating main or downstream of the pressure test hydrant on a dead-end system. Flow analysis assumes a gravity flow system with no distribution pumps and having no demand, other than the test flow. Distance between hydrants, elevations & main diameter are for information only. FLOW TEST SUMMARY REPORT page2 100.0 90.0 Normal Pressure-No Flow-85.00 psi W. o- 'bTestFlow-1061.6 gpm-81 70. 60. P R 50. E S S U 40. R E 30. 20. D Avail. Flow @ 20 psi=4790.9 gprn' KIR 0.0 10001500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 FLOW (GPM) Contractor's Matedal and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping Jn.cert logo here Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping PROCEDURE Upon completion of Work, Inspection and tests shall be made by the contractors representative and witnessed by the property owner or their authorized ageflt. All detects shall be corrected and system left In service before contractors personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be..filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. It Is understood the owners representatives signature In no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. Property name Maxilnear Date 5/30/2014 Property address 5966 La Place Ct, Carlsbad CA Accepted by approving authorities (names) Carlsbad Fire Department Address Plans lnètallatiOn conforms to accepted plans JZ Yes 0 No Equipment used is approved 0 Yes 0 No If no, state deviations Has person in charge of fire equipment been instructed as to location of 0 Yes 0 No control valves and care and maintenance of this new equipment? If no, explain Have copies of the following been left on the premises? System components instructions 0 Yes 0 No Instructions Care and maintenance instructions N Yes 0 No 3.NFPA25 0 Yes 0 N 4. With whom have the copies been left? Location of system . Supplies buildings 1 Year of Make Model manufacture Orifice size Quantity Temperature rating Globe GL5601 2014 5.6 155 Globe GL5606 2014 5.6 155 - Sprinklera Pipes and Type of pipe AlliedDyna Thread Type of fittings Anvil fittings Maximum time to operate through test Alarm valve or flow Alarm device connection Type Make Model - Minutes Ss - Vane Potter V-'--- Indicator S ¶ UI I Y OF "-"- FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVED Stablest to field inspection and required tests, notations hereon, conditions in correspondence and conformance with applicable gulatiOnS. The stamping held to permit Of te shaH not be oçAJPr v lation of any law. _____________ Date For Individual use. No other reproduction or transmission in any form permitted. I of 3 Contractor!s Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping Dry valve Q.O.D Make Model Serial No. Make Model Serial No. Dry pipe Time to trip throuqI test connection Water pressure Air pressure Trip point air pressure Time water reached test outlet Alarm operated properly operating test Minutes Seconds psi psi psi Minutes Seconds Yes No Without Q.O.D. il/A With Q.OD. If no, explain Operation 0 Pneumatic 0 Electric 0 Hydraulics Piping supervised Yes No Detecting media supervised 0 Yes 0 No Does valve operate from the manual trip, remote, or both, control stations? 0 Yes 0 No Is there an accessible facility in each Circuit If no, explain for testing? Deluge and. preaction. valves Dyes E) No A)IA,Does each circuit operate Does each circuit operate Maximum time to operate Make Model siervis4ori l alarm? valve release? release Yes No Yes No Minutes Seconds Location and Make and Piessui'ew floor model Setting Static pressure Residual pressure (flowing) Flow rate Flow reducing valve test ____________ , __________ Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) (gpm) I i7 Hydrostatic: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.6 bar) for 2 hours or 50 psi (3.4 bar) above static pressure in excess of 150 PSI (102 bar) for 2 hours Differential dry pipe valve clappers shall be left Test open during the test .to prevent damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. description Pneumatic: Establish 40 psi (2.7 bar) air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed 1 V psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop, which shall not exceed V/z psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. All piping hydrostatically tested at 200 psi ( bar) for 2 hours If no, state reason Dry piping pneumatically tested 0 Yes 0 No Equipment operates properly 0 Yes 0 No Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that additives and corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives of sodium silicate, brine, or other corrosive chemicals were not used for testing systems or stopping leaks? 0: Yes - _L[No Drain test Readiflg of gauge located near water supply test connection: 3'? psi( ba Residual pressure with valve in test connection open wide: 91 OR bar Tests Underground mains and lead-in connections to system risers flushed before connection made to sprinkler piping Verified by copy of the Contractofs Material and Test Yes o No Other Explain Certificate for Underground Piping. Flushed by installer of underground sprinkler piping Yes 0 No If powder-driven fasteners are used in concrete, has 0 Yes 0 No if no, explain representative sample testing been satisfactorily completed? Measured from time inspectors test connection is opened. b NFPA 13 only requires the 80-second limitation In specific sections. For individual use. No other reproduction or transmission in any form permitted. 2 of 3 -1 Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping Blank tasting Number used Locations Number removed gasketS o Welding piping DYes No If yes... Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that weldlng.procedures used complied with the 0 Yes 0 No minimum requirements of AWS 821 ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qiehficatrons or:other applicable qualification standard as required by the AHJ? Do you certify, that all welding was performed by welders or welding operators qualified In DYes 0 No Welding accordance with the minimum requirements of AWS S2.1, ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications, or other applicable qualification standard as required by the AJIJ? Do you certify that the welding was conducted In compliance with a documented quality DYes 0 No control: procedure toensurethat (1) all discs are retrieved; (2) that:openings in piping are smooth that slag and other welding residue are removed, (3) the Internal diameters of piping are not penetrated; (4 completed welds arefree from cracks, incomplete fusion, surface porosity greater than lie in. diameter, undercut deeper than the: lesser of 25% of the wall thickness or 1132 in.; and (5) completed circumferential butt weld reinforcement does not exceed /32 in.? Cutouts (discs) Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that all cutouts (discs) are retrieved? 0 Yes 0 No Hychsullc Nameplate provided If no, explain data nameplate - Yes 0 No Sprinkler contractor removedall caps and straps? OYes D.No Remarks Date_leftln service with all control valves open - 5/30/2014 Name of sprinkler contractor AAFSI Tests witnessed Signatures r ad. fit Title P eA 67os /2c:W Additional explanation and notes For. Individual use. No other reproduction or transmission in any form permitted. 3 of 3 Contractor's Material and TástCertlficate for Underground Piping Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Underground Piping PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractors representative and witnessed by an owner's representative All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job Acertificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. It is understood the owner's representatives signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty rnaterial, poorworkmtinship, or f8llure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. Property name Maxhnear Date 5f3012014 Property address 5966 La Place Court, Carlsbad, CA. Accepted by approving authorities (names) Carlsbad Fire Department Address Plans Installation conforms to accepted plans 1Z.Yes 0 No Equipment used is approved Yes 0 No . If no, state deviations Has person In charge of fire equipment been instructed as to location of 0 Yes 0 No controlvalves and care and maintenance of this new equipment? Instructions if.no, explain Have copies of appropriate Instructions and care and maintenance 0 Yes 0 No charts been left on premises? if no, explain Location Supplies buildings Pipe types and class\/. C&AU 150cJeJ t Type joint Pipe conforms to jV)jjD standard a Yes 0 No Underground Fittings conform to y)jt) standard 10 Yes 0 No 0i. Oft and If no, explain Joints Joints needing anchorage clamped, strapped or blocked in Yes 0 No accordance with CM Lit) standard N no, explain Flushing: Flow the required rate until water is clear as Indicated, by no collectIon of foreign material in burlap bags at outlets such as hydrants.and blow-ofis. Flush at flows nOtless than 390 gpm (1478 Llmin) for 4 in. pipe, 880 gpm (3331 LJmln) for Sin. pipe 1560 gpm (5905 Llmin) for 8 in pipe 2440 gpm (9235 Llmrn) for 10 in pipe and 3520 gpm (13,323 1/mm) for 12 in pipe When supply cannot produce stipulated flow rates obtain maximum available. Hydrostatic: AN piping and attachedappurtenances subjected to system working pressure shalt be hydrostatically Test téStedát 200:psi (138 bar) or 50 psI (3.4bar) In excessof the system working pressure, whichever is greater, and shall maintain that pressure t $ psi for 2 hours. Hydrostatic Testing Allowance: Where additional water is added to the system to maintain the test pressures required by, the amount of water shall be measured and shall not exceed the limits of the following equation (For metric equation, see I.. testing allowance (makeup water), in gallons per hour SD1P S = length of pipe tested, In feet 148 000 0 = nominal diameter of the pipe, in inches P = average test pressure during the hrostatic test in pounds per square inch (gauge) ForIndIvIdual use. No other reproduction or tionsmisslon In any forrnpermitted. I of :2 Contractors Material and Test Certificate for Underground Piping New underground piping flushed according to JRYe9 0 No c.m (JD standard by (company) If no, explain Mow flushing flow was obtained Through what type of opening Flushing Public water :0 Tank or reservoir 0 Fire pump 0 Hydrant butt gopen pipe Lead-ins flushed according to standard by (company) 0 Yes 0 No tests If no, explain How flushing flow was obtained Through what type of opening 0 V connection to flange 0 Open pipe 'Public water 0 Tank or reservoir 0 Fire pump and spigot Hydrostatic All new underground piping hydrostatically tested at Joints covered test psi for 7 hours EYes 0 No Total amount of leakage measured Leakage test gallons hours Allowable leakage gallons hours Hydrants Number installed Type and make All operate satisfactorily DYes No Water control valves left wide open EVes 0 No If no, state reason Control valves Hose threads of fire department connections and hydrants interchangeable with XJYes 0 No those of fire department answering alarm Remarks Date left In service 4g ) /201'! Name of installing contractor •4 ,4 F$( Tests witnessed by Signatures For igne Title ~05004~!~ , a gned)2 atte I &/ :/' ke For I Vnotes —:=;—/ I 7jr I Additional explanati / For individual use. No other reproduction or transmission In any form permitted. 2 of 2 FLOW TEST SUMMARY REPORT page 1 LOCATION:Maxlinea!ant-Jmp,rQv:m:nt CDA:TE.::3:/13/~`2014 Static Hydrant Number: 1 Flowing Hydrant Number: 2 Elevation: 30 Elevation: 30 Dist. Between Hydrants: 540 Diameter of Main: 8 Outlet Diameter: 2.50 in Number flowing: 1 Coeff.: 0.90 Static pressure.: 85.00 psi Residual pressure: 81.00 psi Pitot Reading: 40.00 psi Flow: 1061.6 gpm Flow at 20 psi: 4790.9 gpm GRAPH: PSI---------------------------------------------------------------------- I 100 + I I 90 +1W/Test Flow-1061.6 gprn-81.00 psii I S\\R I 80+ I I .... I 70+ ......I 60+ I 50 + .... 40 + I 30+ I 20 + Avail. Flow @ 20 psi=4790.9 gpm * I 10 + I 0 --------------------------------------- ---+-----------+-----------+ 10001500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 FLOW (GPM) NOTES: Flowing hydrant is assumed to be on a circulating main or downstream of the pressure test hydrant on dead-end system. Flow analysis assumes a gravity flow system with no distribution pumps and having no demand, other than the test flow. Distance between hydrants, elevations & main diameter are for information only. FLOW TEST SUMMARY REPORT page2 100. Normal Pressure-No Flow-85.00 psi Test Flow-1061.6 gpxn-81.00 psi 70. 60. U 40. R 30. 20. 10. [!1 10001500 2000 2500 i000 i:UU 'uuU q zwu 5000 FLOW (G.PM) g..