HomeMy WebLinkAbout1100 LAS FLORES; ; FA070059; Permit3/12/24, 5:16 PM FA070059 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fire Alarm Permit 1100 LAS FLORES Job Address: DR Permit Type: FALARM Parcel No: 1551803100 Lot #: 0 Permit No: FA070059 Status: ISSUED Applied 6/18/2007 Approved: 6/18/2007 Reference No.: Issued: 6/18/2007 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: BUENA VISTA VILLAGE TWO FIRE ALARM INSPECTIONS @ $62/EA Applicant: ADVANCED ELECTRONIC SOLUTIONS 1830 JOHNTOWERSAV EL CAJON, CA 619-579-2898 Owner: PACIFIC LIBERTY INC C/O STEPHINE SPAULDING P0 BOX 752 RANCHO SANTA FE CA Fees ($) f Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 124 0 124 0 about:blank 1/1 BEUNA VISTA VILLAGE CARLSBAD, CA. J. Manual/Automatic LLU Fire Alarm System Submittal APPROV&-XS 41 CARLSB'D FIRE DEPARTMENT kFPOVEt) PS OTE) o pFWED, RUB1'I IS CL FI C E ThE ro'1 cc pC mc MACT S U1 I I)Oi cjT0 IS L' TO E cIMED c.O pi II1E JO 1E I) FOH COORDINATION THE O C 1'Lk 1RAO. 1830 John Towers Avenue, El Cajon, CA 92020 PH 619-579-2898 FAX 619-579-1740 PROJECT INFORMATION 155180.31 ADVANCED ELETRONIC SOLUTIONS-2 1830 JOHN TOWERS AVE EL CAJON, CA 92020. Phone (619) 579-2898 800604 (Class B! C7-CI0) Barry Whitson S.E.T. NICET# 101929 Buena Vista Village i406tas Flores Drive Carlsbad, CA. 92009 APN#: INSTALLING CONTRACTOR: CONTRACTORS LICENCE: PROJECT MANAGER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: OWNER/BUILDER: Farber Family Limited Partnership 2235 Encinitas Boulevard, Suite 104 Encinitas Ca. 92024 SCOPE OF WORK: Manual/Automatic Fire Alarm System ATHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: Carlsbad Fire Dept. Fire Alarm Table of Contents Description Model # Manufacture CSFM# Certification UL Central Fire Alarm Control Panel Expansion Module Input/Output Module Mini Single Input Module Fire Annunciator Keypad NAC-Power Supply Smoke Detector w Base All Weather Heat Detector Heat Detector Manual Pull Station Weatherproof back box Mini-Horn Strobe Horn! Strobe Horn/Strobe Weather Proof Wall Mount Door Holders D7024 Radionics/Bosch 7165-0801:147 D7039 Radionics/Bosch 7165-1615:147 D7053 Radionics/Bosch 7165-1615:147 D7044 Radionics/Bosch 7165-1615:147 D7036 Radionics/Bosch 7120-1615:185 PS-12/24-8mp Wheelock 7315-0785:162 D7050 Radionics/Bosch 7272-1616:175 302-AW- 194 Thermotech 7270-0021:001 602-Fixed-195% Chemtronics 7270-1582:102 FM-100 Radionics/Bosch 7150-1615:224 FMM-100WPBB-R Radionics/Bosch 1750-1615:224 MIS-245-W Wheelock 7135-0785:115 AS-24MCW-FW Wheelock 7125-0785:131 AS-WP-2475W-FR Wheelock 7125-0785:131 D370 Radionics/Bosch 3550-1615:164 7770-0328:010 Supervisory Switches OSYSU1 Potter Power Sonic Battery PS-12180 Power Sonic Battery Box BATB Radionics/Bosch Pam Relay SSU-PAM-4 Space Age Elec. Fire Alarm wire FLPR Honeywell 7300-1615:188 7161-1487:100 ( (lktJnrmttrs Laboratories Inc. Northbrook, IL Santa Clara, CA : Melville, NY Research Triangle Park, NC Camas. WA A not-for-profit organization dedicated to public safety and committed to quality service Applicant ID No: 257057-001 Service Center No 1 Expires: 31-MAR-2008 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the Alarm Service Company indicated below is included by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) in its Product Directories as eligible to use the UL Listing Mark in connection with Certificated Alarm Systems. The only evidence of compliance with UL's requirements is the Issuance of a UL Certificate for the Alarm System and the Certificate is current under UL's Certificate Verification Service. Listed Service From: ALISO VIEJO, CA Alarm Service Company: (257057-001) ADVANCED PROTECTION INDUSTRIES INC, OBA NATIONAL MONITORING CENTER SUITE 250 26800 ALISO VIEJO PKY ALISO VIEJO CA 92656 Service Center: (257057-001) ADVANCED PROTECTION INDUSTRIES INC, DBA NATIONAL MONITORING CENTER SUITE 250 26800 ALISO VIEJO PKY ALISO VIEJO CA 92656 The Alarm Service Company is Listed in the following Certificate Service Categories: File - Vol No. CCN Listing Category S8126-1 UUFX [Signal and Fire Alarm Equipment and Services] (Protective Signaling Services) Central Station **rrts CERTIFICATE EXPIRES ON 31-MAR-2008 "LOOK FOR THE UL ALARM SYSTEM CERTIFICATE' 0 1998 UL Form CS-CC D7024 Operation and Installation Guide EN Fire Alarm Control Panel Contents 5.4.5 Answer for Remote Programming .................26 5.4.6 Manually Activate Outputs ........................... .27 1.0 Notices ................................................................5 5.4.7 Read Zone Input Levels ..................................27 1.1 FCC Compliance .................................................5.4.8 Addressable Point Test (MUX Test) ..............27 1.2 FCC Telephone Connection to Users ..............5 5.4.9 Sensitivity Test ..................................................27 1.3 Industry Canada .................................................5 5.5 Point and Zone Mapping ................................27 2.0 Overview ...........................................................6 5.6 Personal Identification Numbers ....................28 2.1 System Overview ................................................6 5.7 Communicator Operation ...............................29 2.2 On-board Conventional Points .........................7 6.0 Programming ..................................................30 2.3 Off-board Addressable Points (with D7039 6.1 Point Programming ..........................................30 Multiplex Expansion Module) ..........................7 2.4 Enclosure Housing .............................................7 6.1.1 Point Functions Overview ...............................30 2.5 Remote LCD Keypads ...................................... 6.2 Alpha Programming ........................................31 2.6 Remote LED Annunciators ...............................7 6.3 Format Programming ......................................32 2.7 Communicator ............................................ ........8 6.3.1 4/2 ......................................................................32 2.8 Users .....................................................................6.3.3 6.3.2 BFSK ..................................................................32 2.9 Lightning Protection ...........................................9 SIA .....................................................................32 2.10 Backup Battery Calculation ................................9 6.3.4 Contact ID ........................................................32 2.11 Standby Current Load .....................................10 6.3.5 3/1 ......................................................................32 2.11.1 Compatible Devices .........................................ii 6.3.6 Modem lila2 .....................................................32 3.0 Installation and Setup ...................................14 6.4 Programming Menu Tree ...............................33 3.1 Installing the Enclosure ...................................14 6.5 Understanding Shortcuts .................................35 3.2 Installing the Control Panel ............................14 6.6 Remote Programming .....................................35 3.3 Installing Optional Equipment .......................15 7.0 Control Panel Programming .......................36 4.0 Control Panel Terminal Connections .......16 7.1 PROG Time .....................................................36 4.1 Power Supply Connections .............................19 7.1.1 Program Time ..................................................36 4.2 Option Bus Wiring Requirements ..................19 7.1.2 Automatic Test .................................................36 5.0 System Operation ..........................................21 7.1.3 Daylight Savings ...............................................37 5.1 Operating Modes ..............................................21 7.2 Security ..............................................................37 5.1.1 Alarm .................................................................21 7.2.1 PINs ...................................................................37 5.1.2 Trouble ..............................................................21 7.2.2 Authority ...........................................................37 5.1.3 Normal ...............................................................22 7.3 PROG System ..................................................38 5.2 Using the System ..............................................22 7.3.1 Program Timers ...............................................38 5.2.1 Scrolling Menus ................................................22 7.3.2 AC Line Synch .................................................39 5.2.2 Selecting Menu Items ......................................22 7.3.3 Option Bus ........................................................39 5.2.3 Selecting a Main Menu Item ...........................23 7.3.4 PIN REQUIRED .............................................40 5.2.4 Backtracking through a Menu .........................23 7.3.5 Remote Programming .....................................40 5.2.5 Entering Data ....................................................23 7.4 PROG Inputs ....................................................41 5.2.6 Drill ....................................................................23 7.4.1 Point Number ...................................................41 5.2.7 Disable ...............................................................23 7.4.2 Point Function ..................................................43 5.2.8 History ...............................................................23 7.4.3 Point Copy ........................................................45 5.3 Keypads .............................................................25 7.5 PROG Outputs .................................................45 5.3.1 Built-in Keypad .................................................25 7.5.1 Programming NACs ........................................45 5.3.2 D7033 Keypad ..................................................26 7.5.2 Programming Relays .......................................47 5.4 Testing ...............................................................26 7.6 PROG Accounts ...............................................48 5.4.1 Walk Test ..........................................................26 7.6.1 Phone Numbers ................................................48 5.4.2 Communicator Test .................... .....................26 7.6.2 Phone Control ..................................................50 5.4.3 Call for Remote Programming .......................26 7.6.3 Report Steering ................................................51 5.4.4 Test Battery and NACs ....................................26 7.6.4 Ring Count .......................................................51 2 Bosch 7/05 1 31499J 7.6.5 Communication Tries .52 7.6.6 Machine Bypass ................................................52 7.7 PROG Formats .................................................52 7.7.1 4/2 Zone Report ...............................................52 7.7.2 4/2 Report Codes .............................................53 7.7.3 BFSK Report Codes .........................................54 7.7.4 SIA Silent Report .............................................54 7.8 History Defaults ................................................54 7.8.1 Clear History ....................................................54 7.8.2 Default EE .........................................................54 7.8.3 Alternate 4/2 Codes .........................................55 7.9 Programming MUX .........................................55 7.9.1 MUX Edit ..........................................................55 7.9.2 MUX Program ..................................................56 7.9.3 MUX Bus Type ................................................56 7.9.4 Auto Program ...................................................57 7.9.5 Removing MUX Devices ................................59 8.0 Installation Guide for UL Listed Systems .60 8.1 D7024 UL Listings ...........................................60 8.2 Installation Considerations ..............................60 8.3 Programming the D7024 .................................60 8.3.1 Commercial Fire Alarm (Central Station [DACT] and Local) 60 8.3.2 UL Listed Accessory Devices .........................60 9.0 Fire Safety ........................................................63 9.1 Smoke Detector Layout ...................................63 9.1.1 General Considerations ...................................63 9.1.2 Family Residence Installations ........................63 9.2 Escape Plan .......................................................64 10.0 Appendix A: D7024 Control Panel Display Abbreviations ..................................65 11.0 Appendix B: D7024 Control Panel Display Messages ...........................................66 12.0 Appendix C: Fire Communicator Reporting Summary ......................................67 13.0 Appendix D: Programming Defaults List .75 14.0 Appendix E: Telephone Monitor Troubleshooting .............................................78 14.1 COMM FLT/DATA LOST ............................78 14.2 Trouble Telephone ...........................................78 15.0 Specifications ..................................................79 16.0 Index .................................................................80 Figures Tables Table 1: On-board Conventional Point .................. 7 Table 2: LED Assignments for LED Annunciators 4 and 8 ..................................8 Table 3: Standby Battery Capacity Calculations.....9 Table 4: Calculating the Required Battery Size.....10 Table 5: Standby Load Battery Size in Ah ............. ii Table 6: Compatible Devices...................................11 Table 7: D7042 Address Restrictions ...................... .13 Table 8: NACs and Batteries ................................... .19 Table 9: Option Bus Wiring Guidelines.................20 Table 10: Off-Normal Displays..................................22 Table 11: History Event Abbreviations....................24 Table 12: LEDs and Keys...........................................25 Table 13: Addressable Point Test Options...............27 Table 14: Pre-Assigned Zones....................................28 Table 15: PIN Authority Level .................................. 29 Table 16: Point Function Characteristics..................30 Table 17: Mapping Input Points to Functions .........31 Figure 1: D7024 Control Board..................................6 Figure 2: Supplemental Reporting..............................9 Figure 3: Installing the Enclosure.............................14 Figure 4: Installing the Standoff and Support Post 14 Figure 5: Telephone Line Wiring.............................16 Figure 6: Typical Fire Wiring....................................16 Figure 7: Relay Wiring..............................................17 Figure 8: Transformer (Supervised)..........................17 Figure 9: Option Bus (Supervised, Style 4)..............18 Figure 10: Backup Battery Wiring..............................18 Figure 11: Connecting the Transformer to the D7024 Control Board................................19 Figure 12: Option Bus Cable Length versus Current Draw.............................................20 Figure 13: History Event Details.................................23 Figure 14: Built-in Keypad..........................................25 Figure 15: D7033 Keypad...........................................26 Figure 16: Mapping Inputs, Zones, and Outputs......28 Figure 17: Essential Alpha Programming Keys ........32 Figure 18: Programming Menu Tree .........................33 Figure 19: Programming Shortcut..............................35 Figure 20: D7039 Mounting Location........................56 Figure 21: Wiring the Dl32B ...................................... 61 Figure 22: Wiring the D 185 Residential Settings....................................63 Bosch 1 7/05 1 31499J 3 Table 18: Programming the Points Using the Alphanumeric Keys....................................31 Table 19: PIN Authority Levels.................................37 Table 20: Configure Options......................................43 Table 21: NAC Patterns..............................................46 Table 22: Pre-Assigned Zone Quick Reference.......46 Table 23: Remote NAC Configuration ..................... 47 Table 24: Pre-Assigned Zone Quick Reference.......47 Table 25: Pre-Assigned Zone Quick Reference.......48 Table 26: Telephone Number Control Characters 49 Table 27: Telephone Number Assistance Keys.......49 Table 28: 4/2 Reports .................................................53 Table 29: BFSK Reports.............................................54 Table 30: Missing Point Options ...............................57 Table 31: Auto Programming Error Messages.........58 Table 32: D7024 Control Panel Display Abbreviations..............................................65 Table 33: D7024 Control Panel Display Messages 66 Table 34: Fire Communicator Reporting Summary.....................................................67 Table 35: Receiver Output.........................................71 Table 36: Numeric Identifiers....................................73 Table 37: Specifications ..............................................79 4 Bosch 1 7/05 1 31499J 2.0 Overview Figure 1: D7024 Control Board 2.1 System Overview The D7024 Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) is a fully integrated hardwire fire alarm system. It can support four input points and expand to 255 using the D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module and the D7034 Four-Point Expander. The D7024 supports 16 individual users and can expand to 100 using the D7039. The D7024 FACP has a built-in liquid crystal display (LCD) keypad. Up to four additional keypads can be used to provide user interface with the system and programming access for the installer. The D7024 FACP also includes: Built-in dual-line communicator Menu driven keypad programming Freely programmable alpha display 99 Event History buffer 16 User Codes Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Listed, California State Fire Marshall (CS FM), Material and Equipment Acceptance (MEA) Approved Year 2000 compliant Installing the D7039 adds: 247 addressable input points (255 total) 499 user codes Figure 1 shows the location of the D7024 Control Board components. 1 - NAG terminal strip 2— LCD 3 - D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module con-iector pins 4 - Keypad 5 - D7034 Point Expander connector pins 6 - Option bus terminal strip 7 - Zone input terminal strip 8 - Auxiliary power terminal strip 9 - Relay terminal strip 10 —Telco terminal strip 61.9y!. applies to pane s1 equipped with version 2.04 r higher software 6 Bosch I 1 31499J 1.0 Notices 1.1 FCC Compliance This equipment was tested and complies with the limits for a Class "A" digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. There is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment causes harmful interference to radio or television reception, determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user should try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Re-orient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that the receiver is connected to. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio and television technician for help. 1.2 FCC Telephone Connection to Users This control complies with Part 68 of the. FCC rules. A label located on the enclosure's inside contains the equipment's ringer equivalence number (REN) and other information. Upon request, you must provide this information to your local telephone company. The REN is used to determine the number of devices that can be connected to your telephone line and have all of devices ring when your telephone number is called. In most areas, the sum of all device RENs connected to one line should not exceed five (5). Verify the number of devices you can connect to your line by contacting your local telephone company to determine the maximum REN for your local calling area. This equipment might not be used on coin services provided by the telephone company Do not connect this control to party lines If this equipment harms the telephone network, the telephone company might temporarily discontinue your service. If possible, you will be notified in advance. If advanced notice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. The telephone company will inform you of your right to file a complaint with the FCC. The telephone company might change its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures affecting your equipment's function. If this occurs, you will be notified in advance to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted telephone service. If you experience trouble with this equipment, contact the manufacturer for service or repairs. The telephone company might ask you to disconnect the equipment from the network until the problem is corrected or until you verify the equipment is not malfunctioning. The manufacturer, not the user, must make the repairs to this equipment. To protect against accidental disconnection, there is room to mount the Telco jack the control panel cabinet. Control panel operation might also be affected if events such as accidents or acts of God interrupt telephone service. 1.3 Industry Canada The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means the equipment meets specific telecommunications network protective, operational, and safety requirements. Industry Canada does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user's satisfaction. Before installing this equipment, ensure you can connect to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. Install the equipment using an acceptable connection method. Be aware that compliance with the above conditions might not prevent degradation of service in some situations. An authorized Canadian maintenance facility, designated by the supplier, must make repairs to certified equipment. If you make any repairs or changes to this equipment, or the equipment malfunctions can give the telecommunications company cause to request you to disconnect the equipment. For your own protection, ensure the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines, and internal metallic water pipe system (if present) are connected. ' • Do not atternptto make electrical ground con- nections Contact the appropriate electrical inspection authority or an electrician Bosch 7/05 1 31499J 5 Table 1: On-board Conventional Points Number of Two-wire Zones Four zones, expandable to eight using a D7034 Expander Type of Circuit Class 'B", Style B. Use a D7014 Class A" Zone Converter to convert to Class'A", Style D as needed End-of-Line (EOL) Resistor 2.21 k (P/N: 25899), UL listed Superiisory Current 8 mA to 20 mA Required Current for Alarm 25 mA Maximum Short Circuit Cu- 44mA - rent Maximum Line Resistance 150 Q Circuit Voltage Range. 20.4 VDC to 28.2 VDC Maximum Number of 20, two-wire Detectors for each Zone Total lietector Stdndby 3 mA, rnaximuh, .Curreht Time Either fast (500 ms) or programmable (from 1 to 89 sec) 4r, Mrsni+nri,,4 IIn,n+., Pn.k 4 Q ('k i,mi 'i.,IA-.iM 4... 2.2 On-board Conventional Points All on-board points and points implemented with the D7034 work with two- or four-wire detectors. The system has an optional alarm verification feature (Table 1). All onboard points, and points implemented with the D7034 Four Point Expander, are continuously monitored for detectors signaling a dirty condition using the Bosch Security Systems Chamber Check and CleanMe protocol. To prevent nuisance reports, there is a 2-min delay before a dirty detector is annunciated, and a 6-min delay after the detector restores from the dirty condition before the control panel restores the condition. 2.3 Off-board Addressable Points (with D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module) The D7039: adds two Class "B", Style 4 signaling line circuits (SLCs) individually supervises each point for proper connection to the common bus. When more than ten points are troubled, up to ten troubles are shown for each bus, and the balance of the troubles is indicated by a common bus failure message. can set response time to fast, or programmed from 1 to 89 sec. SLC input points are implemented with a D7042 Eight Input Remote Module. 2.4 Enclosure Housing The standard enclosure is manufactured from 18 Ga., cold-rolled steel and measures 21 in. (53 cm) high, 15 in. (38 cm) wide, 4 in. (11 cm) deep. This enclosure includes a keyed lock. The LEDs and LCD are visible through the door. 2.5 Remote LCD Keypads Maximum number: 4 D7033s Wiring requirements: Refer to Refer to Section 4.2 Option Bus Wiring Requirements on page 19. 2.6 Remote LED Annunciators Maximum number: 8 D7030s. Wiring requirements: Refer to Section 4.2 Option Bus Wiring Requirements. I Connect all option bus d m devices to the sae bus, either Bus A or Bus B. Do not connect some devices to Bus A Terminals YA and GA, and connect others to Bus B Terminals YB and GB. Power Terminals RA and RB and Ground Terminals RA and RB can be con- nected interchangeably to either set of termi- nals. For flexible configuration, LED annunciators show output zone information rather than point information. The first installed annunciator, the one with the lowest number address on the bus, shows Zones 1 to 8 on the Bosch 1 7/05 1 31499J 7 annunciator and Zones 9 to 16 on the D7032 Eight LED Annunciator Expander requires D7030X for operation, connecting to the annunciator. The second annunciator and expander pair shows Zones 17 to 32, and the third shows Zones 33 to 48. The fourth annunciator and expander pair shows Zones 49 and 50 and some system zones (Table 2). Table 2: LED Assignments for LED Annunciators 4 and 8 LED Zone Shown Description U§ ef defined . . 2 50 User defined 3 . R&served 4 52 General Fire Alarm (non-silencable) 5. . . - General Fi-e Alarm (siIecabIe) . 6 Reserved 7 Reserved. . . 8 Reserved 9 Reserved 10 58 General Supervisory Alarm (non.silencable) 11 . Reserved . . :. . . .. . . 12 Reserved 13 61 Gene aI Waterfiow (non-silencable) 14 Reserved GeneaI Fire Alarm, Monitor, - SUpervi&y, and WaterfIoi (nori-silencable) : 16 Reserved This pattern repeats when additional annunciator and expander pairs are installed, with the fifth pair showing Zones 1 to 16, the sixth pair showing Zones 17 to 32, and so on. lines and two telephone numbers for reporting. Reports can be directed to one or both of two telephone numbers using the report steering feature in the control panel programming. Note that Account Number 1 is used with Phone Number 1 and Account Number 2 is used with Phone Number 2. Except for test reports, the control panel automatically selects the telephone line used. Reporting begins using Phone Line 1, unless the line monitor shows it to be bad at the start of reporting. If the report is not successful after two attempts on Line 1, the control panel automatically switches and uses Phone Line 2. The only exception occurs when test reports (Manual or Automatic) are sent. Test reports are sent to alternating telephone lines, regardless of the telephone monitor or an initial failure to report. This allows both telephone lines to be tested if the user sends two Manual Test Reports. The first report uses one line and the second uses the other line. During normal operation, the Automatic Test uses a different line each day. Because the control panel automatically selects which line to use, both telephone lines must use the same dialing sequences for reporting. For example, a line requiring you to dial "9" for an outside line cannot be paired with a line that does not require "9". Private branch exchange (PBX) lines and ground start telephone lines do not comply with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) requirements for digital communication. .:. When the central station: receives the Auto-. '.matic.Test Report only every other day, this indicates that one telephone line at the pro tected premises is inoperative This condition must be corrected immediately, as other criti- cal reports.can be delayed during tFe time the communicator is,performing retries to send: the test signal through the inoperative tele- phone line (once each 48 h). While two independent telephone lines are required for UL864 Central Station service, the FACP can be configured with one telephone line if the communicator is only used for supplemental reporting on a local, remote station, or auxiliary system. ConnectJumper Ti to T2 and Rl to R2 if the control panel is installed with only one telephone line. 1 You must enable and configure the communi- cator before it will operate. The communicator Communicator reports might be delayed if the and telephone line monitors are disabled in dialer outputs are not connected together on the default factory configuration. an installation where the control panel has only one telephone line. Phone Line and Phone Number Selection: To ensure the _________________________________________________ delivery of critical reports, the FACP uses two telephone 8 Bosch 1 7/05 1 31499J 2.7 Communicator The communicator can report to two telephone numbers with full single, double, and back-up reporting. It communicates in Security Industry Association (SIA), Modem lila2, Contact ID, binary frequency-shift keying (BFSK), 3/1, and 4/2 Tone burst formats. Figure 2: Supplemental Reporting I 1—Jumper from Ri to RA' 2 - Jumper from Ti to T2 3 - House telephone 4 - Telco line 2.8 Users The system allows up to 16 users, or up to 100 users with the D7039 installed. A personal identification number (PIN), the four-digit code entered at the keypads, and an authority level determine which functions are performed can be assigned to each user. Refer to Section 5.6 Personal Identification Numbers on page 28. 2.9 Lightning Protection This system is intended for installation enteIy within one buildirg. - Metal oxide varistors (MOVs) and spark gaps provide protection from lightning surges and static discharges. 2.10 Backup Battery Calculation Table 3 is used to calculate the standby battery capacity required by NFPA when using the D7024. Table 3: Standby Battery Capacity Calculations Device Quantity Standby . Total Alarm Total Current! Device Standby Current/Device • Alarm D7024 Contro1.13 anel 1 200 mA 200 mA 380 mA 380 mA D184 Local Energy Kit 10 mA 0.45 mA D7014 B to A Initiating Circuit Converter 11 mA 11 mA D7015 B to A NAC Converter 1 mA 46 mA D7034 4 Point Expander 44 mA 160 mA 1570:3-5i/131`0 . ctal Relay 8 Ma +3 0 mA* 8 Ma + 30 mA* D7048/B Octal Driver Module 10 mA 10 mA D7036 Annunciator Keypad 80 mA 100 mA D7031 Remote Keyswitch 0 mA 0 mA D7030X 8-Point LED Annunciator 27 mA 132 mA D7030X-S2 8-Point LED Annunciator 35 mA 175 mA D7030X-S8 8-Point LED Annunciator 35 mA 175 mA Bosch 17/05 1 31499J 9 Table 3: Standby Battery Capacity Calculations I D7032 8-Point LED Annunciator Expander 1 mA 90 mA D7033 Keypad 80 mA 100 mA D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module 150 mA 150 mA:'.'150 mA 150 mA D7042/B Addressable 8-Point Input 8 mA 8 mA D7050 Phofo Smoke Dtecto 0.50 mA 0.56 mA D7050-TH Photo Smoke Detector 0.50 mA 0.56 mA D7045 Multiplex Pull Ston 0 55 mA 0 55 mA D7044 Multiplex Single Input Fire 0.55 mA 0.55 mA D7052 Multiplex Dual Input Fir 0 55 mA 055 mA D7053 Multiplex I/O Module Fire 0:70 mA 0.70 mA Smoke Detct6rs :... . . .i....'.- Bells, Horns, and so on Other Sensors - -. : •. 1. . - . Other Grind Total Gard Total Standby Current Alarm Current I L LIT * Add 30 mA for each relay activated. - The 24 VDC current requirements for the D7030, D7033 and D7035 are shown at 75% of the 12 VDC level shown on the specification sheets for these models. The D7024 regulates 24 VDC power from the battery to 12 VDC for these accessories. The required battery size to support the system can be calculated using Table 3 and Table 4. Table 4: Calculating the Required Battery Size Grand Total Standby Current (in amps) Total Hours of Standby Required (24 or 60) Total Standby Capacity (multiply CS X HS) Grand Total Alarm Current (in amps) Total Hours of Alarm Time Required (usually 0.083 or 0.25) Total Standby Capacity (multiply CA X HA) Total Capacity Required (add TA + IS) Required Capacity with 20% Derating (TO X 1.2) CS HS TS= CS X HS CA HA TA= CA X HA IC = TA + IS C = lox 1.2 2.11 Standby Current Load Use Table 4 to estimate the size of the battery required to support the standby load. Use the second table to estimate the size of the battery required to support the alarm load. Add the results for the total battery size. Select the next larger standard battery for the system. If the results show a requirement for a battery over 40 Ah, reduce the current or add an external power supply. Refer to Table 5 on page 11 for the units in amp hours (Ah). The calculations include a 20% derating factor. 10 Bosch 1 7/05 1 31499J 250 mA to 500 mA 1.0Ato 1.5A 2.1 Ato2.5A 0.1 - 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.3 05 0.9 0.4 0.6 1.2 ni-1.5 0.5 o.g 1.4 2.3 Table 5: Standby Load Battery Size in Ah Standby Load Battery Size Chart Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Required for Required for Required for Required for Required for 24H 48H 60H 72H 80H Grand Total Standby Current .7. ff. 100mAto200rnA 5.8 11.5 14.4 17.3 19.2 201 mA to 300 mA 8.6 17.3 21.6 25.9 . 28.8 301 mA to 400 mA 11.5 23.0 28.8 34.6 38.4 401mAto500mA . 14.4 28.8 36.0 X X 501 mA to 600 mA 17.3 31.6 X X X 601 mA to 700 nA 20.2 X X 701 mA to 800 mA 23.0 X X X X 801 rnKto.900mA ..25.9r x X . x x 901 mA to 1000 mA 28.6 X X X X 1001 mA to 1100 irA 31.7 X X X X 1101 mA to 1200 :A 34.6 X X X X Alarm Load Battery Size Chart Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Required for Required for Required for Required for Required for 5 Min 10 Min 15 Min 30 Mm 45 Mm 10.4 107 - 0.4 - O.8 4.1 Ato4.5 A 0.5 to 5.0' .4...:. 4. . . 5.1Ato5.5A 0.6 1.1 2.11.1 ComDatible Devices 1.1 2.1 3.2 1.2 2.4 - 3.6 1.4 2.7 4.1 1.. . . 3 .. 1.7 3.3 . Table 6: Compatible Devices Device Description D7014 Class 'A Zone Converts a Class B" Style B initiating circuit on the control panel to a Class A", Style D circuit for Converter connection to field wiring This module connects to one of the control panel's conventional jnputs D7015 Class 'A" NAC Converts a reversing Class "B" NAC to a Class "A" circuit. Compatible with any Class "B", Style Y Converter NAC that uses a 2.21 kn EOL resistor. When used on a Class "B", Style Y NAC, it implements a Class "A", Style Z NAC. This connects to NAG output on the control panel. D7030 Eight Point LED Identifies the tocation of a fire alarm for up to eight zones and up to eight are allowed for each sys Annunciator tern D7030X Eight Point LED Identifies the location of a fire alarm for up to eight zones, and up to eight are allowed for each sys- Annunciator tern. D7030X-S2 Eight Point An eight-zone LED annunciator, of which two zones are reserved for supervisory functions. It has LED Annunciator Power and Trouble LEDs plus eight zone LEDs that can be individually labeled. Bosch 1 7/05 1 31499J 11 Table 6: Compatible Devices D7030X-S8 Eight Point An eight-zone LED annunciator with all eight zones reserved for supervisory functions. It has Power LED Annunciator and Trouble LEDs plus eight zone LEDs that can be individually labeled. D7031 Remote Key Allow you to silence notification appliances and reset the control panel from a remote location switch D7032 Eight Point LED Attaches to a D7030X and identifies the location of a fire alarm for eight additional zones: Up to Annunciator Expander eight are allowed for each system. (future release) b7d3d Four-Wire Alpha- Coinecs to either fjr-wire option bus, up to four allowed for each system: numeric LCD Keypad - - - D7034 Four Point Allows the D7024 FACP to support four additional points. The D7034 plugs into the control panel Expander and provides four Class "B", Style B loops identical in characteristics to the loops on the control panel. One D7034 is allowed for each system. D7035/B Octal Relay Allows eight Form C Relay outputs to be added to the system The outputs are fully programmable Module - arid can beativated by system events.For cothplete flexibilit,, eh othput operates indepédeiitl. - - of theother seven. The D7O35coinects to the àption bus, upto to lIowed for each'sisten. • - Reférto he D7035 Installation Guide (P/N: 37280) for the required enclosure modification. The pre-instlled on a:mountinq skirt. .' •' :97035Bi8 - D7036 Fire Annunciator A four-wire LCD annunciator keypad used with the 07024 to establish the location of a fire alarm. Keypad ot D7038 Reme NAC Adds four. NFPA 72 Class B", Style Y NACs throdgh the option bus, and is suervised by the con P&wer Supply trol panel Connects to either four wire option bus of the 07024 Contr9l Panel, up to two allowed - - foreachsytem D7039 Multiplex Expan- Provides either two, two-wire (Class "B", Style 4) multiplex buses or one, four-wire (Class "A", Style sion Module 6) multiplex bus. In Class"A" Mode, up to 120 additional addressable points can be added. In Class "B" Mode, up to 240 additional addressable points can be added. Connects directly to the control panel, allowing one for each system. 07042B Eight 11nput T Provides eight Class B", Style B input points' Up t& 15 modules can be connected to MU X Bus A, Remote Module and l5on MUX Bus B The 67042 is powered by 12 DC supplied by the option bus power termi nals, in addition to the two wire data connection Do not use the D7042 on an SL configured for Class A Style 6 operation D70486 Octal Driver Provides eight open collector transistor outputs for addition to the D7024 FACPs. It connects to Module the control panels through the option bus. 07045 Mux Pull Station UL Listed fire alarm initiating device D7044 Mux Single Input General purpose device connecting a contact device to the control panel's multiplex bus with a Fire supervised local loop. All operating power for the 07044 is drawn from the control panel. D7044M Mux Mini A general purpose device connects a contact device to the control panel's mu tip. bus with a Contact Module supervised input loop All operating power for the D7044M is from the control panel D7052 M Dual Input - A general purpose device connecting to the control panel's multiplex bus. It provides two super- Fire vised input zones for connecting conventional normally-open (NO) inputs. All operating power for the D7052 is from the control panel. 07053 Mux l&O Module A general purpose device connecting the control panel a multiplex bus It implements a supeivised Fire locaJ loop, and a Form "C" Relay output Up to 20 modules can be connected to each MUX bus All operating power for the D7053 is from the control 'aheli. 12 Bosch 1 7/05 1 31499J Table 7 summarizes address restrictions for the D7042, D7052, and D7053 Modules. Table 7: D7042 Address Restrictions 9* 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17'. 18 19. 20 21 22. 23 24 25* 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33* 34:. 35 36 37 . 38 .i. 39 40 41* 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49' 50 -' 51 52 57' 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65' .. 66 67 ' 68 . 69 : . 7 ' 71 ., 74 75 76 77 78 80 81'. •' 82 : 83 . . 84 85 86 87. 89* 90 91 92 93 - 95 96 97* 98 iôo .: -q 102 P103 105' 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 114 115 . 116 117 . 11' 119 . .120 121' . 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129' 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137* iA - 19 140 141 ' 142 143 144 145* 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153* 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161* 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169' 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177' 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193* 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201* 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209* 210 211 212 213 214 215',..'216 217' 218 2f9 220 221 222 223 224 225* . . 26 .. 227 'a.. 228 229 . 30--,--' 231. 1 . 232, 233* 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241* 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 -- 249 .250 251 252 253 254 255 Note: Install theU-/U42 Modules iily at addresse1hat are toilowed an astensk ¶Do not install D7052 anCl,,L, /053 Modules (Class "B") on addresses in bold. . . . - . . ............... . '. Bosch 1 7/05 1 31499J 13 3.0 Installation and Setup The shipping box includes: One D7024 FACP in a static-resistant bag One enclosure with transformer One hardware pack One enclosure lock, washer, and keys Six EOL resistors The hardware pack includes the hardware needed to install the control panel in the enclosure. 3.1 Installing the Enclosure 1. Using the enclosure as a template, mark the top mounting holes on the mounting surface (Figure 3). Start the mounting screws (not supplied) for these two holes first. Slide the enclosure onto these screws so the screws move up into the thinner section of the holes. Then tighten the screws. Screw the remaining two screws into either set of bottom mounting holes. Knock out the desired wire entrances on the enclosure. 3.2 Installing the Control Panel The D7024 Control Board is static sensitive Touch ground before handling the control board to discharge any static electricity in your. body. For example, run the ground wire to the enclosure before handling the control board Continue touching the enclosure while installing the control board 1. Insert the three support posts in the retainer holes on the enclosure (Figure 3 and Figure . Figure 4: Installing the Standoff and Support Post PCrF) IL] 1 - 0.125-in, nylon standoff 2 - Retainer holes (2) 3 - Support post assembly 4 - Corner of circuit board 5 - Support post 6 - Retainer hole in enclosure 2. Press the 0.125-in, nylon standoffs (P/N: 30503) into the retainer holes (Figure 3 and Figure 4). 3. Slide the top of the control board into the retainer tabs (the slots under the top of the frame) so the control board resets on the posts. 4. Secure the bottom of the control by screwing the two bottom corners through the support posts and through to the control board retainer holes (Figure 4). 5. When the control board is installed, use the nuts to connect the ground wire between the door and the enclosure. Use the second ground wire to connect the AC power ground. Both grounds connect to the enclosure's stud to the left of the circuit board. 14 Bosch 7/05 1 31499J 3.3 Installing Optional Equipment The two expansion options, the D7034 Four Point Expander and D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module, connect directly to the control panel. These options are automatically detected and supervised when the control panel is powered up. When the control panel is powered up after installing one of these options, one of the following windows appears: 4Z EXP DETECTED PRESS CLEAR KEY NAC EXP DETECTED PRESS CLEAR KEY 1UX DETECTED PRESS CLEAR KEY When the D7039 is first installed, or any time the control panel is powered up with a D7039 that has no points programmed into it, the system automatically starts the multiplex auto-programming process: AUTO PROGRAM? :YES (1) /NO (0) Press the [1] key to start auto-programming. Press [01 to allow the control panel to continue normal startup. The menu automatically closes with NO selected if no key is pressed after several minutes. Refer to Section 7.9.4 Auto Program on page 57 for Auto-Programming Mode instructions. Press [CLEAR] to verify the installation of the device and automatically set it up for supervision. If you do not press [CLEAR] during the power-up time- out period, the control panel resumes operation using the last verified status of the affected expander, and shows an installation error condition. Refer to the expander installation instructions for additional information. When the 07039.Multiplex Expansion Mod- ule is first installed, in most cases the system shows an EEPROM fault. You must run the default procedure to synchronize the EEPR on the expansion module with th OM e EEPROM in the control panel. Cycle power to the control panel and re-install the option bus devices after the default procedure. Replacing a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Mod- ule causes expansion point and PIN program- • ming to be lost. Reprogram all multiplex point and PINs when replacing the D7039. Bosch 17/05 1 31499J • 15 4.0 Control Panel Terminal Connections Refer to Figure 5 through Figure 10 when connecting the control panel terminal. Incorrect connections can cause damage to the equipment and personal injury. Before servicing the equipment, remove all power including the trahsforrner, battery, and telephone ines'; Do not use shared cable for option bus, tele- ______ phone or NAC Figure 6: Typical Fire Wiring qxp cpçcpcp I®FI I.®I3.II:OI3I GDt) ®12Ti+dl 1 - Input 2 - Loop power + 3 - Smoke detector 4 - EOL resistor 5 - Typical two-wire smoke detector wiring (supervised). Refer to the D7022 Series, D7024 Smoke Detector Compatibility List (P/N: 34445) for a list of compatible two-wire smoke detectors. 6 - Smoke power - 7 - Smoke power + 8 - D275 EOL relay 9 - Typical four-wire smoke detector wiring. For example, a D285 in a D292 Base. 16 Bosch 17/05 1 31499J I Figure 7: Relay Wiring I 1 - Relay 2. Contacts rated at 5 A, 24 V (unsupervised) 2 - Relay 1. Contacts rated at 5 A, 24 V (unsupervised) 3 - For connection to listed power limited Class 2 or Class 3 sources only 4 - Switched (supervised) smoke power: 24 V 1 A maximum (filtered). Refer to the D7022 Series, D7024 Smoke Detector Compatibility List (P/N: 34445). 5 - Unswitched (unsupervised) auxiliary power: 24 V, 1 A maximum (unfiltered) 6 - Earth ground 7 - Input points 1 to 4 (supervised): Points are intended for connection to normally-open or normally-closed alarm contacts. They can also be used for compatible two-wire smoke detectors. All EOL resistors are 2.21 k[2 (P/N: 25899), UL Listed. Initiating devices are Class "B", Style B. Two-wire compatibility identifier "A." 8 - Refer to the D7022 Series, D7024 Smoke Detector Compatibility List (P/N: 34445). Figure 8: Transformer (Supervised) c) 1 - Red wire 2 - Brown wire 3—NC 4— AC power 2 5—AC power 6 - White wire 7 - Black wire J Alwirirgxdept battery, trmi al' ánd primary. AC power is power limited Separate the pri maryACan4 battery wires from other wires. by at leaf 025 in. (64 mm). Also tie the wire' to prevent movement. Bosch 1 7/05 1 31499J 17 Figure 9: Option Bus (Supervised, Style 4) 1 - Option power (A + B) 500 mA, maximum 2 - Option Bus A 3-Option Bus 4 - +12 V 5- Corn. 6 - Data 7 - Connect option bus devices to Option Bus A or Option Bus B. ' Connect all option bus devices to the same bus, either Bus A or Bus B Do not connect some devices to Bus A Data Terminals YA or GA and some t Bus B Data Terminals YB or GB. Power Terminals RA and RB and Ground Terminals BA and BB an be connected interchangeably to either set of terminals Figure 10: Backup Battery Wiring 1 - 2.21 ku EOL, supervised (P/N: 25899) 2 - Black wire 3 - Red wire 4 - Terminal - 5 - Terminal + 6 - Backup Battery #1 7 - Backup Battery #2 18 Bosch 17/05 I 31499J Table 8: NACs and Batteries Notification Appliance Circuit NAC 1+: +24 V in alarm; ground in standby. NAC 1-: Ground in alarm; supervisory voltage in standby. NAC 2+:+24 V in alarm; ground in standby. NAC 2-: Ground in alarm; supervisory voltage in standby. Batteries BAT- and BAT +: Requires two 12 V batteries in series for a combined voltage of 249. Charge current equals 1.1 A maximum. Note: Only use indicating devices listed in the D7024 NAC Compatibility List (P/N: 34950). Do not short terminals Shorting terminals can cause an explosion or burn 4.1 Power Supply Connections Use wire nuts to connect the primary side of the transformer, with the black and white wires, to the 120 V, 60 Hz dedicated circuit breaker. Connect the earth ground to the threaded ground stud on the left side of the enclosure (Figure 11). Figure 11: Connecting the Transformer to the D7024 Control Board I r 0 1l.!l - CD I 1 I •. I _ I . . - 1 - Primary 2 - White wire 3 - Black wire 4.2 Option Bus Wiring Requirements Use 18 AWG (1.2 mm) or larger wire to connect option bus devices to the FACP. The total length of wire connected to the option bus terminals must not exceed 4000 ft (1219 m), regardless of the gauge wire used. Connect all option bus devices to the same bus, either Bus A or Bus B Do not connect some devices to Bus A Data Terminals YA or GA and some to Bus B Terminals YB or GB Power Terminals RA and RB, and Ground Terminals BA and BB can be connected interchangeably to either set of terminals Do not use shared cable for option bus, addressable points bus, telephone, or NAC wiring. Bosch 17/05 1 31499J 19 Avoid shielded or twisted pair wire, except for special applications where a reduced length of wiring (approximately 50%) is acceptable for an unusually harsh electrical environment to be tolerated. The length of wire allowed between the control panel and the last device on a wiring run depends on the current drawn on that wiring run. Reducing the number of devices on a wiring run allows the individual runs to be longer. When devices are all the same type on a given wire run, use the guidelines in Table .9. Table 9: Option Bus Wiring Guidelines Device Number of Maximum Allowed Cable Length to Current Draw (for reference) Wiring Run Last Device (18 AWG [1.2 mm]) 07030 LED Annunciator 1 - 1000 ft (304 m) 175 mA D7030 LED Annunciator 2 500 ft (152 m) 175 mA x 2 = 350 mA D7030 LED Annunciator 4 250 ft(76 m) 175 mAx 4 = 700 mA jk D7033 Remote Keypad 1 2000 ft (608 m) 100 mA D7033 Remote Keypad 2 21000 ft (304 m) 100 mAx 2'":-2 =00 mA 07033 Remote Keypad 4 500 ft (152 m) 100 mAx 4=400 mA 07035 Remote Relay 1 500 ft (152 m) 330 mA D7035 Remote Relay 2 250 ft (76 m) 330 mA x 2 = 660 mA fl7fl i('.fl AnInS-L-r 200tft(RnR rn' - 101 mA 07036 LCD Annunciator 2 1000 ft (304 m) 100 mAx 2 = 200 mA D7036 LCD Annciator 4 500 ft (152 m) 100 mAx 4 = 400 mA • D7038 Remote NAC 2 4000 ft (1216 m) <50 mA each When there are more than one type of device installed on a given wiring run, total the alarm current drawn by all the devices on the wiring run to determine the maximum allowable distance between the option bus terminals on the control panel and the last device on the wire run (the device furthest from the control panel). Add all alarm loads for option bus devices on the wire run, and use to determine the maximum allowed length for the run. For example, if the total load of option bus devices on a particular run is 400 mA, the maximum length of the run can be up to 500 ft (152.4 m). No more than 4000 ft (1219.2 m) of wire can be connected to the option bus terminals, even if the individual lengths of the runs are all within limits. Figure 12 shows the lengths for 18 AWG (1.2 mm). For 16 AWG (1.5 mm) wire, cable lengths can be 1.5 times longer, and for 14 AWG (1.8 mm) wire, cable lengths can be 2.5 times longer. The maximum length of connected wire (4000 ft [1219 m]) still applies. Figure 12: Option Bus Cable Length versus Current Draw - 2500- 2111 - - - - - - - - - - 500 o 0 200 400 600 800 1000 CD 1 - Cable length (ft) 2 - Current draw (mA) 20 . . Bosch !7/05131499J 8.0 Installation Guide for UL Listed Systems 81 D7024 UL Listings The D7024 is UL Listed for Commercial Fire Alarm (Type Service: Auxiliary, Local, Central Station, and Remote Station; Type Initiating: Automatic, Manual, Sprinkler Supervisory, and Waterfiow), UL Standard UL864. ' Install the control panel according to NFPA 72 for commercial fire installationr. 8.2 Installation Considerations Failure to install and program the control panel according to requirements in this section voids the UL Listed mark. The standby battery capacity is 40 Ah at 24 VDC. The total nominal current must not exceed 1140 mA in standby nor 4 A in alarm. Mount the control panel indoors and within the protected area. Ground according to Article 250 of the NEC (NFPA 70). Connect points to UL Listed, compatible devices. Use the supplied nut to connect the ground wire (provided with the enclosure) between the door and the enclosure. Do not program Ground Start. Select telephone monitoring if using the digital alarm communicator transmitter (DACT). 8.3 Programming the D7024 Test the system after installation and after re- ______ programming, including programming per- formed by downloading. When used in UL Listed installations, the control panel must conform to certain programming requirements. The following is a list of the required program entries and required accessories for specific UL listed installations. 8.3.1 Commercial Fire Alarm (Central Station (DACT] and Local) Required Accessories At least one D285 Smoke Detector with a D287 D288, D292, D293 Series Basej or another UL Listed compatible smoke detector. At least one D432A Horn and Strobe or D443 Bell. Provide 85 dB for UL985 and NFPA 72 requirements. Use other UL Listed compatible devices with a voltage range from 20 VDC to 31 VDC for this application. Install it inside the protected area. Use four-wire detectors UL Listed power supervision devices, such as the D285 in a D292 or D293 Series Base. A compatible UL Listed EOL relay is the D275. Use all points with the EOL resistor provided. Report Programming Program non-supervisory and supervisory reports for the points used. Program Trouble Reports. Set an AC Failure Report Delay for 25% of the estimated standby time; or set it to report at 25% depletion of battery capacity. Set Automatic Test Report frequency at least every 24 h. Timer Programming Program Auto Silence Time for no less than 5 mm, or to "0" to disable. Point Programming For fire points: open = trouble, latching. Alarm Output Programming Program NACs to activate from appropriate input points. Communications Programming (if Used for Central Station Service) Select a communication format compatible with the central station. Enable the monitoring of both telephone lines. 8.3.2 UL Listed Accessory Devices D132B Multi-use Reversing Relay Module The D 132B is a multi-purpose, fully configurable, smoke power-reversing module for activating detectors with local annunciation. The D132B operates both two-wire and four-wire circuits, and works with Class "R' or Class "B" initiating circuits. An alarm latch connection allows an initiating loop held in alarm after the detector loop power is reversed to activate any sounders. The D 132B does not affect the compatibility between the FACP and detectors, or the FACP and NACs. Refer to the D132B Installation Guide (P/N: 40895) for installation instructions. Refer to Figure 21 on page 61 for an example. 60 . Bosch 1 7/05 1 31499J I Figure 21: Wiring the D132B I 1 - NAC output 2 - Input point 3 - Power limited and supervised 4 - 2.21 kt2 EOL power limited and supervised (P/N: 25899) 5 - 24 V two-wire reversing detectors 6-24 VNACs 7 - Earth ground 8- Not used 9 - D1328 10 -Loop 11 -Class 'W' (not used) 12 -Optional alarm latch 13 -NAC input 14 -12 VDC/24 VDC Bosch 1 7/05 1 31499J 61 D184A Local Energy Kit The D184A is a UL Listed module that connects local energy signaling devices to the D7024 for auxiliary service operation. Refer to the D 184A Installation Guide (P/N: 41175) for more information. D185 Reverse Polarity Module The D 185 Reverse Polarity Module is a UL Listed module connecting the control panel with either a single set or a pair of leased telephone company (Telco) lines in NFPA 72 remote station applications. It relays system alarm status information from the control panel to a monitoring station. The D 185 operates with either 12 or 24 VDC supply. The D185 can signal alarm, trouble, and supervisory conditions (refer to the D 185 Installation Manual (P/N: 32906) for details). Figure 22 shows the module being used to signal alarm and trouble conditions only. With a third relay, available from the eight-relay expansion module and an additional leased line, supervisory conditions can also be signaled. In this example, Relay 1 must be programmed to operate on Alarm (Zone 63) and Relay 2 must be programmed to operate on Trouble (Zone 62). Input 4 is programmed as a monitor point. Any alarm interrupts the voltage to the monitoring station. Placing the D 185 in Test Mode causes a MONITOR TROUBLE 4. Figure 22: Wiring the D185 II --] 2 RELAY I.02IcI - - OM I®I -- RELAY 1I IN01l®1 SMK+ SMOKE POWER - EARTH GROUND ®HH INPUT POINTS L+ 1 - D185 Module 2 - To monitoring station 3 - Black wire 4 - Yellow wire 5 - Blue wire 6 - D275 EOL 7 - 2.21 k[2EOL (P/N: 25899) 8—Fire panel Bosch 1 7/05 1 31499J I 1 I GNDIPVRIPWR TRBL SUPV AIRA SUPV + TRIG TRIG TRIG + - . + SUPV AL RSIALRM GND L®®®®®Q® Fire Alarm Systems I D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module IFire iSystems Has two Class B (Style 4) multiplex buses (supports addresses 9 to 255) Provides one Class A (Style 6) multiplex bus (supports addresses 9 to 128) Expands number of user codes to 100 PINs Increases event history buffer to 499 events Compatible with RPS Easy to install The D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module is designed to enhance the conventional features of the D7024 Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). The D7039 connects directly to the FACP and results in a total of up to 255 addressable points. The D7039 also increases the number of relay outputs to 58, adds an additional 400 events to the history buffer for a total of 499 non-volatile events, and also allows for up to 100 system users (an addition of 84 PINs from the base system). The D7039 can be programmed remotely from a laptop or PC using the BPS Remote Programming Software. Parts Included Quant. Component 1 D7039 board 1 D7039 Input-Output board 3 Standoffs for input-output board 4 Standoffs for D7039 board 1 Literature pack Certifications and Approvals Listings and UL UOJZ: Control Units, System (UL864) Approvals: CSFM 7165-1615:147 Factory Mutual Research BOSC 0 0 2 I D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module Installation/Configuration Notes Compatible Products The following products are compatible with the D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module: Category Product ID Product Description Control D7024 Addressable and conventional FACP Panels D7024-EXP Addressable and conventional FACP for export Mounting Considerations The D7039 mounts onto the control panel board inside of the control panel's enclosure using connector pins. An input- output module mounts to the inside wall of the enclosure for field wiring. Wiring Considerations Refer to control panel's installation guide for additional wiring requirements. Maximum Impedance: 500 at +20°C (+68°F) nominal Distance (approximate) Size 1170 m 1.0 mm 1810m 15mm2 3800 ft 18AWG 5950 ft 16AWG Note: Do not use shielded cable. Twisted pair is acceptable but not recommended. Note: If used in fire applications, a minimum of 18 AWG wire is required. Environment: Indoor, dry Current (load): 100 mA maximum each bus Current (alarm and standby): 150 mA maximum Resistance (bus wiring): 500 maximum Voltage (bus): 12 VDC nominal Voltage (input) 24 VDC nominal D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module D7039 BOSCH Americas: Europe, Middle East, Africa: . Asia-Pacific: Bosch Security Systems Bosch Security Systems B.V. Bosch Security Systems Pte Ltd 130 Perinton Parkway P.O. Box 80002 38C Jalan Pemimpin Fairport, New York, 14450, USA 5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Singapore 577180 Phone:-4-1 585 223 4060 Phone:+31 (0) 40 27 83955 Phone:+65 6319 3450 Fax:+1 800 289 0096 Fax-.+31 (0) 40 27 86668 Fax:+65 63193499 security.sales@us.bosch.com emes.securitysystems@bosch.com apr.securitysystems@bosch.com http://www.boschsecurity.us http://www.boschsecurity.com http://www.boschsecurity.com Data subject to change without notice I Piloted in USA I 45147en-01 lie. Sep 2005 Fire Alarm Systems I D7053 Multiplex Input-output Module D7053 Multiplex Input-output Module Use with 07024 Addressable FACPs Fits into a standard double-gang or four-inch square back box Easy addressing using rotary switches Low current draw UL Listed - .- . • . . -. .. r 41 •••••••••• ..rj, .-r . . ........................•• . . ' 1-t — ........... . -. . . ....-. .. . u a .. a '--. .; .. .. • ....... - ' "p --•— '. .' . I a , — ¼ "-s •.._ The D7053 Multiplex Input-output Module is a general purpose device that monitors a normally-open (NO), supervised contact device and provides a separately controlled Form C relay output It is used whenever an NO contact must be connected to the multiplex bus of a D7024 Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) and a separately-controlled output relay is desired. The D7053 connects to the multiplex bus in either a Class A or Class B configuration. All operating power for the D7053 module is drawn from the control panel's multiplex bus. Rotary switches allow convenient address setting. An on-board status LED on the module indicates normal, alarm, and trouble conditions and is visible on the module or on an attractive, low-profile faceplate. Parts Included Quant. Component 1 07053 module 2.21 kQ end-of-line (EOL) resistor (PIN: 25899) Literature pack Certifications and Approvals Listings and UL UOXX: Control Unit Accessories, System Approvals: (UL864 9th edition) CSFM 7165-0801:177 Factory Mutual Research Security you can rely on. BA'SCH 2 1 D7053 Multiplex Input-output Module Installation/Configuration Notes Compatible Products The following products are compatible with the D7053 Multiplex Input-output Module: Category Product ID Product Description Control 07024 Addressable FACP Panels D7024-EXP Addressable FACP for export Modules D7039 Multiplex expansion module Mounting Mount the D7053 on a double-gang or four-inch square back box. Wiring Make connections to the terminals on the rear of the D7053. All terminals can accommodate up to 12 AWG (2.3 mm) wire; however, follow wiring guidelines specified by the National Electrical Code (NFPA-70). All wiring is power limited and supervised. Note: Do not use shielded wire. Supervise the Class B input loop with the supplied EOL resistor. Environment: Indoor, dry Radio Frequency No false alarm on critical frequencies in Interference (RFI) the range from 26 MHz to 950 MHz for Immunity: field strengths less than 30 V/rn Relative Humidity: Up to 93% non-condensing Temperature (operating): +32°F to +120°F (0°C to +49°C) Type: One normally-open (NO) Class B input supervised by a 2.21 ko) EOL resistor Color: White Dimensions: 43 in. (10.9 cm) square by 1.1 in. (2.7 cm) deep Material: ABS plastic Weight: 3.9 ox (110 g) Alarm: Reports alarm and point number to FACP Relay: One set of Form C (NO/C/NC) contacts rated for 120 .VAC at 0.5 A, 24 VDC at 1.0 A, resistive loads only Trouble: Reports trouble and point number to FACP IMM Current: 0.70 mA - Voltage (minimum): 12 VDC nominal (8 V peak minimum) D7053 Multiplex Input-output Module D7053 Americas: Europe, Middle East, Africa: Asia-Pacific: Bosch Security Systems Bosch Security Systems B.V. Bosch Security Systems Pte Ltd BOSCH 130 Perinton Parkway P.O. Box 80002 38C Jalan Pemimpin Fairport, New York, 14450, USA 5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Singapore 577180 Phone:+1 585 223 4060 Phone:+31 (0) 40 27 83955 Phone:+65 6319 3450 Fax:+1800 289 0096 Fax:+31 (0) 40 27 86668 Fax-.+65 63193499 security.sales@us.bosch.com emea.aecurityaystems@bosch.com spr.sacuritysystems@bosch.com http://www.boschsecurityus http://www.boschsecurity.com httpl/www.boschsecurity.com Data subject to change without notice I Pinted in USA I 50893en-01 19- Jan 2006 1 47 D7044M Installation Instructions • EN Multiplex Mini Single Input Module Notices These instructions cover the installation of the D7044M Multiplex Mini Single Input Module in a fire system supervised by a D7024 or.DS9400M Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) with firmware revision 2.0 or greater and a D7039 or DS9431 Multiplex Expansion Module. Install, test, and maintain the D7044M according to these instructions, NFPA 72, local codes, and the Authority HavingJurisdiction (AHJ). 0:'.: - ..., 1. - "' " , , . , I. FoI!ow the procedures in these instructions: it to avoid personal injuryand damage to the equipment. Fai!üretd follo',v these pr6q6d6r6s can dads the D7044M to not dperate properly. Bsch is not responsible for improperly installed, testd, or maintained - - devices. : - Test the FACP according toNFA 72. - r - •; •- :.'.- 1.0 Description The D7044M (Figure 1) is a general purpose module that connects a contact device to the FACP's multiplex bus with a supervised input loop. All operating power for the D7044M is drawn from the FACP. I Figure 1: D7044M Features IXIXIXI AD7O24 ' I B059400 i-;A- 9 0 i g 0 21B 654 64 1 - Status LED 3 - Rotary address switches 2 - Wiring leads Rotary switches (Item 3 in Figure 1) provide convenient address setting. An on-board Status LED, visible through the faceplate, indicates normal operation and communication with the control panel. The LED flash rates are: Fast: Approximately 4 sec indicating an alarm condition Medium: Approximately 8 sec indicating normal operation Slow: Approximately 16 sec indicating a trouble condition The D7044M can be inserted in a standard single-gang electrical box. 2.0 Setting the Address Set the D7044M address using a single point screwdriver to position each rotary switch located on the front (Figure 2). Note that the switches click when turned. I Figure 2: Setting the Address I 1 - Hundreds 2 - Tens 3 - Ones A = 07024 FACP, B = DS9400M FACP For example: 0 hundreds, 9 tens, 5 ones = Address 095 on the 07024 FACP The valid D7044M address range is 9 to 255. Refer to the D7024 Operation and Installation Guide (P/N: 31499) or the DS9400M Reference Guide (P/N: 44578) for additional address limitations. The A address range works on the D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module with the D7024 FACP The B address range works on the D39431 Multiplex Expansion Module with the DS9400M FACP Figure 2 shows the A address range set at 095, allowing the D7039 to work with the D7024 FACP. Bosch 110/04 1 48488D 3.0 Wiring A . Remove all power before making electrical it connections. Failure to do so can result in personal injury and damage to the equipmen Use normally open (NO) contacts for Underwriters Laboratories, Inc (UL) Listed fire installàtiôns. The control panel loop and field wiring connections are made using the flying wire leads on the D7044M (Figure 3). All wiring is power limited and supervised. Figure 3: Field Wiring Connections 1 - MUX bus loop (+), red 2 - MUX bus loop (-), black 3 - Zone in (+) orange 4 - Zone in (-) blue 5 - To next device 6 - From previous device, the D7039, or the DS9431 7 - UL Listed 2.21 kQ end-of-line (EOL) resistor (P/N: 25899) 4.0 Installation Complete all wiring connections before inserting the D7044M into the single-gang box. Install the D7044M into a single-gang box. Place the D7044M inside the gang box and mount the gang box according to its mounting instructions. Bosch 1l0/04 1 484880 5.0 Specifications Table 1: Specifications Control Panel Single input Programming Type Control Panel D7024 or DS9400M FACP with ROM Requirements version 2.0 or greater and a 07039 or 0S9431 Multiplex Expansion Module • installed. Refer to the 07024 Operation and Installation Guide • (P/N--3'1499)8`r the 0S9400M Reference Guide (P/N: 44578) for • specific progarnrning information. Refer tothe 07039 Installation Guide (P/N-3868 Yor the 0S9431 • Installation Guide (P/N: 41 381) for • multiplex wiring information. Multiplex Bus Alarm: 550 hA Average Standby: 550 pA Current Draw Nominal: 12 V Operating . +32°F td+120°F (0°C to +49°C) re-,: - Relative 93% non-condensing Humidity Listins and UL864 . Appovals • • CalifOrnia State Fire Marshall (CSFM) , LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7165-1615:147 Page 1 of 1 Control Unit (Non High-Rise) Bosch Security Systems, 130 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, NY 14450 Contact: Frank Mioduszewski (585) 223-4060 FAX (585) 421-4263 Model 07024 fire alarm control unit. Power limited, local, automatic, manual, noncoded, remote station, central station, waterfiow and sprinkler supervisory service. Refer to the listee's data sheet for additional components description. System components: D7024 07034 D7033 D7035, D7035B 25899 DIB4A D185 D7014 D7039 D7038 07015 D7042 D7042B, 07044, D7044M, 07052 D7048, D7048B D7053 Control Unit 4-Zone Expander Keypad Expanded Relay Module End-of-line Resistor City Tie Kit Reverse Polarity Module Class A Adapter MUX Expander Remote NAC Expander Class A NAC Module Eight Zone Expander Multiplex Expander Module Octal Driver Module Multiplex Input/Output Module RATING: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: NOTE: 120 VAC primary; 24 VDC Secondary In accordance with the listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. Listed as a fire alarm control unit for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. This control unit can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 1999 Edition. For Fire Alarm Verification Feature (delay of fire alarm signal), the maximum Retard/Reset/Restart period shall not exceed 30 seconds. Formerly 7165-0801:177 07-05-05 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or ' recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 23, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager D7036 Fire Annunciator Keypad Compatible with D7024 Series Fire Alarm Control Panels Two-line, 16-character LCD display On-board LEDs indicate Silenced, Trouble, Alarm, and Power - Silence and Reset buttons - Built-in keyswitcl-i Attractive, low-profile enclosure P. UL Listed The D7036 is a four-wire LCD annunciator keypad used with the D7024 Series Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACP) to establish the location of a fire alarm. The two-line, 16- character display is capable of showing all messages normally displayed on the control panel. All alarm and status messages are included. Four on-board LEDs provide easy reading of the annunciators status from a distance. There are Silence and Reset buttons for controlling annunciator and control panel operation. A built-in keyswitch offers extra security by locking out the annunciator to prevent unwanted sounder silencing or control panel resetting. Certifications and Appi ovals Listings and UL UOXX: Control Unit Accessories. System (UL864) Approvals: CSFM 7120-1615: 185 Factory Mutual research Installation/Configuration Notes Compatible Products Category Product ID Product Description Control D7024 Four-zone FACP Panels D7024LC Four-zone FACP without enclosure D7024-EXP Four-zone FACP for export D7024-EXPLC Four-zone FACP for export without enclo- sure Mounting The D7036 can be surface mounted on a standard three- gang box, or with the mounting backplate provided. Wiring Guidelines For the D7024 FACPs, the maximum allowed DC current draw from the auxiliary power is 500 mA for keypads. The maximum length of wire (all branches added together) that can be connected to the option bus terminals is 4000 ft (1220 m). The maximum length between any one device and the control panel terminals depends on the current draw on the branch that the device is on. The current draw on a particular branch can be found by adding together the individual current draws of each device connected to the branch. Note Refer to the D7024 Operation and Installation Guide (P/N: 31499) for complete wire length calculations. www.boschsecurity.com Number of Keypads Up to four keypads can be used per system. Up to three keypads can be used on any single 1000 ft (305 m) run of 18 AWG (1.2 mm) wire. Technical Specifications Mechanical Properties Base Dimensions (H x W): 4.6 in. x8.2 in. (11.7 cm x 20.8 cm) Cover Dimensions (H xW): 4.3 in. x 8.1 in. (10.9 cm 20.6 cm) Power Requirements Current (Alarm): 100 mA Current (Standby): 80 mA nominal Voltage (Operating): 12 VDC nominal Ordering lnfrrnation D7036 Fire Annunciator Keypad D7036 Hardware Accessories KEY-ANN Replacement Key KEY-ANN Americas, Bosch Security Systems 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York. 14450, USA Phone: .1 585 223 4060 Fax: +l 800 289 0096 security.sales@us.bosch.com www.boschsecurliy.us Europe. Middle East, Africa: Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Box 80002 5600 JB Eindhonen, The Netherlands Phone: '3140 27 83955 Fax: +3140 27 86668 emea.securltysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurlty.com Asia-Pacific: Bosch Security Systems Pte Ltd 38C Jalar, Pemimpin Singapore 577180 Phone: n65 6319 3450 Fax: +65 6319 3499 upr.securltysystews@bosch.com www.boschsncsrlsy.com Represented by Bosch Security Systems 20061 Data subject to change without notice F1316842891 I Cur: en-US, V2, 24 Jan 2006 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7120-1615:185 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Annunciators LISTEE: Bosch Security Systems, 130 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, NY 14450 Contact: Frank Mioduszewski (585) 223-4060 Fax (585) 421-4263 DESIGN: Models D7036 fire annunciator keypad, D7030X, D7030X-S2, and D7030X-S8 LED annunciator, D7032 LED annunciator expander and D7031 remote keyswitch. Refer to the listee's data sheet for detailed product description, construction and operational considerations. System components: RATING: I2VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with the listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as annunciator and accessories for use with listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. NOTE: Formerly 7120-0801:217 07-05-05 BR This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or - - recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 23, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager Series PS-I 2124-8CP Series PS-I 2124-8MP MEA Helping People Take Action'" Description POWERPATHTm Series PS-12/24-8CP and PS-12/24-8MP are power limited 8 amp power supply/chargers used to expand the supervised power capability of a fire alarm control panel (FACP) for notification appliance circuits (NAC). The PS-12/24-8CP provides up to 200 milliamps of continuous auxiliary output that can be used for control functions during alarm (or up to 60 milliamps for 60 hour battery requirements). The PS-12/24-8MP provides up to 3.5 amps of auxiliary output that is available only during nonalarm condition for such applications as door holder systems. Both models provide regulated and filtered 12 or 24 VDC output to four (4) Class "B" or two (2) Class "A" circuits. Each Class "B" circuit has a rating of three (3) amps with a total output of up to eight (8) amps. Each Class "A" circuit is rated at three (3) amps. Two (2) Class "A" or Class "B" inputs from an FACP and two (2) dry contact inputs are provided to trigger the outputs. The units accept either 12 or 24 VDC inputs and provide 12 or 24 VDC outputs. Both units support a full 8 amps of notification power even if the battery is in a degraded mode and only AC power is connected. POWERPATHTM Series PS-12/24-8CP and PS-12/24-8MP are compatible with all Wheelock 12 or 24 VDC Life Safety Notification Appliances and with their Patented BUILT-IN SYNCHRONIZED MODE feature, they can control and operate all of Wheelock's Synchronized Notification Appliances, including silencing audibles while maintaining strobe activation. POWERPATHTM NAC POWER SUPPLIES (Batteries Not Included) Features Approvals Approvals Include: UL Standard 864, California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), (New York City (MEA), Factory Mutual (FM), Chicago (BFP) See Approvals by model in Specification and Ordering Information Compliant with NFPA 72 Inputs Compatible with 12or24VDC FACP 115 VAC @50160Hz or 240 VAC @50160Hz Two 12 or 24VDC NAC Initiating Circuits from host panel Two "Dry" contact input circuits Accepts 2 Class "A" or 2 Class "B" NAC circuit inputs Additional activation options are: NC contacts or open collector of a transistor Outputs 8 amperes rated supply current © 12 or 24 VDC Filtered and regulated power supply outputs Class 2 rated power limited outputs Dip switch selectable options Field selectable 12 or 24 VDC outputs 4 Class "B" or 2 Class "A" or I Class "A" and 2 Class "B" Notification Appliance Circuits) Each Class "B" output has a maximum rating of three (3) amperes Each Class "A" output has a maximum rating of three (3) amperes Code 3 (Temporal) option Steady output option Copyright 2004 Wheelock, Inc. All rights reserved. Outputs Cont. Built-In Wheelock Synchronization Protocol Input and output synchronization (including pass through) Supervision FACP NAC supervision steered to either input #1 or #2 Common input and output trouble circuit Input and output LED indicators AC fail supervision (Form "C" contacts rated © I amp @24 VDC or 115 VAC) Battery presence and low battery supervision (Form "C" contacts rated @ I amp © 24 VDC or 115 VAC) Ground fault detection 4 latching LED's for NAC trouble annunciation Power Not Battery Dependent - Full 8A even if battery is degraded Automatic switch over to standby batteries when AC fails Supports sealed lead acid or gel type batteries Fused battery protection Thermal and short circuit protection with auto reset Supports both 7AH or I2AH batteries in the same cabinet (Cabinet Size: 16" H x 12.25" W x 5" 0) Auxiliary Power Up to 200 mA continuous with PS-12/24-8CP Up to 3.5 amps nonalarm with PS-12/24-8MP Normal Mode (Class B) TI-4 IN INPUT SELECT OUT SYNC + WHEELOCK SYOT TEMPORAL INI F TO NEXT APPLI NCE OUT A OR EOL RETI C .POWERPA p OUT SWE + OUT TO NEXT APPLIANCE OR EOLR (2.2K OHMS) TO NEXT APPLIANCE OR EOLR (2.2K OHMS) TO NEXT APPLIANCE OR EOLR (2.2K OHMS) TO NEXT APPLIANCE OR EOLR (2.2K OHMS) Normal Mode (Class A) .OUTI-4 IN-OUT SYNC OUTt______ INI .WHEELOCK SYNC TEMPORAL INPUT SELECT F TO NEXT APPLIA OR EOLR ORRETU XOFACP (CLASS A) CE + RETI OUT_____ C .POWERPA H P SW 9 .OUT___ .1234 POWERPATH TMOperating Modes (refer to Installation Manual): Normal Mode: Provides constant 12 VDC or 24 VDC output upon initiation by a voltage to input INI or 1N2 or by a contact opening on DRY1 or DRY2. The unit returns to standby mode when the input is deactivated. Wheelock Sync Mode: Provides signals for synchronization of patented Wheelock audible and strobe notification appliances. Audibles can also be silenced in this mode while the strobes continue to flash. ln>Out Sync Mode: Accepts a coded signal or synchronization signal on the input to. provide a coded output or synchronized output. This signal may come from a FACP, another POWERPATH or a Wheelock SM or DSM synchronization module. Caution: Do not use strobes on coded output circuits. Temporal Mode: Codes the output voltage in a code-3 temporal pattern to drive audible appliances such as horns, bells or chimes. Caution: Do not use strobes on coded output circuits. Architects and The power supplies shall be Wheelock POWERPATHTM Series PS-12/24-8CP or PS-12!24-8MP, or equivalent. The units shall be stand alone power supplies intended for powering fire alarm notification appliances via their own Notification Appliance Circuit(s) (NAC). The units shall be UL 864 Listed for power limited operation of their outputs and comply with NFPA 70 (NEC), article 760. The power supplies shall support a full BA of notification power even if the battery is in a degraded mode and only AC power is connected. The power supplies shall be activated by a standard Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC) from any Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) or a 'Dry contact' closure. The units shall be 8 ampere, 12 or 24 VDC, regulated and filtered, supervised remote power supply! chargers. The power supplies shall provide a full 8 amperes of current and shall not be battery dependent. They shall operate over the voltage range of 8 to 33 VDC or FWR. The primary application of the units shall be to expand fire alarm system capabilities for additional NAG circuits to supportADA requirements and to provide auxiliary power to support system accessories or functions. The power supplies shall provide four Class "B", two Class "A", or two Class "B" and one Class "A" NAG circuit(s). The PS-I 2124-BCP units shall also supply up to 200 mA of auxiliary power that is available during both nonalarm and alarm. The PS-12/24-8MP units shall also supply auxiliary power of not less than 3.5A at 24 VDC during nonalarm. The power supplies shall be capable of charging batteries of up to 12 ampere hours per NFPA 72 (1999). Input activation options shall be from not less than two NAG circuits or Dry Contact closures. These inputs shall have the capability of being directed to any combination of the four NAC circuit outputs. Each NAG circuit output shall be rated at 3 amperes for Class "B" applications or 3 amperes each for Class "A". The outputs shall be programmable to generate a steady or Temporal (Code 3) output and or a synchronized strobe or horn output. The power supplies shall provide independent loop supervision for either Class "A" or Class "B" FACP NAC circuits and shall have the capability to "steer" all alarm or trouble conditions to either incoming NAG circuit. The units shall have common output terminals. The power supplies shall be powered from a 120 VAC or 240 VAC source with a current consumption of 5 amperes max. The unit shall incorporate short circuit protection with auto reset. The power supply shall incorporate a built in battery charger for lead acid or gel type batteries with automatic switchover to battery back up in the event of AC power failure. The charger shall incorporate fused protection for the batteries and have the ability to report low battery and/or no battery condition(s). Standby current for battery back up shall be 100 mA max. The cabinet dimensions shall be 16" H x 12.25" W x 5" D. A WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING, SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION, INSTALLATION AND/OR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. Specifications and Ordering Information Model Number I Order Code Input Voltage/Current Approvals I UL I MEA ICSFMI FM I PS-i 2/24-BCP 3047 120/220 VAC @ 50/60 Hz; 5.0 amps max. X * I I PS-i 2/24-8MP 3046 120/220 VAC @ 50/60 Hz; 5.0 amps max. X X X j X Output NAC Circuits Output Voltage/Current X=Approved Pending Four (4) Class "B" 12/24 VDC © 3 amps per Circuit Two (2) Class "A" or 12/24 VDC © 3 amps per Circuit One (1) Class "A" and Two (2) Class "B" 12/24 VDC © 3 amps per Circuit (Class "A") 12/24 VDC © 3 amps per Circuit (Class "B") Standby Current 0.060 Amps Alarm Current 0.100 Amps Total NAC Current B Amps Max. Standby Batteries tandby Time Alarm Output Total Amps/Minutes Aüx Output PS-12124-8MP Aux Output PS-12124-BCP 24 VDC/12 AH (uses two (2) 12 VDC batteries in series) 4 Hours F2 0 8 Amps/i 5 Minutes 3.5A during nonalarm 200 mA Hours 8 Amps/15 Minutes 60 mA 12 VDC/12 AH 4 Hours 8 Amps/15 Minutes Hours 200 mA 60 8 Amps/1 5 Minutes 60 mA NOTE: Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice in accordance with Wheelock Inc. standard terms and conditions. WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION National Sales Office 800-631-2148 Canada 800-397-5777 E-Mail: lnfo@wheelockinc.com 3 YEAR WARRANTY Made in USA Distributed By: Cflflfla 44IflA 273 Branchpo Avenue 'Long Branch, NJ 07740 • TEL: 732-222-6880 • FAX: 732-222-2588 " 11 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7315-0785:162 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Power Units LISTEE: Wheelock Inc., 273 Branchport Ave., Long Branch, NJ 07740 Contact: *Brian Lampe (800) 631-2148 x6389 FAX (732) 222-5607 DESIGN: Model PS-12/24-8MP, PS-12124-8CP, *pS..24..8MC Indicating Circuit Power Supply. Unit is a regulated 12 or 24 VDC power supply/charger used for supervision and expanded power driving capability of up to four notification appliance circuits (NAG). Units may be connected to any I2VDC or 24VDC fire alarm control panel. The unit is intended for use with listee's Model MPEOL end-of-line resistor. Replacement printed circuit board assembly part number PSX-12/24-8MP , PSX-12124-8CP and *psX..24..8MG. Model PS- 4CA Class A Card for use with Model PS-24-8MC. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 120/240 VAC, 50/601-lz input; 12 or 24 VDC output INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as a power supply unit for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: For fire alarm use, the secondary (standby) power supply shall supply energy during power loss to operate a protected premises, central station, or proprietary system for 24 hours or an auxiliary or remote station system for 60 hours in the normal condition, followed by not less than 5 minutes of alarm as required by code. Two 12V batteries are required for 24V operation, one 12V battery is required for 12V operation. *Rev. 06-23-2006 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or .. 4 recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 23, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager t_...... . - D7050 Series Addressable Photoelectric Smoke and Smoke Heat Detector Heads Connects to the multiplex bus of the D7024 Addressable FACP Superior dust immunity Exclusive Chamber Check self-diagnostics Automatic sensitivity test features Easy disassembly for cleaning The D7050 Photoelectric Smoke and Smoke Heat Detector Heads are UL Listed, open-area photoelectric smoke detectors designed for use with commercial fire protective signaling systems and household fire warning systems (see NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm Code). They are compatible with the D7024 Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs). They detect large smoke particles by scattering light from a pulsed infrared source operating with a gated, high-speed, photodiode infrared sensor. The symmetry of the optical chamber allows 360° uniform smoke entry, but minimizes external light entry. Use both of these smoke detectors for detection circuits installed in areas where personnel are present. The D7050TH has an added fixed-temperature sensor. This expands the detector application to confined areas where a fire increases air temperature slowly and where there is a.substantial increase in air temperature before the fire breaks confinement, such as furnace rooms, closets, and other confined areas. Functions Detector Head and Base System The D7050 Photoelectric Smoke and Smoke Heat Detector Heads are part of a compound system of detector head and base. The detector base installs over a back box and contains all the wiring. The detector head attaches to the base by aligning the head with the base and turning it clockwise. No tools are required for installation other than the hex key used to tighten the tamper screw. Each detector head requires a D7050-136 detector base. Chamber Check Self-diagnostics The detector meets NFPA guidelines for sensitivity testing, because you can visually inspect the detector and check the flash rate of the LED. If the calibration is out of factory-listed range, the LED on the detector double flashes once every 3 sec to 8 sec. Follow the instructions provided with the detector to clean it. The detector also sends a dirty chamber report to the control panel. LED Operation When the detector is operating normally, the LED flashes once every 3 sec to 8 sec. In alarm, the detector flashes at least once per second. Magnetic Test Feature Test the detectors operation by placing the SMK-TM Test Magnet next to the detectors LED for three www.boschsecurity.com 79-04 W-RIWIEWIC consecutive flashes. This causes the detector to send an alarm. Certifications and Approvals Listings and UL UROX: Smoke - Automatic Fire Detectors (U1268) Approvals: UL UROX7: Smoke —Automatic Fire Detectors certified for Canada (ULC529) cULus CSFM 7272-1615: 175 Factory Mutual Research NYC/MEA (12-92-E. Vol. 14) Complies with: Hong Kong Fire Services Department (HKFSD) lnstal !ation/Configuration Notes. .., .'.. . Compatible Products The following products are compatible with the D7050 Smoke Detector and the D70501H Smoke Heat Detector: Category Product ID Product Description Control Panels D7024 FACP D7024-EXP FACP for export Detector Bases D7050-136 Two-wire base Remote DRA-12/24 12/24 VDC remote annunciator Annunciators Quant. Component 1 Detector head 1 Literature pack Technical Specifications Environmental Considerations Radio Frequency Interfer- No alarm or setup on critical frequencies in the ence (RFI) Immunity: range of 26 MHz to 950 MHz forfield strengths less than 50 V/rn Temperature +32°F to +100°F (0°C to +38°C) (normal operating): Note: The environment where these detectors are installed must be within the specified normal operating temperature limits. Mechanical Properties Color: Off-white Dimensions 4 in. xl .3 in. (10.2 cm x 3.3 cm) (diameter x D): Material: High-impact, fire-retardant ABS plastic Power Requirements Current (alarm): 0.55 mA maximum Current (standby): 0.55 mA nominal Power-up Time: 22 sec maximum Voltage (minimum): 8 VDC peak from the multiplex bus Ordering Information J D7050 Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detector D7050 Head D7050TH Addressable Photoelectric Smoke and Heat D7050TH Detector Head Hardware Accessories DRA-12/24 Remote Annunciator (12/24 VDC) DRA-12/24 DT-2 Detector Removal Tool DT-2 SMK-TM Test Magnet SMK-TM Europe. Middle East. Africa, Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Boo 80002 5800 JB Eindhovee, The Netherlands Phone, .3140 27 83955 Fax: +3140 27 86868 emeu.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com Americas. Bosch Security Systems 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport. New York. 14450. USA Phase, +1800 289 0096 Fax, +1585 223 9180 security.saies@as.bosch.com www.beschsecurity.us Asia-Pacific. Bosch Security Systems Pie Ltd 38C Jaian Pemimpin Singapore 577180 Phone, .65 6319 3450 Fax, *65 6319 3499 apr.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com Represented by C Bosch Security Systems 20061 Data subject to change without notice F1331774731 I cur, en-US. V4. 3 Mar 2006 / ¶ ~N 10011111 L• B 00" S CH Invented for life D7050-B6 Two-wire Detector Base Connects to multiplex bus of the 07024 Addressable FACP Detector's head is easily removed by twisting Two-piece detector head and base design allows pre- wiring the system The D7050-136 is the required base for the 07050 Detectors D7050 Multiplex photoelectric smoke detec- Multiplex Photoelectric Smoke Detector Head and the tar D7050TH Multiplex Photoelectric Smoke Heat Detector D7050TH Multiplex photoelectric smoke detec- Head. It connects to the multiplex bus of the 07024 tor with 135F(5rC) heat sensor Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panels .( FACPs). Remote DRA-12/24 12 VDC and 24 VDC remote annuncia- Annunciators tar Note The D7024 FACP requires a D7039 MUX Expansion Module and control panel ROM Mounting Considerations version 2.0 or higher. The D7050-B6 Base can be mounted on a four-inch square, a four-inch octagonal, or a single-gang box. It can Certifications and Approvals also be surface mounted with anchors, mollies, or wing nuts. Listings and UL UROX: Smoke -Automatic Fire Detectors (UL268) Approvals: UL UROX7: Smoke -Automatic Fire Detectors certified for Canada (ULC529) cULus CSFM 7300-1651:176 Installation/Configuration Notes Compatible Products The following products are compatible with the D7050- B6 detector base: Category Product ID Product Description Control D7024 FACP Panels D7024-EXP FACP for export Number of Devices Allowed on Loop The number of multiplex smoke or smoke-heat detectors allowed on the multiplex bus is determined by the wire gauge and the total wire length of the bus. Do not exceed 30 Q maximum line resistance. Refer to the D7039 Installation Guide (P/N: 38685)for multiplex bus wiring requirements. Wiring Connection to D7024 MUX bus through D7039 Warning Do not use shielded cable. The D7050-B6 bases can be wired in a series or using the T-tap method. See the following illustrations. www.boschsecurity.com R, rn'Ir-AVA CAWl- 51 Technical Specifications Environmental Considerations Relative Humidity: 0% to 93% non-condensing Temperature (Operating): +32°F to +100°F (0°C to +38°C) Mechanical Properties Color: Off-white Material: High-impact, fire-retardant polymer plastic Series Connection Ordering Information D7050-B6 Two-wire Detector Base D7050-B6 X T-tap Connection Parts lnchided - Quant. Component 1 Detector base 1 Hardware pack 1 Literature pack Axnxricasr Europe, Middle East, Afrfcaa Asia-PacIfic, Represented by Bosch Security Systems Bosch Security Systems B.V. Bosch Security Systems Pie Ltd 130 Perintoo Parkway P.O. Box 80002 38C Jalax Pemimpin Fairport, New York, 14450, USA 5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Singapore 577180 Phone: +1 585 223 4060 Phone: n31 40 27 83955 Phone: +65 6319 3450 Fax: -1800 289 0096 Fax: +3140 27 86668 Fax: +65 6319 3496 security.sales@as.bosch.com emeo.secaritysystems@bosch.com apr.secaritysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecarity.as www.boschsecurity.com www.boschsecarity.com C Bosch Security Systems 2006 I Data subject to change without notice F1331714827 I Cur: en-US, V2. 25 Jan 2006 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7272-1615:175 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Photoelectric Smoke Detector LISTEE: Bosch Security Systems, 130 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, NY 14450 Contact: Frank Mioduszewski (585) 223-4060 FAX (585) 421-4263 DESIGN: Models D7050, D7050TH and 7050DH addressable photoelectric type smoke detectors. Model D7050TH employs an integral 1350 fixed temperature heat sensor. This heat sensor is intended for use only as a supplemental device to assist the smoke detector. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Supplied by Model D7024 series fire alarm control unit through a multiplex bus. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric smoke detectors for use only with listee's separately listed Model D7024 (CSFM Listing No. 7165-1615:147) series fire alarm control unit. Units must be connected to the multiplex bus of the fire alarm control unit for both power and signaling. Model D7050 and D7050TH are intended for use with listee's Model D7050-B6 Base (CSFM Listing No. 7300-1615:176). Model D705ODH is intended for use with listee's Model D343 duct detector housing (CSFM Listing No. 3240-1615:181). NOTE: Formerly 7272-0801:207 02-10-2005 BH This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 23, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager Four Basic Models MODEL DESCRIPTION REFER TO: 302-135 135°F- Interior Vertical Mounting FM & UL Fig. 1 302-194 194°F- Interior Vertical Mounting FM & UL 302-ET-135 135°F - All Weather Vertical Mounting FM & VI Fig. 2 302-ET-1 94 194°F - All Weather Vertical Mounting FM & Iii 302-AW-1 35 135°F - All Weather Vertical Mounting FM & UL fig. 3 302-AW-1 94 194°F - All Weather Vertical Mounting FM & VI 302-EPM-135 135°F - Explosion Proof Mounting UL Fig 4 302-EPM-1 94 194°F - Explosion Proof Mounting UL AP-P Decorative white plastic adapter plate for mounting 302, 302E1 Fig. 5 and 302AW to any 3" ouet box or 4" octagon outlet box. 1 MODEL 302 nterior mounting in any )sphere that is compat- with terminal screw type lections. Fig. 2 MODEL 302-El Hermetically sealed for moisture proof or dust proof installations. Requires no special back box. Has plastic hexago- nal grip bushing with 1/2" threads for attachment to conduit threaded hub cover, or any outlet box. Must be hand tightened only. For indoor and outdoor use. Protect from direct sunlight and weather ip Vf Fig. 4MODEL 302-EPM Explosion proof for installation in hazardous locations. Has V hexagonal grip bushing with 1/2' conduit threads for attach- ment to threaded hub cover of series JL fixture fitting as manu- factured by Killark Electric Co., or equal. Must be hand tightened only. For Interior use. Fig. 3 MODEL 302-AW Hermetically sealed for moisture proof or dust proof installations Requires no special back box. For indoor and outdoor use. Protect from direct sunlight and adverse weather conditions. 01 Fig. 5AP-P Decorative white plastic adapter plate for mounting 302, 302-AW and 302-ET detectors only. (actual size) Dimensions (Model 302): Total overall length 4 1Ia" Base Diameter: T. liver contact points sion struts expansion sensing .040 anodized ontrol sleeve g screw wuvuu hermetic seal General Each model is a normally open device designed especially for fire detection and alarm systems. These rate compensation type detectors are available in either 1350 F. or 1940 F. ratings. All four basic models are self restoring, hermetically sealed, shock and corrosion resistant, and are tamper proof. Refer to NFPA STANDARD 72, STANDARD FOR AUTOMATIC FIRE DETECTORS for application requirements, testing and maintenance. Principal of Operation All models operate on the principles of a rate compensation detec- tor. The detector consists of a high expansion aluminum tube which encases two insulation struts with opposing open constant points (see cut-away view). The high expansion sensing shell and the expan- sion struts have a different coefficient of expansion. A slow rate of temperature rise allows the heat to penetrate the inner expansion struts. Therefore, the tubular shell and the struts expand slowly until the total device has been heated to its rated temperature level of 1350 F/1 940F. At this point, the silver contact points close which initiates the alarm. When subjected to a rapid rate temperature rise there is not as much time for heat to penetrate the inner strut. The rapid lengthening of the shell allows the struts to come together at a lower level which compensates for thermal lag inherent in conventional fixed temperature detectors. When the surrounding air temperatures goes below the rated temperature level, the shell contracts which forces contacts to open, thus automatically resetting the detector. Special Considerations Temp. Rating °F. Max Ceiling Temp. OF. 135 115 194 155 Detectors are not directionally effected, can be mounted horizontally or vertically. Detectors have a smooth ceiling UL rating of 50' x 50' (2500 sq. ft) on 8 to 10 ft. ceilings. Detectors, hub covers, or outlet boxes must never be installed in direct sunlight. Refer to NFPA STAN- DARD 72 for spacing and other considerations. For further information refer to www.thermotechheatdetectors.com Approvals/Listings Signaling Underwriters' Laboratories Usted Factory Mutual Approved Electrical Rating California State Fire Marshall. Listing No. 7270-0021:001 Voltage Current .IWYflRKL1fl 6-125 VAC 5 amps - k I MEA Acceptance # 193-03-E 6-25 VAC lamp 125 VDC 0.5 amp CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7270-0021:001 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Heat Detectors LISTEE: Thermotech, 2900 North 1000 West, Ogden UT 84414 Contact: Sherman Barker (801) 782-2233 *FA)( (801) 782-1746 DESIGN: Models 302, 302H, 302AW, 302ET and 302EPM heat detectors. Units are open circuit, 1350 F, 1940 F fixed temperature and rate-of-rise type heat detectors. Models 302 and 302-H are for indoor use. Models 302-ET or 302-AW are for all weather use. Model 302- EPM is suitable for use in Class I, Groups C and D and Class II, Groups E, F and G hazardous locations. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 6-125 VAC or VDC, 125 VDC 1350 F, 1940 F fixed temperature and rate-of-rise INSTALLATION: In .accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Models 302, 302-ET and 302-AW are for intended for vertical mount and Models 302-H is intended for horizontal mount only. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical and temperature rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fixed temperature and rate of rise type heat detectors for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. *Rev. 05-01-2003 it This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: MARCH 20, 2006 Listing. Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager Heat Detectors The Heat Detectors Series 600 are supplied with the following standard features: Rate-of-Rise and Fixed Temperature LOW Profile One or Two-Circuit, Normally Open • Visual Indication Easy Installation • Operation Testing The Series 600 Heat Detector is attractive, durable and features combination rate-of-rise and fixed temperature operation. Heat detectors are available in 135°F and 200°F temperature ratings. Rate-of-rise detects heat by quickly responding to a rapid temperature increase. Rate-of-rise units have a wide spacing allowance of 50-foot centers. See specification table for details. Fixed temperature reacts to heat by responding to a specific temperature setting. Series 600 Detectors use the same reliable pneumatic rate-of- rise element of former models, but offer added aesthetic appeal. The pneumatic rate-of-rise element responds to a rapid rise in temperature, approximately 15°F. (8°C) per minute, by expansion of air within the sealed chamber faster than it can escape through a calibrated vent. The resultant increase in pressure depresses the diaphragm, causing the electrical contact to close the circuit. The fixed temperature element uses a fusible alloy. When activated, the external heat collector drops away to provide quick visual confirmation that the element has operated. The units protrude only 1-3/8 inch from the ceiling surface with a junction box mounting. They have pleasing contours and an all-white finish that conforms to ceiling aesthetics. Installation Each detector includes a patented reversible mounting plate. In one position, it easily attaches to 3.25" or 4" octagonal box, or plaster ring. In reverse, the plate can be used for open wiring without a junction box. A 1/4" space between detector and mounting surface allows for wire connections. All mounting screws are concealed. The detector attaches easily to the mounting plate with a push and twist motion. No tools are required. Junction Box Mounting Ceiling Surface Mounting 118 3-1/4° or 4 Cut for surface Reversible Octagonal Box mounting - Mounting I Plate-7 vers' Mounting "eversible Round ,.:z:\ Flat 8-32° 8-32° Head r 'Head Screws I Wood 0;5 5/8 to 1 N , Y' Screws " Mounting plate is molded of white self-extinguishing thermo- plastic rated at 221°F (105°C). The plate is extremely strong yet adapts to uneven mounting surfaces. Series 600 Testing Methods Models 601/621 and 602/622 can be tested by the quick application of heat from any convenient source. A portable hair dryer is recommended. However, do not apply heat that exceeds the fixed temperature rating of the detector. Models 603/623 and 604/624 cannot be tested. However, the fusible alloy element used is considered so reliable that testing is not necessary. All rights reserved (11/01). Model 601 and 621 Model 602 and 622 Model 603 and 623 Model 604 and 624 No Marking Model 601 (1 circuit)0 Gray Ring Model 602 (1 circuit) 0 Gray Spot (:~ Model 603 (1 circuit) Gray Ring and Dot Model 604 (1 circuit) Model 621 (dua circuit) Model 622 (dual circuit) Model 623 (dual circuit) Model 624 (dual circuit) Rate-of-Rise and Fixed Rate-of-Rise and Fixed Fixed Temperature only, Fixed Temperature only, Temperature, 135°F (57°C) Temperature, 200°F (94°C) 135°F (57°C) 200°F (94°C) Applications: Normal Applications: Normal tempe- Applications: Unusually violent Applications: Unusually violent temperature fluctuations rature fluctuations and ceiling temperature fluctuations temperature fluctuations and and ceiling temperatures temperatures exceeding 100°F and ceiling temperatures ceiling temperatures exceeding not exceeding 100°F (38°C) (38°C) but not 150°F (66°C) not exceeding 100°F (38°C) 100°F (38°C) but not 150°F (66°C) Maximum Spacing Maximum Spacing Maximum Spacing Maximum Spacing Allowance* - Allowance* - Allowance* - Allowance* - 50 x 50 ft. - UL 50 x 50 ft. - UL 25 x 25 ft. - UL 15 x 15 ft. - UL 30 x 30 ft. - FM 30 x 30 ft. - FM 20 x20 ft. - FM *Refer to National Fire Alarm code Standard NFPA 72 for application requirements Screw Terminals Standard Single Dual Circuit Detector Circuit Detector Used to send two Independent signals. Wire from alarm Wire connected to panel or previous next detector or detector. end of line resistor. Wire from alarm panel or previous Wire connected Wire connected to next detector to next detector or end of line or end of line resistor. resistor. NOTE: All single NOTE: All dual circuit models circuit models come come with one (2) normally with one (1) open dry contacts. normally open dry contact. - Important Special Notes Application: Heat detectors should be used for property protection. Reliance should not be placed on heat detectors for Life Safety. CAUTION: When life safety is involved, smoke detectors MUST also be used. Detectors must not be painted. Battery Back-Up: Heat detectors should be electronically supervised with battery back-up at the panel. The rate-of-rise mechanism may be subject to reduced sensitivity over time. Annual testing of the rate-of-rise mecha- nism is recommended. Electrical Ratings 6-125 Volts A.C., 3.0 Amps. 6-28 Volts D.C., 1.0 Amps. 125 Volts D.C., 0.3 Amps. 250 Volts D.C., 0.1 Amps. Listings/Approvals Listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Factory Mutual Approved (FM) ° California State Fire Marshal Approval (CSFM) City of New York (MEA) Listing No. 188-94-E ° Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) This literature is provided for informational purposes only. CHEMETRONICS assumes no responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular application. The product must be properly applied to work correctly. If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, contact CHEMETRONICS, Ashland, MA; Telephone (800) 496-8383. Chemetronics 400 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 USA Phone: (800) 496-8383 Fax: (800) 496-7272 Website: www.chemetronics.com All rights reserved (11/01). CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7270-1582:102 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Heat Detector USTEE: Chemetronics, 400 Main Street, Ashland, MA 01721 Contact: Terrill Garland (508) 881-2000 FAX (508) 881-1773 DESIGN: Models 601, 602, 603, 604, 621, 622, 623 and 624 heat detectors. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, temperature rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as heat detectors for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. NOTE: Formerly 7270-0061:005 10-30-2001 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or 4 recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 23, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager ( FMM-100 Series Die-cast Metal Fire Alarm Manual Stations Single or dual action Terminal connections Gold-plated alarm contacts for corrosion resistance Surface or weatherproof back boxes The FMM-100 Series is a family of versatile, high-quality, metal fire alarm manual stations. Single-action or dual- action models are available. All models come with a key lock and contain gold-plated contacts to resist corrosion. Functions- Operation Single-action When the bar on the front of the manual station is pulled, it latches open and is easily visible from 50 ft (15 m). Reset the activation bar by opening the manual station with the key and placing the activation bar in its normal upright position. An optional scored acrylic break rod is available. Dual-action With the dual-action configuration the upper bar on the front of the manual station rotates inward allowing the activation bar to be grasped and operated by a single hand. Certificatiors and Approvals - Listings and ULUNIU: Boxes, Non-coded (UL38) Approvals: UL UN1U7: Boxes, Non-coded Certified for Canada (CAN! ULCS528M91) CSFM 7150-1615: 224 NYC/MEA (382-94-E, Vol. 3) installation/Cbifiguration Notes i 14 - = - - Compatibility Information Compatible with all Bosch Security Systems Fire Alarm Control Panels. Mounting Considerations The FMM Series manual stations can be surface mounted on either the FMM-100BB-R Surface-mount Back Box or the FMM-100WPBB-R Weatherproof Back Box. They can also be flush mounted on a standard single-gang back box. Note When properly mounted on the FMM-100WPBB-R Weatherproof Back Box, these manual stations meet UL requirements for outdoor use. To comply with ADA standards, the manual station must be less than 48 in. (1.2 m) above the floor for front www.boschsecurity.com ç wheelchair access and less than 54 in. (1.3 m) above the floor for side wheelchair access. Parts Included Quaint Component 1 Manual station 1 D102 Key (1358 key) 1 FMM-100GR Acrylic Break Rod 1 Hardware pack 1 Literature pack Technical IS Environmental Considerations Relative Humidity: 90% at +100°F (+38°C) Temperature (operating): -40°F to +150°F (-40°C to +66°C) Mechanical Properties Color: Red Dimensions (H xWx D): 4.75 in. x3.25 in.xl.lin. (12crnx8.3crnx2.8cm) Material: die-cast metal Inputs Switch Rating: 1 Aat 30 VDCor 125 VAC orderi rig, riformation FMM-100SATK Single-action Manual Station (red) FMM-100SATK FMM-100SATK-NYC Single-action Manual Station for FMM-100SATK-NYC New York City FMM-100DATK Dual-action Manual Station (red) FMM-100DATK Hardware Accessories D102 Replacement Key D102 FMM-100BB-R Surface-mount Back Box (red) FMM-100BB-R FMM-100WPBB-R Weatherproof Back Box (red) FMM-100WPBB-R FMM-100GR Scored Acrylic Breakrods FMM-100GR Americas: Bosch Security Systems 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: *1 585 223 4060 Fax: +1800 289 0096 securlty.sales@us.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.us Europe. Middle East, Africa- Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Box 60002 5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: +31 40 2783955 Fax: +3140 27 86668 emea.securltysystems@bosch.com www.bsschsecurlty.com Asia-Pacific: Bosch Security Systems Pte Ltd 38C Jalan Pemimpin Singapore 577180 Phone: cBS 6319 3450 Fax: +65 6319 3499 apr.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurlty.com Represented by Bosch Security Systems 20061 Data subject to change without notice F2363916171 I Cur: en-US. VS. 26 Jan 2006 C C NC [ ]I1 NC NO [ F NO Shown in the upright position Installation Diagram ( Grounding screw .-o .... .......-.--, ? Front housing - V . .... Switch plate - Back box f--- ° . / 3 ~çv' NN use supplied screws with 0-ring seals only Caution: Before beginning, verify that the supply is turned off. Take care not to scratch or damage the surfaces of the flange joint. Check to make sure that the flange surfaces are completely clean and free of scratches, debris and dust. Verify that the 0-ring seals on the 4 7/8 screws and the gasket around the inside surface of the switch plate are properly seated. Seal unused conduit entry with a 3/4" NPT plug. Connect the ground wire to the grounding screw in the bock box, After tightening the 4 switch plate bolts, verify that a 0.0015" feeler gauge does not penetrate more than 1/8" at any point around the flange joint Terminal Block Layout U=rAK u iviri i ur rUKt:5 I KY & I-Wt IKUTEGTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM I LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7150-1615:224 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Boxes/Pull Stations LISTEE: Bosch Security Systems, 130 Perinton Pkwy, Fairport, NY 14450 Contact: Frank Mioduszewski (585) 223-4060 Fax (585) 421-4263 DESIGN: Model FMM-100, followed by DAT (Dual Action with terminal strip) or SAT (Single Action with terminal strip) may be followed by K or K-NYC (key lock with single contact) or *2CK (Key lock with dual contacts) noncoded manual pull stations. *FMM..IOOBB indoor back box. Suitable for outdoor use when installed with Model FMM-100WPBB back box. Refer to listee's data-sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 30VDC, 125 VAC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as manual pull stations for use with separately listed and compatible fire alarm control units. XLF: 7150-1408:107 *Rev. 08-08-2006 jew LD This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or ., recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: AUGUST 8, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. A REND, Senior Deputy Program Manager FFIW COOPER Wheelock Series MIZ Mini Horn Appliances - SERIES MIZ Description: Wheelock Series MIZ piezoelectric Mini Horns are compact electronic alarm appliances that are listed under UL Standard 464 for Audible Appliances in Public Mode Fire Protection Systems. The Series MIZ-24S models provide a field selectable Continuous or Code 3 horn tone when connected directly to a fire alarm control panel. They can also provide a synchronized code 3 horn tone using the Wheelock SM, DSM Sync Modules or PS-24-8MC power supply. The series MIZ appliances are attractive, offer high sound output along with low current draw and are ideal for alarm signaling in individual rooms, apartments, hotels, motels and offices. Color choices of red or off-white will blend with any decor. Wiring Diagrams (for all models) FROM TO NEXT APPLIANCE - ____ ______ ________ OR EOLR PRECEDING + J. I APPLIANCE OR FACP ________ H Features: Approvals include: UL Standard 464, California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), New York City (MEA), Factory Mutual (FM), and Chicago (BFP) Field selectable settings for Temporal (Code 3) or Continu ous Horn Synchronized code 3 horn when used with Wheelock Sync Module Designed to meet or exceed NFPAIANSI standards Convenient mounting to any standard single-gang box Beauty plugs to cover mounting screws No additional trimplate required for flush mounting Fast installation with In/Out screw terminals using #12 to #18 AWG High sound output with low current draw Available in red or off-white color Applications: Individual Rooms Apartments Hotels Motels Offices Specifications and Ordering Information Model Order Code Description Mounting Options** Agency Approvals UL MEA I CSFM FM I BFP MIZ-24S-R 8485 24 Volt, Red B X X X X * MIZ-24S-W 8484 24 Volt, White B X X X X * *PENDING **Refer to Data Sheet S7000 for Mounting Options. General Notes: Mini Horn models are Listed for indoor use with a temperature range of 32° F to 120° F (0° C to 490 C) and maximum humidity of 93% RH ±2%. 1 j1) ziII • Rated Input voltage (either filtered DC or unfiltered full-wave-rectified FWR): ® 16-33 VDC (for 24VDC MIZ-24S models) iiEA APPROVED S5391 151-92-E 7125-0785:161 Architects and En, The notification appliance shall be a Wheelock MIZ-24S audible appliance or approved equal. The Notification Appliance shall be electronic and shall have field selectable settings for Temporal (Code 3) or continuous horn and support coded systems operation. The anechoic sound pressure measurement on Temporal (Code 3) setting shall be 87 dBA minimum at 24VDC. The anechoic sound --'assure measurement on Continuous Horn setting shall be 87 dBA minimum at 24 VDC. Operating voltages shall be 24 VDC rig filtered power or unfiltered power supply (full-wave-rectified). All models shall have provision for standard reverse polarity type eMsion and IN/OUT wiring using terminals that accept #12 to #18 AWG wiring. The appliances shall be mounted indoors and mount on standard single-gang electrical backboxes requiring no additional trimplates or adapters. Table 1: UL Listed Models and Ranges Reverberant dBA Anechoic dBA Average PerUL464@10ft Regulated RMS Mounting Continuous Code 3 Continuous Code 3 Model UL Voltage Current* Options (AMPS) dBA dBA dBA dBA 24 VDC 0.025 83.2 78.8 87.9 87.9 B MlZ-24S UL max* 0.026 85.8 81.3 90.6 89.7 B * RMS current ratings are per UL average RMS method. UL max current rating is the maximum RMS current within the listed voltage range (16-33v for 24v units). For strobes the UL max current is usually at the minimum listed voltage (16v for 24v units). For audibles the max current is usually at the maximum listed voltage (33v for 24v units). For unfiltered FWR ratings, see installation instructions. NOTE: All CAUTIONS and WARNINGS are identified by the symbol A. All warnings are printed in bold capital letters. A WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSOCIATED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING, SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS,, CAUTIONS OR WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION,INSTALLATION AND/OR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR - \TH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. NARNING: CONTACT WHEELOCK FOR THE CURRENT "INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS" (P84408) AND "GENERAL JRMATION" SHEET (P82380) ON THESE PRODUCTS. THESE DOCUMENTS UNDERGO PERIODIC CHANGES. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU HAVE CURRENT INFORMATION ON THESE PRODUCTS. THESE MATERIALS CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT SHOULD BE READ PRIOR TO SPECIFYING OR INSTALLING THESE PRODUCTS, INCLUDING: 'TOTAL CURRENT REQUIRED BY ALL APPLIANCES CONNECTED TO SYSTEM SECONDARY POWER SOURCES. FUSE RATINGS ON NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUITS TO HANDLE PEAK CURRENTS FROM ALLAPPLIANCES ON THOSE CIRCUITS. THE VOLTAGE APPLIED TO THESE PRODUCTS MUST BE WITHIN THEIR RATED VOLTAGE RANGE. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS OR GENERAL INFORMATION SHEETS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER INSTALLATION, APPLICATION, AND/OR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. CONDUCTOR SIZE (AWG), LENGTH AND AMPACITY SHOULD BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION PRIOR TO DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF THESE PRODUCTS, PARTICULARLY IN RETROFIT INSTALLATIONS. Wheelock products must be used within their published specifications and must be PROPERLY specified, applied, installed, operated, maintained and operationally tested in accordance with their installation instructions at the time of installation and at least twice a year or more often and in accordance with local, state and federal codes, regulations and laws. Specification, application, installation, operation, maintenance and testing must be performed by qualified personnel for proper operation in accordance with all of the latest National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Underwriters' Laboratories (UL), National Electrical Code (NEC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), local, state, county, province, district, federal and other applicable building and fire standards, guidelines, regulations, laws and codes including, but not limited to, all appendices and amendments and the requirements of the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). NOTE: Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice in accordance with Wheelock Inc. standard terms and conditions. 273 Branchport Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740 Phone: (800) 631-2148 WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION Fax: (732) 222-2588 3 YEAR WARRANTY www.cooperwheelock.com Made in USA 12I7flfl MI7 nIn CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7135-0785:115 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Audible Devices LISTEE: Wheelock Inc., 273 Branchport Ave., Long Branch NJ 07740 Contact: *Brian Lampe (800) 631-2148 ext. 6389 Fax (732) 222-5607 DESIGN: Models MlZ-12 and MlZ-24 series horns. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model designation, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible devices for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. If this appliance is required to produce a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 1993 Edition, the appliance must be used with a fire alarm control unit that can generate the temporal pattern signal. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. *Rev. 06-13-2006 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 13, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. A REND, Senior Deputy Program Manager SERIES AH COOPER Wheelock Series AS Audible Strobe Appliances and Series AH Auddibles - ' SERIES AS Description The Wheelock patented 2-wire Series AS Audible Strobe Appliances and Series AH Audibles offer more features with low current draw. Strobe options for wall mount models include 1575cd or the Wheelock patented MCW multi-candela wall strobes with field selectable candela settings of 15130/75/110cd, or the high intensity MCWH strobe with field selectable 135/185cd. Ceiling mount models incorporate Wheelock's patented MCC multi-candela ceiling strobe with field selectable intensities of 15/30/75/95cd or the high intensity MCCH strobe with field selectable 115/177cd. The audible provides a selectable choice of either a continuous horn or temporal pattern (Code 3) when constant voltage from a Fire Alarm Panel (FACP) is applied. Each tone has 3 dBA settings to choose from. When used with the Wheelock Series SM or DSM Sync Module or Wheelock PS-24-8MC Power Supplies with Patented Sync Protocol, synchronization of the continuous horn tone provides the temporal (code 3) tone (mandated by NFPA 72) simultaneously for all audible appliances. This ensures a distinct temporal (code 3) pattern when 2 or more audibles are within hearing distance. If not synchronized the temporal sound could overlap and not be distinctive. At the same time the strobes will be synchronized. This provides the ability to comply with ADA guidelines concerning photosensitive epilepsy and the NFPA standards when installing 2 or more visual appliances within the field of view all of this plus the ability to silence the audible is achieved by using only 2 wire. Features Approvals include: UL Standard 1971, UL Standard 464 New York City (MEA), California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), Factory Mutual (FM), and Chicago (BFP). See approvals by model in Specifications and Ordering Information ADNNFPNLIFC/ANSI Compliant. Wall mount models are available with Field Selectable Candela Settings of 15/30175/110cd or 135/185cd (Multi- Candela models) or 1575cd (single candela model) Ceiling mount models are available with field selectable candela settings of 15/30/75195cd or 11 51177c (multi-candela ceiling models) Selectable Continuous Horn or Temporal (Code 3). 3 Selectable dBA settings (99, 95 and 90 dBA) in both tones Patented 2-Wire Audible Strobe Appliance. Patented Universal Mounting Plate Weatherproof models are available for outdoor use Strobes produce I flash per second over the regulated voltage range 12 and 24 VDC models with wide UL "Regulated Voltage Range' using filtered DC or unfiltered FWR input voltage The strobes can be synchronized using Wheelock's sync modules or power supplies with built in sync protocol Fast installation with IN/OUT screw terminals using #12to#I8AWG wires For Weatherproof Series AS, See Datasheet S9004 ®71 MEA V APPROVED 55946 151-92-E 7125-0785:131 S5391 NOTE: All CAUTIONS and WARNINGS are identified by the symbol A. All warnings are printed in bold capital letters. A WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSOCIATED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING, SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. VISIT WWW.COOPERWHEELOCK.COM OR CONTACT COOPER WHEELOCK FOR THE CURRENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. °dLURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS OR WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION, INSTALLATION AND/OR ERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU ID/OR OTHERS. General Notes: Strobes are designed to flash at I flash per second minimum over their 'Regulated Voltage Range". Note that NFPA-72 specifies a flash rate of .1 to 2 flashes per second and ADA Guidelines specify a flash rate of Ito 3 flashes per second. All candela ratings represent minimum effective Strobe intensity based on UL Standard 1971. Series NS Strobe products are listed under UL Standard 1971 for indoor use with a temperature range of 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) and maximum humidity of 93% (12%). Series NH horns are listed under UL Standard 464 for audible signal appliances (Indoor use only). "Regulated Voltage Range" Is the newest terminology used by UL to identify the voltage range. Prior to this change UL used the terminology "Listed Voltage Range". Table 1: Ratings Per UL 1971 Model Number Input Voltage VDC Regulated Voltage Range VDC/FWR Strobe Candela (Cd) AS-24MCW 24 16.0-33.0 15/30/751110 AS-24MCCH 24 16.0-33.0 115/177 AS-241575W 24 16.0-33.0 15 (75 on Axis) AS-121575W 12 8.0-17.5 15 (75 on Axis) AS-24MCC 24 16.0-33.0 15/30/75/95 AS-24MCWI-( 24 16.0-33.0 135/185. ASWP-2475W 24 16.0-33.0 75 © -31°F Table 2: dBA Ratings for 12 VDC and 24 VDC Series ASIAH 12 and 24 VDC Audible Reverberant Anechoic Description Volume dBA Per UL 464 dBA @10 ft. 10 ft High 91 99 Continuous Medium 88 95 Horn Low - 83 90 High 87 . 99 Code 3 Horn Medium 84 95 Low 79 90 able 3: Average RMS Current 24 VDC Models Audible Wall Mount Audible Strobe Models Ceiling Mount Audible Strobe Models AII-24 AS-241576W AS-24MCW AS.24MCWH AS-24MCC AS-24MCCH 1575cd I5cd 30cd 75cd 110cd 135cd 185cd 15cd I 30cd 75cd 95cd 11 5c 177cd High (99) 24 vdc 0.062 0.100 0.080 0.102 0.150 0.194 0.250 0.320 0.088 0.114 0.165 0.205 0.250 0.320 dBA UL max- 0.080 0.121 0.088 0.125 0.200 0.267 0.355 0.480 0.095 0.138 0.221 0.285 0.355 0.480 Med (95) 24 vdc 0.033 0.080 0.060 0.084 0.132 0.173 0.230 0.305 0.066 0.092 0.145 0.186 0.230 0.305 dBA ULmax° 0.043 0.107 0.074 0.110 0.190 0.253 0.340 1 0.465 0.080 0.122 0.201 1 0.269 1 0.340 0.465 Low (90) 24 vdc 0.017 0.072 0.052 0.076 0.121 0.158 0.220 0.295 0.056 0.082 0.132 0.173 1 0.220 0.295 dBA UL max* 0.021 0.100 0.068 0.105 0.182 0.245 0.335 0.460 0.074 0.113 0.198 0.263 1 0.335 0.460 12 VDC Models Audible Wall Mount Audible Strobe AH-1 2 AS-121575W * RMS current ratings are per UL average RMS method. UL max current rating is the maximum RMS current within the listed voltage range (16-33v for 24v units). For strobes the UL max current is usually at the minimum listed voltage (16v for 24v units). For audibles the max current is usually at the maximum listed voltage (33v for 24v units). For unfiltered FWR ratings, see installation instructions. High (99) 12 vdc 0.163 0.260 ULmax* 0.192 0.320 dBA Med(95) 12 vdc .0.076 0.195 UL max* 0.108 0.275 dBA ow (90) 12 vdc 0.039 0.175 UL max* 0.058 0.265 dBA Table 4: Average Current* (AMPS) For Series ASWP High dBA Medium dBA Voltage Setting Setting Setting (99) dBA (95) dBA (90) dBA Low dBA 24.OVDC 0.128 0.105 0.098• ULMax* 0.168 0.155 0.150 Wiring Diagrams 4' SERIES AS APPLIANCES NON-SYNCHRONIZED FROM TO NEXT PRECEDING APPLIANCE APPLIANCE - OR EOLR OR FACP ' SERIES AS & RSS APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH PS-12124-8CP and PS-12/24-BMP ns F - 1-4 EOLR OUTPUTS DIM 4-CLASS A OR AS 1iS C 2-CLASS P AS RSS Series PS-I2/24-8CP or PS-12/24-8MP SERIES AS APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH DSM MODULE CLASS"A" NAC CIRCUIT WITH NO AUDIBLE SILENCE FEATURE SERIES AS APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH SM MODULE SIN- GLE CLASS "B" NAC CIRCUIT WITH AUDIBLESILENCE FEATURE SM - STROBE A trob NAC Circuit AS AS :Audlbl EOLR Audible Audibi NAC Circuit SERIES AS APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH MULTIPLE DSM MODULES DSM *1 F Audible NAC r DSM #2 AHe Audible NAC NAC cI ~jSynC SM± P - -. Strobe NAC Ci Sync + Interconnecting wiring shown. Maximum of twenty (20) For detail using SM or DSM Sync Module refer to Data Sheet S3000 or Installation Instructions P83123 for SM and P83177 for DSM. For wiring informationon the power supplies refer to Installation Instructions P84662 for PS-24-8MC. Specifications and Orderinq Information Model Number Order Code Strobe Candela N Sync DSM Sync wISM, or 24 VDC 12 VDC Wall Mount Mount Ceiling Agency Mounting Options 5 Approvals AS-24MCW-FR 9024 15/30/75/110 X X X - X - A.B,D,E,F,G,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X S-24MCW-FW 9025 15/30/75/110 X X X - X - AB,D,E,FG,HJ,N,O,R,X X X X X X S-24MCWH-FR 3468 135/185 X X X - - A,B,D,E,FG,HJ,NO,R,X X X X X * AS-24MCWH-FW 3469 135/185 X X X - - AB,D,E,F,GH,JNOR,X .X X X X * AS-241575W-FR 7405 115(75 on Axis) X X X - - A,B,D,E,F,GH,J,N,OR,X X X X X X AS-121575W-FR 7410 15(75onAxis) X X - X X - A,B,DE,F,G.H,JN,O,R,X X X X X X S-24MCC-FR 3161 15/30/75/95 X X X - - X I AB.D,E,FG,HJ,N,O,R,X X X X X * S-24MCC-FW 3162 15/30/75/95 X X X - - X IA.BD,EF,GH,J,NOR,X X X X X * AS-24MCCH-FW 3467 115/177 X X X - - X ABD,EFGHJ,NO,R,X X X X X ASWP2475WFR** 9012 75 @ -31°F X X X - X - I(see Data Sheet S9004) X X X X X AH-24-R 7892 - X X X - X X AB,DEF,GH,J,NOR,X X X X X X H-24-W 7893 - X X X - X X A.BD,E,FG,H,JN,O,R,X X X X X X AH-12-R 7891 - X X - X X X I A,B,DE,F,GR,JN,OR,X X X X X X AH-12-W 7894 - X X - X X X A,BDE,FG,H,JNOR,X X X X X X AH24WPR** 7416 - X X I X - X X K X X X X AH12WPR** 174151 - X X I - X X X K :::::] X X X X **For Weatherproof Series AS/AH specifications see data sheet S9004. *PENDING ***Refer to Data Sheet S7000 for Mounting Options. Note: Models are available in either Red or White. Contact Customer Service for Order Code and Delivery. NOTE: Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice in accordance with Wheelock Inc. standard terms and conditions. Architects and Enaineers SDecifications The notification appliances shall be Wheelock Series AS Audible Strobe appliances and Series AH Audible appliances or approved equals. The SeriesASAudible be listed for UL Standard 1971 (Emergency Devices for the Hearing-Impaired) for Indoor Fire Protection Service. The Series AH Audible shall be UL Listed under Standard 464 (Fire Protective Signaling). Both shall meet the requirements Df FCC Part 15 Class B. All inputs shall be compatible with standard reverse polarity supervision of circuit wiring by a Fire Alarm control Panel (FACP). The audible portion of the appliance shall have a minimum of three (3) field selectable settings for dBA levels and shall have a choice of continuous or temporal (Code 3) audible outputs. The strobe portion of the appliance shall produce a flash rate of one (1) flash per second over the Regulated Voltage Range and shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube enclosed in a rugged Lexan® lens. The Series AS shall be of low current design. Where Multi- Candela appliances are specified, the strobe intensity shall have field selectable settings and shall be rated per UL Standard 1971 at 15/30/75/110 or 135/185 candela forwall mount and 15/30/75/95 or 115/177 candela for ceiling mount. The selector switch for selecting the candela shall be tamper resistant. The 1575 candela strobe shall be specified when 15 candela UL Standard 1971 Listing with 75 candela on-axis is required (e.g. ADA compliance). When synchronization is required, the appliance shall be compatible with Wheelocks SM, DSM Sync Modules or Wheelock PS-24-BMC Power Supplies with built-in Patented Sync Protocol. The strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time during operation. If the sync module or Power Supply fails to operate, (i.e., contacts remain closed), the strobe shall revert to a non-synchronized flash- rate. The appliance shall also be designed so that the audible signal may be silenced while maintaining strobe activation when used with Wheelock synchronization. . The Series AS Audible Strobe and Series AH Audible shall incorporate a Patented Universal Mounting Plate that shall allow mounting to a single-gang, double-gang, 4-inch square, 1 00m European type backboxes, or the SHBB Surface Backbox. If required, an NATP (Notification Appliance Trimplate) shall, be provided. All notification appliances shall be backward compatible. BranchportAvenuè ig Branch, NJ 07740 Phone: (800) 631-2148 Fax: (732) 222-2588 www.cooperwheelockcom WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION YEAR WARRANTY Made in USA S8100 AS/AH 06106 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7125-0785:131 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: Fire Alarm Devices for the Hearing-Impaired LISTEE: Wheelock Inc., 273 Branchport Ave., Long Branch NJ 07740 Contact: *Brian Lampe (800) 631-2148 ext. 6389 Fax (732) 222-5607 DESIGN: Models AS-1215, -2415, -1230, -2430, -121575,-241575, -2475 and -24110 audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by any three alpha/numeric characters indicating lens orientation, lettering and color. Models AS-1215W, -2415W, -1230W, -2430W, -121575W, -241575W, -2475W and -24110W audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by any three alpha/numeric characters indicating lens orientation, lettering and color. These units with suffix -w are for wall mount only. Models AS-24150, -2430C, -2475C and -24100C audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by two alpha/numeric characters indicating lens lettering, orientation and color. These units are intended for ceiling mount only. Model AH-12, -24, AH-I2WP, -24WP audible appliances (no strobe), followed by an alpha or numeric character indicating product color. Model AS-24MCW and AS-24MCC audible/strobe, followed by any two alpha or numeric character indicating lettering and product color. Model ASWP-2475W audible/strobe with integral private mode fire/emergency visual signaling for non-hearing impaired applications. Model ASWP-2475W is also suitable for outdoor use when mounted to Model WPBB back box. Models AS-24MCWH and AS-24MCCH audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by two alpha/numeric characters indicating lens lettering and product color. Units with suffix C are for ceiling mount only. Units with suffix Ware for wall mount only. Refer to the listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical: 8-17.5/16-33 VDC/VFR Candela: 15:15cd, 1575:15/75cd, 30:30cd, 75:75cd, 95:95cd, 100:100cd, 110:110cd MCW: Selectable 15cd, 30cd, 75cd, 110cd MCC: Selectable 15cd, 30cd, 75cd, 95cd MCWH: Selectable 135cd, I 85cd MCCH: Selectable 115cd, 177cd INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Models ASWP-2475W and AS- 24MCW are for wall mount only. Models with suffix -w are for wall mount only. Models with suffix -C are for ceiling mount only. *Rev. 06-13-06 Listing No. 7125-0785:131 Page 2 of 2 MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical/candela rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible and audible/visual signaling devices suitable for the hearing impaired when used in conjunction with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. For indoor use only except Models AH-I2WP and AH-24WP audible appliances are suitable for indoor/outdoor. For synchronization, Models AS Series must be used with Model SM-12/24, SMX-12/24, DSM- 12/24 or DSMX-12/24 sync control module (CSFM Listing No. 7300-0785:132). Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. These appliances can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 1999 Edition. NOTE: Models ASWP-2475W, AH-12, AH-24, -I2WP and -24WP audible devices are not suitable for the hearing impaired applications. *Rev. 06-13-06 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 13, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager 00 COOPER Wheelock Weatherproof Appliances - Series AH Audibles, AS Audible Strobes, MT Multitone Strobes, RSS Strobes and ET70 Speaker Strobes and Weatherproof Mounting Accessories Description: Designed for life safety, performance and reliability, Cooper Wheelock's cost effective weatherpoof notification appliances include: Weatherproof Appliances Series Strobes RSSWP Horn Strobes ASWP Horns AH-24WP, AH-12WP Multitone Horn Strobes MTWP Multitone Horns MT Speaker Strobes ET70WP Speakers ET-1010 All strobe models are UL dual listed - meeting both UL1638 and UL1971 requirements. As dual listed appliances, these weatherproof strobes, horn strobes and speaker-strobes are listed for outdoor applications under UL 1638 as well as under UL 1971, the Standard for Safety Signaling Devices for Hearing Impaired. With an extended temperature range of —31°F to 150°F (-40°C to 66°C), Wheelock weatherproof appliances meet or exceed UL outdoor test requirements for rain, humidity and corrosion resistance while providing multiple strobe intensity options, including the highest strobe ratings available for area coverage per NFPA 72 strobe spacing tables (up to 185 candela for wall mounting and 177 candela for ceiling mounting). To enable weatherproof mounting, Cooper-Wheelock provides the industry's widest choice of mounting options for surface or unique semi-flush installation. Models are available for surface mounting to Wheelock weatherproof backboxes on walls or ceilings. The optional WP-KIT allows the weatherproof backboxes (lOB, WPBB or WPSBB) to be mounted to a recessed electrical box for concealed conduit installation. For semi-flush installation, the WPA and WFPA kits allow a customer to mount the weatherproof appliances to a recessed electrical box without the need for an external weatherproof backbox. See the Backboxes, Plates and Gaskets Table on page three of this document for a summarization of these mounting options and the required accessories. M EA 5 APPROVED E5946 151-92-E 7125-0785:131 (ASWP) S5391 7125-0785:146 (ET70WP) S2652 7125-0785:156 (MTWP) When used in conjunction with Wheelock PS-24-8MC Power Supplies or SM/DSM Sync Modules, the Wheelock weatherproof appliances can be synchronized to meet NFPA 72 synchronization requirements. The horn output of horn strobes can be independently controlled on 2-wire circuits using the Wheelock patented sync protocol. MTWP horn strobe models are 4-wire appliances; the strobes can be synchronized while the audible can be connected to a coded fire alarm system or can be set to produce any of eight selectable tones. Features: Approvals include: UL Standards 1971, 1638,464 and 1480 California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) and New York City (MEA), Factory Mutual (FM) and Chicago (BFP). See agency approvals by model number on page two of this document Compliance with the following requirements: NFPA, UFC, ANSI 117.1, OSHA Part 29, 1910.165, ADA Weatherproof with extended temperature range of -40°F to 150°F (-40°C to 66°C)° Dual Listed strobe models (UL 1638 and UL 1971) Industry's highest strobe candela options Synchronization capability using Series SM, DSM Synch Modules (MTWP and MT-12/24 audible is non-sync) Models with field selectable tone, dBA and candela settings Wall or ceiling mounting options Surface of semi-flush mounting IN/OUT wiring termination accepting two #12-18 AWG wires at each terminal *The series RSSWP, ASWP, MTWP and ET70WP have UL approval down to 40F. TheAH-24WP, MT-12/24 and the ET-1010.have been ULC tested and approved to -40°F, but not submitted to UL. The AK-i 2WP has UL/ULC approval to -31'F. ceiling c :;: p. '4F 1 RE. RSSWP M1WP ASWP ET70WP Strobe Order Code RSSWP-2475C-FR Red 4338 RSSWP-2475C-FW White 4446 RSSWP-24MCCH-FR Red 5167 RSSWP-24MCCH-FWWhite 5187 Audible Strobe ASWP-24750-FR Red 4251 ASWP-2475C-FW White 4502 ASWP-24MCCH-FR Red 5149 ASWP-24MCCH-FW White 5157 Wall Mount RSSWP M1WP ASWP ET7QWP Strobe Order Code RSSWP-2475W-FR Red 9013 RSSWP-2475W-FW White 3034 RSSWP-24MCWH-FR Red 5161. RSSWP-24MCWH-FW White 5165 Audible Strobe ASWP-2475W-FR Red 9012 ASWP-24MCHW-FR Red 5137 ASWP-24MCWH-FW White 5140 -tone Strobe 0..2475W..FR Red P., ?-2475W-FW White M1WP-24MCWH-FR Red MTWP-24MCWH-FW White Speaker Strobe ET70WP-2475W-FR Red ET70WP-2475W-FW White E0-24185W-FR Red ET70WP-24185W-FW White 8420 Multi-tone Strobe 3112 MTWP-2475C-FR Red 4457 5132 MTWP-2475C-FW White 4478 5134 MTWP-24MCCH-FR Red 5102 MTWP-24MCCH-FW White 5122 9077 Speaker Strobe 3179 ET70WP-2475C-FR Red 4452 4885 ET70VVP-2475C-FW White 4454 4891 E170WP-24177C-FR Red. 4845 E170WP-24177C-FW White 4859 Candela Ratings Series UL 1971 UL 1638 © 77°F UL 1638 @ -40°F RSS, ET70WP and MTWP UL Max Current (Strobe Only) ASWP High Med Low 2475 30** 180 75 0.138 0.168 0.155 0.150 MCWH 135 135 56 0.300 0.355 0.340 0.335 .185 185 77 0.420 0.480 1 0.465 0.460 115 115 47 0.300 0.355 0.340 0.335 MCCH 177 177 73 0.420 0.480 1 0.465 0.460 24185 185 185 77 0.420 **Wall mount rating only 24177 1 177 1 177 73 0.420 UL Max. Current Audible) MTWP/MT 24 VDC MT 12 VDC HI STD HI I STD 0.108 0.044 0.177 0.034 0.053 0.024 0.095 0.020 e 0.104 0.038 0.142 0.034 rn 0.091 0.035 0.142 0.034 ne riren 0.075 0.035 0.105 0.021 op 0.098 0.037 0.142 0.035 0.104 0.036 10.152 0.030 Hi/Lo 0.057 0.025 10.114 0.026 NOTE: All CAUTIONS and WARNINGS are identified by the symbol A. All warnings are printed in bold capital letters. WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSOCIATED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING, SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. VISIT WWW.COOPERWHEELOCK.COM OR CONTACT COOPER WHEELOCK FOR THE CURRENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. FAII "RE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS OR WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION, INSTALLATION AND/OR ATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU R OTHERS. General Notes: Strobes are designed to flash at I flash per second minimum over their UL Listed Regulated Voltage Range. All candela ratings represent minimum effective Strobe intensity based on UL Standards 1971 and 1638 as indicated in candela ratings table. Wall or Ceiling Mount il MT AH ET-1010 Audible Order Code AH-24WP-R Red 7416 AH-12WP-R Red 7415 Horn MT-12/24-R Red 5023 Speaker ET-1010-R Red 3135 ET-1010-W White 3137 UL Max. Current AH 24 VDC 12 VDC High (99) dBA 0.080 0.192 Aed (95) dBA 0.043 0.108 Low (90) dBA 1 0.021 0.058 UL Reverberant dBA © 10 Feet Natts 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 4 El-lOb 77 80 83 86 87 92 94 ET70WP 78 81 84 87 190 93 95J Model Number Agency Approvals Strobe UL MEA CSFM FM BFP RSSWP-2475 X X X X * RSSWP-24MCWH X * * * RSSWP-24MCCH X * * * * Audible Strobe ASWP-2475 X X X X X ASWP-MCWH X * * * * ASWP-MCCH X * * * * Multitone Strobe - MT\NP-2475 X X X X * MTWP-MCWI-i X * * * * MTWP-MCCH X * * * * Horns/Audibles AH-24WP X X X - X AH-I2WP X X X - X MT-12/24 X X X X X Speaker Strobe ET70WP-2475 X X X * * E17OWP-185 X * * * * ET70WP-177 X * * * * *pending Mounting Accessories WFP WFPA lOB WPSBB WPBB WBB Gasket Kit Order Code WP-KIT 4486 Mounting %Jptions. Backboxes, Plates, Gasket Kits Flush Plates WFPA-R Red 4698 Surface Mount Flush WFPA-W White 4701 Exposed Conduit Concealed Conduit Mount WFP-R Red 4696 WFP-W White 4697 RSSWP Strobes WPSBB WPSBB + WP-KIT WFP Backboxes ET70WP Speaker Strobes lOB lOB + WP-KIT WFP 1013-R Red 5046 ASWP Horn Strobes WPBB WPBB + WP-KIT WFPA 1013-W White 5047. WPSBB-R Red 9751 AHWP Horns WBB - WFP WPSBB-W White 3033 ET-1010 Speakers WBB - WFP WPBB-R Red 9014 WPBB-W White 4692 MTWP Multitone Horn Strobes 1 1013 1013 + WP-KIT WFP WBB-R Red 2959 Multitone Horn lOB lOB + WP-KIT WFP WBB-W White 2960 Wiring Diagrams SERIES MTWP AUDIBLE APPLIANCE AND STROBE OPERATE IN UNISON. RED AND BLACK SHUNT-WIRES ARE SUPPLIED. FROM + TO NEXT RECEDING + RED APPLIANCE APPLIANCE OR EOLR - p n )R FACP - STROBE AUDIBLE SERIES RSSWP, ASWP, AHWP, MTWP AND MT-1 2/24 APPLIANCES FROM + TO NEXT PRECEDING + APPLIANCE APPLIANCE OR - OR EOLR FACP I SERIES MTWP APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED STROBE OPERATION WITH CODED FACP MTWP 0 0 Strobe Sync Circuit Module PS- 12/24- l NAC #1(2) Audible Power —0 Circuit FACP supply I NAC Note: Strobe circuit requires constant voltage. SERIES RSSWP/ASWP APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WI DSM MODULE SINGLE CLASS "A" NAC CIRCUIT DSM STROBE + NAC SYNC CIRCUIT OUT 0+OUTl 0 O+IN1 AS RSS 0MINUS 1 FACP AUDIBLE ØMINUS 2 0+ IN 2 RSS ePRSS/ STROBE NAC ® + oijr 2 CIRCUIT RETURN Note: Models are available in Red or White. Contact Customer Service for Order Code and Delivery. #Refer to Data Sheet $7000 for Mounting Options NOTE: Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice in accordance with Wheelock Inc. standard terms and conditions. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS SPECIFICATIONS General Weatherproof notification appliances shall be UL listed for outdoor use. Weatherproof Strobe appliances shall be listed under UL Standard 1638 (Standard for Visual Signaling Appliances) for Indoor/Outdoor use and UL Standard 1971 (Standard for Safety Signaling Devices for Hearing Impaired). The appliances shall be available for optional wall mounting or ceiling mounting to weatherproof backboxes using r exposed conduit or concealed conduit, or semi-flush mounting to a recessed electrical box in walls or ceilings using Wheelock :ting accessories. Weatherproof Strobes Weatherproof Strobe appliances shall produce a minimum flash rate of 60 flashes per minute over the UL Regulated Voltage Range of 16 to 33 VDC and shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube. The weatherproof strobes shall be available with UL 1971 candela ratings up to 185 cd for wall mounting and 177 cd for ceiling mounting. UL 1638 candela ratings up to 180 cd at 77°F shall be available. The strobes shall operate over an extended temperature range of —40°F to 150°F (-40°C to 66°C) and be listed for maximum humidity of 95% RH. Strobe inputs shall be polarized for compatibility with standard reverse polarity supervision of circuit wiring by a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). Weatherproof Audibles and Audible/Strobe Combinations Weatherproof horns and multitone audibles shall be listed for Indoor/Outdoor use under UL Standard 464. The horns shall be able to produce a continuous output or a temporal code-3 output that can be synchronized. To Multitone audibles shall be able to produce 8 distinct tones selectable by dip switch and shall have at least 2 sound level settings. Multitone Audible/Strobe combinations shall have independent inputs for the audible and strobe. The strobes shall be able to be synchronized. The audibles shall be able to be coded when operated on a separate NAC. Weatherproof Speakers and Speaker/Strobes Weatherproof speakers and speaker/strobes shall be listed for Indoor/Outdoor use under UL Standard 1480. All speakers shall provide field selectable taps for 1/8W to 8W operation for either 25 VRMS or 70 VRMS audio systems and shall incorporate a sealed back construction for extra protection and improved audibility. Speakers without strobes shall be Wheelock Series ET-1 010. They shall be listed to produce up to 94 dBA and shall incorporate a vandal resistant grille design. Speaker with strobes shall be Wheelock Series ET70WP. They shall be available for surface or semi-flush mounting to walls or ceilings and shall be listed to produce up to 93 dBA. Synchronization Modules When synchronization of strobes or temporal code-3 audibles is required, the appliances shall be compatible with the Wheelock Series SM and DSM Sync Modules or the Wheelock PS-24-8MC Power Supply with built-in, patented sync protocol. The strobes and audibles shall not drift out of synchronization at any time during operation. Series ASWP audibles and strobes shall be able to be synchronized on a 2-wire circuit with the ability to silence the audible if required. -- strobes on Series MT multitone audible/strobe appliances shall be able to be synchronized and shall be able to be operated on a rate circuit from the audibles while the audible circuit is connected to a coded or continuous NAC. Weatherproof Mounting Accessories Weatherproof mounting options shall include surface mounting or semi-flush mounting to walls or ceilings. Surface mounted appliances shall mount to Wheelock lOB, WBB, WPBB or WPSBB weatherproof backboxes using either exposed conduit or concealed conduit. For concealed conduit the weatherproof backbox shall be mounted to a recessed electrical box with Wheelock's WP-KIT to provide a weatherproof seal for the electrical box. Semi-flush mounted appliances shall mount to a recessed electrical box using Wheelock WFP or WFPA flush plates to provide a weatherproof seal between the electrical box and the appliance. rwamant 11 WMWffWMrU WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION 3 YEAR WARRANTY Made in USA S9004 WP 10/06 273 Branchport Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740 Phone: (800) 631-2148 Fax: (732) 222-2588 www.cooperwheelock.com CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7125-0785:131 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: Fire Alarm Devices for the Hearing-Impaired LISTEE: Wheelock Inc., 273 Branchport Ave., Long Branch NJ 07740 Contact: *Brian Lampe (800) 631-2148 ext. 6389 Fax (732) 222-5607 DESIGN: Models AS-1 215, -2415, -1230, -2430, -121575, -241575, -2475 and -24110 audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by any three alpha/numeric characters indicating lens orientation, lettering and color. Models AS-1215W, -2415W, -1230W, -2430W, -121575W, -241575W, -2475W and -24110W audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by any three alpha/numeric characters indicating lens orientation, lettering and color. These units with suffix -W are for wall mount only. Models AS-2415C, -24300, -24750 and -241000 audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by two alpha/numeric characters indicating lens lettering, orientation and color. These units are intended for ceiling mount only. Model AH-1 2, -24, AH-1 2WP, -24WP audible appliances (no strobe), followed by an alpha or numeric character indicating product color. Model AS-24MCW and AS-24MCC audible/strobe, followed by any two alpha or numeric character indicating lettering and product color. Model ASWP-2475W audible/strobe with integral private mode fire/emergency visual signaling for non-hearing impaired applications. Model ASWP-2475W is also suitable for outdoor use when mounted to Model WPBB back box. Models AS-24MCWH and AS-24MCCH audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by two alpha/numeric characters indicating lens lettering and product color. Units with suffix C are for ceiling mount only. Units with suffix W are for wall mount only. Refer to the listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical: 8-17.5/16-33 VDCNFR Candela: 15:15cd, 1575:1 5/75cd, 30:30cd, 75:75cd, 95:95cd, 100:100cd, 1I0:110cd MOW: Selectable I5cd, 30cd, 75cd, I10cd MCC: Selectable I 5cd, 30cd, 75cd, 95cd MCWH: Selectable I 35cd, 185cd MCCH: Selectable II5cd, I77cd INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Models ASWP-2475W and AS- 24MCW are for wall mount only. Models with suffix -W are for wall mount only. Models with suffix -C are for ceiling mount only. *Rev. 06.13-06 Listing No. 7125-0785:131 Page 2 of 2 MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical/candela rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible and audible/visual signaling devices suitable for the hearing impaired when used in conjunction with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. For indoor use only except Models AH-I2WP and AH-24WP audible appliances are suitable for indoor/outdoor. For synchronization, Models AS Series must be used with Model SM-12/24, SMX-12124, DSM- 12/24 or DSMX-12124 sync control module (CSFM Listing No. 7300-0785:132). Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. These appliances can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 1999 Edition. NOTE: Models ASWP-2475W, AH-12, AH-24, -I2WP and -24WP audible devices are not suitable for the hearing impaired applications. *Rev. 06-13-06 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 13, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. A REND, Senior Deputy Program Manager D370 Series Wall-mount Door Holders The D370 Series electromagnetic door holders are rugged die-cast devices for holding doors. These electromagnetic door holders allow control of doorways in alarm conditions. Typical applications are in stairways or other exit pathways where it is desirable to restrict airflow yet allow free emergency access. :l- Functiots - i.. = Power and Holding Force The D370 Series door holders accept power from 24 VAC, 24 VDC, or 120 VAC sources. Depending on how they are wired and the amount of current, they can supply from 35 lb to 110 lb of holding force. Certifications and Approvals -. - Listings and ULSZNT: Releasing Devices, Ordinary Locations (UL864 9th Approvals: edition) CSFM 3550-1615: 164 Hong Kong Fire Services Department Attractive design, sturdy cast construction with brass (B) or chrome (C) finish 24 VAC, 24 VDC, or 120 VAC 12 AWG (2.3 mm) to 22 AWG (0.8 mm) terminals P. Holding force between 35 lb and 110 lb '- A variety of available extension rods allow mounting in difficult locations Wall-mount using standard single-gang back boxes or surface-mount using D3728 and 0372C back boxes lnstalIatI6n/Configu!ajon11i6tsIi - I Mounting Considerations The D370B (brass) and D370C (chrome) holders are for wall-mounted applications and can be flush-mounted on standard single-gang back boxes or surface-mounted on the 0372B and D372C back boxes. The D372 back boxes are plated boxes that complement the finish of the D370 electromagnet component that mounts in them. Extension rods are available in lengths from 1 in. (2.5 cm) to 4 in. (10 cm) to allow installation in applications where the door does not swing to within 3 in. (7.5 cm) of the back box. Wiring Considerations Wire the D370B (brass) and D370C (chrome) holders through knockouts in the back or the sides of the back boxes. The terminals accept wires from 12 AWG (2.3 mm) to 22 AWG (0.8 mm). www.boschsecurity.com Parts Included V Technical Specifications Quant. Component Environmental Considerations 1 Door magnet Relative Humidity: Upto 95%. non-condensing 1 Catch plate Temperature (operating): +32°F to +120°F (0°C to +49°C) 1 Nut plate Mechanical Properties 1 Mounting template 1 Hardware pack Dimensions 1 Literature pack Catch Plate (diameter x depth)': 2.25 in. x 2.25 in. (5.7 cm 5.7 cm) Electromagnet (H x W x D)2:. 4.625 in. x 2.75 in. x 2 in. (11.7cmx7cmx5.lcm) 1 The diameter of the magnet plate is 1.75 in. (4.4 cm). 2 The electromagnet component extends 0.875 in (2.2 cm) from the mounting surface when surface mounted. It extends 1.125 in. (2.9 cm) into the back box. Power Requirements Current Draw (24V installations) 24VAC: 19 mA 24VDC: 20 MA Current Draw (120 V installations) Common and High 20 mA Voltage Terminals: Common and Low 100 mA Voltage Terminals: Voltage (supply): 24 VAC, 24 VDC. or 120 VAC - - 'Ordering Information -V Brass-Plated, Wall-Mount Door Holder 0370B Chrome-Plated, Wall-Mount Door Holder 0370C D372B Surface-mount Back Box (brass) D372B D372C Surface-mount Back Box (chrome) D372C 0373B Extension Rod (brass, 1 in. [2.5 cm]) D373B 0373C Extension Rod (chrome, 1 in. [2.5 cm]) D373C D374B Extension Rod (brass, 1.5 in. [3.8 cm]) D374B D374C Extension Rod (chrome, 1.5 in. [3.8 cm]) D374C 0375B Extension Rod (brass, 2 in. [5.1 cm]) D375B - D375C Extension Rod (chrome, 2 in. [5.1 cm]) D375C D376B Extension Rod (brass. 3 in. [7.6 cm]) 0376B 0376C Extension Rod (chrome. 3 in. [7.6 cm]) D376C D377B Extension Rod (brass. 4 in. [10.2 cm]) D377B D377C Extension Rod (chrome, 4 in. [10.2 cm]) D377C D378 Extension Rod Wrench Kit D378 0379 Swivel-Base Mounting Drill Fixture D379 Fixture for locating and drilling a through hole for mounting a magnetic door holder on a door. Americas. Europe, Middle East, Africa. Asia-Pacific, Represented by Bosch Security Systems Bosch Security Systems B.V. Bosch Security Systems Pie Ltd 130 Perioton Parkway P.O. Boo 80002 38C Jalan Pominspin Fairport. New York, 14450. USA 5600 JS Eindhoven, The Netherlands Singapore 577180 Phone, -1585 223 4060 Phone, *31 40 27 83955 Phone, *65 6319 3450 Fax, -1800 289 0096 Fax: *31 45 27 86668 Fax: *65 8319 3499 security.sujes@unbosch.com emea.securitysystems@bosch.com apr.securitysystems@bssch.csm www.boschsecurity.us www.boschsecurity.com www.boschsocurity.com Bosch Security Systems 20061 Data subject to change without notice F2757954699 I cur, en-US. Vi. 6 Feb 2006 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 3550-1615:164 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Door Closer/Holders/Releasing Devices LISTEE: Bosch Security Systems, 130 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, NY 14450 Contact: Frank Mioduszewski (585) 223-4060 FAX (585) 421-4263 DESIGN: Models D370B, D370C, D371 B, D371 C, D372B, D372C door closer/holders. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 24V AC/DC, IlOVAC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions and applicable codes and ordinances. The unit is intended to be mounted in a horizontal position only. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as door closer/holders for use with separately listed compatible detectors and fire alarm control units. NOTE: Formerly 3550-0801:196 XLF: 3550-1039:100 01.04-2005 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: APRIL 3, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager OSYSU-1 -2 EJ OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH UL and CSFM Listed, FM Approved, NYMEA Accepted, CE Marked OSYSU-1 Stock No. 1010106 OSYSU-2 Stock No. 1010206 GENERAL INFORMATION The OSYSU is used to monitor the open position of an Os & Y (outside screw and yoke) type gate valve. This device is available in two models; the OSYSU-1, containing one set of SPDT (Form C) contacts and the OSYSU-2, containing two sets of SPDT (Form C) contacts. These switches mount conveniently to most OS & V valves ranging in size from 2" to 12". They will mount on some valves as small as 1/2°. The cover is held in place by two tamper resistant screws that require a special tool to remove. The tool is furnished with each device and should be left with the building owner or responsible party. Replacement or additional Dimensions: 6.19"L X 2.25"W X 5.86"H 15.7cm L X 5.7cm W X 14.6cm H Weight: 2 lbs. (.9 kg.) Enclosure: Cover - Die-Cast Finish - Red Spatter Enamel Base - Die Cast Zinc All parts have corrosion resistant finishes. Cover Tamper: Tamper resistant screws, Optional cover tamper kit available. Contact Ratings: OSYSU-1: One set of SPDT (Form C) OSYSU-2: Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 15.00 Amps at 125/250VAC 2.50 Amps at 30VDC resistive Environmental Limitations: NEMA 4 and NEMA 6P Enclosure (lP67) when used with appropriate watertight conduit fittings. Indoor or Outdoor use (Not for use in hazardous locations. See bulletin no. 5400705 OSYS-U-EX for hazardous locations.) Temperature Range: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C) Conduit Entrances: 2 knockouts for 1/2" conduit provided Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-1 3 One or two family dwelling NFPA-13D Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-1 3R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 cover screws and hex keys are available. See ordering information on page 4. OPTIONAL COVER TAMPER SWITCH A field installable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to indicate removal of the cover. See ordering information on page 4. TESTING The OSYSU and its associated protective monitoring system should be inspected and tested in accordance with applicable NFPA codes and standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). Potter ElectricSignal Company •2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO, 63146-4161 • Phone: 800-325-3936/Canada 888-882-1833,www.pottersignal.com PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8820004 - REV N . PAGE 1 OF 4 9199 OSYSU-1 1 -2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG. I SMALL VALVE INSTALLATION -1(2" THRU 2112" S I Z E S THESE SWITCHES MOUNT CONVENIENTLY TO MO S T 2 " T O 1 2 " O S & Y V A L V E S . T H E Y W I L L M O U N T O N S O M E VALVES AS SMALL AS 1/2". J-HOOKS MAY BE RE Q U I R E D O N V A L V E S W I T H L I M I T E D C L E A R A N C E . CLAMP BAR CARRIAGE BC SLOTED MOUNTING HOLES MAY BE USED FOR FINE ADJUSTMENT OF SWITCH ON BRACKET BRACKET DWG. 97g-3 SMALL VALVE INSTALLATION Remove and discard "C" washer and rollerfrom the trip rod. With the valve in the FULL OPEN position, locate the OSYSU across the valve yoke as far as possible from t h e valve gland, so that the trip rod lays against the non- threaded portion of the valve stem. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in place and adjust the rod length (see Fig. 4). When adjuste d properly, the rod should extend past the valve screw, bu t not so far that it contacts the clamp bar. Tighten the locking screw to hold the trip rod in place. NOTE: If trip rod length is excessive, loosen the lock i n g screw and remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Using pliers, break off the one (1) inch long notched section (se e Fig. 5). Reinstall trip rod and repeat Step 3 procedure. Mount the OSYSU loosely with the carriage bolts and clamp bar supplied. On valves with limited clearance u s e J-hooks supplied instead of the carriage bolts and clamp bar to mount the OSYSU. Mark the valve stem at the center of the trip rod. Remove the OSYSU. File a 1/8" deep groove centered o n the mark on the valve stem utilizing a 3116" round, non- tapered file. Round and smooth the edges of the groove t o prevent damage to the valve packing and to allow the tri p r . rod to move easily in and out of the groove as the valv e i s operated. Mount the OSYSU with the trip rod centered in groove. Final adjustment is made by loosening 2 screws (see Fig . 1) and sliding the OSYSU on the bracket. Adjustment is correct when switches are not activated with the trip rod seated in the valve stem groove and that the switches activate when the trip rod moves out of the groove. Tighten the adjustment screws and all mounting hardw a r e . Check to insure that the rod moves out of the groove easily and that the switches activate within one turn when the valve is operated from the FULL OPEN towards the CLOSED position. NOTE: CLOSE THE VALVE FULLY TO DETERMINE THAT THE STEM THREADS DO NOT ACTIVATE THE SWITCH . THE SWITCH BEING ACTIVATED BY THE STEM TH R E A D S COULD RESULT IN A FALSE VALVE OPEN INDICATION. PRINTED IN USA MIT. #8820004 - REV N - PAGE 2 OF 4 9/99 E OSYSU1, 2 OUTSIDE SCREWANDYOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG. 2 LARGE VALVE INSTALLATION - 3" THRU 12" SIZES 3" THRU 12! VALVES USE CARRIAGE BOLTS. CARRIAGE BOLTS MOUNT ON INSIDE OF YOKE, IF THERE IS SUFFICIENT CLEARANCE. SLOTTED MOUNTING HOLES. MAY BE USED FOR FINE ADJUSTMENT OF SWITCH ON BRACKET. BRACKET - CLAMP BAR CARRIAGE BOLTS / (2 REQUIRED) ,- ROLLER GROOVE —YOKE STEM ROD DWG. #979-4 LARGE VALVE INSTALLATION With the valve in the FULL OPEN position, locate the OSYSU across the valve yoke as far as possible from the valve gland, so that the trip rod lays against the non- threaded portion of the valve stem. •Mount the OSYSU loosely with the carriage bolts and clamp bar supplied. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in place and adjust the rod length (see Fig. 4). When adjusted properly, the rod should extend past the valve screw, but not so far that it contacts the clamp bar. Tighten the locking screw to hold the trip rod in place. NOTE: If trip rod length is excessive, loosen the locking screw and remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Using pliers, break off the one (1) inch long notched section (see Fig. 5). Reinstall trip rod and repeat Step S procedure. Mark the valve stem at the center of the trip rod. Remove the OSYSU. File a 1/8' deep groove centered on the mark of the valve stem utilizing a 3/8" round, non- tapered file. Round and smooth the edges of the groove to prevent damage to the valve packing and to allow the trip rod to move easily in and out of the groove as the valve is operated. Mount the OSYSU loosely with the trip rod centred in groove. Final aijustmentis made by loosening 2 screws (see Fig. 2) and sliding the OSYSU on the bracket. Adjustment is correct when switches are not activated with the trip rod seated in the valve stem groove and that the switches activate within one turn when the valve is operated from the FULL OPEN towards the CLOSED position. Tighten the adjustmentscrews and mounting hardware. Check to insure that the rod moves out of the groove easily and that the switches activate within one turn when the valve Is operated from the FULL OPEN towards the CLOSED position. NOTE: CLOSE THE VALVE FULLY TO DETERMINE THAT THE STEM THREADS DO NOT ACTIVATE THE SWITCH. THE SWITCH BEING ACTIVATED BY THE STEM THREADS COULD RESULT IN A FALSE VALVE OPEN INDICATION. PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8820004 - REV N PAGE 3 OF 4 9/99 vorr FIG. 3 DIMENSIONS CAUTION: An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the terminal and serve as two separate connections. The wire must be severed,thereby providing supervi- sion of the connection in the event that the wire becomes dislodged from under the terminal. ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL DESCRIPTION STOCK NO. OSYSU-1 Outside Screw & Yoke-Supervisory Switch ( S i n g l e s w i t c h ) 1 0 1 0 1 0 6 OSYSU-2 Outside Screw & Yoke-Supervisory Switch (Do u b l e s w i t c h ) 1 0 1 0 2 0 6 -- Cover Screw 5490344 -- Hex Key for Cover Screws and Installation Adjustments 5250062 -- Optional CoverTamper Switch Kit 0090131 For pressure reducertype valve installation kits (if required) c o n t a c t v a l v e m a n u f a c t u r e r . BREAKING EXCESSIVE ROD LENGTH FIG. 5 SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL OSYSU-1, 2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG. 4 PARTS TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS LOCAJ. ØJfl W POWER FOR gc D SIPi1SORV 5llIf OF CON PM EL PEL DO OF UIE COIL NA j <. rsR I Contacts shown in normal (valve open) condition. TYPICAL SWITCH ACTION OPEN VALVE FOSTI1ON CLOSED VALVE POSITION GUM. 4 N, N.O. 1 SIN #1 CRN.C. CDM.L4 COM. SW #2: SW #2 DWG.. #979-2 PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8B20004 - REV N PAGE 4 OF 4 9/99 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE No. 7770-0328:010 Page 1 of I ATEGORY: Valves/Switches JSTEE: Potter Electric Signal Co., 2081 Craig Rd., St. Louis MO 63146 Contact: Brad Serangeli (800) 3245-3936 Fax (314) 878-7264 DESIGN: Supervisory switches listed below to monitor pressure, OS&Y, gate, globe/gate, Ply, tank temperature or water level valves. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. HLS-B WLS-W WLS-S PS-40A PS-120A OSYSU-2 OSYS-B PMS PTS-B OSYSU-1 GVS PCVS-1 PIVS-B iTS-S US-W PCVS-2 WLS *PTSC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed instructions, applicable codes and ord i n a n c e s a n d i n . a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. KING: Listee's name, model designation and FM or UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as sprinkler system supervisory switches. V NOTE: Formerly 7738-0328:010 Rev. 05-31-2000 V • This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an Independent verification o f a n y c l a i m s . T h i s listing is not an endorsement or V : recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used t o v e r i f y c o r r e c t o p e r a t i o n a l r e q u i r e m e n t s o r i n s t a l l a t i o n criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and / o r o t h e r s u i t a b l e i n f o r m a t i o n s o u r c e s . t.)ate Issued: JUNE 12, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. A REND, Senior Deputy Program Manager ( Rechargeable Sealed Lead-Acid Battery PS-1 2180 12 Volt 18.0 Amp. Hrs. Features: Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) technology for superior performance. Valve regulated, spill proof construction allows safe operation in any position. Power/volume ratio yielding unrivaled energy density. Rugged plastic case and cover Approved for transport by air. D.O.T., I.A.T.A., F.A.A. and C.A.B. certified. U.L. recognized under file numberMH 20845. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Nominal Voltage............................................................................................................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 v o l t s ( 6 c e l l s i n s e r i e s ) Nominal Capacity 20 hour rate (900mA to 10.50 volts)........................................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 . 0 A . H . 10 hour rate (1.7A to 10.50 volts).... .......................... ..............................................................................................................17.0 A.H. 5 hour rate (3.2A to 10.50 volts)..........................................................................................................................................16.0 A.H. 1 hour rate (11.IA to 09.00 volts)......................... ............... ....................... ................................................... .......... ........................... ..11.1 A.H. 15 mm rate (34.3A to 09.00 volts) ......................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . 8 . 6 A . H . Approximate Weight............................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.6 pounds (5.7 kg) Energy Density (20 hour rate).....................................................................................................1.54 Watt-ho u r s / c u b i c i n (94.0 Watt-hours/I) Specific Energy (20 hour rate)........................................................................................................16.5 Watt-hours/pound (36.6 Watt-hours/kg) Internal Resistance (Fully Charged Battery)............................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 m i l l i o h m s ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y ) Maximum Discharge Current ( < 7 Mm.). ......................... .................................................... ..................................... ... .............. ..........54 amperes Maximum Short-Duration Discharge Current ( 10 Sec.).......... ....... ........................ ............ ......... ..................... ............... ..... ............. .....180 amperes Terminal configurations.....................................................................5-12180 NB: Tin plated brass post with 5 m m n u t & b o l t c o n n e c t o r s PS-12180 F: Quick disconnect AMP, INC. Faston tabs, 0.250 x 0.032" .00 Shelf Life - % of nominal capacity at 68° F (20° C) I Month .................... ................................................................................................. ......................................................................... 97% 3 Months................................................................................................................................................... ..... ................. ......... .......... 91% 6 Months.... .............................................................. ................................................................................................................... 83% Operating Temperature Range Charge ........................ ................... .... ......................................................... .................... ..........................................-4°F (-200C) to 122°F (50°C) Discharge ..... ................ ................................ ......... ................................................................................................ ......... -4°F (-20°C) to 140°F (60°C) Case..................................................................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A B S P l a s t i c 100 not unless capacity before o 40 each 0 D. - C., Standing Peiod (Months) : • ( (V) 14.0 Ambient Temperature 20°C (68°F) 1 I I I I 13.0 0 012.0 11.0 (a 10.0 9.0 - 0 8- 8.0 1.2 2.4 6 12 24 36 48 1 2 4 6 810 20 40 min._X hrs. Discharge Time Charging - necessary - — - - 100% of ca s - is required. - - • 5°C Charging use ssary recover s - - - - -(4 'F)- 60 - - -, - - full capacity. S - harge may I - - ic' ioE - (restorefull tisstate. - - (104°F) _(86°F) - - (68°F)_ - acdo 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 TECHNICAL DATA: PS-12180 Shelf Life and Storage Discharge Characteristics Life Characteristics in Cyclic Use Number of Cycles CHARGING Cycle Applications: Limit initial current to 5.4k Charge until battery voltage (undercharge) reaches 14.40 to 14.70 volts at 68°F (200C). Hold at 14.40 to 14.70 volts until current drops to approximately 180rnA. Battery is fully charged under these conditions, and charger should either be disconnected or switched to "float" voltage. "Float" or "Stand-By" Service: Hold battery across constant volt- age source of 13.50 to 13.80 volts continuously. When held at this voltage, the battery will seek its own current level and maintain itself in a fully charged condition. NOTE: Due to the self-discharge characteristics of this type of battery, it is imperative that they be charged after 6-9 months of storage, other- wise permanent loss of capacity might occur as a result of sulfation. Voltage .c , 10.5V 7— —10.2V -.-- - -- V\" ) . 9.60 16. E3O_______ccç_ \'\ 10 9.0V 40°C (10(F) • 20°C (68°F) 0°C (32°F) 5 _8.10V_1 0.9 1.8 3.6 9 18 36 . Discharge Current (A) Physical Dimensions: in. (mm) - Terminals: I PS- 12180NB PS-12180F 4.97 (126) '1 1i 7.13(181) I IL LI1J - rz W-400 02 VA W sw W)20C1 Pii8C'Nl 5?4i Tolerances are +I- 0.04 In. (+1-1mm) and +1- 0.08 In. (+1- 2mm) for height dimensions. All data subject to change without notice. — SALES & MARKETING 3106 Spring Street Redwood City, CA 94063 USA Tel: 650-364-5001 Fax: 650-366-3662 national-sales@power-sonic.com PRINTED IN U.S.A. IS09001-2000 FM39 170 www.powersonic.coin CUSTOMER SERVICE 7550 Panasonic Way San Diego, CA 92154 USA Tel: 619-661-2030 Fax: 619-661-3648 custonler-servlce@power-sonic.con', 11104 1M Fire Althn Systems BATB Series Battery Boxes I BOSCH.r BATB Series Battery Boxes UL Approved Holds up to four auxiliary batteries The BATB Series Battery Boxes are a distinctive red for use in fire alarm systems. The BATB-40 provides a single level (two battery capacity) of battery storage with an optional shelf that increases the battery capacity to four batteries. The BATB-80 has a mounted shelf and holds up to four batteries. Note The actual number of batteries the battery box can support depends on the size and weight of the batteries. Refer to Technical Specifications for specific information. These battery boxes are used with the following battery types: Gel-cell Nicad Sealed Lead-acid Wet-cell Certifications and Approvals Listings and UL NBSX: Household Burglar Alarm System Units Approvals: (UL1023) UL UOXX: Control Unit Accessories, System (UL864, 9th edition) UL UTOU: Control Units and Accessories - Household System Type (UL985) CSFM 7300-1615: 188, 7300-1615:213 jnstaliation/ConfIguratuon Notes Compatibility Information The following products are compatible with the BATB Series Battery Boxes: Category Product ID Product Description Batteries: D126 12V, 7 Battery 01218 12V, 18 Battery D1224 12V, 24 A Battery D1238 12V, 38 A Battery D1240 12V,4AhBattery Mounting Considerations The battery box with its batteries is heavy. Select a mounting location and method that can support the total weight of the battery box and up to four batteries. When mounting the battery box on wooden studs, use lag bolts. When mounting on cement walls, concrete anchors (not supplied) are required. Warning Do not mount on metal studs. Refer to the control panel's installation guide for information on calculating the number and type of auxiliary batteries needed for your application and for specific mounting location requirements for the auxiliary batteries. www.boschsecurity.us Wiring Considerations Technical Specifications Refer to the control panel's installation guide for information on calculating the number and type of auxiliary Battery Box Capacities batteries needed for your application and for specific Batteries Total Dimensions (H x W x D) requirements for wiring the auxiliary batteries. BATB-40 without shelf: 21 in. x 20.75 in. x 7.25 in. (53.3 cm 52.7cmx 18.4 cm) BATB-80 bottom: 12.25 in. x 20.75 in. x 7.25 in. Parts Included (31.1 cmx52 7cmx184crn) On shelf: 9.2 in. x 20.75 in. x 7.25 in. BATB40 (23.2 cm 52.7 cm 7.25 cm) Quant. Component Number of Batteries 1 Battery box (no shelf) with D101 (#1358) lockset BATB-40: Two 1 Literature pack BATB-40 with shelf: Four BATB-80 BATB-80: Four Quant. Component Weight 1 Battery box with shelf and D 10 (#1358) lockset Combined Total: 200 lb (90.7 kg) 1 Literature pack On Shelf (maximum): 100 lb (45.4 kg) BATB-SHELF Mechanical Properties Quant. Component Color: Red 1 Optional shelf Dimensions (H x W x D): 22 in. x 21 in. x 7.5 in. 1 Hardware pack (55.9 cm 53.3 cm 19 cm) 1 Literature pack Material 16 gauge (1.2 mm) cold-rolled steel Weight (without shelf): 27.5 lb (12.5 kg) Orderinglnforitió"n I BATB•40 Battery Box BATB-40 BATB-80 Battery Box with Shelf BATB-80 BATB-SHELF Optional Battery Shelf BATB-SHELF Accessories D102 Replacement Key D102 Replacement key (#1358) for the D 101 lock. Europe, Middle East. Africa- Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. B..80002 5600 JOB Eindheven, The Netherlands Phone. 3140257 7 284 Fax •31 40 2577 330 - emea.securitysystems@boxch.com www.boschsecurity.com Americas: Bosch Security Systems. Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport. New York. 14450, USA Phone. +1800 289 0096 Fax +1585 223 9180 security.salet@us.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.us AslaPacific, Bosch Security Systems Pte Ltd 38C Jalan Pemimpin Singapore 577180 Phone. 565 6319 3450 Fax: 565 6319 3499 apr.necuritysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurlty.com Represented by C Bosch Security Systems. Inc. 20061 Data subject to change without notice F1957302923 I Cur: en-US, V3, 8 Nov 2006 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1615:188 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Misc. Devices/Control Unit Accessories LISTEE: Bosch Security Systems, 130 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, NY 14450 Contact: Frank Mioduszewski (585) 223-4060 FAX (585) 421-4263 DESIGN: Models BATB-40 and BATB-80 control unit enclosures. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Liste&s name, model number, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly 7300-0801:220 01-06-2005KK This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: APRIL 3, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager The SSU-PAM-1 Relay provides 10.0 Amp form C contacts. The relay may be energized by one of three input voltages: 24VDC, 24VAC, or I20VAC. The input voltages are polarity sensitive and diode protected. A red LED is provided which, when illuminated, indicates the relay coil is energized. This relay may not be suitable for continuous duty use at the I20VAC coil input for extended periods of time. For these applications please refer to our RIG Series or MR-100/200 Series products. SAE PN# SSU-PAM-1 The SSU-PAM-2 Relay provides 7.0 Amp form C contacts. The relay may be energized by one of two input voltages: 12VDC or 24VDC. The input voltages are polarity sensitive and diode protected. A red LED is provided which, when illuminated, indicates the relay coil is energized. SAE PN# SSU-PAM-2 The SSU-PAM-SD Relay provides 7.0 Amp form C contacts. The relay may be energized by an input voltage between I8VDC to 32VDC, making it ideal for 24VDC NAC circuits. The input voltages are polarity sensitive and diode protected. The PAM-SD provides an additional set of wires for redundant input voltage (circuit supervision pass through). SAE PN# SSU-PAM-SD Multi-Voltage Relay Modules The PAM Series Relays are encapsulated multi- voltage devices with "flying" leads that offer versatile, reliable performance in a convenient package. Several of the versions provide a red LED which, when illuminated, indicates coil energization. The PAM Series Relays are packaged with a self-tapping screw and a piece of double sided tape for easy installation almost anywhere. The relays are also packaged with wire-nuts to aid installation. PAM Relays are ideal for applications where remote relays are required for control or status feedback. They are suitable for use with HVAC, temperature control, fire alarm, security, energy management, lighting control systems and building automation systems. The SSU-PAM-4 Relay provides 10.0 Amp form C contacts. The relay may be energized across a wide voltage range from 9VDC to 40VDC, making it ideal for 12VDC and 24VDC EOL circuits. The 15mA operating current is constant across the operating range. The input voltages are polarity sensitive and diode protected. SAE PN# SSU-PAM-4 is 09001 [07] STATE OF REGISTERED NFPA IVM NEW YORK ©Space Age Electronics, Inc. 2003 ED0312 LT10277 Rev. A Pg. 1/2 No Excuses Just Solutions! Space Age Electronics, Inc. 406 Lincoln Street Marlboro, MA 01752-2195 www.Isae.com 800.486.1723-1--voice 5O8.485.0966 1 508.485.4740—fax ®NEPIR SPACE AGE OW ELECTRONICS, INC. Wiring WHT -I20VAC @ 0.019A IAC © 0.031A @0.015A SSU-PAM-1 ENERGIZED LED a-NC I1o.OAMP RG CONTACTS - NO RELAY ENERGIZED LED WHT BLU c øV(...) +24VDC © 0.015A j YEL NC I 7.0 AMP I CONTACTS +I2VDC © 0.015A iil R No) SSU-PAM-2 RED BLU TO SVDC ((+IBLK YEL r"_ NC 10.0 AMP 4OVDC 0.015A© _________________ ORG NO) CONTACTS SSU-PAM4 BLU 7.0 AMP 32VDC TO (-) 0.015A IBVDC c ((-) WHT @ (+) O CONTACTS RG N RED O) SSU-PAM-SD Specifications or DR rN I U-MIYI- I w-r,IyI-L (,_ COIL VOLTAGE: I 24VAC/24VDC/I20VAC I I2VDC/24VDC 9 to 40VDC 18 to 32VDC POLARIZED: YES YES YES YES ENERGIZED LED INDICATOR: YES YES NO NO CURRENT REQUIREMENT @12VDC @24VDC @I20VAC 15mA 15mA 15mA 15mA 15mA 15mA @24VAC -F-31 MA 19mA CONTACT CONFIGURATION: (1) SPDT Dry Form "C" (1) SPDT Dry Form "C" (1) SPDT Dry Form "C" (1) SPDT Dry Form "C" CONTACT RATINGS: (Contact rating! Power Factor) @5VDC @24VDC @120VAC 250pA / .35 250pA I .35 250pA 250pA I .35 7A/.35 7A1.35 7A 7A1.35 IOA 7A/.35 IOA 7A1.35 WIRE LEADS: 12"/I8AWG 12°I18AWG 12°/I8AWG 12°/I8AWG AMBIENTTEMPERATURE: (@100% RH, Condensing) -58°F to 185°F (-50°C to 85°C) -58°F to 185°F (-50°C to 85°C) -58°F to 185°F (-50°C to 85°C) -58°F to 185°F (-50°C to 85°C) CONSTRUCTION: 100% Potted (Sealed) with "Flying' Leads MOUNTING: Pre-Drilled mounting screw hole and self tapping screw provided. Double sided tape provided. DIMENSIONS: H W D 1.5" (38.1 mm) 1.5" (38.1 mm) 1.5" (38.1 mm) 1.5° (38.1mm) 1" (25.4mm) 1" (25.4mm) 1" (25.4mm) 1.875° (30.16mm) .875" (22.2mm) .875° (22.2mm) .875" (22.2mm) .8125" (20.64mm) USTINGSANDAPPROVALS: UL": UOXX!217.53403 UOXX!2f7.53403 UOXX!217.53403 - UOXX/2!7.S3403 MEA: I 73-92-E Vol. 21 1 73-92-E Vol. 21 1 73-92-E Vol. 21 1 73-92-E Vol. 25 101 *UOXXControl Unit Accessories, System; /2aIso Component; NOTICE: The information contained in this document is intended only as a summary and is subject to change without notice. The products described have specific instructional] installation documentation, which covers various technical, approval, code, limitation and liability information, copies of this documentation along with any general product warning and limitation documents, which also contain important information, are provided with the product and are also available from Space Age Electronics, Inc. The information contained in all of these documents should be considered before specifying or using the products. Any example applications shown are subject to the most current enforced local/national codes, standards, approvals, certifications, and/or the authority having jurisdiction. All of these resources, as well as the specific manufacturer of any shown or mentioned related equipment, should be consulted prior to any implementation. For further information or assistance concerning the products, contact Space Age Electronics, Inc. Space Age Electronics Inc. reserves the right to change any and all documentation without notice. ©Space Age Electronics, Inc. 2003 ED0312 LT10277 Rev. A Pg. 2/2 No Excuses Just Solutions! Space Age Electronics, Inc. 406 Lincoln Street Marlboro, MA 01752-2195 www.lsae.com 800.486.17237-voice 508.485.0966 508.485.4740-fax GENESIS SERIES CABLE Description: 14 AWG 2/C DIRECT BURIAL FPL Compliance: UL Standard 13 AND 1424; NEC Article 760 Construction: Conductor 14 AWG Stranded Bare Copper No. of Conductors 2 Assembly Tubed jacket over twisted insulated conductors Insulation Type SRPVC Color Black, Red. Thickness 0.020" nom. Diameter 0.110" nom. Lay Length 6.5" nom. Jacket Type PVC Color BLACK Thickness 0.045" nom. Diameter 0.310" nom. Legend (Ink Print) GENESIS CABLE SYSTEMS 14 AWG 2/C (UL) TYPE FPL!CL2 E175105 SUN. RES. DIR BUR wlo# - XXXXX FT Properties Temperature Rating -20 to 60 °C Operating Voltage 300 Volts max. Capacitance 23 pf/ft nom. Impedance 84 Ohms nom. DC Resistance 2.2 Ohms/M' at 20°C Flame Rating UL Vertical Tray GENESIS SERIES CABLE Description: 14 AWG 2/C FPLR Compliance: UL Standard 1424; NEC Article 760 Construction: Conductor 14 AWG Solid Bare Copper No. of Conductors 2 Assembly Tubed jacket over twisted insulated conductors Insulation Type Polypropylene Color Black, Red Thickness 0.006" nom. Diameter 0.076" nom. Lay Length 2.0" nom. Jacket Type PVC Color Red Thickness 0.015" nom. Diameter 0.182" nom. HONEYWELL 14 AWG 2/C (ETL) FPLR/CL2R 3038053 SUN. RES. 75C (RoHS) WIO# XX)C Legend (Ink Print) -xxx C(ETL) FT4 XXXXFT DEVICE/ZONE ABC D E Fl 2 34567 89 Properties Temperature Rating -20 to 75 °C Operating Voltage 300 Volts max. Capacitance 26 pf/ft nom. Impedance 65 Ohms nom. DC Resistance 2.54 Ohms/M' at 20°C Flame Rating UL 1666 (Riser) GENESIS SERIES CABLE Description: 18 AWG 2/C Shielded FPLR Compliance: UL Standard 1424; NEC Article 760 Construction: Conductor 18 AWG Solid Bare Copper No. of Conductors 2 Assembly Tubed jacket over cabled, shielded, insulated conductors Insulation Type Polypropylene Color Bilk, Red Thickness 0.006" nom. Diameter 0.052" nom" Lay Length 2.0" nom. Drain Wire 22 Solid Tinned topper Shield 0.001" thick Aluminum/Mylar Jacket Type PVC Color Red Thickness 0.015" nom. Diameter 0.138" nom. Legend (Ink Print) GENESIS CABLE SYSTEMS 18 AWG 2/C (UL) C(UL) CMG FT4 XXXXX: TYPE FPLR/CL2R E175106 SUN. RES. 75C wlo# Properties Temperature Rating -20 to 75 °C Operating Voltage 300 Volts max." Capacitance 42 pf/ft nom. Impedance 36 Ohms nom. DC Resistance 6.5 Ohms/M' at 20°C Flame Rating UL 1666 Riser, CSA FT4 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7161-1487:100 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Cables-Fire Protective Signaling LISTEE: Genesis Cable System, 7701 95th Street, Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158-2716 Contact: Orville Allen *(262) 947-0720 Fax (262) 947-0724 DESIGN: Model FPL, FPLP and FPLR power limited fire protective signaling cable. Conductors: In accordance with the standard Insulation: GPT-150, Foam PP, HDPE or LDPE Assembly: 2 to 12 insulated conductors Shield (Optional): Aluminum polyester tape shield Braid (Optional): Metal braid over cable core Jacket: PVC compound Gitto/Global Corp., Grade GA-91-84, GPT45, GA5033, GA9301 6 Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances, NEC Article 760, and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. .AARKING: Listee's name, Type "FPL" and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as power-limited fire protective signaling cables. *Rev. 06-18-2003 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or ... .. recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JULY 6, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager